1"""Base geometry class and utilities
3Note: a third, z, coordinate value may be used when constructing
4geometry objects, but has no effect on geometric analysis. All
5operations are performed in the x-y plane. Thus, geometries with
6different z values may intersect or be equal.
9from binascii import a2b_hex
10from ctypes import pointer, c_size_t, c_char_p, c_void_p
11from itertools import islice
12import logging
13import math
14import sys
15from warnings import warn
16from functools import wraps
17import warnings
19from shapely.affinity import affine_transform
20from shapely.coords import CoordinateSequence
21from shapely.errors import GeometryTypeError, WKBReadingError, WKTReadingError
22from shapely.errors import ShapelyDeprecationWarning
23from shapely.geos import WKBWriter, WKTWriter
24from shapely.geos import lgeos
25from shapely.impl import DefaultImplementation, delegated
27log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
30    import numpy as np
31    integer_types = (int, np.integer)
32except ImportError:
33    integer_types = (int,)
37    'Point',
38    'LineString',
39    'LinearRing',
40    'Polygon',
41    'MultiPoint',
42    'MultiLineString',
43    'MultiPolygon',
44    'GeometryCollection',
48def dump_coords(geom):
49    """Dump coordinates of a geometry in the same order as data packing"""
50    if not isinstance(geom, BaseGeometry):
51        raise ValueError('Must be instance of a geometry class; found ' +
52                         geom.__class__.__name__)
53    elif geom.type in ('Point', 'LineString', 'LinearRing'):
54        return geom.coords[:]
55    elif geom.type == 'Polygon':
56        return geom.exterior.coords[:] + [i.coords[:] for i in geom.interiors]
57    elif geom.type.startswith('Multi') or geom.type == 'GeometryCollection':
58        # Recursive call
59        return [dump_coords(part) for part in geom.geoms]
60    else:
61        raise GeometryTypeError('Unhandled geometry type: ' + repr(geom.type))
64def geometry_type_name(g):
65    if g is None:
66        raise ValueError("Null geometry has no type")
67    return GEOMETRY_TYPES[lgeos.GEOSGeomTypeId(g)]
70def geom_factory(g, parent=None):
71    # Abstract geometry factory for use with topological methods below
72    if not g:
73        raise ValueError("No Shapely geometry can be created from null value")
74    ob = BaseGeometry()
75    geom_type = geometry_type_name(g)
76    # TODO: check cost of dynamic import by profiling
77    mod = __import__(
78        'shapely.geometry',
79        globals(),
80        locals(),
81        [geom_type],
82        )
83    ob.__class__ = getattr(mod, geom_type)
84    ob._set_geom(g)
85    ob.__p__ = parent
86    if lgeos.methods['has_z'](g):
87        ob._ndim = 3
88    else:
89        ob._ndim = 2
90    ob._is_empty = False
91    return ob
94def deserialize_wkb(data):
95    geom = lgeos.GEOSGeomFromWKB_buf(c_char_p(data), c_size_t(len(data)))
96    if not geom:
97        raise WKBReadingError(
98            "Could not create geometry because of errors while reading input.")
99    return geom
102def geos_geom_from_py(ob, create_func=None):
103    """Helper function for geos_*_from_py functions in each geom type.
105    If a create_func is specified the coordinate sequence is cloned and a new
106    geometry is created with it, otherwise the geometry is cloned directly.
107    This behaviour is useful for converting between LineString and LinearRing
108    objects.
109    """
110    if create_func is None:
111        geom = lgeos.GEOSGeom_clone(ob._geom)
112    else:
113        cs = lgeos.GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq(ob._geom)
114        cs = lgeos.GEOSCoordSeq_clone(cs)
115        geom = create_func(cs)
117    N = ob._ndim
119    return geom, N
122def exceptNull(func):
123    """Decorator which helps avoid GEOS operations on null pointers."""
124    @wraps(func)
125    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
126        if not args[0]._geom or args[0].is_empty:
127            raise ValueError("Null/empty geometry supports no operations")
128        return func(*args, **kwargs)
129    return wrapper
132class CAP_STYLE:
133    round = 1
134    flat = 2
135    square = 3
138class JOIN_STYLE:
139    round = 1
140    mitre = 2
141    bevel = 3
143EMPTY = deserialize_wkb(a2b_hex(b'010700000000000000'))
146class BaseGeometry:
147    """
148    Provides GEOS spatial predicates and topological operations.
150    """
152    # Attributes
153    # ----------
154    # __geom__ : c_void_p
155    #     Cached ctypes pointer to GEOS geometry. Not to be accessed.
156    # _geom : c_void_p
157    #     Property by which the GEOS geometry is accessed.
158    # __p__ : object
159    #     Parent (Shapely) geometry
160    # _ctypes_data : object
161    #     Cached ctypes data buffer
162    # _ndim : int
163    #     Number of dimensions (2 or 3, generally)
164    # _crs : object
165    #     Coordinate reference system. Available for Shapely extensions, but
166    #     not implemented here.
167    # _other_owned : bool
168    #     True if this object's GEOS geometry is owned by another as in the
169    #     case of a multipart geometry member.
170    __geom__ = EMPTY
171    __p__ = None
172    _ctypes_data = None
173    _ndim = None
174    _crs = None
175    _other_owned = False
176    _is_empty = True
178    # Backend config
179    impl = DefaultImplementation
181    # a reference to the so/dll proxy to preserve access during clean up
182    _lgeos = lgeos
184    def empty(self, val=EMPTY):
185        warn(
186            "The 'empty()' method is deprecated and will be removed in "
187            "Shapely 2.0",
188            ShapelyDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
189        self._empty(val=val)
191    def _empty(self, val=EMPTY):
192        if not self._other_owned and self.__geom__ and self.__geom__ != EMPTY:
193            try:
194                self._lgeos.GEOSGeom_destroy(self.__geom__)
195            except (AttributeError, TypeError):
196                # _lgeos might be empty on shutdown
197                log.exception("Failed to delete GEOS geom")
199        self._is_empty = True
200        self.__geom__ = val
202    def __bool__(self):
203        return self.is_empty is False
205    def __nonzero__(self):
206        return self.__bool__()
208    def __del__(self):
209        self._empty(val=None)
210        self.__p__ = None
212    def __str__(self):
213        return self.wkt
215    # To support pickling
216    def __reduce__(self):
217        return (self.__class__, (), self.wkb)
219    def __setstate__(self, state):
220        self._empty()
221        self.__geom__ = deserialize_wkb(state)
222        self._is_empty = False
223        if lgeos.methods['has_z'](self.__geom__):
224            self._ndim = 3
225        else:
226            self._ndim = 2
228    @property
229    def _geom(self):
230        return self.__geom__
232    @_geom.setter
233    def _geom(self, val):
234        warn(
235            "Setting the '_geom' attribute directly is deprecated, and will "
236            "no longer be possible in Shapely 2.0.",
237            ShapelyDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
238        self._set_geom(val)
240    def _set_geom(self, val):
241        self._empty()
242        self._is_empty = val in [EMPTY, None]
243        self.__geom__ = val
245    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
246        # first try regular attribute access via __getattribute__, so that
247        # our own (existing) attributes don't raise a warning
248        try:
249            object.__getattribute__(self, name)
250            super().__setattr__(name, value)
251            return
252        except AttributeError:
253            pass
255        # if custom atribute, raise the warning
256        warn(
257            "Setting custom attributes on geometry objects is deprecated, "
258            "and will raise an AttributeError in Shapely 2.0",
259            ShapelyDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2
260        )
261        super().__setattr__(name, value)
263    # Operators
264    # ---------
266    def __and__(self, other):
267        return self.intersection(other)
269    def __or__(self, other):
270        return self.union(other)
272    def __sub__(self, other):
273        return self.difference(other)
275    def __xor__(self, other):
276        return self.symmetric_difference(other)
278    def __eq__(self, other):
279        return (
280            type(other) == type(self) and
281            tuple(self.coords) == tuple(other.coords)
282        )
284    def __ne__(self, other):
285        return not self.__eq__(other)
287    __hash__ = None
289    # Array and ctypes interfaces
290    # ---------------------------
292    @property
293    def _ctypes(self):
294        raise NotImplementedError
296    @property
297    def ctypes(self):
298        """Return ctypes buffer"""
299        warn(
300            "Accessing the 'ctypes' attribute is deprecated,"
301            " and will not be possible any more in Shapely 2.0",
302            ShapelyDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
303        return self._ctypes
305    @property
306    def _array_interface_base(self):
307        if sys.byteorder == 'little':
308            typestr = '<f8'
309        elif sys.byteorder == 'big':
310            typestr = '>f8'
311        else:
312            raise ValueError(
313                "Unsupported byteorder: neither little nor big-endian")
314        return {
315            'version': 3,
316            'typestr': typestr,
317            'data': self._ctypes,
318            }
320    @property
321    def array_interface_base(self):
322        warn(
323            "The 'array_interface_base' property is deprecated and will be "
324            "removed in Shapely 2.0.",
325            ShapelyDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
326        return self._array_interface_base()
328    @property
329    def __array_interface__(self):
330        """Provide the Numpy array protocol."""
331        raise AttributeError("Not implemented")
333    # Coordinate access
334    # -----------------
336    def _get_coords(self):
337        """Access to geometry's coordinates (CoordinateSequence)"""
338        raise NotImplementedError("set_coords must be provided by derived classes")
340    def _set_coords(self, ob):
341        raise NotImplementedError(
342            "set_coords must be provided by derived classes")
344    coords = property(_get_coords, _set_coords)
346    @property
347    def xy(self):
348        """Separate arrays of X and Y coordinate values"""
349        raise NotImplementedError
351    # Python feature protocol
353    @property
354    def __geo_interface__(self):
355        """Dictionary representation of the geometry"""
356        raise NotImplementedError
358    # Type of geometry and its representations
359    # ----------------------------------------
361    def geometryType(self):
362        return geometry_type_name(self._geom)
364    @property
365    def type(self):
366        return self.geometryType()
368    @property
369    def wkt(self):
370        """WKT representation of the geometry"""
371        return WKTWriter(lgeos).write(self)
373    @property
374    def wkb(self):
375        """WKB representation of the geometry"""
376        return WKBWriter(lgeos).write(self)
378    @property
379    def wkb_hex(self):
380        """WKB hex representation of the geometry"""
381        return WKBWriter(lgeos).write_hex(self)
383    def svg(self, scale_factor=1., **kwargs):
384        """Raises NotImplementedError"""
385        raise NotImplementedError
387    def _repr_svg_(self):
388        """SVG representation for iPython notebook"""
389        svg_top = '<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" ' \
390            'xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" '
391        if self.is_empty:
392            return svg_top + '/>'
393        else:
394            # Establish SVG canvas that will fit all the data + small space
395            xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.bounds
396            if xmin == xmax and ymin == ymax:
397                # This is a point; buffer using an arbitrary size
398                xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = self.buffer(1).bounds
399            else:
400                # Expand bounds by a fraction of the data ranges
401                expand = 0.04  # or 4%, same as R plots
402                widest_part = max([xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin])
403                expand_amount = widest_part * expand
404                xmin -= expand_amount
405                ymin -= expand_amount
406                xmax += expand_amount
407                ymax += expand_amount
408            dx = xmax - xmin
409            dy = ymax - ymin
410            width = min([max([100., dx]), 300])
411            height = min([max([100., dy]), 300])
412            try:
413                scale_factor = max([dx, dy]) / max([width, height])
414            except ZeroDivisionError:
415                scale_factor = 1.
416            view_box = "{} {} {} {}".format(xmin, ymin, dx, dy)
417            transform = "matrix(1,0,0,-1,0,{})".format(ymax + ymin)
418            return svg_top + (
419                'width="{1}" height="{2}" viewBox="{0}" '
420                'preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet">'
421                '<g transform="{3}">{4}</g></svg>'
422                ).format(view_box, width, height, transform,
423                         self.svg(scale_factor))
425    @property
426    def geom_type(self):
427        """Name of the geometry's type, such as 'Point'"""
428        return self.geometryType()
430    # Real-valued properties and methods
431    # ----------------------------------
433    @property
434    def area(self):
435        """Unitless area of the geometry (float)"""
436        return self.impl['area'](self)
438    def distance(self, other):
439        """Unitless distance to other geometry (float)"""
440        return self.impl['distance'](self, other)
442    def hausdorff_distance(self, other):
443        """Unitless hausdorff distance to other geometry (float)"""
444        return self.impl['hausdorff_distance'](self, other)
446    @property
447    def length(self):
448        """Unitless length of the geometry (float)"""
449        return self.impl['length'](self)
451    @property
452    def minimum_clearance(self):
453        """Unitless distance by which a node could be moved to produce an invalid geometry (float)"""
454        return self.impl['minimum_clearance'](self)
456    # Topological properties
457    # ----------------------
459    @property
460    def boundary(self):
461        """Returns a lower dimension geometry that bounds the object
463        The boundary of a polygon is a line, the boundary of a line is a
464        collection of points. The boundary of a point is an empty (null)
465        collection.
466        """
467        return geom_factory(self.impl['boundary'](self))
469    @property
470    def bounds(self):
471        """Returns minimum bounding region (minx, miny, maxx, maxy)"""
472        if self.is_empty:
473            return ()
474        else:
475            return self.impl['bounds'](self)
477    @property
478    def centroid(self):
479        """Returns the geometric center of the object"""
480        return geom_factory(self.impl['centroid'](self))
482    @delegated
483    def representative_point(self):
484        """Returns a point guaranteed to be within the object, cheaply."""
485        return geom_factory(self.impl['representative_point'](self))
487    @property
488    def convex_hull(self):
489        """Imagine an elastic band stretched around the geometry: that's a
490        convex hull, more or less
492        The convex hull of a three member multipoint, for example, is a
493        triangular polygon.
494        """
495        return geom_factory(self.impl['convex_hull'](self))
497    @property
498    def envelope(self):
499        """A figure that envelopes the geometry"""
500        return geom_factory(self.impl['envelope'](self))
502    @property
503    def minimum_rotated_rectangle(self):
504        """Returns the general minimum bounding rectangle of
505        the geometry. Can possibly be rotated. If the convex hull
506        of the object is a degenerate (line or point) this same degenerate
507        is returned.
508        """
509        # first compute the convex hull
510        hull = self.convex_hull
511        try:
512            coords = hull.exterior.coords
513        except AttributeError:  # may be a Point or a LineString
514            return hull
515        # generate the edge vectors between the convex hull's coords
516        edges = ((pt2[0] - pt1[0], pt2[1] - pt1[1]) for pt1, pt2 in zip(
517            coords, islice(coords, 1, None)))
519        def _transformed_rects():
520            for dx, dy in edges:
521                # compute the normalized direction vector of the edge
522                # vector.
523                length = math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)
524                ux, uy = dx / length, dy / length
525                # compute the normalized perpendicular vector
526                vx, vy = -uy, ux
527                # transform hull from the original coordinate system to
528                # the coordinate system defined by the edge and compute
529                # the axes-parallel bounding rectangle.
530                transf_rect = affine_transform(
531                    hull, (ux, uy, vx, vy, 0, 0)).envelope
532                # yield the transformed rectangle and a matrix to
533                # transform it back to the original coordinate system.
534                yield (transf_rect, (ux, vx, uy, vy, 0, 0))
536        # check for the minimum area rectangle and return it
537        transf_rect, inv_matrix = min(
538            _transformed_rects(), key=lambda r: r[0].area)
539        return affine_transform(transf_rect, inv_matrix)
541    def buffer(self, distance, resolution=16, quadsegs=None,
542               cap_style=CAP_STYLE.round, join_style=JOIN_STYLE.round,
543               mitre_limit=5.0, single_sided=False):
544        """Get a geometry that represents all points within a distance
545        of this geometry.
547        A positive distance produces a dilation, a negative distance an
548        erosion. A very small or zero distance may sometimes be used to
549        "tidy" a polygon.
551        Parameters
552        ----------
553        distance : float
554            The distance to buffer around the object.
555        resolution : int, optional
556            The resolution of the buffer around each vertex of the
557            object.
558        quadsegs : int, optional
559            Sets the number of line segments used to approximate an
560            angle fillet.  Note: the use of a `quadsegs` parameter is
561            deprecated and will be gone from the next major release.
562        cap_style : int, optional
563            The styles of caps are: CAP_STYLE.round (1), CAP_STYLE.flat
564            (2), and CAP_STYLE.square (3).
565        join_style : int, optional
566            The styles of joins between offset segments are:
567            JOIN_STYLE.round (1), JOIN_STYLE.mitre (2), and
568            JOIN_STYLE.bevel (3).
569        mitre_limit : float, optional
570            The mitre limit ratio is used for very sharp corners. The
571            mitre ratio is the ratio of the distance from the corner to
572            the end of the mitred offset corner. When two line segments
573            meet at a sharp angle, a miter join will extend the original
574            geometry. To prevent unreasonable geometry, the mitre limit
575            allows controlling the maximum length of the join corner.
576            Corners with a ratio which exceed the limit will be beveled.
577        single_side : bool, optional
578            The side used is determined by the sign of the buffer
579            distance:
581                a positive distance indicates the left-hand side
582                a negative distance indicates the right-hand side
584            The single-sided buffer of point geometries is the same as
585            the regular buffer.  The End Cap Style for single-sided
586            buffers is always ignored, and forced to the equivalent of
587            CAP_FLAT.
589        Returns
590        -------
591        Geometry
593        Notes
594        -----
595        The return value is a strictly two-dimensional geometry. All
596        Z coordinates of the original geometry will be ignored.
598        Examples
599        --------
600        >>> from shapely.wkt import loads
601        >>> g = loads('POINT (0.0 0.0)')
602        >>> g.buffer(1.0).area        # 16-gon approx of a unit radius circle
603        3.1365484905459384
604        >>> g.buffer(1.0, 128).area   # 128-gon approximation
605        3.141513801144299
606        >>> g.buffer(1.0, 3).area     # triangle approximation
607        3.0
608        >>> list(g.buffer(1.0, cap_style=CAP_STYLE.square).exterior.coords)
609        [(1.0, 1.0), (1.0, -1.0), (-1.0, -1.0), (-1.0, 1.0), (1.0, 1.0)]
610        >>> g.buffer(1.0, cap_style=CAP_STYLE.square).area
611        4.0
613        """
614        if quadsegs is not None:
615            warn(
616                "The `quadsegs` argument is deprecated. Use `resolution`.",
617                DeprecationWarning)
618            res = quadsegs
619        else:
620            res = resolution
622        if mitre_limit == 0.0:
623            raise ValueError(
624                'Cannot compute offset from zero-length line segment')
626        if 'buffer_with_params' in self.impl:
627            params = self._lgeos.GEOSBufferParams_create()
628            self._lgeos.GEOSBufferParams_setEndCapStyle(params, cap_style)
629            self._lgeos.GEOSBufferParams_setJoinStyle(params, join_style)
630            self._lgeos.GEOSBufferParams_setMitreLimit(params, mitre_limit)
631            self._lgeos.GEOSBufferParams_setQuadrantSegments(params, res)
632            self._lgeos.GEOSBufferParams_setSingleSided(params, single_sided)
633            return geom_factory(self.impl['buffer_with_params'](self, params, distance))
635        if cap_style == CAP_STYLE.round and join_style == JOIN_STYLE.round:
636            return geom_factory(self.impl['buffer'](self, distance, res))
638        return geom_factory(self.impl['buffer_with_style'](self, distance, res,
639                                                           cap_style,
640                                                           join_style,
641                                                           mitre_limit))
643    @delegated
644    def simplify(self, tolerance, preserve_topology=True):
645        """Returns a simplified geometry produced by the Douglas-Peucker
646        algorithm
648        Coordinates of the simplified geometry will be no more than the
649        tolerance distance from the original. Unless the topology preserving
650        option is used, the algorithm may produce self-intersecting or
651        otherwise invalid geometries.
652        """
653        if preserve_topology:
654            op = self.impl['topology_preserve_simplify']
655        else:
656            op = self.impl['simplify']
657        return geom_factory(op(self, tolerance))
659    def normalize(self):
660        """Converts geometry to normal form (or canonical form).
662        This method orders the coordinates, rings of a polygon and parts of
663        multi geometries consistently. Typically useful for testing purposes
664        (for example in combination with `equals_exact`).
666        Examples
667        --------
668        >>> from shapely.wkt import loads
669        >>> p = loads("MULTILINESTRING((0 0, 1 1), (3 3, 2 2))")
670        >>> p.normalize().wkt
671        'MULTILINESTRING ((2 2, 3 3), (0 0, 1 1))'
672        """
673        # self.impl['normalize'](self)
674        if self._geom is None:
675            raise InvalidGeometryError("Null geometry supports no operations")
676        geom_cloned = lgeos.GEOSGeom_clone(self._geom)
677        lgeos.GEOSNormalize(geom_cloned)
678        return geom_factory(geom_cloned)
680    # Binary operations
681    # -----------------
683    def difference(self, other):
684        """Returns the difference of the geometries"""
685        return geom_factory(self.impl['difference'](self, other))
687    def intersection(self, other):
688        """Returns the intersection of the geometries"""
689        return geom_factory(self.impl['intersection'](self, other))
691    def symmetric_difference(self, other):
692        """Returns the symmetric difference of the geometries
693        (Shapely geometry)"""
694        return geom_factory(self.impl['symmetric_difference'](self, other))
696    def union(self, other):
697        """Returns the union of the geometries (Shapely geometry)"""
698        return geom_factory(self.impl['union'](self, other))
700    # Unary predicates
701    # ----------------
703    @property
704    def has_z(self):
705        """True if the geometry's coordinate sequence(s) have z values (are
706        3-dimensional)"""
707        return bool(self.impl['has_z'](self))
709    @property
710    def is_empty(self):
711        """True if the set of points in this geometry is empty, else False"""
712        return (self._geom is None) or bool(self.impl['is_empty'](self))
714    @property
715    def is_ring(self):
716        """True if the geometry is a closed ring, else False"""
717        return bool(self.impl['is_ring'](self))
719    @property
720    def is_closed(self):
721        """True if the geometry is closed, else False
723        Applicable only to 1-D geometries."""
724        if self.geom_type == 'LinearRing':
725            return True
726        elif self.geom_type == 'LineString':
727            if 'is_closed' in self.impl:
728                return bool(self.impl['is_closed'](self))
729            else:
730                return self.coords[0] == self.coords[-1]
731        else:
732            return False
734    @property
735    def is_simple(self):
736        """True if the geometry is simple, meaning that any self-intersections
737        are only at boundary points, else False"""
738        return bool(self.impl['is_simple'](self))
740    @property
741    def is_valid(self):
742        """True if the geometry is valid (definition depends on sub-class),
743        else False"""
744        return bool(self.impl['is_valid'](self))
746    # Binary predicates
747    # -----------------
749    def relate(self, other):
750        """Returns the DE-9IM intersection matrix for the two geometries
751        (string)"""
752        return self.impl['relate'](self, other)
754    def covers(self, other):
755        """Returns True if the geometry covers the other, else False"""
756        return bool(self.impl['covers'](self, other))
758    def covered_by(self, other):
759        """Returns True if the geometry is covered by the other, else False"""
760        return bool(self.impl['covered_by'](self, other))
762    def contains(self, other):
763        """Returns True if the geometry contains the other, else False"""
764        return bool(self.impl['contains'](self, other))
766    def crosses(self, other):
767        """Returns True if the geometries cross, else False"""
768        return bool(self.impl['crosses'](self, other))
770    def disjoint(self, other):
771        """Returns True if geometries are disjoint, else False"""
772        return bool(self.impl['disjoint'](self, other))
774    def equals(self, other):
775        """Returns True if geometries are equal, else False.
777        This method considers point-set equality (or topological
778        equality), and is equivalent to (self.within(other) &
779        self.contains(other)).
781        Examples
782        --------
783        >>> LineString(
784        ...     [(0, 0), (2, 2)]
785        ... ).equals(
786        ...     LineString([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)])
787        ... )
788        True
790        Returns
791        -------
792        bool
794        """
795        return bool(self.impl['equals'](self, other))
797    def intersects(self, other):
798        """Returns True if geometries intersect, else False"""
799        return bool(self.impl['intersects'](self, other))
801    def overlaps(self, other):
802        """Returns True if geometries overlap, else False"""
803        return bool(self.impl['overlaps'](self, other))
805    def touches(self, other):
806        """Returns True if geometries touch, else False"""
807        return bool(self.impl['touches'](self, other))
809    def within(self, other):
810        """Returns True if geometry is within the other, else False"""
811        return bool(self.impl['within'](self, other))
813    def equals_exact(self, other, tolerance):
814        """True if geometries are equal to within a specified
815        tolerance.
817        Parameters
818        ----------
819        other : BaseGeometry
820            The other geometry object in this comparison.
821        tolerance : float
822            Absolute tolerance in the same units as coordinates.
824        This method considers coordinate equality, which requires
825        coordinates to be equal and in the same order for all components
826        of a geometry.
828        Because of this it is possible for "equals()" to be True for two
829        geometries and "equals_exact()" to be False.
831        Examples
832        --------
833        >>> LineString(
834        ...     [(0, 0), (2, 2)]
835        ... ).equals_exact(
836        ...     LineString([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)]),
837        ...     1e-6
838        ... )
839        False
841        Returns
842        -------
843        bool
845        """
846        return bool(self.impl['equals_exact'](self, other, tolerance))
848    def almost_equals(self, other, decimal=6):
849        """True if geometries are equal at all coordinates to a
850        specified decimal place.
852        .. deprecated:: 1.8.0 The 'almost_equals()' method is deprecated
853            and will be removed in Shapely 2.0 because the name is
854            confusing. The 'equals_exact()' method should be used
855            instead.
857        Refers to approximate coordinate equality, which requires
858        coordinates to be approximately equal and in the same order for
859        all components of a geometry.
861        Because of this it is possible for "equals()" to be True for two
862        geometries and "almost_equals()" to be False.
864        Examples
865        --------
866        >>> LineString(
867        ...     [(0, 0), (2, 2)]
868        ... ).equals_exact(
869        ...     LineString([(0, 0), (1, 1), (2, 2)]),
870        ...     1e-6
871        ... )
872        False
874        Returns
875        -------
876        bool
878        """
879        warn(
880            "The 'almost_equals()' method is deprecated and will be removed in Shapely 2.0",
881            ShapelyDeprecationWarning,
882            stacklevel=2,
883        )
884        return self.equals_exact(other, 0.5 * 10 ** (-decimal))
886    def relate_pattern(self, other, pattern):
887        """Returns True if the DE-9IM string code for the relationship between
888        the geometries satisfies the pattern, else False"""
889        pattern = c_char_p(pattern.encode('ascii'))
890        return bool(self.impl['relate_pattern'](self, other, pattern))
892    # Linear referencing
893    # ------------------
895    @delegated
896    def project(self, other, normalized=False):
897        """Returns the distance along this geometry to a point nearest the
898        specified point
900        If the normalized arg is True, return the distance normalized to the
901        length of the linear geometry.
902        """
903        if normalized:
904            op = self.impl['project_normalized']
905        else:
906            op = self.impl['project']
907        return op(self, other)
909    @delegated
910    @exceptNull
911    def interpolate(self, distance, normalized=False):
912        """Return a point at the specified distance along a linear geometry
914        Negative length values are taken as measured in the reverse
915        direction from the end of the geometry. Out-of-range index
916        values are handled by clamping them to the valid range of values.
917        If the normalized arg is True, the distance will be interpreted as a
918        fraction of the geometry's length.
919        """
920        if normalized:
921            op = self.impl['interpolate_normalized']
922        else:
923            op = self.impl['interpolate']
924        return geom_factory(op(self, distance))
927class BaseMultipartGeometry(BaseGeometry):
929    def shape_factory(self, *args):
930        # Factory for part instances, usually a geometry class
931        raise NotImplementedError("To be implemented by derived classes")
933    @property
934    def ctypes(self):
935        raise NotImplementedError(
936            "Multi-part geometries have no ctypes representations")
938    @property
939    def __array_interface__(self):
940        """Provide the Numpy array protocol."""
941        raise AttributeError("Multi-part geometries do not themselves "
942                             "provide the array interface")
944    def _get_coords(self):
945        raise NotImplementedError("Sub-geometries may have coordinate "
946                                  "sequences, but collections do not")
948    def _set_coords(self, ob):
949        raise NotImplementedError("Sub-geometries may have coordinate "
950                                  "sequences, but collections do not")
952    @property
953    def coords(self):
954        raise NotImplementedError(
955            "Multi-part geometries do not provide a coordinate sequence")
957    @property
958    def geoms(self):
959        if self.is_empty:
960            return []
961        return GeometrySequence(self, self.shape_factory)
963    def __bool__(self):
964        return self.is_empty is False
966    def __iter__(self):
967        """
968        .. deprecated:: 1.8
969           Iteration over multi-part geometries is deprecated and will be removed in
970           Shapely 2.0. Use the `geoms` property to access the constituent parts of
971           a multi-part geometry.
972        """
973        warn(
974            "Iteration over multi-part geometries is deprecated and will be removed in "
975            "Shapely 2.0. Use the `geoms` property to access the constituent parts of "
976            "a multi-part geometry.", ShapelyDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
977        if not self.is_empty:
978            return iter(self.geoms)
979        else:
980            return iter([])
982    def __len__(self):
983        warn(
984            "__len__ for multi-part geometries is deprecated and will be removed in "
985            "Shapely 2.0. Check the length of the `geoms` property instead to get the "
986            " number of parts of a multi-part geometry.",
987            ShapelyDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
988        if not self.is_empty:
989            return len(self.geoms)
990        else:
991            return 0
993    def __getitem__(self, index):
994        """
995        .. deprecated:: 1.8
996           __getitem__ for multi-part geometries is deprecated and will be removed in
997           Shapely 2.0. Use the `geoms` property to access the constituent parts of
998           a multi-part geometry.
999        """
1000        warn(
1001            "__getitem__ for multi-part geometries is deprecated and will be removed in "
1002            "Shapely 2.0. Use the `geoms` property to access the constituent parts of "
1003            "a multi-part geometry.", ShapelyDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
1004        if not self.is_empty:
1005            return self.geoms[index]
1006        else:
1007            return ()[index]
1009    def __eq__(self, other):
1010        return (
1011            type(other) == type(self) and
1012            len(self.geoms) == len(other.geoms) and
1013            all(x == y for x, y in zip(self.geoms, other.geoms))
1014        )
1016    def __ne__(self, other):
1017        return not self.__eq__(other)
1019    __hash__ = None
1021    def svg(self, scale_factor=1., color=None):
1022        """Returns a group of SVG elements for the multipart geometry.
1024        Parameters
1025        ==========
1026        scale_factor : float
1027            Multiplication factor for the SVG stroke-width.  Default is 1.
1028        color : str, optional
1029            Hex string for stroke or fill color. Default is to use "#66cc99"
1030            if geometry is valid, and "#ff3333" if invalid.
1031        """
1032        if self.is_empty:
1033            return '<g />'
1034        if color is None:
1035            color = "#66cc99" if self.is_valid else "#ff3333"
1036        return '<g>' + \
1037            ''.join(p.svg(scale_factor, color) for p in self.geoms) + \
1038            '</g>'
1041class GeometrySequence:
1042    """
1043    Iterative access to members of a homogeneous multipart geometry.
1044    """
1046    # Attributes
1047    # ----------
1048    # _factory : callable
1049    #     Returns instances of Shapely geometries
1050    # _geom : c_void_p
1051    #     Ctypes pointer to the parent's GEOS geometry
1052    # _ndim : int
1053    #     Number of dimensions (2 or 3, generally)
1054    # __p__ : object
1055    #     Parent (Shapely) geometry
1056    shape_factory = None
1057    _geom = None
1058    __p__ = None
1059    _ndim = None
1061    def __init__(self, parent, type):
1062        self.shape_factory = type
1063        self.__p__ = parent
1065    def _update(self):
1066        self._geom = self.__p__._geom
1067        self._ndim = self.__p__._ndim
1069    def _get_geom_item(self, i):
1070        g = self.shape_factory()
1071        g._other_owned = True
1072        g._set_geom(lgeos.GEOSGetGeometryN(self._geom, i))
1073        g._ndim = self._ndim
1074        g.__p__ = self
1075        return g
1077    def __iter__(self):
1078        self._update()
1079        for i in range(self.__len__()):
1080            yield self._get_geom_item(i)
1082    def __len__(self):
1083        self._update()
1084        return lgeos.GEOSGetNumGeometries(self._geom)
1086    def __getitem__(self, key):
1087        self._update()
1088        m = self.__len__()
1089        if isinstance(key, integer_types):
1090            if key + m < 0 or key >= m:
1091                raise IndexError("index out of range")
1092            if key < 0:
1093                i = m + key
1094            else:
1095                i = key
1096            return self._get_geom_item(i)
1097        elif isinstance(key, slice):
1098            if type(self) == HeterogeneousGeometrySequence:
1099                raise GeometryTypeError(
1100                    "Heterogenous geometry collections are not sliceable")
1101            res = []
1102            start, stop, stride = key.indices(m)
1103            for i in range(start, stop, stride):
1104                res.append(self._get_geom_item(i))
1105            return type(self.__p__)(res or None)
1106        else:
1107            raise TypeError("key must be an index or slice")
1109    @property
1110    def _longest(self):
1111        max = 0
1112        for g in iter(self):
1113            l = len(g.coords)
1114            if l > max:
1115                max = l
1118class HeterogeneousGeometrySequence(GeometrySequence):
1119    """
1120    Iterative access to a heterogeneous sequence of geometries.
1121    """
1123    def __init__(self, parent):
1124        super().__init__(parent, None)
1126    def _get_geom_item(self, i):
1127        sub = lgeos.GEOSGetGeometryN(self._geom, i)
1128        g = geom_factory(sub, parent=self)
1129        g._other_owned = True
1130        return g
1133class EmptyGeometry(BaseGeometry):
1134    def __init__(self):
1135        """Create an empty geometry."""
1136        BaseGeometry.__init__(self)