1 /* +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2    Copyright (c) 2011-2021 The plumed team
3    (see the PEOPLE file at the root of the distribution for a list of names)
5    See http://www.plumed.org for more information.
7    This file is part of plumed, version 2.
9    plumed is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
10    it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
11    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
12    (at your option) any later version.
14    plumed is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
15    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
17    GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
19    You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
20    along with plumed.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
21 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ */
23 #include "Grid.h"
24 #include "Tools.h"
25 #include "core/Value.h"
26 #include "File.h"
27 #include "Exception.h"
28 #include "KernelFunctions.h"
29 #include "RootFindingBase.h"
30 #include "Communicator.h"
32 #include <vector>
33 #include <cmath>
34 #include <iostream>
35 #include <sstream>
36 #include <cstdio>
37 #include <cfloat>
38 #include <array>
40 using namespace std;
41 namespace PLMD {
43 constexpr size_t GridBase::maxdim;
GridBase(const std::string & funcl,const std::vector<Value * > & args,const vector<std::string> & gmin,const vector<std::string> & gmax,const vector<unsigned> & nbin,bool dospline,bool usederiv)45 GridBase::GridBase(const std::string& funcl, const std::vector<Value*> & args, const vector<std::string> & gmin,
46                    const vector<std::string> & gmax, const vector<unsigned> & nbin, bool dospline, bool usederiv) {
47 // various checks
48   plumed_assert(args.size()<=maxdim) << "grid dim cannot exceed "<<maxdim;
49   plumed_massert(args.size()==gmin.size(),"grid min dimensions in input do not match number of arguments");
50   plumed_massert(args.size()==nbin.size(),"number of bins on input do not match number of arguments");
51   plumed_massert(args.size()==gmax.size(),"grid max dimensions in input do not match number of arguments");
52   unsigned dim=gmax.size();
53   std::vector<std::string> names;
54   std::vector<bool> isperiodic;
55   std::vector<string> pmin,pmax;
56   names.resize( dim );
57   isperiodic.resize( dim );
58   pmin.resize( dim );
59   pmax.resize( dim );
60   for(unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i) {
61     names[i]=args[i]->getName();
62     if( args[i]->isPeriodic() ) {
63       isperiodic[i]=true;
64       args[i]->getDomain( pmin[i], pmax[i] );
65     } else {
66       isperiodic[i]=false;
67       pmin[i]="0.";
68       pmax[i]="0.";
69     }
70   }
71 // this is a value-independent initializator
72   Init(funcl,names,gmin,gmax,nbin,dospline,usederiv,isperiodic,pmin,pmax);
73 }
GridBase(const std::string & funcl,const std::vector<string> & names,const std::vector<std::string> & gmin,const vector<std::string> & gmax,const std::vector<unsigned> & nbin,bool dospline,bool usederiv,const std::vector<bool> & isperiodic,const std::vector<std::string> & pmin,const std::vector<std::string> & pmax)75 GridBase::GridBase(const std::string& funcl, const std::vector<string> &names, const std::vector<std::string> & gmin,
76                    const vector<std::string> & gmax, const std::vector<unsigned> & nbin, bool dospline, bool usederiv, const std::vector<bool> &isperiodic, const std::vector<std::string> &pmin, const std::vector<std::string> &pmax ) {
77 // this calls the initializator
78   Init(funcl,names,gmin,gmax,nbin,dospline,usederiv,isperiodic,pmin,pmax);
79 }
Init(const std::string & funcl,const std::vector<std::string> & names,const vector<std::string> & gmin,const std::vector<std::string> & gmax,const std::vector<unsigned> & nbin,bool dospline,bool usederiv,const std::vector<bool> & isperiodic,const std::vector<std::string> & pmin,const std::vector<std::string> & pmax)81 void GridBase::Init(const std::string& funcl, const std::vector<std::string> &names, const vector<std::string> & gmin,
82                     const std::vector<std::string> & gmax, const std::vector<unsigned> & nbin, bool dospline, bool usederiv,
83                     const std::vector<bool> &isperiodic, const std::vector<std::string> &pmin, const std::vector<std::string> &pmax ) {
84   fmt_="%14.9f";
85 // various checks
86   plumed_assert(names.size()<=maxdim) << "grid size cannot exceed "<<maxdim;
87   plumed_massert(names.size()==gmin.size(),"grid dimensions in input do not match number of arguments");
88   plumed_massert(names.size()==nbin.size(),"grid dimensions in input do not match number of arguments");
89   plumed_massert(names.size()==gmax.size(),"grid dimensions in input do not match number of arguments");
90   dimension_=gmax.size();
91   str_min_=gmin; str_max_=gmax;
92   argnames.resize( dimension_ );
93   min_.resize( dimension_ );
94   max_.resize( dimension_ );
95   pbc_.resize( dimension_ );
96   for(unsigned int i=0; i<dimension_; ++i) {
97     argnames[i]=names[i];
98     if( isperiodic[i] ) {
99       pbc_[i]=true;
100       str_min_[i]=pmin[i];
101       str_max_[i]=pmax[i];
102     } else {
103       pbc_[i]=false;
104     }
105     Tools::convert(str_min_[i],min_[i]);
106     Tools::convert(str_max_[i],max_[i]);
107     funcname=funcl;
108     plumed_massert(max_[i]>min_[i],"maximum in grid must be larger than minimum");
109     plumed_massert(nbin[i]>0,"number of grid points must be greater than zero");
110   }
111   nbin_=nbin;
112   dospline_=dospline;
113   usederiv_=usederiv;
114   if(dospline_) plumed_assert(dospline_==usederiv_);
115   maxsize_=1;
116   for(unsigned int i=0; i<dimension_; ++i) {
117     dx_.push_back( (max_[i]-min_[i])/static_cast<double>( nbin_[i] ) );
118     if( !pbc_[i] ) { max_[i] += dx_[i]; nbin_[i] += 1; }
119     maxsize_*=nbin_[i];
120   }
121 }
getMin() const123 vector<std::string> GridBase::getMin() const {
124   return str_min_;
125 }
getMax() const127 vector<std::string> GridBase::getMax() const {
128   return str_max_;
129 }
getDx() const131 vector<double> GridBase::getDx() const {
132   return dx_;
133 }
getDx(index_t j) const135 double GridBase::getDx(index_t j) const {
136   return dx_[j];
137 }
getBinVolume() const139 double GridBase::getBinVolume() const {
140   double vol=1.;
141   for(unsigned i=0; i<dx_.size(); ++i) vol*=dx_[i];
142   return vol;
143 }
getIsPeriodic() const145 vector<bool> GridBase::getIsPeriodic() const {
146   return pbc_;
147 }
getNbin() const149 vector<unsigned> GridBase::getNbin() const {
150   return nbin_;
151 }
getArgNames() const153 vector<string> GridBase::getArgNames() const {
154   return argnames;
155 }
getDimension() const158 unsigned GridBase::getDimension() const {
159   return dimension_;
160 }
162 // we are flattening arrays using a column-major order
getIndex(const vector<unsigned> & indices) const163 GridBase::index_t GridBase::getIndex(const vector<unsigned> & indices) const {
164   plumed_dbg_assert(indices.size()==dimension_);
165   for(unsigned int i=0; i<dimension_; i++)
166     if(indices[i]>=nbin_[i]) {
167       std::string is;
168       Tools::convert(i,is);
169       std::string msg="ERROR: the system is looking for a value outside the grid along the " + is + " ("+getArgNames()[i]+")";
170       plumed_merror(msg+" index!");
171     }
172   index_t index=indices[dimension_-1];
173   for(unsigned int i=dimension_-1; i>0; --i) {
174     index=index*nbin_[i-1]+indices[i-1];
175   }
176   return index;
177 }
getIndex(const vector<double> & x) const179 GridBase::index_t GridBase::getIndex(const vector<double> & x) const {
180   plumed_dbg_assert(x.size()==dimension_);
181   return getIndex(getIndices(x));
182 }
184 // we are flattening arrays using a column-major order
getIndices(index_t index) const185 vector<unsigned> GridBase::getIndices(index_t index) const {
186   vector<unsigned> indices(dimension_);
187   index_t kk=index;
188   indices[0]=(index%nbin_[0]);
189   for(unsigned int i=1; i<dimension_-1; ++i) {
190     kk=(kk-indices[i-1])/nbin_[i-1];
191     indices[i]=(kk%nbin_[i]);
192   }
193   if(dimension_>=2) {
194     indices[dimension_-1]=((kk-indices[dimension_-2])/nbin_[dimension_-2]);
195   }
196   return indices;
197 }
getIndices(index_t index,std::vector<unsigned> & indices) const199 void GridBase::getIndices(index_t index, std::vector<unsigned>& indices) const {
200   if (indices.size()!=dimension_) indices.resize(dimension_);
201   index_t kk=index;
202   indices[0]=(index%nbin_[0]);
203   for(unsigned int i=1; i<dimension_-1; ++i) {
204     kk=(kk-indices[i-1])/nbin_[i-1];
205     indices[i]=(kk%nbin_[i]);
206   }
207   if(dimension_>=2) {
208     indices[dimension_-1]=((kk-indices[dimension_-2])/nbin_[dimension_-2]);
209   }
210 }
getIndices(const vector<double> & x) const212 vector<unsigned> GridBase::getIndices(const vector<double> & x) const {
213   plumed_dbg_assert(x.size()==dimension_);
214   vector<unsigned> indices(dimension_);
215   for(unsigned int i=0; i<dimension_; ++i) {
216     indices[i] = unsigned(floor((x[i]-min_[i])/dx_[i]));
217   }
218   return indices;
219 }
getIndices(const vector<double> & x,std::vector<unsigned> & indices) const221 void GridBase::getIndices(const vector<double> & x, std::vector<unsigned>& indices) const {
222   plumed_dbg_assert(x.size()==dimension_);
223   if (indices.size()!=dimension_) indices.resize(dimension_);
224   for(unsigned int i=0; i<dimension_; ++i) {
225     indices[i] = unsigned(floor((x[i]-min_[i])/dx_[i]));
226   }
227 }
getPoint(const vector<unsigned> & indices) const229 vector<double> GridBase::getPoint(const vector<unsigned> & indices) const {
230   plumed_dbg_assert(indices.size()==dimension_);
231   vector<double> x(dimension_);
232   for(unsigned int i=0; i<dimension_; ++i) {
233     x[i]=min_[i]+(double)(indices[i])*dx_[i];
234   }
235   return x;
236 }
getPoint(index_t index) const238 vector<double> GridBase::getPoint(index_t index) const {
239   plumed_dbg_assert(index<maxsize_);
240   return getPoint(getIndices(index));
241 }
getPoint(const vector<double> & x) const243 vector<double> GridBase::getPoint(const vector<double> & x) const {
244   plumed_dbg_assert(x.size()==dimension_);
245   return getPoint(getIndices(x));
246 }
getPoint(index_t index,std::vector<double> & point) const248 void GridBase::getPoint(index_t index,std::vector<double> & point) const {
249   plumed_dbg_assert(index<maxsize_);
250   getPoint(getIndices(index),point);
251 }
getPoint(const std::vector<unsigned> & indices,std::vector<double> & point) const253 void GridBase::getPoint(const std::vector<unsigned> & indices,std::vector<double> & point) const {
254   plumed_dbg_assert(indices.size()==dimension_);
255   plumed_dbg_assert(point.size()==dimension_);
256   for(unsigned int i=0; i<dimension_; ++i) {
257     point[i]=min_[i]+(double)(indices[i])*dx_[i];
258   }
259 }
getPoint(const std::vector<double> & x,std::vector<double> & point) const261 void GridBase::getPoint(const std::vector<double> & x,std::vector<double> & point) const {
262   plumed_dbg_assert(x.size()==dimension_);
263   getPoint(getIndices(x),point);
264 }
getNeighbors(const vector<unsigned> & indices,const vector<unsigned> & nneigh) const266 vector<GridBase::index_t> GridBase::getNeighbors
267 (const vector<unsigned> &indices,const vector<unsigned> &nneigh)const {
268   plumed_dbg_assert(indices.size()==dimension_ && nneigh.size()==dimension_);
270   vector<index_t> neighbors;
271   vector<unsigned> small_bin(dimension_);
273   unsigned small_nbin=1;
274   for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) {
275     small_bin[j]=(2*nneigh[j]+1);
276     small_nbin*=small_bin[j];
277   }
279   vector<unsigned> small_indices(dimension_);
280   vector<unsigned> tmp_indices;
281   for(unsigned index=0; index<small_nbin; ++index) {
282     tmp_indices.resize(dimension_);
283     unsigned kk=index;
284     small_indices[0]=(index%small_bin[0]);
285     for(unsigned i=1; i<dimension_-1; ++i) {
286       kk=(kk-small_indices[i-1])/small_bin[i-1];
287       small_indices[i]=(kk%small_bin[i]);
288     }
289     if(dimension_>=2) {
290       small_indices[dimension_-1]=((kk-small_indices[dimension_-2])/small_bin[dimension_-2]);
291     }
292     unsigned ll=0;
293     for(unsigned i=0; i<dimension_; ++i) {
294       int i0=small_indices[i]-nneigh[i]+indices[i];
295       if(!pbc_[i] && i0<0)         continue;
296       if(!pbc_[i] && i0>=static_cast<int>(nbin_[i])) continue;
297       if( pbc_[i] && i0<0)         i0=nbin_[i]-(-i0)%nbin_[i];
298       if( pbc_[i] && i0>=static_cast<int>(nbin_[i])) i0%=nbin_[i];
299       tmp_indices[ll]=static_cast<unsigned>(i0);
300       ll++;
301     }
302     tmp_indices.resize(ll);
303     if(tmp_indices.size()==dimension_) {neighbors.push_back(getIndex(tmp_indices));}
304   }
305   return neighbors;
306 }
getNeighbors(const vector<double> & x,const vector<unsigned> & nneigh) const308 vector<GridBase::index_t> GridBase::getNeighbors
309 (const vector<double> & x,const vector<unsigned> & nneigh)const {
310   plumed_dbg_assert(x.size()==dimension_ && nneigh.size()==dimension_);
311   return getNeighbors(getIndices(x),nneigh);
312 }
getNeighbors(index_t index,const vector<unsigned> & nneigh) const314 vector<GridBase::index_t> GridBase::getNeighbors
315 (index_t index,const vector<unsigned> & nneigh)const {
316   plumed_dbg_assert(index<maxsize_ && nneigh.size()==dimension_);
317   return getNeighbors(getIndices(index),nneigh);
318 }
getSplineNeighbors(const vector<unsigned> & indices,vector<GridBase::index_t> & neighbors,unsigned & nneighbors) const320 void GridBase::getSplineNeighbors(const vector<unsigned> & indices, vector<GridBase::index_t>& neighbors, unsigned& nneighbors)const {
321   plumed_dbg_assert(indices.size()==dimension_);
322   unsigned nneigh=unsigned(pow(2.0,int(dimension_)));
323   if (neighbors.size()!=nneigh) neighbors.resize(nneigh);
325   vector<unsigned> nindices(dimension_);
326   unsigned inind; nneighbors = 0;
327   for(unsigned int i=0; i<nneigh; ++i) {
328     unsigned tmp=i; inind=0;
329     for(unsigned int j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) {
330       unsigned i0=tmp%2+indices[j];
331       tmp/=2;
332       if(!pbc_[j] && i0==nbin_[j]) continue;
333       if( pbc_[j] && i0==nbin_[j]) i0=0;
334       nindices[inind++]=i0;
335     }
336     if(inind==dimension_) neighbors[nneighbors++]=getIndex(nindices);
337   }
338 }
getNearestNeighbors(const index_t index) const340 vector<GridBase::index_t> GridBase::getNearestNeighbors(const index_t index) const {
341   vector<index_t> nearest_neighs = vector<index_t>();
342   for (unsigned i = 0; i < dimension_; i++) {
343     vector<unsigned> neighsneeded = vector<unsigned>(dimension_, 0);
344     neighsneeded[i] = 1;
345     vector<index_t> singledim_nearest_neighs = getNeighbors(index, neighsneeded);
346     for (unsigned j = 0; j < singledim_nearest_neighs.size(); j++) {
347       index_t neigh = singledim_nearest_neighs[j];
348       if (neigh != index) {
349         nearest_neighs.push_back(neigh);
350       }
351     }
352   }
353   return nearest_neighs;
354 }
getNearestNeighbors(const vector<unsigned> & indices) const356 vector<GridBase::index_t> GridBase::getNearestNeighbors(const vector<unsigned> &indices) const {
357   plumed_dbg_assert(indices.size() == dimension_);
358   return getNearestNeighbors(getIndex(indices));
359 }
addKernel(const KernelFunctions & kernel)362 void GridBase::addKernel( const KernelFunctions& kernel ) {
363   plumed_dbg_assert( kernel.ndim()==dimension_ );
364   std::vector<unsigned> nneighb=kernel.getSupport( dx_ );
365   std::vector<index_t> neighbors=getNeighbors( kernel.getCenter(), nneighb );
366   std::vector<double> xx( dimension_ );
367   std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Value>> vv( dimension_ );
368   std::string str_min, str_max;
369   for(unsigned i=0; i<dimension_; ++i) {
370     vv[i].reset(new Value());
371     if( pbc_[i] ) {
372       Tools::convert(min_[i],str_min);
373       Tools::convert(max_[i],str_max);
374       vv[i]->setDomain( str_min, str_max );
375     } else {
376       vv[i]->setNotPeriodic();
377     }
378   }
380 // vv_ptr contains plain pointers obtained from vv.
381 // this is the simplest way to replace a unique_ptr here.
382 // perhaps the interface of kernel.evaluate() should be changed
383 // in order to accept a std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Value>>
384   auto vv_ptr=Tools::unique2raw(vv);
386   std::vector<double> der( dimension_ );
387   for(unsigned i=0; i<neighbors.size(); ++i) {
388     index_t ineigh=neighbors[i];
389     getPoint( ineigh, xx );
390     for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) vv[j]->set(xx[j]);
391     double newval = kernel.evaluate( vv_ptr, der, usederiv_ );
392     if( usederiv_ ) addValueAndDerivatives( ineigh, newval, der );
393     else addValue( ineigh, newval );
394   }
395 }
getValue(const vector<unsigned> & indices) const398 double GridBase::getValue(const vector<unsigned> & indices) const {
399   return getValue(getIndex(indices));
400 }
getValue(const vector<double> & x) const402 double GridBase::getValue(const vector<double> & x) const {
403   if(!dospline_) {
404     return getValue(getIndex(x));
405   } else {
406     vector<double> der(dimension_);
407     return getValueAndDerivatives(x,der);
408   }
409 }
getValueAndDerivatives(const vector<unsigned> & indices,vector<double> & der) const411 double GridBase::getValueAndDerivatives
412 (const vector<unsigned> & indices, vector<double>& der) const {
413   return getValueAndDerivatives(getIndex(indices),der);
414 }
getValueAndDerivatives(const vector<double> & x,vector<double> & der) const416 double GridBase::getValueAndDerivatives
417 (const vector<double> & x, vector<double>& der) const {
418   plumed_dbg_assert(der.size()==dimension_ && usederiv_);
420   if(dospline_) {
421     double X,X2,X3,value;
422     std::array<double,maxdim> fd, C, D;
423     std::vector<double> dder(dimension_);
424 // reset
425     value=0.0;
426     for(unsigned int i=0; i<dimension_; ++i) der[i]=0.0;
428     vector<unsigned> indices(dimension_);
429     getIndices(x, indices);
430     vector<double> xfloor(dimension_);
431     getPoint(indices, xfloor);
432     vector<index_t> neigh; unsigned nneigh; getSplineNeighbors(indices, neigh, nneigh);
434 // loop over neighbors
435     vector<unsigned> nindices;
436     for(unsigned int ipoint=0; ipoint<nneigh; ++ipoint) {
437       double grid=getValueAndDerivatives(neigh[ipoint],dder);
438       getIndices(neigh[ipoint], nindices);
439       double ff=1.0;
441       for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) {
442         int x0=1;
443         if(nindices[j]==indices[j]) x0=0;
444         double dx=getDx(j);
445         X=fabs((x[j]-xfloor[j])/dx-(double)x0);
446         X2=X*X;
447         X3=X2*X;
448         double yy;
449         if(fabs(grid)<0.0000001) yy=0.0;
450         else yy=-dder[j]/grid;
451         C[j]=(1.0-3.0*X2+2.0*X3) - (x0?-1.0:1.0)*yy*(X-2.0*X2+X3)*dx;
452         D[j]=( -6.0*X +6.0*X2) - (x0?-1.0:1.0)*yy*(1.0-4.0*X +3.0*X2)*dx;
453         D[j]*=(x0?-1.0:1.0)/dx;
454         ff*=C[j];
455       }
456       for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) {
457         fd[j]=D[j];
458         for(unsigned i=0; i<dimension_; ++i) if(i!=j) fd[j]*=C[i];
459       }
460       value+=grid*ff;
461       for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) der[j]+=grid*fd[j];
462     }
463     return value;
464   } else {
465     return getValueAndDerivatives(getIndex(x),der);
466   }
467 }
setValue(const vector<unsigned> & indices,double value)469 void GridBase::setValue(const vector<unsigned> & indices, double value) {
470   setValue(getIndex(indices),value);
471 }
setValueAndDerivatives(const vector<unsigned> & indices,double value,vector<double> & der)473 void GridBase::setValueAndDerivatives
474 (const vector<unsigned> & indices, double value, vector<double>& der) {
475   setValueAndDerivatives(getIndex(indices),value,der);
476 }
addValue(const vector<unsigned> & indices,double value)478 void GridBase::addValue(const vector<unsigned> & indices, double value) {
479   addValue(getIndex(indices),value);
480 }
addValueAndDerivatives(const vector<unsigned> & indices,double value,vector<double> & der)482 void GridBase::addValueAndDerivatives
483 (const vector<unsigned> & indices, double value, vector<double>& der) {
484   addValueAndDerivatives(getIndex(indices),value,der);
485 }
writeHeader(OFile & ofile)487 void GridBase::writeHeader(OFile& ofile) {
488   for(unsigned i=0; i<dimension_; ++i) {
489     ofile.addConstantField("min_" + argnames[i]);
490     ofile.addConstantField("max_" + argnames[i]);
491     ofile.addConstantField("nbins_" + argnames[i]);
492     ofile.addConstantField("periodic_" + argnames[i]);
493   }
494 }
clear()496 void Grid::clear() {
497   grid_.assign(maxsize_,0.0);
498   if(usederiv_) der_.assign(maxsize_*dimension_,0.0);
499 }
writeToFile(OFile & ofile)501 void Grid::writeToFile(OFile& ofile) {
502   vector<double> xx(dimension_);
503   vector<double> der(dimension_);
504   double f;
505   writeHeader(ofile);
506   for(index_t i=0; i<getSize(); ++i) {
507     xx=getPoint(i);
508     if(usederiv_) {f=getValueAndDerivatives(i,der);}
509     else {f=getValue(i);}
510     if(i>0 && dimension_>1 && getIndices(i)[dimension_-2]==0) ofile.printf("\n");
511     for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) {
512       ofile.printField("min_" + argnames[j], str_min_[j] );
513       ofile.printField("max_" + argnames[j], str_max_[j] );
514       ofile.printField("nbins_" + argnames[j], static_cast<int>(nbin_[j]) );
515       if( pbc_[j] ) ofile.printField("periodic_" + argnames[j], "true" );
516       else          ofile.printField("periodic_" + argnames[j], "false" );
517     }
518     for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) { ofile.fmtField(" "+fmt_); ofile.printField(argnames[j],xx[j]); }
519     ofile.fmtField(" "+fmt_); ofile.printField(funcname,f);
520     if(usederiv_) for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) { ofile.fmtField(" "+fmt_); ofile.printField("der_" + argnames[j],der[j]); }
521     ofile.printField();
522   }
523 }
writeCubeFile(OFile & ofile,const double & lunit)525 void GridBase::writeCubeFile(OFile& ofile, const double& lunit) {
526   plumed_assert( dimension_==3 );
527   ofile.printf("PLUMED CUBE FILE\n");
528   ofile.printf("OUTER LOOP: X, MIDDLE LOOP: Y, INNER LOOP: Z\n");
529   // Number of atoms followed by position of origin (origin set so that center of grid is in center of cell)
530   ofile.printf("%d %f %f %f\n",1,-0.5*lunit*(max_[0]-min_[0]),-0.5*lunit*(max_[1]-min_[1]),-0.5*lunit*(max_[2]-min_[2]));
531   ofile.printf("%u %f %f %f\n",nbin_[0],lunit*dx_[0],0.0,0.0);  // Number of bins in each direction followed by
532   ofile.printf("%u %f %f %f\n",nbin_[1],0.0,lunit*dx_[1],0.0);  // shape of voxel
533   ofile.printf("%u %f %f %f\n",nbin_[2],0.0,0.0,lunit*dx_[2]);
534   ofile.printf("%d %f %f %f\n",1,0.0,0.0,0.0); // Fake atom otherwise VMD doesn't work
535   std::vector<unsigned> pp(3);
536   for(pp[0]=0; pp[0]<nbin_[0]; ++pp[0]) {
537     for(pp[1]=0; pp[1]<nbin_[1]; ++pp[1]) {
538       for(pp[2]=0; pp[2]<nbin_[2]; ++pp[2]) {
539         ofile.printf("%f ",getValue(pp) );
540         if(pp[2]%6==5) ofile.printf("\n");
541       }
542       ofile.printf("\n");
543     }
544   }
545 }
create(const std::string & funcl,const std::vector<Value * > & args,IFile & ifile,const vector<std::string> & gmin,const vector<std::string> & gmax,const vector<unsigned> & nbin,bool dosparse,bool dospline,bool doder)547 std::unique_ptr<GridBase> GridBase::create(const std::string& funcl, const std::vector<Value*> & args, IFile& ifile,
548     const vector<std::string> & gmin,const vector<std::string> & gmax,
549     const vector<unsigned> & nbin,bool dosparse, bool dospline, bool doder) {
550   std::unique_ptr<GridBase> grid=GridBase::create(funcl,args,ifile,dosparse,dospline,doder);
551   std::vector<unsigned> cbin( grid->getNbin() );
552   std::vector<std::string> cmin( grid->getMin() ), cmax( grid->getMax() );
553   for(unsigned i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) {
554     plumed_massert( cmin[i]==gmin[i], "mismatched grid min" );
555     plumed_massert( cmax[i]==gmax[i], "mismatched grid max" );
556     if( args[i]->isPeriodic() ) {
557       plumed_massert( cbin[i]==nbin[i], "mismatched grid nbins" );
558     } else {
559       plumed_massert( (cbin[i]-1)==nbin[i], "mismatched grid nbins");
560     }
561   }
562   return grid;
563 }
create(const std::string & funcl,const std::vector<Value * > & args,IFile & ifile,bool dosparse,bool dospline,bool doder)565 std::unique_ptr<GridBase> GridBase::create(const std::string& funcl, const std::vector<Value*> & args, IFile& ifile, bool dosparse, bool dospline, bool doder)
566 {
567   std::unique_ptr<GridBase> grid;
568   unsigned nvar=args.size(); bool hasder=false; std::string pstring;
569   std::vector<int> gbin1(nvar); std::vector<unsigned> gbin(nvar);
570   std::vector<std::string> labels(nvar),gmin(nvar),gmax(nvar);
571   std::vector<std::string> fieldnames; ifile.scanFieldList( fieldnames );
572 // Retrieve names for fields
573   for(unsigned i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) labels[i]=args[i]->getName();
574 // And read the stuff from the header
575   plumed_massert( ifile.FieldExist( funcl ), "no column labelled " + funcl + " in in grid input");
576   for(unsigned i=0; i<args.size(); ++i) {
577     ifile.scanField( "min_" + labels[i], gmin[i]);
578     ifile.scanField( "max_" + labels[i], gmax[i]);
579     ifile.scanField( "periodic_" + labels[i], pstring );
580     ifile.scanField( "nbins_" + labels[i], gbin1[i]);
581     plumed_assert( gbin1[i]>0 );
582     if( args[i]->isPeriodic() ) {
583       plumed_massert( pstring=="true", "input value is periodic but grid is not");
584       std::string pmin, pmax;
585       args[i]->getDomain( pmin, pmax ); gbin[i]=gbin1[i];
586       if( pmin!=gmin[i] || pmax!=gmax[i] ) plumed_merror("mismatch between grid boundaries and periods of values");
587     } else {
588       gbin[i]=gbin1[i]-1;  // Note header in grid file indicates one more bin that there should be when data is not periodic
589       plumed_massert( pstring=="false", "input value is not periodic but grid is");
590     }
591     hasder=ifile.FieldExist( "der_" + args[i]->getName() );
592     if( doder && !hasder ) plumed_merror("missing derivatives from grid file");
593     for(unsigned j=0; j<fieldnames.size(); ++j) {
594       for(unsigned k=i+1; k<args.size(); ++k) {
595         if( fieldnames[j]==labels[k] ) plumed_merror("arguments in input are not in same order as in grid file");
596       }
597       if( fieldnames[j]==labels[i] ) break;
598     }
599   }
601   if(!dosparse) {grid.reset(new Grid(funcl,args,gmin,gmax,gbin,dospline,doder));}
602   else {grid.reset(new SparseGrid(funcl,args,gmin,gmax,gbin,dospline,doder));}
604   vector<double> xx(nvar),dder(nvar);
605   vector<double> dx=grid->getDx();
606   double f,x;
607   while( ifile.scanField(funcl,f) ) {
608     for(unsigned i=0; i<nvar; ++i) {
609       ifile.scanField(labels[i],x); xx[i]=x+dx[i]/2.0;
610       ifile.scanField( "min_" + labels[i], gmin[i]);
611       ifile.scanField( "max_" + labels[i], gmax[i]);
612       ifile.scanField( "nbins_" + labels[i], gbin1[i]);
613       ifile.scanField( "periodic_" + labels[i], pstring );
614     }
615     if(hasder) { for(unsigned i=0; i<nvar; ++i) { ifile.scanField( "der_" + args[i]->getName(), dder[i] ); } }
616     index_t index=grid->getIndex(xx);
617     if(doder) {grid->setValueAndDerivatives(index,f,dder);}
618     else {grid->setValue(index,f);}
619     ifile.scanField();
620   }
621   return grid;
622 }
getMinValue() const624 double Grid::getMinValue() const {
625   double minval;
626   minval=DBL_MAX;
627   for(index_t i=0; i<grid_.size(); ++i) {
628     if(grid_[i]<minval)minval=grid_[i];
629   }
630   return minval;
631 }
getMaxValue() const633 double Grid::getMaxValue() const {
634   double maxval;
635   maxval=DBL_MIN;
636   for(index_t i=0; i<grid_.size(); ++i) {
637     if(grid_[i]>maxval)maxval=grid_[i];
638   }
639   return maxval;
640 }
scaleAllValuesAndDerivatives(const double & scalef)642 void Grid::scaleAllValuesAndDerivatives( const double& scalef ) {
643   if(usederiv_) {
644     for(index_t i=0; i<grid_.size(); ++i) {
645       grid_[i]*=scalef;
646       for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) der_[i*dimension_+j]*=scalef;
647     }
648   } else {
649     for(index_t i=0; i<grid_.size(); ++i) grid_[i]*=scalef;
650   }
651 }
logAllValuesAndDerivatives(const double & scalef)653 void Grid::logAllValuesAndDerivatives( const double& scalef ) {
654   if(usederiv_) {
655     for(index_t i=0; i<grid_.size(); ++i) {
656       grid_[i] = scalef*log(grid_[i]);
657       for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) der_[i*dimension_+j] = scalef/der_[i*dimension_+j];
658     }
659   } else {
660     for(index_t i=0; i<grid_.size(); ++i) grid_[i] = scalef*log(grid_[i]);
661   }
662 }
setMinToZero()664 void Grid::setMinToZero() {
665   double min=grid_[0];
666   for(index_t i=1; i<grid_.size(); ++i) if(grid_[i]<min) min=grid_[i];
667   for(index_t i=0; i<grid_.size(); ++i) grid_[i] -= min;
668 }
applyFunctionAllValuesAndDerivatives(double (* func)(double val),double (* funcder)(double valder))670 void Grid::applyFunctionAllValuesAndDerivatives( double (*func)(double val), double (*funcder)(double valder) ) {
671   if(usederiv_) {
672     for(index_t i=0; i<grid_.size(); ++i) {
673       grid_[i]=func(grid_[i]);
674       for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) der_[i*dimension_+j]=funcder(der_[i*dimension_+j]);
675     }
676   } else {
677     for(index_t i=0; i<grid_.size(); ++i) grid_[i]=func(grid_[i]);
678   }
679 }
getDifferenceFromContour(const std::vector<double> & x,std::vector<double> & der) const681 double Grid::getDifferenceFromContour( const std::vector<double>& x, std::vector<double>& der ) const {
682   return getValueAndDerivatives( x, der ) - contour_location;
683 }
findSetOfPointsOnContour(const double & target,const std::vector<bool> & nosearch,unsigned & npoints,std::vector<std::vector<double>> & points)685 void Grid::findSetOfPointsOnContour(const double& target, const std::vector<bool>& nosearch,
686                                     unsigned& npoints, std::vector<std::vector<double> >& points ) {
687 // Set contour location for function
688   contour_location=target;
689 // Resize points to maximum possible value
690   points.resize( dimension_*maxsize_ );
692 // Two points for search
693   std::vector<unsigned> ind(dimension_);
694   std::vector<double> direction( dimension_, 0 );
696 // Run over whole grid
697   npoints=0; RootFindingBase<Grid> mymin( this );
698   for(unsigned i=0; i<maxsize_; ++i) {
699     for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) ind[j]=getIndices(i)[j];
701     // Get the value of a point on the grid
702     double val1=getValue(i) - target;
704     // Now search for contour in each direction
705     bool edge=false;
706     for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) {
707       if( nosearch[j] ) continue ;
708       // Make sure we don't search at the edge of the grid
709       if( !pbc_[j] && (ind[j]+1)==nbin_[j] ) continue;
710       else if( (ind[j]+1)==nbin_[j] ) { edge=true; ind[j]=0; }
711       else ind[j]+=1;
712       double val2=getValue(ind) - target;
713       if( val1*val2<0 ) {
714         // Use initial point location as first guess for search
715         points[npoints].resize(dimension_); for(unsigned k=0; k<dimension_; ++k) points[npoints][k]=getPoint(i)[k];
716         // Setup direction vector
717         direction[j]=0.999999999*dx_[j];
718         // And do proper search for contour point
719         mymin.linesearch( direction, points[npoints], &Grid::getDifferenceFromContour );
720         direction[j]=0.0; npoints++;
721       }
722       if( pbc_[j] && edge ) { edge=false; ind[j]=nbin_[j]-1; }
723       else ind[j]-=1;
724     }
725   }
726 }
getSize() const730 Grid::index_t Grid::getSize() const {
731   return maxsize_;
732 }
getValue(index_t index) const734 double Grid::getValue(index_t index) const {
735   plumed_dbg_assert(index<maxsize_);
736   return grid_[index];
737 }
getValueAndDerivatives(index_t index,vector<double> & der) const739 double Grid::getValueAndDerivatives
740 (index_t index, vector<double>& der) const {
741   plumed_dbg_assert(index<maxsize_ && usederiv_ && der.size()==dimension_);
742   der.resize(dimension_);
743   for(unsigned i=0; i<dimension_; i++) der[i]=der_[dimension_*index+i];
744   return grid_[index];
745 }
setValue(index_t index,double value)747 void Grid::setValue(index_t index, double value) {
748   plumed_dbg_assert(index<maxsize_ && !usederiv_);
749   grid_[index]=value;
750 }
setValueAndDerivatives(index_t index,double value,vector<double> & der)752 void Grid::setValueAndDerivatives
753 (index_t index, double value, vector<double>& der) {
754   plumed_dbg_assert(index<maxsize_ && usederiv_ && der.size()==dimension_);
755   grid_[index]=value;
756   for(unsigned i=0; i<dimension_; i++) der_[dimension_*index+i]=der[i];
757 }
addValue(index_t index,double value)759 void Grid::addValue(index_t index, double value) {
760   plumed_dbg_assert(index<maxsize_ && !usederiv_);
761   grid_[index]+=value;
762 }
addValueAndDerivatives(index_t index,double value,vector<double> & der)764 void Grid::addValueAndDerivatives
765 (index_t index, double value, vector<double>& der) {
766   plumed_dbg_assert(index<maxsize_ && usederiv_ && der.size()==dimension_);
767   grid_[index]+=value;
768   for(unsigned int i=0; i<dimension_; ++i) der_[index*dimension_+i]+=der[i];
769 }
getSize() const771 Grid::index_t SparseGrid::getSize() const {
772   return map_.size();
773 }
getMaxSize() const775 Grid::index_t SparseGrid::getMaxSize() const {
776   return maxsize_;
777 }
getValue(index_t index) const779 double SparseGrid::getValue(index_t index)const {
780   plumed_assert(index<maxsize_);
781   double value=0.0;
782   const auto it=map_.find(index);
783   if(it!=map_.end()) value=it->second;
784   return value;
785 }
getValueAndDerivatives(index_t index,vector<double> & der) const787 double SparseGrid::getValueAndDerivatives
788 (index_t index, vector<double>& der)const {
789   plumed_assert(index<maxsize_ && usederiv_ && der.size()==dimension_);
790   double value=0.0;
791   for(unsigned int i=0; i<dimension_; ++i) der[i]=0.0;
792   const auto it=map_.find(index);
793   if(it!=map_.end()) value=it->second;
794   const auto itder=der_.find(index);
795   if(itder!=der_.end()) der=itder->second;
796   return value;
797 }
setValue(index_t index,double value)799 void SparseGrid::setValue(index_t index, double value) {
800   plumed_assert(index<maxsize_ && !usederiv_);
801   map_[index]=value;
802 }
setValueAndDerivatives(index_t index,double value,vector<double> & der)804 void SparseGrid::setValueAndDerivatives
805 (index_t index, double value, vector<double>& der) {
806   plumed_assert(index<maxsize_ && usederiv_ && der.size()==dimension_);
807   map_[index]=value;
808   der_[index]=der;
809 }
addValue(index_t index,double value)811 void SparseGrid::addValue(index_t index, double value) {
812   plumed_assert(index<maxsize_ && !usederiv_);
813   map_[index]+=value;
814 }
addValueAndDerivatives(index_t index,double value,vector<double> & der)816 void SparseGrid::addValueAndDerivatives
817 (index_t index, double value, vector<double>& der) {
818   plumed_assert(index<maxsize_ && usederiv_ && der.size()==dimension_);
819   map_[index]+=value;
820   der_[index].resize(dimension_);
821   for(unsigned int i=0; i<dimension_; ++i) der_[index][i]+=der[i];
822 }
writeToFile(OFile & ofile)824 void SparseGrid::writeToFile(OFile& ofile) {
825   vector<double> xx(dimension_);
826   vector<double> der(dimension_);
827   double f;
828   writeHeader(ofile);
829   ofile.fmtField(" "+fmt_);
830   for(const auto & it : map_) {
831     index_t i=it.first;
832     xx=getPoint(i);
833     if(usederiv_) {f=getValueAndDerivatives(i,der);}
834     else {f=getValue(i);}
835     if(i>0 && dimension_>1 && getIndices(i)[dimension_-2]==0) ofile.printf("\n");
836     for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) {
837       ofile.printField("min_" + argnames[j], str_min_[j] );
838       ofile.printField("max_" + argnames[j], str_max_[j] );
839       ofile.printField("nbins_" + argnames[j], static_cast<int>(nbin_[j]) );
840       if( pbc_[j] ) ofile.printField("periodic_" + argnames[j], "true" );
841       else          ofile.printField("periodic_" + argnames[j], "false" );
842     }
843     for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) ofile.printField(argnames[j],xx[j]);
844     ofile.printField(funcname, f);
845     if(usederiv_) { for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) ofile.printField("der_" + argnames[j],der[j]); }
846     ofile.printField();
847   }
848 }
getMinValue() const850 double SparseGrid::getMinValue() const {
851   double minval;
852   minval=0.0;
853   for(auto const & i : map_) {
854     if(i.second<minval) minval=i.second;
855   }
856   return minval;
857 }
getMaxValue() const859 double SparseGrid::getMaxValue() const {
860   double maxval;
861   maxval=0.0;
862   for(auto const & i : map_) {
863     if(i.second>maxval) maxval=i.second;
864   }
865   return maxval;
866 }
projectOnLowDimension(double & val,std::vector<int> & vHigh,WeightBase * ptr2obj)868 void Grid::projectOnLowDimension(double &val, std::vector<int> &vHigh, WeightBase * ptr2obj ) {
869   unsigned i=0;
870   for(i=0; i<vHigh.size(); i++) {
871     if(vHigh[i]<0) { // this bin needs to be integrated out
872       // parallelize here???
873       for(unsigned j=0; j<(getNbin())[i]; j++) {
874         vHigh[i]=int(j);
875         projectOnLowDimension(val,vHigh,ptr2obj); // recursive function: this is the core of the mechanism
876         vHigh[i]=-1;
877       }
878       return; //
879     }
880   }
881   // when there are no more bin to dig in then retrieve the value
882   if(i==vHigh.size()) {
883     //std::cerr<<"POINT: ";
884     //for(unsigned j=0;j<vHigh.size();j++){
885     //   std::cerr<<vHigh[j]<<" ";
886     //}
887     std::vector<unsigned> vv(vHigh.size());
888     for(unsigned j=0; j<vHigh.size(); j++)vv[j]=unsigned(vHigh[j]);
889     //
890     // this is the real assignment !!!!! (hack this to have bias or other stuff)
891     //
893     // this case: produce fes
894     //val+=exp(beta*getValue(vv)) ;
895     double myv=getValue(vv);
896     val=ptr2obj->projectInnerLoop(val,myv) ;
897     // to be added: bias (same as before without negative sign)
898     //std::cerr<<" VAL: "<<val <<endl;
899   }
900 }
project(const std::vector<std::string> & proj,WeightBase * ptr2obj)902 Grid Grid::project(const std::vector<std::string> & proj, WeightBase *ptr2obj ) {
903   // find extrema only for the projection
904   vector<string>   smallMin,smallMax;
905   vector<unsigned> smallBin;
906   vector<unsigned> dimMapping;
907   vector<bool> smallIsPeriodic;
908   vector<string> smallName;
910   // check if the two key methods are there
911   WeightBase* pp = dynamic_cast<WeightBase*>(ptr2obj);
912   if (!pp)plumed_merror("This WeightBase is not complete: you need a projectInnerLoop and projectOuterLoop ");
914   for(unsigned j=0; j<proj.size(); j++) {
915     for(unsigned i=0; i<getArgNames().size(); i++) {
916       if(proj[j]==getArgNames()[i]) {
917         unsigned offset;
918         // note that at sizetime the non periodic dimension get a bin more
919         if(getIsPeriodic()[i]) {offset=0;} else {offset=1;}
920         smallMax.push_back(getMax()[i]);
921         smallMin.push_back(getMin()[i]);
922         smallBin.push_back(getNbin()[i]-offset);
923         smallIsPeriodic.push_back(getIsPeriodic()[i]);
924         dimMapping.push_back(i);
925         smallName.push_back(getArgNames()[i]);
926         break;
927       }
928     }
929   }
930   Grid smallgrid("projection",smallName,smallMin,smallMax,smallBin,false,false,smallIsPeriodic,smallMin,smallMax);
931   // check that the two grids are commensurate
932   for(unsigned i=0; i<dimMapping.size(); i++) {
933     plumed_massert(  (smallgrid.getMax())[i] == (getMax())[dimMapping[i]],  "the two input grids are not compatible in max"   );
934     plumed_massert(  (smallgrid.getMin())[i] == (getMin())[dimMapping[i]],  "the two input grids are not compatible in min"   );
935     plumed_massert(  (smallgrid.getNbin())[i]== (getNbin())[dimMapping[i]], "the two input grids are not compatible in bin"   );
936   }
937   vector<unsigned> toBeIntegrated;
938   for(unsigned i=0; i<getArgNames().size(); i++) {
939     bool doappend=true;
940     for(unsigned j=0; j<dimMapping.size(); j++) {
941       if(dimMapping[j]==i) {doappend=false; break;}
942     }
943     if(doappend)toBeIntegrated.push_back(i);
944   }
945   //for(unsigned i=0;i<dimMapping.size();i++ ){
946   //     cerr<<"Dimension to preserve "<<dimMapping[i]<<endl;
947   //}
948   //for(unsigned i=0;i<toBeIntegrated.size();i++ ){
949   //     cerr<<"Dimension to integrate "<<toBeIntegrated[i]<<endl;
950   //}
952   // loop over all the points in the Grid, find the corresponding fixed index, rotate over all the other ones
953   for(unsigned i=0; i<smallgrid.getSize(); i++) {
954     std::vector<unsigned> v;
955     v=smallgrid.getIndices(i);
956     std::vector<int> vHigh((getArgNames()).size(),-1);
957     for(unsigned j=0; j<dimMapping.size(); j++)vHigh[dimMapping[j]]=int(v[j]);
958     // the vector vhigh now contains at the beginning the index of the low dimension and -1 for the values that need to be integrated
959     double initval=0.;
960     projectOnLowDimension(initval,vHigh, ptr2obj);
961     smallgrid.setValue(i,initval);
962   }
963   // reset to zero just for biasing (this option can be evtl enabled in a future...)
964   //double vmin;vmin=-smallgrid.getMinValue()+1;
965   for(unsigned i=0; i<smallgrid.getSize(); i++) {
966     //         //if(dynamic_cast<BiasWeight*>(ptr2obj)){
967     //         //        smallgrid.addValue(i,vmin);// go to 1
968     //         //}
969     double vv=smallgrid.getValue(i);
970     smallgrid.setValue(i,ptr2obj->projectOuterLoop(vv));
971     //         //if(dynamic_cast<BiasWeight*>(ptr2obj)){
972     //         //        smallgrid.addValue(i,-vmin);// bring back to the value
973     //         //}
974   }
976   return smallgrid;
977 }
integrate(std::vector<unsigned> & npoints)979 double Grid::integrate( std::vector<unsigned>& npoints ) {
980   plumed_dbg_assert( npoints.size()==dimension_ ); plumed_assert( dospline_ );
982   unsigned ntotgrid=1; double box_vol=1.0;
983   std::vector<double> ispacing( npoints.size() );
984   for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) {
985     if( !pbc_[j] ) {
986       ispacing[j] = ( max_[j] - dx_[j] - min_[j] ) / static_cast<double>( npoints[j] );
987       npoints[j]+=1;
988     } else {
989       ispacing[j] = ( max_[j] - min_[j] ) / static_cast<double>( npoints[j] );
990     }
991     ntotgrid*=npoints[j]; box_vol*=ispacing[j];
992   }
994   std::vector<double> vals( dimension_ );
995   std::vector<unsigned> t_index( dimension_ ); double integral=0.0;
996   for(unsigned i=0; i<ntotgrid; ++i) {
997     t_index[0]=(i%npoints[0]);
998     unsigned kk=i;
999     for(unsigned j=1; j<dimension_-1; ++j) { kk=(kk-t_index[j-1])/npoints[j-1]; t_index[j]=(kk%npoints[j]); }
1000     if( dimension_>=2 ) t_index[dimension_-1]=((kk-t_index[dimension_-2])/npoints[dimension_-2]);
1002     for(unsigned j=0; j<dimension_; ++j) vals[j]=min_[j] + t_index[j]*ispacing[j];
1004     integral += getValue( vals );
1005   }
1007   return box_vol*integral;
1008 }
mpiSumValuesAndDerivatives(Communicator & comm)1010 void Grid::mpiSumValuesAndDerivatives( Communicator& comm ) {
1011   comm.Sum( grid_ ); for(unsigned i=0; i<der_.size(); ++i) comm.Sum( der_[i] );
1012 }
indexed_lt(pair<Grid::index_t,double> const & x,pair<Grid::index_t,double> const & y)1015 bool indexed_lt(pair<Grid::index_t, double> const &x, pair<Grid::index_t, double> const   &y) {
1016   return x.second < y.second;
1017 }
findMaximalPathMinimum(const std::vector<double> & source,const std::vector<double> & sink)1019 double GridBase::findMaximalPathMinimum(const std::vector<double> &source, const std::vector<double> &sink) {
1020   plumed_dbg_assert(source.size() == dimension_);
1021   plumed_dbg_assert(sink.size() == dimension_);
1022   // Start and end indices
1023   index_t source_idx = getIndex(source);
1024   index_t sink_idx = getIndex(sink);
1025   // Path cost
1026   double maximal_minimum = 0;
1027   // In one dimension, path searching is very easy--either go one way if it's not periodic,
1028   // or go both ways if it is periodic. There's no reason to pay the cost of Dijkstra.
1029   if (dimension_ == 1) {
1030     // Do a search from the grid source to grid sink that does not
1031     // cross the grid boundary.
1032     double curr_min_bias = getValue(source_idx);
1033     // Either search from a high source to a low sink.
1034     if (source_idx > sink_idx) {
1035       for (index_t i = source_idx; i >= sink_idx; i--) {
1036         if (curr_min_bias == 0.0) {
1037           break;
1038         }
1039         curr_min_bias = fmin(curr_min_bias, getValue(i));
1040       }
1041       // Or search from a low source to a high sink.
1042     } else if (source_idx < sink_idx) {
1043       for (index_t i = source_idx; i <= sink_idx; i++) {
1044         if (curr_min_bias == 0.0) {
1045           break;
1046         }
1047         curr_min_bias = fmin(curr_min_bias, getValue(i));
1048       }
1049     }
1050     maximal_minimum = curr_min_bias;
1051     // If the grid is periodic, also do the search that crosses
1052     // the grid boundary.
1053     if (pbc_[0]) {
1054       double curr_min_bias = getValue(source_idx);
1055       // Either go from a high source to the upper boundary and
1056       // then from the bottom boundary to the sink
1057       if (source_idx > sink_idx) {
1058         for (index_t i = source_idx; i < maxsize_; i++) {
1059           if (curr_min_bias == 0.0) {
1060             break;
1061           }
1062           curr_min_bias = fmin(curr_min_bias, getValue(i));
1063         }
1064         for (index_t i = 0; i <= sink_idx; i++) {
1065           if (curr_min_bias == 0.0) {
1066             break;
1067           }
1068           curr_min_bias = fmin(curr_min_bias, getValue(i));
1069         }
1070         // Or go from a low source to the bottom boundary and
1071         // then from the high boundary to the sink
1072       } else if (source_idx < sink_idx) {
1073         for (index_t i = source_idx; i > 0; i--) {
1074           if (curr_min_bias == 0.0) {
1075             break;
1076           }
1077           curr_min_bias = fmin(curr_min_bias, getValue(i));
1078         }
1079         curr_min_bias = fmin(curr_min_bias, getValue(0));
1080         for (index_t i = maxsize_ - 1; i <= sink_idx; i--) {
1081           if (curr_min_bias == 0.0) {
1082             break;
1083           }
1084           curr_min_bias = fmin(curr_min_bias, getValue(i));
1085         }
1086       }
1087       // If the boundary crossing paths was more biased, it's
1088       // minimal bias replaces the non-boundary-crossing path's
1089       // minimum.
1090       maximal_minimum = fmax(maximal_minimum, curr_min_bias);
1091     }
1092     // The one dimensional path search is complete.
1093     return maximal_minimum;
1094     // In two or more dimensions, path searching isn't trivial and we really
1095     // do need to use a path search algorithm. Dijkstra is the simplest decent
1096     // one. Using it we've never found the path search to be performance
1097     // limiting in any solvated biomolecule test system, but faster options are
1098     // easy to imagine if they become necessary. NB-In this case, we're actually
1099     // using a greedy variant of Dijkstra's algorithm where the first possible
1100     // path to a point always controls the path cost to that point. The structure
1101     // of the cost function in this case guarantees that the calculated costs will
1102     // be correct using this variant even though fine details of the paths may not
1103     // match a normal Dijkstra search.
1104   } else if (dimension_ > 1) {
1105     // Prepare calculation temporaries for Dijkstra's algorithm.
1106     // Minimal path costs from source to a given grid point
1107     vector<double> mins_from_source = vector<double>(maxsize_, -1.0);
1108     // Heap for tracking available steps, steps are recorded as std::pairs of
1109     // an index and a value.
1110     vector< pair<index_t, double> > next_steps;
1111     pair<index_t, double> curr_indexed_val;
1112     make_heap(next_steps.begin(), next_steps.end(), indexed_lt);
1113     // The search begins at the source index.
1114     next_steps.push_back(pair<index_t, double>(source_idx, getValue(source_idx)));
1115     push_heap(next_steps.begin(), next_steps.end(), indexed_lt);
1116     // At first no points have been examined and the optimal path has not been found.
1117     index_t n_examined = 0;
1118     bool path_not_found = true;
1119     // Until a path is found,
1120     while (path_not_found) {
1121       // Examine the grid point currently most accessible from
1122       // the set of all previously explored grid points by popping
1123       // it from the top of the heap.
1124       pop_heap(next_steps.begin(), next_steps.end(), indexed_lt);
1125       curr_indexed_val = next_steps.back();
1126       next_steps.pop_back();
1127       n_examined++;
1128       // Check if this point is the sink point, and if so
1129       // finish the loop.
1130       if (curr_indexed_val.first == sink_idx) {
1131         path_not_found = false;
1132         maximal_minimum = curr_indexed_val.second;
1133         break;
1134         // Check if this point has reached the worst possible
1135         // value, and if so stop looking for paths.
1136       } else if (curr_indexed_val.second == 0.0) {
1137         maximal_minimum = 0.0;
1138         break;
1139       }
1140       // If the search is not over, add this grid point's neighbors to the
1141       // possible next points to search for the sink.
1142       vector<index_t> neighs = getNearestNeighbors(curr_indexed_val.first);
1143       for (unsigned k = 0; k < neighs.size(); k++) {
1144         index_t i = neighs[k];
1145         // If the neighbor has not already been added to the list of possible next steps,
1146         if (mins_from_source[i] == -1.0) {
1147           // Set the cost to reach it via a path through the current point being examined.
1148           mins_from_source[i] = fmin(curr_indexed_val.second, getValue(i));
1149           // Add the neighboring point to the heap of potential next steps.
1150           next_steps.push_back(pair<index_t, double>(i, mins_from_source[i]));
1151           push_heap(next_steps.begin(), next_steps.end(), indexed_lt);
1152         }
1153       }
1154       // Move on to the next best looking step along any of the paths
1155       // growing from the source.
1156     }
1157     // The multidimensional path search is now complete.
1158     return maximal_minimum;
1159   }
1160   return 0.0;
1161 }
1163 }