2!  Dalton, a molecular electronic structure program
3!  Copyright (C) by the authors of Dalton.
5!  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6!  modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
7!  License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
9!  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10!  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12!  Lesser General Public License for more details.
14!  If a copy of the GNU LGPL v2.1 was not distributed with this
15!  code, you can obtain one at https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.en.html.
17#if defined(BUILD_PELIB)
18module pelib_interface
20    implicit none
22    private
24    public :: use_pelib, pelib_ifc_gspol
25    public :: pelib_ifc_do_mep, pelib_ifc_do_mep_noqm, pelib_ifc_do_cube
26    public :: pelib_ifc_do_lf
27    public :: pelib_ifc_activate, pelib_ifc_deactivate
28    public :: pelib_ifc_init, pelib_ifc_finalize, pelib_ifc_input_reader
29    public :: pelib_ifc_fock, pelib_ifc_energy, pelib_ifc_response, pelib_ifc_london
30    public :: pelib_ifc_molgrad, pelib_ifc_lf, pelib_ifc_localfield
31    public :: pelib_ifc_mep, pelib_ifc_mep_noqm, pelib_ifc_cube
32    public :: pelib_ifc_set_mixed, pelib_ifc_mixed
33    public :: pelib_ifc_do_savden, pelib_ifc_do_twoints
34    public :: pelib_ifc_save_density, pelib_ifc_twoints
35    public :: pelib_ifc_get_num_core_nuclei
36#if defined(VAR_MPI)
37    public :: pelib_ifc_slave
39    ! TODO: update the following interface routines
40    public :: pelib_ifc_grad, pelib_ifc_lin, pelib_ifc_lr, pelib_ifc_qro
41    public :: pelib_ifc_cro
42    public :: pelib_ifc_pecc
43    public :: pelib_ifc_transformer, pelib_ifc_qrtransformer
47logical function use_pelib()
48    use pelib, only: pelib_enabled
49    if (pelib_enabled) then
50        use_pelib = .true.
51    else
52        use_pelib = .false.
53    end if
54end function use_pelib
56logical function pelib_ifc_gspol()
57    use pelib_options, only: pelib_gspol
58    if (pelib_gspol) then
59        pelib_ifc_gspol = .true.
60    else
61        pelib_ifc_gspol = .false.
62    end if
63end function pelib_ifc_gspol
65subroutine pelib_ifc_set_mixed(do_mixed)
66    use pelib_options, only: mixed
67    logical :: do_mixed
68    if (do_mixed) then
69        mixed = .true.
70    else
71        mixed = .false.
72    end if
73end subroutine pelib_ifc_set_mixed
75logical function pelib_ifc_do_mep()
76    use pelib_options, only: pelib_mep
77    if (pelib_mep) then
78        pelib_ifc_do_mep = .true.
79    else
80        pelib_ifc_do_mep = .false.
81    end if
82end function pelib_ifc_do_mep
84logical function pelib_ifc_do_mep_noqm()
85    use pelib_options, only: pelib_mep, mep_qmcube
86    if (pelib_mep .and. .not. mep_qmcube) then
87        pelib_ifc_do_mep_noqm = .true.
88    else
89        pelib_ifc_do_mep_noqm = .false.
90    end if
91end function pelib_ifc_do_mep_noqm
93logical function pelib_ifc_do_cube()
94    use pelib_options, only: pelib_cube
95    if (pelib_cube) then
96        pelib_ifc_do_cube = .true.
97    else
98        pelib_ifc_do_cube = .false.
99    end if
100end function pelib_ifc_do_cube
102logical function pelib_ifc_do_lf()
103    use pelib_options, only: pelib_lf
104    if (pelib_lf) then
105        pelib_ifc_do_lf = .true.
106    else
107        pelib_ifc_do_lf = .false.
108    end if
109end function pelib_ifc_do_lf
111logical function pelib_ifc_do_savden()
112    use pelib_options, only: pelib_savden
113    if (pelib_savden) then
114        pelib_ifc_do_savden = .true.
115    else
116        pelib_ifc_do_savden = .false.
117    end if
118end function pelib_ifc_do_savden
120logical function pelib_ifc_do_twoints()
121    use pelib_options, only: pelib_twoints
122    if (pelib_twoints) then
123        pelib_ifc_do_twoints = .true.
124    else
125        pelib_ifc_do_twoints = .false.
126    end if
127end function pelib_ifc_do_twoints
129subroutine pelib_ifc_activate()
130    use pelib, only: pelib_enabled
131    call qenter('pelib_ifc_activate')
132    if (use_pelib()) call quit('PElib already active')
133    pelib_enabled = .true.
134    call qexit('pelib_ifc_activate')
135end subroutine pelib_ifc_activate
137subroutine pelib_ifc_deactivate()
138    use pelib, only: pelib_enabled
139    call qenter('pelib_ifc_deactivate')
140    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib already deactivated')
141    pelib_enabled = .false.
142    call qexit('pelib_ifc_deactivate')
143end subroutine pelib_ifc_deactivate
145subroutine pelib_ifc_input_reader(word)
146    use pelib_precision
147    use pelib_options
148    use pelib_constants
149    use pelib_utils, only: chcase
150    use pelib_cavity_generators, only: ntsatm
151#include "priunit.h"
152    character(len=*), intent(inout) :: word
154    character(len=80) :: option
155    character(len=2) :: auoraa
156    integer :: i, j
157    real(rp), dimension(2) :: temp
159    call qenter('pelib_ifc_input_reader')
161    potfile = 'POTENTIAL.INP'
162    h5pdefile = 'standard.h5'
164    do
165        read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
166        call chcase(option)
168        ! Read potential (optionally from potfile)
169        if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'POTENT') then
170            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
171            backspace(lucmd)
172            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
173              & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
174                read(lucmd, '(a240)') potfile
175            end if
176        ! direct solver for induced moments
177        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'DIRECT') then
178            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
179            backspace(lucmd)
180            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
181               & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
182                read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
183                call chcase(option)
184                if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'NOCHOL') then
185                    chol = .false.
186                end if
187            end if
188            pelib_iter = .false.
189        ! iterative solver for induced moments (default)
190        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'ITERAT') then
191            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
192            backspace(lucmd)
193            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
194              & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
195                read(lucmd, *) thriter
196            end if
197            pelib_iter = .true.
198        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'DIIS T') then
199            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
200            backspace(lucmd)
201            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
202               & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
203                read(lucmd, *) thrdiis
204            end if
205            thriter = thrdiis
206        ! use reduced threshold in iterative induced moments solver
207        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'REDTHR') then
208            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
209            backspace(lucmd)
210            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
211               & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
212                read(lucmd, *) redlvl
213            end if
214            pelib_redthr = .true.
215        ! handling sites near quantum-classical border
216         else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'BORDER') then
217            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
218            backspace(lucmd)
219            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
220              & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
221                read(lucmd, '(a)', advance='no') border_type
222                backspace(lucmd)
223                call chcase(border_type)
224                if ((trim(border_type) /= 'REMOVE') .and.&
225                  & (trim(border_type) /= 'REDIST') .and.&
226                  & (trim(border_type) /= 'CHGRED')) then
227                    error stop 'unknown handling of border sites'
228                else if (trim(border_type) == 'REMOVE') then
229                    read(lucmd, *) border_type, Rmin, auoraa
230                else if (trim(border_type) == 'REDIST') then
231                    read(lucmd, *) border_type, redist_order, Rmin, auoraa, nredist
232                    if ((nredist > 3) .or. (nredist < 1)) then
233                        error stop 'parameters can only be distributed to&
234                             & minimum one site and maximum three sites'
235                    end if
236                else if (trim(border_type) == 'CHGRED') then
237                    read(lucmd, *) border_type, Rmin, auoraa
238                else
239                    error stop 'unrecognized input in .BORDER option'
240                end if
241                call chcase(auoraa)
242                if (trim(auoraa) == 'AA') Rmin = Rmin * aa2bohr
243            end if
244            pelib_border = .true.
245        ! damp electric field from induced multipoles
246        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'DAMP I') then
247            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
248            backspace(lucmd)
249            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
250              & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
251                read(lucmd, *) ind_damp
252            end if
253            pelib_ind_damp = .true.
254        ! damp electric field from permanent multipoles
255        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'DAMP M') then
256            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
257            backspace(lucmd)
258            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
259              & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
260                read(lucmd, *) mul_damp
261            end if
262            pelib_mul_damp = .true.
263        ! damp electric field from core region
264        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'DAMP C') then
265            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
266            backspace(lucmd)
267            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
268              & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
269                read(lucmd, *) core_damp
270                ! attempt to optionally read a custom specification of the polarizabilities
271                read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
272                backspace(lucmd)
273                if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
274                   & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
275                    read(lucmd, *) j
276                    allocate(core_alphas(6,j))
277                    core_alphas = 0.0_rp
278                    do i = 1, j
279                        read(lucmd, *) core_alphas(1,i)
280                        core_alphas(4,i) = core_alphas(1,i)
281                        core_alphas(6,i) = core_alphas(1,i)
282                    enddo
283                end if
284            end if
285            pelib_core_damp = .true.
286        ! damp electric fields using AMOEABA-style Thole damping
287        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'DAMP A') then
288            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
289            backspace(lucmd)
290            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
291              & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
292                read(lucmd, *) amoeba_damp
293            end if
294            pelib_amoeba_damp = .true.
295        ! the old deprecated DAMP option
296        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'DAMP') then
297            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
298            backspace(lucmd)
299            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
300              & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
301                read(lucmd, *) ind_damp
302            end if
303            pelib_ind_damp = .true.
304            write(luout, *) 'WARNING: the .DAMP option is deprecated, please use .DAMP INDUCED'
305            write(luerr, *) 'WARNING: the .DAMP option is deprecated, please use .DAMP INDUCED'
306        ! neglect dynamic response from environment
307        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'GSPOL') then
308            pelib_gspol = .true.
309        ! neglect many-body interactions
310        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'NOMB') then
311            pelib_nomb = .true.
312        ! Use existing files for restart
313        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'RESTAR') then
314            pelib_restart = .true.
315        ! calculate intermolecular two-electron integrals
316        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'TWOINT') then
317            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
318            backspace(lucmd)
319            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
320              & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
321                read(lucmd, '(a240)') h5pdefile
322            end if
323            pelib_twoints = .true.
324        ! save density matrix
325        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'SAVE D') then
326            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
327            backspace(lucmd)
328            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
329              & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
330                read(lucmd, '(a240)') h5pdefile
331            end if
332            pelib_savden = .true.
333        ! disable exchange repulsion
334        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'NO REP') then
335            pelib_repuls = .false.
336        ! electrostatics and exchange repulsion from fragment densities
337        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'PDE') then
338            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
339            backspace(lucmd)
340            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
341              & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
342                read(lucmd, '(a240)') h5pdefile
343            end if
344            pelib_fd = .true.
345        ! skip electrostatics from fragment densities
346        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'NO FD') then
347            pelib_fdes = .false.
348        ! request calculation of effective dipole integrals
349        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'EEF') then
350            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
351            backspace(lucmd)
352            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
353               & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
354                read(lucmd, *) ncrds
355                allocate(crds(3,ncrds))
356                do i = 1, ncrds
357                    read(lucmd, *) (crds(j,i), j = 1, 3)
358                end do
359            end if
360            pelib_lf = .true.
361        ! provide LJ parameters for the QM region
362        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'LJ') then
363            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
364            backspace(lucmd)
365            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
366               & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
367                read(lucmd, *) qmLJsites
368                allocate(qmLJs(2,qmLJsites))
369                do i = 1, qmLJsites
370                    read(lucmd, *) (temp(j), j = 1, 2)
371                    qmLJs(1,i) = temp(1) * 2.0_rp
372                    qmLJs(2,i) = temp(2)
373                end do
374                lvdw = .true.
375             end if
376        ! skip QM calculations, i.e. go directly into PE library
377        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'SKIPQM') then
378            pelib_skipqm = .true.
379        ! Write cube files
380        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'CUBE') then
381            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
382            backspace(lucmd)
383            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
384              & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
385                do
386                    read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
387                    call chcase(option)
388                    if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'COARSE') then
389                        xgrid = 3
390                        ygrid = 3
391                        zgrid = 3
392                    else if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'MEDIUM') then
393                        xgrid = 6
394                        ygrid = 6
395                        zgrid = 6
396                    else if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'FINE') then
397                        xgrid = 12
398                        ygrid = 12
399                        zgrid = 12
400                    else if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'GRID') then
401                        read(lucmd, *) xsize, xgrid, ysize, ygrid, zsize, zgrid
402                    else if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'FIELD') then
403                        cube_field = .true.
404                    else if (option(1:1) == '.' .or. option(1:1) == '*') then
405                        backspace(lucmd)
406                        exit
407                    else if (option(1:1) == '!' .or. option(1:1) == '#') then
408                        cycle
409                    else
410                        error stop 'unknown input under .CUBE option'
411                    end if
412                end do
413            end if
414            pelib_cube = .true.
415        ! evaluate molecular electrostatic potential
416        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'MEP') then
417            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
418            backspace(lucmd)
419            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
420               & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
421                do
422                    read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
423                    call chcase(option)
424                    if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'COARSE') then
425                        xgrid = 3
426                        ygrid = 3
427                        zgrid = 3
428                    else if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'MEDIUM') then
429                        xgrid = 6
430                        ygrid = 6
431                        zgrid = 6
432                    else if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'FINE') then
433                        xgrid = 12
434                        ygrid = 12
435                        zgrid = 12
436                    else if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'GRID') then
437                        read(lucmd, *) xsize, xgrid, ysize, ygrid, zsize, zgrid
438                    else if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'FIELD') then
439                        mep_field = .true.
440                    else if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'EXTFLD') then
441                        read(lucmd, *) (extfld(i), i = 1, 3)
442                        mep_extfld = .true.
443                    else if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'LOCFLD') then
444                        read(lucmd, *) lf_component
445                        mep_lf = .true.
446                    else if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'SKIPQM') then
447                        mep_qmcube = .false.
448                    else if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'SKIPMUL') then
449                        mep_mulcube = .false.
450                    else if (trim(option(1:7)) == 'INPUT') then
451                        mep_input = .true.
452                        read(lucmd, '(a240)') h5gridfile
453                    else if (option(1:1) == '.' .or. option(1:1) == '*') then
454                        backspace(lucmd)
455                        exit
456                    else if (option(1:1) == '!' .or. option(1:1) == '#') then
457                        cycle
458                    else
459                        error stop 'unknown option present in .MEP section.'
460                    end if
461                end do
462            end if
463            pelib_mep = .true.
464        ! continuum solvation calculation
465        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'SOLVAT') then
466            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
467            backspace(lucmd)
468            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
469               & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
470                read(lucmd, *) solvent
471            else
472                solvent = 'H2O'
473            end if
474            pelib_sol = .true.
475            pelib_diis = .true.
476            pelib_fixsol = .true.
477            pelib_polar = .true.
478            chol = .false.
479        ! equilibrium solvation (non-equilibrium is default)
480        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'EQSOL') then
481            pelib_noneq = .false.
482        ! Turn off interaction between induced dipoles and surface charges
483        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'NOMUQ') then
484            pelib_nomuq = .true.
485        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'NOVMU') then
486            pelib_novmu = .true.
487        ! specify surface file
488        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'SURFAC') then
489            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
490            backspace(lucmd)
491            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
492               & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
493                read(lucmd, '(a240)') surfile
494            end if
495            pelib_read_surf = .true.
496        ! FixSol solvation using FIXPVA2 tesselation (optional: number of tessera per atom)
497        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'NTESS ') then
498            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
499            backspace(lucmd)
500            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
501               & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
502                read(lucmd, *) ntsatm
503                if ((ntsatm .ne. 60) .and. (ntsatm .ne. 240) .and. (ntsatm .ne. 960)) then
504                   error stop 'number of tessera per atom must be equal to 60, 240 or 960'
505                end if
506            end if
507        ! apply external electric field
508        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'FIELD') then
509            pelib_field = .true.
510            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
511            backspace(lucmd)
512            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
513               & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
514                read(lucmd, *) (efields(i), i = 1, 3)
515            end if
516        ! verbose output
517        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'VERBOS') then
518            pelib_verbose = .true.
519        ! debug output
520        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'DEBUG') then
521            pelib_debug = .true.
522            pelib_verbose = .true.
523        ! isotropic polarizabilities
524        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'ISOPOL') then
525            pelib_isopol = .true.
526        ! zero out the polarizabilities
527        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'ZEROPO') then
528            pelib_zeropol = .true.
529        ! zero out higher-order multipoles
530        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'ZEROMU') then
531            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
532            backspace(lucmd)
533            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
534               & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
535                read(lucmd, *) zeromul_order
536                if (zeromul_order < 0) then
537                    error stop 'ZEROMUL order cannot be negative'
538                end if
539            end if
540            pelib_zeromul = .true.
541        ! skip calculation of multipole-multipole interaction energy
542        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'SKIPMU') then
543            pelib_skipmul = .true.
544        else if (trim(option(2:7)) == 'GAUGE') then
545            read(lucmd, '(a80)') option
546            backspace(lucmd)
547            if ((option(1:1) /= '.') .and. (option(1:1) /= '*') .and.&
548               & (option(1:1) /= '!') .and. (option(1:1) /= '#')) then
549                allocate(gauge_input(3))
550                gauge_input = 0.0_rp
551                do i = 1,3
552                    read(lucmd, *) gauge_input(i)
553                enddo
554            end if
555            pelib_gauge = .true.
556        else if (option(1:1) == '*') then
557            word = option
558            exit
559        else if (option(1:1) == '!' .or. option(1:1) == '#') then
560            cycle
561        else
562            write(luout, *) 'unknown option:', option
563            error stop 'unknown option in *PELIB section'
564        end if
565    end do
567! check options
568    if (pelib_diis .and. .not. pelib_iter) then ! Assume that you want to use a direct solver for FixSol
569        pelib_diis = .false.
570    end if
572    if (pelib_sol .and. pelib_iter .and. .not. pelib_fixsol) then
573        error stop '.SOLV without .FIXSOL requires .DIRECT'
574    end if
576    if (pelib_mep .and. pelib_cube) then
577        error stop '.MEP and .CUBE are not compatible.'
578    end if
580    call qexit('pelib_ifc_input_reader')
581end subroutine pelib_ifc_input_reader
583subroutine pelib_ifc_init()
584    use pelib, only: pelib_init
585#include "priunit.h"
586#include "mxcent.h"
587#include "nuclei.h"
588    call qenter('pelib_ifc_init')
589    call pelib_init(lupri, cord(1:3,1:natoms), charge(1:natoms))
590    call qexit('pelib_ifc_init')
591end subroutine pelib_ifc_init
593subroutine pelib_ifc_finalize()
594    use pelib, only: pelib_finalize
595    call qenter('pelib_ifc_finalize')
596    call pelib_finalize()
597    call qexit('pelib_ifc_finalize')
598end subroutine pelib_ifc_finalize
600subroutine pelib_ifc_fock(denmats, fckmats, energy)
601    use pelib, only: pelib_master
602#include "inforb.h"
603    real*8, dimension(nnbasx), intent(in) :: denmats
604    real*8, dimension(nnbasx), intent(out) :: fckmats
605    real*8, intent(out) :: energy
606    real*8, dimension(1) :: energies
607    call qenter('pelib_ifc_fock')
608    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
609#if defined(VAR_MPI)
610    call pelib_ifc_start_slaves(1)
612    call pelib_master(runtype='full_fock', &
613                   triang=.true., &
614                   ndim=nbast, &
615                   nmats=1, &
616                   denmats=denmats, &
617                   fckmats=fckmats, &
618                   expvals=energies)
619    energy = energies(1)
620    call qexit('pelib_ifc_fock')
621end subroutine pelib_ifc_fock
623subroutine pelib_ifc_mixed(denmats, fckmats, energy)
624    use pelib, only: pelib_master
625#include "inforb.h"
626    real*8, dimension(2*nnbasx), intent(in) :: denmats
627    real*8, dimension(nnbasx), intent(out) :: fckmats
628    real*8, intent(out) :: energy
629    real*8, dimension(1) :: energies
630    call qenter('pelib_ifc_mixed')
631    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
632#if defined(VAR_MPI)
633    call pelib_ifc_start_slaves(1)
635    call pelib_master(runtype='full_fock', &
636                   triang=.true., &
637                   ndim=nbast, &
638                   nmats=1, &
639                   denmats=denmats, &
640                   fckmats=fckmats, &
641                   expvals=energies)
642    energy = energies(1)
643    call qexit('pelib_ifc_mixed')
644end subroutine pelib_ifc_mixed
646subroutine pelib_ifc_energy(denmats, energy)
647    use pelib, only: pelib_master
648#include "inforb.h"
649    real*8, dimension(nnbasx), intent(in) :: denmats
650    real*8, intent(out), optional :: energy
651    real*8, dimension(1) :: energies
652    call qenter('pelib_ifc_energy')
653    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
654#if defined(VAR_MPI)
655    call pelib_ifc_start_slaves(2)
657    call pelib_master(runtype='print_energy', &
658                   triang=.true., &
659                   ndim=nbast, &
660                   nmats=1, &
661                   denmats=denmats, &
662                   expvals=energies)
663    if (present(energy)) then
664        energy = energies(1)
665    end if
666    call qexit('pelib_ifc_energy')
667end subroutine pelib_ifc_energy
669subroutine pelib_ifc_molgrad(denmats, molgrad)
670    use pelib, only: pelib_master
671#include "inforb.h"
672#include "mxcent.h"
673#include "nuclei.h"
674    real*8, dimension(nnbasx), intent(in) :: denmats
675    real*8, dimension(3*natoms), intent(out) :: molgrad
676    call qenter('pelib_ifc_molgrad')
677    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
678#if defined(VAR_MPI)
679    call pelib_ifc_start_slaves(5)
681    call pelib_master(runtype='molecular_gradient', &
682                   triang=.true., &
683                   ndim=nbast, &
684                   nmats=1, &
685                   denmats=denmats, &
686                   expvals=molgrad)
687        call qexit('pelib_ifc_molgrad')
688end subroutine pelib_ifc_molgrad
690subroutine pelib_ifc_response(denmats, fckmats, nmats)
691    use pelib, only: pelib_master
692#include "inforb.h"
693    integer, intent(in) :: nmats
694    real*8, dimension(nmats*nnbasx), intent(in) :: denmats
695    real*8, dimension(nmats*nnbasx), intent(out) :: fckmats
696    call qenter('pelib_ifc_response')
697    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
698#if defined(VAR_MPI)
699    call pelib_ifc_start_slaves(3)
701    call pelib_master(runtype='dynamic_response', &
702                   triang=.true., &
703                   ndim=nbast, &
704                   nmats=nmats, &
705                   denmats=denmats, &
706                   fckmats=fckmats)
707    call qexit('pelib_ifc_response')
708end subroutine pelib_ifc_response
710subroutine pelib_ifc_london(fckmats)
711    use pelib, only: pelib_master
712#include "inforb.h"
713    real*8, dimension(3*n2basx), intent(out) :: fckmats
714    integer :: i, j, k, l, m
715    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: fckmats_packed
716    call qenter('pelib_ifc_london')
717    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
718    allocate(fckmats_packed(3*nnbasx))
719#if defined(VAR_MPI)
720    call pelib_ifc_start_slaves(4)
722    call pelib_master('magnetic_gradient', &
723                   triang=.true., &
724                   ndim=nbast, &
725                   fckmats=fckmats_packed)
726    do i = 1, 3
727        j = (i - 1) * nnbasx + 1
728        k = i * nnbasx
729        l = (i - 1) * n2basx + 1
730        m = i * n2basx
731        call daptge(nbas, fckmats_packed(j:k), fckmats(l:m))
732    end do
733    deallocate(fckmats_packed)
734    call qexit('pelib_ifc_london')
735end subroutine pelib_ifc_london
737subroutine pelib_ifc_localfield(eefmats)
738    use pelib, only: pelib_master
739#include "inforb.h"
740    real*8, dimension(:), intent(out) :: eefmats
741    integer :: i, ndim
742    call qenter('pelib_ifc_localfield')
743    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
744#if defined(VAR_MPI)
745    call pelib_ifc_start_slaves(8)
747    call pelib_master(runtype='effdipole', &
748                   triang=.true., &
749                   ndim=nbast, &
750                   fckmats=eefmats)
751    call qexit('pelib_ifc_localfield')
752end subroutine pelib_ifc_localfield
754subroutine pelib_ifc_lf()
755    use pelib, only: pelib_master
756#include "priunit.h"
757#include "inforb.h"
758#include "inftap.h"
759#include "orgcom.h"
760    real*8, dimension(nnbasx) :: dip
761    real*8, dimension(:),allocatable :: fckmats
762    integer :: i, j, k
763    logical :: lopen
764    character*8 :: lblinf(2)
765    allocate(fckmats(3*nnbasx))
766    call qenter('pelib_ifc_lf')
767    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
769    call flshfo(lupri)
770    lopen = .false.
771    dip = 0.0d0
772    fckmats = 0.0d0
774#if defined(VAR_MPI)
775    call pelib_ifc_start_slaves(8)
777    call flshfo(lupri)
778    call pelib_master(runtype='effdipole', &
779                   triang=.true., &
780                   ndim=nbast, &
781                   fckmats=fckmats)
783    if (luprop <= 0) then
784        call gpopen(luprop, 'AOPROPER', 'OLD', ' ', 'UNFORMATTED', 0, .false.)
785        lopen = .true.
786    end if
788!   dipole integrals are stored in triangular form
789    rewind(luprop)
790    call mollb2('XDIPLEN ',lblinf,luprop,LUPRI)
791    call readt(luprop, nnbasx, dip)
792    dip(:) = dip(:) + fckmats(1:nnbasx)
793    call WRTPRO(dip,nnbasx,'XLFDIPLN',lblinf,0)
795    rewind(luprop)
796    call mollb2('YDIPLEN ',lblinf,luprop,LUPRI)
797    call readt(luprop, nnbasx, dip)
798    dip(:) = dip(:) + fckmats(nnbasx+1:2*nnbasx)
799    call WRTPRO(dip,nnbasx,'YLFDIPLN',lblinf,0)
801    rewind(luprop)
802    call mollb2('ZDIPLEN ',lblinf,luprop,LUPRI)
803    call readt(luprop, nnbasx, dip)
804    dip(:) = dip(:) + fckmats(2*nnbasx+1:3*nnbasx)
805    call WRTPRO(dip,nnbasx,'ZLFDIPLN',lblinf,0)
807    deallocate(fckmats)
808    if (lopen) call gpclose(luprop,'KEEP')
809    call qexit('pelib_ifc_lf')
811end subroutine pelib_ifc_lf
813subroutine pelib_ifc_mep(denmats)
814  use pelib, only: pelib_master
815  implicit none
816#include "inforb.h"
817  real*8, dimension(nnbasx), intent(in) :: denmats
818  call qenter('pelib_ifc_mep')
819#if defined(VAR_MPI)
820  call pelib_ifc_start_slaves(6)
822  call pelib_master(runtype='mep', &
823                 triang=.true., &
824                 ndim=nbast, &
825                 nmats=1, &
826                 denmats=denmats)
827  call qexit('pelib_ifc_mep')
828end subroutine pelib_ifc_mep
830subroutine pelib_ifc_mep_noqm()
831    use pelib, only: pelib_master
832    implicit none
833    call qenter('pelib_ifc_mep_noqm')
834#if defined(VAR_MPI)
835    call pelib_ifc_start_slaves(6)
837    call pelib_master(runtype='mep', &
838                   triang=.true., &
839                   ndim=0, &
840                   nmats=0)
841    call qexit('pelib_ifc_mep_noqm')
842end subroutine pelib_ifc_mep_noqm
844subroutine pelib_ifc_cube(denmats, idx)
845    use pelib, only: pelib_master
846    implicit none
847#include "inforb.h"
848    real*8, dimension(nnbasx), intent(in) :: denmats
849    integer, intent(in) :: idx
850    call qenter('pelib_ifc_cube')
851#if defined(VAR_MPI)
852    call pelib_ifc_start_slaves(7)
854    call pelib_master(runtype='cube', &
855                   triang=.true., &
856                   ndim=nbast, &
857                   nmats=1, &
858                   denmats=denmats, &
859                   idx=idx)
860    call qexit('pelib_ifc_cube')
861end subroutine pelib_ifc_cube
863subroutine pelib_ifc_save_density(ao_denmat, mo_fckmat, mo_coefficients)
864    use pde_utils, only: pde_save_density
865#include "iprtyp.h"
866#include "maxorb.h"
867#include "infpar.h"
868#include "inforb.h"
869    real*8, dimension(:), intent(in) :: ao_denmat
870    real*8, dimension(:), intent(in) :: mo_fckmat
871    real*8, dimension(nbast,norbt), intent(in) :: mo_coefficients
872    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: mo_energies
873    real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ew_denmat
874    real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: temp
875    integer, parameter :: iprtyp = POLARIZABLE_EMBEDDING
876    integer, parameter :: runtyp = 9
877    integer :: i
878    call qenter('pelib_ifc_save_density')
879    allocate(temp(nbast,nisht))
880    allocate(mo_energies(nisht))
881    do i = 1, nisht
882        mo_energies(i) = mo_fckmat(i*(i+1)/2)
883        temp(:,i) = mo_energies(i) * mo_coefficients(:,i)
884    end do
885    allocate(ew_denmat(nbast,nbast))
886    ew_denmat = matmul(mo_coefficients(:,1:nisht), transpose(temp))
887    deallocate(temp)
888#if defined(VAR_MPI)
889    if (nodtot >= 1) then
890        call mpixbcast(iprtyp, 1, 'INTEGER', master)
891        call mpixbcast(runtyp, 1, 'INTEGER', master)
892    end if
894    call pde_save_density(ao_denmat, ew_denmat, nbast)
895    deallocate(ew_denmat)
896    deallocate(mo_energies)
897    call qexit('pelib_ifc_save_density')
898end subroutine pelib_ifc_save_density
900subroutine pelib_ifc_twoints(work, lwork)
901    use pde_utils, only: pde_twoints, pde_get_fragment_density
902#include "inforb.h"
903    real*8, dimension(:), intent(inout) :: work
904    integer, intent(in) :: lwork
905    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: overlap
906    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: core_fckmat
907    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: packed_frag_denmat
908    real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: full_overlap
909    real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: full_fckmat
910    real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: full_denmat
911    real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: frag_denmat
912    integer :: i, j, k
913    integer :: core_nbast
914    integer :: frag_nbast
915    integer, dimension(1) :: isymdm, ifctyp
916    call qenter('pelib_ifc_twoints')
917    call pde_get_fragment_density(packed_frag_denmat, frag_nbast)
918    allocate(frag_denmat(frag_nbast,frag_nbast))
919    frag_denmat = 0.0d0
920    call dunfld(frag_nbast, packed_frag_denmat, frag_denmat)
921    core_nbast = nbast - frag_nbast
922    allocate(full_denmat(nbast,nbast))
923    full_denmat = 0.0d0
924    full_denmat(core_nbast+1:nbast,core_nbast+1:nbast) = frag_denmat
925    deallocate(frag_denmat)
926    ! IFCTYP = +/-XY
927    !   X indicates symmetry about diagonal
928    !     X = 0 No symmetry
929    !     X = 1 Symmetric
930    !     X = 2 Anti-symmetric
931    !   Y indicates contributions
932    !     Y = 0 No contribution
933    !     Y = 1 Coulomb
934    !     Y = 2 Exchange
935    !     Y = 3 Coulomb + Exchange
936    !   + sign: alpha + beta matrix (singlet)
937    !   - sign: alpha - beta matrix (triplet)
938    ! SIRFCK(fckmat, denmat, ?, isymdm, ifctyp, direct, work, nwrk)
939    allocate(full_fckmat(nbast,nbast))
940    full_fckmat = 0.0d0
941    isymdm = 1
942    ifctyp = 11
943    call sirfck(full_fckmat, full_denmat, 1, isymdm, ifctyp, .true., work(1), lwork)
944    deallocate(full_denmat)
945    allocate(core_fckmat(core_nbast*(core_nbast+1)/2))
946    core_fckmat = 0.0d0
947    call dgetsp(core_nbast, full_fckmat(1:core_nbast,1:core_nbast), core_fckmat)
948    deallocate(full_fckmat)
949    allocate(overlap(nnbast))
950    overlap = 0.0d0
951    call rdonel('OVERLAP', .true., overlap, nnbast)
952    allocate(full_overlap(nbast,nbast))
953    full_overlap = 0.0d0
954    call dsptge(nbast, overlap, full_overlap)
955    deallocate(overlap)
956    call pde_twoints(core_fckmat, full_overlap(1:core_nbast,core_nbast+1:nbast), nbast)
957    deallocate(full_overlap, core_fckmat)
958    call qexit('pelib_ifc_twoints')
959end subroutine pelib_ifc_twoints
961integer function pelib_ifc_get_num_core_nuclei()
962    use pde_utils, only: pde_get_num_core_nuclei
963    integer :: num_nuclei
964    num_nuclei = pde_get_num_core_nuclei()
965    if (num_nuclei <= 0) then
966        call quit('Number of core nuclei must be more than zero')
967    end if
968    pelib_ifc_get_num_core_nuclei = num_nuclei
969end function pelib_ifc_get_num_core_nuclei
971#if defined(VAR_MPI)
972subroutine pelib_ifc_slave(runtype)
973    use pelib, only: pelib_slave
974    use pde_utils, only: pde_save_density
975    implicit none
976#include "inforb.h"
977    integer, intent(in) :: runtype
978    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: ao_denmat
979    real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: dummy
980    call qenter('pelib_ifc_slave')
981    if (runtype == 1) then
982        call pelib_slave('full_fock')
983    else if (runtype == 2) then
984        call pelib_slave('print_energy')
985    else if (runtype == 3) then
986        call pelib_slave('dynamic_response')
987    else if (runtype == 4) then
988        call pelib_slave('magnetic_gradient')
989    else if (runtype == 5) then
990        call pelib_slave('molecular_gradient')
991    else if (runtype == 6) then
992        call pelib_slave('mep')
993    else if (runtype == 7) then
994        call pelib_slave('cube')
995    else if (runtype == 8) then
996        call pelib_slave('effdipole')
997    else if (runtype == 9) then
998        allocate(ao_denmat(nnbasx))
999        allocate(dummy(1,1))
1000        call pde_save_density(ao_denmat, dummy, nbast)
1001        deallocate(ao_denmat, dummy)
1002    end if
1003    call qexit('pelib_ifc_slave')
1004end subroutine pelib_ifc_slave
1007subroutine pelib_ifc_grad(cref, cmo, cindx, dv, grd, energy, wrk, nwrk)
1008!     Written by Erik Donovan Hedegård (edh) and Jogvan Magnus H. Olsen
1009!                based on PCMGRAD
1011!     Purpose:  calculate (MCSCF) energy and gradient contribution
1012!               from an embedding potential using the PE library
1014!     Output:
1015!     grd       MCSCF gradient with PE contribution added
1016!     energy    total PE energy
1018! Used from common blocks:
1021!   INFTAP: LUIT2
1022    implicit none
1023#include "priunit.h"
1024#include "infvar.h"
1025#include "inforb.h"
1026#include "inftap.h"
1028    integer :: nwrk
1029    real*8 :: energy
1030    real*8, dimension(*) :: cref, cmo, cindx, dv, grd
1031    real*8, dimension(nwrk) :: wrk
1032    character*8 :: star8 = '********'
1033    character*8 :: solvdi = 'SOLVDIAG'
1034    character*8 :: eodata = 'EODATA  '
1036    logical :: fndlab
1037    integer :: nc4, nw4, i
1038    real*8 :: solelm, ddot
1039    real*8 :: tmo, tac, test
1040    real*8, dimension(1) :: etmp
1041    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: fckmo, fckac
1042    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: pegrd, diape
1043    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: dcao, dvao, fdtao, fckao
1045    call qenter('pelib_ifc_grad')
1046    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
1048    allocate(dcao(n2basx), dvao(n2basx))
1049    call fckden((nisht > 0), (nasht > 0), dcao, dvao, cmo, dv, wrk, nwrk)
1050    if (nisht == 0) dcao = 0.0d0
1051    if (nasht > 0) dcao = dcao + dvao
1052    deallocate(dvao)
1053    allocate(fdtao(nnbasx))
1054    call dgefsp(nbast, dcao, fdtao)
1055    deallocate(dcao)
1056    allocate(fckao(nnbasx))
1057    call pelib_ifc_fock(fdtao, fckao, energy)
1058    deallocate(fdtao)
1059    allocate(fckmo(nnorbx))
1060    call uthu(fckao, fckmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
1061    deallocate(fckao)
1063    allocate(fckac(nnashx))
1064    fckac = 0.0d0
1065    if (nasht > 0) call getac2(fckmo, fckac)
1066    tmo = solelm(dv, fckac, fckmo, tac)
1068    allocate(pegrd(nvarh))
1069    pegrd = 0.0d0
1070    if (nconf > 1) then
1071        ! edh: SOLGC calc. < u | Fg | 0 > + < 0 | Fg | 0 > c_u
1072        call solgc(cref, fckac, tac, pegrd, cindx, wrk, nwrk)
1073    end if
1074    if (nwopt > 0) then
1075        ! edh: SOLGO calc. 2 < 0 | [Ers, Fg] | 0 >
1076        call solgo(2.0d0, dv, fckmo, pegrd(1+nconf:nvarh))
1077    end if
1079    allocate(diape(nvar))
1080    diape = 0.0d0
1081    call soldia(tac, fckac, cindx, fckmo, dv, diape, wrk, nwrk)
1082    diape = - diape
1083    deallocate(fckmo, fckac)
1085    !--------------- Orthogonality test ----------------
1086    test = ddot(nconf, cref, 1, pegrd, 1)
1087    if (abs(test) > 1.0d-8) then
1088        nwarn = nwarn + 1
1089        write(lupri,*) ' --- PE GRADIENT WARNING --- '
1090        write(lupri,*) ' < CREF | GRAD > =', test
1091    end if
1093    ! Add PE gradient contribution to MCSCF gradient
1094    call daxpy(nvarh, 1.0d0, pegrd, 1, grd, 1)
1095    deallocate(pegrd)
1096    if (luit2 > 0) then
1097        nc4 = max(nconf, 4)
1098        nw4 = max(nwopt, 4)
1099        rewind luit2
1100        if (fndlab(eodata,luit2)) backspace luit2
1101        write(luit2) star8, star8, star8, solvdi
1102        if (nconf > 1) call writt(luit2, nc4, diape)
1103        write(luit2) star8, star8, star8, eodata
1104    end if
1106    call qexit('pelib_ifc_grad')
1108end subroutine pelib_ifc_grad
1110subroutine pelib_ifc_lin(ncsim, nosim, bcvecs, bovecs, cref, cmo, cindx, dv, dtv,&
1111                         scvecs, sovecs, orblin, wrk, nwrk)
1113! Written by Erik Donovan Hedegård and Jogvan Magnus H. Olsen
1114!            after original code by  Hans Joergen Aa. Jensen
1116! Common driver for pelib_lnc and pelib_lno
1118!   Used from common blocks:
1120    implicit none
1121#include "priunit.h"
1122#include "inflin.h"
1123#include "infvar.h"
1124#include "inforb.h"
1126    logical :: orblin
1127    integer :: ncsim, nosim, nwrk
1128    integer, dimension(*) :: cindx
1129    real*8, dimension(*) :: bcvecs, bovecs, scvecs, sovecs
1130    real*8, dimension(*) :: cmo, cref, dv, dtv
1131    real*8, dimension(nwrk) :: wrk
1133    integer :: nso
1135    call qenter('pelib_ifc_lin')
1136    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
1138    if (ncsim > 0) then
1139        call pelib_lnc(ncsim, bcvecs, cref, cmo, cindx, dv, dtv, scvecs, wrk, nwrk)
1140    end if
1142    if (nosim > 0) then
1143        if (.not. orblin) then
1144            nso = nvarpt
1145        else
1146            nso = nwoppt
1147        end if
1148        call pelib_lno(nosim, bovecs, cref, cmo, cindx, dv, sovecs, nso, wrk, nwrk)
1149    end if
1151    call qexit('pelib_ifc_lin')
1153end subroutine pelib_ifc_lin
1155subroutine pelib_lnc(ncsim, bcvecs, cref, cmo, cindx, dv, dtv, scvecs, wrk, nwrk)
1157!  Written by Erik Donovan Hedegaard and Jogvan Magnus H. Olsen
1158!             after original routine by Hans Jørgen Aa. Jensen
1160!  Purpose:  Calculate Hessian contribution from a polarizable
1161!            embedding potantial to a csf trial vector.
1163!  Used from common blocks:
1165!    INFVAR : NWOPH
1168    use pelib_options, only: pelib_polar
1169    implicit none
1170#include "priunit.h"
1171#include "dummy.h"
1172#include "inforb.h"
1173#include "infvar.h"
1174#include "inflin.h"
1175#include "infdim.h"
1177    integer :: ncsim, nwrk
1178    integer, dimension(*) :: cindx
1179    real*8, dimension(*) :: bcvecs, cref, cmo, dv
1180    real*8, dimension(nnashx,*) :: dtv
1181    real*8, dimension(nvarpt,*) :: scvecs
1182    real*8, dimension(nwrk) :: wrk
1184    logical :: fndlab
1185    integer :: i, j, jscvec, mwoph
1186    real*8 :: tfxc, tfyc, tfycac, solelm, energy
1187    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: dcao, dvao, fdtao, fycao
1188    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: dtvao, fdtvaos, fxcaos
1189    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: tfxcacs, fyc, fycac
1190    real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: fxcs, fxcacs
1192    call qenter('pelib_lnc')
1193    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
1195    allocate(fxcs(nnorbx,ncsim))
1196    allocate(fxcacs(nnashx,ncsim))
1197    allocate(tfxcacs(ncsim))
1198    fxcs = 0.0d0
1199    fxcacs = 0.0d0
1200    tfxcacs = 0.0d0
1202    if (pelib_polar) then
1203        ! Fxc = -R<0|Fe|B>Fe in fxcaos
1204        allocate(dtvao(n2basx))
1205        allocate(fdtvaos(ncsim*nnbasx))
1206        do i = 1, ncsim
1207            j = (i - 1) * nnbasx + 1
1208            call fckden(.false., .true., dummy, dtvao, cmo, dtv(:,i), wrk, nwrk)
1209            call dgefsp(nbast, dtvao, fdtvaos(j))
1210        end do
1211        deallocate(dtvao)
1212        allocate(fxcaos(ncsim*nnbasx))
1213        call pelib_ifc_response(fdtvaos, fxcaos, ncsim)
1214        deallocate(fdtvaos)
1215        do i = 1, ncsim
1216            j = (i - 1) * nnbasx + 1
1217            call uthu(fxcaos(j), fxcs(:,i), cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
1218            if (nasht > 0) call getac2(fxcs(:,i), fxcacs(:,i))
1219            tfxc = solelm(dv, fxcacs(:,i), fxcs(:,i), tfxcacs(i))
1220        end do
1221        deallocate(fxcaos)
1222    end if
1224    ! Fg = Vmul -R<0|Fe|0>Fe in fyc
1225    allocate(dcao(n2basx), dvao(n2basx))
1226    call fckden((nisht > 0), (nasht > 0), dcao, dvao, cmo, dv, wrk, nwrk)
1227    if (nisht == 0) dcao = 0.0d0
1228    if (nasht > 0) dcao = dcao + dvao
1229    deallocate(dvao)
1230    allocate(fdtao(nnbasx))
1231    call dgefsp(nbast, dcao, fdtao)
1232    deallocate(dcao)
1233    allocate(fycao(nnbasx))
1234    call pelib_ifc_fock(fdtao, fycao, energy)
1235    deallocate(fdtao)
1236    allocate(fyc(nnorbx))
1237    call uthu(fycao, fyc, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
1238    deallocate(fycao)
1239    allocate(fycac(nnashx))
1240    if (nasht > 0) call getac2(fyc, fycac)
1241    tfyc = solelm(dv, fycac, fyc, tfycac)
1243    ! ...CSF part of sigma vectors
1244    call solsc(ncsim, 0, bcvecs, cref, scvecs, fxcacs, fycac, tfxcacs, tfycac,&
1245               cindx, wrk, nwrk)
1247    if (nwoppt > 0) then
1248        mwoph = nwoph
1249        nwoph = nwoppt
1250        jscvec = 1 + nconst
1251        do i = 1, ncsim
1252            if (pelib_polar) then
1253                call solgo(2.0d0, dv, fxcs(:,i), scvecs(jscvec,i))
1254            end if
1255            call solgo(0.0d0, dtv(:,i), fyc, scvecs(jscvec,i))
1256        end do
1257        nwoph = mwoph
1258    end if
1260    deallocate(fxcacs, fycac, tfxcacs)
1261    deallocate(fyc, fxcs)
1263    call qexit('pelib_lnc')
1265end subroutine pelib_lnc
1267subroutine pelib_lno(nosim, bovecs, cref, cmo, cindx, dv, sovecs, nso,&
1268                  wrk, nwrk)
1270!  Written by Erik Donovan Hedegaard and Jogvan Magnus H. Olsen
1271!             after original code by Hans Jorgen Aa. Jensen
1273!  Purpose:  Calculate Hessian contribution from a
1274!            PE potential to an orbital trial vector.
1276!  NSVEC     may be NVAR or NWOPT, dependent on LINTRN
1278!  Used from common blocks:
1280!    INFVAR : JWOP
1283    use pelib_options, only: pelib_polar
1284    implicit none
1285#include "priunit.h"
1286#include "dummy.h"
1287#include "inforb.h"
1288#include "infvar.h"
1289#include "inflin.h"
1291    integer :: nosim, nso, nwrk
1292    integer, dimension(*) :: cindx
1293    real*8, dimension(*) :: cref, cmo, dv
1294    real*8, dimension(nwrk) :: wrk
1295    real*8, dimension(nwoppt,*) :: bovecs
1296    real*8, dimension(nso,*) :: sovecs
1298    integer :: i, j, jsovec, mwoph, ncolim
1299    logical :: fulhes, fndlab
1300    real*8 :: solelm
1301    real*8 :: txyo
1302    real*8 :: energy
1303    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: txyoacs
1304    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: ubodcao, ubodvao
1305    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: bodtaos, fxoaos
1306    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: fckmo, fyo, ufyo
1307    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: dcao, dvao, fdtao, fckao
1308    real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ubovecs, fxos
1309    real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: fxyos, fxyoacs
1312    call qenter('pelib_lno')
1313    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
1315    allocate(ubovecs(n2orbx,nosim))
1316    if (nosim > 0) then
1317        do i = 1, nosim
1318            call upkwop(nwoppt, jwop, bovecs(:,i), ubovecs(:,i))
1319        end do
1320    end if
1322    ! 1. Calculation of Fxo = R*<0|Fe(k)|O>Fe
1323    !    Store in fxos
1324    if (pelib_polar) then
1325        allocate(ubodcao(n2basx), ubodvao(n2basx))
1326        allocate(bodtaos(nosim*nnbasx))
1327        do i = 1, nosim
1328            j = (i - 1) * nnbasx + 1
1329            call tr1den(cmo, ubovecs(:,i), dv, ubodcao, ubodvao, wrk, nwrk)
1330            if (nasht > 0) ubodcao = ubodcao + ubodvao
1331            call dgefsp(nbast, ubodcao, bodtaos(j))
1332        end do
1333        deallocate(ubodcao, ubodvao)
1334        allocate(fxoaos(nosim*nnbasx))
1335        call pelib_ifc_response(bodtaos, fxoaos, nosim)
1336        deallocate(bodtaos)
1337        allocate(fxos(nnorbx,nosim))
1338        do i = 1, nosim
1339            j = (i - 1) * nnbasx + 1
1340            call uthu(fxoaos(j), fxos(:,i), cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
1341        end do
1342        deallocate(fxoaos)
1343    end if
1345    ! 2. Calculation of Fyo = V(k) + R<0|F|0>Fe(k)
1346    !    Store in fyos
1347    allocate(dcao(n2basx), dvao(n2basx))
1348    call fckden((nisht > 0), (nasht > 0), dcao, dvao, cmo, dv, wrk, nwrk)
1349    if (nisht == 0) dcao = 0.0d0
1350    if (nasht > 0) dcao = dcao + dvao
1351    deallocate(dvao)
1352    allocate(fdtao(nnbasx))
1353    call dgefsp(nbast, dcao, fdtao)
1354    deallocate(dcao)
1355    allocate(fckao(nnbasx))
1356    call pelib_ifc_fock(fdtao, fckao, energy)
1357    deallocate(fdtao)
1358    allocate(fckmo(nnorbx))
1359    call uthu(fckao, fckmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
1360    deallocate(fckao)
1361    allocate(fyo(n2orbx))
1362    call dsptsi(norbt, fckmo, fyo)
1363    deallocate(fckmo)
1365    allocate(ufyo(n2orbx), txyoacs(nosim))
1366    allocate(fxyos(nnorbx,nosim), fxyoacs(nnashx,nosim))
1367    do i = 1, nosim
1368        ufyo = 0.0d0
1369        call tr1uh1(ubovecs(:,i), fyo, ufyo, 1)
1370        call dgetsp(norbt, ufyo, fxyos(:,i))
1371        if (pelib_polar) then
1372            call daxpy(nnorbx, 1.0d0, fxos(:,i), 1, fxyos(:,i), 1)
1373        end if
1374        if (nasht > 0) then
1375            call getac2(fxyos(:,i), fxyoacs(:,i))
1376        end if
1377        txyo = solelm(dv, fxyoacs(:,i), fxyos(:,i), txyoacs(i))
1378    end do
1379    ! 3.   /        <0[Epq,Fxo + Fyo]|0>      \  orbital part
1380    !      \ 2<0|Fyo + Fxo|mu> - <0|Fyo|0>*c0 /  CSF part
1381    !     ... CSF part of sigma vectors
1382    if (lsymrf == lsymst) then
1383        ncolim = 1
1384    else
1385        ncolim = 0
1386    end if
1388    ! Determine if full Hessian or only orbital Hessian
1389    fulhes = (nso == nvarpt)
1390    if (fulhes) then
1391        jsovec = 1 + nconst
1392    else
1393        jsovec = 1
1394    end if
1396    if (fulhes .and. (nconst > ncolim)) then
1397        call solsc(0, nosim, dummy, cref, sovecs, fxyoacs, dummy, txyoacs,&
1398                   dummy, cindx, wrk, nwrk)
1399    end if
1401    ! ... orbital part of sigma vectors
1402    mwoph = nwoph
1403    nwoph = nwoppt
1404    ! ... tell SOLGO only to use the NWOPPT first JWOP entries
1405    do i = 1, nosim
1406        call solgo(2.0d0, dv, fxyos(:,i), sovecs(jsovec,i))
1407    end do
1408    nwoph = mwoph
1410    call qexit('pelib_lno')
1412end subroutine pelib_lno
1414subroutine pelib_ifc_lr(ncsim, nosim, bcvecs, bovecs, cref, cmo, cindx, udv,&
1415                        dv, udvtr, dvtr, dtv, dtvtr, scvecs, sovecs, wrk, nwrk)
1416    implicit none
1417#include "priunit.h"
1418#include "dummy.h"
1419#include "wrkrsp.h"
1420#include "infrsp.h"
1421#include "inftap.h"
1423    integer :: ncsim, nosim, nwrk
1424    integer, dimension(*) :: cindx
1425    real*8, dimension(*) :: bcvecs, bovecs
1426    real*8, dimension(*) :: cref, cmo, udv, dv
1427    real*8, dimension(*) :: udvtr, dvtr, dtv, dtvtr
1428    real*8, dimension(*) :: scvecs, sovecs
1429    real*8, dimension(nwrk) :: wrk
1431    call qenter('pelib_ifc_lr')
1432    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
1434    if (ncsim > 0 .and. .not. soppa) then
1435        call pelib_rsplnc(ncsim, bcvecs, cref, cmo, cindx, udv, dv,&
1436                       udvtr, dvtr, dtv, dtvtr, scvecs, wrk, nwrk)
1437    end if
1439    if (nosim > 0) then
1440        call pelib_rsplno(nosim, bovecs, cref, cmo, cindx,&
1441                       udv, dv, udvtr, dvtr, sovecs, wrk, nwrk)
1442    end if
1444    call qexit('pelib_ifc_lr')
1446end subroutine pelib_ifc_lr
1448subroutine pelib_rsplnc(ncsim, bcvecs, cref, cmo, cindx, udv, dv,&
1449                     udvtr, dvtr, dtv, dtvtr, scvecs, wrk, nwrk)
1450    use pelib_options, only: pelib_polar
1451    implicit none
1452#include "priunit.h"
1453#include "dummy.h"
1454#include "infrsp.h"
1455#include "inftap.h"
1456#include "wrkrsp.h"
1457#include "inforb.h"
1458#include "qrinf.h"
1459#include "infvar.h"
1461    integer :: i, j
1462    integer :: ncsim, nwrk
1463    integer, dimension(*) :: cindx
1465    real*8, dimension(*) :: bcvecs, cref, cmo, udv, dv
1466    real*8, dimension(*) :: udvtr, dvtr
1467    real*8, dimension(n2ashx,*) :: dtv
1468    real*8, dimension(n2ashx,*) :: dtvtr
1469    real*8, dimension(kzyvar,*) :: scvecs
1470    real*8, dimension(nwrk) :: wrk
1472    real*8 :: ovlap, solelm, tfpeac, tfpe
1473    real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: udtv
1474    real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: fxcs, fxcacs
1475    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: dtvao, fuxcs
1476    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: fdtvaos, fxcaos
1477    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: tfxc, tfxcacs
1478    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: fpe, fupe, fpeac
1480    logical :: lexist, lopen, locdeb
1481    logical :: fndlab
1482    logical :: tdm, norho2
1484    call qenter('pelib_rsplnc')
1485    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
1487    locdeb = .false.
1489    lopen = .false.
1490    tdm = .true.
1491    norho2 = .true.
1493    allocate(fxcs(nnorbx,ncsim))
1494    allocate(fuxcs(n2orbx))
1495    allocate(fxcacs(nnashx,ncsim))
1496    allocate(tfxc(ncsim))
1497    allocate(tfxcacs(ncsim))
1498    fxcs    = 0.0d0
1499    fuxcs   = 0.0d0
1500    fxcacs  = 0.0d0
1501    tfxc    = 0.0d0
1502    tfxcacs = 0.0d0
1504    ! Fxc = R*(<0(L)|Fe|0> + <0|Fe|0(R)>)Fe
1505    if (pelib_polar .or. .not. trplet) then
1506        call getref(cref, ncref)
1507        ! ...Construct <0(L)|...|0> + <0|...|0(R)>
1508        allocate(udtv(n2ashx,ncsim))
1509        udtv = 0.0d0
1510        call rsptdm(ncsim, irefsy, ksymst, ncref, kzconf, cref, bcvecs,&
1511                    udtv, dummy, 0, 0, tdm, norho2, cindx, wrk, 1, nwrk)
1512        udtv = - 1.0d0 * udtv
1514        if ( ncsim > 0 ) then
1515            allocate(fdtvaos(nnbasx*ncsim))
1516            fdtvaos = 0.0d0
1517            allocate(dtvao(n2basx))
1518            dtvao = 0.0d0
1519            do i = 1, ncsim
1520               j = (i - 1) * nnbasx + 1
1521                call fckden2(.false., .true., dummy, dtvao, cmo,&
1522                             udtv(:,i), wrk, nwrk)
1523                call dgefsp(nbast, dtvao, fdtvaos(j))
1524            end do
1525            deallocate(udtv, dtvao)
1526        end if
1528        allocate(fxcaos(ncsim*nnbasx))
1529        fxcaos = 0.0d0
1530        call pelib_ifc_response(fdtvaos, fxcaos, ncsim)
1531        deallocate(fdtvaos)
1533        do i = 1, ncsim
1534            j = (i - 1) * nnbasx + 1
1535            call uthu(fxcaos(j), fxcs(:,i), cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
1536            if (nasht > 0) call getac2(fxcs(:,i), fxcacs(:,i))
1537            tfxc = solelm(dv, fxcacs(:,i), fxcs(:,i), tfxcacs(i))
1538        end do
1539        deallocate(fxcaos)
1540    end if
1542    ! Fg = V - <0|F|0>Fe -unpack into fupe
1543    if (.not. tdhf) then
1544        allocate(fpe(nnorbx))
1545        fpe = 0.0d0
1546        if (lusifc <= 0) then
1547            call gpopen(lusifc, 'SIRIFC', 'OLD', ' ', 'UNFORMATTED',&
1548                        idummy, .false.)
1549            lopen = .true.
1550        end if
1551        rewind(lusifc)
1552        call mollab('PEFMAT  ', lusifc, lupri)
1553        call readt(lusifc, nnorbx, fpe)
1554        if (lopen) call gpclose(lusifc, 'KEEP')
1555        allocate(fupe(n2orbx), fpeac(nnashx))
1556        fupe = 0.0d0
1557        fpeac = 0.0d0
1558        call dsptsi(norbt, fpe, fupe)
1559        if (nasht > 0) call getac2(fpe, fpeac)
1560            tfpe = solelm(dv, fpeac, fpe, tfpeac)
1561        deallocate(fpe)
1562    end if
1564    ! Calculate Fxc(Rxc) and Fg(Ryc) contributions to SCVECS(NVAR,NCSIM)
1565    !  ... CSF part of sigma vectors
1566    if (locdeb) then
1567       write(lupri,*)' Linear transformed configuration vector'
1568       write(lupri,*)' **** Before slvsc in pelib_rsplnc **** '
1569       call output(scvecs,1,kzyvar,1,ncsim,kzyvar,ncsim,1,lupri)
1570    endif
1572    call slvsc(ncsim, 0, nnashx, bcvecs, cref, scvecs, fxcacs,&
1573               fpeac, tfxcacs, tfpeac, cindx, wrk, nwrk)
1574    deallocate(fxcacs, tfxcacs, fpeac)
1576    if (locdeb) then
1577        write(lupri,*)' Linear transformed configuration vector'
1578        write(lupri,*)' **** After slvsc in pelib_rsplnc **** '
1579        call output(scvecs,1,kzyvar,1,ncsim,kzyvar,ncsim,1,lupri)
1580    end if
1582    ! edh: The triplet will only work for response from a single reference
1583    ! state, where the term from Fxc is 0. Can be generalized (at least to
1584    ! dublet) by including Fxc...
1585    ! ... orbital part of sigma vector(s)
1586    if (kzwopt .gt. 0) then
1587        do i = 1,ncsim
1588            fuxcs = 0.0d0
1589            call dsptsi(norbt,fxcs(:,i), fuxcs)
1590            if (trplet) then
1591               ! zero for singlet reference state
1592            else
1593               call slvsor(.true.,.true., 1, udv, scvecs(1,i), fuxcs)
1594            end if
1595            if (locdeb) then
1596                write(lupri,*) ' *** After slvsor in pelib_rsplnc *** '
1597                write(lupri,*) 'Orbital part of lin transf conf vec no ', i
1598                write(lupri,*) ' Txc contribution'
1599                call output(scvecs(1,i), 1, kzyvar, 1, 1, kzyvar, 1, 1,&
1600                            lupri)
1601            end if
1602            if (trplet) then
1603               call slvsor(.false.,.false.,1, dtvtr(1,i),scvecs(1,i),fupe)
1604            else
1605               call slvsor(.false., .false., 1, dtv(1,i), scvecs(1,i), fupe)
1606            end if
1607            if (locdeb) then
1608                write(lupri,*) 'Orbital part of lin transf conf vec no ', i
1609                write(lupri,*)' Tg contribution'
1610                call output(scvecs(1,i), 1, kzyvar, 1, 1, kzyvar, 1, 1,&
1611                            lupri)
1612            end if
1613        end do
1614        deallocate(fupe, fuxcs)
1616        if (locdeb) then
1617            write(lupri,*)' linear transformed conf. vector'
1618            write(lupri,*)' *** after slvsor in pelib_rsplnc *** '
1619            call output(scvecs, 1, kzyvar, 1, ncsim, kzyvar, ncsim, 1,&
1620                        lupri)
1621        end if
1622    end if
1624    if (ncref /= kzconf) then
1625        call quit('ERROR in pelib_rsplnc: ncref /= kzconf')
1626    end if
1628    call qexit('pelib_rsplnc')
1630end subroutine pelib_rsplnc
1632subroutine pelib_rsplno(nosim, bovecs, cref, cmo, cindx, udv, dv,&
1633                     udvtr, dvtr, sovecs, wrk, nwrk)
1634    use pelib_options, only: pelib_polar, pelib_gspol
1635    implicit none
1636#include "priunit.h"
1637#include "dummy.h"
1638#include "wrkrsp.h"
1639#include "inforb.h"
1640#include "infrsp.h"
1641#include "inftap.h"
1643    integer :: nosim, nwrk
1644    integer, dimension(*) :: cindx
1645    real*8, dimension(*) :: bovecs
1646    real*8, dimension(kzyvar,*) :: sovecs
1647    real*8, dimension(*) :: cref, cmo, udv, dv, udvtr, dvtr
1648    real*8, dimension(nwrk) :: wrk
1650    integer :: i, j
1651    real*8 :: txyo
1652    real*8 :: ddot, slvqlm
1653    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: dcao, dvao
1654    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: daos, fckaos
1655    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: daotrs
1656    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: evec
1657    real*8, dimension(:,:), allocatable :: ubovecs, evecs, eacs
1658    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: fpemo,fupemo
1659    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: txyoacs
1660    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: ovlp
1661    logical :: lexist, lopen
1663    call qenter('pelib_rsplno')
1664    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
1666    ! return if no polarization and not MCSCF
1667    if (tdhf .and. .not. pelib_polar) then
1668        call qexit('pelib_rsplno')
1669        return
1670    ! no polarization for triplet excitations in closed shell SCF
1671    else if ((nasht == 0) .and. trplet) then
1672        !write(lupri,*)'WARNING: Triplet PE-response experimental'
1673        call qexit('pelib_rsplno')
1674        return
1675    ! ground state polarization approximation
1676    else if (pelib_gspol) then
1677        call qexit('pelib_rsplno')
1678        return
1679    ! triplet response for open shell (and MCSCF) not ready yet
1680    else if (tdhf .and. (nasht > 0) .and. trplet) then
1681        !write(lupri,*)'WARNING: Triplet code experimental'
1682        call quit('ERROR: triplet operators for open shell'//&
1683                  ' systems not implemented')
1684    end if
1686    lopen = .false.
1688    if (.not. tdhf) then
1689        ! Read Fg = V - <0|F|0>Fe from file
1690        allocate(fpemo(nnorbx))
1691        if (lusifc <= 0) then
1692            call gpopen(lusifc, 'SIRIFC', 'OLD', ' ', 'UNFORMATTED',&
1693                        idummy, .false.)
1694            lopen = .true.
1695        end if
1696        rewind(lusifc)
1697        call mollab('PEFMAT  ', lusifc, lupri)
1698        call readt(lusifc, nnorbx, fpemo)
1699        if (lopen) call gpclose(lusifc, 'KEEP')
1700        allocate(fupemo(n2orbx))
1701        call dsptsi(norbt, fpemo, fupemo)
1702        deallocate(fpemo)
1703    end if
1705    allocate(ubovecs(n2orbx,nosim))
1706    call rspzym(nosim, bovecs, ubovecs)
1708    ubovecs = - ubovecs
1710    if (.not. trplet) then
1711       allocate(dcao(n2basx), dvao(n2basx), daos(nosim*nnbasx))
1712       ! Calculate Fxo = <0|Fe(k)|0>Fe
1713       do i = 1, nosim
1714           j = (i - 1) * nnbasx + 1
1715           call deq27(cmo, ubovecs(:,i), udv, dcao, dvao, wrk, nwrk)
1716           if (nasht > 0) then
1717               dcao = dcao + dvao
1718           end if
1719           call dgefsp(nbast, dcao, daos(j))
1720       end do
1721       deallocate(dcao, dvao)
1723       allocate(fckaos(nosim*nnbasx))
1724       call pelib_ifc_response(daos, fckaos, nosim)
1725       deallocate(daos)
1726    end if
1728    allocate(evec(nnorbx))
1729    allocate(evecs(n2orbx,nosim))
1730    evecs = 0.0d0
1731    if (.not. tdhf) then
1732        allocate(eacs(n2ashx,nosim))
1733        allocate(txyoacs(nosim))
1734        eacs = 0.0d0
1735        txyoacs = 0.0d0
1736    end if
1737    do i = 1, nosim
1738        j = (i - 1) * nnbasx + 1
1739        if (.not. trplet) then
1740           call uthu(fckaos(j), evec, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
1741           call dsptsi(norbt, evec, evecs(:,i))
1742        end if
1743        ! Fyo = V(k) - <0|F|0>Fe(k)
1744        if (.not. tdhf) then
1745            call onexh1(ubovecs(:,i), fupemo, evecs(:,i))
1746            call getacq(evecs(:,i), eacs(:,i))
1747            if (trplet) then
1748              ! do nothing (txyoacs should be zero for triplet with singlet cref)
1749            else
1750              txyo = slvqlm(udv, eacs(:,i), evecs(:,i), txyoacs(i))
1751            end if
1752        end if
1753    end do
1755    deallocate(evec)
1756    if (.not. tdhf) then
1757        deallocate(fupemo)
1758        ! Special triplet handling is taken care of inside slvsc!
1759        call slvsc(0, nosim, n2ashx, dummy, cref, sovecs, eacs,&
1760                   dummy, txyoacs, dummy, cindx, wrk, nwrk)
1761        deallocate(eacs)
1762        deallocate(txyoacs)
1763    end if
1764    ! Note: triplet and singlet calls to slvsor get identical.
1765    ! Singlet case: singlet evecs and singlet orbital operator.
1766    ! Triplet case: triplet evecs and triplet orbital operator.
1767    ! The two cases give the same expressions for gradient elements.
1768    call slvsor(.true., .true., nosim, udv, sovecs, evecs)
1769    deallocate(evecs)
1771    call qexit('pelib_rsplno')
1773end subroutine pelib_rsplno
1775subroutine pelib_ifc_qro(vecb, vecc, etrs, xindx, zymb, zymc, udv, wrk, nwrk,&
1776                         kzyva, kzyvb, kzyvc, isyma, isymb, isymc, cmo, mjwop)
1777    implicit none
1778#include "inforb.h"
1779#include "infvar.h"
1780#include "infrsp.h"
1781#include "infdim.h"
1782#include "qrinf.h"
1784    integer :: kzyva, kzyvb, kzyvc
1785    integer :: isyma, isymb, isymc
1786    integer :: nwrk
1787    real*8, dimension(nwrk) :: wrk
1788    real*8, dimension(kzyva) :: etrs
1789    real*8, dimension(kzyvb) :: vecb
1790    real*8, dimension(kzyvc) :: vecc
1791    real*8, dimension(ncmot) :: cmo
1792    real*8, dimension(norbt,norbt) :: zymb, zymc
1793    real*8, dimension(nashdi,nashdi) :: udv
1794    real*8, dimension(lcindx) :: xindx
1795    integer, dimension(2,maxwop,8) :: mjwop
1797    integer :: i, j, k
1798    integer :: idum = 1
1799    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: udcao, ufcmo
1800    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: dcaos, fcaos
1801    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: fcmo
1803    call qenter('pelib_ifc_qro')
1804    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
1806    call gtzymt(1, vecb, kzyvb, isymb, zymb, mjwop)
1807    call gtzymt(1, vecc, kzyvc, isymc, zymc, mjwop)
1809    allocate(udcao(n2basx))
1810    allocate(ufcmo(n2orbx))
1811    allocate(dcaos(4*nnbasx))
1812    dcaos = 0.0d0
1814    !  D(1k)
1815    udcao = 0.0d0
1816    call cdens1(isymb, cmo, zymb, udcao, wrk, nwrk)
1817    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(1:nnbasx))
1819    ! D(1k,2k)
1820    udcao = 0.0d0
1821    call cdens2(isymb, isymc, cmo, zymb, zymc, udcao,&
1822                wrk(1:n2basx), wrk(n2basx+1:2*n2basx), ufcmo)
1823    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(nnbasx+1:2*nnbasx))
1825    !  D(2k)
1826    udcao = 0.0d0
1827    call cdens1(isymc, cmo, zymc, udcao, wrk, nwrk)
1828    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(2*nnbasx+1:3*nnbasx))
1830    !  D(2k,1k)
1831    udcao = 0.0d0
1832    call cdens2(isymc, isymb, cmo, zymc, zymb, udcao,&
1833                wrk(1:n2basx), wrk(n2basx+1:2*n2basx), ufcmo)
1834    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(3*nnbasx+1:4*nnbasx))
1836    deallocate(udcao)
1838    allocate(fcaos(4*nnbasx))
1839    call pelib_ifc_response(dcaos, fcaos, 4)
1840    deallocate(dcaos)
1842    allocate(fcmo(nnorbx))
1843    ufcmo = 0.0d0
1845    i = 1
1846    j = nnbasx
1847    call uthu(2.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
1848    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
1849    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
1850    call oith1(isymc, zymc, wrk(1:n2orbx), ufcmo, isyma)
1852    i = i + nnbasx
1853    j = j + nnbasx
1854    call uthu(fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
1855    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
1856    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
1857    ufcmo = ufcmo + wrk(1:n2orbx)
1859    i = i + nnbasx
1860    j = j + nnbasx
1861    call uthu(2.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
1862    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
1863    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
1864    call oith1(isymb, zymb, wrk(1:n2orbx), ufcmo, isyma)
1866    i = i + nnbasx
1867    j = j + nnbasx
1868    call uthu(fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
1869    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
1870    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
1871    ufcmo = ufcmo + wrk(1:n2orbx)
1873    call rsp1gr(1, kzyva, idum, 0, isyma, 0, 1, etrs,&
1874                wrk, idum, idum, 1.0d0, 1, udv, ufcmo, xindx,&
1875                mjwop, wrk, nwrk, .true., .false., .false.)
1877    deallocate(fcaos, fcmo, ufcmo)
1879    call qexit('pelib_ifc_qro')
1881end subroutine pelib_ifc_qro
1883subroutine pelib_ifc_cro(vecb, vecc, vecd, etrs, xindx, zymb, zymc, zymd, udv,&
1884                         wrk, nwrk, kzyva, kzyvb, kzyvc, kzyvd, isyma, isymb,&
1885                         isymc, isymd, cmo,mjwop)
1886    implicit none
1887#include "inforb.h"
1888#include "infvar.h"
1889#include "infrsp.h"
1890#include "infdim.h"
1891#include "qrinf.h"
1893    integer :: kzyva, kzyvb, kzyvc, kzyvd
1894    integer :: isyma, isymb, isymc, isymd
1895    integer :: nwrk
1896    real*8, dimension(nwrk) :: wrk
1897    real*8, dimension(kzyva) :: etrs
1898    real*8, dimension(kzyvb) :: vecb
1899    real*8, dimension(kzyvc) :: vecc
1900    real*8, dimension(kzyvd) :: vecd
1901    real*8, dimension(ncmot) :: cmo
1902    real*8, dimension(norbt,norbt) :: zymb, zymc, zymd
1903    real*8, dimension(nashdi,nashdi) :: udv
1904    real*8, dimension(lcindx) :: xindx
1905    integer, dimension(2,maxwop,8) :: mjwop
1907    integer :: i, j, k
1908    integer :: idum = 1
1909    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: udcao, ufcmo
1910    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: dcaos, fcaos
1911    real*8, dimension(:), allocatable :: fcmo
1913    call qenter('pelib_ifc_cro')
1914    if (.not. use_pelib()) call quit('PElib not active')
1916    call gtzymt(1, vecb, kzyvb, isymb, zymb, mjwop)
1917    call gtzymt(1, vecc, kzyvc, isymc, zymc, mjwop)
1918    call gtzymt(1, vecd, kzyvd, isymd, zymd, mjwop)
1920    allocate(udcao(n2basx))
1921    allocate(ufcmo(n2orbx))
1922    allocate(dcaos(15*nnbasx))
1923    dcaos = 0.0d0
1925    udcao = 0.0d0
1926    call cdens1(isymb, cmo, zymb, udcao, wrk, nwrk)
1927    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(1:nnbasx))
1928    udcao = 0.0d0
1929    call cdens1(isymc, cmo, zymc, udcao, wrk, nwrk)
1930    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(nnbasx+1:2*nnbasx))
1931    udcao = 0.0d0
1932    call cdens1(isymd, cmo, zymd, udcao, wrk, nwrk)
1933    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(2*nnbasx+1:3*nnbasx))
1935    udcao = 0.0d0
1936    call cdens2(isymb, isymc, cmo, zymb, zymc, udcao,&
1937                wrk(1:n2basx), wrk(n2basx+1:2*n2basx), ufcmo)
1938    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(3*nnbasx+1:4*nnbasx))
1939    udcao = 0.0d0
1940    call cdens2(isymc, isymb, cmo, zymc, zymb, udcao,&
1941                wrk(1:n2basx), wrk(n2basx+1:2*n2basx), ufcmo)
1942    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(4*nnbasx+1:5*nnbasx))
1943    udcao = 0.0d0
1944    call cdens2(isymb, isymd, cmo, zymb, zymd, udcao,&
1945                wrk(1:n2basx), wrk(n2basx+1:2*n2basx), ufcmo)
1946    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(5*nnbasx+1:6*nnbasx))
1947    udcao = 0.0d0
1948    call cdens2(isymd, isymb, cmo, zymd, zymb, udcao,&
1949                wrk(1:n2basx), wrk(n2basx+1:2*n2basx), ufcmo)
1950    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(6*nnbasx+1:7*nnbasx))
1951    udcao = 0.0d0
1952    call cdens2(isymc, isymd, cmo, zymc, zymd, udcao,&
1953                wrk(1:n2basx), wrk(n2basx+1:2*n2basx), ufcmo)
1954    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(7*nnbasx+1:8*nnbasx))
1955    udcao = 0.0d0
1956    call cdens2(isymd, isymc, cmo, zymd, zymc, udcao,&
1957                wrk(1:n2basx), wrk(n2basx+1:2*n2basx), ufcmo)
1958    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(8*nnbasx+1:9*nnbasx))
1960    udcao = 0.0d0
1961    call cdens3(isymb, isymc, isymd, cmo, zymb, zymc, zymd, udcao,&
1962                wrk(1:n2basx), wrk(n2basx+1:2*n2basx), ufcmo)
1963    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(9*nnbasx+1:10*nnbasx))
1964    udcao = 0.0d0
1965    call cdens3(isymd, isymb, isymc, cmo, zymd, zymb, zymc, udcao,&
1966                wrk(1:n2basx), wrk(n2basx+1:2*n2basx), ufcmo)
1967    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(10*nnbasx+1:11*nnbasx))
1968    udcao = 0.0d0
1969    call cdens3(isymc, isymd, isymb, cmo, zymc, zymd, zymb, udcao,&
1970                wrk(1:n2basx), wrk(n2basx+1:2*n2basx), ufcmo)
1971    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(11*nnbasx+1:12*nnbasx))
1972    udcao = 0.0d0
1973    call cdens3(isymb, isymd, isymc, cmo, zymb, zymd, zymc, udcao,&
1974                wrk(1:n2basx), wrk(n2basx+1:2*n2basx), ufcmo)
1975    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(12*nnbasx+1:13*nnbasx))
1976    udcao = 0.0d0
1977    call cdens3(isymc, isymb, isymd, cmo, zymc, zymb, zymd, udcao,&
1978                wrk(1:n2basx), wrk(n2basx+1:2*n2basx), ufcmo)
1979    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(13*nnbasx+1:14*nnbasx))
1980    udcao = 0.0d0
1981    call cdens3(isymd, isymc, isymb, cmo, zymd, zymc, zymb, udcao,&
1982                wrk(1:n2basx), wrk(n2basx+1:2*n2basx), ufcmo)
1983    call dgefsp(nbast, udcao, dcaos(14*nnbasx+1:15*nnbasx))
1985    deallocate(udcao)
1987    allocate(fcaos(15*nnbasx))
1988    call pelib_ifc_response(dcaos, fcaos, 15)
1989    deallocate(dcaos)
1991    allocate(fcmo(nnorbx))
1992    ufcmo = 0.0d0
1994    i = 1
1995    j = nnbasx
1996    call uthu(1.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
1997    wrk(1:2*n2orbx) = 0.0d0
1998    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
1999    call oith1(isymc, zymc, wrk(1:n2orbx), wrk(n2orbx+1:2*n2orbx), isyma)
2000    call oith1(isymd, zymd, wrk(n2orbx+1:2*n2orbx), ufcmo, isyma)
2001    i = i + nnbasx
2002    j = j + nnbasx
2003    call uthu(1.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2004    wrk(1:2*n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2005    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2006    call oith1(isymb, zymb, wrk(1:n2orbx), wrk(n2orbx+1:2*n2orbx), isyma)
2007    call oith1(isymd, zymd, wrk(n2orbx+1:2*n2orbx), ufcmo, isyma)
2008    i = i + nnbasx
2009    j = j + nnbasx
2010    call uthu(1.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2011    wrk(1:2*n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2012    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2013    call oith1(isymb, zymb, wrk(1:n2orbx), wrk(n2orbx+1:2*n2orbx), isyma)
2014    call oith1(isymc, zymc, wrk(n2orbx+1:2*n2orbx), ufcmo, isyma)
2015    i = 1
2016    j = nnbasx
2017    call uthu(1.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2018    wrk(1:2*n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2019    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2020    call oith1(isymd, zymd, wrk(1:n2orbx), wrk(n2orbx+1:2*n2orbx), isyma)
2021    call oith1(isymc, zymc, wrk(n2orbx+1:2*n2orbx), ufcmo, isyma)
2022    i = i + nnbasx
2023    j = j + nnbasx
2024    call uthu(1.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2025    wrk(1:2*n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2026    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2027    call oith1(isymd, zymd, wrk(1:n2orbx), wrk(n2orbx+1:2*n2orbx), isyma)
2028    call oith1(isymb, zymb, wrk(n2orbx+1:2*n2orbx), ufcmo, isyma)
2029    i = i + nnbasx
2030    j = j + nnbasx
2031    call uthu(1.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2032    wrk(1:2*n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2033    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2034    call oith1(isymc, zymc, wrk(1:n2orbx), wrk(n2orbx+1:2*n2orbx), isyma)
2035    call oith1(isymb, zymb, wrk(n2orbx+1:2*n2orbx), ufcmo, isyma)
2037    i = i + nnbasx
2038    j = j + nnbasx
2039    call uthu(1.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2040    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2041    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2042    call oith1(isymd, zymd, wrk(1:n2orbx), ufcmo, isyma)
2043    i = i + nnbasx
2044    j = j + nnbasx
2045    call uthu(1.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2046    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2047    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2048    call oith1(isymd, zymd, wrk(1:n2orbx), ufcmo, isyma)
2049    i = i + nnbasx
2050    j = j + nnbasx
2051    call uthu(1.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2052    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2053    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2054    call oith1(isymc, zymc, wrk(1:n2orbx), ufcmo, isyma)
2055    i = i + nnbasx
2056    j = j + nnbasx
2057    call uthu(1.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2058    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2059    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2060    call oith1(isymc, zymc, wrk(1:n2orbx), ufcmo, isyma)
2061    i = i + nnbasx
2062    j = j + nnbasx
2063    call uthu(1.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2064    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2065    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2066    call oith1(isymb, zymb, wrk(1:n2orbx), ufcmo, isyma)
2067    i = i + nnbasx
2068    j = j + nnbasx
2069    call uthu(1.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2070    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2071    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2072    call oith1(isymb, zymb, wrk(1:n2orbx), ufcmo, isyma)
2074    i = i + nnbasx
2075    j = j + nnbasx
2076    call uthu(1.0d0/3.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2077    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2078    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2079    ufcmo = ufcmo + wrk(1:n2orbx)
2080    i = i + nnbasx
2081    j = j + nnbasx
2082    call uthu(1.0d0/3.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2083    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2084    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2085    ufcmo = ufcmo + wrk(1:n2orbx)
2086    i = i + nnbasx
2087    j = j + nnbasx
2088    call uthu(1.0d0/3.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2089    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2090    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2091    ufcmo = ufcmo + wrk(1:n2orbx)
2092    i = i + nnbasx
2093    j = j + nnbasx
2094    call uthu(1.0d0/3.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2095    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2096    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2097    ufcmo = ufcmo + wrk(1:n2orbx)
2098    i = i + nnbasx
2099    j = j + nnbasx
2100    call uthu(1.0d0/3.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2101    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2102    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2103    ufcmo = ufcmo + wrk(1:n2orbx)
2104    i = i + nnbasx
2105    j = j + nnbasx
2106    call uthu(1.0d0/3.0d0*fcaos(i:j), fcmo, cmo, wrk, nbast, norbt)
2107    wrk(1:n2orbx) = 0.0d0
2108    call dsptsi(norbt, fcmo, wrk(1:n2orbx))
2109    ufcmo = ufcmo + wrk(1:n2orbx)
2111    call rsp1gr(1, kzyva, idum, 0, isyma, 0, 1, etrs,&
2112                wrk, idum, idum, 1.0d0, 1, udv, ufcmo, xindx,&
2113                mjwop, wrk, nwrk, .true., .false., .false.)
2115    deallocate(fcaos, fcmo, ufcmo)
2117    call qexit('pelib_ifc_cro')
2119end subroutine pelib_ifc_cro
2121subroutine pelib_ifc_pecc(aoden, aodencc, converged, t_or_tbar)
2122    implicit none
2123#include "priunit.h"
2124#include "ccsdinp.h"
2125#include "ccsdsym.h"
2126#include "ccorb.h"
2127#include "qm3.h"
2128#include "ccfdgeo.h"
2129#include "ccslvinf.h"
2130#include "ccinftap.h"
2132    real*8, parameter :: zero = 0.0d0
2133    integer, intent(in) :: t_or_tbar
2134    logical :: converged
2135    real*8, intent(in) :: aoden(n2bst(isymop)), aodencc(n2bst(isymop))
2136    real*8 :: energy, ecmcu, eccgrs1
2137    real*8, allocatable :: denmat(:), fockmat(:)
2138    character*10 :: model, label
2139    character*6 :: modelpri
2141    call qenter('PELIB_IFC_PECC')
2143    write (lupri,'(1X,A,/)') ' '
2144    write (lupri,'(1X,A,/)') &
2145       '******************************************************************'
2146    write (lupri,'(1X,A,/)') &
2147       '**** Output from Polarizable Embedding Coupled Cluster module ****'
2148    write (lupri,'(1X,A,/)') &
2149       '******************************************************************'
2151    model = 'CCSD'
2152    if (ccsd) then
2153        call around('The Coupled Cluster model is CCSD')
2154        model = 'CCSD'
2155        modelpri = 'CCSD'
2156    end if
2157    if ((cc2) .and. (.not. mcc2)) then
2158        call around('The Coupled Cluster model is CC2')
2159        model = 'CC2'
2160        modelpri = ' CC2'
2161    end if
2162    if (.not. (ccsd .or. cc2)) then
2163        call quit('PECC only implemented for CCSD and CC2 parametrizations')
2164    end if
2165    allocate(denmat(nnbasx), fockmat(nnbasx))
2166    fockmat = 0.0d0
2167    call dgefsp(nbas, aoden, denmat)
2168    if (hffld) then
2169        call pelib_ifc_energy(denmat, energy)
2170    else
2171        call pelib_ifc_fock(denmat, fockmat, energy)
2172        call pelib_ifc_energy(denmat)
2173        call around('Writing the Fock matrix to FOCKMAT file')
2174        call put_to_file('FOCKMAT', nnbasx, fockmat)
2175    end if
2176    deallocate(denmat, fockmat)
2177    ecmcu = eccgrs + energy
2178    if (abs(ecmcu-eccpr).lt.cvgesol) lslecvg = .true.
2179    write(lupri,*) 'E(PECC) contribution in iteration', iccslit, ': ', energy
2180    eccpr = ecmcu
2181    converged = .false.
2182    if (lslecvg .and. lsltcvg .and. lsllcvg) then
2183        converged = .true.
2184        if (loiter) then
2185            write(lupri,'(1X,A,I3,A)') 'Maximum inner iterations for '// &
2186                                       't set to', mxtinit, 'in each outer iteration.'
2187            write(lupri,'(1X,A,I3,A)') 'Maximum inner iterations for '//&
2188                                       't-bar set to', mxlinit, 'in each outer iteration.'
2189        end if
2190        write(lupri,*) 'PECC equations are converged in ', iccslit, &
2191                       ' outer iterations'
2192        write(lupri,*) 'PECC equations are converged in ', nslvinit, &
2193                       ' inner iterations'
2194        write(lures,'(12X,A4,A,F20.10)') modelpri, ' Total  energy:             ',&
2195                                         ecmcu
2196        write(lures,'(12X,A4,A,F20.10)') modelpri, ' E(PE-CC)     :             ',&
2197                                         energy
2198        eccgrs1 = ecmcu
2199        label = 'PE-'//modelpri//' '
2200        call wripro(eccgrs1,model,0,label,label,label,label,zero,zero,zero,1,0,0,0)
2201        label = 'E(PE-CC) '
2202        call wripro(energy,model,0,label,label,label,label,zero,zero,zero,1,0,0,0)
2203    else
2204        iccslit = iccslit + 1
2205        if (iccslit .gt. mxccslit) then
2206            write(lupri,*) 'Maximum number of PE-CC iterations:', mxccslit, &
2207                           'is reached!'
2208            call quit('Maximum number of PE-CC iterations reached')
2209        end if
2210    end if
2212    call qexit('PELIB_IFC_PECC')
2214end subroutine pelib_ifc_pecc
2216subroutine pelib_ifc_transformer(rho1,rho2,ctr1,ctr2,model,isymtr,lr,work,lwork)
2217    implicit none
2219#include "mxcent.h"
2220#include "qmmm.h"
2221#include "qm3.h"
2222#include "ccsdsym.h"
2223#include "priunit.h"
2224#include "ccsdinp.h"
2225#include "ccslvinf.h"
2226#include "ccorb.h"
2228    real*8, parameter :: zero = 0.0d0, one = 1.0d0, half = 0.5d0, two = 2.0d0
2229    integer, parameter :: izero = 0
2230    integer :: lwork, ndim, idldum, isydum, idlino, isymtr
2231    character*1, intent(in) :: lr
2232    character*2 :: list
2233    real*8, dimension(lwork) :: work
2234    real*8 :: rho1(nt1am(isymtr)), rho2(nt2am(isymtr)), ctr1(nt1am(isymtr)),&
2235              ctr2(nt2am(isymtr)), ddot, rho1n, rho2n, tal1, tal2, fact
2236    real*8, allocatable :: denmats(:), gmat(:), eta(:), denmattemp(:), gmattemp(:)
2237    character*2 :: lisdum
2238    character*10 :: model
2239    logical, parameter :: locdeb = .false.
2240    character*8 :: label
2242    call qenter('PELIB_IFC_TRANSFORMER')
2244    if (ipqmmm .gt. 10) then
2245        write(lupri,*) 'PECC TRANSFORMER : ISYMTR : ', isymtr, ' and LR : ', lr
2246    end if
2248    if (ccs) call quit('PECC TRANSFORMER not implemented for CCS')
2250    if (discex) call quit('PECC TRANSFORMER not implemented for DISCEX')
2251    if (hffld) call quit('HFFLD should not be here')
2252    if (ccfixf) then
2253        call qexit('PELIB_IFC_TRANSFORMER')
2254        return
2255    end if
2257    if (lwork .lt. 0) then
2258        write(lupri,*) 'Available LWORK: ', lwork
2259        call quit('Too little work in PECC TRANSFORMER')
2260    end if
2262    allocate(denmats(nnbasx),gmat(n2bst(isymtr)),eta(nt1am(isymtr)+nt2am(isymtr)), &
2263             denmattemp(n2bst(isymtr)),gmattemp(nnbasx))
2264    eta = zero
2265    denmattemp = zero
2266    gmat = zero
2267    if ((ipqmmm .gt. 10) .or. (locdeb)) then
2268       rho1n = ddot(nt1am(isymtr),rho1,1,rho1,1)
2269       rho2n = ddot(nt2am(isymtr),rho2,1,rho2,1)
2270       write(lupri,*) 'Norm of RHO1 in PECC TRANSFORMER on input: ', rho1n
2271       write(lupri,*) 'Norm of RHO2 in PECC TRANSFORMER on input: ', rho2n
2272       rho1n = ddot(nt1am(isymtr),ctr1,1,ctr1,1)
2273       rho2n = ddot(nt2am(isymtr),ctr2,1,ctr2,1)
2274       write(lupri,*) 'Norm of C1AM in PECC TRANSFORMER on input: ', rho1n
2275       write(lupri,*) 'Norm of C2AM in PECC TRANSFORMER on input: ', rho2n
2276    end if
2277    call ccmm_d1ao(denmattemp,ctr1,ctr2,trim(model),lr,lisdum,idldum, &
2278                   isydum,work,lwork)
2279    call dgefsp(nbas,denmattemp,denmats)
2280    call pelib_ifc_response(denmats,gmattemp,1)
2281    call dsptsi(nbas,gmattemp,gmat)
2282    if ((lr .eq. 'L') .or. (lr .eq. 'F')) then
2283        label = 'GIVE INT'
2284        list = 'L0'
2285        idlino = 1
2286        call cc_etac(isymtr,label,eta,list,idlino,0,gmat,work,lwork)
2287    else if ((lr .eq. 'R') .or. (lr .eq. 'P')) then
2288        label = 'GIVE INT'
2289        call cc_xksi(eta,label,isymtr,0,gmat,work,lwork)
2290        if (lr .eq. 'R') then
2291            call cclr_diascl(eta(nt1am(isymtr)+1),two,isymtr)
2292        end if
2293    end if
2295    if ((locdeb) .or. (ipqmmm .gt. 14)) then
2296        tal1 = ddot(nt1am(isymtr),eta,1,eta,1)
2297        tal2 = ddot(nt2am(isymtr),eta(nt1am(isymtr)+1),1,eta(nt1am(isymtr)+1),1)
2298        write(lupri,*) 'Printing TRANSFORMATION contribution. &
2299                        Norm2 of singles: ', tal1, 'Norm2 of doubles: ', tal2
2300    end if
2302    fact=one
2304    call daxpy(nt1am(isymtr),fact,eta,1,rho1,1)
2305    call daxpy(nt2am(isymtr),fact,eta(nt1am(isymtr)+1),1,rho2,1)
2307    if ((locdeb) .or. (ipqmmm .gt. 14)) then
2308        tal1 = ddot(nt1am(isymtr),rho1,1,rho1,1)
2309        tal2 = ddot(nt2am(isymtr),rho2,1,rho2,1)
2310        write(lupri,*) 'Printing RHO: &
2311                        Norm2 of singles: ', tal1, 'Norm2 of doubles: ', tal2
2312    end if
2313    deallocate(denmats,gmat,eta,denmattemp,gmattemp)
2315    call qexit('PELIB_IFC_TRANSFORMER')
2317end subroutine pelib_ifc_transformer
2319subroutine pelib_ifc_qrtransformer(rho1,rho2,isyres,listb,idlstb,isymtb, &
2320                                   listc,idlstc,isymtc,model,rsptyp, &
2321                                   work,lwork)
2322    implicit none
2324#include "mxcent.h"
2325#include "qmmm.h"
2326#include "qm3.h"
2327#include "ccorb.h"
2328#include "ccsdinp.h"
2329#include "ccslvinf.h"
2330#include "ccsdsym.h"
2331#include "priunit.h"
2333    real*8, parameter :: zero = 0.0d0, half = 0.5d0, one = 1.0d0, two = 2.0d0
2334    integer, parameter :: izero = 0
2335    integer :: lwork, ndim, isycb
2336    real*8 :: work(lwork), rho1(*), rho2(*), ddot,rho1n, rho2n, tal1, tal2, &
2337              factks, fact
2338    real*8, allocatable :: b1am(:), b2am(:), c1am(:), c2am(:), denmattemp(:), &
2339                           denmats(:), eta1(:), eta2(:), eta3(:), gbmat(:), &
2340                           gbmattemp(:)
2341    character*(*) :: listb, listc
2342    integer :: idlstb, isymtb, idlstc, isymtc, isyres, iopt
2343    logical, parameter :: locdeb = .false.
2344    logical :: lsame
2345    character*5 :: model, moddum
2346    character*8 :: label
2347    character*1 :: dentyp, rsptyp
2348    character*2 :: listl
2350    call qenter('PELIB_IFC_QRTRANSFORMER')
2352    listl = 'L0'
2354    if (ccs) call quit('PECC QR TRANSFORMER: Not implemented for CCS')
2355    if (discex) call quit('PECC QR TRANSFORMER: Not implemented for DISCEX')
2356    if ((rsptyp .ne. 'F') .and. (rsptyp .ne. 'G') .and. (rsptyp .ne. 'B') .and. &
2357        (rsptyp .ne. 'K')) then
2358        write(lupri,*) 'Response flag in QRTRANSFORMER is : ', rsptyp
2359        write(lupri,*) 'Response flag in QRTRANSFORMER must be F, G, B or K!'
2360        call quit('Wrong flag in PECC QR TRANSFORMER')
2361    end if
2363!   if B=C, just multiply by 2 for second contribution
2364    if (rsptyp .eq. 'F') then
2365        factks = one
2366        lsame = .false.
2367    else
2368        lsame = ((listc .eq. listb) .and. (idlstc .eq. idlstb))
2369        if (lsame) then
2370            factks = two
2371        else
2372            factks = one
2373        end if
2374    end if
2376    if ((locdeb) .or. (ipqmmm .gt. 10)) then
2377        write(lupri,*) 'PECC QR TRANSFORMER: RSPTYP = ', rsptyp
2378        write(lupri,*) 'PECC QR TRANSFORMER: ISYRES = ', isyres
2379        write(lupri,*) 'PECC QR TRANSFORMER: ISYMTB = ', isymtb
2380        write(lupri,*) 'PECC QR TRANSFORMER: ISYMTC = ', isymtc
2381        write(lupri,*) 'PECC QR TRANSFORMER: LISTB = ', listb
2382        write(lupri,*) 'PECC QR TRANSFORMER: LISTC = ', listc
2383        write(lupri,*) 'PECC QR TRANSFORMER: IDLISTB = ', idlstb
2384        write(lupri,*) 'PECC QR TRANSFORMER: IDLISTC = ', idlstc
2385        write(lupri,*) 'PECC QR TRANSFORMER: LSAME = ', lsame
2386        call flshfo(lupri)
2387    end if
2389    isycb = muld2h(isymtb,isymtc)
2390    if (isycb .ne. isyres) then
2391        call quit('Symmetry problem in PECC QR TRANSFORMER')
2392    end if
2393    if (lwork .lt. 0) then
2394        write(lupri,*) 'Available memory: ', lwork
2395        call quit('Too little work in PECC QR TRANSFORMER (1).')
2396    end if
2397    if ((.not. lsame) .and. (rsptyp .ne. 'K')) then
2398        allocate(b1am(nt1am(isymtb)),b2am(nt2am(isymtb)), &
2399                 c1am(nt1am(isymtc)),c2am(nt2am(isymtc)), &
2400                 denmattemp(n2bst(isymtb)+n2bst(isymtc)+n2bst(isycb)), &
2401                 gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+n2bst(isymtc)+n2bst(isycb)), &
2402                 denmats(3*nnbasx),gbmattemp(3*nnbasx), &
2403                 eta1(nt1am(isycb)+nt2am(isycb)), &
2404                 eta2(nt1am(isycb)+nt2am(isycb)), &
2405                 eta3(nt1am(isycb)+nt2am(isycb)))
2406        ndim = 3
2407        denmattemp = zero
2408        gbmattemp = zero
2409        eta1 = zero
2410        eta2 = zero
2411        eta3 = zero
2412        fact = one
2413    else if ((lsame) .and. (rsptyp .ne. 'K')) then
2414        allocate(b1am(nt1am(isymtb)),b2am(nt2am(isymtb)), &
2415                 denmattemp(n2bst(isymtb)+n2bst(isymtc)), &
2416                 denmats(2*nnbasx),gbmattemp(2*nnbasx),&
2417                 gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+n2bst(isymtc)), &
2418                 eta1(nt1am(isycb)+nt2am(isycb)), &
2419                 eta2(nt1am(isycb)+nt2am(isycb)))
2420        ndim = 2
2421        denmattemp = zero
2422        gbmattemp = zero
2423        eta1 = zero
2424        eta2 = zero
2425        fact = one
2426    else if ((.not.lsame) .and. ((rsptyp .eq. 'K'))) then
2427        allocate(b1am(nt1am(isymtb)),b2am(nt2am(isymtb)), &
2428                 c1am(nt1am(isymtc)),c2am(nt2am(isymtc)), &
2429                 denmattemp(n2bst(isymtb)+n2bst(isymtc)), &
2430                 denmats(2*nnbasx),gbmattemp(2*nnbasx), &
2431                 gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+n2bst(isymtc)), &
2432                 eta1(nt1am(isycb)+nt2am(isycb)), &
2433                 eta2(nt1am(isycb)+nt2am(isycb)))
2434        ndim = 2
2435        denmattemp = zero
2436        gbmattemp = zero
2437        eta1 = zero
2438        eta2 = zero
2439        fact = one
2440    else if ((lsame) .and. ((rsptyp .eq. 'K'))) then
2441        allocate(b1am(nt1am(isymtb)),b2am(nt2am(isymtb)), &
2442                 denmattemp(n2bst(isymtb)),denmats(nnbasx), &
2443                 gbmat(n2bst(isycb)),gbmattemp(nnbasx), &
2444                 eta1(nt1am(isycb)+nt2am(isycb)))
2445        ndim = 1
2446        denmattemp = zero
2447        gbmattemp = zero
2448        eta1 = zero
2449        fact = one
2450    end if
2452    iopt = 3
2453    call cc_rdrsp(listb,idlstb,isymtb,iopt,model,b1am,b2am)
2454    if (.not. lsame) then
2455        call cc_rdrsp(listc,idlstc,isymtc,iopt,model,c1am,c2am)
2456    end if
2458    if ((locdeb) .or. (ipqmmm .gt. 10)) then
2459        rho1n = ddot(nt1am(isycb),rho1,1,rho1,1)
2460        rho2n = ddot(nt2am(isycb),rho2,1,rho2,1)
2461        write(lupri,*) 'Norm of RHO1 in PECC QM TRANSFORMER on input (1): ', &
2462                       rho1n
2463        write(lupri,*) 'Norm of RHO2 in PECC QM TRANSFORMER on input (1): ', &
2464                       rho2n
2465        rho1n = ddot(nt1am(isycb),b1am,1,b1am,1)
2466        rho2n = ddot(nt2am(isycb),b2am,1,b2am,1)
2467        write(lupri,*) 'Norm of B1AM in PECC QM TRANSFORMER on input (1): ', &
2468                       rho1n
2469        write(lupri,*) 'Norm of B2AM in PECC QM TRANSFORMER on input (1): ', &
2470                       rho2n
2471        if (.not. lsame) then
2472            rho1n = ddot(nt1am(isycb),c1am,1,c1am,1)
2473            rho2n = ddot(nt2am(isycb),c2am,1,c2am,1)
2474            write(lupri,*) 'Norm of C1AM in PECC QM TRANSFORMER on input (1): ', &
2475                           rho1n
2476            write(lupri,*) 'Norm of C2AM in PECC QM TRANSFORMER on input (1): ', &
2477                           rho2n
2478        end if
2479    end if
2481!   check kind of response (for F start with left density)
2482    if ((rsptyp .eq. 'G') .or. (rsptyp .eq. 'B')) then
2483        dentyp = 'R'
2484    else if ((rsptyp .eq. 'K') .or. (rsptyp .eq. 'F')) then
2485        dentyp = 'L'
2486    end if
2487    call ccmm_d1ao(denmattemp,b1am,b2am,model,dentyp,listc,idlstc,isymtc,&
2488                   work,lwork)
2489    if (.not. lsame) then
2490        if (rsptyp .eq. 'F') dentyp = 'R'
2491        call ccmm_d1ao(denmattemp(n2bst(isymtb)+1),c1am,c2am,model,dentyp, &
2492                        listb,idlstb,isymtb,work,lwork)
2493        if ((rsptyp .eq. 'G').or.(rsptyp .eq. 'B')) then
2494            call ccmm_d2ao(denmattemp(n2bst(isymtb)+n2bst(isymtc)+1),isyres, &
2495                           listb,idlstb,isymtb,listc,idlstc,isymtc,model, &
2496                           work,lwork)
2497        else if (rsptyp .eq. 'F') then
2498            dentyp = 'Q'
2499            call ccmm_d1ao(denmattemp(n2bst(isymtb)+n2bst(isymtc)+1),c1am,c2am, &
2500                           model,dentyp,listb,idlstb,isymtb,work,lwork)
2501        end if
2502    else if (lsame) then
2503        if ((rsptyp .eq. 'G') .or. (rsptyp .eq. 'B')) then
2504            call ccmm_d2ao(denmattemp(n2bst(isymtb)+1),isyres,listb,idlstb, &
2505                           isymtb,listc,idlstc,isymtc,model,work,lwork)
2506        end if
2507    end if
2508!   construct effective G operator
2509    call dgefsp(nbas,denmattemp,denmats)
2510    if (.not. lsame) then
2511        call dgefsp(nbas,denmattemp(n2bst(isymtb)+1),denmats(nnbasx+1))
2512        if (rsptyp .eq. 'B') then
2513            call dgefsp(nbas,denmattemp(n2bst(isymtb)+n2bst(isymtc)+1), &
2514                        denmats(2*nnbasx+1))
2515        else if ((rsptyp .eq. 'F').or.(rsptyp.eq.'G')) then
2516            call dgefsp(nbas,denmattemp(n2bst(isymtb)+n2bst(isymtc)+1), &
2517                        denmats(2*nnbasx+1))
2518        end if
2519    else if (lsame) then
2520        if ((rsptyp .eq. 'G') .or. (rsptyp .eq. 'B')) then
2521            call dgefsp(nbas,denmattemp(n2bst(isymtb)+1),denmats(nnbasx+1))
2522        end if
2523    end if
2524    call pelib_ifc_response(denmats,gbmattemp,ndim)
2525    call dsptsi(nbas,gbmattemp,gbmat)
2526    if (.not. lsame) then
2527        call dsptsi(nbas,gbmattemp(nnbasx+1),gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+1))
2528        if ((rsptyp .eq. 'B')) then
2529            call dsptsi(nbas,gbmattemp(2*nnbasx+1),gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+ &
2530                        n2bst(isymtc)+1))
2531        else if ((rsptyp .eq. 'F').or.(rsptyp.eq.'G')) then
2532            call dsptsi(nbas,gbmattemp(2*nnbasx+1),gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+ &
2533                        n2bst(isymtc)+1))
2534        end if
2535    else if (lsame) then
2536        if ((rsptyp .eq. 'G') .or. (rsptyp .eq. 'B')) then
2537            call dsptsi(nbas,gbmattemp(nnbasx+1),gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+1))
2538        end if
2539    end if
2540    if ((locdeb) .or. (ipqmmm .gt. 14)) then
2541        tal1 = ddot(n2bst(isymtb),gbmat,1,gbmat,1)
2542        write(lupri,*) 'Print Norm2 GBMAT (1): ', tal1
2543        if (.not. lsame) then
2544            tal1 = ddot(n2bst(isymtc),gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+1),1, &
2545                        gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+1),1)
2546            write(lupri,*) 'Print Norm2 GBMAT (2): ', tal1
2547            if ((rsptyp.eq.'B').or.(rsptyp.eq.'G').or.(rsptyp.eq.'F')) then
2548                tal1 = ddot(n2bst(isymtb),gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+n2bst(isymtc)+1), &
2549                            1,gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+n2bst(isymtc)+1),1)
2550                write(lupri,*) 'Print Norm2 GBCMAT (3): ', tal1
2551            end if
2552        else if (lsame) then
2553            if ((rsptyp .eq. 'G') .or. (rsptyp .eq. 'B')) then
2554                tal1 = ddot(n2bst(isymtc),gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+1),1, &
2555                            gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+1),1)
2556                write(lupri,*) 'Print Norm2 GBMAT (2): ', tal1
2557            end if
2558        end if
2559    end if
2560    label = 'GIVE INT'
2561    if ((rsptyp .eq. 'G') .or. (rsptyp .eq. 'F')) then
2562        call cclr_fa(label,isymtb,listc,idlstc,listl,0,gbmat, &
2563                     work,lwork)
2564        call daxpy(nt1am(isycb)+nt2am(isycb),1.0d0,work,1,eta1,1)
2565    else if (rsptyp .eq. 'B') then
2566        call cccr_aa(label,isymtb,listc,idlstc,gbmat,work,lwork)
2567        call daxpy(nt1am(isycb)+nt2am(isycb),1.0d0,work,1,eta1,1)
2568        call cclr_diascl(eta1(nt1am(isycb)+1),two,isycb)
2569    else if (rsptyp .eq. 'K') then
2570        call cc_etac(isymtb,label,eta1,listc,idlstc,0,gbmat,work,lwork)
2571    end if
2572    if (locdeb .or.(ipqmmm .gt. 14)) then
2573        tal1 = ddot(nt1am(isycb),eta1,1,eta1,1)
2574        tal2 = ddot(nt2am(isycb),eta1(nt1am(isycb)+1),1,eta1(nt1am(isycb)+1),1)
2575        write(lupri,*) 'Printing transformed G^B*C contribution.'
2576        write(lupri,*) 'Norm2 of singles : ', tal1
2577        write(lupri,*) 'Norm2 of doubles : ', tal2
2578    end if
2579    if (.not. lsame) then
2580        if (rsptyp .eq. 'G') then
2581            call cclr_fa(label,isymtc,listb,idlstb,listl,0,gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+1), &
2582                         work,lwork)
2583            call daxpy(nt1am(isycb)+nt2am(isycb),1.0d0,work,1,eta2,1)
2584        else if (rsptyp .eq. 'B') then
2585            call cccr_aa(label,isymtc,listb,idlstb,gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+1),work,lwork)
2586            call daxpy(nt1am(isycb)+nt2am(isycb),1.0d0,work,1,eta2,1)
2587            call cclr_diascl(eta2(nt1am(isycb)+1),two,isycb)
2588        else if ((rsptyp .eq. 'K') .or. (rsptyp .eq. 'F')) then
2589            call cc_etac(isymtc,label,eta2,listb,idlstb,0,gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+1), &
2590                         work,lwork)
2591        end if
2592        if (locdeb .or.(ipqmmm .gt. 14)) then
2593            tal1 = ddot(nt1am(isycb),eta2,1,eta2,1)
2594            tal2 = ddot(nt2am(isycb),eta2(nt1am(isycb)+1),1,eta2(nt1am(isycb)+1),1)
2595            write(lupri,*) 'Printing transformed G^C*B contribution.'
2596            write(lupri,*) 'Norm2 of singles : ', tal1
2597            write(lupri,*) 'Norm2 of doubles : ', tal2
2598        end if
2599        if ((rsptyp .eq. 'G').or.(rsptyp .eq. 'F')) then
2600            call cc_etac(isycb,label,eta3,listl,0,0,gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+ &
2601                         n2bst(isymtc)+1),work,lwork)
2602        else if ((rsptyp .eq. 'B')) then
2603            call cc_xksi(eta3,label,isycb,0,gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+n2bst(isymtc)+1), &
2604                         work,lwork)
2605            call cclr_diascl(eta3(nt1am(isycb)+1),two,isycb)
2606        end if
2607        if (locdeb .or.(ipqmmm .gt. 14)) then
2608            if ((rsptyp .eq. 'G').or.(rsptyp .eq. 'B').or.(rsptyp.eq.'F')) then
2609                tal1 = ddot(nt1am(isycb),eta3,1,eta3,1)
2610                tal2 = ddot(nt2am(isycb),eta3(nt1am(isycb)+1),1,eta3(nt1am(isycb)+1),1)
2611                write(lupri,*) 'Printing transformed G^{BC} contribution.'
2612                write(lupri,*) 'Norm2 of singles : ', tal1
2613                write(lupri,*) 'Norm2 of doubles : ', tal2
2614            end if
2615        end if
2616    else if (lsame) then
2617        if (rsptyp .eq. 'G') then
2618            call cc_etac(isycb,label,eta2,listl,0,0,gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+1), &
2619                         work,lwork)
2620        else if ((rsptyp .eq. 'B')) then
2621            call cc_xksi(eta2, label, isycb, 0, gbmat(n2bst(isymtb)+1), work,lwork)
2622            call cclr_diascl(eta2(nt1am(isycb)+1),two,isycb)
2623        end if
2624        if (locdeb .or.(ipqmmm .gt. 14)) then
2625            if ((rsptyp .eq. 'G').or.(rsptyp .eq. 'B')) then
2626                tal1 = ddot(nt1am(isycb),eta2,1,eta2,1)
2627                tal2 = ddot(nt2am(isycb),eta2(nt1am(isycb)+1),1,eta2(nt1am(isycb)+1),1)
2628                write(lupri,*) 'Printing transformed G^{BC} contribution.'
2629                write(lupri,*) 'Norm2 of singles : ', tal1
2630                write(lupri,*) 'Norm2 of doubles : ', tal2
2631            end if
2632        end if
2633    end if
2635    if ((locdeb) .or. (ipqmmm .gt. 14)) then
2636        tal1 = ddot(nt1am(isycb),eta1,1,eta1,1)
2637        tal2 = ddot(nt2am(isycb),eta1(nt1am(isycb)+1),1,eta1(nt1am(isycb)+1),1)
2638        write(lupri,*) 'Printing transformed G^B*C contribution.'
2639        write(lupri,*) 'Norm2 of singles: ', tal1
2640        write(lupri,*) 'Norm2 of doubles: ', tal2
2641    end if
2642    call daxpy(nt1am(isycb),factks*fact,eta1,1,rho1,1)
2643    call daxpy(nt2am(isycb),factks*fact,eta1(nt1am(isycb)+1),1,rho2,1)
2644    if (.not. lsame) then
2645        call daxpy(nt1am(isycb),one*fact,eta2,1,rho1,1)
2646        call daxpy(nt2am(isycb),one*fact,eta2(nt1am(isycb)+1),1,rho2,1)
2647        if ((rsptyp.eq.'G').or.(rsptyp.eq.'B').or.(rsptyp.eq.'F')) then
2648            call daxpy(nt1am(isycb),one*fact,eta3,1,rho1,1)
2649            call daxpy(nt2am(isycb),one*fact,eta3(nt1am(isycb)+1),1,rho2,1)
2650        end if
2651    else if (lsame) then
2652        if ((rsptyp .eq. 'G') .or. (rsptyp .eq. 'B')) then
2653            call daxpy(nt1am(isycb),one*fact,eta2,1,rho1,1)
2654            call daxpy(nt2am(isycb),one*fact,eta2(nt1am(isycb)+1),1,rho2,1)
2655        end if
2656    end if
2658    if ((locdeb) .or. (ipqmmm .gt. 14)) then
2659        tal1 = ddot(nt1am(isycb),rho1,1,rho1,1)
2660        tal2 = ddot(nt2am(isycb),rho2,1,rho2,1)
2661        write(lupri,*) 'Printing RHO.'
2662        write(lupri,*) 'Norm2 of singles: ', tal1
2663        write(lupri,*) 'Norm2 of doubles: ', tal2
2664    end if
2666    deallocate(denmattemp,denmats,gbmat,gbmattemp,b1am,b2am,eta1)
2667    if (allocated(c1am)) deallocate(c1am)
2668    if (allocated(c2am)) deallocate(c2am)
2669    if (allocated(eta2)) deallocate(eta2)
2670    if (allocated(eta3)) deallocate(eta3)
2672    call qexit('PELIB_IFC_QRTRANSFORMER')
2674end subroutine pelib_ifc_qrtransformer
2676end module pelib_interface
2678subroutine pelib_ifc_start_slaves(runtyp)
2679    use pelib_interface, only: use_pelib
2680    integer :: runtyp
2681#include "iprtyp.h"
2682#include "maxorb.h"
2683#include "infpar.h"
2684    integer, parameter :: iprtyp = POLARIZABLE_EMBEDDING
2685    call qenter('pelib_ifc_start_slaves')
2686    if (nodtot >= 1) then
2687        call mpixbcast(iprtyp, 1, 'INTEGER', master)
2688        call mpixbcast(runtyp, 1, 'INTEGER', master)
2689    end if
2690    call qexit('pelib_ifc_start_slaves')
2691end subroutine pelib_ifc_start_slaves
2695module pelib_interface
2697    implicit none
2699    private
2701    public :: use_pelib, pelib_ifc_gspol
2702    public :: pelib_ifc_do_mep, pelib_ifc_do_mep_noqm, pelib_ifc_do_cube
2703    public :: pelib_ifc_do_lf
2704    public :: pelib_ifc_activate, pelib_ifc_deactivate
2705    public :: pelib_ifc_init, pelib_ifc_finalize, pelib_ifc_input_reader
2706    public :: pelib_ifc_fock, pelib_ifc_energy, pelib_ifc_response, pelib_ifc_london
2707    public :: pelib_ifc_molgrad, pelib_ifc_lf, pelib_ifc_localfield
2708    public :: pelib_ifc_mep, pelib_ifc_mep_noqm, pelib_ifc_cube
2709    public :: pelib_ifc_set_mixed, pelib_ifc_mixed
2710    public :: pelib_ifc_do_savden, pelib_ifc_do_twoints
2711    public :: pelib_ifc_save_density, pelib_ifc_twoints
2712    public :: pelib_ifc_get_num_core_nuclei
2713#if defined(VAR_MPI)
2714    public :: pelib_ifc_slave
2716    public :: pelib_ifc_grad, pelib_ifc_lin, pelib_ifc_lr, pelib_ifc_qro, pelib_ifc_cro
2717    public :: pelib_ifc_pecc, pelib_ifc_transformer, pelib_ifc_qrtransformer
2721logical function use_pelib()
2722    use_pelib = .false.
2723end function use_pelib
2725logical function pelib_ifc_gspol()
2726    pelib_ifc_gspol = .false.
2727end function pelib_ifc_gspol
2729subroutine pelib_ifc_set_mixed(do_mixed)
2730    logical :: do_mixed
2731    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2732end subroutine pelib_ifc_set_mixed
2734logical function pelib_ifc_do_mep()
2735    pelib_ifc_do_mep = .false.
2736end function pelib_ifc_do_mep
2738logical function pelib_ifc_do_mep_noqm()
2739    pelib_ifc_do_mep_noqm = .false.
2740end function pelib_ifc_do_mep_noqm
2742logical function pelib_ifc_do_cube()
2743    pelib_ifc_do_cube = .false.
2744end function pelib_ifc_do_cube
2746logical function pelib_ifc_do_lf()
2747    pelib_ifc_do_lf = .false.
2748end function pelib_ifc_do_lf
2750logical function pelib_ifc_do_savden()
2751    pelib_ifc_do_savden = .false.
2752end function pelib_ifc_do_savden
2754logical function pelib_ifc_do_twoints()
2755    pelib_ifc_do_twoints = .false.
2756end function pelib_ifc_do_twoints
2758subroutine pelib_ifc_activate()
2759    call qenter('pelib_ifc_activate')
2760    call quit('PElib not compiled, please use -DENABLE_PELIB=ON to enable PElib')
2761    call qexit('pelib_ifc_activate')
2762end subroutine pelib_ifc_activate
2764subroutine pelib_ifc_deactivate()
2765    call qenter('pelib_ifc_deactivate')
2766    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2767    call qexit('pelib_ifc_deactivate')
2768end subroutine pelib_ifc_deactivate
2770subroutine pelib_ifc_input_reader(word)
2771    character(len=7), intent(in) :: word
2772    call qenter('pelib_ifc_input_reader')
2773    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2774    call qexit('pelib_ifc_input_reader')
2775end subroutine pelib_ifc_input_reader
2777subroutine pelib_ifc_init()
2778    call qenter('pelib_ifc_init')
2779    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2780    call qexit('pelib_ifc_init')
2781end subroutine pelib_ifc_init
2783subroutine pelib_ifc_finalize()
2784    call qenter('pelib_ifc_finalize')
2785    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2786    call qexit('pelib_ifc_finalize')
2787end subroutine pelib_ifc_finalize
2789subroutine pelib_ifc_fock(denmats, fckmats, energy)
2790    real*8, dimension(*), intent(in) :: denmats
2791    real*8, dimension(*), intent(out) :: fckmats
2792    real*8, intent(out) :: energy
2793    call qenter('pelib_ifc_fock')
2794    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2795    call qexit('pelib_ifc_fock')
2796end subroutine pelib_ifc_fock
2798subroutine pelib_ifc_mixed(denmats, fckmats, energy)
2799    real*8, dimension(*), intent(in) :: denmats
2800    real*8, dimension(*), intent(in) :: fckmats
2801    real*8, intent(in) :: energy
2802    call qenter('pelib_ifc_mixed')
2803    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2804    call qexit('pelib_ifc_mixed')
2805end subroutine pelib_ifc_mixed
2807subroutine pelib_ifc_energy(denmats)
2808    real*8, dimension(*), intent(in) :: denmats
2809    call qenter('pelib_ifc_energy')
2810    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2811    call qexit('pelib_ifc_energy')
2812end subroutine pelib_ifc_energy
2814subroutine pelib_ifc_molgrad(denmats, molgrad)
2815    real*8, dimension(*), intent(in) :: denmats
2816    real*8, dimension(*), intent(out) :: molgrad
2817    call qenter('pelib_ifc_molgrad')
2818    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2819    call qexit('pelib_ifc_molgrad')
2820end subroutine pelib_ifc_molgrad
2822subroutine pelib_ifc_response(denmats, fckmats, nmats)
2823    integer, intent(in) :: nmats
2824    real*8, dimension(*), intent(in) :: denmats
2825    real*8, dimension(*), intent(out) :: fckmats
2826    call qenter('pelib_ifc_response')
2827    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2828    call qexit('pelib_ifc_response')
2829end subroutine pelib_ifc_response
2831subroutine pelib_ifc_london(fckmats)
2832    real*8, dimension(*), intent(out) :: fckmats
2833    call qenter('pelib_ifc_london')
2834    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2835    call qexit('pelib_ifc_london')
2836end subroutine pelib_ifc_london
2838subroutine pelib_ifc_localfield(eefmats)
2839    real*8, dimension(:), intent(in) :: eefmats
2840    call qenter('pelib_ifc_localfield')
2841    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2842    call qexit('pelib_ifc_localfield')
2843end subroutine pelib_ifc_localfield
2845subroutine pelib_ifc_lf()
2846    call qenter('pelib_ifc_lf')
2847    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2848    call qexit('pelib_ifc_lf')
2849end subroutine pelib_ifc_lf
2851subroutine pelib_ifc_mep(denmats)
2852    real*8, dimension(*), intent(in) :: denmats
2853    call qenter('pelib_ifc_mep')
2854    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2855    call qexit('pelib_ifc_mep')
2856end subroutine pelib_ifc_mep
2858subroutine pelib_ifc_mep_noqm()
2859    call qenter('pelib_ifc_mep_noqm')
2860    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2861    call qexit('pelib_ifc_mep_noqm')
2862end subroutine pelib_ifc_mep_noqm
2864subroutine pelib_ifc_cube(denmats, idx)
2865    real*8, dimension(*), intent(in) :: denmats
2866    integer, intent(in) :: idx
2867    call qenter('pelib_ifc_cube')
2868    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2869    call qexit('pelib_ifc_cube')
2870end subroutine pelib_ifc_cube
2872subroutine pelib_ifc_save_density(ao_denmat, mo_fckmat, mo_coefficients)
2873    real*8, dimension(*), intent(in) :: ao_denmat
2874    real*8, dimension(*), intent(in) :: mo_fckmat
2875    real*8, dimension(*), intent(in) :: mo_coefficients
2876    call qenter('pelib_ifc_save_density')
2877    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2878    call qexit('pelib_ifc_save_density')
2879end subroutine pelib_ifc_save_density
2881subroutine pelib_ifc_twoints(work, lwork)
2882    real*8, dimension(*), intent(in) :: work
2883    integer, intent(in) :: lwork
2884    call qenter('pelib_ifc_twoints')
2885    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2886    call qexit('pelib_ifc_twoints')
2887end subroutine pelib_ifc_twoints
2889integer function pelib_ifc_get_num_core_nuclei()
2890    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2891end function pelib_ifc_get_num_core_nuclei
2893#if defined(VAR_MPI)
2894subroutine pelib_ifc_slave(runtype)
2895    integer, intent(in) :: runtype
2896    call qenter('pelib_ifc_slave')
2897    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2898    call qexit('pelib_ifc_slave')
2899end subroutine pelib_ifc_slave
2902subroutine pelib_ifc_grad(cref, cmo, cindx, dv, grd, energy, wrk, nwrk)
2903    integer :: nwrk
2904    real*8 :: energy
2905    real*8, dimension(*) :: cref, cmo, cindx, dv, grd
2906    real*8, dimension(*) :: wrk
2907    call qenter('pelib_ifc_grad')
2908    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2909    call qexit('pelib_ifc_grad')
2910end subroutine pelib_ifc_grad
2912subroutine pelib_ifc_lin(ncsim, nosim, bcvecs, bovecs, cref, cmo, cindx, dv, dtv,&
2913                         scvecs, sovecs, orblin, wrk, nwrk)
2914    logical :: orblin
2915    integer :: ncsim, nosim, nwrk
2916    integer, dimension(*) :: cindx
2917    real*8, dimension(*) :: bcvecs, bovecs, scvecs, sovecs
2918    real*8, dimension(*) :: cmo, cref, dv, dtv
2919    real*8, dimension(*) :: wrk
2920    call qenter('pelib_ifc_lin')
2921    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2922    call qexit('pelib_ifc_lin')
2923end subroutine pelib_ifc_lin
2925subroutine pelib_ifc_lr(ncsim, nosim, bcvecs, bovecs, cref, cmo, cindx, udv,&
2926                        dv, udvtr, dvtr, dtv, dtvtr, scvecs, sovecs, wrk, nwrk)
2927    integer :: ncsim, nosim, nwrk
2928    integer, dimension(*) :: cindx
2929    real*8, dimension(*) :: bcvecs, bovecs
2930    real*8, dimension(*) :: cref, cmo, udv, dv
2931    real*8, dimension(*) :: udvtr, dvtr, dtv, dtvtr
2932    real*8, dimension(*) :: scvecs, sovecs
2933    real*8, dimension(nwrk) :: wrk
2934    call qenter('pelib_ifc_lr')
2935    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2936    call qexit('pelib_ifc_lr')
2937end subroutine pelib_ifc_lr
2939subroutine pelib_ifc_qro(vecb, vecc, etrs, xindx, zymb, zymc, udv, wrk, nwrk,&
2940                         kzyva, kzyvb, kzyvc, isyma, isymb, isymc, cmo, mjwop)
2941    integer :: kzyva, kzyvb, kzyvc
2942    integer :: isyma, isymb, isymc
2943    integer :: nwrk
2944    real*8, dimension(*) :: wrk
2945    real*8, dimension(*) :: etrs
2946    real*8, dimension(*) :: vecb
2947    real*8, dimension(*) :: vecc
2948    real*8, dimension(*) :: cmo
2949    real*8, dimension(*) :: zymb, zymc
2950    real*8, dimension(*) :: udv
2951    real*8, dimension(*) :: xindx
2952    integer, dimension(*) :: mjwop
2953    call qenter('pelib_ifc_qro')
2954    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2955    call qexit('pelib_ifc_qro')
2956end subroutine pelib_ifc_qro
2958subroutine pelib_ifc_cro(vecb, vecc, vecd, etrs, xindx, zymb, zymc, zymd, udv,&
2959                         wrk, nwrk, kzyva, kzyvb, kzyvc, kzyvd, isyma, isymb,&
2960                         isymc, isymd, cmo,mjwop)
2961    integer :: kzyva, kzyvb, kzyvc, kzyvd
2962    integer :: isyma, isymb, isymc, isymd
2963    integer :: nwrk
2964    real*8, dimension(*) :: wrk
2965    real*8, dimension(*) :: etrs
2966    real*8, dimension(*) :: vecb
2967    real*8, dimension(*) :: vecc
2968    real*8, dimension(*) :: vecd
2969    real*8, dimension(*) :: cmo
2970    real*8, dimension(*) :: zymb, zymc, zymd
2971    real*8, dimension(*) :: udv
2972    real*8, dimension(*) :: xindx
2973    integer, dimension(*) :: mjwop
2974    call qenter('pelib_ifc_cro')
2975    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2976    call qexit('pelib_ifc_cro')
2977end subroutine pelib_ifc_cro
2979subroutine pelib_ifc_pecc(aoden, aodencc, converged, t_or_tbar)
2980    real*8, intent(in) :: aoden(*), aodencc(*)
2981    logical :: converged
2982    integer, intent(in) :: t_or_tbar
2983    call qenter('PELIB_IFC_PECC')
2984    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2985    call qexit('PELIB_IFC_PECC')
2986end subroutine pelib_ifc_pecc
2988subroutine pelib_ifc_transformer(rho1,rho2,ctr1,ctr2,model,isymtr,lr,work,lwork)
2989    integer :: lwork, isymtr
2990    character*1, intent(in) :: lr
2991    real*8, dimension(*) :: work
2992    real*8 :: rho1(*), rho2(*), ctr1(*), ctr2(*)
2993    character*10 :: model
2994    call qenter('PELIB_IFC_TRANSFORMER')
2995    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
2996    call qexit('PELIB_IFC_TRANSFORMER')
2997end subroutine pelib_ifc_transformer
2999subroutine pelib_ifc_qrtransformer(rho1,rho2,isyres,listb,idlstb,isymtb, &
3000   &                               listc,idlstc,isymtc,model,rsptyp, &
3001   &                               work,lwork)
3002    integer :: lwork
3003    real*8 :: work(*), rho1(*), rho2(*)
3004    character*(*) :: listb, listc
3005    integer :: idlstb, isymtb, idlstc, isymtc, isyres
3006    character*5 :: model
3007    character*1 :: rsptyp
3008    call qenter('PELIB_IFC_QRTRANSFORMER')
3009    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
3010    call qexit('PELIB_IFC_QRTRANSFORMER')
3011end subroutine pelib_ifc_qrtransformer
3013end module pelib_interface
3015subroutine pelib_ifc_start_slaves(runtyp)
3016    integer :: runtyp
3017    call qenter('pelib_ifc_start_slaves')
3018    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
3019    call qexit('pelib_ifc_start_slaves')
3020end subroutine pelib_ifc_start_slaves
3022subroutine pelib_ifc_pecc(aoden,converged,work,lwork)
3023    implicit none
3024    integer :: lwork
3025    real*8 :: work(lwork), aoden(*)
3026    logical :: converged
3027    call qenter('PELIB_IFC_PECC')
3028    call quit('using dummy PElib interface routines')
3029    call qexit('PELIB_IFC_PECC')
3030end subroutine pelib_ifc_pecc