1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 // pgAdmin III - PostgreSQL Tools
4 //
5 // Copyright (C) 2002 - 2016, The pgAdmin Development Team
6 // This software is released under the PostgreSQL Licence
7 //
8 // pgaJob.h - PostgreSQL Agent Job
9 //
10 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
12 #ifndef PGAJOB_H
13 #define PGAJOB_H
15 #include "schema/pgServer.h"
18 class pgaJobFactory : public pgServerObjFactory
19 {
20 public:
21 	pgaJobFactory();
22 	virtual dlgProperty *CreateDialog(frmMain *frame, pgObject *node, pgObject *parent);
23 	virtual pgObject *CreateObjects(pgCollection *obj, ctlTree *browser, const wxString &restr = wxEmptyString);
24 	virtual pgCollection *CreateCollection(pgObject *obj);
GetDisabledId()25 	int GetDisabledId()
26 	{
27 		return disabledId;
28 	}
30 protected:
31 	int disabledId;
32 };
33 extern pgaJobFactory jobFactory;
35 class pgaJob : public pgServerObject
36 {
37 public:
38 	pgaJob(const wxString &newName = wxT(""));
40 	int GetIconId();
41 	void ShowTreeDetail(ctlTree *browser, frmMain *form = 0, ctlListView *properties = 0, ctlSQLBox *sqlPane = 0);
42 	void ShowStatistics(frmMain *form, ctlListView *statistics);
43 	pgObject *Refresh(ctlTree *browser, const wxTreeItemId item);
44 	bool DropObject(wxFrame *frame, ctlTree *browser, bool cascaded);
46 	wxString GetTranslatedMessage(int kindOfMessage) const;
GetJobclass()47 	wxString GetJobclass() const
48 	{
49 		return jobclass;
50 	}
iSetJobclass(const wxString & s)51 	void iSetJobclass(const wxString &s)
52 	{
53 		jobclass = s;
54 	}
GetEnabled()55 	bool GetEnabled() const
56 	{
57 		return enabled;
58 	}
iSetEnabled(const bool b)59 	void iSetEnabled(const bool b)
60 	{
61 		enabled = b;
62 	}
GetCreated()63 	wxDateTime GetCreated() const
64 	{
65 		return created;
66 	}
iSetCreated(const wxDateTime & d)67 	void iSetCreated(const wxDateTime &d)
68 	{
69 		created = d;
70 	}
GetChanged()71 	wxDateTime GetChanged() const
72 	{
73 		return changed;
74 	}
iSetChanged(const wxDateTime & d)75 	void iSetChanged(const wxDateTime &d)
76 	{
77 		changed = d;
78 	}
GetNextrun()79 	wxDateTime GetNextrun() const
80 	{
81 		return nextrun;
82 	}
iSetNextrun(const wxDateTime & d)83 	void iSetNextrun(const wxDateTime &d)
84 	{
85 		nextrun = d;
86 	}
GetLastrun()87 	wxDateTime GetLastrun() const
88 	{
89 		return lastrun;
90 	}
iSetLastrun(const wxDateTime & d)91 	void iSetLastrun(const wxDateTime &d)
92 	{
93 		lastrun = d;
94 	}
GetLastresult()95 	wxString GetLastresult() const
96 	{
97 		return lastresult;
98 	}
iSetLastresult(const wxString & s)99 	void iSetLastresult(const wxString &s)
100 	{
101 		lastresult = s;
102 	}
GetCurrentAgent()103 	wxString GetCurrentAgent() const
104 	{
105 		return currentAgent;
106 	}
iSetCurrentAgent(const wxString & s)107 	void iSetCurrentAgent(const wxString &s)
108 	{
109 		currentAgent = s;
110 	}
GetHostAgent()111 	wxString GetHostAgent() const
112 	{
113 		return hostAgent;
114 	}
iSetHostAgent(const wxString & s)115 	void iSetHostAgent(const wxString &s)
116 	{
117 		hostAgent = s;
118 	}
GetRecId()119 	long GetRecId() const
120 	{
121 		return recId;
122 	}
iSetRecId(const long l)123 	void iSetRecId(const long l)
124 	{
125 		recId = l;
126 	}
127 	bool RunNow();
129 	wxMenu *GetNewMenu();
CanCreate()130 	bool CanCreate()
131 	{
132 		return true;
133 	}
CanView()134 	bool CanView()
135 	{
136 		return false;
137 	}
CanEdit()138 	bool CanEdit()
139 	{
140 		return true;
141 	}
CanDrop()142 	bool CanDrop()
143 	{
144 		return true;
145 	}
WantDummyChild()146 	bool WantDummyChild()
147 	{
148 		return true;
149 	}
GetHelpPage(bool forCreate)151 	wxString GetHelpPage(bool forCreate) const
152 	{
153 		return wxT("pgagent-jobs");
154 	}
156 private:
157 	bool enabled;
158 	wxDateTime created, changed, nextrun, lastrun;
159 	wxString lastresult, jobclass, currentAgent, hostAgent;
160 	long recId;
161 };
164 class pgaJobObject : public pgServerObject
165 {
166 public:
167 	pgaJobObject(pgaJob *job, pgaFactory &factory, const wxString &newName);
GetJob()168 	virtual pgaJob *GetJob()
169 	{
170 		return job;
171 	}
CanCreate()173 	bool CanCreate()
174 	{
175 		return job->CanCreate();
176 	}
CanView()177 	bool CanView()
178 	{
179 		return false;
180 	}
CanEdit()181 	bool CanEdit()
182 	{
183 		return job->CanEdit();
184 	}
CanDrop()185 	bool CanDrop()
186 	{
187 		return job->CanDrop();
188 	}
190 protected:
191 	pgaJob *job;
192 };
195 class pgaJobCollection : public pgServerObjCollection
196 {
197 public:
198 	pgaJobCollection(pgaFactory *factory, pgServer *sv);
199 	wxString GetTranslatedMessage(int kindOfMessage) const;
200 };
203 class pgaJobObjCollection : public pgServerObjCollection
204 {
205 public:
206 	pgaJobObjCollection(pgaFactory *factory, pgaJob *job);
207 	bool CanCreate();
208 };
210 class pgaJobObjFactory : public pgServerObjFactory
211 {
212 public:
213 	pgaJobObjFactory(const wxChar *tn, const wxChar *ns, const wxChar *nls, wxImage *img, wxImage *imgSm = 0)
pgServerObjFactory(tn,ns,nls,img,imgSm)214 		: pgServerObjFactory(tn, ns, nls, img, imgSm) {}
215 	virtual pgCollection *CreateCollection(pgObject *obj);
216 };
218 class runNowFactory : public contextActionFactory
219 {
220 public:
221 	runNowFactory(menuFactoryList *list, wxMenu *mnu, ctlMenuToolbar *toolbar);
222 	wxWindow *StartDialog(frmMain *form, pgObject *obj);
223 	bool CheckEnable(pgObject *obj);
224 };
226 #endif