1# Copyright (C) 2010, Jesper Friis
2# (see accompanying license files for details).
4"""Utility tools for atoms/geometry manipulations.
5   - convenient creation of slabs and interfaces of
6different orientations.
7   - detection of duplicate atoms / atoms within cutoff radius
10import itertools
11import numpy as np
12from ase.geometry import complete_cell
13from ase.geometry.minkowski_reduction import minkowski_reduce
14from ase.utils import pbc2pbc
15from ase.cell import Cell
18def translate_pretty(fractional, pbc):
19    """Translates atoms such that fractional positions are minimized."""
21    for i in range(3):
22        if not pbc[i]:
23            continue
25        indices = np.argsort(fractional[:, i])
26        sp = fractional[indices, i]
28        widths = (np.roll(sp, 1) - sp) % 1.0
29        fractional[:, i] -= sp[np.argmin(widths)]
30        fractional[:, i] %= 1.0
31    return fractional
34def wrap_positions(positions, cell, pbc=True, center=(0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
35                   pretty_translation=False, eps=1e-7):
36    """Wrap positions to unit cell.
38    Returns positions changed by a multiple of the unit cell vectors to
39    fit inside the space spanned by these vectors.  See also the
40    :meth:`ase.Atoms.wrap` method.
42    Parameters:
44    positions: float ndarray of shape (n, 3)
45        Positions of the atoms
46    cell: float ndarray of shape (3, 3)
47        Unit cell vectors.
48    pbc: one or 3 bool
49        For each axis in the unit cell decides whether the positions
50        will be moved along this axis.
51    center: three float
52        The positons in fractional coordinates that the new positions
53        will be nearest possible to.
54    pretty_translation: bool
55        Translates atoms such that fractional coordinates are minimized.
56    eps: float
57        Small number to prevent slightly negative coordinates from being
58        wrapped.
60    Example:
62    >>> from ase.geometry import wrap_positions
63    >>> wrap_positions([[-0.1, 1.01, -0.5]],
64    ...                [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 4]],
65    ...                pbc=[1, 1, 0])
66    array([[ 0.9 ,  0.01, -0.5 ]])
67    """
69    if not hasattr(center, '__len__'):
70        center = (center,) * 3
72    pbc = pbc2pbc(pbc)
73    shift = np.asarray(center) - 0.5 - eps
75    # Don't change coordinates when pbc is False
76    shift[np.logical_not(pbc)] = 0.0
78    assert np.asarray(cell)[np.asarray(pbc)].any(axis=1).all(), (cell, pbc)
80    cell = complete_cell(cell)
81    fractional = np.linalg.solve(cell.T,
82                                 np.asarray(positions).T).T - shift
84    if pretty_translation:
85        fractional = translate_pretty(fractional, pbc)
86        shift = np.asarray(center) - 0.5
87        shift[np.logical_not(pbc)] = 0.0
88        fractional += shift
89    else:
90        for i, periodic in enumerate(pbc):
91            if periodic:
92                fractional[:, i] %= 1.0
93                fractional[:, i] += shift[i]
95    return np.dot(fractional, cell)
98def get_layers(atoms, miller, tolerance=0.001):
99    """Returns two arrays describing which layer each atom belongs
100    to and the distance between the layers and origo.
102    Parameters:
104    miller: 3 integers
105        The Miller indices of the planes. Actually, any direction
106        in reciprocal space works, so if a and b are two float
107        vectors spanning an atomic plane, you can get all layers
108        parallel to this with miller=np.cross(a,b).
109    tolerance: float
110        The maximum distance in Angstrom along the plane normal for
111        counting two atoms as belonging to the same plane.
113    Returns:
115    tags: array of integres
116        Array of layer indices for each atom.
117    levels: array of floats
118        Array of distances in Angstrom from each layer to origo.
120    Example:
122    >>> import numpy as np
123    >>> from ase.spacegroup import crystal
124    >>> atoms = crystal('Al', [(0,0,0)], spacegroup=225, cellpar=4.05)
125    >>> np.round(atoms.positions, decimals=5)
126    array([[ 0.   ,  0.   ,  0.   ],
127           [ 0.   ,  2.025,  2.025],
128           [ 2.025,  0.   ,  2.025],
129           [ 2.025,  2.025,  0.   ]])
130    >>> get_layers(atoms, (0,0,1))  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
131    (array([0, 1, 1, 0]...), array([ 0.   ,  2.025]))
132    """
133    miller = np.asarray(miller)
135    metric = np.dot(atoms.cell, atoms.cell.T)
136    c = np.linalg.solve(metric.T, miller.T).T
137    miller_norm = np.sqrt(np.dot(c, miller))
138    d = np.dot(atoms.get_scaled_positions(), miller) / miller_norm
140    keys = np.argsort(d)
141    ikeys = np.argsort(keys)
142    mask = np.concatenate(([True], np.diff(d[keys]) > tolerance))
143    tags = np.cumsum(mask)[ikeys]
144    if tags.min() == 1:
145        tags -= 1
147    levels = d[keys][mask]
148    return tags, levels
151def naive_find_mic(v, cell):
152    """Finds the minimum-image representation of vector(s) v.
153    Safe to use for (pbc.all() and (norm(v_mic) < 0.5 * min(cell.lengths()))).
154    Can otherwise fail for non-orthorhombic cells.
155    Described in:
156    W. Smith, "The Minimum Image Convention in Non-Cubic MD Cells", 1989,
157    http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi="""
158    f = Cell(cell).scaled_positions(v)
159    f -= np.floor(f + 0.5)
160    vmin = f @ cell
161    vlen = np.linalg.norm(vmin, axis=1)
162    return vmin, vlen
165def general_find_mic(v, cell, pbc=True):
166    """Finds the minimum-image representation of vector(s) v. Using the
167    Minkowski reduction the algorithm is relatively slow but safe for any cell.
168    """
170    cell = complete_cell(cell)
171    rcell, _ = minkowski_reduce(cell, pbc=pbc)
172    positions = wrap_positions(v, rcell, pbc=pbc, eps=0)
174    # In a Minkowski-reduced cell we only need to test nearest neighbors,
175    # or "Voronoi-relevant" vectors. These are a subset of combinations of
176    # [-1, 0, 1] of the reduced cell vectors.
178    # Define ranges [-1, 0, 1] for periodic directions and [0] for aperiodic
179    # directions.
180    ranges = [np.arange(-1 * p, p + 1) for p in pbc]
182    # Get Voronoi-relevant vectors.
183    # Pre-pend (0, 0, 0) to resolve issue #772
184    hkls = np.array([(0, 0, 0)] + list(itertools.product(*ranges)))
185    vrvecs = hkls @ rcell
187    # Map positions into neighbouring cells.
188    x = positions + vrvecs[:, None]
190    # Find minimum images
191    lengths = np.linalg.norm(x, axis=2)
192    indices = np.argmin(lengths, axis=0)
193    vmin = x[indices, np.arange(len(positions)), :]
194    vlen = lengths[indices, np.arange(len(positions))]
195    return vmin, vlen
198def find_mic(v, cell, pbc=True):
199    """Finds the minimum-image representation of vector(s) v using either one
200    of two find mic algorithms depending on the given cell, v and pbc."""
202    cell = Cell(cell)
203    pbc = cell.any(1) & pbc2pbc(pbc)
204    dim = np.sum(pbc)
205    v = np.asarray(v)
206    single = v.ndim == 1
207    v = np.atleast_2d(v)
209    if dim > 0:
210        naive_find_mic_is_safe = False
211        if dim == 3:
212            vmin, vlen = naive_find_mic(v, cell)
213            # naive find mic is safe only for the following condition
214            if (vlen < 0.5 * min(cell.lengths())).all():
215                naive_find_mic_is_safe = True  # hence skip Minkowski reduction
217        if not naive_find_mic_is_safe:
218            vmin, vlen = general_find_mic(v, cell, pbc=pbc)
219    else:
220        vmin = v.copy()
221        vlen = np.linalg.norm(vmin, axis=1)
223    if single:
224        return vmin[0], vlen[0]
225    else:
226        return vmin, vlen
229def conditional_find_mic(vectors, cell, pbc):
230    """Return list of vector arrays and corresponding list of vector lengths
231    for a given list of vector arrays. The minimum image convention is applied
232    if cell and pbc are set. Can be used like a simple version of get_distances.
233    """
234    if (cell is None) != (pbc is None):
235        raise ValueError("cell or pbc must be both set or both be None")
236    if cell is not None:
237        mics = [find_mic(v, cell, pbc) for v in vectors]
238        vectors, vector_lengths = zip(*mics)
239    else:
240        vector_lengths = np.linalg.norm(vectors, axis=2)
241    return [np.asarray(v) for v in vectors], vector_lengths
244def get_angles(v0, v1, cell=None, pbc=None):
245    """Get angles formed by two lists of vectors.
247    Calculate angle in degrees between vectors v0 and v1
249    Set a cell and pbc to enable minimum image
250    convention, otherwise angles are taken as-is.
251    """
252    (v0, v1), (nv0, nv1) = conditional_find_mic([v0, v1], cell, pbc)
254    if (nv0 <= 0).any() or (nv1 <= 0).any():
255        raise ZeroDivisionError('Undefined angle')
256    v0n = v0 / nv0[:, np.newaxis]
257    v1n = v1 / nv1[:, np.newaxis]
258    # We just normalized the vectors, but in some cases we can get
259    # bad things like 1+2e-16.  These we clip away:
260    angles = np.arccos(np.einsum('ij,ij->i', v0n, v1n).clip(-1.0, 1.0))
261    return np.degrees(angles)
264def get_angles_derivatives(v0, v1, cell=None, pbc=None):
265    """Get derivatives of angles formed by two lists of vectors (v0, v1) w.r.t.
266    Cartesian coordinates in degrees.
268    Set a cell and pbc to enable minimum image
269    convention, otherwise derivatives of angles are taken as-is.
271    There is a singularity in the derivatives for sin(angle) -> 0 for which
272    a ZeroDivisionError is raised.
274    Derivative output format: [[dx_a0, dy_a0, dz_a0], [...], [..., dz_a2].
275    """
276    (v0, v1), (nv0, nv1) = conditional_find_mic([v0, v1], cell, pbc)
278    angles = np.radians(get_angles(v0, v1, cell=cell, pbc=pbc))
279    sin_angles = np.sin(angles)
280    cos_angles = np.cos(angles)
281    if (sin_angles == 0.).any():  # identify singularities
282        raise ZeroDivisionError('Singularity for angle derivative')
284    product = nv0 * nv1
285    deriv_d0 = (-(v1 / product[:, np.newaxis]  # derivatives by atom 0
286                  - np.einsum('ij,i->ij', v0, cos_angles / nv0**2))
287                / sin_angles[:, np.newaxis])
288    deriv_d2 = (-(v0 / product[:, np.newaxis]  # derivatives by atom 2
289                  - np.einsum('ij,i->ij', v1, cos_angles / nv1**2))
290                / sin_angles[:, np.newaxis])
291    deriv_d1 = -(deriv_d0 + deriv_d2)  # derivatives by atom 1
292    derivs = np.stack((deriv_d0, deriv_d1, deriv_d2), axis=1)
293    return np.degrees(derivs)
296def get_dihedrals(v0, v1, v2, cell=None, pbc=None):
297    """Get dihedral angles formed by three lists of vectors.
299    Calculate dihedral angle (in degrees) between the vectors a0->a1,
300    a1->a2 and a2->a3, written as v0, v1 and v2.
302    Set a cell and pbc to enable minimum image
303    convention, otherwise angles are taken as-is.
304    """
305    (v0, v1, v2), (_, nv1, _) = conditional_find_mic([v0, v1, v2], cell, pbc)
307    v1n = v1 / nv1[:, np.newaxis]
308    # v, w: projection of v0, v2 onto plane perpendicular to v1
309    v = -v0 - np.einsum('ij,ij,ik->ik', -v0, v1n, v1n)
310    w = v2 - np.einsum('ij,ij,ik->ik', v2, v1n, v1n)
312    # formula returns 0 for undefined dihedrals; prefer ZeroDivisionError
313    undefined_v = np.all(v == 0.0, axis=1)
314    undefined_w = np.all(w == 0.0, axis=1)
315    if np.any([undefined_v, undefined_w]):
316        raise ZeroDivisionError('Undefined dihedral')
318    x = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', v, w)
319    y = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', np.cross(v1n, v, axis=1), w)
320    dihedrals = np.arctan2(y, x)            # dihedral angle in [-pi, pi]
321    dihedrals[dihedrals < 0.] += 2 * np.pi  # dihedral angle in [0, 2*pi]
322    return np.degrees(dihedrals)
325def get_dihedrals_derivatives(v0, v1, v2, cell=None, pbc=None):
326    """Get derivatives of dihedrals formed by three lists of vectors
327    (v0, v1, v2) w.r.t Cartesian coordinates in degrees.
329    Set a cell and pbc to enable minimum image
330    convention, otherwise dihedrals are taken as-is.
332    Derivative output format: [[dx_a0, dy_a0, dz_a0], ..., [..., dz_a3]].
333    """
334    (v0, v1, v2), (nv0, nv1, nv2) = conditional_find_mic([v0, v1, v2], cell,
335                                                         pbc)
337    v0 /= nv0[:, np.newaxis]
338    v1 /= nv1[:, np.newaxis]
339    v2 /= nv2[:, np.newaxis]
340    normal_v01 = np.cross(v0, v1, axis=1)
341    normal_v12 = np.cross(v1, v2, axis=1)
342    cos_psi01 = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', v0, v1)  # == np.sum(v0 * v1, axis=1)
343    sin_psi01 = np.sin(np.arccos(cos_psi01))
344    cos_psi12 = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', v1, v2)
345    sin_psi12 = np.sin(np.arccos(cos_psi12))
346    if (sin_psi01 == 0.).any() or (sin_psi12 == 0.).any():
347        raise ZeroDivisionError('Undefined derivative for undefined dihedral')
349    deriv_d0 = -normal_v01 / (nv0 * sin_psi01**2)[:, np.newaxis]  # by atom 0
350    deriv_d3 = normal_v12 / (nv2 * sin_psi12**2)[:, np.newaxis]  # by atom 3
351    deriv_d1 = (((nv1 + nv0 * cos_psi01) / nv1)[:, np.newaxis] * -deriv_d0
352                + (cos_psi12 * nv2 / nv1)[:, np.newaxis] * deriv_d3)  # by a1
353    deriv_d2 = (-((nv1 + nv2 * cos_psi12) / nv1)[:, np.newaxis] * deriv_d3
354                - (cos_psi01 * nv0 / nv1)[:, np.newaxis] * -deriv_d0)  # by a2
355    derivs = np.stack((deriv_d0, deriv_d1, deriv_d2, deriv_d3), axis=1)
356    return np.degrees(derivs)
359def get_distances(p1, p2=None, cell=None, pbc=None):
360    """Return distance matrix of every position in p1 with every position in p2
362    If p2 is not set, it is assumed that distances between all positions in p1
363    are desired. p2 will be set to p1 in this case.
365    Use set cell and pbc to use the minimum image convention.
366    """
367    p1 = np.atleast_2d(p1)
368    if p2 is None:
369        np1 = len(p1)
370        ind1, ind2 = np.triu_indices(np1, k=1)
371        D = p1[ind2] - p1[ind1]
372    else:
373        p2 = np.atleast_2d(p2)
374        D = (p2[np.newaxis, :, :] - p1[:, np.newaxis, :]).reshape((-1, 3))
376    (D, ), (D_len, ) = conditional_find_mic([D], cell=cell, pbc=pbc)
378    if p2 is None:
379        Dout = np.zeros((np1, np1, 3))
380        Dout[(ind1, ind2)] = D
381        Dout -= np.transpose(Dout, axes=(1, 0, 2))
383        Dout_len = np.zeros((np1, np1))
384        Dout_len[(ind1, ind2)] = D_len
385        Dout_len += Dout_len.T
386        return Dout, Dout_len
388    # Expand back to matrix indexing
389    D.shape = (-1, len(p2), 3)
390    D_len.shape = (-1, len(p2))
392    return D, D_len
395def get_distances_derivatives(v0, cell=None, pbc=None):
396    """Get derivatives of distances for all vectors in v0 w.r.t. Cartesian
397    coordinates in Angstrom.
399    Set cell and pbc to use the minimum image convention.
401    There is a singularity for distances -> 0 for which a ZeroDivisionError is
402    raised.
403    Derivative output format: [[dx_a0, dy_a0, dz_a0], [dx_a1, dy_a1, dz_a1]].
404    """
405    (v0, ), (dists, ) = conditional_find_mic([v0], cell, pbc)
407    if (dists <= 0.).any():  # identify singularities
408        raise ZeroDivisionError('Singularity for distance derivative')
410    derivs_d0 = np.einsum('i,ij->ij', -1. / dists, v0)  # derivatives by atom 0
411    derivs_d1 = -derivs_d0                              # derivatives by atom 1
412    derivs = np.stack((derivs_d0, derivs_d1), axis=1)
413    return derivs
416def get_duplicate_atoms(atoms, cutoff=0.1, delete=False):
417    """Get list of duplicate atoms and delete them if requested.
419    Identify all atoms which lie within the cutoff radius of each other.
420    Delete one set of them if delete == True.
421    """
422    from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist
423    dists = pdist(atoms.get_positions(), 'sqeuclidean')
424    dup = np.nonzero(dists < cutoff**2)
425    rem = np.array(_row_col_from_pdist(len(atoms), dup[0]))
426    if delete:
427        if rem.size != 0:
428            del atoms[rem[:, 0]]
429    else:
430        return rem
433def _row_col_from_pdist(dim, i):
434    """Calculate the i,j index in the square matrix for an index in a
435    condensed (triangular) matrix.
436    """
437    i = np.array(i)
438    b = 1 - 2 * dim
439    x = (np.floor((-b - np.sqrt(b**2 - 8 * i)) / 2)).astype(int)
440    y = (i + x * (b + x + 2) / 2 + 1).astype(int)
441    if i.shape:
442        return list(zip(x, y))
443    else:
444        return [(x, y)]
447def permute_axes(atoms, permutation):
448    """Permute axes of unit cell and atom positions. Considers only cell and
449    atomic positions. Other vector quantities such as momenta are not
450    modified."""
451    assert (np.sort(permutation) == np.arange(3)).all()
453    permuted = atoms.copy()
454    scaled = permuted.get_scaled_positions()
455    permuted.set_cell(permuted.cell.permute_axes(permutation),
456                      scale_atoms=False)
457    permuted.set_scaled_positions(scaled[:, permutation])
458    permuted.set_pbc(permuted.pbc[permutation])
459    return permuted