1 /*******************************************************************************
2 *                                                                              *
3 * textDisp.h -- Nirvana Editor Text Diplay Header File                         *
4 *                                                                              *
5 * Copyright 2003 The NEdit Developers                                          *
6 *                                                                              *
7 * This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the    *
8 * terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software    *
9 * Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later   *
10 * version. In addition, you may distribute versions of this program linked to  *
11 * Motif or Open Motif. See README for details.                                 *
12 *                                                                              *
13 * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT *
14 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or        *
15 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for    *
16 * more details.                                                                *
17 *                                                                              *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with *
19 * software; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple     *
20 * Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA                                 *
21 *                                                                              *
22 * Nirvana Text Editor                                                          *
23 * July 31, 2001                                                                *
24 *                                                                              *
25 *******************************************************************************/
30 #include "textBuf.h"
32 #include <X11/Intrinsic.h>
33 #include <X11/Xlib.h>
34 #include <Xm/Xm.h>
39 #define NO_HINT -1
41 typedef struct {
42     char *highlightName;
43     char *styleName;
44     char *colorName;
45     char isBold;
46     char isItalic;
47     unsigned short red;
48     unsigned short green;
49     unsigned short blue;
50     Pixel color;
51     Boolean underline;
52     XFontStruct *font;
53     char *bgColorName;      /* background style coloring (name may be NULL) */
54     unsigned short bgRed;
55     unsigned short bgGreen;
56     unsigned short bgBlue;
57     Pixel bgColor;
58 } styleTableEntry;
60 typedef struct graphicExposeTranslationEntry {
61     int horizontal;
62     int vertical;
63     struct graphicExposeTranslationEntry *next;
64 } graphicExposeTranslationEntry;
66 typedef void (*unfinishedStyleCBProc)();
68 typedef struct _calltipStruct {
69     int ID;                 /* ID of displayed calltip.  Equals
70                               zero if none is displayed. */
71     Boolean anchored;       /* Is it anchored to a position */
72     int pos;                /* Position tip is anchored to */
73     int hAlign;             /* horizontal alignment */
74     int vAlign;             /* vertical alignment */
75     int alignMode;          /* Strict or sloppy alignment */
76 } calltipStruct;
78 typedef struct _textDisp {
79     Widget w;
80     int top, left, width, height, lineNumLeft, lineNumWidth;
81     int cursorPos;
82     int cursorOn;
83     int cursorX, cursorY;		/* X, Y pos. of last drawn cursor
84                                             Note: these are used for *drawing*
85                                             and are not generally reliable
86                                             for finding the insert position's
87                                             x/y coordinates! */
88     int cursorToHint;			/* Tells the buffer modified callback
89     					   where to move the cursor, to reduce
90     					   the number of redraw calls */
91     int cursorStyle;			/* One of enum cursorStyles above */
92     int cursorPreferredCol;		/* Column for vert. cursor movement */
93     int nVisibleLines;			/* # of visible (displayed) lines */
94     int nBufferLines;			/* # of newlines in the buffer */
95     textBuffer *buffer;     	    	/* Contains text to be displayed */
96     textBuffer *styleBuffer;   	    	/* Optional parallel buffer containing
97     	    	    	    	    	   color and font information */
98     int firstChar, lastChar;		/* Buffer positions of first and last
99     					   displayed character (lastChar points
100     					   either to a newline or one character
101     					   beyond the end of the buffer) */
102     int continuousWrap;     	    	/* Wrap long lines when displaying */
103     int wrapMargin; 	    	    	/* Margin in # of char positions for
104     	    	    	    	    	   wrapping in continuousWrap mode */
105     int *lineStarts;
106     int topLineNum;			/* Line number of top displayed line
107     					   of file (first line of file is 1) */
108     int absTopLineNum;			/* In continuous wrap mode, the line
109     					   number of the top line if the text
110 					   were not wrapped (note that this is
111 					   only maintained as needed). */
112     int needAbsTopLineNum;		/* Externally settable flag to continue
113     					   maintaining absTopLineNum even if
114 					   it isn't needed for line # display */
115     int horizOffset;			/* Horizontal scroll pos. in pixels */
116     int visibility;        /* Window visibility (see XVisibility event) */
117     int nStyles;			/* Number of entries in styleTable */
118     styleTableEntry *styleTable;    	/* Table of fonts and colors for
119     	    	    	    	    	   coloring/syntax-highlighting */
120     char unfinishedStyle;   	    	/* Style buffer entry which triggers
121     	    	    	    	    	   on-the-fly reparsing of region */
122     unfinishedStyleCBProc		/* Callback to parse "unfinished" */
123     	    unfinishedHighlightCB;  	/*     regions */
124     void *highlightCBArg;   	    	/* Arg to unfinishedHighlightCB */
125     XFontStruct *fontStruct;		/* Font structure for primary font */
126     int ascent, descent;		/* Composite ascent and descent for
127     					   primary font + all-highlight fonts */
128     int fixedFontWidth;			/* Font width if all current fonts are
129     					   fixed and match in width, else -1 */
130     Widget hScrollBar, vScrollBar;
131     GC gc, selectGC, highlightGC;	/* GCs for drawing text */
132     GC selectBGGC, highlightBGGC;	/* GCs for erasing text */
133     GC cursorFGGC;			/* GC for drawing the cursor */
134     GC lineNumGC;   	    	    	/* GC for drawing line numbers */
135     GC styleGC;     	    	    	/* GC with color and font unspecified
136     	    	    	    	    	   for drawing colored/styled text */
137     Pixel fgPixel, bgPixel;		/* Foreground/Background colors */
138     Pixel selectFGPixel,		/* Foreground select color */
139           selectBGPixel;   		/* Background select color */
140     Pixel highlightFGPixel,             /* Highlight colors are used when */
141           highlightBGPixel;             /*    flashing matching parens    */
142     Pixel lineNumFGPixel;   	    	/* Color for drawing line numbers */
143     Pixel cursorFGPixel;
144     Pixel *bgClassPixel;		/* table of colors for each BG class */
145     unsigned char *bgClass;		/* obtains index into bgClassPixel[] */
147     Widget calltipW;                    /* The Label widget for the calltip */
148     Widget calltipShell;                /* The Shell that holds the calltip */
149     calltipStruct calltip;              /* The info for the calltip itself */
150     Pixel calltipFGPixel;
151     Pixel calltipBGPixel;
152     int suppressResync;			/* Suppress resynchronization of line
153                                            starts during buffer updates */
154     int nLinesDeleted;			/* Number of lines deleted during
155 					   buffer modification (only used
156 				           when resynchronization is
157                                            suppressed) */
158     int modifyingTabDist;		/* Whether tab distance is being
159     					   modified */
160     Boolean pointerHidden;              /* true if the mouse pointer is
161                                            hidden */
162     graphicExposeTranslationEntry *graphicsExposeQueue;
163 } textDisp;
165 textDisp *TextDCreate(Widget widget, Widget hScrollBar, Widget vScrollBar,
166 	Position left, Position top, Position width, Position height,
167 	Position lineNumLeft, Position lineNumWidth, textBuffer *buffer,
168 	XFontStruct *fontStruct, Pixel bgPixel, Pixel fgPixel,
169 	Pixel selectFGPixel, Pixel selectBGPixel, Pixel highlightFGPixel,
170 	Pixel highlightBGPixel, Pixel cursorFGPixel, Pixel lineNumFGPixel,
171         int continuousWrap, int wrapMargin, XmString bgClassString,
172         Pixel calltipFGPixel, Pixel calltipBGPixel);
173 void TextDFree(textDisp *textD);
174 void TextDSetBuffer(textDisp *textD, textBuffer *buffer);
175 void TextDAttachHighlightData(textDisp *textD, textBuffer *styleBuffer,
176     	styleTableEntry *styleTable, int nStyles, char unfinishedStyle,
177     	unfinishedStyleCBProc unfinishedHighlightCB, void *cbArg);
178 void TextDSetColors(textDisp *textD, Pixel textFgP, Pixel textBgP,
179         Pixel selectFgP, Pixel selectBgP, Pixel hiliteFgP, Pixel hiliteBgP,
180         Pixel lineNoFgP, Pixel cursorFgP);
181 void TextDSetFont(textDisp *textD, XFontStruct *fontStruct);
182 int TextDMinFontWidth(textDisp *textD, Boolean considerStyles);
183 int TextDMaxFontWidth(textDisp *textD, Boolean considerStyles);
184 void TextDResize(textDisp *textD, int width, int height);
185 void TextDRedisplayRect(textDisp *textD, int left, int top, int width,
186 	int height);
187 void TextDSetScroll(textDisp *textD, int topLineNum, int horizOffset);
188 void TextDGetScroll(textDisp *textD, int *topLineNum, int *horizOffset);
189 void TextDInsert(textDisp *textD, char *text);
190 void TextDOverstrike(textDisp *textD, char *text);
191 void TextDSetInsertPosition(textDisp *textD, int newPos);
192 int TextDGetInsertPosition(textDisp *textD);
193 int TextDXYToPosition(textDisp *textD, int x, int y);
194 int TextDXYToCharPos(textDisp *textD, int x, int y);
195 void TextDXYToUnconstrainedPosition(textDisp *textD, int x, int y, int *row,
196 	int *column);
197 int TextDLineAndColToPos(textDisp *textD, int lineNum, int column);
198 int TextDOffsetWrappedColumn(textDisp *textD, int row, int column);
199 int TextDOffsetWrappedRow(textDisp *textD, int row);
200 int TextDPositionToXY(textDisp *textD, int pos, int *x, int *y);
201 int TextDPosToLineAndCol(textDisp *textD, int pos, int *lineNum, int *column);
202 int TextDInSelection(textDisp *textD, int x, int y);
203 void TextDMakeInsertPosVisible(textDisp *textD);
204 int TextDMoveRight(textDisp *textD);
205 int TextDMoveLeft(textDisp *textD);
206 int TextDMoveUp(textDisp *textD, int absolute);
207 int TextDMoveDown(textDisp *textD, int absolute);
208 void TextDBlankCursor(textDisp *textD);
209 void TextDUnblankCursor(textDisp *textD);
210 void TextDSetCursorStyle(textDisp *textD, int style);
211 void TextDSetWrapMode(textDisp *textD, int wrap, int wrapMargin);
212 int TextDEndOfLine(const textDisp* textD, int pos,
213     Boolean startPosIsLineStart);
214 int TextDStartOfLine(const textDisp* textD, int pos);
215 int TextDCountForwardNLines(const textDisp* textD, int startPos,
216         unsigned nLines, Boolean startPosIsLineStart);
217 int TextDCountBackwardNLines(textDisp *textD, int startPos, int nLines);
218 int TextDCountLines(textDisp *textD, int startPos, int endPos,
219     	int startPosIsLineStart);
220 void TextDSetupBGClasses(Widget w, XmString str, Pixel **pp_bgClassPixel,
221 	unsigned char **pp_bgClass, Pixel bgPixelDefault);
222 void TextDSetLineNumberArea(textDisp *textD, int lineNumLeft, int lineNumWidth,
223 	int textLeft);
224 void TextDMaintainAbsLineNum(textDisp *textD, int state);
225 int TextDPosOfPreferredCol(textDisp *textD, int column, int lineStartPos);
226 int TextDPreferredColumn(textDisp *textD, int *visLineNum, int *lineStartPos);
228 #ifdef VMS /* VMS linker doesn't like long names (>31 chars) */
229 #define TextDImposeGraphicsExposeTranslation TextDGraphicsExposeTranslation
230 #endif /* VMS */
232 void TextDImposeGraphicsExposeTranslation(textDisp *textD, int *xOffset, int *yOffset);
233 Boolean TextDPopGraphicExposeQueueEntry(textDisp *textD);
234 void TextDTranlateGraphicExposeQueue(textDisp *textD, int xOffset, int yOffset, Boolean appendEntry);