1 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------
2  *
3  *	Copyright (c) 1991-2021 by the GMT Team (https://www.generic-mapping-tools.org/team.html)
4  *	See LICENSE.TXT file for copying and redistribution conditions.
5  *
6  *	This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
7  *	it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
8  *	the Free Software Foundation; version 3 or any later version.
9  *
10  *	This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11  *	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  *	GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  *	Contact info: www.generic-mapping-tools.org
16  *--------------------------------------------------------------------*/
17 /*
18  *
19  *	G M T _ C D F . C   R O U T I N E S
20  *
21  * Takes care of all grd input/output built on NCAR's netCDF routines (which is
22  * an XDR implementation)
23  * Most functions will return with error message if an internal error is returned.
24  * There functions are only called indirectly via the GMT_* grdio functions.
25  *
26  * Author:	Paul Wessel
27  * Date:	1-JAN-2010
28  * Version:	5
29  *
30  * Public functions (5):
31  *
32  *	gmt_cdf_read_grd_info   : Read header from file
33  *	gmt_cdf_read_grd        : Read header and data set from file
34  *	gmt_cdf_update_grd_info : Update header in existing file
35  *	gmt_cdf_write_grd_info  : Write header to new file
36  *	gmt_cdf_write_grd       : Write header and data set to new file
37  *
38  * - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -*/
40 #include "gmt_dev.h"
41 #include "gmt_internals.h"
gmt_cdf_grd_info(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,int ncid,struct GMT_GRID_HEADER * header,char job)43 int gmt_cdf_grd_info (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, int ncid, struct GMT_GRID_HEADER *header, char job) {
44 	int err;	/* Implicitly by gmt_M_err_trap */
45 	int nm[2];
46 	double dummy[2];
48 	size_t limit = 2147483647U;	/* 2^31 - 1 is the max length of a 1-D array in netCDF */
49 	nc_type z_type;
50 	struct GMT_GRID_HEADER_HIDDEN *HH = gmt_get_H_hidden (header);
51 	/* Dimension ids, variable ids, etc. */
52 	int side_dim, xysize_dim, x_range_id, y_range_id, z_range_id, inc_id, nm_id, z_id, dims[1];
54 	/* Define and get dimensions and variables */
56 	GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_DEBUG, "Enter gmt_cdf_grd_info with argument %c\n", (int)job);
58 	if (job == 'w') {
59 		if (header->nm > limit) {	/* Print error message and let things crash */
60 			GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Your grid contains more than 2^31 - 1 nodes (%" PRIu64 ") and cannot be stored with the deprecated GMT netCDF format.\n", header->nm);
61 			GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_ERROR, "Please choose another grid format such as the default netCDF 4 COARDS-compliant grid format.\n");
62 			return (GMT_DIM_TOO_LARGE);
63 		}
64 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_def_dim (ncid, "side", 2U, &side_dim));
65 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_def_dim (ncid, "xysize", header->nm, &xysize_dim));
67 		dims[0]	= side_dim;
68 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_def_var (ncid, "x_range", NC_DOUBLE, 1, dims, &x_range_id));
69 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_def_var (ncid, "y_range", NC_DOUBLE, 1, dims, &y_range_id));
70 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_def_var (ncid, "z_range", NC_DOUBLE, 1, dims, &z_range_id));
71 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_def_var (ncid, "spacing", NC_DOUBLE, 1, dims, &inc_id));
72 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_def_var (ncid, "dimension", NC_LONG, 1, dims, &nm_id));
74 		switch (header->type) {
75 			case GMT_GRID_IS_CB: z_type = NC_BYTE;   break;
76 			case GMT_GRID_IS_CS: z_type = NC_SHORT;  break;
77 			case GMT_GRID_IS_CI: z_type = NC_INT;    break;
78 			case GMT_GRID_IS_CF: z_type = NC_FLOAT;  break;
79 			case GMT_GRID_IS_CD: z_type = NC_DOUBLE; break;
80 			default:			z_type = NC_NAT;
81 		}
83 		dims[0]	= xysize_dim;
84 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_def_var (ncid, "z", z_type, 1, dims, &z_id));
85 	}
86 	else {
87 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_inq_varid (ncid, "x_range", &x_range_id));
88 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_inq_varid (ncid, "y_range", &y_range_id));
89 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_inq_varid (ncid, "z_range", &z_range_id));
90 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_inq_varid (ncid, "spacing", &inc_id));
91 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_inq_varid (ncid, "dimension", &nm_id));
92 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_inq_varid (ncid, "z", &z_id));
93 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_inq_vartype (ncid, z_id, &z_type));
94 		switch (z_type) {
95 			case NC_BYTE:   header->type = GMT_GRID_IS_CB; HH->orig_datatype = GMT_CHAR;   break;
96 			case NC_SHORT:  header->type = GMT_GRID_IS_CS; HH->orig_datatype = GMT_SHORT;  break;
97 			case NC_INT:    header->type = GMT_GRID_IS_CI; HH->orig_datatype = GMT_INT;    break;
98 			case NC_FLOAT:  header->type = GMT_GRID_IS_CF; HH->orig_datatype = GMT_FLOAT;  break;
99 			case NC_DOUBLE: header->type = GMT_GRID_IS_CD; HH->orig_datatype = GMT_DOUBLE; break;
100 			default:        header->type = k_grd_unknown_fmt; break;
101 		}
102 	}
103 	HH->z_id = z_id;
105 	/* Get or assign attributes */
107 	gmt_M_memset (text, GMT_GRID_COMMAND_LEN320+GMT_GRID_REMARK_LEN160, char);
109 	if (job == 'u') gmt_M_err_trap (nc_redef (ncid));
111 	if (job == 'r') {
112 		int reg;
113 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_get_att_text (ncid, x_range_id, "units", header->x_units));
114 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_get_att_text (ncid, y_range_id, "units", header->y_units));
115 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_get_att_text (ncid, z_range_id, "units", header->z_units));
116 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_get_att_double (ncid, z_id, "scale_factor", &header->z_scale_factor));
117 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_get_att_double (ncid, z_id, "add_offset", &header->z_add_offset));
118 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_get_att_int (ncid, z_id, "node_offset", &reg));
119 		header->registration = reg;
121 		nc_get_att_double (ncid, z_id, "_FillValue", &header->nan_value);
122 #else
123 		nc_get_att_float (ncid, z_id, "_FillValue", &header->nan_value);
124 #endif
125 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_get_att_text (ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "title", header->title));
126 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_get_att_text (ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "source", text));
127 		strncpy (header->command, text, GMT_GRID_COMMAND_LEN320-1);
128 		strncpy (header->remark, &text[GMT_GRID_COMMAND_LEN320], GMT_GRID_REMARK_LEN160-1);
130 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_get_var_double (ncid, x_range_id, dummy));
131 		header->wesn[XLO] = dummy[0];
132 		header->wesn[XHI] = dummy[1];
133 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_get_var_double (ncid, y_range_id, dummy));
134 		header->wesn[YLO] = dummy[0];
135 		header->wesn[YHI] = dummy[1];
136 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_get_var_double (ncid, inc_id, dummy));
137 		header->inc[GMT_X] = dummy[0];
138 		header->inc[GMT_Y] = dummy[1];
139 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_get_var_int (ncid, nm_id, nm));
140 		header->n_columns = nm[0];
141 		header->n_rows = nm[1];
142 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_get_var_double (ncid, z_range_id, dummy));
143 		header->z_min = dummy[0];
144 		header->z_max = dummy[1];
145 		//HH->row_order = k_nc_start_north; /* N->S but that is just when read.  We don't want to set this for writing later */
146 	}
147 	else {
148 		int reg;
149 		strncpy (text, header->command, GMT_GRID_COMMAND_LEN320-1);
150 		strncpy (&text[GMT_GRID_COMMAND_LEN320], header->remark, GMT_GRID_REMARK_LEN160-1);
151 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_att_text (ncid, x_range_id, "units", GMT_GRID_UNIT_LEN80, header->x_units));
152 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_att_text (ncid, y_range_id, "units", GMT_GRID_UNIT_LEN80, header->y_units));
153 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_att_text (ncid, z_range_id, "units", GMT_GRID_UNIT_LEN80, header->z_units));
154 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_att_double (ncid, z_id, "scale_factor", NC_DOUBLE, 1U, &header->z_scale_factor));
155 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_att_double (ncid, z_id, "add_offset", NC_DOUBLE, 1U, &header->z_add_offset));
156 		if (z_type != NC_FLOAT && z_type != NC_DOUBLE)
157 			header->nan_value = rintf (header->nan_value); /* round to integer */
159 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_att_double (ncid, z_id, "_FillValue", z_type, 1U, &header->nan_value));
160 #else
161 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_att_float (ncid, z_id, "_FillValue", z_type, 1U, &header->nan_value));
162 #endif
163 		reg = header->registration;
164 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_att_int (ncid, z_id, "node_offset", NC_LONG, 1U, &reg));
165 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_att_text (ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "title", GMT_GRID_TITLE_LEN80, header->title));
166 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_att_text (ncid, NC_GLOBAL, "source", GMT_GRID_COMMAND_LEN320+GMT_GRID_REMARK_LEN160, text));
168 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_enddef (ncid));
170 		dummy[0] = header->wesn[XLO];	dummy[1] = header->wesn[XHI];
171 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_var_double (ncid, x_range_id, dummy));
172 		dummy[0] = header->wesn[YLO];	dummy[1] = header->wesn[YHI];
173 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_var_double (ncid, y_range_id, dummy));
174 		dummy[0] = header->inc[GMT_X];	dummy[1] = header->inc[GMT_Y];
175 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_var_double (ncid, inc_id, dummy));
176 		nm[0] = header->n_columns;	nm[1] = header->n_rows;
177 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_var_int (ncid, nm_id, nm));
178 		if (header->z_min <= header->z_max) {
179 			dummy[0] = header->z_min; dummy[1] = header->z_max;
180 		}
181 		else {
182 			dummy[0] = 0.0; dummy[1] = 0.0;
183 		}
184 		gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_var_double (ncid, z_range_id, dummy));
185 	}
186 	return (GMT_NOERROR);
187 }
gmt_cdf_read_grd_info(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID_HEADER * header)189 int gmt_cdf_read_grd_info (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID_HEADER *header) {
190 	int ncid, err;
191 	struct GMT_GRID_HEADER_HIDDEN *HH = gmt_get_H_hidden (header);
192 	if (!strcmp (HH->name,"=")) return (GMT_GRDIO_NC_NO_PIPE);
193 	gmt_M_err_trap (gmt_nc_open (GMT, HH->name, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid));
194 	gmt_M_err_trap (gmt_cdf_grd_info (GMT, ncid, header, 'r'));
195 	gmt_M_err_trap (gmt_nc_close (GMT, ncid));
196 	return (GMT_NOERROR);
197 }
gmt_cdf_update_grd_info(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID_HEADER * header)199 int gmt_cdf_update_grd_info (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID_HEADER *header) {
200 	int ncid, old_fill_mode, err;
201 	struct GMT_GRID_HEADER_HIDDEN *HH = gmt_get_H_hidden (header);
202 	if (!strcmp (HH->name,"=")) return (GMT_GRDIO_NC_NO_PIPE);
203 	gmt_M_err_trap (gmt_nc_open (GMT, HH->name, NC_WRITE, &ncid));
204 	gmt_M_err_trap (nc_set_fill (ncid, NC_NOFILL, &old_fill_mode));
205 	gmt_M_err_trap (gmt_cdf_grd_info (GMT, ncid, header, 'u'));
206 	gmt_M_err_trap (gmt_nc_close (GMT, ncid));
207 	return (GMT_NOERROR);
208 }
gmt_cdf_write_grd_info(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID_HEADER * header)210 int gmt_cdf_write_grd_info (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID_HEADER *header) {
211 	int ncid, old_fill_mode, err;
212 	struct GMT_GRID_HEADER_HIDDEN *HH = gmt_get_H_hidden (header);
213 	if (!strcmp (HH->name,"=")) return (GMT_GRDIO_NC_NO_PIPE);
214 	gmt_M_err_trap (gmt_nc_create (GMT, HH->name, NC_CLOBBER, &ncid));
215 	gmt_M_err_trap (nc_set_fill (ncid, NC_NOFILL, &old_fill_mode));
216 	gmt_M_err_trap (gmt_cdf_grd_info (GMT, ncid, header, 'w'));
217 	gmt_M_err_trap (gmt_nc_close (GMT, ncid));
218 	return (GMT_NOERROR);
219 }
gmt_cdf_read_grd(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID_HEADER * header,gmt_grdfloat * grid,double wesn[],unsigned int * pad,unsigned int complex_mode)221 int gmt_cdf_read_grd (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID_HEADER *header, gmt_grdfloat *grid, double wesn[], unsigned int *pad, unsigned int complex_mode) {
222 	/* header:	grid structure header
223 	 * grid:	array with final grid
224 	 * wesn:	Sub-region to extract  [Use entire file if 0,0,0,0]
225 	 * padding:	# of empty rows/columns to add on w, e, s, n of grid, respectively
226 	 * complex_mode:	&4 | &8 if complex array is to hold real (4) and imaginary (8) parts (otherwise read as real only)
227 	 *		Note: The file has only real values, we simply allow space in the complex array
228 	 *		for real and imaginary parts when processed by grdfft etc.
229 	 *
230 	 * Reads a subset of a grid file and optionally pads the array with extra rows and columns
231 	 * header values for n_columns and n_rows are reset to reflect the dimensions of the logical array,
232 	 * not the physical size (i.e., the padding is not counted in n_columns and n_rows)
233 	 */
235 	bool check;
236 	int  ncid, j, err, first_col, last_col, first_row, last_row;
237 	unsigned int i, width_in, height_in;
238 	unsigned int width_out, *actual_col = NULL;
239 	uint64_t ij, kk, imag_offset;
240 	size_t start[1], edge[1];
241 	gmt_grdfloat *tmp = NULL;
242 	struct GMT_GRID_HEADER_HIDDEN *HH = gmt_get_H_hidden (header);
244 	gmt_M_err_pass (GMT, gmt_grd_prep_io (GMT, header, wesn, &width_in, &height_in, &first_col, &last_col, &first_row, &last_row, &actual_col), HH->name);
245 	(void)gmtlib_init_complex (header, complex_mode, &imag_offset);	/* Set offset for imaginary complex component */
247 	width_out = width_in;		/* Width of output array */
248 	if (pad[XLO] > 0) width_out += pad[XLO];
249 	if (pad[XHI] > 0) width_out += pad[XHI];
251 	/* Open the NetCDF file */
253 	if (!strcmp (HH->name,"=")) {
254 		gmt_M_free (GMT, actual_col);
255 		return (GMT_GRDIO_NC_NO_PIPE);
256 	}
257 	if ((err = gmt_nc_open (GMT, HH->name, NC_NOWRITE, &ncid)) != 0) {
258 		gmt_M_free (GMT, actual_col);
259 		return err;
260 	}
261 	check = !isnan (header->nan_value);
263 	/* Load data row by row. The data in the file is stored in the same
264 	 * "upside down" fashion as within GMT. The first row is the top row */
266 	tmp = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, header->n_columns, gmt_grdfloat);
268 	edge[0] = header->n_columns;
269 	ij = imag_offset + pad[YHI] * width_out + pad[XLO];
270 	header->z_min =  DBL_MAX;
271 	header->z_max = -DBL_MAX;
272 	HH->has_NaNs = GMT_GRID_NO_NANS;	/* We are about to check for NaNs and if none are found we retain 1, else 2 */
274 	for (j = first_row; j <= last_row; j++, ij += width_out) {
275 		start[0] = j * header->n_columns;
276 		if ((err = gmt_nc_get_vara_grdfloat (ncid, HH->z_id, start, edge, tmp))) {	/* Get one row */
277 			gmt_M_free (GMT, actual_col);
278 			gmt_M_free (GMT, tmp);
279 			gmt_nc_close (GMT, ncid);
280 			return (err);
281 		}
282 		for (i = 0; i < width_in; i++) {	/* Check for and handle NaN proxies */
283 			kk = ij+i;
284 			grid[kk] = tmp[actual_col[i]];
285 			if (check && grid[kk] == header->nan_value)
286 				grid[kk] = GMT->session.f_NaN;
287 			if (gmt_M_is_fnan (grid[kk])) {
288 				HH->has_NaNs = GMT_GRID_HAS_NANS;
289 				continue;
290 			}
291 			header->z_min = MIN (header->z_min, (double)grid[kk]);
292 			header->z_max = MAX (header->z_max, (double)grid[kk]);
293 		}
294 	}
296 	header->n_columns = width_in;
297 	header->n_rows = height_in;
298 	gmt_M_memcpy (header->wesn, wesn, 4, double);
300 	gmt_M_free (GMT, actual_col);
301 	gmt_M_free (GMT, tmp);
302 	gmt_M_err_trap (gmt_nc_close (GMT, ncid));
304 	return (GMT_NOERROR);
305 }
gmt_cdf_write_grd(struct GMT_CTRL * GMT,struct GMT_GRID_HEADER * header,gmt_grdfloat * grid,double wesn[],unsigned int * pad,unsigned int complex_mode)307 int gmt_cdf_write_grd (struct GMT_CTRL *GMT, struct GMT_GRID_HEADER *header, gmt_grdfloat *grid, double wesn[], unsigned int *pad, unsigned int complex_mode) {
308 	/* header:	grid structure header
309 	 * grid:	array with final grid
310 	 * wesn:	Sub-region to write out  [Use entire file if 0,0,0,0]
311 	 * padding:	# of empty rows/columns to add on w, e, s, n of grid, respectively
312 	 * complex_mode:	&1 | &2 if complex array is to hold real (1) and imaginary (2) parts (otherwise read as real only)
313 	 *		Note: The file has only real values, we simply allow space in the complex array
314 	 *		for real and imaginary parts when processed by grdfft etc.
315 	 */
317 	size_t start[1], edge[1];
318 	int ncid, old_fill_mode, err, first_col, last_col, first_row, last_row;
319 	long *tmp_i = NULL;
320 	unsigned int i, *actual_col = NULL;
321 	unsigned int j, width_out, height_out, width_in;
322 	uint64_t ij, nr_oor = 0, imag_offset;
323 	gmt_grdfloat *tmp_f = NULL;
324 	double limit[2] = {-FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX};
325 	gmt_grdfloat value;
326 	nc_type z_type;
327 	struct GMT_GRID_HEADER_HIDDEN *HH = gmt_get_H_hidden (header);
329 	if (!strcmp (HH->name,"=")) return (GMT_GRDIO_NC_NO_PIPE);	/* Cannot do piping on netCDF files */
331 	/* Determine the value to be assigned to missing data, if not already done so */
333 	switch (header->type) {
334 		case GMT_GRID_IS_CB:
335 			if (isnan (header->nan_value)) header->nan_value = CHAR_MIN;
336 			limit[0] = CHAR_MIN - 0.5; limit[1] = CHAR_MAX + 0.5;
337 			z_type = NC_BYTE; break;
338 		case GMT_GRID_IS_CS:
339 			if (isnan (header->nan_value)) header->nan_value = SHRT_MIN;
340 			limit[0] = SHRT_MIN - 0.5; limit[1] = SHRT_MAX + 0.5;
341 			z_type = NC_SHORT; break;
342 		case GMT_GRID_IS_CI:
343 			if (isnan (header->nan_value)) header->nan_value = INT_MIN;
344 			limit[0] = INT_MIN - 0.5; limit[1] = INT_MAX + 0.5;
345 			z_type = NC_INT; break;
346 		case GMT_GRID_IS_CF:
347 			z_type = NC_FLOAT; break;
348 		case GMT_GRID_IS_CD:
349 			z_type = NC_DOUBLE; break;
350 		default:
351 			z_type = NC_NAT;
352 	}
354 	gmt_M_err_pass (GMT, gmt_grd_prep_io (GMT, header, wesn, &width_out, &height_out, &first_col, &last_col, &first_row, &last_row, &actual_col), HH->name);
355 	(void)gmtlib_init_complex (header, complex_mode, &imag_offset);	/* Set offset for imaginary complex component */
357 	width_in = width_out;		/* Physical width of input array */
358 	if (pad[XLO] > 0) width_in += pad[XLO];
359 	if (pad[XHI] > 0) width_in += pad[XHI];
361 	gmt_M_memcpy (header->wesn, wesn, 4, double);
362 	header->n_columns = width_out;
363 	header->n_rows = height_out;
365 	/* Write grid header */
367 	if ((err = gmt_nc_create (GMT, HH->name, NC_CLOBBER, &ncid))) {
368 		gmt_M_free (GMT, actual_col);
369 		return (err);
370 	}
371 	if ((err = nc_set_fill (ncid, NC_NOFILL, &old_fill_mode))) {
372 		gmt_M_free (GMT, actual_col);
373 		return (err);
374 	}
375 	if ((err = gmt_cdf_grd_info (GMT, ncid, header, 'w'))) {
376 		gmt_M_free (GMT, actual_col);
377 		return (err);
378 	}
380 	/* Set start position for writing grid */
382 	edge[0] = width_out;
383 	ij = first_col + pad[XLO] + (uint64_t)(first_row + pad[YHI]) * width_in;
384 	header->z_min =  DBL_MAX;
385 	header->z_max = -DBL_MAX;
387 	/* Store z-variable */
389 	if (z_type == NC_FLOAT || z_type == NC_DOUBLE) {
390 		tmp_f = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, width_in, gmt_grdfloat);
391 		for (j = 0; j < height_out; j++, ij += width_in) {
392 			start[0] = j * width_out;
393 			for (i = 0; i < width_out; i++) {
394 				value = grid[ij+actual_col[i]+imag_offset];
395 				if (!isfinite (value)) {
396 					if (isinf(value))
397 						nr_oor++; /* out of gmt_grdfloat range */
398 					tmp_f[i] = header->nan_value;
399 				}
400 				else {
401 					tmp_f[i] = value;
402 					header->z_min = MIN (header->z_min, (double)tmp_f[i]);
403 					header->z_max = MAX (header->z_max, (double)tmp_f[i]);
404 				}
405 			}
406 			if ((err = gmt_nc_put_vara_grdfloat (ncid, HH->z_id, start, edge, tmp_f))) {
407 				gmt_M_free (GMT, actual_col);
408 				gmt_M_free (GMT, tmp_f);
409 				return (err);
410 			}
411 		}
412 		gmt_M_free (GMT, tmp_f);
413 	}
414 	else {
415 		tmp_i = gmt_M_memory (GMT, NULL, width_in, long);
416 		for (j = 0; j < height_out; j++, ij += width_in) {
417 			start[0] = j * width_out;
418 			for (i = 0; i < width_out; i++) {
419 				value = grid[ij+actual_col[i]+imag_offset];
420 				if (!isfinite (value)) {
421 					if (isinf(value))
422 						nr_oor++; /* out of gmt_grdfloat range */
423 					tmp_i[i] = lrintf (header->nan_value);
424 				}
425 				else if (value <= limit[0] || value >= limit[1]) {
426 					tmp_i[i] = lrintf (header->nan_value);
427 					nr_oor++;
428 				}
429 				else {
430 					tmp_i[i] = lrintf (value);
431 					header->z_min = MIN (header->z_min, (double)tmp_i[i]);
432 					header->z_max = MAX (header->z_max, (double)tmp_i[i]);
433 				}
434 			}
435 			if ((err = nc_put_vara_long (ncid, HH->z_id, start, edge, tmp_i))) {
436 				gmt_M_free (GMT, actual_col);
437 				gmt_M_free (GMT, tmp_i);
438 				return (err);
439 			}
440 		}
441 		gmt_M_free (GMT, tmp_i);
442 	}
444 	if (nr_oor > 0) GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "%" PRIu64 " out-of-range grid values converted to _FillValue [%s]\n", nr_oor, HH->name);
446 	gmt_M_free (GMT, actual_col);
448 	if (header->z_min <= header->z_max) {
449 		limit[0] = header->z_min; limit[1] = header->z_max;
450 	}
451 	else {
452 		GMT_Report (GMT->parent, GMT_MSG_INFORMATION, "No valid values in grid [%s]\n", HH->name);
453 		limit[0] = 0.0; limit[1] = 0.0;
454 	}
455 	gmt_M_err_trap (nc_put_var_double (ncid, HH->z_id - 3, limit));
457 	/* Close grid */
459 	gmt_M_err_trap (gmt_nc_close (GMT, ncid));
461 	return (GMT_NOERROR);
462 }