2 /****************************************************************************
3  **
4  ** Copyright (C) 2011 Christian B. Huebschle & George M. Sheldrick
5  ** All rights reserved.
6  ** Contact: chuebsch@moliso.de
7  **
8  ** This file is part of the ShelXle
9  **
10  ** This file may be used under the terms of the GNU Lesser
11  ** General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software
12  ** Foundation and appearing in the file COPYING included in the
13  ** packaging of this file.  Please review the following information to
14  ** ensure the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 requirements
15  ** will be met: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html.
16  **
17  **
18  ****************************************************************************/
19 #include <molecule.h>
20 #include <QtOpenGL>
21 #include <QGLWidget>
22 #include "partcolor.h"
23 const double g2r=180.0/M_PI;
24 #include "itsme.h"
Molecule()25 Molecule::Molecule(){
26   proba=50;
27   program_in_use=false;
28   useShaders=true;
29   mist=false;
30   g_program=0;
31   g_Program=nullptr;
32   shaders_work=false;
33   qPeakRad=0.05;
34   growQPeak=false;
35   tubes=0;
36   planeTransparence=0.25;
37   qboMin=0.97;
38   qboMax=1.67;
39   HAWink=135;
40   HAMax=2.5;
41   dratom=0;
42   LOD=4;
43   highlightEquivalents = true;
44   mQolor=QColor(128,76,76);
45   monoQrom=false;
46   nopm1=false;
47   bondColorStyle=0;
48   bondStrength=0.05;
49   beloRad=0.04;
50   noQPeaksPlease=false;
51   HFixSuitableAtomsOnly=false;
52   for (int i=0,j=0; i<18; i++){
53     if ((i>5)&&(j%5==0)) j++;
54     int colori=27+j;
55     symmColors.append(QColor::colorNames().at(colori));
56     j++;
57   }
58   theseAreAcceptors.append(6);//NOF
59   theseAreAcceptors.append(7);
60   theseAreAcceptors.append(8);
62   theseAreDonors.append(5);//CNOF
63   theseAreDonors.append(6);
64   theseAreDonors.append(7);
65   theseAreDonors.append(8);
66   //QList<int> theseAreDonors;
67   beloColor= QColor("teal");
68   beloColorByDefden=true;
69   beloLabels=true;
70   //nonPositiveDefinite=0;
71   Kovalenz_Radien[0  ]=32  ;Kovalenz_Radien[1  ]=1   ;Kovalenz_Radien[2  ]=123 ;Kovalenz_Radien[3  ]=90  ;
72   Kovalenz_Radien[4  ]=80  ;Kovalenz_Radien[5  ]=77  ;Kovalenz_Radien[6  ]=74  ;Kovalenz_Radien[7  ]=66  ;
73   Kovalenz_Radien[8  ]=72  ;Kovalenz_Radien[9  ]=1   ;Kovalenz_Radien[10 ]=154 ;Kovalenz_Radien[11 ]=149 ;
74   Kovalenz_Radien[12 ]=118 ;Kovalenz_Radien[13 ]=111 ;Kovalenz_Radien[14 ]=106 ;Kovalenz_Radien[15 ]=102 ;
75   Kovalenz_Radien[16 ]=99  ;Kovalenz_Radien[17 ]=1   ;Kovalenz_Radien[18 ]=203 ;Kovalenz_Radien[19 ]=174 ;
76   Kovalenz_Radien[20 ]=144 ;Kovalenz_Radien[21 ]=132 ;Kovalenz_Radien[22 ]=122 ;Kovalenz_Radien[23 ]=118 ;
77   Kovalenz_Radien[24 ]=117 ;Kovalenz_Radien[25 ]=117 ;Kovalenz_Radien[26 ]=116 ;Kovalenz_Radien[27 ]=124 ;
78   Kovalenz_Radien[28 ]=117 ;Kovalenz_Radien[29 ]=125 ;Kovalenz_Radien[30 ]=126 ;Kovalenz_Radien[31 ]=122 ;
79   Kovalenz_Radien[32 ]=120 ;Kovalenz_Radien[33 ]=116 ;Kovalenz_Radien[34 ]=114 ;Kovalenz_Radien[35 ]=1   ;
80   Kovalenz_Radien[36 ]=218 ;Kovalenz_Radien[37 ]=191 ;Kovalenz_Radien[38 ]=162 ;Kovalenz_Radien[39 ]=145 ;
81   Kovalenz_Radien[40 ]=134 ;Kovalenz_Radien[41 ]=130 ;Kovalenz_Radien[42 ]=127 ;Kovalenz_Radien[43 ]=125 ;
82   Kovalenz_Radien[44 ]=125 ;Kovalenz_Radien[45 ]=128 ;Kovalenz_Radien[46 ]=134 ;Kovalenz_Radien[47 ]=148 ;
83   Kovalenz_Radien[48 ]=144 ;Kovalenz_Radien[49 ]=141 ;Kovalenz_Radien[50 ]=140 ;Kovalenz_Radien[51 ]=136 ;
84   Kovalenz_Radien[52 ]=133 ;Kovalenz_Radien[53 ]=1   ;Kovalenz_Radien[54 ]=235 ;Kovalenz_Radien[55 ]=198 ;
85   Kovalenz_Radien[56 ]=169 ;Kovalenz_Radien[57 ]=165 ;Kovalenz_Radien[58 ]=165 ;Kovalenz_Radien[59 ]=164 ;
86   Kovalenz_Radien[60 ]=164 ;Kovalenz_Radien[61 ]=162 ;Kovalenz_Radien[62 ]=185 ;Kovalenz_Radien[63 ]=161 ;
87   Kovalenz_Radien[64 ]=159 ;Kovalenz_Radien[65 ]=159 ;Kovalenz_Radien[66 ]=157 ;Kovalenz_Radien[67 ]=157 ;
88   Kovalenz_Radien[68 ]=156 ;Kovalenz_Radien[69 ]=170 ;Kovalenz_Radien[70 ]=156 ;Kovalenz_Radien[71 ]=144 ;
89   Kovalenz_Radien[72 ]=134 ;Kovalenz_Radien[73 ]=130 ;Kovalenz_Radien[74 ]=128 ;Kovalenz_Radien[75 ]=126 ;
90   Kovalenz_Radien[76 ]=127 ;Kovalenz_Radien[77 ]=130 ;Kovalenz_Radien[78 ]=134 ;Kovalenz_Radien[79 ]=149 ;
91   Kovalenz_Radien[80 ]=148 ;Kovalenz_Radien[81 ]=147 ;Kovalenz_Radien[82 ]=146 ;Kovalenz_Radien[83 ]=146 ;
92   Kovalenz_Radien[84 ]=145 ;Kovalenz_Radien[85 ]=1   ;Kovalenz_Radien[86 ]=0   ;Kovalenz_Radien[87 ]=1   ;
93   Kovalenz_Radien[88 ]=188 ;Kovalenz_Radien[89 ]=165 ;Kovalenz_Radien[90 ]=161 ;Kovalenz_Radien[91 ]=142 ;
94   Kovalenz_Radien[92 ]=130 ;Kovalenz_Radien[93 ]=151 ;Kovalenz_Radien[94 ]=182 ;
95   //printf("Kovalenz_Radien H hat :%d \n",Kovalenz_Radien[0]);
96   /*  //EN{
97       ElNeg[0]=220; ElNeg[1]=550; ElNeg[2]= 97; ElNeg[3]=147;
98       ElNeg[4]=201; ElNeg[5]=250; ElNeg[6]=307; ElNeg[7]=350;
99       ElNeg[8]=410; ElNeg[9]=480; ElNeg[10]=101;ElNeg[11]=123;
100       ElNeg[12]=147;ElNeg[13]=174;ElNeg[14]=206;ElNeg[15]=244;
101       ElNeg[16]=283;ElNeg[17]=320;ElNeg[18]= 91;ElNeg[19]=104;
102       ElNeg[20]=120;ElNeg[21]=132;ElNeg[22]=145;ElNeg[23]=156;
103       ElNeg[24]=160;ElNeg[25]=164;ElNeg[26]=170;ElNeg[27]=175;
104       ElNeg[28]=175;ElNeg[29]=166;ElNeg[30]=182;ElNeg[31]=202;
105       ElNeg[32]=220;ElNeg[33]=248;ElNeg[34]=274;ElNeg[35]=290;
106       ElNeg[36]= 89;ElNeg[37]= 99;ElNeg[38]=111;ElNeg[39]=122;
107       ElNeg[40]=123;ElNeg[41]=130;ElNeg[42]=136;ElNeg[43]=142;
108       ElNeg[44]=145;ElNeg[45]=130;ElNeg[46]=142;ElNeg[47]=146;
109       ElNeg[48]=149;ElNeg[49]=172;ElNeg[50]=182;ElNeg[51]=201;
110       ElNeg[52]=221;ElNeg[53]=240;ElNeg[54]= 86;ElNeg[55]= 97;
111       ElNeg[56]=108;ElNeg[57]=108;ElNeg[58]=107;ElNeg[59]=107;
112       ElNeg[60]=107;ElNeg[61]=107;ElNeg[62]=110;ElNeg[63]=111;
113       ElNeg[64]=110;ElNeg[65]=110;ElNeg[66]=110;ElNeg[67]=111;
114       ElNeg[68]=111;ElNeg[69]=106;ElNeg[70]=114;ElNeg[71]=123;
115       ElNeg[72]=133;ElNeg[73]=140;ElNeg[74]=146;ElNeg[75]=152;
116       ElNeg[76]=155;ElNeg[77]=142;ElNeg[78]=142;ElNeg[79]=144;
117       ElNeg[80]=144;ElNeg[81]=155;ElNeg[82]=167;
118       */
119   for (int i=0; i<103; i++){
120     if (i<95) arad[i]=(i)?Kovalenz_Radien[i]/(250.0):Kovalenz_Radien[i]/(500.0);
121     else arad[i]=0.5;
124     switch (i){
125       case 0://H
126         AtomColor[i]=QColor(Qt::white).darker(20);
127         break;
128       case 2://Li
129         AtomColor[i]=QColor(Qt::darkRed);
130         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
131         break;
132       case 3://Be
133         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
134         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
135         break;
136       case 4://B
137         AtomColor[i]=QColor(Qt::darkBlue);
138         break;
139       case 5://C
140         AtomColor[i]=QColor("#242424");
141         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_WHITERING;
142         break;
143       case 6://N
144         AtomColor[i]=QColor(Qt::blue);
145         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_WHITERING;
146         break;
147       case 7://O
148         AtomColor[i]=QColor(Qt::red);
149         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_WHITERING;
150         break;
151       case 8://F
152         AtomColor[i]=QColor("chartreuse");
153         break;
154       case 9://ne
155         AtomColor[i]=QColor(192,192,192,128);
156         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
157         break;
158       case 10://na
159         AtomColor[i]=QColor(239,154,251,128);
160         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
161         break;
162       case 11://mg
163         AtomColor[i]=QColor(51,153,255,128);
164         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
165         break;
166       case 12://al
167         AtomColor[i]=QColor(102,179,255,128);
168         break;
169       case 13://si
170         AtomColor[i]=QColor(128,128,128,128);
171         break;
172       case 14://p
173         AtomColor[i]=QColor(183,41,244,128);
174         break;
175       case 15://s
176         AtomColor[i]=QColor(190,190,0,128);
177         break;
178       case 16://cl
179         AtomColor[i]=QColor( 65,111, 65,128);
180         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
181         break;
183       case 18://k
184         AtomColor[i]=QColor(192,46,180,128);
185         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
186         break;
187       case 19://ca
188         AtomColor[i]=QColor(170,170,128,128);
189         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
190         break;
191       case 20:
192         AtomColor[i]=QColor(236,136,171,128);
193         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
194         break;
195       case 21:
196         AtomColor[i]=QColor(242,59,3,128);
197         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
198         break;
199       case 22:
200         AtomColor[i]=QColor(100,128,0,128);
201         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
202         break;
203       case 23:
204         AtomColor[i]=QColor(255,255,0,128);
205         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
206         break;
207       case 24:
208         AtomColor[i]=QColor(204,153,153,128);
209         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
210         break;
211       case 25:
212         AtomColor[i]=QColor(0,162,0,128);
213         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
214         break;
215       case 26:
216         AtomColor[i]=QColor(109,0,109,128);
217         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
218         break;
219       case 27:
220         AtomColor[i]=QColor(170,82,64,128);
221         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
222         break;
223       case 28://Cu
224         AtomColor[i]=QColor("salmon");
225         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
227         break;
228       case 29:
229         AtomColor[i]=QColor(63,123,111,128);
230         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
231         break;
232       case 30:
233         AtomColor[i]=QColor(78,254,208,128);
234         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
235         break;
236       case 31:
237         AtomColor[i]=QColor(136,136,136,128);
238         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
239         break;
240       case 32:
241         AtomColor[i]=QColor(191,218,255,128);
242         break;
243       case 33:
244         AtomColor[i]=QColor(90,23,23,128);
245         break;
246       case 34:
247         AtomColor[i]=QColor(222,188,133,128);
248         break;
249       case 35:
250         AtomColor[i]=QColor(240,120,0,128);
251         break;
252       case 36:
253         AtomColor[i]=QColor(50,15,0,128);
254         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
255         break;
256       case 37:
257         AtomColor[i]=QColor(192,192,192,128);
258         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
259         break;
260       case 38:
261         AtomColor[i]=QColor(204,113,32,128);
262         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
263         break;
264       case 39:
265         AtomColor[i]=QColor(236,97,59,128);
266         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
267         break;
268       case 40:
269         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
270         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
271         break;
272       case 41:
273         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
274         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
275         break;
276       case 42:
277         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
278         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
279         break;
280       case 43:
281         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
282         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
283         break;
284       case 44:
285         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
286         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
287         break;
288       case 45:
289         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
290         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
291         break;
292       case 46:
293         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
294         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
295         break;
296       case 47:
297         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
298         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
299         break;
300       case 48:
301         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
302         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
303         break;
304       case 49:
305         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
306         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
307         break;
308       case 54:
309         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
310         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
311         break;
312       case 55:
313         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
314         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
315         break;
316       case 56:
317         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
318         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
319         break;
320       case 57:
321         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
322         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
323         break;
324       case 58:
325         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
326         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
327         break;
328       case 59:
329         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
330         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
331         break;
332       case 61:
333         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
334         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
335         break;
336       case 62:
337         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
338         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
339         break;
340       case 63:
341         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
342         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
343         break;
344       case 67:
345         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
346         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
347         break;
348       case 68:
349         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
350         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
351         break;
352       case 69:
353         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
354         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
355         break;
356       case 70:
357         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
358         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
359         break;
360       case 71:
361         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
362         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
363         break;
364       case 72:
365         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
366         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
367         break;
368       case 73:
369         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
370         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
371         break;
372       case 74:
373         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
374         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
375         break;
376       case 75:
377         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
378         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
379         break;
380       case 76:
381         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
382         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
383         break;
384       case 77:
385         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
386         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
387         break;
388       case 79:
389         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
390         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
391         break;
392       case 80:
393         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
394         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
395         break;
396       case 81:
397         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
398         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
399         break;
400       case 82:
401         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
402         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
403         break;
404       case 83:
405         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
406         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
407         break;
408       case 86:
409         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
410         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
411         break;
412       case 87:
413         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
414         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
415         break;
416       case 88:
417         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
418         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
419         break;
420       case 89:
421         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
422         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
423         break;
424       case 91:
425         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
426         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
427         break;
428       case 92:
429         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
430         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
431         break;
432       case 93:
433         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
434         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
435         break;
436       case 97:
437         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
438         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
439         break;
441       case 78://Au
442         AtomColor[i]=QColor("goldenrod");
443         AtomStyle[i]|=ATOM_STYLE_METAL;
445         break;
446       default:
447         AtomColor[i]=QColor("silver");
448         break;
449     }
450     AtomColor[i].setAlpha(127);
451   }
453   PSE<<"H"<<"He"<<"Li"<<"Be"<<"B"<<"C"<<"N"<<"O"<<"F"<<"Ne"<<"Na"<<"Mg"<<"Al"<<"Si"<<"P"<<"S"<<"Cl"<<"Ar"<<
454     "K"<<"Ca"<<"Sc"<<"Ti"<<"V"<<"Cr"<<"Mn"<<"Fe"<<"Co"<<"Ni"<<"Cu"<<"Zn"<<"Ga"<<"Ge"<<"As"<<"Se"<<"Br"<<"Kr"<<
455     "Rb"<<"Sr"<<"Y"<<"Zr"<<"Nb"<<"Mo"<<"Tc"<<"Ru"<<"Rh"<<"Pd"<<"Ag"<<"Cd"<<"In"<<"Sn"<<"Sb"<<"Te"<<"I"<<"Xe"<<
456     "Cs"<<"Ba"<< "La"<<"Ce"<<"Pr"<<"Nd"<<"Pm"<<"Sm"<<"Eu"<<"Gd"<<"Tb"<<"Dy"<<"Ho"<<"Er"<<"Tm"<<"Yb"<<"Lu"<<
457     "Hf"<<"Ta"<<"W"<<"Re"<<"Os"<<"Ir"<<"Pt"<<"Au"<<"Hg"<<"Tl"<<"Pb"<<"Bi"<<"Po"<<"At"<<"Rn"<<"Fr"<<"Ra"<<
458     "Ac"<<"Th"<<"Pa"<<"U"<<"Np"<<"Pu"<<"Am"<<"Cm"<<"Bk"<<"Cf"<<"Es"<<"Fm"<<"Md"<<"No"<<"Lr";//no need of these I guess--> <<"Ku"<<"Ha"<<"Rf"<<"Ns"<<"Hs"<<"Mt";
459 }
afix5(int idx)461 int Molecule::afix5(int idx){
462   int f5 = 0,m,cnt = 0,aafx=-1;
463   if (showatoms.at(idx).afix==0) return 0;
464   //  printf("AFIXm5 %d (%s)\n",showatoms.at(idx).afix,showatoms.at(idx).Label.toStdString().c_str());
465   for (int i = 0; (i <= idx) && (i < showatoms.size()); i++){
466     if (showatoms.at(i).an > 0){
467       if (aafx != showatoms.at(i).afix) cnt = 0;// afix is different than before => reset the counter
468       aafx = showatoms.at(i).afix;
469       m = showatoms.at(i).afix / 10;
470       switch (m) {
471         case 0://afix 6 afix 9
472           //printf("ehm m is zero?\n");
473           f5=5;
474           break;
475         case 6://66 for phenyl rings
476           cnt++;
477           f5 = (cnt % 6)? m * 10 + 5: 0;
478           //        printf("cnt%d %s\n",cnt,showatoms.at(i).Label.toStdString().c_str());
479           break;
480         case 5://56 planar regular 5 membered ring (cp)
481           cnt++;
482           f5 = (cnt % 5)? m * 10 + 5: 0;
483           break;
484         case 10://cp*
485           cnt++;
486           f5 = (cnt % 10)? m * 10 + 5: 0;
487           break;
488         case 11://naphtyl
489           cnt++;
490           f5 = (cnt % 10)? m * 10 + 5: 0;
491           break;
492       }
493     }
494   }
495   //  printf("==> %d aafx%d m%d cnt%d idx%d %s\n",f5,aafx,m,cnt,idx,showatoms.at(idx).Label.toStdString().c_str());
496   return f5;
497 }
nameSymmOp(Matrix m,int & fld,V3 & axis)499 QString Molecule::nameSymmOp(Matrix m,int &fld,V3 &axis){
500   QList<Matrix> so;
501   so<<
502     Matrix( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<Matrix(-1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<Matrix( 1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<Matrix( 1,-1, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<
503     Matrix(-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<Matrix(-1, 0, 0,-1, 1, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<Matrix(-1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<Matrix( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<
504     Matrix( 0,-1, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<Matrix( 0, 0, 1, 0,-1, 0, 1, 0, 0)<<Matrix( 0, 0,-1, 0,-1, 0,-1, 0, 0)<<Matrix(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)<<
505     Matrix(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0,-1, 0)<<Matrix( 1, 0, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<Matrix(-1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<Matrix(-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<
506     Matrix(-1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<Matrix( 1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<Matrix( 1, 0, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<Matrix( 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<
507     Matrix( 0,-1, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<Matrix( 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<Matrix( 0, 0,-1, 0, 1, 0,-1, 0, 0)<<Matrix( 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)<<
508     Matrix( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0,-1, 0)<<Matrix( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)<<Matrix(-1, 0, 0,-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<Matrix( 1,-1, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<
509     Matrix( 0,-1, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<Matrix(-1, 1, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<Matrix( 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)<<Matrix( 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)<<
510     Matrix( 0, 0,-1,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)<<Matrix( 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0)<<Matrix( 0, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0)<<Matrix( 0,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 1, 0, 0)<<
511     Matrix( 0, 0,-1, 1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0)<<Matrix( 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,-1,-1, 0, 0)<<Matrix( 0, 1, 0,-1, 1, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<Matrix( 1,-1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<
512     Matrix( 0, 0,-1,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0)<<Matrix( 0,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1,-1, 0, 0)<<Matrix( 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0)<<Matrix( 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 1, 0, 0)<<
513     Matrix( 0, 0,-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)<<Matrix( 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0)<<Matrix( 0, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)<<Matrix( 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0)<<
514     Matrix( 0,-1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<Matrix( 0, 1, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<Matrix( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 1, 0)<<Matrix( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,-1, 0)<<
515     Matrix( 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0,-1, 0, 0)<<Matrix( 0, 0,-1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0)<<Matrix( 0, 1, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<Matrix( 0,-1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<
516     Matrix(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0,-1, 0)<<Matrix(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 1, 0)<<Matrix( 0, 0,-1, 0,-1, 0, 1, 0, 0)<<Matrix( 0, 0, 1, 0,-1, 0,-1, 0, 0)<<
517     Matrix( 1,-1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<Matrix( 0, 1, 0,-1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)<<Matrix(-1, 1, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1)<<Matrix( 0,-1, 0, 1,-1, 0, 0, 0,-1);
518   QList<V3>axn;
519   axn<<
521     V3( 0, 0, 0)<<//1   "1"));
522     V3( 0, 0, 0)<<//2   "-1"));
523     V3( 1, 0, 0)<<//3   "2 x,0,0"));
524     V3( 1, 0, 0)<<//4   "2 x,0,0"));
525     V3( 0, 1, 0)<<//5   "2 0,y,0"));
526     V3( 0, 1, 0)<<//6   "2 0,y,0"));
527     V3( 0, 0, 1)<<//7   "2 0,0,z"));
528     V3( 1, 1, 0)<<//8   "2 x,x,0"));
529     V3( 1,-1, 0)<<//9   "2 x,-x,0"));
530     V3( 1, 0, 1)<<//10  "2 x,0,x"));
531     V3(-1, 0, 1)<<//11  "2 -x,0,x"));
532     V3( 0, 1, 1)<<//12  "2 0,x,x"));
533     V3( 0, 1,-1)<<//13  "2 0,x,-x"));
534     V3( 2, 1, 0)<<//14  "2 2x,x,0"));
535     V3( 1, 2, 0)<<//15  "2 x,2x,0"));
536     V3( 1, 0, 0)<<//16  "m 0,y,z"));
537     V3( 2,-1, 0)<<//17  "m x,2x,z"));
538     V3( 0, 1, 0)<<//18  "m x,0,z"));
539     V3(-1, 2, 0)<<//19  "m 2x,x,z"));
540     V3( 0, 0, 1)<<//20  "m x,y,0"));
541     V3( 1, 1, 0)<<//21  "m x,-x,z"));
542     V3( 1,-1, 0)<<//22  "m x,x,z"));
543     V3( 1, 0, 1)<<//23  "m -x,y,x"));
544     V3(-1, 0, 1)<<//24  "m x,y,x"));
545     V3( 0, 1, 1)<<//25  "m x,y,-y"));
546     V3( 0, 1,-1)<<//26  "m x,y,y"));
547     V3( 1, 0, 0)<<//27  "m 0,y,z"));
548     V3( 0, 1, 0)<<//28  "m x,0,z"));
549     V3( 0, 0, 1)<<//29  "3+ 0,0,z"));
550     V3( 0, 0, 1)<<//30  "3- 0,0,z"));
551     V3( 1, 1, 1)<<//31  "3+ x,x,x"));
552     V3( 1, 1, 1)<<//32  "3- x,x,x"));
553     V3( 1,-1,-1)<<//33  "3+ x,-x,-x"));
554     V3( 1,-1,-1)<<//34  "3- x,-x,-x"));
555     V3(-1, 1,-1)<<//35  "3+ -x,x,-x"));
556     V3(-1, 1,-1)<<//36  "3- -x,x,-x"));
557     V3(-1,-1, 1)<<//37  "3+ -x,-x,x"));
558     V3(-1,-1, 1)<<//38  "3- -x,-x,x"));
559     V3( 0, 0, 1)<<//39  "-3+ 0,0,z"));
560     V3( 0, 0, 1)<<//40  "-3- 0,0,z"));
561     V3( 1, 1, 1)<<//41  "-3+ x,x,x"));
562     V3( 1, 1, 1)<<//42  "-3- x,x,x"));
563     V3( 1,-1,-1)<<//43  "-3+ x,-x,-x"));
564     V3( 1,-1,-1)<<//44  "-3- x,-x,-x"));
565     V3(-1, 1,-1)<<//45  "-3+ -x,x,-x"));
566     V3(-1, 1,-1)<<//46  "-3- -x,x,-x"));
567     V3(-1,-1, 1)<<//47  "-3+ -x,-x,x"));
568     V3(-1,-1, 1)<<//48  "-3- -x,-x,x"));
569     V3( 0, 0, 1)<<//49  "4+ 0,0,z"));
570     V3( 0, 0, 1)<<//50  "4- 0,0,z"));
571     V3( 1, 0, 0)<<//51  "4+ x,0,0"));
572     V3( 1, 0, 0)<<//52  "4- x,0,0"));
573     V3( 0, 1, 0)<<//53  "4+ 0,y,0"));
574     V3( 0, 1, 0)<<//54  "4- 0,y,0"));
575     V3( 0, 0, 1)<<//55  "-4+ 0,0,z"));
576     V3( 0, 0, 1)<<//56  "-4- 0,0,z"));
577     V3( 1, 0, 0)<<//57  "-4+ x,0,0"));
578     V3( 1, 0, 0)<<//58  "-4- x,0,0"));
579     V3( 0, 1, 0)<<//59  "-4+ 0,y,0"));
580     V3( 0, 1, 0)<<//60  "-4- 0,y,0"));
581     V3( 0, 0, 1)<<//61  "6+ 0,0,z"));
582     V3( 0, 0, 1)<<//62  "6- 0,0,z"));
583     V3( 0, 0, 1)<<//63  "-6+ 0,0,z"));
584     V3( 0, 0, 1);//64   "-6- 0,0,z"));
586   QStringList n;
587   n.append(QString("1"));
588   n.append(QString("-1"));
589   n.append(QString("2 x,0,0"));
590   n.append(QString("2 x,0,0"));
591   n.append(QString("2 0,y,0"));
592   n.append(QString("2 0,y,0"));
593   n.append(QString("2 0,0,z"));
594   n.append(QString("2 x,x,0"));
595   n.append(QString("2 x,-x,0"));
596   n.append(QString("2 x,0,x"));
597   n.append(QString("2 -x,0,x"));
598   n.append(QString("2 0,x,x"));
599   n.append(QString("2 0,x,-x"));
600   n.append(QString("2 2x,x,0"));
601   n.append(QString("2 x,2x,0"));
602   n.append(QString("m 0,y,z"));
603   n.append(QString("m x,2x,z"));
604   n.append(QString("m x,0,z"));
605   n.append(QString("m 2x,x,z"));
606   n.append(QString("m x,y,0"));
607   n.append(QString("m x,-x,z"));
608   n.append(QString("m x,x,z"));
609   n.append(QString("m -x,y,x"));
610   n.append(QString("m x,y,x"));
611   n.append(QString("m x,y,-y"));
612   n.append(QString("m x,y,y"));
613   n.append(QString("m 0,y,z"));
614   n.append(QString("m x,0,z"));
615   n.append(QString("3+ 0,0,z"));
616   n.append(QString("3- 0,0,z"));
617   n.append(QString("3+ x,x,x"));
618   n.append(QString("3- x,x,x"));
619   n.append(QString("3+ x,-x,-x"));
620   n.append(QString("3- x,-x,-x"));
621   n.append(QString("3+ -x,x,-x"));
622   n.append(QString("3- -x,x,-x"));
623   n.append(QString("3+ -x,-x,x"));
624   n.append(QString("3- -x,-x,x"));
625   n.append(QString("-3+ 0,0,z"));
626   n.append(QString("-3- 0,0,z"));
627   n.append(QString("-3+ x,x,x"));
628   n.append(QString("-3- x,x,x"));
629   n.append(QString("-3+ x,-x,-x"));
630   n.append(QString("-3- x,-x,-x"));
631   n.append(QString("-3+ -x,x,-x"));
632   n.append(QString("-3- -x,x,-x"));
633   n.append(QString("-3+ -x,-x,x"));
634   n.append(QString("-3- -x,-x,x"));
635   n.append(QString("4+ 0,0,z"));
636   n.append(QString("4- 0,0,z"));
637   n.append(QString("4+ x,0,0"));
638   n.append(QString("4- x,0,0"));
639   n.append(QString("4+ 0,y,0"));
640   n.append(QString("4- 0,y,0"));
641   n.append(QString("-4+ 0,0,z"));
642   n.append(QString("-4- 0,0,z"));
643   n.append(QString("-4+ x,0,0"));
644   n.append(QString("-4- x,0,0"));
645   n.append(QString("-4+ 0,y,0"));
646   n.append(QString("-4- 0,y,0"));
647   n.append(QString("6+ 0,0,z"));
648   n.append(QString("6- 0,0,z"));
649   n.append(QString("-6+ 0,0,z"));
650   n.append(QString("-6- 0,0,z"));
651   int i=so.indexOf(m);
652   int fold[64]={1, -1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, -2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, -3, -3,
653     -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, -3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, -4, -4, -4, -4, -4, -4, 6, 6, -6, -6};
655   //printf("!!## %d %s\n",i,n.at(i).toStdString().c_str());
656   if (i>-1) {
657     fld=fold[i];
658     axis=axn[i];
659     return n.at(i);
660   }
661   fld=0;
662   axis=V3(0,0,0);
663   return QString("none");
664 }
afix5(const CEnvironment & atm,int idx)665 int Molecule::afix5(const CEnvironment &atm, int idx){
666   int f5 = 0,m,cnt = 0,aafx=-1;
667   if (atm.at(idx).afix==0) return 0;
668   //  printf("AFIXm5 %d (%s)\n",showatoms.at(idx).afix,showatoms.at(idx).Label.toStdString().c_str());
669   for (int i = 0; (i <= idx) && (i < atm.size()); i++){
670     if (atm.at(i).an > 0){
671       if (aafx != atm.at(i).afix) cnt = 0;// afix is different than before => reset the counter
672       aafx = atm.at(i).afix;
673       m = atm.at(i).afix / 10;
674       switch (m) {
675         case 0://afix 6 afix 9
676           //printf("ehm m is zero?\n");
677           f5=5;
678           break;
679         case 6://66 for phenyl rings
680           cnt++;
681           f5 = (cnt % 6)? m * 10 + 5: 0;
682           //        printf("cnt%d %s\n",cnt,showatoms.at(i).Label.toStdString().c_str());
683           break;
684         case 5://56 planar regular 5 membered ring (cp)
685           cnt++;
686           f5 = (cnt % 5)? m * 10 + 5: 0;
687           break;
688         case 10://cp*
689           cnt++;
690           f5 = (cnt % 10)? m * 10 + 5: 0;
691           break;
692         case 11://naphtyl
693           cnt++;
694           f5 = (cnt % 10)? m * 10 + 5: 0;
695           break;
696       }
697     }
698   }
699   //  printf("==> %d aafx%d m%d cnt%d idx%d %s\n",f5,aafx,m,cnt,idx,showatoms.at(idx).Label.toStdString().c_str());
700   return f5;
701 }
rotarb(double * arr)702 Matrix Molecule::rotarb(double *arr){
703   double phi=arr[0]/180*M_PI;
704   double c=cos(phi);
705   double s=sin(phi);
706   double omc=1-c;
707   Matrix m(c+arr[1]*arr[1]*omc,arr[1]*arr[2]*omc-s*arr[3],arr[1]*arr[3]*omc+s*arr[2],
708       arr[1]*arr[2]*omc+s*arr[3],c+arr[2]*arr[2]*omc,arr[2]*arr[3]*omc-s*arr[1],
709       arr[1]*arr[3]*omc-s*arr[2],arr[2]*arr[3]*omc+s*arr[1],c+arr[3]*arr[3]*omc);
710   return m;
711 }
exportOBJ(QString fileName,const CEnvironment & _atoms,const Connection & _bonds)713 void Molecule::exportOBJ(QString fileName,const CEnvironment &_atoms, const Connection &_bonds){
714   const GLuint idx2[960] = {
715     1,     42,     44,//  0 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
716     42,     12,     43,//  1 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
717     43,     14,     44,//  2 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
718     42,     43,     44,//  3 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
719     12,     45,     47,//  4 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
720     45,      0,     46,//  5 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
721     46,     13,     47,//  6 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
722     45,     46,     47,//  7 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
723     13,     48,     50,//  8 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
724     48,      5,     49,//  9 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
725     49,     14,     50,// 10 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
726     48,     49,     50,// 11 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
727     12,     47,     43,// 12 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
728     47,     13,     50,// 13 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
729     50,     14,     43,// 14 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
730     47,     50,     43,// 15 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
731     0,     45,     52,// 16 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
732     45,     12,     51,// 17 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
733     51,     16,     52,// 18 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
734     45,     51,     52,// 19 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
735     12,     42,     54,// 20 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
736     42,      1,     53,// 21 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
737     53,     15,     54,// 22 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
738     42,     53,     54,// 23 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
739     15,     55,     57,// 24 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
740     55,      7,     56,// 25 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
741     56,     16,     57,// 26 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
742     55,     56,     57,// 27 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
743     12,     54,     51,// 28 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
744     54,     15,     57,// 29 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
745     57,     16,     51,// 30 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
746     54,     57,     51,// 31 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
747     10,     58,     60,// 32 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
748     58,     17,     59,// 33 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
749     59,     18,     60,// 34 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
750     58,     59,     60,// 35 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
751     17,     61,     62,// 36 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
752     61,      0,     52,// 37 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
753     52,     16,     62,// 38 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
754     61,     52,     62,// 39 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
755     16,     56,     64,// 40 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
756     56,      7,     63,// 41 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
757     63,     18,     64,// 42 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
758     56,     63,     64,// 43 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
759     17,     62,     59,// 44 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
760     62,     16,     64,// 45 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
761     64,     18,     59,// 46 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
762     62,     64,     59,// 47 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
763     0,     61,     66,// 48 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
764     61,     17,     65,// 49 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
765     65,     20,     66,// 50 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
766     61,     65,     66,// 51 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
767     17,     58,     68,// 52 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
768     58,     10,     67,// 53 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
769     67,     19,     68,// 54 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
770     58,     67,     68,// 55 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
771     19,     69,     71,// 56 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
772     69,     11,     70,// 57 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
773     70,     20,     71,// 58 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
774     69,     70,     71,// 59 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
775     17,     68,     65,// 60 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
776     68,     19,     71,// 61 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
777     71,     20,     65,// 62 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
778     68,     71,     65,// 63 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
779     11,     72,     70,// 64 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
780     72,     21,     73,// 65 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
781     73,     20,     70,// 66 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
782     72,     73,     70,// 67 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
783     21,     74,     75,// 68 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
784     74,      5,     48,// 69 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
785     48,     13,     75,// 70 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
786     74,     48,     75,// 71 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
787     13,     46,     76,// 72 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
788     46,      0,     66,// 73 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
789     66,     20,     76,// 74 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
790     46,     66,     76,// 75 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
791     21,     75,     73,// 76 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
792     75,     13,     76,// 77 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
793     76,     20,     73,// 78 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
794     75,     76,     73,// 79 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
795     5,     74,     78,// 80 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
796     74,     21,     77,// 81 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
797     77,     23,     78,// 82 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
798     74,     77,     78,// 83 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
799     21,     72,     80,// 84 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
800     72,     11,     79,// 85 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
801     79,     22,     80,// 86 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
802     72,     79,     80,// 87 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
803     22,     81,     83,// 88 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
804     81,      4,     82,// 89 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
805     82,     23,     83,// 90 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
806     81,     82,     83,// 91 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
807     21,     80,     77,// 92 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
808     80,     22,     83,// 93 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
809     83,     23,     77,// 94 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
810     80,     83,     77,// 95 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
811     2,     84,     86,// 96 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
812     84,     24,     85,// 97 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
813     85,     25,     86,// 98 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
814     84,     85,     86,// 99 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
815     24,     87,     88,//100 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
816     87,     11,     69,//101 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
817     69,     19,     88,//102 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
818     87,     69,     88,//103 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
819     19,     67,     90,//104 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
820     67,     10,     89,//105 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
821     89,     25,     90,//106 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
822     67,     89,     90,//107 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
823     24,     88,     85,//108 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
824     88,     19,     90,//109 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
825     90,     25,     85,//110 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
826     88,     90,     85,//111 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
827     11,     87,     79,//112 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
828     87,     24,     91,//113 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
829     91,     22,     79,//114 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
830     87,     91,     79,//115 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
831     24,     84,     93,//116 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
832     84,      2,     92,//117 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
833     92,     26,     93,//118 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
834     84,     92,     93,//119 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
835     26,     94,     95,//120 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
836     94,      4,     81,//121 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
837     81,     22,     95,//122 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
838     94,     81,     95,//123 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
839     24,     93,     91,//124 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
840     93,     26,     95,//125 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
841     95,     22,     91,//126 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
842     93,     95,     91,//127 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
843     10,     96,     89,//128 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
844     96,     27,     97,//129 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
845     97,     25,     89,//130 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
846     96,     97,     89,//131 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
847     27,     98,    100,//132 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
848     98,      6,     99,//133 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
849     99,     28,    100,//134 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
850     98,     99,    100,//135 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
851     28,    101,    102,//136 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
852     101,      2,     86,//137 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
853     86,     25,    102,//138 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
854     101,     86,    102,//139 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
855     27,    100,     97,//140 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
856     100,     28,    102,//141 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
857     102,     25,     97,//142 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
858     100,    102,     97,//143 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
859     6,     98,    104,//144 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
860     98,     27,    103,//145 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
861     103,     29,    104,//146 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
862     98,    103,    104,//147 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
863     27,     96,    105,//148 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
864     96,     10,     60,//149 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
865     60,     18,    105,//150 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
866     96,     60,    105,//151 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
867     18,     63,    107,//152 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
868     63,      7,    106,//153 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
869     106,     29,    107,//154 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
870     63,    106,    107,//155 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
871     27,    105,    103,//156 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
872     105,     18,    107,//157 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
873     107,     29,    103,//158 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
874     105,    107,    103,//159 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
875     7,    108,    106,//160 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
876     108,     30,    109,//161 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
877     109,     29,    106,//162 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
878     108,    109,    106,//163 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
879     30,    110,    112,//164 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
880     110,      8,    111,//165 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
881     111,     31,    112,//166 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
882     110,    111,    112,//167 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
883     31,    113,    114,//168 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
884     113,      6,    104,//169 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
885     104,     29,    114,//170 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
886     113,    104,    114,//171 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
887     30,    112,    109,//172 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
888     112,     31,    114,//173 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
889     114,     29,    109,//174 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
890     112,    114,    109,//175 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
891     8,    110,    116,//176 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
892     110,     30,    115,//177 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
893     115,     32,    116,//178 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
894     110,    115,    116,//179 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
895     30,    108,    117,//180 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
896     108,      7,     55,//181 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
897     55,     15,    117,//182 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
898     108,     55,    117,//183 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
899     15,     53,    119,//184 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
900     53,      1,    118,//185 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
901     118,     32,    119,//186 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
902     53,    118,    119,//187 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
903     30,    117,    115,//188 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
904     117,     15,    119,//189 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
905     119,     32,    115,//190 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
906     117,    119,    115,//191 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
907     9,    120,    122,//192 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
908     120,     33,    121,//193 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
909     121,     34,    122,//194 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
910     120,    121,    122,//195 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
911     33,    123,    124,//196 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
912     123,      1,     44,//197 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
913     44,     14,    124,//198 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
914     123,     44,    124,//199 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
915     14,     49,    126,//200 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
916     49,      5,    125,//201 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
917     125,     34,    126,//202 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
918     49,    125,    126,//203 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
919     33,    124,    121,//204 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
920     124,     14,    126,//205 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
921     126,     34,    121,//206 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
922     124,    126,    121,//207 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
923     1,    123,    118,//208 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
924     123,     33,    127,//209 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
925     127,     32,    118,//210 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
926     123,    127,    118,//211 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
927     33,    120,    129,//212 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
928     120,      9,    128,//213 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
929     128,     35,    129,//214 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
930     120,    128,    129,//215 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
931     35,    130,    131,//216 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
932     130,      8,    116,//217 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
933     116,     32,    131,//218 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
934     130,    116,    131,//219 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
935     33,    129,    127,//220 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
936     129,     35,    131,//221 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
937     131,     32,    127,//222 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
938     129,    131,    127,//223 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
939     4,    132,     82,//224 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
940     132,     36,    133,//225 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
941     133,     23,     82,//226 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
942     132,    133,     82,//227 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
943     36,    134,    135,//228 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
944     134,      9,    122,//229 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
945     122,     34,    135,//230 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
946     134,    122,    135,//231 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
947     34,    125,    136,//232 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
948     125,      5,     78,//233 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
949     78,     23,    136,//234 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
950     125,     78,    136,//235 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
951     36,    135,    133,//236 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
952     135,     34,    136,//237 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
953     136,     23,    133,//238 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
954     135,    136,    133,//239 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
955     9,    134,    138,//240 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
956     134,     36,    137,//241 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
957     137,     38,    138,//242 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
958     134,    137,    138,//243 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
959     36,    132,    140,//244 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
960     132,      4,    139,//245 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
961     139,     37,    140,//246 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
962     132,    139,    140,//247 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
963     37,    141,    143,//248 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
964     141,      3,    142,//249 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
965     142,     38,    143,//250 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
966     141,    142,    143,//251 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
967     36,    140,    137,//252 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
968     140,     37,    143,//253 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
969     143,     38,    137,//254 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
970     140,    143,    137,//255 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
971     3,    144,    142,//256 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
972     144,     39,    145,//257 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
973     145,     38,    142,//258 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
974     144,    145,    142,//259 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
975     39,    146,    147,//260 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
976     146,      8,    130,//261 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
977     130,     35,    147,//262 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
978     146,    130,    147,//263 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
979     35,    128,    148,//264 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
980     128,      9,    138,//265 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
981     138,     38,    148,//266 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
982     128,    138,    148,//267 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
983     39,    147,    145,//268 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
984     147,     35,    148,//269 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
985     148,     38,    145,//270 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
986     147,    148,    145,//271 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
987     8,    146,    111,//272 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
988     146,     39,    149,//273 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
989     149,     31,    111,//274 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
990     146,    149,    111,//275 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
991     39,    144,    151,//276 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
992     144,      3,    150,//277 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
993     150,     40,    151,//278 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
994     144,    150,    151,//279 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
995     40,    152,    153,//280 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
996     152,      6,    113,//281 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
997     113,     31,    153,//282 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
998     152,    113,    153,//283 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
999     39,    151,    149,//284 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
1000     151,     40,    153,//285 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1001     153,     31,    149,//286 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1002     151,    153,    149,//287 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
1003     3,    154,    150,//288 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
1004     154,     41,    155,//289 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1005     155,     40,    150,//290 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
1006     154,    155,    150,//291 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
1007     41,    156,    157,//292 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1008     156,      2,    101,//293 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1009     101,     28,    157,//294 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1010     156,    101,    157,//295 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1011     28,     99,    158,//296 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1012     99,      6,    152,//297 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1013     152,     40,    158,//298 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1014     99,    152,    158,//299 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1015     41,    157,    155,//300 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
1016     157,     28,    158,//301 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1017     158,     40,    155,//302 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1018     157,    158,    155,//303 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
1019     2,    156,     92,//304 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
1020     156,     41,    159,//305 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1021     159,     26,     92,//306 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
1022     156,    159,     92,//307 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
1023     41,    154,    160,//308 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1024     154,      3,    141,//309 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1025     141,     37,    160,//310 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1026     154,    141,    160,//311 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1027     37,    139,    161,//312 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1028     139,      4,     94,//313 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1029     94,     26,    161,//314 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1030     139,     94,    161,//315 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1031     41,    160,    159,//316 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
1032     160,     37,    161,//317 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1033     161,     26,    159,//318 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1034     160,    161,    159 //319 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
1035   };
1036   const GLuint idxc[60] = {
1037     0, 20,  2,  2, 20, 22,
1038     2, 22,  4,  4, 22, 24,
1039     4, 24,  6,  6, 24, 26,
1040     6, 26,  8,  8, 26, 28,
1041     8, 28, 10, 10, 28, 30,
1042     10, 30, 12, 12, 30, 32,
1043     12, 32, 14, 14, 32, 34,
1044     14, 34, 16, 16, 34, 36,
1045     16, 36, 18, 18, 36, 38,
1046     18, 38,  0,  0, 38, 20,
1047   };
1049   const GLfloat vc[120] = {
1050     1.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//0
1051     0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//18
1052     0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//36
1053     0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//54
1054     0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//72
1055     0.000000000f, 1.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//90
1056     -0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//108
1057     -0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//126
1058     -0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//144
1059     -0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//162
1060     -1.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//180
1061     -0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//198
1062     -0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//216
1063     -0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//234
1064     -0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//252
1065     -0.000000000f,-1.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//270
1066     0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//288
1067     0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//306
1068     0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//324
1069     0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//342
1070     1.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 1.000000000f,//0
1071     0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 1.000000000f,//18
1072     0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 1.000000000f,//36
1073     0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 1.000000000f,//54
1074     0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 1.000000000f,//72
1075     0.000000000f, 1.000000000f, 1.000000000f,//90
1076     -0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 1.000000000f,//108
1077     -0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 1.000000000f,//126
1078     -0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 1.000000000f,//144
1079     -0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 1.000000000f,//162
1080     -1.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 1.000000000f,//180
1081     -0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 1.000000000f,//198
1082     -0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 1.000000000f,//216
1083     -0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 1.000000000f,//234
1084     -0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 1.000000000f,//252
1085     -0.000000000f,-1.000000000f, 1.000000000f,//270
1086     0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 1.000000000f,//288
1087     0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 1.000000000f,//306
1088     0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 1.000000000f,//324
1089     0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 1.000000000f//342
1090   };
1091   /*
1092      const GLfloat nc[120] = {
1093      -1.000000000f,-0.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//0
1094      -0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//18
1095      -0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//36
1096      -0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//54
1097      -0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//72
1098      0.000000000f,-1.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//90
1099      0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//108
1100      0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//126
1101      0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//144
1102      0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//162
1103      1.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//180
1104      0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//198
1105      0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//216
1106      0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//234
1107      0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//252
1108      0.000000000f, 1.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//270
1109      -0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//288
1110      -0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//306
1111      -0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//324
1112      -0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//342
1113      -1.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//0
1114      -0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//18
1115      -0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//36
1116      -0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//54
1117      -0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//72
1118      0.000000000f,-1.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//90
1119      0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//108
1120      0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//126
1121      0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//144
1122      0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//162
1123      1.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//180
1124      0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//198
1125      0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//216
1126      0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//234
1127      0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//252
1128      0.000000000f, 1.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//270
1129      -0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//288
1130      -0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//306
1131      -0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//324
1132      -0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 0.000000000f//342
1133      };
1134      */
1135   const GLfloat vs[486] ={ //v[1926] = {
1136     -0.525731f,   0.850651f,   0.000000f,//0
1137     0.525731f,   0.850651f,   0.000000f,//1
1138     -0.525731f,  -0.850651f,   0.000000f,//2
1139     0.525731f,  -0.850651f,   0.000000f,//3
1140     0.000000f,  -0.525731f,   0.850651f,//4
1141     0.000000f,   0.525731f,   0.850651f,//5
1142     0.000000f,  -0.525731f,  -0.850651f,//6
1143     0.000000f,   0.525731f,  -0.850651f,//7
1144     0.850651f,   0.000000f,  -0.525731f,//8
1145     0.850651f,   0.000000f,   0.525731f,//9
1146     -0.850651f,   0.000000f,  -0.525731f,//10
1147     -0.850651f,   0.000000f,   0.525731f,//11
1148     0.000000f,   1.000000f,   0.000000f,//12
1149     -0.309017f,   0.809017f,   0.500000f,//13
1150     0.309017f,   0.809017f,   0.500000f,//14
1151     0.309017f,   0.809017f,  -0.500000f,//15
1152     -0.309017f,   0.809017f,  -0.500000f,//16
1153     -0.809017f,   0.500000f,  -0.309017f,//17
1154     -0.500000f,   0.309017f,  -0.809017f,//18
1155     -1.000000f,   0.000000f,   0.000000f,//19
1156     -0.809017f,   0.500000f,   0.309017f,//20
1157     -0.500000f,   0.309017f,   0.809017f,//21
1158     -0.500000f,  -0.309017f,   0.809017f,//22
1159     0.000000f,   0.000000f,   1.000000f,//23
1160     -0.809017f,  -0.500000f,   0.309017f,//24
1161     -0.809017f,  -0.500000f,  -0.309017f,//25
1162     -0.309017f,  -0.809017f,   0.500000f,//26
1163     -0.500000f,  -0.309017f,  -0.809017f,//27
1164     -0.309017f,  -0.809017f,  -0.500000f,//28
1165     0.000000f,   0.000000f,  -1.000000f,//29
1166     0.500000f,   0.309017f,  -0.809017f,//30
1167     0.500000f,  -0.309017f,  -0.809017f,//31
1168     0.809017f,   0.500000f,  -0.309017f,//32
1169     0.809017f,   0.500000f,   0.309017f,//33
1170     0.500000f,   0.309017f,   0.809017f,//34
1171     1.000000f,   0.000000f,   0.000000f,//35
1172     0.500000f,  -0.309017f,   0.809017f,//36
1173     0.309017f,  -0.809017f,   0.500000f,//37
1174     0.809017f,  -0.500000f,   0.309017f,//38
1175     0.809017f,  -0.500000f,  -0.309017f,//39
1176     0.309017f,  -0.809017f,  -0.500000f,//40
1177     0.000000f,  -1.000000f,   0.000000f,//41
1178     0.273267f,   0.961938f,   0.000000f,//42
1179     0.162460f,   0.951057f,   0.262866f,//43
1180     0.433889f,   0.862668f,   0.259892f,//44
1181     -0.273267f,   0.961938f,   0.000000f,//45
1182     -0.433889f,   0.862668f,   0.259892f,//46
1183     -0.162460f,   0.951057f,   0.262866f,//47
1184     -0.160622f,   0.693780f,   0.702046f,//48
1185     0.160622f,   0.693780f,   0.702046f,//49
1186     0.000000f,   0.850651f,   0.525731f,//50
1187     -0.162460f,   0.951057f,  -0.262866f,//51
1188     -0.433889f,   0.862668f,  -0.259892f,//52
1189     0.433889f,   0.862668f,  -0.259892f,//53
1190     0.162460f,   0.951057f,  -0.262866f,//54
1191     0.160622f,   0.693780f,  -0.702046f,//55
1192     -0.160622f,   0.693780f,  -0.702046f,//56
1193     0.000000f,   0.850651f,  -0.525731f,//57
1194     -0.862668f,   0.259892f,  -0.433889f,//58
1195     -0.688191f,   0.425325f,  -0.587785f,//59
1196     -0.702046f,   0.160622f,  -0.693780f,//60
1197     -0.693780f,   0.702046f,  -0.160622f,//61
1198     -0.587785f,   0.688191f,  -0.425325f,//62
1199     -0.259892f,   0.433889f,  -0.862668f,//63
1200     -0.425325f,   0.587785f,  -0.688191f,//64
1201     -0.850651f,   0.525731f,   0.000000f,//65
1202     -0.693780f,   0.702046f,   0.160622f,//66
1203     -0.961938f,   0.000000f,  -0.273267f,//67
1204     -0.951057f,   0.262866f,  -0.162460f,//68
1205     -0.961938f,   0.000000f,   0.273267f,//69
1206     -0.862668f,   0.259892f,   0.433889f,//70
1207     -0.951057f,   0.262866f,   0.162460f,//71
1208     -0.702046f,   0.160622f,   0.693780f,//72
1209     -0.688191f,   0.425325f,   0.587785f,//73
1210     -0.259892f,   0.433889f,   0.862668f,//74
1211     -0.425325f,   0.587785f,   0.688191f,//75
1212     -0.587785f,   0.688191f,   0.425325f,//76
1213     -0.262866f,   0.162460f,   0.951057f,//77
1214     0.000000f,   0.273267f,   0.961938f,//78
1215     -0.702046f,  -0.160622f,   0.693780f,//79
1216     -0.525731f,   0.000000f,   0.850651f,//80
1217     -0.259892f,  -0.433889f,   0.862668f,//81
1218     0.000000f,  -0.273267f,   0.961938f,//82
1219     -0.262866f,  -0.162460f,   0.951057f,//83
1220     -0.693780f,  -0.702046f,   0.160622f,//84
1221     -0.850651f,  -0.525731f,   0.000000f,//85
1222     -0.693780f,  -0.702046f,  -0.160622f,//86
1223     -0.862668f,  -0.259892f,   0.433889f,//87
1224     -0.951057f,  -0.262866f,   0.162460f,//88
1225     -0.862668f,  -0.259892f,  -0.433889f,//89
1226     -0.951057f,  -0.262866f,  -0.162460f,//90
1227     -0.688191f,  -0.425325f,   0.587785f,//91
1228     -0.433889f,  -0.862668f,   0.259892f,//92
1229     -0.587785f,  -0.688191f,   0.425325f,//93
1230     -0.160622f,  -0.693780f,   0.702046f,//94
1231     -0.425325f,  -0.587785f,   0.688191f,//95
1232     -0.702046f,  -0.160622f,  -0.693780f,//96
1233     -0.688191f,  -0.425325f,  -0.587785f,//97
1234     -0.259892f,  -0.433889f,  -0.862668f,//98
1235     -0.160622f,  -0.693780f,  -0.702046f,//99
1236     -0.425325f,  -0.587785f,  -0.688191f,//100
1237     -0.433889f,  -0.862668f,  -0.259892f,//101
1238     -0.587785f,  -0.688191f,  -0.425325f,//102
1239     -0.262866f,  -0.162460f,  -0.951057f,//103
1240     0.000000f,  -0.273267f,  -0.961938f,//104
1241     -0.525731f,   0.000000f,  -0.850651f,//105
1242     0.000000f,   0.273267f,  -0.961938f,//106
1243     -0.262866f,   0.162460f,  -0.951057f,//107
1244     0.259892f,   0.433889f,  -0.862668f,//108
1245     0.262866f,   0.162460f,  -0.951057f,//109
1246     0.702046f,   0.160622f,  -0.693780f,//110
1247     0.702046f,  -0.160622f,  -0.693780f,//111
1248     0.525731f,   0.000000f,  -0.850651f,//112
1249     0.259892f,  -0.433889f,  -0.862668f,//113
1250     0.262866f,  -0.162460f,  -0.951057f,//114
1251     0.688191f,   0.425325f,  -0.587785f,//115
1252     0.862668f,   0.259892f,  -0.433889f,//116
1253     0.425325f,   0.587785f,  -0.688191f,//117
1254     0.693780f,   0.702046f,  -0.160622f,//118
1255     0.587785f,   0.688191f,  -0.425325f,//119
1256     0.862668f,   0.259892f,   0.433889f,//120
1257     0.688191f,   0.425325f,   0.587785f,//121
1258     0.702046f,   0.160622f,   0.693780f,//122
1259     0.693780f,   0.702046f,   0.160622f,//123
1260     0.587785f,   0.688191f,   0.425325f,//124
1261     0.259892f,   0.433889f,   0.862668f,//125
1262     0.425325f,   0.587785f,   0.688191f,//126
1263     0.850651f,   0.525731f,   0.000000f,//127
1264     0.961938f,   0.000000f,   0.273267f,//128
1265     0.951057f,   0.262866f,   0.162460f,//129
1266     0.961938f,   0.000000f,  -0.273267f,//130
1267     0.951057f,   0.262866f,  -0.162460f,//131
1268     0.259892f,  -0.433889f,   0.862668f,//132
1269     0.262866f,  -0.162460f,   0.951057f,//133
1270     0.702046f,  -0.160622f,   0.693780f,//134
1271     0.525731f,   0.000000f,   0.850651f,//135
1272     0.262866f,   0.162460f,   0.951057f,//136
1273     0.688191f,  -0.425325f,   0.587785f,//137
1274     0.862668f,  -0.259892f,   0.433889f,//138
1275     0.160622f,  -0.693780f,   0.702046f,//139
1276     0.425325f,  -0.587785f,   0.688191f,//140
1277     0.433889f,  -0.862668f,   0.259892f,//141
1278     0.693780f,  -0.702046f,   0.160622f,//142
1279     0.587785f,  -0.688191f,   0.425325f,//143
1280     0.693780f,  -0.702046f,  -0.160622f,//144
1281     0.850651f,  -0.525731f,   0.000000f,//145
1282     0.862668f,  -0.259892f,  -0.433889f,//146
1283     0.951057f,  -0.262866f,  -0.162460f,//147
1284     0.951057f,  -0.262866f,   0.162460f,//148
1285     0.688191f,  -0.425325f,  -0.587785f,//149
1286     0.433889f,  -0.862668f,  -0.259892f,//150
1287     0.587785f,  -0.688191f,  -0.425325f,//151
1288     0.160622f,  -0.693780f,  -0.702046f,//152
1289     0.425325f,  -0.587785f,  -0.688191f,//153
1290     0.273267f,  -0.961938f,   0.000000f,//154
1291     0.162460f,  -0.951057f,  -0.262866f,//155
1292     -0.273267f,  -0.961938f,   0.000000f,//156
1293     -0.162460f,  -0.951057f,  -0.262866f,//157
1294     0.000000f,  -0.850651f,  -0.525731f,//158
1295     -0.162460f,  -0.951057f,   0.262866f,//159
1296     0.162460f,  -0.951057f,   0.262866f,//160
1297     0.000000f,  -0.850651f,   0.525731f//,//161
1298   };
1299   QString selFilter;
1300   QString name=fileName;
1301   name=name.replace(QRegExp("ins$|res$"),"obj");
1302   QString wfobj = QFileDialog::getSaveFileName ( 0,
1303       "Export Isosurfaces to WaveFront .obj file",
1304       name, "Wavefront (*.obj)",&selFilter,0);
1305   if (wfobj.isEmpty()) return;
1306   if (!wfobj.contains (QRegExp(".obj$"))) wfobj.append(".obj");
1307   QString wfmtl=wfobj;
1309   wfmtl=wfmtl.replace(QRegExp("obj$"),"mtl");
1310   QString wfmtlbase=wfmtl.section('/', -1);
1311   QString base= wfmtlbase;
1312   base=base.remove(QRegExp("mtl$"));
1313   QString path=wfmtl.section('/',0, -2);
1314   //qDebug()<<wfmtlbase<<path;
1315   V3 centr=V3(0,0,0);
1316   {
1317     int na=0;
1318     for (int j=0; j<_atoms.size(); j++){
1319       if ((_atoms.at(j).hidden)) continue;
1320       if ((nopm1)&&(_atoms.at(j).symmGroup)&&(_atoms.at(j).part<0))continue;
1321       centr+=_atoms.at(j).pos;
1322       na++;
1323     }
1324     centr*=1.0/na;
1325   }
1326   QFile of(wfobj);
1327   of.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Text);
1328   of.write(QString("#Created by MoleCoolQt\nmtllib %1\n")
1329       .arg(wfmtlbase)
1330       .toLatin1());
1331   uint kk=0,kk0=0;
1332   for (int j=0; j<_atoms.size();j++){
1333     if (_atoms.at(j).an<0)continue;
1334     if ((_atoms.at(j).hidden)) continue;
1335     if ((nopm1)&&(_atoms.at(j).symmGroup)&&(_atoms.at(j).part<0))continue;
1336     int myStyle = AtomStyle[_atoms.at(j).an];
1337     V3 ev;
1338     Matrix madp,madp1,madp2,madp3,m2;
1339     if ((myStyle& ATOM_STYLE_NOADP)==0){
1340       double *arr = jacobi(_atoms.at(j).uc,ev);
1341       double fiftypct=1.54;
1342       switch (proba ) {
1343         case 10 :fiftypct=0.76;break;   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 10% Wahrscheinlichkeit
1344         case 30 :fiftypct=1.19;break;   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 30% Wahrscheinlichkeit
1345         case 50 :fiftypct=1.54;break;   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 50% Wahrscheinlichkeit
1346         case 70 :fiftypct=1.91;break;   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 70% Wahrscheinlichkeit
1347         case 90 :fiftypct=2.50;break;   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 90% Wahrscheinlichkeit
1348         default: ;
1349       }
1350       madp=Matrix(fiftypct*sqrt(ev.x),0,0
1351           ,0,fiftypct*sqrt(ev.y),0,
1352           0,0,fiftypct*sqrt(ev.z));
1353       madp1=Matrix(fiftypct*sqrt(ev.x)*0.15,0,0
1354           ,0,fiftypct*sqrt(ev.y)*1.05,0,
1355           0,0,fiftypct*sqrt(ev.z)*1.05);
1356       madp2=Matrix(fiftypct*sqrt(ev.x)*1.050,0,0
1357           ,0,fiftypct*sqrt(ev.y)*0.15,0,
1358           0,0,fiftypct*sqrt(ev.z)*1.05);
1359       madp3=Matrix(fiftypct*sqrt(ev.x)*1.05,0,0
1360           ,0,fiftypct*sqrt(ev.y)*1.05,0,
1361           0,0,fiftypct*sqrt(ev.z)*0.15);
1362       m2=rotarb(arr);
1363     }
1364     of.write(QString("\no %1\n").arg(_atoms.at(j).Label).toLatin1());
1365     of.write(QString("\nusemtl %1\n").arg((_atoms.at(j).an<0)?_atoms.at(j).Label:PSE.at(_atoms.at(j).an)).toLatin1());
1366     for (int i=0; i<162; i++){
1367       V3 vec(vs[3*i],vs[3*i+1],vs[3*i+2]);
1368       if ((myStyle& ATOM_STYLE_NOADP)==0) vec=(m2*madp)*vec;
1369       else vec*=arad[_atoms.at(j).an];
1370       //vec=m2*vec;
1371       of.write(QString("v  %1 %2 %3\n")
1372           .arg(_atoms.at(j).pos.x + vec.x - centr.x,12,'f',6)
1373           .arg(_atoms.at(j).pos.y + vec.y - centr.y,12,'f',6)
1374           .arg(_atoms.at(j).pos.z + vec.z - centr.z,12,'f',6)
1375           .toLatin1()
1376           );
1377       kk++;
1378     }
1379     if (kk0==0)for (int i=0; i<162; i++){
1380       of.write(QString("vn %1 %2 %3\n")
1381           .arg(vs[3*i],12,'f',6)
1382           .arg(vs[3*i+1],12,'f',6)
1383           .arg(vs[3*i+2],12,'f',6)
1384           .toLatin1()
1385           );
1386     }
1387     //of.write(QString("\nusemtl %1\n").arg((_atoms.at(j).an<0)?_atoms.at(j).Label:PSE.at(_atoms.at(j).an)).toLatin1());
1388     for (int i=0; i<960/3;i++){
1389       uint n= idx2[3*i]+1+kk0;
1390       uint m= idx2[3*i+1]+1+kk0;
1391       uint o= idx2[3*i+2]+1+kk0;
1392       of.write(QString("f %1//%4  %2//%5  %3//%6\n")
1393           .arg(n).arg(m).arg(o)
1394           .arg(n-kk0).arg(m-kk0).arg(o-kk0).toLatin1());
1396     }
1397     kk0=kk;
1398     if ((myStyle& ATOM_STYLE_RINGS)&&(myStyle& ATOM_STYLE_NOADP)==0){
1399       of.write(QString("\no %1\n").arg(_atoms.at(j).Label).toLatin1());
1400       of.write(QString("\nusemtl %1\n").arg((myStyle&ATOM_STYLE_WHITERING)?"white":"black").toLatin1());
1401       for (int i=0; i<162; i++){
1402         V3 vec(vs[3*i],vs[3*i+1],vs[3*i+2]);
1403         if ((myStyle& ATOM_STYLE_NOADP)==0) vec=(m2*madp1)*vec;
1404         else vec*=arad[_atoms.at(j).an];
1405         //vec=m2*vec;
1406         of.write(QString("v  %1 %2 %3\n")
1407             .arg(_atoms.at(j).pos.x + vec.x - centr.x,12,'f',6)
1408             .arg(_atoms.at(j).pos.y + vec.y - centr.y,12,'f',6)
1409             .arg(_atoms.at(j).pos.z + vec.z - centr.z,12,'f',6)
1410             .toLatin1()
1411             );
1412         kk++;
1413       }
1414       //of.write(QString("\nusemtl %1\n").arg((_atoms.at(j).an<0)?_atoms.at(j).Label:PSE.at(_atoms.at(j).an)).toLatin1());
1416       for (int i=0; i<960/3;i++){
1417         uint n= idx2[3*i]+1+kk0;
1418         uint m= idx2[3*i+1]+1+kk0;
1419         uint o= idx2[3*i+2]+1+kk0;
1420         of.write(QString("f %1  %2  %3\n")
1421             .arg(n).arg(m).arg(o)
1422             .toLatin1());
1423       }
1424       kk0=kk;
1425       for (int i=0; i<162; i++){
1426         V3 vec(vs[3*i],vs[3*i+1],vs[3*i+2]);
1427         if ((myStyle& ATOM_STYLE_NOADP)==0) vec=(m2*madp2)*vec;
1428         else vec*=arad[_atoms.at(j).an];
1429         //vec=m2*vec;
1430         of.write(QString("v  %1 %2 %3\n")
1431             .arg(_atoms.at(j).pos.x + vec.x - centr.x,12,'f',6)
1432             .arg(_atoms.at(j).pos.y + vec.y - centr.y,12,'f',6)
1433             .arg(_atoms.at(j).pos.z + vec.z - centr.z,12,'f',6)
1434             .toLatin1()
1435             );
1436         kk++;
1437       }
1438       //of.write(QString("\nusemtl %1\n").arg((_atoms.at(j).an<0)?_atoms.at(j).Label:PSE.at(_atoms.at(j).an)).toLatin1());
1440       for (int i=0; i<960/3;i++){
1441         uint n= idx2[3*i]+1+kk0;
1442         uint m= idx2[3*i+1]+1+kk0;
1443         uint o= idx2[3*i+2]+1+kk0;
1444         of.write(QString("f %1  %2  %3\n")
1445             .arg(n).arg(m).arg(o)
1446             .toLatin1());
1447       }
1448       kk0=kk;
1449       for (int i=0; i<162; i++){
1450         V3 vec(vs[3*i],vs[3*i+1],vs[3*i+2]);
1451         if ((myStyle& ATOM_STYLE_NOADP)==0) vec=(m2*madp3)*vec;
1452         else vec*=arad[_atoms.at(j).an];
1453         //vec=m2*vec;
1454         of.write(QString("v  %1 %2 %3\n")
1455             .arg(_atoms.at(j).pos.x + vec.x - centr.x,12,'f',6)
1456             .arg(_atoms.at(j).pos.y + vec.y - centr.y,12,'f',6)
1457             .arg(_atoms.at(j).pos.z + vec.z - centr.z,12,'f',6)
1458             .toLatin1()
1459             );
1460         kk++;
1461       }
1462       //of.write(QString("\nusemtl %1\n").arg((_atoms.at(j).an<0)?_atoms.at(j).Label:PSE.at(_atoms.at(j).an)).toLatin1());
1464       for (int i=0; i<960/3;i++){
1465         uint n= idx2[3*i]+1+kk0;
1466         uint m= idx2[3*i+1]+1+kk0;
1467         uint o= idx2[3*i+2]+1+kk0;
1468         of.write(QString("f %1  %2  %3\n")
1469             .arg(n).arg(m).arg(o)
1470             .toLatin1());
1471       }
1472       kk0=kk;
1473     }
1474   }//atoms
1475   for (int j=0; j<_bonds.size(); j++){
1477     if (_bonds.at(j).ato1->hidden) continue;
1478     if (_bonds.at(j).ato2->hidden) continue;
1479     if ((nopm1)&&(_bonds.at(j).ato1->symmGroup)&&(_bonds.at(j).ato1->part<0))continue;
1480     if ((nopm1)&&(_bonds.at(j).ato2->symmGroup)&&(_bonds.at(j).ato2->part<0))continue;
1481     V3 bondir= Normalize(_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos-_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos);
1482     bondir*=_bonds.at(j).length/2;
1483     V3 vec1;
1484     vec1.x=(_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.y-_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.y);
1485     vec1.y=(_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.x-_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.x);
1486     vec1.z=0;
1487     if (Norm(vec1)>0.00000001) vec1=Normalize(vec1);
1488     else vec1=V3(0,1,0);
1489     V3 anf=_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos - centr -bondir;
1490     V3 anf2=_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos - centr +bondir;
1491     double arr[4];
1492     arr[0]=acos(((_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.z-_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.z)/
1493           (sqrt((_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.x-_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.x)*(_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.x-_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.x)+
1494                 (_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.y-_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.y)*(_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.y-_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.y)+
1495                 (_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.z-_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.z)*(_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.z-_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.z)))))/M_PI*180.0;
1496     arr[1]=vec1.x;
1497     arr[2]=vec1.y;
1498     arr[3]=vec1.z;
1499     Matrix m2=rotarb(arr);
1500     of.write(QString("\no %1=%2\n").arg(_bonds.at(j).ato1->Label).arg(_bonds.at(j).ato2->Label).toLatin1());
1501     of.write(QString("\nusemtl %1\n").arg((bondColorStyle)?"bond": PSE.at(_bonds.at(j).ato1->an)).toLatin1());
1502     Matrix m1(bondStrength,0,0,
1503         0,bondStrength,0,
1504         0,0,_bonds.at(j).length/2);
1505     for (int i=0; i<40; i++){
1506       V3 vec(vc[3*i],vc[3*i+1],vc[3*i+2]);
1507       vec=(m2*m1)*vec;
1508       of.write(QString("v  %1 %2 %3\n")
1509           .arg(anf.x + vec.x ,12,'f',6)
1510           .arg(anf.y + vec.y ,12,'f',6)
1511           .arg(anf.z + vec.z ,12,'f',6)
1512           .toLatin1()
1513           );
1515       kk++;
1516     }
1517     for (int i=0; i<20;i++){
1518       uint n= idxc[3*i]+1+kk0;
1519       uint m= idxc[3*i+1]+1+kk0;
1520       uint o= idxc[3*i+2]+1+kk0;
1521       of.write(QString("f %1  %2  %3\n") .arg(n).arg(m).arg(o) .toLatin1());
1522       //of.write(QString("f %1//%4  %2//%5  %3//%6\n")
1523       //.arg(n-kk0).arg(m-kk0).arg(o-kk0)
1525     }
1526     kk0=kk;
1527     //*
1528     vec1.x=(_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.y-_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.y);
1529     vec1.y=(_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.x-_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.x);
1530     vec1.z=0;
1531     if (Norm(vec1)>0.00000001) vec1=Normalize(vec1);
1532     else vec1=V3(0,1,0);
1533     arr[0]=acos(((_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.z-_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.z)/
1534           (sqrt((_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.x-_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.x)*(_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.x-_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.x)+
1535                 (_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.y-_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.y)*(_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.y-_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.y)+
1536                 (_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.z-_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.z)*(_bonds.at(j).ato2->pos.z-_bonds.at(j).ato1->pos.z)))))/M_PI*180.0;
1537     arr[1]=vec1.x;
1538     arr[2]=vec1.y;
1539     arr[3]=vec1.z;
1540     Matrix m3=rotarb(arr);
1541     of.write(QString("\no %1=%2\n").arg(_bonds.at(j).ato2->Label).arg(_bonds.at(j).ato1->Label).toLatin1());
1542     of.write(QString("\nusemtl %1\n").arg((bondColorStyle)?"bond": PSE.at(_bonds.at(j).ato2->an)).toLatin1());
1543     for (int i=0; i<40; i++){
1544       V3 vec(vc[3*i],vc[3*i+1],vc[3*i+2]);
1545       vec=(m3*m1)*vec;
1546       of.write(QString("v  %1 %2 %3\n")
1547           .arg(anf2.x + vec.x ,12,'f',6)
1548           .arg(anf2.y + vec.y ,12,'f',6)
1549           .arg(anf2.z + vec.z ,12,'f',6)
1550           .toLatin1()
1551           );
1553       kk++;
1554     }
1555     for (int i=0; i<20;i++){
1556       uint n= idxc[3*i]+1+kk0;
1557       uint m= idxc[3*i+1]+1+kk0;
1558       uint o= idxc[3*i+2]+1+kk0;
1559       of.write(QString("f %1  %2  %3\n") .arg(n).arg(m).arg(o) .toLatin1());
1560       //of.write(QString("f %1//%4  %2//%5  %3//%6\n")
1561       //.arg(n-kk0).arg(m-kk0).arg(o-kk0)
1563     }
1564     kk0=kk;
1565     //  */
1566   }
1567   of.close();
1568   QFile mf(wfmtl);
1569   mf.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Text);
1570   for (int i=0; i<PSE.size(); i++){
1571     mf.write(QString("newmtl %1\n").arg(PSE.at(i)).toLatin1());
1572     //mf.write(QString("Kd %1 %2 %3\nKs %1 %2 %3\nNs 1000.0\n\n").arg(AtomColor[i].redF()).arg(AtomColor[i].greenF()).arg(AtomColor[i].blueF()).toLatin1());
1573     mf.write(QString("Kd %1 %2 %3\nKs 0.2 0.2 0.2\nNs 1000.0\n\n").arg(AtomColor[i].redF()).arg(AtomColor[i].greenF()).arg(AtomColor[i].blueF()).toLatin1());
1574   }
1575   mf.write(QString("newmtl bond\nKd %1 %2 %3\nKs 0 0 0\n\n").arg(bondColor.redF()).arg(bondColor.greenF()).arg(bondColor.blueF()).toLatin1());
1576   mf.write(QString("newmtl black\nKd 0 0 0\nKs 0 0 0\n\n").toLatin1());
1577   mf.write(QString("newmtl white\nKd 1 1 1\nKs 0 0 0\n\n").toLatin1());
1578   mf.close();
1580 }
myCylinder(int rod)1582 void Molecule::myCylinder(int rod){
1583   static const GLuint idx3[120] = {
1584     0, 20,  1,  1, 20, 21,
1585     1, 21,  2,  2, 21, 22,
1586     2, 22,  3,  3, 22, 23,
1587     3, 23,  4,  4, 23, 24,
1588     4, 24,  5,  5, 24, 25,
1589     5, 25,  6,  6, 25, 26,
1590     6, 26,  7,  7, 26, 27,
1591     7, 27,  8,  8, 27, 28,
1592     8, 28,  9,  9, 28, 29,
1593     9, 29, 10, 10, 29, 30,
1594     10, 30, 11, 11, 30, 31,
1595     11, 31, 12, 12, 31, 32,
1596     12, 32, 13, 13, 32, 33,
1597     13, 33, 14, 14, 33, 34,
1598     14, 34, 15, 15, 34, 35,
1599     15, 35, 16, 16, 35, 36,
1600     16, 36, 17, 17, 36, 37,
1601     17, 37, 18, 18, 37, 38,
1602     18, 38, 19, 19, 38, 39,
1603     19, 39,  0,  0, 39, 20
1604   };
1605   static const GLuint idx2[60] = {
1606     0, 20,  2,  2, 20, 22,
1607     2, 22,  4,  4, 22, 24,
1608     4, 24,  6,  6, 24, 26,
1609     6, 26,  8,  8, 26, 28,
1610     8, 28, 10, 10, 28, 30,
1611     10, 30, 12, 12, 30, 32,
1612     12, 32, 14, 14, 32, 34,
1613     14, 34, 16, 16, 34, 36,
1614     16, 36, 18, 18, 36, 38,
1615     18, 38,  0,  0, 38, 20,
1616   };
1617   static const GLuint idx1[30] = {
1618     0, 20,  4,  4, 20, 24,
1619     4, 24,  8,  8, 24, 28,
1620     8, 28, 12, 12, 28, 32,
1621     12, 32, 16, 16, 32, 36,
1622     16, 36,  0,  0, 36, 20,
1623   };
1624   static const GLfloat v[120] = {
1625     1.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//0
1626     0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//18
1627     0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//36
1628     0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//54
1629     0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//72
1630     0.000000000f, 1.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//90
1631     -0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//108
1632     -0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//126
1633     -0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//144
1634     -0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//162
1635     -1.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//180
1636     -0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//198
1637     -0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//216
1638     -0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//234
1639     -0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//252
1640     -0.000000000f,-1.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//270
1641     0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//288
1642     0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//306
1643     0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//324
1644     0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//342
1645     1.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 1.000000000f,//0
1646     0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 1.000000000f,//18
1647     0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 1.000000000f,//36
1648     0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 1.000000000f,//54
1649     0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 1.000000000f,//72
1650     0.000000000f, 1.000000000f, 1.000000000f,//90
1651     -0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 1.000000000f,//108
1652     -0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 1.000000000f,//126
1653     -0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 1.000000000f,//144
1654     -0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 1.000000000f,//162
1655     -1.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 1.000000000f,//180
1656     -0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 1.000000000f,//198
1657     -0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 1.000000000f,//216
1658     -0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 1.000000000f,//234
1659     -0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 1.000000000f,//252
1660     -0.000000000f,-1.000000000f, 1.000000000f,//270
1661     0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 1.000000000f,//288
1662     0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 1.000000000f,//306
1663     0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 1.000000000f,//324
1664     0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 1.000000000f//342
1665   };
1666   /*  static const GLfloat n[120] = {
1667       1.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000,//0
1668       0.951056516, 0.309016994, 0.000000000,//18
1669       0.809016994, 0.587785252, 0.000000000,//36
1670       0.587785252, 0.809016994, 0.000000000,//54
1671       0.309016994, 0.951056516, 0.000000000,//72
1672       0.000000000, 1.000000000, 0.000000000,//90
1673       -0.309016994, 0.951056516, 0.000000000,//108
1674       -0.587785252, 0.809016994, 0.000000000,//126
1675       -0.809016994, 0.587785252, 0.000000000,//144
1676       -0.951056516, 0.309016994, 0.000000000,//162
1677       -1.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000,//180
1678       -0.951056516,-0.309016994, 0.000000000,//198
1679       -0.809016994,-0.587785252, 0.000000000,//216
1680       -0.587785252,-0.809016994, 0.000000000,//234
1681       -0.309016994,-0.951056516, 0.000000000,//252
1682       -0.000000000,-1.000000000, 0.000000000,//270
1683       0.309016994,-0.951056516, 0.000000000,//288
1684       0.587785252,-0.809016994, 0.000000000,//306
1685       0.809016994,-0.587785252, 0.000000000,//324
1686       0.951056516,-0.309016994, 0.000000000,//342
1687       1.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000,//0
1688       0.951056516, 0.309016994, 0.000000000,//18
1689       0.809016994, 0.587785252, 0.000000000,//36
1690       0.587785252, 0.809016994, 0.000000000,//54
1691       0.309016994, 0.951056516, 0.000000000,//72
1692       0.000000000, 1.000000000, 0.000000000,//90
1693       -0.309016994, 0.951056516, 0.000000000,//108
1694       -0.587785252, 0.809016994, 0.000000000,//126
1695       -0.809016994, 0.587785252, 0.000000000,//144
1696       -0.951056516, 0.309016994, 0.000000000,//162
1697       -1.000000000, 0.000000000, 0.000000000,//180
1698       -0.951056516,-0.309016994, 0.000000000,//198
1699       -0.809016994,-0.587785252, 0.000000000,//216
1700       -0.587785252,-0.809016994, 0.000000000,//234
1701       -0.309016994,-0.951056516, 0.000000000,//252
1702       -0.000000000,-1.000000000, 0.000000000,//270
1703       0.309016994,-0.951056516, 0.000000000,//288
1704       0.587785252,-0.809016994, 0.000000000,//306
1705       0.809016994,-0.587785252, 0.000000000,//324
1706       0.951056516,-0.309016994, 0.000000000//342
1707       };*/
1708   static const GLfloat n[120] = {
1709     -1.000000000f,-0.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//0
1710     -0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//18
1711     -0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//36
1712     -0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//54
1713     -0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//72
1714     0.000000000f,-1.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//90
1715     0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//108
1716     0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//126
1717     0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//144
1718     0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//162
1719     1.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//180
1720     0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//198
1721     0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//216
1722     0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//234
1723     0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//252
1724     0.000000000f, 1.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//270
1725     -0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//288
1726     -0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//306
1727     -0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//324
1728     -0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//342
1729     -1.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//0
1730     -0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//18
1731     -0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//36
1732     -0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//54
1733     -0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//72
1734     0.000000000f,-1.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//90
1735     0.309016994f,-0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//108
1736     0.587785252f,-0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//126
1737     0.809016994f,-0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//144
1738     0.951056516f,-0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//162
1739     1.000000000f, 0.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//180
1740     0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 0.000000000f,//198
1741     0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//216
1742     0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//234
1743     0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//252
1744     0.000000000f, 1.000000000f, 0.000000000f,//270
1745     -0.309016994f, 0.951056516f, 0.000000000f,//288
1746     -0.587785252f, 0.809016994f, 0.000000000f,//306
1747     -0.809016994f, 0.587785252f, 0.000000000f,//324
1748     -0.951056516f, 0.309016994f, 0.000000000f//342
1749   };
1750   static const GLshort t[80] = {
1751     0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
1752     1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
1753   };
1754   glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
1755   glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, v);
1756   glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
1757   glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, n);
1758   glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
1759   glTexCoordPointer(2,  GL_SHORT,  0,  t);
1760   switch (rod){
1761     case 1:glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 30, GL_UNSIGNED_INT,idx1);break;
1762     case 2:glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 60, GL_UNSIGNED_INT,idx2);break;
1763     case 3:glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 120, GL_UNSIGNED_INT,idx3);break;
1764   }
1765   glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
1766   glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
1767 }
cylinder(double strength,double length)1769 void Molecule::cylinder(double strength, double length){
1770   glPushMatrix();
1771   glScaled(strength,strength,length);
1772   myCylinder(qMin(LOD-1,3));
1773   glPopMatrix();
1774 }
mySphere(int bal)1776 void Molecule::mySphere(int bal){
1777   static const GLuint idx1[240] = {
1778     1,     12,     14,//  0 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1779     12,      0,     13,//  1 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1780     13,      5,     14,//  2 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1781     12,     13,     14,//  3 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1782     0,     12,     16,//  4 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1783     12,      1,     15,//  5 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1784     15,      7,     16,//  6 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1785     12,     15,     16,//  7 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1786     10,     17,     18,//  8 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1787     17,      0,     16,//  9 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1788     16,      7,     18,// 10 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1789     17,     16,     18,// 11 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1790     0,     17,     20,// 12 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1791     17,     10,     19,// 13 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1792     19,     11,     20,// 14 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1793     17,     19,     20,// 15 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1794     11,     21,     20,// 16 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1795     21,      5,     13,// 17 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1796     13,      0,     20,// 18 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1797     21,     13,     20,// 19 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1798     5,     21,     23,// 20 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1799     21,     11,     22,// 21 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1800     22,      4,     23,// 22 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1801     21,     22,     23,// 23 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1802     2,     24,     25,// 24 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1803     24,     11,     19,// 25 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1804     19,     10,     25,// 26 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1805     24,     19,     25,// 27 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1806     11,     24,     22,// 28 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1807     24,      2,     26,// 29 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1808     26,      4,     22,// 30 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1809     24,     26,     22,// 31 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1810     10,     27,     25,// 32 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1811     27,      6,     28,// 33 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1812     28,      2,     25,// 34 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1813     27,     28,     25,// 35 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1814     6,     27,     29,// 36 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1815     27,     10,     18,// 37 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1816     18,      7,     29,// 38 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1817     27,     18,     29,// 39 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1818     7,     30,     29,// 40 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1819     30,      8,     31,// 41 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1820     31,      6,     29,// 42 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1821     30,     31,     29,// 43 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1822     8,     30,     32,// 44 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1823     30,      7,     15,// 45 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1824     15,      1,     32,// 46 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1825     30,     15,     32,// 47 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1826     9,     33,     34,// 48 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1827     33,      1,     14,// 49 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1828     14,      5,     34,// 50 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1829     33,     14,     34,// 51 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1830     1,     33,     32,// 52 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1831     33,      9,     35,// 53 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1832     35,      8,     32,// 54 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1833     33,     35,     32,// 55 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1834     4,     36,     23,// 56 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1835     36,      9,     34,// 57 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1836     34,      5,     23,// 58 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1837     36,     34,     23,// 59 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1838     9,     36,     38,// 60 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1839     36,      4,     37,// 61 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1840     37,      3,     38,// 62 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1841     36,     37,     38,// 63 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1842     3,     39,     38,// 64 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1843     39,      8,     35,// 65 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1844     35,      9,     38,// 66 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1845     39,     35,     38,// 67 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1846     8,     39,     31,// 68 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1847     39,      3,     40,// 69 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1848     40,      6,     31,// 70 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1849     39,     40,     31,// 71 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1850     3,     41,     40,// 72 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1851     41,      2,     28,// 73 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1852     28,      6,     40,// 74 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1853     41,     28,     40,// 75 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1854     2,     41,     26,// 76 0.546533 0.618034 0.546533
1855     41,      3,     37,// 77 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1856     37,      4,     26,// 78 0.546533 0.546533 0.618034
1857     41,     37,     26 // 79 0.618034 0.618034 0.618034
1858   };
1859   static const GLuint idx2[960] = {
1860     1,     42,     44,//  0 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
1861     42,     12,     43,//  1 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1862     43,     14,     44,//  2 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
1863     42,     43,     44,//  3 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
1864     12,     45,     47,//  4 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1865     45,      0,     46,//  5 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1866     46,     13,     47,//  6 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1867     45,     46,     47,//  7 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1868     13,     48,     50,//  8 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1869     48,      5,     49,//  9 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1870     49,     14,     50,// 10 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1871     48,     49,     50,// 11 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1872     12,     47,     43,// 12 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
1873     47,     13,     50,// 13 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1874     50,     14,     43,// 14 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1875     47,     50,     43,// 15 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
1876     0,     45,     52,// 16 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
1877     45,     12,     51,// 17 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1878     51,     16,     52,// 18 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
1879     45,     51,     52,// 19 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
1880     12,     42,     54,// 20 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1881     42,      1,     53,// 21 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1882     53,     15,     54,// 22 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1883     42,     53,     54,// 23 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1884     15,     55,     57,// 24 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1885     55,      7,     56,// 25 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1886     56,     16,     57,// 26 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1887     55,     56,     57,// 27 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1888     12,     54,     51,// 28 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
1889     54,     15,     57,// 29 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1890     57,     16,     51,// 30 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1891     54,     57,     51,// 31 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
1892     10,     58,     60,// 32 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
1893     58,     17,     59,// 33 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1894     59,     18,     60,// 34 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
1895     58,     59,     60,// 35 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
1896     17,     61,     62,// 36 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1897     61,      0,     52,// 37 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1898     52,     16,     62,// 38 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1899     61,     52,     62,// 39 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1900     16,     56,     64,// 40 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1901     56,      7,     63,// 41 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1902     63,     18,     64,// 42 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1903     56,     63,     64,// 43 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1904     17,     62,     59,// 44 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
1905     62,     16,     64,// 45 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1906     64,     18,     59,// 46 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1907     62,     64,     59,// 47 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
1908     0,     61,     66,// 48 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
1909     61,     17,     65,// 49 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1910     65,     20,     66,// 50 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
1911     61,     65,     66,// 51 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
1912     17,     58,     68,// 52 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1913     58,     10,     67,// 53 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1914     67,     19,     68,// 54 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1915     58,     67,     68,// 55 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1916     19,     69,     71,// 56 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1917     69,     11,     70,// 57 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1918     70,     20,     71,// 58 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1919     69,     70,     71,// 59 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1920     17,     68,     65,// 60 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
1921     68,     19,     71,// 61 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1922     71,     20,     65,// 62 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1923     68,     71,     65,// 63 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
1924     11,     72,     70,// 64 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
1925     72,     21,     73,// 65 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1926     73,     20,     70,// 66 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
1927     72,     73,     70,// 67 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
1928     21,     74,     75,// 68 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1929     74,      5,     48,// 69 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1930     48,     13,     75,// 70 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1931     74,     48,     75,// 71 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1932     13,     46,     76,// 72 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1933     46,      0,     66,// 73 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1934     66,     20,     76,// 74 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1935     46,     66,     76,// 75 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1936     21,     75,     73,// 76 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
1937     75,     13,     76,// 77 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1938     76,     20,     73,// 78 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1939     75,     76,     73,// 79 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
1940     5,     74,     78,// 80 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
1941     74,     21,     77,// 81 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1942     77,     23,     78,// 82 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
1943     74,     77,     78,// 83 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
1944     21,     72,     80,// 84 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1945     72,     11,     79,// 85 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1946     79,     22,     80,// 86 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1947     72,     79,     80,// 87 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1948     22,     81,     83,// 88 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1949     81,      4,     82,// 89 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1950     82,     23,     83,// 90 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1951     81,     82,     83,// 91 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1952     21,     80,     77,// 92 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
1953     80,     22,     83,// 93 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1954     83,     23,     77,// 94 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1955     80,     83,     77,// 95 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
1956     2,     84,     86,// 96 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
1957     84,     24,     85,// 97 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1958     85,     25,     86,// 98 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
1959     84,     85,     86,// 99 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
1960     24,     87,     88,//100 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1961     87,     11,     69,//101 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1962     69,     19,     88,//102 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1963     87,     69,     88,//103 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1964     19,     67,     90,//104 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1965     67,     10,     89,//105 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1966     89,     25,     90,//106 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1967     67,     89,     90,//107 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1968     24,     88,     85,//108 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
1969     88,     19,     90,//109 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1970     90,     25,     85,//110 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1971     88,     90,     85,//111 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
1972     11,     87,     79,//112 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
1973     87,     24,     91,//113 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1974     91,     22,     79,//114 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
1975     87,     91,     79,//115 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
1976     24,     84,     93,//116 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1977     84,      2,     92,//117 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1978     92,     26,     93,//118 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1979     84,     92,     93,//119 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1980     26,     94,     95,//120 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1981     94,      4,     81,//121 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1982     81,     22,     95,//122 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1983     94,     81,     95,//123 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1984     24,     93,     91,//124 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
1985     93,     26,     95,//125 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1986     95,     22,     91,//126 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
1987     93,     95,     91,//127 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
1988     10,     96,     89,//128 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
1989     96,     27,     97,//129 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1990     97,     25,     89,//130 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
1991     96,     97,     89,//131 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
1992     27,     98,    100,//132 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1993     98,      6,     99,//133 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1994     99,     28,    100,//134 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1995     98,     99,    100,//135 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
1996     28,    101,    102,//136 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
1997     101,      2,     86,//137 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
1998     86,     25,    102,//138 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
1999     101,     86,    102,//139 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2000     27,    100,     97,//140 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
2001     100,     28,    102,//141 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2002     102,     25,     97,//142 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2003     100,    102,     97,//143 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
2004     6,     98,    104,//144 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
2005     98,     27,    103,//145 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2006     103,     29,    104,//146 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
2007     98,    103,    104,//147 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
2008     27,     96,    105,//148 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2009     96,     10,     60,//149 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2010     60,     18,    105,//150 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2011     96,     60,    105,//151 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2012     18,     63,    107,//152 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2013     63,      7,    106,//153 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2014     106,     29,    107,//154 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2015     63,    106,    107,//155 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2016     27,    105,    103,//156 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
2017     105,     18,    107,//157 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2018     107,     29,    103,//158 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2019     105,    107,    103,//159 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
2020     7,    108,    106,//160 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
2021     108,     30,    109,//161 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2022     109,     29,    106,//162 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
2023     108,    109,    106,//163 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
2024     30,    110,    112,//164 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2025     110,      8,    111,//165 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2026     111,     31,    112,//166 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2027     110,    111,    112,//167 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2028     31,    113,    114,//168 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2029     113,      6,    104,//169 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2030     104,     29,    114,//170 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2031     113,    104,    114,//171 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2032     30,    112,    109,//172 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
2033     112,     31,    114,//173 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2034     114,     29,    109,//174 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2035     112,    114,    109,//175 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
2036     8,    110,    116,//176 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
2037     110,     30,    115,//177 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2038     115,     32,    116,//178 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
2039     110,    115,    116,//179 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
2040     30,    108,    117,//180 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2041     108,      7,     55,//181 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2042     55,     15,    117,//182 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2043     108,     55,    117,//183 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2044     15,     53,    119,//184 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2045     53,      1,    118,//185 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2046     118,     32,    119,//186 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2047     53,    118,    119,//187 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2048     30,    117,    115,//188 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
2049     117,     15,    119,//189 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2050     119,     32,    115,//190 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2051     117,    119,    115,//191 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
2052     9,    120,    122,//192 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
2053     120,     33,    121,//193 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2054     121,     34,    122,//194 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
2055     120,    121,    122,//195 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
2056     33,    123,    124,//196 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2057     123,      1,     44,//197 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2058     44,     14,    124,//198 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2059     123,     44,    124,//199 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2060     14,     49,    126,//200 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2061     49,      5,    125,//201 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2062     125,     34,    126,//202 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2063     49,    125,    126,//203 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2064     33,    124,    121,//204 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
2065     124,     14,    126,//205 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2066     126,     34,    121,//206 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2067     124,    126,    121,//207 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
2068     1,    123,    118,//208 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
2069     123,     33,    127,//209 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2070     127,     32,    118,//210 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
2071     123,    127,    118,//211 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
2072     33,    120,    129,//212 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2073     120,      9,    128,//213 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2074     128,     35,    129,//214 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2075     120,    128,    129,//215 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2076     35,    130,    131,//216 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2077     130,      8,    116,//217 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2078     116,     32,    131,//218 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2079     130,    116,    131,//219 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2080     33,    129,    127,//220 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
2081     129,     35,    131,//221 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2082     131,     32,    127,//222 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2083     129,    131,    127,//223 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
2084     4,    132,     82,//224 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
2085     132,     36,    133,//225 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2086     133,     23,     82,//226 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
2087     132,    133,     82,//227 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
2088     36,    134,    135,//228 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2089     134,      9,    122,//229 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2090     122,     34,    135,//230 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2091     134,    122,    135,//231 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2092     34,    125,    136,//232 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2093     125,      5,     78,//233 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2094     78,     23,    136,//234 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2095     125,     78,    136,//235 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2096     36,    135,    133,//236 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
2097     135,     34,    136,//237 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2098     136,     23,    133,//238 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2099     135,    136,    133,//239 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
2100     9,    134,    138,//240 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
2101     134,     36,    137,//241 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2102     137,     38,    138,//242 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
2103     134,    137,    138,//243 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
2104     36,    132,    140,//244 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2105     132,      4,    139,//245 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2106     139,     37,    140,//246 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2107     132,    139,    140,//247 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2108     37,    141,    143,//248 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2109     141,      3,    142,//249 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2110     142,     38,    143,//250 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2111     141,    142,    143,//251 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2112     36,    140,    137,//252 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
2113     140,     37,    143,//253 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2114     143,     38,    137,//254 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2115     140,    143,    137,//255 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
2116     3,    144,    142,//256 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
2117     144,     39,    145,//257 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2118     145,     38,    142,//258 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
2119     144,    145,    142,//259 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
2120     39,    146,    147,//260 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2121     146,      8,    130,//261 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2122     130,     35,    147,//262 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2123     146,    130,    147,//263 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2124     35,    128,    148,//264 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2125     128,      9,    138,//265 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2126     138,     38,    148,//266 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2127     128,    138,    148,//267 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2128     39,    147,    145,//268 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
2129     147,     35,    148,//269 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2130     148,     38,    145,//270 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2131     147,    148,    145,//271 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
2132     8,    146,    111,//272 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
2133     146,     39,    149,//273 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2134     149,     31,    111,//274 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
2135     146,    149,    111,//275 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
2136     39,    144,    151,//276 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2137     144,      3,    150,//277 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2138     150,     40,    151,//278 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2139     144,    150,    151,//279 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2140     40,    152,    153,//280 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2141     152,      6,    113,//281 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2142     113,     31,    153,//282 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2143     152,    113,    153,//283 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2144     39,    151,    149,//284 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
2145     151,     40,    153,//285 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2146     153,     31,    149,//286 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2147     151,    153,    149,//287 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
2148     3,    154,    150,//288 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
2149     154,     41,    155,//289 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2150     155,     40,    150,//290 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
2151     154,    155,    150,//291 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
2152     41,    156,    157,//292 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2153     156,      2,    101,//293 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2154     101,     28,    157,//294 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2155     156,    101,    157,//295 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2156     28,     99,    158,//296 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2157     99,      6,    152,//297 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2158     152,     40,    158,//298 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2159     99,    152,    158,//299 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2160     41,    157,    155,//300 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
2161     157,     28,    158,//301 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2162     158,     40,    155,//302 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2163     157,    158,    155,//303 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
2164     2,    156,     92,//304 0.275904 0.321244 0.275904
2165     156,     41,    159,//305 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2166     159,     26,     92,//306 0.312869 0.275904 0.285473
2167     156,    159,     92,//307 0.285473 0.285473 0.321244
2168     41,    154,    160,//308 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2169     154,      3,    141,//309 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2170     141,     37,    160,//310 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2171     154,    141,    160,//311 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2172     37,    139,    161,//312 0.275904 0.285473 0.312869
2173     139,      4,     94,//313 0.275904 0.275904 0.321244
2174     94,     26,    161,//314 0.275904 0.312869 0.285473
2175     139,     94,    161,//315 0.321244 0.285473 0.285473
2176     41,    160,    159,//316 0.312869 0.324920 0.312869
2177     160,     37,    161,//317 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2178     161,     26,    159,//318 0.312869 0.312869 0.324920
2179     160,    161,    159 //319 0.324920 0.324920 0.324920
2180   };
2181   static const GLuint idx3[3840] = {
2182     1,    162,    164,//  0 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
2183     162,     42,    163,//  1 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2184     163,     44,    164,//  2 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
2185     162,    163,    164,//  3 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
2186     42,    165,    167,//  4 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2187     165,     12,    166,//  5 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2188     166,     43,    167,//  6 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2189     165,    166,    167,//  7 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2190     43,    168,    170,//  8 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
2191     168,     14,    169,//  9 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
2192     169,     44,    170,// 10 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2193     168,    169,    170,// 11 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
2194     42,    167,    163,// 12 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
2195     167,     43,    170,// 13 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2196     170,     44,    163,// 14 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
2197     167,    170,    163,// 15 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
2198     12,    171,    173,// 16 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2199     171,     45,    172,// 17 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2200     172,     47,    173,// 18 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2201     171,    172,    173,// 19 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2202     45,    174,    176,// 20 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2203     174,      0,    175,// 21 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2204     175,     46,    176,// 22 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2205     174,    175,    176,// 23 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2206     46,    177,    179,// 24 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2207     177,     13,    178,// 25 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2208     178,     47,    179,// 26 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2209     177,    178,    179,// 27 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2210     45,    176,    172,// 28 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2211     176,     46,    179,// 29 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2212     179,     47,    172,// 30 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2213     176,    179,    172,// 31 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2214     13,    180,    182,// 32 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2215     180,     48,    181,// 33 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2216     181,     50,    182,// 34 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2217     180,    181,    182,// 35 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2218     48,    183,    185,// 36 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2219     183,      5,    184,// 37 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2220     184,     49,    185,// 38 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2221     183,    184,    185,// 39 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2222     49,    186,    188,// 40 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2223     186,     14,    187,// 41 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2224     187,     50,    188,// 42 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2225     186,    187,    188,// 43 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2226     48,    185,    181,// 44 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2227     185,     49,    188,// 45 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2228     188,     50,    181,// 46 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2229     185,    188,    181,// 47 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2230     12,    173,    166,// 48 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
2231     173,     47,    189,// 49 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2232     189,     43,    166,// 50 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
2233     173,    189,    166,// 51 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
2234     47,    178,    190,// 52 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2235     178,     13,    182,// 53 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2236     182,     50,    190,// 54 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2237     178,    182,    190,// 55 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2238     50,    187,    191,// 56 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2239     187,     14,    168,// 57 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2240     168,     43,    191,// 58 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2241     187,    168,    191,// 59 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2242     47,    190,    189,// 60 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
2243     190,     50,    191,// 61 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2244     191,     43,    189,// 62 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2245     190,    191,    189,// 63 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
2246     0,    174,    193,// 64 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
2247     174,     45,    192,// 65 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2248     192,     52,    193,// 66 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
2249     174,    192,    193,// 67 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
2250     45,    171,    195,// 68 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2251     171,     12,    194,// 69 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2252     194,     51,    195,// 70 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2253     171,    194,    195,// 71 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2254     51,    196,    198,// 72 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
2255     196,     16,    197,// 73 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
2256     197,     52,    198,// 74 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2257     196,    197,    198,// 75 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
2258     45,    195,    192,// 76 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
2259     195,     51,    198,// 77 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2260     198,     52,    192,// 78 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
2261     195,    198,    192,// 79 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
2262     12,    165,    200,// 80 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2263     165,     42,    199,// 81 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2264     199,     54,    200,// 82 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2265     165,    199,    200,// 83 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2266     42,    162,    202,// 84 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2267     162,      1,    201,// 85 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2268     201,     53,    202,// 86 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2269     162,    201,    202,// 87 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2270     53,    203,    205,// 88 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2271     203,     15,    204,// 89 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2272     204,     54,    205,// 90 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2273     203,    204,    205,// 91 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2274     42,    202,    199,// 92 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2275     202,     53,    205,// 93 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2276     205,     54,    199,// 94 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2277     202,    205,    199,// 95 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2278     15,    206,    208,// 96 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2279     206,     55,    207,// 97 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2280     207,     57,    208,// 98 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2281     206,    207,    208,// 99 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2282     55,    209,    211,//100 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2283     209,      7,    210,//101 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2284     210,     56,    211,//102 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2285     209,    210,    211,//103 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2286     56,    212,    214,//104 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2287     212,     16,    213,//105 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2288     213,     57,    214,//106 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2289     212,    213,    214,//107 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2290     55,    211,    207,//108 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2291     211,     56,    214,//109 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2292     214,     57,    207,//110 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2293     211,    214,    207,//111 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2294     12,    200,    194,//112 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
2295     200,     54,    215,//113 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2296     215,     51,    194,//114 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
2297     200,    215,    194,//115 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
2298     54,    204,    216,//116 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2299     204,     15,    208,//117 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2300     208,     57,    216,//118 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2301     204,    208,    216,//119 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2302     57,    213,    217,//120 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2303     213,     16,    196,//121 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2304     196,     51,    217,//122 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2305     213,    196,    217,//123 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2306     54,    216,    215,//124 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
2307     216,     57,    217,//125 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2308     217,     51,    215,//126 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2309     216,    217,    215,//127 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
2310     10,    218,    220,//128 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
2311     218,     58,    219,//129 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2312     219,     60,    220,//130 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
2313     218,    219,    220,//131 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
2314     58,    221,    223,//132 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2315     221,     17,    222,//133 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2316     222,     59,    223,//134 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2317     221,    222,    223,//135 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2318     59,    224,    226,//136 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
2319     224,     18,    225,//137 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
2320     225,     60,    226,//138 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2321     224,    225,    226,//139 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
2322     58,    223,    219,//140 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
2323     223,     59,    226,//141 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2324     226,     60,    219,//142 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
2325     223,    226,    219,//143 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
2326     17,    227,    229,//144 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2327     227,     61,    228,//145 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2328     228,     62,    229,//146 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2329     227,    228,    229,//147 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2330     61,    230,    231,//148 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2331     230,      0,    193,//149 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2332     193,     52,    231,//150 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2333     230,    193,    231,//151 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2334     52,    197,    233,//152 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2335     197,     16,    232,//153 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2336     232,     62,    233,//154 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2337     197,    232,    233,//155 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2338     61,    231,    228,//156 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2339     231,     52,    233,//157 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2340     233,     62,    228,//158 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2341     231,    233,    228,//159 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2342     16,    212,    235,//160 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2343     212,     56,    234,//161 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2344     234,     64,    235,//162 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2345     212,    234,    235,//163 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2346     56,    210,    237,//164 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2347     210,      7,    236,//165 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2348     236,     63,    237,//166 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2349     210,    236,    237,//167 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2350     63,    238,    240,//168 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2351     238,     18,    239,//169 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2352     239,     64,    240,//170 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2353     238,    239,    240,//171 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2354     56,    237,    234,//172 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2355     237,     63,    240,//173 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2356     240,     64,    234,//174 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2357     237,    240,    234,//175 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2358     17,    229,    222,//176 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
2359     229,     62,    241,//177 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2360     241,     59,    222,//178 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
2361     229,    241,    222,//179 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
2362     62,    232,    242,//180 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2363     232,     16,    235,//181 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2364     235,     64,    242,//182 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2365     232,    235,    242,//183 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2366     64,    239,    243,//184 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2367     239,     18,    224,//185 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2368     224,     59,    243,//186 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2369     239,    224,    243,//187 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2370     62,    242,    241,//188 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
2371     242,     64,    243,//189 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2372     243,     59,    241,//190 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2373     242,    243,    241,//191 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
2374     0,    230,    245,//192 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
2375     230,     61,    244,//193 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2376     244,     66,    245,//194 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
2377     230,    244,    245,//195 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
2378     61,    227,    247,//196 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2379     227,     17,    246,//197 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2380     246,     65,    247,//198 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2381     227,    246,    247,//199 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2382     65,    248,    250,//200 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
2383     248,     20,    249,//201 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
2384     249,     66,    250,//202 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2385     248,    249,    250,//203 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
2386     61,    247,    244,//204 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
2387     247,     65,    250,//205 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2388     250,     66,    244,//206 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
2389     247,    250,    244,//207 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
2390     17,    221,    252,//208 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2391     221,     58,    251,//209 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2392     251,     68,    252,//210 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2393     221,    251,    252,//211 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2394     58,    218,    254,//212 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2395     218,     10,    253,//213 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2396     253,     67,    254,//214 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2397     218,    253,    254,//215 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2398     67,    255,    257,//216 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2399     255,     19,    256,//217 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2400     256,     68,    257,//218 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2401     255,    256,    257,//219 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2402     58,    254,    251,//220 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2403     254,     67,    257,//221 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2404     257,     68,    251,//222 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2405     254,    257,    251,//223 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2406     19,    258,    260,//224 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2407     258,     69,    259,//225 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2408     259,     71,    260,//226 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2409     258,    259,    260,//227 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2410     69,    261,    263,//228 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2411     261,     11,    262,//229 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2412     262,     70,    263,//230 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2413     261,    262,    263,//231 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2414     70,    264,    266,//232 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2415     264,     20,    265,//233 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2416     265,     71,    266,//234 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2417     264,    265,    266,//235 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2418     69,    263,    259,//236 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2419     263,     70,    266,//237 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2420     266,     71,    259,//238 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2421     263,    266,    259,//239 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2422     17,    252,    246,//240 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
2423     252,     68,    267,//241 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2424     267,     65,    246,//242 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
2425     252,    267,    246,//243 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
2426     68,    256,    268,//244 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2427     256,     19,    260,//245 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2428     260,     71,    268,//246 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2429     256,    260,    268,//247 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2430     71,    265,    269,//248 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2431     265,     20,    248,//249 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2432     248,     65,    269,//250 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2433     265,    248,    269,//251 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2434     68,    268,    267,//252 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
2435     268,     71,    269,//253 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2436     269,     65,    267,//254 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2437     268,    269,    267,//255 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
2438     11,    270,    262,//256 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
2439     270,     72,    271,//257 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2440     271,     70,    262,//258 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
2441     270,    271,    262,//259 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
2442     72,    272,    274,//260 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2443     272,     21,    273,//261 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2444     273,     73,    274,//262 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2445     272,    273,    274,//263 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2446     73,    275,    276,//264 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
2447     275,     20,    264,//265 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
2448     264,     70,    276,//266 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2449     275,    264,    276,//267 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
2450     72,    274,    271,//268 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
2451     274,     73,    276,//269 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2452     276,     70,    271,//270 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
2453     274,    276,    271,//271 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
2454     21,    277,    279,//272 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2455     277,     74,    278,//273 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2456     278,     75,    279,//274 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2457     277,    278,    279,//275 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2458     74,    280,    281,//276 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2459     280,      5,    183,//277 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2460     183,     48,    281,//278 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2461     280,    183,    281,//279 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2462     48,    180,    283,//280 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2463     180,     13,    282,//281 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2464     282,     75,    283,//282 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2465     180,    282,    283,//283 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2466     74,    281,    278,//284 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2467     281,     48,    283,//285 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2468     283,     75,    278,//286 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2469     281,    283,    278,//287 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2470     13,    177,    285,//288 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2471     177,     46,    284,//289 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2472     284,     76,    285,//290 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2473     177,    284,    285,//291 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2474     46,    175,    286,//292 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2475     175,      0,    245,//293 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2476     245,     66,    286,//294 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2477     175,    245,    286,//295 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2478     66,    249,    288,//296 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2479     249,     20,    287,//297 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2480     287,     76,    288,//298 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2481     249,    287,    288,//299 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2482     46,    286,    284,//300 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2483     286,     66,    288,//301 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2484     288,     76,    284,//302 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2485     286,    288,    284,//303 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2486     21,    279,    273,//304 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
2487     279,     75,    289,//305 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2488     289,     73,    273,//306 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
2489     279,    289,    273,//307 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
2490     75,    282,    290,//308 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2491     282,     13,    285,//309 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2492     285,     76,    290,//310 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2493     282,    285,    290,//311 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2494     76,    287,    291,//312 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2495     287,     20,    275,//313 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2496     275,     73,    291,//314 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2497     287,    275,    291,//315 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2498     75,    290,    289,//316 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
2499     290,     76,    291,//317 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2500     291,     73,    289,//318 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2501     290,    291,    289,//319 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
2502     5,    280,    293,//320 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
2503     280,     74,    292,//321 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2504     292,     78,    293,//322 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
2505     280,    292,    293,//323 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
2506     74,    277,    295,//324 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2507     277,     21,    294,//325 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2508     294,     77,    295,//326 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2509     277,    294,    295,//327 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2510     77,    296,    298,//328 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
2511     296,     23,    297,//329 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
2512     297,     78,    298,//330 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2513     296,    297,    298,//331 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
2514     74,    295,    292,//332 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
2515     295,     77,    298,//333 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2516     298,     78,    292,//334 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
2517     295,    298,    292,//335 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
2518     21,    272,    300,//336 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2519     272,     72,    299,//337 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2520     299,     80,    300,//338 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2521     272,    299,    300,//339 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2522     72,    270,    302,//340 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2523     270,     11,    301,//341 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2524     301,     79,    302,//342 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2525     270,    301,    302,//343 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2526     79,    303,    305,//344 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2527     303,     22,    304,//345 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2528     304,     80,    305,//346 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2529     303,    304,    305,//347 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2530     72,    302,    299,//348 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2531     302,     79,    305,//349 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2532     305,     80,    299,//350 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2533     302,    305,    299,//351 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2534     22,    306,    308,//352 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2535     306,     81,    307,//353 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2536     307,     83,    308,//354 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2537     306,    307,    308,//355 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2538     81,    309,    311,//356 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2539     309,      4,    310,//357 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2540     310,     82,    311,//358 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2541     309,    310,    311,//359 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2542     82,    312,    314,//360 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2543     312,     23,    313,//361 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2544     313,     83,    314,//362 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2545     312,    313,    314,//363 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2546     81,    311,    307,//364 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2547     311,     82,    314,//365 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2548     314,     83,    307,//366 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2549     311,    314,    307,//367 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2550     21,    300,    294,//368 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
2551     300,     80,    315,//369 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2552     315,     77,    294,//370 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
2553     300,    315,    294,//371 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
2554     80,    304,    316,//372 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2555     304,     22,    308,//373 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2556     308,     83,    316,//374 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2557     304,    308,    316,//375 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2558     83,    313,    317,//376 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2559     313,     23,    296,//377 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2560     296,     77,    317,//378 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2561     313,    296,    317,//379 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2562     80,    316,    315,//380 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
2563     316,     83,    317,//381 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2564     317,     77,    315,//382 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2565     316,    317,    315,//383 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
2566     2,    318,    320,//384 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
2567     318,     84,    319,//385 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2568     319,     86,    320,//386 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
2569     318,    319,    320,//387 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
2570     84,    321,    323,//388 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2571     321,     24,    322,//389 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2572     322,     85,    323,//390 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2573     321,    322,    323,//391 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2574     85,    324,    326,//392 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
2575     324,     25,    325,//393 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
2576     325,     86,    326,//394 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2577     324,    325,    326,//395 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
2578     84,    323,    319,//396 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
2579     323,     85,    326,//397 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2580     326,     86,    319,//398 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
2581     323,    326,    319,//399 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
2582     24,    327,    329,//400 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2583     327,     87,    328,//401 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2584     328,     88,    329,//402 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2585     327,    328,    329,//403 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2586     87,    330,    331,//404 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2587     330,     11,    261,//405 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2588     261,     69,    331,//406 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2589     330,    261,    331,//407 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2590     69,    258,    333,//408 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2591     258,     19,    332,//409 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2592     332,     88,    333,//410 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2593     258,    332,    333,//411 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2594     87,    331,    328,//412 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2595     331,     69,    333,//413 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2596     333,     88,    328,//414 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2597     331,    333,    328,//415 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2598     19,    255,    335,//416 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2599     255,     67,    334,//417 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2600     334,     90,    335,//418 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2601     255,    334,    335,//419 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2602     67,    253,    337,//420 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2603     253,     10,    336,//421 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2604     336,     89,    337,//422 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2605     253,    336,    337,//423 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2606     89,    338,    340,//424 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2607     338,     25,    339,//425 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2608     339,     90,    340,//426 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2609     338,    339,    340,//427 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2610     67,    337,    334,//428 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2611     337,     89,    340,//429 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2612     340,     90,    334,//430 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2613     337,    340,    334,//431 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2614     24,    329,    322,//432 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
2615     329,     88,    341,//433 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2616     341,     85,    322,//434 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
2617     329,    341,    322,//435 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
2618     88,    332,    342,//436 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2619     332,     19,    335,//437 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2620     335,     90,    342,//438 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2621     332,    335,    342,//439 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2622     90,    339,    343,//440 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2623     339,     25,    324,//441 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2624     324,     85,    343,//442 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2625     339,    324,    343,//443 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2626     88,    342,    341,//444 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
2627     342,     90,    343,//445 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2628     343,     85,    341,//446 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2629     342,    343,    341,//447 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
2630     11,    330,    301,//448 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
2631     330,     87,    344,//449 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2632     344,     79,    301,//450 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
2633     330,    344,    301,//451 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
2634     87,    327,    346,//452 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2635     327,     24,    345,//453 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2636     345,     91,    346,//454 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2637     327,    345,    346,//455 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2638     91,    347,    348,//456 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
2639     347,     22,    303,//457 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
2640     303,     79,    348,//458 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2641     347,    303,    348,//459 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
2642     87,    346,    344,//460 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
2643     346,     91,    348,//461 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2644     348,     79,    344,//462 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
2645     346,    348,    344,//463 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
2646     24,    321,    350,//464 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2647     321,     84,    349,//465 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2648     349,     93,    350,//466 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2649     321,    349,    350,//467 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2650     84,    318,    352,//468 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2651     318,      2,    351,//469 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2652     351,     92,    352,//470 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2653     318,    351,    352,//471 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2654     92,    353,    355,//472 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2655     353,     26,    354,//473 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2656     354,     93,    355,//474 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2657     353,    354,    355,//475 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2658     84,    352,    349,//476 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2659     352,     92,    355,//477 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2660     355,     93,    349,//478 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2661     352,    355,    349,//479 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2662     26,    356,    358,//480 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2663     356,     94,    357,//481 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2664     357,     95,    358,//482 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2665     356,    357,    358,//483 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2666     94,    359,    360,//484 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2667     359,      4,    309,//485 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2668     309,     81,    360,//486 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2669     359,    309,    360,//487 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2670     81,    306,    362,//488 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2671     306,     22,    361,//489 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2672     361,     95,    362,//490 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2673     306,    361,    362,//491 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2674     94,    360,    357,//492 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2675     360,     81,    362,//493 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2676     362,     95,    357,//494 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2677     360,    362,    357,//495 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2678     24,    350,    345,//496 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
2679     350,     93,    363,//497 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2680     363,     91,    345,//498 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
2681     350,    363,    345,//499 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
2682     93,    354,    364,//500 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2683     354,     26,    358,//501 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2684     358,     95,    364,//502 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2685     354,    358,    364,//503 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2686     95,    361,    365,//504 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2687     361,     22,    347,//505 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2688     347,     91,    365,//506 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2689     361,    347,    365,//507 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2690     93,    364,    363,//508 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
2691     364,     95,    365,//509 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2692     365,     91,    363,//510 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2693     364,    365,    363,//511 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
2694     10,    366,    336,//512 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
2695     366,     96,    367,//513 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2696     367,     89,    336,//514 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
2697     366,    367,    336,//515 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
2698     96,    368,    370,//516 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2699     368,     27,    369,//517 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2700     369,     97,    370,//518 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2701     368,    369,    370,//519 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2702     97,    371,    372,//520 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
2703     371,     25,    338,//521 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
2704     338,     89,    372,//522 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2705     371,    338,    372,//523 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
2706     96,    370,    367,//524 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
2707     370,     97,    372,//525 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2708     372,     89,    367,//526 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
2709     370,    372,    367,//527 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
2710     27,    373,    375,//528 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2711     373,     98,    374,//529 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2712     374,    100,    375,//530 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2713     373,    374,    375,//531 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2714     98,    376,    378,//532 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2715     376,      6,    377,//533 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2716     377,     99,    378,//534 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2717     376,    377,    378,//535 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2718     99,    379,    381,//536 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2719     379,     28,    380,//537 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2720     380,    100,    381,//538 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2721     379,    380,    381,//539 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2722     98,    378,    374,//540 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2723     378,     99,    381,//541 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2724     381,    100,    374,//542 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2725     378,    381,    374,//543 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2726     28,    382,    384,//544 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2727     382,    101,    383,//545 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2728     383,    102,    384,//546 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2729     382,    383,    384,//547 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2730     101,    385,    386,//548 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2731     385,      2,    320,//549 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2732     320,     86,    386,//550 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2733     385,    320,    386,//551 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2734     86,    325,    388,//552 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2735     325,     25,    387,//553 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2736     387,    102,    388,//554 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2737     325,    387,    388,//555 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2738     101,    386,    383,//556 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2739     386,     86,    388,//557 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2740     388,    102,    383,//558 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2741     386,    388,    383,//559 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2742     27,    375,    369,//560 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
2743     375,    100,    389,//561 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2744     389,     97,    369,//562 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
2745     375,    389,    369,//563 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
2746     100,    380,    390,//564 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2747     380,     28,    384,//565 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2748     384,    102,    390,//566 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2749     380,    384,    390,//567 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2750     102,    387,    391,//568 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2751     387,     25,    371,//569 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2752     371,     97,    391,//570 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2753     387,    371,    391,//571 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2754     100,    390,    389,//572 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
2755     390,    102,    391,//573 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2756     391,     97,    389,//574 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2757     390,    391,    389,//575 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
2758     6,    376,    393,//576 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
2759     376,     98,    392,//577 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2760     392,    104,    393,//578 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
2761     376,    392,    393,//579 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
2762     98,    373,    395,//580 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2763     373,     27,    394,//581 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2764     394,    103,    395,//582 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2765     373,    394,    395,//583 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2766     103,    396,    398,//584 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
2767     396,     29,    397,//585 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
2768     397,    104,    398,//586 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2769     396,    397,    398,//587 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
2770     98,    395,    392,//588 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
2771     395,    103,    398,//589 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2772     398,    104,    392,//590 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
2773     395,    398,    392,//591 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
2774     27,    368,    400,//592 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2775     368,     96,    399,//593 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2776     399,    105,    400,//594 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2777     368,    399,    400,//595 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2778     96,    366,    401,//596 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2779     366,     10,    220,//597 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2780     220,     60,    401,//598 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2781     366,    220,    401,//599 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2782     60,    225,    403,//600 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2783     225,     18,    402,//601 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2784     402,    105,    403,//602 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2785     225,    402,    403,//603 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2786     96,    401,    399,//604 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2787     401,     60,    403,//605 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2788     403,    105,    399,//606 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2789     401,    403,    399,//607 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2790     18,    238,    405,//608 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2791     238,     63,    404,//609 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2792     404,    107,    405,//610 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2793     238,    404,    405,//611 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2794     63,    236,    407,//612 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2795     236,      7,    406,//613 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2796     406,    106,    407,//614 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2797     236,    406,    407,//615 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2798     106,    408,    410,//616 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2799     408,     29,    409,//617 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2800     409,    107,    410,//618 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2801     408,    409,    410,//619 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2802     63,    407,    404,//620 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2803     407,    106,    410,//621 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2804     410,    107,    404,//622 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2805     407,    410,    404,//623 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2806     27,    400,    394,//624 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
2807     400,    105,    411,//625 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2808     411,    103,    394,//626 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
2809     400,    411,    394,//627 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
2810     105,    402,    412,//628 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2811     402,     18,    405,//629 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2812     405,    107,    412,//630 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2813     402,    405,    412,//631 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2814     107,    409,    413,//632 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2815     409,     29,    396,//633 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2816     396,    103,    413,//634 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2817     409,    396,    413,//635 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2818     105,    412,    411,//636 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
2819     412,    107,    413,//637 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2820     413,    103,    411,//638 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2821     412,    413,    411,//639 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
2822     7,    414,    406,//640 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
2823     414,    108,    415,//641 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2824     415,    106,    406,//642 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
2825     414,    415,    406,//643 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
2826     108,    416,    418,//644 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2827     416,     30,    417,//645 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2828     417,    109,    418,//646 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2829     416,    417,    418,//647 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2830     109,    419,    420,//648 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
2831     419,     29,    408,//649 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
2832     408,    106,    420,//650 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2833     419,    408,    420,//651 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
2834     108,    418,    415,//652 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
2835     418,    109,    420,//653 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2836     420,    106,    415,//654 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
2837     418,    420,    415,//655 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
2838     30,    421,    423,//656 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2839     421,    110,    422,//657 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2840     422,    112,    423,//658 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2841     421,    422,    423,//659 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2842     110,    424,    426,//660 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2843     424,      8,    425,//661 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2844     425,    111,    426,//662 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2845     424,    425,    426,//663 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2846     111,    427,    429,//664 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2847     427,     31,    428,//665 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2848     428,    112,    429,//666 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2849     427,    428,    429,//667 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2850     110,    426,    422,//668 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2851     426,    111,    429,//669 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2852     429,    112,    422,//670 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2853     426,    429,    422,//671 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2854     31,    430,    432,//672 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2855     430,    113,    431,//673 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2856     431,    114,    432,//674 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2857     430,    431,    432,//675 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2858     113,    433,    434,//676 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2859     433,      6,    393,//677 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2860     393,    104,    434,//678 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2861     433,    393,    434,//679 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2862     104,    397,    436,//680 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2863     397,     29,    435,//681 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2864     435,    114,    436,//682 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2865     397,    435,    436,//683 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2866     113,    434,    431,//684 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2867     434,    104,    436,//685 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2868     436,    114,    431,//686 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2869     434,    436,    431,//687 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2870     30,    423,    417,//688 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
2871     423,    112,    437,//689 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2872     437,    109,    417,//690 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
2873     423,    437,    417,//691 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
2874     112,    428,    438,//692 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2875     428,     31,    432,//693 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2876     432,    114,    438,//694 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2877     428,    432,    438,//695 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2878     114,    435,    439,//696 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2879     435,     29,    419,//697 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2880     419,    109,    439,//698 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2881     435,    419,    439,//699 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2882     112,    438,    437,//700 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
2883     438,    114,    439,//701 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2884     439,    109,    437,//702 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2885     438,    439,    437,//703 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
2886     8,    424,    441,//704 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
2887     424,    110,    440,//705 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2888     440,    116,    441,//706 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
2889     424,    440,    441,//707 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
2890     110,    421,    443,//708 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2891     421,     30,    442,//709 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2892     442,    115,    443,//710 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2893     421,    442,    443,//711 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2894     115,    444,    446,//712 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
2895     444,     32,    445,//713 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
2896     445,    116,    446,//714 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2897     444,    445,    446,//715 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
2898     110,    443,    440,//716 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
2899     443,    115,    446,//717 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2900     446,    116,    440,//718 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
2901     443,    446,    440,//719 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
2902     30,    416,    448,//720 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2903     416,    108,    447,//721 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2904     447,    117,    448,//722 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2905     416,    447,    448,//723 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2906     108,    414,    449,//724 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2907     414,      7,    209,//725 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2908     209,     55,    449,//726 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2909     414,    209,    449,//727 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2910     55,    206,    451,//728 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2911     206,     15,    450,//729 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2912     450,    117,    451,//730 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2913     206,    450,    451,//731 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2914     108,    449,    447,//732 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2915     449,     55,    451,//733 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2916     451,    117,    447,//734 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2917     449,    451,    447,//735 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2918     15,    203,    453,//736 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2919     203,     53,    452,//737 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2920     452,    119,    453,//738 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2921     203,    452,    453,//739 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2922     53,    201,    455,//740 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2923     201,      1,    454,//741 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2924     454,    118,    455,//742 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2925     201,    454,    455,//743 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2926     118,    456,    458,//744 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2927     456,     32,    457,//745 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2928     457,    119,    458,//746 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2929     456,    457,    458,//747 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2930     53,    455,    452,//748 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2931     455,    118,    458,//749 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2932     458,    119,    452,//750 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2933     455,    458,    452,//751 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2934     30,    448,    442,//752 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
2935     448,    117,    459,//753 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2936     459,    115,    442,//754 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
2937     448,    459,    442,//755 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
2938     117,    450,    460,//756 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2939     450,     15,    453,//757 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2940     453,    119,    460,//758 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2941     450,    453,    460,//759 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2942     119,    457,    461,//760 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
2943     457,     32,    444,//761 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
2944     444,    115,    461,//762 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
2945     457,    444,    461,//763 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
2946     117,    460,    459,//764 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
2947     460,    119,    461,//765 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2948     461,    115,    459,//766 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
2949     460,    461,    459,//767 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
2950     9,    462,    464,//768 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
2951     462,    120,    463,//769 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2952     463,    122,    464,//770 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
2953     462,    463,    464,//771 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
2954     120,    465,    467,//772 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2955     465,     33,    466,//773 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2956     466,    121,    467,//774 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2957     465,    466,    467,//775 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2958     121,    468,    470,//776 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
2959     468,     34,    469,//777 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
2960     469,    122,    470,//778 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2961     468,    469,    470,//779 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
2962     120,    467,    463,//780 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
2963     467,    121,    470,//781 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2964     470,    122,    463,//782 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
2965     467,    470,    463,//783 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
2966     33,    471,    473,//784 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2967     471,    123,    472,//785 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2968     472,    124,    473,//786 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2969     471,    472,    473,//787 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2970     123,    474,    475,//788 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2971     474,      1,    164,//789 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2972     164,     44,    475,//790 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2973     474,    164,    475,//791 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2974     44,    169,    477,//792 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2975     169,     14,    476,//793 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2976     476,    124,    477,//794 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2977     169,    476,    477,//795 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2978     123,    475,    472,//796 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2979     475,     44,    477,//797 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2980     477,    124,    472,//798 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2981     475,    477,    472,//799 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2982     14,    186,    479,//800 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
2983     186,     49,    478,//801 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
2984     478,    126,    479,//802 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
2985     186,    478,    479,//803 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
2986     49,    184,    481,//804 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
2987     184,      5,    480,//805 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
2988     480,    125,    481,//806 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
2989     184,    480,    481,//807 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
2990     125,    482,    484,//808 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
2991     482,     34,    483,//809 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
2992     483,    126,    484,//810 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
2993     482,    483,    484,//811 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
2994     49,    481,    478,//812 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
2995     481,    125,    484,//813 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
2996     484,    126,    478,//814 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
2997     481,    484,    478,//815 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
2998     33,    473,    466,//816 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
2999     473,    124,    485,//817 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3000     485,    121,    466,//818 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
3001     473,    485,    466,//819 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
3002     124,    476,    486,//820 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3003     476,     14,    479,//821 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3004     479,    126,    486,//822 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3005     476,    479,    486,//823 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3006     126,    483,    487,//824 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3007     483,     34,    468,//825 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3008     468,    121,    487,//826 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3009     483,    468,    487,//827 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3010     124,    486,    485,//828 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
3011     486,    126,    487,//829 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3012     487,    121,    485,//830 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3013     486,    487,    485,//831 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
3014     1,    474,    454,//832 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
3015     474,    123,    488,//833 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3016     488,    118,    454,//834 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
3017     474,    488,    454,//835 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
3018     123,    471,    490,//836 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3019     471,     33,    489,//837 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3020     489,    127,    490,//838 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3021     471,    489,    490,//839 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3022     127,    491,    492,//840 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
3023     491,     32,    456,//841 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
3024     456,    118,    492,//842 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3025     491,    456,    492,//843 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
3026     123,    490,    488,//844 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
3027     490,    127,    492,//845 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3028     492,    118,    488,//846 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
3029     490,    492,    488,//847 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
3030     33,    465,    494,//848 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
3031     465,    120,    493,//849 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3032     493,    129,    494,//850 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
3033     465,    493,    494,//851 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
3034     120,    462,    496,//852 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
3035     462,      9,    495,//853 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
3036     495,    128,    496,//854 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3037     462,    495,    496,//855 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
3038     128,    497,    499,//856 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3039     497,     35,    498,//857 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3040     498,    129,    499,//858 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3041     497,    498,    499,//859 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3042     120,    496,    493,//860 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
3043     496,    128,    499,//861 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
3044     499,    129,    493,//862 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3045     496,    499,    493,//863 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
3046     35,    500,    502,//864 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
3047     500,    130,    501,//865 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3048     501,    131,    502,//866 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
3049     500,    501,    502,//867 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
3050     130,    503,    504,//868 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
3051     503,      8,    441,//869 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
3052     441,    116,    504,//870 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3053     503,    441,    504,//871 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
3054     116,    445,    506,//872 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3055     445,     32,    505,//873 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3056     505,    131,    506,//874 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3057     445,    505,    506,//875 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3058     130,    504,    501,//876 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
3059     504,    116,    506,//877 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
3060     506,    131,    501,//878 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3061     504,    506,    501,//879 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
3062     33,    494,    489,//880 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
3063     494,    129,    507,//881 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3064     507,    127,    489,//882 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
3065     494,    507,    489,//883 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
3066     129,    498,    508,//884 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3067     498,     35,    502,//885 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3068     502,    131,    508,//886 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3069     498,    502,    508,//887 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3070     131,    505,    509,//888 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3071     505,     32,    491,//889 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3072     491,    127,    509,//890 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3073     505,    491,    509,//891 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3074     129,    508,    507,//892 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
3075     508,    131,    509,//893 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3076     509,    127,    507,//894 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3077     508,    509,    507,//895 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
3078     4,    510,    310,//896 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
3079     510,    132,    511,//897 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3080     511,     82,    310,//898 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
3081     510,    511,    310,//899 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
3082     132,    512,    514,//900 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3083     512,     36,    513,//901 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3084     513,    133,    514,//902 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3085     512,    513,    514,//903 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3086     133,    515,    516,//904 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
3087     515,     23,    312,//905 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
3088     312,     82,    516,//906 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3089     515,    312,    516,//907 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
3090     132,    514,    511,//908 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
3091     514,    133,    516,//909 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3092     516,     82,    511,//910 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
3093     514,    516,    511,//911 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
3094     36,    517,    519,//912 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
3095     517,    134,    518,//913 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3096     518,    135,    519,//914 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
3097     517,    518,    519,//915 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
3098     134,    520,    521,//916 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
3099     520,      9,    464,//917 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
3100     464,    122,    521,//918 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3101     520,    464,    521,//919 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
3102     122,    469,    523,//920 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3103     469,     34,    522,//921 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3104     522,    135,    523,//922 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3105     469,    522,    523,//923 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3106     134,    521,    518,//924 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
3107     521,    122,    523,//925 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
3108     523,    135,    518,//926 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3109     521,    523,    518,//927 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
3110     34,    482,    525,//928 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
3111     482,    125,    524,//929 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3112     524,    136,    525,//930 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
3113     482,    524,    525,//931 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
3114     125,    480,    526,//932 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
3115     480,      5,    293,//933 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
3116     293,     78,    526,//934 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3117     480,    293,    526,//935 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
3118     78,    297,    528,//936 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3119     297,     23,    527,//937 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3120     527,    136,    528,//938 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3121     297,    527,    528,//939 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3122     125,    526,    524,//940 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
3123     526,     78,    528,//941 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
3124     528,    136,    524,//942 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3125     526,    528,    524,//943 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
3126     36,    519,    513,//944 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
3127     519,    135,    529,//945 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3128     529,    133,    513,//946 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
3129     519,    529,    513,//947 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
3130     135,    522,    530,//948 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3131     522,     34,    525,//949 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3132     525,    136,    530,//950 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3133     522,    525,    530,//951 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3134     136,    527,    531,//952 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3135     527,     23,    515,//953 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3136     515,    133,    531,//954 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3137     527,    515,    531,//955 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3138     135,    530,    529,//956 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
3139     530,    136,    531,//957 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3140     531,    133,    529,//958 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3141     530,    531,    529,//959 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
3142     9,    520,    533,//960 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
3143     520,    134,    532,//961 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3144     532,    138,    533,//962 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
3145     520,    532,    533,//963 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
3146     134,    517,    535,//964 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3147     517,     36,    534,//965 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3148     534,    137,    535,//966 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3149     517,    534,    535,//967 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3150     137,    536,    538,//968 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
3151     536,     38,    537,//969 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
3152     537,    138,    538,//970 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3153     536,    537,    538,//971 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
3154     134,    535,    532,//972 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
3155     535,    137,    538,//973 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3156     538,    138,    532,//974 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
3157     535,    538,    532,//975 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
3158     36,    512,    540,//976 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
3159     512,    132,    539,//977 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3160     539,    140,    540,//978 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
3161     512,    539,    540,//979 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
3162     132,    510,    542,//980 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
3163     510,      4,    541,//981 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
3164     541,    139,    542,//982 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3165     510,    541,    542,//983 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
3166     139,    543,    545,//984 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3167     543,     37,    544,//985 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3168     544,    140,    545,//986 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3169     543,    544,    545,//987 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3170     132,    542,    539,//988 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
3171     542,    139,    545,//989 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
3172     545,    140,    539,//990 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3173     542,    545,    539,//991 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
3174     37,    546,    548,//992 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
3175     546,    141,    547,//993 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3176     547,    143,    548,//994 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
3177     546,    547,    548,//995 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
3178     141,    549,    551,//996 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
3179     549,      3,    550,//997 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
3180     550,    142,    551,//998 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3181     549,    550,    551,//999 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
3182     142,    552,    554,//1000 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3183     552,     38,    553,//1001 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3184     553,    143,    554,//1002 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3185     552,    553,    554,//1003 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3186     141,    551,    547,//1004 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
3187     551,    142,    554,//1005 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
3188     554,    143,    547,//1006 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3189     551,    554,    547,//1007 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
3190     36,    540,    534,//1008 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
3191     540,    140,    555,//1009 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3192     555,    137,    534,//1010 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
3193     540,    555,    534,//1011 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
3194     140,    544,    556,//1012 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3195     544,     37,    548,//1013 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3196     548,    143,    556,//1014 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3197     544,    548,    556,//1015 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3198     143,    553,    557,//1016 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3199     553,     38,    536,//1017 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3200     536,    137,    557,//1018 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3201     553,    536,    557,//1019 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3202     140,    556,    555,//1020 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
3203     556,    143,    557,//1021 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3204     557,    137,    555,//1022 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3205     556,    557,    555,//1023 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
3206     3,    558,    550,//1024 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
3207     558,    144,    559,//1025 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3208     559,    142,    550,//1026 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
3209     558,    559,    550,//1027 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
3210     144,    560,    562,//1028 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3211     560,     39,    561,//1029 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3212     561,    145,    562,//1030 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3213     560,    561,    562,//1031 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3214     145,    563,    564,//1032 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
3215     563,     38,    552,//1033 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
3216     552,    142,    564,//1034 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3217     563,    552,    564,//1035 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
3218     144,    562,    559,//1036 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
3219     562,    145,    564,//1037 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3220     564,    142,    559,//1038 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
3221     562,    564,    559,//1039 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
3222     39,    565,    567,//1040 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
3223     565,    146,    566,//1041 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3224     566,    147,    567,//1042 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
3225     565,    566,    567,//1043 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
3226     146,    568,    569,//1044 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
3227     568,      8,    503,//1045 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
3228     503,    130,    569,//1046 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3229     568,    503,    569,//1047 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
3230     130,    500,    571,//1048 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3231     500,     35,    570,//1049 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3232     570,    147,    571,//1050 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3233     500,    570,    571,//1051 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3234     146,    569,    566,//1052 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
3235     569,    130,    571,//1053 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
3236     571,    147,    566,//1054 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3237     569,    571,    566,//1055 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
3238     35,    497,    573,//1056 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
3239     497,    128,    572,//1057 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3240     572,    148,    573,//1058 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
3241     497,    572,    573,//1059 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
3242     128,    495,    574,//1060 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
3243     495,      9,    533,//1061 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
3244     533,    138,    574,//1062 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3245     495,    533,    574,//1063 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
3246     138,    537,    576,//1064 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3247     537,     38,    575,//1065 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3248     575,    148,    576,//1066 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3249     537,    575,    576,//1067 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3250     128,    574,    572,//1068 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
3251     574,    138,    576,//1069 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
3252     576,    148,    572,//1070 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3253     574,    576,    572,//1071 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
3254     39,    567,    561,//1072 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
3255     567,    147,    577,//1073 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3256     577,    145,    561,//1074 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
3257     567,    577,    561,//1075 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
3258     147,    570,    578,//1076 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3259     570,     35,    573,//1077 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3260     573,    148,    578,//1078 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3261     570,    573,    578,//1079 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3262     148,    575,    579,//1080 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3263     575,     38,    563,//1081 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3264     563,    145,    579,//1082 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3265     575,    563,    579,//1083 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3266     147,    578,    577,//1084 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
3267     578,    148,    579,//1085 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3268     579,    145,    577,//1086 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3269     578,    579,    577,//1087 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
3270     8,    568,    425,//1088 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
3271     568,    146,    580,//1089 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3272     580,    111,    425,//1090 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
3273     568,    580,    425,//1091 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
3274     146,    565,    582,//1092 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3275     565,     39,    581,//1093 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3276     581,    149,    582,//1094 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3277     565,    581,    582,//1095 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3278     149,    583,    584,//1096 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
3279     583,     31,    427,//1097 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
3280     427,    111,    584,//1098 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3281     583,    427,    584,//1099 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
3282     146,    582,    580,//1100 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
3283     582,    149,    584,//1101 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3284     584,    111,    580,//1102 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
3285     582,    584,    580,//1103 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
3286     39,    560,    586,//1104 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
3287     560,    144,    585,//1105 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3288     585,    151,    586,//1106 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
3289     560,    585,    586,//1107 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
3290     144,    558,    588,//1108 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
3291     558,      3,    587,//1109 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
3292     587,    150,    588,//1110 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3293     558,    587,    588,//1111 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
3294     150,    589,    591,//1112 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3295     589,     40,    590,//1113 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3296     590,    151,    591,//1114 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3297     589,    590,    591,//1115 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3298     144,    588,    585,//1116 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
3299     588,    150,    591,//1117 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
3300     591,    151,    585,//1118 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3301     588,    591,    585,//1119 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
3302     40,    592,    594,//1120 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
3303     592,    152,    593,//1121 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3304     593,    153,    594,//1122 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
3305     592,    593,    594,//1123 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
3306     152,    595,    596,//1124 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
3307     595,      6,    433,//1125 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
3308     433,    113,    596,//1126 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3309     595,    433,    596,//1127 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
3310     113,    430,    598,//1128 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3311     430,     31,    597,//1129 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3312     597,    153,    598,//1130 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3313     430,    597,    598,//1131 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3314     152,    596,    593,//1132 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
3315     596,    113,    598,//1133 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
3316     598,    153,    593,//1134 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3317     596,    598,    593,//1135 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
3318     39,    586,    581,//1136 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
3319     586,    151,    599,//1137 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3320     599,    149,    581,//1138 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
3321     586,    599,    581,//1139 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
3322     151,    590,    600,//1140 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3323     590,     40,    594,//1141 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3324     594,    153,    600,//1142 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3325     590,    594,    600,//1143 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3326     153,    597,    601,//1144 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3327     597,     31,    583,//1145 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3328     583,    149,    601,//1146 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3329     597,    583,    601,//1147 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3330     151,    600,    599,//1148 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
3331     600,    153,    601,//1149 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3332     601,    149,    599,//1150 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3333     600,    601,    599,//1151 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
3334     3,    602,    587,//1152 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
3335     602,    154,    603,//1153 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3336     603,    150,    587,//1154 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
3337     602,    603,    587,//1155 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
3338     154,    604,    606,//1156 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3339     604,     41,    605,//1157 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3340     605,    155,    606,//1158 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3341     604,    605,    606,//1159 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3342     155,    607,    608,//1160 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
3343     607,     40,    589,//1161 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
3344     589,    150,    608,//1162 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3345     607,    589,    608,//1163 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
3346     154,    606,    603,//1164 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
3347     606,    155,    608,//1165 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3348     608,    150,    603,//1166 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
3349     606,    608,    603,//1167 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
3350     41,    609,    611,//1168 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
3351     609,    156,    610,//1169 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3352     610,    157,    611,//1170 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
3353     609,    610,    611,//1171 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
3354     156,    612,    613,//1172 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
3355     612,      2,    385,//1173 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
3356     385,    101,    613,//1174 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3357     612,    385,    613,//1175 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
3358     101,    382,    615,//1176 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3359     382,     28,    614,//1177 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3360     614,    157,    615,//1178 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3361     382,    614,    615,//1179 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3362     156,    613,    610,//1180 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
3363     613,    101,    615,//1181 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
3364     615,    157,    610,//1182 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3365     613,    615,    610,//1183 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
3366     28,    379,    617,//1184 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
3367     379,     99,    616,//1185 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3368     616,    158,    617,//1186 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
3369     379,    616,    617,//1187 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
3370     99,    377,    618,//1188 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
3371     377,      6,    595,//1189 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
3372     595,    152,    618,//1190 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3373     377,    595,    618,//1191 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
3374     152,    592,    620,//1192 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3375     592,     40,    619,//1193 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3376     619,    158,    620,//1194 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3377     592,    619,    620,//1195 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3378     99,    618,    616,//1196 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
3379     618,    152,    620,//1197 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
3380     620,    158,    616,//1198 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3381     618,    620,    616,//1199 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
3382     41,    611,    605,//1200 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
3383     611,    157,    621,//1201 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3384     621,    155,    605,//1202 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
3385     611,    621,    605,//1203 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
3386     157,    614,    622,//1204 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3387     614,     28,    617,//1205 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3388     617,    158,    622,//1206 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3389     614,    617,    622,//1207 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3390     158,    619,    623,//1208 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3391     619,     40,    607,//1209 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3392     607,    155,    623,//1210 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3393     619,    607,    623,//1211 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3394     157,    622,    621,//1212 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
3395     622,    158,    623,//1213 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3396     623,    155,    621,//1214 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3397     622,    623,    621,//1215 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
3398     2,    612,    351,//1216 0.138283 0.162173 0.138283
3399     612,    156,    624,//1217 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3400     624,     92,    351,//1218 0.161146 0.138283 0.139482
3401     612,    624,    351,//1219 0.139482 0.139482 0.162173
3402     156,    609,    626,//1220 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3403     609,     41,    625,//1221 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3404     625,    159,    626,//1222 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3405     609,    625,    626,//1223 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3406     159,    627,    628,//1224 0.156918 0.139510 0.143103
3407     627,     26,    353,//1225 0.156918 0.138283 0.144288
3408     353,     92,    628,//1226 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3409     627,    353,    628,//1227 0.144288 0.157997 0.139510
3410     156,    626,    624,//1228 0.143103 0.144387 0.161146
3411     626,    159,    628,//1229 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3412     628,     92,    624,//1230 0.143103 0.161146 0.144387
3413     626,    628,    624,//1231 0.162284 0.144387 0.144387
3414     41,    604,    630,//1232 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
3415     604,    154,    629,//1233 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3416     629,    160,    630,//1234 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
3417     604,    629,    630,//1235 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
3418     154,    602,    631,//1236 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
3419     602,      3,    549,//1237 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
3420     549,    141,    631,//1238 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3421     602,    549,    631,//1239 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
3422     141,    546,    633,//1240 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3423     546,     37,    632,//1241 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3424     632,    160,    633,//1242 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3425     546,    632,    633,//1243 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3426     154,    631,    629,//1244 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
3427     631,    141,    633,//1245 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
3428     633,    160,    629,//1246 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3429     631,    633,    629,//1247 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
3430     37,    543,    635,//1248 0.138283 0.144288 0.156918
3431     543,    139,    634,//1249 0.138283 0.143103 0.157997
3432     634,    161,    635,//1250 0.143103 0.156918 0.139510
3433     543,    634,    635,//1251 0.157997 0.139510 0.144288
3434     139,    541,    636,//1252 0.138283 0.139482 0.161146
3435     541,      4,    359,//1253 0.138283 0.138283 0.162173
3436     359,     94,    636,//1254 0.138283 0.161146 0.139482
3437     541,    359,    636,//1255 0.162173 0.139482 0.139482
3438     94,    356,    638,//1256 0.138283 0.157997 0.143103
3439     356,     26,    637,//1257 0.138283 0.156918 0.144288
3440     637,    161,    638,//1258 0.156918 0.143103 0.139510
3441     356,    637,    638,//1259 0.144288 0.139510 0.157997
3442     139,    636,    634,//1260 0.161146 0.144387 0.143103
3443     636,     94,    638,//1261 0.161146 0.143103 0.144387
3444     638,    161,    634,//1262 0.143103 0.143103 0.162284
3445     636,    638,    634,//1263 0.144387 0.162284 0.144387
3446     41,    630,    625,//1264 0.156918 0.164485 0.156918
3447     630,    160,    639,//1265 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3448     639,    159,    625,//1266 0.163002 0.156918 0.158459
3449     630,    639,    625,//1267 0.158459 0.158459 0.164485
3450     160,    632,    640,//1268 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3451     632,     37,    635,//1269 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3452     635,    161,    640,//1270 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3453     632,    635,    640,//1271 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3454     161,    637,    641,//1272 0.156918 0.158459 0.163002
3455     637,     26,    627,//1273 0.156918 0.156918 0.164485
3456     627,    159,    641,//1274 0.156918 0.163002 0.158459
3457     637,    627,    641,//1275 0.164485 0.158459 0.158459
3458     160,    640,    639,//1276 0.163002 0.164647 0.163002
3459     640,    161,    641,//1277 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3460     641,    159,    639,//1278 0.163002 0.163002 0.164647
3461     640,    641,    639 //1279 0.164647 0.164647 0.164647
3462   };
3463   static const GLfloat v[1926] = {
3464     -0.525731f,   0.850651f,   0.000000f,//0
3465     0.525731f,   0.850651f,   0.000000f,//1
3466     -0.525731f,  -0.850651f,   0.000000f,//2
3467     0.525731f,  -0.850651f,   0.000000f,//3
3468     0.000000f,  -0.525731f,   0.850651f,//4
3469     0.000000f,   0.525731f,   0.850651f,//5
3470     0.000000f,  -0.525731f,  -0.850651f,//6
3471     0.000000f,   0.525731f,  -0.850651f,//7
3472     0.850651f,   0.000000f,  -0.525731f,//8
3473     0.850651f,   0.000000f,   0.525731f,//9
3474     -0.850651f,   0.000000f,  -0.525731f,//10
3475     -0.850651f,   0.000000f,   0.525731f,//11
3476     0.000000f,   1.000000f,   0.000000f,//12
3477     -0.309017f,   0.809017f,   0.500000f,//13
3478     0.309017f,   0.809017f,   0.500000f,//14
3479     0.309017f,   0.809017f,  -0.500000f,//15
3480     -0.309017f,   0.809017f,  -0.500000f,//16
3481     -0.809017f,   0.500000f,  -0.309017f,//17
3482     -0.500000f,   0.309017f,  -0.809017f,//18
3483     -1.000000f,   0.000000f,   0.000000f,//19
3484     -0.809017f,   0.500000f,   0.309017f,//20
3485     -0.500000f,   0.309017f,   0.809017f,//21
3486     -0.500000f,  -0.309017f,   0.809017f,//22
3487     0.000000f,   0.000000f,   1.000000f,//23
3488     -0.809017f,  -0.500000f,   0.309017f,//24
3489     -0.809017f,  -0.500000f,  -0.309017f,//25
3490     -0.309017f,  -0.809017f,   0.500000f,//26
3491     -0.500000f,  -0.309017f,  -0.809017f,//27
3492     -0.309017f,  -0.809017f,  -0.500000f,//28
3493     0.000000f,   0.000000f,  -1.000000f,//29
3494     0.500000f,   0.309017f,  -0.809017f,//30
3495     0.500000f,  -0.309017f,  -0.809017f,//31
3496     0.809017f,   0.500000f,  -0.309017f,//32
3497     0.809017f,   0.500000f,   0.309017f,//33
3498     0.500000f,   0.309017f,   0.809017f,//34
3499     1.000000f,   0.000000f,   0.000000f,//35
3500     0.500000f,  -0.309017f,   0.809017f,//36
3501     0.309017f,  -0.809017f,   0.500000f,//37
3502     0.809017f,  -0.500000f,   0.309017f,//38
3503     0.809017f,  -0.500000f,  -0.309017f,//39
3504     0.309017f,  -0.809017f,  -0.500000f,//40
3505     0.000000f,  -1.000000f,   0.000000f,//41
3506     0.273267f,   0.961938f,   0.000000f,//42
3507     0.162460f,   0.951057f,   0.262866f,//43
3508     0.433889f,   0.862668f,   0.259892f,//44
3509     -0.273267f,   0.961938f,   0.000000f,//45
3510     -0.433889f,   0.862668f,   0.259892f,//46
3511     -0.162460f,   0.951057f,   0.262866f,//47
3512     -0.160622f,   0.693780f,   0.702046f,//48
3513     0.160622f,   0.693780f,   0.702046f,//49
3514     0.000000f,   0.850651f,   0.525731f,//50
3515     -0.162460f,   0.951057f,  -0.262866f,//51
3516     -0.433889f,   0.862668f,  -0.259892f,//52
3517     0.433889f,   0.862668f,  -0.259892f,//53
3518     0.162460f,   0.951057f,  -0.262866f,//54
3519     0.160622f,   0.693780f,  -0.702046f,//55
3520     -0.160622f,   0.693780f,  -0.702046f,//56
3521     0.000000f,   0.850651f,  -0.525731f,//57
3522     -0.862668f,   0.259892f,  -0.433889f,//58
3523     -0.688191f,   0.425325f,  -0.587785f,//59
3524     -0.702046f,   0.160622f,  -0.693780f,//60
3525     -0.693780f,   0.702046f,  -0.160622f,//61
3526     -0.587785f,   0.688191f,  -0.425325f,//62
3527     -0.259892f,   0.433889f,  -0.862668f,//63
3528     -0.425325f,   0.587785f,  -0.688191f,//64
3529     -0.850651f,   0.525731f,   0.000000f,//65
3530     -0.693780f,   0.702046f,   0.160622f,//66
3531     -0.961938f,   0.000000f,  -0.273267f,//67
3532     -0.951057f,   0.262866f,  -0.162460f,//68
3533     -0.961938f,   0.000000f,   0.273267f,//69
3534     -0.862668f,   0.259892f,   0.433889f,//70
3535     -0.951057f,   0.262866f,   0.162460f,//71
3536     -0.702046f,   0.160622f,   0.693780f,//72
3537     -0.688191f,   0.425325f,   0.587785f,//73
3538     -0.259892f,   0.433889f,   0.862668f,//74
3539     -0.425325f,   0.587785f,   0.688191f,//75
3540     -0.587785f,   0.688191f,   0.425325f,//76
3541     -0.262866f,   0.162460f,   0.951057f,//77
3542     0.000000f,   0.273267f,   0.961938f,//78
3543     -0.702046f,  -0.160622f,   0.693780f,//79
3544     -0.525731f,   0.000000f,   0.850651f,//80
3545     -0.259892f,  -0.433889f,   0.862668f,//81
3546     0.000000f,  -0.273267f,   0.961938f,//82
3547     -0.262866f,  -0.162460f,   0.951057f,//83
3548     -0.693780f,  -0.702046f,   0.160622f,//84
3549     -0.850651f,  -0.525731f,   0.000000f,//85
3550     -0.693780f,  -0.702046f,  -0.160622f,//86
3551     -0.862668f,  -0.259892f,   0.433889f,//87
3552     -0.951057f,  -0.262866f,   0.162460f,//88
3553     -0.862668f,  -0.259892f,  -0.433889f,//89
3554     -0.951057f,  -0.262866f,  -0.162460f,//90
3555     -0.688191f,  -0.425325f,   0.587785f,//91
3556     -0.433889f,  -0.862668f,   0.259892f,//92
3557     -0.587785f,  -0.688191f,   0.425325f,//93
3558     -0.160622f,  -0.693780f,   0.702046f,//94
3559     -0.425325f,  -0.587785f,   0.688191f,//95
3560     -0.702046f,  -0.160622f,  -0.693780f,//96
3561     -0.688191f,  -0.425325f,  -0.587785f,//97
3562     -0.259892f,  -0.433889f,  -0.862668f,//98
3563     -0.160622f,  -0.693780f,  -0.702046f,//99
3564     -0.425325f,  -0.587785f,  -0.688191f,//100
3565     -0.433889f,  -0.862668f,  -0.259892f,//101
3566     -0.587785f,  -0.688191f,  -0.425325f,//102
3567     -0.262866f,  -0.162460f,  -0.951057f,//103
3568     0.000000f,  -0.273267f,  -0.961938f,//104
3569     -0.525731f,   0.000000f,  -0.850651f,//105
3570     0.000000f,   0.273267f,  -0.961938f,//106
3571     -0.262866f,   0.162460f,  -0.951057f,//107
3572     0.259892f,   0.433889f,  -0.862668f,//108
3573     0.262866f,   0.162460f,  -0.951057f,//109
3574     0.702046f,   0.160622f,  -0.693780f,//110
3575     0.702046f,  -0.160622f,  -0.693780f,//111
3576     0.525731f,   0.000000f,  -0.850651f,//112
3577     0.259892f,  -0.433889f,  -0.862668f,//113
3578     0.262866f,  -0.162460f,  -0.951057f,//114
3579     0.688191f,   0.425325f,  -0.587785f,//115
3580     0.862668f,   0.259892f,  -0.433889f,//116
3581     0.425325f,   0.587785f,  -0.688191f,//117
3582     0.693780f,   0.702046f,  -0.160622f,//118
3583     0.587785f,   0.688191f,  -0.425325f,//119
3584     0.862668f,   0.259892f,   0.433889f,//120
3585     0.688191f,   0.425325f,   0.587785f,//121
3586     0.702046f,   0.160622f,   0.693780f,//122
3587     0.693780f,   0.702046f,   0.160622f,//123
3588     0.587785f,   0.688191f,   0.425325f,//124
3589     0.259892f,   0.433889f,   0.862668f,//125
3590     0.425325f,   0.587785f,   0.688191f,//126
3591     0.850651f,   0.525731f,   0.000000f,//127
3592     0.961938f,   0.000000f,   0.273267f,//128
3593     0.951057f,   0.262866f,   0.162460f,//129
3594     0.961938f,   0.000000f,  -0.273267f,//130
3595     0.951057f,   0.262866f,  -0.162460f,//131
3596     0.259892f,  -0.433889f,   0.862668f,//132
3597     0.262866f,  -0.162460f,   0.951057f,//133
3598     0.702046f,  -0.160622f,   0.693780f,//134
3599     0.525731f,   0.000000f,   0.850651f,//135
3600     0.262866f,   0.162460f,   0.951057f,//136
3601     0.688191f,  -0.425325f,   0.587785f,//137
3602     0.862668f,  -0.259892f,   0.433889f,//138
3603     0.160622f,  -0.693780f,   0.702046f,//139
3604     0.425325f,  -0.587785f,   0.688191f,//140
3605     0.433889f,  -0.862668f,   0.259892f,//141
3606     0.693780f,  -0.702046f,   0.160622f,//142
3607     0.587785f,  -0.688191f,   0.425325f,//143
3608     0.693780f,  -0.702046f,  -0.160622f,//144
3609     0.850651f,  -0.525731f,   0.000000f,//145
3610     0.862668f,  -0.259892f,  -0.433889f,//146
3611     0.951057f,  -0.262866f,  -0.162460f,//147
3612     0.951057f,  -0.262866f,   0.162460f,//148
3613     0.688191f,  -0.425325f,  -0.587785f,//149
3614     0.433889f,  -0.862668f,  -0.259892f,//150
3615     0.587785f,  -0.688191f,  -0.425325f,//151
3616     0.160622f,  -0.693780f,  -0.702046f,//152
3617     0.425325f,  -0.587785f,  -0.688191f,//153
3618     0.273267f,  -0.961938f,   0.000000f,//154
3619     0.162460f,  -0.951057f,  -0.262866f,//155
3620     -0.273267f,  -0.961938f,   0.000000f,//156
3621     -0.162460f,  -0.951057f,  -0.262866f,//157
3622     0.000000f,  -0.850651f,  -0.525731f,//158
3623     -0.162460f,  -0.951057f,   0.262866f,//159
3624     0.162460f,  -0.951057f,   0.262866f,//160
3625     0.000000f,  -0.850651f,   0.525731f,//161
3626     0.403355f,   0.915043f,   0.000000f,//162
3627     0.358229f,   0.924305f,   0.131655f,//163
3628     0.484442f,   0.864929f,   0.131200f,//164
3629     0.137952f,   0.990439f,   0.000000f,//165
3630     0.082242f,   0.987688f,   0.133071f,//166
3631     0.220117f,   0.966393f,   0.132792f,//167
3632     0.238677f,   0.891007f,   0.386187f,//168
3633     0.375039f,   0.843911f,   0.383614f,//169
3634     0.301259f,   0.916244f,   0.264083f,//170
3635     -0.137952f,   0.990439f,   0.000000f,//171
3636     -0.220117f,   0.966393f,   0.132792f,//172
3637     -0.082242f,   0.987688f,   0.133071f,//173
3638     -0.403355f,   0.915043f,   0.000000f,//174
3639     -0.484442f,   0.864929f,   0.131200f,//175
3640     -0.358229f,   0.924305f,   0.131655f,//176
3641     -0.375039f,   0.843911f,   0.383614f,//177
3642     -0.238677f,   0.891007f,   0.386187f,//178
3643     -0.301259f,   0.916244f,   0.264083f,//179
3644     -0.237086f,   0.758652f,   0.606825f,//180
3645     -0.081142f,   0.780204f,   0.620240f,//181
3646     -0.156434f,   0.840178f,   0.519258f,//182
3647     -0.081086f,   0.615642f,   0.783843f,//183
3648     0.081086f,   0.615642f,   0.783843f,//184
3649     0.000000f,   0.702907f,   0.711282f,//185
3650     0.237086f,   0.758652f,   0.606825f,//186
3651     0.156434f,   0.840178f,   0.519258f,//187
3652     0.081142f,   0.780204f,   0.620240f,//188
3653     0.000000f,   0.963861f,   0.266405f,//189
3654     -0.082324f,   0.912983f,   0.399607f,//190
3655     0.082324f,   0.912983f,   0.399607f,//191
3656     -0.358229f,   0.924305f,  -0.131655f,//192
3657     -0.484442f,   0.864929f,  -0.131200f,//193
3658     -0.082242f,   0.987688f,  -0.133071f,//194
3659     -0.220117f,   0.966393f,  -0.132792f,//195
3660     -0.238677f,   0.891007f,  -0.386187f,//196
3661     -0.375039f,   0.843911f,  -0.383614f,//197
3662     -0.301259f,   0.916244f,  -0.264083f,//198
3663     0.220117f,   0.966393f,  -0.132792f,//199
3664     0.082242f,   0.987688f,  -0.133071f,//200
3665     0.484442f,   0.864929f,  -0.131200f,//201
3666     0.358229f,   0.924305f,  -0.131655f,//202
3667     0.375039f,   0.843911f,  -0.383614f,//203
3668     0.238677f,   0.891007f,  -0.386187f,//204
3669     0.301259f,   0.916244f,  -0.264083f,//205
3670     0.237086f,   0.758652f,  -0.606825f,//206
3671     0.081142f,   0.780204f,  -0.620240f,//207
3672     0.156434f,   0.840178f,  -0.519258f,//208
3673     0.081086f,   0.615642f,  -0.783843f,//209
3674     -0.081086f,   0.615642f,  -0.783843f,//210
3675     0.000000f,   0.702907f,  -0.711282f,//211
3676     -0.237086f,   0.758652f,  -0.606825f,//212
3677     -0.156434f,   0.840178f,  -0.519258f,//213
3678     -0.081142f,   0.780204f,  -0.620240f,//214
3679     0.000000f,   0.963861f,  -0.266405f,//215
3680     0.082324f,   0.912983f,  -0.399607f,//216
3681     -0.082324f,   0.912983f,  -0.399607f,//217
3682     -0.864929f,   0.131200f,  -0.484442f,//218
3683     -0.792649f,   0.213023f,  -0.571252f,//219
3684     -0.783843f,   0.081086f,  -0.615642f,//220
3685     -0.843911f,   0.383614f,  -0.375039f,//221
3686     -0.757935f,   0.468430f,  -0.453991f,//222
3687     -0.783452f,   0.346153f,  -0.516122f,//223
3688     -0.601501f,   0.371748f,  -0.707107f,//224
3689     -0.606825f,   0.237086f,  -0.758652f,//225
3690     -0.702310f,   0.296005f,  -0.647412f,//226
3691     -0.758652f,   0.606825f,  -0.237086f,//227
3692     -0.647412f,   0.702310f,  -0.296005f,//228
3693     -0.707107f,   0.601501f,  -0.371748f,//229
3694     -0.615642f,   0.783843f,  -0.081086f,//230
3695     -0.571252f,   0.792649f,  -0.213023f,//231
3696     -0.453991f,   0.757935f,  -0.468430f,//232
3697     -0.516122f,   0.783452f,  -0.346153f,//233
3698     -0.296005f,   0.647412f,  -0.702310f,//234
3699     -0.371748f,   0.707107f,  -0.601501f,//235
3700     -0.131200f,   0.484442f,  -0.864929f,//236
3701     -0.213023f,   0.571252f,  -0.792649f,//237
3702     -0.383614f,   0.375039f,  -0.843911f,//238
3703     -0.468430f,   0.453991f,  -0.757935f,//239
3704     -0.346153f,   0.516122f,  -0.783452f,//240
3705     -0.646578f,   0.564254f,  -0.513375f,//241
3706     -0.513375f,   0.646578f,  -0.564254f,//242
3707     -0.564254f,   0.513375f,  -0.646578f,//243
3708     -0.702907f,   0.711282f,   0.000000f,//244
3709     -0.615642f,   0.783843f,   0.081086f,//245
3710     -0.840178f,   0.519258f,  -0.156434f,//246
3711     -0.780204f,   0.620240f,  -0.081142f,//247
3712     -0.840178f,   0.519258f,   0.156434f,//248
3713     -0.758652f,   0.606825f,   0.237086f,//249
3714     -0.780204f,   0.620240f,   0.081142f,//250
3715     -0.916244f,   0.264083f,  -0.301259f,//251
3716     -0.891007f,   0.386187f,  -0.238677f,//252
3717     -0.915043f,   0.000000f,  -0.403355f,//253
3718     -0.924305f,   0.131655f,  -0.358229f,//254
3719     -0.990439f,   0.000000f,  -0.137952f,//255
3720     -0.987688f,   0.133071f,  -0.082242f,//256
3721     -0.966393f,   0.132792f,  -0.220117f,//257
3722     -0.990439f,   0.000000f,   0.137952f,//258
3723     -0.966393f,   0.132792f,   0.220117f,//259
3724     -0.987688f,   0.133071f,   0.082242f,//260
3725     -0.915043f,   0.000000f,   0.403355f,//261
3726     -0.864929f,   0.131200f,   0.484442f,//262
3727     -0.924305f,   0.131655f,   0.358229f,//263
3728     -0.843911f,   0.383614f,   0.375039f,//264
3729     -0.891007f,   0.386187f,   0.238677f,//265
3730     -0.916244f,   0.264083f,   0.301259f,//266
3731     -0.912983f,   0.399607f,  -0.082324f,//267
3732     -0.963861f,   0.266405f,   0.000000f,//268
3733     -0.912983f,   0.399607f,   0.082324f,//269
3734     -0.783843f,   0.081086f,   0.615642f,//270
3735     -0.792649f,   0.213023f,   0.571252f,//271
3736     -0.606825f,   0.237086f,   0.758652f,//272
3737     -0.601501f,   0.371748f,   0.707107f,//273
3738     -0.702310f,   0.296005f,   0.647412f,//274
3739     -0.757935f,   0.468430f,   0.453991f,//275
3740     -0.783452f,   0.346153f,   0.516122f,//276
3741     -0.383614f,   0.375039f,   0.843911f,//277
3742     -0.346153f,   0.516122f,   0.783452f,//278
3743     -0.468430f,   0.453991f,   0.757935f,//279
3744     -0.131200f,   0.484442f,   0.864929f,//280
3745     -0.213023f,   0.571252f,   0.792649f,//281
3746     -0.371748f,   0.707107f,   0.601501f,//282
3747     -0.296005f,   0.647412f,   0.702310f,//283
3748     -0.516122f,   0.783452f,   0.346153f,//284
3749     -0.453991f,   0.757935f,   0.468430f,//285
3750     -0.571252f,   0.792649f,   0.213023f,//286
3751     -0.707107f,   0.601501f,   0.371748f,//287
3752     -0.647412f,   0.702310f,   0.296005f,//288
3753     -0.564254f,   0.513375f,   0.646578f,//289
3754     -0.513375f,   0.646578f,   0.564254f,//290
3755     -0.646578f,   0.564254f,   0.513375f,//291
3756     -0.131655f,   0.358229f,   0.924305f,//292
3757     0.000000f,   0.403355f,   0.915043f,//293
3758     -0.386187f,   0.238677f,   0.891007f,//294
3759     -0.264083f,   0.301259f,   0.916244f,//295
3760     -0.133071f,   0.082242f,   0.987688f,//296
3761     0.000000f,   0.137952f,   0.990439f,//297
3762     -0.132792f,   0.220117f,   0.966393f,//298
3763     -0.620240f,   0.081142f,   0.780204f,//299
3764     -0.519258f,   0.156434f,   0.840178f,//300
3765     -0.783843f,  -0.081086f,   0.615642f,//301
3766     -0.711282f,   0.000000f,   0.702907f,//302
3767     -0.606825f,  -0.237086f,   0.758652f,//303
3768     -0.519258f,  -0.156434f,   0.840178f,//304
3769     -0.620240f,  -0.081142f,   0.780204f,//305
3770     -0.383614f,  -0.375039f,   0.843911f,//306
3771     -0.264083f,  -0.301259f,   0.916244f,//307
3772     -0.386187f,  -0.238677f,   0.891007f,//308
3773     -0.131200f,  -0.484442f,   0.864929f,//309
3774     0.000000f,  -0.403355f,   0.915043f,//310
3775     -0.131655f,  -0.358229f,   0.924305f,//311
3776     0.000000f,  -0.137952f,   0.990439f,//312
3777     -0.133071f,  -0.082242f,   0.987688f,//313
3778     -0.132792f,  -0.220117f,   0.966393f,//314
3779     -0.399607f,   0.082324f,   0.912983f,//315
3780     -0.399607f,  -0.082324f,   0.912983f,//316
3781     -0.266405f,   0.000000f,   0.963861f,//317
3782     -0.615642f,  -0.783843f,   0.081086f,//318
3783     -0.702907f,  -0.711282f,   0.000000f,//319
3784     -0.615642f,  -0.783843f,  -0.081086f,//320
3785     -0.758652f,  -0.606825f,   0.237086f,//321
3786     -0.840178f,  -0.519258f,   0.156434f,//322
3787     -0.780204f,  -0.620240f,   0.081142f,//323
3788     -0.840178f,  -0.519258f,  -0.156434f,//324
3789     -0.758652f,  -0.606825f,  -0.237086f,//325
3790     -0.780204f,  -0.620240f,  -0.081142f,//326
3791     -0.843911f,  -0.383614f,   0.375039f,//327
3792     -0.916244f,  -0.264083f,   0.301259f,//328
3793     -0.891007f,  -0.386187f,   0.238677f,//329
3794     -0.864929f,  -0.131200f,   0.484442f,//330
3795     -0.924305f,  -0.131655f,   0.358229f,//331
3796     -0.987688f,  -0.133071f,   0.082242f,//332
3797     -0.966393f,  -0.132792f,   0.220117f,//333
3798     -0.966393f,  -0.132792f,  -0.220117f,//334
3799     -0.987688f,  -0.133071f,  -0.082242f,//335
3800     -0.864929f,  -0.131200f,  -0.484442f,//336
3801     -0.924305f,  -0.131655f,  -0.358229f,//337
3802     -0.843911f,  -0.383614f,  -0.375039f,//338
3803     -0.891007f,  -0.386187f,  -0.238677f,//339
3804     -0.916244f,  -0.264083f,  -0.301259f,//340
3805     -0.912983f,  -0.399607f,   0.082324f,//341
3806     -0.963861f,  -0.266405f,   0.000000f,//342
3807     -0.912983f,  -0.399607f,  -0.082324f,//343
3808     -0.792649f,  -0.213023f,   0.571252f,//344
3809     -0.757935f,  -0.468430f,   0.453991f,//345
3810     -0.783452f,  -0.346153f,   0.516122f,//346
3811     -0.601501f,  -0.371748f,   0.707107f,//347
3812     -0.702310f,  -0.296005f,   0.647412f,//348
3813     -0.647412f,  -0.702310f,   0.296005f,//349
3814     -0.707107f,  -0.601501f,   0.371748f,//350
3815     -0.484442f,  -0.864929f,   0.131200f,//351
3816     -0.571252f,  -0.792649f,   0.213023f,//352
3817     -0.375039f,  -0.843911f,   0.383614f,//353
3818     -0.453991f,  -0.757935f,   0.468430f,//354
3819     -0.516122f,  -0.783452f,   0.346153f,//355
3820     -0.237086f,  -0.758652f,   0.606825f,//356
3821     -0.296005f,  -0.647412f,   0.702310f,//357
3822     -0.371748f,  -0.707107f,   0.601501f,//358
3823     -0.081086f,  -0.615642f,   0.783843f,//359
3824     -0.213023f,  -0.571252f,   0.792649f,//360
3825     -0.468430f,  -0.453991f,   0.757935f,//361
3826     -0.346153f,  -0.516122f,   0.783452f,//362
3827     -0.646578f,  -0.564254f,   0.513375f,//363
3828     -0.513375f,  -0.646578f,   0.564254f,//364
3829     -0.564254f,  -0.513375f,   0.646578f,//365
3830     -0.783843f,  -0.081086f,  -0.615642f,//366
3831     -0.792649f,  -0.213023f,  -0.571252f,//367
3832     -0.606825f,  -0.237086f,  -0.758652f,//368
3833     -0.601501f,  -0.371748f,  -0.707107f,//369
3834     -0.702310f,  -0.296005f,  -0.647412f,//370
3835     -0.757935f,  -0.468430f,  -0.453991f,//371
3836     -0.783452f,  -0.346153f,  -0.516122f,//372
3837     -0.383614f,  -0.375039f,  -0.843911f,//373
3838     -0.346153f,  -0.516122f,  -0.783452f,//374
3839     -0.468430f,  -0.453991f,  -0.757935f,//375
3840     -0.131200f,  -0.484442f,  -0.864929f,//376
3841     -0.081086f,  -0.615642f,  -0.783843f,//377
3842     -0.213023f,  -0.571252f,  -0.792649f,//378
3843     -0.237086f,  -0.758652f,  -0.606825f,//379
3844     -0.371748f,  -0.707107f,  -0.601501f,//380
3845     -0.296005f,  -0.647412f,  -0.702310f,//381
3846     -0.375039f,  -0.843911f,  -0.383614f,//382
3847     -0.516122f,  -0.783452f,  -0.346153f,//383
3848     -0.453991f,  -0.757935f,  -0.468430f,//384
3849     -0.484442f,  -0.864929f,  -0.131200f,//385
3850     -0.571252f,  -0.792649f,  -0.213023f,//386
3851     -0.707107f,  -0.601501f,  -0.371748f,//387
3852     -0.647412f,  -0.702310f,  -0.296005f,//388
3853     -0.564254f,  -0.513375f,  -0.646578f,//389
3854     -0.513375f,  -0.646578f,  -0.564254f,//390
3855     -0.646578f,  -0.564254f,  -0.513375f,//391
3856     -0.131655f,  -0.358229f,  -0.924305f,//392
3857     0.000000f,  -0.403355f,  -0.915043f,//393
3858     -0.386187f,  -0.238677f,  -0.891007f,//394
3859     -0.264083f,  -0.301259f,  -0.916244f,//395
3860     -0.133071f,  -0.082242f,  -0.987688f,//396
3861     0.000000f,  -0.137952f,  -0.990439f,//397
3862     -0.132792f,  -0.220117f,  -0.966393f,//398
3863     -0.620240f,  -0.081142f,  -0.780204f,//399
3864     -0.519258f,  -0.156434f,  -0.840178f,//400
3865     -0.711282f,   0.000000f,  -0.702907f,//401
3866     -0.519258f,   0.156434f,  -0.840178f,//402
3867     -0.620240f,   0.081142f,  -0.780204f,//403
3868     -0.264083f,   0.301259f,  -0.916244f,//404
3869     -0.386187f,   0.238677f,  -0.891007f,//405
3870     0.000000f,   0.403355f,  -0.915043f,//406
3871     -0.131655f,   0.358229f,  -0.924305f,//407
3872     0.000000f,   0.137952f,  -0.990439f,//408
3873     -0.133071f,   0.082242f,  -0.987688f,//409
3874     -0.132792f,   0.220117f,  -0.966393f,//410
3875     -0.399607f,  -0.082324f,  -0.912983f,//411
3876     -0.399607f,   0.082324f,  -0.912983f,//412
3877     -0.266405f,   0.000000f,  -0.963861f,//413
3878     0.131200f,   0.484442f,  -0.864929f,//414
3879     0.131655f,   0.358229f,  -0.924305f,//415
3880     0.383614f,   0.375039f,  -0.843911f,//416
3881     0.386187f,   0.238677f,  -0.891007f,//417
3882     0.264083f,   0.301259f,  -0.916244f,//418
3883     0.133071f,   0.082242f,  -0.987688f,//419
3884     0.132792f,   0.220117f,  -0.966393f,//420
3885     0.606825f,   0.237086f,  -0.758652f,//421
3886     0.620240f,   0.081142f,  -0.780204f,//422
3887     0.519258f,   0.156434f,  -0.840178f,//423
3888     0.783843f,   0.081086f,  -0.615642f,//424
3889     0.783843f,  -0.081086f,  -0.615642f,//425
3890     0.711282f,   0.000000f,  -0.702907f,//426
3891     0.606825f,  -0.237086f,  -0.758652f,//427
3892     0.519258f,  -0.156434f,  -0.840178f,//428
3893     0.620240f,  -0.081142f,  -0.780204f,//429
3894     0.383614f,  -0.375039f,  -0.843911f,//430
3895     0.264083f,  -0.301259f,  -0.916244f,//431
3896     0.386187f,  -0.238677f,  -0.891007f,//432
3897     0.131200f,  -0.484442f,  -0.864929f,//433
3898     0.131655f,  -0.358229f,  -0.924305f,//434
3899     0.133071f,  -0.082242f,  -0.987688f,//435
3900     0.132792f,  -0.220117f,  -0.966393f,//436
3901     0.399607f,   0.082324f,  -0.912983f,//437
3902     0.399607f,  -0.082324f,  -0.912983f,//438
3903     0.266405f,   0.000000f,  -0.963861f,//439
3904     0.792649f,   0.213023f,  -0.571252f,//440
3905     0.864929f,   0.131200f,  -0.484442f,//441
3906     0.601501f,   0.371748f,  -0.707107f,//442
3907     0.702310f,   0.296005f,  -0.647412f,//443
3908     0.757935f,   0.468430f,  -0.453991f,//444
3909     0.843911f,   0.383614f,  -0.375039f,//445
3910     0.783452f,   0.346153f,  -0.516122f,//446
3911     0.346153f,   0.516122f,  -0.783452f,//447
3912     0.468430f,   0.453991f,  -0.757935f,//448
3913     0.213023f,   0.571252f,  -0.792649f,//449
3914     0.371748f,   0.707107f,  -0.601501f,//450
3915     0.296005f,   0.647412f,  -0.702310f,//451
3916     0.516122f,   0.783452f,  -0.346153f,//452
3917     0.453991f,   0.757935f,  -0.468430f,//453
3918     0.615642f,   0.783843f,  -0.081086f,//454
3919     0.571252f,   0.792649f,  -0.213023f,//455
3920     0.758652f,   0.606825f,  -0.237086f,//456
3921     0.707107f,   0.601501f,  -0.371748f,//457
3922     0.647412f,   0.702310f,  -0.296005f,//458
3923     0.564254f,   0.513375f,  -0.646578f,//459
3924     0.513375f,   0.646578f,  -0.564254f,//460
3925     0.646578f,   0.564254f,  -0.513375f,//461
3926     0.864929f,   0.131200f,   0.484442f,//462
3927     0.792649f,   0.213023f,   0.571252f,//463
3928     0.783843f,   0.081086f,   0.615642f,//464
3929     0.843911f,   0.383614f,   0.375039f,//465
3930     0.757935f,   0.468430f,   0.453991f,//466
3931     0.783452f,   0.346153f,   0.516122f,//467
3932     0.601501f,   0.371748f,   0.707107f,//468
3933     0.606825f,   0.237086f,   0.758652f,//469
3934     0.702310f,   0.296005f,   0.647412f,//470
3935     0.758652f,   0.606825f,   0.237086f,//471
3936     0.647412f,   0.702310f,   0.296005f,//472
3937     0.707107f,   0.601501f,   0.371748f,//473
3938     0.615642f,   0.783843f,   0.081086f,//474
3939     0.571252f,   0.792649f,   0.213023f,//475
3940     0.453991f,   0.757935f,   0.468430f,//476
3941     0.516122f,   0.783452f,   0.346153f,//477
3942     0.296005f,   0.647412f,   0.702310f,//478
3943     0.371748f,   0.707107f,   0.601501f,//479
3944     0.131200f,   0.484442f,   0.864929f,//480
3945     0.213023f,   0.571252f,   0.792649f,//481
3946     0.383614f,   0.375039f,   0.843911f,//482
3947     0.468430f,   0.453991f,   0.757935f,//483
3948     0.346153f,   0.516122f,   0.783452f,//484
3949     0.646578f,   0.564254f,   0.513375f,//485
3950     0.513375f,   0.646578f,   0.564254f,//486
3951     0.564254f,   0.513375f,   0.646578f,//487
3952     0.702907f,   0.711282f,   0.000000f,//488
3953     0.840178f,   0.519258f,   0.156434f,//489
3954     0.780204f,   0.620240f,   0.081142f,//490
3955     0.840178f,   0.519258f,  -0.156434f,//491
3956     0.780204f,   0.620240f,  -0.081142f,//492
3957     0.916244f,   0.264083f,   0.301259f,//493
3958     0.891007f,   0.386187f,   0.238677f,//494
3959     0.915043f,   0.000000f,   0.403355f,//495
3960     0.924305f,   0.131655f,   0.358229f,//496
3961     0.990439f,   0.000000f,   0.137952f,//497
3962     0.987688f,   0.133071f,   0.082242f,//498
3963     0.966393f,   0.132792f,   0.220117f,//499
3964     0.990439f,   0.000000f,  -0.137952f,//500
3965     0.966393f,   0.132792f,  -0.220117f,//501
3966     0.987688f,   0.133071f,  -0.082242f,//502
3967     0.915043f,   0.000000f,  -0.403355f,//503
3968     0.924305f,   0.131655f,  -0.358229f,//504
3969     0.891007f,   0.386187f,  -0.238677f,//505
3970     0.916244f,   0.264083f,  -0.301259f,//506
3971     0.912983f,   0.399607f,   0.082324f,//507
3972     0.963861f,   0.266405f,   0.000000f,//508
3973     0.912983f,   0.399607f,  -0.082324f,//509
3974     0.131200f,  -0.484442f,   0.864929f,//510
3975     0.131655f,  -0.358229f,   0.924305f,//511
3976     0.383614f,  -0.375039f,   0.843911f,//512
3977     0.386187f,  -0.238677f,   0.891007f,//513
3978     0.264083f,  -0.301259f,   0.916244f,//514
3979     0.133071f,  -0.082242f,   0.987688f,//515
3980     0.132792f,  -0.220117f,   0.966393f,//516
3981     0.606825f,  -0.237086f,   0.758652f,//517
3982     0.620240f,  -0.081142f,   0.780204f,//518
3983     0.519258f,  -0.156434f,   0.840178f,//519
3984     0.783843f,  -0.081086f,   0.615642f,//520
3985     0.711282f,   0.000000f,   0.702907f,//521
3986     0.519258f,   0.156434f,   0.840178f,//522
3987     0.620240f,   0.081142f,   0.780204f,//523
3988     0.264083f,   0.301259f,   0.916244f,//524
3989     0.386187f,   0.238677f,   0.891007f,//525
3990     0.131655f,   0.358229f,   0.924305f,//526
3991     0.133071f,   0.082242f,   0.987688f,//527
3992     0.132792f,   0.220117f,   0.966393f,//528
3993     0.399607f,  -0.082324f,   0.912983f,//529
3994     0.399607f,   0.082324f,   0.912983f,//530
3995     0.266405f,   0.000000f,   0.963861f,//531
3996     0.792649f,  -0.213023f,   0.571252f,//532
3997     0.864929f,  -0.131200f,   0.484442f,//533
3998     0.601501f,  -0.371748f,   0.707107f,//534
3999     0.702310f,  -0.296005f,   0.647412f,//535
4000     0.757935f,  -0.468430f,   0.453991f,//536
4001     0.843911f,  -0.383614f,   0.375039f,//537
4002     0.783452f,  -0.346153f,   0.516122f,//538
4003     0.346153f,  -0.516122f,   0.783452f,//539
4004     0.468430f,  -0.453991f,   0.757935f,//540
4005     0.081086f,  -0.615642f,   0.783843f,//541
4006     0.213023f,  -0.571252f,   0.792649f,//542
4007     0.237086f,  -0.758652f,   0.606825f,//543
4008     0.371748f,  -0.707107f,   0.601501f,//544
4009     0.296005f,  -0.647412f,   0.702310f,//545
4010     0.375039f,  -0.843911f,   0.383614f,//546
4011     0.516122f,  -0.783452f,   0.346153f,//547
4012     0.453991f,  -0.757935f,   0.468430f,//548
4013     0.484442f,  -0.864929f,   0.131200f,//549
4014     0.615642f,  -0.783843f,   0.081086f,//550
4015     0.571252f,  -0.792649f,   0.213023f,//551
4016     0.758652f,  -0.606825f,   0.237086f,//552
4017     0.707107f,  -0.601501f,   0.371748f,//553
4018     0.647412f,  -0.702310f,   0.296005f,//554
4019     0.564254f,  -0.513375f,   0.646578f,//555
4020     0.513375f,  -0.646578f,   0.564254f,//556
4021     0.646578f,  -0.564254f,   0.513375f,//557
4022     0.615642f,  -0.783843f,  -0.081086f,//558
4023     0.702907f,  -0.711282f,   0.000000f,//559
4024     0.758652f,  -0.606825f,  -0.237086f,//560
4025     0.840178f,  -0.519258f,  -0.156434f,//561
4026     0.780204f,  -0.620240f,  -0.081142f,//562
4027     0.840178f,  -0.519258f,   0.156434f,//563
4028     0.780204f,  -0.620240f,   0.081142f,//564
4029     0.843911f,  -0.383614f,  -0.375039f,//565
4030     0.916244f,  -0.264083f,  -0.301259f,//566
4031     0.891007f,  -0.386187f,  -0.238677f,//567
4032     0.864929f,  -0.131200f,  -0.484442f,//568
4033     0.924305f,  -0.131655f,  -0.358229f,//569
4034     0.987688f,  -0.133071f,  -0.082242f,//570
4035     0.966393f,  -0.132792f,  -0.220117f,//571
4036     0.966393f,  -0.132792f,   0.220117f,//572
4037     0.987688f,  -0.133071f,   0.082242f,//573
4038     0.924305f,  -0.131655f,   0.358229f,//574
4039     0.891007f,  -0.386187f,   0.238677f,//575
4040     0.916244f,  -0.264083f,   0.301259f,//576
4041     0.912983f,  -0.399607f,  -0.082324f,//577
4042     0.963861f,  -0.266405f,   0.000000f,//578
4043     0.912983f,  -0.399607f,   0.082324f,//579
4044     0.792649f,  -0.213023f,  -0.571252f,//580
4045     0.757935f,  -0.468430f,  -0.453991f,//581
4046     0.783452f,  -0.346153f,  -0.516122f,//582
4047     0.601501f,  -0.371748f,  -0.707107f,//583
4048     0.702310f,  -0.296005f,  -0.647412f,//584
4049     0.647412f,  -0.702310f,  -0.296005f,//585
4050     0.707107f,  -0.601501f,  -0.371748f,//586
4051     0.484442f,  -0.864929f,  -0.131200f,//587
4052     0.571252f,  -0.792649f,  -0.213023f,//588
4053     0.375039f,  -0.843911f,  -0.383614f,//589
4054     0.453991f,  -0.757935f,  -0.468430f,//590
4055     0.516122f,  -0.783452f,  -0.346153f,//591
4056     0.237086f,  -0.758652f,  -0.606825f,//592
4057     0.296005f,  -0.647412f,  -0.702310f,//593
4058     0.371748f,  -0.707107f,  -0.601501f,//594
4059     0.081086f,  -0.615642f,  -0.783843f,//595
4060     0.213023f,  -0.571252f,  -0.792649f,//596
4061     0.468430f,  -0.453991f,  -0.757935f,//597
4062     0.346153f,  -0.516122f,  -0.783452f,//598
4063     0.646578f,  -0.564254f,  -0.513375f,//599
4064     0.513375f,  -0.646578f,  -0.564254f,//600
4065     0.564254f,  -0.513375f,  -0.646578f,//601
4066     0.403355f,  -0.915043f,   0.000000f,//602
4067     0.358229f,  -0.924305f,  -0.131655f,//603
4068     0.137952f,  -0.990439f,   0.000000f,//604
4069     0.082242f,  -0.987688f,  -0.133071f,//605
4070     0.220117f,  -0.966393f,  -0.132792f,//606
4071     0.238677f,  -0.891007f,  -0.386187f,//607
4072     0.301259f,  -0.916244f,  -0.264083f,//608
4073     -0.137952f,  -0.990439f,   0.000000f,//609
4074     -0.220117f,  -0.966393f,  -0.132792f,//610
4075     -0.082242f,  -0.987688f,  -0.133071f,//611
4076     -0.403355f,  -0.915043f,   0.000000f,//612
4077     -0.358229f,  -0.924305f,  -0.131655f,//613
4078     -0.238677f,  -0.891007f,  -0.386187f,//614
4079     -0.301259f,  -0.916244f,  -0.264083f,//615
4080     -0.081142f,  -0.780204f,  -0.620240f,//616
4081     -0.156434f,  -0.840178f,  -0.519258f,//617
4082     0.000000f,  -0.702907f,  -0.711282f,//618
4083     0.156434f,  -0.840178f,  -0.519258f,//619
4084     0.081142f,  -0.780204f,  -0.620240f,//620
4085     0.000000f,  -0.963861f,  -0.266405f,//621
4086     -0.082324f,  -0.912983f,  -0.399607f,//622
4087     0.082324f,  -0.912983f,  -0.399607f,//623
4088     -0.358229f,  -0.924305f,   0.131655f,//624
4089     -0.082242f,  -0.987688f,   0.133071f,//625
4090     -0.220117f,  -0.966393f,   0.132792f,//626
4091     -0.238677f,  -0.891007f,   0.386187f,//627
4092     -0.301259f,  -0.916244f,   0.264083f,//628
4093     0.220117f,  -0.966393f,   0.132792f,//629
4094     0.082242f,  -0.987688f,   0.133071f,//630
4095     0.358229f,  -0.924305f,   0.131655f,//631
4096     0.238677f,  -0.891007f,   0.386187f,//632
4097     0.301259f,  -0.916244f,   0.264083f,//633
4098     0.081142f,  -0.780204f,   0.620240f,//634
4099     0.156434f,  -0.840178f,   0.519258f,//635
4100     0.000000f,  -0.702907f,   0.711282f,//636
4101     -0.156434f,  -0.840178f,   0.519258f,//637
4102     -0.081142f,  -0.780204f,   0.620240f,//638
4103     0.000000f,  -0.963861f,   0.266405f,//639
4104     0.082324f,  -0.912983f,   0.399607f,//640
4105     -0.082324f,  -0.912983f,   0.399607f //641
4106   };
4107   glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
4108   glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, v);
4109   glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
4110   glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, v);
4111   switch (bal){
4112     case 1:glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 240, GL_UNSIGNED_INT,idx1);break;
4113     case 2:glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 960, GL_UNSIGNED_INT,idx2);break;
4114     case 3:glDrawElements(GL_TRIANGLES, 3840, GL_UNSIGNED_INT,idx3);break;
4115   }
4116   glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
4117   glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
4118 }
sphere(int adp,int style)4120 void Molecule::sphere(int adp,int style){
4121   if (useShaders&&program_in_use&&(g_Program!=nullptr)){
4122     //printf("%d style %d adp %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",style,adp,lichtH,wallH,ballH,ringH,adpsH,lodH);
4123     g_Program->setUniformValue(lichtH, 1);
4124     g_Program->setUniformValue(wallH, 0);
4125     g_Program->setUniformValue(ballH, ((ATOM_STYLE_SPHERE&style))?1:0);
4126     g_Program->setUniformValue(ringH, ((ATOM_STYLE_RINGS&style))?1:0);
4127     g_Program->setUniformValue(openH, ((ATOM_STYLE_SOLID&style))?0:1);
4128     g_Program->setUniformValue(adpsH, ((ATOM_STYLE_NOADP&style))?0:1);
4129     g_Program->setUniformValue(whiteringH, (ATOM_STYLE_WHITERING&style)?1:0);
4130     g_Program->setUniformValue(fogH, mist?1:0);
4131     g_Program->setUniformValue(fograngeH, fogrange);
4132     g_Program->setUniformValue(lodH, qMin(LOD-1,3));
4133     /* int total = -1,program_id=g_program;
4134        glGetProgramiv( program_id, GL_ACTIVE_UNIFORMS, &total );
4135        for(int i=0; i<total; ++i)  {
4136        int name_len=-1, num=-1;
4137        GLenum type = GL_ZERO;
4138        char name[100];
4139        glGetActiveUniform( program_id, GLuint(i), sizeof(name)-1,
4140        &name_len, &num, &type, name );
4141        const char *ts;
4142        switch (type){
4143        case   GL_FLOAT:   ts="float";break;
4144        case   GL_FLOAT_VEC2:  ts="vec2";break;
4145        case   GL_FLOAT_VEC3:  ts="vec3";break;
4146        case   GL_FLOAT_VEC4:  ts="vec4";break;
4147        case   GL_DOUBLE:  ts="double";break;
4148        case   GL_INT:   ts="int";break;
4149        case   GL_INT_VEC2:  ts="ivec2";break;
4150        case   GL_INT_VEC3:  ts="ivec3";break;
4151        case   GL_INT_VEC4:  ts="ivec4";break;
4152        case   GL_UNSIGNED_INT:  ts="unsigned int";break;
4153        case   GL_BOOL:  ts="bool";break;
4154        case   GL_BOOL_VEC2:   ts="bvec2";break;
4155        case   GL_BOOL_VEC3:   ts="bvec3";break;
4156        case   GL_BOOL_VEC4:   ts="bvec4";break;
4157        case   GL_FLOAT_MAT2:  ts="mat2";break;
4158        case   GL_FLOAT_MAT3:  ts="mat3";break;
4159        case   GL_FLOAT_MAT4:  ts="mat4";break;
4160        }
4161        name[name_len] = 0;
4162        int location = glGetUniformLocation( program_id, name );
4163        int val=-1;
4164        if ((location>=0)&&((type==GL_INT)||(type==GL_BOOL))){glGetUniformiv(program_id,location,&val); }
4165        if (location>=0)printf("%2d/%2d %-42s=%d size%d %s loc%d\n",i,total,name,val,num,ts,location);
4166        if ((0==strcmp(name,"lighting"))&&val==0) return;
4167        }*/
4168   }
4169   if (adp) glEnable(GL_BLEND);
4170   if (dratom){
4171     glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_LINE);
4172     glEnable(GL_BLEND);
4173     glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
4174     if (dratom==3)glColor3d(0.4,0.8,1.0);
4175     if (dratom<3) glColor3d(1.0,1.0,0.0);
4176     if (dratom==3)triacontaeder(0.106f);//gluSphere(q,0.33,7,7);
4177     else if (dratom==5) {
4178       triacontaeder(0.618f);//gluSphere(q,1.00,7,7);
4179       //gluSphere(q,1.0,4*LOD,9*LOD);
4180     }else if (dratom==76){
4181       triacontaeder(1.0f);
4182     }
4183     else triacontaeder(0.09f);//gluSphere(q,0.3,5,5);
4184     glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
4185     glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_FILL);
4186   }
4187   else{
4188     //gluSphere(q,1.0,4*LOD,9*LOD);
4189     mySphere(qMin(LOD-1,3));
4190     glDisable(GL_BLEND);
4191   }
4192 }
ellipse(int style)4194 void Molecule::ellipse(int style){
4195   glDisable(GL_BLEND);
4196   if (style&ATOM_STYLE_WALLS){
4197     glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
4198     glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
4199     if (style&ATOM_STYLE_PLAID) glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, adpwall_plaid);
4200     else glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, adpwall);
4201     glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
4202     glBegin(GL_QUADS);
4203     glNormal3f(-1.0,0,0);
4205     glTexCoord2d(0,0);
4206     glVertex3f(0.0,-1.0,-1.0);
4207     glTexCoord2d(0,1);
4208     glVertex3f(0.0,-1.0, 1.0);
4209     glTexCoord2d(1,1);
4210     glVertex3f(0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
4211     glTexCoord2d(1,0);
4212     glVertex3f(0.0, 1.0,-1.0);
4214     glNormal3f(0.0,-1,0);
4215     glTexCoord2d(0,0);
4216     glVertex3f(-1.0,0.0,-1.0);
4217     glTexCoord2d(0,1);
4218     glVertex3f(-1.0,0.0, 1.0);
4219     glTexCoord2d(1,1);
4220     glVertex3f( 1.0,0.0, 1.0);
4221     glTexCoord2d(1,0);
4222     glVertex3f( 1.0,0.0,-1.0);
4224     glNormal3f(0.0,0,-1);
4225     glTexCoord2d(0,0);
4226     glVertex3f(-1.0,-1.0,0.0);
4227     glTexCoord2d(0,1);
4228     glVertex3f(-1.0, 1.0,0.0);
4229     glTexCoord2d(1,1);
4230     glVertex3f( 1.0, 1.0,0.0);
4231     glTexCoord2d(1,0);
4232     glVertex3f( 1.0,-1.0,0.0);
4233     glEnd();
4234     glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
4235   }
4236   //  glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
4237   if ((style&ATOM_STYLE_SOLID)&& ( style&ATOM_STYLE_SPHERE)){
4238     //gluSphere(q,0.96,4*LOD,9*LOD);
4239     mySphere(qMin(LOD-1,3));
4240   }
4241   if (style&ATOM_STYLE_RINGS){
4242     glPushMatrix();
4243     if (style&ATOM_STYLE_WHITERING) glColor3f(1,1,1);
4244     else glColor3f(0,0,0);
4245     glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
4246     glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
4247     glPushMatrix();
4248     cylinder( 1.1, 0.15 );
4249     glPopMatrix();
4251     glPushMatrix();
4252     glRotated(90.0,1.0,0.0,0.0);
4253     cylinder( 1.1, 0.15 );
4254     glPopMatrix();
4256     glPushMatrix();
4257     glRotated(90.0,0.0,1.0,0.0);
4258     cylinder( 1.1, 0.15 );
4259     glPopMatrix();
4261     glPopMatrix();
4262     glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
4263   }
4264 }
dodecaeder(GLfloat r)4266 void Molecule::dodecaeder(GLfloat r){
4267   if (program_in_use&&(g_Program!=nullptr)){
4268     g_Program->setUniformValue(lichtH, 1);
4269     g_Program->setUniformValue(wallH, 0);
4270     g_Program->setUniformValue(ringH, 0);
4271     g_Program->setUniformValue(openH, 0);
4272     g_Program->setUniformValue(adpsH, 0);
4273   }
4274   static const GLfloat dodev[324]={
4275     0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,
4276     0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,
4277     0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,
4278     0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,
4279     0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,
4280     0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,
4281     0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4282     0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4283     0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,
4284     1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,
4285     1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4286     1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4287     0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4288     0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4289     0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,
4290     -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4291     -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,
4292     -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,
4293     -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,
4294     -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4295     -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4296     1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4297     1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4298     1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,
4299     -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4300     -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,
4301     -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4302     0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,
4303     0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4304     0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,
4305     -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,
4306     -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,
4307     -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4308     0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4309     0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4310     0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f};
4311   static const GLfloat doden[324]={
4312     0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,
4313     0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,
4314     0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,
4315     -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,
4316     -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,
4317     -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,
4318     0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f,  0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f,  0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f,
4319     0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f,  0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f,  0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f,
4320     -0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f,
4321     0.850651f,  0.525731f,  0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f,  0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f,  0.000000f,
4322     0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,
4323     0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,
4324     -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f,
4325     -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f,
4326     -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f,
4327     -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,
4328     -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,
4329     -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f,
4330     -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,
4331     -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,
4332     -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f,  0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f,  0.000000f,
4333     0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f,  0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f,  0.000000f,
4334     0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,
4335     0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,
4336     -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f,
4337     0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f,  0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f,  0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f,
4338     -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f,  0.850651f, -0.525731f,
4339     0.525731f,  0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f,  0.000000f, -0.850651f,
4340     0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,
4341     0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,  0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,
4342     -0.525731f,  0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f,  0.000000f, -0.850651f,
4343     -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,
4344     -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f,
4345     0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f,  0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f,
4346     -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f,
4347     -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f, -0.000000f, -0.850651f, -0.525731f};
4348   glPushMatrix();
4349   glScalef(r,r,r);
4350   glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
4351   glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, dodev);
4352   glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
4353   glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, doden);
4354   glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 108);
4355   glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
4356   glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
4357   glPopMatrix();
4358 }
icosaeder(GLfloat r)4360 void Molecule::icosaeder(GLfloat r){
4361   if (program_in_use&&(g_Program!=nullptr)){
4362     g_Program->setUniformValue(lichtH, 1);
4363     g_Program->setUniformValue(wallH, 0);
4364     g_Program->setUniformValue(ringH, 0);
4365     g_Program->setUniformValue(openH, 0);
4366     g_Program->setUniformValue(adpsH, 0);
4367   }
4368   static const GLfloat icov[180]={
4369     1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,
4370     0.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,
4371     1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,
4372     1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4373     1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4374     -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4375     -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,
4376     -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4377     0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,
4378     0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4379     0.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,
4380     0.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4381     1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,
4382     1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,
4383     -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4384     -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,
4385     -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,
4386     1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,
4387     0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,
4388     0.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f};
4389   static const GLfloat icon[180]={
4390     -0.000000f,  0.356822f,  0.934172f, -0.000000f,  0.356822f,  0.934172f, -0.000000f,  0.356822f,  0.934172f,
4391     0.000000f, -0.356822f,  0.934172f, -0.000000f, -0.356822f,  0.934172f, -0.000000f, -0.356822f,  0.934172f,
4392     0.577350f,  0.577350f,  0.577350f,  0.577350f,  0.577350f,  0.577350f,  0.577350f,  0.577350f,  0.577350f,
4393     0.577350f, -0.577350f,  0.577350f,  0.577350f, -0.577350f,  0.577350f,  0.577350f, -0.577350f,  0.577350f,
4394     0.934172f, -0.000000f,  0.356822f,  0.934172f, -0.000000f,  0.356822f,  0.934172f, -0.000000f,  0.356822f,
4395     -0.577350f,  0.577350f,  0.577350f, -0.577350f,  0.577350f,  0.577350f, -0.577350f,  0.577350f,  0.577350f,
4396     -0.577350f, -0.577350f,  0.577350f, -0.577350f, -0.577350f,  0.577350f, -0.577350f, -0.577350f,  0.577350f,
4397     -0.934172f, -0.000000f,  0.356822f, -0.934172f, -0.000000f,  0.356822f, -0.934172f, -0.000000f,  0.356822f,
4398     0.356822f,  0.934172f, -0.000000f,  0.356822f,  0.934172f, -0.000000f,  0.356822f,  0.934172f, -0.000000f,
4399     -0.356822f,  0.934172f, -0.000000f, -0.356822f,  0.934172f, -0.000000f, -0.356822f,  0.934172f, -0.000000f,
4400     -0.356822f, -0.934172f, -0.000000f, -0.356822f, -0.934172f, -0.000000f, -0.356822f, -0.934172f, -0.000000f,
4401     0.356822f, -0.934172f, -0.000000f,  0.356822f, -0.934172f, -0.000000f,  0.356822f, -0.934172f, -0.000000f,
4402     0.934172f, -0.000000f, -0.356822f,  0.934172f, -0.000000f, -0.356822f,  0.934172f, -0.000000f, -0.356822f,
4403     0.577350f,  0.577350f, -0.577350f,  0.577350f,  0.577350f, -0.577350f,  0.577350f,  0.577350f, -0.577350f,
4404     -0.934172f, -0.000000f, -0.356822f, -0.934172f, -0.000000f, -0.356822f, -0.934172f, -0.000000f, -0.356822f,
4405     -0.577350f,  0.577350f, -0.577350f, -0.577350f,  0.577350f, -0.577350f, -0.577350f,  0.577350f, -0.577350f,
4406     -0.577350f, -0.577350f, -0.577350f, -0.577350f, -0.577350f, -0.577350f, -0.577350f, -0.577350f, -0.577350f,
4407     0.577350f, -0.577350f, -0.577350f,  0.577350f, -0.577350f, -0.577350f,  0.577350f, -0.577350f, -0.577350f,
4408     -0.000000f,  0.356822f, -0.934172f, -0.000000f,  0.356822f, -0.934172f, -0.000000f,  0.356822f, -0.934172f,
4409     0.000000f, -0.356822f, -0.934172f,  0.000000f, -0.356822f, -0.934172f,  0.000000f, -0.356822f, -0.934172f};
4410   glPushMatrix();
4411   glScalef(r,r,r);
4412   glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
4413   glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, icov);
4414   glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
4415   glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, icon);
4416   glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 60);
4417   glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
4418   glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
4419   glPopMatrix();
4420   icocnt++;
4421 }
triacontaeder(GLfloat r)4423 void Molecule::triacontaeder(GLfloat r){
4424   if (program_in_use&&(g_Program!=nullptr)){
4425     g_Program->setUniformValue(lichtH, 1);
4426     g_Program->setUniformValue(wallH, 0);
4427     g_Program->setUniformValue(ringH, 0);
4428     g_Program->setUniformValue(openH, 0);
4429     g_Program->setUniformValue(adpsH, 0);
4430   }
4431   static const GLfloat triv[540]={
4432     1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,
4433     1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,
4434     1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,
4435     1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,
4436     1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,
4437     1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4438     1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,
4439     -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,
4440     -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4441     1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4442     1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4443     0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,
4444     0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,
4445     -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4446     -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4447     -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,
4448     0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,
4449     -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4450     -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4451     0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4452     0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4453     1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,
4454     1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,
4455     1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,
4456     0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4457     -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,
4458     -1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,
4459     -1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,
4460     -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,
4461     0.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4462     -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,
4463     1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,
4464     1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,
4465     0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,
4466     0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,
4467     1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4468     1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,
4469     0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4470     0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,
4471     -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4472     -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,
4473     0.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4474     0.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,
4475     0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4476     -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4477     0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,
4478     0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,
4479     -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,
4480     1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4481     1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,
4482     -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,
4483     -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4484     -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,
4485     0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,
4486     1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4487     -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,
4488     -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4489     -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4490     1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,
4491     1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  1.618034f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f};
4492   static const GLfloat trin[540]={
4493     -0.000000f, -0.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,  1.000000f,
4494     0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,
4495     0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,
4496     0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,
4497     0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,
4498     1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,
4499     1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,
4500     -1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,
4501     -1.000000f, -0.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.000000f,  0.000000f,
4502     0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,
4503     0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,
4504     -0.000000f, -0.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,  1.000000f,
4505     -0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,
4506     -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,
4507     -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,
4508     -0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,
4509     -0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,
4510     -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,
4511     -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,
4512     0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,
4513     0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,
4514     0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,
4515     0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,
4516     0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,
4517     -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,
4518     -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,
4519     -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,
4520     -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,
4521     -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,
4522     0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,
4523     -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,
4524     0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,
4525     -0.000000f, -0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f, -1.000000f,
4526     -0.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.000000f,  0.000000f, -1.000000f,
4527     0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,
4528     0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,
4529     0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,
4530     -0.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.000000f,
4531     -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,
4532     -0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,
4533     -0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,
4534     -0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f, -1.000000f, -0.000000f,
4535     0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,
4536     -0.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.000000f, -0.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.000000f,
4537     -0.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -0.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f, -0.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,
4538     0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,
4539     0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,
4540     -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,
4541     0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,
4542     0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,
4543     -0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,
4544     -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,
4545     -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,
4546     -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,
4547     0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,
4548     -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,
4549     -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,
4550     -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,
4551     0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,
4552     0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f};
4553   glPushMatrix();
4554   glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);
4555   glScalef(r,r,r);
4556   glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
4557   glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, triv);
4558   glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
4559   glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, trin);
4560   glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 180);
4561   glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
4562   glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
4563   glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
4564   glPopMatrix();
4567 }
cube(GLfloat r)4569 void Molecule::cube(GLfloat r){
4570   if (program_in_use&&(g_Program!=nullptr)){
4571     g_Program->setUniformValue(lichtH, 1);
4572     g_Program->setUniformValue(wallH, 0);
4573     g_Program->setUniformValue(ringH, 0);
4574     g_Program->setUniformValue(openH, 0);
4575     g_Program->setUniformValue(adpsH, 0);
4576   }
4577   static const GLfloat cubv[108]={
4578     -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,
4579     -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4580     -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,
4581     -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,
4582     -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,
4583     -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4584     -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4585     -1.000000f,  1.000000f,  1.000000f,  0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,
4586     0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,
4587     0.000000f, -0.618034f,  1.618034f, -0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.000000f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,
4588     1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f,  0.618034f,  1.618034f,  0.000000f,
4589     1.618034f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f,  1.000000f, -1.000000f, -1.000000f,  0.000000f,  0.618034f, -1.618034f};
4590   static const GLfloat cubn[108]={
4591     -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,
4592     -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f, -0.809017f,
4593     -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,
4594     -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f, -0.309017f,
4595     -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,
4596     -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f, -0.309017f,  0.500000f,
4597     0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,
4598     0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f,  0.809017f,
4599     0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,
4600     0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,  0.500000f, -0.809017f,  0.309017f,
4601     0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,
4602     0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f,  0.809017f,  0.309017f, -0.500000f};
4603   glPushMatrix();
4604   glScalef(r,r,r);
4605   glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
4606   glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, cubv);
4607   glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
4608   glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, cubn);
4609   glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 36);
4610   glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
4611   glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
4612   glPopMatrix();
4613 }
dieder(V3 a,V3 b,V3 c)4615 double Molecule::dieder(V3 a,V3 b, V3 c){
4617   static double erg;
4618   double A[3],B[3],sig;
4619   sig=a.x*b.y*c.z - a.z*b.y*c.x +
4620     a.z*b.x*c.y - a.x*b.z*c.y +
4621     a.y*b.z*c.x - a.y*b.x*c.z;
4623   A[0]= a.y*b.z - a.z*b.y;
4624   A[1]=-a.x*b.z + a.z*b.x;
4625   A[2]= a.x*b.y - a.y*b.x;
4627   B[0]=-b.y*c.z + b.z*c.y;
4628   B[1]= b.x*c.z - b.z*c.x;
4629   B[2]=-b.x*c.y + b.y*c.x;
4630   //  printf("A%f B%f\n",sqrt(A[0]*A[0]+A[1]*A[1]+A[2]*A[2]),sqrt(B[0]*B[0]+B[1]*B[1]+B[2]*B[2]));
4631   erg=(A[0]*B[0]+A[1]*B[1]+A[2]*B[2])/(sqrt(A[0]*A[0]+A[1]*A[1]+A[2]*A[2])*sqrt(B[0]*B[0]+B[1]*B[1]+B[2]*B[2]));
4632   erg=acos(erg)/M_PI*180.0f;
4633   return (sig>0)?(erg):(-erg);
4634 }
winkel(V3 a,V3 b)4636 double Molecule::winkel(V3 a,V3 b){
4638   static double erg;
4639   if ((Norm(a)<0.001)||(Norm(b)<0.001)) return 0;
4640   erg= a*b /(sqrt(Norm(a))*sqrt(Norm(b)));
4641   //  erg=(a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y+a.z*b.z)/(sqrt(a.x*a.x+a.y*a.y+a.z*a.z)*sqrt(b.x*b.x+b.y*b.y+b.z*b.z));
4642   erg=acos(erg)/M_PI*180.0;
4643   return(erg);
4644 }
kreuzX(double x1,double y1,double z1,double x2,double y2,double z2)4646 V3 Molecule::kreuzX(double x1,double y1,double z1,double x2,double y2,double z2) {
4648   static V3 erg;
4649   erg.x=-y1*z2+z1*y2;
4650   erg.y=-z1*x2+x1*z2;
4651   erg.z=-x1*y2+y1*x2;
4652   return(erg);
4653 }
decodeSymmCard(QString symmCard)4655 bool Molecule::decodeSymmCard(QString symmCard){
4656   /*! decodes a symmetry card like 'SYMM -X, 1/2+Y, -Z' and feeds cell.symmops and cell.trans lists.
4657    * @param symmCard like 'SYMM -X, 1/2+Y, -Z'.
4658    * \returns true on sucess.
4659    * */
4660   QString sc=symmCard.toUpper().remove("SYMM").trimmed();
4661   sc=sc.remove("'");
4662   sc=sc.remove(" ");
4663   QStringList axe=sc.split(",");
4664   QStringList bruch;
4665   if (axe.size()!=3) return false;
4666   double sx[3],sy[3],sz[3],t[3];
4667   for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
4668     sx[i]=0;sy[i]=0;sz[i]=0;t[i]=0;
4669     if (axe.at(i).contains("-X")) {sx[i]=-1.0;axe[i].remove("-X");}
4670     else if (axe.at(i).contains("X")) {sx[i]=1.0;axe[i].remove("X");}
4671     if (axe.at(i).contains("-Y")) {sy[i]=-1.0;axe[i].remove("-Y");}
4672     else if (axe.at(i).contains("Y")) {sy[i]=1.0;axe[i].remove("Y");}
4673     if (axe.at(i).contains("-Z")) {sz[i]=-1.0;axe[i].remove("-Z");}
4674     else if (axe.at(i).contains("Z")) {sz[i]=1.0;axe[i].remove("Z");}
4675     if (axe.at(i).endsWith("+")) axe[i].remove("+");
4676     if (axe.at(i).contains("/")) {
4677       bruch=axe.at(i).split("/");
4678       if (bruch.size()==2) t[i]=bruch.at(0).toDouble() / bruch.at(1).toDouble();
4679     }
4680     else if (!axe.at(i).isEmpty()) t[i]=axe.at(i).toDouble();
4681   }
4682   Matrix sm = Matrix(sx[0],sy[0],sz[0],	  sx[1],sy[1],sz[1],  sx[2],sy[2],sz[2]);
4684   cell.symmops.append(sm);
4685   cell.trans.append(V3(t[0],t[1],t[2]));
4686   return true;
4687 }
decodeSymmCardEQIV(QString symmCard)4689 bool Molecule::decodeSymmCardEQIV(QString symmCard){
4690   /*! decodes a symmetry card like 'SYMM -X, 1/2+Y, -Z' and feeds Molecule.symmopsEQIV, Molecule.transEQIV and Molecule.labelEQIV.
4691    * \returns true on success.
4692    * @param symmCard like 'SYMM -X, 1/2+Y, -Z'.
4693    */
4694   QString sc=symmCard.toUpper().remove("EQIV").trimmed();
4695   labelEQIV.append(sc.section(' ',0,0));
4696   sc.remove(labelEQIV.last());
4697   sc=sc.remove("'");
4698   sc=sc.remove(" ");
4699   QStringList axe=sc.split(",");
4700   QStringList bruch;
4701   if (axe.size()!=3) return false;
4702   double sx[3],sy[3],sz[3],t[3];
4703   for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
4704     sx[i]=0;sy[i]=0;sz[i]=0;t[i]=0;
4705     if (axe.at(i).contains("-X")) {sx[i]=-1.0;axe[i].remove("-X");}
4706     else if (axe.at(i).contains("X")) {sx[i]=1.0;axe[i].remove("X");}
4707     if (axe.at(i).contains("-Y")) {sy[i]=-1.0;axe[i].remove("-Y");}
4708     else if (axe.at(i).contains("Y")) {sy[i]=1.0;axe[i].remove("Y");}
4709     if (axe.at(i).contains("-Z")) {sz[i]=-1.0;axe[i].remove("-Z");}
4710     else if (axe.at(i).contains("Z")) {sz[i]=1.0;axe[i].remove("Z");}
4711     if (axe.at(i).endsWith("+")) axe[i].remove("+");
4712     if (axe.at(i).contains("/")) {
4713       bruch=axe.at(i).split("/");
4714       if (bruch.size()==2) t[i]=bruch.at(0).toDouble() / bruch.at(1).toDouble();
4715     }
4716     else if (!axe.at(i).isEmpty()) t[i]=axe.at(i).toDouble();
4717   }
4718   Matrix sm = Matrix(sx[0],sy[0],sz[0],	  sx[1],sy[1],sz[1],  sx[2],sy[2],sz[2]);
4719   symmopsEQIV.append(sm);
4720   transEQIV.append(V3(t[0],t[1],t[2]));
4721   //  qDebug()<<sx[0]<<sy[0]<<sz[0]<<   sx[1]<<sy[1]<<sz[1]<<  sx[2]<<sy[2]<<sz[2]<<t[0]<<t[1]<<t[2];
4722   return true;
4723 }
symmCard2Code(QString symmCard)4725 QString Molecule::symmCard2Code(QString symmCard){
4726   /*! Creates a internal symmetry code from a human readable symmetry card.
4727    * @param symmCard human readable symmetry card like "-X, 1/2+Y, -Z"
4728    * \returns internal symmetry code like 'n_555:1'
4729    */
4730   QString sc=symmCard.toUpper().trimmed();
4731   sc=sc.remove("'");
4732   sc=sc.remove(" ");
4733   QStringList axe=sc.split(",");
4734   QStringList bruch;
4735   if (axe.size()!=3) return "";
4736   double sx[3],sy[3],sz[3],t[3];
4737   for (int i=0; i<3; i++){
4738     sx[i]=0;sy[i]=0;sz[i]=0;t[i]=0;
4739     if (axe.at(i).contains("-X")) {sx[i]=-1.0;axe[i].remove("-X");}
4740     else if (axe.at(i).contains("X")) {sx[i]=1.0;axe[i].remove("X");}
4741     if (axe.at(i).contains("-Y")) {sy[i]=-1.0;axe[i].remove("-Y");}
4742     else if (axe.at(i).contains("Y")) {sy[i]=1.0;axe[i].remove("Y");}
4743     if (axe.at(i).contains("-Z")) {sz[i]=-1.0;axe[i].remove("-Z");}
4744     else if (axe.at(i).contains("Z")) {sz[i]=1.0;axe[i].remove("Z");}
4745     if (axe.at(i).endsWith("+")) axe[i].remove("+");
4746     if (axe.at(i).contains("/")) {
4747       bruch=axe.at(i).split("/");
4748       if (bruch.size()==2) t[i]=bruch.at(0).toDouble() / bruch.at(1).toDouble();
4749     }
4750     else if (!axe.at(i).isEmpty()) t[i]=axe.at(i).toDouble();
4751   }
4752   Matrix sm = Matrix(sx[0],sy[0],sz[0],	  sx[1],sy[1],sz[1],  sx[2],sy[2],sz[2]);
4753   if (!cell.symmops.contains(sm)) return "";
4754   V3 r;
4755   r.x=fmod(t[0]+10,1.0);
4756   r.y=fmod(t[1]+10,1.0);
4757   r.z=fmod(t[2]+10,1.0);
4758   for (int i=0; i<cell.symmops.size();i++){
4759     if ((cell.symmops.at(i)==sm)&&(cell.trans.at(i)==r)){
4760       QString ss=QString("%1_%2%3%4:1,")
4761         .arg(i+1)
4762         .arg((int)(t[0]-r.x) +5)
4763         .arg((int)(t[1]-r.y) +5)
4764         .arg((int)(t[2]-r.z) +5);
4765       return ss;
4766     }
4767   }
4768   return "";
4769 }
shortestDistance(QString sc)4771 double Molecule::shortestDistance(QString sc){
4772   /*! computes the shortest distance for the given internal symmetry code.
4773   */
4774   double erg=100000;
4775   V3 frac;
4776   int s,h,k,l,symmgroup;
4777   sscanf(sc.toLatin1(),"%d_%1d%1d%1d:%d",&s,&h,&k,&l,&symmgroup);
4778   //printf("BS:!%s! %d h%d k%d l%d sg%d\n",brauchSymm.at(j).toStdString().c_str(),s,h,k,l,symmgroup);
4779   h-=5;
4780   k-=5;
4781   l-=5;
4782   s--;
4783   for (int i=0;i<asymm.size();i++){
4784     if ((asymm[i].molindex==symmgroup)&&(asymm[i].an>-1)){
4785       frac=cell.symmops.at(s)*asymm[i].frac+cell.trans.at(s)+V3(h,k,l);
4786       for (int j=0;j<asymm.size();j++){
4787         if (asymm.at(j).an<0)continue;
4788         erg=qMin(erg,fl(frac.x-asymm.at(j).frac.x,frac.y-asymm.at(j).frac.y,frac.z-asymm.at(j).frac.z));
4789       }
4790     }
4791   }
4792   return erg;
4793 }
commonFaces(Vert a,Vert b,int f[2])4795 int commonFaces(Vert a,Vert b, int f[2]){
4796   int matches=0;
4797   for (int i=0; i<3; i++)
4798     for (int j=0; j<3; j++)
4799       if (a.faces[i]==b.faces[j])f[matches++]=a.faces[i];
4800   return matches;
4801 }
voronoij(CEnvironment au,int intat)4803 void Molecule::voronoij(CEnvironment au, int intat){
4804   double dk,range=5.0;
4805   voroMsg.clear();
4806   voroMsg.append("<b>Voronoi:</b><br>");
4807   QTime speedTest;
4808   speedTest.start();
4809   vtriangles.clear();
4810   VPoly triangle;
4811   vorobas=1;
4812   V3 prime,dp,D,floorD;
4813   QList<SdmItem> sdm;
4814   SdmItem sdmItem;
4815   sdmItem.a1=0;
4816   sdmItem.a2=1;
4817   sdmItem.sn=0;
4818   //sdmItem.p1=sdmItem.p2=V3(0,0,0);
4819   for (int i=0; i<au.size(); i++){
4820     for (int j=0; j<au.size(); j++ ){
4821       if ((au.at(i).sg)||(au.at(j).sg)) continue;
4822       //  bool hma=false;
4823       for (int n=0;n<cell.symmops.size();  n++){
4824         prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * au.at(i).frac + cell.trans.at(n);
4825         D=prime - au.at(j).frac+ V3(0.5,0.5,0.5) ;
4826         floorD=V3(floor(D.x),floor(D.y),floor(D.z));
4827         for (int h=-1; h<2; h++){
4828           for (int k=-1; k<2; k++){
4829             for (int l=-1; l<2; l++){
4830               V3 fD=floorD+V3(h,k,l);
4831               dp=D - fD - V3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
4832               dk=fl(dp.x,dp.y,dp.z);
4833               if ((dk>0.01)&&((range)>=dk)){
4834                 sdmItem.d=dk;
4835                 sdmItem.floorD=fD;
4836                 sdmItem.a1=i;
4837                 sdmItem.a2=j;
4838                 sdmItem.sn=n;
4839                 sdm.append(sdmItem);
4840               }
4841             }
4842           }
4843         }
4844       }
4845     }
4846   }
4847   qSort(sdm.begin(),sdm.end());
4848   //SDMprint(sdm,au);
4849   QList<V3> n,m,doneLine;
4850   QList<int> intra, altcol;
4851   QList<Vert> v;
4852   Vert vert;
4853   V3 pf,pc,mx,nx,of,oc;
4854   Matrix mat;
4855   double vol=0.0,avol,tvol;
4856   for (int i=(intat>-1)?intat:0; i<au.size(); i++){
4857     if (au.at(i).an<0) continue;
4858     //find faces
4859     n.clear();
4860     m.clear();
4861     v.clear();
4862     doneLine.clear();
4863     intra.clear();
4864     avol=0.0;
4865     int faci=0;
4866     //int vcnt=0;
4867     frac2kart(au.at(i).frac,oc);
4868     int tris=0;
4869     for (int j=0; j<sdm.size();j++){
4870       if(sdm.at(j).d<0.1) continue;
4871       if ((sdm.at(j).a2==i)&&(au[sdm.at(j).a1].an>-1)) {
4872         pf = cell.symmops.at(sdm.at(j).sn) * au[sdm.at(j).a1].frac + cell.trans.at(sdm.at(j).sn) - sdm.at(j).floorD;
4873         frac2kart(pf,pc);
4874         /*
4875            printf("%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f  %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n"
4876            ,oc.x
4877            ,oc.y
4878            ,oc.z
4879            ,pc.x
4880            ,pc.y
4881            ,pc.z
4882            );// */
4883         mx =0.5*(oc+pc);
4884         nx = Normalize(pc-oc);
4885         bool exists = false;
4886         double dpl;
4887         for (int tp=0; tp<m.size(); tp++){
4888           dpl=n.at(tp)*(mx-m.at(tp));
4889           if (fabs(dpl)<0.001){exists=true;break;}
4890         }
4891         if (!exists){
4892           m.append(mx);
4893           n.append(nx);
4894           intra.append((sdm.at(j).sn==0)&&(Norm(sdm.at(j).floorD)==0.0));
4895           if (intat>-1)altcol.append(au[sdm.at(j).a1].an);
4896         }
4897       }//is neighbour of i
4898     }// j sdm
4899     for (int h=0; h<n.size()-2; h++)
4900       for (int k=h+1; k<n.size()-1; k++)
4901         for (int l=k+1; l<n.size(); l++){
4902           mat=Matrix(n.at(h),n.at(k),n.at(l));
4903           double d=determinant(mat),dpl;
4904           //printf("%d,%d,%d %9.5f\n",h,k,l,d);
4905           if (fabs(d)<0.0002) continue;
4907           //p = (dot(p1,n1)*cross(n2,n3)-dot(p2,n2)*cross(n1,n3)+dot(p3,n3)*cross(n1,n2))/d
4908           bool out=false;
4909           vert.pos=(
4910               (m.at(h)*n.at(h))*(n.at(k)%n.at(l))+
4911               (m.at(k)*n.at(k))*(n.at(l)%n.at(h))+
4912               (m.at(l)*n.at(l))*(n.at(h)%n.at(k)))*(1.0/d);
4913           vert.faces[0]=h;
4914           vert.faces[1]=k;
4915           vert.faces[2]=l;
4916           for (int pli=0; pli<n.size(); pli++){//teste lage zu allen ebenen
4917             dpl=n.at(pli)*(vert.pos-m.at(pli));
4918             if (dpl>0.00001) {
4919               out=true;
4920               break;
4921             }
4922           }
4923           if (!out) {
4924             v.append(vert);
4925             //  printf("[%d,%d,%d] %9.5f%9.5f%9.5f  \n",h,k,l,vert.pos.x,vert.pos.y,vert.pos.z);
4926           }
4927         }
4928     for (int mi=0; mi<m.size();mi++){// this is to get the midpoint of a face in its actual center
4929       V3 mnew=V3(0,0,0);
4930       int poli=0;
4931       for (int vi=0; vi<v.size(); vi++){
4932         if ((v.at(vi).faces[0]==mi)||(v.at(vi).faces[1]==mi)||(v.at(vi).faces[2]==mi)){
4933           mnew+=v.at(vi).pos;
4934           poli++;
4935         }
4936       }
4937       mnew*=1.0/poli;
4938       //      printf("%dsoll 0=%f\n",poli,n.at(mi)*(mnew-m.at(mi)));
4939       if (poli) {m[mi]=mnew;faci++;}
4940     }
4941     /*    glBegin(GL_LINES);
4942           for(int vi=0; vi<v.size()-1; vi++)
4943           for(int vj=vi+1; vj<v.size(); vj++){
4944           int fc[2];
4945           if (commonFaces(v.at(vi),v.at(vj),fc)==2){
4946           glColor4fv(Acol[au[i].an]);
4947           glVertex3d(v.at(vi).pos.x,v.at(vi).pos.y,v.at(vi).pos.z);
4948           glVertex3d(v.at(vj).pos.x,v.at(vj).pos.y,v.at(vj).pos.z);
4949           }
4950           }
4951           glEnd();*/
4952     //      glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
4953     //glBegin(GL_LINES);
4955     for(int vi=0; vi<v.size()-1; vi++)
4956       for(int vj=vi+1; vj<v.size(); vj++){
4957         int fc[2];
4958         if (commonFaces(v.at(vi),v.at(vj),fc)==2){
4959           V3 lin=v.at(vi).pos+v.at(vj).pos;
4960           double dis;
4961           bool done=false;
4962           for (int di=0; di<doneLine.size(); di++){
4963             dis=Distance(lin,doneLine.at(di));
4964             if (dis<0.000001) {done=true; break;}
4965           }
4966           if (done) continue;
4967           doneLine.append(lin);
4968           tvol=determinant(Matrix(m.at(fc[0])-oc, v.at(vi).pos-oc,v.at(vj).pos-oc));
4969           int v1=(tvol<0)?vj:vi,
4970               v2=(tvol<0)?vi:vj;
4971           triangle.mid=m.at(fc[0]);
4972           triangle.nor=n.at(fc[0]);
4973           triangle.acol=(intat>-1)?altcol.at(fc[0]):au[i].an;
4974           triangle.intra=(intat>-1)?0:intra.at(fc[0]);
4975           triangle.verts0=v[v1].pos;
4976           triangle.verts1=v[v2].pos;
4978           vtriangles.append(triangle);
4979           /*
4980              GLfloat colo[4]={ Acol[au[i].an][0], Acol[au[i].an][1], Acol[au[i].an][2], 0.4};
4981           //GLfloat colo[4]={ Acol[tris%100][0], Acol[tris%100][1], Acol[tris%100][2], 0.4};
4982           colo[3]=intra.at(fc[0])?1.0:0.4;
4983           glColor4fv(colo);
4984           glNormal3d(n.at(fc[0]).x,n.at(fc[0]).y,n.at(fc[0]).z);
4985           glVertex3d(m.at(fc[0]).x,m.at(fc[0]).y,m.at(fc[0]).z);
4986           glVertex3d(v.at(v1).pos.x,v.at(v1).pos.y,v.at(v1).pos.z);
4987           glVertex3d(v.at(v2).pos.x,v.at(v2).pos.y,v.at(v2).pos.z);
4988           */
4989           tris++;
4990           double tv=fabs(tvol)/6.0;
4991           avol+=tv;
4992           vol+=tv*au[i].sof;
4993           tvol=determinant(Matrix(m.at(fc[1])-oc, v.at(vi).pos-oc,v.at(vj).pos-oc));
4994           v1=(tvol<0)?vj:vi;
4995           v2=(tvol<0)?vi:vj;
4996           triangle.mid=m.at(fc[1]);
4997           triangle.nor=n.at(fc[1]);
4999           triangle.acol=(intat>-1)?altcol.at(fc[1]):au[i].an;
5000           triangle.intra=(intat>-1)?0:intra.at(fc[1]);
5001           //         triangle.col[3]=((intat>-1)&&(intra.at(fc[1])))?0.8:0.4;
5002           triangle.verts0=v[v1].pos;
5003           triangle.verts1=v[v2].pos;
5004           vtriangles.append(triangle);
5005           /*
5006              colo[3]=intra.at(fc[1])?1.0:0.4;
5007              glColor4fv(colo);
5009              glNormal3d(n.at(fc[1]).x,n.at(fc[1]).y,n.at(fc[1]).z);
5010              glVertex3d(m.at(fc[1]).x,m.at(fc[1]).y,m.at(fc[1]).z);
5011              glVertex3d(v.at(v1).pos.x,v.at(v1).pos.y,v.at(v1).pos.z);
5012              glVertex3d(v.at(v2).pos.x,v.at(v2).pos.y,v.at(v2).pos.z);
5013              */
5014           tris++;
5015           tv=fabs(tvol)/6.0;
5016           avol+=tv;
5017           vol+=tv*au[i].sof;
5018         }
5019       }
5020     //    glEnd();
5021     //    printf("%d neighbours found for %s. Voronoij polyeder has %d verices, %d edges and %d faces. Triangles %d Volume %f Total Volume= %f cell volume %f\n",
5022     //        m.size(),au.at(i).Label,v.size(),v.size()+m.size()-2,m.size(),
5023     printf("%-12s: Triangles %6d Volume %18.5f %d\n",au.at(i).Label.toStdString().c_str(),tris,avol,-tris/2+faci+v.size());
5024     voroMsg.append(QString("%1 : EulerTest: %2 Volume %3 &Aring;<sup>3</sup>.<br>").arg(au.at(i).Label).arg(-tris/2+faci+v.size()).arg(avol));
5026     if (intat>-1) break;
5027   }//i atoms au
5028   if (intat==-1) {
5029     printf("Total Volume= %18.5f Total Volume * z = %18.5f cell volume %18.5f delta =%f%%\n",vol,vol*cell.symmops.size(),cell.V,(vol*cell.symmops.size()-cell.V)/cell.V*100.0);
5030     voroMsg.append(QString("Total Volume= %1 &Aring;<sup>3</sup> cell volume %2 &Aring;<sup>3</sup> &Delta;V %3%<br>").arg(vol*cell.symmops.size()).arg(cell.V).arg((vol*cell.symmops.size()-cell.V)/cell.V*100.0));
5031   }
5032   //  printf("drawing %dms\n",speedTest.restart());
5033 }
5034 V3 eye;
vbyeye(VPoly a,VPoly b)5035 bool vbyeye(VPoly a,VPoly b){
5036   //return (Distance((a.mid+a.verts0+a.verts1)*0.33333,eye)>Distance((b.mid+b.verts0+b.verts1)*0.33333,eye));
5037   return (Distance(a.mid,eye)>Distance(b.mid,eye));
5038 }
drawAxses()5040 void Molecule::drawAxses(){
5041   glLineWidth(2.5);
5042   glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
5043   glEnable(GL_BLEND);
5044   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
5045   glBegin(GL_LINES);
5046   QColor c;
5047   //glColor3d(0,0,0);
5048   for (int i=0; i<axvecs.size()/2; i++){
5049     if (dontshowSel.contains(axcols.at(i*2))) continue;
5050     if (dontshowSop.contains(axoprs.at(i*2))) continue;
5051     c=symmColors.at(axcols.at(i*2));
5052     glColor3d(c.redF(),c.greenF(),c.blueF());
5053     glVertex3d(axvecs.at(i*2).x,axvecs.at(i*2).y,axvecs.at(i*2).z);
5054     glVertex3d(axvecs.at(i*2+1).x,axvecs.at(i*2+1).y,axvecs.at(i*2+1).z);
5055   }
5056   glEnd();
5057   glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
5058 }
drawInversionCenters()5060 void Molecule::drawInversionCenters(){
5061     //printf("drawInversionCenters() %d %d\n",(dontshowSel.contains(5)),invvecs.size());
5062     if (dontshowSel.contains(5)) return;
5063     QColor c;
5064     c=symmColors.at(5);
5065     glColor3d(c.redF(),c.greenF(),c.blueF());
5066     for (int i=0; i<invvecs.size(); i++){
5067       if (dontshowSop.contains(invoprs.at(i))) continue;
5068       glPushMatrix();
5069       glTranslated(invvecs.at(i).x,invvecs.at(i).y,invvecs.at(i).z);
5070       triacontaeder(beloRad);
5071       //printf("%d %f %f %f\n",i,invvecs.at(i).x,invvecs.at(i).y,invvecs.at(i).z);
5072       glPopMatrix();
5073     }
5074 }
drawVoronoi(V3 auge)5076 void Molecule::drawVoronoi(V3 auge){
5077   eye=auge;
5078   qSort(vtriangles.begin(),vtriangles.end(),vbyeye);
5079   glLineWidth(2.5);
5080   glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
5081   glEnable(GL_BLEND);
5082   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
5083   glBegin(GL_LINES);
5085   for (int ti=0; ti<vtriangles.size(); ti++){
5086     glColor4d(
5087         AtomColor[vtriangles.at(ti).acol].redF(),
5088         AtomColor[vtriangles.at(ti).acol].greenF(),
5089         AtomColor[vtriangles.at(ti).acol].blueF(),
5090         0.5);
5091     glVertex3d(vtriangles.at(ti).verts0.x,vtriangles.at(ti).verts0.y,vtriangles.at(ti).verts0.z);
5092     glVertex3d(vtriangles.at(ti).verts1.x,vtriangles.at(ti).verts1.y,vtriangles.at(ti).verts1.z);
5093   }
5094   glEnd();
5095   glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
5096   glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
5097   for (int ti=0; ti<vtriangles.size(); ti++){
5098     glColor4d(AtomColor[vtriangles.at(ti).acol].redF(),
5099         AtomColor[vtriangles.at(ti).acol].greenF(),
5100         AtomColor[vtriangles.at(ti).acol].blueF(),
5101         (vtriangles.at(ti).intra>0)?0.03:(vtriangles.at(ti).intra<0)?0.2:0.6);
5102     //    Farbverlauf(ti,0,vtriangles.size(),0.2);
5103     glNormal3d(vtriangles.at(ti).nor.x,vtriangles.at(ti).nor.y,vtriangles.at(ti).nor.z);
5104     glVertex3d(vtriangles.at(ti).mid.x,vtriangles.at(ti).mid.y,vtriangles.at(ti).mid.z);
5105     glVertex3d(vtriangles.at(ti).verts0.x,vtriangles.at(ti).verts0.y,vtriangles.at(ti).verts0.z);
5106     glVertex3d(vtriangles.at(ti).verts1.x,vtriangles.at(ti).verts1.y,vtriangles.at(ti).verts1.z);
5107   }
5108   glEnd();
5109   //  glEndList();
5110 }
drawPlanes()5112 void Molecule::drawPlanes(){
5113   glLineWidth(2.5);
5114   glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
5115   glEnable(GL_BLEND);
5116   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
5117   glBegin(GL_LINES);
5118   QColor c;
5119   for (int ti=0; ti<ptriangles.size(); ti++){
5120       if (dontshowSop.contains(ptriangles.at(ti).n)) continue;
5121       if (dontshowSel.contains(ptriangles.at(ti).colr)) continue;
5122     if (Norm(ptriangles.at(ti).glide)>0.01){
5123       c=symmColors.at(ptriangles.at(ti).colr);
5124       glColor4d(c.redF(),c.greenF(),c.blueF(),1.0);
5125       glVertex3d(ptriangles.at(ti).mid.x,ptriangles.at(ti).mid.y,ptriangles.at(ti).mid.z);
5126       //glVertex3d(0,0,0);
5127       glVertex3d(ptriangles.at(ti).mid.x+ptriangles.at(ti).glide.x,
5128           ptriangles.at(ti).mid.y+ptriangles.at(ti).glide.y,
5129           ptriangles.at(ti).mid.z+ptriangles.at(ti).glide.z);
5130     }
5131     c=symmColors.at(ptriangles.at(ti).colr);
5132     glColor4d(c.redF(),c.greenF(),c.blueF(),0.5);
5133     //glColor4d(ptriangles.at(ti).colr.redF(), ptriangles.at(ti).colr.greenF(), ptriangles.at(ti).colr.blueF(), 0.5);
5134     glVertex3d(ptriangles.at(ti).verts0.x,ptriangles.at(ti).verts0.y,ptriangles.at(ti).verts0.z);
5135     glVertex3d(ptriangles.at(ti).verts1.x,ptriangles.at(ti).verts1.y,ptriangles.at(ti).verts1.z);
5136   }
5137   glEnd();
5138   glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);
5139   for (int ti=0; ti<ptriangles.size(); ti++){
5140       if (dontshowSop.contains(ptriangles.at(ti).n)) continue;
5141       if (dontshowSel.contains(ptriangles.at(ti).colr)) continue;
5142     c=symmColors.at(ptriangles.at(ti).colr);
5143     glColor4d(c.redF(),c.greenF(),c.blueF(),planeTransparence);
5144     glNormal3d(ptriangles.at(ti).nor.x, ptriangles.at(ti).nor.y, ptriangles.at(ti).nor.z);
5145     glVertex3d(ptriangles.at(ti).mid.x, ptriangles.at(ti).mid.y, ptriangles.at(ti).mid.z);
5146     glVertex3d(ptriangles.at(ti).verts0.x, ptriangles.at(ti).verts0.y, ptriangles.at(ti).verts0.z);
5147     glVertex3d(ptriangles.at(ti).verts1.x, ptriangles.at(ti).verts1.y, ptriangles.at(ti).verts1.z);
5148   }
5149   glEnd();
5150   glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
5151   //  glEndList();
5152 }
loadSettings()5154 void Molecule::loadSettings(){
5155   /*! Loads molecular parameters stored in shelxle.ini
5156   */
5157   QSettings einstellung( QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope ,PROGRAM_NAME,mynewnameis );
5158   //einstellung.sync();
5159   einstellung.beginGroup("PSE");
5160   pseFontSize=einstellung.value("FontSize",10).toInt();
5161   einstellung.endGroup();
5162   einstellung.beginGroup("HFIX");
5163   HFixSuitableAtomsOnly=einstellung.value("HFixSuitableAtomsOnly0",false).toBool();
5164   einstellung.endGroup();
5165   einstellung.beginGroup("Atoms");
5166   int acsize;
5167   acsize = einstellung.beginReadArray("CovaleceRadii");
5168   // printf("H hat %d actsize %d\n", Kovalenz_Radien[0], acsize);
5169   for (int i = 0; i < acsize; ++i) {
5170     einstellung.setArrayIndex(i);
5171     Kovalenz_Radien[i] = einstellung.value("Radius").toInt();
5172     //    printf ("%d = %d\n",i,Kovalenz_Radien[i]);
5173   }
5174   einstellung.endArray();
5175   acsize = einstellung.beginReadArray("BallRadii");
5176   for (int i = 0; i < acsize; ++i) {
5177     einstellung.setArrayIndex(i);
5178     arad[i]=einstellung.value("Radius").toDouble();
5179   }
5180   einstellung.endArray();
5181   acsize = einstellung.beginReadArray("AtomColors");
5182   // printf("H hat %d Col actsize %d\n", Kovalenz_Radien[0], acsize);
5183   for (int i = 0; i < acsize; ++i) {
5184     einstellung.setArrayIndex(i);
5185     AtomColor[i] = einstellung.value("Color").value<QColor>();
5186     AtomColor[i].setAlphaF(0.5);
5187   }
5188   einstellung.endArray();
5189   acsize = einstellung.beginReadArray("AtomStyles");
5191   for (int i = 0; i < acsize; ++i) {
5192     einstellung.setArrayIndex(i);
5193     AtomStyle[i] = einstellung.value("Style").toInt();
5194   }
5195   einstellung.endArray();
5196   einstellung.endGroup();
5197   einstellung.beginGroup("SymmetryElements");
5198   einstellung.beginWriteArray("SymmetryElementColors",107);
5199   for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < 18; ++i) {
5200       if ((i>5)&&(j%5==0)) j++;
5201       int colori=27+j++;
5202       //printf("%d %s\n",i,QColor::colorNames().at(colori).toStdString().c_str());
5203     einstellung.setArrayIndex(i);
5204     symmColors[i] = einstellung.value("Color",QColor::colorNames().at(colori)).value<QColor>();
5205     symmColors[i].setAlphaF(0.5);
5206   }
5207   einstellung.endArray();
5208   einstellung.endGroup();
5209   einstellung.beginGroup("Bonds");
5210   bondColor=einstellung.value("BondColor",QColor(Qt::darkGray)).value<QColor>();
5211   bondColorStyle=einstellung.value("BondStyle",0).toInt();
5212   bondStrength=einstellung.value("BondStrength",0.05).toDouble();
5213   HAMax=einstellung.value("HBondMaxDist",2.5).toDouble();
5214   HAWink=einstellung.value("HBondMaxAng",135.0).toDouble();
5215   acsize = einstellung.beginReadArray("HBondDonors");
5216   if (acsize>0)  theseAreDonors.clear();
5217   for (int i = 0; i < acsize; ++i) {
5218     einstellung.setArrayIndex(i);
5219     theseAreDonors.append(getOZ(einstellung.value("Element").toString()));
5220   }
5221   einstellung.endArray();
5223   acsize = einstellung.beginReadArray("HBondAcceptors");
5224   if (acsize>0)  theseAreAcceptors.clear();
5225   for (int i = 0; i < acsize; ++i) {
5226     einstellung.setArrayIndex(i);
5227     theseAreAcceptors.append(getOZ(einstellung.value("Element").toString()));
5228   }
5229   einstellung.endArray();
5230   //qDebug()<<theseAreAcceptors<<theseAreDonors;
5232   enviBondColor=einstellung.value("enviBondColor",QColor(Qt::darkGreen)).value<QColor>();
5233   enviHBColor=einstellung.value("enviHBColor",QColor(Qt::darkYellow)).value<QColor>();
5234   enviDefaultColor=einstellung.value("enviDefaultColor",QColor(Qt::black)).value<QColor>();
5235   einstellung.endGroup();
5236   einstellung.beginGroup("QPeaks");
5237   qPeakRad = einstellung.value("QPeaksRadius",0.05).toDouble();
5238   einstellung.endGroup();
5239   einstellung.beginGroup("Window");
5240   ffmpegexe=einstellung.value("FFMPEG.EXE",ffmpegexe).toString();
5241   LOD=einstellung.value("LevelOfDetail",4).toInt();
5242   if (einstellung.contains("Use_GLSL_Shaders")) useShaders=einstellung.value("Use_GLSL_Shaders").toBool();
5243   einstellung.endGroup();
5244   einstellung.beginGroup("IDEAL");
5245   beloRad = einstellung.value("beloRad",0.04).toDouble();
5246   beloColor  = einstellung.value("beloColor",QColor("teal")).value<QColor>();
5247   beloColorByDefden= einstellung.value("beloColorByDefden",true).toBool();
5248   beloLabels = einstellung.value("beloLabels",true).toBool();
5249   einstellung.endGroup();
5250 }
setHBondMaxDist(double d)5252 void Molecule::setHBondMaxDist(double d){if ((d>0.0)&&(d<4.0)) HAMax=d;}
setHBondMaxAngl(double w)5253 void Molecule::setHBondMaxAngl(double w){if ((w>0.0)&&(w<180.0)) HAWink=w;}
canbeDonor(int an)5255 bool Molecule::canbeDonor(int an){
5256   return theseAreDonors.contains(an);
5257 }
canbeAcceptor(int an)5259 bool Molecule::canbeAcceptor(int an){
5260   return theseAreAcceptors.contains(an);
5261 }
5262 //QList<int> theseAreAcceptors;//
5263 //QList<int> theseAreDonors;
hbdist()5264 double Molecule::hbdist(){return HAMax;}
hbangl()5265 double Molecule::hbangl(){return HAWink;}
5266 #include <stdio.h>
symmcode2human(int s)5267 QString Molecule::symmcode2human(int s){
5268   /*! @param s the Nth symmetry operation of the space group.
5269    *  \returns human readable string.
5270    */
5271   QString erg;
5272   Matrix m;
5273   V3 t;
5274   int h=0,k=0,l=0;
5275   m=cell.symmops.at(s);
5276   QString symstrX,symstrY,symstrZ;
5277   if (m.m11==1) symstrX.append("+x");
5278   if (m.m11==-1) symstrX.append("-x");
5279   if (m.m21==1) symstrX.append("+y");
5280   if (m.m21==-1) symstrX.append("-y");
5281   if (m.m31==1) symstrX.append("+z");
5282   if (m.m31==-1) symstrX.append("-z");
5284   if (m.m12==1) symstrY.append("+x");
5285   if (m.m12==-1) symstrY.append("-x");
5286   if (m.m22==1) symstrY.append("+y");
5287   if (m.m22==-1) symstrY.append("-y");
5288   if (m.m32==1) symstrY.append("+z");
5289   if (m.m32==-1) symstrY.append("-z");
5291   if (m.m13==1) symstrZ.append("+x");
5292   if (m.m13==-1) symstrZ.append("-x");
5293   if (m.m23==1) symstrZ.append("+y");
5294   if (m.m23==-1) symstrZ.append("-y");
5295   if (m.m33==1) symstrZ.append("+z");
5296   if (m.m33==-1) symstrZ.append("-z");
5297   t=cell.trans.at(s);
5298   V3 zaehler,nenner;
5299   double egal;
5300   for (int g=1;g<7; g++){
5301     //nenner.x=(t.x<0)?-g:g;
5302     nenner.x=g;
5303     zaehler.x=(int)round((t.x+h)*g);
5304     if (fabs(modf(t.x*g,&egal))<0.05) break;
5305   }
5306   for (int g=1;g<7; g++){
5307     //nenner.y=(t.y<0)?-g:g;
5308     nenner.y=g;
5309     zaehler.y=(int)round((t.y+k)*g);
5310     if (fabs(modf(t.y*g,&egal))<0.05) break;
5311   }
5312   for (int g=1;g<7; g++){
5313     //nenner.z=(t.z<0)?-g:g;
5314     nenner.z=g;
5315     zaehler.z=(int)round((t.z+l)*g);
5316     if (fabs(modf(t.z*g,&egal))<0.05) break;
5317   }
5318   erg=(QString(" %1/%2%3, %4/%5%6, %7/%8%9")
5319       .arg(zaehler.x)
5320       .arg(nenner.x)
5321       .arg(symstrX)
5322       .arg(zaehler.y)
5323       .arg(nenner.y)
5324       .arg(symstrY)
5325       .arg(zaehler.z)
5326       .arg(nenner.z)
5327       .arg(symstrZ));
5328   erg.remove(QRegExp("0/\\d"));
5329   erg.replace("1/1","1");
5330   erg.replace("2/1","2");
5331   erg.replace("3/1","3");
5332   erg.replace("4/1","4");
5333   erg.replace("5/1","5");
5334   erg.replace("6/1","6");
5335   return erg;
5336 }
symmcode2human(QString brauchSymm)5338 QString Molecule::symmcode2human(QString brauchSymm){
5339   /*! @param brauchSymm internal symmetry code n_555
5340    *  \returns human readable string
5341    */
5342   QString erg;
5343   Matrix m;
5344   V3 t;
5345   int h,k,l,s;
5346   sscanf(brauchSymm.toLatin1(),"%d_%1d%1d%1d",&s,&h,&k,&l);
5347   h-=5;
5348   k-=5;
5349   l-=5;
5350   s--;
5351   m=cell.symmops.at(s);
5352   QString symstrX,symstrY,symstrZ;
5353   if (m.m11==1) symstrX.append("+x");
5354   if (m.m11==-1) symstrX.append("-x");
5355   if (m.m21==1) symstrX.append("+y");
5356   if (m.m21==-1) symstrX.append("-y");
5357   if (m.m31==1) symstrX.append("+z");
5358   if (m.m31==-1) symstrX.append("-z");
5360   if (m.m12==1) symstrY.append("+x");
5361   if (m.m12==-1) symstrY.append("-x");
5362   if (m.m22==1) symstrY.append("+y");
5363   if (m.m22==-1) symstrY.append("-y");
5364   if (m.m32==1) symstrY.append("+z");
5365   if (m.m32==-1) symstrY.append("-z");
5367   if (m.m13==1) symstrZ.append("+x");
5368   if (m.m13==-1) symstrZ.append("-x");
5369   if (m.m23==1) symstrZ.append("+y");
5370   if (m.m23==-1) symstrZ.append("-y");
5371   if (m.m33==1) symstrZ.append("+z");
5372   if (m.m33==-1) symstrZ.append("-z");
5373   t=cell.trans.at(s);
5374   V3 zaehler,nenner;
5375   double egal;
5376   for (int g=1;g<7; g++){
5377     nenner.x=(t.x<0)?-g:g;;
5378     zaehler.x=(int)round((t.x+h)*g);
5379     if (fabs(modf(t.x*g,&egal))<0.05) break;
5380   }
5381   for (int g=1;g<7; g++){
5382     nenner.y=(t.y<0)?-g:g;
5383     zaehler.y=(int)round((t.y+k)*g);
5384     if (fabs(modf(t.y*g,&egal))<0.05) break;
5385   }
5386   for (int g=1;g<7; g++){
5387     nenner.z=(t.z<0)?-g:g;
5388     zaehler.z=(int)round((t.z+l)*g);
5389     if (fabs(modf(t.z*g,&egal))<0.05) break;
5390   }
5391   erg=(QString("%1/%2%3, %4/%5%6, %7/%8%9")
5392       .arg(zaehler.x)
5393       .arg(nenner.x)
5394       .arg(symstrX)
5395       .arg(zaehler.y)
5396       .arg(nenner.y)
5397       .arg(symstrY)
5398       .arg(zaehler.z)
5399       .arg(nenner.z)
5400       .arg(symstrZ));
5403   erg.remove(QRegExp("0/\\d"));
5404   erg.replace("1/1","1");
5405   erg.replace("2/1","2");
5406   erg.replace("3/1","3");
5407   erg.replace("4/1","4");
5408   erg.replace("5/1","5");
5409   erg.replace("6/1","6");
5410   return erg;
5411 }
symmcode2human(QString brauchSymm,int j)5413 QString Molecule::symmcode2human(QString brauchSymm, int j){
5414   /*! @param brauchSymm internal symmetry code n_555
5415    *  @param j symmetry number to prepend the human readable string returned.
5416    *  \returns human readable string
5417    */
5418   QString erg;
5419   Matrix m;
5420   V3 t;
5421   int h,k,l,s;
5422   sscanf(brauchSymm.toLatin1(),"%d_%1d%1d%1d",&s,&h,&k,&l);
5423   h-=5;
5424   k-=5;
5425   l-=5;
5426   s--;
5427   m=cell.symmops.at(s);
5428   QString symstrX,symstrY,symstrZ;
5429   if (m.m11==1) symstrX.append("+x");
5430   if (m.m11==-1) symstrX.append("-x");
5431   if (m.m21==1) symstrX.append("+y");
5432   if (m.m21==-1) symstrX.append("-y");
5433   if (m.m31==1) symstrX.append("+z");
5434   if (m.m31==-1) symstrX.append("-z");
5436   if (m.m12==1) symstrY.append("+x");
5437   if (m.m12==-1) symstrY.append("-x");
5438   if (m.m22==1) symstrY.append("+y");
5439   if (m.m22==-1) symstrY.append("-y");
5440   if (m.m32==1) symstrY.append("+z");
5441   if (m.m32==-1) symstrY.append("-z");
5443   if (m.m13==1) symstrZ.append("+x");
5444   if (m.m13==-1) symstrZ.append("-x");
5445   if (m.m23==1) symstrZ.append("+y");
5446   if (m.m23==-1) symstrZ.append("-y");
5447   if (m.m33==1) symstrZ.append("+z");
5448   if (m.m33==-1) symstrZ.append("-z");
5449   t=cell.trans.at(s);
5450   V3 zaehler,nenner;
5451   double egal;
5452   for (int g=1;g<7; g++){
5453     nenner.x=(t.x<0)?-g:g;;
5454     zaehler.x=(int)round(((t.x+h)*g));//+0.0001
5455     if (fabs(modf(t.x*g,&egal))<0.05) break;
5456   }
5457   for (int g=1;g<7; g++){
5458     nenner.y=(t.y<0)?-g:g;
5459     zaehler.y=(int)round(((t.y+k)*g));//+0.001
5460     if (fabs(modf(t.y*g,&egal))<0.05) break;
5461   }
5462   for (int g=1;g<7; g++){
5463     nenner.z=(t.z<0)?-g:g;
5464     zaehler.z=(int)round(((t.z+l)*g));//+0.001
5465     if (fabs(modf(t.z*g,&egal))<0.05) break;
5466   }
5468   erg=(QString("&raquo;%1 :<b> %2/%3%4, %5/%6%7, %8/%9%10</b><br>")
5469       .arg(j)
5470       .arg(zaehler.x)
5471       .arg(nenner.x)
5472       .arg(symstrX)
5473       .arg(zaehler.y)
5474       .arg(nenner.y)
5475       .arg(symstrY)
5476       .arg(zaehler.z)
5477       .arg(nenner.z)
5478       .arg(symstrZ));
5480   erg.remove(QRegExp("0/\\d"));
5481   erg.replace("1/1","1");
5482   erg.replace("2/1","2");
5483   erg.replace("3/1","3");
5484   erg.replace("4/1","4");
5485   erg.replace("5/1","5");
5486   erg.replace("6/1","6");
5487   return erg;
5488 }
symmcode2human(QStringList brauchSymm)5490 QString Molecule::symmcode2human(QStringList brauchSymm){
5491   /*! @param brauchSymm list of internal symmetry codes
5492    *  \returns human readable string sepearated by <br>
5493    */
5494   QString erg;
5495   Matrix m;
5496   V3 t;
5497   int h,k,l,s;
5498   for (int j=0; j<brauchSymm.size();j++){
5499     sscanf(brauchSymm[j].toLatin1(),"%d_%1d%1d%1d",&s,&h,&k,&l);
5500     h-=5;
5501     k-=5;
5502     l-=5;
5503     s--;
5504     m=cell.symmops.at(s);
5505     QString symstrX,symstrY,symstrZ;
5506     if (m.m11==1) symstrX.append("+x");
5507     if (m.m11==-1) symstrX.append("-x");
5508     if (m.m21==1) symstrX.append("+y");
5509     if (m.m21==-1) symstrX.append("-y");
5510     if (m.m31==1) symstrX.append("+z");
5511     if (m.m31==-1) symstrX.append("-z");
5513     if (m.m12==1) symstrY.append("+x");
5514     if (m.m12==-1) symstrY.append("-x");
5515     if (m.m22==1) symstrY.append("+y");
5516     if (m.m22==-1) symstrY.append("-y");
5517     if (m.m32==1) symstrY.append("+z");
5518     if (m.m32==-1) symstrY.append("-z");
5520     if (m.m13==1) symstrZ.append("+x");
5521     if (m.m13==-1) symstrZ.append("-x");
5522     if (m.m23==1) symstrZ.append("+y");
5523     if (m.m23==-1) symstrZ.append("-y");
5524     if (m.m33==1) symstrZ.append("+z");
5525     if (m.m33==-1) symstrZ.append("-z");
5526     t=cell.trans.at(s);
5527     V3 zaehler,nenner;
5528     double egal;
5529     for (int g=1;g<7; g++){
5530       nenner.x=(t.x<0)?-g:g;;
5531       zaehler.x=(int)round((t.x+h)*g);
5532       if (fabs(modf(t.x*g,&egal))<0.05) break;
5533     }
5534     for (int g=1;g<7; g++){
5535       nenner.y=(t.y<0)?-g:g;
5536       zaehler.y=(int)round((t.y+k)*g);
5537       if (fabs(modf(t.y*g,&egal))<0.05) break;
5538     }
5539     for (int g=1;g<7; g++){
5540       nenner.z=(t.z<0)?-g:g;
5541       zaehler.z=(int)round((t.z+l)*g);
5542       if (fabs(modf(t.z*g,&egal))<0.05) break;
5543     }
5544     erg.append(QString("&raquo;%1 :<b> %2/%3%4, %5/%6%7, %8/%9%10</b><br>")
5545         .arg(j+1)
5546         .arg(zaehler.x)
5547         .arg(nenner.x)
5548         .arg(symstrX)
5549         .arg(zaehler.y)
5550         .arg(nenner.y)
5551         .arg(symstrY)
5552         .arg(zaehler.z)
5553         .arg(nenner.z)
5554         .arg(symstrZ));
5556   }
5557   erg.remove(QRegExp("0/\\d"));
5558   erg.replace("1/1","1");
5559   erg.replace("2/1","2");
5560   erg.replace("3/1","3");
5561   erg.replace("4/1","4");
5562   erg.replace("5/1","5");
5563   erg.replace("6/1","6");
5564   return erg;
5565 }
frac2kart(V3 x,V3 & y)5567 void Molecule::frac2kart(V3 x, V3 &y){
5568   /*!
5569    * converts a fractional coordinate into a cartesian using cell information.
5570    * @param[in] x fractional coordinate.
5571    * @param[out] y cartesian coordinate.
5572    */
5573   Matrix u;
5574   u.m11 = cell.a;
5575   u.m21 = 0.0;
5576   u.m31 = 0.0;
5577   u.m12 = cell.b * cell.cosga;
5578   u.m22 = cell.b * cell.singa;
5579   u.m32 = 0.0;
5580   u.m13 = cell.c * cell.cosbe;
5581   u.m23 = cell.tau;
5582   u.m33 = cell.c * cell.phi / cell.singa;
5584   y.x = x.x * u.m11 + x.y * u.m12 + x.z * u.m13;
5585   y.y = x.x * u.m21 + x.y * u.m22 + x.z * u.m23;
5586   y.z = x.x * u.m31 + x.y * u.m32 + x.z * u.m33;
5588 }
kart2frac(V3 x,V3 & y)5590 void Molecule::kart2frac(V3 x, V3 &y){
5591   /*!
5592    * converts a cartesian coordinate into a fractional using cell information.
5593    * @param[in] x cartesian coordinate.
5594    * @param[out] y fractional coordinate.
5595    */
5596   Matrix u;
5597   y.x =0.0 ;
5598   y.y =0.0 ;
5599   y.z =0.0;
5600   u.m11 = 1.0/cell.a;
5601   u.m21 = 0.0;
5602   u.m31 = 0.0;
5603   u.m12 = -1.0/(cell.a * cell.tanga);
5604   u.m22 = 1.0/(cell.b * cell.singa);
5605   u.m32 = 0.0;
5606   u.m13 = (cell.cosal*cell.cosga-cell.cosbe)/(cell.a*cell.phi*cell.singa);
5607   u.m23 = (cell.cosbe*cell.cosga-cell.cosal)/(cell.b*cell.phi*cell.singa);
5608   u.m33 = cell.singa/(cell.c*cell.phi);
5609   // Wird jetzt hier genauso wie in int Tab B S.345 gerechnet (M^-1^).
5610   y.x = x.x * u.m11 + x.y * u.m12 + x.z * u.m13;
5611   y.y = x.x * u.m21 + x.y * u.m22 + x.z * u.m23;
5612   y.z = x.x * u.m31 + x.y * u.m32 + x.z * u.m33;
5613 }
pse(int oz)5615 QString Molecule::pse(int oz){
5618   if ((oz>-1)&&(oz<PSE.size())) return PSE.at(oz);
5619   switch (oz){
5620     case -1: return "Q";
5621     case -42: return "BELO";
5622     case -66: return "Cnt";
5623     default: return "";
5624   }
5625 }
getOZ(QString S1)5627 int Molecule::getOZ(QString S1){
5628   QString s=S1;
5629   s=s.remove('$');
5630   s=s.section(QRegExp("[^A-Za-z]"),0,0);
5631   s=s.toUpper();
5632   if (s=="CNT") return -66;
5633   if (s=="D") return 0;
5634   QRegExp r = QRegExp(s,Qt::CaseInsensitive);
5635   return PSE.indexOf(r);
5636 }
uniqueInCell()5638 void Molecule::uniqueInCell(){
5639   /*! Moves centers of gravity of each fragment into the unit cell box and close to the origin.
5640    * */
5641   QList<int> flags;
5642   int toflipp=0;
5643   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size(); i++) if (asymm.at(i).an>-1){
5644     flags.append(-1);
5645     toflipp++;
5646   }else flags.append(0);
5647   flags[0]=1;
5648   //  printf("MaxMol = %d\n",maxmol);
5649   double dk;
5650   V3 prime,dp,D,floorD;
5651   //  V3 D,floorD;
5652   QList<V3> minMol;
5653   for (int i=0; i<maxmol; i++) minMol.append(V3(0,0,0));
5654   SdmItem sdmItem;
5655   sdmItem.a1=0;
5656   sdmItem.a2=1;
5657   sdmItem.sn=0;
5658   sdmItem.covalent=true;
5659   QList<SdmItem> starter;
5660   QList<int> mii;
5661   for (int j=0; j<maxmol; j++){
5662     int mi=0;
5663     for (int i=0; i<asymm.size(); i++){
5664       if (asymm.at(i).an<0) continue;
5665       if ((asymm.at(i).molindex-1)!=j) continue;
5666       minMol[j]+=asymm.at(i).frac;
5667       mi++;
5668     }
5669     mii.append(mi);
5670     minMol[j]*=1.0/mi;
5671     // printf("mole#%-2d has %3d atoms. Center of mass is at %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f \n",j,mi, minMol[j].x, minMol[j].y, minMol[j].z);
5672   }
5673   for (int j=0; j<maxmol; j++){
5674     if (mii.at(j)==0){
5675       sdmItem.sn=0;
5676       sdmItem.floorD=V3(floor(minMol.at(j).x),floor(minMol.at(j).y),floor(minMol.at(j).z));
5677       sdmItem.a2=sdmItem.a1=j;
5678       starter.append(sdmItem);
5679     }else{
5680       double min=99999.0;
5681       for (int n=0;n<cell.symmops.size();  n++){
5682         prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * minMol.at(j) + cell.trans.at(n);
5683         D=prime ;//+ V3(0.5,0.5,0.5) ;
5684         floorD=V3(floor(D.x),floor(D.y),floor(D.z));
5685         dp=D - floorD - V3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
5686         dk=fl(dp.x,dp.y,dp.z);
5687         if (dk<min){
5688           sdmItem.d=dk;
5689           min=dk;
5690           sdmItem.floorD=floorD;
5691           sdmItem.a1=j;
5692           sdmItem.a2=j;
5693           sdmItem.sn=n;
5694         }
5695       }
5696       //      printf("Mole#%-2d floorD %3.0f %3.0f %3.0f %d\n",j,sdmItem.floorD.x,sdmItem.floorD.y,sdmItem.floorD.z,sdmItem.sn);
5697       starter.append(sdmItem);
5698     }
5699   }
5700   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size(); i++){
5701     if (asymm.at(i).an<0) continue;
5702     if (asymm.at(i).molindex<1) continue;
5703     int n = starter.at(asymm.at(i).molindex-1).sn;
5704     V3 f = starter.at(asymm.at(i).molindex-1).floorD;
5705     asymm[i].frac= cell.symmops.at(n) * asymm.at(i).frac + cell.trans.at(n) - f;
5706     frac2kart(asymm[i].frac,asymm[i].pos);
5708   }
5709   for (int j=0; j<maxmol; j++){
5710     int mi=0;
5711     minMol[j]=V3(0,0,0);
5712     for (int i=0; i<asymm.size(); i++){
5713       if ((asymm.at(i).molindex-1)!=j) continue;
5714       minMol[j]+=asymm.at(i).frac;
5715       mi++;
5716     }
5717     minMol[j]*=1.0/mi;
5718     // printf("mole#%-2d has %2d atoms. Center of mass is at %9.4f %9.4f %9.4f \n",j,mi, minMol[j].x, minMol[j].y, minMol[j].z);
5719   }
5720   packer(sdmcompleter());
5721   showatoms.clear();
5722   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){
5723     showatoms.append(asymm[i]);
5724     showatoms[i].molindex=asymm[i].molindex;
5725   }
5726   showbonds.clear();
5727   showbonds=connecting(showatoms);
5728 }
enviSDM(double range)5730 void Molecule::enviSDM(double range){
5731   /*! Calculates the shortes distance matrix for the ENVIronment functionality in the given range.
5732    * @param range maximal distances around each atom to generate a matrix entry.
5733    */
5735   // George Sheldrick Seminar ideas
5736   double dk,dddd;
5737   V3 prime,dp,D,floorD;
5738   envi_sdm.clear();
5739   SdmItem sdmItem;
5740   sdmItem.a1=0;
5741   sdmItem.a2=1;
5742   sdmItem.sn=0;
5743   //sdmItem.p1=sdmItem.p2=V3(0,0,0);
5744   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size(); i++){
5745     for (int j=0; j<asymm.size(); j++ ){
5746       //  bool hma=false;
5747       for (int n=0;n<cell.symmops.size();  n++){
5748         prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * asymm.at(i).frac + cell.trans.at(n);
5749         D=prime - asymm.at(j).frac+ V3(0.5,0.5,0.5) ;
5750         floorD=V3(floor(D.x),floor(D.y),floor(D.z));
5751         for (int h=-1; h<2; h++){
5752           for (int k=-1; k<2; k++){
5753             for (int l=-1; l<2; l++){
5754               V3 fD=floorD+V3(h,k,l);
5755               dp=D - fD - V3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
5756               dk=fl(dp.x,dp.y,dp.z);
5757               if ((dk>0.01)&&((range)>=dk)){
5758                 sdmItem.d=dk;
5759                 sdmItem.floorD=fD;
5760                 sdmItem.a1=i;
5761                 sdmItem.a2=j;
5762                 sdmItem.sn=n;
5763                 if ((asymm[i].an>-1)&&(asymm[j].an>-1)&&
5764                     ((asymm[i].part*asymm[j].part==0)||
5765                      (asymm[i].part==asymm[j].part)))
5766                   dddd=(Kovalenz_Radien[asymm[i].an]+ Kovalenz_Radien[asymm[j].an])*0.012;
5767                 else dddd=0;
5768                 if (sdmItem.d<dddd){
5769                   sdmItem.covalent=true;
5770                 }else sdmItem.covalent=false;
5771                 envi_sdm.append(sdmItem);
5772               }
5773             }
5774           }
5775         }
5776       }
5777     }
5778   }
5779 #if (QT_VERSION >= 0x050000)
5780   std::sort(envi_sdm.begin(),envi_sdm.end());
5781 #else
5782   qSort(envi_sdm.begin(),envi_sdm.end());
5783 #endif
5784   //histogram
5785   /*
5786      double hmi,hma;
5787      hmi=envi_sdm.first().d;
5788      hma=envi_sdm.last().d;
5789      double hstep=(hma-hmi)/20.0;
5790      printf("%g %g %g %d\n",hma,hmi,hstep,envi_sdm.size());
5791      if (hstep<0.01) return;
5792      int hbox[20]={
5793      0,0,0,0,0,
5794      0,0,0,0,0,
5795      0,0,0,0,0,
5796      0,0,0,0,0};
5797      for (int i=0; i<envi_sdm.size();i++){
5798      int hind=(int) (envi_sdm.at(i).d/hstep);
5799      hbox[hind]++;
5800      }
5801      for (int i=0;i<20;i++){
5802      printf("%g-%g %d  (%g)\n",hmi+hstep*i,hmi+i*hstep+hstep,hbox[i],hma);
5803      }
5804   // */
5805 }
neighborSort(Knopf & kn)5807 void Molecule::neighborSort(Knopf &kn){//sort neighbors by atomic number
5808   // I think bublle sort is fine for such a sort list
5809   for (int i = 0; i < kn.neighbors.size(); i++){
5810     for (int j = i+1; j < kn.neighbors.size(); j++){
5811       if ((kn.neighbors.at(i)>=asymm.size())||(kn.neighbors.at(j)>=asymm.size())) continue;
5812       if (asymm.at(kn.neighbors.at(i)).an < asymm.at(kn.neighbors.at(j)).an){
5813         int swap=kn.neighbors.at(i);
5814         kn.neighbors[i]=kn.neighbors.at(j);
5815         kn.neighbors[j]=swap;
5816       }
5817     }
5818   }
5819 }
computeSDM(CEnvironment au)5821 QList<SdmItem> Molecule::computeSDM(CEnvironment au){
5822   double dk,dddd;
5823   V3 prime,dp,D,floorD;
5824   SdmItem sdmItem;
5825   sdmItem.a1=0;
5826   sdmItem.a2=0;
5827   sdmItem.sn=0;
5828   QList<SdmItem> _sdm;
5829   for (int i=0; i<au.size(); i++){
5830     for (int j=i+1; j<au.size(); j++ ){
5831       double min=1000000;
5832       bool hma=false;
5833       for (int n=0;n<cell.symmops.size();  n++){
5834         //for (int n=0;n<1;  n++){
5835         prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * au.at(i).frac + cell.trans.at(n);
5836         D=prime - au.at(j).frac+ V3(0.5,0.5,0.5) ;
5837         floorD=V3(floor(D.x),floor(D.y),floor(D.z));
5838         dp=D - floorD - V3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
5839         dk=fl(dp.x,dp.y,dp.z);
5840         if (n) dk+=0.0001;
5841         if ((dk>0.01)&&((min+0.00)>=dk)){
5842           min=fmin(dk,min);
5843           sdmItem.d=min;
5844           sdmItem.floorD=floorD;
5845           sdmItem.a1=i;
5846           sdmItem.a2=j;
5847           sdmItem.sn=n;
5848           hma=true;
5849         }
5850       }
5851       if ((au[sdmItem.a1].an>-1)&&
5852           (au[sdmItem.a2].an>-1)&&
5853           ((au[sdmItem.a1].part*au[sdmItem.a2].part==0)||(au[sdmItem.a1].part==au[sdmItem.a2].part))){
5854         dddd=(Kovalenz_Radien[au[sdmItem.a1].an]+ Kovalenz_Radien[au[sdmItem.a2].an])*0.012;
5855       } else {
5856         dddd=0;
5857       }
5858       sdmItem.covalent=(sdmItem.d<dddd);
5859       if (hma) _sdm.append(sdmItem);
5860     }
5862   }
5863   return _sdm;
5864 }
sdmcompleter()5866 QStringList Molecule::sdmcompleter(){
5867   /*! Calculates the shortest distance matrix.
5868    * Counts the number of fragmets in the asymmetric unit.
5869    * Finds possible hydrogen bond contacts.
5870    * \returns internal symmtry code list for grown structures.
5871    */
5872   // George Sheldrick Seminar ideas
5873   //  printf("sdm1 %d\n",__LINE__);
5874   //  QTime zeit; zeit.start();
5875   //printf("sdmcompleter\n");
5876   double dk,dddd;
5877   V3 prime,dp,D,floorD;
5878   contact.clear();
5879   sdm.clear();
5880   SdmItem sdmItem;
5881   sdmItem.a1=0;
5882   sdmItem.a2=0;
5883   sdmItem.sn=0;
5884   SdmItem sdmItem2;
5885   sdmItem2.a1=0;
5886   sdmItem2.a2=0;
5887   sdmItem2.sn=0;
5889   knoepfe.clear();
5890   Knopf kn;
5891   kn.neighbors.clear();
5892   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size(); i++){
5893     kn.neighbors.clear();
5894     for (int j=0; j<asymm.size(); j++ ){
5895       double min=1000000;
5896       bool hma=false;
5897       for (int n=0;n<cell.symmops.size();  n++){
5898         prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * asymm.at(i).frac + cell.trans.at(n);
5899         D=prime - asymm.at(j).frac+ V3(0.5,0.5,0.5) ;
5900         floorD=V3(floor(D.x),floor(D.y),floor(D.z));
5901         dp=D - floorD - V3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
5902         dk=fl(dp.x,dp.y,dp.z);
5903         if (n) dk+=0.0001;
5904         if ((dk>0.01)&&((min+0.00)>=dk)){
5905           min=fmin(dk,min);
5906           sdmItem.d=min;
5907           sdmItem.floorD=floorD;
5908           sdmItem.a1=i;
5909           sdmItem.a2=j;
5910           sdmItem.sn=n;
5911           hma=true;
5912         }
5913       }
5914       if ((asymm[sdmItem.a1].an>-1)&&(asymm[sdmItem.a2].an>-1)&&
5915           ((asymm[sdmItem.a1].part*asymm[sdmItem.a2].part==0)|| (asymm[sdmItem.a1].part==asymm[sdmItem.a2].part)))
5916         dddd=(Kovalenz_Radien[asymm[sdmItem.a1].an]+ Kovalenz_Radien[asymm[sdmItem.a2].an])*0.0115;
5917       else dddd=0;
5918       if (sdmItem.d<dddd){
5919         if (hma) kn.neighbors.append(j);
5920         sdmItem.covalent=true;
5921       } else {
5922         sdmItem.covalent=false;
5923       }
5924       //if ((sdmItem.sn!=0)&&((asymm[sdmItem.a1].part<0)||(asymm[sdmItem.a2].part<0))) sdmItem.covalent=false;
5925       if (hma) sdm.append(sdmItem);
5926     }
5927     neighborSort(kn);
5928     knoepfe.append(kn);
5929   }
5931   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size(); i++){ //wasserstoffbrueckensuche
5932     for (int j=0; j<asymm.size(); j++ ){
5933       for (int nn=0;nn<cell.symmops.size();  nn++){
5934         prime=cell.symmops.at(nn) * asymm.at(i).frac + cell.trans.at(nn);
5935         D=prime - asymm.at(j).frac+ V3(0.5,0.5,0.5) ;
5936         floorD=V3(floor(D.x),floor(D.y),floor(D.z));
5937         dp=D - floorD - V3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
5938         dk=fl(dp.x,dp.y,dp.z);
5939         if((1)&&(abs(asymm[i].an-7)<2)&&(abs(asymm[j].an-7)<2)&&(fabs(dk-2.775)<0.325)){//N O F mit abstanden zwischen 2.45 bis 3.1 A koennten H=Bruecken sein
5940           sdmItem2.d=dk;
5941           sdmItem2.floorD=floorD;
5942           sdmItem2.a1=i;
5943           sdmItem2.a2=j;
5944           sdmItem2.sn=nn;
5945           sdmItem2.covalent=true;
5946           double ang1=361,ang2=361,an;
5947           for (int oo=0; oo<knoepfe.at(i).neighbors.size(); oo++){
5948             an=wl(asymm.at(j).frac,
5949                 cell.symmops.at(nn) * asymm.at(i).frac + cell.trans.at(nn)-floorD,
5950                 cell.symmops.at(nn) * asymm.at(knoepfe.at(i).neighbors.at(oo)).frac + cell.trans.at(nn)-floorD);
5951             ang1=(an<ang1)?an:ang1;
5952           }
5953           for (int oo=0; oo<knoepfe.at(j).neighbors.size(); oo++){
5954             an=wl(
5955                 cell.symmops.at(nn) * asymm.at(i).frac  + cell.trans.at(nn)-floorD,
5956                 asymm.at(j).frac,
5957                 asymm.at(knoepfe.at(j).neighbors.at(oo)).frac);
5958             ang2=(an<ang2)?an:ang2;
5959           }
5960           /*printf("Paarschippen: %s %s %f %f %f %d\n",
5961             asymm.at(i).Label.toStdString().c_str(),
5962             asymm.at(j).Label.toStdString().c_str(),
5963             dk, ang1, ang2,((qMax(ang1,ang2)!=361)&&((qMin(ang1,ang2)<85)||(qMax(ang1,ang2)>180))));// */
5964           if ((qMax(ang1,ang2)!=361)&&((qMin(ang1,ang2)<85)||(qMax(ang1,ang2)>180))) sdmItem2.covalent=false;
5965           else {
5966             //printf("contact ok\n");
5967             contact.append(sdmItem2);
5968           }
5969         }
5970       }
5971     }
5972   }
5973     //  printf("sdm3 %d\n",zeit.elapsed());//\n"); zeit.restart();
5974   QString bs;
5975   QStringList brauchSymm;
5976   int someleft=0,nextmol=0;
5977   maxmol=1;
5978   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++) asymm[i].molindex=-1;
5979   asymm[0].molindex=1;//starter;
5980   do {
5981     nextmol=0;
5982     do {
5983       someleft=0;
5984       for  (int i=0; i<sdm.size();i++){
5985         if ((sdm.at(i).covalent)&&(asymm[sdm.at(i).a1].molindex*asymm[sdm.at(i).a2].molindex<0)) {
5986           asymm[sdm.at(i).a1].molindex=maxmol;
5987           asymm[sdm.at(i).a2].molindex=maxmol;
5988           someleft++;
5989         }
5990       }
5991     }while (someleft);
5992     for ( int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++) {
5993       if ((asymm[i].an>-1)&&(asymm[i].molindex<0)) {nextmol=i;break;}
5994     }
5995     if (nextmol) {
5996       asymm[nextmol].molindex=(++maxmol);
5997     }
5998   }while (nextmol);
5999   Fragments=QString("<b>The asymmetric unit contains %1 fragments.</b><br>").arg(maxmol);
6000   for (int k =0; k<sdm.size();k++){
6001     if (sdm.at(k).covalent){
6002       if (asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].molindex<1) continue;
6003       if (asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].molindex>6) continue;
6004       for (int n=0;n<cell.symmops.size();  n++){
6005         if (((asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].part!=0)&&(asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].part!=0)&&(asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].part!=asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].part)))continue;
6006         if ((asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].an==asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].an)&&(asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].an==0)) continue;
6007         prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].frac + cell.trans.at(n);
6008         D=prime - asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].frac+ V3(0.5,0.5,0.5) ;
6009         floorD=V3(floor(D.x),floor(D.y),floor(D.z));
6010         dp=D - floorD - V3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
6011         if ((n==0)&&(V3(0,0,0)==floorD)) continue;
6012         dk=fl(dp.x,dp.y,dp.z);
6013         dddd=(sdm.at(k).d+0.2);
6014         if ((dk>0.001)&&(dddd>=dk)) {
6015           bs=QString("%1_%2%3%4:%5,").arg(n+1).arg(5-(int)floorD.x).arg(5-(int)floorD.y).arg(5-(int)floorD.z).arg(asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].molindex);
6016           if  ((!brauchSymm.contains(bs))) {
6017             brauchSymm.append(bs);
6018             //            printf("%d %d %d %d [%d]\n",n+1,(int)floorD.x,(int)floorD.y,(int)floorD.z ,brauchSymm.size());
6019           }
6020         }
6021       }
6022     }
6023   }
6024     //  printf("sdm4 %d\n",zeit.elapsed()); zeit.restart();
6025 #if (QT_VERSION >= 0x050000)
6026   std::sort(sdm.begin(),sdm.end());
6027 #else
6028   qSort(sdm.begin(),sdm.end());
6029 #endif
6030   //  printf("sdm5 %d\n",zeit.elapsed());//\n"); zeit.restart();
6031   enviSDM(2.5);
6032   //  printf("sdm5 %d\n",zeit.elapsed());//\n"); zeit.restart();
6034   QList<int> flags;
6035   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size(); i++) flags.append((asymm.at(i).an<0)?-1:1);
6036   for (int i=0; i<envi_sdm.size(); i++){
6037     if ((flags.at(envi_sdm.at(i).a1)*flags.at(envi_sdm.at(i).a2))==-1) {
6038       //if ((qbeforehkl)||((flags.at(sdm.at(i).a1)==-1)&&((asymm.at(sdm.at(i).a2).an>-1)))){
6039       //   if (((asymm[envi_sdm.at(i).a1].Label=="Q11")||(asymm[envi_sdm.at(i).a2].Label=="Q11"))&&(envi_sdm.at(i).d<2.6))
6040       //       qDebug()<<asymm[envi_sdm.at(i).a1].Label<<asymm[envi_sdm.at(i).a2].Label<<envi_sdm.at(i).d<<flags[envi_sdm.at(i).a1]<<flags[envi_sdm.at(i).a2];
6041       if (asymm[envi_sdm.at(i).a1].an>-1) continue;
6042       if (asymm[envi_sdm.at(i).a1].an==-66) continue;
6043       if ((envi_sdm.at(i).sn==0)&&(envi_sdm.at(i).floorD==V3(0,0,0))) {flags[envi_sdm.at(i).a1]=1;continue;}
6044       if (envi_sdm.at(i).d>2.4) continue;
6045       asymm[envi_sdm.at(i).a1].frac = cell.symmops.at(envi_sdm.at(i).sn) * asymm[envi_sdm.at(i).a1].frac + cell.trans.at(envi_sdm.at(i).sn) - envi_sdm.at(i).floorD;
6046       flags[envi_sdm.at(i).a1]=1;
6047       frac2kart(asymm[envi_sdm.at(i).a1].frac,asymm[envi_sdm.at(i).a1].pos);
6048       //}
6049     }
6050   }
6051     //  printf("sdm6 %d\n",zeit.elapsed()); zeit.restart();
6052   return brauchSymm;
6053 }
connecting(const CEnvironment & atom,bool eac)6055 Connection Molecule::connecting(const CEnvironment &atom,bool eac){
6056   /*! Creates bonds and lbonds depending on covalent radii.
6057    * If edit atom style flag (eac) is not set FREE and BIND instructions are considered.
6058    * Feeds also Molecule.knoepfe list.
6059    * \returns the Connection bond list.
6060    * */
6061   Connection bonds;
6062   bonds.clear();
6063   lbonds.clear();
6064   MyBond bond;
6065   double soll=0;
6066   for (int i=0; i<atom.size(); i++){
6067     for (int j=0; j<=i; j++ ){
6068       double d = sqrt(Distance(atom.at(i).pos,atom.at(j).pos));
6069       if ((atom.at(i).an>-1)&&(atom.at(j).an>-1)&&(atom.at(i).part!=0)&&(atom.at(j).part!=0)&&((bindPart.key(atom.at(i).part)==atom.at(j).part)||(bindPart.value(atom.at(i).part)==atom.at(j).part)))
6070         soll=(Kovalenz_Radien[atom.at(i).an]+ Kovalenz_Radien[atom.at(j).an])*0.012;
6071       else {
6072         if ((atom.at(i).part<0)&&(atom.at(j).part!=0)&&(atom.at(i).symmGroup!=atom.at(j).symmGroup)) continue;
6073         if ((atom.at(j).part<0)&&(atom.at(i).part!=0)&&(atom.at(i).symmGroup!=atom.at(j).symmGroup)) continue;
6074         if ((atom.at(i).an==0)&&(atom.at(j).an==0)) continue;
6075         if ((atom.at(i).an>-1)&&(atom.at(j).an>-1)&&
6076             ((!atom.at(i).part)||(!atom.at(j).part)||(atom.at(i).part==atom.at(j).part)))
6077           soll=(Kovalenz_Radien[atom.at(i).an]+ Kovalenz_Radien[atom.at(j).an])*0.012;
6078         else
6079           soll=-1;
6080       }
6081       if ((d>0.1)&&(d<soll)) {
6082         bond.ato1=&atom[i];
6083         bond.ato2=&atom[j];
6084         bond.a1=i;
6085         bond.a2=j;
6086         bond.length=d;
6087         bonds.append(bond);
6088       }
6089       else if ((d<qboMax)&&(d>qboMin)){
6090         if ((atom.at(i).an==-42)||(atom.at(j).an==-42)) continue;//belo: wuff!
6091         if ((atom.at(i).an==0)||(atom.at(j).an==0)) continue;
6092         if  ((!atom.at(i).part)||(!atom.at(j).part)||(atom.at(i).part==atom.at(j).part)){
6093           bond.ato1=&atom[i];
6094           bond.ato2=&atom[j];
6095           bond.a1=i;
6096           bond.a2=j;
6097           bond.length=d;
6098           lbonds.append(bond);
6099         }
6100       }
6101     }
6102   }
6103   //centroid metal bonds ... just normal bonds but bonds between metal and nonmetal that are close to the centroid will be removed.
6104   if (!eac) {
6105     bool weHaveCentroids=false;
6106     bool weHaveMetals=false;
6107     for (int i=0; i<atom.size(); i++){
6108       if (AtomStyle[atom.at(i).an]&ATOM_STYLE_METAL){weHaveMetals=true;break;}
6109     }
6110     for (int i=0; i<atom.size(); i++){
6111       if (atom.at(i).an==-66){weHaveCentroids=true;break;}
6112     }
6113     if (weHaveMetals && weHaveCentroids){
6114       // printf("(weHaveMetals && weHaveCentroids)\n");
6115       for (int i=0; i<atom.size(); i++){
6116         if (atom.at(i).an==-66){
6117           for (int j=0;j<atom.size();j++){
6118             if (atom.at(j).an<1) continue;
6119             //printf("%d %d i=%d j=%d size=%d\n",atom.at(i).an,atom.at(j).an,i,j,atom.size());
6120             if ((AtomStyle[atom.at(j).an]&ATOM_STYLE_METAL)==0)continue;
6121             soll=(70+Kovalenz_Radien[atom.at(j).an])*0.012;
6122             double d = sqrt(Distance(atom.at(i).pos,atom.at(j).pos));
6123             if (d<soll){//add the centroid metal bond
6124               bond.ato1=&atom[i];
6125               bond.ato2=&atom[j];
6126               bond.a1=i;
6127               bond.a2=j;
6128               bond.length=d;
6129               for (int k=0;k<bonds.size();k++){
6130                 if ((bonds.at(k).a1==j)&&(atom.at(bonds.at(k).a2).an>0)&&((AtomStyle[atom.at(bonds.at(k).a2).an]&ATOM_STYLE_METAL)==0)){
6131                   d = sqrt(Distance(atom.at(i).pos,atom.at(bonds.at(k).a2).pos));//re-use d distance cnt -- non metal
6132                   if ((d<qboMax)&&(d>qboMin)){
6133                     bonds.removeAt(k);
6134                     // printf("1Removed metal non metal bond %s == %s\n",bonds.at(k).ato1->Label.toStdString().c_str(),bonds.at(k).ato2->Label.toStdString().c_str());
6135                     k=(k>0)?k-1:0;
6136                   }
6137                 }//a1 is a metal
6138                 if ((bonds.at(k).a2==j)&&(atom.at(bonds.at(k).a1).an>0)&&((AtomStyle[atom.at(bonds.at(k).a1).an]&ATOM_STYLE_METAL)==0)){
6139                   d = sqrt(Distance(atom.at(i).pos,atom.at(bonds.at(k).a1).pos));//re-use d distance cnt -- non metal
6140                   if ((d<qboMax)&&(d>qboMin)){
6141                     bonds.removeAt(k);
6142                     //printf("2Removed metal non metal bond %s == %s\n",bonds.at(k).ato1->Label.toStdString().c_str(),bonds.at(k).ato2->Label.toStdString().c_str());
6143                     k=(k>0)?k-1:0;
6144                   }
6145                 }//a1 is a metal
6146               }//k
6147               bonds.append(bond);
6148             }//cnt metal contact
6149           }//j
6150         }//centroid
6151       }//i
6152     }//metals and centroids present
6153   }//!eac
6154   if (!eac) for (int i=0; i<freeatoms.size(); i++){
6155     MyAtom a1, a2;
6156     bool bo=false;
6157     if (freeatoms.at(i).Lab1.contains('_')) a1.resiNr=freeatoms.at(i).Lab1.section('_',1,1).toInt(&bo);
6158     if (!bo) a1.resiNr=-1;
6159     if (freeatoms.at(i).Lab2.contains('_'))a2.resiNr=freeatoms.at(i).Lab2.section('_',1,1).toInt(&bo);
6160     if (!bo)a2.resiNr=-1;
6161     a1.Label = freeatoms.at(i).Lab1.section('_',0,0);
6162     a2.Label = freeatoms.at(i).Lab2.section('_',0,0);
6163     //printf("#%d %d\n",a2.resiNr,a1.resiNr);
6165     for (int j=0;j<bonds.size();j++){
6166       if (((a1.resiNr>-1)&& (bonds.at(j).ato1->resiNr!=a1.resiNr))||
6167           ((a2.resiNr>-1)&& (bonds.at(j).ato2->resiNr!=a2.resiNr))) continue;
6168       if (((a1.resiNr>-1)&& (bonds.at(j).ato2->resiNr!=a1.resiNr))||
6169           ((a2.resiNr>-1)&& (bonds.at(j).ato1->resiNr!=a2.resiNr))) continue;
6170       if (((bonds.at(j).ato1->Label.section('_',0,0).toUpper()== a1.Label)&&
6171             (bonds.at(j).ato2->Label.section('_',0,0).toUpper()== a2.Label))||
6172           ((bonds.at(j).ato2->Label.section('_',0,0).toUpper()== a1.Label)&&
6173            (bonds.at(j).ato1->Label.section('_',0,0).toUpper()== a2.Label))){
6174         bonds.removeAt(j);
6175         j=qMax(j-1,0);
6176       }
6177     }
6178   }
6179   if (!eac) for (int i=0; i<bindatoms.size(); i++){
6180     MyAtom a1, a2;
6181     bool bo=false;
6182     int sy1=-1,sy2=-1;
6183     if (bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.contains("_$"))sy1=bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.section("_$",1,1).toInt(&bo);
6184     if (bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.contains("_$"))sy2=bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.section("_$",1,1).toInt(&bo);
6185     bo=false;
6186     if (bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.contains('_'))a1.resiNr=bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.section('_',1,1).toInt(&bo);
6187     if (!bo) a1.resiNr=-1;
6188     if (bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.contains('_'))a2.resiNr=bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.section('_',1,1).toInt(&bo);
6189     if (!bo)a2.resiNr=-1;
6190     a1.Label = bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.section('_',0,0);
6191     a2.Label = bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.section('_',0,0);
6192     //printf("#>%d %d %d %d [%d]\n",a2.resiNr,a1.resiNr,sy1,sy2,i);
6193     double mindd=50.0;
6194     //printf("-Q %d\n",eqivMap.size());
6195     if ((!eqivMap.isEmpty())&&(qMax(sy1,sy2)>0)) {
6196       //    printf("sg %d\n",eqivMap.value(QString("$%1").arg(sy2)));
6197       //    printf("%s %s\n",a1.Label.toUpper().toStdString().c_str(),a2.Label.toUpper().toStdString().c_str());
6198       for (int iii=0; iii<atom.size(); iii++){
6199         for (int jjj=0; jjj<atom.size(); jjj++){
6200           if ((a1.resiNr>-1)&& (atom.at(iii).resiNr!=a1.resiNr)) continue;
6201           if ((a2.resiNr>-1)&& (atom.at(jjj).resiNr!=a2.resiNr)) continue;
6202           if ((sy1>-0)&&(atom.at(iii).symmGroup==0)) continue;
6203           if ((sy2>-0)&&(atom.at(jjj).symmGroup==0)) continue;
6204           //printf("sg %d\n",eqivMap.value(QString("$%1").arg(sy1)));
6205           if ((sy1>-0)&&(eqivMap.value(QString("$%1").arg(sy1))!=atom.at(iii).symmGroup)) continue;
6206           if ((sy2>-0)&&(eqivMap.value(QString("$%1").arg(sy2))!=atom.at(jjj).symmGroup)) continue;
6207           if ((atom.at(iii).Label.section('_',0,0).section(QString::fromUtf8("»"),0,0).toUpper() == a1.Label.toUpper())&&
6208               (atom.at(jjj).Label.section('_',0,0).section(QString::fromUtf8("»"),0,0).toUpper() == a2.Label.toUpper())){
6209             bond.ato1=&atom[iii];
6210             bond.ato2=&atom[jjj];
6211             bond.a1=iii;
6212             bond.a2=jjj;
6213             bond.length=sqrt(Distance(atom[iii].pos,atom[jjj].pos));
6214             //printf("%g %f\n",bond.length,mindd);
6215             if ((mindd+0.01)>=bond.length) bonds.append(bond);
6216             if (bond.length>0.7) mindd=qMin(bond.length, mindd);
6218           }
6219         }
6220       }
6221     }
6222     for (int j=0; j < bonds.size(); j++){
6223       if (((bonds.at(j).ato1->Label.section('_',0,0).section(QString::fromUtf8("»"),0,0).toUpper()==a1.Label.toUpper())&&
6224             (bonds.at(j).ato2->Label.section('_',0,0).section(QString::fromUtf8("»"),0,0).toUpper()==a2.Label.toUpper()))||
6225           ((bonds.at(j).ato1->Label.section('_',0,0).section(QString::fromUtf8("»"),0,0).toUpper()==a2.Label.toUpper())&&
6226            (bonds.at(j).ato2->Label.section('_',0,0).section(QString::fromUtf8("»"),0,0).toUpper()==a1.Label.toUpper())))
6227         if (bonds.at(j).length>(mindd+0.1)) {
6228           double d=bonds.at(j).length;
6229           //     printf("-- %f %f\n",d,mindd);
6230           bonds.removeAt(j);
6231           if (j) j--;
6232         }
6233     }
6234   }
6235   //-->Verknopfung   !!!
6236   if (!eac){
6237     for (int i=0; i<knoepfe.size();i++) knoepfe[i].neighbors.clear();
6238     knoepfe.clear();
6239     Knopf kn;
6240     kn.neighbors.clear();
6241     for (int i=0; i<atom.size(); i++){
6242       kn.neighbors.clear();
6243       for (int j=0; j<bonds.size(); j++){
6244         if (bonds.at(j).a1==i){
6245           kn.neighbors.append(bonds.at(j).a2);
6246         }
6247         if (bonds.at(j).a2==i){
6248           kn.neighbors.append(bonds.at(j).a1);
6249         }
6250       }
6251       neighborSort(kn);
6252       knoepfe.append(kn);
6253     }
6254   }
6255   return bonds;
6256 }
fl(double x,double y,double z)6258 double Molecule::fl(double x,double y,double z){
6259   double a,b,c;
6260   a = (cell.ga==90.0)?0.0:2.0*x*y*cell.a*cell.b*cell.cosga;
6261   b = (cell.be==90.0)?0.0:2.0*x*z*cell.a*cell.c*cell.cosbe;
6262   c = (cell.al==90.0)?0.0:2.0*y*z*cell.b*cell.c*cell.cosal;
6263   double erg=sqrt(x*x*cell.a*cell.a+
6264       y*y*cell.b*cell.b+
6265       z*z*cell.c*cell.c+
6266       a+b+c);
6267   return erg;
6268 }
wl(V3 p2,V3 p1,V3 p3)6270 double Molecule::wl(V3 p2, V3 p1, V3 p3){
6271   V3 f1=p2-p1;//12
6272   V3 f2=p3-p1;//13
6273   V3 f3=p3-p2;//23
6274   double a=0,b=0,c=0;
6275   a =  (cell.ga==90.0)?0.0:2.0*f1.x*f1.y*cell.a*cell.b*cell.cosga;
6276   a += (cell.be==90.0)?0.0:2.0*f1.x*f1.z*cell.a*cell.c*cell.cosbe;
6277   a += (cell.al==90.0)?0.0:2.0*f1.y*f1.z*cell.b*cell.c*cell.cosal;
6279   b =  (cell.ga==90.0)?0.0:2.0*f2.x*f2.y*cell.a*cell.b*cell.cosga;
6280   b += (cell.be==90.0)?0.0:2.0*f2.x*f2.z*cell.a*cell.c*cell.cosbe;
6281   b += (cell.al==90.0)?0.0:2.0*f2.y*f2.z*cell.b*cell.c*cell.cosal;
6283   c = ( cell.ga==90.0)?0.0:2.0*f3.x*f3.y*cell.a*cell.b*cell.cosga;
6284   c += (cell.be==90.0)?0.0:2.0*f3.x*f3.z*cell.a*cell.c*cell.cosbe;
6285   c += (cell.al==90.0)?0.0:2.0*f3.y*f3.z*cell.b*cell.c*cell.cosal;
6286   double d12,d13,d23;
6287   d12 = f1.x*f1.x*cell.a*cell.a+
6288     f1.y*f1.y*cell.b*cell.b+
6289     f1.z*f1.z*cell.c*cell.c+a;
6290   d13 = f2.x*f2.x*cell.a*cell.a+
6291     f2.y*f2.y*cell.b*cell.b+
6292     f2.z*f2.z*cell.c*cell.c+b;
6293   d23 = f3.x*f3.x*cell.a*cell.a+
6294     f3.y*f3.y*cell.b*cell.b+
6295     f3.z*f3.z*cell.c*cell.c+c;
6296   double erg=acos((d12+d13-d23)/(2.0*sqrt(d12)*sqrt(d13)))*g2r;
6297   return erg;
6298 }
cellSetup()6300 void Molecule::cellSetup(){
6301   cell.cosal=cos(cell.al/g2r);
6302   cell.cosbe=cos(cell.be/g2r);
6303   cell.cosga=cos(cell.ga/g2r);
6304   cell.sinal=sin(cell.al/g2r);
6305   cell.sinbe=sin(cell.be/g2r);
6306   cell.singa=sin(cell.ga/g2r);
6307   cell.tanga=tan(cell.ga/g2r);
6308   cell.phi=  sqrt(1-(cell.cosal*cell.cosal)-
6309       (cell.cosbe*cell.cosbe)-(cell.cosga*cell.cosga)
6310       +2*cell.cosal*cell.cosbe*cell.cosga);
6311   cell.tau=cell.c *((cell.cosal- cell.cosbe* cell.cosga)/ cell.singa);
6312   cell.V = cell.a*cell.b*cell.c*cell.phi;
6313   cell.as=cell.c*cell.b*cell.sinal/cell.V;
6314   cell.bs=cell.c*cell.a*cell.sinbe/cell.V;
6315   cell.cs=cell.a*cell.b*cell.singa/cell.V;
6316   cell.cosra = (cell.cosbe*cell.cosga-cell.cosal)/(cell.sinbe*cell.singa);
6317   cell.cosrb = (cell.cosga*cell.cosal-cell.cosbe)/(cell.singa*cell.sinal);
6318   cell.cosrg = (cell.cosal*cell.cosbe-cell.cosga)/(cell.sinal*cell.sinbe);
6319   cell.G.m11=cell.a*cell.a;
6320   cell.G.m22=cell.b*cell.b;
6321   cell.G.m33=cell.c*cell.c;
6322   cell.G.m12=cell.G.m21=cell.a*cell.b*cell.cosga;
6323   cell.G.m13=cell.G.m31=cell.a*cell.c*cell.cosbe;
6324   cell.G.m23=cell.G.m32=cell.b*cell.c*cell.cosal;
6325   cell.Gi=inverse(cell.G);
6326 }
applyLatticeCentro(int gitter)6328 void Molecule::applyLatticeCentro(int gitter){
6329   /*! Adds centrings and inversion symmetry to the symmops and trans list.
6330    * @param gitter the parameter of the shelx LATT instruction. ==> see Shelxl manual.
6331    */
6332   int z=cell.symmops.size();
6333   cell.ns0=z;
6334   Matrix inv(-1.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0,-1.0,0.0, 0.0,0.0,-1.0);
6335   cell.centeric=false;
6336   if (gitter>0){
6337     for (int i=0; i<z;i++){
6338       Matrix m=cell.symmops.at(i)*inv;
6339       cell.symmops.append(m);
6340       cell.trans.append(cell.trans.at(i));
6341     }
6342     cell.centeric=true;
6343   }
6344   latt=gitter;
6345   gitter=(gitter>0)?gitter:-gitter;
6346   z=cell.symmops.size();
6347   cell.centered=false;
6348   switch (gitter){
6349     case 5 :
6350       for (int i=0; i<z;i++){
6351         V3 tt = cell.trans.at(i)+V3(0.0, 0.5, 0.5);
6352         tt.x=(tt.x>1)?tt.x-1:tt.x;
6353         tt.y=(tt.y>1)?tt.y-1:tt.y;
6354         tt.z=(tt.z>1)?tt.z-1:tt.z;
6355         cell.symmops.append(cell.symmops.at(i));
6356         cell.trans.append(tt);
6357         cell.centered=true;
6358       }
6359       break;
6360     case 6 :
6361       for (int i=0; i<z;i++){
6362         V3 tt = cell.trans.at(i)+V3(0.5, 0.0, 0.5);
6363         tt.x=(tt.x>1)?tt.x-1:tt.x;
6364         tt.y=(tt.y>1)?tt.y-1:tt.y;
6365         tt.z=(tt.z>1)?tt.z-1:tt.z;
6366         cell.symmops.append(cell.symmops.at(i));
6367         cell.trans.append(tt);
6368         cell.centered=true;
6369       }
6370       break;
6371     case 7 :
6372       for (int i=0; i<z;i++){
6373         V3 tt = cell.trans.at(i)+V3(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
6374         tt.x=(tt.x>1)?tt.x-1:tt.x;
6375         tt.y=(tt.y>1)?tt.y-1:tt.y;
6376         tt.z=(tt.z>1)?tt.z-1:tt.z;
6377         cell.symmops.append(cell.symmops.at(i));
6378         cell.trans.append(tt);
6379         cell.centered=true;
6380       }
6381       break;
6382     case 4 :
6383       for (int i=0; i<z;i++){
6384         V3 tt = cell.trans.at(i)+V3(0.0, 0.5, 0.5);
6385         tt.x=(tt.x>1)?tt.x-1:tt.x;
6386         tt.y=(tt.y>1)?tt.y-1:tt.y;
6387         tt.z=(tt.z>1)?tt.z-1:tt.z;
6388         cell.symmops.append(cell.symmops.at(i));
6389         cell.trans.append(tt);
6390         tt = cell.trans.at(i)+V3(0.5, 0.0, 0.5);
6391         tt.x=(tt.x>1)?tt.x-1:tt.x;
6392         tt.y=(tt.y>1)?tt.y-1:tt.y;
6393         tt.z=(tt.z>1)?tt.z-1:tt.z;
6394         cell.symmops.append(cell.symmops.at(i));
6395         cell.trans.append(tt);
6396         tt = cell.trans.at(i)+V3(0.5, 0.5, 0.0);
6397         tt.x=(tt.x>1)?tt.x-1:tt.x;
6398         tt.y=(tt.y>1)?tt.y-1:tt.y;
6399         tt.z=(tt.z>1)?tt.z-1:tt.z;
6400         cell.symmops.append(cell.symmops.at(i));
6401         cell.trans.append(tt);
6402         cell.centered=true;
6403       }
6404       break;
6405     case 2 :
6406       for (int i=0; i<z;i++){
6407         V3 tt = cell.trans.at(i)+V3(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
6408         tt.x=(tt.x>1)?tt.x-1:tt.x;
6409         tt.y=(tt.y>1)?tt.y-1:tt.y;
6410         tt.z=(tt.z>1)?tt.z-1:tt.z;
6411         cell.symmops.append(cell.symmops.at(i));
6412         cell.trans.append(tt);
6413         cell.centered=true;
6414       }
6415       break;
6416     case 3 :
6417       for (int i=0; i<z;i++){
6418         V3 tt = cell.trans.at(i)+V3(2.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0);
6419         tt.x=(tt.x>1)?tt.x-1:tt.x;
6420         tt.y=(tt.y>1)?tt.y-1:tt.y;
6421         tt.z=(tt.z>1)?tt.z-1:tt.z;
6422         cell.symmops.append(cell.symmops.at(i));
6423         cell.trans.append(tt);
6424         tt = cell.trans.at(i)+V3(1.0/3.0, 2.0/3.0, 2.0/3.0);
6425         tt.x=(tt.x>1)?tt.x-1:tt.x;
6426         tt.y=(tt.y>1)?tt.y-1:tt.y;
6427         tt.z=(tt.z>1)?tt.z-1:tt.z;
6428         cell.symmops.append(cell.symmops.at(i));
6429         cell.trans.append(tt);
6430         cell.centered=true;
6432       }
6433       break;
6434     case 0 :break;
6435   }
6436   /*
6437      for (int i=0; i<cell.symmops.size();i++){
6438      int r=rankMySymmOp(cell.symmops.at(i),cell.trans.at(i));
6439      printf("#%d rank %d %s\n",i,r,symmcode2human(i).toStdString().c_str());
6440      }
6441      */
6443 }
dimension()6445 double Molecule::dimension(){
6446   /*! calculates the maximal interatomic distance (Ang) of showatoms environment if this is 0 then 10.0 is returned instead.
6447   */
6448   double max=0,gg=0;
6449   for (int i=0;i<showatoms.size();i++)
6450     for (int j=i+1;j<showatoms.size();j++){
6451       if ((showatoms[j].an>=0)&&(showatoms[j].an>=0))
6452         gg=sqrt( Distance(showatoms[i].pos,showatoms[j].pos));
6453       max=(max<gg)?gg:max;
6454     }
6455   if (max==0) return 10.0;
6456   return max;
6457 }
dimension(CEnvironment ce)6459 double Molecule::dimension(CEnvironment ce){
6460   /*! calculates the maximal interatomic distance (Ang) of showatoms environment if this is 0 then 10.0 is returned instead.
6461   */
6462   double max=0,gg=0;
6463   for (int i=0;i<ce.size();i++)
6464     for (int j=i+1;j<ce.size();j++){
6465       if ((ce[j].an>=0)&&(ce[j].an>=0))
6466         gg=sqrt( Distance(ce[i].pos,ce[j].pos));
6467       max=(max<gg)?gg:max;
6468     }
6469   if (max==0) return 10.0;
6470   return max;
6471 }
6473 #define Ato4d(arr)       arr[0], arr[1], arr[2], arr[3]
6474 #include <QGLWidget>
atoms(CEnvironment atom,int proba,double radScal)6476 void Molecule::atoms(CEnvironment atom,int proba, double radScal){
6477   /*! Draws atoms as spheres or as ellipses cubes or icosahedrons.
6478    * @params atoms list of atoms to be drawn .
6479    * @params proba ellipsoid probability (currently 10 30 50 70 90 %).
6480    *
6481    * Molecule.dratom controls the wireframe style of the resulting atom .
6482    *
6483    * Molecule.tubes atom balls is drawn in bondstrength.
6484    *
6485    * Molecule.adp atom is drawn as a ellipsoid.
6486    *
6487    * Molecule.monoQrom Q-Peaks are drawn in Color Molecule.mQolor .
6488    * */
6489   if (atom.isEmpty())return;
6490   if (shaders_work&&g_program&&useShaders&&(g_Program!=nullptr)) {
6491     Licht=1;
6492     g_Program->bind();
6493     g_Program->setUniformValue(lichtH,1);
6494     /*glGetUniformiv(g_program,lichtH,&Licht);
6495       if (!Licht) {
6496       int ect=0;
6497       GLenum err = GL_NO_ERROR;
6498       while((err = glGetError()) != GL_NO_ERROR)
6499       {
6500       printf("DAVOR %d %d [%d]\n",err==GL_INVALID_VALUE ,err == GL_INVALID_OPERATION,++ect);
6501       }
6502       }*/
6503     shaderAtoms(atom, proba, radScal);
6504     g_Program->release();
6505     return;
6506   }//else{printf("%d %d %d %p\n",shaders_work,g_program,useShaders,g_Program);}
6507 int myAdp=adp;
6508 int myStyle=7;
6509 int pminus=0;
6510 int wire=0;
6511 GLfloat white[4]={0.2f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.0f};
6512 GLfloat black[4]={0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
6513 for  (int i=0; i<atom.size();i++){
6514   if ((!dratom)&&(atom.at(i).hidden)) continue;
6515   if ((nopm1)&&(atom.at(i).symmGroup)&&(atom.at(i).part<0))continue;
6516   if ((dratom==2)&&(atom.at(i).part==0))continue;
6517   if ((dratom==2)&&(atom.at(i).symmGroup)&&(atom.at(i).part<0))continue;
6518   if ((dratom==2)&&(atom.at(i).hidden))continue;
6519   if ((dratom==5)&&(atom.at(i).hidden))continue;
6520   int  nonPositiveDefinite=0;
6521   glPushMatrix();
6522   nonPositiveDefinite=0;
6523   glTranslated(atom.at(i).pos.x,atom.at(i).pos.y,atom.at(i).pos.z);
6524   double rad=(atom.at(i).an==-2)?0.5:qPeakRad;
6525   bool parthigh=false;
6526   if (dratom==5){
6527     wire=1;
6528     dratom=0;
6529   }
6530   if (dratom==2) {
6531     dratom=0;
6532     parthigh=true;
6533   }
6534   if (!dratom){
6535     //     printf("ph %d alpha %g tubes %d,myAdp %d %d\n",parthigh,AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].alphaF(),tubes,myAdp,((!myAdp)||((myStyle&ATOM_STYLE_SPHERE)&&(!(myStyle&ATOM_STYLE_SOLID)))));
6536     if (atom.at(i).an>-1) {
6537       myStyle=AtomStyle[atom.at(i).an];
6538       //printf("style: %X\n",myStyle);
6539       if (atom.at(i).Label.contains("(noADP)")) myStyle|=ATOM_STYLE_NOADP;
6540       glColor4d(AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].redF(),
6541           AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].greenF(),
6542           AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].blueF(),
6543           AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].alphaF());
6544       rad=arad[atom.at(i).an];
6545       if (parthigh) {
6546         QColor pcolor=PartColor::color(atom.at(i).part);
6547         if (atom.at(i).part==666) pcolor.setAlpha(200);
6548         else pcolor.setAlpha(140);
6549         glColor4d(pcolor.redF(),
6550             pcolor.greenF(),
6551             pcolor.blueF(),
6552             pcolor.alphaF());
6553       }
6555       if ((highlightEquivalents)&&(!parthigh)&&(atom.at(i).symmGroup)) {
6556         glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION,white );
6557         glColor4d(qMin(1.0,(AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].redF()+0.1)   * 1.2),
6558             qMin(1.0,(AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].greenF()+0.1) * 1.2),
6559             qMin(1.0,(AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].blueF()+0.1)  * 1.2),
6560             1.0);
6561       }
6562       else glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION,black );
6563       if ((atom.at(i).symmGroup)&&(atom.at(i).part<0)){
6564         glColor4d(AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].redF(),
6565             AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].greenF(),
6566             1.0,
6567             0.3);
6568         pminus=1;
6569         //  myStyle|=ATOM_STYLE_NOADP;
6570       }
6571       myAdp=(myStyle&ATOM_STYLE_NOADP)?0:adp;
6572     }
6573     if (wire) {myStyle|=ATOM_STYLE_SPHERE;if (myStyle&ATOM_STYLE_SOLID)myStyle-=ATOM_STYLE_SOLID; }
6574     if (tubes){
6575       rad=bondStrength;
6576       if (atom.at(i).part==666) rad*=4.5;
6577       myAdp=0;
6578       nonPositiveDefinite=0;
6579     }
6581     if ((atom.at(i).an<0)||(atom.at(i).Label.startsWith('Q',Qt::CaseInsensitive))){
6582       glColor4d(1.0 ,0.7, 0.8 ,0.4);
6583       if (atom.at(i).an==-66) {
6584         rad*=2;
6585         glColor4d(0.6,0.3,0.1,0.3);
6586         dodecaeder(rad);
6587       }else{
6588         if((atom.at(i).an==-1)&&(!monoQrom)) Farbverlauf(atom.at(i).peakHeight, pmin, pmax);
6589         if (monoQrom) glColor3d(mQolor.redF(),mQolor.greenF(),mQolor.blueF());
6590         //      if (!wire)
6591         icosaeder(rad);
6592       }
6593     }
6594     else {
6595       if (myAdp){
6596         V3 ev=V3(0,0,0);
6597         double *arr=jacobi(atom.at(i).uc,ev);
6598         if ((ev.x>0)&&(ev.y>0)&&(ev.z>0)){
6599           nonPositiveDefinite=0;
6600           glRotated(Ato4d(arr));
6601           double psc=(parthigh)?1.32:1.0;
6602           if (atom.at(i).part==666) psc*=1.2;
6603           switch (proba ) {
6604             case 10 :{ glScaled(0.76*sqrt(ev.x)*psc,0.76*sqrt(ev.y)*psc,0.76*sqrt(ev.z)*psc);break;}   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 10% Wahrscheinlichkeit
6605             case 30 :{ glScaled(1.19*sqrt(ev.x)*psc,1.19*sqrt(ev.y)*psc,1.19*sqrt(ev.z)*psc);break;}   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 30% Wahrscheinlichkeit
6606             case 50 :{ glScaled(1.54*sqrt(ev.x)*psc,1.54*sqrt(ev.y)*psc,1.54*sqrt(ev.z)*psc);break;}   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 50% Wahrscheinlichkeit
6607             case 70 :{ glScaled(1.91*sqrt(ev.x)*psc,1.91*sqrt(ev.y)*psc,1.91*sqrt(ev.z)*psc);break;}   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 70% Wahrscheinlichkeit
6608             case 90 :{ glScaled(2.50*sqrt(ev.x)*psc,2.50*sqrt(ev.y)*psc,2.50*sqrt(ev.z)*psc);break;}   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 90% Wahrscheinlichkeit
6609             default: ;
6610           }
6611         }else {nonPositiveDefinite=1;}
6612       }
6614       if (parthigh) {
6615         rad*=1.32;
6616         if (atom.at(i).part==666) rad*=1.2;
6617         glEnable(GL_BLEND);
6619         myStyle|=ATOM_STYLE_SPHERE;
6620       }
6622       /*
6623 #define ATOM_STYLE_WALLS 1
6624 #define ATOM_STYLE_RINGS 2
6625 #define ATOM_STYLE_SPHERE 4
6626 #define ATOM_STYLE_SOLID 8
6627 #define ATOM_STYLE_WHITERING 16
6628 #define ATOM_STYLE_NOLABEL 32
6629 */
6630       if (atom.at(i).an>-1) {
6631         if (myAdp&&intern) {
6632           if (!nonPositiveDefinite) ellipse(myStyle);
6633           else {
6634             cube(rad);
6635           }
6637         }
6638         else if ((!myAdp)||((myStyle&ATOM_STYLE_SPHERE)&&(!(myStyle&ATOM_STYLE_SOLID)))){
6639           rad*=radScal;
6640           if (!myAdp) glScaled(rad,rad,rad);
6641           if (!nonPositiveDefinite) {
6642             if (wire)dratom =5;
6643             sphere(myAdp|pminus);
6644           }
6645           else {
6646             cube(rad);
6647           }
6648         }
6649       }
6650       else
6651         icosaeder(rad);
6652     }
6653   }
6654   else{
6655     atom[i].hidden=0;
6656     sphere(0);
6657   }
6658   //    glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL);
6659   glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION,black );
6660   glPopMatrix();
6661   if (parthigh) dratom=2;
6662 }
6663 }
billBoard()6665 void Molecule::billBoard(){
6666   const GLfloat v[]={
6667     0.f,0.f,0.f,
6668     1.f,0.f,0.f,
6669     1.f,1.f,0.f,
6670     0.f,1.f,0.f,
6671     0.f,0.f,0.f,
6672     1.f,1.f,0.f
6673   };
6674   glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
6675   glEnableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
6676   glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, v);
6677   glTexCoordPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, v);
6678   glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 6);
6679   glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
6680   glDisableClientState(GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY);
6681 }
pappe()6683 void Molecule::pappe(){
6684   glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
6685   g_Program->setUniformValue(wallH, 1);
6686   const GLfloat v[]={
6687     -1.f,-1.f, 0.f,
6688     1.f,-1.f, 0.f,
6689     -1.f, 1.f, 0.f,
6691     -1.f, 1.f, 0.f,
6692     1.f,-1.f, 0.f,
6693     1.f, 1.f, 0.f,
6695     -1.f, 0.f,-1.f,
6696     1.f, 0.f,-1.f,
6697     -1.f, 0.f, 1.f,
6699     -1.f, 0.f, 1.f,
6700     1.f, 0.f,-1.f,
6701     1.f, 0.f, 1.f,
6703     0.f,-1.f,-1.f,
6704     0.f, 1.f,-1.f,
6705     0.f,-1.f, 1.f,
6707     0.f,-1.f, 1.f,
6708     0.f, 1.f,-1.f,
6709     0.f, 1.f, 1.f,
6711     1.f,-1.f, 0.f,
6712     -1.f,-1.f, 0.f,
6713     -1.f, 1.f, 0.f,
6715     1.f,-1.f, 0.f,
6716     -1.f, 1.f, 0.f,
6717     1.f, 1.f, 0.f,
6719     1.f, 0.f,-1.f,
6720     -1.f, 0.f,-1.f,
6721     -1.f, 0.f, 1.f,
6723     1.f, 0.f,-1.f,
6724     -1.f, 0.f, 1.f,
6725     1.f, 0.f, 1.f,
6727     0.f, 1.f,-1.f,
6728     0.f,-1.f,-1.f,
6729     0.f,-1.f, 1.f,
6731     0.f, 1.f,-1.f,
6732     0.f,-1.f, 1.f,
6733     0.f, 1.f, 1.f
6734   };
6735   const GLfloat n[]={
6736     0.f, 0.f, 1.f,
6737     0.f, 0.f, 1.f,
6738     0.f, 0.f, 1.f,
6740     0.f, 0.f, 1.f,
6741     0.f, 0.f, 1.f,
6742     0.f, 0.f, 1.f,
6744     0.f,-1.f, 0.f,
6745     0.f,-1.f, 0.f,
6746     0.f,-1.f, 0.f,
6748     0.f,-1.f, 0.f,
6749     0.f,-1.f, 0.f,
6750     0.f,-1.f, 0.f,
6752     1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
6753     1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
6754     1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
6756     1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
6757     1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
6758     1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
6761     0.f, 0.f,-1.f,
6762     0.f, 0.f,-1.f,
6763     0.f, 0.f,-1.f,
6765     0.f, 0.f,-1.f,
6766     0.f, 0.f,-1.f,
6767     0.f, 0.f,-1.f,
6769     0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
6770     0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
6771     0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
6773     0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
6774     0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
6775     0.f, 1.f, 0.f,
6777     -1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
6778     -1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
6779     -1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
6781     -1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
6782     -1.f, 0.f, 0.f,
6783     -1.f, 0.f, 0.f
6784   };
6785   glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
6786   glVertexPointer(3, GL_FLOAT, 0, v);
6787   glEnableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
6788   glNormalPointer(GL_FLOAT, 0, n);
6789   glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, 36);
6790   glDisableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY);
6791   glDisableClientState(GL_NORMAL_ARRAY);
6792 }
shaderAtoms(CEnvironment atom,int proba,double radScal)6794 void Molecule::shaderAtoms(CEnvironment atom,int proba,double radScal){
6795   /*! Draws atoms as spheres or as ellipses cubes or icosahedrons.
6796    * @params atoms list of atoms to be drawn .
6797    * @params proba ellipsoid probability (currently 10 30 50 70 90 %).
6798    *
6799    * Molecule.dratom controls the wireframe style of the resulting atom .
6800    *
6801    * Molecule.tubes atom balls is drawn in bondstrength.
6802    *
6803    * Molecule.adp atom is drawn as a ellipsoid.
6804    *
6805    * Molecule.monoQrom Q-Peaks are drawn in Color Molecule.mQolor .
6806    * */
6807   if (atom.isEmpty())return;
6808   int myAdp=adp;
6809   int myStyle=7;
6810   int pminus=0;
6811   int wire=0;
6812   //  if (!intern) return;
6813   Licht=1;
6814   g_Program->bind();
6815   g_Program->setUniformValue(lichtH, 1);
6816   g_Program->setUniformValue(bgH,fgc[0],fgc[1],fgc[2],fgc[3]);
6818   //glGetUniformiv(g_program,lichtH,&Licht);
6819   //if (!Licht) {
6820   //  glUseProgram(0);
6821   //  return;//licht geht nicht an
6822   //}
6823   program_in_use=true;
6824   for  (int i=0; i<atom.size();i++){
6825     if ((!dratom)&&(atom.at(i).hidden)) continue;
6826     if ((nopm1)&&(atom.at(i).symmGroup)&&(atom.at(i).part<0))continue;
6827     if ((dratom==2)&&(atom.at(i).part==0))continue;
6828     if ((dratom==2)&&(atom.at(i).symmGroup)&&(atom.at(i).part<0))continue;
6829     if ((dratom==2)&&(atom.at(i).hidden))continue;
6830     if ((dratom==5)&&(atom.at(i).hidden))continue;
6831     if ((noQPeaksPlease)&&(atom.at(i).an==-1)) continue;
6832     bool  nonPositiveDefinite=false;
6833     glPushMatrix();
6834     glTranslated(atom.at(i).pos.x,atom.at(i).pos.y,atom.at(i).pos.z);
6835     double rad=(atom.at(i).an==-2)?0.5:qPeakRad;
6836     bool parthigh=false;
6837     if (dratom==5){
6838       wire=1;
6839       dratom=0;
6840     }
6841     if (dratom==2) {
6842       dratom=0;
6843       parthigh=true;
6844     }
6845     if (!dratom){
6846       if (atom.at(i).an>-1) {
6848         myStyle=AtomStyle[atom.at(i).an];
6849         if (atom.at(i).Label.contains("(noADP)")) myStyle|=ATOM_STYLE_NOADP;
6850         glColor4d(AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].redF(),
6851             AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].greenF(),
6852             AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].blueF(),
6853             1.0);//AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].alphaF());
6854         rad=arad[atom.at(i).an];
6855         if (parthigh) {
6856           glEnable(GL_BLEND);
6857           QColor  pcolor=PartColor::color(atom.at(i).part);
6858           if (atom.at(i).part==666) pcolor.setAlpha(70);
6859           else pcolor.setAlpha(90);
6860           glColor4d(pcolor.redF(), pcolor.greenF(), pcolor.blueF(), pcolor.alphaF());
6862         }
6864         if ((highlightEquivalents)&&(!parthigh)&&(atom.at(i).symmGroup)) {
6865           glColor4d(qMin(1.0,(AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].redF()+0.1)   * 1.2),
6866               qMin(1.0,(AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].greenF()+0.1) * 1.2),
6867               qMin(1.0,(AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].blueF()+0.1)  * 1.2),
6868               1.0);
6869         }
6870         if ((atom.at(i).symmGroup)&&(atom.at(i).part<0)){
6871           glColor4d(AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].redF(),
6872               AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].greenF(),
6873               1.0,
6874               0.3);
6875           pminus=1;
6876           //myStyle|=ATOM_STYLE_NOADP;
6877         }
6878         myAdp=(myStyle&ATOM_STYLE_NOADP)?0:adp;
6879       }
6880       if (wire) {myStyle|=ATOM_STYLE_SPHERE;if (myStyle&ATOM_STYLE_SOLID)myStyle-=ATOM_STYLE_SOLID; }
6881       if (tubes){
6882         rad=bondStrength;
6883         if (atom.at(i).part==666) rad*=4.5;
6884         myAdp=0;
6885         nonPositiveDefinite=false;
6886       }
6887       if ((atom.at(i).an<0)||(atom.at(i).Label.startsWith('Q',Qt::CaseInsensitive))){
6888         glColor4d(1.0 ,0.7, 0.8 ,0.4);
6889         if (atom.at(i).an==-42) {//belos sit!
6890           if (beloColorByDefden) Farbverlauf(atom.at(i).sof,lmin,lmax);
6891           else glColor3d(beloColor.redF(),beloColor.greenF(),beloColor.blueF());
6892           //dodecaeder(rad);
6893           triacontaeder(beloRad);
6894         }
6895         else if (atom.at(i).an==-66) {//centroids
6896           rad*=2;
6897           glColor4d(0.6,0.3,0.1,0.3);
6898           dodecaeder(rad);
6899         }else{
6900           if((atom.at(i).an==-1)&&(!monoQrom)) Farbverlauf(atom.at(i).peakHeight, pmin, pmax);
6901           if (monoQrom) glColor3d(mQolor.redF(),mQolor.greenF(),mQolor.blueF());
6902           //      if (!wire)
6903           icosaeder(rad);
6904         }
6905       }
6906       else {
6907         if (myAdp){
6908           V3 ev=V3(0,0,0);
6909           double *arr=jacobi(atom.at(i).uc,ev);
6910           if ((ev.x>0)&&(ev.y>0)&&(ev.z>0)){
6911             nonPositiveDefinite=false;
6912             glRotated(Ato4d(arr));
6913             double psc=(parthigh)?1.1:1.0;
6914             if (atom.at(i).part==666) psc*=1.1;
6915             switch (proba ) {
6916               case 10 :{ glScaled(0.76*sqrt(ev.x)*psc,0.76*sqrt(ev.y)*psc,0.76*sqrt(ev.z)*psc);break;}   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 10% Wahrscheinlichkeit
6917               case 30 :{ glScaled(1.19*sqrt(ev.x)*psc,1.19*sqrt(ev.y)*psc,1.19*sqrt(ev.z)*psc);break;}   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 30% Wahrscheinlichkeit
6918               case 50 :{ glScaled(1.54*sqrt(ev.x)*psc,1.54*sqrt(ev.y)*psc,1.54*sqrt(ev.z)*psc);break;}   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 50% Wahrscheinlichkeit
6919               case 70 :{ glScaled(1.91*sqrt(ev.x)*psc,1.91*sqrt(ev.y)*psc,1.91*sqrt(ev.z)*psc);break;}   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 70% Wahrscheinlichkeit
6920               case 90 :{ glScaled(2.50*sqrt(ev.x)*psc,2.50*sqrt(ev.y)*psc,2.50*sqrt(ev.z)*psc);break;}   //Hauptachsen der Eliipsoide 90% Wahrscheinlichkeit
6921               default: ;
6922             }
6923           }else {nonPositiveDefinite=true;}
6924         }else{
6925           myStyle&=(ATOM_STYLE_SPHERE|ATOM_STYLE_NOADP);
6926           myStyle|=ATOM_STYLE_NOADP;
6927         }
6929         if (parthigh) {
6930           rad*=1.32;
6931           if (atom.at(i).part==666) rad*=1.2;
6932           glEnable(GL_BLEND);
6933           myStyle&=(ATOM_STYLE_SPHERE|ATOM_STYLE_NOADP);
6934           myStyle|=ATOM_STYLE_SPHERE;
6935           myStyle|=ATOM_STYLE_SOLID;
6937         }
6939         /*
6940 #define ATOM_STYLE_WALLS 1
6941 #define ATOM_STYLE_RINGS 2
6942 #define ATOM_STYLE_SPHERE 4
6943 #define ATOM_STYLE_SOLID 8
6944 #define ATOM_STYLE_WHITERING 16
6945 #define ATOM_STYLE_NOLABEL 32
6946 #define ATOM_STYLE_NOADP 64
6947 */
6952         int walls=((ATOM_STYLE_WALLS&myStyle))?1:0;
6954         //printf("style: %X walls %d %d\n",myStyle,walls,wire);
6955         if ((!wire)&&(myAdp)&&(walls)&&(!nonPositiveDefinite)) pappe();
6956         if (atom.at(i).an>-1) {
6957           if (myAdp&&intern) {
6958             if (!nonPositiveDefinite) sphere(myAdp,myStyle);
6959             else {
6960               cube(rad);
6961             }
6963           }
6964           else if ((!myAdp)||wire||parthigh){
6965             rad*=radScal;
6966             rad=fmax(rad,0.10);
6967             if (!myAdp) glScaled(rad,rad,rad);
6968             if (!nonPositiveDefinite) {
6969               if (wire)dratom =5;
6970               sphere(myAdp||pminus,myStyle);
6971             }
6972             else {
6973               cube(rad);
6974             }
6975           }
6976         }
6977         else
6978           icosaeder(rad);
6979       }
6980     }
6981     else{
6982       atom[i].hidden=0;
6983       if (dratom==76){
6984         glEnable(GL_BLEND);
6985         if (atom.at(i).an>=0) rad=arad[atom.at(i).an];
6986         glScaled(rad,rad,rad);
6987         if (atom.at(i).sg) glColor4d(0.7,0.5,0.2,0.7);
6988         else  glColor4d(0.2,0.5,0.7,0.7);
6989         sphere(0,myStyle);
6990         dratom=0;
6991         glColor4d(qMin(1.0,(AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].redF())   + ((atom.at(i).sg)?0.3:-0.3)),
6992             qMin(1.0,(AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].greenF()) ),
6993             qMin(1.0,(AtomColor[atom.at(i).an].blueF())  + ((atom.at(i).sg)?-0.3:0.3)),
6994             0.7);
6995         myStyle&=ATOM_STYLE_NOADP;
6996         myStyle|=ATOM_STYLE_SPHERE;
6997         myStyle|=ATOM_STYLE_SOLID;
6998         if (atom.at(i).an==-42) {
6999           glColor4d(0.8,0.6,0.1,0.8);
7000           triacontaeder(2.0);
7001         }else sphere(0,myStyle);
7002         dratom=76;
7003       } else sphere(0,myStyle);
7004     }
7005     glPopMatrix();
7006     if (parthigh) dratom=2;
7007   }
7008   g_Program->release();
7009   program_in_use=false;
7010 }
Farbverlauf(GLfloat wrt,GLfloat min,GLfloat max)7012 void Molecule::Farbverlauf (GLfloat wrt,GLfloat min,GLfloat max){
7013   if (min+0.001f>=max)max+=0.002f;
7014   GLclampd ff[4];
7015   int lauf=0;
7016   const GLclampd farbe[6][4]={{1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0},
7017     {1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0},
7018     {0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0},
7019     {0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0},
7020     {0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0},
7021     {1.0,0.0,1.0,1.0}};
7022   GLfloat nwrt = (wrt - min) / (max - min);
7023   nwrt=(nwrt >= 1.0f)?0.99999f:nwrt;
7024   nwrt=(nwrt <= 0.0f)?0.00001f:nwrt;
7025   lauf=(int (nwrt/0.2f));
7026   nwrt-=(0.2f*lauf);
7027   nwrt/=(0.2f);
7029   ff[0]=(1.0-nwrt)*farbe[lauf][0]+farbe[lauf+1][0]*nwrt;
7030   ff[1]=(1.0-nwrt)*farbe[lauf][1]+farbe[lauf+1][1]*nwrt;
7031   ff[2]=(1.0-nwrt)*farbe[lauf][2]+farbe[lauf+1][2]*nwrt;
7032   ff[3]=1.0;
7034   glColor4dv(ff);
7035   return;
7036 }
bonds(Connection bond)7038 void Molecule::bonds(Connection bond){
7039   /*! @params bond list of bonds to be drawn
7040    * draws bonds as cylinders with radius Molecule.bondStrength .
7041    * Bonds start and stop at the atom surface.
7042    */
7043   if (bond.isEmpty())return;
7044   GLfloat white[4]={0.2f, 0.2f, 0.3f, 0.0f};
7045   GLfloat black[4]={0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f};
7046   glDisable(GL_BLEND);
7047   glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
7048   glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, hbtex);
7049   //printf("Doing Bonds adp=%d proba=%d tubes%d\n",adp,proba,tubes);
7050   V3 vec,bondir;
7051   double kurz=0,ara1,ara2;
7052   double wink;
7053   bool parthigh=false;
7054   double psc=1.0;
7055   if (dratom==2) {
7056     dratom=0;
7057     parthigh=true;
7058     psc=1.32;
7059     glEnable(GL_BLEND);
7060     glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
7061     //    glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK,GL_LINE);
7062   }else{glDisable(GL_BLEND);}
7063   for (int i=0; i<bond.size();i++){
7064     if (bond.at(i).ato1->hidden) continue;
7065     if (bond.at(i).ato2->hidden) continue;
7066     if ((parthigh)&&((bond.at(i).ato1->part==0)||(bond.at(i).ato2->part==0))) continue;
7067     if ((parthigh)&&(((bond.at(i).ato1->part<0)&&(bond.at(i).ato1->symmGroup))||((bond.at(i).ato2->part<0)&&(bond.at(i).ato2->symmGroup)))) continue;
7068     if ((nopm1)&&(bond.at(i).ato1->symmGroup)&&(bond.at(i).ato1->part<0))continue;
7069     if ((nopm1)&&(bond.at(i).ato2->symmGroup)&&(bond.at(i).ato2->part<0))continue;
7070     if ((ATOM_STYLE_METAL&AtomStyle[bond.at(i).ato1->an])!=(ATOM_STYLE_METAL&AtomStyle[bond.at(i).ato2->an])){
7071       glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
7072     } else glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
7073     glColor4d(0.5,0.3,0.3,1.0);
7075     if (adp) {
7076       V3 hin=Normalize(bond.at(i).ato2->pos-bond.at(i).ato1->pos);
7077       double r=1;
7078       switch (proba){
7079         case 10:r=0.76;break;
7080         case 30:r=1.19;break;
7081         case 50:r=1.54;break;
7082         case 70:r=1.91;break;
7083         case 90:r=2.50;break;
7084       }
7085       ara1=sqrt((hin*bond.at(i).ato1->uc)*hin);
7086       ara1*=r;
7087       ara2=sqrt((hin*bond.at(i).ato2->uc)*hin);
7088       ara2*=r;
7089       //      printf("%s-%s %f %f %d %f\n",bond.at(i).ato1->Label.toStdString().c_str(),bond.at(i).ato2->Label.toStdString().c_str(),ara1, ara2, proba,r);
7090     }
7091     else{
7092       ara1=arad[bond.at(i).ato1->an];
7093       ara2=arad[bond.at(i).ato2->an];
7094     }
7095     if (((bond.at(i).ato1->symmGroup)&&(bond.at(i).ato1->part<0))||
7096         (ATOM_STYLE_NOADP&AtomStyle[bond.at(i).ato1->an])) ara1=arad[bond.at(i).ato1->an];
7097     if (((bond.at(i).ato2->symmGroup)&&(bond.at(i).ato2->part<0))||
7098         (ATOM_STYLE_NOADP&AtomStyle[bond.at(i).ato2->an])) ara2=arad[bond.at(i).ato2->an];
7099     if (tubes) ara1=ara2=bondStrength;
7100     if (bond.at(i).ato2->an>-1) {
7101       glColor4d(AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato2->an].redF(),
7102           AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato2->an].greenF(),
7103           AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato2->an].blueF(),
7104           AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato2->an].alphaF());
7105     }else{
7106       if (bond.at(i).ato1->an>-1) {
7107         glColor4d(AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato1->an].redF(),
7108             AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato1->an].greenF(),
7109             AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato1->an].blueF(),
7110             AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato1->an].alphaF());
7111       }
7112     }
7114     ara1=qMax(ara1,bondStrength);
7115     ara2=qMax(ara2,bondStrength);
7117     if ((highlightEquivalents)&&(bond.at(i).ato2->symmGroup|bond.at(i).ato1->symmGroup))
7118       glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION,white );
7119     else glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION,black );
7120     if ((bond.at(i).ato2->symmGroup|bond.at(i).ato1->symmGroup)&&((bond.at(i).ato2->part<0)||(bond.at(i).ato1->part<0))){
7121       //		    glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION,blue );
7122       glColor4d(AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato2->an].redF(),
7123           AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato2->an].greenF(),
7124           1.0,
7125           0.3);
7126       glEnable(GL_BLEND);
7127     }
7128     vec.x=(bond.at(i).ato2->pos.y-bond.at(i).ato1->pos.y);
7129     vec.y=(bond.at(i).ato1->pos.x-bond.at(i).ato2->pos.x);
7130     vec.z=0;
7131     if (Norm(vec)) vec=Normalize(vec);
7132     else vec=V3(0,1,0);
7133     bondir =V3(0,0,0);
7134     if (bondStrength<ara2)
7135       bondir= Normalize(bond.at(i).ato1->pos-bond.at(i).ato2->pos)*(0.9*sqrt((ara2*ara2)-bondStrength*bondStrength));
7136     kurz=sqrt(Norm(bondir));//  */
7137     //printf("%s--%s kurz %f len %f ara2 %f\n",bond.at(i).ato1->Label.toStdString().c_str(),bond.at(i).ato2->Label.toStdString().c_str(),kurz,bond.at(i).length,ara2);
7138     glPushMatrix();
7139     //    glTranslated (mitsav.x,mitsav.y,mitsav.z);
7140     glTranslated (
7141         bond.at(i).ato2->pos.x+bondir.x,
7142         bond.at(i).ato2->pos.y+bondir.y,
7143         bond.at(i).ato2->pos.z+bondir.z);//Anfangspunkt
7144     wink=acos(((bond.at(i).ato1->pos.z-bond.at(i).ato2->pos.z)/
7145           (sqrt((bond.at(i).ato1->pos.x-bond.at(i).ato2->pos.x)*(bond.at(i).ato1->pos.x-bond.at(i).ato2->pos.x)+
7146                 (bond.at(i).ato1->pos.y-bond.at(i).ato2->pos.y)*(bond.at(i).ato1->pos.y-bond.at(i).ato2->pos.y)+
7147                 (bond.at(i).ato1->pos.z-bond.at(i).ato2->pos.z)*(bond.at(i).ato1->pos.z-bond.at(i).ato2->pos.z)))))/M_PI*180.0;
7149     glRotated(wink,vec.x,vec.y,vec.z); // drehen
7150     if (parthigh) {
7151       glEnable(GL_BLEND);
7152       QColor  pcolor=PartColor::color(bond.at(i).ato1->part);
7153       pcolor.setAlpha(140);
7154       glColor4d(pcolor.redF(),
7155           pcolor.greenF(),
7156           pcolor.blueF(),
7157           pcolor.alphaF());
7159     }
7160     //if (trans) {glEnable(GL_BLEND);glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);}
7161     cylinder(bondStrength*psc, (float)(bond.at(i).length /2.0f -kurz));
7162     //if (trans) {glDisable(GL_BLEND);glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);}
7163     glPopMatrix();
7165     if (bond.at(i).ato1->an>-1){
7166       glColor4d(AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato1->an].redF(),
7167           AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato1->an].greenF(),
7168           AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato1->an].blueF(),
7169           AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato1->an].alphaF());
7171     }else {
7172       if (bond.at(i).ato2->an>-1){
7173         glColor4d(AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato2->an].redF(),
7174             AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato2->an].greenF(),
7175             AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato2->an].blueF(),
7176             AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato2->an].alphaF());
7177       }
7178     }
7179     if ((bond.at(i).ato2->symmGroup|bond.at(i).ato1->symmGroup)&&((bond.at(i).ato2->part<0)||(bond.at(i).ato1->part<0))){
7180       //		    glMaterialfv( GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_EMISSION,blue );
7181       if (bond.at(i).ato1->an>-1){
7182         glColor4d(AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato1->an].redF(),
7183             AtomColor[bond.at(i).ato1->an].greenF(),
7184             1.0,
7185             0.3);
7186       }
7187       glEnable(GL_BLEND);
7188     }
7190     vec.x=(bond.at(i).ato1->pos.y-bond.at(i).ato2->pos.y);
7191     vec.y=(bond.at(i).ato2->pos.x-bond.at(i).ato1->pos.x);
7192     vec.z=0;
7193     if (Norm(vec)) vec=Normalize(vec);
7194     else vec=V3(0,1,0);
7196     bondir =V3(0,0,0);
7197     if (bondStrength<ara1)
7198       bondir= Normalize(bond.at(i).ato2->pos-bond.at(i).ato1->pos)*(0.9*sqrt((ara1*ara1)-bondStrength*bondStrength));
7199     kurz=sqrt(Norm(bondir));// */
7200     glPushMatrix();
7201     //    glTranslated (mitsav.x,mitsav.y,mitsav.z);
7202     glTranslated (
7203         bond.at(i).ato1->pos.x+bondir.x,
7204         bond.at(i).ato1->pos.y+bondir.y,
7205         bond.at(i).ato1->pos.z+bondir.z);//Anfangspunkt
7206     wink=acos(((bond.at(i).ato2->pos.z-bond.at(i).ato1->pos.z)/
7207           (sqrt((bond.at(i).ato2->pos.x-bond.at(i).ato1->pos.x)*(bond.at(i).ato2->pos.x-bond.at(i).ato1->pos.x)+
7208                 (bond.at(i).ato2->pos.y-bond.at(i).ato1->pos.y)*(bond.at(i).ato2->pos.y-bond.at(i).ato1->pos.y)+
7209                 (bond.at(i).ato2->pos.z-bond.at(i).ato1->pos.z)*(bond.at(i).ato2->pos.z-bond.at(i).ato1->pos.z)))))/M_PI*180.0;
7210     glRotated(wink,vec.x,vec.y,vec.z); // drehen
7211     //if (trans) {glEnable(GL_BLEND);glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);}
7212     if (parthigh) {
7213       glEnable(GL_BLEND);
7214       QColor pcolor=PartColor::color(bond.at(i).ato2->part);
7215       pcolor.setAlpha(140);
7216       glColor4d(pcolor.redF(),
7217           pcolor.greenF(),
7218           pcolor.blueF(),
7219           pcolor.alphaF());
7221     }
7222     cylinder(bondStrength*psc, (float)bond.at(i).length/2.0f-kurz);
7224     glDisable(GL_BLEND);
7225     glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
7226     glPopMatrix();
7227   }
7229 }
h_bonds(Connection bond,CEnvironment atoms)7231 QString Molecule::h_bonds(Connection bond,CEnvironment atoms) {
7232   /*! calculates Hydrogen bonds and draws them as stippled cylinders
7233    * \returns a html table of the found H-bonds
7234    */
7235   if (atoms.isEmpty())return "";
7236   if (bond.isEmpty())return "";
7237   glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
7238   if (HAMax<0.01)return "";
7239   glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
7240   glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, hbtex);
7241   glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
7242   QString hbonds;
7243   double gg=0,kk=0,ll=0;
7244   double kurz=0,ara1,ara2;
7245   float wink,hb_wink;
7246   V3 vec,bondir;
7247   const MyAtom *Hyd,*Acc,*Don;//Wasserstoff Akzeptor und Donor
7248   hbonds.append("<h2>Hydrogen Bonds</h2><table border=1><tr><th>Donor---Hydrogen...Acceptor</th><th>Don--Hyd [&Aring;]</th><th> Hyd--Acc [&Aring;]</th><th>Don--Acc [&Aring;]</th><th>D--H-----A </th></tr>");
7249   for (int i=0;i<bond.size();i++) {
7250     if (((bond.at(i).ato1->an == 0)&&
7251           (bond.at(i).ato2->an >  5)&&
7252           (bond.at(i).ato2->an <  9))||
7253         ((bond.at(i).ato2->an == 0)&&
7254          (bond.at(i).ato1->an >  5)&&
7255          (bond.at(i).ato1->an <  9))) {
7256       Hyd=(bond.at(i).ato1->an==0)?bond.at(i).ato1:bond.at(i).ato2;
7257       Don=(bond.at(i).ato1->an==0)?bond.at(i).ato2:bond.at(i).ato1;
7258       for (int j=0; j<atoms.size();j++){
7259         if ((atoms.at(j).an<6)||(atoms.at(j).an>8)) continue;
7260         if ((Don->part!=0)&&(atoms.at(j).part!=0)&&(atoms.at(j).part!=Don->part)) continue;//acceptor may be in main part
7261         if ((Hyd->part!=0)&&(atoms.at(j).part!=0)&&(atoms.at(j).part!=Hyd->part)) continue;
7263         //printf("%d %d %d\n",bond.at(i).ato1->an,bond.at(i).ato2->an,atoms.at(j).an);
7264         Acc=&atoms.at(j);
7265         if (Acc==Don) continue;
7266         gg=sqrt( Distance(Hyd->pos,atoms.at(j).pos));
7269         if (gg<=HAMax){
7270           hb_wink=winkel(Acc->pos-Hyd->pos, Don->pos-Hyd->pos);
7271           /* printf("%s %s %s %f %f\n",bond.at(i).ato1->Label.toStdString().c_str(),
7272              bond.at(i).ato2->Label.toStdString().c_str(),
7273              atoms.at(j).Label.toStdString().c_str(),gg,hb_wink);*/
7274           if ((gg>=1.3)&&(fabs(hb_wink)>HAWink)) {//wenn AbstandRichtig
7275             ll=sqrt(Distance(Acc->pos,Don->pos));
7276             kk=sqrt(Distance(Don->pos,Hyd->pos));
7277             hbonds.append(QString("<tr><td>%1---%2...%3</td><td>%4</td><td>%5</td><td>%6</td><td>%7&deg;</td></tr>")
7278                 .arg(Don->Label)
7279                 .arg(Hyd->Label)
7280                 .arg(Acc->Label)
7281                 .arg(kk,6,'f',2)
7282                 .arg(gg,6,'f',2)
7283                 .arg(ll,6,'f',3)
7284                 .arg(hb_wink,5,'f',1));
7285             glPushMatrix();
7286             ara1=arad[0];
7287             ara2=arad[Acc->an];
7288             if (adp) {
7289               V3 hin=Normalize(bond.at(i).ato2->pos-bond.at(i).ato1->pos);
7290               double r=1;
7291               switch (proba){
7292                 case 10:r=0.76;break;
7293                 case 30:r=1.19;break;
7294                 case 50:r=1.54;break;
7295                 case 70:r=1.91;break;
7296                 case 90:r=2.50;break;
7297               }
7298               ara1=sqrt((hin*bond.at(i).ato1->uc)*hin);
7299               ara1*=r;
7300               ara2=sqrt((hin*bond.at(i).ato2->uc)*hin);
7301               ara2*=r;
7302               //      printf("%s-%s %f %f %d %f\n",bond.at(i).ato1->Label.toStdString().c_str(),bond.at(i).ato2->Label.toStdString().c_str(),ara1, ara2, proba,r);
7303             }
7304             if (ATOM_STYLE_NOADP&AtomStyle[bond.at(i).ato1->an])ara1=arad[0];
7305             if (ATOM_STYLE_NOADP&AtomStyle[bond.at(i).ato2->an])ara2=arad[Acc->an];
7306             if (tubes) ara1=ara2=bondStrength;
7307             bondir =V3(0,0,0);
7308             if (bondStrength<ara2)
7309               bondir= Normalize(Hyd->pos-Acc->pos)*(1.2*sqrt((ara2*ara2)-bondStrength*bondStrength));
7310             if (bondStrength<ara1)
7311               kurz=(1.2*sqrt((ara1*ara1)-bondStrength*bondStrength)+1.2*sqrt(ara2*ara2)-bondStrength*bondStrength);//  */
7312             else kurz=0;
7313             glTranslated(Acc->pos.x+bondir.x,Acc->pos.y+bondir.y,Acc->pos.z+bondir.z);//z
7314             vec=kreuzX(Hyd->pos.x-Acc->pos.x,
7315                 Hyd->pos.y-Acc->pos.y,
7316                 Hyd->pos.z-Acc->pos.z,
7317                 0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
7318             wink=acos(((Hyd->pos.z-Acc->pos.z)/
7319                   (sqrt((Acc->pos.x-Hyd->pos.x)*(Acc->pos.x-Hyd->pos.x)+
7320                         (Acc->pos.y-Hyd->pos.y)*(Acc->pos.y-Hyd->pos.y)+
7321                         (Acc->pos.z-Hyd->pos.z)*(Acc->pos.z-Hyd->pos.z)))))/M_PI*180.0;
7322             //printf("%f %f %f %f\n",wink, vec.x, vec.y, vec.z);
7323             glRotatef(wink, vec.x, vec.y, vec.z); // drehen
7324             //if (!adp)
7325             if (gg>2.0) glColor4f(1.f,0.6f,0.f,1.f);	else glColor4f(1.f,1.f,0.f,1.f);
7326             cylinder(bondStrength*0.85, (float)gg-kurz);
7328             glPopMatrix();
7329           }
7330         }
7331       }
7332     }
7333   }
7334   //glDisable( GL_BLEND);
7335   glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
7337   glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
7338   glEnable(   GL_CULL_FACE);
7339   if (hbonds.contains("deg;")) hbonds.append("</table><br>");
7340   else hbonds.clear();
7341   return hbonds;
7342 }
h_bonds2(Connection bond,CEnvironment atoms)7344 void Molecule::h_bonds2(Connection bond,CEnvironment atoms) {
7345   /*! calculates Hydrogen bonds and draws them as stippled cylinders
7346   */
7347   if (bond.isEmpty())return;
7348   glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE);
7349   if (HAMax<0.01)return ;
7350   glEnable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
7351   glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, hbtex);
7352   glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
7353   double gg=0;//,kk=0,ll=0;
7354   double kurz=0,ara1,ara2;
7355   float wink,hb_wink;
7356   V3 vec,bondir;
7357   MyBond hbond;
7358   theH_Bonds.clear();
7359   const MyAtom *Hyd,*Acc,*Don;//Wasserstoff Akzeptor und Donor
7360   for (int i=0;i<bond.size();i++) {
7361     if (((bond.at(i).ato1->an == 0)&&(canbeDonor(bond.at(i).ato2->an)))||
7362         ((bond.at(i).ato2->an == 0)&&(canbeDonor(bond.at(i).ato1->an)))) {
7363       Hyd=(bond.at(i).ato1->an==0)?bond.at(i).ato1:bond.at(i).ato2;
7364       int iHyd=(bond.at(i).ato1->an==0)?bond.at(i).a1:bond.at(i).a2;
7365       Don=(bond.at(i).ato1->an==0)?bond.at(i).ato2:bond.at(i).ato1;
7366       for (int j=0; j<atoms.size();j++){
7367         if (!canbeAcceptor(atoms.at(j).an)) continue;
7368         if ((Don->part!=0)&&(atoms.at(j).part!=0)&&((bindPart.key(Don->part)==atoms.at(j).part)||
7369               (bindPart.value(Don->part)==atoms.at(j).part)));
7370         else if ((Don->part!=0)&&(atoms.at(j).part!=0)&&(atoms.at(j).part!=Don->part)) continue;//acceptor may be in main part
7371         if ((Hyd->part!=0)&&(atoms.at(j).part!=0)&&((bindPart.key(Hyd->part)==atoms.at(j).part)||
7372               (bindPart.value(Hyd->part)==atoms.at(j).part)));
7373         else if ((Hyd->part!=0)&&(atoms.at(j).part!=0)&&(atoms.at(j).part!=Hyd->part)) continue;
7375         //printf("%d %d %d\n",bond.at(i).ato1->an,bond.at(i).ato2->an,atoms.at(j).an);
7376         Acc=&atoms.at(j);
7377         if (Acc==Don) continue;
7378         gg=sqrt( Distance(Hyd->pos,atoms.at(j).pos));
7381         if (gg<=HAMax){
7382           hb_wink=winkel(Acc->pos-Hyd->pos, Don->pos-Hyd->pos);
7383           /* printf("%s %s %s %f %f\n",bond.at(i).ato1->Label.toStdString().c_str(),
7384              bond.at(i).ato2->Label.toStdString().c_str(),
7385              atoms.at(j).Label.toStdString().c_str(),gg,hb_wink);*/
7386           if ((gg>=1.3)&&(fabs(hb_wink)>HAWink)) {//wenn AbstandRichtig
7387             //ll=sqrt(Distance(Acc->pos,Don->pos));
7388             //kk=sqrt(Distance(Don->pos,Hyd->pos));
7389             glPushMatrix();
7390             ara1=arad[0];
7391             ara2=arad[Acc->an];
7392             if (adp) {
7393               V3 hin=Normalize(bond.at(i).ato2->pos-bond.at(i).ato1->pos);
7394               double r=1;
7395               switch (proba){
7396                 case 10:r=0.76;break;
7397                 case 30:r=1.19;break;
7398                 case 50:r=1.54;break;
7399                 case 70:r=1.91;break;
7400                 case 90:r=2.50;break;
7401               }
7402               ara1=sqrt((hin*bond.at(i).ato1->uc)*hin);
7403               ara1*=r;
7404               ara2=sqrt((hin*bond.at(i).ato2->uc)*hin);
7405               ara2*=r;
7406               //      printf("%s-%s %f %f %d %f\n",bond.at(i).ato1->Label.toStdString().c_str(),bond.at(i).ato2->Label.toStdString().c_str(),ara1, ara2, proba,r);
7407             }
7408             if (ATOM_STYLE_NOADP&AtomStyle[bond.at(i).ato1->an])ara1=arad[0];
7409             if (ATOM_STYLE_NOADP&AtomStyle[bond.at(i).ato2->an])ara2=arad[Acc->an];
7410             if (tubes) ara1=ara2=bondStrength;
7411             bondir =V3(0,0,0);
7412             if (bondStrength<ara2)
7413               bondir= Normalize(Hyd->pos-Acc->pos)*(1.2*sqrt((ara2*ara2)-bondStrength*bondStrength));
7414             if (bondStrength<ara1)
7415               kurz=(1.2*sqrt((ara1*ara1)-bondStrength*bondStrength)+1.2*sqrt(ara2*ara2)-bondStrength*bondStrength);//  */
7416             else kurz=0;
7417             glTranslated(Acc->pos.x+bondir.x,Acc->pos.y+bondir.y,Acc->pos.z+bondir.z);//z
7418             vec=kreuzX(Hyd->pos.x-Acc->pos.x,
7419                 Hyd->pos.y-Acc->pos.y,
7420                 Hyd->pos.z-Acc->pos.z,
7421                 0.0f,0.0f,1.0f);
7422             wink=acos(((Hyd->pos.z-Acc->pos.z)/
7423                   (sqrt((Acc->pos.x-Hyd->pos.x)*(Acc->pos.x-Hyd->pos.x)+
7424                         (Acc->pos.y-Hyd->pos.y)*(Acc->pos.y-Hyd->pos.y)+
7425                         (Acc->pos.z-Hyd->pos.z)*(Acc->pos.z-Hyd->pos.z)))))/M_PI*180.0;
7426             //printf("%f %f %f %f\n",wink, vec.x, vec.y, vec.z);
7427             glRotatef(wink, vec.x, vec.y, vec.z); // drehen
7428             //if (!adp)
7429             if (gg>2.0) glColor4f(1.f,0.6f,0.f,1.f);	else glColor4f(1.f,1.f,0.f,1.f);
7430             cylinder(bondStrength*0.85, (float)gg-kurz);
7432             glPopMatrix();
7434             hbond.a1=iHyd;
7435             hbond.a2=j;
7436             hbond.ato1=Hyd;
7437             hbond.ato2=Acc;
7438             hbond.length=gg;
7439             if (!theH_Bonds.contains(hbond)) theH_Bonds.append(hbond);
7440           }
7441         }
7442       }
7443     }
7444   }
7445   //glDisable( GL_BLEND);
7446   glDisable(GL_ALPHA_TEST);
7448   glDisable(GL_TEXTURE_2D);
7449   glEnable(   GL_CULL_FACE);
7450 }
hirsh(Connection bond)7452 void Molecule::hirsh(Connection bond){
7453   return;
7454   V3 hin;
7455   //  double zab,zba;
7456   for (int i=0; i<bond.size();i++){
7457     hin=Normalize(bond.at(i).ato2->pos-bond.at(i).ato1->pos);
7458     //    zab=(hin*bond.at(i).ato1->uc)*hin;
7459     //    zba=(hin*bond.at(i).ato2->uc)*hin;
7460     /*    printf("%-9s = %-9s zab %g zba %g  %g\n",
7461           bond.at(i).ato1->Label.toStdString().c_str(),
7462           bond.at(i).ato2->Label.toStdString().c_str(),
7463           zab,zba,fabs(zab-zba)*1000);*/
7464   }
7465 }
lbond()7467 void Molecule::lbond(){
7468   /*! draws line bonds from lbonds list.
7469   */
7470   if (lbonds.isEmpty())return;
7471   glPushMatrix();
7472   glEnable(GL_BLEND);
7473   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
7474   glBegin(GL_LINES);
7475   glColor3f(0.5f,0.3f,0.3f);
7476   for (int i=0; i<lbonds.size();i++)
7477     if (lbonds.at(i).ato1->hidden+lbonds.at(i).ato2->hidden==0){
7478       glVertex3d(lbonds.at(i).ato1->pos.x,lbonds.at(i).ato1->pos.y,lbonds.at(i).ato1->pos.z);
7479       glVertex3d(lbonds.at(i).ato2->pos.x,lbonds.at(i).ato2->pos.y,lbonds.at(i).ato2->pos.z);
7480     }
7481   glEnd();
7482   glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
7483   glDisable(GL_BLEND);
7484   glPopMatrix();
7486 }
dbond(Connection bond,int ccod)7488 void Molecule::dbond(Connection bond,int ccod){
7489   /*! draws line bonds from bond list .
7490   */
7491   if (bond.isEmpty())return;
7492   glPushMatrix();
7493   glEnable(GL_BLEND);
7494   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
7495   glLineWidth((ccod==76)?6.f:3.f);
7496   glBegin(GL_LINES);
7497   glColor3f(0.0,0.0,0.0);
7498   for (int i=0; i<bond.size();i++)
7499     if ((bond.at(i).ato1!=nullptr)&&(bond.at(i).ato2!=nullptr)){
7500       if (ccod==76){
7501         if (bond.at(i).ato1->sg) glColor4d(0.7,0.5,0.2,0.7);
7502         else  glColor4d(0.2,0.5,0.7,0.7);
7503       }
7504       if (bond.at(i).ato1->hidden+bond.at(i).ato2->hidden==0){
7505         glVertex3d(bond.at(i).ato1->pos.x,bond.at(i).ato1->pos.y,bond.at(i).ato1->pos.z);
7506         glVertex3d(bond.at(i).ato2->pos.x,bond.at(i).ato2->pos.y,bond.at(i).ato2->pos.z);
7507       }
7508     }
7509   glEnd();
7510   glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
7511   glDisable(GL_BLEND);
7512   glLineWidth(1.0f);
7513   glPopMatrix();
7515 }
unitCell()7517 void Molecule::unitCell(){
7518   /*!draws a unit cell box
7519    *
7520    * */
7521   V3 uz0f,uz1f,uz2f,uz3f,uz4f,uz5f,uz6f,uz7f;
7522   V3 uz0k,uz1k,uz2k,uz3k,uz4k,uz5k,uz6k,uz7k;
7523   uz0f.x=0.0;  uz0f.y=0.0;  uz0f.z=0.0;
7524   uz1f.x=1.0;  uz1f.y=0.0;  uz1f.z=0.0;
7525   uz2f.x=0.0;  uz2f.y=1.0;  uz2f.z=0.0;
7526   uz3f.x=0.0;  uz3f.y=0.0;  uz3f.z=1.0;
7527   uz4f.x=1.0;  uz4f.y=1.0;  uz4f.z=0.0;
7528   uz5f.x=1.0;  uz5f.y=0.0;  uz5f.z=1.0;
7529   uz6f.x=0.0;  uz6f.y=1.0;  uz6f.z=1.0;
7530   uz7f.x=1.0;  uz7f.y=1.0;  uz7f.z=1.0;
7531   frac2kart(uz0f,uz0k);
7532   frac2kart(uz1f,uz1k);
7533   frac2kart(uz2f,uz2k);
7534   frac2kart(uz3f,uz3k);
7535   frac2kart(uz4f,uz4k);
7536   frac2kart(uz5f,uz5k);
7537   frac2kart(uz6f,uz6k);
7538   frac2kart(uz7f,uz7k);
7539   glEnable(GL_BLEND);
7540   glDisable(GL_LIGHTING);
7541   glLineWidth(2);
7542   glPushMatrix();
7543   glBegin(GL_LINES);
7544   glColor4f(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0);
7545   glVertex3d(uz0k.x,uz0k.y,uz0k.z);
7546   glVertex3d(uz1k.x,uz1k.y,uz1k.z);
7548   glColor4f(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f,1.0);
7549   glVertex3d(uz0k.x,uz0k.y,uz0k.z);
7550   glVertex3d(uz2k.x,uz2k.y,uz2k.z);
7552   glColor4f(0.0f,0.0f,1.0f,1.0);
7553   glVertex3d(uz0k.x,uz0k.y,uz0k.z);
7554   glVertex3d(uz3k.x,uz3k.y,uz3k.z);
7556   glColor4f(0.6f,0.6f,0.8f,1.0);
7557   glVertex3d(uz1k.x,uz1k.y,uz1k.z);
7558   glVertex3d(uz4k.x,uz4k.y,uz4k.z);
7560   glVertex3d(uz1k.x,uz1k.y,uz1k.z);
7561   glVertex3d(uz5k.x,uz5k.y,uz5k.z);
7563   glVertex3d(uz2k.x,uz2k.y,uz2k.z);
7564   glVertex3d(uz4k.x,uz4k.y,uz4k.z);
7566   glVertex3d(uz2k.x,uz2k.y,uz2k.z);
7567   glVertex3d(uz6k.x,uz6k.y,uz6k.z);
7569   glVertex3d(uz3k.x,uz3k.y,uz3k.z);
7570   glVertex3d(uz5k.x,uz5k.y,uz5k.z);
7572   glVertex3d(uz3k.x,uz3k.y,uz3k.z);
7573   glVertex3d(uz6k.x,uz6k.y,uz6k.z);
7575   glVertex3d(uz7k.x,uz7k.y,uz7k.z);
7576   glVertex3d(uz5k.x,uz5k.y,uz5k.z);
7578   glVertex3d(uz7k.x,uz7k.y,uz7k.z);
7579   glVertex3d(uz4k.x,uz4k.y,uz4k.z);
7581   glVertex3d(uz7k.x,uz7k.y,uz7k.z);
7582   glVertex3d(uz6k.x,uz6k.y,uz6k.z);
7584   glEnd();
7585   glPopMatrix();
7586   glLineWidth(1);
7587   glEnable(GL_LIGHTING);
7588   glDisable(GL_BLEND);
7589 }
Uf2Uo(const Matrix x,Matrix & y)7591 void Molecule::Uf2Uo(const Matrix x, Matrix & y) {
7592   /*! Turns fractional Uij's into cartesinan based Uij's.
7593    * @param[in] x fractional Uij matrix.
7594    * @param[out] y cartesinan Uij matrix.
7595    */
7596   Matrix o,a,w;   /*Cholesky decomposition of the real space Metric tensor
7597                     Wird fuer die Umrechnung von fraktionellen in kartesischen Korrdinaten benoetigt.*/
7598   a.m11 =cell.as;
7599   a.m12 = 0;
7600   a.m13 = 0;
7601   a.m21 = 0;
7602   a.m22 = cell.bs;
7603   a.m23 = 0;
7604   a.m31 = 0;
7605   a.m32 = 0;
7606   a.m33 = cell.cs;
7607   w=(a*x)*a;
7608   o.m11 =cell.a;
7609   o.m12 = 0.0;
7610   o.m13 = 0.0;
7611   o.m21 = cell.b*cell.cosga;
7612   o.m22 = cell.b*cell.singa;
7613   o.m23 = 0.0;
7614   o.m31 = cell.c* cell.cosbe;
7615   o.m32 = cell.tau;
7616   o.m33 = cell.c* cell.phi / cell.singa ;
7617   //  Matrix to=;
7618   y=(o*w)*transponse(o);
7619   /*  printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f\n",
7620       o.m11,o.m12,o.m13,o.m21,o.m22,o.m23,o.m31,o.m32,o.m33,
7621       to.m11,to.m21,to.m31,to.m12,to.m22,to.m32,to.m13,to.m23,to.m33,
7622       x.m11,x.m12,x.m13,x.m21,x.m22,x.m23,x.m31,x.m32,x.m33,
7623       w.m11,w.m12,w.m13,w.m21,w.m22,w.m23,w.m31,w.m32,w.m33
7624       );*/
7625   //  printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f\n",y.m11*10000,y.m22*10000,y.m33*10000,y.m12*10000,y.m13*10000,y.m23*10000);//		  */
7626 }
Usym(Matrix x,Matrix sym,Matrix & y)7628 void Molecule::Usym (Matrix x,Matrix sym, Matrix & y){
7629   /*! Applies the symmetry matrix sym to Uij's
7630    * @param[in] x Uij matrix.
7631    * @param[in] sym symmtry matrix.
7632    * @param[out] y resulting Uij matrix.
7633    */
7634   //y=(transponse(sym)*x)*sym;
7635   y=(sym*x)*transponse(sym);
7636 }
USymCode(Matrix x,int scod,Matrix & y)7638 void Molecule::USymCode(Matrix x,int scod, Matrix & y){
7639   int s = scod / 1000;
7640   y=(cell.symmops.at(s)*x)*transponse(cell.symmops.at(s));
7641 }
7643 //void Molecule::
7645 #define ROTATE(a,i,j,k,l) g=a[i][j];h=a[k][l];a[i][j]=g-s*(h+g*tau); a[k][l]=h+s*(g-h*tau);
7646 //NumericalRecepies....
jacobi(const Matrix & uij,V3 & ev)7647 double * Molecule::jacobi(const Matrix &uij, V3 &ev) {
7648   int j,iq,ip,i,n=3,nrot;
7649   double tresh=0,theta,tau,t,sm,s,h,g,c;
7650   double a[3][3],b[3],z[3],v[3][3],d[3];
7651   a[0][0]=uij.m11;
7652   a[0][1]=uij.m12;
7653   a[0][2]=uij.m13;
7654   a[1][0]=uij.m21;
7655   a[1][1]=uij.m22;
7656   a[1][2]=uij.m23;
7657   a[2][0]=uij.m31;
7658   a[2][1]=uij.m32;
7659   a[2][2]=uij.m33;
7660   /*    printf("%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n"
7661         ,a[0][0],a[1][0],a[2][0]
7662         ,a[0][1],a[1][1],a[2][1]
7663         ,a[0][2],a[1][2],a[2][2]);*/
7664   static double erg[4]={0.0,1.0,0.0,0.0};
7665   for (ip=1;ip<=n;ip++) {
7666     for (iq=1;iq<=n;iq++) v[ip-1][iq-1]=0.0;
7667     v[ip-1][ip-1]=1.0;
7668   }
7669   for (ip=1;ip<=n;ip++) {
7670     b[ip-1]=d[ip-1]=a[ip-1][ip-1];
7671     z[ip-1]=0.0;
7672   }
7673   nrot=0;
7674   for (i=1;i<=150;i++) {
7675     sm=0.0;
7676     for (ip=1;ip<=n-1;ip++) {
7677       for (iq=ip+1;iq<=n;iq++)
7678         sm += fabs(a[ip-1][iq-1]);
7679     }
7681     //printf("sm =%20.19f\n",sm);
7683     if (float(sm) < tresh) {
7684       if ((v[0][0]+v[1][1]+v[2][2])!=3.0) {
7685         erg[0]=acos((v[0][0]+v[1][1]+v[2][2]-1.0)/2.0);
7686         erg[1]=(v[2][1]-v[1][2])/(2.0*sin(erg[0]));
7687         erg[2]=(v[0][2]-v[2][0])/(2.0*sin(erg[0]));
7688         erg[3]=(v[1][0]-v[0][1])/(2.0*sin(erg[0]));
7689         erg[0]*=180.0/M_PI;}
7690       else {erg[0]=0.0;erg[1]=1.0;erg[2]=0.0;erg[3]=0.0; }
7691       //printf("%d??ERG:%f %f %f %f\n",i,Ato4d(erg));
7692       /*
7693          printf("=%d======================================\n%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f \n%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f \n%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f \n%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f\n========================================\n",i,
7694          d[0],d[1],d[2],v[0][0],v[0][1],v[0][2]
7695          ,v[1][0],v[1][1],v[1][2]
7696          ,v[2][0],v[2][1],v[2][2]
7697          );*/
7698       ev=V3(d[0],d[1],d[2]);
7699       /*    printf("\n%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n%12.6f %12.6f %12.6f\n"
7700             ,v[0][0],v[1][0],v[2][0]
7701             ,v[0][1],v[1][1],v[2][1]
7702             ,v[0][2],v[1][2],v[2][2]);
7703             if ((ev.x>0)&&(ev.y>0)&&(ev.z>0)){;}else{
7704             printf("NPD: %g %g %g \n",d[0],d[1],d[2]);
7705             }*/
7706       return (double*) erg;
7707     }
7708     if (i < 4) tresh=0.00001;
7709     else tresh=0.0001;
7710     for (ip=1;ip<=n-1;ip++) {
7711       for (iq=ip+1;iq<=n;iq++) {
7712         //printf("\np:%i q:%i i:%i nrot:%i\n",ip,iq,i,nrot);
7713         g=100.0*fabs(a[ip-1][iq-1]);
7714         if ((i > 4) && ((fabs(d[ip-1])+g) == fabs(d[ip-1])) && ((fabs(d[iq-1])+g) == fabs(d[iq-1]))) {a[ip-1][iq-1]=0.0;}
7715         else if (fabs(a[ip-1][iq-1]) >= tresh) {
7716           h=d[iq-1]-d[ip-1];
7717           if ((fabs(h)+g) == fabs(h)) {t=(a[ip-1][iq-1])/h; }
7718           else { theta=0.5*h/(a[ip-1][iq-1]);
7719             t=1.0/(fabs(theta)+sqrt(1.0+theta*theta));
7720             if (theta < 0.0) {t = -1.0*t;}
7721           }
7722           c=1.0/sqrt(1+t*t);
7723           s=t*c;
7724           tau=s/(1.0+c);
7725           h=t*a[ip-1][iq-1];
7726           z[ip-1] -= h;
7727           z[iq-1] += h;
7728           d[ip-1] -= h;
7729           d[iq-1] += h;
7730           a[ip-1][iq-1]=0.0;
7731           for (j=1;j<=ip-1;j++) {
7732             ROTATE(a,j-1,ip-1,j-1,iq-1)
7733               //printf("%i %i %i %i",j,ip,j,iq);
7734           }
7735           for (j=ip+1;j<=iq-1;j++) {
7736             ROTATE(a,ip-1,j-1,j-1,iq-1)
7737               //printf("%i %i %i %i ",ip,j,j,iq);
7738           }
7739           for (j=iq+1;j<=n;j++) {
7740             ROTATE(a,ip-1,j-1,iq-1,j-1)
7741               //printf("%i %i %i %i",ip,j,iq,j);
7742           }
7743           for (j=1;j<=n;j++) {
7744             ROTATE(v,j-1,ip-1,j-1,iq-1)
7745           }
7746           ++(nrot);
7747           //    printf("U|\n%f %f %f  \n%f %f %f\n%f %f %f\nV|\n%f %f %f  \n%f %f %f\n%f %f %f\n\n",a[0][0],a[1][0],a[2][0],a[0][1],a[1][1],a[2][1],a[0][2],a[1][2],a[2][2],v[0][0],v[1][0],v[2][0],v[0][1],v[1][1],v[2][1],v[0][2],v[1][2],v[2][2]);
7748         } //else ;//printf("nix:%f p%i q%i",fabs(a[ip-1][iq-1]),ip,iq);
7749       }
7750     }
7751     for (ip=1;ip<=n;ip++) {
7752       b[ip-1] += z[ip-1];
7753       d[ip-1] =b[ip-1];
7754       z[ip-1] =0.0;
7755     }
7756   }
7757   erg[0]=acos((v[0][0]+v[1][1]+v[2][2]-1.0)/2.0);
7758   if (erg[0]==0) {
7759     erg[1]=1.0;
7760     erg[2]=0.0;
7761     erg[3]=0.0;
7762   }else{
7763     erg[1]=(v[2][1]-v[1][2])/(2.0*sin(erg[0]));
7764     erg[2]=(v[0][2]-v[2][0])/(2.0*sin(erg[0]));
7765     erg[3]=(v[1][0]-v[0][1])/(2.0*sin(erg[0]));
7766     erg[0]*=180.0/M_PI;
7767   }
7768   /*printf("=%d=======================================\n%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f \n%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f \n%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f \n%8.5f %8.5f %8.5f\n========================================\n",i,
7769     d[0],d[1],d[2],v[0][0],v[0][1],v[0][2]
7770     ,v[1][0],v[1][1],v[1][2]
7771     ,v[2][0],v[2][1],v[2][2]
7773     );*/
7774   ev=V3(d[0],d[1],d[2]);
7775   /* if ((ev.x>0)&&(ev.y>0)&&(ev.z>0)){;}else{
7776      printf("NPD: %g %g %g \n",d[0],d[1],d[2]);
7777      }*/
7778   return (double*)erg;
7779 }
fuse()7781 void Molecule::fuse(){
7782   /*! reduces the showatoms list to the asymmetric unit.
7783    * */
7784   HumanSymmetry=QString("Used Symmetry:<br>%1").arg(symmcode2human(QStringList()));
7785   usedSymmetry.clear();
7786   //printf("FUSE\n");
7787   showatoms.clear();
7788   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){
7789     showatoms.append(asymm[i]);
7790     showatoms[i].molindex=asymm[i].molindex;
7791   }
7792   showbonds.clear();
7793   showbonds=connecting(showatoms);
7794 }
grow()7796 void Molecule::grow(){
7797   /*! completes covalent bound molecule fragments.
7798    *
7799    * */
7800   showatoms.clear();
7801   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){
7802     showatoms.append(asymm[i]);
7803     showatoms[i].molindex=asymm[i].molindex;
7804   }
7805   showbonds.clear();
7806   QStringList brauchSymm;
7807   QString bs;
7808   brauchSymm.clear();
7809   V3 prime,dp,D,floorD;
7810   double dk,dddd;
7811   for (int k =0; k<sdm.size();k++){
7812     if ((sdm.at(k).covalent)||(growQPeak)){
7813       if (!(growQPeak)&&(asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].molindex<1)) continue;
7814       for (int n=0;n<cell.symmops.size();  n++){
7815         if (((asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].part!=0)&&(asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].part!=0)&&(asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].part!=asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].part)))continue;
7816         if ((asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].an==asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].an)&&(asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].an==0)) continue;
7817         prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].frac + cell.trans.at(n);
7818         D=prime - asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].frac+ V3(0.5,0.5,0.5) ;
7819         floorD=V3(floor(D.x),floor(D.y),floor(D.z));
7820         dp=D - floorD - V3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
7821         if ((n==0)&&(V3(0,0,0)==floorD)) continue;
7822         dk=fl(dp.x,dp.y,dp.z);
7823         //printf ("%f n%d\n",dk,n);
7824         dddd=(sdm.at(k).covalent)?(sdm.at(k).d+0.2):0;
7825         // an<0 means hydrogen atom (this is a hydrogen contact):
7826         if ((asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].an<0)&&(asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].an<0)) dddd=1.8;//||
7827         if ( (dk>0.001)&&(dddd>=dk)) {
7828           bs=QString("%1_%2%3%4:%5,").arg(n+1).arg(5-(int)floorD.x).arg(5-(int)floorD.y).arg(5-(int)floorD.z).arg(asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].molindex);
7829           //	     printf("%s %s %g %g\n",asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].Label.toStdString().c_str(),asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].Label.toStdString().c_str(),sdm.at(k).d,dddd);
7830           //             printf("(grow)%s\n",bs.toStdString().c_str());
7831           if  ((!brauchSymm.contains(bs))) {
7832             brauchSymm.append(bs);
7833           }
7834         }
7835       }
7836     }
7837   }
7838   for (int i=0; i<bindatoms.size(); i++){
7839     MyAtom a1, a2;
7840     bool bo=false;
7841     int sy1=-1,sy2=-1;
7842     if (bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.contains("_$"))sy1=bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.section("_$",1,1).toInt(&bo);
7843     if (bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.contains("_$"))sy2=bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.section("_$",1,1).toInt(&bo);
7844     bo=false;
7845     if (bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.contains('_'))a1.resiNr=bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.section('_',1,1).toInt(&bo);
7846     if (!bo) a1.resiNr=-1;
7847     if (bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.contains('_'))a2.resiNr=bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.section('_',1,1).toInt(&bo);
7848     if (!bo)a2.resiNr=-1;
7849     a1.Label = bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.section('_',0,0);
7850     a2.Label = bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.section('_',0,0);
7851     int frag1=0,frag2=0;
7852     for (int ii=0; ii<asymm.size();ii++){
7853       if ((a1.resiNr>-1)&& (asymm[ii].resiNr!=a1.resiNr)) continue;
7854       if ((a2.resiNr>-1)&& (asymm[ii].resiNr!=a2.resiNr)) continue;
7855       if (asymm[ii].Label.section('_',0,0).toUpper() == a1.Label.toUpper()){
7856         frag1=asymm[ii].molindex;
7857       }
7858       if (asymm[ii].Label.section('_',0,0).toUpper() == a2.Label.toUpper()){
7859         frag2=asymm[ii].molindex;
7860       }
7861     }
7862     QString ss;
7863     QList<Matrix> smm;
7864     QList<V3> tmm;
7865     int syy1=-1;
7866     if (sy1>-1) syy1=labelEQIV.indexOf(QString("$%1").arg(sy1));
7867     if (syy1>-1) {
7868       smm.append(symmopsEQIV.at(syy1));
7869       tmm.append(transEQIV.at(syy1));
7870     }
7871     int syy2=-1;
7872     if (sy2>-1) syy2=labelEQIV.indexOf(QString("$%1").arg(sy2));
7873     if (syy2>-1) {
7874       smm.append(symmopsEQIV.at(syy2));
7875       tmm.append(transEQIV.at(syy2));
7876     }
7877     for (int ui=0; ui<smm.size(); ui++){
7878       if (cell.symmops.contains(smm.at(ui))) {
7879         V3 r;
7880         r.x=fmod(tmm.at(ui).x+10,1.0);
7881         r.y=fmod(tmm.at(ui).y+10,1.0);
7882         r.z=fmod(tmm.at(ui).z+10,1.0);
7884         for (int is=0; is<cell.symmops.size();is++){
7885           if ((cell.symmops.at(is)==smm.at(ui))&&(cell.trans.at(is)==r))
7886             for (int yi=1; yi<=5; yi++){
7887               ss=QString("%1_%2%3%4:%5,")
7888                 .arg(is+1)
7889                 .arg((int)(tmm.at(ui).x-r.x) +5)
7890                 .arg((int)(tmm.at(ui).y-r.y) +5)
7891                 .arg((int)(tmm.at(ui).z-r.z) +5)
7892                 .arg(((sy1>-1)&&(!ui))?frag1:frag2);
7893               if  (!brauchSymm.contains(ss)) {
7894                 brauchSymm.append(ss);
7895                 eqivMap[labelEQIV.at(((sy1>-1)&&(!ui))?sy1-1:sy2-1)]=brauchSymm.size();
7896                 //  printf("%d ==> %d %s\n",sy2-1, brauchSymm.size(),labelEQIV.at(((sy1>-1)&&(!ui))?sy1-1:sy2-1).toStdString().c_str());
7897               }
7898             }
7899         }
7900       }
7901     }
7902   }
7904   /*  for (int i=0; i<sdm.size();i++){
7905       if ((sdm.at(i).sn==0)&&(V3(0,0,0)==sdm.at(i).floorD)) continue;
7906       double dddd=((Kovalenz_Radien[asymm[sdm.at(i).a1].an]+ Kovalenz_Radien[asymm[sdm.at(i).a2].an])*0.01+0.5);
7907       if (dddd>sdm.at(i).d){
7908       bs=QString("%1_%2%3%4:%5,").arg(sdm.at(i).sn+1).arg(5-(int)sdm.at(i).floorD.x).arg(5-(int)sdm.at(i).floorD.y).arg(5-(int)sdm.at(i).floorD.z).arg(asymm[sdm.at(i).a1].molindex);
7909       / *        printf("%s %f %s %s\n",bs.toStdString().c_str(),sdm.at(i).d,
7910       asymm[sdm.at(i).a1].Label.toStdString().c_str(),
7911       asymm[sdm.at(i).a2].Label.toStdString().c_str());
7912    * /
7913    if  (!brauchSymm.contains(bs)) {
7914    brauchSymm.append(bs);
7915    }
7916    }
7917    } */
7918   //packer(brauchSymm);
7919   usedSymmetry+=brauchSymm;
7920   //complete();
7921   // printf("GROW\n");
7922   packer(brauchSymm);
7923   showbonds.clear();
7924   showbonds=connecting(showatoms);
7925 }
grow_plus()7927 void Molecule::grow_plus(){
7928   /*! completes covalent bound molecule fragments.
7929    *
7930    * */
7931   showatoms.clear();
7932   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){
7933     showatoms.append(asymm[i]);
7934     showatoms[i].molindex=asymm[i].molindex;
7935   }
7936   showbonds.clear();
7937   QStringList brauchSymm;
7938   QString bs;
7939   brauchSymm.clear();
7940   V3 prime,dp,D,floorD;
7941   double dk,dddd;
7942   for (int k =0; k<sdm.size();k++){
7943     if ((sdm.at(k).covalent)||(growQPeak)){
7944       if (!(growQPeak)&&(asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].molindex<1)) continue;
7945       for (int n=0;n<cell.symmops.size();  n++){
7946         if (((asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].part!=0)&&(asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].part!=0)&&(asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].part!=asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].part)))continue;
7947         if ((asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].an==asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].an)&&(asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].an==0)) continue;
7948         prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].frac + cell.trans.at(n);
7949         D=prime - asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].frac+ V3(0.5,0.5,0.5) ;
7950         floorD=V3(floor(D.x),floor(D.y),floor(D.z));
7951         dp=D - floorD - V3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
7952         if ((n==0)&&(V3(0,0,0)==floorD)) continue;
7953         dk=fl(dp.x,dp.y,dp.z);
7954         //printf ("%f n%d\n",dk,n);
7955         dddd=(sdm.at(k).covalent)?(sdm.at(k).d+0.2):0;
7956         if ((asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].an<0)&&(asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].an<0)) dddd=1.8;//||
7957         if ( (dk>0.001)&&(dddd>=dk)) {
7958           bs=QString("%1_%2%3%4:%5,").arg(n+1).arg(5-(int)floorD.x).arg(5-(int)floorD.y).arg(5-(int)floorD.z).arg(asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].molindex);
7959           //	     printf("%s %s %g %g\n",asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].Label.toStdString().c_str(),asymm[sdm.at(k).a2].Label.toStdString().c_str(),sdm.at(k).d,dddd);
7960           //             printf("(grow)%s\n",bs.toStdString().c_str());
7961           if  ((!brauchSymm.contains(bs))) {
7962             brauchSymm.append(bs);
7963           }
7964         }
7965       }
7966     }
7967   }
7968   for (int i=0; i<bindatoms.size(); i++){
7969     MyAtom a1, a2;
7970     bool bo=false;
7971     int sy1=-1,sy2=-1;
7972     if (bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.contains("_$"))sy1=bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.section("_$",1,1).toInt(&bo);
7973     if (bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.contains("_$"))sy2=bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.section("_$",1,1).toInt(&bo);
7974     bo=false;
7975     if (bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.contains('_'))a1.resiNr=bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.section('_',1,1).toInt(&bo);
7976     if (!bo) a1.resiNr=-1;
7977     if (bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.contains('_'))a2.resiNr=bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.section('_',1,1).toInt(&bo);
7978     if (!bo)a2.resiNr=-1;
7979     a1.Label = bindatoms.at(i).Lab1.section('_',0,0);
7980     a2.Label = bindatoms.at(i).Lab2.section('_',0,0);
7981     int frag1=0,frag2=0;
7982     for (int ii=0; ii<asymm.size();ii++){
7983       if ((a1.resiNr>-1)&& (asymm[ii].resiNr!=a1.resiNr)) continue;
7984       if ((a2.resiNr>-1)&& (asymm[ii].resiNr!=a2.resiNr)) continue;
7985       if (asymm[ii].Label.section('_',0,0).toUpper() == a1.Label.toUpper()){
7986         frag1=asymm[ii].molindex;
7987       }
7988       if (asymm[ii].Label.section('_',0,0).toUpper() == a2.Label.toUpper()){
7989         frag2=asymm[ii].molindex;
7990       }
7991     }
7992     QString ss;
7993     QList<Matrix> smm;
7994     QList<V3> tmm;
7995     int syy1=-1;
7996     if (sy1>-1) syy1=labelEQIV.indexOf(QString("$%1").arg(sy1));
7997     if (syy1>-1) {
7998       smm.append(symmopsEQIV.at(syy1));
7999       tmm.append(transEQIV.at(syy1));
8000     }
8001     int syy2=-1;
8002     if (sy2>-1) syy2=labelEQIV.indexOf(QString("$%1").arg(sy2));
8003     if (syy2>-1) {
8004       smm.append(symmopsEQIV.at(syy2));
8005       tmm.append(transEQIV.at(syy2));
8006     }
8007     for (int ui=0; ui<smm.size(); ui++)
8008       if (cell.symmops.contains(smm.at(ui))) {
8009         V3 r;
8010         r.x=fmod(tmm.at(ui).x+10,1.0);
8011         r.y=fmod(tmm.at(ui).y+10,1.0);
8012         r.z=fmod(tmm.at(ui).z+10,1.0);
8014         for (int is=0; is<cell.symmops.size();is++){
8015           if ((cell.symmops.at(is)==smm.at(ui))&&(cell.trans.at(is)==r))
8016             for (int yi=1; yi<=5; yi++){
8017               ss=QString("%1_%2%3%4:%5,")
8018                 .arg(is+1)
8019                 .arg((int)(tmm.at(ui).x-r.x) +5)
8020                 .arg((int)(tmm.at(ui).y-r.y) +5)
8021                 .arg((int)(tmm.at(ui).z-r.z) +5)
8022                 .arg(((sy1>-1)&&(!ui))?frag1:frag2);
8023               if  (!brauchSymm.contains(ss)) {
8024                 brauchSymm.append(ss);
8025                 //		printf("### %d  = %d\n",((sy1>-1)&&(!ui))?sy1:sy2,brauchSymm.size());
8026                 eqivMap[labelEQIV.at(((sy1>-1)&&(!ui))?sy1-1:sy2-1)]=brauchSymm.size();
8027                 //		qDebug()<<ss;
8028               }
8029             }
8030         }
8031       }
8032   }
8034   /*  for (int i=0; i<sdm.size();i++){
8035       if ((sdm.at(i).sn==0)&&(V3(0,0,0)==sdm.at(i).floorD)) continue;
8036       double dddd=((Kovalenz_Radien[asymm[sdm.at(i).a1].an]+ Kovalenz_Radien[asymm[sdm.at(i).a2].an])*0.01+0.5);
8037       if (dddd>sdm.at(i).d){
8038       bs=QString("%1_%2%3%4:%5,").arg(sdm.at(i).sn+1).arg(5-(int)sdm.at(i).floorD.x).arg(5-(int)sdm.at(i).floorD.y).arg(5-(int)sdm.at(i).floorD.z).arg(asymm[sdm.at(i).a1].molindex);
8039       / *        printf("%s %f %s %s\n",bs.toStdString().c_str(),sdm.at(i).d,
8040       asymm[sdm.at(i).a1].Label.toStdString().c_str(),
8041       asymm[sdm.at(i).a2].Label.toStdString().c_str());
8042    * /
8043    if  (!brauchSymm.contains(bs)) {
8044    brauchSymm.append(bs);
8045    }
8046    }
8047    } */
8048   //packer(brauchSymm);
8049   usedSymmetry+=brauchSymm;
8050   complete();
8051   showbonds.clear();
8052   showbonds=connecting(showatoms);
8053 }
packPoint(const V3 & prime,QList<V3> & wearein)8055 void Molecule::packPoint(const V3 &prime, QList<V3> &wearein){//!< Pack inside cell
8056   //wearein.clear();
8057   V3 p;
8058   double dawars=1000.0,dl;
8059   const double ami = 0.0, ama = 1.0, bmi = 0.0, bma = 1.0, cmi = 0.0, cma = 1.0;
8060   dawars=1000.0;
8061   for (int g=0; g<wearein.size();g++){
8062     dl=fl(prime.x-wearein.at(g).x, prime.y-wearein.at(g).y, prime.z-wearein.at(g).z);
8063     dawars=(dl<dawars)?dl:dawars;
8064   }
8065   //int hh=0,kk=0,ll=0;
8066   if (dawars>0.01){
8067     for (int hh=-11; hh<12; hh++){
8068       for (int kk=-11; kk<12; kk++){
8069         for (int ll=-11; ll<12; ll++){
8070           if ((prime.x+hh)<ami) continue;
8071           if ((prime.y+kk)<bmi) continue;
8072           if ((prime.z+ll)<cmi) continue;
8073           if ((prime.x+hh)>ama) continue;
8074           if ((prime.y+kk)>bma) continue;
8075           if ((prime.z+ll)>cma) continue;
8076           p=prime+V3(static_cast<double>(hh),static_cast<double>(kk),static_cast<double>(ll));
8077           //printf("=>%g %g %g \n",p.x,p.y,p.z);
8078           wearein.append(p);
8079         }//ll
8080       }//kk
8081     }//hh
8082   }
8083 }
packLine(const V3 & p1,const V3 & p2,V3 & vec,QList<V3> & wearein,int c,QList<int> & dc)8085 void Molecule::packLine(const V3 &p1,const V3 &p2, V3 &vec, QList<V3> &wearein, int c, QList<int> &dc){//!< Pack inside cell
8086   V3 prime,dprime,pA,pB;
8087   //wearein.clear();
8088   //double dawars=1000.0,dawars2=1000.0,dl;
8089   const double ami = -0.001, ama = 1.001, bmi = -0.001, bma = 1.001, cmi = -0.001, cma = 1.001;
8090   //for (int n=0; n<cell.symmops.size();n++){
8091   {int n=0;
8092     prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * p1 + cell.trans.at(n);
8093     dprime=cell.symmops.at(n) * p2 + cell.trans.at(n);
8094     //V3 donotrot=cell.symmops.at(n)*vec;
8095     //printf("donotrot %g\n",fabs(donotrot*vec));
8096     V3 r1=V3( prime.x*vec.x, prime.y*vec.y, prime.z*vec.z);
8097     V3 r2=V3(dprime.x*vec.x,dprime.y*vec.y,dprime.z*vec.z);
8098     //prime+=r1;
8099     //dprime+=r1;
8100     /*printf("?? %g %g %g ? %g %g %g\n",
8101       prime.x,prime.y,prime.z,
8102       dprime.x,dprime.y,dprime.z);*/
8103     //if (fabs(donotrot*vec) <0.9) continue;
8104     //printf("%d\n",__LINE__);
8105     //floorD=V3(floor(prime.x),floor(prime.y),floor(prime.z));
8106     //prime=prime -floorD;
8107     /*dawars2=dawars=1000.0;
8108       for (int g=0; g<wearein.size();g++){
8109       dl=fl(prime.x-wearein.at(g).x, prime.y-wearein.at(g).y, prime.z-wearein.at(g).z);
8110       dawars=(dl<dawars)?dl:dawars;
8111       g++;
8112       dl=fl(dprime.x-wearein.at(g).x, dprime.y-wearein.at(g).y, dprime.z-wearein.at(g).z);
8113       dawars2=(dl<dawars2)?dl:dawars2;
8114       } //*/
8115     //printf("!! %g %g %g %d  %g %g %g  %g %g\n", prime.x,prime.y,prime.z,n,dprime.x,dprime.y,dprime.z,dawars,dawars2);
8116     // if ((dawars<0.01)&&(dawars2<0.01)) continue;
8117     for (int hh=-11; hh<12; hh++){
8118       for (int kk=-11; kk<12; kk++){
8119         for (int ll=-11; ll<12; ll++){
8120           if ((prime.x+hh)<ami) continue;
8121           if ((prime.y+kk)<bmi) continue;
8122           if ((prime.z+ll)<cmi) continue;
8123           if ((prime.x+hh)>ama) continue;
8124           if ((prime.y+kk)>bma) continue;
8125           if ((prime.z+ll)>cma) continue;
8127           if ((dprime.x+hh)<ami) continue;
8128           if ((dprime.y+kk)<bmi) continue;
8129           if ((dprime.z+ll)<cmi) continue;
8130           if ((dprime.x+hh)>ama) continue;
8131           if ((dprime.y+kk)>bma) continue;
8132           if ((dprime.z+ll)>cma) continue;
8133           pA=prime+V3(static_cast<double>(hh),static_cast<double>(kk),static_cast<double>(ll));
8134           pB=dprime+V3(static_cast<double>(hh),static_cast<double>(kk),static_cast<double>(ll));
8135           int bi=-1, ai = wearein.indexOf(pA);
8136           if (ai>-1) bi = wearein.indexOf(pB);
8137           if (fabs(0.0+ai-bi)!=1.0){
8138             //printf("we are in %d %d %g\n",wearein.indexOf(pA),wearein.indexOf(pB),fabs(0.0+ai-bi));
8139             //printf("a=>%g %g %g %d:%d%d%d\n",pA.x, pA.y, pA.z, n+1,5+hh,5+kk,5+ll);
8140             //printf("b=>%g %g %g %d:%d%d%d\n",pB.x, pB.y, pB.z, n+1,5+hh,5+kk,5+ll);
8141             wearein.append(pA);
8142             dc.append(c);
8143             wearein.append(pB);
8144             dc.append(c);
8145           }
8146         }//ll
8147       }//kk
8148     }//hh
8149   }//n++
8150 }
packInLimits(double ami,double ama,double bmi,double bma,double cmi,double cma)8152 void Molecule::packInLimits(double ami, double ama, double bmi, double bma, double cmi, double cma){//!< Pack inside given limits (eg multiple unit cells)
8154   MyAtom  newAtom;
8155   newAtom.hidden=0;
8156   V3 prime,floorD;
8157   double dawars=1000.0,dl;
8158   for (int n=0; n<cell.symmops.size();n++){
8159     for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){
8160       //if ((asymm.at(i).an>-1)&&(asymm.at(i).molindex>0))
8161       {
8162         prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * asymm.at(i).frac + cell.trans.at(n);
8163         floorD=V3(floor(prime.x),floor(prime.y),floor(prime.z));
8164         //prime=prime -floorD;
8165         dawars=1000.0;
8166         for (int g=0; g<showatoms.size();g++){
8167           if ((asymm[i].an*showatoms[g].an<0)) continue;
8168           dl=fl(prime.x-showatoms[g].frac.x, prime.y-showatoms[g].frac.y, prime.z-showatoms[g].frac.z);
8169           dawars=(dl<dawars)?dl:dawars;
8170         }
8171         if (dawars<0.01) continue;
8172         for (int hh=-11; hh<12; hh++)
8173           for (int kk=-11; kk<12; kk++)
8174             for (int ll=-11; ll<12; ll++){
8175               if ((prime.x+hh)<ami) continue;
8176               if ((prime.y+kk)<bmi) continue;
8177               if ((prime.z+ll)<cmi) continue;
8178               if ((prime.x+hh)>ama) continue;
8179               if ((prime.y+kk)>bma) continue;
8180               if ((prime.z+ll)>cma) continue;
8181               newAtom.part=asymm[i].part;
8182               newAtom.frac=prime+V3((double)hh,(double)kk,(double)ll);
8183               frac2kart(newAtom.frac,newAtom.pos);
8184               newAtom.an=asymm[i].an;
8185               newAtom.molindex=asymm[i].molindex;
8186               newAtom.peakHeight=asymm[i].peakHeight;
8187               newAtom.resiNr=asymm[i].resiNr;
8189               newAtom.sof=asymm[i].sof;
8190               newAtom.Label=asymm[i].Label;
8191               newAtom.isIso=asymm[i].isIso;
8192               newAtom.ufiso_org=asymm[i].ufiso_org;
8194               newAtom.sof_org=asymm[i].sof_org;
8195               newAtom.symmGroup=1;
8196               newAtom.sg=n;
8197               // printf("A%d %d %d %d %g %g %g\n", n, hh, kk, ll, floorD.x, floorD.y, floorD.z);
8198               newAtom.scod = genSymCode(n,hh,kk,ll);//genSymCode(n,(int)(hh+floorD.x),(int)(kk+floorD.x),(int)(ll+floorD.x));//genSymCode(n,hh,kk,ll);
8199               newAtom.auidx = i;
8200               if ((asymm[i].uc.m12==0.0)&&(asymm[i].uc.m23==0.0)&&(asymm[i].uc.m13==0.0)){
8201                 newAtom.uf.m11=newAtom.uc.m11=newAtom.uc.m22=newAtom.uc.m33=asymm[i].uf.m11;
8202                 newAtom.uc.m12=newAtom.uc.m13=newAtom.uc.m23=newAtom.uc.m21=newAtom.uc.m31=newAtom.uc.m32=0.0;
8203               }
8204               else {
8205                 Usym(asymm[i].uf,cell.symmops[n],newAtom.uf);
8206                 Uf2Uo(newAtom.uf,newAtom.uc);
8207               }
8208               showatoms.append(newAtom);
8209             }//ll
8210       }//packable
8211       //    else if ((asymm.at(i).an<0)&&(n==0)) showatoms.append(asymm[i]);//non atoms BCPs, Dummys, etc.
8212     }//i++
8213   }//n++
8214   showbonds.clear();
8215   showbonds=connecting(showatoms);
8217 }
packInLimits(CEnvironment & au,double ami,double ama,double bmi,double bma,double cmi,double cma)8219 CEnvironment Molecule::packInLimits(CEnvironment &au, double ami, double ama, double bmi, double bma, double cmi, double cma){//!< Pack inside given limits (eg multiple unit cells)
8220   MyAtom  newAtom;
8221   CEnvironment sa;
8222   newAtom.hidden=0;
8223   V3 prime,floorD;
8224   //double dawars=1000.0,dl;
8225   for (int n=0; n<cell.symmops.size();n++){
8226     for (int i=0; i<au.size();i++){
8227       prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * au.at(i).frac + cell.trans.at(n);
8228       floorD=V3(floor(prime.x),floor(prime.y),floor(prime.z));
8229       prime=prime -floorD;
8230       /*dawars=1000.0;
8231         for (int g=0; g<sa.size();g++){
8232         dl=fl(prime.x-sa[g].frac.x, prime.y-sa[g].frac.y, prime.z-sa[g].frac.z);
8233         dawars=(dl<dawars)?dl:dawars;
8234         }
8235         if (dawars<0.01) continue;*/
8236       for (int hh=-11; hh<12; hh++)
8237         for (int kk=-11; kk<12; kk++)
8238           for (int ll=-11; ll<12; ll++){
8239             if ((prime.x+hh)<ami) continue;
8240             if ((prime.y+kk)<bmi) continue;
8241             if ((prime.z+ll)<cmi) continue;
8242             if ((prime.x+hh)>ama) continue;
8243             if ((prime.y+kk)>bma) continue;
8244             if ((prime.z+ll)>cma) continue;
8245             newAtom.frac=prime+V3((double)hh, (double)kk, (double)ll);
8246             frac2kart(newAtom.frac,newAtom.pos);
8247             newAtom.an=au[i].an;
8248             newAtom.peakHeight=au[i].peakHeight;
8249             newAtom.sof=au[i].sof;
8250             newAtom.Label=au[i].Label;
8251             newAtom.isIso=au[i].isIso;
8252             newAtom.ufiso_org=au[i].ufiso_org;
8253             newAtom.sof_org=au[i].sof_org;
8254             newAtom.symmGroup=1;
8255             newAtom.sg=n;
8256             newAtom.scod = genSymCode(n,hh,kk,ll);
8257             // printf("B%d %d %d %d %g %g %g\n", n, hh, kk, ll, floorD.x, floorD.y, floorD.z);
8258             //newAtom.scod = genSymCode(n,(int)(hh-floorD.x),(int)(kk-floorD.x),(int)(ll-floorD.x));
8259             newAtom.auidx = i;
8260             Usym(au[i].uf,cell.symmops[n],newAtom.uf);
8261             sa.append(newAtom);
8262           }//ll
8263     }//i++
8264   }//n++
8265   return sa;
8266 }
fillCell()8268 void Molecule::fillCell(){
8269   /*! Fills the unit cell with molecules.
8270    *
8271    * */
8272   packInLimits(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0);
8273   return;
8275   showatoms.clear();
8276   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){
8277     showatoms.append(asymm[i]);
8278     showatoms[i].molindex=asymm[i].molindex;
8279   }
8280   showbonds.clear();
8281   QStringList brauchSymm;
8282   QString bs;
8283   brauchSymm.clear();
8284   V3 prime,dp,D,floorD;
8285   for (int k =0; k<sdm.size();k++){
8286     if (sdm.at(k).covalent){
8287       if (asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].molindex<1) continue;
8288       for (int n=0;n<cell.symmops.size();  n++){
8289         D=prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].frac + cell.trans.at(n);
8290         floorD=V3(floor(D.x),floor(D.y),floor(D.z));
8291         if ((n==0)&&(V3(0,0,0)==floorD)) continue;
8292         bs=QString("%1_%2%3%4:%5,").arg(n+1).arg(5-(int)floorD.x).arg(5-(int)floorD.y).arg(5-(int)floorD.z).arg(asymm[sdm.at(k).a1].molindex);
8293         if  (!brauchSymm.contains(bs)) {
8294           brauchSymm.append(bs);
8295         }
8296       }
8297     }
8298   }
8299   packer(brauchSymm);
8300   showbonds.clear();
8301   showbonds=connecting(showatoms);
8302 }
expandAll()8304 void Molecule::expandAll(){
8305           /*! like Molecule.expandAt but this searches vor neighboring molecules arround every atom of the asymmetric unit and adds them to the showatoms list.
8306           */
8307           //if (index>=showatoms.size()) return;
8308           //  V3 expander= showatoms.at(index).frac;
8309           V3 prime,floorD,D;
8310           double SUCHRAD=3.2;
8311           for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){//Rapunzel lass dein H herunter
8312             if (asymm.at(i).an==0) {
8313               SUCHRAD-=0.7;
8314               break;
8315             }
8316           }
8317           //  printf(" Rapunzels H ist %f lang\n",SUCHRAD);
8318           QStringList brauchSymm;
8319           QString bs;
8320           brauchSymm.clear();
8321           //  brauchSymm+=(usedSymmetry);
8322           double dk;
8323           for (int j=0; j<asymm.size();j++){
8324             if (asymm.at(j).an<0) continue;
8325             for (int n=0; n<cell.symmops.size();n++){
8326               for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){
8327                 if (asymm.at(i).an<0) continue;
8328                 prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * asymm.at(i).frac + cell.trans.at(n);
8329                 D=prime - asymm.at(j).frac + V3(0.5,0.5,0.5) ;
8330                 floorD=V3(floor(D.x),floor(D.y),floor(D.z));
8331                 if ((n==0)&&(floorD==V3(0,0,0))) {continue;}
8332                 D=D - floorD - V3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
8333                 dk=fl(D.x,D.y,D.z);
8334                 if (dk<SUCHRAD){
8335                   bs=QString("%1_%2%3%4:%5,").arg(n+1).arg(5-(int)floorD.x).arg(5-(int)floorD.y).arg(5-(int)floorD.z).arg(asymm.at(i).molindex);
8336                   if  ((!brauchSymm.contains(bs))&&(asymm.at(i).molindex>0)) {
8337                     brauchSymm.append(bs);
8338                   }
8339                 }
8340               }
8341             }
8342           }
8343           showatoms.clear();
8344           for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){
8345             showatoms.append(asymm[i]);
8346             showatoms[i].molindex=asymm[i].molindex;
8347           }
8348           packer(brauchSymm);
8349           showbonds.clear();
8350           showbonds=connecting(showatoms);
8351         }
complete()8353 void Molecule::complete(){
8354   /*! If the current visible atoms are covalently bound to  symmetry equivalents the latter are added to the showatoms list.
8355    * */
8356   //if (index>=showatoms.size()) return;
8357   //  V3 expander= showatoms.at(index).frac;
8358   V3 prime,floorD,D;
8359   QStringList brauchSymm;
8360   QString bs;
8361   //  brauchSymm.clear();
8362   brauchSymm+=(usedSymmetry);
8363   double dk;
8364   int s,h,k,l,symmgroup;
8365   V3 pos0;
8366   for (int sy=0; sy<usedSymmetry.size(); sy++){
8367     sscanf(usedSymmetry.at(sy).toLatin1(),"%d_%1d%1d%1d:%d",&s,&h,&k,&l,&symmgroup);
8368     h-=5;
8369     k-=5;
8370     l-=5;
8371     s--;
8372     for (int j=0; j<asymm.size();j++){
8373       if (asymm.at(j).an<0) continue;
8374       for (int n=0; n<cell.symmops.size();n++){
8375         for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){
8376           if (asymm.at(i).an<1) continue;
8377           if (asymm[i].molindex!=symmgroup) continue;
8378           pos0=cell.symmops.at(s)*asymm.at(i).frac+cell.trans.at(s)+V3(h,k,l);
8379           prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * asymm.at(j).frac + cell.trans.at(n);
8380           D=prime - pos0 + V3(0.5,0.5,0.5) ;
8381           floorD=V3(floor(D.x),floor(D.y),floor(D.z));
8382           if ((n==0)&&(floorD==V3(0,0,0))) {continue;}
8383           D=D - floorD - V3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
8384           dk=fl(D.x,D.y,D.z);
8385           double dddd=qMin(1.7,(Kovalenz_Radien[asymm.at(i).an]+ Kovalenz_Radien[asymm.at(j).an])*0.012);
8386           if (dk<dddd){
8387             bs=QString("%1_%2%3%4:%5,").arg(n+1).arg(5-(int)floorD.x).arg(5-(int)floorD.y).arg(5-(int)floorD.z).arg(asymm.at(i).molindex);
8388             if  ((!brauchSymm.contains(bs))&&(asymm.at(i).molindex>0)) {
8389               brauchSymm.append(bs);
8390             }
8391           }
8392         }
8393       }
8394     }
8395   }
8396   showatoms.clear();
8397   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){
8398     showatoms.append(asymm[i]);
8399     showatoms[i].molindex=asymm[i].molindex;
8400   }
8401   packer(brauchSymm);
8402   showbonds.clear();
8403   showbonds=connecting(showatoms);
8404 }
expandAt(int index)8406 void Molecule::expandAt(int index){
8407   /*! searches SUCHRAD=3.2 A around the given atom for symmetry equivalent molecules and adds them to the showatoms list.
8408    *  if Hydrogens are inside the structure the SUCHRAD is reduced about 0.7 A.
8409    *  @param index index of the specified atom from the current showatoms list.
8410    */
8411   if (index>=showatoms.size()) return;
8412   V3 expander= showatoms.at(index).frac;
8413   V3 prime,floorD,D;
8414   double SUCHRAD=3.2;
8415   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){//Rapunzel lass dein H herunter
8416     if (asymm.at(i).an==0) {//haha if there are H atoms th search radius is reduced by 0.7 A
8417       SUCHRAD-=0.7;
8418       break;
8419     }
8420   }
8421   //printf(" Rapunzels H ist %f lang\n",SUCHRAD);
8422   QStringList brauchSymm;
8423   QString bs;
8424   brauchSymm.clear();
8425   brauchSymm+=(usedSymmetry);
8426   double dk;
8427   for (int n=0; n<cell.symmops.size();n++){
8428     for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){
8429       prime=cell.symmops.at(n) * asymm.at(i).frac + cell.trans.at(n);
8430       D=prime - expander + V3(0.5,0.5,0.5) ;
8431       floorD=V3(floor(D.x),floor(D.y),floor(D.z));
8432       if ((n==0)&&(floorD==V3(0,0,0))) {continue;}
8433       D=D - floorD - V3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
8434       dk=fl(D.x,D.y,D.z);
8435       if (dk<SUCHRAD){
8436         bs=QString("%1_%2%3%4:%5,").arg(n+1).arg(5-(int)floorD.x).arg(5-(int)floorD.y).arg(5-(int)floorD.z).arg(asymm.at(i).molindex);
8437         if  ((!brauchSymm.contains(bs))&&(asymm.at(i).molindex>0)) {
8438           brauchSymm.append(bs);
8439         }
8440       }
8441     }
8442   }
8443   showatoms.clear();
8444   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){
8445     showatoms.append(asymm[i]);
8446     showatoms[i].molindex=asymm[i].molindex;
8447   }
8448   packer(brauchSymm);
8449   showbonds.clear();
8450   showbonds=connecting(showatoms);
8451 }
packer(QStringList brauchSymm)8453 void Molecule::packer(QStringList brauchSymm){
8454   /*! Packs symmetry equivalent atoms according to the given list of internal symmetry codes and adds them to the showatoms list
8455    * HumanSymmetry is feeeded with a human readalble list of used symmetry.
8456    * @param brauchSymm list of internal symmetry codes.
8457    */
8458   //  printf("MOEBEL? packer\n");
8459   usedSymmetry.clear();
8460   usedSymmetry+=(brauchSymm);
8461   MyAtom  newAtom;
8462   newAtom.hidden=0;
8463   int s,h,k,l,gibscho=0,symmgroup;
8464   //      balken->setMinimum(0);
8465   //      balken->setMaximum(brauchSymm.size());
8466   //      balken->show();
8467   HumanSymmetry=QString("Used Symmetry:<br>%1").arg(symmcode2human(brauchSymm));
8468   QString pre,suff;
8469   for (int j=0;j<brauchSymm.size();j++){
8470     //	balken->setValue(j);
8472     sscanf(brauchSymm.at(j).toLatin1(),"%d_%1d%1d%1d:%d",&s,&h,&k,&l,&symmgroup);
8473     //printf("BS:!%s! %d h%d k%d l%d sg%d\n",brauchSymm.at(j).toStdString().c_str(),s,h,k,l,symmgroup);
8474     h-=5;
8475     k-=5;
8476     l-=5;
8477     s--;
8478     for (int i=0;i<asymm.size();i++){
8479       // if (asymm[i].molindex) printf ("doch %d %d %s\n",asymm[i].an,asymm[i].molindex,asymm.at(i).Label.toStdString().c_str());
8480       if ((asymm[i].molindex==symmgroup)&&(asymm[i].an>-1)){
8481         newAtom.frac=cell.symmops.at(s)*asymm[i].frac+cell.trans.at(s)+V3(h,k,l);
8482         newAtom.part=asymm[i].part;
8483         frac2kart(newAtom.frac,newAtom.pos);
8484         newAtom.Label=QString("%1%2%3")
8485           .arg(asymm.at(i).Label)
8486           .arg(QString::fromUtf8("»"))
8487           .arg(j+1);// */
8488         newAtom.an=asymm[i].an;
8489         newAtom.symmGroup=j+1;
8490         newAtom.sg=s;
8491         newAtom.scod = genSymCode(s,h,k,l);
8492         newAtom.auidx = i;
8493         //printf("scod=%d %d %d %d %d\n",newAtom.scod, s,h+5,k+5,l+5);
8494         newAtom.sof_org=asymm[i].sof_org;
8495         newAtom.isIso=asymm[i].isIso;
8496         newAtom.ufiso_org=asymm[i].ufiso_org;
8497         newAtom.molindex=asymm[i].molindex;
8498         newAtom.ResiClass=asymm[i].ResiClass;
8499         newAtom.resiNr=asymm[i].resiNr;
8500         if ((asymm[i].uc.m12==0.0 )&&(asymm[i].uc.m23==0.0)&&(asymm[i].uc.m13==0.0)){
8501           newAtom.uc.m11=newAtom.uc.m22=newAtom.uc.m33=asymm[i].uf.m11;
8502           newAtom.uc.m12=newAtom.uc.m13=newAtom.uc.m23=newAtom.uc.m21=newAtom.uc.m31=newAtom.uc.m32=0.0;
8503           newAtom.uf=asymm[i].uf;
8504         }
8505         else {
8506           Usym(asymm[i].uf,cell.symmops[s],newAtom.uf);
8507           Uf2Uo(newAtom.uf,newAtom.uc);
8508         }
8509         gibscho=0;
8510         if (newAtom.part>=0){
8511           for(int gbt=0;gbt<showatoms.size();gbt++){
8512             if (showatoms.at(gbt).an<0) continue;
8513             if (showatoms.at(gbt).part!=newAtom.part)continue;
8514             if (fl(newAtom.frac.x-showatoms[gbt].frac.x,
8515                   newAtom.frac.y-showatoms[gbt].frac.y,
8516                   newAtom.frac.z-showatoms[gbt].frac.z)<0.2) gibscho=1;
8517           }
8518         }
8519         if (!gibscho) {
8520           showatoms.append(newAtom);
8521         }
8522       }// /*
8523       else if ((growQPeak)&&(asymm[i].an==-1)&&(asymm[i].molindex==symmgroup)){
8524         newAtom.frac=cell.symmops.at(s)*asymm[i].frac+cell.trans.at(s)+V3(h,k,l);
8525         newAtom.part=asymm[i].part;
8526         newAtom.isIso=asymm[i].isIso;
8527         frac2kart(newAtom.frac,newAtom.pos);
8528         newAtom.Label=asymm.at(i).Label;
8529         newAtom.an=asymm[i].an;
8530         newAtom.symmGroup=j+1;
8531         newAtom.sg=s;
8532         newAtom.scod = genSymCode(s,h,k,l);
8533         newAtom.auidx = i;
8534         newAtom.sof_org=asymm[i].sof_org;
8535         newAtom.sof=asymm[i].sof;
8536         newAtom.ufiso_org=asymm[i].ufiso_org;
8537         newAtom.molindex=asymm[i].molindex;
8538         newAtom.ResiClass=asymm[i].ResiClass;
8539         newAtom.resiNr=asymm[i].resiNr;
8540         newAtom.peakHeight=asymm[i].peakHeight;
8541         newAtom.orginalLine= asymm[i].orginalLine;
8542         gibscho=0;
8543         if (newAtom.part>=0){
8544           for(int gbt=0;gbt<showatoms.size();gbt++){
8545             if (fl(newAtom.frac.x-showatoms[gbt].frac.x,
8546                   newAtom.frac.y-showatoms[gbt].frac.y,
8547                   newAtom.frac.z-showatoms[gbt].frac.z)<0.1) gibscho=1;
8548           }
8549         }
8550         if (!gibscho) {
8551           showatoms.append(newAtom);
8552         }
8553       }// */
8554     }
8555   }
8556   //statusBar()->showMessage(tr("Neighbor search is finished"));
8557 }
checkExtensions()8559 bool Molecule::checkExtensions(){
8560   bool gut=true;
8561   int glmajor=0,glminor=0;
8562   float vv=0.0;
8564   const char *extensionString =(const char *) glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS);
8565   //printf("%s \n",extensionString);
8566   const char *verstring=(char*)glGetString(GL_VERSION);
8567   if ((verstring==nullptr)||(sscanf(verstring,"%d.%d",&glmajor,&glminor)!=2)) glminor=glmajor=0;
8568   //printf("!!%s \n",verstring);
8569   if (glmajor<2) return false;
8570   verstring=(char*)glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION);
8571   if ((verstring==nullptr)||(sscanf(verstring,"%f",&vv)!=1)) vv=0.0;
8572   //qDebug()<<vv<<glminor<<glmajor<<verstring;
8573   if (vv<1.2) return false;
8575   QString pth=QDir::homePath()+"/GL-Extensions.txt";
8576   FILE *extf=fopen(pth.toStdString().c_str(),"wt");
8577   fwrite(extensionString,sizeof(char),strlen(extensionString)+1,extf);
8578   fclose(extf);
8579   if (nullptr==strstr(extensionString, "GL_ARB_vertex_shader"))gut=false;
8580   if (nullptr==strstr(extensionString, "GL_ARB_fragment_shader")) gut=false;
8581   return gut;
8582 }
installShader()8584 int Molecule::installShader(){
8585   if (!checkExtensions()) {
8586     //printf("insallShader::missing Extensions!\n");
8587     return 0;
8588   }
8589   QFile logshad(QDir::homePath()+"/shaderlog.txt");
8590   logshad.open(QFile::Append|QFile::Text);
8591   logshad.write(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString().toLatin1());
8592   logshad.write("\n\ntest\n");
8593   logshad.flush(); // */
8594   static const char* avs=
8595     "#version 120\n"
8596     "uniform bool lighting;\n"
8597     "varying vec3 nor, lightDirection, normal, uv, pos,eye;\n"
8598     "varying vec4 gcolor;\n"
8599     "varying float ep,np;\n"
8600     "void main(void){\n"
8601     "nor=gl_Normal;\n"
8602     "gcolor=gl_Color;\n"
8603     "uv = gl_Vertex.xyz;\n"
8604     "if (lighting){\n"
8605     "normal = gl_NormalMatrix * gl_Normal;\n"
8606     "vec4 eyePos = gl_ModelViewMatrixInverse * vec4(0., 0., 0., 1.);\n"
8607     "eye = eyePos.xyz - gl_Vertex.xyz;\n"
8608     "lightDirection=normalize(vec3(-1.0,1.0,1.0));\n"
8609     "pos = (gl_ModelViewMatrix * gl_Vertex).xyz;\n"
8610     "}\n"
8611     "gl_Position = ftransform();\n"
8612     "}\n";
8613   static const char* afs=
8614     "#version 120\n"
8615     "varying vec3 nor, lightDirection, normal, uv, pos,eye;\n"
8616     "varying vec4 gcolor;\n"
8617     "uniform vec4 fogColor;\n"
8618     "uniform int LOD;\n"
8619     "uniform int fogrange;\n"
8620     "uniform bool lighting, wall, ring, ball, open, whitering, eli, fog;\n"
8621     "void main(void) {\n"
8622     "vec4 specular, ambient, diffuse;\n"
8623     "specular = gl_LightSource[0].specular;\n"
8624     "ambient = gl_LightSource[0].ambient;\n"
8625     "diffuse = gl_LightSource[0].diffuse;\n"
8626     "vec4 color;\n"
8627     "gl_FragColor.a=1.0;\n"
8628     "float cut=0.07;\n"
8629     "if (lighting){\n"
8630     "vec3 N = normalize(normal);\n"
8631     "gl_MaterialParameters M = gl_FrontMaterial;\n"
8632     "float NdotL = dot(N, lightDirection);\n"
8633     "float RdotL = dot(reflect(normalize(pos), N), lightDirection);\n"
8634     "color = ((ambient + diffuse * max(NdotL, 0.0)) * gcolor +\n"
8635     "(M.specular * specular * pow(max(RdotL, 0.0), M.shininess)));\n"
8636     "}else{\n"
8637     "color=gcolor;\n"
8638     "}\n"
8639     "if (wall){\n"
8640     "float R=0.92;\n"
8641     "if (LOD==3) R=0.98;\n"
8642     "else if (LOD==2)R=0.97; \n"
8643     "gl_FragColor.a=(length(uv)<R)?1.0:0.0;\n"
8644     "gl_FragColor.xyz = color.xyz;\n"
8645     "}else{\n"
8646     "if (eli) {\n"
8647     "vec3 XYZ=abs(nor);\n"
8648     "if ((ring)&&(min(XYZ.x,min(XYZ.y,XYZ.z))<=cut)){ \n"
8649     "if (whitering) gl_FragColor.xyz = mix(color.xyz,vec3(1.0,1.0,1.0),0.6);\n"
8650     "else gl_FragColor.xyz = mix(color.xyz,vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0),0.6);\n"
8651     "}\n"
8652     "else if (open){\n"
8653     "int ep=0,np=0;\n"
8654     "ep+=(eye.x>=0.0)?1:0;\n"
8655     "ep+=(eye.y>=0.0)?2:0;\n"
8656     "ep+=(eye.z>=0.0)?4:0;\n"
8657     "np+=(nor.x>=0.0)?1:0;\n"
8658     "np+=(nor.y>=0.0)?2:0;\n"
8659     "np+=(nor.z>=0.0)?4:0;\n"
8660     "if (ep==np) gl_FragColor.a=0.0;\n else {if (ball) gl_FragColor = color; else gl_FragColor.a=0.0;}}\n"
8661     "else if (ball) gl_FragColor = color; else gl_FragColor.a=0.0;\n"
8662     "} else gl_FragColor = color; \n"
8663     "}\n"
8664     "if (fog){"
8665     "int ffar=205+fogrange, fnear=205-fogrange;"
8666     "float fogDistance = (gl_FragCoord.z / gl_FragCoord.w);\n"
8667     "float fogAmount = 1.0 - clamp((ffar - fogDistance) / (ffar - fnear), 0.0, 1.0);"
8668     "gl_FragColor.xyz = mix(gl_FragColor.xyz, fogColor.xyz, fogAmount);\n}\n"
8669     "}\n";
8670   //"const float LOG2 = -1.442695;\n"*0.0075
8671   //"float fogAmount = 1.0 - clamp(exp2(fogDistance * fogDistance * LOG2), 0.0, 1.0);\n"
8672   logshad.write("test 0\n");
8673   logshad.flush();
8675   //	/* create program object and attach shaders * /
8677   logshad.write("test 1\n");
8678   g_Program->addShaderFromSourceCode(QGLShader::Vertex,avs);
8679   logshad.write(g_Program->log().toLatin1());
8680   logshad.write(g_Program->shaders().last()->log().toLatin1());
8682   logshad.write("test 2\n");
8683   logshad.flush();
8684   g_Program->addShaderFromSourceCode(QGLShader::Fragment,afs);
8685   logshad.write(g_Program->log().toLatin1());
8686   logshad.write(g_Program->shaders().last()->log().toLatin1());
8687   //error
8689   logshad.write(QString("test 3 %1\n").arg(g_Program->isLinked()).toLatin1());
8690   logshad.flush();
8691   g_Program->link();
8692   logshad.write(g_Program->log().toLatin1());
8693   logshad.flush();
8694   logshad.write("test (log below)\n");
8695   logshad.flush();
8696   logshad.write(g_Program->log().toLatin1());
8697   logshad.write("Test (log above)\n");
8698   logshad.close();
8699   g_Program->bind();
8700   wallH = g_Program->uniformLocation( "wall");
8701   ringH = g_Program->uniformLocation( "ring");
8702   ballH = g_Program->uniformLocation( "ball");
8703   openH = g_Program->uniformLocation( "open");
8704   adpsH = g_Program->uniformLocation( "eli");
8705   fogH = g_Program->uniformLocation( "fog");
8706   fograngeH = g_Program->uniformLocation( "fogrange");
8707   bgH = g_Program->uniformLocation("fogColor");
8708   whiteringH = g_Program->uniformLocation( "whitering");
8709   lichtH = g_Program->uniformLocation( "lighting");
8710   lodH = g_Program->uniformLocation( "LOD");
8711   shaders_work=true;
8712   /*  WRITE SHADERS TO files use '-linux -i4 -brf afs.glsl'
8713    *  to make them human readable.
8714    FILE *avsf=fopen("avs.glsl","wt");
8715    fprintf(avsf,"%s",avs);
8716    fclose(avsf);
8717    FILE *afsf=fopen("afs.glsl","wt");
8718    fprintf(afsf,"%s",afs);
8719    fclose(afsf);
8720   //                                         */
8721   //printf("%s\n\n%s\n\n",avs,afs);
8722   // printf("%s",g_Program->log().toStdString().c_str());
8723   g_Program->release();
8724   return g_Program->programId();
8725 }
b2u(const Matrix u)8727 Matrix Molecule::b2u(const Matrix u){
8728   const double twopi2=2.0*M_PI*M_PI;
8729   Matrix erg;
8730   /*
8731    *         99      Atoms(ii)%Bij(1)=2*Pisqr*Atoms(ii)%Uij(1)*(rcell(1)*rcell(1))
8732    *        100      Atoms(ii)%Bij(2)=2*Pisqr*Atoms(ii)%Uij(2)*(rcell(2)*rcell(2))
8733    *        101      Atoms(ii)%Bij(3)=2*Pisqr*Atoms(ii)%Uij(3)*(rcell(3)*rcell(3))
8734    *        102      Atoms(ii)%Bij(4)=2*Pisqr*Atoms(ii)%Uij(4)*(rcell(1)*rcell(2))
8735    *        103      Atoms(ii)%Bij(5)=2*Pisqr*Atoms(ii)%Uij(5)*(rcell(1)*rcell(3))
8736    *        104      Atoms(ii)%Bij(6)=2*Pisqr*Atoms(ii)%Uij(6)*(rcell(2)*rcell(3))
8737    * */
8738   erg.m11 =          u.m11 /( twopi2 * cell.as*cell.as);
8739   erg.m22 =          u.m22 /( twopi2 * cell.bs*cell.bs);
8740   erg.m33 =          u.m33 /( twopi2 * cell.cs*cell.cs);
8741   erg.m12 = erg.m21 =u.m12 /( twopi2 * cell.as*cell.bs);
8742   erg.m13 = erg.m31 =u.m13 /( twopi2 * cell.as*cell.cs);
8743   erg.m23 = erg.m32 =u.m23 /( twopi2 * cell.bs*cell.cs);
8745   //  printf("Uij: %9.6f%9.6f%9.6f%9.6f%9.6f%9.6f\n",u.m11,u.m22,u.m33,u.m12,u.m13,u.m23);
8746   //  printf("Bij: %9.6f%9.6f%9.6f%9.6f%9.6f%9.6f\n",erg.m11,erg.m22,erg.m33,erg.m12,erg.m13,erg.m23);
8747   //printf("erg:\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n",erg.m11,erg.m12,erg.m13,erg.m12,erg.m22,erg.m23,erg.m13,erg.m23,erg.m33);
8748   //printf("erg2:\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n",erg2.m11,erg2.m12,erg2.m13,erg2.m12,erg2.m22,erg2.m23,erg2.m13,erg2.m23,erg2.m33);
8749   return erg;
8751 }
u2b(const Matrix u)8753 Matrix Molecule::u2b(const Matrix u){
8754   const double twopi2=2.0*M_PI*M_PI;
8755   Matrix erg;
8756   /*
8757    *         99      Atoms(ii)%Bij(1)=2*Pisqr*Atoms(ii)%Uij(1)*(rcell(1)*rcell(1))
8758    *        100      Atoms(ii)%Bij(2)=2*Pisqr*Atoms(ii)%Uij(2)*(rcell(2)*rcell(2))
8759    *        101      Atoms(ii)%Bij(3)=2*Pisqr*Atoms(ii)%Uij(3)*(rcell(3)*rcell(3))
8760    *        102      Atoms(ii)%Bij(4)=2*Pisqr*Atoms(ii)%Uij(4)*(rcell(1)*rcell(2))
8761    *        103      Atoms(ii)%Bij(5)=2*Pisqr*Atoms(ii)%Uij(5)*(rcell(1)*rcell(3))
8762    *        104      Atoms(ii)%Bij(6)=2*Pisqr*Atoms(ii)%Uij(6)*(rcell(2)*rcell(3))
8763    * */
8764   erg.m11 =          u.m11 * twopi2 * cell.as*cell.as;
8765   erg.m22 =          u.m22 * twopi2 * cell.bs*cell.bs;
8766   erg.m33 =          u.m33 * twopi2 * cell.cs*cell.cs;
8767   erg.m12 = erg.m21 =u.m12 * twopi2 * cell.as*cell.bs;
8768   erg.m13 = erg.m31 =u.m13 * twopi2 * cell.as*cell.cs;
8769   erg.m23 = erg.m32 =u.m23 * twopi2 * cell.bs*cell.cs;
8771   //  printf("Uij: %9.6f%9.6f%9.6f%9.6f%9.6f%9.6f\n",u.m11,u.m22,u.m33,u.m12,u.m13,u.m23);
8772   //  printf("Bij: %9.6f%9.6f%9.6f%9.6f%9.6f%9.6f\n",erg.m11,erg.m22,erg.m33,erg.m12,erg.m13,erg.m23);
8773   //printf("erg:\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n",erg.m11,erg.m12,erg.m13,erg.m12,erg.m22,erg.m23,erg.m13,erg.m23,erg.m33);
8774   //printf("erg2:\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n%9.5f %9.5f %9.5f\n",erg2.m11,erg2.m12,erg2.m13,erg2.m12,erg2.m22,erg2.m23,erg2.m13,erg2.m23,erg2.m33);
8775   return erg;
8777 }
genSymCode(int s,int h,int k,int l)8779 int Molecule::genSymCode(int s, int h, int k, int l){//!< creates a platon style symmetry code as an integer (s555)
8780   return s*1000+(h+5)*100+(k+5)*10+(l+5);
8781 }
applySymCode(const V3 & frac,int scode)8783 V3 Molecule::applySymCode(const V3 &frac, int scode){;//!< applies a platon style symmetry code as an integer (s555)
8784   int s, h, k, l;
8785   s = scode / 1000;
8786   if (s >= cell.symmops.size())return frac;// silent error handling
8787   l = (scode % 10) - 5 ;
8788   k = ((scode % 100) / 10) - 5;
8789   h = ((scode % 1000) / 100) - 5;
8790   return cell.symmops.at(s) * frac + cell.trans.at(s) + V3(h, k, l);
8791 }
8793 int eccall=0;
extendChain(QList<Ring> & rings,QList<int> & currentChain,QList<QList<int>> & neighbors,QSet<int> & nogo)8795 void Molecule::extendChain(QList<Ring> &rings,QList<int> &currentChain, QList<QList<int> > &neighbors,QSet<int> &nogo){
8796   eccall++;
8798   /*for (int k=0; k<currentChain.size(); k++){
8799     printf("%s-",asymm.at(currentChain.at(k)).Label.toStdString().c_str());
8800     }// */
8801   //printf("EC[%d]nogosize%d#current chain%d\n",eccall,nogo.size(),currentChain.size());
8803   int last=currentChain.last();
8804   for (int ri=0; ri<rings.size();ri++){
8805     if (rings.at(ri).done) continue;
8806     if (rings[ri].members.contains(last)){
8807       int bbv=currentChain.size();
8808       int strt=rings[ri].members.indexOf(last);
8809       for (int rri=0,rrj=0; rri<rings[ri].members.size(); rri++){
8810         rrj=(strt>=0)?(strt+rri)%rings[ri].members.size():rri;
8811         if (!currentChain.contains(rings[ri].members.at(rrj))) currentChain.append(rings[ri].members.at(rrj));
8812       }
8813       bbv-=currentChain.size();
8814       if (bbv) {
8815         rings[ri].done=true;
8816         //    printf("extRING%d %d %d %d\n",ri,bbv,currentChain.size(),rings[ri].members.size());
8817       }
8818     }
8819   }
8822   if (neighbors.at(last).size()==1) return;
8823   QList<int> c;
8824   int ic=-1;
8825   int manb=0;
8826   for (int i=0; i<neighbors.at(last).size(); i++){
8827     if (currentChain.contains(neighbors.at(last).at(i))) continue;
8828     if (nogo.contains(neighbors.at(last).at(i))) continue;
8829     int z=neighbors.at(neighbors.at(last).at(i)).size();
8830     if(z>manb){
8831       manb=z;
8832       ic=i;
8833     }
8834   }
8835   if (ic!=-1){
8836     c=currentChain;
8837     currentChain.append(neighbors.at(last).at(ic));
8838     extendChain(rings, currentChain, neighbors, nogo);
8839   }/*else{ // forking
8840      chains.append(c);
8841      int lc = chains.size() - 1;
8842      chains[lc].append(neighbors.at(last).at(i));
8843      extendChain(chains, chains[lc], neighbors, ng);
8844      ic++;
8845      ng.unite(chains[lc].toSet());
8846      }// */
8847   c.clear();
8848 }
inventNewLabels(QList<int> & result)8850 void Molecule::inventNewLabels(QList<int> &result){
8852   /*
8853    * Idea / draft:
8854    * for atoms in a molecule
8855    * find chain ends  (E) neighbors 1
8856    * find chain atoms (C) neighbors 2
8857    * find nodes       (N) neighbors >2
8858    * start at an E and append indexes to a QList chain
8859    * when a node N appears copy the list neighbors - 1 times (forking)
8860    * when no atoms left then compare number members in each chain
8861    * the longest chain wins
8862    * the longest part with carbons wins
8863    * the E with the greatest distance from center of mass wins
8864    * E-C-C-C-N-C-C-N-N-N-C-C-E
8865    *         |     | | |
8866    *         C-C-C-C E E
8867    *
8868    * 1-2-3-4-5-g-h-a-b-c-d-e-f
8869    *         |     | | |
8870    *         6-7-8-9 i j
8871    */
8872   //return;
8873   QList<QList<int> > neighbors;
8874   QList<QList<int> > chains;
8875   QList<int> emptyChain;
8876   QSet<int> nogo;
8877   QList<int> molsizes;
8878   QList<bool> moleIsDone;
8879   QList<double> avan, di2com;// avarage atomic number, distance to center of mass
8880   QList<V3> centerOfMass;
8881   QList<int>cmax;//maximal chain length
8882   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size(); i++){
8883     if (asymm.at(i).an<0 )continue;
8884     neighbors.append(emptyChain);
8885     if (asymm.at(i).molindex> molsizes.size()) {
8886       molsizes.append(0);
8887       cmax.append(0);
8888       moleIsDone.append(false);
8889       centerOfMass.append(V3(0.0,0.0,0.0));
8890       avan.append(999990.0);
8891       di2com.append(0.0);
8892     }
8893     molsizes[asymm.at(i).molindex-1]++;
8894     centerOfMass[asymm.at(i).molindex-1]+=asymm.at(i).pos;
8895   }
8896   for (int i=0; i<molsizes.size(); i++){
8897     centerOfMass[i]*=1.0/molsizes.at(i);
8898   }
8899   for (int i=0; i<sdm.size(); i++){
8900     if ((sdm.at(i).a1>=neighbors.size())||(sdm.at(i).a2>=neighbors.size())) continue;
8901     if (sdm.at(i).covalent) neighbors[sdm.at(i).a1].append(sdm.at(i).a2);
8902   }
8903   // find rings first
8904   QList<QList<int> > rings;
8905   QList<Tripel> tripels;
8906   Tripel t;//midcenter
8907   QList<Ring> ringe;
8908   QSet<int>nonMetals;
8909   //B, C, N, O, F,  Si, P, S, Cl, Ge, As, Se, Br,  Sb, Te, I
8910   nonMetals<<4<<5<<6<<7<<8<<13<<14<<15<<16<<31<<32<<33<<34<<50<<51<<52;
8911   for (int i=0; i<neighbors.size();i++){
8912     if (!nonMetals.contains(asymm.at(i).an)) continue; //no rings with metals
8913     if (neighbors.at(i).size()>1)
8914       for (int j=0; j<neighbors.at(i).size();j++){
8915         for (int k=j+1; k<neighbors.at(i).size();k++){
8916           if (!nonMetals.contains(asymm.at(neighbors.at(i).at(j)).an)) continue; //no rings with metals
8917           if (!nonMetals.contains(asymm.at(neighbors.at(i).at(k)).an)) continue; //no rings with metals
8918           t.n[0]=i;
8919           t.n[1]=neighbors.at(i).at(j);
8920           t.n[2]=neighbors.at(i).at(k);
8921           double w = winkel(asymm.at(t.n[1]).pos - asymm.at(t.n[0]).pos, asymm.at(t.n[2]).pos - asymm.at(t.n[0]).pos) / 180.0 * M_PI;
8922           double scal = sin(w * 0.5) * sin(w * 0.5) / (sin(w) * sin(w));
8923           t.midcenter = asymm.at(t.n[0]).pos + scal * (asymm.at(t.n[1]).pos + asymm.at(t.n[2]).pos -(asymm.at(t.n[0]).pos * 2.0));
8924           tripels.append(t);
8925           //printf("tripel#%d %s %s %s\n",tripels.size(),asymm.at(t.n[1]).Label.toStdString().c_str(), asymm.at(t.n[0]).Label.toStdString().c_str(), asymm.at(t.n[2]).Label.toStdString().c_str());
8926           //      if (neighbors.at(i).size()==2) break;
8927         }
8928       }
8929   }
8930   //printf("atoms%d tripel%d\n",neighbors.size(),tripels.size());
8931   const double RINGTEST=0.7;
8932   for (int i=0; i<tripels.size(); i++){
8933     /*  print the midcenter as q peaks
8934         V3 f;
8935         kart2frac(tripels.at(i).midcenter,f);
8936         printf("Q%03d 1 %9.5f %9.5f %9.5f 11.0 0.05 %5.2f\n",i,f.x,f.y,f.z,i*0.01);
8937         */
8938     for (int j=0; j<i; j++){
8939       double dist=Distance(tripels.at(i).midcenter,tripels.at(j).midcenter);
8940       if (dist<RINGTEST){
8941         bool alreadyHaveIt=false;
8942         for (int k = 0; k < ringe.size(); k++){
8943           //printf("j%d i%d k%d\n",j,i,k);
8944           //          if (ringe[k].isComplete()) continue;
8945           V3 r1=ringe[k].theCenter();
8946           double
8947             d1=Distance(tripels.at(i).midcenter,r1),
8948             d2=Distance(tripels.at(j).midcenter,r1);
8949           if ((d1<RINGTEST)||(d2<RINGTEST)){
8950             ringe[k].addTripel(tripels.at(i));
8951             ringe[k].addTripel(tripels.at(j));
8952             //printf(":: %d %f %f ::\n", k, d1, d2);
8953             alreadyHaveIt=true;
8954             //  continue;
8955           }
8956           //else printf(":: %f %f ::\n",d1,d2);
8957         }
8958         if (!alreadyHaveIt){
8959           //printf("tic\n");
8960           ringe.append(Ring(tripels.at(i),tripels.at(j)));
8961           //ringe.last().printRing(this);
8962         }
8963       }//else {printf("DIST %g\n",dist);}
8964     //printf("j%d %d\n",j,i);
8965     }
8966     //printf("i%d \n",i);
8967   }
8968   //return;
8969   //printf("Rings %d\n",ringe.size());
8970   //  int fix=0;
8971   for (int ri=0; ri<ringe.size(); ri++){
8972     bool fertig = ringe[ri].isComplete();
8973     if ((!fertig)&&(ringe[ri].members.size()<7)) {
8974       //ringe[ri].printRing(this);
8975       int u=ringe[ri].members.size();
8976       for (int w=0; w<u; w++) {
8977         for (int v=0; v<tripels.size();v++){
8978           if (
8979               (ringe[ri].members.contains(tripels.at(v).n[0]))&&
8980               (ringe[ri].members.contains(tripels.at(v).n[1]))&&
8981               (ringe[ri].members.contains(tripels.at(v).n[2]))) {
8982             ringe[ri].addTripel(tripels.at(v));
8983             continue;
8984           }
8985         }
8986       }
8987     }
8988     //ringe[ri].printRing(this);
8989     fertig = ringe[ri].isComplete();
8990     ringe[ri].isItARealRing();
8991     fertig = ringe[ri].isComplete();
8992     //printf("%d %d %d\n",ringe[ri].t.size(),ringe[ri].members.size(),fertig);
8993     if (!fertig) {ringe.removeAt(ri);ri--;}
8994   }
8995   /*
8996      for (int ri=0; ri<ringe.size(); ri++){
8997      for (int rj=1; rj<ri; rj++){
8998      if (rj==ri)continue;
8999      if (Distance(ringe[ri].theCenter(),ringe[rj].theCenter())<0.2){ringe.removeAt(ri);ri--;break;}
9000      }
9001      }
9002      */
9003   //printf("Rings %d are real and complete.\n",ringe.size());
9004   //  return;
9005   for (int mi=0; mi<centerOfMass.size();mi++){
9006     //printf("Molecule#%d has %d atoms\n", mi, molsizes.at(mi));
9007     double away=-10.0;
9008     int itakethisring=0;
9009     for (int ri=0; ri<ringe.size(); ri++){
9010       if ((asymm.at(ringe.at(ri).members.at(0)).molindex-1)!=mi) continue;
9011       //bool fertig = ringe[ri].isComplete();
9012       //    if (fertig) fix++;
9013       ringe[ri].printRing(this);
9014       //printf("Ring #%d size = %d/%d is complete %d\n",ri,ringe.at(ri).t.size(),ringe.at(ri).members.size(),fertig);
9015       if (ringe.at(ri).members.size()==7){
9016         ringe[ri].debugRing(this);
9017         ringe[ri].isItARealRing();
9018       }
9019       double d=Distance(centerOfMass[asymm.at(ringe.at(ri).members.at(0)).molindex-1],ringe[ri].theCenter());
9020       V3 dir = (asymm.at(ringe.at(ri).members.at(0)).pos - ringe[ri].theCenter())%(asymm.at(ringe.at(ri).members.at(1)).pos - ringe[ri].theCenter());
9021       V3 com2r = ringe[ri].theCenter()-centerOfMass[asymm.at(ringe.at(ri).members.at(0)).molindex-1];
9022       double test= dir*com2r;
9023       QList<int> rcpy=ringe[ri].members;
9024       if (test>0.0){//flip ring order
9025         ringe[ri].members.clear();
9026         for (int kk=rcpy.size()-1; kk>=0; kk--){
9027           ringe[ri].members.append(rcpy.at(kk));
9028         }
9029         dir = (asymm.at(ringe.at(ri).members.at(0)).pos - ringe[ri].theCenter())%(asymm.at(ringe.at(ri).members.at(1)).pos - ringe[ri].theCenter());
9030         test= dir*com2r;
9031         //printf("fliped ");
9032       }
9033       ringe[ri].printRing(this);
9034       if (away<d){
9035         away=d;
9036         itakethisring=ri;
9037       }
9038       //printf("AWAYOFCOM %f %d  test%g   \n",d,ri,test);
9039     }
9040     //printf("Complete Rings %d\n",fix);
9041     //printf("Rings %d\n",ringe.size());
9042     if ((!ringe.isEmpty())&&((asymm.at(ringe.at(itakethisring).members.at(0)).molindex-1)==mi)){
9043       ringe[itakethisring].printRing(this);
9044       //printf("most far AWAY from COM %f %d\n",away,itakethisring);
9045       int starthere=0,mn=0;
9046       double away2=1000;
9047       for (int i=0; i<ringe[itakethisring].members.size(); i++){
9048         if ((neighbors.at(ringe[itakethisring].members.at(i)).size()>=mn)&&
9049             (Distance(asymm.at(ringe[itakethisring].members.at(i)).pos,centerOfMass[asymm.at(ringe.at(itakethisring).members.at(i)).molindex-1])<away2)){
9050           mn=neighbors.at(ringe[itakethisring].members.at(i)).size();
9051           away2=Distance(asymm.at(ringe[itakethisring].members.at(i)).pos,centerOfMass[asymm.at(ringe.at(itakethisring).members.at(i)).molindex-1]);
9052           starthere=i;
9053         }
9054       }
9055       chains.append(emptyChain);
9056       for (int i=0; i<ringe[itakethisring].members.size(); i++){
9057         chains.last().append(ringe[itakethisring].members.at(starthere%ringe[itakethisring].members.size()));
9058         starthere++;
9059       }
9060       ringe[itakethisring].done=true;
9061       //aneal ring
9062       for (int ci=0; ci<chains.last().size(); ci++){
9063         for (int ri=0; ri<ringe.size();ri++){
9064           if (ringe.at(ri).done) continue;
9065           if ((ringe[ri].members.contains(chains.last().at(ci)))&&(ringe[ri].members.contains(chains.last().at((ci+1)%chains.last().size())))){
9066             int bbv=chains.last().size();
9067             int ll=chains.last().last();
9068             int strt=ringe[ri].members.indexOf(ll);
9069             if (strt<0)strt = ringe[ri].members.indexOf(chains.last().at(ci));
9070             for (int rri=0,rrj=0; rri<ringe[ri].members.size(); rri++){
9071               rrj=(strt>=0)?(strt+rri)%ringe[ri].members.size():rri;
9072               if (!chains.last().contains(ringe[ri].members.at(rrj))) chains.last().append(ringe[ri].members.at(rrj));
9073             }
9074             bbv-=chains.last().size();
9075             if (bbv) ringe[ri].done=true;
9076             //printf("RING%d %d %d %d %d\n",ri,bbv,ci,chains.last().size(),ringe[ri].members.size());
9077           }
9078         }
9079       }
9080       do{
9081         int ce=chains.last().size();
9082         for (int cc=0; cc<ce; cc++){
9083           for (int nn=0; nn<neighbors.at(chains.last().at(cc)).size();nn++){
9084             if (!chains.last().contains(neighbors.at(chains.last().at(cc)).at(nn))) {
9085               chains.last().append(neighbors.at(chains.last().at(cc)).at(nn));
9086               //printf("ext %s\n",asymm.at(neighbors.at(chains.last().at(cc)).at(nn)).Label.toStdString().c_str());
9087               extendChain(ringe,chains.last(), neighbors,nogo);
9088             }
9089           }
9090         }
9091       }while(chains.last().size()<molsizes.at(mi));
9092       if (chains.last().size()==molsizes.at(mi))moleIsDone[mi]=true;
9093     }
9094     if ((!chains.isEmpty())&&(!result.contains(chains.last().last()))) {
9095       result.append(chains.last());
9096     }
9097   }//mi
9099   /*
9100      for (int cs=0; cs<chains.size(); cs++){
9101      chains[cs].clear();
9102      }
9103      chains.clear();
9104      */
9105   //for(int i=0; i<result.size(); i++){printf("%s[%d]=",asymm.at(result.at(i)).Label.toStdString().c_str(),i+1);if(!(i%10))printf("\n");}printf("\n");
9106   //return;
9107   //
9108   //printf("Molecules with rings are done\n");
9109   for (int mi=0; mi<molsizes.size(); mi++){
9110     if (moleIsDone.at(mi)) continue;
9111     //printf("mol%d %d %d %d resultsize%d chains%d\n",mi,molsizes.at(mi),molsizes.size(),centerOfMass.size(),
9112     //     result.size(),chains.size());
9113     int starthere=-1;
9114     double away=-10;
9115     for (int i=0; i<neighbors.size(); i++){
9116       if (asymm.at(i).an<0)continue;
9117       if ((asymm.at(i).molindex-1 == mi)&&(neighbors.at(i).size()==0)){
9118         result.append(i);//isolated atoms
9119         continue;
9120       }
9121       if ((asymm.at(i).molindex-1 == mi)&&(neighbors.at(i).size()==1)){//chain end
9122         //printf("%d %d %d %d %d\n",__LINE__,i,asymm.size(),neighbors.size());
9123         double d=Distance(asymm.at(i).pos,centerOfMass.at(mi));
9124         //printf("%d\n",__LINE__);
9125         if (d>away){
9126           away=d;
9127           starthere=i;
9128         }
9129       }
9130       // printf("%d\n",__LINE__);
9131     }
9132     //printf("%d\n",__LINE__);
9133     if (starthere<0) continue;
9134     //printf("start at %d if not done%d\n",starthere,!result.contains(starthere));
9136     if (!result.contains(starthere)){
9137       chains.append(emptyChain);
9138       chains.last().append(starthere);
9139       extendChain(ringe,chains.last(),neighbors,nogo);
9140     }
9141     do{
9142       int ce=chains.last().size();
9143       for (int cc=0; cc<ce; cc++){
9144         for (int nn=0; nn<neighbors.at(chains.last().at(cc)).size();nn++){
9145           if (!chains.last().contains(neighbors.at(chains.last().at(cc)).at(nn))) {
9146             chains.last().append(neighbors.at(chains.last().at(cc)).at(nn));
9147             //printf("ext %s\n",asymm.at(neighbors.at(chains.last().at(cc)).at(nn)).Label.toStdString().c_str());
9148             extendChain(ringe,chains.last(), neighbors,nogo);
9149           }
9150         }
9151       }
9152     }while(chains.last().size()<molsizes.at(mi));
9153     if ((!chains.isEmpty())&&(!result.contains(chains.last().last()))) {
9154       result.append(chains.last());
9155     }
9157   }
9158   for (int cs=0; cs<chains.size(); cs++){
9159     chains[cs].clear();
9160   }
9161   chains.clear();
9162 }
rankMySymmOp(Matrix m,V3 t)9164 int Molecule::rankMySymmOp(Matrix m, V3 t){
9165   V3 tv(0.27353,0.03537,0.15373);
9166   V3 a=V3(0,0,0),b=tv;
9167   int rank=0;
9168   while (!(a==tv)){
9169     a=m*b+t;
9170     //b=a;
9171     V3 flo=V3(floor(fabs(a.x)),floor(fabs(a.y)),floor(fabs(a.z)));//V3(floor(a.x+0.5), floor(a.y+0.5), floor(a.z+0.5));
9172     //b=b-flo;//+V3(0.5,0.5,0.5);
9174     a.x=(a.x>1.0)?a.x-1:(a.x<0.0)?a.x+1:a.x;
9175     a.y=(a.y>1.0)?a.y-1:(a.y<0.0)?a.y+1:a.y;
9176     a.z=(a.z>1.0)?a.z-1:(a.z<0.0)?a.z+1:a.z;
9177     /*printf("%g %g %g | %g %g %g | %g %g %g {} %g %g\n",
9178       b.x,b.y,b.z,
9179       a.x,a.y,a.z,
9180       flo.x,flo.y,flo.z,Distance(a,tv),Distance(b,tv));// */
9181     b=a;
9182     rank++;
9183     if (rank>=16) break;
9184   }
9185   return rank;
9186 }
intersectPoint(V3 rayVector,V3 rayPoint,V3 planeNormal,V3 planePoint,bool & ok)9188 V3 Molecule::intersectPoint(V3 rayVector, V3 rayPoint, V3 planeNormal, V3 planePoint,bool &ok) {
9189   V3 diff = rayPoint - planePoint;
9190   ok=true;
9191   double prod1 = diff * planeNormal;
9192   double prod2 = (rayVector * planeNormal)/(sqrt(Norm(rayVector))*sqrt(Norm(planeNormal)));//cosine
9193   //printf("diff %g %g %g A%g B%g\n",diff.x,diff.y,diff.z,prod1,prod2);
9194   if (fabs(prod2)<0.000001) {ok=false;return V3(0,0,0);}
9195   double p3 = prod1 / prod2;
9196   V3 erg =rayPoint - (Normalize(rayVector) * p3);
9197   ok= (erg.x>=-0.001)&&(erg.x<=1.001)&&(erg.y>=-0.001)&&(erg.y<=1.001)&&(erg.z>=-0.001)&&(erg.z<=1.001);
9198   erg.x=(erg.x<0.0)?0.0:erg.x;
9199   erg.y=(erg.y<0.0)?0.0:erg.y;
9200   erg.z=(erg.z<0.0)?0.0:erg.z;
9201   //if (!ok) printf("ich bin nicht ok (%g %g %g)\n",erg.x,erg.y,erg.z);
9202   //else printf("ich bin ok (%g %g %g)\n",erg.x,erg.y,erg.z);
9203   //printf("ich bin null = %g p1 %g p2 %g p3 %g (%g %g %g)\n",(erg-planePoint)* planeNormal,prod1,prod2,p3,erg.x,erg.y,erg.z);
9204   return erg;
9205 }
specialPts(const Matrix & mat,const V3 & trans,QList<V3> & points)9207 void Molecule::specialPts(const Matrix &mat, const V3 &trans, QList<V3> &points){
9208   int nmax=9;
9209   double stp=1.0/(nmax-1.0);
9210   //double vstp=1.0/(3*nmax);
9211   int fold=3;
9212   V3 axis;
9213   QString sname=nameSymmOp(mat,fold,axis);
9214   axis=Normalize(axis);
9215   //Matrix mat_=mat;
9216   //if (fold<-2) mat_=mat*Matrix(-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1);
9217   int end=0;
9218   V3 pts[1331];
9219   V3 pp[12],p;
9220   for (int h=0; h<nmax; h++){
9221     for (int k=0; k<nmax; k++){
9222       for (int l=0; l<nmax; l++){
9223         pts[end] = V3(stp*h, stp*k, stp*l);
9224         //val[i] = vstp*l;
9225         end++;
9226       }
9227     }
9228   }
9229   for (int i=0; i<end; i++){
9230     p=pts[i];
9231     pp[0] = mat * p + trans;
9232     pp[0].x = pp[0].x - floor(pp[0].x+0.00001);
9233     pp[0].y = pp[0].y - floor(pp[0].y+0.00001);
9234     pp[0].z = pp[0].z - floor(pp[0].z+0.00001);
9235     double screwy = (fold==-2)?0.0:fabs((pp[0]-p)*(axis));
9236     screwy = (fold==-1)?0.0:screwy;
9237     V3 screw = screwy*axis;
9238     //printf(" screw %g %g %g %g\n",screwy,screw.x,screw.y,screw.z);
9239     V3 glide= V3(0,0,0);
9240     if  (fold==-2){
9241       glide = mat * trans;
9242       glide = (trans + glide) * 0.5;
9243       //        printf(" glide %g %g %g  %g %g %g  %g\n",glide.x,glide.y,glide.z,trans.x,trans.y,trans.z,Norm(glide));
9244     }
9245     int afld=rankMySymmOp(mat,trans);
9246     for (int j=0; j<afld; j++){
9247       pp[j] = mat * p + trans - screw - glide;
9248       pp[j].x = pp[j].x - floor(pp[j].x+0.00001);
9249       pp[j].y = pp[j].y - floor(pp[j].y+0.00001);
9250       pp[j].z = pp[j].z - floor(pp[j].z+0.00001);
9251       p=pp[j];
9252     }
9253     p=V3(0,0,0);
9254     for (int j=0; j<afld; j++)p+=pp[j];
9255     p*=1.0/afld;
9256     p.x = p.x - floor(p.x+0.000001);
9257     p.y = p.y - floor(p.y+0.000001);
9258     p.z = p.z - floor(p.z+0.000001);
9259     V3 test = mat * p + trans - screw - glide;
9260     test.x = test.x - floor(test.x+0.000001);
9261     test.y = test.y - floor(test.y+0.000001);
9262     test.z = test.z - floor(test.z+0.000001);
9263     V3 test2 = mat * p + trans - screw + glide;
9264     test2.x = test2.x - floor(test2.x+0.000001);
9265     test2.y = test2.y - floor(test2.y+0.000001);
9266     test2.z = test2.z - floor(test2.z+0.000001);
9267     double d= Distance(test, p);
9268     double d2= Distance(test2, p);
9269     if ((d<0.01)||(fabs(d-1)<0.01)||(d2<0.01)||(fabs(d2-1)<0.01)){
9270       if (!points.contains(p)) points.append(p);
9271       if (p.x<0.0001) {p+=V3(1,0,0); if (!points.contains(p)) points.append(p);}
9272       if (p.y<0.0001) {p+=V3(0,1,0); if (!points.contains(p)) points.append(p);}
9273       if (p.z<0.0001) {p+=V3(0,0,1); if (!points.contains(p)) points.append(p);}
9274       //}else{
9275     /*
9276        printf("C%-3d 1 %8.6f %8.6f %8.6f 11.0000 0.05 !%f!%g %g\n"// \nREM %g %g %g =>%g\n  %g %g %g\n  %g %g %g\n  %g %g %g\n  %g %g %g\n"
9277     //REM %g %g %g  %g %g %g  %g %g %g   %g %g %g %g\n"
9278     , i+1, p.x, p.y, p.z, (screwy>0.1)?1.0:0.0,d2,d
9279     );  //  */
9280   }
9281   }
9283 }
findSymmElements()9285 void Molecule::findSymmElements(){
9286   //make1Plane(V3(0,1,0),V3(0,0,0));
9287   //make1Plane(V3(0,1,0),V3(0,1,0));
9288   axvecs.clear();
9289   ptriangles.clear();
9290   axcols.clear();
9291   axoprs.clear();
9292   dontshowSel.clear();
9293   dontshowSop.clear();
9294   invoprs.clear();
9295   invvecs.clear();
9296   QList<V3> points;
9297   for (int n=1; n<cell.symmops.size(); n++){
9298     int fold=0;
9299     V3 axis;
9300     QString sname=nameSymmOp(cell.symmops.at(n),fold,axis);
9301     axis=Normalize(axis);
9302     printf("This Symmop #%d is a %s. %d %g %g %g\n",n,sname.toStdString().c_str(),fold,axis.x,axis.y,axis.z);
9303     if (cell.symmops.at(n)==Matrix(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1)) {
9304       //printf("das wars %s\n",symmcode2human(n).toStdString().c_str());
9305       continue;
9306       //break;
9307     }
9308     if (cell.symmops.at(n)==Matrix(-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,0,-1)) {
9309       printf("inversion %s\n",symmcode2human(n).toStdString().c_str());
9310       //continue;
9311     }
9312     points.clear();
9313     specialPts(cell.symmops.at(n),cell.trans.at(n), points);
9314     printf("points size = %d\n",points.size());
9315     if (fold==-1){
9316         QList<V3> drin;
9317         for (int i=0; i< points.size(); i++){
9318             packPoint(points.at(i),drin);
9319             //printf("%d -- %d\n",i,drin.size());
9320         }
9321         for (int i=0; i< drin.size(); i++){
9322           V3 pos;
9323           frac2kart(drin.at(i),pos);
9324           invoprs.append(n);
9325           invvecs.append(pos);
9326         }
9327         //printf("INVERSION CENTERS %d %d\n",invoprs.size(),invvecs.size());
9328     }else
9329     if (fold==-2){
9330       for (int g=0; g<points.size(); g++){
9331         V3 T=cell.trans.at(n);
9332         V3 glide = cell.symmops.at(n) * cell.trans.at(n);
9333         glide = (cell.trans.at(n) + glide) * 0.5;//mirrored parts of the vector cancel out
9334         bool isglide=(Norm(glide)>0.01);
9335         int colori=abs(fold)-1;
9336         colori+=(fold<0)?5:0;
9337         colori+=fold==6?-1:0;
9338         colori+=(fold==-6)?-1:0;
9339         colori+=(isglide)?9:0;
9340         colori+=((isglide)&&(fold<0))?-1:0;
9341         frac2kart(V3(glide.x*T.x,glide.y*T.y,glide.z*T.z),glide);
9342         make1Plane(axis,points.at(g),glide,colori,n);
9343       }
9344     }else{
9345       // may be a axis
9346       QList<V3> drin;
9347       QList<int> dc;
9348       for (int g=0; g<points.size();g++){
9349         V3 tt2=points.at(g);
9351         //printf("COLORI %d<%d\n",colori,symmColors.size());
9352         //printf("%g %g %g || %g %g %g \n",ax1.x,ax1.y,ax1.z,cell.trans.at(n).x,cell.trans.at(n).y,cell.trans.at(n).z);
9353         bool ok;
9354         V3 inp;
9355         QList<V3> sects;
9356         inp=intersectPoint(-1.0*axis,tt2,V3(0,0,1),V3(0,0,0),ok);
9357         if (ok){
9358           if (!sects.contains(inp)) sects.append(inp);
9359         }
9360         inp=intersectPoint(-1.0*axis,tt2,V3(0,0,1),V3(0,0,1),ok);
9361         if (ok){
9362           if (!sects.contains(inp)) sects.append(inp);
9363         }
9364         inp=intersectPoint(-1.0*axis,tt2,V3(0,1,0),V3(0,0,0),ok);
9365         if ((ok)){
9366           if (!sects.contains(inp)) sects.append(inp);
9367         }
9368         inp=intersectPoint(-1.0*axis,tt2,V3(0,1,0),V3(0,1,0),ok);
9369         if ((ok)){
9370           if (!sects.contains(inp)) sects.append(inp);
9371         }
9372         inp=intersectPoint(-1.0*axis,tt2,V3(1,0,0),V3(0,0,0),ok);
9373         if ((ok)){
9374           if (!sects.contains(inp)) sects.append(inp);
9375         }
9376         inp=intersectPoint(-1.0*axis,tt2,V3(1,0,0),V3(1,0,0),ok);
9377         if ((ok)){
9378           if (!sects.contains(inp)) sects.append(inp);
9379         }
9380         if (sects.size()>1){
9381         V3 pp0 = 0.5*(sects.at(0)+sects.at(1));
9382         V3 pp = cell.symmops.at(n) * pp0 + cell.trans.at(n);
9383         pp.x = pp.x - floor(pp.x+0.000001);
9384         pp.y = pp.y - floor(pp.y+0.000001);
9385         pp.z = pp.z - floor(pp.z+0.000001);
9386         double screwy = (fold==-2)?0.0:sqrt(Norm(pp-pp0));
9387         //printf("%g %g %g ||%g %g %g \n",pp.x,pp.y,pp.z,pp0.x,pp0.y,pp0.z);
9388         //V3 ta=(pp-pp0);
9389         V3 screw = screwy * axis;
9390         screw.x = screw.x - floor(screw.x+0.000001);
9391         screw.y = screw.y - floor(screw.y+0.000001);
9392         screw.z = screw.z - floor(screw.z+0.000001);
9393         /*printf("Screw: %g >> (%g %g %g)  (%g %g %g) (%g %g %g) (%g %g %g)\n", Norm(screw), screw.x, screw.y, screw.z,tt2.x,tt2.y,tt2.z,
9394           axis.x,axis.y,axis.z,
9395           dif.x,dif.y,dif.z
9396           );*/
9397         bool isscrew=Norm(screw)>0.01;
9398         //frac2kart(screw,scc);
9399         int colori=abs(fold)-1;
9400         colori+=(fold<0)?5:0;
9401         colori+=(fold==6)?-1:0;
9402         colori+=(fold==-6)?-1:0;
9403         colori+=(isscrew)?9:0;
9404         colori+=((isscrew)&&(fold<0))?-1:0;
9405         //int ds=drin.size();
9406         packLine(sects.at(0),sects.at(1),axis,drin,colori,dc);
9407         /*if (ds!=drin.size())printf("drinsize %d colori %d screw(%g):( %g %g %g) (%g %g %g) (%g %g %g)\n",drin.size(),colori,screwy,screw.x,screw.y,screw.z
9408                                    ,ta.x,ta.y,ta.z,axis.x,axis.y,axis.z);// */
9409         }
9410         for (int g=0; g<drin.size(); g++){
9411           V3 ax;
9412           frac2kart(drin.at(g),ax);
9413           axvecs.append(ax);
9414           axcols.append(dc.at(g));
9415           axoprs.append(n);
9416         }
9417       }
9418     }
9419     if (n==-22) {// for debugging
9420       printf("XXXX\n");
9421       for (int i=0; i< points.size(); i++){
9422         MyAtom atm;
9423         atm.an=-1;
9424         atm.Label=QString("Sym%1").arg(i);
9425         atm.peakHeight=(i*1.0)/points.size();
9426         atm.frac=points.at(i);
9427         atm.an=-1;
9428         atm.part=0;
9429         atm.resiNr=0;
9430         atm.hidden=0;
9431         atm.resiNr=0;
9432         atm.part=0;
9433         atm.style=1;
9434         atm.symmGroup=0;
9435         atm.sg=0;
9436         atm.scod=555;//the identity
9437         atm.auidx=-1;
9438         atm.uc.m12=atm.uc.m23=atm.uc.m13=0.0;
9439         atm.uc.m21=atm.uc.m32=atm.uc.m31=0.0;
9440         atm.uf.m12=atm.uf.m23=atm.uf.m13=0.0;
9441         atm.uf.m21=atm.uf.m32=atm.uf.m31=0.0;
9442         atm.uf.m11=0.05;
9443         atm.isIso=true;
9444         atm.uc.m11=atm.uc.m22=atm.uc.m33=atm.uf.m11;
9445         frac2kart(atm.frac,atm.pos);
9446         printf("Sym%d %f %f %f <=> %f %f %f %d\n",i,atm.frac.x,atm.frac.y,atm.frac.z,atm.pos.x,atm.pos.y,atm.pos.z,showatoms.size());
9447         showatoms.append(atm);
9448       }
9449     }
9450   }
9451 }
make1Plane(V3 planeNormal,V3 pointOnPlane,V3 glide,int ac,int n)9453 void Molecule::make1Plane(V3 planeNormal, V3 pointOnPlane,V3 glide, int ac, int n){
9454     //if (n==11) printf("normal %g %g %g\n",planeNormal.x,planeNormal.y,planeNormal.z);
9455   QList<V3> pop;//point on plane
9456   int np=0;
9457   bool already=false;
9458   for (int h=0; h<2; h++){
9459     for (int k=0; k<2; k++){
9460       for (int l=0; l<2; l++){
9461         bool ok;
9462         V3 inp=intersectPoint(V3(0,0,1),V3(h,k,l),planeNormal,pointOnPlane,ok);
9463         if (ok) {
9464           if (!pop.contains(inp)){
9465             np++;
9466             pop.append(inp);
9467           }
9469         }
9470         inp=intersectPoint(V3(0,1,0),V3(h,k,l),planeNormal,pointOnPlane,ok);
9471         if (ok) {
9472           if (!pop.contains(inp)){
9473             np++;
9474             pop.append(inp);
9475           }
9476         }
9477         inp=intersectPoint(V3(1,0,0),V3(h,k,l),planeNormal,pointOnPlane,ok);
9478         if (ok) {
9479           if (!pop.contains(inp)){
9480             np++;
9481             pop.append(inp);
9482           }
9483         }
9484       }
9485     }
9486   }
9487   if (pop.size()>2){
9488     PPoly tri;
9489     tri.nor=planeNormal;
9490     tri.mid=V3(0,0,0);
9491     for(int i=0; i<pop.size();i++){
9492       tri.mid+=pop.at(i);
9493     }
9494     tri.mid*=1.0/pop.size();
9495     tri.verts0=pop.at(0);
9496     tri.verts1=pop.at(1);
9497     tri.colr=ac;
9498     tri.n=n;
9499     tri.glide=glide;
9500     QList<int> order;
9501     order.append(0);
9502     int j=0,jj=0,aj=0;
9503     for (int k=1; k<pop.size();k++){
9504       double mdi=10000.0;
9505       for (int i=1; i<pop.size();i++){
9506         if ((i==j)||(order.contains(i))) continue;
9507         double d=Distance(pop.at(j),pop.at(i));
9508         double dd=Distance(pop.at(aj),pop.at(i));
9509         if ((d<=dd)&&(d<mdi)){
9510           mdi=d;
9511           jj=i;
9512         }
9513       }
9514       aj=j;
9515       j=jj;
9516       order.append(j);
9517     }
9518     frac2kart(tri.mid,tri.mid);
9519     for(int i=0; i<ptriangles.size();i++){
9520       if ((n==ptriangles.at(i).n)&&(ptriangles.at(i).nor==planeNormal)&&(ptriangles.at(i).mid==tri.mid)){
9521         already=true;
9522         break;
9523       }
9524     }
9525     if (!already)for(int i=0; i<order.size();i++){
9526       frac2kart(pop.at(order.at(i)),tri.verts0);
9527       frac2kart(pop.at(order.at((i+1)%order.size())),tri.verts1);
9528       ptriangles.append(tri);
9529     }
9530   }
9531 }
is2Dissordered4H(const MyAtom & atom)9533 bool Molecule::is2Dissordered4H(const MyAtom &atom){
9534   if (!HFixSuitableAtomsOnly) return false;
9535   double avu=averageUeq();
9536   V3 ev;
9537   double ue=ueq(atom.uf);
9538   if (ue<0.0) return true;//NPD is not good!
9539   jacobi(atom.uc,ev);
9540   double mi,ma,ratio;
9541   mi=(ev.x > ev.y)?(ev.y > ev.z)?ev.z:ev.y:(ev.x > ev.z)?ev.z:ev.x;
9542   ma=(ev.x < ev.y)?(ev.y < ev.z)?ev.z:ev.y:(ev.x < ev.z)?ev.z:ev.x;
9543   if (mi<0.01) return true;
9544   if (ue<avu*1.2) return false; //small enough to be a H-horse ;-)
9545   ratio=fabs(ma/mi);
9546   printf("%s is this a missshaped ADP min %f max %f ratio %f iso %f avg %f %f?\n",atom.Label.toStdString().c_str(),mi,ma,ratio,ue,avu,ue/avu);
9547   if (ratio>8) return true;
9548   if ((ue/avu) >2.0) return true;
9549   return false;
9550 }
averageUeq()9552 double Molecule::averageUeq(){
9553   double uav=0.0;
9554   int iok=0;
9555   Matrix ucc;
9556   for (int i=0; i<asymm.size();i++){
9557     if (asymm.at(i).an<0) continue;
9558     double u=ueq(asymm.at(i).uf);
9559     if (u>0.0) {
9560       iok++;
9561       uav+=u;
9562     }
9563   }
9564   uav/=iok;
9565   return uav;
9566 }
ueq(const Matrix m)9568 double Molecule::ueq(const Matrix m){
9569   double erg=0;
9570   Matrix ucc;
9571   Uf2Uo(m,ucc);
9572   erg=1/3.0*(ucc.m11+ucc.m22+ucc.m33);
9573   return erg;
9574 }