1# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see PYFITS.rst
3import gzip
4import itertools
5import os
6import re
7import shutil
8import sys
9import warnings
11import numpy as np
13from . import compressed
14from .base import _BaseHDU, _ValidHDU, _NonstandardHDU, ExtensionHDU
15from .groups import GroupsHDU
16from .image import PrimaryHDU, ImageHDU
17from astropy.io.fits.file import _File, FILE_MODES
18from astropy.io.fits.header import _pad_length
19from astropy.io.fits.util import (_free_space_check, _get_array_mmap, _is_int,
20                                  _tmp_name, fileobj_closed, fileobj_mode,
21                                  ignore_sigint, isfile)
22from astropy.io.fits.verify import _Verify, _ErrList, VerifyError, VerifyWarning
23from astropy.utils import indent
24from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
25from astropy.utils.decorators import deprecated_renamed_argument
27# NOTE: Python can be built without bz2.
28from astropy.utils.compat.optional_deps import HAS_BZ2
29if HAS_BZ2:
30    import bz2
32__all__ = ["HDUList", "fitsopen"]
34# FITS file signature as per RFC 4047
35FITS_SIGNATURE = b'SIMPLE  =                    T'
38def fitsopen(name, mode='readonly', memmap=None, save_backup=False,
39             cache=True, lazy_load_hdus=None, ignore_missing_simple=False,
40             **kwargs):
41    """Factory function to open a FITS file and return an `HDUList` object.
43    Parameters
44    ----------
45    name : str, file-like or `pathlib.Path`
46        File to be opened.
48    mode : str, optional
49        Open mode, 'readonly', 'update', 'append', 'denywrite', or
50        'ostream'. Default is 'readonly'.
52        If ``name`` is a file object that is already opened, ``mode`` must
53        match the mode the file was opened with, readonly (rb), update (rb+),
54        append (ab+), ostream (w), denywrite (rb)).
56    memmap : bool, optional
57        Is memory mapping to be used? This value is obtained from the
58        configuration item ``astropy.io.fits.Conf.use_memmap``.
59        Default is `True`.
61    save_backup : bool, optional
62        If the file was opened in update or append mode, this ensures that
63        a backup of the original file is saved before any changes are flushed.
64        The backup has the same name as the original file with ".bak" appended.
65        If "file.bak" already exists then "file.bak.1" is used, and so on.
66        Default is `False`.
68    cache : bool, optional
69        If the file name is a URL, `~astropy.utils.data.download_file` is used
70        to open the file.  This specifies whether or not to save the file
71        locally in Astropy's download cache. Default is `True`.
73    lazy_load_hdus : bool, optional
74        To avoid reading all the HDUs and headers in a FITS file immediately
75        upon opening.  This is an optimization especially useful for large
76        files, as FITS has no way of determining the number and offsets of all
77        the HDUs in a file without scanning through the file and reading all
78        the headers. Default is `True`.
80        To disable lazy loading and read all HDUs immediately (the old
81        behavior) use ``lazy_load_hdus=False``.  This can lead to fewer
82        surprises--for example with lazy loading enabled, ``len(hdul)``
83        can be slow, as it means the entire FITS file needs to be read in
84        order to determine the number of HDUs.  ``lazy_load_hdus=False``
85        ensures that all HDUs have already been loaded after the file has
86        been opened.
88        .. versionadded:: 1.3
90    uint : bool, optional
91        Interpret signed integer data where ``BZERO`` is the central value and
92        ``BSCALE == 1`` as unsigned integer data.  For example, ``int16`` data
93        with ``BZERO = 32768`` and ``BSCALE = 1`` would be treated as
94        ``uint16`` data. Default is `True` so that the pseudo-unsigned
95        integer convention is assumed.
97    ignore_missing_end : bool, optional
98        Do not raise an exception when opening a file that is missing an
99        ``END`` card in the last header. Default is `False`.
101    ignore_missing_simple : bool, optional
102        Do not raise an exception when the SIMPLE keyword is missing. Note
103        that io.fits will raise a warning if a SIMPLE card is present but
104        written in a way that does not follow the FITS Standard.
105        Default is `False`.
107        .. versionadded:: 4.2
109    checksum : bool, str, optional
110        If `True`, verifies that both ``DATASUM`` and ``CHECKSUM`` card values
111        (when present in the HDU header) match the header and data of all HDU's
112        in the file.  Updates to a file that already has a checksum will
113        preserve and update the existing checksums unless this argument is
114        given a value of 'remove', in which case the CHECKSUM and DATASUM
115        values are not checked, and are removed when saving changes to the
116        file. Default is `False`.
118    disable_image_compression : bool, optional
119        If `True`, treats compressed image HDU's like normal binary table
120        HDU's.  Default is `False`.
122    do_not_scale_image_data : bool, optional
123        If `True`, image data is not scaled using BSCALE/BZERO values
124        when read.  Default is `False`.
126    character_as_bytes : bool, optional
127        Whether to return bytes for string columns, otherwise unicode strings
128        are returned, but this does not respect memory mapping and loads the
129        whole column in memory when accessed. Default is `False`.
131    ignore_blank : bool, optional
132        If `True`, the BLANK keyword is ignored if present.
133        Default is `False`.
135    scale_back : bool, optional
136        If `True`, when saving changes to a file that contained scaled image
137        data, restore the data to the original type and reapply the original
138        BSCALE/BZERO values. This could lead to loss of accuracy if scaling
139        back to integer values after performing floating point operations on
140        the data. Default is `False`.
142    output_verify : str
143        Output verification option.  Must be one of ``"fix"``,
144        ``"silentfix"``, ``"ignore"``, ``"warn"``, or
145        ``"exception"``.  May also be any combination of ``"fix"`` or
146        ``"silentfix"`` with ``"+ignore"``, ``+warn``, or ``+exception"
147        (e.g. ``"fix+warn"``).  See :ref:`astropy:verify` for more info.
149    Returns
150    -------
151    hdulist : `HDUList`
152        `HDUList` containing all of the header data units in the file.
154    """
156    from astropy.io.fits import conf
158    if memmap is None:
159        # distinguish between True (kwarg explicitly set)
160        # and None (preference for memmap in config, might be ignored)
161        memmap = None if conf.use_memmap else False
162    else:
163        memmap = bool(memmap)
165    if lazy_load_hdus is None:
166        lazy_load_hdus = conf.lazy_load_hdus
167    else:
168        lazy_load_hdus = bool(lazy_load_hdus)
170    if 'uint' not in kwargs:
171        kwargs['uint'] = conf.enable_uint
173    if not name:
174        raise ValueError(f'Empty filename: {name!r}')
176    return HDUList.fromfile(name, mode, memmap, save_backup, cache,
177                            lazy_load_hdus, ignore_missing_simple, **kwargs)
180class HDUList(list, _Verify):
181    """
182    HDU list class.  This is the top-level FITS object.  When a FITS
183    file is opened, a `HDUList` object is returned.
184    """
186    def __init__(self, hdus=[], file=None):
187        """
188        Construct a `HDUList` object.
190        Parameters
191        ----------
192        hdus : BaseHDU or sequence thereof, optional
193            The HDU object(s) to comprise the `HDUList`.  Should be
194            instances of HDU classes like `ImageHDU` or `BinTableHDU`.
196        file : file-like, bytes, optional
197            The opened physical file associated with the `HDUList`
198            or a bytes object containing the contents of the FITS
199            file.
200        """
202        if isinstance(file, bytes):
203            self._data = file
204            self._file = None
205        else:
206            self._file = file
207            self._data = None
209        # For internal use only--the keyword args passed to fitsopen /
210        # HDUList.fromfile/string when opening the file
211        self._open_kwargs = {}
212        self._in_read_next_hdu = False
214        # If we have read all the HDUs from the file or not
215        # The assumes that all HDUs have been written when we first opened the
216        # file; we do not currently support loading additional HDUs from a file
217        # while it is being streamed to.  In the future that might be supported
218        # but for now this is only used for the purpose of lazy-loading of
219        # existing HDUs.
220        if file is None:
221            self._read_all = True
222        elif self._file is not None:
223            # Should never attempt to read HDUs in ostream mode
224            self._read_all = self._file.mode == 'ostream'
225        else:
226            self._read_all = False
228        if hdus is None:
229            hdus = []
231        # can take one HDU, as well as a list of HDU's as input
232        if isinstance(hdus, _ValidHDU):
233            hdus = [hdus]
234        elif not isinstance(hdus, (HDUList, list)):
235            raise TypeError("Invalid input for HDUList.")
237        for idx, hdu in enumerate(hdus):
238            if not isinstance(hdu, _BaseHDU):
239                raise TypeError(f"Element {idx} in the HDUList input is not an HDU.")
241        super().__init__(hdus)
243        if file is None:
244            # Only do this when initializing from an existing list of HDUs
245            # When initializing from a file, this will be handled by the
246            # append method after the first HDU is read
247            self.update_extend()
249    def __len__(self):
250        if not self._in_read_next_hdu:
251            self.readall()
253        return super().__len__()
255    def __repr__(self):
256        # In order to correctly repr an HDUList we need to load all the
257        # HDUs as well
258        self.readall()
260        return super().__repr__()
262    def __iter__(self):
263        # While effectively this does the same as:
264        # for idx in range(len(self)):
265        #     yield self[idx]
266        # the more complicated structure is here to prevent the use of len(),
267        # which would break the lazy loading
268        for idx in itertools.count():
269            try:
270                yield self[idx]
271            except IndexError:
272                break
274    def __getitem__(self, key):
275        """
276        Get an HDU from the `HDUList`, indexed by number or name.
277        """
279        # If the key is a slice we need to make sure the necessary HDUs
280        # have been loaded before passing the slice on to super.
281        if isinstance(key, slice):
282            max_idx = key.stop
283            # Check for and handle the case when no maximum was
284            # specified (e.g. [1:]).
285            if max_idx is None:
286                # We need all of the HDUs, so load them
287                # and reset the maximum to the actual length.
288                max_idx = len(self)
290            # Just in case the max_idx is negative...
291            max_idx = self._positive_index_of(max_idx)
293            number_loaded = super().__len__()
295            if max_idx >= number_loaded:
296                # We need more than we have, try loading up to and including
297                # max_idx. Note we do not try to be clever about skipping HDUs
298                # even though key.step might conceivably allow it.
299                for i in range(number_loaded, max_idx):
300                    # Read until max_idx or to the end of the file, whichever
301                    # comes first.
302                    if not self._read_next_hdu():
303                        break
305            try:
306                hdus = super().__getitem__(key)
307            except IndexError as e:
308                # Raise a more helpful IndexError if the file was not fully read.
309                if self._read_all:
310                    raise e
311                else:
312                    raise IndexError('HDU not found, possibly because the index '
313                                     'is out of range, or because the file was '
314                                     'closed before all HDUs were read')
315            else:
316                return HDUList(hdus)
318        # Originally this used recursion, but hypothetically an HDU with
319        # a very large number of HDUs could blow the stack, so use a loop
320        # instead
321        try:
322            return self._try_while_unread_hdus(super().__getitem__,
323                                               self._positive_index_of(key))
324        except IndexError as e:
325            # Raise a more helpful IndexError if the file was not fully read.
326            if self._read_all:
327                raise e
328            else:
329                raise IndexError('HDU not found, possibly because the index '
330                                 'is out of range, or because the file was '
331                                 'closed before all HDUs were read')
333    def __contains__(self, item):
334        """
335        Returns `True` if ``item`` is an ``HDU`` _in_ ``self`` or a valid
336        extension specification (e.g., integer extension number, extension
337        name, or a tuple of extension name and an extension version)
338        of a ``HDU`` in ``self``.
340        """
341        try:
342            self._try_while_unread_hdus(self.index_of, item)
343        except (KeyError, ValueError):
344            return False
346        return True
348    def __setitem__(self, key, hdu):
349        """
350        Set an HDU to the `HDUList`, indexed by number or name.
351        """
353        _key = self._positive_index_of(key)
354        if isinstance(hdu, (slice, list)):
355            if _is_int(_key):
356                raise ValueError('An element in the HDUList must be an HDU.')
357            for item in hdu:
358                if not isinstance(item, _BaseHDU):
359                    raise ValueError(f'{item} is not an HDU.')
360        else:
361            if not isinstance(hdu, _BaseHDU):
362                raise ValueError(f'{hdu} is not an HDU.')
364        try:
365            self._try_while_unread_hdus(super().__setitem__, _key, hdu)
366        except IndexError:
367            raise IndexError(f'Extension {key} is out of bound or not found.')
369        self._resize = True
370        self._truncate = False
372    def __delitem__(self, key):
373        """
374        Delete an HDU from the `HDUList`, indexed by number or name.
375        """
377        if isinstance(key, slice):
378            end_index = len(self)
379        else:
380            key = self._positive_index_of(key)
381            end_index = len(self) - 1
383        self._try_while_unread_hdus(super().__delitem__, key)
385        if (key == end_index or key == -1 and not self._resize):
386            self._truncate = True
387        else:
388            self._truncate = False
389            self._resize = True
391    # Support the 'with' statement
392    def __enter__(self):
393        return self
395    def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback):
396        output_verify = self._open_kwargs.get('output_verify', 'exception')
397        self.close(output_verify=output_verify)
399    @classmethod
400    def fromfile(cls, fileobj, mode=None, memmap=None,
401                 save_backup=False, cache=True, lazy_load_hdus=True,
402                 ignore_missing_simple=False, **kwargs):
403        """
404        Creates an `HDUList` instance from a file-like object.
406        The actual implementation of ``fitsopen()``, and generally shouldn't
407        be used directly.  Use :func:`open` instead (and see its
408        documentation for details of the parameters accepted by this method).
409        """
411        return cls._readfrom(fileobj=fileobj, mode=mode, memmap=memmap,
412                             save_backup=save_backup, cache=cache,
413                             ignore_missing_simple=ignore_missing_simple,
414                             lazy_load_hdus=lazy_load_hdus, **kwargs)
416    @classmethod
417    def fromstring(cls, data, **kwargs):
418        """
419        Creates an `HDUList` instance from a string or other in-memory data
420        buffer containing an entire FITS file.  Similar to
421        :meth:`HDUList.fromfile`, but does not accept the mode or memmap
422        arguments, as they are only relevant to reading from a file on disk.
424        This is useful for interfacing with other libraries such as CFITSIO,
425        and may also be useful for streaming applications.
427        Parameters
428        ----------
429        data : str, buffer-like, etc.
430            A string or other memory buffer containing an entire FITS file.
431            Buffer-like objects include :class:`~bytes`, :class:`~bytearray`,
432            :class:`~memoryview`, and :class:`~numpy.ndarray`.
433            It should be noted that if that memory is read-only (such as a
434            Python string) the returned :class:`HDUList`'s data portions will
435            also be read-only.
437        kwargs : dict
438            Optional keyword arguments.  See
439            :func:`astropy.io.fits.open` for details.
441        Returns
442        -------
443        hdul : HDUList
444            An :class:`HDUList` object representing the in-memory FITS file.
445        """
447        try:
448            # Test that the given object supports the buffer interface by
449            # ensuring an ndarray can be created from it
450            np.ndarray((), dtype='ubyte', buffer=data)
451        except TypeError:
452            raise TypeError(
453                'The provided object {} does not contain an underlying '
454                'memory buffer.  fromstring() requires an object that '
455                'supports the buffer interface such as bytes, buffer, '
456                'memoryview, ndarray, etc.  This restriction is to ensure '
457                'that efficient access to the array/table data is possible.'
458                ''.format(data))
460        return cls._readfrom(data=data, **kwargs)
462    def fileinfo(self, index):
463        """
464        Returns a dictionary detailing information about the locations
465        of the indexed HDU within any associated file.  The values are
466        only valid after a read or write of the associated file with
467        no intervening changes to the `HDUList`.
469        Parameters
470        ----------
471        index : int
472            Index of HDU for which info is to be returned.
474        Returns
475        -------
476        fileinfo : dict or None
478            The dictionary details information about the locations of
479            the indexed HDU within an associated file.  Returns `None`
480            when the HDU is not associated with a file.
482            Dictionary contents:
484            ========== ========================================================
485            Key        Value
486            ========== ========================================================
487            file       File object associated with the HDU
488            filename   Name of associated file object
489            filemode   Mode in which the file was opened (readonly,
490                       update, append, denywrite, ostream)
491            resized    Flag that when `True` indicates that the data has been
492                       resized since the last read/write so the returned values
493                       may not be valid.
494            hdrLoc     Starting byte location of header in file
495            datLoc     Starting byte location of data block in file
496            datSpan    Data size including padding
497            ========== ========================================================
499        """
501        if self._file is not None:
502            output = self[index].fileinfo()
504            if not output:
505                # OK, the HDU associated with this index is not yet
506                # tied to the file associated with the HDUList.  The only way
507                # to get the file object is to check each of the HDU's in the
508                # list until we find the one associated with the file.
509                f = None
511                for hdu in self:
512                    info = hdu.fileinfo()
514                    if info:
515                        f = info['file']
516                        fm = info['filemode']
517                        break
519                output = {'file': f, 'filemode': fm, 'hdrLoc': None,
520                          'datLoc': None, 'datSpan': None}
522            output['filename'] = self._file.name
523            output['resized'] = self._wasresized()
524        else:
525            output = None
527        return output
529    def __copy__(self):
530        """
531        Return a shallow copy of an HDUList.
533        Returns
534        -------
535        copy : `HDUList`
536            A shallow copy of this `HDUList` object.
538        """
540        return self[:]
542    # Syntactic sugar for `__copy__()` magic method
543    copy = __copy__
545    def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None):
546        return HDUList([hdu.copy() for hdu in self])
548    def pop(self, index=-1):
549        """ Remove an item from the list and return it.
551        Parameters
552        ----------
553        index : int, str, tuple of (string, int), optional
554            An integer value of ``index`` indicates the position from which
555            ``pop()`` removes and returns an HDU. A string value or a tuple
556            of ``(string, int)`` functions as a key for identifying the
557            HDU to be removed and returned. If ``key`` is a tuple, it is
558            of the form ``(key, ver)`` where ``ver`` is an ``EXTVER``
559            value that must match the HDU being searched for.
561            If the key is ambiguous (e.g. there are multiple 'SCI' extensions)
562            the first match is returned.  For a more precise match use the
563            ``(name, ver)`` pair.
565            If even the ``(name, ver)`` pair is ambiguous the numeric index
566            must be used to index the duplicate HDU.
568        Returns
569        -------
570        hdu : BaseHDU
571            The HDU object at position indicated by ``index`` or having name
572            and version specified by ``index``.
573        """
575        # Make sure that HDUs are loaded before attempting to pop
576        self.readall()
577        list_index = self.index_of(index)
578        return super().pop(list_index)
580    def insert(self, index, hdu):
581        """
582        Insert an HDU into the `HDUList` at the given ``index``.
584        Parameters
585        ----------
586        index : int
587            Index before which to insert the new HDU.
589        hdu : BaseHDU
590            The HDU object to insert
591        """
593        if not isinstance(hdu, _BaseHDU):
594            raise ValueError(f'{hdu} is not an HDU.')
596        num_hdus = len(self)
598        if index == 0 or num_hdus == 0:
599            if num_hdus != 0:
600                # We are inserting a new Primary HDU so we need to
601                # make the current Primary HDU into an extension HDU.
602                if isinstance(self[0], GroupsHDU):
603                    raise ValueError(
604                        "The current Primary HDU is a GroupsHDU.  "
605                        "It can't be made into an extension HDU, "
606                        "so another HDU cannot be inserted before it.")
608                hdu1 = ImageHDU(self[0].data, self[0].header)
610                # Insert it into position 1, then delete HDU at position 0.
611                super().insert(1, hdu1)
612                super().__delitem__(0)
614            if not isinstance(hdu, (PrimaryHDU, _NonstandardHDU)):
615                # You passed in an Extension HDU but we need a Primary HDU.
616                # If you provided an ImageHDU then we can convert it to
617                # a primary HDU and use that.
618                if isinstance(hdu, ImageHDU):
619                    hdu = PrimaryHDU(hdu.data, hdu.header)
620                else:
621                    # You didn't provide an ImageHDU so we create a
622                    # simple Primary HDU and append that first before
623                    # we append the new Extension HDU.
624                    phdu = PrimaryHDU()
626                    super().insert(0, phdu)
627                    index = 1
628        else:
629            if isinstance(hdu, GroupsHDU):
630                raise ValueError('A GroupsHDU must be inserted as a '
631                                 'Primary HDU.')
633            if isinstance(hdu, PrimaryHDU):
634                # You passed a Primary HDU but we need an Extension HDU
635                # so create an Extension HDU from the input Primary HDU.
636                hdu = ImageHDU(hdu.data, hdu.header)
638        super().insert(index, hdu)
639        hdu._new = True
640        self._resize = True
641        self._truncate = False
642        # make sure the EXTEND keyword is in primary HDU if there is extension
643        self.update_extend()
645    def append(self, hdu):
646        """
647        Append a new HDU to the `HDUList`.
649        Parameters
650        ----------
651        hdu : BaseHDU
652            HDU to add to the `HDUList`.
653        """
655        if not isinstance(hdu, _BaseHDU):
656            raise ValueError('HDUList can only append an HDU.')
658        if len(self) > 0:
659            if isinstance(hdu, GroupsHDU):
660                raise ValueError(
661                    "Can't append a GroupsHDU to a non-empty HDUList")
663            if isinstance(hdu, PrimaryHDU):
664                # You passed a Primary HDU but we need an Extension HDU
665                # so create an Extension HDU from the input Primary HDU.
666                # TODO: This isn't necessarily sufficient to copy the HDU;
667                # _header_offset and friends need to be copied too.
668                hdu = ImageHDU(hdu.data, hdu.header)
669        else:
670            if not isinstance(hdu, (PrimaryHDU, _NonstandardHDU)):
671                # You passed in an Extension HDU but we need a Primary
672                # HDU.
673                # If you provided an ImageHDU then we can convert it to
674                # a primary HDU and use that.
675                if isinstance(hdu, ImageHDU):
676                    hdu = PrimaryHDU(hdu.data, hdu.header)
677                else:
678                    # You didn't provide an ImageHDU so we create a
679                    # simple Primary HDU and append that first before
680                    # we append the new Extension HDU.
681                    phdu = PrimaryHDU()
682                    super().append(phdu)
684        super().append(hdu)
685        hdu._new = True
686        self._resize = True
687        self._truncate = False
689        # make sure the EXTEND keyword is in primary HDU if there is extension
690        self.update_extend()
692    def index_of(self, key):
693        """
694        Get the index of an HDU from the `HDUList`.
696        Parameters
697        ----------
698        key : int, str, tuple of (string, int) or BaseHDU
699           The key identifying the HDU.  If ``key`` is a tuple, it is of the
700           form ``(name, ver)`` where ``ver`` is an ``EXTVER`` value that must
701           match the HDU being searched for.
703           If the key is ambiguous (e.g. there are multiple 'SCI' extensions)
704           the first match is returned.  For a more precise match use the
705           ``(name, ver)`` pair.
707           If even the ``(name, ver)`` pair is ambiguous (it shouldn't be
708           but it's not impossible) the numeric index must be used to index
709           the duplicate HDU.
711           When ``key`` is an HDU object, this function returns the
712           index of that HDU object in the ``HDUList``.
714        Returns
715        -------
716        index : int
717           The index of the HDU in the `HDUList`.
719        Raises
720        ------
721        ValueError
722           If ``key`` is an HDU object and it is not found in the ``HDUList``.
724        KeyError
725           If an HDU specified by the ``key`` that is an extension number,
726           extension name, or a tuple of extension name and version is not
727           found in the ``HDUList``.
729        """
731        if _is_int(key):
732            return key
733        elif isinstance(key, tuple):
734            _key, _ver = key
735        elif isinstance(key, _BaseHDU):
736            return self.index(key)
737        else:
738            _key = key
739            _ver = None
741        if not isinstance(_key, str):
742            raise KeyError(
743                '{} indices must be integers, extension names as strings, '
744                'or (extname, version) tuples; got {}'
745                ''.format(self.__class__.__name__, _key))
747        _key = (_key.strip()).upper()
749        found = None
750        for idx, hdu in enumerate(self):
751            name = hdu.name
752            if isinstance(name, str):
753                name = name.strip().upper()
754            # 'PRIMARY' should always work as a reference to the first HDU
755            if ((name == _key or (_key == 'PRIMARY' and idx == 0)) and
756                    (_ver is None or _ver == hdu.ver)):
757                found = idx
758                break
760        if (found is None):
761            raise KeyError(f'Extension {key!r} not found.')
762        else:
763            return found
765    def _positive_index_of(self, key):
766        """
767        Same as index_of, but ensures always returning a positive index
768        or zero.
770        (Really this should be called non_negative_index_of but it felt
771        too long.)
773        This means that if the key is a negative integer, we have to
774        convert it to the corresponding positive index.  This means
775        knowing the length of the HDUList, which in turn means loading
776        all HDUs.  Therefore using negative indices on HDULists is inherently
777        inefficient.
778        """
780        index = self.index_of(key)
782        if index >= 0:
783            return index
785        if abs(index) > len(self):
786            raise IndexError(
787                f'Extension {index} is out of bound or not found.')
789        return len(self) + index
791    def readall(self):
792        """
793        Read data of all HDUs into memory.
794        """
795        while self._read_next_hdu():
796            pass
798    @ignore_sigint
799    def flush(self, output_verify='fix', verbose=False):
800        """
801        Force a write of the `HDUList` back to the file (for append and
802        update modes only).
804        Parameters
805        ----------
806        output_verify : str
807            Output verification option.  Must be one of ``"fix"``,
808            ``"silentfix"``, ``"ignore"``, ``"warn"``, or
809            ``"exception"``.  May also be any combination of ``"fix"`` or
810            ``"silentfix"`` with ``"+ignore"``, ``+warn``, or ``+exception"
811            (e.g. ``"fix+warn"``).  See :ref:`astropy:verify` for more info.
813        verbose : bool
814            When `True`, print verbose messages
815        """
817        if self._file.mode not in ('append', 'update', 'ostream'):
818            warnings.warn("Flush for '{}' mode is not supported."
819                          .format(self._file.mode), AstropyUserWarning)
820            return
822        save_backup = self._open_kwargs.get('save_backup', False)
823        if save_backup and self._file.mode in ('append', 'update'):
824            filename = self._file.name
825            if os.path.exists(filename):
826                # The the file doesn't actually exist anymore for some reason
827                # then there's no point in trying to make a backup
828                backup = filename + '.bak'
829                idx = 1
830                while os.path.exists(backup):
831                    backup = filename + '.bak.' + str(idx)
832                    idx += 1
833                warnings.warn('Saving a backup of {} to {}.'.format(
834                        filename, backup), AstropyUserWarning)
835                try:
836                    shutil.copy(filename, backup)
837                except OSError as exc:
838                    raise OSError('Failed to save backup to destination {}: '
839                                  '{}'.format(filename, exc))
841        self.verify(option=output_verify)
843        if self._file.mode in ('append', 'ostream'):
844            for hdu in self:
845                if verbose:
846                    try:
847                        extver = str(hdu._header['extver'])
848                    except KeyError:
849                        extver = ''
851                # only append HDU's which are "new"
852                if hdu._new:
853                    hdu._prewriteto(checksum=hdu._output_checksum)
854                    with _free_space_check(self):
855                        hdu._writeto(self._file)
856                        if verbose:
857                            print('append HDU', hdu.name, extver)
858                        hdu._new = False
859                    hdu._postwriteto()
861        elif self._file.mode == 'update':
862            self._flush_update()
864    def update_extend(self):
865        """
866        Make sure that if the primary header needs the keyword ``EXTEND`` that
867        it has it and it is correct.
868        """
870        if not len(self):
871            return
873        if not isinstance(self[0], PrimaryHDU):
874            # A PrimaryHDU will be automatically inserted at some point, but it
875            # might not have been added yet
876            return
878        hdr = self[0].header
880        def get_first_ext():
881            try:
882                return self[1]
883            except IndexError:
884                return None
886        if 'EXTEND' in hdr:
887            if not hdr['EXTEND'] and get_first_ext() is not None:
888                hdr['EXTEND'] = True
889        elif get_first_ext() is not None:
890            if hdr['NAXIS'] == 0:
891                hdr.set('EXTEND', True, after='NAXIS')
892            else:
893                n = hdr['NAXIS']
894                hdr.set('EXTEND', True, after='NAXIS' + str(n))
896    @deprecated_renamed_argument('clobber', 'overwrite', '2.0',
897                                 message='"clobber" was deprecated in version '
898                                         '2.0 and will be removed in version '
899                                         '5.1. Use argument "overwrite" '
900                                         'instead.')
901    def writeto(self, fileobj, output_verify='exception', overwrite=False,
902                checksum=False):
903        """
904        Write the `HDUList` to a new file.
906        Parameters
907        ----------
908        fileobj : str, file-like or `pathlib.Path`
909            File to write to.  If a file object, must be opened in a
910            writeable mode.
912        output_verify : str
913            Output verification option.  Must be one of ``"fix"``,
914            ``"silentfix"``, ``"ignore"``, ``"warn"``, or
915            ``"exception"``.  May also be any combination of ``"fix"`` or
916            ``"silentfix"`` with ``"+ignore"``, ``+warn``, or ``+exception"
917            (e.g. ``"fix+warn"``).  See :ref:`astropy:verify` for more info.
919        overwrite : bool, optional
920            If ``True``, overwrite the output file if it exists. Raises an
921            ``OSError`` if ``False`` and the output file exists. Default is
922            ``False``.
924            .. versionchanged:: 1.3
925               ``overwrite`` replaces the deprecated ``clobber`` argument.
927        checksum : bool
928            When `True` adds both ``DATASUM`` and ``CHECKSUM`` cards
929            to the headers of all HDU's written to the file.
930        """
932        if (len(self) == 0):
933            warnings.warn("There is nothing to write.", AstropyUserWarning)
934            return
936        self.verify(option=output_verify)
938        # make sure the EXTEND keyword is there if there is extension
939        self.update_extend()
941        # make note of whether the input file object is already open, in which
942        # case we should not close it after writing (that should be the job
943        # of the caller)
944        closed = isinstance(fileobj, str) or fileobj_closed(fileobj)
946        mode = FILE_MODES[fileobj_mode(fileobj)] if isfile(fileobj) else 'ostream'
948        # This can accept an open file object that's open to write only, or in
949        # append/update modes but only if the file doesn't exist.
950        fileobj = _File(fileobj, mode=mode, overwrite=overwrite)
951        hdulist = self.fromfile(fileobj)
952        try:
953            dirname = os.path.dirname(hdulist._file.name)
954        except (AttributeError, TypeError):
955            dirname = None
957        with _free_space_check(self, dirname=dirname):
958            for hdu in self:
959                hdu._prewriteto(checksum=checksum)
960                hdu._writeto(hdulist._file)
961                hdu._postwriteto()
962        hdulist.close(output_verify=output_verify, closed=closed)
964    def close(self, output_verify='exception', verbose=False, closed=True):
965        """
966        Close the associated FITS file and memmap object, if any.
968        Parameters
969        ----------
970        output_verify : str
971            Output verification option.  Must be one of ``"fix"``,
972            ``"silentfix"``, ``"ignore"``, ``"warn"``, or
973            ``"exception"``.  May also be any combination of ``"fix"`` or
974            ``"silentfix"`` with ``"+ignore"``, ``+warn``, or ``+exception"
975            (e.g. ``"fix+warn"``).  See :ref:`astropy:verify` for more info.
977        verbose : bool
978            When `True`, print out verbose messages.
980        closed : bool
981            When `True`, close the underlying file object.
982        """
984        try:
985            if (self._file and self._file.mode in ('append', 'update')
986                    and not self._file.closed):
987                self.flush(output_verify=output_verify, verbose=verbose)
988        finally:
989            if self._file and closed and hasattr(self._file, 'close'):
990                self._file.close()
992            # Give individual HDUs an opportunity to do on-close cleanup
993            for hdu in self:
994                hdu._close(closed=closed)
996    def info(self, output=None):
997        """
998        Summarize the info of the HDUs in this `HDUList`.
1000        Note that this function prints its results to the console---it
1001        does not return a value.
1003        Parameters
1004        ----------
1005        output : file-like or bool, optional
1006            A file-like object to write the output to.  If `False`, does not
1007            output to a file and instead returns a list of tuples representing
1008            the HDU info.  Writes to ``sys.stdout`` by default.
1009        """
1011        if output is None:
1012            output = sys.stdout
1014        if self._file is None:
1015            name = '(No file associated with this HDUList)'
1016        else:
1017            name = self._file.name
1019        results = [f'Filename: {name}',
1020                   'No.    Name      Ver    Type      Cards   Dimensions   Format']
1022        format = '{:3d}  {:10}  {:3} {:11}  {:5d}   {}   {}   {}'
1023        default = ('', '', '', 0, (), '', '')
1024        for idx, hdu in enumerate(self):
1025            summary = hdu._summary()
1026            if len(summary) < len(default):
1027                summary += default[len(summary):]
1028            summary = (idx,) + summary
1029            if output:
1030                results.append(format.format(*summary))
1031            else:
1032                results.append(summary)
1034        if output:
1035            output.write('\n'.join(results))
1036            output.write('\n')
1037            output.flush()
1038        else:
1039            return results[2:]
1041    def filename(self):
1042        """
1043        Return the file name associated with the HDUList object if one exists.
1044        Otherwise returns None.
1046        Returns
1047        -------
1048        filename : str
1049            A string containing the file name associated with the HDUList
1050            object if an association exists.  Otherwise returns None.
1052        """
1053        if self._file is not None:
1054            if hasattr(self._file, 'name'):
1055                return self._file.name
1056        return None
1058    @classmethod
1059    def _readfrom(cls, fileobj=None, data=None, mode=None, memmap=None,
1060                  cache=True, lazy_load_hdus=True, ignore_missing_simple=False,
1061                  **kwargs):
1062        """
1063        Provides the implementations from HDUList.fromfile and
1064        HDUList.fromstring, both of which wrap this method, as their
1065        implementations are largely the same.
1066        """
1068        if fileobj is not None:
1069            if not isinstance(fileobj, _File):
1070                # instantiate a FITS file object (ffo)
1071                fileobj = _File(fileobj, mode=mode, memmap=memmap, cache=cache)
1072            # The Astropy mode is determined by the _File initializer if the
1073            # supplied mode was None
1074            mode = fileobj.mode
1075            hdulist = cls(file=fileobj)
1076        else:
1077            if mode is None:
1078                # The default mode
1079                mode = 'readonly'
1081            hdulist = cls(file=data)
1082            # This method is currently only called from HDUList.fromstring and
1083            # HDUList.fromfile.  If fileobj is None then this must be the
1084            # fromstring case; the data type of ``data`` will be checked in the
1085            # _BaseHDU.fromstring call.
1087        if (not ignore_missing_simple and
1088                hdulist._file and
1089                hdulist._file.mode != 'ostream' and
1090                hdulist._file.size > 0):
1091            pos = hdulist._file.tell()
1092            # FITS signature is supposed to be in the first 30 bytes, but to
1093            # allow reading various invalid files we will check in the first
1094            # card (80 bytes).
1095            simple = hdulist._file.read(80)
1096            match_sig = (simple[:29] == FITS_SIGNATURE[:-1] and
1097                         simple[29:30] in (b'T', b'F'))
1099            if not match_sig:
1100                # Check the SIMPLE card is there but not written correctly
1101                match_sig_relaxed = re.match(rb"SIMPLE\s*=\s*[T|F]", simple)
1103                if match_sig_relaxed:
1104                    warnings.warn("Found a SIMPLE card but its format doesn't"
1105                                  " respect the FITS Standard", VerifyWarning)
1106                else:
1107                    if hdulist._file.close_on_error:
1108                        hdulist._file.close()
1109                    raise OSError(
1110                        'No SIMPLE card found, this file does not appear to '
1111                        'be a valid FITS file. If this is really a FITS file, '
1112                        'try with ignore_missing_simple=True')
1114            hdulist._file.seek(pos)
1116        # Store additional keyword args that were passed to fits.open
1117        hdulist._open_kwargs = kwargs
1119        if fileobj is not None and fileobj.writeonly:
1120            # Output stream--not interested in reading/parsing
1121            # the HDUs--just writing to the output file
1122            return hdulist
1124        # Make sure at least the PRIMARY HDU can be read
1125        read_one = hdulist._read_next_hdu()
1127        # If we're trying to read only and no header units were found,
1128        # raise an exception
1129        if not read_one and mode in ('readonly', 'denywrite'):
1130            # Close the file if necessary (issue #6168)
1131            if hdulist._file.close_on_error:
1132                hdulist._file.close()
1134            raise OSError('Empty or corrupt FITS file')
1136        if not lazy_load_hdus or kwargs.get('checksum') is True:
1137            # Go ahead and load all HDUs
1138            while hdulist._read_next_hdu():
1139                pass
1141        # initialize/reset attributes to be used in "update/append" mode
1142        hdulist._resize = False
1143        hdulist._truncate = False
1145        return hdulist
1147    def _try_while_unread_hdus(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
1148        """
1149        Attempt an operation that accesses an HDU by index/name
1150        that can fail if not all HDUs have been read yet.  Keep
1151        reading HDUs until the operation succeeds or there are no
1152        more HDUs to read.
1153        """
1155        while True:
1156            try:
1157                return func(*args, **kwargs)
1158            except Exception:
1159                if self._read_next_hdu():
1160                    continue
1161                else:
1162                    raise
1164    def _read_next_hdu(self):
1165        """
1166        Lazily load a single HDU from the fileobj or data string the `HDUList`
1167        was opened from, unless no further HDUs are found.
1169        Returns True if a new HDU was loaded, or False otherwise.
1170        """
1172        if self._read_all:
1173            return False
1175        saved_compression_enabled = compressed.COMPRESSION_ENABLED
1176        fileobj, data, kwargs = self._file, self._data, self._open_kwargs
1178        if fileobj is not None and fileobj.closed:
1179            return False
1181        try:
1182            self._in_read_next_hdu = True
1184            if ('disable_image_compression' in kwargs and
1185                    kwargs['disable_image_compression']):
1186                compressed.COMPRESSION_ENABLED = False
1188            # read all HDUs
1189            try:
1190                if fileobj is not None:
1191                    try:
1192                        # Make sure we're back to the end of the last read
1193                        # HDU
1194                        if len(self) > 0:
1195                            last = self[len(self) - 1]
1196                            if last._data_offset is not None:
1197                                offset = last._data_offset + last._data_size
1198                                fileobj.seek(offset, os.SEEK_SET)
1200                        hdu = _BaseHDU.readfrom(fileobj, **kwargs)
1201                    except EOFError:
1202                        self._read_all = True
1203                        return False
1204                    except OSError:
1205                        # Close the file: see
1206                        # https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/6168
1207                        #
1208                        if self._file.close_on_error:
1209                            self._file.close()
1211                        if fileobj.writeonly:
1212                            self._read_all = True
1213                            return False
1214                        else:
1215                            raise
1216                else:
1217                    if not data:
1218                        self._read_all = True
1219                        return False
1220                    hdu = _BaseHDU.fromstring(data, **kwargs)
1221                    self._data = data[hdu._data_offset + hdu._data_size:]
1223                super().append(hdu)
1224                if len(self) == 1:
1225                    # Check for an extension HDU and update the EXTEND
1226                    # keyword of the primary HDU accordingly
1227                    self.update_extend()
1229                hdu._new = False
1230                if 'checksum' in kwargs:
1231                    hdu._output_checksum = kwargs['checksum']
1232            # check in the case there is extra space after the last HDU or
1233            # corrupted HDU
1234            except (VerifyError, ValueError) as exc:
1235                warnings.warn(
1236                    'Error validating header for HDU #{} (note: Astropy '
1237                    'uses zero-based indexing).\n{}\n'
1238                    'There may be extra bytes after the last HDU or the '
1239                    'file is corrupted.'.format(
1240                        len(self), indent(str(exc))), VerifyWarning)
1241                del exc
1242                self._read_all = True
1243                return False
1244        finally:
1245            compressed.COMPRESSION_ENABLED = saved_compression_enabled
1246            self._in_read_next_hdu = False
1248        return True
1250    def _verify(self, option='warn'):
1251        errs = _ErrList([], unit='HDU')
1253        # the first (0th) element must be a primary HDU
1254        if len(self) > 0 and (not isinstance(self[0], PrimaryHDU)) and \
1255                             (not isinstance(self[0], _NonstandardHDU)):
1256            err_text = "HDUList's 0th element is not a primary HDU."
1257            fix_text = 'Fixed by inserting one as 0th HDU.'
1259            def fix(self=self):
1260                self.insert(0, PrimaryHDU())
1262            err = self.run_option(option, err_text=err_text,
1263                                  fix_text=fix_text, fix=fix)
1264            errs.append(err)
1266        if len(self) > 1 and ('EXTEND' not in self[0].header or
1267                              self[0].header['EXTEND'] is not True):
1268            err_text = ('Primary HDU does not contain an EXTEND keyword '
1269                        'equal to T even though there are extension HDUs.')
1270            fix_text = 'Fixed by inserting or updating the EXTEND keyword.'
1272            def fix(header=self[0].header):
1273                naxis = header['NAXIS']
1274                if naxis == 0:
1275                    after = 'NAXIS'
1276                else:
1277                    after = 'NAXIS' + str(naxis)
1278                header.set('EXTEND', value=True, after=after)
1280            errs.append(self.run_option(option, err_text=err_text,
1281                                        fix_text=fix_text, fix=fix))
1283        # each element calls their own verify
1284        for idx, hdu in enumerate(self):
1285            if idx > 0 and (not isinstance(hdu, ExtensionHDU)):
1286                err_text = f"HDUList's element {str(idx)} is not an extension HDU."
1288                err = self.run_option(option, err_text=err_text, fixable=False)
1289                errs.append(err)
1291            else:
1292                result = hdu._verify(option)
1293                if result:
1294                    errs.append(result)
1295        return errs
1297    def _flush_update(self):
1298        """Implements flushing changes to a file in update mode."""
1300        for hdu in self:
1301            # Need to all _prewriteto() for each HDU first to determine if
1302            # resizing will be necessary
1303            hdu._prewriteto(checksum=hdu._output_checksum, inplace=True)
1305        try:
1306            self._wasresized()
1308            # if the HDUList is resized, need to write out the entire contents of
1309            # the hdulist to the file.
1310            if self._resize or self._file.compression:
1311                self._flush_resize()
1312            else:
1313                # if not resized, update in place
1314                for hdu in self:
1315                    hdu._writeto(self._file, inplace=True)
1317            # reset the modification attributes after updating
1318            for hdu in self:
1319                hdu._header._modified = False
1320        finally:
1321            for hdu in self:
1322                hdu._postwriteto()
1324    def _flush_resize(self):
1325        """
1326        Implements flushing changes in update mode when parts of one or more HDU
1327        need to be resized.
1328        """
1330        old_name = self._file.name
1331        old_memmap = self._file.memmap
1332        name = _tmp_name(old_name)
1334        if not self._file.file_like:
1335            old_mode = os.stat(old_name).st_mode
1336            # The underlying file is an actual file object.  The HDUList is
1337            # resized, so we need to write it to a tmp file, delete the
1338            # original file, and rename the tmp file to the original file.
1339            if self._file.compression == 'gzip':
1340                new_file = gzip.GzipFile(name, mode='ab+')
1341            elif self._file.compression == 'bzip2':
1342                if not HAS_BZ2:
1343                    raise ModuleNotFoundError(
1344                        "This Python installation does not provide the bz2 module.")
1345                new_file = bz2.BZ2File(name, mode='w')
1346            else:
1347                new_file = name
1349            with self.fromfile(new_file, mode='append') as hdulist:
1351                for hdu in self:
1352                    hdu._writeto(hdulist._file, inplace=True, copy=True)
1353                if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
1354                    # Collect a list of open mmaps to the data; this well be
1355                    # used later.  See below.
1356                    mmaps = [(idx, _get_array_mmap(hdu.data), hdu.data)
1357                             for idx, hdu in enumerate(self) if hdu._has_data]
1359                hdulist._file.close()
1360                self._file.close()
1361            if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
1362                # Close all open mmaps to the data.  This is only necessary on
1363                # Windows, which will not allow a file to be renamed or deleted
1364                # until all handles to that file have been closed.
1365                for idx, mmap, arr in mmaps:
1366                    if mmap is not None:
1367                        mmap.close()
1369            os.remove(self._file.name)
1371            # reopen the renamed new file with "update" mode
1372            os.rename(name, old_name)
1373            os.chmod(old_name, old_mode)
1375            if isinstance(new_file, gzip.GzipFile):
1376                old_file = gzip.GzipFile(old_name, mode='rb+')
1377            else:
1378                old_file = old_name
1380            ffo = _File(old_file, mode='update', memmap=old_memmap)
1382            self._file = ffo
1384            for hdu in self:
1385                # Need to update the _file attribute and close any open mmaps
1386                # on each HDU
1387                if hdu._has_data and _get_array_mmap(hdu.data) is not None:
1388                    del hdu.data
1389                hdu._file = ffo
1391            if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
1392                # On Windows, all the original data mmaps were closed above.
1393                # However, it's possible that the user still has references to
1394                # the old data which would no longer work (possibly even cause
1395                # a segfault if they try to access it).  This replaces the
1396                # buffers used by the original arrays with the buffers of mmap
1397                # arrays created from the new file.  This seems to work, but
1398                # it's a flaming hack and carries no guarantees that it won't
1399                # lead to odd behavior in practice.  Better to just not keep
1400                # references to data from files that had to be resized upon
1401                # flushing (on Windows--again, this is no problem on Linux).
1402                for idx, mmap, arr in mmaps:
1403                    if mmap is not None:
1404                        # https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/8628
1405                        with warnings.catch_warnings():
1406                            warnings.simplefilter('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning)
1407                            arr.data = self[idx].data.data
1408                del mmaps  # Just to be sure
1410        else:
1411            # The underlying file is not a file object, it is a file like
1412            # object.  We can't write out to a file, we must update the file
1413            # like object in place.  To do this, we write out to a temporary
1414            # file, then delete the contents in our file like object, then
1415            # write the contents of the temporary file to the now empty file
1416            # like object.
1417            self.writeto(name)
1418            hdulist = self.fromfile(name)
1419            ffo = self._file
1421            ffo.truncate(0)
1422            ffo.seek(0)
1424            for hdu in hdulist:
1425                hdu._writeto(ffo, inplace=True, copy=True)
1427            # Close the temporary file and delete it.
1428            hdulist.close()
1429            os.remove(hdulist._file.name)
1431        # reset the resize attributes after updating
1432        self._resize = False
1433        self._truncate = False
1434        for hdu in self:
1435            hdu._header._modified = False
1436            hdu._new = False
1437            hdu._file = ffo
1439    def _wasresized(self, verbose=False):
1440        """
1441        Determine if any changes to the HDUList will require a file resize
1442        when flushing the file.
1444        Side effect of setting the objects _resize attribute.
1445        """
1447        if not self._resize:
1449            # determine if any of the HDU is resized
1450            for hdu in self:
1451                # Header:
1452                nbytes = len(str(hdu._header))
1453                if nbytes != (hdu._data_offset - hdu._header_offset):
1454                    self._resize = True
1455                    self._truncate = False
1456                    if verbose:
1457                        print('One or more header is resized.')
1458                    break
1460                # Data:
1461                if not hdu._has_data:
1462                    continue
1464                nbytes = hdu.size
1465                nbytes = nbytes + _pad_length(nbytes)
1466                if nbytes != hdu._data_size:
1467                    self._resize = True
1468                    self._truncate = False
1469                    if verbose:
1470                        print('One or more data area is resized.')
1471                    break
1473            if self._truncate:
1474                try:
1475                    self._file.truncate(hdu._data_offset + hdu._data_size)
1476                except OSError:
1477                    self._resize = True
1478                self._truncate = False
1480        return self._resize