4	This class is used to contain values for meal planning.  Different views and
5	styles can be set through this class.  Most of the data handling and parsing should
6	be included in this class, including loading and saving
8class MealPlan {
9	var $daysAbbr = array();
10	var $daysFull = array();
11	var $monthsAbbr = array();
12	var $monthsFull = array();
13	// Date that we are currently looking at
14	var $currentDate = NULL;
15	var $currentDay = NULL;
16	var $currentMonth = NULL;
17	var $currentYear = NULL;
18	// The real date
19	var $realDate = NULL;
20	var $realDay = NULL;
21	var $realMonth = NULL;
22	var $realYear = NULL;
23	// Save the meal plan info in memory
24	var $mealplanItems = array();
25	var $mealList = array(); // names and ids of the meals
26	// The Start Day of the week
27	var $startWeekDay = NULL;
29	/**
30		Initializes some default values (With translation)
31	*/
32	function MealPlan($date) {
33		global $LangUI, $DB_LINK, $db_table_settings;
35		// Get the Start Day
36		$sql = "SELECT setting_mp_day FROM $db_table_settings";
37		$result = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
38		DBUtils::checkResult($result, NULL, NULL, $sql); // Error check
39		$this->startWeekDay = $result->fields['setting_mp_day'];
41		/* Initialize the months and days */
42		$this->daysAbbr = array(
43					      $LangUI->_('Sun'),
44						  $LangUI->_('Mon'),
45						  $LangUI->_('Tue'),
46						  $LangUI->_('Wed'),
47						  $LangUI->_('Thu'),
48						  $LangUI->_('Fri'),
49						  $LangUI->_('Sat')
50					);
51		$this->daysFull = array(
52						  $LangUI->_('Sunday'),
53						  $LangUI->_('Monday'),
54						  $LangUI->_('Tuesday'),
55						  $LangUI->_('Wednesday'),
56						  $LangUI->_('Thursday'),
57						  $LangUI->_('Friday'),
58						  $LangUI->_('Saturday')
59					);
60		$this->monthsAbbr = array($LangUI->_('Jan'),
61								  $LangUI->_('Feb'),
62								  $LangUI->_('Mar'),
63								  $LangUI->_('Apr'),
64								  $LangUI->_('May'),
65								  $LangUI->_('Jun'),
66								  $LangUI->_('Jul'),
67								  $LangUI->_('Aug'),
68								  $LangUI->_('Sep'),
69								  $LangUI->_('Oct'),
70								  $LangUI->_('Nov'),
71								  $LangUI->_('Dec')
72							);
73		$this->monthsFull = array($LangUI->_('January'),
74								  $LangUI->_('February'),
75								  $LangUI->_('March'),
76								  $LangUI->_('April'),
77								  $LangUI->_('May'),
78								  $LangUI->_('June'),
79								  $LangUI->_('July'),
80								  $LangUI->_('August'),
81								  $LangUI->_('September'),
82								  $LangUI->_('October'),
83								  $LangUI->_('November'),
84								  $LangUI->_('December')
85							);
86		$this->initDate($date); // initalize the date variables
87	}
89	/**
90		Initalizes the current date settings for use later on
91	*/
92	function initDate($date) {
93		$this->currentDate = $date;
94		list($this->currentMonth,$this->currentDay,$this->currentYear) = split("-",$date);
95		// Now set the real date
96		$date = date('m-d-Y');
97		$this->realDate = $date;
98		list($this->realMonth,$this->realDay,$this->realYear) = split("-",$date);
99	}
101	/**
102		Loads the meal specified meal plan into memory
103		@param $start The date to start at
104		@param $end The date to end with
105		@return true, if sucessful, false if not (the results are set in a class var)
106	*/
107	function load($start,$end) {
108		global $SMObj, $DB_LINK, $db_table_mealplans, $db_table_recipes;
109		$sql = "SELECT mplan_date,mplan_meal,mplan_servings,mplan_recipe,recipe_name FROM recipe_mealplans
110				LEFT JOIN $db_table_recipes ON recipe_id = mplan_recipe
111				WHERE mplan_owner = '" . $SMObj->getUserLoginID() . "' AND mplan_date BETWEEN '".$DB_LINK->addq($start, get_magic_quotes_gpc())."' AND '".$DB_LINK->addq($end, get_magic_quotes_gpc())."'";
112		$mplan = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
113		// Error check
114		DBUtils::checkResult($mplan, NULL, NULL, $sql);
115		//echo $sql;
116		while (!$mplan->EOF) {
117			$this->mealplanItems[($mplan->fields['mplan_date'])][] = array(
118									'meal' => $mplan->fields['mplan_meal'],
119									'name' => $mplan->fields['recipe_name'],
120									'id' => $mplan->fields['mplan_recipe'],
121									'servings' => $mplan->fields['mplan_servings']);
122			$mplan->MoveNext();
123		}
124	}
126	/**
127		Deletes all of the meal planner items for the currently set date, this is mainly used so
128		that a fresh set of items can be set
129		@param $date the date to delete from (in ISO format)
130	*/
131	function delete($date) {
132		global $DB_LINK, $db_table_mealplans;
133		$sql = "DELETE FROM $db_table_mealplans WHERE mplan_date='".$DB_LINK->addq($date, get_magic_quotes_gpc())."'";
134		$rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
135		DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, NULL, $sql);// Error check
136	}
138	/**
139		Adds a meal plan item into the database
140		@param $date The ISO date to save it under
141		@param $meal The id of the meal (breakfast, lunch...)
142		@param $recipe The id of the recipe
143		@param $servings The serving size
144		@param $owner The owner of this item
145	*/
146	function insert($date, $meal, $recipe, $servings, $owner) {
147		global $DB_LINK, $db_table_mealplans, $LangUI;
149        $date = $DB_LINK->addq($date, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
150        $meal = $DB_LINK->addq($meal, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
151        $recipe = $DB_LINK->addq($recipe, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
152        $servings = $DB_LINK->addq($servings, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
153        $owner = $DB_LINK->addq($owner, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
155		$sql = "INSERT INTO $db_table_mealplans (mplan_date, mplan_meal, mplan_recipe, mplan_servings, mplan_owner)
156					VALUES ('$date', $meal, $recipe, $servings, '$owner')";
157		$rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
158		DBUtils::checkResult($rc, NULL, $LangUI->_('Recipe is already added to Meal Plan for date:'.$date), $sql);// Error check
159	}
161	/**
162		Removes all of the meals currently saved for a day so that meals will only be added if they are wanted.  This
163		function can be used in combination with insert(...) in order to remove unwanted recipes
164		@param $date The date to clear in ISO format (use DBUtils)
165	*/
166	function clearDay($date) {
167		global $DB_LINK, $db_table_mealplans;
168        $date = $DB_LINK->addq($date, get_magic_quotes_gpc());
169		$sql = "DELETE FROM $db_table_mealplans WHERE mplan_date='$date'";
170		$rc = $DB_LINK->Execute($sql);
171		DBUtils::checkResult($rc,NULL,NULL,$sql);
172	}
174	/**
175		Gets the meals for a given day and puts it into html and returns it as a string
176		@param $date The date to get (ISO Format)
177		@param $format The format to put it in, maily big=1, small=2
178		@return String with HTML in it
179	*/
180	function getMeals($date, $format) {
181		global $DB_LINK, $db_table_meals;
182		$output = "";
183		// If there is nothing to get, don't bother, just return
184		if (!isset($this->mealplanItems[$date])) return "";
185		// Get the list of all the meal types (breakfast, lunch...)
186		if (count($this->mealList) == 0) {
187			// we have to load the list of meals now
188			$rc = DBUtils::fetchColumn( $db_table_meals, 'meal_name', 'meal_id', 'meal_id' );
189			$this->mealList = DBUtils::createList($rc, 'meal_id', 'meal_name');
190		}
191		// Now that we know there is something to get
192		foreach ($this->mealList as $k=>$v) {
193			$count = 0;
194			$str="";
195			foreach ($this->mealplanItems[$date] as $item) {
196				if ($item['meal'] == $k) {
197					// add this one &#183;
198					if ($format==1) $str .= '<li><a href="index.php?m=recipes&a=view&recipe_id=' . $item['id'] . '">' . $item['name'] . "</a>\n";
199					else if ($format==2) $str .= '<tr><td class="nav" colspan=2 nowrap><a href="index.php?m=recipes&a=view&recipe_id=' . $item['id'] . '">' .
200						'&#183; ' . $item['name'] . "</a></td></tr>\n";
201					$count++;
202				}
203			}
204			if ($count) {
205				if ($format==1) $output .= "$v<ul>" . $str . "</ul>";
206				else if ($format==2) {
207					$output .= '<tr><td colspan=2 class="nav">' . $v . ':</font></td></tr>';
208					$output .= $str;
209				}
211			}
212		}
213		return $output;
214	}
216	/**
217		This function determines how many days are in a given month and year
218		@param $month The month
219		@param $year THe year
220		@return the number of days in the month/year combo
221	*/
222	function daysInMonth($month,$year) {
223		$dim = array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);
224		$value = $dim[$month-1];
225		if ( $month == 2 && $year %4 == 0 && $year % 100 != 0 ) {
226			$value++;
227		}
228		return $value;
229	}
231	/**
232		Creates an array with the days of the week in them. This will account for weeks
233		that wrap to the next month, or carry over from the previous month
234		@param $day The day
235		@param $month The month
236		@param $year the year
237		@return seven element array of arrays (day, month, year)
238	*/
239	function getWeekDaysList($day, $month, $year) {
240		$dayList = array();
241		$count = 1;
242		// Figure out what day of the week this date is on
243		$weekDay = date('w',mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year));
244		// Set the date so that it is the given start of the week (any day)
245		if ($weekDay != $this->startWeekDay) {
246			if ($weekDay < $this->startWeekDay) {
247				$dec = 7 - $this->startWeekDay + $weekDay;
248				list($day, $month, $year) = $this->getPreviousDay($day, $month, $year, $dec);
249			} else if ($weekDay > $this->startWeekDay) {
250				$dec = $weekDay - $this->startWeekDay;
251				list($day, $month, $year) = $this->getPreviousDay($day, $month, $year, $dec);
252			}
253		}
254		// Save the start date
255		$dayList[] = array($day, $month, $year);
256		// Add days to the list until we reach 7 days (one week)
257		while ($count < 7) {
258			list($day, $month, $year) = $this->getNextDay($day, $month, $year, 1);
259			$dayList[] = array($day, $month, $year);
260			$count++;
261		}
262		return $dayList;
263	}
265	/**
266		This function gets the date of a day that is a given
267		number of days in the future.
268		@param $day The day
269		@param $month The month
270		@param $year The year
271		@param $num the number of days to forward
272		@return array of ($day, $month, $year) that is the new date
273	*/
274	function getNextDay($day, $month, $year, $num=1) {
275		$maxdays = $this->daysInMonth($month,$year);
276		while ($num > 0) {
277			if ($day == $maxdays) {
278				// We need to roll over to a new month
279				if ($month < 12) $month++;
280				else {
281					$year++;
282					$month=1;
283				}
284				$day = 1;
285			} else $day++;
286			$num--;
287		}
288		return array($day, $month, $year);
289	}
291	/**
292		This function gets the date of a day that is a given
293		number of days ago.
294		@param $day The day
295		@param $month The month
296		@param $year The year
297		@param $num the number of days to go back
298		@return array of ($day, $month, $year) that is the new date
299	*/
300	function getPreviousDay($day, $month, $year, $num) {
301		// Loop until we have gone $num days backwards
302		while ($num > 0) {
303			if ($day == 1) {
304				// we need to roll back to the previous month
305				if ($month > 1) {
306					$month--;
307				} else {
308					$year--;
309					$month=12;
310				}
311				// Set days to the max days of the new month
312				$day = $this->daysInMonth($month,$year);
313			} else $day--;
314			$num--;
315		}
316		return array($day, $month, $year);
317	}
319	/**
320		Gets the next week (Sunday) for a given date
321	*/
322	function getNextWeek($day, $month, $year) {
323		$weekList = $this->getWeekDaysList($day,$month,$year);
324		$day = $weekList[6][0];
325		$month = $weekList[6][1];
326		$year = $weekList[6][2];
327		return ($this->getNextDay($day,$month,$year,1));
328	}
330	/**
331		Gets the previous week (Sunday) for a given date
332	*/
333	function getPreviousWeek($day, $month, $year) {
334		$weekList = $this->getWeekDaysList($day,$month,$year);
335		$day = $weekList[0][0];
336		$month = $weekList[0][1];
337		$year = $weekList[0][2];
338		return ($this->getPreviousDay($day,$month,$year,7));
339	}
341	/**
342		Gets the next month
343	*/
344	function getNextMonth($day, $month, $year) {
345		if ($month < 12) $month++;
346		else {
347			$month=1;
348			$year++;
349		}
350		return array($day, $month, $year);
351	}
353	/**
354		Gets the previous month
355	*/
356	function getPreviousMonth($day, $month, $year) {
357		if ($month > 1) $month--;
358		else {
359			$month=12;
360			$year--;
361		}
362		return array($day, $month, $year);
363	}