1 // This file is part of OpenCV project.
2 // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level
3 // directory of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
5 #include "precomp.hpp"
6 #include "msd_pyramid.hpp"
8 namespace cv
9 {
10 namespace xfeatures2d
11 {
13 class TBMR_Impl CV_FINAL : public TBMR
14 {
15   public:
16     struct Params
17     {
Paramscv::xfeatures2d::CV_FINAL::Params18         Params(int _min_area = 60, float _max_area_relative = 0.01,
19                float _scale = 1.5, int _n_scale = -1)
20         {
21             CV_Assert(_min_area >= 0);
22             CV_Assert(_max_area_relative >=
23                       std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
25             minArea = _min_area;
26             maxAreaRelative = _max_area_relative;
27             scale = _scale;
28             n_scale = _n_scale;
29         }
31         uint minArea;
32         float maxAreaRelative;
33         int n_scale;
34         float scale;
35     };
TBMR_Impl(const Params & _params)37     explicit TBMR_Impl(const Params &_params) : params(_params) {}
~TBMR_Impl()39     virtual ~TBMR_Impl() CV_OVERRIDE {}
setMinArea(int minArea)41     virtual void setMinArea(int minArea) CV_OVERRIDE
42     {
43         params.minArea = std::max(minArea, 0);
44     }
getMinArea() const45     int getMinArea() const CV_OVERRIDE { return params.minArea; }
setMaxAreaRelative(float maxAreaRelative)47     virtual void setMaxAreaRelative(float maxAreaRelative) CV_OVERRIDE
48     {
49         params.maxAreaRelative =
50             std::max(maxAreaRelative, std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon());
51     }
getMaxAreaRelative() const52     virtual float getMaxAreaRelative() const CV_OVERRIDE
53     {
54         return params.maxAreaRelative;
55     }
setScaleFactor(float scale_factor)56     virtual void setScaleFactor(float scale_factor) CV_OVERRIDE
57     {
58         params.scale = std::max(scale_factor, 1.f);
59     }
getScaleFactor() const60     virtual float getScaleFactor() const CV_OVERRIDE { return params.scale; }
setNScales(int n_scales)61     virtual void setNScales(int n_scales) CV_OVERRIDE
62     {
63         params.n_scale = n_scales;
64     }
getNScales() const65     virtual int getNScales() const CV_OVERRIDE { return params.n_scale; }
67     virtual void detect(InputArray image,
68                         CV_OUT std::vector<KeyPoint> &keypoints,
69                         InputArray mask = noArray()) CV_OVERRIDE;
71     virtual void detect(InputArray image,
72                         CV_OUT std::vector<Elliptic_KeyPoint> &keypoints,
73                         InputArray mask = noArray()) CV_OVERRIDE;
75     virtual void
76     detectAndCompute(InputArray image, InputArray mask,
77                      CV_OUT std::vector<Elliptic_KeyPoint> &keypoints,
78                      OutputArray descriptors,
79                      bool useProvidedKeypoints = false) CV_OVERRIDE;
zfindroot(uint * parent,uint p)81     CV_INLINE uint zfindroot(uint *parent, uint p)
82     {
83         if (parent[p] == p)
84             return p;
85         else
86             return parent[p] = zfindroot(parent, parent[p]);
87     }
89     // Calculate the Component tree. Based on the order of S, it will be a
90     // min or max tree.
calcMinMaxTree(Mat ima)91     void calcMinMaxTree(Mat ima)
92     {
93         int rs = ima.rows;
94         int cs = ima.cols;
95         uint imSize = (uint)rs * cs;
97         std::array<int, 4> offsets = {
98             -ima.cols, -1, 1, ima.cols
99         }; // {-1,0}, {0,-1}, {0,1}, {1,0} yx
100         std::array<Vec2i, 4> offsetsv = { Vec2i(0, -1), Vec2i(-1, 0),
101                                           Vec2i(1, 0), Vec2i(0, 1) }; //  xy
102         AutoBuffer<uint> zparb(imSize);
103         AutoBuffer<uint> rootb(imSize);
104         AutoBuffer<uint> rankb(imSize);
105         memset(rankb.data(), 0, imSize * sizeof(uint));
106         uint* zpar = zparb.data();
107         uint *root = rootb.data();
108         uint *rank = rankb.data();
109         parent = Mat(rs, cs, CV_32S); // unsigned
110         AutoBuffer<bool> dejaVub(imSize);
111         memset(dejaVub.data(), 0, imSize * sizeof(bool));
112         bool* dejaVu = dejaVub.data();
114         const uint *S_ptr = S.ptr<const uint>();
115         uint *parent_ptr = parent.ptr<uint>();
116         Vec<uint, 6> *imaAttribute = imaAttributes.ptr<Vec<uint, 6>>();
118         for (int i = imSize - 1; i >= 0; --i)
119         {
120             uint p = S_ptr[i];
122             Vec2i idx_p(p % cs, p / cs);
123             // make set
124             {
125                 parent_ptr[p] = p;
126                 zpar[p] = p;
127                 root[p] = p;
128                 dejaVu[p] = true;
129                 imaAttribute[p][0] = 1;                   // area
130                 imaAttribute[p][1] = idx_p[0];            // sum_x
131                 imaAttribute[p][2] = idx_p[1];            // sum_y
132                 imaAttribute[p][3] = idx_p[0] * idx_p[1]; // sum_xy
133                 imaAttribute[p][4] = idx_p[0] * idx_p[0]; // sum_xx
134                 imaAttribute[p][5] = idx_p[1] * idx_p[1]; // sum_yy
135             }
137             uint x = p; // zpar of p
138             for (unsigned k = 0; k < offsets.size(); ++k)
139             {
140                 uint q = p + offsets[k];
142                 Vec2i q_idx = idx_p + offsetsv[k];
143                 bool inBorder = q_idx[0] >= 0 && q_idx[0] < ima.cols &&
144                                 q_idx[1] >= 0 &&
145                                 q_idx[1] < ima.rows; // filter out border cases
147                 if (inBorder && dejaVu[q]) // remove first check
148                                            // obsolete
149                 {
150                     uint r = zfindroot(zpar, q);
151                     if (r != x) // make union
152                     {
153                         parent_ptr[root[r]] = p;
154                         // accumulate information
155                         imaAttribute[p][0] += imaAttribute[root[r]][0]; // area
156                         imaAttribute[p][1] += imaAttribute[root[r]][1]; // sum_x
157                         imaAttribute[p][2] += imaAttribute[root[r]][2]; // sum_y
158                         imaAttribute[p][3] +=
159                             imaAttribute[root[r]][3]; // sum_xy
160                         imaAttribute[p][4] +=
161                             imaAttribute[root[r]][4]; // sum_xx
162                         imaAttribute[p][5] +=
163                             imaAttribute[root[r]][5]; // sum_yy
165                         if (rank[x] < rank[r])
166                         {
167                             // we merge p to r
168                             zpar[x] = r;
169                             root[r] = p;
170                             x = r;
171                         }
172                         else if (rank[r] < rank[p])
173                         {
174                             // merge r to p
175                             zpar[r] = p;
176                         }
177                         else
178                         {
179                             // same height
180                             zpar[r] = p;
181                             rank[p] += 1;
182                         }
183                     }
184                 }
185             }
186         }
187     }
calculateTBMRs(const Mat & image,std::vector<Elliptic_KeyPoint> & tbmrs,const Mat & mask,float scale,int octave)189     void calculateTBMRs(const Mat &image, std::vector<Elliptic_KeyPoint> &tbmrs,
190                         const Mat &mask, float scale, int octave)
191     {
192         uint imSize = image.cols * image.rows;
193         uint maxArea =
194             static_cast<uint>(params.maxAreaRelative * imSize * scale);
195         uint minArea = static_cast<uint>(params.minArea * scale);
197         if (parent.empty() || parent.size != image.size)
198             parent = Mat(image.rows, image.cols, CV_32S);
200         if (imaAttributes.empty() || imaAttributes.size != image.size)
201             imaAttributes = Mat(image.rows, image.cols, CV_32SC(6));
203         calcMinMaxTree(image);
205         const Vec<uint, 6> *imaAttribute =
206             imaAttributes.ptr<const Vec<uint, 6>>();
207         const uint8_t *ima_ptr = image.ptr<const uint8_t>();
208         const uint *S_ptr = S.ptr<const uint>();
209         uint *parent_ptr = parent.ptr<uint>();
211         // canonization
212         for (uint i = 0; i < imSize; ++i)
213         {
214             uint p = S_ptr[i];
215             uint q = parent_ptr[p];
216             if (ima_ptr[parent_ptr[q]] == ima_ptr[q])
217                 parent_ptr[p] = parent_ptr[q];
218         }
220         // TBMRs extraction
221         //------------------------------------------------------------------------
222         // small variant of the given algorithm in the paper. For each
223         // critical node having more than one child, we check if the
224         // largest region containing this node without any change of
225         // topology is above its parent, if not, discard this critical
226         // node.
227         //
228         // note also that we do not select the critical nodes themselves
229         // as final TBMRs
230         //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
232         AutoBuffer<uint> numSonsb(imSize);
233         memset(numSonsb.data(), 0, imSize * sizeof(uint));
234         uint* numSons = numSonsb.data();
235         uint vecNodesSize = imaAttribute[S_ptr[0]][0];               // area
236         AutoBuffer<uint> vecNodesb(vecNodesSize);
237         memset(vecNodesb.data(), 0, vecNodesSize * sizeof(uint));
238         uint *vecNodes = vecNodesb.data(); // area
239         uint numNodes = 0;
241         // leaf to root propagation to select the canonized nodes
242         for (int i = imSize - 1; i >= 0; --i)
243         {
244             uint p = S_ptr[i];
245             if (parent_ptr[p] == p || ima_ptr[p] != ima_ptr[parent_ptr[p]])
246             {
247                 vecNodes[numNodes++] = p;
248                 if (imaAttribute[p][0] >= minArea) // area
249                     numSons[parent_ptr[p]]++;
250             }
251         }
253         AutoBuffer<bool> isSeenb(imSize);
254         memset(isSeenb.data(), 0, imSize * sizeof(bool));
255         bool *isSeen = isSeenb.data();
257         // parent of critical leaf node
258         AutoBuffer<bool> isParentofLeafb(imSize);
259         memset(isParentofLeafb.data(), 0, imSize * sizeof(bool));
260         bool* isParentofLeaf = isParentofLeafb.data();
262         for (uint i = 0; i < vecNodesSize; i++)
263         {
264             uint p = vecNodes[i];
265             if (numSons[p] == 0 && numSons[parent_ptr[p]] == 1)
266                 isParentofLeaf[parent_ptr[p]] = true;
267         }
269         uint numTbmrs = 0;
270         AutoBuffer<uint> vecTbmrsb(numNodes);
271         uint* vecTbmrs = vecTbmrsb.data();
272         for (uint i = 0; i < vecNodesSize; i++)
273         {
274             uint p = vecNodes[i];
275             if (numSons[p] == 1 && !isSeen[p] && imaAttribute[p][0] <= maxArea)
276             {
277                 uint num_ancestors = 0;
278                 uint pt = p;
279                 uint po = pt;
280                 while (numSons[pt] == 1 && imaAttribute[pt][0] <= maxArea)
281                 {
282                     isSeen[pt] = true;
283                     num_ancestors++;
284                     po = pt;
285                     pt = parent_ptr[pt];
286                 }
287                 if (!isParentofLeaf[p] || num_ancestors > 1)
288                 {
289                     vecTbmrs[numTbmrs++] = po;
290                 }
291             }
292         }
293         // end of TBMRs extraction
294         //------------------------------------------------------------------------
296         // compute best fitting ellipses
297         //------------------------------------------------------------------------
298         for (uint i = 0; i < numTbmrs; i++)
299         {
300             uint p = vecTbmrs[i];
301             double area = static_cast<double>(imaAttribute[p][0]);
302             double sum_x = static_cast<double>(imaAttribute[p][1]);
303             double sum_y = static_cast<double>(imaAttribute[p][2]);
304             double sum_xy = static_cast<double>(imaAttribute[p][3]);
305             double sum_xx = static_cast<double>(imaAttribute[p][4]);
306             double sum_yy = static_cast<double>(imaAttribute[p][5]);
308             // Barycenter:
309             double x = sum_x / area;
310             double y = sum_y / area;
312             double i20 = sum_xx - area * x * x;
313             double i02 = sum_yy - area * y * y;
314             double i11 = sum_xy - area * x * y;
315             double n = i20 * i02 - i11 * i11;
316             if (n != 0)
317             {
318                 double a = (i02 / n) * (area - 1) / 4;
319                 double b = (-i11 / n) * (area - 1) / 4;
320                 double c = (i20 / n) * (area - 1) / 4;
322                 // filter out some non meaningful ellipses
323                 double a1 = a;
324                 double b1 = b;
325                 double c1 = c;
326                 uint ai = 0;
327                 uint bi = 0;
328                 uint ci = 0;
329                 if (a > 0)
330                 {
331                     if (a < 0.00005)
332                         a1 = 0;
333                     else if (a < 0.0001)
334                     {
335                         a1 = 0.0001;
336                     }
337                     else
338                     {
339                         ai = (uint)(10000 * a);
340                         a1 = (double)ai / 10000;
341                     }
342                 }
343                 else
344                 {
345                     if (a > -0.00005)
346                         a1 = 0;
347                     else if (a > -0.0001)
348                         a1 = -0.0001;
349                     else
350                     {
351                         ai = (uint)(10000 * (-a));
352                         a1 = -(double)ai / 10000;
353                     }
354                 }
356                 if (b > 0)
357                 {
358                     if (b < 0.00005)
359                         b1 = 0;
360                     else if (b < 0.0001)
361                     {
362                         b1 = 0.0001;
363                     }
364                     else
365                     {
366                         bi = (uint)(10000 * b);
367                         b1 = (double)bi / 10000;
368                     }
369                 }
370                 else
371                 {
372                     if (b > -0.00005)
373                         b1 = 0;
374                     else if (b > -0.0001)
375                         b1 = -0.0001;
376                     else
377                     {
378                         bi = (uint)(10000 * (-b));
379                         b1 = -(double)bi / 10000;
380                     }
381                 }
383                 if (c > 0)
384                 {
385                     if (c < 0.00005)
386                         c1 = 0;
387                     else if (c < 0.0001)
388                     {
389                         c1 = 0.0001;
390                     }
391                     else
392                     {
393                         ci = (uint)(10000 * c);
394                         c1 = (double)ci / 10000;
395                     }
396                 }
397                 else
398                 {
399                     if (c > -0.00005)
400                         c1 = 0;
401                     else if (c > -0.0001)
402                         c1 = -0.0001;
403                     else
404                     {
405                         ci = (uint)(10000 * (-c));
406                         c1 = -(double)ci / 10000;
407                     }
408                 }
409                 double v =
410                     (a1 + c1 -
411                      std::sqrt(a1 * a1 + c1 * c1 + 4 * b1 * b1 - 2 * a1 * c1)) /
412                     2;
414                 double l1 = 1. / std::sqrt((a + c +
415                                             std::sqrt(a * a + c * c +
416                                                       4 * b * b - 2 * a * c)) /
417                                            2);
418                 double l2 = 1. / std::sqrt((a + c -
419                                             std::sqrt(a * a + c * c +
420                                                       4 * b * b - 2 * a * c)) /
421                                            2);
422                 double minAxL = std::min(l1, l2);
423                 double majAxL = std::max(l1, l2);
425                 if (minAxL >= 1.5 && v != 0 &&
426                     (mask.empty() ||
427                      mask.at<uchar>(cvRound(y), cvRound(x)) != 0))
428                 {
429                     double theta = 0;
430                     if (b == 0)
431                         if (a < c)
432                             theta = 0;
433                         else
434                             theta = CV_PI / 2.;
435                     else
436                         theta = CV_PI / 2. + 0.5 * std::atan2(2 * b, (a - c));
438                     float size = (float)majAxL;
440                     // not sure if we should scale or not scale x,y,axes,size
441                     // (as scale is stored in si)
442                     Elliptic_KeyPoint ekp(
443                         Point2f((float)x, (float)y) * scale, (float)theta,
444                         cv::Size2f((float)majAxL, (float)minAxL) * scale,
445                         size * scale, scale);
446                     ekp.octave = octave;
447                     tbmrs.push_back(ekp);
448                 }
449             }
450         }
451         //---------------------------------------------
452     }
454     Mat tempsrc;
456     // component tree representation (parent,S): see
457     // https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6850018
458     Mat parent;
459     Mat S;
460     // moments: compound type of: (area, x, y, xy, xx, yy)
461     Mat imaAttributes;
463     Params params;
464 };
detect(InputArray _image,std::vector<KeyPoint> & keypoints,InputArray _mask)466 void TBMR_Impl::detect(InputArray _image, std::vector<KeyPoint> &keypoints,
467                        InputArray _mask)
468 {
469     std::vector<Elliptic_KeyPoint> kp;
470     detect(_image, kp, _mask);
471     keypoints.resize(kp.size());
472     for (size_t i = 0; i < kp.size(); ++i)
473         keypoints[i] = kp[i];
474 }
detect(InputArray _image,std::vector<Elliptic_KeyPoint> & keypoints,InputArray _mask)476 void TBMR_Impl::detect(InputArray _image,
477                        std::vector<Elliptic_KeyPoint> &keypoints,
478                        InputArray _mask)
479 {
480     Mat mask = _mask.getMat();
481     Mat src = _image.getMat();
483     keypoints.clear();
485     if (src.empty())
486         return;
488     if (!mask.empty())
489     {
490         CV_Assert(mask.type() == CV_8UC1);
491         CV_Assert(mask.size == src.size);
492     }
494     if (!src.isContinuous())
495     {
496         src.copyTo(tempsrc);
497         src = tempsrc;
498     }
500     CV_Assert(src.depth() == CV_8U);
502     if (src.channels() != 1)
503         cv::cvtColor(src, src, cv::COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
505     int m_cur_n_scales =
506         params.n_scale > 0
507             ? params.n_scale
508             : 1 /*todo calculate optimal scale factor from image size*/;
509     float m_scale_factor = params.scale;
511     // track and eliminate duplicates introduced with multi scale position ->
512     // (size)
513     Mat dupl(src.rows / 4, src.cols / 4, CV_32F, cv::Scalar::all(0));
514     float *dupl_ptr = dupl.ptr<float>();
516     std::vector<Mat> pyr;
517     MSDImagePyramid scaleSpacer(src, m_cur_n_scales, m_scale_factor);
518     pyr = scaleSpacer.getImPyr();
520     int oct = 0;
521     for (auto &s : pyr)
522     {
523         float scale = ((float)s.cols) / pyr.begin()->cols;
524         std::vector<Elliptic_KeyPoint> kpts;
526         // append max tree tbmrs
527         sortIdx(s.reshape(1, 1), S,
528                 SortFlags::SORT_ASCENDING | SortFlags::SORT_EVERY_ROW);
529         calculateTBMRs(s, kpts, mask, scale, oct);
531         // reverse instead of sort
532         flip(S, S, -1);
533         calculateTBMRs(s, kpts, mask, scale, oct);
535         if (oct == 0)
536         {
537             for (const auto &k : kpts)
538             {
539                 dupl_ptr[(int)(k.pt.x / 4) +
540                          (int)(k.pt.y / 4) * (src.cols / 4)] = k.size;
541             }
542             keypoints.insert(keypoints.end(), kpts.begin(), kpts.end());
543         }
544         else
545         {
546             for (const auto &k : kpts)
547             {
548                 float &sz = dupl_ptr[(int)(k.pt.x / 4) +
549                                      (int)(k.pt.y / 4) * (src.cols / 4)];
550                 // we hereby add only features that are at least 4 pixels away
551                 // or have a significantly different size
552                 if (std::abs(k.size - sz) / std::max(k.size, sz) >= 0.2f)
553                 {
554                     sz = k.size;
555                     keypoints.push_back(k);
556                 }
557             }
558         }
560         oct++;
561     }
562 }
detectAndCompute(InputArray image,InputArray mask,CV_OUT std::vector<Elliptic_KeyPoint> & keypoints,OutputArray descriptors,bool useProvidedKeypoints)564 void TBMR_Impl::detectAndCompute(
565     InputArray image, InputArray mask,
566     CV_OUT std::vector<Elliptic_KeyPoint> &keypoints, OutputArray descriptors,
567     bool useProvidedKeypoints)
568 {
569     // We can use SIFT to compute descriptors for the extracted keypoints...
570     auto sift = SIFT::create();
571     auto dac = AffineFeature2D::create(this, sift);
572     dac->detectAndCompute(image, mask, keypoints, descriptors,
573                           useProvidedKeypoints);
574 }
create(int _min_area,float _max_area_relative,float _scale,int _n_scale)576 Ptr<TBMR> TBMR::create(int _min_area, float _max_area_relative, float _scale,
577                        int _n_scale)
578 {
579     return cv::makePtr<TBMR_Impl>(
580         TBMR_Impl::Params(_min_area, _max_area_relative, _scale, _n_scale));
581 }
583 } // namespace xfeatures2d
584 } // namespace cv