1dotPlot = function(x, group, xlim, ylim, col, xlab, ylab, pch, cex, breaks, stacked = TRUE, ...) {
2    DB = FALSE
3    pch.size = "O"
4    grouped = TRUE
5    parList = list(...)
6    if (missing(xlab))
7        xlab = deparse(substitute(x))
8    x = x[!is.na(x)]
9    if (missing(xlim))
10        xlim = range(x)
11    if (missing(ylim))
12        ylim = c(0, 1)
13    if (missing(ylab))
14        ylab = ""
15    if (missing(cex))
16        cex = 1
17    if (missing(group))
18        group = rep(1, length(x))
19    if (length(unique(group)) == 1)
20        grouped = FALSE
21    if (missing(pch) || length(unique(group)) > length(pch))
22        pch = 1:length(unique(group))
23    if (missing(col) || length(unique(group)) > length(col))
24        col = 1:length(unique(group))
25    if (missing(breaks)) {
26        plot(1, 1, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", axes = FALSE, cex = cex, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab)
27        slotSizeX = strwidth(pch.size, units = "user", cex = cex)
28        if (DB)
29            print(paste("slotSizeX:", slotSizeX))
30        span = diff(range(x))
31        temp1 = ppoints(2 * ceiling(span/slotSizeX))
32        temp2 = numeric(length(temp1) + 2)
33        temp2[2:(length(temp1) + 1)] = temp1
34        temp2[1] = temp2[1] - 1.01 * diff(c(temp1[1], temp1[2]))
35        temp2[length(temp2)] = rev(temp1)[1] + 1.01 * diff(c(temp1[1], temp1[2]))
36        temp2 = temp2 * span + min(x)
37        temp = min(x) + ppoints(span/slotSizeX) * span
38        breaks = numeric(length(temp) + 2)
39        breaks[2:(length(temp) + 1)] = temp
40        breaks[1] = temp[1] - diff(c(temp[1], temp[2])) * 1.001
41        breaks[length(breaks)] = rev(temp)[1] + diff(c(temp[1], temp[2])) * 1.001
42        breaks = temp2
43    }
44    slotSizeY = strheight(pch.size, units = "user", cex = cex)
45    if (DB)
46        print(paste("slotSizeY:", slotSizeY))
47    span = diff(ylim)
48    temp1 = ppoints(2 * ceiling(span/slotSizeY))
49    temp2 = numeric(length(temp1) + 2)
50    temp2[2:(length(temp1) + 1)] = temp1
51    temp2[1] = temp2[1] - 1.01 * diff(c(temp1[1], temp1[2]))
52    temp2[length(temp2)] = rev(temp1)[1] + 1.01 * diff(c(temp1[1], temp1[2]))
53    yVec = temp2 * span + min(ylim)
54    if (yVec[1] < 0)
55        yVec = yVec + abs(yVec[1])
56    else yVec = yVec - yVec[1]
57    if (DB)
58        print(paste("temp2:", temp2))
59    if (DB)
60        print(paste("breaks:", breaks))
61    histObj = hist(x, breaks = breaks, right = FALSE, plot = FALSE)
62    hMids = histObj$mids
63    hCounts = histObj$counts
64    hMids = histObj$mids
65    mat = matrix(NA, nrow = length(x), ncol = length(hMids))
66    colMat = mat
67    groupmat = mat
68    numVec = 1:nrow(mat)
69    cutOff = 1
70    groupList = vector(mode = "list", length = length(unique(group)))
71    for (k in unique(group)) {
72        histObj = hist(x[group == k], breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE)
73        hMids = histObj$mids
74        hCounts = histObj$counts
75        hMids = histObj$mids
76        for (i in seq(along = hMids)) {
77            value = pch[k]
78            colValue = col[k]
79            from = 0
80            from = numVec[is.na(mat[, i])][1]
81            to = from
82            if (hCounts[i] == 0)
83                value = NA
84            if (hCounts[i] >= 1)
85                to = to + hCounts[i] - 1
86            if (to > cutOff)
87                cutOff = to
88            if (DB) {
89                print(paste("from:", from))
90                print(paste("to:", to))
91                print(paste("i:", i))
92                print(paste("value:", value))
93            }
94            mat[from:to, i] = value
95            colMat[from:to, i] = colValue
96        }
97        groupList[[k]] = groupmat
98    }
99    if (grouped && !stacked) {
100        groupIndex = unique(group)
101        par(mfrow = c(length(groupIndex), 1))
102        for (i in groupIndex) dotPlot(x[group == i], xlim = xlim, breaks = breaks, cex = cex, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, col = col, pch = pch, ...)
103    }
104    else {
105        mat = mat[1:cutOff, ]
106        if (!is.matrix(mat))
107            mat = matrix(mat, nrow = 1)
108        if (DB)
109            print(mat)
110        plot(1, 1, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, type = "n", cex = cex, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, ...)
111        for (i in 1:nrow(mat)) {
112            x = hMids[!is.na(mat[i, ])]
113            y = rep(i * 0.3, times = length(x))
114            y = rep(yVec[i], times = length(x))
115            col = colMat[i, !is.na(mat[i, ])]
116            pch = mat[i, !is.na(mat[i, ])]
117            points(x, y, col = col, pch = pch, cex = cex)
118        }
119    }
120    if (DB)
121        print(hMids)
122    invisible(mat)