1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 // Copyright (c) 2008 The Regents of the University of California
4 //
5 // This file is part of Qbox
6 //
7 // Qbox is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8 // as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of
9 // the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10 // See the file COPYING in the root directory of this distribution
11 // or <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
12 //
13 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
14 //
15 // Species.h:
16 //
17 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
19 #ifndef SPECIES_H
20 #define SPECIES_H
22 #include <iostream>
23 #include <string>
24 #include <vector>
25 #include <cmath>
26 #include <utility>
28 class Species
29 {
30   private:
32   struct ProjectorData
33   {
34     int l, m, n;
35   };
37   enum PP_type
38   {
39     // norm conserving pseudopotential
40     NCPP,
41     // norm conserving semilocal pseudopotential
42     SLPP
43   };
45   PP_type type_; // identify type of the PP
47   int nlm_;             // number of non-local projectors (including m)
48   int nop_;             // number of non-local projectors (excluding m)
49   int ndft_;
51   std::vector<std::vector<double> > vps_spl_, vps_spl2_, phi_spl_, phi_spl2_;
52   std::vector<double>               gspl_, vlocg_spl_, vlocg_spl2_;
53   std::vector<std::vector<double> > vnlg_spl_, vnlg_spl2_;
54   std::vector<double> wsg_;  // wsg_[l] Kleinman-Bylander weight
55                              // 1/<phi|delta_V|phi>
56   std::vector<double>               nlcc_spl_, nlcc_spl2_;
57   std::vector<double>               nlccg_spl_, nlccg_spl2_;
59   std::vector<double> rps_spl_;  // radial linear mesh (same for all l)
61   std::string name_;         // name used in current application
62   std::string uri_;          // uri of the resource defining the pseudopotential
64   std::string symbol_;
65   int atomic_number_;
66   double mass_;        // mass in a.m.u (Carbon = 12.0)
68   std::string description_; // description of the pseudopotential
69   int zval_;           // valence charge
70   double zcore_;       // core charge
71   double ztot_;        // total charge
72   int lmax_;           // largest angular momentum
73   int llocal_;         // angular momentum taken as local
74   int nquad_;          // number of semi-local quadrature points
75   double rquad_;       // end of semi-local quadrature interval
76   double deltar_;      // mesh spacing for potentials and wavefunctions
77   std::vector<std::vector<double> > vps_;  // potentials for each l (input)
78   std::vector<std::vector<double> > phi_;  // atomic wf for each l (input)
79   double rcps_;        // cutoff radius of gaussian pseudocharge
80   std::vector<double> nlcc_; // non linear core correction
82   // map index of projector -> angular momentum
83   std::vector<int> lmap_;
84   // local potential in radial representation
85   std::vector<double> vlocal_;
86   // projector in radial representation, indices proj_[l][n][r]
87   std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double> > > proj_;
88   // matrix D in block diagonal storage, indices d_[l,n,m]
89   std::vector<std::vector<std::vector<double> > > d_;
91   // initialize a norm conserving PP
92   bool initialize_ncpp();
93   // initialize a semilocal potential
94   bool initialize_slpp();
95   // non linear core correction
96   void initialize_nlcc();
98   // helper function that extracts l, m and n from projector index
99   ProjectorData get_proj_data(int ipr);
101   public:
103   Species(std::string name);
name(void)105   const std::string& name(void) const { return name_; }
symbol(void)106   const std::string& symbol(void) const { return symbol_; }
description(void)107   const std::string& description(void) const { return description_; }
uri(void)108   const std::string& uri(void) const { return uri_; }
atomic_number(void)109   int atomic_number(void) const { return atomic_number_; }
zval(void)110   int zval(void) const { return zval_; }
zcore(void)111   double zcore(void) const { return zcore_; }
ztot(void)112   double ztot(void) const { return ztot_; }
mass(void)113   double mass(void) const { return mass_; }
lmax(void)114   int lmax(void) const { return lmax_; }
llocal(void)115   int llocal(void) const { return llocal_; }
nquad(void)116   int nquad(void) const { return nquad_; }
rquad(void)117   double rquad(void) const { return rquad_; }
deltar(void)118   double deltar(void) const { return deltar_; }
rcps(void)119   double rcps(void) const { return rcps_; }
has_nlcc(void)120   bool has_nlcc(void) const { return nlcc_.size() > 0; }
has_dmatrix(void)121   bool has_dmatrix(void) const { return d_.size() > 0; }
123   // number of non-local projectors sum_(l!=llocal) (2*l+1)
nlm(void)124   int nlm(void) { return nlm_; }
125   // number of non-local projectors w/o m degeneracy
nop(void)126   int nop(void) { return nop_; }
127   // angular momentum of projector with index iop
l(int iop)128   int l(int iop) { return lmap_[iop]; }
129   // extract D matrix
130   double dmatrix(int ipr, int jpr);
non_local(void)132   bool non_local(void) { return nop_ > 0; };
eself(void)133   double eself(void)
134   { return ztot_ * ztot_ / ( sqrt ( 2.0 * M_PI ) * rcps_ ); };
136   void phi(int l, double r, double &val);              // phi(l,r) in r space
137   void vpsr(int l, double r, double &v);               // Vps(l,r) in r space
138   void dvpsr(int l, double r, double &v, double &dv);  // Vps and dVps/dr
139   void vlocg(double q, double &v);                     // Vloc(g)
140   void dvlocg(double q, double &v, double &dv);        // Vloc(g) and dVloc/dg
141   void vnlg(int iop, double q, double &v);             // Vnl(iop,g)
142   void dvnlg(int iop, double q, double &v, double &dv);// Vnl(iop,g) and dVnl/dg
143   double rhopsg(double q);        // pseudocharge in g space
144   void rhocoreg(double q, double &rho);      // core correction in g space
145   // core correction and its derivative in g space
146   void drhocoreg(double q, double &rho, double &drho);
wsg(int iop)148   double wsg(int iop) { return wsg_[iop]; };
149   double rcut_loc(double epsilon); // radius beyond which potential is local
vps(void)151   const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& vps(void) const { return vps_spl_; }
phi(void)152   const std::vector<std::vector<double> >& phi(void) const { return phi_spl_; }
154   bool initialize(double rcps);
155   void info(std::ostream& os);
156   void print(std::ostream& os, bool expanded_form);
157   void print_nlcc(std::ostream& os);
158   void print_radial_function(std::ostream& os, const std::vector<double>& rad_func);
160   friend class SpeciesReader;
161   friend class SpeciesHandler;
163 };
164 std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream &os, Species &a );
165 class SpeciesInitException
166 {
167   public:
168   std::string msg;
SpeciesInitException(std::string s)169   SpeciesInitException(std::string s) : msg(s) {}
170 };
171 #endif