1 /* Cfour (C++ Common Console Classes)
2  * Copyright (C) 2001 Jeffrey Bakker
3  *
4  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16  * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
17  *
18  *
19  *  Author:              Jeffrey Bakker
20  *  Filename:            cfdatapair.cpp
21  *  File version:        1.1
22  *
23  *  ===========================================================================
24  *
25  *  Created on: Sept 2nd, 2001
26  *
27  *  Modified on: April 1st, 2002
28  *
29  *             - Added translateML() which takes data markup format,
30  *               and modifies name and value.
31  *             - Added info_ml(), changed info() to info_nv().
32  *             - Added a constructor which takes a string in markup format.
33  *             - Overloaded insertion and extraction operators to convert
34  *               data between pairs and maarkup like a stream call.
35  *             - Made getName() and getValue() as const methods.
36  *
37  *  ===========================================================================
38  *
39  *  Remark:
40  *
41  *  This is the class implementaion for CFdataPair, a class which provides
42  *  methods and data members for storing pairs of data.
43  *
44  *  ===========================================================================
45  * _______. ..
46  */
49 #include "cfdatapair.h"
51 // overloaded stream operators ------------------------------------------------
operator <<(string mldata)52 void CFdatapair::operator<<(string  mldata) {translateML(mldata);}
operator >>(string & mldata)53 void CFdatapair::operator>>(string& mldata) {mldata = info_ml();}
54 // Constructors ---------------------------------------------------------------
CFdatapair()55 CFdatapair::CFdatapair()                   {name = "name"; value = "value";}
CFdatapair(string mldata)56 CFdatapair::CFdatapair(string mldata)      {translateML(mldata);}
CFdatapair(string n,string v)57 CFdatapair::CFdatapair(string n, string v) {name = n; value = v;}
58 // set methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
setname(string n)59 void CFdatapair::setname(string n)  {name  = n;} // changes the name
setvalue(string v)60 void CFdatapair::setvalue(string v) {value = v;} // changes the value
61 // get methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
getname() const62 string CFdatapair::getname()  const {return name;}  // returns the name
getvalue() const63 string CFdatapair::getvalue() const {return value;} // returns the value
64 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
info_nv() const65 string CFdatapair::info_nv()  const { // return the name and value in a string
67  return name + ": " + value;
68 } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
info_ml() const69 string CFdatapair::info_ml()  const { // return name and value in markup format
71  return ("<" + name + ">" + value + "</" + name + ">");
72 } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 // swaps the name/value -------------------------------------------------------
swap()74 void CFdatapair::swap() {
75  string temp;
76  temp  = name;
77  name  = value;
78  value = temp;
79 } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 // convert XML-Style string data into name/value pair -------------------------
translateML(string mldata)81 void CFdatapair::translateML(string mldata) {
83  string ntmp, vtmp;
84  int    open, close;
86  open  = mldata.find("<",0);
87  close = mldata.find(">",open);
88  ntmp  = mldata.substr(open+1,(close - open) -1);
89 // ntmp  = mldata.substr(open+1,close-1);
91  open  = mldata.find("</",close);
92  vtmp  = mldata.substr(close+1,(open - close -1));
94  name  = ntmp;
95  value = vtmp;
96 }
97 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------