2-- | The LLVM abstract syntax.
5module Llvm.AbsSyn where
7import GhcPrelude
9import Llvm.MetaData
10import Llvm.Types
12import Unique
14-- | Block labels
15type LlvmBlockId = Unique
17-- | A block of LLVM code.
18data LlvmBlock = LlvmBlock {
19    -- | The code label for this block
20    blockLabel :: LlvmBlockId,
22    -- | A list of LlvmStatement's representing the code for this block.
23    -- This list must end with a control flow statement.
24    blockStmts :: [LlvmStatement]
25  }
27type LlvmBlocks = [LlvmBlock]
29-- | An LLVM Module. This is a top level container in LLVM.
30data LlvmModule = LlvmModule  {
31    -- | Comments to include at the start of the module.
32    modComments  :: [LMString],
34    -- | LLVM Alias type definitions.
35    modAliases   :: [LlvmAlias],
37    -- | LLVM meta data.
38    modMeta      :: [MetaDecl],
40    -- | Global variables to include in the module.
41    modGlobals   :: [LMGlobal],
43    -- | LLVM Functions used in this module but defined in other modules.
44    modFwdDecls  :: LlvmFunctionDecls,
46    -- | LLVM Functions defined in this module.
47    modFuncs     :: LlvmFunctions
48  }
50-- | An LLVM Function
51data LlvmFunction = LlvmFunction {
52    -- | The signature of this declared function.
53    funcDecl      :: LlvmFunctionDecl,
55    -- | The functions arguments
56    funcArgs      :: [LMString],
58    -- | The function attributes.
59    funcAttrs     :: [LlvmFuncAttr],
61    -- | The section to put the function into,
62    funcSect      :: LMSection,
64    -- | Prefix data
65    funcPrefix    :: Maybe LlvmStatic,
67    -- | The body of the functions.
68    funcBody      :: LlvmBlocks
69  }
71type LlvmFunctions = [LlvmFunction]
73type SingleThreaded = Bool
75-- | LLVM ordering types for synchronization purposes. (Introduced in LLVM
76-- 3.0). Please see the LLVM documentation for a better description.
77data LlvmSyncOrdering
78  -- | Some partial order of operations exists.
79  = SyncUnord
80  -- | A single total order for operations at a single address exists.
81  | SyncMonotonic
82  -- | Acquire synchronization operation.
83  | SyncAcquire
84  -- | Release synchronization operation.
85  | SyncRelease
86  -- | Acquire + Release synchronization operation.
87  | SyncAcqRel
88  -- | Full sequential Consistency operation.
89  | SyncSeqCst
90  deriving (Show, Eq)
92-- | LLVM atomic operations. Please see the @atomicrmw@ instruction in
93-- the LLVM documentation for a complete description.
94data LlvmAtomicOp
95  = LAO_Xchg
96  | LAO_Add
97  | LAO_Sub
98  | LAO_And
99  | LAO_Nand
100  | LAO_Or
101  | LAO_Xor
102  | LAO_Max
103  | LAO_Min
104  | LAO_Umax
105  | LAO_Umin
106  deriving (Show, Eq)
108-- | Llvm Statements
109data LlvmStatement
110  {- |
111    Assign an expression to a variable:
112      * dest:   Variable to assign to
113      * source: Source expression
114  -}
115  = Assignment LlvmVar LlvmExpression
117  {- |
118    Memory fence operation
119  -}
120  | Fence Bool LlvmSyncOrdering
122  {- |
123    Always branch to the target label
124  -}
125  | Branch LlvmVar
127  {- |
128    Branch to label targetTrue if cond is true otherwise to label targetFalse
129      * cond:        condition that will be tested, must be of type i1
130      * targetTrue:  label to branch to if cond is true
131      * targetFalse: label to branch to if cond is false
132  -}
133  | BranchIf LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmVar
135  {- |
136    Comment
137    Plain comment.
138  -}
139  | Comment [LMString]
141  {- |
142    Set a label on this position.
143      * name: Identifier of this label, unique for this module
144  -}
145  | MkLabel LlvmBlockId
147  {- |
148    Store variable value in pointer ptr. If value is of type t then ptr must
149    be of type t*.
150      * value: Variable/Constant to store.
151      * ptr:   Location to store the value in
152  -}
153  | Store LlvmVar LlvmVar
155  {- |
156    Multiway branch
157      * scrutinee: Variable or constant which must be of integer type that is
158                   determines which arm is chosen.
159      * def:       The default label if there is no match in target.
160      * target:    A list of (value,label) where the value is an integer
161                   constant and label the corresponding label to jump to if the
162                   scrutinee matches the value.
163  -}
164  | Switch LlvmVar LlvmVar [(LlvmVar, LlvmVar)]
166  {- |
167    Return a result.
168      * result: The variable or constant to return
169  -}
170  | Return (Maybe LlvmVar)
172  {- |
173    An instruction for the optimizer that the code following is not reachable
174  -}
175  | Unreachable
177  {- |
178    Raise an expression to a statement (if don't want result or want to use
179    Llvm unnamed values.
180  -}
181  | Expr LlvmExpression
183  {- |
184    A nop LLVM statement. Useful as its often more efficient to use this
185    then to wrap LLvmStatement in a Just or [].
186  -}
187  | Nop
189  {- |
190    A LLVM statement with metadata attached to it.
191  -}
192  | MetaStmt [MetaAnnot] LlvmStatement
194  deriving (Eq)
197-- | Llvm Expressions
198data LlvmExpression
199  {- |
200    Allocate amount * sizeof(tp) bytes on the stack
201      * tp:     LlvmType to reserve room for
202      * amount: The nr of tp's which must be allocated
203  -}
204  = Alloca LlvmType Int
206  {- |
207    Perform the machine operator op on the operands left and right
208      * op:    operator
209      * left:  left operand
210      * right: right operand
211  -}
212  | LlvmOp LlvmMachOp LlvmVar LlvmVar
214  {- |
215    Perform a compare operation on the operands left and right
216      * op:    operator
217      * left:  left operand
218      * right: right operand
219  -}
220  | Compare LlvmCmpOp LlvmVar LlvmVar
222  {- |
223    Extract a scalar element from a vector
224      * val: The vector
225      * idx: The index of the scalar within the vector
226  -}
227  | Extract LlvmVar LlvmVar
229  {- |
230    Extract a scalar element from a structure
231      * val: The structure
232      * idx: The index of the scalar within the structure
233    Corresponds to "extractvalue" instruction.
234  -}
235  | ExtractV LlvmVar Int
237  {- |
238    Insert a scalar element into a vector
239      * val:   The source vector
240      * elt:   The scalar to insert
241      * index: The index at which to insert the scalar
242  -}
243  | Insert LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmVar
245  {- |
246    Allocate amount * sizeof(tp) bytes on the heap
247      * tp:     LlvmType to reserve room for
248      * amount: The nr of tp's which must be allocated
249  -}
250  | Malloc LlvmType Int
252  {- |
253    Load the value at location ptr
254  -}
255  | Load LlvmVar
257  {- |
258    Atomic load of the value at location ptr
259  -}
260  | ALoad LlvmSyncOrdering SingleThreaded LlvmVar
262  {- |
263    Navigate in a structure, selecting elements
264      * inbound: Is the pointer inbounds? (computed pointer doesn't overflow)
265      * ptr:     Location of the structure
266      * indexes: A list of indexes to select the correct value.
267  -}
268  | GetElemPtr Bool LlvmVar [LlvmVar]
270  {- |
271    Cast the variable from to the to type. This is an abstraction of three
272    cast operators in Llvm, inttoptr, ptrtoint and bitcast.
273       * cast: Cast type
274       * from: Variable to cast
275       * to:   type to cast to
276  -}
277  | Cast LlvmCastOp LlvmVar LlvmType
279  {- |
280    Atomic read-modify-write operation
281       * op:       Atomic operation
282       * addr:     Address to modify
283       * operand:  Operand to operation
284       * ordering: Ordering requirement
285  -}
286  | AtomicRMW LlvmAtomicOp LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmSyncOrdering
288  {- |
289    Compare-and-exchange operation
290       * addr:     Address to modify
291       * old:      Expected value
292       * new:      New value
293       * suc_ord:  Ordering required in success case
294       * fail_ord: Ordering required in failure case, can be no stronger than
295                   suc_ord
297    Result is an @i1@, true if store was successful.
298  -}
299  | CmpXChg LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmVar LlvmSyncOrdering LlvmSyncOrdering
301  {- |
302    Call a function. The result is the value of the expression.
303      * tailJumps: CallType to signal if the function should be tail called
304      * fnptrval:  An LLVM value containing a pointer to a function to be
305                   invoked. Can be indirect. Should be LMFunction type.
306      * args:      Concrete arguments for the parameters
307      * attrs:     A list of function attributes for the call. Only NoReturn,
308                   NoUnwind, ReadOnly and ReadNone are valid here.
309  -}
310  | Call LlvmCallType LlvmVar [LlvmVar] [LlvmFuncAttr]
312  {- |
313    Call a function as above but potentially taking metadata as arguments.
314      * tailJumps: CallType to signal if the function should be tail called
315      * fnptrval:  An LLVM value containing a pointer to a function to be
316                   invoked. Can be indirect. Should be LMFunction type.
317      * args:      Arguments that may include metadata.
318      * attrs:     A list of function attributes for the call. Only NoReturn,
319                   NoUnwind, ReadOnly and ReadNone are valid here.
320  -}
321  | CallM LlvmCallType LlvmVar [MetaExpr] [LlvmFuncAttr]
323  {- |
324    Merge variables from different basic blocks which are predecessors of this
325    basic block in a new variable of type tp.
326      * tp:         type of the merged variable, must match the types of the
327                    predecessor variables.
328      * predecessors: A list of variables and the basic block that they originate
329                      from.
330  -}
331  | Phi LlvmType [(LlvmVar,LlvmVar)]
333  {- |
334    Inline assembly expression. Syntax is very similar to the style used by GCC.
335      * assembly:    Actual inline assembly code.
336      * constraints: Operand constraints.
337      * return ty:   Return type of function.
338      * vars:        Any variables involved in the assembly code.
339      * sideeffect:  Does the expression have side effects not visible from the
340                     constraints list.
341      * alignstack:  Should the stack be conservatively aligned before this
342                     expression is executed.
343  -}
344  | Asm LMString LMString LlvmType [LlvmVar] Bool Bool
346  {- |
347    A LLVM expression with metadata attached to it.
348  -}
349  | MExpr [MetaAnnot] LlvmExpression
351  deriving (Eq)