1 #ifndef HASH_H
2 #define HASH_H
4 struct hash_table;
6 #ifdef HAVE_TYPEOF
7 #  define HASH_VALUE_CAST(table) (typeof((table)._value))
8 #else
9 #  define HASH_VALUE_CAST(table)
10 #endif
12 /* Returns hash code. */
13 typedef unsigned int hash_callback_t(const void *p);
14 /* Returns 0 if the pointers are equal. */
15 typedef int hash_cmp_callback_t(const void *p1, const void *p2);
17 /* Create a new hash table. If initial_size is 0, the default value is used.
18    table_pool is used to allocate/free large hash tables, node_pool is used
19    for smaller allocations and can also be alloconly pool. The pools must not
20    be free'd before hash_table_destroy() is called. */
21 void hash_table_create(struct hash_table **table_r, pool_t node_pool,
22 		       unsigned int initial_size,
23 		       hash_callback_t *hash_cb,
24 		       hash_cmp_callback_t *key_compare_cb);
25 #define hash_table_create(table, pool, size, hash_cb, key_cmp_cb) \
26 	TYPE_CHECKS(void, \
28 		sizeof((*table)._key) != sizeof(void *) || \
29 		sizeof((*table)._value) != sizeof(void *)) || \
31                !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&key_cmp_cb), \
32                        int (*)(typeof((*table)._key), typeof((*table)._key))) && \
33                !__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&key_cmp_cb), \
34                        int (*)(typeof((*table)._const_key), typeof((*table)._const_key)))) || \
36 		!__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&hash_cb), \
37 			unsigned int (*)(typeof((*table)._key))) && \
38 		!__builtin_types_compatible_p(typeof(&hash_cb), \
39 		unsigned int (*)(typeof((*table)._const_key)))), \
40 	hash_table_create(&(*table)._table, pool, size, \
41 		(hash_callback_t *)hash_cb, \
42 		(hash_cmp_callback_t *)key_cmp_cb))
44 /* Create hash table where comparisons are done directly with the pointers. */
45 void hash_table_create_direct(struct hash_table **table_r, pool_t node_pool,
46 			      unsigned int initial_size);
47 #define hash_table_create_direct(table, pool, size) \
48 	TYPE_CHECKS(void, \
50 		sizeof((*table)._key) != sizeof(void *) || \
51 		sizeof((*table)._value) != sizeof(void *)), \
52 	hash_table_create_direct(&(*table)._table, pool, size))
54 #define hash_table_is_created(table) \
55 	((table)._table != NULL)
57 void hash_table_destroy(struct hash_table **table);
58 #define hash_table_destroy(table) \
59 	hash_table_destroy(&(*table)._table)
60 /* Remove all nodes from hash table. If free_collisions is TRUE, the
61    memory allocated from node_pool is freed, or discarded with alloconly pools.
62    WARNING: If you p_clear() the node_pool, the free_collisions must be TRUE. */
63 void hash_table_clear(struct hash_table *table, bool free_collisions);
64 #define hash_table_clear(table, free_collisions) \
65 	hash_table_clear((table)._table, free_collisions)
67 void *hash_table_lookup(const struct hash_table *table, const void *key) ATTR_PURE;
68 #define hash_table_lookup(table, key) \
69 	TYPE_CHECKS(void *, \
70 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TYPES2_NOT_COMPATIBLE((table)._key, (table)._const_key, key), \
71 	HASH_VALUE_CAST(table)hash_table_lookup((table)._table, (key)))
73 bool hash_table_lookup_full(const struct hash_table *table,
74 			    const void *lookup_key,
75 			    void **orig_key_r, void **value_r);
76 #ifndef __cplusplus
77 #  define hash_table_lookup_full(table, lookup_key, orig_key_r, value_r) \
78 	TYPE_CHECKS(bool, \
79 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TYPES2_NOT_COMPATIBLE((table)._const_key, (table)._key, lookup_key) || \
80 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TYPES_NOT_COMPATIBLE((table)._keyp, orig_key_r) || \
81 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TRUE(sizeof(*(orig_key_r)) != sizeof(void *)) || \
82 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TYPES_NOT_COMPATIBLE((table)._valuep, value_r) || \
83 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TRUE(sizeof(*(value_r)) != sizeof(void *)), \
84 	hash_table_lookup_full((table)._table, \
85 		(lookup_key), (void *)(orig_key_r), (void *)(value_r)))
86 #else
87 /* C++ requires (void **) casting, but that's not possible with strict
88    aliasing, so .. we'll just disable the type checks */
89 #  define hash_table_lookup_full(table, lookup_key, orig_key_r, value_r) \
90 	hash_table_lookup_full((table)._table, lookup_key, orig_key_r, value_r)
91 #endif
93 /* Suppose to insert a new key-value node to the hash table.
94    If the key already exists, assert-crash. */
95 void hash_table_insert(struct hash_table *table, void *key, void *value);
96 /* If the key doesn't exists, do the exact same as hash_table_insert()
97    If the key already exists, preserve the original key and update only the value.*/
98 void hash_table_update(struct hash_table *table, void *key, void *value);
99 #define hash_table_insert(table, key, value) \
100 	TYPE_CHECKS(void, \
101 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TYPES_NOT_COMPATIBLE((table)._key, key) || \
102 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TYPES_NOT_COMPATIBLE((table)._value, value), \
103 	hash_table_insert((table)._table, (void *)(key), (void *)(value)))
104 #define hash_table_update(table, key, value) \
105 	TYPE_CHECKS(void, \
106 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TYPES_NOT_COMPATIBLE((table)._key, key) || \
107 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TYPES_NOT_COMPATIBLE((table)._value, value), \
108 	hash_table_update((table)._table, (void *)(key), (void *)(value)))
110 bool hash_table_try_remove(struct hash_table *table, const void *key);
111 #define hash_table_try_remove(table, key) \
112 	TYPE_CHECKS(bool, \
113 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TYPES2_NOT_COMPATIBLE((table)._const_key, (table)._key, key), \
114 	hash_table_try_remove((table)._table, (const void *)(key)))
115 #define hash_table_remove(table, key) \
116 	STMT_START { \
117 		if (unlikely(!hash_table_try_remove(table, key))) \
118         		i_panic("key not found from hash"); \
119 	} STMT_END
120 unsigned int hash_table_count(const struct hash_table *table) ATTR_PURE;
121 #define hash_table_count(table) \
122 	hash_table_count((table)._table)
124 /* Iterates through all nodes in hash table. You may safely call hash_table_*()
125    functions while iterating, but if you add any new nodes, they may or may
126    not be called for in this iteration. */
127 struct hash_iterate_context *hash_table_iterate_init(struct hash_table *table);
128 #define hash_table_iterate_init(table) \
129 	hash_table_iterate_init((table)._table)
130 bool hash_table_iterate(struct hash_iterate_context *ctx,
131 			void **key_r, void **value_r);
132 #ifndef __cplusplus
133 #  define hash_table_iterate(ctx, table, key_r, value_r) \
134 	TYPE_CHECKS(bool, \
135 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TYPES_NOT_COMPATIBLE((table)._keyp, key_r) || \
136 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TRUE(sizeof(*(key_r)) != sizeof(void *)) || \
137 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TRUE(sizeof(*(value_r)) != sizeof(void *)) || \
138 	COMPILE_ERROR_IF_TYPES_NOT_COMPATIBLE((table)._valuep, value_r), \
139 	hash_table_iterate(ctx, (void *)(key_r), (void *)(value_r)))
140 #else
141 /* C++ requires (void **) casting, but that's not possible with strict
142    aliasing, so .. we'll just disable the type checks */
143 #  define hash_table_iterate(ctx, table, key_r, value_r) \
144 	hash_table_iterate(ctx, key_r, value_r)
145 #endif
147 void hash_table_iterate_deinit(struct hash_iterate_context **ctx);
149 /* Hash table isn't resized, and removed nodes aren't removed from
150    the list while hash table is freezed. Supports nesting. */
151 void hash_table_freeze(struct hash_table *table);
152 void hash_table_thaw(struct hash_table *table);
153 #define hash_table_freeze(table) \
154 	hash_table_freeze((table)._table)
155 #define hash_table_thaw(table) \
156 	hash_table_thaw((table)._table)
158 /* Copy all nodes from one hash table to another */
159 void hash_table_copy(struct hash_table *dest, struct hash_table *src);
160 #define hash_table_copy(table1, table2) \
161 	hash_table_copy((table1)._table, (table2)._table)
163 /* hash function for strings */
164 unsigned int str_hash(const char *p) ATTR_PURE;
165 unsigned int strcase_hash(const char *p) ATTR_PURE;
167 /* fast hash function which uppercases a-z. Does not work well
168    with input that consists from non number/letter input, as
169    it works by dropping 0x20. */
170 unsigned int strfastcase_hash(const char *p) ATTR_PURE;
172 /* a generic hash for a given memory block */
173 unsigned int mem_hash(const void *p, unsigned int size) ATTR_PURE;
175 #endif