1 /*
2  * Definitions for BackupPC libraries.
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 2013 Craig Barratt.
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
8  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
9  * (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17  * with this program; if not, visit the http://fsf.org website.
18  */
20 #ifndef _BACKUPPC_H_
22 #define _BACKUPPC_H_
24 #include <rsync.h>
25 #include "zlib/zlib.h"
27 #define BPC_MAXPATHLEN          (2 * MAXPATHLEN)
29 extern char BPC_PoolDir[];
30 extern char BPC_CPoolDir[];
31 extern char BPC_PoolDir3[];
32 extern char BPC_CPoolDir3[];
33 extern char BPC_TopDir[];
34 extern int BPC_HardLinkMax;
35 extern int BPC_PoolV3Enabled;
36 extern int BPC_TmpFileUnique;
37 extern int BPC_LogLevel;
39 /*
40  * Maximum length of a digest - 16 bytes for MD5, but 4 bytes of collision counting
41  */
42 #define BPC_DIGEST_LEN_MAX      20
44 #define uint64  unsigned int64
46 typedef struct {
47     uchar digest[BPC_DIGEST_LEN_MAX];
48     int len;
49 } bpc_digest;
51 /*
52  * Simple hash table functions.
53  *
54  * Any structure stored in a hash table should start with a bpc_hashtable_key entry for the key.
55  */
57 typedef struct {
58     void *key;          /* a NULL key means this node is empty or deleted; also used for free list */
59     uint32 keyLen;      /* with a NULL key, a zero value means empty; non-zero means deleted */
60     uint32 keyHash;
61 } bpc_hashtable_key;
63 typedef struct {
64     bpc_hashtable_key **nodes;
65     uint32 nodeSize;
66     uint32 size;
67     uint32 entries;     /* total number of user entries */
68     uint32 entriesDel;  /* number of entries flagged as deleted */
69 } bpc_hashtable;
71 void bpc_hashtable_create(bpc_hashtable *tbl, uint32 size, uint32 nodeSize);
72 void bpc_hashtable_destroy(bpc_hashtable *tbl);
73 void bpc_hashtable_erase(bpc_hashtable *tbl);
74 uint32 bpc_hashtable_hash(uchar *key, uint32 keyLen);
75 void *bpc_hashtable_find(bpc_hashtable *tbl, unsigned char *key, unsigned int keyLen, int allocate_if_missing);
76 void bpc_hashtable_growSize(bpc_hashtable *tbl, uint32 newSize);
77 void bpc_hashtable_nodeDelete(bpc_hashtable *tbl, void *node);
78 void bpc_hashtable_iterate(bpc_hashtable *tbl, void (*callback)(void*, void*), void *arg1);
79 void *bpc_hashtable_nextEntry(bpc_hashtable *tbl, uint *idx);
80 int bpc_hashtable_entryCount(bpc_hashtable *tbl);
82 /*
83  * Reference counting
84  */
85 typedef struct {
86     bpc_hashtable ht;
87     int initDone;
88 } bpc_refCount_info;
90 void bpc_poolRefInit(bpc_refCount_info *info, int entryCnt);
91 void bpc_poolRefDestroy(bpc_refCount_info *info);
92 void bpc_poolRefSet(bpc_refCount_info *info, bpc_digest *digest, int32 count);
93 int bpc_poolRefDelete(bpc_refCount_info *info, bpc_digest *digest);
94 int bpc_poolRefGet(bpc_refCount_info *info, bpc_digest *digest, int32 *count);
95 int bpc_poolRefIncr(bpc_refCount_info *info, bpc_digest *digest, int32 delta);
96 int bpc_poolRefIterate(bpc_refCount_info *info, bpc_digest *digest, int32 *count, uint *idx);
97 void bpc_poolRefCountPrint(bpc_refCount_info *info);
98 int bpc_poolRefFileWrite(bpc_refCount_info *info, char *fileName);
99 int bpc_poolRefFileRead(bpc_refCount_info *info, char *fileName);
100 void bpc_poolRefRequestFsck(char *targetDir, int ext);
102 /*
103  * Delta counting
104  */
105 typedef struct {
106     bpc_refCount_info refCnt[2];
107     char targetDir[BPC_MAXPATHLEN];
108 } bpc_deltaCount_info;
110 void bpc_poolRefDeltaFileInit(bpc_deltaCount_info *info, char *hostDir);
111 void bpc_poolRefDeltaFileDestroy(bpc_deltaCount_info *info);
112 uint32 bpc_poolRefDeltaFileFlush(bpc_deltaCount_info *info);
113 void bpc_poolRefDeltaUpdate(bpc_deltaCount_info *info, int compress, bpc_digest *digest, int32 count);
114 void bpc_poolRefDeltaPrint(bpc_deltaCount_info *info);
116 void bpc_poolRefDeltaFileInitOld(char *hostDir);
117 uint32 bpc_poolRefDeltaFileFlushOld(void);
118 void bpc_poolRefDeltaUpdateOld(int compress, bpc_digest *digest, int32 count);
119 void bpc_poolRefDeltaPrintOld(void);
121 /*
122  * Compressed file IO.  A compressed file descriptor contains a buffer for compressed data.
123  */
124 typedef struct {
125     z_stream strm;
126     char *buf;
127     size_t bufSize;
128     int fd;
129     int first;
130     int write;
131     int eof;
132     int error;
133     int compressLevel;
134     int writeTeeStderr;
135     /*
136      * readLine buffer
137      */
138     char  *lineBuf;
139     size_t lineBufSize;
140     size_t lineBufLen;
141     size_t lineBufIdx;
142     int lineBufEof;
143 } bpc_fileZIO_fd;
145 int bpc_fileZIO_open(bpc_fileZIO_fd *fd, char *fileName, int writeFile, int compressLevel);
146 int bpc_fileZIO_fdopen(bpc_fileZIO_fd *fd, FILE *stream, int writeFile, int compressLevel);
147 void bpc_fileZIO_writeTeeStderr(bpc_fileZIO_fd *fd, int tee);
148 ssize_t bpc_fileZIO_read(bpc_fileZIO_fd *fd, uchar *buf, size_t nRead);
149 ssize_t bpc_fileZIO_write(bpc_fileZIO_fd *fd, uchar *buf, size_t nWrite);
150 int bpc_fileZIO_readLine(bpc_fileZIO_fd *fd, char **str, size_t *strLen);
151 int bpc_fileZIO_close(bpc_fileZIO_fd *fd);
152 int bpc_fileZIO_rewind(bpc_fileZIO_fd *fd);
154 #define BPC_POOL_WRITE_BUF_SZ             (8 * 1048576)     /* 8 MB - must be at least 1MB so the V3 digest calculation can occur */
155 #define BPC_POOL_WRITE_CONCURRENT_MATCH   (16)              /* number of pool files we concurrently match */
157 typedef struct _bpc_candidate_file {
158     bpc_digest digest;
159     OFF_T fileSize;
160     int v3File;
161     char fileName[BPC_MAXPATHLEN];
162     struct _bpc_candidate_file *next;
163 } bpc_candidate_file;
165 typedef struct {
166     bpc_fileZIO_fd fd;
167     int used;
168     int v3File;
169     OFF_T fileSize;
170     bpc_digest digest;
171     char fileName[BPC_MAXPATHLEN];
172 } bpc_candidate_match;
174 typedef struct {
175     int compress;
176     int state;
177     int eof;
178     int retValue;
179     int retryCnt;
180     OFF_T fileSize;
181     OFF_T poolFileSize;
182     bpc_digest digest;
183     bpc_digest digest_v3;
184     md_context md5;
185     /*
186      * Set of active potential file matches.  All files match up to matchPosn.
187      */
188     OFF_T matchPosn;
189     bpc_candidate_match match[BPC_POOL_WRITE_CONCURRENT_MATCH];
190     bpc_candidate_file *candidateList;
191     /*
192      * When we first build the candidate match list, we remember where the first
193      * zero-length file is (if any), and the next open slot.  If these change
194      * before we insert a new file, we know to try again (since someone probably
195      * won a race to get there first).
196      */
197     int digestExtZeroLen, digestExtOpen;
198     /*
199      * Temporary output file if the in-memory buffer is too small
200      */
201     int fdOpen;
202     bpc_fileZIO_fd fd;
203     char tmpFileName[BPC_MAXPATHLEN];
204     /*
205      * Error count
206      */
207     int errorCnt;
208     /*
209      * Initial file buffer - used if the entire file fits, or otherwise keeps the first 1MB
210      * of the file so we can compute the V3 digest.  If we have the entire file in memory
211      * then fileWritten == 0.
212      *
213      * This buffer is allocated to be size BPC_POOL_WRITE_BUF_SZ on open() and freed on close().
214      */
215     uint32 bufferIdx;
216     uchar *buffer;
217 } bpc_poolWrite_info;
219 int bpc_poolWrite_open(bpc_poolWrite_info *info, int compress, bpc_digest *digest);
220 int bpc_poolWrite_write(bpc_poolWrite_info *info, uchar *data, size_t dataLen);
221 int bpc_poolWrite_createPoolDir(bpc_poolWrite_info *info, bpc_digest *digest);
222 void bpc_poolWrite_close(bpc_poolWrite_info *info, int *match, bpc_digest *digest, OFF_T *poolFileSize, int *errorCnt);
223 void bpc_poolWrite_cleanup(bpc_poolWrite_info *info);
224 void bpc_poolWrite_repeatPoolWrite(bpc_poolWrite_info *info, char *fileName);
225 int bpc_poolWrite_copyToPool(bpc_poolWrite_info *info, char *poolPath, char *fileName);
226 void bpc_poolWrite_addToPool(bpc_poolWrite_info *info, char *fileName, int v3PoolFile);
227 int bpc_poolWrite_unmarkPendingDelete(char *poolPath);
229 /*
230  * General library routines
231  */
232 void bpc_lib_conf_init(char *topDir, int hardLinkMax, int poolV3Enabled, int logLevel);
233 void bpc_lib_setTmpFileUnique(int val);
234 int bpc_lib_setLogLevel(int logLevel);
235 void bpc_byte2hex(char *outStr, int byte);
236 uchar bpc_hexStr2byte(char c1, char c2);
237 void bpc_digest_buffer2MD5(bpc_digest *digest, uchar *buffer, size_t bufferLen);
238 void bpc_digest_append_ext(bpc_digest *digest, uint32 ext);
239 void bpc_digest_digest2str(bpc_digest *digest, char *hexStr);
240 void bpc_digest_str2digest(bpc_digest *digest, char *hexStr);
241 int bpc_digest_compare(bpc_digest *digest1, bpc_digest *digest2);
242 void bpc_digest_md52path(char *path, int compress, bpc_digest *digest);
243 void bpc_digest_md52path_v3(char *path, int compress, bpc_digest *digest);
244 void bpc_digest_buffer2MD5_v3(bpc_digest *digest, uchar *buffer, size_t bufferLen);
245 void bpc_fileNameEltMangle(char *path, int pathSize, char *pathUM);
246 void bpc_fileNameMangle(char *path, int pathSize, char *pathUM);
247 void bpc_logMsgf(char *fmt, ...);
248 void bpc_logErrf(char *fmt, ...);
249 void bpc_logMsgGet(char **mesg, size_t *mesgLen);
250 void bpc_logMsgErrorCntGet(unsigned long *errorCnt);
251 void bpc_logMsgCBSet(void (*cb)(int errFlag, char *mesg, size_t mesgLen));
253 /*
254  * Compute file digest
255  */
256 int bpc_fileDigest(char *fileName, int compress, bpc_digest *digest);
258 /*
259  * Directory operations
260  */
261 int bpc_path_create(char *path);
262 int bpc_path_remove(bpc_deltaCount_info *deltaInfo, char *path, int compress);
263 int bpc_path_refCountAll(bpc_deltaCount_info *deltaInfo, char *path, int compress, int incr);
264 int bpc_path_refCountAllInodeMax(bpc_deltaCount_info *deltaInfo, char *path, int compress, int incr, unsigned int *inodeMax);
265 int bpc_lockRangeFd(int fd, OFF_T offset, OFF_T len, int block);
266 int bpc_unlockRangeFd(int fd, OFF_T offset, OFF_T len);
267 int bpc_lockRangeFile(char *lockFile, OFF_T offset, OFF_T len, int block);
268 void bpc_unlockRangeFile(int lockFd);
270 /*
271  * File attribs
272  */
273 typedef struct {
274     bpc_hashtable_key key;
275     void *value;
276     uint32 valueLen;
277 } bpc_attrib_xattr;
279 typedef struct {
280     bpc_hashtable_key key;
281     char *name;
282     ushort type;
283     ushort compress;
284     /*
285      * isTemp is set if this is a temporary attribute entry (eg: mkstemp), that
286      * doesn't have referencing counting for the digest.  Therefore, when a
287      * temporary file is created or deleted, there is no change to the
288      * reference counts.
289      */
290     ushort isTemp;
291     uint32 mode;
292     uid_t uid;
293     gid_t gid;
294     uint32 nlinks;
295     time_t mtime;
296     OFF_T size;
297     ino_t inode;
298     int32 backupNum;
299     bpc_digest digest;
300     /*
301      * hash table of bpc_attrib_xattr entries, indexed by xattr key
302      */
303     bpc_hashtable xattrHT;
304 } bpc_attrib_file;
306 /*
307  * A directory is a hash table of file attributes, indexed by file name
308  */
309 typedef struct {
310     bpc_digest digest;
311     ushort compress;
312     ushort needRewrite;
313     /*
314      * hash table of bpc_attrib_file entries, indexed by file name
315      */
316     bpc_hashtable filesHT;
317 } bpc_attrib_dir;
319 bpc_attrib_xattr *bpc_attrib_xattrGet(bpc_attrib_file *file, void *key, int keyLen, int allocate_if_missing);
320 void bpc_attrib_xattrDestroy(bpc_attrib_xattr *xattr);
321 int bpc_attrib_xattrDelete(bpc_attrib_file *file, void *key, int keyLen);
322 int bpc_attrib_xattrDeleteAll(bpc_attrib_file *file);
323 int bpc_attrib_xattrSetValue(bpc_attrib_file *file, void *key, int keyLen, void *value, uint32 valueLen);
324 int bpc_attrib_xattrCount(bpc_attrib_file *file);
325 size_t bpc_attrib_xattrList(bpc_attrib_file *file, char *list, size_t listLen, int ignoreRsyncACLs);
326 void bpc_attrib_fileInit(bpc_attrib_file *file, char *fileName, int xattrNumEntries);
327 void bpc_attrib_fileDestroy(bpc_attrib_file *file);
328 bpc_attrib_file *bpc_attrib_fileGet(bpc_attrib_dir *dir, char *fileName, int allocate_if_missing);
329 int bpc_attrib_fileIterate(bpc_attrib_dir *dir, bpc_attrib_file **file, uint *idx);
330 void bpc_attrib_fileCopyOpt(bpc_attrib_file *fileDest, bpc_attrib_file *fileSrc, int overwriteEmptyDigest);
331 void bpc_attrib_fileCopy(bpc_attrib_file *fileDest, bpc_attrib_file *fileSrc);
332 int bpc_attrib_fileCompare(bpc_attrib_file *file0, bpc_attrib_file *file1);
333 void bpc_attrib_fileDeleteName(bpc_attrib_dir *dir, char *fileName);
334 int bpc_attrib_fileCount(bpc_attrib_dir *dir);
335 char *bpc_attrib_fileType2Text(int type);
336 void bpc_attrib_dirInit(bpc_attrib_dir *dir, int compressLevel);
337 void bpc_attrib_dirDestroy(bpc_attrib_dir *dir);
338 int bpc_attrib_dirNeedRewrite(bpc_attrib_dir *dir);
339 ssize_t bpc_attrib_getEntries(bpc_attrib_dir *dir, char *entries, ssize_t entrySize);
340 void bpc_attrib_dirRefCount(bpc_deltaCount_info *deltaInfo, bpc_attrib_dir *dir, int incr);
341 void bpc_attrib_dirRefCountInodeMax(bpc_deltaCount_info *deltaInfo, bpc_attrib_dir *dir, int incr, unsigned int *inodeMax);
342 void bpc_attrib_attribFilePath(char *path, char *dir, char *attribFileName);
343 bpc_digest *bpc_attrib_dirDigestGet(bpc_attrib_dir *dir);
344 uchar *bpc_attrib_buf2file(bpc_attrib_file *file, uchar *buf, uchar *bufEnd, int xattrNumEntries, int *xattrFixup);
345 uchar *bpc_attrib_buf2fileFull(bpc_attrib_file *file, uchar *buf, uchar *bufEnd);
346 uchar *bpc_attrib_file2buf(bpc_attrib_file *file, uchar *buf, uchar *bufEnd);
347 int bpc_attrib_digestRead(bpc_attrib_dir *dir, bpc_digest *digest, char *attribPath);
348 int bpc_attrib_dirRead(bpc_attrib_dir *dir, char *dirPath, char *attribFileName, int backupNum);
349 int bpc_attrib_dirWrite(bpc_deltaCount_info *deltaInfo, bpc_attrib_dir *dir, char *dirPath, char *attribFileName, bpc_digest *oldDigest);
350 void bpc_attrib_backwardCompat(int writeOldStyleAttribFile, int keepOldAttribFiles);
352 /*
353  * Attrib caching
354  */
356 #define BPC_FTYPE_FILE                  (0)
357 #define BPC_FTYPE_HARDLINK              (1)
358 #define BPC_FTYPE_SYMLINK               (2)
359 #define BPC_FTYPE_CHARDEV               (3)
360 #define BPC_FTYPE_BLOCKDEV              (4)
361 #define BPC_FTYPE_DIR                   (5)
362 #define BPC_FTYPE_FIFO                  (6)
363 #define BPC_FTYPE_SOCKET                (8)
364 #define BPC_FTYPE_UNKNOWN               (9)
365 #define BPC_FTYPE_DELETED               (10)
366 #define BPC_FTYPE_INVALID               (11)
368 typedef struct {
369     int num;
370     int compress;
371     int version;
372 } bpc_backup_info;
374 typedef struct {
375     int backupNum;
376     int compress;
377     int readOnly;
378     uint cacheLruCnt;
380     /*
381      * optional merging of backups to create view for restore
382      */
383     bpc_backup_info *bkupMergeList;
384     int bkupMergeCnt;
386     /*
387      * Hash table of cached file attributes.
388      * Key   is the mangled attrib path (excluding backupTopDir[], and including attrib file name).
389      * Value is a bpc_attrib_dir structure.
390      *    - Keys of the bpc_attrib_dir hash table are the file names in that directory.
391      */
392     bpc_hashtable attrHT;
394     /*
395      * Hash table of cached inode attributes.
396      * Key is the inode attribute path (excluding backupTopDir[]).
397      * Value is a bpc_attrib_dir structure.
398      *    - Keys of the bpc_attrib_dir hash table are the inode numbers converted to ascii hex, lsb first.
399      */
400     bpc_hashtable inodeHT;
402     /*
403      * Delta reference count for any changes as we write/change files or attributes
404      */
405     bpc_deltaCount_info *deltaInfo;
407     char shareName[BPC_MAXPATHLEN];
408     int shareNameLen;
409     char shareNameUM[BPC_MAXPATHLEN];
410     char hostName[BPC_MAXPATHLEN];
411     char hostDir[BPC_MAXPATHLEN];
412     char backupTopDir[BPC_MAXPATHLEN];
413     char currentDir[BPC_MAXPATHLEN];
414 } bpc_attribCache_info;
416 typedef struct {
417     bpc_hashtable_key key;
418     int dirty;
419     /*
420      * We flag directories whose parents either don't exist or aren't directories.
421      * We ignore attributes on bad directories.
422      * Initially this flag is zero, meaning we don't know if this directory is ok.
423      * After we check, > 0 means parent does exist and is a directory ; < 0 means dir is bad
424      */
425     int dirOk;
426     uint lruCnt;
427     bpc_attrib_dir dir;
428 } bpc_attribCache_dir;
430 void bpc_attribCache_init(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, char *host, int backupNum, char *shareNameUM, int compress);
431 void bpc_attribCache_setDeltaInfo(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, bpc_deltaCount_info *deltaInfo);
432 void bpc_attribCache_setMergeList(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, bpc_backup_info *bkupList, int bkupCnt);
433 void bpc_attribCache_destroy(bpc_attribCache_info *ac);
434 int bpc_attribCache_readOnly(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, int readOnly);
435 void bpc_attribCache_setCurrentDirectory(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, char *dir);
436 bpc_attrib_file *bpc_attribCache_getFile(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, char *path, int allocate_if_missing, int dontReadInode);
437 int bpc_attribCache_setFile(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, char *path, bpc_attrib_file *file, int dontOverwriteInode);
438 int bpc_attribCache_deleteFile(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, char *path);
439 bpc_attrib_file *bpc_attribCache_getInode(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, ino_t inode, int allocate_if_missing);
440 int bpc_attribCache_setInode(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, ino_t inode, bpc_attrib_file *inodeSrc);
441 int bpc_attribCache_deleteInode(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, ino_t inode);
442 int bpc_attribCache_getDirEntryCnt(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, char *path);
443 ssize_t bpc_attribCache_getDirEntries(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, char *path, char *entries, ssize_t entrySize);
444 void bpc_attribCache_flush(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, int all, char *path);
445 void bpc_attribCache_getFullMangledPath(bpc_attribCache_info *ac, char *path, char *dirName, int backupNum);
447 #endif