1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1996-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */
18 /**
19       \file rte.c
21         This file contains functions that handle Fortran descriptors including
22         array descriptors and type descriptors.
23 */
25 #include "gbldefs.h"
26 #include "global.h"
27 #include "error.h"
28 #include "symtab.h"
29 #include "symutl.h"
30 #include "dtypeutl.h"
31 #include "machar.h"
32 #include "ast.h"
33 #include "semant.h"
35 #include <stdio.h>
37 #undef RTE_C
38 #define RTE_C
39 #include "rte.h"
41 static int get_per_dim_member(int, int, int);
42 static int get_header_member(int sdsc, int info);
43 static int divmod(LOGICAL bIsDiv, int astNum, int astDen, int astRecip,
44                   int astShift, int std);
45 static char* mangleUnderscores(char* str);
46 static int lenWithUnderscores(char* str);
48 static int rte_sc = SC_LOCAL;
49 static int rte_class = 0;
50 static int rte_rank = 0;
51 static int rte_preserve_desc = 0;
52 static int rte_final_desc = 0;
54 void
set_descriptor_class(int class)55 set_descriptor_class(int class)
56 {
57   /* We set rte_class when we want to create a type descriptor in
58    * sym_get_sdescr().
59    */
60   rte_class = class;
61 }
63 void
set_descriptor_rank(int r)64 set_descriptor_rank(int r)
65 {
66   /* We set rte_rank when we want to create a descriptor for a pointer or
67    * allocatable with room for its dynamic type. Used in sym_get_sdescr().
68    */
69   rte_rank = r;
70 }
72 void
set_preserve_descriptor(int d)73 set_preserve_descriptor(int d)
74 {
75   /* We set rte_preserve_desc when we do not want to override an
76    * existing descriptor for a particular symbol in sym_get_sdescr().
77    * This typically occurs with descriptors associated with polymorphic
78    * objects.
79    */
80   rte_preserve_desc = d;
81 }
83 void
set_final_descriptor(int d)84 set_final_descriptor(int d)
85 {
86   /* We set this when we want to general a final procedure descriptor */
87   rte_final_desc = d;
88 }
90 void
set_descriptor_sc(int sc)91 set_descriptor_sc(int sc)
92 {
93   rte_sc = sc;
94   set_symutl_sc(sc);
95 }
97 int
get_descriptor_sc(void)98 get_descriptor_sc(void)
99 {
100   return rte_sc;
101 }
103 /* \brief Returns a length of a string in which we add 1 to length for each
104  * underscore in the string.
105  *
106  * This function is used in sym_get_sdescr() to mangle a type descriptor
107  * name. See also mangleUnderscores() below.
108  *
109  * \param str is the string we're processing.
110  *
111  * \returns length of str plus number of underscores.
112  */
113 static int
lenWithUnderscores(char * str)114 lenWithUnderscores(char* str)
115 {
116   int len;
118   if (str == NULL)
119     return 0;
121   for(len=0; *str != '\0'; ++len, ++str) {
122     if (*str == '_') {
123       ++len;
124     }
125   }
126   return len;
127 }
129 /* \brief If a string has underscores, then we append an equal number of $
130  * to the string.
131  *
132  * This function is called by sym_get_sdescr(). It is used in the
133  * construction of type descriptor and final descriptor symbol names.
134  *
135  * Internally, $ is used as part of a suffix to a symbol name. Distinguishing
136  * between the prefix and suffix is required later, so we need to use $ and
137  * not underscores here. The $ are changed to underscores just before the
138  * symbol is written out in the backend.
139  *
140  * Appending extra $ prevents name conflicts between type descriptor
141  * objects that have an underscore in their type name, host module name,
142  * and/or subprogram name.
143  *
144  * \param str is the string we are processing.
145  *
146  * \returns str if NULL or if no underscores are present. Otherwise, returns a
147  * mangled name.
148  */
149 static char*
mangleUnderscores(char * str)150 mangleUnderscores(char* str)
151 {
152   char * newStr;
153   int i, len, lenscores;
155   if (str == NULL || strchr(str, '_') == 0)
156     return str;
158   lenscores = lenWithUnderscores(str);
159   newStr = getitem(0, lenscores+1);
160   len = strlen(str);
161   strcpy(newStr, str);
162   for(i=len; i < lenscores; ++i) {
163     newStr[i] = '$';
164   }
165   newStr[i] = '\0';
166   return newStr;
167 }
169 /* \brief Generate an array section descriptor, type descriptor, or final
170  * descriptor.
171  *
172  * \param sptr is the symbol table pointer receiving the descriptor
173  *
174  * \param is the rank for an array section descriptor.
175  *
176  * \returns the descriptor symbol table pointer.
177  */
178 int
sym_get_sdescr(int sptr,int rank)179 sym_get_sdescr(int sptr, int rank)
180 {
181   int dtype;
182   int ub;
183   int sdsc, sdsc_mem;
184   LOGICAL addit = FALSE;
186   if (SDSCG(sptr) > NOSYM && rte_preserve_desc) {
187     /* We must preserve descriptors associated with polymorphic objects */
188     return SDSCG(sptr);
189   }
190   if (rank < 0) {
191     dtype = DTYPEG(sptr);
192     if (DTY(dtype) != TY_ARRAY) {
193       rank = 0;
194     } else {
195       rank = ADD_NUMDIM(dtype);
196       if (STYPEG(sptr) == ST_MEMBER &&
197           (ALIGNG(sptr) || DISTG(sptr) || POINTERG(sptr) || ADD_DEFER(dtype) ||
198            ADD_ADJARR(dtype) || ADD_NOBOUNDS(dtype))) {
199         /* section descriptor must be added to derived type */
200         addit = TRUE;
201       }
202     }
203   }
204   if ((CLASSG(sptr) || FINALIZEDG(sptr) /*|| ALLOCDESCG(sptr)*/) &&
205       STYPEG(sptr) == ST_MEMBER && rte_rank) {
206     addit = TRUE;
207   }
208   if (rank || rte_rank) {
209     ub = DESC_HDR_LEN + rank * DESC_DIM_LEN;
210   } else if (rank == 0 &&
211              (DTY(DTYPEG(sptr)) == TY_CHAR || DTY(DTYPEG(sptr)) == TY_NCHAR)) {
212     /* Do we really need 18 of them or just F90_Desc? */
213     ub = DESC_HDR_LEN + 1 * DESC_DIM_LEN;
214     if (STYPEG(sptr) == ST_MEMBER)
215       addit = TRUE;
216   } else if (DTY(DTYPEG(sptr)) == TY_PTR || IS_PROC_DUMMYG(sptr)) {
217     /* special descriptor for procedure pointer */
218     ub = DESC_HDR_LEN;
219     if (STYPEG(sptr) == ST_MEMBER)
220       addit = TRUE;
221   } else {
222     ub = 1;
223   }
225   dtype = get_array_dtype(1, astb.bnd.dtype);
226   ADD_LWBD(dtype, 0) = 0;
227   ADD_LWAST(dtype, 0) = astb.bnd.one;
228   ADD_NUMELM(dtype) = ADD_UPBD(dtype, 0) = ADD_UPAST(dtype, 0) =
229       mk_isz_cval(ub, astb.bnd.dtype);
230   if (rte_class) {
231     /* create type descriptor */
232     int tag;
233     int sc;
235     assert(DTY(DTYPEG(sptr)) == TY_DERIVED,
236            "sym_get_sdescr: making type descriptor for non-derived type", sptr,
237            3);
238     tag = DTY(DTYPEG(sptr) + 3);
240     if (SDSCG(tag) && !rte_final_desc) {
241       sdsc = SDSCG(tag);
242       sc = SCG(sdsc);
243     } else {
244       char *desc_sym;
245       int len = lenWithUnderscores(SYMNAME(gbl.currmod)) +
246                 lenWithUnderscores(SYMNAME(SCOPEG(tag))) +
247                 lenWithUnderscores(SYMNAME(SCOPEG(gbl.currsub))) +
248                 lenWithUnderscores(SYMNAME(tag)) + 3 /* 3 for "$$\0" */;
249       desc_sym = getitem(0, len);
250       if (strcmp(SYMNAME(gbl.currmod), SYMNAME(SCOPEG(tag))) == 0) {
251         sprintf(desc_sym, "%s$%s",mangleUnderscores(SYMNAME(gbl.currmod)),
252                 mangleUnderscores(SYMNAME(tag)));
253         sc = SC_EXTERN;
254       } else {
255         if (gbl.currmod) {
256           sprintf(desc_sym, "%s$%s$%s", mangleUnderscores(SYMNAME(gbl.currmod)),
257                   mangleUnderscores(SYMNAME(SCOPEG(tag))),
258                   mangleUnderscores(SYMNAME(tag)));
259           sc = SC_EXTERN;
260         } else if (gbl.currsub) {
261           sprintf(desc_sym, "%s$%s", mangleUnderscores(SYMNAME(gbl.currsub)),
262                   mangleUnderscores(SYMNAME(tag)));
263           sc = SC_STATIC;
264         } else {
265           sprintf(desc_sym, "%s$%s", mangleUnderscores(SYMNAME(SCOPEG(tag))),
266                   mangleUnderscores(SYMNAME(tag)));
267           sc = SC_STATIC;
268         }
269       }
270       if (rte_final_desc) {
271         /* create a special "final" descriptor used to store
272          * final procedures of a type.
273          */
274         assert((strlen(desc_sym)+7) <= (MAXIDLEN+1),
275                "sym_get_sdescr: final desc name buffer overflow", MAXIDLEN, 4);
276         sdsc = getsymf("%s$td$ft", desc_sym);
277         HCCSYMP(sdsc, 1);
278         HIDDENP(sdsc, 1); /* can't see this, if in the parser */
279         SCOPEP(sdsc, stb.curr_scope);
280         if (gbl.internal > 1)
281           INTERNALP(sdsc, 1);
282         FINALP(sdsc, 1);
283         PARENTP(sdsc, DTYPEG(sptr));
284       } else {
285         assert((strlen(desc_sym)+3) <= (MAXIDLEN+1),
286                "sym_get_sdescr: type desc name buffer overflow", MAXIDLEN, 4);
287         sdsc = get_next_sym(desc_sym, "td");
288         SDSCP(tag, sdsc);
289         if (get_struct_initialization_tree(DTYPEG(sptr))) {
290           /* Ensure existence of template object if there's initializers. */
291           (void) get_dtype_init_template(DTYPEG(sptr));
292         }
293       }
294     }
296     CLASSP(sdsc, 1);
298     UNLPOLYP(sdsc, UNLPOLYG(tag));
299     DTYPEP(sdsc, dtype);
300     STYPEP(sdsc, ST_DESCRIPTOR);
301     DCLDP(sdsc, 1);
303     SCP(sdsc, sc);
305     NODESCP(sdsc, 1);
306     DESCARRAYP(sdsc, 1); /* used in detect.c */
307     if (INTERNALG(sptr))
308       INTERNALP(sdsc, 1);
309     return sdsc;
310   }
311   sdsc_mem = 0;
312   if (rte_rank && SDSCG(sptr)) {
313     /* This occurs when we're passing in a non-polymorphic alloc/ptr object
314      * to a polymorphic dummy argument. We want to preserve the descriptor
315      * of the actual since it may contain associate, etc. info but we also
316      * need to enlarge it to store its type in it. See the call to
317      * get_static_descriptor() in check_alloc_ptr_type().
318      */
319     sdsc = SDSCG(sptr);
320   } else {
321     if (addit && !rte_rank) {
322       sdsc = get_next_sym_dt(SYMNAME(sptr), "sd", ENCLDTYPEG(sptr));
323     } else {
324       sdsc = get_next_sym(SYMNAME(sptr), "sd");
325     }
326   }
327   if (addit && rte_rank) {
328     /* Create a type descriptor that will be added to derived type */
329     sdsc_mem = get_next_sym_dt(SYMNAME(sptr), "td", ENCLDTYPEG(sptr));
330     DTYPEP(sdsc_mem, dtype);
331     STYPEP(sdsc_mem, ST_DESCRIPTOR);
332     DCLDP(sdsc_mem, 1);
333     SCP(sdsc_mem, rte_sc);
334     NODESCP(sdsc_mem, 1);
335     DESCARRAYP(sdsc_mem, 1); /* used in detect.c */
336     CLASSP(sdsc_mem, 1);
337     if (INTERNALG(sptr))
338       INTERNALP(sdsc_mem, 1);
339     if (rte_sc == SC_PRIVATE && ALLOCATTRG(sptr) && MIDNUMG(sptr) &&
340         !SDSCG(sptr)) {
341       if (SCG(MIDNUMG(sptr)) != SC_PRIVATE) {
342         SCP(sdsc_mem, SC_LOCAL);
343       }
344     }
345   }
346   DTYPEP(sdsc, dtype);
348   DCLDP(sdsc, 1);
349   SCP(sdsc, rte_sc);
350   NODESCP(sdsc, 1);
351   DESCARRAYP(sdsc, 1); /* used in detect.c */
352   if (DTY(DTYPEG(sptr)) == TY_PTR || IS_PROC_DUMMYG(sptr)) {
353     IS_PROC_DESCRP(sdsc, 1);
354   }
355   if (INTERNALG(sptr))
356     INTERNALP(sdsc, 1);
357   if (rte_sc == SC_PRIVATE && ALLOCATTRG(sptr) && MIDNUMG(sptr) &&
358       !SDSCG(sptr)) {
359     if (SCG(MIDNUMG(sptr)) != SC_PRIVATE) {
360       SCP(sdsc, SC_LOCAL);
361     }
362   }
363 #ifdef DEVICEG
364   if (CUDAG(gbl.currsub) & (CUDA_DEVICE | CUDA_GLOBAL)) {
365     /* copy the device bit to the descriptor */
366     if (DEVICEG(sptr))
367       DEVICEP(sdsc, 1);
368   }
369 #endif
371   if (sdsc_mem || addit) {
372     /* Need to add type or static descriptor to data type after sptr */
373     int dtype = ENCLDTYPEG(sptr);
374     assert(STYPEG(sptr) == ST_MEMBER, "sym_get_sdescr: sptr must be member",
375            sptr, 3);
376     assert(dtype && DTY(dtype) == TY_DERIVED,
377            "sym_get_sdescr: sptr is member without enclosing dtype", sptr, 3);
378     if (dtype && DTY(dtype) == TY_DERIVED) {
379       int mem;
380       for (mem = DTY(dtype + 1); mem > NOSYM; mem = SYMLKG(mem)) {
381         if (mem == sptr) {
382           /* add descriptor to the datatype just after 'sptr' */
383           int next = SYMLKG(sptr);
384           int new_mem = sdsc_mem ? sdsc_mem : sdsc;
385           STYPEP(new_mem, ST_MEMBER);
386           ENCLDTYPEP(new_mem, dtype);
387           SYMLKP(new_mem, SYMLKG(sptr));
388           if (SYMLKG(sptr) > NOSYM)
389             VARIANTP(SYMLKG(sptr), sdsc_mem); /* previous link */
390           SYMLKP(sptr, new_mem);
391           VARIANTP(new_mem, sptr);
392           SCP(new_mem, SC_NONE);
393           break;
394         }
395       }
396       assert(mem == sptr,
397              "sym_get_sdescr: sptr not member of its enclosing derived type",
398              sptr, 3);
399     }
400   }
401   return sdsc;
402 } /* sym_get_sdescr */
404 int
sym_get_place_holder(char * basename,int dtype)405 sym_get_place_holder(char *basename, int dtype)
406 {
407   int sptr;
409   sptr = sym_get_scalar(basename, "pholder", dtype);
410   return sptr;
411 }
413 void
get_static_descriptor(int sptr)414 get_static_descriptor(int sptr)
415 {
416   int sdsc;
418   sdsc = sym_get_sdescr(sptr, -1);
419   SDSCP(sptr, sdsc);
421   if (!is_procedure_ptr(sptr) && !IS_PROC_DUMMYG(sptr)) {
422     NOMDCOMP(sdsc, 1);
423     LNRZDP(sptr, 1);
424   }
425 }
427 /*   sptr		   - base array
428  *   MIDNUMG(sptr)	   - pointer to base array
429  *   PTROFFG(sptr)	   - offset to base array  (optional)
430  *   SECDSCG(DESCRG(sptr)) - base descriptor (desc)
431  *   [ desc = SECDSCG(DESCRG(sptr)) ]
432  *   MIDNUMG(desc)	   - pointer to descriptor
433  *   PTROFFG(desc)	   - offset to descriptor
434  */
435 void
get_all_descriptors(int sptr)436 get_all_descriptors(int sptr)
437 {
438   int pvar;
439   int ovar;
440   int arrdsc;
441   int desc;
442   int ndim;
443   int dtype, ast;
444   int i;
445   int s;
446   ADSC *ad;
448   /*
449    * All associated variables created for the pointer object cannot appear
450    * in the module common if the object is in the specification part of a
451    * module.	A pointer common block will be created for the object.
452    * If in a module, this common block is created by the module processing
453    * and its member list contains these variables.  For a local object,
454    * the pointer common block is created by astout by just emitting the
455    * appropriate common statement.  To prevent the variables from appearing
456    * in the module common, set their NOMDCOM ('not in module common') flags.
457    */
459   /* create pointer or use one already created if F77OUTPUT */
460   pvar = MIDNUMG(sptr);
461   if (pvar == 0 || pvar == NOSYM || CCSYMG(pvar)) {
462     pvar = sym_get_ptr(sptr);
463     MIDNUMP(sptr, pvar);
464   }
465   NOMDCOMP(pvar, 1);
467   /* create offset */
468   ovar = sym_get_offset(sptr);
469   PTROFFP(sptr, ovar);
470   NOMDCOMP(ovar, 1);
472   ndim = rank_of_sym(sptr);
474   if (STYPEG(sptr) == ST_MEMBER && SYMLKG(sptr) != pvar) {
475     int dtype;
476     dtype = ENCLDTYPEG(sptr);
477     if (dtype) {
478       int mem;
479       for (mem = DTY(dtype + 1); mem > NOSYM && mem != sptr; mem = SYMLKG(mem))
480         ;
481       if (mem == sptr) {
482         /* add 'pointer' to the derived type just after 'sptr' */
483         int next = SYMLKG(sptr);
484         SYMLKP(sptr, pvar);
485         STYPEP(pvar, ST_MEMBER);
486         ENCLDTYPEP(pvar, dtype);
487         SYMLKP(pvar, next);
488         VARIANTP(pvar, sptr);
489         SCP(pvar, SC_NONE);
490         if (next > NOSYM)
491           VARIANTP(next, pvar);
492         if (DTY(DTYPEG(sptr)) == TY_ARRAY) {
493           /* for arrays, put 'offset' there too */
494           SYMLKP(pvar, ovar);
495           STYPEP(ovar, ST_MEMBER);
496           ENCLDTYPEP(ovar, dtype);
497           SYMLKP(ovar, next);
498           VARIANTP(ovar, pvar);
499           SCP(ovar, SC_NONE);
500           if (next > NOSYM)
501             VARIANTP(next, ovar);
502         }
503       }
504     }
505   }
506   if (DTY(DTYPEG(sptr)) != TY_ARRAY)
507     return;
509   /* create descriptor and pointer */
510   trans_mkdescr(sptr);
511   arrdsc = DESCRG(sptr);
512   assert(SDSCG(sptr), "get_all_descriptors, need static descriptor", sptr, 2);
513   SECDSCP(arrdsc, SDSCG(sptr));
515   if (STYPEG(sptr) == ST_MEMBER) {
516     /* don't change bounds of distributed member arrays unless
517      * allocatable or pointer */
518     if (!POINTERG(sptr) && !ALLOCG(sptr)) {
519       return;
520     }
521   }
523   /*
524    * for the descriptor (whose storage class is SC_BASED), set its
525    * 'not in module common' flag so that the module and interf processing
526    * will ignore this 'based' symbol.  The module processing creates the
527    * pointer common block early, but if pointers aren't allowed in the output,
528    * the descriptor needs to be added to the beginning of the common.  The
529    * descriptor cannot be added to the common by the module processing, since
530    * its storage class is SC_BASED; astout will need to write the necessary
531    * common statement.
532    */
534   /* change the bounds of the array and its descriptor */
535   ad = AD_DPTR(DTYPEG(sptr));
536   DESCUSEDP(sptr, 1);
537   ast_visit(1, 1);
538   for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++) {
539     /* TBD it would be nice to zap the z_b... variables so their decls
540      * do not appear in the output.
541      */
542     int oldast, a;
544     oldast = AD_LWAST(ad, i);
545     AD_LWAST(ad, i) = get_global_lower(SDSCG(sptr), i);
546     if (oldast)
547       ast_replace(oldast, AD_LWAST(ad, i));
549     oldast = AD_UPAST(ad, i);
550     a = get_extent(SDSCG(sptr), i);
551     a = mk_binop(OP_SUB, a, mk_isz_cval(1, astb.bnd.dtype), astb.bnd.dtype);
552     a = mk_binop(OP_ADD, AD_LWAST(ad, i), a, astb.bnd.dtype);
553     AD_UPAST(ad, i) = a;
554     if (oldast)
555       ast_replace(oldast, AD_UPAST(ad, i));
557     oldast = AD_EXTNTAST(ad, i);
558     AD_EXTNTAST(ad, i) = get_extent(SDSCG(sptr), i);
559     if (oldast)
560       ast_replace(oldast, AD_EXTNTAST(ad, i));
562     {
563       AD_LWBD(ad, i) = AD_LWAST(ad, i);
564       AD_UPBD(ad, i) = AD_UPAST(ad, i);
565     }
566   }
567   for (i = 0; i < ndim; ++i) {
568     AD_MLPYR(ad, i) = get_local_multiplier(SDSCG(sptr), i);
569   }
570   AD_NUMELM(ad) = get_desc_gsize(SDSCG(sptr));
571   AD_ZBASE(ad) = get_xbase(SDSCG(sptr));
572   ast = AD_ZBASE(ad);
573   if (ast)
574     AD_ZBASE(ad) = ast_rewrite(ast);
575   ast_unvisit();
576 }
578 int
get_multiplier_index(int dim)579 get_multiplier_index(int dim)
580 {
581   return DESC_HDR_LEN + dim * DESC_DIM_LEN + DESC_DIM_LMULT;
582 }
584 int
get_global_lower_index(int dim)585 get_global_lower_index(int dim)
586 {
587   return DESC_HDR_LEN + dim * DESC_DIM_LEN + DESC_DIM_LOWER;
588 }
590 int
get_global_upper_index(int dim)591 get_global_upper_index(int dim)
592 {
593   return DESC_HDR_LEN + dim * DESC_DIM_LEN + DESC_DIM_UPPER;
594 }
596 int
get_global_extent_index(int dim)597 get_global_extent_index(int dim)
598 {
600 }
602 int
get_section_stride_index(int dim)603 get_section_stride_index(int dim)
604 {
606 }
608 int
get_section_offset_index(int dim)609 get_section_offset_index(int dim)
610 {
612 }
614 int
get_xbase_index(void)615 get_xbase_index(void)
616 {
617   return DESC_HDR_LBASE;
618 }
620 int
get_xbase(int sdsc)621 get_xbase(int sdsc)
622 {
623   return get_header_member(sdsc, DESC_HDR_LBASE);
624 }
626 int
get_gbase(int sdsc)627 get_gbase(int sdsc)
628 {
629   return get_header_member(sdsc, DESC_HDR_GBASE);
630 }
632 int
get_gbase2(int sdsc)633 get_gbase2(int sdsc)
634 {
635   return get_header_member(sdsc, DESC_HDR_GBASE + 1);
636 }
638 int
get_kind(int sdsc)639 get_kind(int sdsc)
640 {
641   return get_header_member(sdsc, DESC_HDR_KIND);
642 }
644 int
get_byte_len(int sdsc)645 get_byte_len(int sdsc)
646 {
647   return get_header_member(sdsc, DESC_HDR_BYTE_LEN);
648 }
650 int
get_byte_len_indx(void)651 get_byte_len_indx(void)
652 {
653   return DESC_HDR_BYTE_LEN;
654 }
656 int
get_local_multiplier(int sdsc,int dim)657 get_local_multiplier(int sdsc, int dim)
658 {
659   return get_per_dim_member(sdsc, dim, DESC_DIM_LMULT);
660 }
662 int
get_global_lower(int sdsc,int dim)663 get_global_lower(int sdsc, int dim)
664 {
665   return get_per_dim_member(sdsc, dim, DESC_DIM_LOWER);
666 }
668 int
get_global_upper(int sdsc,int dim)669 get_global_upper(int sdsc, int dim)
670 {
671   return get_per_dim_member(sdsc, dim, DESC_DIM_UPPER);
672 }
674 int
get_extent(int sdsc,int dim)675 get_extent(int sdsc, int dim)
676 {
677   return get_per_dim_member(sdsc, dim, DESC_DIM_EXTENT);
678 }
680 int
get_section_stride(int sym,int dim)681 get_section_stride(int sym, int dim)
682 {
683   return get_per_dim_member(sym, dim, DESC_DIM_SSTRIDE);
684 }
686 int
get_section_offset(int sym,int dim)687 get_section_offset(int sym, int dim)
688 {
689   return get_per_dim_member(sym, dim, DESC_DIM_SOFFSET);
690 }
692 int
get_local_lower(int sdsc,int dim)693 get_local_lower(int sdsc, int dim)
694 {
695   return get_global_lower(sdsc, dim);
696 }
698 int
get_local_upper(int sdsc,int dim)699 get_local_upper(int sdsc, int dim)
700 {
701   return get_global_upper(sdsc, dim);
702 }
704 int
get_owner_lower(int sdsc,int dim)705 get_owner_lower(int sdsc, int dim)
706 {
707   return get_global_lower(sdsc, dim);
708 }
710 int
get_owner_upper(int sdsc,int dim)711 get_owner_upper(int sdsc, int dim)
712 {
713   return get_global_upper(sdsc, dim);
714 }
716 int
get_heap_block(int sdsc)717 get_heap_block(int sdsc)
718 {
719   return astb.i0;
720 }
722 int
get_desc_rank(int sdsc)723 get_desc_rank(int sdsc)
724 {
725   return get_header_member(sdsc, DESC_HDR_RANK);
726 }
728 int
get_desc_tag(int sdsc)729 get_desc_tag(int sdsc)
730 {
731   return get_header_member(sdsc, DESC_HDR_TAG);
732 }
734 int
get_desc_flags(int sdsc)735 get_desc_flags(int sdsc)
736 {
737   return get_header_member(sdsc, DESC_HDR_FLAGS);
738 }
740 int
get_desc_gsize_index(void)741 get_desc_gsize_index(void)
742 {
743   return DESC_HDR_GSIZE;
744 }
746 int
get_desc_gsize(int sdsc)747 get_desc_gsize(int sdsc)
748 {
749   return get_header_member(sdsc, DESC_HDR_GSIZE);
750 }
752 int
get_desc_lsize(int sdsc)753 get_desc_lsize(int sdsc)
754 {
755   return get_header_member(sdsc, DESC_HDR_LSIZE);
756 }
758 int
get_lsize_index(void)759 get_lsize_index(void)
760 {
761   return DESC_HDR_LSIZE;
762 }
764 int
get_proc_base(int sdsc)765 get_proc_base(int sdsc)
766 {
767   return astb.i0;
768 }
770 int
get_proc_shape(int sdsc,int dim)771 get_proc_shape(int sdsc, int dim)
772 {
773   return astb.i1;
774 }
776 int
get_proc_stride(int sdsc,int dim)777 get_proc_stride(int sdsc, int dim)
778 {
779   return get_section_stride(sdsc, dim);
780 }
782 int
get_block_size(int sdsc,int dim)783 get_block_size(int sdsc, int dim)
784 {
785   return astb.i0;
786 }
788 int
get_neg_ovlp(int sdsc,int dim)789 get_neg_ovlp(int sdsc, int dim)
790 {
791   return astb.i0;
792 }
794 int
get_pos_ovlp(int sdsc,int dim)795 get_pos_ovlp(int sdsc, int dim)
796 {
797   return astb.i0;
798 }
800 int
get_template_offset(int sdsc,int dim)801 get_template_offset(int sdsc, int dim)
802 {
803   return get_section_offset(sdsc, dim);
804 }
806 int
get_descriptor_len(int rank)807 get_descriptor_len(int rank)
808 {
809   return DESC_HDR_LEN + rank * DESC_DIM_LEN;
810 }
812 static int
get_header_member(int sdsc,int info)813 get_header_member(int sdsc, int info)
814 {
815   int ast;
816   int subs[1];
818 #if DEBUG
819   if (!sdsc)
820     interr("get_header_member, blank static descriptor", 0, 3);
821   else if (STYPEG(sdsc) != ST_ARRDSC && STYPEG(sdsc) != ST_DESCRIPTOR &&
822            DTY(DTYPEG(sdsc)) != TY_ARRAY)
823     interr("get_header_member, bad static descriptor", sdsc, 3);
824 #endif
825   subs[0] = mk_isz_cval(info, astb.bnd.dtype);
826   ast = mk_subscr(mk_id(sdsc), subs, 1, astb.bnd.dtype);
827   return ast;
828 }
831 /** \brief Generate an AST for accessing a particular field in a descriptor
832  *         header.
833  *
834  * Note: This is similar to get_header_member() above except it also
835  * operates on descriptors that are embedded in derived type objects.
836  *
837  * \param parent is the ast of the expression with the descriptor that
838  *        we want to access. This is needed if the descriptor is embedded
839  *        in a derived type object.
840  * \param sdsc is the symbol table pointer of the descriptor we want to
841  *        access.
842  * \param info is the field we want to access in the descriptor.
843  *
844  * \return an ast expression of the descriptor access.
845  */
846 int
get_header_member_with_parent(int parent,int sdsc,int info)847 get_header_member_with_parent(int parent, int sdsc, int info)
848 {
849   int ast;
850   int subs[1];
852 #if DEBUG
853   if (!sdsc)
854     interr("get_header_member, blank static descriptor", 0, 3);
855   else if (STYPEG(sdsc) != ST_ARRDSC && STYPEG(sdsc) != ST_DESCRIPTOR &&
856            DTY(DTYPEG(sdsc)) != TY_ARRAY)
857     interr("get_header_member, bad static descriptor", sdsc, 3);
858 #endif
859   subs[0] = mk_isz_cval(info, astb.bnd.dtype);
860   ast = mk_subscr(check_member(parent, mk_id(sdsc)), subs, 1, astb.bnd.dtype);
861   return ast;
862 }
865 static int
get_array_rank(int sdsc)866 get_array_rank(int sdsc)
867 {
868   int rank = 0;
870   if (STYPEG(sdsc) == ST_ARRDSC) {
871     rank = rank_of_sym(ARRAYG(sdsc));
872   } else if (STYPEG(sdsc) == ST_DESCRIPTOR || STYPEG(sdsc) == ST_MEMBER) {
873     int dtype = DTYPEG(sdsc);
874     int ubast = AD_UPAST(AD_DPTR(dtype), 0);
875     int ub;
876     assert(DTY(dtype) == TY_ARRAY && A_TYPEG(ubast) == A_CNST,
877            "get_array_rank: Invalid ST_DESCRIPTOR|ST_MEMBER dtype", DTY(dtype),
878            0);
879     ub = CONVAL2G(A_SPTRG(ubast));
881     rank = (ub - (DESC_HDR_LEN + HPF_DESC_HDR_LEN)) /
882            (DESC_DIM_LEN + HPF_DESC_DIM_LEN);
883   } else {
884     assert(0, "get_array_rank: Invalid descriptor type", STYPEG(sdsc), 0);
885   }
887   return rank;
888 }
890 static int
get_per_dim_member(int sdsc,int dim,int info)891 get_per_dim_member(int sdsc, int dim, int info)
892 {
893   int ast;
894   int subs[1];
896 #if DEBUG
897   assert(sdsc && (STYPEG(sdsc) == ST_DESCRIPTOR || STYPEG(sdsc) == ST_ARRDSC ||
898                   STYPEG(sdsc) == ST_MEMBER),
899          "get_per_dim_member-illegal stat.desc", sdsc, 0);
900 #endif
901   subs[0] =
902       mk_isz_cval(DESC_HDR_LEN + dim * DESC_DIM_LEN + info, astb.bnd.dtype);
903   ast = mk_subscr(mk_id(sdsc), subs, 1, astb.bnd.dtype);
904   return ast;
905 }
907 /* If bIsDiv is TRUE, add statements to compute astNum/astDen before std.
908  * If bIsDiv is FALSE, add statements to compute astNum%astDen before std.
909  * astRecip is the reciprocal of astDen. If astShift is nonzero,
910  * 2**astShift = astDen, and can be used to shift astNum.
911  * Return an AST representing the result. */
912 static int
divmod(LOGICAL bIsDiv,int astNum,int astDen,int astRecip,int astShift,int std)913 divmod(LOGICAL bIsDiv, int astNum, int astDen, int astRecip, int astShift,
914        int std)
915 {
916   int sptr;
917   int astRes;
918   int ast, ast1, astStmt;
920   if (astDen == astb.i1)
921     return astNum;
922   if (astNum == astb.i0)
923     return astNum;
925   sptr = sym_get_scalar("r", "rte", DT_INT);
926   astRes = mk_id(sptr);
928   if (!XBIT(49, 0x01000000)) {
929     /* ...not T3D/T3E target. */
930     astStmt = mk_stmt(A_IFTHEN, 0);
931     ast = mk_binop(OP_LT, astShift, astb.i0, DT_LOG);
932     A_IFEXPRP(astStmt, ast);
933     add_stmt_before(astStmt, std);
935     ast = mk_binop(OP_DIV, astNum, astDen, DT_INT);
936     if (!bIsDiv) {
937       ast = mk_binop(OP_MUL, astDen, ast, DT_INT);
938       ast = mk_binop(OP_SUB, astNum, ast, DT_INT);
939     }
940     astStmt = mk_assn_stmt(astRes, ast, DT_INT);
941     add_stmt_before(astStmt, std);
943     astStmt = mk_stmt(A_ELSE, 0);
944     add_stmt_before(astStmt, std);
946     ast1 = mk_unop(OP_SUB, astShift, DT_INT);
947     ast = ast_intr(I_ISHFT, DT_INT, 2, astNum, ast1);
948     if (!bIsDiv) {
949       ast = ast_intr(I_ISHFT, DT_INT, 2, ast, astShift);
950       ast = ast_intr(I_IEOR, DT_INT, 2, astNum, ast);
951     }
952     astStmt = mk_assn_stmt(astRes, ast, DT_INT);
953     add_stmt_before(astStmt, std);
955     astStmt = mk_stmt(A_ENDIF, 0);
956     add_stmt_before(astStmt, std);
957     return astRes;
958   }
959   astStmt = mk_stmt(A_IFTHEN, 0);
960   ast = mk_binop(OP_EQ, astRecip, astb.i0, DT_LOG);
961   A_IFEXPRP(astStmt, ast);
962   add_stmt_before(astStmt, std);
964   /* Denominator is 1. */
965   if (bIsDiv)
966     astStmt = mk_assn_stmt(astRes, astNum, DT_INT);
967   else
968     astStmt = mk_assn_stmt(astRes, astb.i0, DT_INT);
969   add_stmt_before(astStmt, std);
971   astStmt = mk_stmt(A_ELSE, 0);
972   add_stmt_before(astStmt, std);
974   sptr = sym_mkfunc_nodesc("int_mult_upper", DT_INT);
975   ast = begin_call(A_FUNC, sptr, 2);
976   add_arg(mk_default_int(astNum));
977   add_arg(mk_default_int(astRecip));
979   if (!bIsDiv) {
980     ast = mk_binop(OP_MUL, astDen, ast, DT_INT);
981     ast = mk_binop(OP_SUB, astNum, ast, DT_INT);
982   }
983   astStmt = mk_assn_stmt(astRes, ast, DT_INT);
984   add_stmt_before(astStmt, std);
986   astStmt = mk_stmt(A_ENDIF, 0);
987   add_stmt_before(astStmt, std);
989   return astRes;
990 }