1 /****************************************************************************
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9 ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
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24 ****************************************************************************/
26 #include "fileutils.h"
27 #include "reloadpromptutils.h"
29 #include <QCoreApplication>
30 #include <QDir>
31 #include <QMessageBox>
32 #include <QPushButton>
34 namespace Utils {
reloadPrompt(const FilePath & fileName,bool modified,bool enableDiffOption,QWidget * parent)36 QTCREATOR_UTILS_EXPORT ReloadPromptAnswer reloadPrompt(const FilePath &fileName,
37                                                        bool modified,
38                                                        bool enableDiffOption,
39                                                        QWidget *parent)
40 {
42     const QString title = QCoreApplication::translate("Utils::reloadPrompt", "File Changed");
43     QString msg;
45     if (modified) {
46         msg = QCoreApplication::translate("Utils::reloadPrompt",
47                 "The unsaved file <i>%1</i> has been changed on disk. "
48                 "Do you want to reload it and discard your changes?");
49     } else {
50         msg = QCoreApplication::translate("Utils::reloadPrompt",
51                 "The file <i>%1</i> has been changed on disk. Do you want to reload it?");
52     }
53     msg = "<p>" + msg.arg(fileName.fileName()) + "</p><p>" +
54             QCoreApplication::translate("Utils::reloadPrompt",
55                 "The default behavior can be set in Tools > Options > Environment > System.")
56             + "</p>";
57     return reloadPrompt(title, msg, fileName.toUserOutput(), enableDiffOption, parent);
58 }
reloadPrompt(const QString & title,const QString & prompt,const QString & details,bool enableDiffOption,QWidget * parent)60 QTCREATOR_UTILS_EXPORT ReloadPromptAnswer reloadPrompt(const QString &title,
61                                                        const QString &prompt,
62                                                        const QString &details,
63                                                        bool enableDiffOption,
64                                                        QWidget *parent)
65 {
66     QMessageBox msg(parent);
67     msg.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox::Yes | QMessageBox::YesToAll | QMessageBox::Close
68                            | QMessageBox::No | QMessageBox::NoToAll);
69     msg.setDefaultButton(QMessageBox::YesToAll);
70     msg.setWindowTitle(title);
71     msg.setText(prompt);
72     msg.setDetailedText(details);
74     msg.button(QMessageBox::Close)->setText(QCoreApplication::translate("Utils::reloadPrompt",
75                                                                         "&Close"));
77     QPushButton *diffButton = nullptr;
78     if (enableDiffOption) {
79         diffButton = msg.addButton(QCoreApplication::translate(
80                                    "Utils::reloadPrompt", "No to All && &Diff"),
81                                    QMessageBox::NoRole);
82     }
84     const int result = msg.exec();
86     if (msg.clickedButton() == diffButton)
87         return ReloadNoneAndDiff;
89     switch (result) {
90     case QMessageBox::Yes:
91         return  ReloadCurrent;
92     case QMessageBox::YesToAll:
93         return ReloadAll;
94     case QMessageBox::No:
95         return ReloadSkipCurrent;
96     case QMessageBox::Close:
97         return CloseCurrent;
98     default:
99         break;
100     }
101     return ReloadNone;
102 }
104 QTCREATOR_UTILS_EXPORT FileDeletedPromptAnswer
fileDeletedPrompt(const QString & fileName,QWidget * parent)105         fileDeletedPrompt(const QString &fileName, QWidget *parent)
106 {
107     const QString title = QCoreApplication::translate("Utils::fileDeletedPrompt",
108                                                       "File Has Been Removed");
109     QString msg = QCoreApplication::translate("Utils::fileDeletedPrompt",
110                                               "The file %1 has been removed from disk. "
111                                               "Do you want to save it under a different name, or close "
112                                               "the editor?").arg(QDir::toNativeSeparators(fileName));
113     QMessageBox box(QMessageBox::Question, title, msg, QMessageBox::NoButton, parent);
114     QPushButton *close =
115             box.addButton(QCoreApplication::translate("Utils::fileDeletedPrompt", "&Close"),
116                           QMessageBox::RejectRole);
117     QPushButton *closeAll =
118             box.addButton(QCoreApplication::translate("Utils::fileDeletedPrompt", "C&lose All"),
119                           QMessageBox::RejectRole);
120     QPushButton *saveas =
121             box.addButton(QCoreApplication::translate("Utils::fileDeletedPrompt", "Save &as..."),
122                           QMessageBox::ActionRole);
123     QPushButton *save =
124             box.addButton(QCoreApplication::translate("Utils::fileDeletedPrompt", "&Save"),
125                           QMessageBox::AcceptRole);
126     box.setDefaultButton(saveas);
127     box.exec();
128     QAbstractButton *clickedbutton = box.clickedButton();
129     if (clickedbutton == close)
130         return FileDeletedClose;
131     else if (clickedbutton == closeAll)
132         return FileDeletedCloseAll;
133     else if (clickedbutton == saveas)
134         return FileDeletedSaveAs;
135     else if (clickedbutton == save)
136         return FileDeletedSave;
137     return FileDeletedClose;
138 }
140 } // namespace Utils