1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  *	Copyright (c) 1991-2021 by the GMT Team (https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org/team.html)
4  *	See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
5  *
6  *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *	it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  *	the Free Software Foundation; version 3 or any later version.
9  *
10  *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  *	GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  *	Contact info: www.generic-mapping-tools.org
16  *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
17 /*
18  * gmt_defaults.h contains definition of the structure with default settings.
19  *
20  * Author:	Paul Wessel
21  * Date:	01-OCT-2009
22  * Version:	6 API
23  */
25 /*!
26  * \file gmt_defaults.h
27  * \brief Definition of the structure with default settings.
28  */
30 #ifndef GMT_DEFAULTS_H
31 #define GMT_DEFAULTS_H
33 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
35  *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
37 /*! Information about a particular ellipsoid */
38 struct ELLIPSOID {
39 	/* Table taken from Snyder "Map projection - a working manual", p 12 Table 1 */
40 	char name[GMT_LEN64];
41 	int date;
42 	double eq_radius;
43 	double flattening;
44 };
46 /*! Information about a particular datum */
47 struct DATUM {
48 	char name[GMT_LEN64];	/* Datum name */
49 	char ellipsoid[GMT_LEN64];	/* Ellipsoid GMT ID name */
50 	char region[GMT_LEN256];	/* Region of use */
51 	double xyz[3];		/* Coordinate shifts in meter for x, y, and z */
52 };
54 struct GMT_ENCODING {
55 	char name[GMT_LEN64];
56 	int code[GMT_LEN8]; /* Codes for 7 symbols we plot but whose code depends on character set (ring, degree, colon, squote, dquote, minus, hyphen). */
57 };
59 /*! Holds all variables directly controlled by GMT Default parameters */
60 struct GMT_DEFAULTS {
61 	/* COLOR group [sorted by type to optimize storage] */
62 	unsigned int color_model;		/* 1 = read RGB, 2 = use RGB, 4 = read HSV, 8 = use HSV, 16 = read CMYK, 32 = use CMYK [1+2]
63 									 * Add 128 to disallow output of color names */
64 	char cpt[GMT_LEN64];			/* Default CPT */
65 	char color_set[GMT_LEN256];		/* Default color list (or CPT) for automatic, sequential color choices */
66 	double color_patch[3][4];		/* Color of background, foreground, nan [black,white,127.5] */
67 	double color_hsv_min_s;			/* For smallest or most negative intensity [1.0] */
68 	double color_hsv_max_s;			/* For largest or most positive intensity [0.1] */
69 	double color_hsv_min_v;			/* For smallest or most negative intensity [0.3] */
70 	double color_hsv_max_v;			/* For largest or most positive intensity [1.0] */
71 	/* DIR group */
72 	/* FONT group */
73 	struct GMT_FONT font_annot[2];		/* Font for primary and secondary annotations [12p|14p,Helvetica,black] */
74 	struct GMT_FONT font_heading;		/* Font for headings above subplots [32p,Helvetica,black] */
75 	struct GMT_FONT font_label;		/* Font for labels [16p,Helvetica,black] */
76 	struct GMT_FONT font_logo;		/* Font for GMT logo [8p,Helvetica,black] */
77 	struct GMT_FONT font_tag;		/* Font for plot figure tags, e.g., a) [20p,Helvetica,black] */
78 	struct GMT_FONT font_subtitle;		/* Font for plot titles [20p,Helvetica,black] */
79 	struct GMT_FONT font_title;		/* Font for plot titles [24p,Helvetica,black] */
80 	/* FORMAT group */
81 	char format_clock_in[GMT_LEN64];	/* How to decode an incoming clock string [hh:mm:ss] */
82 	char format_clock_out[GMT_LEN64];	/* Controls how clocks are written on output [hh:mm:ss] */
83 	char format_clock_map[GMT_LEN64];	/* Controls how clocks are plotted on maps [hh:mm:ss] */
84 	char format_date_in[GMT_LEN64];	/* How to decode an incoming date string [yyyy-mm-dd] */
85 	char format_date_out[GMT_LEN64];	/* Controls how dates are written on output [yyyy-mm-dd] */
86 	char format_date_map[GMT_LEN64];	/* Controls how dates are plotted on maps [yyyy-mm-dd] */
87 	char format_geo_out[GMT_LEN64];	/* Controls how degrees are written on output [000 = dd.xxxx] */
88 	char format_geo_map[GMT_LEN64];	/* Controls how degrees are plotted on maps [020 = dd:mm:ss as in old DEGREE_FORMAT = 0] */
89 	char format_float_out[GMT_LEN64];	/* Default double output format [%g] */
90 	char format_float_out_orig[GMT_LEN256];	/* User-specified format for all columns */
91 	char format_float_map[GMT_LEN64];	/* Default double plot format [%g] */
92 	char format_time[2][GMT_LEN64];	/* Controls annotation format for Months/Weeks/Weekdays for primary and secondary axes */
93 	char format_time_stamp[GMT_LEN256];	/* Specify the format for writing time stamps (see strftime) */
94 	/* GMT group */
95 	size_t url_size_limit;
96 	unsigned int refresh_time; /* Only refresh server catalog when the local copy is this old in days) */
97 	unsigned int compatibility; /* Choose between 4 (GMT4) and up to latest version (5 for now) */
98 	unsigned int auto_download;   /* 0 (GMT_NO_DOWNLOAD) or 1 (GMT_YES_DOWNLOAD): For auto-download of known files */
99 	unsigned int interpolant; /* Choose between 0 (Linear), 1 (Akima), or 2 (Cubic spline) */
100 	unsigned int triangulate; /* 0 for Watson [Default], 1 for Shewchuk (if configured) */
101 	unsigned int verbose;     /* Level of verbosity 0-4 [1] */
102 	unsigned int fft;         /* Any of FFT_implementations: k_fft_auto, k_fft_accelerate, k_fft_fftw3, k_fft_kiss, k_fft_brenner */
103 	unsigned int fftw_plan;   /* Only accessed if HAVE_FFTW3F is defined: Any of FFTW_planner_flags: FFTW_ESTIMATE, FFTW_MEASURE, FFTW_PATIENT, FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE */
104 	unsigned int run_mode;     /* Either classic [0] or modern [1] */
105 	bool update_theme;    	 /* Refresh defaults with contents of selected theme */
106 	bool use_modern_name;     /* true if we should use the modern name in usage message */
107 	double extrapolate_val[2];/* Choose between [0] = 0, 1D extrapolated vals are NaN, = 1 -> extrapolate, = 2 -> set to const stored in [1] */
108 	bool fftwf_threads;   /* Only accessed if HAVE_FFTW3F_THREADS is defined: Any of FFTW_planner_flags: FFTW_ESTIMATE, FFTW_MEASURE, FFTW_PATIENT, FFTW_EXHAUSTIVE */
109 	unsigned int history;     /* mode to pass information via history file gmt.history (GMT_HISTORY_OFF, GMT_HISTORY_READ, GMT_HISTORY_WRITE) */
110 	unsigned int history_orig;     /* Copy of history */
111 	unsigned int export_type;     /* What data type to export to external APIs [GMT_DOUBLE] */
112 	double graphics_dpu;	/* The default target image dpu when not specifying grid resolution [GMT_IMAGE_DPU_VALUE] */
113 	char graphics_dpu_unit;	/* The unit we selected [GMT_IMAGE_DPU_UNIT] */
114 	unsigned graphics_format;	/* The default graphics format in modern mode [GMT_SESSION_FORMAT] */
115 	int max_cores;		/* The maximum number of cores for a multi-threaded module [GMT_MAX_CORES] */
116 	char theme[GMT_LEN64];	/* User-selected defaults theme */
117 	/* IO group */
118 	uint64_t n_bin_header_cols;		/* Minimum number of columns in a binary file for which the all cols == NaN means segment header [2] */
119 	unsigned int io_n_header_items;		/* Number of header records expected when -h is used [1]; else 0 */
120 	unsigned int io_nan_mode;		/* -s: 1 means skip NaN (x,y) records on output, 2 = inverse (only output nan-records; -sr), 0 reports all records */
121 	size_t io_nc4_chunksize[2];         /* NetCDF chunk size (lat,lon) on output [0] */
122 	unsigned int io_nc4_deflation_level;/* NetCDF deflation level on output [0] */
123 	unsigned int io_first_header;       /* 2 means never write single-segment header, 1 means we always write segment header, 0 means write if needed [0] */
124 	bool io_gridfile_shorthand;         /* Use shorthand suffix notation for embedded grid file formats [false] */
125 	bool io_header[2];                  /* Input & Output data has header records [false, false] */
126 	bool io_header_orig;                /* Copy of Input io_header */
127 	bool io_nan_records;                /* Determines what NaNs in input records should mean (beyond skipping the record) */
128 	bool io_lonlat_toggle[2];           /* true means read/write I/O as lat/lon instead of lon/lat [false,false] */
129 	bool io_blankline[2];               /* true means blank lines should be treated as segment breaks [false,false] */
130 	bool io_nanline[2];                 /* true means lines with all NaNs should be treated as segment breaks [false,false] */
131 	char io_col_separator[GMT_LEN8];    /* Separator between output ASCII data columns [tab] */
132 	char io_gridfile_format[GMT_LEN64]; /* Default grid file format */
133 	char io_seg_marker[2];              /* Character used to recognize and write segment headers [>,>] */
134 	char io_head_marker_in[GMT_LEN32];  /* Characters used to recognize input header records [#%!;"'] */
135 	char io_head_marker_out;            /* Character used to recognize and write header records [#,#] */
136 	/* MAP group */
137 	char map_annot_min_spacing_txt[GMT_LEN16];	/* Text version of this setting */
138 	double map_annot_offset[2];		/* Distance between primary or secondary annotation and tickmarks [5p/5p] */
139 	double map_annot_min_angle;		/* If angle between map boundary and annotation is less, no annotation is drawn [20] */
140 	double map_annot_min_spacing;	/* If an annotation is closer that this to an older annotation, the annotation is skipped [0.0] */
141 	double map_frame_percent;		/* Percentage of fancy map frame width to actually draw [100] */
142 	double map_frame_width;			/* Thickness of fancy map frame [5p] */
143 	double map_grid_cross_size[2];	/* Size of primary & secondary gridcrosses.  0 means draw continuous gridlines */
144 	double map_heading_offset;		/* Distance between top of panel title and base of subplot heading [18p] */
145 	double map_label_offset[2];		/* Distance between lowermost annotation and top of label [8p/8p] */
146 	double map_line_step;			/* Maximum straight linesegment length for arcuate lines [0.75p] */
147 	double map_logo_pos[2];			/* Where to plot timestamp relative to origin [BL/-54p/-54p] */
148 	double map_origin[2];			/* x- and y-origin of plot, i.e. where lower left corner plots on paper [1i/1i] */
149 	double map_polar_cap[2];		/* Latitude of polar cap and delta_lon for gridline spacing [85/90] */
150 	double map_scale_height;		/* Height of map scale drawn on a map [0.075] */
151 	double map_tick_length[4];		/* Length of primary and secondary major and minor tickmarks [5p/2.5p/15p/3.75p] */
152 	double map_title_offset;		/* Distance between lowermost annotation (or label) and base of plot title [14p] */
153 	double map_vector_shape;		/* 0.0 = straight vectorhead, 1.0 = arrowshape, with continuous range in between */
154 	double map_graph_extension;		/* If map_frame_type is graph, how must longer to make axis length. [7.5%] */
155 	unsigned int map_annot_oblique;	/* Controls annotations and tick angles etc. [GMT_OBL_ANNOT_ANYWHERE] */
156 	unsigned int map_grid_cross_type[2];	/* 0 = normal cross, 1 = symmetric tick, 2 = asymmetric tick */
157 	unsigned int map_logo_justify;		/* Justification of the GMT timestamp box [1 (BL)] */
158 	unsigned int map_frame_type;		/* Fancy (0), plain (1), or graph (2) [0] */
159 	unsigned int map_graph_extension_unit;	/* If map_frame_type is graph, the unit is GMT_CM, GMT_INCH, GMT_PT [%] */
160 	double map_label_mode[2];		/* If label is relative to annotation (0) or axis (1) for x/t [0/0] */
161 	bool map_annot_oblique_set;		/* true if user changed map_annot_oblique via a gmt.conf or --par=val */
162 	bool map_logo;			/* Plot time and map projection on map [false] */
163 	struct GMT_PEN map_default_pen;		/* Default pen for most pens [0.25p] */
164 	struct GMT_PEN map_frame_pen;		/* Pen attributes for map boundary [1.25p] */
165 	struct GMT_PEN map_grid_pen[2];		/* Pen attributes for primary and secondary gridlines [default,black/thinner,black] */
166 	struct GMT_PEN map_tick_pen[2];		/* Pen attributes for primary and secondary tickmarks [thinner,black] */
167 	char map_frame_axes[6];			/* Which axes to draw and annotate ["WESNZ"]  */
168 	char map_annot_ortho[6];		/* Which axes have orthogonal annotations in linear projections ["we"] */
169 	enum GMT_enum_symbol { gmt_none = -1, gmt_ring, gmt_degree, gmt_colon, gmt_squote, gmt_dquote, gmt_minus, gmt_hyphen, gmt_lastsym } map_degree_symbol;
170 	/* PROJ group */
171 	double proj_scale_factor;		/* Central mapscale factor, typically 0.9996-1 (or -1 for default action) */
172 	unsigned int proj_ellipsoid;		/* Which ellipsoid to use [0 = GRS 80] */
173 	unsigned int proj_length_unit;	/* Choose 0 (cm), 1 (inch), 2 (m) or 3 (point) [1] */
174 	enum GMT_enum_radius proj_mean_radius;	/* Choose 0 (mean), 1 (authalic), 2 (volumetric), 3 (meridional) or 4 (quadratic) [0] */
177 	struct DATUM proj_datum[GMT_N_DATUMS];	/* Datum parameters */
178 	struct ELLIPSOID ref_ellipsoid[GMT_N_ELLIPSOIDS];	/* Ellipsoid parameters */
179 	/* PS group [These are arguments to pass to PSL_beginsession and PSL_setdefaults] */
180 	/* [All other internal PSL settings are set directly when parsing PSL settings ] */
181 	double ps_def_page_size[2];			/* Default Width and height of paper to plot on in points [Letter or A4] */
182 	double ps_page_size[2];			/* Width and height of paper to plot on in points [Letter or A4] */
183 	double ps_page_rgb[4];			/* Default paper color [white] */
184 	double ps_magnify[2];			/* Width and height of paper to plot on in points [Letter or A4] */
185 	double ps_transparency;			/* Later transparency [0] */
186 	double ps_penwidth;			/* Current pen width */
187 	unsigned int ps_color_mode;		/* Postscript encoding of color [PSL_RGB | PSL_CMYK | PSL_HSV | PSL_GRAY] */
188 	unsigned int ps_copies;		/* How man copies of each plot [>=1] [GMT4 COMPATIBILITY ONLY] */
189 	int ps_media;			/* Default paper media [25(Letter)]; negative if custom size */
190 	unsigned int ps_orientation;			/* Orientation of page [PSL_LANDSCAPE (0)] or PSL_PORTRAIT (1) */
191 	bool ps_comments;			/* true if we write comments in the PS file */
192 	char ps_transpmode[GMT_LEN16];		/* Transparency mode for PDF only */
193 	char ps_convert[GMT_LEN256];		/* Arguments for implicit psconvert calls under modern mode [""] */
194 	struct GMT_ENCODING ps_encoding;
195 	/* TIME group */
196 	enum GMT_enum_tictoc timer_mode;	/* Choose GMT_NO_TIMER, GMT_ABS_TIMER, GMT_ELAPSED_TIMER [GMT_NO_TIMER] */
197 	double time_interval_fraction;		/* How much of a partial interval is needed in order to annotate it */
198 	bool time_is_interval;		/* Does a time given as a month (or year or day) mean the middle of the interval? */
199 	bool time_leap_seconds;		/* Do we need to worry about leap seconds? */
200 	unsigned int time_week_start;		/* Which day (Sun = 0, Sat = 7) is start of week */
201 	unsigned int time_Y2K_offset_year;	/* Cutoff for making 4-digit years from 2-digit years (1900 vs 2000) */
202 	struct GMT_TIME_SYSTEM time_system;	/* All the information about the selected time system */
203 	char language[GMT_LEN64];	/* Language file for localization support */
204 	/* Related parameters */
205 	char given_unit[GMT_N_KEYS];		/* Unit given or implied for each setting */
206 };
208 #endif  /* GMT_DEFAULTS_H */