1#  ___________________________________________________________________________
3#  Pyomo: Python Optimization Modeling Objects
4#  Copyright 2017 National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC
5#  Under the terms of Contract DE-NA0003525 with National Technology and
6#  Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC, the U.S. Government retains certain
7#  rights in this software.
8#  This software is distributed under the 3-clause BSD License.
9#  ___________________________________________________________________________
11"""main problem functions."""
12from __future__ import division
13import logging
14from pyomo.core import Constraint, Expression, Objective, minimize, value
15from pyomo.opt import TerminationCondition as tc
16from pyomo.opt import SolutionStatus, SolverFactory
17from pyomo.contrib.gdpopt.util import copy_var_list_values, SuppressInfeasibleWarning, _DoNothing, get_main_elapsed_time, time_code
18from pyomo.contrib.gdpopt.mip_solve import distinguish_mip_infeasible_or_unbounded
19from pyomo.solvers.plugins.solvers.persistent_solver import PersistentSolver
20from pyomo.common.dependencies import attempt_import
21from pyomo.contrib.mindtpy.util import generate_norm1_objective_function, generate_norm2sq_objective_function, generate_norm_inf_objective_function, generate_lag_objective_function, set_solver_options, GurobiPersistent4MindtPy
24logger = logging.getLogger('pyomo.contrib.mindtpy')
27single_tree, single_tree_available = attempt_import(
28    'pyomo.contrib.mindtpy.single_tree')
29tabu_list, tabu_list_available = attempt_import(
30    'pyomo.contrib.mindtpy.tabu_list')
33def solve_main(solve_data, config, fp=False, regularization_problem=False):
34    """
35    This function solves the MIP main problem
37    Parameters
38    ----------
39    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
40        data container that holds solve-instance data
41    config: ConfigBlock
42        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
44    Returns
45    -------
46    solve_data.mip: Pyomo model
47        the MIP stored in solve_data
48    main_mip_results: Pyomo results object
49        result from solving the main MIP
50    fp: Bool
51        generate the feasibility pump regularization main problem
52    regularization_problem: Bool
53        generate the ROA regularization main problem
54    """
55    if fp:
56        config.logger.info('FP-MIP %s: Solve main problem.' %
57                           (solve_data.fp_iter,))
58    elif regularization_problem:
59        config.logger.info('Regularization-MIP %s: Solve main regularization problem.' %
60                           (solve_data.mip_iter,))
61    else:
62        solve_data.mip_iter += 1
63        config.logger.info('MIP %s: Solve main problem.' %
64                           (solve_data.mip_iter,))
66    # setup main problem
67    setup_main(solve_data, config, fp, regularization_problem)
68    mainopt = setup_mip_solver(solve_data, config, regularization_problem)
70    mip_args = dict(config.mip_solver_args)
71    if config.mip_solver in {'cplex', 'cplex_persistent', 'gurobi', 'gurobi_persistent'}:
72        mip_args['warmstart'] = True
73    set_solver_options(mainopt, solve_data, config,
74                       solver_type='mip', regularization=regularization_problem)
75    try:
76        with time_code(solve_data.timing, 'regularization main' if regularization_problem else ('fp main' if fp else 'main')):
77            main_mip_results = mainopt.solve(solve_data.mip,
78                                             tee=config.mip_solver_tee, **mip_args)
79    except (ValueError, AttributeError):
80        if config.single_tree:
81            config.logger.warning('Single tree terminate.')
82            if get_main_elapsed_time(solve_data.timing) >= config.time_limit - 2:
83                config.logger.warning('due to the timelimit.')
84                solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = tc.maxTimeLimit
85            if config.strategy == 'GOA' or config.add_no_good_cuts:
86                config.logger.warning('ValueError: Cannot load a SolverResults object with bad status: error. '
87                                      'MIP solver failed. This usually happens in the single-tree GOA algorithm. '
88                                      "No-good cuts are added and GOA algorithm doesn't converge within the time limit. "
89                                      'No integer solution is found, so the cplex solver will report an error status. ')
90        return None, None
91    if main_mip_results.solver.termination_condition is tc.optimal:
92        if config.single_tree and not config.add_no_good_cuts and not regularization_problem:
93            if solve_data.objective_sense == minimize:
94                solve_data.LB = max(
95                    main_mip_results.problem.lower_bound, solve_data.LB)
96                solve_data.bound_improved = solve_data.LB > solve_data.LB_progress[-1]
97                solve_data.LB_progress.append(solve_data.LB)
98            else:
99                solve_data.UB = min(
100                    main_mip_results.problem.upper_bound, solve_data.UB)
101                solve_data.bound_improved = solve_data.UB < solve_data.UB_progress[-1]
102                solve_data.UB_progress.append(solve_data.UB)
104    elif main_mip_results.solver.termination_condition is tc.infeasibleOrUnbounded:
105        # Linear solvers will sometimes tell me that it's infeasible or
106        # unbounded during presolve, but fails to distinguish. We need to
107        # resolve with a solver option flag on.
108        main_mip_results, _ = distinguish_mip_infeasible_or_unbounded(
109            solve_data.mip, config)
110        return solve_data.mip, main_mip_results
112    if regularization_problem:
113        solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.objective_constr.deactivate()
114        solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.del_component('loa_proj_mip_obj')
115        solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.cuts.del_component('obj_reg_estimate')
116        if config.add_regularization == 'level_L1':
117            solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.del_component('L1_obj')
118        elif config.add_regularization == 'level_L_infinity':
119            solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils.del_component(
120                'L_infinity_obj')
122    return solve_data.mip, main_mip_results
125def setup_mip_solver(solve_data, config, regularization_problem):
126    # Deactivate extraneous IMPORT/EXPORT suffixes
127    if config.nlp_solver == 'ipopt':
128        getattr(solve_data.mip, 'ipopt_zL_out', _DoNothing()).deactivate()
129        getattr(solve_data.mip, 'ipopt_zU_out', _DoNothing()).deactivate()
130    if regularization_problem:
131        mainopt = SolverFactory(config.mip_regularization_solver)
132    else:
133        if config.mip_solver == 'gurobi_persistent' and config.single_tree:
134            mainopt = GurobiPersistent4MindtPy()
135            mainopt.solve_data = solve_data
136            mainopt.config = config
137        else:
138            mainopt = SolverFactory(config.mip_solver)
140    # determine if persistent solver is called.
141    if isinstance(mainopt, PersistentSolver):
142        mainopt.set_instance(solve_data.mip, symbolic_solver_labels=True)
143    if config.single_tree and not regularization_problem:
144        # Configuration of cplex lazy callback
145        if config.mip_solver == 'cplex_persistent':
146            lazyoa = mainopt._solver_model.register_callback(
147                single_tree.LazyOACallback_cplex)
148            # pass necessary data and parameters to lazyoa
149            lazyoa.main_mip = solve_data.mip
150            lazyoa.solve_data = solve_data
151            lazyoa.config = config
152            lazyoa.opt = mainopt
153            mainopt._solver_model.set_warning_stream(None)
154            mainopt._solver_model.set_log_stream(None)
155            mainopt._solver_model.set_error_stream(None)
156        if config.mip_solver == 'gurobi_persistent':
157            mainopt.set_callback(single_tree.LazyOACallback_gurobi)
158    if config.use_tabu_list:
159        tabulist = mainopt._solver_model.register_callback(
160            tabu_list.IncumbentCallback_cplex)
161        tabulist.solve_data = solve_data
162        tabulist.opt = mainopt
163        tabulist.config = config
164        mainopt._solver_model.parameters.preprocessing.reduce.set(1)
165        # If the callback is used to reject incumbents, the user must set the
166        # parameter c.parameters.preprocessing.reduce either to the value 1 (one)
167        # to restrict presolve to primal reductions only or to 0 (zero) to disable all presolve reductions
168        mainopt._solver_model.set_warning_stream(None)
169        mainopt._solver_model.set_log_stream(None)
170        mainopt._solver_model.set_error_stream(None)
171    return mainopt
174# The following functions deal with handling the solution we get from the above MIP solver function
177def handle_main_optimal(main_mip, solve_data, config, update_bound=True):
178    """
179    This function copies the result from 'solve_main' to the working model and updates the upper/lower bound. This
180    function is called after an optimal solution is found for the main problem.
182    Parameters
183    ----------
184    main_mip: Pyomo model
185        the MIP main problem
186    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
187        data container that holds solve-instance data
188    config: ConfigBlock
189        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
190    """
191    # proceed. Just need integer values
192    MindtPy = main_mip.MindtPy_utils
193    # check if the value of binary variable is valid
194    for var in MindtPy.discrete_variable_list:
195        if var.value is None:
196            config.logger.warning(
197                "Integer variable {} not initialized. It is set to it's lower bound".format(var.name))
198            var.value = var.lb  # nlp_var.bounds[0]
199    # warm start for the nlp subproblem
200    copy_var_list_values(
201        main_mip.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
202        solve_data.working_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
203        config)
205    if update_bound:
206        if solve_data.objective_sense == minimize:
207            solve_data.LB = max(
208                value(MindtPy.mip_obj.expr), solve_data.LB)
209            solve_data.bound_improved = solve_data.LB > solve_data.LB_progress[-1]
210            solve_data.LB_progress.append(solve_data.LB)
211        else:
212            solve_data.UB = min(
213                value(MindtPy.mip_obj.expr), solve_data.UB)
214            solve_data.bound_improved = solve_data.UB < solve_data.UB_progress[-1]
215            solve_data.UB_progress.append(solve_data.UB)
216        config.logger.info(
217            'MIP %s: OBJ: %s  LB: %s  UB: %s  TIME: %ss'
218            % (solve_data.mip_iter, value(MindtPy.mip_obj.expr),
219               solve_data.LB, solve_data.UB, round(get_main_elapsed_time(solve_data.timing), 2)))
222def handle_main_other_conditions(main_mip, main_mip_results, solve_data, config):
223    """
224    This function handles the result of the latest iteration of solving the MIP problem (given any of a few
225    edge conditions, such as if the solution is neither infeasible nor optimal).
227    Parameters
228    ----------
229    main_mip: Pyomo model
230        the MIP main problem
231    main_mip_results: Pyomo results object
232        result from solving the MIP problem
233    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
234        data container that holds solve-instance data
235    config: ConfigBlock
236        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
237    """
238    if main_mip_results.solver.termination_condition is tc.infeasible:
239        handle_main_infeasible(main_mip, solve_data, config)
240    elif main_mip_results.solver.termination_condition is tc.unbounded:
241        temp_results = handle_main_unbounded(main_mip, solve_data, config)
242    elif main_mip_results.solver.termination_condition is tc.infeasibleOrUnbounded:
243        temp_results = handle_main_unbounded(main_mip, solve_data, config)
244        if temp_results.solver.termination_condition is tc.infeasible:
245            handle_main_infeasible(main_mip, solve_data, config)
246    elif main_mip_results.solver.termination_condition is tc.maxTimeLimit:
247        handle_main_max_timelimit(
248            main_mip, main_mip_results, solve_data, config)
249        solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = tc.maxTimeLimit
250    elif (main_mip_results.solver.termination_condition is tc.other and
251          main_mip_results.solution.status is SolutionStatus.feasible):
252        # load the solution and suppress the warning message by setting
253        # solver status to ok.
254        MindtPy = main_mip.MindtPy_utils
255        config.logger.info(
256            'MILP solver reported feasible solution, '
257            'but not guaranteed to be optimal.')
258        copy_var_list_values(
259            main_mip.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
260            solve_data.working_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
261            config)
262        if solve_data.objective_sense == minimize:
263            solve_data.LB = max(
264                main_mip_results.problem.lower_bound, solve_data.LB)
265            solve_data.bound_improved = solve_data.LB > solve_data.LB_progress[-1]
266            solve_data.LB_progress.append(solve_data.LB)
267        else:
268            solve_data.UB = min(
269                main_mip_results.problem.upper_bound, solve_data.UB)
270            solve_data.bound_improved = solve_data.UB < solve_data.UB_progress[-1]
271            solve_data.UB_progress.append(solve_data.UB)
272        config.logger.info(
273            'MIP %s: OBJ: %s  LB: %s  UB: %s'
274            % (solve_data.mip_iter, value(MindtPy.mip_obj.expr),
275               solve_data.LB, solve_data.UB))
276    else:
277        raise ValueError(
278            'MindtPy unable to handle MILP main termination condition '
279            'of %s. Solver message: %s' %
280            (main_mip_results.solver.termination_condition, main_mip_results.solver.message))
283def handle_main_infeasible(main_mip, solve_data, config):
284    """
285    This function handles the result of the latest iteration of solving the MIP problem given an infeasible solution.
287    Parameters
288    ----------
289    main_mip: Pyomo model
290        the MIP main problem
291    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
292        data container that holds solve-instance data
293    config: ConfigBlock
294        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
295    """
296    config.logger.info(
297        'MILP main problem is infeasible. '
298        'Problem may have no more feasible '
299        'binary configurations.')
300    if solve_data.mip_iter == 1:
301        config.logger.warning(
302            'MindtPy initialization may have generated poor '
303            'quality cuts.')
304    # TODO no-good cuts for single tree case
305    # set optimistic bound to infinity
306    if solve_data.objective_sense == minimize:
307        solve_data.LB_progress.append(solve_data.LB)
308    else:
309        solve_data.UB_progress.append(solve_data.UB)
310    config.logger.info(
311        'MindtPy exiting due to MILP main problem infeasibility.')
312    if solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition is None:
313        if solve_data.mip_iter == 0:
314            solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = tc.infeasible
315        else:
316            solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = tc.feasible
319def handle_main_max_timelimit(main_mip, main_mip_results, solve_data, config):
320    """
321    This function handles the result of the latest iteration of solving the MIP problem given that solving the
322    MIP takes too long.
324    Parameters
325    ----------
326    main_mip: Pyomo model
327        the MIP main problem
328    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
329        data container that holds solve-instance data
330    config: ConfigBlock
331        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
332    """
333    # TODO check that status is actually ok and everything is feasible
334    MindtPy = main_mip.MindtPy_utils
335    config.logger.info(
336        'Unable to optimize MILP main problem '
337        'within time limit. '
338        'Using current solver feasible solution.')
339    copy_var_list_values(
340        main_mip.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
341        solve_data.working_model.MindtPy_utils.variable_list,
342        config)
343    if solve_data.objective_sense == minimize:
344        solve_data.LB = max(
345            main_mip_results.problem.lower_bound, solve_data.LB)
346        solve_data.bound_improved = solve_data.LB > solve_data.LB_progress[-1]
347        solve_data.LB_progress.append(solve_data.LB)
348    else:
349        solve_data.UB = min(
350            main_mip_results.problem.upper_bound, solve_data.UB)
351        solve_data.bound_improved = solve_data.UB < solve_data.UB_progress[-1]
352        solve_data.UB_progress.append(solve_data.UB)
353    config.logger.info(
354        'MIP %s: OBJ: %s  LB: %s  UB: %s'
355        % (solve_data.mip_iter, value(MindtPy.mip_obj.expr),
356           solve_data.LB, solve_data.UB))
359def handle_main_unbounded(main_mip, solve_data, config):
360    """
361    This function handles the result of the latest iteration of solving the MIP problem given an unbounded solution
362    due to the relaxation.
364    Parameters
365    ----------
366    main_mip: Pyomo model
367        the MIP main problem
368    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
369        data container that holds solve-instance data
370    config: ConfigBlock
371        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
372    """
373    # Solution is unbounded. Add an arbitrary bound to the objective and resolve.
374    # This occurs when the objective is nonlinear. The nonlinear objective is moved
375    # to the constraints, and deactivated for the linear main problem.
376    MindtPy = main_mip.MindtPy_utils
377    config.logger.warning(
378        'main MILP was unbounded. '
379        'Resolving with arbitrary bound values of (-{0:.10g}, {0:.10g}) on the objective. '
380        'You can change this bound with the option obj_bound.'.format(config.obj_bound))
381    MindtPy.objective_bound = Constraint(
382        expr=(-config.obj_bound, MindtPy.mip_obj.expr, config.obj_bound))
383    mainopt = SolverFactory(config.mip_solver)
384    if isinstance(mainopt, PersistentSolver):
385        mainopt.set_instance(main_mip)
386    set_solver_options(mainopt, solve_data, config, solver_type='mip')
387    with SuppressInfeasibleWarning():
388        main_mip_results = mainopt.solve(
389            main_mip, tee=config.mip_solver_tee, **config.mip_solver_args)
390    return main_mip_results
393def handle_regularization_main_tc(main_mip, main_mip_results, solve_data, config):
394    if main_mip_results is None:
395        config.logger.info(
396            'Failed to solve the regularization problem.'
397            'The solution of the OA main problem will be adopted.')
398    elif main_mip_results.solver.termination_condition in {tc.optimal, tc.feasible}:
399        handle_main_optimal(
400            main_mip, solve_data, config, update_bound=False)
401    elif main_mip_results.solver.termination_condition is tc.maxTimeLimit:
402        config.logger.info(
403            'Regularization problem failed to converge within the time limit.')
404        solve_data.results.solver.termination_condition = tc.maxTimeLimit
405        # break
406    elif main_mip_results.solver.termination_condition is tc.infeasible:
407        config.logger.info(
408            'Regularization problem infeasible.')
409    elif main_mip_results.solver.termination_condition is tc.unbounded:
410        config.logger.info(
411            'Regularization problem ubounded.'
412            'Sometimes solving MIQP in cplex, unbounded means infeasible.')
413    elif main_mip_results.solver.termination_condition is tc.unknown:
414        config.logger.info(
415            'Termination condition of the regularization problem is unknown.')
416        if main_mip_results.problem.lower_bound != float('-inf'):
417            config.logger.info('Solution limit has been reached.')
418            handle_main_optimal(
419                main_mip, solve_data, config, update_bound=False)
420        else:
421            config.logger.info('No solution obtained from the regularization subproblem.'
422                               'Please set mip_solver_tee to True for more informations.'
423                               'The solution of the OA main problem will be adopted.')
424    else:
425        raise ValueError(
426            'MindtPy unable to handle regularization problem termination condition '
427            'of %s. Solver message: %s' %
428            (main_mip_results.solver.termination_condition, main_mip_results.solver.message))
431def setup_main(solve_data, config, fp, regularization_problem):
432    """
433    Set up main problem/main regularization problem for OA, ECP, Feasibility Pump and ROA methods.
435    Parameters
436    ----------
437    solve_data: MindtPy Data Container
438        data container that holds solve-instance data
439    config: ConfigBlock
440        contains the specific configurations for the algorithm
441    fp: Bool
442        generate the feasibility pump regularization main problem
443    regularization_problem: Bool
444        generate the ROA regularization main problem
445    """
446    MindtPy = solve_data.mip.MindtPy_utils
448    for c in MindtPy.constraint_list:
449        if c.body.polynomial_degree() not in {1, 0}:
450            c.deactivate()
452    MindtPy.cuts.activate()
454    sign_adjust = 1 if solve_data.objective_sense == minimize else - 1
455    MindtPy.del_component('mip_obj')
456    if regularization_problem and config.single_tree:
457        MindtPy.del_component('loa_proj_mip_obj')
458        MindtPy.cuts.del_component('obj_reg_estimate')
459    if config.add_regularization is not None and config.add_no_good_cuts:
460        if regularization_problem:
461            MindtPy.cuts.no_good_cuts.activate()
462        else:
463            MindtPy.cuts.no_good_cuts.deactivate()
465    if fp:
466        MindtPy.del_component('fp_mip_obj')
467        if config.fp_main_norm == 'L1':
468            MindtPy.fp_mip_obj = generate_norm1_objective_function(
469                solve_data.mip,
470                solve_data.working_model,
471                discrete_only=config.fp_discrete_only)
472        elif config.fp_main_norm == 'L2':
473            MindtPy.fp_mip_obj = generate_norm2sq_objective_function(
474                solve_data.mip,
475                solve_data.working_model,
476                discrete_only=config.fp_discrete_only)
477        elif config.fp_main_norm == 'L_infinity':
478            MindtPy.fp_mip_obj = generate_norm_inf_objective_function(
479                solve_data.mip,
480                solve_data.working_model,
481                discrete_only=config.fp_discrete_only)
482    elif regularization_problem:
483        if MindtPy.objective_list[0].expr.polynomial_degree() in {1, 0}:
484            MindtPy.objective_constr.activate()
485        if config.add_regularization == 'level_L1':
486            MindtPy.loa_proj_mip_obj = generate_norm1_objective_function(solve_data.mip,
487                                                                         solve_data.best_solution_found,
488                                                                         discrete_only=False)
489        elif config.add_regularization == 'level_L2':
490            MindtPy.loa_proj_mip_obj = generate_norm2sq_objective_function(solve_data.mip,
491                                                                           solve_data.best_solution_found,
492                                                                           discrete_only=False)
493        elif config.add_regularization == 'level_L_infinity':
494            MindtPy.loa_proj_mip_obj = generate_norm_inf_objective_function(solve_data.mip,
495                                                                            solve_data.best_solution_found,
496                                                                            discrete_only=False)
497        elif config.add_regularization in {'grad_lag', 'hess_lag', 'hess_only_lag', 'sqp_lag'}:
498            MindtPy.loa_proj_mip_obj = generate_lag_objective_function(solve_data.mip,
499                                                                       solve_data.best_solution_found,
500                                                                       config,
501                                                                       solve_data,
502                                                                       discrete_only=False)
503        if solve_data.objective_sense == minimize:
504            MindtPy.cuts.obj_reg_estimate = Constraint(
505                expr=MindtPy.objective_value <= (1 - config.level_coef) * solve_data.UB + config.level_coef * solve_data.LB)
506        else:
507            MindtPy.cuts.obj_reg_estimate = Constraint(
508                expr=MindtPy.objective_value >= (1 - config.level_coef) * solve_data.LB + config.level_coef * solve_data.UB)
510    else:
511        if config.add_slack:
512            MindtPy.del_component('aug_penalty_expr')
514            MindtPy.aug_penalty_expr = Expression(
515                expr=sign_adjust * config.OA_penalty_factor * sum(
516                    v for v in MindtPy.cuts.slack_vars[...]))
517        main_objective = MindtPy.objective_list[-1]
518        MindtPy.mip_obj = Objective(
519            expr=main_objective.expr +
520            (MindtPy.aug_penalty_expr if config.add_slack else 0),
521            sense=solve_data.objective_sense)
523        if config.use_dual_bound:
524            # Delete previously added dual bound constraint
525            MindtPy.cuts.del_component('dual_bound')
526            if solve_data.objective_sense == minimize:
527                MindtPy.cuts.dual_bound = Constraint(
528                    expr=main_objective.expr +
529                    (MindtPy.aug_penalty_expr if config.add_slack else 0) >= solve_data.LB,
530                    doc='Objective function expression should improve on the best found dual bound')
531            else:
532                MindtPy.cuts.dual_bound = Constraint(
533                    expr=main_objective.expr +
534                    (MindtPy.aug_penalty_expr if config.add_slack else 0) <= solve_data.UB,
535                    doc='Objective function expression should improve on the best found dual bound')