1 /*
2  * Copyright (C) 1995-2008 University of Karlsruhe.  All right reserved.
3  *
4  * This file is part of libFirm.
5  *
6  * This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
7  * GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
8  * Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
9  * packaging of this file.
10  *
11  * Licensees holding valid libFirm Professional Edition licenses may use
12  * this file in accordance with the libFirm Commercial License.
13  * Agreement provided with the Software.
14  *
15  * This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
17  * PURPOSE.
18  */
20 /**
21  * @file
22  * @brief   Public header for the automatically updating outs.
23  * @author  Sebastian Hack
24  * @date    3.2.2005
25  */
26 #ifndef FIRM_IR_IREDGES_H
27 #define FIRM_IR_IREDGES_H
29 #include "firm_types.h"
30 #include "iredgekinds.h"
31 #include "begin.h"
33 /**
34  * @ingroup irana
35  * @defgroup iredges Dynamic Reverse Edges
36  * @{
37  */
39 /**
40  * Returns the first edge pointing to some node.
41  * @note There is no order on out edges. First in this context only
42  * means, that you get some starting point into the list of edges.
43  * @param irn The node.
44  * @param kind The kind of the edge.
45  * @return The first out edge that points to this node.
46  */
47 FIRM_API const ir_edge_t *get_irn_out_edge_first_kind(const ir_node *irn,
48                                                       ir_edge_kind_t kind);
50 /**
51  * Returns the next edge in the out list of some node.
52  * @param irn The node.
53  * @param last The last out edge you have seen.
54  * @return The next out edge in @p irn 's out list after @p last.
55  */
56 FIRM_API const ir_edge_t *get_irn_out_edge_next(const ir_node *irn,
57                                                 const ir_edge_t *last);
59 /**
60  * A convenience iteration macro over all out edges of a node.
61  * @param irn  The node.
62  * @param kind The edge's kind.
63  * @param edge An ir_edge_t pointer which shall be set to the current
64  * edge.
65  */
66 #define foreach_out_edge_kind(irn, edge, kind) \
67 	for (ir_edge_t const *edge = get_irn_out_edge_first_kind(irn, kind); edge; edge = get_irn_out_edge_next(irn, edge))
69 /**
70  * A convenience iteration macro over all out edges of a node, which is safe
71  * against alteration of the current edge.
72  *
73  * @param irn  The node.
74  * @param edge An ir_edge_t pointer which shall be set to the current edge.
75  * @param kind The kind of the edge.
76  */
77 #define foreach_out_edge_kind_safe(irn, edge, kind) \
78 	for (ir_edge_t const *edge = get_irn_out_edge_first_kind((irn), (kind)), *edge##__next; \
79 	     edge ? edge##__next = get_irn_out_edge_next((irn), edge), 1 : (edge##__next = NULL, 0); \
80 	     edge = edge##__next)
82 /**
83  * Convenience macro for normal out edges.
84  */
85 #define foreach_out_edge(irn, edge)       foreach_out_edge_kind(irn, edge, EDGE_KIND_NORMAL)
87 /**
88  * Convenience macro for normal out edges.
89  */
90 #define foreach_out_edge_safe(irn, edge)  foreach_out_edge_kind_safe(irn, edge, EDGE_KIND_NORMAL)
92 /**
93  * A convenience iteration macro for all control flow edges.
94  */
95 #define foreach_block_succ(bl, edge)      foreach_out_edge_kind(bl, edge, EDGE_KIND_BLOCK)
97 /**
98  * Returns the source node of an edge.
99  * @param edge The edge.
100  * @return The source node of that edge.
101  */
102 FIRM_API ir_node *get_edge_src_irn(const ir_edge_t *edge);
104 /**
105  * Returns the position of an edge.
106  * @param edge The edge.
107  * @return The position in the in array of that edges source.
108  */
109 FIRM_API int get_edge_src_pos(const ir_edge_t *edge);
111 /**
112  * Returns the number of registered out edges for a specific kind.
113  * @param irn The node.
114  * @param kind The kind.
115  */
116 FIRM_API int get_irn_n_edges_kind(const ir_node *irn, ir_edge_kind_t kind);
118 /**
119  * Checks if the out edges are activated.
120  *
121  * @param irg   The graph.
122  * @param kind  The edge kind.
123  *
124  * @return 1, if the edges are present for the given irg, 0 if not.
125  */
126 FIRM_API int edges_activated_kind(const ir_graph *irg, ir_edge_kind_t kind);
128 /**
129  * Activates the edges for an irg.
130  *
131  * @param irg   The graph to activate the edges for.
132  * @param kind  The edge kind.
133  */
134 FIRM_API void edges_activate_kind(ir_graph *irg, ir_edge_kind_t kind);
136 /**
137  * Deactivates the edges for an irg.
138  *
139  * @param irg   The graph.
140  * @param kind  The edge kind.
141  */
142 FIRM_API void edges_deactivate_kind(ir_graph *irg, ir_edge_kind_t kind);
144 /**
145  * Reroutes edges of a specified kind from an old node to a new one.
146  *
147  * @param old   the old node
148  * @param nw    the new node
149  * @param kind  the edge kind
150  */
151 FIRM_API void edges_reroute_kind(ir_node *old, ir_node *nw, ir_edge_kind_t kind);
153 /**
154  * reroutes (normal) edges from an old node to a new node, except for the
155  * @p exception which keeps its input even if it is old.
156  */
157 FIRM_API void edges_reroute_except(ir_node *old, ir_node *nw,
158                                    ir_node *exception);
160 /**
161  * Verifies the out edges of graph @p irg.
162  * @return 1 if a problem was found, 0 otherwise
163  */
164 FIRM_API int edges_verify(ir_graph *irg);
166 /**
167  * Verifies a certrain kind of out edges of graph @p irg.
168  * @returns 1 if a problem was found, 0 otherwise
169  */
170 FIRM_API int edges_verify_kind(ir_graph *irg, ir_edge_kind_t kind);
172 /**
173  * Sets edge verification flag.
174  */
175 FIRM_API void edges_init_dbg(int do_dbg);
177 /**
178  * Creates an ir_graph pass for edges_verify().
179  *
180  * @param name                the name of this pass or NULL
181  * @param assert_on_problem   assert if problems were found
182  *
183  * @return  the newly created ir_graph pass
184  */
185 FIRM_API ir_graph_pass_t *irg_verify_edges_pass(const char *name,
186                                                 unsigned assert_on_problem);
188 /** Convenience version of edges_reroute_kind() with #EDGE_KIND_NORMAL */
189 #define edges_reroute(old, nw)                      edges_reroute_kind(old, nw, EDGE_KIND_NORMAL)
190 /** Conventience version of edges_activated_kind() for #EDGE_KIND_NORMAL and #EDGE_KIND_BLOCK */
191 #define edges_activated(irg)                            (edges_activated_kind(irg, EDGE_KIND_NORMAL) && edges_activated_kind(irg, EDGE_KIND_BLOCK))
193 #ifndef get_irn_n_edges
194 /** Conventience version of get_irn_n_edges_kind() with #EDGE_KIND_NORMAL. */
195 #define get_irn_n_edges(irn)                            get_irn_n_edges_kind(irn, EDGE_KIND_NORMAL)
196 #endif
198 #ifndef get_irn_out_edge_first
199 /** Convenience version of get_irn_out_edge_first_kind() with #EDGE_KIND_NORMAL */
200 #define get_irn_out_edge_first(irn)                     get_irn_out_edge_first_kind(irn, EDGE_KIND_NORMAL)
201 #endif
203 #ifndef get_block_succ_first
204 /** Convenience version of get_irn_out_edge_first_kind() with #EDGE_KIND_BLOCK */
205 #define get_block_succ_first(irn)                       get_irn_out_edge_first_kind(irn, EDGE_KIND_BLOCK)
206 #endif
208 #ifndef get_block_succ_next
209 /** Convenience version of get_irn_out_edge_next() with #EDGE_KIND_BLOCK */
210 #define get_block_succ_next(irn, last)                  get_irn_out_edge_next(irn, last)
211 #endif
213 /**
214  * Activates data and block edges for an irg.
215  * If the irg phase is phase_backend, Dependence edges are
216  * additionally activated.
217  *
218  * @param irg  The graph to activate the edges for.
219  */
220 FIRM_API void edges_activate(ir_graph *irg);
222 /**
223  * Deactivates data and block edges for an irg.
224  * If the irg phase is phase_backend, Dependence edges are
225  * additionally deactivated.
226  * @param irg  The graph.
227  */
228 FIRM_API void edges_deactivate(ir_graph *irg);
230 /**
231  * Ensures that edges are activated.
232  *
233  * @param irg  the IR graph
234  */
235 FIRM_API void assure_edges(ir_graph *irg);
237 /**
238  * Ensures that edges of a given kind are activated.
239  *
240  * @param irg   the IR graph
241  * @param kind  the edge kind
242  */
243 FIRM_API void assure_edges_kind(ir_graph *irg, ir_edge_kind_t kind);
245 /**
246  * Walks only over Block nodes in the graph. Uses the block visited
247  * flag, so that it can be interleaved with another walker.
248  *
249  * @param block  the start block
250  * @param pre    the pre visit function
251  * @param post   the post visit function
252  * @param env    the environment for the walker
253  */
254 FIRM_API void irg_block_edges_walk(ir_node *block, irg_walk_func *pre,
255                                    irg_walk_func *post, void *env);
257 /** Graph walker following #EDGE_KIND_NORMAL edges. */
258 FIRM_API void irg_walk_edges(ir_node *start, irg_walk_func *pre,
259                              irg_walk_func *post, void *env);
261 /**
262  * Reset the user's private data at offset 'offset'
263  * The user has to remember his offset and the size of his data!
264  * Caution: Using wrong values here can destroy other users private data!
265  *
266  * @param irg     the IR graph to operate on
267  * @param offset  offset of the private data inside the edge
268  * @param size    length of the private data inside the edge
269  */
270 FIRM_API void edges_reset_private_data(ir_graph *irg, int offset,
271                                        unsigned size);
273 /** @} */
275 #include "end.h"
277 #endif