1import re
2import warnings
3from collections import defaultdict
4from datetime import date, datetime, time, timedelta
5from decimal import Decimal
6from enum import Enum
7from ipaddress import IPv4Address, IPv4Interface, IPv4Network, IPv6Address, IPv6Interface, IPv6Network
8from pathlib import Path
9from typing import (
11    Any,
12    Callable,
13    Dict,
14    FrozenSet,
15    Generic,
16    Iterable,
17    List,
18    Optional,
19    Pattern,
20    Sequence,
21    Set,
22    Tuple,
23    Type,
24    TypeVar,
25    Union,
26    cast,
28from uuid import UUID
30from typing_extensions import Annotated, Literal
32from .fields import (
39    SHAPE_SET,
43    FieldInfo,
44    ModelField,
46from .json import pydantic_encoder
47from .networks import AnyUrl, EmailStr
48from .types import (
49    ConstrainedDecimal,
50    ConstrainedFloat,
51    ConstrainedInt,
52    ConstrainedList,
53    ConstrainedSet,
54    ConstrainedStr,
55    SecretBytes,
56    SecretStr,
57    conbytes,
58    condecimal,
59    confloat,
60    conint,
61    conlist,
62    conset,
63    constr,
65from .typing import (
67    ForwardRef,
68    all_literal_values,
69    get_args,
70    get_origin,
71    is_callable_type,
72    is_literal_type,
73    is_namedtuple,
75from .utils import ROOT_KEY, get_model, lenient_issubclass, sequence_like
78    from .dataclasses import Dataclass  # noqa: F401
79    from .main import BaseModel  # noqa: F401
81default_prefix = '#/definitions/'
82default_ref_template = '#/definitions/{model}'
84TypeModelOrEnum = Union[Type['BaseModel'], Type[Enum]]
85TypeModelSet = Set[TypeModelOrEnum]
88def schema(
89    models: Sequence[Union[Type['BaseModel'], Type['Dataclass']]],
90    *,
91    by_alias: bool = True,
92    title: Optional[str] = None,
93    description: Optional[str] = None,
94    ref_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
95    ref_template: str = default_ref_template,
96) -> Dict[str, Any]:
97    """
98    Process a list of models and generate a single JSON Schema with all of them defined in the ``definitions``
99    top-level JSON key, including their sub-models.
101    :param models: a list of models to include in the generated JSON Schema
102    :param by_alias: generate the schemas using the aliases defined, if any
103    :param title: title for the generated schema that includes the definitions
104    :param description: description for the generated schema
105    :param ref_prefix: the JSON Pointer prefix for schema references with ``$ref``, if None, will be set to the
106      default of ``#/definitions/``. Update it if you want the schemas to reference the definitions somewhere
107      else, e.g. for OpenAPI use ``#/components/schemas/``. The resulting generated schemas will still be at the
108      top-level key ``definitions``, so you can extract them from there. But all the references will have the set
109      prefix.
110    :param ref_template: Use a ``string.format()`` template for ``$ref`` instead of a prefix. This can be useful
111      for references that cannot be represented by ``ref_prefix`` such as a definition stored in another file. For
112      a sibling json file in a ``/schemas`` directory use ``"/schemas/${model}.json#"``.
113    :return: dict with the JSON Schema with a ``definitions`` top-level key including the schema definitions for
114      the models and sub-models passed in ``models``.
115    """
116    clean_models = [get_model(model) for model in models]
117    flat_models = get_flat_models_from_models(clean_models)
118    model_name_map = get_model_name_map(flat_models)
119    definitions = {}
120    output_schema: Dict[str, Any] = {}
121    if title:
122        output_schema['title'] = title
123    if description:
124        output_schema['description'] = description
125    for model in clean_models:
126        m_schema, m_definitions, m_nested_models = model_process_schema(
127            model,
128            by_alias=by_alias,
129            model_name_map=model_name_map,
130            ref_prefix=ref_prefix,
131            ref_template=ref_template,
132        )
133        definitions.update(m_definitions)
134        model_name = model_name_map[model]
135        definitions[model_name] = m_schema
136    if definitions:
137        output_schema['definitions'] = definitions
138    return output_schema
141def model_schema(
142    model: Union[Type['BaseModel'], Type['Dataclass']],
143    by_alias: bool = True,
144    ref_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
145    ref_template: str = default_ref_template,
146) -> Dict[str, Any]:
147    """
148    Generate a JSON Schema for one model. With all the sub-models defined in the ``definitions`` top-level
149    JSON key.
151    :param model: a Pydantic model (a class that inherits from BaseModel)
152    :param by_alias: generate the schemas using the aliases defined, if any
153    :param ref_prefix: the JSON Pointer prefix for schema references with ``$ref``, if None, will be set to the
154      default of ``#/definitions/``. Update it if you want the schemas to reference the definitions somewhere
155      else, e.g. for OpenAPI use ``#/components/schemas/``. The resulting generated schemas will still be at the
156      top-level key ``definitions``, so you can extract them from there. But all the references will have the set
157      prefix.
158    :param ref_template: Use a ``string.format()`` template for ``$ref`` instead of a prefix. This can be useful for
159      references that cannot be represented by ``ref_prefix`` such as a definition stored in another file. For a
160      sibling json file in a ``/schemas`` directory use ``"/schemas/${model}.json#"``.
161    :return: dict with the JSON Schema for the passed ``model``
162    """
163    model = get_model(model)
164    flat_models = get_flat_models_from_model(model)
165    model_name_map = get_model_name_map(flat_models)
166    model_name = model_name_map[model]
167    m_schema, m_definitions, nested_models = model_process_schema(
168        model, by_alias=by_alias, model_name_map=model_name_map, ref_prefix=ref_prefix, ref_template=ref_template
169    )
170    if model_name in nested_models:
171        # model_name is in Nested models, it has circular references
172        m_definitions[model_name] = m_schema
173        m_schema = get_schema_ref(model_name, ref_prefix, ref_template, False)
174    if m_definitions:
175        m_schema.update({'definitions': m_definitions})
176    return m_schema
179def get_field_info_schema(field: ModelField) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], bool]:
180    schema_overrides = False
182    # If no title is explicitly set, we don't set title in the schema for enums.
183    # The behaviour is the same as `BaseModel` reference, where the default title
184    # is in the definitions part of the schema.
185    schema: Dict[str, Any] = {}
186    if field.field_info.title or not lenient_issubclass(field.type_, Enum):
187        schema['title'] = field.field_info.title or field.alias.title().replace('_', ' ')
189    if field.field_info.title:
190        schema_overrides = True
192    if field.field_info.description:
193        schema['description'] = field.field_info.description
194        schema_overrides = True
196    if (
197        not field.required
198        and not field.field_info.const
199        and field.default is not None
200        and not is_callable_type(field.outer_type_)
201    ):
202        schema['default'] = encode_default(field.default)
203        schema_overrides = True
205    return schema, schema_overrides
208def field_schema(
209    field: ModelField,
210    *,
211    by_alias: bool = True,
212    model_name_map: Dict[TypeModelOrEnum, str],
213    ref_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
214    ref_template: str = default_ref_template,
215    known_models: TypeModelSet = None,
216) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], Set[str]]:
217    """
218    Process a Pydantic field and return a tuple with a JSON Schema for it as the first item.
219    Also return a dictionary of definitions with models as keys and their schemas as values. If the passed field
220    is a model and has sub-models, and those sub-models don't have overrides (as ``title``, ``default``, etc), they
221    will be included in the definitions and referenced in the schema instead of included recursively.
223    :param field: a Pydantic ``ModelField``
224    :param by_alias: use the defined alias (if any) in the returned schema
225    :param model_name_map: used to generate the JSON Schema references to other models included in the definitions
226    :param ref_prefix: the JSON Pointer prefix to use for references to other schemas, if None, the default of
227      #/definitions/ will be used
228    :param ref_template: Use a ``string.format()`` template for ``$ref`` instead of a prefix. This can be useful for
229      references that cannot be represented by ``ref_prefix`` such as a definition stored in another file. For a
230      sibling json file in a ``/schemas`` directory use ``"/schemas/${model}.json#"``.
231    :param known_models: used to solve circular references
232    :return: tuple of the schema for this field and additional definitions
233    """
234    s, schema_overrides = get_field_info_schema(field)
236    validation_schema = get_field_schema_validations(field)
237    if validation_schema:
238        s.update(validation_schema)
239        schema_overrides = True
241    f_schema, f_definitions, f_nested_models = field_type_schema(
242        field,
243        by_alias=by_alias,
244        model_name_map=model_name_map,
245        schema_overrides=schema_overrides,
246        ref_prefix=ref_prefix,
247        ref_template=ref_template,
248        known_models=known_models or set(),
249    )
250    # $ref will only be returned when there are no schema_overrides
251    if '$ref' in f_schema:
252        return f_schema, f_definitions, f_nested_models
253    else:
254        s.update(f_schema)
255        return s, f_definitions, f_nested_models
258numeric_types = (int, float, Decimal)
259_str_types_attrs: Tuple[Tuple[str, Union[type, Tuple[type, ...]], str], ...] = (
260    ('max_length', numeric_types, 'maxLength'),
261    ('min_length', numeric_types, 'minLength'),
262    ('regex', str, 'pattern'),
265_numeric_types_attrs: Tuple[Tuple[str, Union[type, Tuple[type, ...]], str], ...] = (
266    ('gt', numeric_types, 'exclusiveMinimum'),
267    ('lt', numeric_types, 'exclusiveMaximum'),
268    ('ge', numeric_types, 'minimum'),
269    ('le', numeric_types, 'maximum'),
270    ('multiple_of', numeric_types, 'multipleOf'),
274def get_field_schema_validations(field: ModelField) -> Dict[str, Any]:
275    """
276    Get the JSON Schema validation keywords for a ``field`` with an annotation of
277    a Pydantic ``FieldInfo`` with validation arguments.
278    """
279    f_schema: Dict[str, Any] = {}
281    if lenient_issubclass(field.type_, Enum):
282        # schema is already updated by `enum_process_schema`; just update with field extra
283        if field.field_info.extra:
284            f_schema.update(field.field_info.extra)
285        return f_schema
287    if lenient_issubclass(field.type_, (str, bytes)):
288        for attr_name, t, keyword in _str_types_attrs:
289            attr = getattr(field.field_info, attr_name, None)
290            if isinstance(attr, t):
291                f_schema[keyword] = attr
292    if lenient_issubclass(field.type_, numeric_types) and not issubclass(field.type_, bool):
293        for attr_name, t, keyword in _numeric_types_attrs:
294            attr = getattr(field.field_info, attr_name, None)
295            if isinstance(attr, t):
296                f_schema[keyword] = attr
297    if field.field_info is not None and field.field_info.const:
298        f_schema['const'] = field.default
299    if field.field_info.extra:
300        f_schema.update(field.field_info.extra)
301    modify_schema = getattr(field.outer_type_, '__modify_schema__', None)
302    if modify_schema:
303        modify_schema(f_schema)
304    return f_schema
307def get_model_name_map(unique_models: TypeModelSet) -> Dict[TypeModelOrEnum, str]:
308    """
309    Process a set of models and generate unique names for them to be used as keys in the JSON Schema
310    definitions. By default the names are the same as the class name. But if two models in different Python
311    modules have the same name (e.g. "users.Model" and "items.Model"), the generated names will be
312    based on the Python module path for those conflicting models to prevent name collisions.
314    :param unique_models: a Python set of models
315    :return: dict mapping models to names
316    """
317    name_model_map = {}
318    conflicting_names: Set[str] = set()
319    for model in unique_models:
320        model_name = normalize_name(model.__name__)
321        if model_name in conflicting_names:
322            model_name = get_long_model_name(model)
323            name_model_map[model_name] = model
324        elif model_name in name_model_map:
325            conflicting_names.add(model_name)
326            conflicting_model = name_model_map.pop(model_name)
327            name_model_map[get_long_model_name(conflicting_model)] = conflicting_model
328            name_model_map[get_long_model_name(model)] = model
329        else:
330            name_model_map[model_name] = model
331    return {v: k for k, v in name_model_map.items()}
334def get_flat_models_from_model(model: Type['BaseModel'], known_models: TypeModelSet = None) -> TypeModelSet:
335    """
336    Take a single ``model`` and generate a set with itself and all the sub-models in the tree. I.e. if you pass
337    model ``Foo`` (subclass of Pydantic ``BaseModel``) as ``model``, and it has a field of type ``Bar`` (also
338    subclass of ``BaseModel``) and that model ``Bar`` has a field of type ``Baz`` (also subclass of ``BaseModel``),
339    the return value will be ``set([Foo, Bar, Baz])``.
341    :param model: a Pydantic ``BaseModel`` subclass
342    :param known_models: used to solve circular references
343    :return: a set with the initial model and all its sub-models
344    """
345    known_models = known_models or set()
346    flat_models: TypeModelSet = set()
347    flat_models.add(model)
348    known_models |= flat_models
349    fields = cast(Sequence[ModelField], model.__fields__.values())
350    flat_models |= get_flat_models_from_fields(fields, known_models=known_models)
351    return flat_models
354def get_flat_models_from_field(field: ModelField, known_models: TypeModelSet) -> TypeModelSet:
355    """
356    Take a single Pydantic ``ModelField`` (from a model) that could have been declared as a sublcass of BaseModel
357    (so, it could be a submodel), and generate a set with its model and all the sub-models in the tree.
358    I.e. if you pass a field that was declared to be of type ``Foo`` (subclass of BaseModel) as ``field``, and that
359    model ``Foo`` has a field of type ``Bar`` (also subclass of ``BaseModel``) and that model ``Bar`` has a field of
360    type ``Baz`` (also subclass of ``BaseModel``), the return value will be ``set([Foo, Bar, Baz])``.
362    :param field: a Pydantic ``ModelField``
363    :param known_models: used to solve circular references
364    :return: a set with the model used in the declaration for this field, if any, and all its sub-models
365    """
366    from .dataclasses import dataclass, is_builtin_dataclass
367    from .main import BaseModel  # noqa: F811
369    flat_models: TypeModelSet = set()
371    # Handle dataclass-based models
372    if is_builtin_dataclass(field.type_):
373        field.type_ = dataclass(field.type_)
374    field_type = field.type_
375    if lenient_issubclass(getattr(field_type, '__pydantic_model__', None), BaseModel):
376        field_type = field_type.__pydantic_model__
377    if field.sub_fields:
378        flat_models |= get_flat_models_from_fields(field.sub_fields, known_models=known_models)
379    elif lenient_issubclass(field_type, BaseModel) and field_type not in known_models:
380        flat_models |= get_flat_models_from_model(field_type, known_models=known_models)
381    elif lenient_issubclass(field_type, Enum):
382        flat_models.add(field_type)
383    return flat_models
386def get_flat_models_from_fields(fields: Sequence[ModelField], known_models: TypeModelSet) -> TypeModelSet:
387    """
388    Take a list of Pydantic  ``ModelField``s (from a model) that could have been declared as sublcasses of ``BaseModel``
389    (so, any of them could be a submodel), and generate a set with their models and all the sub-models in the tree.
390    I.e. if you pass a the fields of a model ``Foo`` (subclass of ``BaseModel``) as ``fields``, and on of them has a
391    field of type ``Bar`` (also subclass of ``BaseModel``) and that model ``Bar`` has a field of type ``Baz`` (also
392    subclass of ``BaseModel``), the return value will be ``set([Foo, Bar, Baz])``.
394    :param fields: a list of Pydantic ``ModelField``s
395    :param known_models: used to solve circular references
396    :return: a set with any model declared in the fields, and all their sub-models
397    """
398    flat_models: TypeModelSet = set()
399    for field in fields:
400        flat_models |= get_flat_models_from_field(field, known_models=known_models)
401    return flat_models
404def get_flat_models_from_models(models: Sequence[Type['BaseModel']]) -> TypeModelSet:
405    """
406    Take a list of ``models`` and generate a set with them and all their sub-models in their trees. I.e. if you pass
407    a list of two models, ``Foo`` and ``Bar``, both subclasses of Pydantic ``BaseModel`` as models, and ``Bar`` has
408    a field of type ``Baz`` (also subclass of ``BaseModel``), the return value will be ``set([Foo, Bar, Baz])``.
409    """
410    flat_models: TypeModelSet = set()
411    for model in models:
412        flat_models |= get_flat_models_from_model(model)
413    return flat_models
416def get_long_model_name(model: TypeModelOrEnum) -> str:
417    return f'{model.__module__}__{model.__qualname__}'.replace('.', '__')
420def field_type_schema(
421    field: ModelField,
422    *,
423    by_alias: bool,
424    model_name_map: Dict[TypeModelOrEnum, str],
425    ref_template: str,
426    schema_overrides: bool = False,
427    ref_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
428    known_models: TypeModelSet,
429) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], Set[str]]:
430    """
431    Used by ``field_schema()``, you probably should be using that function.
433    Take a single ``field`` and generate the schema for its type only, not including additional
434    information as title, etc. Also return additional schema definitions, from sub-models.
435    """
436    definitions = {}
437    nested_models: Set[str] = set()
438    f_schema: Dict[str, Any]
440        items_schema, f_definitions, f_nested_models = field_singleton_schema(
441            field,
442            by_alias=by_alias,
443            model_name_map=model_name_map,
444            ref_prefix=ref_prefix,
445            ref_template=ref_template,
446            known_models=known_models,
447        )
448        definitions.update(f_definitions)
449        nested_models.update(f_nested_models)
450        f_schema = {'type': 'array', 'items': items_schema}
451        if field.shape in {SHAPE_SET, SHAPE_FROZENSET}:
452            f_schema['uniqueItems'] = True
454    elif field.shape in MAPPING_LIKE_SHAPES:
455        f_schema = {'type': 'object'}
456        key_field = cast(ModelField, field.key_field)
457        regex = getattr(key_field.type_, 'regex', None)
458        items_schema, f_definitions, f_nested_models = field_singleton_schema(
459            field,
460            by_alias=by_alias,
461            model_name_map=model_name_map,
462            ref_prefix=ref_prefix,
463            ref_template=ref_template,
464            known_models=known_models,
465        )
466        definitions.update(f_definitions)
467        nested_models.update(f_nested_models)
468        if regex:
469            # Dict keys have a regex pattern
470            # items_schema might be a schema or empty dict, add it either way
471            f_schema['patternProperties'] = {regex.pattern: items_schema}
472        elif items_schema:
473            # The dict values are not simply Any, so they need a schema
474            f_schema['additionalProperties'] = items_schema
475    elif field.shape == SHAPE_TUPLE:
476        sub_schema = []
477        sub_fields = cast(List[ModelField], field.sub_fields)
478        for sf in sub_fields:
479            sf_schema, sf_definitions, sf_nested_models = field_type_schema(
480                sf,
481                by_alias=by_alias,
482                model_name_map=model_name_map,
483                ref_prefix=ref_prefix,
484                ref_template=ref_template,
485                known_models=known_models,
486            )
487            definitions.update(sf_definitions)
488            nested_models.update(sf_nested_models)
489            sub_schema.append(sf_schema)
490        if len(sub_schema) == 1:
491            sub_schema = sub_schema[0]  # type: ignore
492        f_schema = {'type': 'array', 'items': sub_schema}
493    else:
494        assert field.shape in {SHAPE_SINGLETON, SHAPE_GENERIC}, field.shape
495        f_schema, f_definitions, f_nested_models = field_singleton_schema(
496            field,
497            by_alias=by_alias,
498            model_name_map=model_name_map,
499            schema_overrides=schema_overrides,
500            ref_prefix=ref_prefix,
501            ref_template=ref_template,
502            known_models=known_models,
503        )
504        definitions.update(f_definitions)
505        nested_models.update(f_nested_models)
507    # check field type to avoid repeated calls to the same __modify_schema__ method
508    if field.type_ != field.outer_type_:
509        if field.shape == SHAPE_GENERIC:
510            field_type = field.type_
511        else:
512            field_type = field.outer_type_
513        modify_schema = getattr(field_type, '__modify_schema__', None)
514        if modify_schema:
515            modify_schema(f_schema)
516    return f_schema, definitions, nested_models
519def model_process_schema(
520    model: TypeModelOrEnum,
521    *,
522    by_alias: bool = True,
523    model_name_map: Dict[TypeModelOrEnum, str],
524    ref_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
525    ref_template: str = default_ref_template,
526    known_models: TypeModelSet = None,
527) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], Set[str]]:
528    """
529    Used by ``model_schema()``, you probably should be using that function.
531    Take a single ``model`` and generate its schema. Also return additional schema definitions, from sub-models. The
532    sub-models of the returned schema will be referenced, but their definitions will not be included in the schema. All
533    the definitions are returned as the second value.
534    """
535    from inspect import getdoc, signature
537    known_models = known_models or set()
538    if lenient_issubclass(model, Enum):
539        model = cast(Type[Enum], model)
540        s = enum_process_schema(model)
541        return s, {}, set()
542    model = cast(Type['BaseModel'], model)
543    s = {'title': model.__config__.title or model.__name__}
544    doc = getdoc(model)
545    if doc:
546        s['description'] = doc
547    known_models.add(model)
548    m_schema, m_definitions, nested_models = model_type_schema(
549        model,
550        by_alias=by_alias,
551        model_name_map=model_name_map,
552        ref_prefix=ref_prefix,
553        ref_template=ref_template,
554        known_models=known_models,
555    )
556    s.update(m_schema)
557    schema_extra = model.__config__.schema_extra
558    if callable(schema_extra):
559        if len(signature(schema_extra).parameters) == 1:
560            schema_extra(s)
561        else:
562            schema_extra(s, model)
563    else:
564        s.update(schema_extra)
565    return s, m_definitions, nested_models
568def model_type_schema(
569    model: Type['BaseModel'],
570    *,
571    by_alias: bool,
572    model_name_map: Dict[TypeModelOrEnum, str],
573    ref_template: str,
574    ref_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
575    known_models: TypeModelSet,
576) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], Set[str]]:
577    """
578    You probably should be using ``model_schema()``, this function is indirectly used by that function.
580    Take a single ``model`` and generate the schema for its type only, not including additional
581    information as title, etc. Also return additional schema definitions, from sub-models.
582    """
583    properties = {}
584    required = []
585    definitions: Dict[str, Any] = {}
586    nested_models: Set[str] = set()
587    for k, f in model.__fields__.items():
588        try:
589            f_schema, f_definitions, f_nested_models = field_schema(
590                f,
591                by_alias=by_alias,
592                model_name_map=model_name_map,
593                ref_prefix=ref_prefix,
594                ref_template=ref_template,
595                known_models=known_models,
596            )
597        except SkipField as skip:
598            warnings.warn(skip.message, UserWarning)
599            continue
600        definitions.update(f_definitions)
601        nested_models.update(f_nested_models)
602        if by_alias:
603            properties[f.alias] = f_schema
604            if f.required:
605                required.append(f.alias)
606        else:
607            properties[k] = f_schema
608            if f.required:
609                required.append(k)
610    if ROOT_KEY in properties:
611        out_schema = properties[ROOT_KEY]
612        out_schema['title'] = model.__config__.title or model.__name__
613    else:
614        out_schema = {'type': 'object', 'properties': properties}
615        if required:
616            out_schema['required'] = required
617    if model.__config__.extra == 'forbid':
618        out_schema['additionalProperties'] = False
619    return out_schema, definitions, nested_models
622def enum_process_schema(enum: Type[Enum]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
623    """
624    Take a single `enum` and generate its schema.
626    This is similar to the `model_process_schema` function, but applies to ``Enum`` objects.
627    """
628    from inspect import getdoc
630    schema: Dict[str, Any] = {
631        'title': enum.__name__,
632        # Python assigns all enums a default docstring value of 'An enumeration', so
633        # all enums will have a description field even if not explicitly provided.
634        'description': getdoc(enum),
635        # Add enum values and the enum field type to the schema.
636        'enum': [item.value for item in cast(Iterable[Enum], enum)],
637    }
639    add_field_type_to_schema(enum, schema)
641    modify_schema = getattr(enum, '__modify_schema__', None)
642    if modify_schema:
643        modify_schema(schema)
645    return schema
648def field_singleton_sub_fields_schema(
649    sub_fields: Sequence[ModelField],
650    *,
651    by_alias: bool,
652    model_name_map: Dict[TypeModelOrEnum, str],
653    ref_template: str,
654    schema_overrides: bool = False,
655    ref_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
656    known_models: TypeModelSet,
657) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], Set[str]]:
658    """
659    This function is indirectly used by ``field_schema()``, you probably should be using that function.
661    Take a list of Pydantic ``ModelField`` from the declaration of a type with parameters, and generate their
662    schema. I.e., fields used as "type parameters", like ``str`` and ``int`` in ``Tuple[str, int]``.
663    """
664    definitions = {}
665    nested_models: Set[str] = set()
666    if len(sub_fields) == 1:
667        return field_type_schema(
668            sub_fields[0],
669            by_alias=by_alias,
670            model_name_map=model_name_map,
671            schema_overrides=schema_overrides,
672            ref_prefix=ref_prefix,
673            ref_template=ref_template,
674            known_models=known_models,
675        )
676    else:
677        sub_field_schemas = []
678        for sf in sub_fields:
679            sub_schema, sub_definitions, sub_nested_models = field_type_schema(
680                sf,
681                by_alias=by_alias,
682                model_name_map=model_name_map,
683                schema_overrides=schema_overrides,
684                ref_prefix=ref_prefix,
685                ref_template=ref_template,
686                known_models=known_models,
687            )
688            definitions.update(sub_definitions)
689            if schema_overrides and 'allOf' in sub_schema:
690                # if the sub_field is a referenced schema we only need the referenced
691                # object. Otherwise we will end up with several allOf inside anyOf.
692                # See https://github.com/samuelcolvin/pydantic/issues/1209
693                sub_schema = sub_schema['allOf'][0]
694            sub_field_schemas.append(sub_schema)
695            nested_models.update(sub_nested_models)
696        return {'anyOf': sub_field_schemas}, definitions, nested_models
699# Order is important, e.g. subclasses of str must go before str
700# this is used only for standard library types, custom types should use __modify_schema__ instead
701field_class_to_schema: Tuple[Tuple[Any, Dict[str, Any]], ...] = (
702    (Path, {'type': 'string', 'format': 'path'}),
703    (datetime, {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date-time'}),
704    (date, {'type': 'string', 'format': 'date'}),
705    (time, {'type': 'string', 'format': 'time'}),
706    (timedelta, {'type': 'number', 'format': 'time-delta'}),
707    (IPv4Network, {'type': 'string', 'format': 'ipv4network'}),
708    (IPv6Network, {'type': 'string', 'format': 'ipv6network'}),
709    (IPv4Interface, {'type': 'string', 'format': 'ipv4interface'}),
710    (IPv6Interface, {'type': 'string', 'format': 'ipv6interface'}),
711    (IPv4Address, {'type': 'string', 'format': 'ipv4'}),
712    (IPv6Address, {'type': 'string', 'format': 'ipv6'}),
713    (Pattern, {'type': 'string', 'format': 'regex'}),
714    (str, {'type': 'string'}),
715    (bytes, {'type': 'string', 'format': 'binary'}),
716    (bool, {'type': 'boolean'}),
717    (int, {'type': 'integer'}),
718    (float, {'type': 'number'}),
719    (Decimal, {'type': 'number'}),
720    (UUID, {'type': 'string', 'format': 'uuid'}),
721    (dict, {'type': 'object'}),
722    (list, {'type': 'array', 'items': {}}),
723    (tuple, {'type': 'array', 'items': {}}),
724    (set, {'type': 'array', 'items': {}, 'uniqueItems': True}),
725    (frozenset, {'type': 'array', 'items': {}, 'uniqueItems': True}),
728json_scheme = {'type': 'string', 'format': 'json-string'}
731def add_field_type_to_schema(field_type: Any, schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> None:
732    """
733    Update the given `schema` with the type-specific metadata for the given `field_type`.
735    This function looks through `field_class_to_schema` for a class that matches the given `field_type`,
736    and then modifies the given `schema` with the information from that type.
737    """
738    for type_, t_schema in field_class_to_schema:
739        # Fallback for `typing.Pattern` as it is not a valid class
740        if lenient_issubclass(field_type, type_) or field_type is type_ is Pattern:
741            schema.update(t_schema)
742            break
745def get_schema_ref(name: str, ref_prefix: Optional[str], ref_template: str, schema_overrides: bool) -> Dict[str, Any]:
746    if ref_prefix:
747        schema_ref = {'$ref': ref_prefix + name}
748    else:
749        schema_ref = {'$ref': ref_template.format(model=name)}
750    return {'allOf': [schema_ref]} if schema_overrides else schema_ref
753def field_singleton_schema(  # noqa: C901 (ignore complexity)
754    field: ModelField,
755    *,
756    by_alias: bool,
757    model_name_map: Dict[TypeModelOrEnum, str],
758    ref_template: str,
759    schema_overrides: bool = False,
760    ref_prefix: Optional[str] = None,
761    known_models: TypeModelSet,
762) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any], Set[str]]:
763    """
764    This function is indirectly used by ``field_schema()``, you should probably be using that function.
766    Take a single Pydantic ``ModelField``, and return its schema and any additional definitions from sub-models.
767    """
768    from .main import BaseModel  # noqa: F811
770    definitions: Dict[str, Any] = {}
771    nested_models: Set[str] = set()
772    if field.sub_fields:
773        return field_singleton_sub_fields_schema(
774            field.sub_fields,
775            by_alias=by_alias,
776            model_name_map=model_name_map,
777            schema_overrides=schema_overrides,
778            ref_prefix=ref_prefix,
779            ref_template=ref_template,
780            known_models=known_models,
781        )
782    if field.type_ is Any or field.type_.__class__ == TypeVar:
783        return {}, definitions, nested_models  # no restrictions
784    if field.type_ in NONE_TYPES:
785        return {'type': 'null'}, definitions, nested_models
786    if is_callable_type(field.type_):
787        raise SkipField(f'Callable {field.name} was excluded from schema since JSON schema has no equivalent type.')
788    f_schema: Dict[str, Any] = {}
789    if field.field_info is not None and field.field_info.const:
790        f_schema['const'] = field.default
792    field_type = field.type_
793    if is_literal_type(field_type):
794        values = all_literal_values(field_type)
796        if len({v.__class__ for v in values}) > 1:
797            return field_schema(
798                multitypes_literal_field_for_schema(values, field),
799                by_alias=by_alias,
800                model_name_map=model_name_map,
801                ref_prefix=ref_prefix,
802                ref_template=ref_template,
803                known_models=known_models,
804            )
806        # All values have the same type
807        field_type = values[0].__class__
808        f_schema['enum'] = list(values)
809        add_field_type_to_schema(field_type, f_schema)
810    elif lenient_issubclass(field_type, Enum):
811        enum_name = model_name_map[field_type]
812        f_schema, schema_overrides = get_field_info_schema(field)
813        f_schema.update(get_schema_ref(enum_name, ref_prefix, ref_template, schema_overrides))
814        definitions[enum_name] = enum_process_schema(field_type)
815    elif is_namedtuple(field_type):
816        sub_schema, *_ = model_process_schema(
817            field_type.__pydantic_model__,
818            by_alias=by_alias,
819            model_name_map=model_name_map,
820            ref_prefix=ref_prefix,
821            ref_template=ref_template,
822            known_models=known_models,
823        )
824        f_schema.update({'type': 'array', 'items': list(sub_schema['properties'].values())})
825    elif not hasattr(field_type, '__pydantic_model__'):
826        add_field_type_to_schema(field_type, f_schema)
828        modify_schema = getattr(field_type, '__modify_schema__', None)
829        if modify_schema:
830            modify_schema(f_schema)
832    if f_schema:
833        return f_schema, definitions, nested_models
835    # Handle dataclass-based models
836    if lenient_issubclass(getattr(field_type, '__pydantic_model__', None), BaseModel):
837        field_type = field_type.__pydantic_model__
839    if issubclass(field_type, BaseModel):
840        model_name = model_name_map[field_type]
841        if field_type not in known_models:
842            sub_schema, sub_definitions, sub_nested_models = model_process_schema(
843                field_type,
844                by_alias=by_alias,
845                model_name_map=model_name_map,
846                ref_prefix=ref_prefix,
847                ref_template=ref_template,
848                known_models=known_models,
849            )
850            definitions.update(sub_definitions)
851            definitions[model_name] = sub_schema
852            nested_models.update(sub_nested_models)
853        else:
854            nested_models.add(model_name)
855        schema_ref = get_schema_ref(model_name, ref_prefix, ref_template, schema_overrides)
856        return schema_ref, definitions, nested_models
858    # For generics with no args
859    args = get_args(field_type)
860    if args is not None and not args and Generic in field_type.__bases__:
861        return f_schema, definitions, nested_models
863    raise ValueError(f'Value not declarable with JSON Schema, field: {field}')
866def multitypes_literal_field_for_schema(values: Tuple[Any, ...], field: ModelField) -> ModelField:
867    """
868    To support `Literal` with values of different types, we split it into multiple `Literal` with same type
869    e.g. `Literal['qwe', 'asd', 1, 2]` becomes `Union[Literal['qwe', 'asd'], Literal[1, 2]]`
870    """
871    literal_distinct_types = defaultdict(list)
872    for v in values:
873        literal_distinct_types[v.__class__].append(v)
874    distinct_literals = (Literal[tuple(same_type_values)] for same_type_values in literal_distinct_types.values())
876    return ModelField(
877        name=field.name,
878        type_=Union[tuple(distinct_literals)],  # type: ignore
879        class_validators=field.class_validators,
880        model_config=field.model_config,
881        default=field.default,
882        required=field.required,
883        alias=field.alias,
884        field_info=field.field_info,
885    )
888def encode_default(dft: Any) -> Any:
889    if isinstance(dft, (int, float, str)):
890        return dft
891    elif sequence_like(dft):
892        t = dft.__class__
893        return t(encode_default(v) for v in dft)
894    elif isinstance(dft, dict):
895        return {encode_default(k): encode_default(v) for k, v in dft.items()}
896    elif dft is None:
897        return None
898    else:
899        return pydantic_encoder(dft)
902_map_types_constraint: Dict[Any, Callable[..., type]] = {int: conint, float: confloat, Decimal: condecimal}
905def get_annotation_from_field_info(
906    annotation: Any, field_info: FieldInfo, field_name: str, validate_assignment: bool = False
907) -> Type[Any]:
908    """
909    Get an annotation with validation implemented for numbers and strings based on the field_info.
910    :param annotation: an annotation from a field specification, as ``str``, ``ConstrainedStr``
911    :param field_info: an instance of FieldInfo, possibly with declarations for validations and JSON Schema
912    :param field_name: name of the field for use in error messages
913    :param validate_assignment: default False, flag for BaseModel Config value of validate_assignment
914    :return: the same ``annotation`` if unmodified or a new annotation with validation in place
915    """
916    constraints = field_info.get_constraints()
918    used_constraints: Set[str] = set()
919    if constraints:
920        annotation, used_constraints = get_annotation_with_constraints(annotation, field_info)
922    if validate_assignment:
923        used_constraints.add('allow_mutation')
925    unused_constraints = constraints - used_constraints
926    if unused_constraints:
927        raise ValueError(
928            f'On field "{field_name}" the following field constraints are set but not enforced: '
929            f'{", ".join(unused_constraints)}. '
930            f'\nFor more details see https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io/usage/schema/#unenforced-field-constraints'
931        )
933    return annotation
936def get_annotation_with_constraints(annotation: Any, field_info: FieldInfo) -> Tuple[Type[Any], Set[str]]:  # noqa: C901
937    """
938    Get an annotation with used constraints implemented for numbers and strings based on the field_info.
940    :param annotation: an annotation from a field specification, as ``str``, ``ConstrainedStr``
941    :param field_info: an instance of FieldInfo, possibly with declarations for validations and JSON Schema
942    :return: the same ``annotation`` if unmodified or a new annotation along with the used constraints.
943    """
944    used_constraints: Set[str] = set()
946    def go(type_: Any) -> Type[Any]:
947        if (
948            is_literal_type(annotation)
949            or isinstance(type_, ForwardRef)
950            or lenient_issubclass(type_, (ConstrainedList, ConstrainedSet))
951        ):
952            return type_
953        origin = get_origin(type_)
954        if origin is not None:
955            args: Tuple[Any, ...] = get_args(type_)
956            if any(isinstance(a, ForwardRef) for a in args):
957                # forward refs cause infinite recursion below
958                return type_
960            if origin is Annotated:
961                return go(args[0])
962            if origin is Union:
963                return Union[tuple(go(a) for a in args)]  # type: ignore
965            if issubclass(origin, List) and (field_info.min_items is not None or field_info.max_items is not None):
966                used_constraints.update({'min_items', 'max_items'})
967                return conlist(go(args[0]), min_items=field_info.min_items, max_items=field_info.max_items)
969            if issubclass(origin, Set) and (field_info.min_items is not None or field_info.max_items is not None):
970                used_constraints.update({'min_items', 'max_items'})
971                return conset(go(args[0]), min_items=field_info.min_items, max_items=field_info.max_items)
973            for t in (Tuple, List, Set, FrozenSet, Sequence):
974                if issubclass(origin, t):  # type: ignore
975                    return t[tuple(go(a) for a in args)]  # type: ignore
977            if issubclass(origin, Dict):
978                return Dict[args[0], go(args[1])]  # type: ignore
980        attrs: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None
981        constraint_func: Optional[Callable[..., type]] = None
982        if isinstance(type_, type):
983            if issubclass(type_, (SecretStr, SecretBytes)):
984                attrs = ('max_length', 'min_length')
986                def constraint_func(**kwargs: Any) -> Type[Any]:
987                    return type(type_.__name__, (type_,), kwargs)
989            elif issubclass(type_, str) and not issubclass(type_, (EmailStr, AnyUrl, ConstrainedStr)):
990                attrs = ('max_length', 'min_length', 'regex')
991                constraint_func = constr
992            elif issubclass(type_, bytes):
993                attrs = ('max_length', 'min_length', 'regex')
994                constraint_func = conbytes
995            elif issubclass(type_, numeric_types) and not issubclass(
996                type_, (ConstrainedInt, ConstrainedFloat, ConstrainedDecimal, ConstrainedList, ConstrainedSet, bool)
997            ):
998                # Is numeric type
999                attrs = ('gt', 'lt', 'ge', 'le', 'multiple_of')
1000                numeric_type = next(t for t in numeric_types if issubclass(type_, t))  # pragma: no branch
1001                constraint_func = _map_types_constraint[numeric_type]
1003        if attrs:
1004            used_constraints.update(set(attrs))
1005            kwargs = {
1006                attr_name: attr
1007                for attr_name, attr in ((attr_name, getattr(field_info, attr_name)) for attr_name in attrs)
1008                if attr is not None
1009            }
1010            if kwargs:
1011                constraint_func = cast(Callable[..., type], constraint_func)
1012                return constraint_func(**kwargs)
1013        return type_
1015    ans = go(annotation)
1017    return ans, used_constraints
1020def normalize_name(name: str) -> str:
1021    """
1022    Normalizes the given name. This can be applied to either a model *or* enum.
1023    """
1024    return re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z0-9.\-_]', '_', name)
1027class SkipField(Exception):
1028    """
1029    Utility exception used to exclude fields from schema.
1030    """
1032    def __init__(self, message: str) -> None:
1033        self.message = message