1# Copyright (c) 2019 Ultimaker B.V.
2# Uranium is released under the terms of the LGPLv3 or higher.
4import collections
5import gc
6import os
7import pickle #For serializing/deserializing Python classes to binary files
8import re #For finding containers with asterisks in the constraints and for detecting backup files.
9import time
10from typing import Any, cast, Dict, List, Optional, Set, Type, TYPE_CHECKING
12import UM.Dictionary
13import UM.FlameProfiler
14from UM.LockFile import LockFile
15from UM.Logger import Logger
16from UM.MimeTypeDatabase import MimeType, MimeTypeDatabase
17from UM.PluginRegistry import PluginRegistry #To register the container type plug-ins and container provider plug-ins.
18from UM.Resources import Resources
19from UM.Settings.EmptyInstanceContainer import EmptyInstanceContainer
20from UM.Settings.ContainerFormatError import ContainerFormatError
21from UM.Settings.ContainerProvider import ContainerProvider
22from UM.Settings.constant_instance_containers import empty_container
23from . import ContainerQuery
24from UM.Settings.ContainerStack import ContainerStack
25from UM.Settings.DefinitionContainer import DefinitionContainer
26from UM.Settings.InstanceContainer import InstanceContainer
27from UM.Settings.Interfaces import ContainerInterface, ContainerRegistryInterface, DefinitionContainerInterface
28from UM.Signal import Signal, signalemitter
31    from UM.PluginObject import PluginObject
32    from UM.Qt.QtApplication import QtApplication
36class ContainerRegistry(ContainerRegistryInterface):
37    """Central class to manage all setting providers.
39    This class aggregates all data from all container providers. If only the
40    metadata is used, it requests the metadata lazily from the providers. If
41    more than that is needed, the entire container is requested from the
42    appropriate providers.
43    """
45    def __init__(self, application: "QtApplication") -> None:
46        if ContainerRegistry.__instance is not None:
47            raise RuntimeError("Try to create singleton '%s' more than once" % self.__class__.__name__)
48        ContainerRegistry.__instance = self
50        super().__init__()
52        self._application = application  # type: QtApplication
54        self._emptyInstanceContainer = empty_container  # type: InstanceContainer
56        # Sorted list of container providers (keep it sorted by sorting each time you add one!).
57        self._providers = []  # type: List[ContainerProvider]
58        PluginRegistry.addType("container_provider", self.addProvider)
60        self.metadata = {}  # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]
61        self._containers = {}  # type: Dict[str, ContainerInterface]
62        self._wrong_container_ids = set() # type: Set[str]  # Set of already known wrong containers that must be skipped
63        self.source_provider = {}  # type: Dict[str, Optional[ContainerProvider]]  # Where each container comes from.
64        # Ensure that the empty container is added to the ID cache.
65        self.metadata["empty"] = self._emptyInstanceContainer.getMetaData()
66        self._containers["empty"] = self._emptyInstanceContainer
67        self.source_provider["empty"] = None
68        self._resource_types = {"definition": Resources.DefinitionContainers}  # type: Dict[str, int]
70        #Since queries are based on metadata, we need to make sure to clear the cache when a container's metadata changes.
71        self.containerMetaDataChanged.connect(self._clearQueryCache)
73        self._explicit_read_only_container_ids = set()  # type: Set[str]
75    containerAdded = Signal()
76    containerRemoved = Signal()
77    containerMetaDataChanged = Signal()
78    containerLoadComplete = Signal()
79    allMetadataLoaded = Signal()
81    def addResourceType(self, resource_type: int, container_type: str) -> None:
82        self._resource_types[container_type] = resource_type
84    def getResourceTypes(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
85        """Returns all resource types."""
87        return self._resource_types
89    def getDefaultSaveProvider(self) -> "ContainerProvider":
90        if len(self._providers) == 1:
91            return self._providers[0]
92        raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented default save provider for multiple providers")
94    def addWrongContainerId(self, wrong_container_id: str) -> None:
95        """This method adds the current id to the list of wrong containers that are skipped when looking for a container"""
97        self._wrong_container_ids.add(wrong_container_id)
99    def addProvider(self, provider: ContainerProvider) -> None:
100        """Adds a container provider to search through containers in."""
102        self._providers.append(provider)
103        # Re-sort every time. It's quadratic, but there shouldn't be that many providers anyway...
104        self._providers.sort(key = lambda provider: PluginRegistry.getInstance().getMetaData(provider.getPluginId())["container_provider"].get("priority", 0))
106    def findDefinitionContainers(self, **kwargs: Any) -> List[DefinitionContainerInterface]:
107        """Find all DefinitionContainer objects matching certain criteria.
109        :param dict kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments containing
110        keys and values that need to match the metadata of the
111        DefinitionContainer. An asterisk in the values can be used to denote a
112        wildcard.
113        """
115        return cast(List[DefinitionContainerInterface], self.findContainers(container_type = DefinitionContainer, **kwargs))
117    def findDefinitionContainersMetadata(self, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
118        """Get the metadata of all definition containers matching certain criteria.
120        :param kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments containing keys and
121        values that need to match the metadata. An asterisk in the values can be
122        used to denote a wildcard.
123        :return: A list of metadata dictionaries matching the search criteria, or
124        an empty list if nothing was found.
125        """
127        return self.findContainersMetadata(container_type = DefinitionContainer, **kwargs)
129    def findInstanceContainers(self, **kwargs: Any) -> List[InstanceContainer]:
130        """Find all InstanceContainer objects matching certain criteria.
132        :param kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments containing
133        keys and values that need to match the metadata of the
134        InstanceContainer. An asterisk in the values can be used to denote a
135        wildcard.
136        """
138        return cast(List[InstanceContainer], self.findContainers(container_type = InstanceContainer, **kwargs))
140    def findInstanceContainersMetadata(self, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
141        """Find the metadata of all instance containers matching certain criteria.
143        :param kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments containing keys and
144        values that need to match the metadata. An asterisk in the values can be
145        used to denote a wildcard.
146        :return: A list of metadata dictionaries matching the search criteria, or
147        an empty list if nothing was found.
148        """
150        return self.findContainersMetadata(container_type = InstanceContainer, **kwargs)
152    def findContainerStacks(self, **kwargs: Any) -> List[ContainerStack]:
153        """Find all ContainerStack objects matching certain criteria.
155        :param kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments containing
156        keys and values that need to match the metadata of the ContainerStack.
157        An asterisk in the values can be used to denote a wildcard.
158        """
160        return cast(List[ContainerStack], self.findContainers(container_type = ContainerStack, **kwargs))
162    def findContainerStacksMetadata(self, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
163        """Find the metadata of all container stacks matching certain criteria.
165        :param kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments containing keys and
166        values that need to match the metadata. An asterisk in the values can be
167        used to denote a wildcard.
168        :return: A list of metadata dictionaries matching the search criteria, or
169        an empty list if nothing was found.
170        """
172        return self.findContainersMetadata(container_type = ContainerStack, **kwargs)
174    @UM.FlameProfiler.profile
175    def findContainers(self, *, ignore_case: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> List[ContainerInterface]:
176        """Find all container objects matching certain criteria.
178        :param container_type: If provided, return only objects that are
179        instances or subclasses of container_type.
180        :param kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments containing
181        keys and values that need to match the metadata of the container. An
182        asterisk can be used to denote a wildcard.
184        :return: A list of containers matching the search criteria, or an empty
185        list if nothing was found.
186        """
188        # Find the metadata of the containers and grab the actual containers from there.
189        results_metadata = self.findContainersMetadata(ignore_case = ignore_case, **kwargs)
190        result = []
191        for metadata in results_metadata:
192            if metadata["id"] in self._containers:  # Already loaded, so just return that.
193                result.append(self._containers[metadata["id"]])
194            else:  # Metadata is loaded, but not the actual data.
195                if metadata["id"] in self._wrong_container_ids:
196                    Logger.logException("e", "Error when loading container {container_id}: This is a weird container, probably some file is missing".format(container_id = metadata["id"]))
197                    continue
198                provider = self.source_provider[metadata["id"]]
199                if not provider:
200                    Logger.log("w", "The metadata of container {container_id} was added during runtime, but no accompanying container was added.".format(container_id = metadata["id"]))
201                    continue
202                try:
203                    new_container = provider.loadContainer(metadata["id"])
204                except ContainerFormatError as e:
205                    Logger.logException("e", "Error in the format of container {container_id}: {error_msg}".format(container_id = metadata["id"], error_msg = str(e)))
206                    continue
207                except Exception as e:
208                    Logger.logException("e", "Error when loading container {container_id}: {error_msg}".format(container_id = metadata["id"], error_msg = str(e)))
209                    continue
210                self.addContainer(new_container)
211                self.containerLoadComplete.emit(new_container.getId())
212                result.append(new_container)
213        return result
215    def findContainersMetadata(self, *, ignore_case: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
216        """Find the metadata of all container objects matching certain criteria.
218        :param container_type: If provided, return only objects that are
219        instances or subclasses of ``container_type``.
220        :param kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments containing keys and
221        values that need to match the metadata. An asterisk can be used to
222        denote a wildcard.
223        :return: A list of metadata dictionaries matching the search criteria, or
224        an empty list if nothing was found.
225        """
227        candidates = None
228        if "id" in kwargs and kwargs["id"] is not None and "*" not in kwargs["id"] and not ignore_case:
229            if kwargs["id"] not in self.metadata:  # If we're looking for an unknown ID, try to lazy-load that one.
230                if kwargs["id"] not in self.source_provider:
231                    for candidate in self._providers:
232                        if kwargs["id"] in candidate.getAllIds():
233                            self.source_provider[kwargs["id"]] = candidate
234                            break
235                    else:
236                        return []
237                provider = self.source_provider[kwargs["id"]]
238                if not provider:
239                    Logger.log("w", "Metadata of container {container_id} is missing even though the container is added during run-time.")
240                    return []
241                metadata = provider.loadMetadata(kwargs["id"])
242                if metadata is None or metadata.get("id", "") in self._wrong_container_ids or "id" not in metadata:
243                    return []
244                self.metadata[metadata["id"]] = metadata
245                self.source_provider[metadata["id"]] = provider
247            # Since IDs are the primary key and unique we can now simply request the candidate and check if it matches all requirements.
248            if kwargs["id"] not in self.metadata:
249                return []  # Still no result, so return an empty list.
250            if len(kwargs) == 1:
251                return [self.metadata[kwargs["id"]]]
252            candidates = [self.metadata[kwargs["id"]]]
253            del kwargs["id"]  # No need to check for the ID again.
255        query = ContainerQuery.ContainerQuery(self, ignore_case = ignore_case, **kwargs)
256        query.execute(candidates = candidates)
258        return cast(List[Dict[str, Any]], query.getResult())  # As the execute of the query is done, result won't be none.
260    def findDirtyContainers(self, *, ignore_case: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> List[ContainerInterface]:
261        """Specialized find function to find only the modified container objects
262        that also match certain criteria.
264        This is faster than the normal find methods since it won't ever load all
265        containers, but only the modified ones. Since containers must be fully
266        loaded before they are modified, you are guaranteed that any operations
267        on the resulting containers will not trigger additional containers to
268        load lazily.
270        :param kwargs: A dictionary of keyword arguments containing
271        keys and values that need to match the metadata of the container. An
272        asterisk can be used to denote a wildcard.
273        :param ignore_case: Whether casing should be ignored when matching string
274        values of metadata.
275        :return: A list of containers matching the search criteria, or an empty
276        list if nothing was found.
277        """
279        # Find the metadata of the containers and grab the actual containers from there.
280        #
281        # We could apply the "is in self._containers" filter and the "isDirty" filter
282        # to this metadata find function as well to filter earlier, but since the
283        # filters in findContainersMetadata are applied in arbitrary order anyway
284        # this will have very little effect except to prevent a list copy.
285        results_metadata = self.findContainersMetadata(ignore_case = ignore_case, **kwargs)
287        result = []
288        for metadata in results_metadata:
289            if metadata["id"] not in self._containers:  # Not yet loaded, so it can't be dirty.
290                continue
291            candidate = self._containers[metadata["id"]]
292            if candidate.isDirty():
293                result.append(self._containers[metadata["id"]])
294        return result
296    def getEmptyInstanceContainer(self) -> InstanceContainer:
297        """This is a small convenience to make it easier to support complex structures in ContainerStacks."""
299        return self._emptyInstanceContainer
301    def setExplicitReadOnly(self, container_id: str) -> None:
302        self._explicit_read_only_container_ids.add(container_id)
304    def isExplicitReadOnly(self, container_id: str) -> bool:
305        return container_id in self._explicit_read_only_container_ids
307    def isReadOnly(self, container_id: str) -> bool:
308        """Returns whether a profile is read-only or not.
310        Whether it is read-only depends on the source where the container is
311        obtained from.
312        :return: True if the container is read-only, or False if it can be
313        modified.
314        """
316        if self.isExplicitReadOnly(container_id):
317            return True
318        provider = self.source_provider.get(container_id)
319        if not provider:
320            return False  # If no provider had the container, that means that the container was only in memory. Then it's always modifiable.
321        return provider.isReadOnly(container_id)
323    # Gets the container file path with for the container with the given ID. Returns None if the container/file doesn't
324    # exist.
325    def getContainerFilePathById(self, container_id: str) -> Optional[str]:
326        provider = self.source_provider.get(container_id)
327        if not provider:
328            return None
329        return provider.getContainerFilePathById(container_id)
331    def isLoaded(self, container_id: str) -> bool:
332        """Returns whether a container is completely loaded or not.
334        If only its metadata is known, it is not yet completely loaded.
335        :return: True if all data about this container is known, False if only
336        metadata is known or the container is completely unknown.
337        """
339        return container_id in self._containers
341    def loadAllMetadata(self) -> None:
342        """Load the metadata of all available definition containers, instance
343        containers and container stacks.
344        """
346        self._clearQueryCache()
347        gc.disable()
348        resource_start_time = time.time()
349        for provider in self._providers:  # Automatically sorted by the priority queue.
350            for container_id in list(provider.getAllIds()):  # Make copy of all IDs since it might change during iteration.
351                if container_id not in self.metadata:
352                    self._application.processEvents()  # Update the user interface because loading takes a while. Specifically the loading screen.
353                    metadata = provider.loadMetadata(container_id)
354                    if not self._isMetadataValid(metadata):
355                        Logger.log("w", "Invalid metadata for container {container_id}: {metadata}".format(container_id = container_id, metadata = metadata))
356                        if container_id in self.metadata:
357                            del self.metadata[container_id]
358                        continue
359                    self.metadata[container_id] = metadata
360                    self.source_provider[container_id] = provider
361        Logger.log("d", "Loading metadata into container registry took %s seconds", time.time() - resource_start_time)
362        gc.enable()
363        ContainerRegistry.allMetadataLoaded.emit()
365    @UM.FlameProfiler.profile
366    def load(self) -> None:
367        """Load all available definition containers, instance containers and
368        container stacks.
370        :note This method does not clear the internal list of containers. This means that any containers
371        that were already added when the first call to this method happened will not be re-added.
372        """
374        # Disable garbage collection to speed up the loading (at the cost of memory usage).
375        gc.disable()
376        resource_start_time = time.time()
378        with self.lockCache():  # Because we might be writing cache files.
379            for provider in self._providers:
380                for container_id in list(provider.getAllIds()):  # Make copy of all IDs since it might change during iteration.
381                    if container_id not in self._containers:
382                        # Update UI while loading.
383                        self._application.processEvents()  # Update the user interface because loading takes a while. Specifically the loading screen.
384                        try:
385                            self._containers[container_id] = provider.loadContainer(container_id)
386                        except:
387                            Logger.logException("e", "Failed to load container %s", container_id)
388                            raise
389                        self.metadata[container_id] = self._containers[container_id].getMetaData()
390                        self.source_provider[container_id] = provider
391                        self.containerLoadComplete.emit(container_id)
393        gc.enable()
394        Logger.log("d", "Loading data into container registry took %s seconds", time.time() - resource_start_time)
396    @UM.FlameProfiler.profile
397    def addContainer(self, container: ContainerInterface) -> bool:
398        container_id = container.getId()
399        if container_id in self._containers:
400            return True  # Container was already there, consider that a success
402        if hasattr(container, "metaDataChanged"):
403            container.metaDataChanged.connect(self._onContainerMetaDataChanged)
405        self.metadata[container_id] = container.getMetaData()
406        self._containers[container_id] = container
407        if container_id not in self.source_provider:
408            self.source_provider[container_id] = None  # Added during runtime.
409        self._clearQueryCacheByContainer(container)
411        # containerAdded is a custom signal and can trigger direct calls to its subscribers. This should be avoided
412        # because with the direct calls, the subscribers need to know everything about what it tries to do to avoid
413        # triggering this signal again, which eventually can end up exceeding the max recursion limit.
414        # We avoid the direct calls here to make sure that the subscribers do not need to take into account any max
415        # recursion problem.
416        self._application.callLater(self.containerAdded.emit, container)
417        return True
419    @UM.FlameProfiler.profile
420    def removeContainer(self, container_id: str) -> None:
421        # Here we only need to check metadata because a container may not be loaded but its metadata must have been
422        # loaded first.
423        if container_id not in self.metadata:
424            Logger.log("w", "Tried to delete container {container_id}, which doesn't exist or isn't loaded.".format(container_id = container_id))
425            return  # Ignore.
427        # CURA-6237
428        # Do not try to operate on invalid containers because removeContainer() needs to load it if it's not loaded yet
429        # (see below), but an invalid container cannot be loaded.
430        if container_id in self._wrong_container_ids:
431            Logger.log("w", "Container [%s] is faulty, it won't be able to be loaded, so no need to remove, skip.")
432            # delete the metadata if present
433            if container_id in self.metadata:
434                del self.metadata[container_id]
435            return
437        container = None
438        if container_id in self._containers:
439            container = self._containers[container_id]
440            if hasattr(container, "metaDataChanged"):
441                container.metaDataChanged.disconnect(self._onContainerMetaDataChanged)
442            del self._containers[container_id]
443        if container_id in self.metadata:
444            if container is None:
445                # We're in a bit of a weird state now. We want to notify the rest of the code that the container
446                # has been deleted, but due to lazy loading, it hasn't been loaded yet. The issues is that in order
447                # to notify the rest of the code, we need to actually *have* the container. So an empty instance
448                # container is created, which is emitted with the containerRemoved signal and contains the metadata
449                container = EmptyInstanceContainer(container_id)
450                container.metaData = self.metadata[container_id]
451            del self.metadata[container_id]
452        if container_id in self.source_provider:
453            if self.source_provider[container_id] is not None:
454                cast(ContainerProvider, self.source_provider[container_id]).removeContainer(container_id)
455            del self.source_provider[container_id]
457        if container is not None:
458            self._clearQueryCacheByContainer(container)
459            self.containerRemoved.emit(container)
461        Logger.log("d", "Removed container %s", container_id)
463    @UM.FlameProfiler.profile
464    def renameContainer(self, container_id: str, new_name: str, new_id: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
465        Logger.log("d", "Renaming container %s to %s", container_id, new_name)
466        # Same as removeContainer(), metadata is always loaded but containers may not, so always check metadata.
467        if container_id not in self.metadata:
468            Logger.log("w", "Unable to rename container %s, because it does not exist", container_id)
469            return
471        container = self._containers.get(container_id)
472        if container is None:
473            container = self.findContainers(id = container_id)[0]
474        container = cast(ContainerInterface, container)
476        if new_name == container.getName():
477            Logger.log("w", "Unable to rename container %s, because the name (%s) didn't change", container_id, new_name)
478            return
480        self.containerRemoved.emit(container)
482        try:
483            container.setName(new_name) #type: ignore
484        except TypeError: #Some containers don't allow setting the name.
485            return
486        if new_id is not None:
487            source_provider = self.source_provider[container.getId()]
488            del self._containers[container.getId()]
489            del self.metadata[container.getId()]
490            del self.source_provider[container.getId()]
491            if source_provider is not None:
492                source_provider.removeContainer(container.getId())
493            container.getMetaData()["id"] = new_id
494            self._containers[container.getId()] = container
495            self.metadata[container.getId()] = container.getMetaData()
496            self.source_provider[container.getId()] = None  # to be saved with saveSettings
498        self._clearQueryCacheByContainer(container)
499        self.containerAdded.emit(container)
501    @UM.FlameProfiler.profile
502    def uniqueName(self, original: str) -> str:
503        """Creates a new unique name for a container that doesn't exist yet.
505        It tries if the original name you provide exists, and if it doesn't
506        it'll add a "        1" or "        2" after the name to make it unique.
508        :param original: The original name that may not be unique.
509        :return: A unique name that looks a lot like the original but may have
510        a number behind it to make it unique.
511        """
513        original = original.replace("*", "")  # Filter out wildcards, since this confuses the ContainerQuery.
514        name = original.strip()
516        num_check = re.compile(r"(.*?)\s*#\d+$").match(name)
517        if num_check: #There is a number in the name.
518            name = num_check.group(1) #Filter out the number.
520        if not name: #Wait, that deleted everything!
521            name = "Profile"
522        elif not self.findContainersMetadata(id = original.strip(), ignore_case = True) and not self.findContainersMetadata(name = original.strip()):
523            # Check if the stripped version of the name is unique (note that this can still have the number in it)
524            return original.strip()
526        unique_name = name
527        i = 1
528        while self.findContainersMetadata(id = unique_name, ignore_case = True) or self.findContainersMetadata(name = unique_name): #A container already has this name.
529            i += 1 #Try next numbering.
530            unique_name = "%s #%d" % (name, i) #Fill name like this: "Extruder #2".
531        return unique_name
533    @classmethod
534    def addContainerType(cls, container: "PluginObject") -> None:
535        """Add a container type that will be used to serialize/deserialize containers.
537        :param container: An instance of the container type to add.
538        """
540        plugin_id = container.getPluginId()
541        metadata = PluginRegistry.getInstance().getMetaData(plugin_id)
542        if "settings_container" not in metadata or "mimetype" not in metadata["settings_container"]:
543            raise Exception("Plugin {plugin} has incorrect metadata: Expected a 'settings_container' block with a 'mimetype' entry".format(plugin = plugin_id))
544        cls.addContainerTypeByName(container.__class__, plugin_id, metadata["settings_container"]["mimetype"])
546    @classmethod
547    def addContainerTypeByName(cls, container_type: type, type_name: str, mime_type: str) -> None:
548        """Used to associate mime types with object to be created
549        :param container_type:  ContainerStack or derivative
550        :param type_name:
551        :param mime_type:
552        """
554        cls.__container_types[type_name] = container_type
555        cls.mime_type_map[mime_type] = container_type
557    @classmethod
558    def getMimeTypeForContainer(cls, container_type: type) -> Optional[MimeType]:
559        """Retrieve the mime type corresponding to a certain container type
561        :param container_type: The type of container to get the mime type for.
563        :return: A MimeType object that matches the mime type of the container or None if not found.
564        """
566        try:
567            mime_type_name = UM.Dictionary.findKey(cls.mime_type_map, container_type)
568            if mime_type_name:
569                return MimeTypeDatabase.getMimeType(mime_type_name)
570        except ValueError:
571            Logger.log("w", "Unable to find mimetype for container %s", container_type)
572        return None
574    @classmethod
575    def getContainerForMimeType(cls, mime_type):
576        """Get the container type corresponding to a certain mime type.
578        :param mime_type: The mime type to get the container type for.
580        :return: A class object of a container type that corresponds to the specified mime type or None if not found.
581        """
583        return cls.mime_type_map.get(mime_type.name, None)
585    @classmethod
586    def getContainerTypes(cls):
587        """Get all the registered container types
589        :return: A dictionary view object that provides access to the container types.
590        The key is the plugin ID, the value the container type.
591        """
593        return cls.__container_types.items()
595    def saveContainer(self, container: "ContainerInterface", provider: Optional["ContainerProvider"] = None) -> None:
596        """Save single dirty container"""
598        if not hasattr(provider, "saveContainer"):
599            provider = self.getDefaultSaveProvider()
600        if not container.isDirty():
601            return
603        provider.saveContainer(container) #type: ignore
604        container.setDirty(False)
605        self.source_provider[container.getId()] = provider
607    def saveDirtyContainers(self) -> None:
608        """Save all the dirty containers by calling the appropriate container providers"""
610        # Lock file for "more" atomically loading and saving to/from config dir.
611        with self.lockFile():
612            for instance in self.findDirtyContainers(container_type = InstanceContainer):
613                self.saveContainer(instance)
615            for stack in self.findContainerStacks():
616                self.saveContainer(stack)
618    # Clear the internal query cache
619    def _clearQueryCache(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
620        ContainerQuery.ContainerQuery.cache.clear()
622    def _clearQueryCacheByContainer(self, container: ContainerInterface) -> None:
623        """Clear the query cache by using container type.
624        This is a slightly smarter way of clearing the cache. Only queries that are of the same type (or without one)
625        are cleared.
626        """
628        # Remove all case-insensitive matches since we won't find those with the below "<=" subset check.
629        # TODO: Properly check case-insensitively in the dict's values.
630        for key in list(ContainerQuery.ContainerQuery.cache):
631            if not key[0]:
632                del ContainerQuery.ContainerQuery.cache[key]
634        # Remove all cache items that this container could fall in.
635        for key in list(ContainerQuery.ContainerQuery.cache):
636            query_metadata = dict(zip(key[1::2], key[2::2]))
637            if query_metadata.items() <= container.getMetaData().items():
638                del ContainerQuery.ContainerQuery.cache[key]
640    def _onContainerMetaDataChanged(self, *args: ContainerInterface, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
641        """Called when any container's metadata changed.
643        This function passes it on to the containerMetaDataChanged signal. Sadly
644        that doesn't work automatically between pyqtSignal and UM.Signal.
645        """
647        container = args[0]
648        # Always emit containerMetaDataChanged, even if the dictionary didn't actually change: The contents of the dictionary might have changed in-place!
649        self.metadata[container.getId()] = container.getMetaData()  # refresh the metadata
650        self.containerMetaDataChanged.emit(*args, **kwargs)
652    def _isMetadataValid(self, metadata: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]) -> bool:
653        """Validate a metadata object.
655        If the metadata is invalid, the container is not allowed to be in the
656        registry.
657        :param metadata: A metadata object.
658        :return: Whether this metadata was valid.
659        """
661        return metadata is not None
663    def getLockFilename(self) -> str:
664        """Get the lock filename including full path
665        Dependent on when you call this function, Resources.getConfigStoragePath may return different paths
666        """
668        return Resources.getStoragePath(Resources.Resources, self._application.getApplicationLockFilename())
670    def getCacheLockFilename(self) -> str:
671        """Get the cache lock filename including full path."""
673        return Resources.getStoragePath(Resources.Cache, self._application.getApplicationLockFilename())
675    def lockFile(self) -> LockFile:
676        """Contextmanager to create a lock file and remove it afterwards."""
678        return LockFile(
679            self.getLockFilename(),
680            timeout = 10,
681            wait_msg = "Waiting for lock file in local config dir to disappear..."
682            )
684    def lockCache(self) -> LockFile:
685        """Context manager to create a lock file for the cache directory and remove
686        it afterwards.
687        """
689        return LockFile(
690            self.getCacheLockFilename(),
691            timeout = 10,
692            wait_msg = "Waiting for lock file in cache directory to disappear."
693        )
695    __container_types = {
696        "definition": DefinitionContainer,
697        "instance": InstanceContainer,
698        "stack": ContainerStack,
699    }
701    mime_type_map = {
702        "application/x-uranium-definitioncontainer": DefinitionContainer,
703        "application/x-uranium-instancecontainer": InstanceContainer,
704        "application/x-uranium-containerstack": ContainerStack,
705        "application/x-uranium-extruderstack": ContainerStack
706    }  # type: Dict[str, Type[ContainerInterface]]
708    __instance = None  # type: ContainerRegistry
710    @classmethod
711    def getInstance(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> "ContainerRegistry":
712        return cls.__instance
715PluginRegistry.addType("settings_container", ContainerRegistry.addContainerType)