1 package org.jmol.viewer;
3 import java.util.Hashtable;
4 import java.util.Iterator;
5 import java.util.Map;
7 import javajs.util.DF;
8 import javajs.util.P3;
9 import javajs.util.PT;
10 import javajs.util.SB;
12 import org.jmol.c.CBK;
13 import org.jmol.c.STR;
14 import org.jmol.script.SV;
15 import org.jmol.script.T;
16 import org.jmol.util.Elements;
17 import org.jmol.util.Escape;
18 import org.jmol.util.Logger;
20 public class GlobalSettings {
22   private final Viewer vwr;
24   Map<String, Object> htNonbooleanParameterValues;
25   Map<String, Boolean> htBooleanParameterFlags;
26   Map<String, Boolean> htPropertyFlagsRemoved;
27   Map<String, SV> htUserVariables = new Hashtable<String, SV>();
30   /*
31    *  Mostly these are just saved and restored directly from Viewer.
32    *  They are collected here for reference and to ensure that no
33    *  methods are written that bypass vwr's get/set methods.
34    *
35    *  Because these are not Frame variables, they (mostly) should persist past
36    *  a new file loading. There is some question in my mind whether all
37    *  should be in this category.
38    *
39    */
GlobalSettings(Viewer vwr, GlobalSettings g, boolean clearUserVariables)41   GlobalSettings(Viewer vwr, GlobalSettings g, boolean clearUserVariables) {
42     this.vwr = vwr;
43     htNonbooleanParameterValues = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
44     htBooleanParameterFlags = new Hashtable<String, Boolean>();
45     htPropertyFlagsRemoved = new Hashtable<String, Boolean>();
47     loadFormat = pdbLoadFormat = JC.databases.get("pdb");
48     pdbLoadLigandFormat = JC.databases.get("ligand");
49     nmrUrlFormat = JC.databases.get("nmr");
50     nmrPredictFormat = JC.databases.get("nmrdb");
51     pubChemFormat = JC.databases.get("pubchem");
52     resolverResolver = JC.databases.get("resolverresolver");
53     macroDirectory = JC.defaultMacroDirectory;
55     if (g != null) {
56       //persistent values not reset with the "initialize" command
57       if (!clearUserVariables) {
58         setO("_pngjFile", g.getParameter("_pngjFile", false));
59         htUserVariables = g.htUserVariables; // 12.3.7, 12.2.7
60       }
63       debugScript = g.debugScript;
64       disablePopupMenu = g.disablePopupMenu;
65       messageStyleChime = g.messageStyleChime;
66       defaultDirectory = g.defaultDirectory;
67       autoplayMovie = g.autoplayMovie;
68       allowAudio = g.allowAudio;
69       allowGestures = g.allowGestures;
70       allowModelkit = g.allowModelkit;
71       allowMultiTouch = g.allowMultiTouch;
72       allowKeyStrokes = g.allowKeyStrokes;
73       legacyAutoBonding = g.legacyAutoBonding;
74       legacyHAddition = g.legacyHAddition;
75       legacyJavaFloat = g.legacyJavaFloat;
76       bondingVersion = g.bondingVersion;
77       platformSpeed = g.platformSpeed;
78       useScriptQueue = g.useScriptQueue;
79       //useArcBall = g.useArcBall;
80       showTiming = g.showTiming;
81       wireframeRotation = g.wireframeRotation;
82       testFlag1 = g.testFlag1;
83       testFlag2 = g.testFlag2;
84       testFlag3 = g.testFlag3;
85       testFlag4 = g.testFlag4;
87       nihResolverFormat = g.nihResolverFormat;
88     }
89     if (nihResolverFormat == null)
90       nihResolverFormat = JC.databases.get("nci");
91     setCIR(nihResolverFormat);
92     // beyond these six, they are just in the form load =xxx/id
94     for (CBK item : CBK.values())
95       resetValue(item.name() + "Callback", g);
97     // These next are just placeholders so that the math processor
98     // knows they are Jmol variables. They are held by other managers.
99     // This is NOT recommended, because it is easy to forget they are
100     // here and then not reset them properly. Basically it means that
101     // the other manager must ensure that the value changed there is
102     // updated here, AND when an initialization occurs, they remain in
103     // sync. This is difficult to manage and should be changed.
104     // The good news is that this manager is initialized FIRST, so
105     // we really just have to make sure that all these values are definitely
106     // also initialized within the managers.
108     setF("cameraDepth", TransformManager.DEFAULT_CAMERA_DEPTH);
109     setI("contextDepthMax", 100); // maintained by ScriptEval
110     setI("depth", 0); // maintained by TransformManager
111     setF("gestureSwipeFactor", ActionManager.DEFAULT_GESTURE_SWIPE_FACTOR);
112     setB("hideNotSelected", false); //maintained by the selectionManager
113     setI("historyLevel", 0); // maintained by ScriptEval
114     setO("hoverLabel", ""); // maintained by the Hover shape
115     setB("isKiosk", vwr.isKiosk()); // maintained by Viewer
116     setO("logFile", vwr.getLogFileName()); // maintained by Viewer
117     setI("logLevel", Logger.getLogLevel());
118     setF("mouseWheelFactor", ActionManager.DEFAULT_MOUSE_WHEEL_FACTOR);
119     setF("mouseDragFactor", ActionManager.DEFAULT_MOUSE_DRAG_FACTOR);
120     setI("navFps", TransformManager.DEFAULT_NAV_FPS);
121     setI("navigationDepth", 0); // maintained by TransformManager
122     setI("navigationSlab", 0); // maintained by TransformManager
123     setI("navX", 0); // maintained by TransformManager
124     setI("navY", 0); // maintained by TransformManager
125     setI("navZ", 0); // maintained by TransformManager
126     setO("pathForAllFiles", "");
127     setB("perspectiveDepth", TransformManager.DEFAULT_PERSPECTIVE_DEPTH);
128     setI("perspectiveModel", TransformManager.DEFAULT_PERSPECTIVE_MODEL);
129     setO("picking", "identify"); // maintained by ActionManager
130     setO("pickingStyle", "toggle"); // maintained by ActionManager
131     setB("refreshing", true); // maintained by Viewer
132     setI("rotationRadius", 0); // maintained by TransformManager
133     setI("scaleAngstromsPerInch", 0); // maintained by TransformManager
134     setI("scriptReportingLevel", 0); // maintained by ScriptEval
135     setB("selectionHalos", false); // maintained by ModelSet
136     setB("showaxes", false); // maintained by Axes
137     setB("showboundbox", false); // maintained by Bbcage
138     setB("showfrank", false); // maintained by Viewer
139     setB("showUnitcell", false); // maintained by Uccage
140     setI("slab", 100); // maintained by TransformManager
141     setB("slabEnabled", false); // maintained by TransformManager
142     setF("slabrange", 0f); // maintained by TransformManager
143     setI("spinX", 0); // maintained by TransformManager
144     setI("spinY", TransformManager.DEFAULT_SPIN_Y);
145     setI("spinZ", 0); // maintained by TransformManager
146     setI("spinFps", TransformManager.DEFAULT_SPIN_FPS);
147     setF("visualRange", TransformManager.DEFAULT_VISUAL_RANGE);
148     setI("stereoDegrees", TransformManager.DEFAULT_STEREO_DEGREES);
149     //setI("stateversion", 0); // only set by a saved state being recalled
150     setB("syncScript", vwr.sm.syncingScripts);
151     setB("syncMouse", vwr.sm.syncingMouse);
152     setB("syncStereo", vwr.sm.stereoSync);
153     setB("windowCentered", true); // maintained by TransformManager
154     setB("zoomEnabled", true); // maintained by TransformManager
156     // These next values have no other place than the global Hashtables.
157     // This just means that a call to vwr.getXxxxProperty() is necessary.
158     // Otherwise, it's the same as if they had a global variable.
159     // It's just an issue of speed of access. Generally, these should only be
160     // accessed by the user.
162     setI("_version", JC.versionInt);
163     setO("_versionDate", Viewer.getJmolVersion());
165     setB("axesWindow", true);
166     setB("axesMolecular", false);
167     setB("axesPosition", false);
168     setB("axesUnitcell", false);
169     setI("backgroundModel", 0);
170     setB("colorRasmol", false);
171     setO("currentLocalPath", "");
172     setO("defaultLattice", "{0 0 0}");
173     setO("defaultColorScheme", "Jmol");
174     setO("defaultDirectoryLocal", "");
175     setO("defaults", "Jmol");
176     setO("defaultVDW", "Jmol");
177     setO("exportDrivers", JC.EXPORT_DRIVER_LIST);
178     setI("propertyAtomNumberColumnCount", 0);
179     setI("propertyAtomNumberField", 0);
180     setI("propertyDataColumnCount", 0);
181     setI("propertyDataField", 0);
182     setB("undo", true);
184     // OK, all of the rest of these are maintained here as global values (below)
186     setB("allowEmbeddedScripts", allowEmbeddedScripts);
187     setB("allowGestures", allowGestures);
188     setB("allowKeyStrokes", allowKeyStrokes);
189     setB("allowModelkit", allowModelkit);
190     setB("allowMultiTouch", allowMultiTouch);
191     setB("allowRotateSelected", allowRotateSelected);
192     setB("allowMoveAtoms", allowMoveAtoms);
193     setI("animationFps", animationFps);
194     setB("antialiasImages", antialiasImages);
195     setB("antialiasDisplay", antialiasDisplay);
196     setB("antialiasTranslucent", antialiasTranslucent);
197     setB("appendNew", appendNew);
198     setO("appletProxy", appletProxy);
199     setB("applySymmetryToBonds", applySymmetryToBonds);
200     setB("atomPicking", atomPicking);
201     setO("atomTypes", atomTypes);
202     setB("autoBond", autoBond);
203     setB("autoFps", autoFps);
204     //      setParameterValue("autoLoadOrientation", autoLoadOrientation);
205     setI("axesMode", axesMode == T.axesunitcell ? 2
206         : axesMode == T.axesmolecular ? 1 : 0);
207     setF("axesScale", axesScale);
208     setF("axesOffset", axesOffset);
209     setB("axesOrientationRasmol", axesOrientationRasmol);
210     setF("cartoonBlockHeight", cartoonBlockHeight);
211     setB("cartoonBlocks", cartoonBlocks);
212     setB("cartoonSteps", cartoonSteps);
213     setB("bondModeOr", bondModeOr);
214     setB("bondPicking", bondPicking);
215     setI("bondRadiusMilliAngstroms", bondRadiusMilliAngstroms);
216     setF("bondTolerance", bondTolerance);
217     setB("cartoonBaseEdges", cartoonBaseEdges);
218     setB("cartoonFancy", cartoonFancy);
219     setB("cartoonLadders", cartoonLadders);
220     setB("cartoonLadders", cartoonRibose);
221     setB("cartoonRockets", cartoonRockets);
222     setB("chainCaseSensitive", chainCaseSensitive);
223     setB("cipRule6Full", cipRule6Full);
224     setI("bondingVersion", bondingVersion);
225     setO("dataSeparator", dataSeparator);
226     setB("debugScript", debugScript);
227     setO("defaultAngleLabel", defaultAngleLabel);
228     setF("defaultDrawArrowScale", defaultDrawArrowScale);
229     setO("defaultDirectory", defaultDirectory);
230     setO("defaultDistanceLabel", defaultDistanceLabel);
231     setO("defaultDropScript", defaultDropScript);
232     setO("defaultLabelPDB", defaultLabelPDB);
233     setO("defaultLabelXYZ", defaultLabelXYZ);
234     setO("defaultLoadFilter", defaultLoadFilter);
235     setO("defaultLoadScript", defaultLoadScript);
236     setB("defaultStructureDSSP", defaultStructureDSSP);
237     setO("defaultTorsionLabel", defaultTorsionLabel);
238     setF("defaultTranslucent", defaultTranslucent);
239     setI("delayMaximumMs", delayMaximumMs);
240     setF("dipoleScale", dipoleScale);
241     setB("disablePopupMenu", disablePopupMenu);
242     setB("displayCellParameters", displayCellParameters);
243     setI("dotDensity", dotDensity);
244     setI("dotScale", dotScale);
245     setB("dotsSelectedOnly", dotsSelectedOnly);
246     setB("dotSurface", dotSurface);
247     setB("dragSelected", dragSelected);
248     setB("drawHover", drawHover);
249     setF("drawFontSize", drawFontSize);
250     setB("drawPicking", drawPicking);
251     setB("dsspCalculateHydrogenAlways", dsspCalcHydrogen);
252 //    setO("edsUrlFormat", edsUrlFormat);
253 //    setO("edsUrlFormatDiff", edsUrlFormatDiff);
254 //    //setParameterValue("edsUrlOptions", edsUrlOptions);
255 //    setO("edsUrlCutoff", edsUrlCutoff);
256     setB("ellipsoidArcs", ellipsoidArcs);
257     setB("ellipsoidArrows", ellipsoidArrows);
258     setB("ellipsoidAxes", ellipsoidAxes);
259     setF("ellipsoidAxisDiameter", ellipsoidAxisDiameter);
260     setB("ellipsoidBall", ellipsoidBall);
261     setI("ellipsoidDotCount", ellipsoidDotCount);
262     setB("ellipsoidDots", ellipsoidDots);
263     setB("ellipsoidFill", ellipsoidFill);
264     setO("energyUnits", energyUnits);
265     //      setParameterValue("_fileCaching", _fileCaching);
266     //      setParameterValue("_fileCache", _fileCache);
267     setF("exportScale", exportScale);
268     setB("fontScaling", fontScaling);
269     setB("fontCaching", fontCaching);
270     setB("forceAutoBond", forceAutoBond);
271     setO("forceField", forceField);
272     setB("fractionalRelative", fractionalRelative);
273     setF("particleRadius", particleRadius);
274     setB("greyscaleRendering", greyscaleRendering);
275     setF("hbondsAngleMinimum", hbondsAngleMinimum);
276     setF("hbondHXDistanceMaximum", hbondHXDistanceMaximum);
277     setF("hbondsDistanceMaximum", hbondNODistanceMaximum);
278     setB("hbondsBackbone", hbondsBackbone);
279     setB("hbondsRasmol", hbondsRasmol);
280     setB("hbondsSolid", hbondsSolid);
281     setI("helixStep", helixStep);
282     setO("helpPath", helpPath);
283     setI("hermiteLevel", hermiteLevel);
284     setB("hideNameInPopup", hideNameInPopup);
285     setB("hideNavigationPoint", hideNavigationPoint);
286     setB("hiddenLinesDashed", hiddenLinesDashed);
287     setB("highResolution", highResolutionFlag);
288     setF("hoverDelay", hoverDelayMs / 1000f);
289     setB("imageState", imageState);
290     setI("infoFontSize", infoFontSize);
291     setB("isosurfaceKey", isosurfaceKey);
292     setB("isosurfacePropertySmoothing", isosurfacePropertySmoothing);
293     setI("isosurfacePropertySmoothingPower", isosurfacePropertySmoothingPower);
294     setB("jmolInJSpecView", jmolInJSpecView);
295     setB("justifyMeasurements", justifyMeasurements);
296     setB("legacyAutoBonding", legacyAutoBonding);
297     setB("legacyHAddition", legacyHAddition);
298     setB("legacyJavaFloat", legacyJavaFloat);
299     setF("loadAtomDataTolerance", loadAtomDataTolerance);
300     setO("loadFormat", loadFormat);
301     setO("loadLigandFormat", pdbLoadLigandFormat);
302     setB("logCommands", logCommands);
303     setB("logGestures", logGestures);
304     setB("measureAllModels", measureAllModels);
305     setB("measurementLabels", measurementLabels);
306     setO("measurementUnits", measureDistanceUnits);
307     setI("meshScale", meshScale);
308     setB("messageStyleChime", messageStyleChime);
309     setF("minBondDistance", minBondDistance);
310     setI("minPixelSelRadius", minPixelSelRadius);
311     setI("minimizationSteps", minimizationSteps);
312     setB("minimizationRefresh", minimizationRefresh);
313     setB("minimizationSilent", minimizationSilent);
314     setF("minimizationCriterion", minimizationCriterion);
315     setB("modelKitMode", modelKitMode);
316     setF("modulationScale", modulationScale);
317     setB("monitorEnergy", monitorEnergy);
318     setF("multipleBondRadiusFactor", multipleBondRadiusFactor);
319     setB("multipleBondBananas", multipleBondBananas);
320     setF("multipleBondSpacing", multipleBondSpacing);
321     setB("multiProcessor", multiProcessor && (Viewer.nProcessors > 1));
322     setB("navigationMode", navigationMode);
323     //setParamB("navigateSurface", navigateSurface);
324     setB("navigationPeriodic", navigationPeriodic);
325     setF("navigationSpeed", navigationSpeed);
326     setB("nboCharges", nboCharges);
327     setB("noDelay", noDelay);
328     setO("nmrPredictFormat", nmrPredictFormat);
329     setO("nmrUrlFormat", nmrUrlFormat);
330     setB("partialDots", partialDots);
331     setB("pdbAddHydrogens", pdbAddHydrogens); // new 12.1.51
332     setB("pdbGetHeader", pdbGetHeader); // new 11.5.39
333     setB("pdbSequential", pdbSequential); // new 11.5.39
334     setI("percentVdwAtom", percentVdwAtom);
335     setI("pickingSpinRate", pickingSpinRate);
336     setO("pickLabel", pickLabel);
337     setI("platformSpeed", platformSpeed);
338     setF("pointGroupLinearTolerance", pointGroupLinearTolerance);
339     setF("pointGroupDistanceTolerance", pointGroupDistanceTolerance);
340     setB("preserveState", preserveState);
341     setO("propertyColorScheme", propertyColorScheme);
342     setO("quaternionFrame", quaternionFrame);
343     setB("rangeSelected", rangeSelected);
344     setI("repaintWaitMs", repaintWaitMs);
345     setI("ribbonAspectRatio", ribbonAspectRatio);
346     setB("ribbonBorder", ribbonBorder);
347     setB("rocketBarrels", rocketBarrels);
348     setB("saveProteinStructureState", saveProteinStructureState);
349     setB("scriptqueue", useScriptQueue);
350     setB("selectAllModels", selectAllModels);
351     setB("selectHetero", rasmolHeteroSetting);
352     setB("selectHydrogen", rasmolHydrogenSetting);
353     setF("sheetSmoothing", sheetSmoothing);
354     setB("showHiddenSelectionHalos", showHiddenSelectionHalos);
355     setB("showHydrogens", showHydrogens);
356     setB("showKeyStrokes", showKeyStrokes);
357     setB("showMeasurements", showMeasurements);
358     setB("showModulationVectors", showModVecs);
359     setB("showMultipleBonds", showMultipleBonds);
360     setB("showNavigationPointAlways", showNavigationPointAlways);
361     setI("showScript", scriptDelay);
362     setB("showtiming", showTiming);
363     setB("slabByMolecule", slabByMolecule);
364     setB("slabByAtom", slabByAtom);
365     setB("smartAromatic", smartAromatic);
366     setI("minimizationMaxAtoms", minimizationMaxAtoms);
367     setI("smallMoleculeMaxAtoms", smallMoleculeMaxAtoms);
368     setO("smilesUrlFormat", smilesUrlFormat);
369     setO("macroDirectory", macroDirectory);
370     setO("nihResolverFormat", nihResolverFormat);
371     setO("pubChemFormat", pubChemFormat);
372     setB("showUnitCellDetails", showUnitCellDetails);
373     setB("solventProbe", dotSolvent);
374     setF("solventProbeRadius", solventProbeRadius);
375     setB("ssbondsBackbone", ssbondsBackbone);
376     setF("starWidth", starWidth);
377     setB("statusReporting", statusReporting);
378     setI("strandCount", strandCountForStrands);
379     setI("strandCountForStrands", strandCountForStrands);
380     setI("strandCountForMeshRibbon", strandCountForMeshRibbon);
381     setF("strutDefaultRadius", strutDefaultRadius);
382     setF("strutLengthMaximum", strutLengthMaximum);
383     setI("strutSpacing", strutSpacing);
384     setB("strutsMultiple", strutsMultiple);
385     setB("testFlag1", testFlag1);
386     setB("testFlag2", testFlag2);
387     setB("testFlag3", testFlag3);
388     setB("testFlag4", testFlag4);
389     setB("traceAlpha", traceAlpha);
390     setB("translucent", translucent);
391     setB("twistedSheets", twistedSheets);
392     //setB("useArcBall", useArcBall);
393     setB("useMinimizationThread", useMinimizationThread);
394     setB("useNumberLocalization", useNumberLocalization);
395     setB("vectorsCentered", vectorsCentered);
396     setF("vectorScale", vectorScale);
397     setB("vectorSymmetry", vectorSymmetry);
398     setI("vectorTrail", vectorTrail);
399     setF("vibrationPeriod", vibrationPeriod);
400     setF("vibrationScale", vibrationScale);
401     setB("waitForMoveTo", waitForMoveTo);
402     setB("wireframeRotation", wireframeRotation);
403     setI("zDepth", zDepth);
404     setB("zeroBasedXyzRasmol", zeroBasedXyzRasmol);
405     setB("zoomHeight", zoomHeight);
406     setB("zoomLarge", zoomLarge);
407     setI("zShadePower", zShadePower);
408     setI("zSlab", zSlab);
409   }
clear()411   void clear() {
412     Iterator<String> e = htUserVariables.keySet().iterator();
413     while (e.hasNext()) {
414       String key = e.next();
415       if (key.charAt(0) == '@' || key.startsWith("site_"))
416         e.remove();
417     }
419     // PER-zap settings made
420     vwr.setPicked(-1, false);
421     setI("_atomhovered", -1);
422     setO("_pickinfo", "");
423     setB("selectionhalos", false);
424     setB("hidenotselected", false); // to synchronize with selectionManager
425     setB("measurementlabels", measurementLabels = true);
426     setB("drawHover", drawHover = false);
427     vwr.stm.saveScene("DELETE", null);
428   }
430   int zDepth = 0;
431   int zShadePower = 3; // increased to 3 from 1 for Jmol 12.1.49
432   int zSlab = 50; // increased to 50 from 0 in Jmol 12.3.6 and Jmol 12.2.6
434   boolean slabByMolecule = false;
435   boolean slabByAtom = false;
437   //file loading
439   boolean allowEmbeddedScripts = true;
440   public boolean appendNew = true;
441   String appletProxy = "";
442   boolean applySymmetryToBonds = false; //new 11.1.29
443   String atomTypes = "";
444   boolean autoBond = true;
445   //    boolean autoLoadOrientation = false; // 11.7.30 for Spartan and Sygress/CAChe loading with or without rotation
446   // starting with Jmol 12.0.RC10, this setting is ignored, and FILTER "NoOrient" is required if the file
447   // is to be loaded without reference to the orientation saved in the file.
448   boolean axesOrientationRasmol = false;
449   short bondRadiusMilliAngstroms = JC.DEFAULT_BOND_MILLIANGSTROM_RADIUS;
450   float bondTolerance = JC.DEFAULT_BOND_TOLERANCE;
451   String defaultDirectory = "";
452   boolean defaultStructureDSSP = true; // Jmol 12.1.15
453   final P3 ptDefaultLattice = new P3();
454   public String defaultLoadScript = "";
455   public String defaultLoadFilter = "";
456   public String defaultDropScript = JC.DEFAULT_DRAG_DROP_SCRIPT;
457   //    boolean _fileCaching = false;
458   //    String _fileCache = "";
459   boolean forceAutoBond = false;
460   boolean fractionalRelative = true;// true: {1/2 1/2 1/2} relative to current (possibly offset) unit cell
461   char inlineNewlineChar = '|'; //pseudo static
462   String loadFormat, pdbLoadFormat, pdbLoadLigandFormat,
463       nmrUrlFormat, nmrPredictFormat, smilesUrlFormat, nihResolverFormat,
464       pubChemFormat, macroDirectory, resolverResolver;
465   boolean checkCIR = false;
467 //  String edsUrlFormat = "http://eds.bmc.uu.se/eds/dfs/%c2%c3/%file/%file.omap";
468 //  String edsUrlFormatDiff = "http://eds.bmc.uu.se/eds/dfs/%c2%c3/%file/%file_diff.omap";
469 //  String edsUrlCutoff = "http://eds.bmc.uu.se/eds/dfs/%c2%c3/%file/%file.sfdat";
470   // not implemented String edsUrlOptions = "within 2.0 {*}";
471   float minBondDistance = JC.DEFAULT_MIN_BOND_DISTANCE;
472   int minPixelSelRadius = 6;
473   boolean pdbAddHydrogens = false; // true to add hydrogen atoms
474   boolean pdbGetHeader = false; // true to get PDB header in auxiliary info
475   boolean pdbSequential = false; // true for no bonding check
476   int percentVdwAtom = JC.DEFAULT_PERCENT_VDW_ATOM;
477   int smallMoleculeMaxAtoms = 40000;
478   int minimizationMaxAtoms = 200;
479   boolean smartAromatic = true;
480   boolean zeroBasedXyzRasmol = false;
481   boolean legacyAutoBonding = false;
482   public boolean legacyHAddition = false;
483   public boolean legacyJavaFloat = false; // float/double issue with crystallographic symmetry before Jmol 14.2.5
484   boolean jmolInJSpecView = true;
486   boolean modulateOccupancy = true;
488   //centering and perspective
490   boolean allowRotateSelected = false;
491   boolean allowMoveAtoms = false;
493   //solvent for DOTS only
495   boolean dotSolvent = false;
497   //measurements
499   String defaultAngleLabel = "%VALUE %UNITS";
500   String defaultDistanceLabel = "%VALUE %UNITS"; //also %_ and %a1 %a2 %m1 %m2, etc.
501   String defaultTorsionLabel = "%VALUE %UNITS";
502   boolean justifyMeasurements = false;
503   boolean measureAllModels = false;
505   // minimization  // 11.5.21 03/2008
507   int minimizationSteps = 100;
508   boolean minimizationRefresh = true;
509   boolean minimizationSilent = false;
510   float minimizationCriterion = 0.001f;
512   //rendering
514   int infoFontSize = 20;
515   boolean antialiasDisplay = false;
516   boolean antialiasImages = true;
517   boolean imageState = true;
518   boolean antialiasTranslucent = true;
519   boolean displayCellParameters = true;
520   boolean dotsSelectedOnly = false;
521   boolean dotSurface = true;
522   int dotDensity = 3;
523   int dotScale = 1;
524   int meshScale = 1;
525   boolean greyscaleRendering = false;
526   boolean isosurfaceKey = false;
527   boolean isosurfacePropertySmoothing = true;
528   int isosurfacePropertySmoothingPower = 7;
529   int platformSpeed = 10; // 1 (slow) to 10 (fast)
530   public int repaintWaitMs = 1000;
531   boolean showHiddenSelectionHalos = false;
532   boolean showKeyStrokes = true;
533   boolean showMeasurements = true;
534   public boolean showTiming = false;
535   boolean zoomLarge = true; //false would be like Chime
536   boolean zoomHeight = false; // true would be like PyMOL
537   String backgroundImageFileName;
539   //atoms and bonds
541   boolean partialDots = false;
542   boolean bondModeOr = false;
543   boolean hbondsBackbone = false;
544   float hbondsAngleMinimum = 90f;
545   float hbondNODistanceMaximum = 3.25f; // O----N
546   float hbondHXDistanceMaximum = 2.5f;  // O--H
547   boolean hbondsRasmol = true; // 12.0.RC3
548   boolean hbondsSolid = false;
549   public byte modeMultipleBond = JC.MULTIBOND_NOTSMALL;
550   boolean showHydrogens = true;
551   boolean showMultipleBonds = true;
552   boolean ssbondsBackbone = false;
553   float multipleBondSpacing = -1; // 0.35?
554   float multipleBondRadiusFactor = 0; // 0.75?
555   boolean multipleBondBananas = false;
556   boolean nboCharges = true;
558   //secondary structure + Rasmol
560   boolean cartoonBaseEdges = false;
561   boolean cartoonRockets = false;
562   float cartoonBlockHeight = 0.5f;
563   boolean cartoonBlocks = false;
564   boolean cartoonSteps = false;
565   boolean cartoonFancy = false;
566   boolean cartoonLadders = false;
567   boolean cartoonRibose = false;
568   boolean chainCaseSensitive = false;
569   boolean cipRule6Full = false;
570   int hermiteLevel = 0;
571   boolean highResolutionFlag = false;
572   public boolean rangeSelected = false;
573   boolean rasmolHydrogenSetting = true;
574   boolean rasmolHeteroSetting = true;
575   int ribbonAspectRatio = 16;
576   boolean ribbonBorder = false;
577   boolean rocketBarrels = false;
578   float sheetSmoothing = 1; // 0: traceAlpha on alphas for helix, 1 on midpoints
579   boolean traceAlpha = true;
580   boolean translucent = true;
581   boolean twistedSheets = false;
583   //misc
585   boolean autoplayMovie = true;
586   boolean allowAudio = true; // once turned off, cannot be turned back on
587   boolean allowGestures = false;
588   boolean allowModelkit = true;
589   boolean allowMultiTouch = true; // but you still need to set the parameter multiTouchSparshUI=true
590   boolean allowKeyStrokes = false;
592   boolean hiddenLinesDashed = false;
594   int animationFps = 10;
595   boolean atomPicking = true;
596   boolean autoFps = false;
597   public int axesMode = T.axeswindow;
598   float axesScale = 2;
599   float axesOffset = 0;
600   float starWidth = 0.05f;
601   boolean bondPicking = false;
602   String dataSeparator = "~~~";
603   boolean debugScript = false;
604   float defaultDrawArrowScale = 0.5f;
605   String defaultLabelXYZ = "%a";
606   String defaultLabelPDB = "%m%r";
607   float defaultTranslucent = 0.5f;
608   int delayMaximumMs = 0;
609   float dipoleScale = 1f;
610   float drawFontSize = 14f;
611   boolean disablePopupMenu = false;
612   boolean dragSelected = false;
613   boolean drawHover = false;
614   boolean drawPicking = false;
615   boolean dsspCalcHydrogen = true;
616   public String energyUnits = "kJ";
617   float exportScale = 0f;
618   String helpPath = JC.DEFAULT_HELP_PATH;
619   boolean fontScaling = false;
620   boolean fontCaching = true;
621   String forceField = "MMFF";
622   int helixStep = 1;
623   boolean hideNameInPopup = false;
624   int hoverDelayMs = 500;
625   float loadAtomDataTolerance = 0.01f;
626   public boolean logCommands = false;
627   public boolean logGestures = false;
628   public String measureDistanceUnits = "nanometers";
629   boolean measurementLabels = true;
630   boolean messageStyleChime = false;
631   boolean monitorEnergy = false;
632   public float modulationScale = 1;
633   boolean multiProcessor = true;
634   float particleRadius = 20;
635   int pickingSpinRate = 10;
636   String pickLabel = "";
637   float pointGroupDistanceTolerance = 0.2f;
638   float pointGroupLinearTolerance = 8.0f;
639   public boolean preserveState = true;
640   String propertyColorScheme = "roygb";
641   String quaternionFrame = "p"; // was c prior to Jmol 11.7.47
642   boolean saveProteinStructureState = true;
643   boolean showModVecs = false;
644   boolean showUnitCellDetails = true;
645   float solventProbeRadius = 1.2f;
646   int scriptDelay = 0;
647   boolean selectAllModels = true;
648   boolean statusReporting = true;
649   int strandCountForStrands = 5;
650   int strandCountForMeshRibbon = 7;
651   int strutSpacing = 6;
652   float strutLengthMaximum = 7.0f;
653   float strutDefaultRadius = JC.DEFAULT_STRUT_RADIUS;
654   boolean strutsMultiple = false; //on a single position
655   //boolean useArcBall = false;
656   boolean useMinimizationThread = true;
657   boolean useNumberLocalization = true;
658   public boolean useScriptQueue = true;
659   public boolean waitForMoveTo = true; // Jmol 11.9.24
660   /**
661    *
662    * ensures that ScriptManager.allowJSThreads is false
663    * so that ScriptManager.useThreads() returns false;
664    *
665    * Jmol 14.21.1
666    *
667    */
668   public boolean noDelay = false;
669   float vectorScale = 1f;
670   boolean vectorSymmetry = false; // Jmol 12.3.2
671   boolean vectorsCentered = false; // Jmol 14.1.14
672   int vectorTrail = 0; // Jmol 14.4.4
673   float vibrationPeriod = 1f;
674   float vibrationScale = 1f;
675   boolean wireframeRotation = false;
677   // window
679   boolean hideNavigationPoint = false;
680   boolean navigationMode = false;
681   //boolean navigateSurface = false;
682   boolean navigationPeriodic = false;
683   float navigationSpeed = 5;
684   boolean showNavigationPointAlways = false;
685   String stereoState = null;
686   boolean modelKitMode = false;
688   // special persistent object characteristics -- bbcage, uccage, axes:
690   int[] objColors = new int[StateManager.OBJ_MAX];
691   boolean[] objStateOn = new boolean[StateManager.OBJ_MAX];
692   int[] objMad10 = new int[StateManager.OBJ_MAX];
694   boolean ellipsoidAxes = false;
695   boolean ellipsoidDots = false;
696   boolean ellipsoidArcs = false;
697   boolean ellipsoidArrows = false;
698   boolean ellipsoidFill = false;
699   boolean ellipsoidBall = true;
701   int ellipsoidDotCount = 200;
702   float ellipsoidAxisDiameter = 0.02f;
704   //testing
706   boolean testFlag1 = false;
707   boolean testFlag2 = false;
708   boolean testFlag3 = false;
709   boolean testFlag4 = false;
711   //controlled access:
setUnits(String units)713   void setUnits(String units) {
714     String mu = measureDistanceUnits;
715     String eu = energyUnits;
716     if (units.equalsIgnoreCase("angstroms"))
717       measureDistanceUnits = "angstroms";
718     else if (units.equalsIgnoreCase("nanometers")
719         || units.equalsIgnoreCase("nm"))
720       measureDistanceUnits = "nanometers";
721     else if (units.equalsIgnoreCase("picometers")
722         || units.equalsIgnoreCase("pm"))
723       measureDistanceUnits = "picometers";
724     else if (units.equalsIgnoreCase("bohr") || units.equalsIgnoreCase("au"))
725       measureDistanceUnits = "au";
726     else if (units.equalsIgnoreCase("vanderwaals")
727         || units.equalsIgnoreCase("vdw"))
728       measureDistanceUnits = "vdw";
729     else if (units.toLowerCase().endsWith("hz")
730         || units.toLowerCase().endsWith("khz"))
731       measureDistanceUnits = units.toLowerCase();
732     else if (units.equalsIgnoreCase("kj"))
733       energyUnits = "kJ";
734     else if (units.equalsIgnoreCase("kcal"))
735       energyUnits = "kcal";
736     if (!mu.equalsIgnoreCase(measureDistanceUnits))
737       setO("measurementUnits", measureDistanceUnits);
738     else if (!eu.equalsIgnoreCase(energyUnits))
739       setO("energyUnits", energyUnits);
740   }
isJmolVariable(String key)742   boolean isJmolVariable(String key) {
743     return key.charAt(0) == '_'
744         || htNonbooleanParameterValues.containsKey(key = key.toLowerCase())
745         || htBooleanParameterFlags.containsKey(key)
746         || unreportedProperties.indexOf(";" + key + ";") >= 0;
747   }
resetValue(String name, GlobalSettings g)749   private void resetValue(String name, GlobalSettings g) {
750     setO(name, g == null ? "" : (String) g.getParameter(name, true));
751   }
setB(String name, boolean value)753   public void setB(String name, boolean value) {
754     name = name.toLowerCase();
755     if (htNonbooleanParameterValues.containsKey(name))
756       return; // don't allow setting boolean of a numeric
757     htBooleanParameterFlags.put(name, value ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
758   }
setI(String name, int value)760   void setI(String name, int value) {
761     if (value != Integer.MAX_VALUE)
762       setO(name, Integer.valueOf(value));
763   }
setF(String name, float value)765   public void setF(String name, float value) {
766     if (!Float.isNaN(value))
767       setO(name, Float.valueOf(value));
768   }
setO(String name, Object value)770   public void setO(String name, Object value) {
771     name = name.toLowerCase();
772     if (value == null || htBooleanParameterFlags.containsKey(name))
773       return; // don't allow setting string of a boolean
774     htNonbooleanParameterValues.put(name, value);
775   }
removeParam(String key)777   public void removeParam(String key) {
778     // used by resetError to remove _errorMessage
779     // used by setSmilesString to remove _smilesString
780     // used by setAxesModeMolecular to remove axesUnitCell
781     //   and either axesWindow or axesMolecular
782     // used by setAxesModeUnitCell to remove axesMolecular
783     //   and either remove axesWindow or axesUnitCell
785     key = key.toLowerCase();
786     if (htBooleanParameterFlags.containsKey(key)) {
787       htBooleanParameterFlags.remove(key);
788       if (!htPropertyFlagsRemoved.containsKey(key))
789         htPropertyFlagsRemoved.put(key, Boolean.FALSE);
790       return;
791     }
792     if (htNonbooleanParameterValues.containsKey(key))
793       htNonbooleanParameterValues.remove(key);
794   }
setUserVariable(String key, SV var)796   public SV setUserVariable(String key, SV var) {
797     if (var != null) {
798       key = key.toLowerCase();
799       htUserVariables.put(key, var.setName(key));
800     }
801     return var;
802   }
unsetUserVariable(String key)804   void unsetUserVariable(String key) {
805     if (key.equals("all") || key.equals("variables")) {
806       htUserVariables.clear();
807       Logger.info("all user-defined variables deleted");
808     } else if (htUserVariables.containsKey(key)) {
809       Logger.info("variable " + key + " deleted");
810       htUserVariables.remove(key);
811     }
812   }
removeUserVariable(String key)814   void removeUserVariable(String key) {
815     htUserVariables.remove(key);
816   }
getUserVariable(String name)818   SV getUserVariable(String name) {
819     if (name == null)
820       return null;
821     name = name.toLowerCase();
822     return htUserVariables.get(name);
823   }
getParameterEscaped(String name, int nMax)825   String getParameterEscaped(String name, int nMax) {
826     name = name.toLowerCase();
827     if (htNonbooleanParameterValues.containsKey(name)) {
828       Object v = htNonbooleanParameterValues.get(name);
829       return StateManager.varClip(name, Escape.e(v), nMax);
830     }
831     if (htBooleanParameterFlags.containsKey(name))
832       return htBooleanParameterFlags.get(name).toString();
833     if (htUserVariables.containsKey(name))
834       return htUserVariables.get(name).escape();
835     if (htPropertyFlagsRemoved.containsKey(name))
836       return "false";
837     return "<not defined>";
838   }
840   /**
841    *
842    * strictly a getter
843    *
844    * @param name
845    * @param nullAsString
846    *        returns "" if not found
847    * @return a Integer, Float, String, BitSet, or Variable, or null
848    */
getParameter(String name, boolean nullAsString)849   Object getParameter(String name, boolean nullAsString) {
850     Object v = getParam(name, false);
851     return (v == null && nullAsString ? "" : v);
852   }
854   /**
855    *
856    *
857    * @param name
858    * @param doSet
859    * @return a new variable if possible, but null if "_xxx"
860    *
861    */
getAndSetNewVariable(String name, boolean doSet)862   public SV getAndSetNewVariable(String name, boolean doSet) {
863     if (name == null || name.length() == 0)
864       name = "x";
865     Object v = getParam(name, true);
866     return (v == null && doSet && name.charAt(0) != '_' ? setUserVariable(name,
867         SV.newV(T.string, "")) : SV.getVariable(v));
868   }
getParam(String name, boolean asVariable)870   Object getParam(String name, boolean asVariable) {
871     name = name.toLowerCase();
872     if (name.equals("_memory")) {
873       float bTotal = 0;
874       float bFree = 0;
875       /**
876        * @j2sIgnore
877        *
878        */
879       {
880         Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
881         bTotal = runtime.totalMemory() / 1000000f;
882         bFree = runtime.freeMemory() / 1000000f;
883       }
884       String value = DF.formatDecimal(bTotal - bFree, 1) + "/"
885           + DF.formatDecimal(bTotal, 1);
886       htNonbooleanParameterValues.put("_memory", value);
887     }
888     if (htNonbooleanParameterValues.containsKey(name))
889       return htNonbooleanParameterValues.get(name);
890     if (htBooleanParameterFlags.containsKey(name))
891       return htBooleanParameterFlags.get(name);
892     if (htPropertyFlagsRemoved.containsKey(name))
893       return Boolean.FALSE;
894     if (htUserVariables.containsKey(name)) {
895       SV v = htUserVariables.get(name);
896       return (asVariable ? v : SV.oValue(v));
897     }
898     return null;
899   }
getVariableList()901   public String getVariableList() {
902     return StateManager.getVariableList(htUserVariables, 0, true, false);
903   }
905   // static because we don't plan to be changing these
906   Map<STR, float[]> structureList = new Hashtable<STR, float[]>();
908   {
structureList.put(STR.TURN, new float[] { 30, 90, -15, 95, })909     structureList.put(STR.TURN, new float[] { // turn
910         30, 90, -15, 95, });
structureList.put(STR.SHEET, new float[] { -180, -10, 70, 180, -180, -45, -180, -130, 140, 180, 90, 180, })911     structureList.put(STR.SHEET, new float[] { // sheet
912         -180, -10, 70, 180, -180, -45, -180, -130, 140, 180, 90, 180, });
structureList.put(STR.HELIX, new float[] { -160, 0, -100, 45, })913     structureList.put(STR.HELIX, new float[] { // helix
914         -160, 0, -100, 45, });
915   }
917   boolean haveSetStructureList;
918 //  private String[] userDatabases;
920   public int bondingVersion = Elements.RAD_COV_IONIC_OB1_100_1;
setStructureList(float[] list, STR type)922   public void setStructureList(float[] list, STR type) {
923     haveSetStructureList = true;
924     structureList.put(type, list);
925   }
getStructureList()927   public Map<STR, float[]> getStructureList() {
928     return structureList;
929   }
doReportProperty(String name)931   static boolean doReportProperty(String name) {
932     return (name.charAt(0) != '_' && unreportedProperties.indexOf(";" + name
933         + ";") < 0);
934   }
936   final private static String unreportedProperties =
937   //these are handled individually in terms of reporting for the state
938   //NOT EXCLUDING the load state settings, because although we
939   //handle these specially for the CURRENT FILE, their current
940   //settings won't be reflected in the load state, which is determined
941   //earlier, when the file loads.
942   //
943   //place any parameter here you do NOT want to have in the state
944   //
945   // _xxxxx variables are automatically exempt
946   //
947   (";ambientpercent;animationfps"
948       + ";antialiasdisplay;antialiasimages;antialiastranslucent;appendnew;axescolor"
949       + ";axesposition;axesmolecular;axesorientationrasmol;axesunitcell;axeswindow;axis1color;axis2color"
950       + ";axis3color;backgroundcolor;backgroundmodel;bondsymmetryatoms;boundboxcolor;cameradepth"
951       + ";bondingversion;ciprule6full;contextdepthmax;debug;debugscript;defaultlatttice;defaults;defaultdropscript;diffusepercent;"
952       + ";exportdrivers;exportscale"
953       + ";_filecaching;_filecache;fontcaching;fontscaling;forcefield;language"
954       + ";hbondsDistanceMaximum;hbondsangleminimum" // added Jmol 14.24.2
955       + ";jmolinjspecview;legacyautobonding;legacyhaddition;legacyjavafloat"
956       + ";loglevel;logfile;loggestures;logcommands;measurestylechime"
957       + ";loadformat;loadligandformat;macrodirectory;mkaddhydrogens"
958       + ";minimizationmaxatoms;smilesurlformat;pubchemformat;nihresolverformat;edsurlformat;edsurlcutoff;multiprocessor;navigationmode;"
959       + ";nodelay;pathforallfiles;perspectivedepth;phongexponent;perspectivemodel;platformspeed"
960       + ";preservestate;refreshing;repaintwaitms;rotationradius;selectallmodels"
961       + ";showaxes;showaxis1;showaxis2;showaxis3;showboundbox;showfrank;showtiming;showunitcell"
962       + ";slabenabled;slab;slabrange;depth;zshade;zshadepower;specular;specularexponent;specularpercent"
963       + ";celshading;celshadingpower;specularpower;stateversion"
964       + ";statusreporting;stereo;stereostate;vibrationperiod"
965       + ";unitcellcolor;visualrange;windowcentered;zerobasedxyzrasmol;zoomenabled;mousedragfactor;mousewheelfactor"
966       //    saved in the hash table but not considered part of the state:
967       + ";scriptqueue;scriptreportinglevel;syncscript;syncmouse;syncstereo"
968       + ";defaultdirectory;currentlocalpath;defaultdirectorylocal"
969       //    more settable Jmol variables
970       + ";ambient;bonds;colorrasmol;diffuse;fractionalrelative;frank;hetero;hidenotselected"
971       + ";hoverlabel;hydrogen;languagetranslation;measurementunits;navigationdepth;navigationslab"
972       + ";picking;pickingstyle;propertycolorschemeoverload;radius;rgbblue;rgbgreen;rgbred"
973       + ";scaleangstromsperinch;selectionhalos;showscript;showselections;solvent;strandcount"
974       + ";spinx;spiny;spinz;spinfps;navx;navy;navz;navfps;"
975       + CBK.getNameList()
976       + ";undo;atompicking;drawpicking;bondpicking;pickspinrate;picklabel"
977       + ";modelkitmode;autoplaymovie;allowaudio;allowgestures;allowkeystrokes;allowmultitouch;allowmodelkit"
978       //  oops these were in some state scripts but should not have been
979       + ";dodrop;hovered;historylevel;imagestate;iskiosk;useminimizationthread"
980       + ";checkcir;resolverresolver;showkeystrokes;saveproteinstructurestate;testflag1;testflag2;testflag3;testflag4"
981       // removed in Jmol 14.29.18
982       + ";selecthetero;selecthydrogen;"
984       + ";")
985       .toLowerCase();
getAllVariables()987   Object getAllVariables() {
988     Map<String, Object> map = new Hashtable<String, Object>();
989     map.putAll(htBooleanParameterFlags);
990     map.putAll(htNonbooleanParameterValues);
991     map.putAll(htUserVariables);
992     return map;
993   }
995   /**
996    * these settings are determined when the file is loaded and are kept even
997    * though they might later change. So we list them here and ALSO let them be
998    * defined in the settings. 10.9.98 missed this.
999    *
1000    * @param htParams
1001    *
1002    * @return script command
1003    */
getLoadState(Map<String, Object> htParams)1004   String getLoadState(Map<String, Object> htParams) {
1006     // some commands register flags so that they will be
1007     // restored in a saved state definition, but will not execute
1008     // now so that there is no chance any embedded scripts or
1009     // default load scripts will run and slow things down.
1010     SB str = new SB();
1011     app(str, "set allowEmbeddedScripts false");
1012     if (allowEmbeddedScripts)
1013       setB("allowEmbeddedScripts", true);
1014     app(str, "set appendNew " + appendNew);
1015     app(str, "set appletProxy " + PT.esc(appletProxy));
1016     app(str, "set applySymmetryToBonds " + applySymmetryToBonds);
1017     if (atomTypes.length() > 0)
1018       app(str, "set atomTypes " + PT.esc(atomTypes));
1019     app(str, "set autoBond " + autoBond);
1020     //    appendCmd(str, "set autoLoadOrientation " + autoLoadOrientation);
1021     if (axesOrientationRasmol)
1022       app(str, "set axesOrientationRasmol true");
1023     app(str, "set bondRadiusMilliAngstroms " + bondRadiusMilliAngstroms);
1024     app(str, "set bondTolerance " + bondTolerance);
1025     app(str, "set defaultLattice " + Escape.eP(ptDefaultLattice));
1026     app(str, "set defaultLoadFilter " + PT.esc(defaultLoadFilter));
1027     app(str, "set defaultLoadScript \"\"");
1028     if (defaultLoadScript.length() > 0)
1029       setO("defaultLoadScript", defaultLoadScript);
1030     app(str, "set defaultStructureDssp " + defaultStructureDSSP);
1031     String sMode = vwr.getDefaultVdwNameOrData(Integer.MIN_VALUE, null, null);
1032     app(str, "set defaultVDW " + sMode);
1033     if (sMode.equals("User"))
1034       app(str, vwr.getDefaultVdwNameOrData(Integer.MAX_VALUE, null, null));
1035     app(str, "set forceAutoBond " + forceAutoBond);
1036     app(str, "#set defaultDirectory " + PT.esc(defaultDirectory));
1037     app(str, "#set loadFormat " + PT.esc(loadFormat));
1038     app(str, "#set loadLigandFormat " + PT.esc(pdbLoadLigandFormat));
1039     app(str, "#set smilesUrlFormat " + PT.esc(smilesUrlFormat));
1040     app(str, "#set nihResolverFormat " + PT.esc(nihResolverFormat));
1041     app(str, "#set pubChemFormat " + PT.esc(pubChemFormat));
1042 //    app(str, "#set edsUrlFormat " + PT.esc(edsUrlFormat));
1043 //    app(str, "#set edsUrlFormatDiff " + PT.esc(edsUrlFormatDiff));
1044 //    app(str, "#set edsUrlCutoff " + PT.esc(edsUrlCutoff));
1045     //    if (autoLoadOrientation)
1046     //      appendCmd(str, "set autoLoadOrientation true");
1047     app(str, "set bondingVersion " + bondingVersion);
1048     app(str, "set legacyAutoBonding " + legacyAutoBonding);
1049     app(str, "set legacyAutoBonding " + legacyAutoBonding);
1050     app(str, "set legacyHAddition " + legacyHAddition);
1051     app(str, "set legacyJavaFloat " + legacyJavaFloat);
1052     app(str, "set minBondDistance " + minBondDistance);
1053     // these next two might be part of a 2D->3D operation
1054     app(str, "set minimizationCriterion  " + minimizationCriterion);
1055     app(str, "set minimizationSteps  " + minimizationSteps);
1056     // Jmol 14.3.15 introduces bananas, but this setting should not carry through from one model to the next
1057     app(str, "set multipleBondBananas false");
1058     app(str,
1059         "set pdbAddHydrogens "
1060             + (htParams != null
1061                 && htParams.get("pdbNoHydrogens") != Boolean.TRUE ? pdbAddHydrogens
1062                 : false));
1063     app(str, "set pdbGetHeader " + pdbGetHeader);
1064     app(str, "set pdbSequential " + pdbSequential);
1065     app(str, "set percentVdwAtom " + percentVdwAtom);
1066     app(str, "set smallMoleculeMaxAtoms " + smallMoleculeMaxAtoms);
1067     app(str, "set smartAromatic " + smartAromatic);
1068     if (zeroBasedXyzRasmol)
1069       app(str, "set zeroBasedXyzRasmol true");
1070     return str.toString();
1071   }
app(SB s, String cmd)1073   private void app(SB s, String cmd) {
1074     if (cmd.length() == 0)
1075       return;
1076     s.append("  ").append(cmd).append(";\n");
1077   }
setCIR(String template)1079   public void setCIR(String template) {
1080     if (template == null || template.equals(nihResolverFormat) && smilesUrlFormat != null)
1081       return;
1082     int pt = template.indexOf("/structure");
1083     if (pt > 0) {
1084       nihResolverFormat = template.substring(0, pt + 10);
1085       smilesUrlFormat = nihResolverFormat  + "/%FILE/file?format=sdf&get3d=true";
1086       System.out.println("CIR resolver set to " + nihResolverFormat);
1087     }
1089   }
1092 }