1 // Copyright 2010-2021 Google LLC
2 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
3 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
5 //
6 //     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
7 //
8 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
9 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
10 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
11 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
12 // limitations under the License.
17 // Solves the Shortest Hamiltonian Path Problem using a complete algorithm.
18 // The algorithm was first described in
19 // M. Held, R.M. Karp, A dynamic programming approach to sequencing problems,
20 // J. SIAM 10 (1962) 196-210
21 //
22 // The Shortest Hamiltonian Path Problem (SHPP) is similar to the Traveling
23 // Salesperson Problem (TSP).
24 // You have to visit all the cities, starting from a given one and you
25 // do not need to return to your starting point. With the TSP, you can start
26 // anywhere, but you have to return to your start location.
27 //
28 // By complete we mean that the algorithm guarantees to compute the optimal
29 // solution. The algorithm uses dynamic programming. Its time complexity is
30 // O(n^2 * 2^(n-1)), where n is the number of nodes to be visited, and '^'
31 // denotes exponentiation. Its space complexity is O(n * 2 ^ (n - 1)).
32 //
33 // Note that the naive implementation of the SHPP
34 // exploring all permutations without memorizing intermediate results would
35 // have a complexity of (n - 1)! (factorial of (n - 1) ), which is much higher
36 // than n^2 * 2^(n-1). To convince oneself of this, just use Stirling's
37 // formula: n! ~ sqrt(2 * pi * n)*( n / exp(1)) ^ n.
38 // Because of these complexity figures, the algorithm is not practical for
39 // problems with more than 20 nodes.
40 //
41 // Here is how the algorithm works:
42 // Let us denote the nodes to be visited by their indices 0 .. n - 1
43 // Let us pick 0 as the starting node.
44 // Let d(i,j) denote the distance (or cost) from i to j.
45 // f(S, j) where S is a set of nodes and j is a node in S is defined as follows:
46 // f(S, j) = min (i in S \ {j},  f(S \ {j}, i) + cost(i, j))
47 //                                           (j is an element of S)
48 // Note that this formulation, from the original Held-Karp paper is a bit
49 // different, but equivalent to the one used in Caseau and Laburthe, Solving
50 // Small TSPs with Constraints, 1997, ICLP
51 // f(S, j) = min (i in S, f(S \ {i}, i) + cost(i, j))
52 //                                           (j is not an element of S)
53 //
54 // The advantage of the Held and Karp formulation is that it enables:
55 // - to build the dynamic programming lattice layer by layer starting from the
56 // subsets with cardinality 1, and increasing the cardinality.
57 // - to traverse the dynamic programming lattice using sequential memory
58 // accesses, making the algorithm cache-friendly, and faster, despite the large
59 // amount of computation needed to get the position when f(S, j) is stored.
60 // - TODO(user): implement pruning procedures on top of the Held-Karp algorithm.
61 //
62 // The set S can be represented by an integer where bit i corresponds to
63 // element i in the set. In the following S denotes the integer corresponding
64 // to set S.
65 //
66 // The dynamic programming iteration is implemented in the method Solve.
67 // The optimal value of the Hamiltonian path starting at 0 is given by
68 // min (i in S, f(2 ^ n - 1, i))
69 // The optimal value of the Traveling Salesman tour is given by f(2 ^ n, 0).
70 // (There is actually no need to duplicate the first node, as all the paths
71 // are computed from node 0.)
72 //
73 // To implement dynamic programming, we store the preceding results of
74 // computing f(S,j) in an array M[Offset(S,j)]. See the comments about
75 // LatticeMemoryManager::BaseOffset() to see how this is computed.
76 //
77 // Keywords: Traveling Salesman, Hamiltonian Path, Dynamic Programming,
78 //           Held, Karp.
80 #include <math.h>
81 #include <stddef.h>
83 #include <algorithm>
84 #include <cmath>
85 #include <cstdint>
86 #include <limits>
87 #include <memory>
88 #include <stack>
89 #include <type_traits>
90 #include <utility>
91 #include <vector>
93 #include "ortools/base/integral_types.h"
94 #include "ortools/base/logging.h"
95 #include "ortools/util/bitset.h"
96 #include "ortools/util/saturated_arithmetic.h"
97 #include "ortools/util/vector_or_function.h"
99 namespace operations_research {
101 // TODO(user): Move the Set-related classbelow to util/bitset.h
102 // Iterates over the elements of a set represented as an unsigned integer,
103 // starting from the smallest element.  (See the class Set<Integer> below.)
104 template <typename Set>
105 class ElementIterator {
106  public:
107   explicit ElementIterator(Set set) : current_set_(set) {}
108   bool operator!=(const ElementIterator& other) const {
109     return current_set_ != other.current_set_;
110   }
112   // Returns the smallest element in the current_set_.
113   int operator*() const { return current_set_.SmallestElement(); }
115   // Advances the iterator by removing its smallest element.
116   const ElementIterator& operator++() {
117     current_set_ = current_set_.RemoveSmallestElement();
118     return *this;
119   }
121  private:
122   // The current position of the iterator. Stores the set consisting of the
123   // not-yet iterated elements.
124   Set current_set_;
125 };
127 template <typename Integer>
128 class Set {
129  public:
130   // Make this visible to classes using this class.
131   typedef Integer IntegerType;
133   // Useful constants.
134   static constexpr Integer One = static_cast<Integer>(1);
135   static constexpr Integer Zero = static_cast<Integer>(0);
136   static const int MaxCardinality = 8 * sizeof(Integer);  // NOLINT
138   // Construct a set from an Integer.
139   explicit Set(Integer n) : value_(n) {
140     static_assert(std::is_integral<Integer>::value, "Integral type required");
141     static_assert(std::is_unsigned<Integer>::value, "Unsigned type required");
142   }
144   // Returns the integer corresponding to the set.
145   Integer value() const { return value_; }
147   static Set FullSet(Integer card) {
148     return card == 0 ? Set(0) : Set(~Zero >> (MaxCardinality - card));
149   }
151   // Returns the singleton set with 'n' as its only element.
152   static Set Singleton(Integer n) { return Set(One << n); }
154   // Returns a set equal to the calling object, with element n added.
155   // If n is already in the set, no operation occurs.
156   Set AddElement(int n) const { return Set(value_ | (One << n)); }
158   // Returns a set equal to the calling object, with element n removed.
159   // If n is not in the set, no operation occurs.
160   Set RemoveElement(int n) const { return Set(value_ & ~(One << n)); }
162   // Returns true if the calling set contains element n.
163   bool Contains(int n) const { return ((One << n) & value_) != 0; }
165   // Returns true if 'other' is included in the calling set.
166   bool Includes(Set other) const {
167     return (value_ & other.value_) == other.value_;
168   }
170   // Returns the number of elements in the set. Uses the 32-bit version for
171   // types that have 32-bits or less. Specialized for uint64_t.
172   int Cardinality() const { return BitCount32(value_); }
174   // Returns the index of the smallest element in the set. Uses the 32-bit
175   // version for types that have 32-bits or less. Specialized for uint64_t.
176   int SmallestElement() const { return LeastSignificantBitPosition32(value_); }
178   // Returns a set equal to the calling object, with its smallest
179   // element removed.
180   Set RemoveSmallestElement() const { return Set(value_ & (value_ - 1)); }
182   // Returns the rank of an element in a set. For the set 11100, ElementRank(4)
183   // would return 2. (Ranks start at zero).
184   int ElementRank(int n) const {
185     DCHECK(Contains(n)) << "n = " << n << ", value_ = " << value_;
186     return SingletonRank(Singleton(n));
187   }
189   // Returns the set consisting of the smallest element of the calling object.
190   Set SmallestSingleton() const { return Set(value_ & -value_); }
192   // Returns the rank of the singleton's element in the calling Set.
193   int SingletonRank(Set singleton) const {
194     DCHECK_EQ(singleton.value(), singleton.SmallestSingleton().value());
195     return Set(value_ & (singleton.value_ - 1)).Cardinality();
196   }
198   // STL iterator-related member functions.
199   ElementIterator<Set> begin() const {
200     return ElementIterator<Set>(Set(value_));
201   }
202   ElementIterator<Set> end() const { return ElementIterator<Set>(Set(0)); }
203   bool operator!=(const Set& other) const { return value_ != other.value_; }
205  private:
206   // The Integer representing the set.
207   Integer value_;
208 };
210 template <>
211 inline int Set<uint64_t>::SmallestElement() const {
212   return LeastSignificantBitPosition64(value_);
213 }
215 template <>
216 inline int Set<uint64_t>::Cardinality() const {
217   return BitCount64(value_);
218 }
220 // An iterator for sets of increasing corresponding values that have the same
221 // cardinality. For example, the sets with cardinality 3 will be listed as
222 // ...00111, ...01011, ...01101, ...1110, etc...
223 template <typename SetRange>
224 class SetRangeIterator {
225  public:
226   // Make the parameter types visible to SetRangeWithCardinality.
227   typedef typename SetRange::SetType SetType;
228   typedef typename SetType::IntegerType IntegerType;
230   explicit SetRangeIterator(const SetType set) : current_set_(set) {}
232   // STL iterator-related methods.
233   SetType operator*() const { return current_set_; }
234   bool operator!=(const SetRangeIterator& other) const {
235     return current_set_ != other.current_set_;
236   }
238   // Computes the next set with the same cardinality using Gosper's hack.
239   // ftp://publications.ai.mit.edu/ai-publications/pdf/AIM-239.pdf ITEM 175
240   // Also translated in C https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~am21/hakmemc.html
241   const SetRangeIterator& operator++() {
242     const IntegerType c = current_set_.SmallestSingleton().value();
243     const IntegerType a = current_set_.value();
244     const IntegerType r = c + current_set_.value();
245     // Dividing by c as in HAKMEMC can be avoided by taking into account
246     // that c is the smallest singleton of current_set_, and using a shift.
247     const IntegerType shift = current_set_.SmallestElement();
248     current_set_ = r == 0 ? SetType(0) : SetType(((r ^ a) >> (shift + 2)) | r);
249     return *this;
250   }
252  private:
253   // The current set of iterator.
254   SetType current_set_;
255 };
257 template <typename Set>
258 class SetRangeWithCardinality {
259  public:
260   typedef Set SetType;
261   // The end_ set is the first set with cardinality card, that does not fit
262   // in max_card bits. Thus, its bit at position max_card is set, and the
263   // rightmost (card - 1) bits are set.
264   SetRangeWithCardinality(int card, int max_card)
265       : begin_(Set::FullSet(card)),
266         end_(Set::FullSet(card - 1).AddElement(max_card)) {
267     DCHECK_LT(0, card);
268     DCHECK_LT(0, max_card);
269     DCHECK_EQ(card, begin_.Cardinality());
270     DCHECK_EQ(card, end_.Cardinality());
271   }
273   // STL iterator-related methods.
274   SetRangeIterator<SetRangeWithCardinality> begin() const {
275     return SetRangeIterator<SetRangeWithCardinality>(begin_);
276   }
277   SetRangeIterator<SetRangeWithCardinality> end() const {
278     return SetRangeIterator<SetRangeWithCardinality>(end_);
279   }
281  private:
282   // Keep the beginning and end of the iterator.
283   SetType begin_;
284   SetType end_;
285 };
287 // The Dynamic Programming (DP) algorithm memorizes the values f(set, node) for
288 // node in set, for all the subsets of cardinality <= max_card_.
289 // LatticeMemoryManager manages the storage of f(set, node) so that the
290 // DP iteration access memory in increasing addresses.
291 template <typename Set, typename CostType>
292 class LatticeMemoryManager {
293  public:
294   LatticeMemoryManager() : max_card_(0) {}
296   // Reserves memory and fills in the data necessary to access memory.
297   void Init(int max_card);
299   // Returns the offset in memory for f(s, node), with node contained in s.
300   uint64_t Offset(Set s, int node) const;
302   // Returns the base offset in memory for f(s, node), with node contained in s.
303   // This is useful in the Dynamic Programming iterations.
304   // Note(user): inlining this function gains about 5%.
305   // TODO(user): Investigate how to compute BaseOffset(card - 1, s \ { n })
306   // from BaseOffset(card, n) to speed up the DP iteration.
307   inline uint64_t BaseOffset(int card, Set s) const;
309   // Returns the offset delta for a set of cardinality 'card', to which
310   // node 'removed_node' is replaced by 'added_node' at 'rank'
311   uint64_t OffsetDelta(int card, int added_node, int removed_node,
312                        int rank) const {
313     return card *
314            (binomial_coefficients_[added_node][rank] -  // delta for added_node
315             binomial_coefficients_[removed_node][rank]);  // for removed_node.
316   }
318   // Memorizes the value = f(s, node) at the correct offset.
319   // This is favored in all other uses than the Dynamic Programming iterations.
320   void SetValue(Set s, int node, CostType value);
322   // Memorizes 'value' at 'offset'. This is useful in the Dynamic Programming
323   // iterations where we want to avoid compute the offset of a pair (set, node).
324   void SetValueAtOffset(uint64_t offset, CostType value) {
325     memory_[offset] = value;
326   }
328   // Returns the memorized value f(s, node) with node in s.
329   // This is favored in all other uses than the Dynamic Programming iterations.
330   CostType Value(Set s, int node) const;
332   // Returns the memorized value at 'offset'.
333   // This is useful in the Dynamic Programming iterations.
334   CostType ValueAtOffset(uint64_t offset) const { return memory_[offset]; }
336  private:
337   // Returns true if the values used to manage memory are set correctly.
338   // This is intended to only be used in a DCHECK.
339   bool CheckConsistency() const;
341   // The maximum cardinality of the set on which the lattice is going to be
342   // used. This is equal to the number of nodes in the TSP.
343   int max_card_;
345   // binomial_coefficients_[n][k] contains (n choose k).
346   std::vector<std::vector<uint64_t>> binomial_coefficients_;
348   // base_offset_[card] contains the base offset for all f(set, node) with
349   // card(set) == card.
350   std::vector<int64_t> base_offset_;
352   // memory_[Offset(set, node)] contains the costs of the partial path
353   // f(set, node).
354   std::vector<CostType> memory_;
355 };
357 template <typename Set, typename CostType>
358 void LatticeMemoryManager<Set, CostType>::Init(int max_card) {
359   DCHECK_LT(0, max_card);
360   DCHECK_GE(Set::MaxCardinality, max_card);
361   if (max_card <= max_card_) return;
362   max_card_ = max_card;
363   binomial_coefficients_.resize(max_card_ + 1);
365   // Initialize binomial_coefficients_ using Pascal's triangle recursion.
366   for (int n = 0; n <= max_card_; ++n) {
367     binomial_coefficients_[n].resize(n + 2);
368     binomial_coefficients_[n][0] = 1;
369     for (int k = 1; k <= n; ++k) {
370       binomial_coefficients_[n][k] = binomial_coefficients_[n - 1][k - 1] +
371                                      binomial_coefficients_[n - 1][k];
372     }
373     // Extend to (n, n + 1) to minimize branchings in LatticeMemoryManager().
374     // This also makes the recurrence above work for k = n.
375     binomial_coefficients_[n][n + 1] = 0;
376   }
377   base_offset_.resize(max_card_ + 1);
378   base_offset_[0] = 0;
379   // There are k * binomial_coefficients_[max_card_][k] f(S,j) values to store
380   // for each group of f(S,j), with card(S) = k. Update base_offset[k]
381   // accordingly.
382   for (int k = 0; k < max_card_; ++k) {
383     base_offset_[k + 1] =
384         base_offset_[k] + k * binomial_coefficients_[max_card_][k];
385   }
386   memory_.resize(0);
387   memory_.shrink_to_fit();
388   memory_.resize(max_card_ * (1 << (max_card_ - 1)));
389   DCHECK(CheckConsistency());
390 }
392 template <typename Set, typename CostType>
393 bool LatticeMemoryManager<Set, CostType>::CheckConsistency() const {
394   for (int n = 0; n <= max_card_; ++n) {
395     int64_t sum = 0;
396     for (int k = 0; k <= n; ++k) {
397       sum += binomial_coefficients_[n][k];
398     }
399     DCHECK_EQ(1 << n, sum);
400   }
401   DCHECK_EQ(0, base_offset_[1]);
402   DCHECK_EQ(max_card_ * (1 << (max_card_ - 1)),
403             base_offset_[max_card_] + max_card_);
404   return true;
405 }
407 template <typename Set, typename CostType>
408 uint64_t LatticeMemoryManager<Set, CostType>::BaseOffset(int card,
409                                                          Set set) const {
410   DCHECK_LT(0, card);
411   DCHECK_EQ(set.Cardinality(), card);
412   uint64_t local_offset = 0;
413   int node_rank = 0;
414   for (int node : set) {
415     // There are binomial_coefficients_[node][node_rank + 1] sets which have
416     // node at node_rank.
417     local_offset += binomial_coefficients_[node][node_rank + 1];
418     ++node_rank;
419   }
420   DCHECK_EQ(card, node_rank);
421   // Note(user): It is possible to get rid of base_offset_[card] by using a 2-D
422   // array. It would also make it possible to free all the memory but the layer
423   // being constructed and the preceding one, if another lattice of paths is
424   // constructed.
425   // TODO(user): Evaluate the interest of the above.
426   // There are 'card' f(set, j) to store. That is why we need to multiply
427   // local_offset by card before adding it to the corresponding base_offset_.
428   return base_offset_[card] + card * local_offset;
429 }
431 template <typename Set, typename CostType>
432 uint64_t LatticeMemoryManager<Set, CostType>::Offset(Set set, int node) const {
433   DCHECK(set.Contains(node));
434   return BaseOffset(set.Cardinality(), set) + set.ElementRank(node);
435 }
437 template <typename Set, typename CostType>
438 CostType LatticeMemoryManager<Set, CostType>::Value(Set set, int node) const {
439   DCHECK(set.Contains(node));
440   return ValueAtOffset(Offset(set, node));
441 }
443 template <typename Set, typename CostType>
444 void LatticeMemoryManager<Set, CostType>::SetValue(Set set, int node,
445                                                    CostType value) {
446   DCHECK(set.Contains(node));
447   SetValueAtOffset(Offset(set, node), value);
448 }
450 // Deprecated type.
451 typedef int PathNodeIndex;
453 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
454 class HamiltonianPathSolver {
455   // HamiltonianPathSolver computes a minimum Hamiltonian path starting at node
456   // 0 over a graph defined by a cost matrix. The cost function need not be
457   // symmetric.
458   // When the Hamiltonian path is closed, it's a Hamiltonian cycle,
459   // i.e. the algorithm solves the Traveling Salesman Problem.
460   // Example:
462   // std::vector<std::vector<int>> cost_mat;
463   // ... fill in cost matrix
464   // HamiltonianPathSolver<int, std::vector<std::vector<int>>>
465   //     mhp(cost_mat);  // no computation done
466   // printf("%d\n", mhp.TravelingSalesmanCost());  // computation done and
467   // stored
468  public:
469   // In 2010, 26 was the maximum solvable with 24 Gigs of RAM, and it took
470   // several minutes. With this 2014 version of the code, one may go a little
471   // higher, but considering the complexity of the algorithm (n*2^n), and that
472   // there are very good ways to solve TSP with more than 32 cities,
473   // we limit ourselves to 32 cites.
474   // This is why we define the type NodeSet to be 32-bit wide.
475   // TODO(user): remove this limitation by using pruning techniques.
476   typedef uint32_t Integer;
477   typedef Set<Integer> NodeSet;
479   explicit HamiltonianPathSolver(CostFunction cost);
480   HamiltonianPathSolver(int num_nodes, CostFunction cost);
482   // Replaces the cost matrix while avoiding re-allocating memory.
483   void ChangeCostMatrix(CostFunction cost);
484   void ChangeCostMatrix(int num_nodes, CostFunction cost);
486   // Returns the cost of the Hamiltonian path from 0 to end_node.
487   CostType HamiltonianCost(int end_node);
489   // Returns the shortest Hamiltonian path from 0 to end_node.
490   std::vector<int> HamiltonianPath(int end_node);
492   // Returns the end-node that yields the shortest Hamiltonian path of
493   // all shortest Hamiltonian path from 0 to end-node (end-node != 0).
494   int BestHamiltonianPathEndNode();
496   // Deprecated API. Stores HamiltonianPath(BestHamiltonianPathEndNode()) into
497   // *path.
498   void HamiltonianPath(std::vector<PathNodeIndex>* path);
500   // Returns the cost of the TSP tour.
501   CostType TravelingSalesmanCost();
503   // Returns the TSP tour in the vector pointed to by the argument.
504   std::vector<int> TravelingSalesmanPath();
506   // Deprecated API.
507   void TravelingSalesmanPath(std::vector<PathNodeIndex>* path);
509   // Returns true if there won't be precision issues.
510   // This is always true for integers, but not for floating-point types.
511   bool IsRobust();
513   // Returns true if the cost matrix verifies the triangle inequality.
514   bool VerifiesTriangleInequality();
516  private:
517   // Saturated arithmetic helper class.
518   template <typename T,
519             bool = true /* Dummy parameter to allow specialization */>
520   // Returns the saturated addition of a and b. It is specialized below for
521   // int32_t and int64_t.
522   struct SaturatedArithmetic {
523     static T Add(T a, T b) { return a + b; }
524     static T Sub(T a, T b) { return a - b; }
525   };
526   template <bool Dummy>
527   struct SaturatedArithmetic<int64_t, Dummy> {
528     static int64_t Add(int64_t a, int64_t b) { return CapAdd(a, b); }
529     static int64_t Sub(int64_t a, int64_t b) { return CapSub(a, b); }
530   };
531   // TODO(user): implement this natively in saturated_arithmetic.h
532   template <bool Dummy>
533   struct SaturatedArithmetic<int32_t, Dummy> {
534     static int32_t Add(int32_t a, int32_t b) {
535       const int64_t a64 = a;
536       const int64_t b64 = b;
537       const int64_t min_int32 = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
538       const int64_t max_int32 = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
539       return static_cast<int32_t>(
540           std::max(min_int32, std::min(max_int32, a64 + b64)));
541     }
542     static int32_t Sub(int32_t a, int32_t b) {
543       const int64_t a64 = a;
544       const int64_t b64 = b;
545       const int64_t min_int32 = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min();
546       const int64_t max_int32 = std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max();
547       return static_cast<int32_t>(
548           std::max(min_int32, std::min(max_int32, a64 - b64)));
549     }
550   };
552   template <typename T>
553   using Saturated = SaturatedArithmetic<T>;
555   // Returns the cost value between two nodes.
556   CostType Cost(int i, int j) { return cost_(i, j); }
558   // Does all the Dynamic Progamming iterations.
559   void Solve();
561   // Computes a path by looking at the information in mem_.
562   std::vector<int> ComputePath(CostType cost, NodeSet set, int end);
564   // Returns true if the path covers all nodes, and its cost is equal to cost.
565   bool PathIsValid(const std::vector<int>& path, CostType cost);
567   // Cost function used to build Hamiltonian paths.
568   MatrixOrFunction<CostType, CostFunction, true> cost_;
570   // The number of nodes in the problem.
571   int num_nodes_;
573   // The cost of the computed TSP path.
574   CostType tsp_cost_;
576   // The cost of the computed Hamiltonian path.
577   std::vector<CostType> hamiltonian_costs_;
579   bool robust_;
580   bool triangle_inequality_ok_;
581   bool robustness_checked_;
582   bool triangle_inequality_checked_;
583   bool solved_;
584   std::vector<int> tsp_path_;
586   // The vector of smallest Hamiltonian paths starting at 0, indexed by their
587   // end nodes.
588   std::vector<std::vector<int>> hamiltonian_paths_;
590   // The end node that gives the smallest Hamiltonian path. The smallest
591   // Hamiltonian path starting at 0 of all
592   // is hamiltonian_paths_[best_hamiltonian_path_end_node_].
593   int best_hamiltonian_path_end_node_;
595   LatticeMemoryManager<NodeSet, CostType> mem_;
596 };
598 // Utility function to simplify building a HamiltonianPathSolver from a functor.
599 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
600 HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction> MakeHamiltonianPathSolver(
601     int num_nodes, CostFunction cost) {
602   return HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>(num_nodes,
603                                                        std::move(cost));
604 }
606 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
607 HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::HamiltonianPathSolver(
608     CostFunction cost)
609     : HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>(cost.size(), cost) {}
611 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
612 HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::HamiltonianPathSolver(
613     int num_nodes, CostFunction cost)
614     : cost_(std::move(cost)),
615       num_nodes_(num_nodes),
616       tsp_cost_(0),
617       hamiltonian_costs_(0),
618       robust_(true),
619       triangle_inequality_ok_(true),
620       robustness_checked_(false),
621       triangle_inequality_checked_(false),
622       solved_(false) {
623   CHECK_GE(NodeSet::MaxCardinality, num_nodes_);
624   CHECK(cost_.Check());
625 }
627 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
628 void HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::ChangeCostMatrix(
629     CostFunction cost) {
630   ChangeCostMatrix(cost.size(), cost);
631 }
633 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
634 void HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::ChangeCostMatrix(
635     int num_nodes, CostFunction cost) {
636   robustness_checked_ = false;
637   triangle_inequality_checked_ = false;
638   solved_ = false;
639   cost_.Reset(cost);
640   num_nodes_ = num_nodes;
641   CHECK_GE(NodeSet::MaxCardinality, num_nodes_);
642   CHECK(cost_.Check());
643 }
645 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
646 void HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::Solve() {
647   if (solved_) return;
648   if (num_nodes_ == 0) {
649     tsp_cost_ = 0;
650     tsp_path_ = {0};
651     hamiltonian_paths_.resize(1);
652     hamiltonian_costs_.resize(1);
653     best_hamiltonian_path_end_node_ = 0;
654     hamiltonian_costs_[0] = 0;
655     hamiltonian_paths_[0] = {0};
656     return;
657   }
658   mem_.Init(num_nodes_);
659   // Initialize the first layer of the search lattice, taking into account
660   // that base_offset_[1] == 0. (This is what the DCHECK_EQ is for).
661   for (int dest = 0; dest < num_nodes_; ++dest) {
662     DCHECK_EQ(dest, mem_.BaseOffset(1, NodeSet::Singleton(dest)));
663     mem_.SetValueAtOffset(dest, Cost(0, dest));
664   }
666   // Populate the dynamic programming lattice layer by layer, by iterating
667   // on cardinality.
668   for (int card = 2; card <= num_nodes_; ++card) {
669     // Iterate on sets of same cardinality.
670     for (NodeSet set :
671          SetRangeWithCardinality<Set<uint32_t>>(card, num_nodes_)) {
672       // Using BaseOffset and maintaining the node ranks, to reduce the
673       // computational effort for accessing the data.
674       const uint64_t set_offset = mem_.BaseOffset(card, set);
675       // The first subset on which we'll iterate is set.RemoveSmallestElement().
676       // Compute its offset. It will be updated incrementaly. This saves about
677       // 30-35% of computation time.
678       uint64_t subset_offset =
679           mem_.BaseOffset(card - 1, set.RemoveSmallestElement());
680       int prev_dest = set.SmallestElement();
681       int dest_rank = 0;
682       for (int dest : set) {
683         CostType min_cost = std::numeric_limits<CostType>::max();
684         const NodeSet subset = set.RemoveElement(dest);
685         // We compute the offset for subset from the preceding iteration
686         // by taking into account that prev_dest is now in subset, and
687         // that dest is now removed from subset.
688         subset_offset += mem_.OffsetDelta(card - 1, prev_dest, dest, dest_rank);
689         int src_rank = 0;
690         for (int src : subset) {
691           min_cost = std::min(
692               min_cost, Saturated<CostType>::Add(
693                             Cost(src, dest),
694                             mem_.ValueAtOffset(subset_offset + src_rank)));
695           ++src_rank;
696         }
697         prev_dest = dest;
698         mem_.SetValueAtOffset(set_offset + dest_rank, min_cost);
699         ++dest_rank;
700       }
701     }
702   }
704   const NodeSet full_set = NodeSet::FullSet(num_nodes_);
706   // Get the cost of the tsp from node 0. It is the path that leaves 0 and goes
707   // through all other nodes, and returns at 0, with minimal cost.
708   tsp_cost_ = mem_.Value(full_set, 0);
709   tsp_path_ = ComputePath(tsp_cost_, full_set, 0);
711   hamiltonian_paths_.resize(num_nodes_);
712   hamiltonian_costs_.resize(num_nodes_);
713   // Compute the cost of the Hamiltonian paths starting from node 0, going
714   // through all the other nodes, and ending at end_node. Compute the minimum
715   // one along the way.
716   CostType min_hamiltonian_cost = std::numeric_limits<CostType>::max();
717   const NodeSet hamiltonian_set = full_set.RemoveElement(0);
718   for (int end_node : hamiltonian_set) {
719     const CostType cost = mem_.Value(hamiltonian_set, end_node);
720     hamiltonian_costs_[end_node] = cost;
721     if (cost <= min_hamiltonian_cost) {
722       min_hamiltonian_cost = cost;
723       best_hamiltonian_path_end_node_ = end_node;
724     }
725     DCHECK_LE(tsp_cost_, Saturated<CostType>::Add(cost, Cost(end_node, 0)));
726     // Get the Hamiltonian paths.
727     hamiltonian_paths_[end_node] =
728         ComputePath(hamiltonian_costs_[end_node], hamiltonian_set, end_node);
729   }
731   solved_ = true;
732 }
734 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
735 std::vector<int> HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::ComputePath(
736     CostType cost, NodeSet set, int end_node) {
737   DCHECK(set.Contains(end_node));
738   const int path_size = set.Cardinality() + 1;
739   std::vector<int> path(path_size, 0);
740   NodeSet subset = set.RemoveElement(end_node);
741   path[path_size - 1] = end_node;
742   int dest = end_node;
743   CostType current_cost = cost;
744   for (int rank = path_size - 2; rank >= 0; --rank) {
745     for (int src : subset) {
746       const CostType partial_cost = mem_.Value(subset, src);
747       const CostType incumbent_cost =
748           Saturated<CostType>::Add(partial_cost, Cost(src, dest));
749       // Take precision into account when CosttType is float or double.
750       // There is no visible penalty in the case CostType is an integer type.
751       if (std::abs(Saturated<CostType>::Sub(current_cost, incumbent_cost)) <=
752           std::numeric_limits<CostType>::epsilon() * current_cost) {
753         subset = subset.RemoveElement(src);
754         current_cost = partial_cost;
755         path[rank] = src;
756         dest = src;
757         break;
758       }
759     }
760   }
761   DCHECK_EQ(0, subset.value());
762   DCHECK(PathIsValid(path, cost));
763   return path;
764 }
766 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
767 bool HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::PathIsValid(
768     const std::vector<int>& path, CostType cost) {
769   NodeSet coverage(0);
770   for (int node : path) {
771     coverage = coverage.AddElement(node);
772   }
773   DCHECK_EQ(NodeSet::FullSet(num_nodes_).value(), coverage.value());
774   CostType check_cost = 0;
775   for (int i = 0; i < path.size() - 1; ++i) {
776     check_cost =
777         Saturated<CostType>::Add(check_cost, Cost(path[i], path[i + 1]));
778   }
779   DCHECK_LE(std::abs(Saturated<CostType>::Sub(cost, check_cost)),
780             std::numeric_limits<CostType>::epsilon() * cost)
781       << "cost = " << cost << " check_cost = " << check_cost;
782   return true;
783 }
785 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
786 bool HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::IsRobust() {
787   if (std::numeric_limits<CostType>::is_integer) return true;
788   if (robustness_checked_) return robust_;
789   CostType min_cost = std::numeric_limits<CostType>::max();
790   CostType max_cost = std::numeric_limits<CostType>::min();
792   // We compute the min and max for the cost matrix.
793   for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes_; ++i) {
794     for (int j = 0; j < num_nodes_; ++j) {
795       if (i == j) continue;
796       min_cost = std::min(min_cost, Cost(i, j));
797       max_cost = std::max(max_cost, Cost(i, j));
798     }
799   }
800   // We determine if the range of the cost matrix is going to
801   // make the algorithm not robust because of precision issues.
802   robust_ =
803       min_cost >= 0 && min_cost > num_nodes_ * max_cost *
804                                       std::numeric_limits<CostType>::epsilon();
805   robustness_checked_ = true;
806   return robust_;
807 }
809 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
810 bool HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType,
811                            CostFunction>::VerifiesTriangleInequality() {
812   if (triangle_inequality_checked_) return triangle_inequality_ok_;
813   triangle_inequality_ok_ = true;
814   triangle_inequality_checked_ = true;
815   for (int k = 0; k < num_nodes_; ++k) {
816     for (int i = 0; i < num_nodes_; ++i) {
817       for (int j = 0; j < num_nodes_; ++j) {
818         const CostType detour_cost =
819             Saturated<CostType>::Add(Cost(i, k), Cost(k, j));
820         if (detour_cost < Cost(i, j)) {
821           triangle_inequality_ok_ = false;
822           return triangle_inequality_ok_;
823         }
824       }
825     }
826   }
827   return triangle_inequality_ok_;
828 }
830 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
831 int HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType,
832                           CostFunction>::BestHamiltonianPathEndNode() {
833   Solve();
834   return best_hamiltonian_path_end_node_;
835 }
837 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
838 CostType HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::HamiltonianCost(
839     int end_node) {
840   Solve();
841   return hamiltonian_costs_[end_node];
842 }
844 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
845 std::vector<int> HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::HamiltonianPath(
846     int end_node) {
847   Solve();
848   return hamiltonian_paths_[end_node];
849 }
851 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
852 void HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::HamiltonianPath(
853     std::vector<PathNodeIndex>* path) {
854   *path = HamiltonianPath(best_hamiltonian_path_end_node_);
855 }
857 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
858 CostType
859 HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::TravelingSalesmanCost() {
860   Solve();
861   return tsp_cost_;
862 }
864 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
865 std::vector<int>
866 HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::TravelingSalesmanPath() {
867   Solve();
868   return tsp_path_;
869 }
871 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
872 void HamiltonianPathSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::TravelingSalesmanPath(
873     std::vector<PathNodeIndex>* path) {
874   *path = TravelingSalesmanPath();
875 }
877 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
878 class PruningHamiltonianSolver {
879   // PruningHamiltonianSolver computes a minimum Hamiltonian path from node 0
880   // over a graph defined by a cost matrix, with pruning. For each search state,
881   // PruningHamiltonianSolver computes the lower bound for the future overall
882   // TSP cost, and stops further search if it exceeds the current best solution.
884   // For the heuristics to determine future lower bound over visited nodeset S
885   // and last visited node k, the cost of minimum spanning tree of (V \ S) ∪ {k}
886   // is calculated and added to the current cost(S). The cost of MST is
887   // guaranteed to be smaller than or equal to the cost of Hamiltonian path,
888   // because Hamiltonian path is a spanning tree itself.
890   // TODO(user): Use generic map-based cache instead of lattice-based one.
891   // TODO(user): Use SaturatedArithmetic for better precision.
893  public:
894   typedef uint32_t Integer;
895   typedef Set<Integer> NodeSet;
897   explicit PruningHamiltonianSolver(CostFunction cost);
898   PruningHamiltonianSolver(int num_nodes, CostFunction cost);
900   // Returns the cost of the Hamiltonian path from 0 to end_node.
901   CostType HamiltonianCost(int end_node);
903   // TODO(user): Add function to return an actual path.
904   // TODO(user): Add functions for Hamiltonian cycle.
906  private:
907   // Returns the cost value between two nodes.
908   CostType Cost(int i, int j) { return cost_(i, j); }
910   // Solve and get TSP cost.
911   void Solve(int end_node);
913   // Compute lower bound for remaining subgraph.
914   CostType ComputeFutureLowerBound(NodeSet current_set, int last_visited);
916   // Cost function used to build Hamiltonian paths.
917   MatrixOrFunction<CostType, CostFunction, true> cost_;
919   // The number of nodes in the problem.
920   int num_nodes_;
922   // The cost of the computed TSP path.
923   CostType tsp_cost_;
925   // If already solved.
926   bool solved_;
928   // Memoize for dynamic programming.
929   LatticeMemoryManager<NodeSet, CostType> mem_;
930 };
932 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
933 PruningHamiltonianSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::PruningHamiltonianSolver(
934     CostFunction cost)
935     : PruningHamiltonianSolver<CostType, CostFunction>(cost.size(), cost) {}
937 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
938 PruningHamiltonianSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::PruningHamiltonianSolver(
939     int num_nodes, CostFunction cost)
940     : cost_(std::move(cost)),
941       num_nodes_(num_nodes),
942       tsp_cost_(0),
943       solved_(false) {}
945 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
946 void PruningHamiltonianSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::Solve(int end_node) {
947   if (solved_ || num_nodes_ == 0) return;
948   // TODO(user): Use an approximate solution as a base target before solving.
950   // TODO(user): Instead of pure DFS, find out the order of sets to compute
951   // to utilize cache as possible.
953   mem_.Init(num_nodes_);
954   NodeSet start_set = NodeSet::Singleton(0);
955   std::stack<std::pair<NodeSet, int>> state_stack;
956   state_stack.push(std::make_pair(start_set, 0));
958   while (!state_stack.empty()) {
959     const std::pair<NodeSet, int> current = state_stack.top();
960     state_stack.pop();
962     const NodeSet current_set = current.first;
963     const int last_visited = current.second;
964     const CostType current_cost = mem_.Value(current_set, last_visited);
966     // TODO(user): Optimize iterating unvisited nodes.
967     for (int next_to_visit = 0; next_to_visit < num_nodes_; next_to_visit++) {
968       // Let's to as much check possible before adding to stack.
970       // Skip if this node is already visited.
971       if (current_set.Contains(next_to_visit)) continue;
973       // Skip if the end node is prematurely visited.
974       const int next_cardinality = current_set.Cardinality() + 1;
975       if (next_to_visit == end_node && next_cardinality != num_nodes_) continue;
977       const NodeSet next_set = current_set.AddElement(next_to_visit);
978       const CostType next_cost =
979           current_cost + Cost(last_visited, next_to_visit);
981       // Compare with the best cost found so far, and skip if that is better.
982       const CostType previous_best = mem_.Value(next_set, next_to_visit);
983       if (previous_best != 0 && next_cost >= previous_best) continue;
985       // Compute lower bound of Hamiltonian cost, and skip if this is greater
986       // than the best Hamiltonian cost found so far.
987       const CostType lower_bound =
988           ComputeFutureLowerBound(next_set, next_to_visit);
989       if (tsp_cost_ != 0 && next_cost + lower_bound >= tsp_cost_) continue;
991       // If next is the last node to visit, update tsp_cost_ and skip.
992       if (next_cardinality == num_nodes_) {
993         tsp_cost_ = next_cost;
994         continue;
995       }
997       // Add to the stack, finally.
998       mem_.SetValue(next_set, next_to_visit, next_cost);
999       state_stack.push(std::make_pair(next_set, next_to_visit));
1000     }
1001   }
1003   solved_ = true;
1004 }
1006 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
1007 CostType PruningHamiltonianSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::HamiltonianCost(
1008     int end_node) {
1009   Solve(end_node);
1010   return tsp_cost_;
1011 }
1013 template <typename CostType, typename CostFunction>
1014 CostType
1015 PruningHamiltonianSolver<CostType, CostFunction>::ComputeFutureLowerBound(
1016     NodeSet current_set, int last_visited) {
1017   // TODO(user): Compute MST.
1018   return 0;  // For now, return 0 as future lower bound.
1019 }
1020 }  // namespace operations_research