1## This function is equivalent to:
2##    fun <- as_function(expr, envir = envir, ...)
3##    codetools::findGlobals(fun, merge = TRUE)
4## but we expand it here to make it more explicit
5## what is going on.
6#' @importFrom codetools findLocalsList walkCode
7find_globals_conservative <- function(expr, envir, dotdotdot, ..., trace = FALSE) {
8  objs <- character()
10  enter <- function(type, v, e, w) {
11    objs <<- c(objs, v)
12  }
14  if (is.function(expr)) {
15    if (typeof(expr) != "closure") return(character(0L)) # e.g. `<-`
16    fun <- expr
17    w <- make_usage_collector(fun, name = "<anonymous>", enterGlobal = enter)
18    if (trace) w <- inject_tracer_to_walker(w)
19    collect_usage_function(fun, name = "<anonymous>", w, trace = trace)
20  } else if (is.call(expr) && is.function(expr[[1]])) {
21    ## AD HOC: Fixes https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/globals/issues/60
22    for (e in list(expr[[1]], expr[-1])) {
23      globals <- find_globals_conservative(expr = e, envir = envir, dotdotdot = dotdotdot, ..., trace = trace)
24      if (length(globals) > 0) objs <- c(objs, globals)
25    }
26  } else {
27    ## From codetools::findGlobals():
28    fun <- as_function(expr, envir = envir, ...)
29    # codetools::collectUsage(fun, enterGlobal = enter)
31    ## The latter becomes equivalent to (after cleanup):
32    w <- make_usage_collector(fun, name = "<anonymous>", enterGlobal = enter)
33    if (trace) w <- inject_tracer_to_walker(w)
35    locals <- findLocalsList(list(expr))
36    for (name in locals) assign(name, value = TRUE, envir = w$env)
37    walkCode(expr, w)
38  }
40  unique(objs)
44#' @importFrom codetools walkCode
45find_globals_liberal <- function(expr, envir, dotdotdot, ..., trace = FALSE) {
46  objs <- character()
48  enter <- function(type, v, e, w) {
49    objs <<- c(objs, v)
50  }
52  if (is.function(expr)) {
53    if (typeof(expr) != "closure") return(character(0L)) ## e.g. `<-`
54    fun <- expr
55    w <- make_usage_collector(fun, name = "<anonymous>", enterGlobal = enter)
56    if (trace) w <- inject_tracer_to_walker(w)
57    collect_usage_function(fun, name = "<anonymous>", w, trace = trace)
58  } else if (is.call(expr) && is.function(expr[[1]])) {
59    ## AD HOC: Fixes https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/globals/issues/60
60    for (e in list(expr[[1]], expr[-1])) {
61      globals <- find_globals_liberal(expr = e, envir = envir, dotdotdot = dotdotdot, ..., trace = trace)
62      if (length(globals) > 0) objs <- c(objs, globals)
63    }
64  } else {
65    fun <- as_function(expr, envir = envir, ...)
66    w <- make_usage_collector(fun, name = "<anonymous>", enterGlobal = enter)
67    if (trace) w <- inject_tracer_to_walker(w)
68    walkCode(expr, w)
69  }
71  unique(objs)
75#' @importFrom codetools walkCode
76find_globals_ordered <- function(expr, envir, dotdotdot, ..., name = character(), class = character(), trace = FALSE) {
77  selfassign <- getOption("globals.selfassign", TRUE)
79  enter_local <- function(type, v, e, w) {
80    hardcoded_locals <- names(w$env)
81    if (trace) {
82      trace_msg <- trace_enter("enter_local(type=%s, v=%s)", sQuote(type), sQuote(v))
83      trace_printf("before:\n")
84      trace_print(data.frame(name=name, class=class, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
85      trace_printf("hardcoded locals: %s\n", paste(sQuote(hardcoded_locals), collapse = ", "))
86      on.exit(local({
87        trace_printf("after:\n")
88        trace_print(data.frame(name=name, class=class, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
89        trace_exit(trace_msg)
90      }))
91    }
93    is_already_local <- (v %in% hardcoded_locals)
94    if (is_already_local) {
95      if (trace) trace_printf("variable is a hardcoded local: %s\n", sQuote(v))
96    }
98    ## LHS <- RHS: Handle cases where a global variable exists in RHS and LHS
99    ##             assigns a local variable with the same name, e.g. x <- x + 1.
100    ##             In such case we want to detect 'x' as a global variable.
101    if (selfassign && (type == "<-" || type == "=")) {
102      if (trace) trace_printf("LHS <- RHS:\n")
103      rhs <- e[[3]]
104      globals <- call_find_globals_with_dotdotdot(find_globals_ordered, expr = rhs, envir = w$env, dotdotdot = "ignore", trace = trace)
105      if (trace) {
106        trace_printf("RHS globals: %s\n", paste(sQuote(globals), collapse = ", "))
107      }
109      if (length(rhs) == 3 && globals[1] %in% c("::", ":::")) {
110        ## Case: a <- pkg::a
111      } else if (v %in% globals) {
112        v_class <- if (v %in% hardcoded_locals) "local" else "global"
113        if (trace) trace_printf("Add %s variable %s\n", sQuote(v_class), sQuote(v))
114        class <<- c(class, v_class)
115        name <<- c(name, v)
116      }
117    }
119    if (trace) trace_printf("Add %s variable %s\n", sQuote("local"), sQuote(v))
120    class <<- c(class, "local")
121    name <<- c(name, v)
122  }
124  enter_global <- function(type, v, e, w) {
125    hardcoded_locals <- names(w$env)
126    if (trace) {
127      trace_msg <- trace_enter("enter_global(type=%s, v=%s)", sQuote(type), sQuote(v))
128      trace_printf("before:\n")
129      trace_print(data.frame(name=name, class=class, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
130      trace_printf("hardcoded locals: %s\n", paste(sQuote(hardcoded_locals), collapse = ", "))
131      on.exit(local({
132        trace_printf("after:\n")
133        trace_print(data.frame(name=name, class=class, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
134        trace_exit(trace_msg)
135      }))
136    }
138    is_already_local <- (v %in% hardcoded_locals)
139    if (is_already_local) {
140      if (trace) {
141        trace_printf("variable is a hardcoded local: %s\n", sQuote(v))
142      }
143    }
145    v_class <- if (is_already_local) "local" else "global"
146    if (trace) trace_printf("Add %s variable %s\n", sQuote(v_class), sQuote(v))
147    class <<- c(class, v_class)
148    name <<- c(name, v)
150    ## Also walk formulas to identify globals
151    if (type == "function") {
152      if (v == "~") {
153        if (trace) trace_printf("type = ~ (formula)\n")
154        stop_if_not(length(e) >= 2L, identical(e[[1]], as.symbol("~")))
155        ## Ignoring dots overrides the default of silently returning
156        ## them from formulas
157        ## Fixes https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/globals/issues/63
158        if (dotdotdot == "ignore") {
159          formula_dotdotdot <- "ignore"
160        } else {
161          formula_dotdotdot <- "return"
162        }
163        for (kk in 2:length(e)) {
164          globals <- call_find_globals_with_dotdotdot(find_globals_ordered, expr = e[[kk]], envir = w$env, dotdotdot = formula_dotdotdot, trace = trace)
165          if (length(globals) > 0) {
166            if (trace) trace_printf("Add %s variables %s\n", sQuote("global"), paste(sQuote(globals), collapse = ", "))
167            class <<- c(class, rep("global", times = length(globals)))
168            name <<- c(name, globals)
169          }
170        }
171      } else if (selfassign && (v == "<-" || v == "=")) {
172        ## LHS <- RHS: Handle cases where a global variable exists in LHS in
173        ##             the form of x[1] <- 0, which will cause 'x' to be called
174        ##             a local variable later unless called global here.
175        if (trace) trace_printf("LHS <- RHS:\n")
176        lhs <- e[[2]]
177        if (length(lhs) >= 2) {
178          ## Cases: a[1] <- 0, names(a) <- "x", names(a)[1] <- "x"
179          ## Skip first symbol, because it'll be handled up later as
180          ## an assignment function, e.g. `[<-` and `names<-`
181          globals <- find_globals_ordered(expr = lhs, envir = w$env, dotdotdot = dotdotdot, name = hardcoded_locals, class = rep("local", times = length(hardcoded_locals)), trace = trace)
182          if (length(globals) > 0) {
183            if (trace) trace_printf("Add %s variables %s\n", sQuote("global"), paste(sQuote(globals), collapse = ", "))
184            class <<- c(class, rep("global", times = length(globals)))
185            name <<- c(name, globals)
186          }
187        }
188      } else {
189        if (trace) trace_printf("a function not of interest\n")
190      }
191    } else {
192      if (trace) trace_printf("nothing to else to explore\n")
193    }
194  }
196  if (trace) {
197    trace_msg <- trace_enter("find_globals_ordered()")
198    on.exit(trace_exit(trace_msg))
199  }
201  ## A function or an expression?
202  if (is.function(expr)) {
203    if (typeof(expr) != "closure") {
204    if (trace) trace_printf("typeof != closure\n")
205      return(character(0L)) ## e.g. `<-`
206    }
207    if (trace) trace_printf("type = function\n")
208    fun <- expr
209    w <- make_usage_collector(fun, name = "<anonymous>",
210                              enterLocal = enter_local,
211                              enterGlobal = enter_global)
212    if (trace) w <- inject_tracer_to_walker(w)
213    collect_usage_function(fun, name = "<anonymous>", w, trace = trace)
214  } else if (is.call(expr) && is.function(expr[[1]])) {
215    if (trace) trace_printf("type = a call to a function\n")
216    ## AD HOC: Fixes https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/globals/issues/60
217    for (e in list(expr[[1]], expr[-1])) {
218      globals <- find_globals_ordered(expr = e, envir = envir, dotdotdot = dotdotdot, ..., trace = trace)
219      if (length(globals) > 0) {
220        class <- c(class, rep("global", times = length(globals)))
221        name <- c(name, globals)
222      }
223    }
224  } else if (is.call(expr) && is.symbol(expr[[1]]) && expr[[1]] == "{") {
225    if (trace) trace_printf("type = {\n")
226    class <- c(class, "global")
227    name <- c(name, "{")
228    nexpr <- length(expr)
229    if (trace) trace_printf("length(expr) = %d\n", nexpr)
230    if (nexpr >= 2) {
231      for (kk in 2:nexpr) {
232        e <- expr[[kk]]
233        globals <- find_globals_ordered(expr = e, envir = envir, dotdotdot = dotdotdot, ..., trace = trace)
234        if (length(globals) > 0) {
235          if (trace) trace_printf("Add %s variable %s\n", sQuote("global"), paste(sQuote(globals), collapse = ", "))
236          class <- c(class, rep("global", times = length(globals)))
237          name <- c(name, globals)
238        }
239        locals <- codetools::findLocals(e)
240        if (length(locals) > 0) {
241          if (trace) trace_printf("Add %s variable %s\n", sQuote("local"), paste(sQuote(locals), collapse = ", "))
242          class <- c(class, rep("locals", times = length(locals)))
243          name <- c(name, locals)
244        }
245      }
246    }
247  } else {
248    if (trace) trace_printf("type = call\n")
249    fun <- as_function(expr, envir = envir, ...)
250    if (trace) trace_print(fun)
251    w <- make_usage_collector(fun, name = "<anonymous>",
252                              enterLocal = enter_local,
253                              enterGlobal = enter_global)
254    if (trace) w <- inject_tracer_to_walker(w)
255    walkCode(expr, w)
256  }
258  if (trace) local({
259    trace_printf("variables (with duplicates):\n")
260    trace_print(data.frame(name=name, class=class, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
261  })
263  ## Drop duplicated names
264  dups <- duplicated(name)
265  class <- class[!dups]
266  name <- name[!dups]
268  if (trace) local({
269    trace_printf("variables (no duplicates):\n")
270    trace_print(data.frame(name=name, class=class, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
271  })
273  unique(name[class == "global"])
277call_find_globals_with_dotdotdot <- function(FUN, expr, envir, dotdotdot = "error", trace = FALSE, debug = FALSE) {
278  if (trace) {
279    trace_msg <- trace_enter("call_find_globals_with_dotdotdot(dotdotdot = %s)", sQuote(dotdotdot))
280    on.exit(trace_exit(trace_msg))
281  }
283  ## Is there a need for global '...', '..1', '..2', etc.?
284  dotdotdots <- character(0L)
286  globals <- withCallingHandlers({
287    oopts <- options(warn = 0L)
288    on.exit(options(oopts), add = TRUE)
289    FUN(expr, envir = envir, dotdotdot = dotdotdot, trace = trace)
290  }, warning = function(w) {
291    ## Warned about '...', '..1', '..2', etc.?
292    ## NOTE: The warning we're looking for is the one generated by
293    ## codetools::findGlobals().  That warning is _not_ translated,
294    ## meaning this approach should work as is as long as the message
295    ## is not modified by codetools itself.  If codetools ever changes
296    ## this such that the below string matching fails, then the package
297    ## tests (tests/dotdotdot.R) will detect that.  In other words,
298    ## such a change will not go unnoticed.  /HB 2017-03-08
299    msg <- w$message
300    pattern <- ".* ([.][.]([.]|[0-9]+)) may be used in an incorrect context.*"
301    if (grepl(pattern, msg, fixed = FALSE)) {
302      debug && mdebug(" - detected: %s", dQuote(trim(msg)))
303      if (dotdotdot %in% c("ignore", "return", "warning")) {
304        if (dotdotdot != "ignore") {
305          dotdotdots <<- c(dotdotdots, gsub(pattern, "\\1", msg))
306        }
307        if (dotdotdot != "warning") {
308          ## Consume / muffle warning
309          invokeRestart("muffleWarning")
310        }
311      } else if (dotdotdot == "error") {
312        e <- simpleError(msg, w$call)
313        stop(e)
314      }
315    }
316  })
318  if (trace) {
319    trace_printf("globals: %s\n", paste(sQuote(globals), collapse = ", "))
320  }
322  if (length(dotdotdots) > 0L) {
323    dotdotdots <- unique(dotdotdots)
324    if (trace) {
325      trace_printf("dotdotdots: %s\n", paste(sQuote(dotdotdots), collapse = ", "))
326    }
327    globals <- c(globals, dotdotdots)
328  }
330  globals
334#' @param attributes If TRUE (default), attributes of `expr` are also searched.
335#' If FALSE, they are not.
336#' If a character vector, then attributes with matching names are searched.
337#' Note, the attributes of the attributes elements are not searched, that is,
338#' attributes are not searched recursively.  Also, attributes are searched
339#' with `dotdotdot = "ignore".
341#' @param dotdotdot TBD.
343#' @param trace TBD.
345#' @return \code{findGlobals()} returns a character vector.
347#' @rdname globalsOf
348#' @export
349findGlobals <- function(expr, envir = parent.frame(), ...,
350                        attributes = TRUE,
351                        tweak = NULL,
352                        dotdotdot = c("warning", "error", "return", "ignore"),
353                        method = c("ordered", "conservative", "liberal"),
354                        substitute = FALSE, unlist = TRUE, trace = FALSE) {
355  method <- match.arg(method, choices = c("ordered", "conservative", "liberal"))
356  dotdotdot <- match.arg(dotdotdot, choices = c("warning", "error", "return", "ignore"))
358  if (substitute) expr <- substitute(expr)
360  if (trace) {
361    trace_msg <- trace_enter("findGlobals(..., dotdotdot = '%s', method = '%s', unlist = %s)", dotdotdot, method, unlist)
362    on.exit(trace_exit(trace_msg))
363  }
365  debug <- mdebug("findGlobals(..., dotdotdot = '%s', method = '%s', unlist = %s) ...", dotdotdot, method, unlist)
367  if (is.logical(attributes)) {
368    stop_if_not(length(attributes) == 1L, !is.na(attributes))
369    if (!attributes) attributes <- character(0L)
370  } else {
371    stop_if_not(is.character(attributes), !anyNA(attributes))
372  }
374  if (is.list(expr)) {
375    debug && mdebug(" - expr: <a list of length %d>", .length(expr))
377    ## NOTE: Do *not* look for types that we are interested in, but instead
378    ## look for types that we are *not* interested.  The reason for this that
379    ## in future versions of R there might be new types added that may contain
380    ## globals and with this approach those types will also be scanned.
381    basicTypes <- c("logical", "integer", "double", "complex", "character",
382                    "raw", "NULL")
384    ## Skip elements in 'expr' of basic types that cannot contain globals
385    types <- unlist(list_apply(expr, FUN = typeof), use.names = FALSE)
386    keep <- !(types %in% basicTypes)
388    ## Don't use expr[keep] here, because that may use S3 dispatching
389    ## depending on class(expr)
390    expr <- .subset(expr, keep)
392    ## Early stopping?
393    if (.length(expr) == 0) {
394      debug && mdebug(" - globals found: [0] <none>")
395      debug && mdebug("findGlobals(..., dotdotdot = '%s', method = '%s', unlist = %s) ... DONE", dotdotdot, method, unlist) #nolint
396      return(character(0L))
397    }
399    globals <- list_apply(expr, FUN = findGlobals, envir = envir,
400                      attributes = attributes, ...,
401                      tweak = tweak, dotdotdot = dotdotdot,
402                      method = method,
403                      substitute = FALSE, unlist = FALSE,
404                      trace = trace)
406    keep <- types <- NULL ## Not needed anymore
408    debug && mdebug(" - preliminary globals found: [%d] %s",
409                    length(globals), hpaste(sQuote(names(globals))))
411    if (unlist) {
412      globals <- unlist(globals, use.names = FALSE)
413      if (length(globals) > 1L) globals <- unique(globals)
414      ## Move any ..., ..1, ..2, etc. to the very end
415      idxs <- grep("^[.][.]([.]|[0-9]+)$", globals)
416      if (length(idxs) > 0L) globals <- c(globals[-idxs], globals[idxs])
417    }
419    debug && mdebug(" - globals found: [%d] %s",
420                    length(globals), hpaste(sQuote(globals)))
421    debug && mdebug("findGlobals(..., dotdotdot = '%s', method = '%s', unlist = %s) ... DONE", dotdotdot, method, unlist) #nolint
423    return(globals)
424  }
426  if (is.function(tweak)) {
427    debug && mdebug(" - tweaking expression using function")
428    expr <- tweak(expr)
429  }
431  if (method == "ordered") {
432    find_globals_t <- find_globals_ordered
433  } else if (method == "conservative") {
434    find_globals_t <- find_globals_conservative
435  } else if (method == "liberal") {
436    find_globals_t <- find_globals_liberal
437  }
439  globals <- call_find_globals_with_dotdotdot(find_globals_t, expr = expr, envir = envir, dotdotdot = dotdotdot, trace = trace, debug = debug)
441  ## Search attributes?
442  if (length(attributes) > 0) {
443    attrs <- attributes(expr)
444    if (is.character(attributes)) {
445      attrs <- attrs[names(attrs) %in% attributes]
446    }
448    ## Attributes to be searched, if any
449    if (length(attrs) > 0) {
450      debug && mdebug(" - searching attributes")
451      attrs_globals <- list_apply(attrs, FUN = findGlobals, envir = envir,
452                                  ## Don't look for attributes recursively
453                                  attributes = FALSE,
454                                  tweak = tweak,
455                                  ...,
456                                  ## Don't complain about '...', '..1', etc.
457                                  dotdotdot = "ignore",
458                                  method = method,
459                                  substitute = FALSE, unlist = FALSE,
460                                  trace = trace)
461      if (unlist) attrs_globals <- unlist(attrs_globals, use.names = FALSE)
462      if (length(attrs_globals) > 1L) attrs_globals <- unique(attrs_globals)
463      debug && mdebug(" - globals found in attributes: [%d] %s",
464                      length(attrs_globals), hpaste(sQuote(attrs_globals)))
465      globals <- unique(c(globals, attrs_globals))
466    }
467  }
469  debug && mdebug(" - globals found: [%d] %s", length(globals), hpaste(sQuote(globals)))
470  debug && mdebug("findGlobals(..., dotdotdot = '%s', method = '%s', unlist = %s) ... DONE", dotdotdot, method, unlist) #nolint
472  globals
476## Utility functions adopted from codetools:::dropMissing()
477## and codetools:::collectUsageFun()
478drop_missing_formals <- function(x) {
479  nx <- length(x)
480  ix <- logical(length = nx)
481  for (i in seq_len(nx)) {
482    tmp <- x[[i]]
483    if (!missing(tmp)) ix[i] <- TRUE
484  }
485  x[ix]
488#' @importFrom codetools walkCode findLocalsList
489collect_usage_function <- function(fun, name, w, trace = FALSE) {
490  if (trace) {
491    trace_msg <- trace_enter("collect_usage_function()")
492    on.exit(trace_exit(trace_msg))
493  }
495  formals <- formals(fun)
496  body <- body(fun)
498  w$name <- c(w$name, name)
499  parnames <- names(formals)
500  if (trace) {
501    trace_printf("parnames: %s\n", paste(sQuote(parnames), collapse = ", "))
502  }
504  formals_clean <- drop_missing_formals(formals)
505#  locals <- findLocalsList(c(list(body), formals_clean))
506  locals <- findLocalsList(formals_clean)
508  if (trace) {
509    trace_printf("formals_clean: %s\n", paste(sQuote(formals_clean), collapse = ", "))
510    trace_printf("locals: %s\n", paste(sQuote(locals), collapse = ", "))
511  }
513  ## Hardcode locals?
514  hardcoded_locals <- c(parnames, locals)
515  if (length(hardcoded_locals) > 0) {
516    if (trace) trace_printf("Add hardcoded local variables %s", paste(sQuote(hardcoded_locals), collapse = ", "))
517    w$env <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = w$env)
518    for (n in hardcoded_locals) assign(n, TRUE, w$env)
519  }
521  if (trace) {
522    trace_printf("hardcoded locals: %s\n", paste(sQuote(names(w$env)), collapse = ", "))
523  }
525  for (a in formals_clean) {
526    if (trace) trace_enter("walkCode(%s)", sQuote(a))
527    walkCode(a, w)
528    if (trace) trace_exit("walkCode(%s)", sQuote(a))
529  }
531  if (trace) trace_enter("walkCode(body)")
532  res <- walkCode(body, w)
533  if (trace) trace_exit("walkCode(body)")
535  res
539inject_tracer_to_function <- function(fcn, name) {
540  b <- body(fcn)
541  f <- formals(fcn)
542  args <- setdiff(names(f), c("w", "..."))
543  if (length(args) > 0L) {
544    args <- grep("^[.][.][0-9]+$", args, invert = TRUE, value = TRUE)
545  }
546  title <- sprintf("%s()", name)
547  b <- bquote({
548    ## Import private functions
549    ns <- getNamespace("globals")
550    trace_str <- get("trace_str", envir = ns, mode = "function")
551    trace_exit <- get("trace_exit", envir = ns, mode = "function")
552    trace_printf <- get("trace_printf", envir = ns, mode = "function")
553    trace_print <- get("trace_print", envir = ns, mode = "function")
555    trace_msg <- trace_enter("%s", .(title))
556    trace_indent <- attr(trace_msg, "indent")
557    if (length(.(args)) > 0) trace_str(mget(.(args)), indent = trace_indent)
558    if (!exists("w", mode = "list")) {
559      trace_exit(trace_msg)
560      return()
561    }
562    env <- environment(w$enterLocal)
563    n <- length(env$name)
564    value <- .(b)
565    nnew <- (length(env$name) - n)
566    if (nnew) {
567      trace_printf("variables:\n", indent = trace_indent)
568      trace_print(data.frame(
569        name  = env$name,
570        class = env$class,
571        added = c(rep(FALSE, times = n), rep(TRUE, times = nnew)),
572        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
573      ), indent = trace_indent)
574    }
575    trace_printf("result: ", indent = trace_indent)
576    trace_str(value, indent = trace_indent)
577    trace_exit(trace_msg)
578    value
579  })
580  body(fcn) <- b
581  fcn
584inject_tracer_to_walker <- function(w) {
585  if (is.null(w$startCollectLocals)) {
586    w$startCollectLocals <- function(parnames, locals, ...) { NULL }
587  }
588  if (is.null(w$finishCollectLocals)) {
589    w$finishCollectLocals <- function(w, ...) { NULL }
590  }
591  if (is.null(w$enterInternal)) {
592    w$enterInternal <- function(type, v, e, ...) { NULL }
593  }
595  for (key in names(w)) {
596    fcn <- w[[key]]
597    if (!is.function(fcn)) next
598#    fcn <- inject_tracer_to_function(fcn, key)
599    w[[key]] <- fcn
600  }
602  w
606#' @importFrom codetools makeUsageCollector walkCode
607make_usage_collector <- local({
608  ## WORKAROUND: Avoid calling codetools::collectUsageCall() if it hits the
609  ## https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=17935 bug in the
610  ## stats:::`[.formula` function
611  ## See also: https://github.com/HenrikBengtsson/globals/issues/64
612  if (getRversion() <= "4.0.3" || is.null(ver <- R.version$`svn rev`) ||
613      is.na(ver <- as.integer(ver)) || ver < 79355) {
614    ## Local copy of codetools:::collectUsageCall()
615    .collectUsageCall <- NULL
617    collectUsageCall <- function(e, w) {
618      e1 <- e[[1]]
619      if (is.symbol(e1) && inherits(e, "formula") && is.null(e[[2]])) {
620        ## From codetools:::collectUsageCall()
621        fn <- as.character(e1)
622        if (w$isLocal(fn, w))  {
623           w$enterLocal("function", fn, e, w)
624        } else {
625           w$enterGlobal("function", fn, e, w)
626        }
627      } else {
628        .collectUsageCall(e, w)
629      }
630    }
632    function(...) {
633      w <- makeUsageCollector(...)
634      w$env <- new.env(parent = w$env)
635      if (is.function(w$call)) {
636        ## Memoize? (to avoid importing a private 'codetools' function)
637        if (is.null(.collectUsageCall)) .collectUsageCall <<- w$call
638        ## Patch
639        w$call <- collectUsageCall
640      }
641      w
642    }
643  } else {
644    function(...) {
645      w <- makeUsageCollector(...)
646      w$env <- new.env(hash = TRUE, parent = w$env)
647      w
648    }
649  }