1 // Emacs style mode select   -*- C++ -*-
2 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 //
4 // $Id: doomtype.h 1544 2020-08-22 02:40:35Z wesleyjohnson $
5 //
6 // Copyright (C) 1993-1996 by id Software, Inc.
7 // Copyright (C) 1998-2016 by DooM Legacy Team.
8 //
9 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
10 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
11 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
12 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13 //
14 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17 // GNU General Public License for more details.
18 //
19 //
20 // $Log: doomtype.h,v $
21 // Revision 1.8  2001/05/16 22:33:34  bock
22 // Initial FreeBSD support.
23 //
24 // Revision 1.7  2001/04/17 22:26:07  calumr
25 // Initial Mac add
26 //
27 // Revision 1.6  2001/02/24 13:35:19  bpereira
28 // Revision 1.5  2000/11/02 19:49:35  bpereira
29 // Revision 1.4  2000/10/21 08:43:28  bpereira
30 //
31 // Revision 1.3  2000/08/10 14:53:57  ydario
32 // OS/2 port
33 //
34 // Revision 1.2  2000/02/27 00:42:10  hurdler
35 // Revision  2000/02/22 20:32:32  hurdler
36 // Initial import into CVS (v1.29 pr3)
37 //
38 //
40 //      doom games standard types
41 //      Simple basic typedefs, isolated here to make it easier
42 //      separating modules.
43 //      Dependent upon system and compile flags, but not dependent upon
44 //      doomdef.h.
45 //
46 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
48 #ifndef DOOMTYPE_H
49 #define DOOMTYPE_H
50 // General type defines, not dependent upon doomdef.h
52 #include <stdint.h>
54 #if defined( __WATCOMC__) && defined( _M_I386)
55 // _M_I386  means 32bit Intel
56 #ifndef WIN32
57 # define WIN32
58 #endif
59 #ifndef __WIN32__
60 # define __WIN32__
61 #endif
62 #endif
64 #ifdef WIN32
65 #define WINVER 0x0500  // require windows 2k or later
66 #include <windows.h>
67 #else
68 // WIN32 standard headers already define these!
69 // TODO this is just a temporary measure, all USHORT / ULONG / INT64 instances
70 // in the code should be changed to stdint.h types or basic types
71 typedef uint32_t ULONG;
72 typedef uint16_t USHORT;
73 typedef  int64_t INT64;
74 #endif
76 // boolean type
77 #if defined( __APPLE_CC__ ) && ! defined( __GNUC__ )
78 # define boolean int
79 # define false 0
80 # define true  1
81 #elif defined(WIN32)
82 # define false   FALSE           // use windows types
83 # define true    TRUE
84 # define boolean BOOL
85 #else
86 typedef enum {false, true} boolean;
87 #endif
90 typedef uint8_t    byte;
91 typedef uint32_t   tic_t;
93 // Return values
94 // Positive are positive indicators
95 // 0 is NULL result
96 // Negative are failure indicators
97 typedef enum {
98     FAIL = -1,   // general fail
99     FAIL_end = -2,  // end of valid input
100     FAIL_invalid_input = -3,  // invalid input to the function
101     FAIL_create = -100,
102     FAIL_memory = -101,
103     FAIL_select = -102,
104 } status_return_e;
106 typedef enum {
107     FS_NOTFOUND,
108     FS_FOUND,
111     FS_OPEN,        // is opened and used in w_wad
112     FS_MD5SUMBAD,
113     FS_SECURITY,  // rejected for security reasons
114     FS_FILEERR,   // access error
115     FS_INVALID,   // invalid for the operation
116     FS_NOTWAD,
117     FS_ZIP,
118 } filestatus_e;
120 #ifdef __APPLE_CC__
121   // Apple GNAT, GNU C 4.5, __APPLE_CC__ == 1
122   // Apple C 4.2, __APPLE_CC__ == 5666
123   //   They define __MACH__, __GNUC__, and conditionally __BIG_ENDIAN__
124   //   Do not use __LITTLE_ENDIAN__, it is not defined on WIN, LINUX
125 # ifdef SMIF_SDL
126    // Mac on SDL, is like Linux
127    // Can also test for __APPLE_CC__ or __MACH__
128 #  define MAC_SDL
129 # else
130    // Hardware direct interface using macos directory (NOT SDL)
131 #  define MACOS_DI
132 #  define DEBUG_LOG
133 #  ifndef HWRENDER
134 #   define HWRENDER
135 #  endif
136 # endif
137 #endif
139 #ifdef __GNUC__
140 // Mingw32 ignores this.
141 #define PACKED_ATTR  __attribute__((packed))
142 #else
143 #define PACKED_ATTR
144 #endif
146 #ifdef WIN32
147 # define ASMCALL __cdecl
148 #else
149 # define ASMCALL
150 #endif
152 // [WDJ] This program uses strcasecmp, strncasecmp.
153 #if defined( __MSC__) || defined( __OS2__)
154     // Microsoft VisualC++
155     #define strncasecmp             strnicmp
156     #define strcasecmp              stricmp
157     #define inline                  __inline
158 #else
159     #ifdef __WATCOMC__
160         #include <dos.h>
161         #include <sys\types.h>
162         #include <direct.h>
163         #include <malloc.h>
164         #define strncasecmp             strnicmp
165         #define strcasecmp              strcmpi
166     #endif
167 #endif
170 #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(__WINDOWS__)
171 #define min(x,y) ( ((x)<(y)) ? (x) : (y) )
172 #define max(x,y) ( ((x)>(y)) ? (x) : (y) )
174 int strupr(char *n);
175 int strlwr(char *n);
176 #endif
178 #ifndef O_BINARY
179 #define O_BINARY 0 // stupid windows text files
180 #endif
183 // [WDJ] This is needs to be fixed throughout all the files.
184 // But, not until it is determined which systems support which names.
185 // Predefined with some OS.
186 #ifdef __WIN32__
187 #include <limits.h>
188 #elif defined( MACOS_DI ) || defined( __MACH__ ) || defined( FREEBSD ) || defined( NETBSD )
189 #include <limits.h>
190 #else
191 // Linux GNU, which also includes limits.h
192 // obsolete header file
193 //#include <values.h>
194 #include <limits.h>
195 #endif
197 #if ! defined(MAXINT) && defined( INT_MAX )
198 // [WDJ] Define the values.h symbols using defines from limits.h.
199 // This is what values.h does now.
200 #define MAXINT    INT_MAX
201 #define MININT    INT_MIN
202 #endif
203 #if ! defined(MAXCHAR) && defined( CHAR_MAX )
204 #define MAXCHAR   CHAR_MAX
205 #define MINCHAR   CHAR_MIN
206 #endif
207 #if ! defined(MAXSHORT) && defined( SHRT_MAX )
208 #define MAXSHORT  SHRT_MAX
209 #define MINSHORT  SHRT_MIN
210 #endif
212 #if 0
213 // [WDJ] This is very dangerous considering 32 bit and 64 bit systems,
214 // should use stdint.h values instead.
215 // These are obsolete defines from values.h.
216 #ifndef MAXCHAR
217 // unused
218 #define MAXCHAR   ((char)0x7f)
219 #endif
221 #ifndef MAXSHORT
222 // defined in values.h
223 // used in r_segs.c
224 #define MAXSHORT  ((short)0x7fff)
225 #endif
227 #ifndef MAXINT
228 // defined in values.h
229 // used in many places
230 #define MAXINT    ((int)0x7fffffff)
231 #endif
233 #ifndef MINCHAR
234 // unused
235 #define MINCHAR   ((char)0x80)
236 #endif
238 #ifndef MINSHORT
239 // defined in values.h
240 // unused
241 #define MINSHORT  ((short)0x8000)
242 #endif
244 #ifndef MININT
245 // defined in values.h
246 // used in many places
247 #define MININT    ((int)0x80000000)
248 #endif
249 #endif
251 // Sound effect id type.
252 typedef  uint16_t  sfxid_t;
254 // This is compatible with SDL_color (R,G,B,-).
255 typedef union {
256     uint32_t  rgba;
257     struct {  // component memory order ( R, G, B, A )
258         byte  red;    // LITTLE_ENDIAN LSB
259         byte  green;
260         byte  blue;
261         byte  alpha;
262     } s;
263 } RGBA_t;
265 // [WDJ] Note that RGBA cannot be trusted to be the order of the components.
266 // SDL uses the term RGBA, SDL opengl uses it extensively.
267 // The literal RGBA() is the same order as RGBA_t, which works for SDL calls,
268 // The order of RGBA in memory is (A,B,G,R).
269 // BIG_ENDIAN that is (A,B,G,R), and LITTLE_ENDIAN is (R,G,B,A).
270 // UINT2RGBA reverses the byte order for LITTLE_ENDIAN, which is often not
271 // what you want.  Mostly, it is just confusing, so avoid it.
272 // SDL_PixelFormat identifies the actual component order and fields.
273 // The component order for 32bit pixels in video buffers is (A,R,G,B),
274 // which is different.
276 #ifdef __BIG_ENDIAN__
277     // __BIG_ENDIAN__ is defined on MAC compilers, not on WIN, nor LINUX
278 #define UINT2RGBA(a) a
279 #define RGBA( r, g, b, a )  (((r)<<24)|((g)<<16)|((b)<<8)|(a))
280 #else
281 #define UINT2RGBA(a) (((a)&0xff)<<24)|(((a)&0xff00)<<8)|(((a)&0xff0000)>>8)|((((uint32_t)(a))&0xff000000)>>24)
282 #define RGBA( r, g, b, a )  ((r)|((g)<<8)|((b)<<16)|((a)<<24))
283 #endif
285 // Lights values 0..255, but signed to detect underflow.
286 typedef int16_t   lightlev_t;
288 typedef uint16_t  statenum_t;
290 // [WDJ] I would prefer this was uint32_t, but it is being kept signed so that
291 // tests for -1 can be preserved.  This reduces the chance of logical errors
292 // due to older fail tests that have not been discovered yet (2018).
293 // The number of wads is limited to 32, and signed allows over 8000 wads.
294 typedef int32_t  lumpnum_t;
296 #endif  //__DOOMTYPE__