1 mod compat;
2 mod perma;
4 use crate::make::initial::lane_specs::get_lane_specs_ltr;
5 use crate::{
6     connectivity, AccessRestrictions, BusRouteID, ControlStopSign, ControlTrafficSignal, Direction,
7     IntersectionID, IntersectionType, LaneType, Map, PathConstraints, Pathfinder, Road, RoadID,
8     TurnID, Zone,
9 };
10 use abstutil::{retain_btreemap, retain_btreeset, Timer};
11 use geom::{Speed, Time};
12 pub use perma::PermanentMapEdits;
13 use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
14 use std::collections::{BTreeMap, BTreeSet};
16 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
17 pub struct MapEdits {
18     pub edits_name: String,
19     pub commands: Vec<EditCmd>,
21     // Derived from commands, kept up to date by update_derived
22     pub changed_roads: BTreeSet<RoadID>,
23     pub original_intersections: BTreeMap<IntersectionID, EditIntersection>,
24     pub changed_routes: BTreeSet<BusRouteID>,
26     // Edits without these are player generated.
27     pub proposal_description: Vec<String>,
28     // The link is optional even for proposals
29     pub proposal_link: Option<String>,
30 }
32 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
33 pub enum EditIntersection {
34     StopSign(ControlStopSign),
35     // Don't keep ControlTrafficSignal here, because it contains movements that should be
36     // generated after all lane edits are applied.
37     TrafficSignal(seattle_traffic_signals::TrafficSignal),
38     Closed,
39 }
41 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
42 pub struct EditRoad {
43     pub lanes_ltr: Vec<(LaneType, Direction)>,
44     pub speed_limit: Speed,
45     pub access_restrictions: AccessRestrictions,
46 }
48 impl EditRoad {
get_orig_from_osm(r: &Road) -> EditRoad49     pub fn get_orig_from_osm(r: &Road) -> EditRoad {
50         EditRoad {
51             lanes_ltr: get_lane_specs_ltr(&r.osm_tags)
52                 .into_iter()
53                 .map(|spec| (spec.lt, spec.dir))
54                 .collect(),
55             speed_limit: r.speed_limit_from_osm(),
56             access_restrictions: r.access_restrictions_from_osm(),
57         }
58     }
59 }
61 #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
62 pub enum EditCmd {
63     ChangeRoad {
64         r: RoadID,
65         old: EditRoad,
66         new: EditRoad,
67     },
68     ChangeIntersection {
69         i: IntersectionID,
70         new: EditIntersection,
71         old: EditIntersection,
72     },
73     ChangeRouteSchedule {
74         id: BusRouteID,
75         old: Vec<Time>,
76         new: Vec<Time>,
77     },
78 }
80 pub struct EditEffects {
81     pub changed_roads: BTreeSet<RoadID>,
82     pub changed_intersections: BTreeSet<IntersectionID>,
83     pub added_turns: BTreeSet<TurnID>,
84     pub deleted_turns: BTreeSet<TurnID>,
85 }
87 impl MapEdits {
new() -> MapEdits88     pub fn new() -> MapEdits {
89         MapEdits {
90             // Something has to fill this out later
91             edits_name: "untitled edits".to_string(),
92             proposal_description: Vec::new(),
93             proposal_link: None,
94             commands: Vec::new(),
96             changed_roads: BTreeSet::new(),
97             original_intersections: BTreeMap::new(),
98             changed_routes: BTreeSet::new(),
99         }
100     }
load(map: &Map, path: String, timer: &mut Timer) -> Result<MapEdits, String>102     pub fn load(map: &Map, path: String, timer: &mut Timer) -> Result<MapEdits, String> {
103         match abstutil::maybe_read_json(path.clone(), timer) {
104             Ok(perma) => PermanentMapEdits::from_permanent(perma, map),
105             Err(_) => {
106                 let bytes = abstutil::slurp_file(&path).map_err(|err| err.to_string())?;
107                 let contents = std::str::from_utf8(&bytes).map_err(|err| err.to_string())?;
108                 let value = serde_json::from_str(contents).map_err(|err| err.to_string())?;
109                 let perma = compat::upgrade(value)?;
110                 PermanentMapEdits::from_permanent(perma, map)
111             }
112         }
113     }
115     // TODO Version these? Or it's unnecessary, since we have a command stack.
save(&self, map: &Map)116     fn save(&self, map: &Map) {
117         assert_ne!(self.edits_name, "untitled edits");
119         abstutil::write_json(
120             abstutil::path_edits(map.get_name(), &self.edits_name),
121             &PermanentMapEdits::to_permanent(self, map),
122         );
123     }
update_derived(&mut self, map: &Map)125     fn update_derived(&mut self, map: &Map) {
126         self.changed_roads.clear();
127         self.original_intersections.clear();
128         self.changed_routes.clear();
130         for cmd in &self.commands {
131             match cmd {
132                 EditCmd::ChangeRoad { r, .. } => {
133                     self.changed_roads.insert(*r);
134                 }
135                 EditCmd::ChangeIntersection { i, ref old, .. } => {
136                     if !self.original_intersections.contains_key(i) {
137                         self.original_intersections.insert(*i, old.clone());
138                     }
139                 }
140                 EditCmd::ChangeRouteSchedule { id, .. } => {
141                     self.changed_routes.insert(*id);
142                 }
143             }
144         }
146         retain_btreeset(&mut self.changed_roads, |r| {
147             map.get_r_edit(*r) != EditRoad::get_orig_from_osm(map.get_r(*r))
148         });
149         retain_btreemap(&mut self.original_intersections, |i, orig| {
150             map.get_i_edit(*i) != orig.clone()
151         });
152         retain_btreeset(&mut self.changed_routes, |br| {
153             let r = map.get_br(*br);
154             r.spawn_times != r.orig_spawn_times
155         });
156     }
158     // Assumes update_derived has been called.
compress(&mut self, map: &Map)159     pub fn compress(&mut self, map: &Map) {
160         for r in &self.changed_roads {
161             self.commands.push(EditCmd::ChangeRoad {
162                 r: *r,
163                 old: EditRoad::get_orig_from_osm(map.get_r(*r)),
164                 new: map.get_r_edit(*r),
165             });
166         }
167         for (i, old) in &self.original_intersections {
168             self.commands.push(EditCmd::ChangeIntersection {
169                 i: *i,
170                 old: old.clone(),
171                 new: map.get_i_edit(*i),
172             });
173         }
174         for r in &self.changed_routes {
175             let r = map.get_br(*r);
176             self.commands.push(EditCmd::ChangeRouteSchedule {
177                 id: r.id,
178                 new: r.spawn_times.clone(),
179                 old: r.orig_spawn_times.clone(),
180             });
181         }
182     }
183 }
185 impl std::default::Default for MapEdits {
default() -> MapEdits186     fn default() -> MapEdits {
187         MapEdits::new()
188     }
189 }
191 impl EditEffects {
new() -> EditEffects192     pub fn new() -> EditEffects {
193         EditEffects {
194             changed_roads: BTreeSet::new(),
195             changed_intersections: BTreeSet::new(),
196             added_turns: BTreeSet::new(),
197             deleted_turns: BTreeSet::new(),
198         }
199     }
200 }
202 impl EditCmd {
short_name(&self, map: &Map) -> String203     pub fn short_name(&self, map: &Map) -> String {
204         match self {
205             // TODO Way more details
206             EditCmd::ChangeRoad { r, .. } => format!("road #{}", r.0),
207             EditCmd::ChangeIntersection { i, new, .. } => match new {
208                 EditIntersection::StopSign(_) => format!("stop sign #{}", i.0),
209                 EditIntersection::TrafficSignal(_) => format!("traffic signal #{}", i.0),
210                 EditIntersection::Closed => format!("close {}", i),
211             },
212             EditCmd::ChangeRouteSchedule { id, .. } => {
213                 format!("reschedule route {}", map.get_br(*id).short_name)
214             }
215         }
216     }
218     // Must be idempotent
apply(&self, effects: &mut EditEffects, map: &mut Map, timer: &mut Timer)219     fn apply(&self, effects: &mut EditEffects, map: &mut Map, timer: &mut Timer) {
220         match self {
221             EditCmd::ChangeRoad { r, ref new, .. } => {
222                 if map.get_r_edit(*r) == new.clone() {
223                     return;
224                 }
226                 let road = &mut map.roads[r.0];
227                 road.speed_limit = new.speed_limit;
228                 road.access_restrictions = new.access_restrictions.clone();
229                 assert_eq!(road.lanes_ltr.len(), new.lanes_ltr.len());
230                 for (idx, (lt, dir)) in new.lanes_ltr.clone().into_iter().enumerate() {
231                     let lane = &mut map.lanes[(road.lanes_ltr[idx].0).0];
232                     road.lanes_ltr[idx].2 = lt;
233                     lane.lane_type = lt;
235                     // Direction change?
236                     if road.lanes_ltr[idx].1 != dir {
237                         road.lanes_ltr[idx].1 = dir;
238                         std::mem::swap(&mut lane.src_i, &mut lane.dst_i);
239                         lane.lane_center_pts = lane.lane_center_pts.reversed();
240                     }
241                 }
243                 effects.changed_roads.insert(road.id);
244                 for i in vec![road.src_i, road.dst_i] {
245                     effects.changed_intersections.insert(i);
246                     let i = &mut map.intersections[i.0];
247                     i.outgoing_lanes.clear();
248                     i.incoming_lanes.clear();
249                     for r in &i.roads {
250                         for (l, _, _) in map.roads[r.0].lanes_ltr() {
251                             if map.lanes[l.0].src_i == i.id {
252                                 i.outgoing_lanes.push(l);
253                             } else {
254                                 assert_eq!(map.lanes[l.0].dst_i, i.id);
255                                 i.incoming_lanes.push(l);
256                             }
257                         }
258                     }
260                     recalculate_turns(i.id, map, effects, timer);
261                 }
262             }
263             EditCmd::ChangeIntersection {
264                 i,
265                 ref new,
266                 ref old,
267             } => {
268                 if map.get_i_edit(*i) == new.clone() {
269                     return;
270                 }
272                 map.stop_signs.remove(i);
273                 map.traffic_signals.remove(i);
274                 effects.changed_intersections.insert(*i);
275                 match new {
276                     EditIntersection::StopSign(ref ss) => {
277                         map.intersections[i.0].intersection_type = IntersectionType::StopSign;
278                         map.stop_signs.insert(*i, ss.clone());
279                     }
280                     EditIntersection::TrafficSignal(ref raw_ts) => {
281                         map.intersections[i.0].intersection_type = IntersectionType::TrafficSignal;
282                         if old == &EditIntersection::Closed {
283                             recalculate_turns(*i, map, effects, timer);
284                         }
285                         map.traffic_signals.insert(
286                             *i,
287                             ControlTrafficSignal::import(raw_ts.clone(), *i, map).unwrap(),
288                         );
289                     }
290                     EditIntersection::Closed => {
291                         map.intersections[i.0].intersection_type = IntersectionType::Construction;
292                     }
293                 }
295                 if old == &EditIntersection::Closed || new == &EditIntersection::Closed {
296                     recalculate_turns(*i, map, effects, timer);
297                 }
298             }
299             EditCmd::ChangeRouteSchedule { id, new, .. } => {
300                 map.bus_routes[id.0].spawn_times = new.clone();
301             }
302         }
303     }
undo(self) -> EditCmd305     fn undo(self) -> EditCmd {
306         match self {
307             EditCmd::ChangeRoad { r, old, new } => EditCmd::ChangeRoad {
308                 r,
309                 old: new,
310                 new: old,
311             },
312             EditCmd::ChangeIntersection { i, old, new } => EditCmd::ChangeIntersection {
313                 i,
314                 old: new,
315                 new: old,
316             },
317             EditCmd::ChangeRouteSchedule { id, old, new } => EditCmd::ChangeRouteSchedule {
318                 id,
319                 old: new,
320                 new: old,
321             },
322         }
323     }
324 }
326 // This clobbers previously set traffic signal overrides.
327 // TODO Step 1: Detect and warn about that
328 // TODO Step 2: Avoid when possible
recalculate_turns( id: IntersectionID, map: &mut Map, effects: &mut EditEffects, timer: &mut Timer, )329 fn recalculate_turns(
330     id: IntersectionID,
331     map: &mut Map,
332     effects: &mut EditEffects,
333     timer: &mut Timer,
334 ) {
335     let i = &mut map.intersections[id.0];
337     if i.is_border() {
338         assert!(i.turns.is_empty());
339         return;
340     }
342     let mut old_turns = Vec::new();
343     for t in std::mem::replace(&mut i.turns, BTreeSet::new()) {
344         old_turns.push(map.turns.remove(&t).unwrap());
345         effects.deleted_turns.insert(t);
346     }
348     if i.is_closed() {
349         return;
350     }
352     let turns = crate::make::turns::make_all_turns(map, map.get_i(id), timer);
353     let i = &mut map.intersections[id.0];
354     for t in turns {
355         effects.added_turns.insert(t.id);
356         i.turns.insert(t.id);
357         if let Some(_existing_t) = old_turns.iter().find(|turn| turn.id == t.id) {
358             // TODO Except for lookup_idx
359             //assert_eq!(t, *existing_t);
360         }
361         map.turns.insert(t.id, t);
362     }
364     match i.intersection_type {
365         IntersectionType::StopSign => {
366             // Stop sign policy usually doesn't depend on incoming lane types, except when changing
367             // to/from construction. To be safe, always regenerate. Edits to stop signs are rare
368             // anyway. And when we're smarter about preserving traffic signal changes in the face
369             // of lane changes, we can do the same here.
370             map.stop_signs.insert(id, ControlStopSign::new(map, id));
371         }
372         IntersectionType::TrafficSignal => {
373             map.traffic_signals
374                 .insert(id, ControlTrafficSignal::new(map, id, timer));
375         }
376         IntersectionType::Border | IntersectionType::Construction => unreachable!(),
377     }
378 }
380 impl Map {
get_edits(&self) -> &MapEdits381     pub fn get_edits(&self) -> &MapEdits {
382         &self.edits
383     }
get_r_edit(&self, r: RoadID) -> EditRoad385     pub fn get_r_edit(&self, r: RoadID) -> EditRoad {
386         let r = self.get_r(r);
387         EditRoad {
388             lanes_ltr: r
389                 .lanes_ltr()
390                 .into_iter()
391                 .map(|(_, dir, lt)| (lt, dir))
392                 .collect(),
393             speed_limit: r.speed_limit,
394             access_restrictions: r.access_restrictions.clone(),
395         }
396     }
edit_road_cmd<F: Fn(&mut EditRoad)>(&self, r: RoadID, f: F) -> EditCmd398     pub fn edit_road_cmd<F: Fn(&mut EditRoad)>(&self, r: RoadID, f: F) -> EditCmd {
399         let old = self.get_r_edit(r);
400         let mut new = old.clone();
401         f(&mut new);
402         EditCmd::ChangeRoad { r, old, new }
403     }
405     // Panics on borders
get_i_edit(&self, i: IntersectionID) -> EditIntersection406     pub fn get_i_edit(&self, i: IntersectionID) -> EditIntersection {
407         match self.get_i(i).intersection_type {
408             IntersectionType::StopSign => EditIntersection::StopSign(self.get_stop_sign(i).clone()),
409             IntersectionType::TrafficSignal => {
410                 EditIntersection::TrafficSignal(self.get_traffic_signal(i).export(self))
411             }
412             IntersectionType::Construction => EditIntersection::Closed,
413             IntersectionType::Border => unreachable!(),
414         }
415     }
save_edits(&self)417     pub fn save_edits(&self) {
418         // Don't overwrite the current edits with the compressed first. Otherwise, undo/redo order
419         // in the UI gets messed up.
420         let mut edits = self.edits.clone();
421         edits.commands.clear();
422         edits.compress(self);
423         edits.save(self);
424     }
must_apply_edits( &mut self, new_edits: MapEdits, timer: &mut Timer, ) -> ( BTreeSet<RoadID>, BTreeSet<TurnID>, BTreeSet<TurnID>, BTreeSet<IntersectionID>, )426     pub fn must_apply_edits(
427         &mut self,
428         new_edits: MapEdits,
429         timer: &mut Timer,
430     ) -> (
431         BTreeSet<RoadID>,
432         BTreeSet<TurnID>,
433         BTreeSet<TurnID>,
434         BTreeSet<IntersectionID>,
435     ) {
436         self.apply_edits(new_edits, true, timer)
437     }
try_apply_edits(&mut self, new_edits: MapEdits, timer: &mut Timer)439     pub fn try_apply_edits(&mut self, new_edits: MapEdits, timer: &mut Timer) {
440         self.apply_edits(new_edits, false, timer);
441     }
443     // new_edits don't necessarily have to be valid; this could be used for speculatively testing
444     // edits. Returns roads changed, turns deleted, turns added, intersections modified. Doesn't
445     // update pathfinding yet.
apply_edits( &mut self, mut new_edits: MapEdits, enforce_valid: bool, timer: &mut Timer, ) -> ( BTreeSet<RoadID>, BTreeSet<TurnID>, BTreeSet<TurnID>, BTreeSet<IntersectionID>, )446     fn apply_edits(
447         &mut self,
448         mut new_edits: MapEdits,
449         enforce_valid: bool,
450         timer: &mut Timer,
451     ) -> (
452         BTreeSet<RoadID>,
453         BTreeSet<TurnID>,
454         BTreeSet<TurnID>,
455         BTreeSet<IntersectionID>,
456     ) {
457         let mut effects = EditEffects::new();
459         // We need to undo() all of the current commands in reverse order, then apply() all of the
460         // new commands. But in many cases, new_edits is just the current edits with a few commands
461         // at the end. So a simple optimization with equivalent behavior is to skip the common
462         // prefix of commands.
463         let mut start_at_idx = 0;
464         for (cmd1, cmd2) in self.edits.commands.iter().zip(new_edits.commands.iter()) {
465             if cmd1 == cmd2 {
466                 start_at_idx += 1;
467             } else {
468                 break;
469             }
470         }
472         // Undo existing edits
473         for _ in start_at_idx..self.edits.commands.len() {
474             self.edits
475                 .commands
476                 .pop()
477                 .unwrap()
478                 .undo()
479                 .apply(&mut effects, self, timer);
480         }
482         // Apply new edits.
483         for cmd in &new_edits.commands[start_at_idx..] {
484             cmd.apply(&mut effects, self, timer);
485         }
487         // Might need to update bus stops.
488         if enforce_valid {
489             for id in &effects.changed_roads {
490                 let stops = self.get_r(*id).all_bus_stops(self);
491                 for s in stops {
492                     let sidewalk_pos = self.get_bs(s).sidewalk_pos;
493                     // Must exist, because we aren't allowed to orphan a bus stop.
494                     let driving_lane = self
495                         .get_r(*id)
496                         .find_closest_lane(
497                             sidewalk_pos.lane(),
498                             |l| PathConstraints::Bus.can_use(l, self),
499                             self,
500                         )
501                         .unwrap();
502                     let driving_pos = sidewalk_pos.equiv_pos(driving_lane, self);
503                     self.bus_stops.get_mut(&s).unwrap().driving_pos = driving_pos;
504                 }
505             }
506         }
508         if !effects.changed_roads.is_empty() {
509             self.zones = Zone::make_all(self);
510         }
512         new_edits.update_derived(self);
513         self.edits = new_edits;
514         self.pathfinder_dirty = true;
515         (
516             // TODO We just care about contraflow roads here
517             effects.changed_roads,
518             effects.deleted_turns,
519             // Some of these might've been added, then later deleted.
520             effects
521                 .added_turns
522                 .into_iter()
523                 .filter(|t| self.turns.contains_key(t))
524                 .collect(),
525             effects.changed_intersections,
526         )
527     }
recalculate_pathfinding_after_edits(&mut self, timer: &mut Timer)529     pub fn recalculate_pathfinding_after_edits(&mut self, timer: &mut Timer) {
530         if !self.pathfinder_dirty {
531             return;
532         }
534         let mut pathfinder = std::mem::replace(&mut self.pathfinder, Pathfinder::Dijkstra);
535         pathfinder.apply_edits(self, timer);
536         self.pathfinder = pathfinder;
538         // Also recompute blackholes. This is cheap enough to do from scratch.
539         timer.start("recompute blackholes");
540         for l in self.lanes.iter_mut() {
541             l.driving_blackhole = false;
542             l.biking_blackhole = false;
543         }
544         for l in connectivity::find_scc(self, PathConstraints::Car).1 {
545             self.lanes[l.0].driving_blackhole = true;
546         }
547         for l in connectivity::find_scc(self, PathConstraints::Bike).1 {
548             self.lanes[l.0].biking_blackhole = true;
549         }
550         timer.stop("recompute blackholes");
552         self.pathfinder_dirty = false;
553     }
555     // Since the player is in the middle of editing, the signal may not be valid. Don't go through
556     // the entire apply_edits flow.
incremental_edit_traffic_signal(&mut self, signal: ControlTrafficSignal)557     pub fn incremental_edit_traffic_signal(&mut self, signal: ControlTrafficSignal) {
558         assert_eq!(
559             self.get_i(signal.id).intersection_type,
560             IntersectionType::TrafficSignal
561         );
562         self.traffic_signals.insert(signal.id, signal);
563     }
564 }