1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1997 - 2002 Hansj�rg Malthaner
3  *
4  * This file is part of the Simutrans project under the artistic licence.
5  * (see licence.txt)
6  */
8 #ifndef HAUSBAUER_H
9 #define HAUSBAUER_H
11 #include "../descriptor/building_desc.h"
12 #include "../dataobj/koord3d.h"
13 #include "../simtypes.h"
14 #include "../tpl/vector_tpl.h"
16 class gebaeude_t;
17 class karte_ptr_t;
18 class player_t;
19 class tool_selector_t;
21 /**
22  * This class deals with building single- and multi-tile buildings. It knows the descriptions
23  * of (nearly) all buildings as regards type, height, size, images and animations.
24  * To be able to build a new house the house description must be registered by register_desc().
25  *
26  * To ensure all monuments are only present once per map, there is a list
27  * which monuments have been built and which not.
28  * There's no need to construct an instance since everything is static here.
29  */
30 class hausbauer_t
31 {
32 private:
33 	static sint16 largest_city_building_area;
35 	static vector_tpl<const building_desc_t*> attractions_land;  ///< Sights outside of cities
36 	static vector_tpl<const building_desc_t*> attractions_city;  ///< Sights within cities
37 	static vector_tpl<const building_desc_t*> townhalls;         ///< Town halls
38 	static vector_tpl<const building_desc_t*> monuments;         ///< All monuments
39 	static vector_tpl<const building_desc_t*> unbuilt_monuments; ///< All unbuilt monuments
40 	static vector_tpl<const building_desc_t*> headquarters;       ///< Company headquarters
41 	static vector_tpl<const building_desc_t*> station_building;  ///< All station buildings
43 	/// @returns a random entry from @p list
44 	static const building_desc_t* get_random_desc(vector_tpl<const building_desc_t*>& list, uint16 time, bool ignore_retire, climate cl);
46 	/// our game world
47 	static karte_ptr_t welt;
49 public:
get_largest_city_building_area()50 	static sint16 get_largest_city_building_area() { return largest_city_building_area; }
52 	/// description for elevated monorail (mandatory description)
53 	static const building_desc_t* elevated_foundation_desc;
55 	/**
56 	 * Finds a station building enabling pax/mail/goods for the AI.
57 	 * If @p time == 0 the timeline will be ignored.
58 	 * @param enables station enabled flags (see haltestelle_t::station_flags)
59 	 * @returns a random station that can be built above ground.
60 	 */
61 	static const building_desc_t* get_random_station(const building_desc_t::btype utype, const waytype_t wt, const uint16 time, const uint8 enables);
63 	/// Finds and returns the tile at position @p idx
64 	static const building_tile_desc_t* find_tile(const char* name, int idx);
66 	/// @returns the house description with name @p name
67 	static const building_desc_t* get_desc(const char *name);
69 	/**
70 	 * Registers the house description so the house can be built in-game.
71 	 * @returns true
72 	 */
73 	static bool register_desc(building_desc_t *desc);
75 	/// Sorts all house descriptions into their respective lists.
76 	static bool successfully_loaded();
78 	/**
79 	 * Fills menu with icons of buildings of a given waytype.
80 	 * This is needed for station extensions and headquarters.
81  	 */
82 	static void fill_menu(tool_selector_t* tool_selector, building_desc_t::btype, waytype_t wt, sint16 sound_ok);
84 	/// @returns a random commercial building matching the requirements.
85 	static const building_desc_t* get_commercial(int level, uint16 time, climate c, uint32 clusters, koord minsize, koord maxsize );
87 	/// @returns a random industrial building matching the requirements.
88 	static const building_desc_t* get_industrial(int level, uint16 time, climate cl, uint32 clusters, koord minsize, koord maxsize );
90 	/// @returns a random residential building matching the requirements.
91 	static const building_desc_t* get_residential(int level, uint16 time, climate cl, uint32 clusters, koord minsize, koord maxsize );
93 	/// @returns headquarters with level @p level (takes the first matching one)
94 	static const building_desc_t* get_headquarters(int level, uint16 time);
96 	/// @returns a random tourist attraction matching the requirements.
get_random_attraction(uint16 time,bool ignore_retire,climate cl)97 	static const building_desc_t* get_random_attraction(uint16 time, bool ignore_retire, climate cl)
98 	{
99 		return get_random_desc(attractions_land, time, ignore_retire, cl);
100 	}
102 	/// @returns a random unbuilt monument.
103 	static const building_desc_t* get_random_monument(uint16 time = 0)
104 	{
105 		return get_random_desc(unbuilt_monuments, time, false, MAX_CLIMATES);
106 	}
108 	/**
109 	 * Tells the house builder a new map is being loaded or generated.
110 	 * In this case the list of unbuilt monuments must be refilled
111 	 * to ensure each monument is only present once per map.
112 	 */
113 	static void new_world();
115 	/// @returns true if this monument has not yet been built.
is_valid_monument(const building_desc_t * desc)116 	static bool is_valid_monument(const building_desc_t* desc) { return unbuilt_monuments.is_contained(desc); }
118 	/// Tells the house builder a monument has been built.
monument_erected(const building_desc_t * desc)119 	static void monument_erected(const building_desc_t* desc) { unbuilt_monuments.remove(desc); }
121 	/// Called for a city attraction or a town hall with a certain number of inhabitants (bev).
122 	static const building_desc_t* get_special(uint32 bev, building_desc_t::btype utype, uint16 time, bool ignore_retire, climate cl);
124 	/**
125 	 * Removes an arbitrary building.
126 	 * It will also take care of factories and foundations.
127 	 * @param sp the player wanting to remove the building.
128 	 */
129 	static void remove(player_t *player, gebaeude_t *gb);
131 	/**
132 	 * Main function to build all non-traffic buildings, including factories.
133 	 * Building size can be larger than 1x1.
134 	 * Also the underlying ground will be changed to foundation.
135 	 * @param param if building a factory, pointer to the factory,
136 	 * 				if building a stop, pointer to the halt handle.
137 	 *
138 	 * @return The first built part of the building. Usually at @p pos, if this
139 	 *         building tile is not empty.
140 	 */
141 	static gebaeude_t* build(player_t* player, koord3d pos, int layout, const building_desc_t* desc, void* param = NULL);
143 	/**
144 	 * Build all kind of stops and depots. The building size must be 1x1.
145 	 * Stations with layout>4 may change the layout of neighbouring buildings. (->end of rail platforms)
146 	 * @param param if building a stop, pointer to the halt handle
147 	 */
148 	static gebaeude_t* build_station_extension_depot(player_t* player, koord3d pos, int layout, const building_desc_t* desc, void* param = NULL);
150 	/// @returns house list of type @p typ
151 	static const vector_tpl<const building_desc_t *> *get_list(building_desc_t::btype typ);
153 	/// @returns city building list of type @p typ (res/com/ind)
154 	static const vector_tpl<const building_desc_t *> *get_citybuilding_list(building_desc_t::btype  typ);
155 };
157 #endif