2	/**
3	* Datetime class that contains common date/time functions
4	* @author Joseph Engo <jengo@phpgroupware.org>
5	* @author Mark Peters <skeeter@phpgroupware.org>
6	* @copyright Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Joseph Engo, Mark Peters
7	* @copyright Portions Copyright (C) 2000-2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc. http://www.fsf.org/
8	* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html GNU Lesser General Public License
9	* @package phpgwapi
10	* @subpackage utilities
11	* @version $Id: class.phpgw_datetime.inc.php 18131 2007-04-25 13:44:07Z skwashd $
12	*/
14	$d1 = strtolower(@substr(PHPGW_API_INC,0,3));
15	$d2 = strtolower(@substr(PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT,0,3));
16	$d3 = strtolower(@substr(PHPGW_APP_INC,0,3));
17	if($d1 == 'htt' || $d1 == 'ftp' || $d2 == 'htt' || $d2 == 'ftp' || $d3 == 'htt' || $d3 == 'ftp')
18	{
19		echo 'Failed attempt to break in via an old Security Hole!<br />'."\n";
20		exit;
21	}
22	unset($d1);
23	unset($d2);
24	unset($d3);
27	/**
28	* Datetime class that contains common date/time functions
29	*
30	* @package phpgwapi
31	* @subpackage utilities
32	*/
33	class phpgw_datetime
34	{
35		var $tz_offset;
36		var $days = Array();
37		var $gmtnow = 0;
38		var $users_localtime;
39		var $cv_gmtdate;
41		function phpgw_datetime()
42		{
43			$this->tz_offset = 3600 * intval(@$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset']);
44			print_debug('datetime::datetime::gmtnow',$this->gmtnow,'api');
46			$error_occured = True;
47			// If we already have a GMT time, no need to do this again.
48			if(!$this->gmtnow)
49			{
50				if(isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['tz_offset']))
51				{
52					$this->gmtnow = time() - (intval($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['tz_offset']) * 3600);
53					//echo "<p>set via tz_offset=".$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['tz_offset'].": gmtnow=".date('Y/m/d H:i',$this->gmtnow)."</p>\n";
54				}
55				else
56				{
57					$this->gmtnow = time() - ($this->getbestguess() * 3600);
58					//echo "<p>set via bestguess=".$this->getbestguess().": gmtnow=".date('Y/m/d H:i',$this->gmtnow)."</p>\n";
59				}
60			}
61			$this->users_localtime = time() + $this->tz_offset;
62		}
64		function getntpoffset()
65		{
66			$error_occured = False;
67			if(!@is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->network))
68			{
69				$GLOBALS['phpgw']->network = createobject('phpgwapi.network');
70			}
71			$server_time = time();
73			if($GLOBALS['phpgw']->network->open_port('',13,5))
74			{
75				$line = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->network->bs_read_port(64);
76				$GLOBALS['phpgw']->network->close_port();
78				$array = explode(' ',$line);
79				// host:
80				// Value returned is 52384 02-04-20 13:55:29 50 0 0   9.2 UTC(NIST) *
81				print_debug('Server datetime',time(),'api');
82				print_debug('Temporary NTP datetime',$line,'api');
83				if ($array[5] == 4)
84				{
85					$error_occured = True;
86				}
87				else
88				{
89					$date = explode('-',$array[1]);
90					$time = explode(':',$array[2]);
91					$this->gmtnow = mktime(intval($time[0]),intval($time[1]),intval($time[2]),intval($date[1]),intval($date[2]),intval($date[0]) + 2000);
92					print_debug('Temporary RFC epoch',$this->gmtnow,'api');
93					print_debug('GMT',date('Ymd H:i:s',$this->gmtnow),'api');
94				}
95			}
96			else
97			{
98				$error_occured = True;
99			}
101			if($error_occured == True)
102			{
103				return $this->getbestguess();
104			}
105			else
106			{
107				return intval(($server_time - $this->gmtnow) / 3600);
108			}
109		}
111		function gethttpoffset()
112		{
113			$error_occured = False;
114			if(!@is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->network))
115			{
116				$GLOBALS['phpgw']->network = createobject('phpgwapi.network');
117			}
118			$server_time = time();
120			$filename = '';
121			$file = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->network->gethttpsocketfile($filename);
122			if(!$file)
123			{
124				return $this->getbestguess();
125			}
126			$time = strip_tags($file[55]);
127			$date = strip_tags($file[56]);
129			print_debug('GMT DateTime',$date.' '.$time,'api');
130			$dt_array = explode(' ',$date);
131			$temp_datetime = $dt_array[0].' '.substr($dt_array[2],0,-1).' '.substr($dt_array[1],0,3).' '.$dt_array[3].' '.$time.' GMT';
132			print_debug('Reformulated GMT DateTime',$temp_datetime,'api');
133			$this->gmtnow = $this->convert_rfc_to_epoch($temp_datetime);
134			print_debug('this->gmtnow',$this->gmtnow,'api');
135			print_debug('server time',$server_time,'api');
136			print_debug('server DateTime',date('D, d M Y H:i:s',$server_time),'api');
137			return intval(($server_time - $this->gmtnow) / 3600);
138		}
140		function getbestguess()
141		{
142			print_debug('datetime::datetime::debug: Inside getting from local server','api');
143			$server_time = time();
144			// Calculate GMT time...
145			// If DST, add 1 hour...
146			//  - (date('I') == 1?3600:0)
147			$this->gmtnow = $this->convert_rfc_to_epoch(gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s',$server_time).' GMT');
148			return intval(($server_time - $this->gmtnow) / 3600);
149		}
151		function convert_rfc_to_epoch($date_str)
152		{
153			$comma_pos = strpos($date_str,',');
154			if($comma_pos)
155			{
156				$date_str = substr($date_str,$comma_pos+1);
157			}
159			// This may need to be a reference to the different months in native tongue....
160			$month= array(
161				'Jan' => 1,
162				'Feb' => 2,
163				'Mar' => 3,
164				'Apr' => 4,
165				'May' => 5,
166				'Jun' => 6,
167				'Jul' => 7,
168				'Aug' => 8,
169				'Sep' => 9,
170				'Oct' => 10,
171				'Nov' => 11,
172				'Dec' => 12
173			);
174			$dta = array();
175			$ta = array();
177			// Convert "15 Jul 2000 20:50:22 +0200" to unixtime
178			$dta = explode(' ',$date_str);
179			$ta = explode(':',$dta[4]);
181			if(substr($dta[5],0,3) <> 'GMT')
182			{
183				$tzoffset = substr($dta[5],0,1);
184				$tzhours = intval(substr($dta[5],1,2));
185				$tzmins = intval(substr($dta[5],3,2));
186				switch ($tzoffset)
187				{
188					case '-':
189						(int)$ta[0] += $tzhours;
190						(int)$ta[1] += $tzmins;
191						break;
192					case '+':
193						(int)$ta[0] -= $tzhours;
194						(int)$ta[1] -= $tzmins;
195						break;
196				}
197			}
198			return mktime($ta[0],$ta[1],$ta[2],$month[$dta[2]],$dta[1],$dta[3]);
199		}
201		function get_weekday_start($year,$month,$day)
202		{
203			$weekday = $this->day_of_week($year,$month,$day);
204			switch($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']['weekdaystarts'])
205			{
206				// Saturday is for arabic support
207				case 'Saturday':
208					$this->days = Array(
209						0 => 'Sat',
210						1 => 'Sun',
211						2 => 'Mon',
212						3 => 'Tue',
213						4 => 'Wed',
214						5 => 'Thu',
215						6 => 'Fri'
216					);
217					switch($weekday)
218					{
219						case 6:
220							break;
221						case 0:
222						        if ($day == 1)
223						        {
224						         	if ($month == 1)
225						        	{
226						          		--$year;
227						          		$month = 12;
228						         	}
229						         	else
230						         	{
231						         		--$month;
232						         	}
233						         	$day = $this->days_in_month($month,$year);
234						        }
235						        else
236						        {
237						        	--$day;
238						        }
239							break;
240						default:
241						        if ($day <= ($weekday + 1))
242						        {
243						         	if ($month == 1)
244						        	{
245						          		--$year;
246						          		$month = 12;
247						         	}
248						         	else
249						         	{
250						         		--$month;
251						         	}
252						         	$day = $this->days_in_month($month,$year) - $weekday;
253						        }
254						        else
255						        {
256						        	$day -= ($weekday + 1);
257						        }
258					}
259					break;
260				case 'Monday':
261					$this->days = Array(
262						0 => 'Mon',
263						1 => 'Tue',
264						2 => 'Wed',
265						3 => 'Thu',
266						4 => 'Fri',
267						5 => 'Sat',
268						6 => 'Sun'
269					);
270					switch($weekday)
271					{
272						case 1:
273							break;
274						case 0:
275						        if ($day <= 6)
276						        {
277						         	if ($month == 1)
278						        	{
279						          		--$year;
280						          		$month = 12;
281						         	}
282						         	else
283						         	{
284						         		--$month;
285						         	}
286						         	$day = $this->days_in_month($month,$year) + ($day - 6);
287						        }
288						        else
289						        {
290						        	$day -= 6;
291						        }
292							break;
293						default:
294					        	if ($day <= ($weekday == 0) ? 6 : ($weekday-1))
295					        	{
296				         			if ($month == 1)
297				        			{
298				          				--$year;
299				          				$month = 12;
300				         			}
301				         			else
302				         			{
303				         				--$month;
304				         			}
305				         			$day = $this->days_in_month($month,$year) + ($day - (($weekday == 0) ? 6 : ($weekday-1)));
306				       			}
307				       			else
308				      			{
309				        			$day -= ($weekday-1);
310				        		}
311					}
312					break;
313				case 'Sunday':
314				default:
315					$this->days = Array(
316						0 => 'Sun',
317						1 => 'Mon',
318						2 => 'Tue',
319						3 => 'Wed',
320						4 => 'Thu',
321						5 => 'Fri',
322						6 => 'Sat'
323					);
324				        if ($day <= $weekday)
325				        {
326				         	if ($month == 1)
327				        	{
328				          		--$year;
329				          		$month = 12;
330				         	}
331				         	else
332				         	{
333				         		--$month;
334				         	}
335				         	$day = $this->days_in_month($month,$year) + ($day - $weekday);
336				        }
337				        else
338				        {
339				        	$day -= $weekday;
340				        }
341			}
342			$sday = mktime(2,0,0,$month,$day,$year);
343			return $sday - 7200;
344		}
346		function is_leap_year($year)
347		{
348			if ((intval($year) % 4 == 0) && (intval($year) % 100 != 0) || (intval($year) % 400 == 0))
349			{
350				return 1;
351			}
352			else
353			{
354				return 0;
355			}
356		}
358		function days_in_month($month,$year)
359		{
360			$days = Array(
361				1	=>	31,
362				2	=>	28 + $this->is_leap_year(intval($year)),
363				3	=>	31,
364				4	=>	30,
365				5	=>	31,
366				6	=>	30,
367				7	=>	31,
368				8	=>	31,
369				9	=>	30,
370				10	=>	31,
371				11	=>	30,
372				12	=>	31
373			);
374			return $days[intval($month)];
375		}
377		function date_valid($year,$month,$day)
378		{
379			return checkdate(intval($month),intval($day),intval($year));
380		}
382		function time_valid($hour,$minutes,$seconds)
383		{
384			if(intval($hour) < 0 || intval($hour) > 24)
385			{
386				return False;
387			}
388			if(intval($minutes) < 0 || intval($minutes) > 59)
389			{
390				return False;
391			}
392			if(intval($seconds) < 0 || intval($seconds) > 59)
393			{
394				return False;
395			}
397			return True;
398		}
400		function day_of_week($year,$month,$day)
401		{
402			if($month > 2)
403			{
404				$month -= 2;
405			}
406			else
407			{
408				$month += 10;
409				$year--;
410			}
411			$day = (floor((13 * $month - 1) / 5) + $day + ($year % 100) + floor(($year % 100) / 4) + floor(($year / 100) / 4) - 2 * floor($year / 100) + 77);
412			return (($day - 7 * floor($day / 7)));
413		}
415		function day_of_year($year,$month,$day)
416		{
417			$days = array(0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334);
419			$julian = ($days[$month - 1] + $day);
421			if($month > 2 && $this->is_leap_year($year))
422			{
423				$julian++;
424			}
425			return($julian);
426		}
428		/**
429		* Get the number of days between two dates
430		*
431		* @author Steven Cramer/Ralf Becker
432		* @param $m1 - Month of first date
433		* @param $d1 - Day of first date
434		* @param $y1 - Year of first date
435		* @param $m2 - Month of second date
436		* @param $d2 - Day of second date
437		* @param $y2 - Year of second date
438		* @return integer Date 2 minus Date 1 in days
439		* @internal the last param == 0, ensures that the calculation is always done without daylight-saveing
440		*/
441		function days_between($m1,$d1,$y1,$m2,$d2,$y2)
442		{
443			return intval((mktime(0,0,0,$m2,$d2,$y2,0) - mktime(0,0,0,$m1,$d1,$y1,0)) / 86400);
444		}
446		function date_compare($a_year,$a_month,$a_day,$b_year,$b_month,$b_day)
447		{
448			$a_date = mktime(0,0,0,intval($a_month),intval($a_day),intval($a_year));
449			$b_date = mktime(0,0,0,intval($b_month),intval($b_day),intval($b_year));
450			if($a_date == $b_date)
451			{
452				return 0;
453			}
454			elseif($a_date > $b_date)
455			{
456				return 1;
457			}
458			elseif($a_date < $b_date)
459			{
460				return -1;
461			}
462		}
464		function time_compare($a_hour,$a_minute,$a_second,$b_hour,$b_minute,$b_second)
465		{
466			// I use the 1970/1/2 to compare the times, as the 1. can get via TZ-offest still
467			// before 1970/1/1, which is the earliest date allowed on windows
468			$a_time = mktime(intval($a_hour),intval($a_minute),intval($a_second),1,2,1970);
469			$b_time = mktime(intval($b_hour),intval($b_minute),intval($b_second),1,2,1970);
470			if($a_time == $b_time)
471			{
472				return 0;
473			}
474			elseif($a_time > $b_time)
475			{
476				return 1;
477			}
478			elseif($a_time < $b_time)
479			{
480				return -1;
481			}
482		}
484		function makegmttime($hour,$minute,$second,$month,$day,$year)
485		{
486			return $this->gmtdate(mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year));
487		}
489		function localdates($localtime)
490		{
491			$date = Array('raw','day','month','year','full','dow','dm','bd');
492			$date['raw'] = $localtime;
493			$date['year'] = intval($GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($date['raw'],'Y'));
494			$date['month'] = intval($GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($date['raw'],'m'));
495			$date['day'] = intval($GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($date['raw'],'d'));
496			$date['full'] = intval($GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($date['raw'],'Ymd'));
497			$date['bd'] = mktime(0,0,0,$date['month'],$date['day'],$date['year']);
498			$date['dm'] = intval($GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($date['raw'],'dm'));
499			$date['dow'] = $this->day_of_week($date['year'],$date['month'],$date['day']);
500			$date['hour'] = intval($GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($date['raw'],'H'));
501			$date['minute'] = intval($GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($date['raw'],'i'));
502			$date['second'] = intval($GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($date['raw'],'s'));
504			return $date;
505		}
507		function gmtdate($localtime)
508		{
509			return $this->localdates($localtime - $this->tz_offset);
510		}
512		/**
513		 * Convert a date from one format to another
514		 *
515		 * @param string $date Date in source format representation
516		 * @param string $formatSource Format of the passed date
517		 * @param string $formatTarget Target date format
518		 * @return string Date in target format representation
519		 */
520		function convertDate($date, $formatSource, $formatTarget)
521		{
522			// get format separator character
523			$formatSourceSepChar = substr($formatSource,1,1);
524			$formatSourceArray   = explode($formatSourceSepChar, $formatSource);
525			$dateSourceArray     = explode($formatSourceSepChar, $date);
527			$keyNum = count($formatSourceArray);
528			$valNum = count($dateSourceArray);
529			if($keyNum != $valNum)
530			{
531				return false;
532			}
534			$map_date = array();
535			for($i=0; $i<$keyNum; $i++)
536			{
537				$key = $formatSourceArray[$i];
538				$val = $dateSourceArray[$i];
540				if($key == 'M')
541				{
542					for($j=1; $j <=12; $j++)
543					{
544						if(date('M',mktime(0,0,0,$j,1,2000)) == $val)
545						{
546							$map_date['m'] = $j;
547						}
548					}
549				}
550				else
551				{
552					$map_date[strtolower($key)] = intval($val);
553				}
554			}
555			return date($formatTarget, mktime(0,0,0,$map_date['m'], $map_date['d'], $map_date['y']));
556		}
558	}