1 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2     This is the
4     ██╗     ██╗ ██████╗  ██████╗  ██████╗ ██╗  ██╗████████╗███████╗
5     ██║     ██║██╔════╝ ██╔════╝ ██╔════╝ ██║  ██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝
6     ██║     ██║██║  ███╗██║  ███╗██║  ███╗███████║   ██║   ███████╗
7     ██║     ██║██║   ██║██║   ██║██║   ██║██╔══██║   ██║   ╚════██║
8     ███████╗██║╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝╚██████╔╝██║  ██║   ██║   ███████║
9     ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝  ╚═════╝ ╚═╝  ╚═╝   ╚═╝   ╚══════╝®
11     DEM simulation engine, released by
12     DCS Computing Gmbh, Linz, Austria
13     http://www.dcs-computing.com, office@dcs-computing.com
15     LIGGGHTS® is part of CFDEM®project:
16     http://www.liggghts.com | http://www.cfdem.com
18     Core developer and main author:
19     Christoph Kloss, christoph.kloss@dcs-computing.com
21     LIGGGHTS® is open-source, distributed under the terms of the GNU Public
22     License, version 2 or later. It is distributed in the hope that it will
23     be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
25     received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with LIGGGHTS®.
26     If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses . See also top-level README
27     and LICENSE files.
29     LIGGGHTS® and CFDEM® are registered trade marks of DCS Computing GmbH,
30     the producer of the LIGGGHTS® software and the CFDEM®coupling software
31     See http://www.cfdem.com/terms-trademark-policy for details.
33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
34     Contributing author and copyright for this file:
35     Alexander Podlozhnyuk (DCS Computing GmbH, Linz)
37     Copyright 2015-     DCS Computing GmbH, Linz
38 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
40 #include "math_extra_liggghts_nonspherical.h"
42 #include <map>
43 #include "math_const.h"
45 namespace MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical {
47 //project point onto the surface defined by normal vector and some point on the surface
point_wall_projection(const double * normal_vector,const double * point_on_wall,const double * input_point,double * output_point)48 double point_wall_projection(const double *normal_vector, const double *point_on_wall, const double *input_point, double *output_point) {
49   const double x0 = point_on_wall[0];
50   const double y0 = point_on_wall[1];
51   const double z0 = point_on_wall[2];
53   const double x = input_point[0];
54   const double y = input_point[1];
55   const double z = input_point[2];
57   const double A = normal_vector[0];
58   const double B = normal_vector[1];
59   const double C = normal_vector[2];
61   const double alpha = -(A*(x - x0) + B*(y - y0) + C*(z - z0)) / (A*A + B*B + C*C);
62   output_point[0] = x + alpha * A;
63   output_point[1] = y + alpha * B;
64   output_point[2] = z + alpha * C;
65   return fabs((A*(x - x0) + B*(y - y0) + C*(z - z0)) / sqrt(A*A + B*B + C*C));
66 }
68 //calculate right hand side term in dynamic euler equation: dw/dt = f(w), w - angular velocity
dynamic_euler_right_term(const double * omega,const double * torque,const double * inertia,double * result)69 void dynamic_euler_right_term(const double *omega, const double *torque, const double *inertia, double *result)
70 {
71   const double wx = omega[0];
72   const double wy = omega[1];
73   const double wz = omega[2];
75   const double Ix = inertia[0];
76   const double Iy = inertia[1];
77   const double Iz = inertia[2];
79   result[0] = (wy*wz*(Iy - Iz) + torque[0]) / Ix;
80   result[1] = (wz*wx*(Iz - Ix) + torque[1]) / Iy;
81   result[2] = (wx*wy*(Ix - Iy) + torque[2]) / Iz;
82 }
84 //integrate angular velocity
integrate_omega(double * quat,double * torque,double * inertia,double * omega,double dt)85 void integrate_omega(double *quat, double *torque, double *inertia, double *omega, double dt)
86 {
87   double torque_body[3], omega_body[3];
89   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::rotate_global2local(quat, omega, omega_body);
90   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::rotate_global2local(quat, torque, torque_body);
92   double f[3];
93   dynamic_euler_right_term(omega_body, torque_body, inertia, f);
94   for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
95     omega_body[i] += dt*f[i];
96   MathExtraLiggghtsNonspherical::rotate_local2global(quat, omega_body, omega);
97 }
99 //distance between point and line
point_line_distance(double * pointA,double * pointB,double * inputPoint,double * closestPoint,double * delta)100 double point_line_distance(double *pointA, double *pointB, double *inputPoint, double *closestPoint, double *delta)
101 {
102   const double x0 = inputPoint[0];
103   const double y0 = inputPoint[1];
104   const double z0 = inputPoint[2];
106   const double nx = pointB[0] - pointA[0];
107   const double ny = pointB[1] - pointA[1];
108   const double nz = pointB[2] - pointA[2];
110   const double xA = pointA[0];
111   const double yA = pointA[1];
112   const double zA = pointA[2];
114   double alpha = ((x0 - xA)*nx + (y0 - yA)*ny + (z0 - zA)*nz) / (nx*nx + ny*ny + nz*nz);
115   if(alpha > 1.0)
116     alpha = 1.0;
117   if(alpha < 0.0)
118     alpha = 0.0;
119   closestPoint[0] = xA + alpha*nx;
120   closestPoint[1] = yA + alpha*ny;
121   closestPoint[2] = zA + alpha*nz;
123   LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(closestPoint,inputPoint,delta);
124   return LAMMPS_NS::vectorMag3D(delta);
125 }
127 // integrate quaternion
integrate_quat(double * quat,double * omega,double dt)128 void integrate_quat(double *quat, double *omega, double dt)
129 {
130   double omega_mag = LAMMPS_NS::vectorMag3D(omega);
131   double deltaq[4];
132   if(omega_mag > 1e-8) {
133     deltaq[0] = cos(0.5*omega_mag*dt);
134     deltaq[1] = sin(0.5*omega_mag*dt) * omega[0]/omega_mag;
135     deltaq[2] = sin(0.5*omega_mag*dt) * omega[1]/omega_mag,
136     deltaq[3] = sin(0.5*omega_mag*dt) * omega[2]/omega_mag;
137   } else {
138     deltaq[0] = 1.0;
139     deltaq[1] = 0.5 * dt * omega[0];
140     deltaq[2] = 0.5 * dt * omega[1];
141     deltaq[3] = 0.5 * dt * omega[2];
142   }
143   double quat_temp[4];
144   MathExtra::quatquat(deltaq, quat, quat_temp);
145   MathExtra::qnormalize(quat_temp);
146   LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy4D(quat_temp, quat);
148   /*double wq[4];
149   MathExtra::vecquat(omega, quat, wq);
150   for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
151     quat[i] += 0.5*dt * wq[i];
152   MathExtra::qnormalize(quat);*/
153 }
155 //calculate angular velocity from angular moment
angmom_to_omega(const double * quat,const double * angmom,const double * inertia,double * omega)156 void angmom_to_omega(const double *quat, const double *angmom, const double *inertia, double *omega)
157 {
158   double omega_body[3], angmom_body[3];
159   rotate_global2local(quat, angmom, angmom_body);
160   for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
161     omega_body[k] = angmom_body[k] / inertia[k];
162   rotate_local2global(quat, omega_body, omega);
163 }
165 //calculate angular moment from angular velocity
omega_to_angmom(const double * quat,const double * omega,const double * inertia,double * angmom)166 void omega_to_angmom(const double *quat, const double *omega, const double *inertia, double *angmom)
167 {
168   double omega_body[3], angmom_body[3];
169   rotate_global2local(quat, omega, omega_body);
170   for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
171     angmom_body[k] = omega_body[k] * inertia[k];
172   rotate_local2global(quat, angmom_body, angmom);
173 }
no_squish_rotate(int k,double * p,double * q,double * inertia,double dt)175 void no_squish_rotate(int k, double *p, double *q, double *inertia, double dt)
176 {
177   double phi,c_phi,s_phi,kp[4]={},kq[4]={};
179   // apply permuation operator on p and q, get kp and kq
181   if (k == 1) {
182     kq[0] = -q[1];  kp[0] = -p[1];
183     kq[1] =  q[0];  kp[1] =  p[0];
184     kq[2] =  q[3];  kp[2] =  p[3];
185     kq[3] = -q[2];  kp[3] = -p[2];
186   } else if (k == 2) {
187     kq[0] = -q[2];  kp[0] = -p[2];
188     kq[1] = -q[3];  kp[1] = -p[3];
189     kq[2] =  q[0];  kp[2] =  p[0];
190     kq[3] =  q[1];  kp[3] =  p[1];
191   } else if (k == 3) {
192     kq[0] = -q[3];  kp[0] = -p[3];
193     kq[1] =  q[2];  kp[1] =  p[2];
194     kq[2] = -q[1];  kp[2] = -p[1];
195     kq[3] =  q[0];  kp[3] =  p[0];
196   }
198   // obtain phi, cosines and sines
200   phi = p[0]*kq[0] + p[1]*kq[1] + p[2]*kq[2] + p[3]*kq[3];
201   phi /= 4.0 * inertia[k-1];
202   c_phi = cos(dt * phi);
203   s_phi = sin(dt * phi);
205   // advance p and q
207   p[0] = c_phi*p[0] + s_phi*kp[0];
208   p[1] = c_phi*p[1] + s_phi*kp[1];
209   p[2] = c_phi*p[2] + s_phi*kp[2];
210   p[3] = c_phi*p[3] + s_phi*kp[3];
212   q[0] = c_phi*q[0] + s_phi*kq[0];
213   q[1] = c_phi*q[1] + s_phi*kq[1];
214   q[2] = c_phi*q[2] + s_phi*kq[2];
215   q[3] = c_phi*q[3] + s_phi*kq[3];
216 }
calc_conjqm(double * quat,double * angmom_body,double * conjqm)218 void calc_conjqm(double *quat, double *angmom_body, double *conjqm)
219 {
220   MathExtra::quatvec(quat,angmom_body,conjqm);
221   conjqm[0] *= 2.0;
222   conjqm[1] *= 2.0;
223   conjqm[2] *= 2.0;
224   conjqm[3] *= 2.0;
225 }
clamp(double val,double min,double max)227 double clamp(double val, double min, double max)
228 {
229   if(val < min) return min;
230   if(val > max) return max;
231   return val;
232 }
line_segments_distance(double * P1,double * Q1,double * P2,double * Q2,double * C1,double * C2)234 void line_segments_distance(double *P1, double *Q1, double *P2, double *Q2, double *C1, double *C2)
235 {
236   double tol = 1e-14;
237   double d1[3], d2[3], r[3];
238   LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(Q1, P1, d1);
239   LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(Q2, P2, d2);
240   LAMMPS_NS::vectorSubtract3D(P1, P2, r);
242   const double a = LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(d1, d1); //always >= 0
243   const double e = LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(d2, d2); //always >= 0
244   const double f = LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(d2, r);
246   double s, t;
248   if(a <= tol && e <= tol) { //line segments with zero length (points)
249     s = t = 0.0;
250     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(P1, C1);
251     LAMMPS_NS::vectorCopy3D(P2, C2);
252     return;
253   }
254   if(a <= tol) {
255     s = 0.0;
256     t = clamp(f / e, 0.0, 1.0);
257   } else {
258     const double c = LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(d1, r);
259     if(e <= tol) {
260       t = 0.0;
261       s = clamp(-c / a, 0.0, 1.0);
262     } else {
263       const double b = LAMMPS_NS::vectorDot3D(d1, d2);
264       const double determinant = a*e - b*b; //always non-negative
265       if(determinant >= tol*tol) { //segments non parallel
266         s = clamp( (b*f - c*e)/determinant, 0.0, 1.0);
267         t = (b*s + f) / e;
268         if(t < 0.0) {
269           t = 0.0;
270           s = clamp(-c / a, 0.0, 1.0);
271         } else if(t > 1.0) {
272           t = 1.0;
273           s = clamp((b-c) / a, 0.0, 1.0);
274         }
275       } else { //segments are parallel
276         double s1 = 0.0;
277         double s2 = 1.0;
278         double t1 = (f + s1*b) / e;
279         double t2 = (f + s2*b) / e;
280         if(t1 < 0.0) {
281           t1 = 0.0;
282           s1 = clamp(-c / a, 0.0, 1.0);
283         } else if(t1 > 1.0) {
284           t1 = 1.0;
285           s1 = clamp((b-c) / a, 0.0, 1.0);
286         }
287         if(t2 < 0.0) {
288           t2 = 0.0;
289           s2 = clamp(-c / a, 0.0, 1.0);
290         } else if(t2 > 1.0) {
291           t2 = 1.0;
292           s2 = clamp((b-c) / a, 0.0, 1.0);
293         }
294         s = 0.5*(s1 + s2);
295         t = 0.5*(t1 + t2);
296       }
297     }
298   }
299   for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
300     C1[i] = P1[i] + d1[i]*s;
301     C2[i] = P2[i] + d2[i]*t;
302   }
303 }
305 //effective curvature radius of a pair of particles at the contact point
get_effective_radius(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata,double * blockiness_i,double * blockiness_j,double koefi,double koefj,double curvatureLimitFactor,LAMMPS_NS::Error * error)306 double get_effective_radius(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata, double *blockiness_i, double *blockiness_j, double koefi, double koefj, double curvatureLimitFactor, LAMMPS_NS::Error *error)
307 {
309   if(blockiness_i == NULL)
310     error->one(FLERR,"blockiness_i array in get_effective_radius() is NULL");
311   if(blockiness_j == NULL)
312     error->one(FLERR,"blockiness_j array in get_effective_radius() is NULL");
314   double keff = koefi + koefj;
315   //if(blockiness_i[0] == 2.0 and blockiness_i[1] == 2.0 and blockiness_j[0] == 2.0 and blockiness_j[1] == 2.0)
316   //  return 1.0 / keff;
317   double rmax = sidata.reff * curvatureLimitFactor;
318   return (keff < 1.0/rmax)? rmax: 1.0/keff;
319   #else
320   return 0.;
321   #endif
322 }
get_effective_radius_wall(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata,double * blockiness_i,double koefi,double curvatureLimitFactor,LAMMPS_NS::Error * error)324 double get_effective_radius_wall(SurfacesIntersectData & sidata, double *blockiness_i, double koefi, double curvatureLimitFactor, LAMMPS_NS::Error *error)
325 {
328   double keff = koefi;
329   if(blockiness_i == NULL)
330     error->one(FLERR,"blockiness_i array in get_effective_radius_wall() is NULL");
331   //if(blockiness_i[0] == 2.0 and blockiness_i[1] == 2.0)
332   //  return 1.0 / keff;
333   double rmax = sidata.radi * curvatureLimitFactor;
334   return (keff < 1.0/rmax)? rmax: 1.0/keff;
335   #else
336   return 0.;
337   #endif
338 }
340 //distance between two points in N-dimensional space
dist(const double * v1,const double * v2,int len)341 inline double dist(const double *v1, const double *v2, int len)
342 {
343   return sqrt(distsq(v1, v2, len));
344 }
346 }