1 /*********************                                                        */
2 /*! \file decision_strategy.cpp
3  ** \verbatim
4  ** Top contributors (to current version):
5  **   Andrew Reynolds
6  ** This file is part of the CVC4 project.
7  ** Copyright (c) 2009-2019 by the authors listed in the file AUTHORS
8  ** in the top-level source directory) and their institutional affiliations.
9  ** All rights reserved.  See the file COPYING in the top-level source
10  ** directory for licensing information.\endverbatim
11  **
12  ** \brief Implementation of base classes for decision strategies used by theory
13  ** solvers for use in the DecisionManager of TheoryEngine.
14  **/
16 #include "theory/decision_strategy.h"
18 #include "theory/rewriter.h"
20 using namespace CVC4::kind;
22 namespace CVC4 {
23 namespace theory {
DecisionStrategyFmf(context::Context * satContext,Valuation valuation)25 DecisionStrategyFmf::DecisionStrategyFmf(context::Context* satContext,
26                                          Valuation valuation)
27     : d_valuation(valuation),
28       d_has_curr_literal(false, satContext),
29       d_curr_literal(0, satContext)
30 {
31 }
initialize()33 void DecisionStrategyFmf::initialize() { d_literals.clear(); }
getNextDecisionRequest()35 Node DecisionStrategyFmf::getNextDecisionRequest()
36 {
37   Trace("dec-strategy-debug")
38       << "Get next decision request " << identify() << "..." << std::endl;
39   if (d_has_curr_literal.get())
40   {
41     Trace("dec-strategy-debug") << "...already has decision" << std::endl;
42     return Node::null();
43   }
44   bool success;
45   unsigned curr_lit = d_curr_literal.get();
46   do
47   {
48     success = true;
49     // get the current literal
50     Node lit = getLiteral(curr_lit);
51     Trace("dec-strategy-debug")
52         << "...check literal #" << curr_lit << " : " << lit << std::endl;
53     // if out of literals, we are done in the current SAT context
54     if (!lit.isNull())
55     {
56       bool value;
57       if (!d_valuation.hasSatValue(lit, value))
58       {
59         Trace("dec-strategy-debug") << "...not assigned, return." << std::endl;
60         // if it has not been decided, return it
61         return lit;
62       }
63       else if (!value)
64       {
65         Trace("dec-strategy-debug")
66             << "...assigned false, increment." << std::endl;
67         // asserted false, the current literal is incremented
68         curr_lit = d_curr_literal.get() + 1;
69         d_curr_literal.set(curr_lit);
70         // repeat
71         success = false;
72       }
73       else
74       {
75         Trace("dec-strategy-debug") << "...already assigned true." << std::endl;
76       }
77     }
78     else
79     {
80       Trace("dec-strategy-debug") << "...exhausted literals." << std::endl;
81     }
82   } while (!success);
83   // the current literal has been decided with the right polarity, we are done
84   d_has_curr_literal = true;
85   return Node::null();
86 }
getAssertedLiteralIndex(unsigned & i) const88 bool DecisionStrategyFmf::getAssertedLiteralIndex(unsigned& i) const
89 {
90   if (d_has_curr_literal.get())
91   {
92     i = d_curr_literal.get();
93     return true;
94   }
95   return false;
96 }
getAssertedLiteral()98 Node DecisionStrategyFmf::getAssertedLiteral()
99 {
100   if (d_has_curr_literal.get())
101   {
102     Assert(d_curr_literal.get() < d_literals.size());
103     return getLiteral(d_curr_literal.get());
104   }
105   return Node::null();
106 }
getLiteral(unsigned n)108 Node DecisionStrategyFmf::getLiteral(unsigned n)
109 {
110   // allocate until the index is valid
111   while (n >= d_literals.size())
112   {
113     Node lit = mkLiteral(d_literals.size());
114     if (!lit.isNull())
115     {
116       lit = Rewriter::rewrite(lit);
117       lit = d_valuation.ensureLiteral(lit);
118     }
119     d_literals.push_back(lit);
120   }
121   return d_literals[n];
122 }
DecisionStrategySingleton(const char * name,Node lit,context::Context * satContext,Valuation valuation)124 DecisionStrategySingleton::DecisionStrategySingleton(
125     const char* name,
126     Node lit,
127     context::Context* satContext,
128     Valuation valuation)
129     : DecisionStrategyFmf(satContext, valuation), d_name(name), d_literal(lit)
130 {
131 }
mkLiteral(unsigned n)133 Node DecisionStrategySingleton::mkLiteral(unsigned n)
134 {
135   if (n == 0)
136   {
137     return d_literal;
138   }
139   return Node::null();
140 }
getSingleLiteral()142 Node DecisionStrategySingleton::getSingleLiteral() { return d_literal; }
144 }  // namespace theory
145 }  // namespace CVC4