1 // Created on: 2011-09-20
2 // Created by: Sergey ZERCHANINOV
3 // Copyright (c) 2011-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
4 //
5 // This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
6 //
7 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
8 // the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
9 // by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
10 // OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
11 // distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
12 //
13 // Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
14 // commercial license or contractual agreement.
16 #include <OpenGl_View.hxx>
18 #include <Aspect_RenderingContext.hxx>
19 #include <Aspect_Window.hxx>
20 #include <Aspect_XRSession.hxx>
21 #include <Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d.hxx>
22 #include <Graphic3d_Texture2Dmanual.hxx>
23 #include <Graphic3d_TextureEnv.hxx>
24 #include <Graphic3d_Mat4d.hxx>
25 #include <Image_AlienPixMap.hxx>
26 #include <OpenGl_ArbFBO.hxx>
27 #include <OpenGl_BackgroundArray.hxx>
28 #include <OpenGl_Context.hxx>
29 #include <OpenGl_DepthPeeling.hxx>
30 #include <OpenGl_FrameBuffer.hxx>
31 #include <OpenGl_GlCore11.hxx>
32 #include <OpenGl_GraduatedTrihedron.hxx>
33 #include <OpenGl_GraphicDriver.hxx>
34 #include <OpenGl_ShaderManager.hxx>
35 #include <OpenGl_ShadowMap.hxx>
36 #include <OpenGl_Texture.hxx>
37 #include <OpenGl_Window.hxx>
38 #include <OpenGl_Workspace.hxx>
39 #include <OSD_Parallel.hxx>
40 #include <Standard_CLocaleSentry.hxx>
42 #include "../Graphic3d/Graphic3d_Structure.pxx"
43 #include "../Textures/Textures_EnvLUT.pxx"
45 namespace
46 {
47   //! Format Frame Buffer format for logging messages.
printFboFormat(const Handle (OpenGl_FrameBuffer)& theFbo)48   static TCollection_AsciiString printFboFormat (const Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)& theFbo)
49   {
50     return TCollection_AsciiString() + theFbo->GetInitVPSizeX() + "x" + theFbo->GetInitVPSizeY() + "@" + theFbo->NbSamples();
51   }
53   //! Return TRUE if Frame Buffer initialized has failed with the same parameters.
checkWasFailedFbo(const Handle (OpenGl_FrameBuffer)& theFboToCheck,Standard_Integer theSizeX,Standard_Integer theSizeY,Standard_Integer theNbSamples)54   static bool checkWasFailedFbo (const Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)& theFboToCheck,
55                                  Standard_Integer theSizeX,
56                                  Standard_Integer theSizeY,
57                                  Standard_Integer theNbSamples)
58   {
59     return !theFboToCheck->IsValid()
60         &&  theFboToCheck->GetInitVPSizeX() == theSizeX
61         &&  theFboToCheck->GetInitVPSizeY() == theSizeY
62         &&  theFboToCheck->NbSamples()      == theNbSamples;
63   }
65   //! Return TRUE if Frame Buffer initialized has failed with the same parameters.
checkWasFailedFbo(const Handle (OpenGl_FrameBuffer)& theFboToCheck,const Handle (OpenGl_FrameBuffer)& theFboRef)66   static bool checkWasFailedFbo (const Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)& theFboToCheck,
67                                  const Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)& theFboRef)
68   {
69     return checkWasFailedFbo (theFboToCheck, theFboRef->GetVPSizeX(), theFboRef->GetVPSizeY(), theFboRef->NbSamples());
70   }
72   //! Chooses compatible internal color format for OIT frame buffer.
chooseOitColorConfiguration(const Handle (OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext,const Standard_Integer theConfigIndex,OpenGl_ColorFormats & theFormats)73   static bool chooseOitColorConfiguration (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext,
74                                            const Standard_Integer theConfigIndex,
75                                            OpenGl_ColorFormats& theFormats)
76   {
77     theFormats.Clear();
78     switch (theConfigIndex)
79     {
80       case 0: // choose best applicable color format combination
81       {
82         theFormats.Append (theGlContext->hasHalfFloatBuffer != OpenGl_FeatureNotAvailable ? GL_RGBA16F : GL_RGBA32F);
83         theFormats.Append (theGlContext->hasHalfFloatBuffer != OpenGl_FeatureNotAvailable ? GL_R16F    : GL_R32F);
84         return true;
85       }
86       case 1: // choose non-optimal applicable color format combination
87       {
88         theFormats.Append (theGlContext->hasHalfFloatBuffer != OpenGl_FeatureNotAvailable ? GL_RGBA16F : GL_RGBA32F);
89         theFormats.Append (theGlContext->hasHalfFloatBuffer != OpenGl_FeatureNotAvailable ? GL_RGBA16F : GL_RGBA32F);
90         return true;
91       }
92     }
93     return false; // color combination does not exist
94   }
95 }
99 // =======================================================================
100 // function : Constructor
101 // purpose  :
102 // =======================================================================
103 OpenGl_View::OpenGl_View (const Handle(Graphic3d_StructureManager)& theMgr,
104                           const Handle(OpenGl_GraphicDriver)& theDriver,
105                           const Handle(OpenGl_Caps)& theCaps,
106                           OpenGl_StateCounter* theCounter)
107 : Graphic3d_CView  (theMgr),
108   myDriver         (theDriver.operator->()),
109   myCaps           (theCaps),
110   myWasRedrawnGL   (Standard_False),
111   myToShowGradTrihedron  (false),
112   myZLayers        (Structure_MAX_PRIORITY - Structure_MIN_PRIORITY + 1),
113   myStateCounter         (theCounter),
114   myCurrLightSourceState (theCounter->Increment()),
115   myLightsRevision       (0),
116   myLastLightSourceState (0, 0),
117   mySRgbState            (-1),
118   myFboColorFormat       (GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8), // note that GL_SRGB8 is not required to be renderable, unlike GL_RGB8, GL_RGBA8, GL_SRGB8_ALPHA8
119   myFboDepthFormat       (GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8),
120   myToFlipOutput         (Standard_False),
121   //
122   myFrameCounter         (0),
123   myHasFboBlit           (Standard_True),
124   myToDisableOIT         (Standard_False),
125   myToDisableOITMSAA     (Standard_False),
126   myToDisableMSAA        (Standard_False),
127   myTransientDrawToFront (Standard_True),
128   myBackBufferRestored   (Standard_False),
129   myIsImmediateDrawn     (Standard_False),
130   myTextureParams     (new OpenGl_Aspects()),
131   myCubeMapParams     (new OpenGl_Aspects()),
132   myColoredQuadParams (new OpenGl_Aspects()),
133   myPBREnvState       (OpenGl_PBREnvState_NONEXISTENT),
134   myPBREnvRequest     (Standard_False),
135   // ray-tracing fields initialization
136   myRaytraceInitStatus     (OpenGl_RT_NONE),
137   myIsRaytraceDataValid    (Standard_False),
138   myIsRaytraceWarnTextures (Standard_False),
139   myRaytraceBVHBuilder (new BVH_BinnedBuilder<Standard_ShortReal, 3, BVH_Constants_NbBinsBest> (BVH_Constants_LeafNodeSizeAverage,
140                                                                                                 BVH_Constants_MaxTreeDepth,
141                                                                                                 Standard_False,
142                                                                                                 OSD_Parallel::NbLogicalProcessors() + 1)),
143   myRaytraceSceneRadius  (0.0f),
144   myRaytraceSceneEpsilon (1.0e-6f),
145   myToUpdateEnvironmentMap (Standard_False),
146   myRaytraceLayerListState (0),
147   myPrevCameraApertureRadius(0.f),
148   myPrevCameraFocalPlaneDist(0.f)
149 {
150   for (int i = 0; i < Graphic3d_TypeOfBackground_NB; ++i)
151   {
152     myBackgrounds[i] = new OpenGl_BackgroundArray(Graphic3d_TypeOfBackground(i));
153   }
155   myWorkspace = new OpenGl_Workspace (this, NULL);
157   Handle(Graphic3d_CLight) aLight = new Graphic3d_CLight (Graphic3d_TypeOfLightSource_Ambient);
158   aLight->SetColor (Quantity_NOC_WHITE);
159   myLights = new Graphic3d_LightSet();
160   myNoShadingLight = new Graphic3d_LightSet();
161   myNoShadingLight->Add (aLight);
163   myMainSceneFbos[0]         = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
164   myMainSceneFbos[1]         = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
165   myMainSceneFbosOit[0]      = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
166   myMainSceneFbosOit[1]      = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
167   myImmediateSceneFbos[0]    = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
168   myImmediateSceneFbos[1]    = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
169   myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0] = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
170   myImmediateSceneFbosOit[1] = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
171   myXrSceneFbo               = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
172   myOpenGlFBO                = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
173   myOpenGlFBO2               = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
174   myRaytraceFBO1[0]          = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
175   myRaytraceFBO1[1]          = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
176   myRaytraceFBO2[0]          = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
177   myRaytraceFBO2[1]          = new OpenGl_FrameBuffer();
178   myDepthPeelingFbos = new OpenGl_DepthPeeling();
179   myShadowMaps = new OpenGl_ShadowMapArray();
180 }
182 // =======================================================================
183 // function : Destructor
184 // purpose  :
185 // =======================================================================
~OpenGl_View()186 OpenGl_View::~OpenGl_View()
187 {
188   ReleaseGlResources (NULL); // ensure ReleaseGlResources() was called within valid context
189   for (int i = 0; i < Graphic3d_TypeOfBackground_NB; ++i)
190   {
191     OpenGl_Element::Destroy(NULL, myBackgrounds[i]);
192   }
194   OpenGl_Element::Destroy (NULL, myTextureParams);
195   OpenGl_Element::Destroy (NULL, myCubeMapParams);
196   OpenGl_Element::Destroy (NULL, myColoredQuadParams);
197 }
199 // =======================================================================
200 // function : releaseSrgbResources
201 // purpose  :
202 // =======================================================================
releaseSrgbResources(const Handle (OpenGl_Context)& theCtx)203 void OpenGl_View::releaseSrgbResources (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theCtx)
204 {
205   myRenderParams.RebuildRayTracingShaders = true;
207   if (!myTextureEnv.IsNull())
208   {
209     if (!theCtx.IsNull())
210     {
211       for (OpenGl_TextureSet::Iterator aTextureIter (myTextureEnv); aTextureIter.More(); aTextureIter.Next())
212       {
213         theCtx->DelayedRelease (aTextureIter.ChangeValue());
214         aTextureIter.ChangeValue().Nullify();
215       }
216     }
217     myTextureEnv.Nullify();
218   }
220   if (myTextureParams != NULL)
221   {
222     myTextureParams->Release (theCtx.get());
223   }
225   if (myCubeMapParams != NULL)
226   {
227     myCubeMapParams->Release (theCtx.get());
228   }
230   for (int i = 0; i < Graphic3d_TypeOfBackground_NB; ++i)
231   {
232     if (myBackgrounds[i] != NULL)
233     {
234       myBackgrounds[i]->Release (theCtx.get());
235     }
236   }
238   myMainSceneFbos[0]        ->Release (theCtx.get());
239   myMainSceneFbos[1]        ->Release (theCtx.get());
240   myMainSceneFbosOit[0]     ->Release (theCtx.get());
241   myMainSceneFbosOit[1]     ->Release (theCtx.get());
242   myImmediateSceneFbos[0]   ->Release (theCtx.get());
243   myImmediateSceneFbos[1]   ->Release (theCtx.get());
244   myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0]->Release (theCtx.get());
245   myImmediateSceneFbosOit[1]->Release (theCtx.get());
246   myXrSceneFbo              ->Release (theCtx.get());
247   myDepthPeelingFbos        ->Release (theCtx.get());
248   myOpenGlFBO               ->Release (theCtx.get());
249   myOpenGlFBO2              ->Release (theCtx.get());
250   myFullScreenQuad           .Release (theCtx.get());
251   myFullScreenQuadFlip       .Release (theCtx.get());
252   myShadowMaps->Release (theCtx.get());
254   // Technically we should also re-initialize all sRGB/RGB8 color textures.
255   // But for now consider this sRGB disabling/enabling to be done at application start-up
256   // and re-create dynamically only frame buffers.
257 }
259 // =======================================================================
260 // function : ReleaseGlResources
261 // purpose  :
262 // =======================================================================
ReleaseGlResources(const Handle (OpenGl_Context)& theCtx)263 void OpenGl_View::ReleaseGlResources (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theCtx)
264 {
265   myGraduatedTrihedron.Release (theCtx.get());
266   myFrameStatsPrs.Release (theCtx.get());
268   releaseSrgbResources (theCtx);
270   releaseRaytraceResources (theCtx);
272   if (!myPBREnvironment.IsNull())
273   {
274     myPBREnvironment->Release (theCtx.get());
275   }
276   ReleaseXR();
277 }
279 // =======================================================================
280 // function : Remove
281 // purpose  :
282 // =======================================================================
Remove()283 void OpenGl_View::Remove()
284 {
285   if (IsRemoved())
286   {
287     return;
288   }
290   myDriver->RemoveView (this);
291   myWindow.Nullify();
293   Graphic3d_CView::Remove();
294 }
296 // =======================================================================
297 // function : SetLocalOrigin
298 // purpose  :
299 // =======================================================================
SetLocalOrigin(const gp_XYZ & theOrigin)300 void OpenGl_View::SetLocalOrigin (const gp_XYZ& theOrigin)
301 {
302   myLocalOrigin = theOrigin;
303   const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
304   if (!aCtx.IsNull())
305   {
306     aCtx->ShaderManager()->SetLocalOrigin (theOrigin);
307   }
308 }
310 // =======================================================================
311 // function : SetTextureEnv
312 // purpose  :
313 // =======================================================================
SetTextureEnv(const Handle (Graphic3d_TextureEnv)& theTextureEnv)314 void OpenGl_View::SetTextureEnv (const Handle(Graphic3d_TextureEnv)& theTextureEnv)
315 {
316   Handle(OpenGl_Context) aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
317   if (!aCtx.IsNull() && !myTextureEnv.IsNull())
318   {
319     for (OpenGl_TextureSet::Iterator aTextureIter (myTextureEnv); aTextureIter.More(); aTextureIter.Next())
320     {
321       aCtx->DelayedRelease (aTextureIter.ChangeValue());
322       aTextureIter.ChangeValue().Nullify();
323     }
324   }
326   myToUpdateEnvironmentMap = Standard_True;
327   myTextureEnvData = theTextureEnv;
328   myTextureEnv.Nullify();
329   initTextureEnv (aCtx);
330 }
332 // =======================================================================
333 // function : initTextureEnv
334 // purpose  :
335 // =======================================================================
initTextureEnv(const Handle (OpenGl_Context)& theContext)336 void OpenGl_View::initTextureEnv (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theContext)
337 {
338   if (myTextureEnvData.IsNull()
339     ||  theContext.IsNull()
340     || !theContext->MakeCurrent())
341   {
342     return;
343   }
345   Handle(OpenGl_Texture) aTextureEnv = new OpenGl_Texture (myTextureEnvData->GetId(), myTextureEnvData->GetParams());
346   if (Handle(Image_PixMap) anImage = myTextureEnvData->GetImage (theContext->SupportedTextureFormats()))
347   {
348     aTextureEnv->Init (theContext, *anImage, myTextureEnvData->Type(), true);
349   }
350   myTextureEnv = new OpenGl_TextureSet (aTextureEnv);
351   myTextureEnv->ChangeTextureSetBits() = Graphic3d_TextureSetBits_BaseColor;
352 }
354 // =======================================================================
355 // function : SetImmediateModeDrawToFront
356 // purpose  :
357 // =======================================================================
SetImmediateModeDrawToFront(const Standard_Boolean theDrawToFrontBuffer)358 Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::SetImmediateModeDrawToFront (const Standard_Boolean theDrawToFrontBuffer)
359 {
360   const Standard_Boolean aPrevMode = myTransientDrawToFront;
361   myTransientDrawToFront = theDrawToFrontBuffer;
362   return aPrevMode;
363 }
365 // =======================================================================
366 // function : Window
367 // purpose  :
368 // =======================================================================
Handle(Aspect_Window)369 Handle(Aspect_Window) OpenGl_View::Window() const
370 {
371   return myWindow->PlatformWindow();
372 }
374 // =======================================================================
375 // function : SetWindow
376 // purpose  :
377 // =======================================================================
SetWindow(const Handle (Aspect_Window)& theWindow,const Aspect_RenderingContext theContext)378 void OpenGl_View::SetWindow (const Handle(Aspect_Window)& theWindow,
379                              const Aspect_RenderingContext theContext)
380 {
381   myWindow = myDriver->CreateRenderWindow (theWindow, theContext);
382   Standard_ASSERT_RAISE (!myWindow.IsNull(),
383                          "OpenGl_View::SetWindow, "
384                          "Failed to create OpenGl window.");
386   myWorkspace = new OpenGl_Workspace (this, myWindow);
387   myWorldViewProjState.Reset();
388   myToUpdateEnvironmentMap = Standard_True;
389   myHasFboBlit = Standard_True;
390   Invalidate();
392   // Environment texture resource does not support lazy initialization.
393   initTextureEnv (myWorkspace->GetGlContext());
394 }
396 // =======================================================================
397 // function : Resized
398 // purpose  :
399 // =======================================================================
Resized()400 void OpenGl_View::Resized()
401 {
402   if (myWindow.IsNull())
403     return;
405   myWindow->Resize();
406 }
408 // =======================================================================
409 // function : SetMinMaxValuesCallback
410 // purpose  :
411 // =======================================================================
SetMinMaxValuesCallback(Graphic3d_CView * theView)412 static void SetMinMaxValuesCallback (Graphic3d_CView* theView)
413 {
414   OpenGl_View* aView = dynamic_cast<OpenGl_View*>(theView);
415   if (aView == NULL)
416     return;
418   Bnd_Box aBox = theView->MinMaxValues();
419   if (!aBox.IsVoid())
420   {
421     gp_Pnt aMin = aBox.CornerMin();
422     gp_Pnt aMax = aBox.CornerMax();
424     Graphic3d_Vec3 aMinVec ((Standard_ShortReal )aMin.X(), (Standard_ShortReal )aMin.Y(), (Standard_ShortReal )aMin.Z());
425     Graphic3d_Vec3 aMaxVec ((Standard_ShortReal )aMax.X(), (Standard_ShortReal )aMax.Y(), (Standard_ShortReal )aMax.Z());
426     aView->GraduatedTrihedronMinMaxValues (aMinVec, aMaxVec);
427   }
428 }
430 // =======================================================================
431 // function : GraduatedTrihedronDisplay
432 // purpose  :
433 // =======================================================================
GraduatedTrihedronDisplay(const Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron & theTrihedronData)434 void OpenGl_View::GraduatedTrihedronDisplay (const Graphic3d_GraduatedTrihedron& theTrihedronData)
435 {
436   myGTrihedronData = theTrihedronData;
437   myGTrihedronData.SetCubicAxesCallback (SetMinMaxValuesCallback);
438   myGraduatedTrihedron.SetValues (myGTrihedronData);
439   myToShowGradTrihedron = true;
440 }
442 // =======================================================================
443 // function : GraduatedTrihedronErase
444 // purpose  :
445 // =======================================================================
GraduatedTrihedronErase()446 void OpenGl_View::GraduatedTrihedronErase()
447 {
448   myGraduatedTrihedron.Release (myWorkspace->GetGlContext().operator->());
449   myToShowGradTrihedron = false;
450 }
452 // =======================================================================
453 // function : GraduatedTrihedronMinMaxValues
454 // purpose  :
455 // =======================================================================
GraduatedTrihedronMinMaxValues(const Graphic3d_Vec3 theMin,const Graphic3d_Vec3 theMax)456 void OpenGl_View::GraduatedTrihedronMinMaxValues (const Graphic3d_Vec3 theMin, const Graphic3d_Vec3 theMax)
457 {
458   myGraduatedTrihedron.SetMinMax (theMin, theMax);
459 }
461 // =======================================================================
462 // function : BufferDump
463 // purpose  :
464 // =======================================================================
BufferDump(Image_PixMap & theImage,const Graphic3d_BufferType & theBufferType)465 Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::BufferDump (Image_PixMap& theImage, const Graphic3d_BufferType& theBufferType)
466 {
467   if (theBufferType != Graphic3d_BT_RGB_RayTraceHdrLeft)
468   {
469     return myWorkspace->BufferDump(myFBO, theImage, theBufferType);
470   }
472   if (!myRaytraceParameters.AdaptiveScreenSampling)
473   {
474     return myWorkspace->BufferDump(myAccumFrames % 2 ? myRaytraceFBO2[0] : myRaytraceFBO1[0], theImage, theBufferType);
475   }
477 #if defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
478   return false;
479 #else
480   if (theImage.Format() != Image_Format_RGBF)
481   {
482     return false;
483   }
485   const GLuint aW = myRaytraceOutputTexture[0]->SizeX();
486   const GLuint aH = myRaytraceOutputTexture[0]->SizeY();
487   if (aW / 3 != theImage.SizeX() || aH / 2 != theImage.SizeY())
488   {
489     return false;
490   }
492   std::vector<GLfloat> aValues;
493   try
494   {
495     aValues.resize (aW * aH);
496   }
497   catch (const std::bad_alloc&)
498   {
499     return false;
500   }
502   glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, myRaytraceOutputTexture[0]->TextureId());
503   glGetTexImage (GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, 0, OpenGl_TextureFormat::Create<GLfloat, 1>().Format(), GL_FLOAT, &aValues[0]);
504   glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE, 0);
505   for (unsigned int aRow = 0; aRow < aH; aRow += 2)
506   {
507     for (unsigned int aCol = 0; aCol < aW; aCol += 3)
508     {
509       float* anImageValue = theImage.ChangeValue<float[3]> ((aH - aRow) / 2 - 1, aCol / 3);
510       float aInvNbSamples = 1.f / aValues[aRow * aW + aCol + aW];
511       anImageValue[0] = aValues[aRow * aW + aCol] * aInvNbSamples;
512       anImageValue[1] = aValues[aRow * aW + aCol + 1] * aInvNbSamples;
513       anImageValue[2] = aValues[aRow * aW + aCol + 1 + aW] * aInvNbSamples;
514     }
515   }
517   return true;
518 #endif
519 }
521 // =======================================================================
522 // function : GradientBackground
523 // purpose  :
524 // =======================================================================
GradientBackground() const525 Aspect_GradientBackground OpenGl_View::GradientBackground() const
526 {
527   Quantity_Color aColor1, aColor2;
528   aColor1.SetValues (myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT]->GradientColor (0).r(),
529                      myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT]->GradientColor (0).g(),
530                      myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT]->GradientColor (0).b(), Quantity_TOC_RGB);
531   aColor2.SetValues (myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT]->GradientColor (1).r(),
532                      myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT]->GradientColor (1).g(),
533                      myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT]->GradientColor (1).b(), Quantity_TOC_RGB);
534   return Aspect_GradientBackground (aColor1, aColor2, myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT]->GradientFillMethod());
535 }
537 // =======================================================================
538 // function : SetGradientBackground
539 // purpose  :
540 // =======================================================================
SetGradientBackground(const Aspect_GradientBackground & theBackground)541 void OpenGl_View::SetGradientBackground (const Aspect_GradientBackground& theBackground)
542 {
543   Quantity_Color aColor1, aColor2;
544   theBackground.Colors (aColor1, aColor2);
545   myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT]->SetGradientParameters (aColor1, aColor2, theBackground.BgGradientFillMethod());
546   if (theBackground.BgGradientFillMethod() >= Aspect_GradientFillMethod_Corner1
547    && theBackground.BgGradientFillMethod() <= Aspect_GradientFillMethod_Corner4)
548   {
549     if (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext())
550     {
551       myColoredQuadParams->Aspect()->SetShaderProgram(aCtx->ShaderManager()->GetColoredQuadProgram());
552       myColoredQuadParams->Aspect()->ShaderProgram()->PushVariableVec3 ("uColor1", aColor1.Rgb());
553       myColoredQuadParams->Aspect()->ShaderProgram()->PushVariableVec3 ("uColor2", aColor2.Rgb());
554     }
555   }
556   myBackgroundType = Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT;
557 }
559 // =======================================================================
560 // function : SetBackgroundImage
561 // purpose  :
562 // =======================================================================
SetBackgroundImage(const Handle (Graphic3d_TextureMap)& theTextureMap,Standard_Boolean theToUpdatePBREnv)563 void OpenGl_View::SetBackgroundImage (const Handle(Graphic3d_TextureMap)& theTextureMap,
564                                       Standard_Boolean theToUpdatePBREnv)
565 {
566   Handle(Graphic3d_TextureMap) aNewMap = theTextureMap;
567   if (theTextureMap.IsNull()
568   || !theTextureMap->IsDone())
569   {
570     if (!theTextureMap.IsNull())
571     {
572       Message::SendFail ("Error: unable to set image background");
573     }
574     aNewMap.Nullify();
575   }
577   Handle(Graphic3d_CubeMap) aCubeMap = Handle(Graphic3d_CubeMap)::DownCast (aNewMap);
578   if (theToUpdatePBREnv)
579   {
580     // update PBR environment
581     const TCollection_AsciiString anIdOld = !myCubeMapIBL.IsNull()
582                                            ? myCubeMapIBL->GetId()
583                                            : TCollection_AsciiString();
584     const TCollection_AsciiString anIdNew = !aCubeMap.IsNull()
585                                            ? aCubeMap->GetId()
586                                            : TCollection_AsciiString();
587     if (anIdNew != anIdOld)
588     {
589       myPBREnvRequest = true;
590     }
591     myCubeMapIBL = aCubeMap;
592   }
594   if (aNewMap.IsNull())
595   {
596     if (myBackgroundType == Graphic3d_TOB_TEXTURE
597      || myBackgroundType == Graphic3d_TOB_CUBEMAP)
598     {
599       myBackgroundType = Graphic3d_TOB_NONE;
600     }
601     return;
602   }
604   Handle(Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d) anAspect = new Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d();
605   Handle(Graphic3d_TextureSet) aTextureSet = new Graphic3d_TextureSet (aNewMap);
606   anAspect->SetInteriorStyle (Aspect_IS_SOLID);
607   anAspect->SetFaceCulling (Graphic3d_TypeOfBackfacingModel_DoubleSided);
608   anAspect->SetShadingModel (Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel_Unlit);
609   anAspect->SetTextureSet (aTextureSet);
610   anAspect->SetTextureMapOn (true);
612   if (Handle(Graphic3d_Texture2D) aTextureMap = Handle(Graphic3d_Texture2D)::DownCast (aNewMap))
613   {
614     myTextureParams->SetAspect (anAspect);
615     myBackgroundType  = Graphic3d_TOB_TEXTURE;
616     myBackgroundImage = aTextureMap;
617     return;
618   }
620   if (!aCubeMap.IsNull())
621   {
622     aCubeMap->SetMipmapsGeneration (Standard_True);
623     if (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext())
624     {
625       anAspect->SetShaderProgram (aCtx->ShaderManager()->GetBgCubeMapProgram());
626     }
628     myCubeMapParams->SetAspect (anAspect);
630     const OpenGl_Aspects* anAspectsBackup = myWorkspace->SetAspects (myCubeMapParams);
631     myWorkspace->ApplyAspects();
632     myWorkspace->SetAspects (anAspectsBackup);
633     myWorkspace->ApplyAspects();
635     myBackgroundType = Graphic3d_TOB_CUBEMAP;
636     myCubeMapBackground = aCubeMap;
637     return;
638   }
640   throw Standard_ProgramError ("OpenGl_View::SetBackgroundImage() - invalid texture map set for background");
641 }
643 // =======================================================================
644 // function : SetImageBasedLighting
645 // purpose  :
646 // =======================================================================
SetImageBasedLighting(Standard_Boolean theToEnableIBL)647 void OpenGl_View::SetImageBasedLighting (Standard_Boolean theToEnableIBL)
648 {
649   if (!theToEnableIBL
650     || myBackgroundType != Graphic3d_TOB_CUBEMAP)
651   {
652     if (!myCubeMapIBL.IsNull())
653     {
654       myPBREnvRequest = true;
655       myCubeMapIBL.Nullify();
656     }
657     return;
658   }
660   const TCollection_AsciiString anIdOld = !myCubeMapIBL.IsNull()
661                                          ? myCubeMapIBL->GetId()
662                                          : TCollection_AsciiString();
663   const TCollection_AsciiString anIdNew = !myCubeMapBackground.IsNull()
664                                          ? myCubeMapBackground->GetId()
665                                          : TCollection_AsciiString();
666   if (anIdNew != anIdOld)
667   {
668     myPBREnvRequest = true;
669   }
670   myCubeMapIBL = myCubeMapBackground;
671 }
673 // =======================================================================
674 // function : BackgroundImageStyle
675 // purpose  :
676 // =======================================================================
BackgroundImageStyle() const677 Aspect_FillMethod OpenGl_View::BackgroundImageStyle() const
678 {
679   return myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_TEXTURE]->TextureFillMethod();
680 }
682 // =======================================================================
683 // function : SetBackgroundImageStyle
684 // purpose  :
685 // =======================================================================
SetBackgroundImageStyle(const Aspect_FillMethod theFillStyle)686 void OpenGl_View::SetBackgroundImageStyle (const Aspect_FillMethod theFillStyle)
687 {
688   myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_TEXTURE]->SetTextureFillMethod (theFillStyle);
689 }
691 // =======================================================================
692 // function : SpecIBLMapLevels
693 // purpose  :
694 // =======================================================================
SpecIBLMapLevels() const695 unsigned int OpenGl_View::SpecIBLMapLevels() const
696 {
697   return myPBREnvironment.IsNull() ? 0 : myPBREnvironment->SpecMapLevelsNumber();
698 }
700 //=======================================================================
701 //function : InsertLayerBefore
702 //purpose  :
703 //=======================================================================
InsertLayerBefore(const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId,const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings & theSettings,const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerAfter)704 void OpenGl_View::InsertLayerBefore (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId,
705   const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings& theSettings,
706   const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerAfter)
707 {
708   myZLayers.InsertLayerBefore (theLayerId, theSettings, theLayerAfter);
709 }
711 //=======================================================================
712 //function : InsertLayerAfter
713 //purpose  :
714 //=======================================================================
InsertLayerAfter(const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId,const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings & theSettings,const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerBefore)715 void OpenGl_View::InsertLayerAfter (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId,
716   const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings& theSettings,
717   const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerBefore)
718 {
719   myZLayers.InsertLayerAfter (theLayerId, theSettings, theLayerBefore);
720 }
722 //=======================================================================
723 //function : RemoveZLayer
724 //purpose  :
725 //=======================================================================
RemoveZLayer(const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId)726 void OpenGl_View::RemoveZLayer (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId)
727 {
728   myZLayers.RemoveLayer (theLayerId);
729 }
731 //=======================================================================
732 //function : SetZLayerSettings
733 //purpose  :
734 //=======================================================================
SetZLayerSettings(const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId,const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings & theSettings)735 void OpenGl_View::SetZLayerSettings (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId        theLayerId,
736                                      const Graphic3d_ZLayerSettings& theSettings)
737 {
738   myZLayers.SetLayerSettings (theLayerId, theSettings);
739 }
741 //=======================================================================
742 //function : ZLayerMax
743 //purpose  :
744 //=======================================================================
ZLayerMax() const745 Standard_Integer OpenGl_View::ZLayerMax() const
746 {
747   Standard_Integer aLayerMax = Graphic3d_ZLayerId_Default;
748   for (NCollection_List<Handle(Graphic3d_Layer)>::Iterator aLayerIter (myZLayers.Layers()); aLayerIter.More(); aLayerIter.Next())
749   {
750     aLayerMax = Max (aLayerMax, aLayerIter.Value()->LayerId());
751   }
752   return aLayerMax;
753 }
755 //=======================================================================
756 //function : Layers
757 //purpose  :
758 //=======================================================================
Layers() const759 const NCollection_List<Handle(Graphic3d_Layer)>& OpenGl_View::Layers() const
760 {
761   return myZLayers.Layers();
762 }
764 //=======================================================================
765 //function : Layer
766 //purpose  :
767 //=======================================================================
Handle(Graphic3d_Layer)768 Handle(Graphic3d_Layer) OpenGl_View::Layer (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId) const
769 {
770   Handle(Graphic3d_Layer) aLayer;
771   if (theLayerId != Graphic3d_ZLayerId_UNKNOWN)
772   {
773     myZLayers.LayerIDs().Find (theLayerId, aLayer);
774   }
775   return aLayer;
776 }
778 //=======================================================================
779 //function : MinMaxValues
780 //purpose  :
781 //=======================================================================
MinMaxValues(const Standard_Boolean theToIncludeAuxiliary) const782 Bnd_Box OpenGl_View::MinMaxValues (const Standard_Boolean theToIncludeAuxiliary) const
783 {
784   if (!IsDefined())
785   {
786     return Bnd_Box();
787   }
789   Bnd_Box aBox = base_type::MinMaxValues (theToIncludeAuxiliary);
791   return aBox;
792 }
794 //=======================================================================
795 //function : FBO
796 //purpose  :
797 //=======================================================================
Handle(Standard_Transient)798 Handle(Standard_Transient) OpenGl_View::FBO() const
799 {
800   return Handle(Standard_Transient)(myFBO);
801 }
803 //=======================================================================
804 //function : SetFBO
805 //purpose  :
806 //=======================================================================
SetFBO(const Handle (Standard_Transient)& theFbo)807 void OpenGl_View::SetFBO (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& theFbo)
808 {
809   myFBO = Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)::DownCast (theFbo);
810 }
812 //=======================================================================
813 //function : FBOCreate
814 //purpose  :
815 //=======================================================================
Handle(Standard_Transient)816 Handle(Standard_Transient) OpenGl_View::FBOCreate (const Standard_Integer theWidth,
817                                                    const Standard_Integer theHeight)
818 {
819   return myWorkspace->FBOCreate (theWidth, theHeight);
820 }
822 //=======================================================================
823 //function : FBORelease
824 //purpose  :
825 //=======================================================================
FBORelease(Handle (Standard_Transient)& theFbo)826 void OpenGl_View::FBORelease (Handle(Standard_Transient)& theFbo)
827 {
828   Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer) aFrameBuffer = Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)::DownCast (theFbo);
829   if (aFrameBuffer.IsNull())
830   {
831     return;
832   }
834   myWorkspace->FBORelease (aFrameBuffer);
835   theFbo.Nullify();
836 }
838 //=======================================================================
839 //function : FBOGetDimensions
840 //purpose  :
841 //=======================================================================
FBOGetDimensions(const Handle (Standard_Transient)& theFbo,Standard_Integer & theWidth,Standard_Integer & theHeight,Standard_Integer & theWidthMax,Standard_Integer & theHeightMax)842 void OpenGl_View::FBOGetDimensions (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& theFbo,
843                                     Standard_Integer& theWidth,
844                                     Standard_Integer& theHeight,
845                                     Standard_Integer& theWidthMax,
846                                     Standard_Integer& theHeightMax)
847 {
848   const Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer) aFrameBuffer = Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)::DownCast (theFbo);
849   if (aFrameBuffer.IsNull())
850   {
851     return;
852   }
854   theWidth     = aFrameBuffer->GetVPSizeX(); // current viewport size
855   theHeight    = aFrameBuffer->GetVPSizeY();
856   theWidthMax  = aFrameBuffer->GetSizeX(); // texture size
857   theHeightMax = aFrameBuffer->GetSizeY();
858 }
860 //=======================================================================
861 //function : FBOChangeViewport
862 //purpose  :
863 //=======================================================================
FBOChangeViewport(const Handle (Standard_Transient)& theFbo,const Standard_Integer theWidth,const Standard_Integer theHeight)864 void OpenGl_View::FBOChangeViewport (const Handle(Standard_Transient)& theFbo,
865                                      const Standard_Integer theWidth,
866                                      const Standard_Integer theHeight)
867 {
868   const Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer) aFrameBuffer = Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)::DownCast (theFbo);
869   if (aFrameBuffer.IsNull())
870   {
871     return;
872   }
874   aFrameBuffer->ChangeViewport (theWidth, theHeight);
875 }
877 //=======================================================================
878 //function : displayStructure
879 //purpose  :
880 //=======================================================================
displayStructure(const Handle (Graphic3d_CStructure)& theStructure,const Standard_Integer thePriority)881 void OpenGl_View::displayStructure (const Handle(Graphic3d_CStructure)& theStructure,
882                                     const Standard_Integer              thePriority)
883 {
884   const OpenGl_Structure*  aStruct = static_cast<const OpenGl_Structure*> (theStructure.get());
885   const Graphic3d_ZLayerId aZLayer = aStruct->ZLayer();
886   myZLayers.AddStructure (aStruct, aZLayer, thePriority);
887 }
889 //=======================================================================
890 //function : eraseStructure
891 //purpose  :
892 //=======================================================================
eraseStructure(const Handle (Graphic3d_CStructure)& theStructure)893 void OpenGl_View::eraseStructure (const Handle(Graphic3d_CStructure)& theStructure)
894 {
895   const OpenGl_Structure* aStruct = static_cast<const OpenGl_Structure*> (theStructure.get());
896   myZLayers.RemoveStructure (aStruct);
897 }
899 //=======================================================================
900 //function : changeZLayer
901 //purpose  :
902 //=======================================================================
changeZLayer(const Handle (Graphic3d_CStructure)& theStructure,const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theNewLayerId)903 void OpenGl_View::changeZLayer (const Handle(Graphic3d_CStructure)& theStructure,
904                                 const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theNewLayerId)
905 {
906   const Graphic3d_ZLayerId anOldLayer = theStructure->ZLayer();
907   const OpenGl_Structure* aStruct = static_cast<const OpenGl_Structure*> (theStructure.get());
908   myZLayers.ChangeLayer (aStruct, anOldLayer, theNewLayerId);
909   Update (anOldLayer);
910   Update (theNewLayerId);
911 }
913 //=======================================================================
914 //function : changePriority
915 //purpose  :
916 //=======================================================================
changePriority(const Handle (Graphic3d_CStructure)& theStructure,const Standard_Integer theNewPriority)917 void OpenGl_View::changePriority (const Handle(Graphic3d_CStructure)& theStructure,
918                                   const Standard_Integer theNewPriority)
919 {
920   const Graphic3d_ZLayerId aLayerId = theStructure->ZLayer();
921   const OpenGl_Structure* aStruct = static_cast<const OpenGl_Structure*> (theStructure.get());
922   myZLayers.ChangePriority (aStruct, aLayerId, theNewPriority);
923 }
925 //=======================================================================
926 //function : DiagnosticInformation
927 //purpose  :
928 //=======================================================================
DiagnosticInformation(TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString & theDict,Graphic3d_DiagnosticInfo theFlags) const929 void OpenGl_View::DiagnosticInformation (TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString& theDict,
930                                          Graphic3d_DiagnosticInfo theFlags) const
931 {
932   base_type::DiagnosticInformation (theDict, theFlags);
933   Handle(OpenGl_Context) aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
934   if (!myWorkspace->Activate()
935    || aCtx.IsNull())
936   {
937     return;
938   }
940   aCtx->DiagnosticInformation (theDict, theFlags);
941   if ((theFlags & Graphic3d_DiagnosticInfo_FrameBuffer) != 0)
942   {
943     TCollection_AsciiString aResRatio (myRenderParams.ResolutionRatio());
944     theDict.ChangeFromIndex (theDict.Add ("ResolutionRatio", aResRatio)) = aResRatio;
945   }
946 }
948 //=======================================================================
949 //function : StatisticInformation
950 //purpose  :
951 //=======================================================================
StatisticInformation(TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString & theDict) const952 void OpenGl_View::StatisticInformation (TColStd_IndexedDataMapOfStringString& theDict) const
953 {
954   if (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext())
955   {
956     const Handle(OpenGl_FrameStats)& aStats = aCtx->FrameStats();
957     const Graphic3d_RenderingParams& aRendParams = myWorkspace->View()->RenderingParams();
958     aStats->FormatStats (theDict, aRendParams.CollectedStats);
959   }
960 }
962 //=======================================================================
963 //function : StatisticInformation
964 //purpose  :
965 //=======================================================================
StatisticInformation() const966 TCollection_AsciiString OpenGl_View::StatisticInformation() const
967 {
968   if (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext())
969   {
970     const Handle(OpenGl_FrameStats)& aStats = aCtx->FrameStats();
971     const Graphic3d_RenderingParams& aRendParams = myWorkspace->View()->RenderingParams();
972     return aStats->FormatStats (aRendParams.CollectedStats);
973   }
974   return TCollection_AsciiString();
975 }
977 //=======================================================================
978 //function : drawBackground
979 //purpose  :
980 //=======================================================================
drawBackground(const Handle (OpenGl_Workspace)& theWorkspace,Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection)981 void OpenGl_View::drawBackground (const Handle(OpenGl_Workspace)& theWorkspace,
982                                   Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection)
983 {
984   const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& aCtx = theWorkspace->GetGlContext();
985   const bool wasUsedZBuffer = theWorkspace->SetUseZBuffer (false);
986   if (wasUsedZBuffer)
987   {
988     aCtx->core11fwd->glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
989   }
991 #ifdef GL_DEPTH_CLAMP
992   const bool wasDepthClamped = aCtx->arbDepthClamp && glIsEnabled (GL_DEPTH_CLAMP);
993   if (aCtx->arbDepthClamp && !wasDepthClamped)
994   {
995     // make sure background is always drawn (workaround skybox rendering on some hardware)
996     aCtx->core11fwd->glEnable (GL_DEPTH_CLAMP);
997   }
998 #endif
1000   if (myBackgroundType == Graphic3d_TOB_CUBEMAP)
1001   {
1002     myCubeMapParams->Aspect()->ShaderProgram()->PushVariableInt ("uZCoeff", myCubeMapBackground->ZIsInverted() ? -1 : 1);
1003     myCubeMapParams->Aspect()->ShaderProgram()->PushVariableInt ("uYCoeff", myCubeMapBackground->IsTopDown() ? 1 : -1);
1004     const OpenGl_Aspects* anOldAspectFace = theWorkspace->SetAspects (myCubeMapParams);
1006     myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_CUBEMAP]->Render (theWorkspace, theProjection);
1008     theWorkspace->SetAspects (anOldAspectFace);
1009   }
1010   else if (myBackgroundType == Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT
1011         || myBackgroundType == Graphic3d_TOB_TEXTURE)
1012   {
1013     // Drawing background gradient if:
1014     // - gradient fill type is not Aspect_GradientFillMethod_None and
1015     // - either background texture is no specified or it is drawn in Aspect_FM_CENTERED mode
1016     if (myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT]->IsDefined()
1017       && (!myTextureParams->Aspect()->ToMapTexture()
1018         || myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_TEXTURE]->TextureFillMethod() == Aspect_FM_CENTERED
1019         || myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_TEXTURE]->TextureFillMethod() == Aspect_FM_NONE))
1020     {
1021       if (myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT]->GradientFillMethod() >= Aspect_GradientFillMethod_Corner1
1022        && myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT]->GradientFillMethod() <= Aspect_GradientFillMethod_Corner4)
1023       {
1024         const OpenGl_Aspects* anOldAspectFace = theWorkspace->SetAspects (myColoredQuadParams);
1026         myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT]->Render (theWorkspace, theProjection);
1028         theWorkspace->SetAspects (anOldAspectFace);
1029       }
1030       else
1031       {
1032         myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_GRADIENT]->Render (theWorkspace, theProjection);
1033       }
1034     }
1036     // Drawing background image if it is defined
1037     // (texture is defined and fill type is not Aspect_FM_NONE)
1038     if (myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_TEXTURE]->IsDefined()
1039       && myTextureParams->Aspect()->ToMapTexture())
1040     {
1041       aCtx->core11fwd->glDisable (GL_BLEND);
1043       const OpenGl_Aspects* anOldAspectFace = theWorkspace->SetAspects (myTextureParams);
1044       myBackgrounds[Graphic3d_TOB_TEXTURE]->Render (theWorkspace, theProjection);
1045       theWorkspace->SetAspects (anOldAspectFace);
1046     }
1047   }
1049   if (wasUsedZBuffer)
1050   {
1051     theWorkspace->SetUseZBuffer (Standard_True);
1052     aCtx->core11fwd->glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
1053   }
1054 #ifdef GL_DEPTH_CLAMP
1055   if (aCtx->arbDepthClamp && !wasDepthClamped)
1056   {
1057     aCtx->core11fwd->glDisable (GL_DEPTH_CLAMP);
1058   }
1059 #endif
1060 }
1062 //=======================================================================
1063 //function : prepareFrameBuffers
1064 //purpose  :
1065 //=======================================================================
prepareFrameBuffers(Graphic3d_Camera::Projection & theProj)1066 bool OpenGl_View::prepareFrameBuffers (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection& theProj)
1067 {
1068   theProj = myCamera->ProjectionType();
1069   const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
1071   Standard_Integer aSizeX = 0, aSizeY = 0;
1072   OpenGl_FrameBuffer* aFrameBuffer = myFBO.get();
1073   if (aFrameBuffer != NULL)
1074   {
1075     aSizeX = aFrameBuffer->GetVPSizeX();
1076     aSizeY = aFrameBuffer->GetVPSizeY();
1077   }
1078   else if (IsActiveXR())
1079   {
1080     aSizeX = myXRSession->RecommendedViewport().x();
1081     aSizeY = myXRSession->RecommendedViewport().y();
1082   }
1083   else
1084   {
1085     aSizeX = myWindow->Width();
1086     aSizeY = myWindow->Height();
1087   }
1089   const Graphic3d_Vec2i aRendSize (Standard_Integer(myRenderParams.RenderResolutionScale * aSizeX + 0.5f),
1090                                    Standard_Integer(myRenderParams.RenderResolutionScale * aSizeY + 0.5f));
1091   if (aSizeX < 1
1092    || aSizeY < 1
1093    || aRendSize.x() < 1
1094    || aRendSize.y() < 1)
1095   {
1096     myBackBufferRestored = Standard_False;
1097     myIsImmediateDrawn   = Standard_False;
1098     return false;
1099   }
1101   // determine multisampling parameters
1102   Standard_Integer aNbSamples = !myToDisableMSAA && aSizeX == aRendSize.x()
1103                               ? Max (Min (myRenderParams.NbMsaaSamples, aCtx->MaxMsaaSamples()), 0)
1104                               : 0;
1105   if (aNbSamples != 0)
1106   {
1107     aNbSamples = OpenGl_Context::GetPowerOfTwo (aNbSamples, aCtx->MaxMsaaSamples());
1108   }
1110   bool toUseOit = myRenderParams.TransparencyMethod != Graphic3d_RTM_BLEND_UNORDERED
1111                && checkOitCompatibility (aCtx, aNbSamples > 0);
1113   const bool toInitImmediateFbo = myTransientDrawToFront
1114                                && (!aCtx->caps->useSystemBuffer || (toUseOit && HasImmediateStructures()));
1116   if ( aFrameBuffer == NULL
1117    && !aCtx->DefaultFrameBuffer().IsNull()
1118    &&  aCtx->DefaultFrameBuffer()->IsValid())
1119   {
1120     aFrameBuffer = aCtx->DefaultFrameBuffer().operator->();
1121   }
1123   if (myHasFboBlit
1124    && (myTransientDrawToFront
1125     || theProj == Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_Stereo
1126     || aNbSamples != 0
1127     || toUseOit
1128     || aSizeX != aRendSize.x()))
1129   {
1130     if (myMainSceneFbos[0]->GetVPSize() != aRendSize
1131      || myMainSceneFbos[0]->NbSamples() != aNbSamples)
1132     {
1133       if (!myTransientDrawToFront)
1134       {
1135         myImmediateSceneFbos[0]->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1136         myImmediateSceneFbos[1]->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1137         myImmediateSceneFbos[0]->ChangeViewport (0, 0);
1138         myImmediateSceneFbos[1]->ChangeViewport (0, 0);
1139       }
1141       // prepare FBOs containing main scene
1142       // for further blitting and rendering immediate presentations on top
1143       if (aCtx->core20fwd != NULL)
1144       {
1145         const bool wasFailedMain0 = checkWasFailedFbo (myMainSceneFbos[0], aRendSize.x(), aRendSize.y(), aNbSamples);
1146         if (!myMainSceneFbos[0]->Init (aCtx, aRendSize, myFboColorFormat, myFboDepthFormat, aNbSamples)
1147          && !wasFailedMain0)
1148         {
1149           TCollection_ExtendedString aMsg = TCollection_ExtendedString() + "Error! Main FBO "
1150                                           + printFboFormat (myMainSceneFbos[0]) + " initialization has failed";
1152         }
1153       }
1154     }
1156     if (myMainSceneFbos[0]->IsValid() && (toInitImmediateFbo || myImmediateSceneFbos[0]->IsValid()))
1157     {
1158       const bool wasFailedImm0 = checkWasFailedFbo (myImmediateSceneFbos[0], myMainSceneFbos[0]);
1159       if (!myImmediateSceneFbos[0]->InitLazy (aCtx, *myMainSceneFbos[0])
1160        && !wasFailedImm0)
1161       {
1162         TCollection_ExtendedString aMsg = TCollection_ExtendedString() + "Error! Immediate FBO "
1163                                         + printFboFormat (myImmediateSceneFbos[0]) + " initialization has failed";
1165       }
1166     }
1167   }
1168   else
1169   {
1170     myMainSceneFbos     [0]->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1171     myMainSceneFbos     [1]->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1172     myImmediateSceneFbos[0]->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1173     myImmediateSceneFbos[1]->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1174     myXrSceneFbo           ->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1175     myMainSceneFbos     [0]->ChangeViewport (0, 0);
1176     myMainSceneFbos     [1]->ChangeViewport (0, 0);
1177     myImmediateSceneFbos[0]->ChangeViewport (0, 0);
1178     myImmediateSceneFbos[1]->ChangeViewport (0, 0);
1179     myXrSceneFbo           ->ChangeViewport (0, 0);
1180   }
1182   bool hasXRBlitFbo = false;
1183   if (theProj == Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_Stereo
1184    && IsActiveXR()
1185    && myMainSceneFbos[0]->IsValid())
1186   {
1187     if (aNbSamples != 0
1188      || aSizeX != aRendSize.x())
1189     {
1190       hasXRBlitFbo = myXrSceneFbo->InitLazy (aCtx, Graphic3d_Vec2i (aSizeX, aSizeY), myFboColorFormat, myFboDepthFormat, 0);
1191       if (!hasXRBlitFbo)
1192       {
1193         TCollection_ExtendedString aMsg = TCollection_ExtendedString() + "Error! VR FBO "
1194                                         + printFboFormat (myXrSceneFbo) + " initialization has failed";
1196       }
1197     }
1198   }
1199   else if (theProj == Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_Stereo
1200         && myMainSceneFbos[0]->IsValid())
1201   {
1202     const bool wasFailedMain1 = checkWasFailedFbo (myMainSceneFbos[1], myMainSceneFbos[0]);
1203     if (!myMainSceneFbos[1]->InitLazy (aCtx, *myMainSceneFbos[0])
1204      && !wasFailedMain1)
1205     {
1206       TCollection_ExtendedString aMsg = TCollection_ExtendedString() + "Error! Main FBO (second) "
1207                                       + printFboFormat (myMainSceneFbos[1]) + " initialization has failed";
1209     }
1210     if (!myMainSceneFbos[1]->IsValid())
1211     {
1212       // no enough memory?
1213       theProj = Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_Perspective;
1214     }
1215     else if (!myTransientDrawToFront)
1216     {
1217       //
1218     }
1219     else if (!aCtx->HasStereoBuffers()
1220            || myRenderParams.StereoMode != Graphic3d_StereoMode_QuadBuffer)
1221     {
1222       const bool wasFailedImm0 = checkWasFailedFbo (myImmediateSceneFbos[0], myMainSceneFbos[0]);
1223       const bool wasFailedImm1 = checkWasFailedFbo (myImmediateSceneFbos[1], myMainSceneFbos[0]);
1224       if (!myImmediateSceneFbos[0]->InitLazy (aCtx, *myMainSceneFbos[0])
1225        && !wasFailedImm0)
1226       {
1227         TCollection_ExtendedString aMsg = TCollection_ExtendedString() + "Error! Immediate FBO (first) "
1228                                         + printFboFormat (myImmediateSceneFbos[0]) + " initialization has failed";
1230       }
1231       if (!myImmediateSceneFbos[1]->InitLazy (aCtx, *myMainSceneFbos[0])
1232        && !wasFailedImm1)
1233       {
1234         TCollection_ExtendedString aMsg = TCollection_ExtendedString() + "Error! Immediate FBO (first) "
1235                                         + printFboFormat (myImmediateSceneFbos[1]) + " initialization has failed";
1237       }
1238       if (!myImmediateSceneFbos[0]->IsValid()
1239        || !myImmediateSceneFbos[1]->IsValid())
1240       {
1241         theProj = Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_Perspective;
1242       }
1243     }
1244   }
1245   if (!hasXRBlitFbo)
1246   {
1247     myXrSceneFbo->Release (aCtx.get());
1248     myXrSceneFbo->ChangeViewport (0, 0);
1249   }
1251   // process PBR environment
1252   if (myRenderParams.ShadingModel == Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel_Pbr
1253    || myRenderParams.ShadingModel == Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel_PbrFacet)
1254   {
1255     if (!myPBREnvironment.IsNull()
1256       && myPBREnvironment->SizesAreDifferent (myRenderParams.PbrEnvPow2Size,
1257                                               myRenderParams.PbrEnvSpecMapNbLevels))
1258     {
1259       myPBREnvironment->Release (aCtx.get());
1260       myPBREnvironment.Nullify();
1261       myPBREnvState = OpenGl_PBREnvState_NONEXISTENT;
1262       myPBREnvRequest = true;
1263       ++myLightsRevision;
1264     }
1266     if (myPBREnvState == OpenGl_PBREnvState_NONEXISTENT
1267      && aCtx->HasPBR())
1268     {
1269       myPBREnvironment = OpenGl_PBREnvironment::Create (aCtx, myRenderParams.PbrEnvPow2Size, myRenderParams.PbrEnvSpecMapNbLevels);
1270       myPBREnvState = myPBREnvironment.IsNull() ? OpenGl_PBREnvState_UNAVAILABLE : OpenGl_PBREnvState_CREATED;
1271       if (myPBREnvState == OpenGl_PBREnvState_CREATED)
1272       {
1273         Handle(OpenGl_Texture) anEnvLUT;
1274         static const TCollection_AsciiString THE_SHARED_ENV_LUT_KEY("EnvLUT");
1275         if (!aCtx->GetResource (THE_SHARED_ENV_LUT_KEY, anEnvLUT))
1276         {
1277           bool toConvertHalfFloat = false;
1278         #if defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
1279           // GL_RG32F is not texture-filterable format in OpenGL ES without OES_texture_float_linear extension.
1280           // GL_RG16F is texture-filterable since OpenGL ES 3.0 or OpenGL ES 2.0 + OES_texture_half_float_linear.
1281           // OpenGL ES 3.0 allows initialization of GL_RG16F from 32-bit float data, but OpenGL ES 2.0 + OES_texture_half_float does not.
1282           // Note that it is expected that GL_RG16F has enough precision for this table, so that it can be used also on desktop OpenGL.
1283           const bool hasHalfFloat = aCtx->IsGlGreaterEqual (3, 0) || aCtx->CheckExtension ("GL_OES_texture_half_float_linear");
1284           toConvertHalfFloat = !aCtx->IsGlGreaterEqual (3, 0) && hasHalfFloat;
1285         #endif
1286           Image_Format anImgFormat = Image_Format_UNKNOWN;
1287           if (aCtx->arbTexRG)
1288           {
1289             anImgFormat = toConvertHalfFloat ? Image_Format_RGF_half : Image_Format_RGF;
1290           }
1291           else
1292           {
1293             anImgFormat = toConvertHalfFloat ? Image_Format_RGBAF_half : Image_Format_RGBAF;
1294           }
1296           Handle(Image_PixMap) aPixMap = new Image_PixMap();
1297           if (anImgFormat == Image_Format_RGF)
1298           {
1299             aPixMap->InitWrapper (Image_Format_RGF, (Standard_Byte*)Textures_EnvLUT, Textures_EnvLUTSize, Textures_EnvLUTSize);
1300           }
1301           else
1302           {
1303             aPixMap->InitZero (anImgFormat, Textures_EnvLUTSize, Textures_EnvLUTSize);
1304             Image_PixMap aPixMapRG;
1305             aPixMapRG.InitWrapper (Image_Format_RGF, (Standard_Byte*)Textures_EnvLUT, Textures_EnvLUTSize, Textures_EnvLUTSize);
1306             for (Standard_Size aRowIter = 0; aRowIter < aPixMapRG.SizeY(); ++aRowIter)
1307             {
1308               for (Standard_Size aColIter = 0; aColIter < aPixMapRG.SizeX(); ++aColIter)
1309               {
1310                 const Image_ColorRGF& aPixelRG = aPixMapRG.Value<Image_ColorRGF> (aRowIter, aColIter);
1311                 if (toConvertHalfFloat)
1312                 {
1313                   NCollection_Vec2<uint16_t>& aPixelRGBA = aPixMap->ChangeValue<NCollection_Vec2<uint16_t>> (aRowIter, aColIter);
1314                   aPixelRGBA.x() = Image_PixMap::ConvertToHalfFloat (aPixelRG.r());
1315                   aPixelRGBA.y() = Image_PixMap::ConvertToHalfFloat (aPixelRG.g());
1316                 }
1317                 else
1318                 {
1319                   Image_ColorRGBAF& aPixelRGBA = aPixMap->ChangeValue<Image_ColorRGBAF> (aRowIter, aColIter);
1320                   aPixelRGBA.r() = aPixelRG.r();
1321                   aPixelRGBA.g() = aPixelRG.g();
1322                 }
1323               }
1324             }
1325           }
1327           OpenGl_TextureFormat aTexFormat = OpenGl_TextureFormat::FindFormat (aCtx, aPixMap->Format(), false);
1328         #if defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
1329           if (aTexFormat.IsValid()
1330            && hasHalfFloat)
1331           {
1332             aTexFormat.SetInternalFormat (aCtx->arbTexRG ? GL_RG16F : GL_RGBA16F);
1333           }
1334         #endif
1336           Handle(Graphic3d_TextureParams) aParams = new Graphic3d_TextureParams();
1337           aParams->SetFilter (Graphic3d_TOTF_BILINEAR);
1338           aParams->SetRepeat (Standard_False);
1339           aParams->SetTextureUnit (aCtx->PBREnvLUTTexUnit());
1340           anEnvLUT = new OpenGl_Texture(THE_SHARED_ENV_LUT_KEY, aParams);
1341           if (!aTexFormat.IsValid()
1342            || !anEnvLUT->Init (aCtx, aTexFormat, Graphic3d_Vec2i((Standard_Integer)Textures_EnvLUTSize), Graphic3d_TOT_2D, aPixMap.get()))
1343           {
1344             aCtx->PushMessage (GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION, GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR, 0, GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH, "Failed allocation of LUT for PBR");
1345             anEnvLUT.Nullify();
1346           }
1347           aCtx->ShareResource (THE_SHARED_ENV_LUT_KEY, anEnvLUT);
1348         }
1349         if (!anEnvLUT.IsNull())
1350         {
1351           anEnvLUT->Bind (aCtx);
1352         }
1353         myWorkspace->ApplyAspects();
1354       }
1355     }
1356     updatePBREnvironment (aCtx);
1357   }
1359   // create color and coverage accumulation buffers required for OIT algorithm
1360   if (toUseOit
1361    && myRenderParams.TransparencyMethod == Graphic3d_RTM_DEPTH_PEELING_OIT)
1362   {
1363     if (myDepthPeelingFbos->BlendBackFboOit()->GetSize() != aRendSize)
1364     {
1365       if (myDepthPeelingFbos->BlendBackFboOit()->Init (aCtx, aRendSize, GL_RGBA16F, 0))
1366       {
1367         for (int aPairIter = 0; aPairIter < 2; ++aPairIter)
1368         {
1369           OpenGl_ColorFormats aColorFormats;
1370           aColorFormats.Append (GL_RG32F);
1371           aColorFormats.Append (GL_RGBA16F);
1372           aColorFormats.Append (GL_RGBA16F);
1373           myDepthPeelingFbos->DepthPeelFbosOit()[aPairIter]->Init (aCtx, aRendSize, aColorFormats, 0);
1375           NCollection_Sequence<Handle(OpenGl_Texture)> anAttachments;
1376           anAttachments.Append (myDepthPeelingFbos->DepthPeelFbosOit()[aPairIter]->ColorTexture (1));
1377           anAttachments.Append (myDepthPeelingFbos->DepthPeelFbosOit()[aPairIter]->ColorTexture (2));
1378           myDepthPeelingFbos->FrontBackColorFbosOit()[aPairIter]->InitWrapper (aCtx, anAttachments);
1379         }
1380       }
1381       else
1382       {
1383         toUseOit = false;
1385                            "Initialization of float texture framebuffer for use with\n"
1386                            "  Depth-Peeling order-independent transparency rendering algorithm has failed.");
1387       }
1388     }
1389   }
1390   if (!toUseOit)
1391   {
1392     myDepthPeelingFbos->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1393   }
1395   if (toUseOit
1396    && myRenderParams.TransparencyMethod == Graphic3d_RTM_BLEND_OIT)
1397   {
1398     Standard_Integer anFboIt = 0;
1399     for (; anFboIt < 2; ++anFboIt)
1400     {
1401       Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)& aMainSceneFbo          = myMainSceneFbos        [anFboIt];
1402       Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)& aMainSceneFboOit       = myMainSceneFbosOit     [anFboIt];
1403       Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)& anImmediateSceneFbo    = myImmediateSceneFbos   [anFboIt];
1404       Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)& anImmediateSceneFboOit = myImmediateSceneFbosOit[anFboIt];
1405       if (aMainSceneFbo->IsValid()
1406        && (aMainSceneFboOit->GetVPSize() != aRendSize
1407         || aMainSceneFboOit->NbSamples() != aNbSamples))
1408       {
1409         Standard_Integer aColorConfig = 0;
1410         for (;;) // seemly responding to driver limitation (GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED)
1411         {
1412           if (myFboOitColorConfig.IsEmpty())
1413           {
1414             if (!chooseOitColorConfiguration (aCtx, aColorConfig++, myFboOitColorConfig))
1415             {
1416               break;
1417             }
1418           }
1419           if (aMainSceneFboOit->Init (aCtx, aRendSize, myFboOitColorConfig, aMainSceneFbo->DepthStencilTexture(), aNbSamples))
1420           {
1421             break;
1422           }
1423           myFboOitColorConfig.Clear();
1424         }
1425         if (!aMainSceneFboOit->IsValid())
1426         {
1427           break;
1428         }
1429       }
1430       else if (!aMainSceneFbo->IsValid())
1431       {
1432         aMainSceneFboOit->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1433         aMainSceneFboOit->ChangeViewport (0, 0);
1434       }
1436       if (anImmediateSceneFbo->IsValid()
1437        && (anImmediateSceneFboOit->GetVPSize() != aRendSize
1438         || anImmediateSceneFboOit->NbSamples() != aNbSamples))
1439       {
1440         if (!anImmediateSceneFboOit->Init (aCtx, aRendSize, myFboOitColorConfig,
1441                                            anImmediateSceneFbo->DepthStencilTexture(), aNbSamples))
1442         {
1443           break;
1444         }
1445       }
1446       else if (!anImmediateSceneFbo->IsValid())
1447       {
1448         anImmediateSceneFboOit->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1449         anImmediateSceneFboOit->ChangeViewport (0, 0);
1450       }
1451     }
1452     if (anFboIt == 0) // only the first OIT framebuffer is mandatory
1453     {
1455                          "Initialization of float texture framebuffer for use with\n"
1456                          "  blended order-independent transparency rendering algorithm has failed.\n"
1457                          "  Blended order-independent transparency will not be available.\n");
1458       if (aNbSamples > 0)
1459       {
1460         myToDisableOITMSAA = Standard_True;
1461       }
1462       else
1463       {
1464         myToDisableOIT     = Standard_True;
1465       }
1466       toUseOit = false;
1467     }
1468   }
1469   if (!toUseOit && myMainSceneFbosOit[0]->IsValid())
1470   {
1471     myDepthPeelingFbos->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1472     myMainSceneFbosOit     [0]->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1473     myMainSceneFbosOit     [1]->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1474     myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0]->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1475     myImmediateSceneFbosOit[1]->Release (aCtx.operator->());
1476     myMainSceneFbosOit     [0]->ChangeViewport (0, 0);
1477     myMainSceneFbosOit     [1]->ChangeViewport (0, 0);
1478     myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0]->ChangeViewport (0, 0);
1479     myImmediateSceneFbosOit[1]->ChangeViewport (0, 0);
1480   }
1482   // allocate shadow maps
1483   const Handle(Graphic3d_LightSet)& aLights = myRenderParams.ShadingModel == Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel_Unlit ? myNoShadingLight : myLights;
1484   if (!aLights.IsNull())
1485   {
1486     aLights->UpdateRevision();
1487   }
1488   bool toUseShadowMap = myRenderParams.IsShadowEnabled
1489                      && myRenderParams.ShadowMapResolution > 0
1490                      && !myLights.IsNull()
1491                      && myLights->NbCastShadows() > 0
1492                      && myRenderParams.Method != Graphic3d_RM_RAYTRACING;
1493   if (toUseShadowMap)
1494   {
1495     if (myShadowMaps->Size() != myLights->NbCastShadows())
1496     {
1497       myShadowMaps->Release (aCtx.get());
1498       myShadowMaps->Resize (0, myLights->NbCastShadows() - 1, true);
1499     }
1501     const GLint aSamplFrom = GLint(aCtx->ShadowMapTexUnit()) - myLights->NbCastShadows() + 1;
1502     for (Standard_Integer aShadowIter = 0; aShadowIter < myShadowMaps->Size(); ++aShadowIter)
1503     {
1504       Handle(OpenGl_ShadowMap)& aShadow = myShadowMaps->ChangeValue (aShadowIter);
1505       if (aShadow.IsNull())
1506       {
1507         aShadow = new OpenGl_ShadowMap();
1508       }
1509       aShadow->SetShadowMapBias (myRenderParams.ShadowMapBias);
1510       aShadow->Texture()->Sampler()->Parameters()->SetTextureUnit ((Graphic3d_TextureUnit )(aSamplFrom + aShadowIter));
1512       const Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)& aShadowFbo = aShadow->FrameBuffer();
1513       if (aShadowFbo->GetVPSizeX() != myRenderParams.ShadowMapResolution
1514        && toUseShadowMap)
1515       {
1516         OpenGl_ColorFormats aDummy;
1517         if (!aShadowFbo->Init (aCtx, Graphic3d_Vec2i (myRenderParams.ShadowMapResolution), aDummy, myFboDepthFormat, 0))
1518         {
1519           toUseShadowMap = false;
1520         }
1521       }
1522     }
1523   }
1524   if (!toUseShadowMap && myShadowMaps->IsValid())
1525   {
1526     myShadowMaps->Release (aCtx.get());
1527   }
1529   return true;
1530 }
1532 //=======================================================================
1533 //function : Redraw
1534 //purpose  :
1535 //=======================================================================
Redraw()1536 void OpenGl_View::Redraw()
1537 {
1538   const Standard_Boolean wasDisabledMSAA = myToDisableMSAA;
1539   const Standard_Boolean hadFboBlit      = myHasFboBlit;
1540   if (myRenderParams.Method == Graphic3d_RM_RAYTRACING
1541   && !myCaps->vboDisable
1542   && !myCaps->keepArrayData)
1543   {
1544     // caps are shared across all views, thus we need to invalidate all of them
1545     // if (myWasRedrawnGL) { myStructureManager->SetDeviceLost(); }
1546     myDriver->setDeviceLost();
1547     myCaps->keepArrayData = Standard_True;
1548   }
1550   if (!myWorkspace->Activate())
1551   {
1552     return;
1553   }
1555   // implicitly disable VSync when using HMD composer (can be mirrored in window for debugging)
1556   myWindow->SetSwapInterval (IsActiveXR());
1558   ++myFrameCounter;
1559   const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
1560   aCtx->FrameStats()->FrameStart (myWorkspace->View(), false);
1561   aCtx->SetLineFeather (myRenderParams.LineFeather);
1563   const Standard_Integer anSRgbState = aCtx->ToRenderSRGB() ? 1 : 0;
1564   if (mySRgbState != -1
1565    && mySRgbState != anSRgbState)
1566   {
1567     releaseSrgbResources (aCtx);
1568     initTextureEnv (aCtx);
1569   }
1570   mySRgbState = anSRgbState;
1571   aCtx->ShaderManager()->UpdateSRgbState();
1573   // release pending GL resources
1574   aCtx->ReleaseDelayed();
1576   // fetch OpenGl context state
1577   aCtx->FetchState();
1579   const Graphic3d_StereoMode   aStereoMode  = myRenderParams.StereoMode;
1580   Graphic3d_Camera::Projection aProjectType = myCamera->ProjectionType();
1581   if (!prepareFrameBuffers (aProjectType))
1582   {
1583     myBackBufferRestored = Standard_False;
1584     myIsImmediateDrawn   = Standard_False;
1585     return;
1586   }
1588   // draw shadow maps
1589   if (myShadowMaps->IsValid())
1590   {
1591     Standard_Integer aShadowIndex = myShadowMaps->Lower();
1592     for (Graphic3d_LightSet::Iterator aLightIter (myLights, Graphic3d_LightSet::IterationFilter_ActiveShadowCasters);
1593          aLightIter.More(); aLightIter.Next())
1594     {
1595       const Handle(Graphic3d_CLight)& aLight = aLightIter.Value();
1596       if (aLight->ToCastShadows())
1597       {
1598         const Handle(OpenGl_ShadowMap)& aShadowMap = myShadowMaps->ChangeValue (aShadowIndex);
1599         aShadowMap->SetLightSource (aLight);
1600         renderShadowMap (aShadowMap);
1601         ++aShadowIndex;
1602       }
1603     }
1604     for (; aShadowIndex <= myShadowMaps->Upper(); ++aShadowIndex)
1605     {
1606       myShadowMaps->ChangeValue (aShadowIndex)->SetLightSource (Handle(Graphic3d_CLight)());
1607     }
1608   }
1610   OpenGl_FrameBuffer* aFrameBuffer = myFBO.get();
1611   bool toSwap = aCtx->IsRender()
1612             && !aCtx->caps->buffersNoSwap
1613             &&  aFrameBuffer == NULL
1614             &&  (!IsActiveXR() || myRenderParams.ToMirrorComposer);
1615   if ( aFrameBuffer == NULL
1616    && !aCtx->DefaultFrameBuffer().IsNull()
1617    &&  aCtx->DefaultFrameBuffer()->IsValid())
1618   {
1619     aFrameBuffer = aCtx->DefaultFrameBuffer().operator->();
1620   }
1622   if (aProjectType == Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_Stereo)
1623   {
1624     OpenGl_FrameBuffer* aMainFbos[2] =
1625     {
1626       myMainSceneFbos[0]->IsValid() ? myMainSceneFbos[0].operator->() : NULL,
1627       myMainSceneFbos[1]->IsValid() ? myMainSceneFbos[1].operator->() : NULL
1628     };
1629     OpenGl_FrameBuffer* aMainFbosOit[2] =
1630     {
1631       myMainSceneFbosOit[0]->IsValid() ? myMainSceneFbosOit[0].operator->() : NULL,
1632       myMainSceneFbosOit[1]->IsValid() ? myMainSceneFbosOit[1].operator->() :
1633         myMainSceneFbosOit[0]->IsValid() ? myMainSceneFbosOit[0].operator->() : NULL
1634     };
1636     OpenGl_FrameBuffer* anImmFbos[2] =
1637     {
1638       myImmediateSceneFbos[0]->IsValid() ? myImmediateSceneFbos[0].operator->() : NULL,
1639       myImmediateSceneFbos[1]->IsValid() ? myImmediateSceneFbos[1].operator->() : NULL
1640     };
1641     OpenGl_FrameBuffer* anImmFbosOit[2] =
1642     {
1643       myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0]->IsValid() ? myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0].operator->() : NULL,
1644       myImmediateSceneFbosOit[1]->IsValid() ? myImmediateSceneFbosOit[1].operator->() :
1645         myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0]->IsValid() ? myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0].operator->() : NULL
1646     };
1648     if (IsActiveXR())
1649     {
1650       // use single frame for both views - caching main scene content makes no sense
1651       // when head position is expected to be updated each frame redraw with high accuracy
1652       aMainFbos[1]    = aMainFbos[0];
1653       aMainFbosOit[1] = aMainFbosOit[0];
1654       anImmFbos[0]    = aMainFbos[0];
1655       anImmFbos[1]    = aMainFbos[1];
1656       anImmFbosOit[0] = aMainFbosOit[0];
1657       anImmFbosOit[1] = aMainFbosOit[1];
1658     }
1659     else if (!myTransientDrawToFront)
1660     {
1661       anImmFbos   [0] = aMainFbos   [0];
1662       anImmFbos   [1] = aMainFbos   [1];
1663       anImmFbosOit[0] = aMainFbosOit[0];
1664       anImmFbosOit[1] = aMainFbosOit[1];
1665     }
1666     else if (aStereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_SoftPageFlip
1667           || aStereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_QuadBuffer)
1668     {
1669       anImmFbos   [0] = NULL;
1670       anImmFbos   [1] = NULL;
1671       anImmFbosOit[0] = NULL;
1672       anImmFbosOit[1] = NULL;
1673     }
1675   #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
1676     aCtx->SetReadDrawBuffer (aStereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_QuadBuffer ? GL_BACK_LEFT : GL_BACK);
1677   #endif
1678     aCtx->SetResolution (myRenderParams.Resolution, myRenderParams.ResolutionRatio(),
1679                          aMainFbos[0] != NULL ? myRenderParams.RenderResolutionScale : 1.0f);
1681     redraw (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_MonoLeftEye, aMainFbos[0], aMainFbosOit[0]);
1682     myBackBufferRestored = Standard_True;
1683     myIsImmediateDrawn   = Standard_False;
1684   #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
1685     aCtx->SetReadDrawBuffer (aStereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_QuadBuffer ? GL_BACK_LEFT : GL_BACK);
1686   #endif
1687     aCtx->SetResolution (myRenderParams.Resolution, myRenderParams.ResolutionRatio(),
1688                          anImmFbos[0] != NULL ? myRenderParams.RenderResolutionScale : 1.0f);
1689     if (!redrawImmediate (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_MonoLeftEye, aMainFbos[0], anImmFbos[0], anImmFbosOit[0]))
1690     {
1691       toSwap = false;
1692     }
1693     else if (aStereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_SoftPageFlip && toSwap)
1694     {
1695       aCtx->SwapBuffers();
1696     }
1698     if (IsActiveXR())
1699     {
1700       // push Left frame to HMD display composer
1701       OpenGl_FrameBuffer* anXRFbo = myXrSceneFbo->IsValid() ? myXrSceneFbo.get() : aMainFbos[0];
1702       if (anXRFbo != aMainFbos[0])
1703       {
1704         blitBuffers (aMainFbos[0], anXRFbo); // resize or resolve MSAA samples
1705       }
1706     #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
1707       const Aspect_GraphicsLibrary aGraphicsLib = Aspect_GraphicsLibrary_OpenGL;
1708     #else
1709       const Aspect_GraphicsLibrary aGraphicsLib = Aspect_GraphicsLibrary_OpenGLES;
1710     #endif
1711       myXRSession->SubmitEye ((void* )(size_t )anXRFbo->ColorTexture()->TextureId(),
1712                               aGraphicsLib, Aspect_ColorSpace_sRGB, Aspect_Eye_Left);
1713     }
1715   #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
1716     aCtx->SetReadDrawBuffer (aStereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_QuadBuffer ? GL_BACK_RIGHT : GL_BACK);
1717   #endif
1718     aCtx->SetResolution (myRenderParams.Resolution, myRenderParams.ResolutionRatio(),
1719                          aMainFbos[1] != NULL ? myRenderParams.RenderResolutionScale : 1.0f);
1721     redraw (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_MonoRightEye, aMainFbos[1], aMainFbosOit[1]);
1722     myBackBufferRestored = Standard_True;
1723     myIsImmediateDrawn   = Standard_False;
1724     aCtx->SetResolution (myRenderParams.Resolution, myRenderParams.ResolutionRatio(),
1725                          anImmFbos[1] != NULL ? myRenderParams.RenderResolutionScale : 1.0f);
1726     if (!redrawImmediate (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_MonoRightEye, aMainFbos[1], anImmFbos[1], anImmFbosOit[1]))
1727     {
1728       toSwap = false;
1729     }
1731     if (IsActiveXR())
1732     {
1733       // push Right frame to HMD display composer
1734       OpenGl_FrameBuffer* anXRFbo = myXrSceneFbo->IsValid() ? myXrSceneFbo.get() : aMainFbos[1];
1735       if (anXRFbo != aMainFbos[1])
1736       {
1737         blitBuffers (aMainFbos[1], anXRFbo); // resize or resolve MSAA samples
1738       }
1739     #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
1740       const Aspect_GraphicsLibrary aGraphicsLib = Aspect_GraphicsLibrary_OpenGL;
1741     #else
1742       const Aspect_GraphicsLibrary aGraphicsLib = Aspect_GraphicsLibrary_OpenGLES;
1743     #endif
1744       myXRSession->SubmitEye ((void* )(size_t )anXRFbo->ColorTexture()->TextureId(),
1745                               aGraphicsLib, Aspect_ColorSpace_sRGB, Aspect_Eye_Right);
1746       aCtx->core11fwd->glFinish();
1748       if (myRenderParams.ToMirrorComposer)
1749       {
1750         blitBuffers (anXRFbo, aFrameBuffer, myToFlipOutput);
1751       }
1752     }
1753     else if (anImmFbos[0] != NULL)
1754     {
1755       aCtx->SetResolution (myRenderParams.Resolution, myRenderParams.ResolutionRatio(), 1.0f);
1756       drawStereoPair (aFrameBuffer);
1757     }
1758   }
1759   else
1760   {
1761     OpenGl_FrameBuffer* aMainFbo    = myMainSceneFbos[0]->IsValid() ? myMainSceneFbos[0].operator->() : aFrameBuffer;
1762     OpenGl_FrameBuffer* aMainFboOit = myMainSceneFbosOit[0]->IsValid() ? myMainSceneFbosOit[0].operator->() : NULL;
1763     OpenGl_FrameBuffer* anImmFbo    = aFrameBuffer;
1764     OpenGl_FrameBuffer* anImmFboOit = NULL;
1765     if (!myTransientDrawToFront)
1766     {
1767       anImmFbo    = aMainFbo;
1768       anImmFboOit = aMainFboOit;
1769     }
1770     else if (myImmediateSceneFbos[0]->IsValid())
1771     {
1772       anImmFbo    = myImmediateSceneFbos[0].operator->();
1773       anImmFboOit = myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0]->IsValid() ? myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0].operator->() : NULL;
1774     }
1776   #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
1777     if (aMainFbo == NULL)
1778     {
1779       aCtx->SetReadDrawBuffer (GL_BACK);
1780     }
1781   #endif
1782     aCtx->SetResolution (myRenderParams.Resolution, myRenderParams.ResolutionRatio(),
1783                          aMainFbo != aFrameBuffer ? myRenderParams.RenderResolutionScale : 1.0f);
1785     redraw (aProjectType, aMainFbo, aMainFboOit);
1786     myBackBufferRestored = Standard_True;
1787     myIsImmediateDrawn   = Standard_False;
1788     aCtx->SetResolution (myRenderParams.Resolution, myRenderParams.ResolutionRatio(),
1789                          anImmFbo != aFrameBuffer ? myRenderParams.RenderResolutionScale : 1.0f);
1790     if (!redrawImmediate (aProjectType, aMainFbo, anImmFbo, anImmFboOit))
1791     {
1792       toSwap = false;
1793     }
1795     if (anImmFbo != NULL
1796      && anImmFbo != aFrameBuffer)
1797     {
1798       blitBuffers (anImmFbo, aFrameBuffer, myToFlipOutput);
1799     }
1800   }
1802   if (myRenderParams.Method == Graphic3d_RM_RAYTRACING
1803    && myRenderParams.IsGlobalIlluminationEnabled)
1804   {
1805     myAccumFrames++;
1806   }
1808   // bind default FBO
1809   bindDefaultFbo();
1811   if (wasDisabledMSAA != myToDisableMSAA
1812    || hadFboBlit      != myHasFboBlit)
1813   {
1814     // retry on error
1815     Redraw();
1816   }
1818   // reset state for safety
1819   aCtx->BindProgram (Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram)());
1820   if (aCtx->caps->ffpEnable)
1821   {
1822     aCtx->ShaderManager()->PushState (Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram)());
1823   }
1825   // Swap the buffers
1826   if (toSwap)
1827   {
1828     aCtx->SwapBuffers();
1829     if (!myMainSceneFbos[0]->IsValid())
1830     {
1831       myBackBufferRestored = Standard_False;
1832     }
1833   }
1834   else
1835   {
1836     aCtx->core11fwd->glFlush();
1837   }
1839   // reset render mode state
1840   aCtx->FetchState();
1841   aCtx->FrameStats()->FrameEnd (myWorkspace->View(), false);
1843   myWasRedrawnGL = Standard_True;
1844 }
1846 // =======================================================================
1847 // function : RedrawImmediate
1848 // purpose  :
1849 // =======================================================================
RedrawImmediate()1850 void OpenGl_View::RedrawImmediate()
1851 {
1852   if (!myWorkspace->Activate())
1853     return;
1855   // no special handling of HMD display, since it will force full Redraw() due to no frame caching (myBackBufferRestored)
1856   Handle(OpenGl_Context) aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
1857   if (!myTransientDrawToFront
1858    || !myBackBufferRestored
1859    || (aCtx->caps->buffersNoSwap && !myMainSceneFbos[0]->IsValid()))
1860   {
1861     Redraw();
1862     return;
1863   }
1865   const Graphic3d_StereoMode   aStereoMode  = myRenderParams.StereoMode;
1866   Graphic3d_Camera::Projection aProjectType = myCamera->ProjectionType();
1867   OpenGl_FrameBuffer*          aFrameBuffer = myFBO.get();
1868   aCtx->FrameStats()->FrameStart (myWorkspace->View(), true);
1870   if ( aFrameBuffer == NULL
1871    && !aCtx->DefaultFrameBuffer().IsNull()
1872    &&  aCtx->DefaultFrameBuffer()->IsValid())
1873   {
1874     aFrameBuffer = aCtx->DefaultFrameBuffer().operator->();
1875   }
1877   if (aProjectType == Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_Stereo)
1878   {
1879     if (myMainSceneFbos[0]->IsValid()
1880     && !myMainSceneFbos[1]->IsValid())
1881     {
1882       aProjectType = Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_Perspective;
1883     }
1884   }
1886   bool toSwap = false;
1887   if (aProjectType == Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_Stereo)
1888   {
1889     OpenGl_FrameBuffer* aMainFbos[2] =
1890     {
1891       myMainSceneFbos[0]->IsValid() ? myMainSceneFbos[0].operator->() : NULL,
1892       myMainSceneFbos[1]->IsValid() ? myMainSceneFbos[1].operator->() : NULL
1893     };
1894     OpenGl_FrameBuffer* anImmFbos[2] =
1895     {
1896       myImmediateSceneFbos[0]->IsValid() ? myImmediateSceneFbos[0].operator->() : NULL,
1897       myImmediateSceneFbos[1]->IsValid() ? myImmediateSceneFbos[1].operator->() : NULL
1898     };
1899     OpenGl_FrameBuffer* anImmFbosOit[2] =
1900     {
1901       myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0]->IsValid() ? myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0].operator->() : NULL,
1902       myImmediateSceneFbosOit[1]->IsValid() ? myImmediateSceneFbosOit[1].operator->() :
1903         myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0]->IsValid() ? myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0].operator->() : NULL
1904     };
1905     if (aStereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_SoftPageFlip
1906      || aStereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_QuadBuffer)
1907     {
1908       anImmFbos[0]    = NULL;
1909       anImmFbos[1]    = NULL;
1910       anImmFbosOit[0] = NULL;
1911       anImmFbosOit[1] = NULL;
1912     }
1914     if (aCtx->arbFBO != NULL)
1915     {
1916       aCtx->arbFBO->glBindFramebuffer (GL_FRAMEBUFFER, OpenGl_FrameBuffer::NO_FRAMEBUFFER);
1917     }
1918   #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
1919     if (anImmFbos[0] == NULL)
1920     {
1921       aCtx->SetReadDrawBuffer (aStereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_QuadBuffer ? GL_BACK_LEFT : GL_BACK);
1922     }
1923   #endif
1925     aCtx->SetResolution (myRenderParams.Resolution, myRenderParams.ResolutionRatio(),
1926                          anImmFbos[0] != NULL ? myRenderParams.RenderResolutionScale : 1.0f);
1927     toSwap = redrawImmediate (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_MonoLeftEye,
1928                               aMainFbos[0],
1929                               anImmFbos[0],
1930                               anImmFbosOit[0],
1931                               Standard_True) || toSwap;
1932     if (aStereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_SoftPageFlip
1933     &&  toSwap
1934     &&  myFBO.get() == NULL
1935     && !aCtx->caps->buffersNoSwap)
1936     {
1937       aCtx->SwapBuffers();
1938     }
1940     if (aCtx->arbFBO != NULL)
1941     {
1942       aCtx->arbFBO->glBindFramebuffer (GL_FRAMEBUFFER, OpenGl_FrameBuffer::NO_FRAMEBUFFER);
1943     }
1944   #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
1945     if (anImmFbos[1] == NULL)
1946     {
1947       aCtx->SetReadDrawBuffer (aStereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_QuadBuffer ? GL_BACK_RIGHT : GL_BACK);
1948     }
1949   #endif
1950     aCtx->SetResolution (myRenderParams.Resolution, myRenderParams.ResolutionRatio(),
1951                          anImmFbos[1] != NULL ? myRenderParams.RenderResolutionScale : 1.0f);
1952     toSwap = redrawImmediate (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_MonoRightEye,
1953                               aMainFbos[1],
1954                               anImmFbos[1],
1955                               anImmFbosOit[1],
1956                               Standard_True) || toSwap;
1957     if (anImmFbos[0] != NULL)
1958     {
1959       drawStereoPair (aFrameBuffer);
1960     }
1961   }
1962   else
1963   {
1964     OpenGl_FrameBuffer* aMainFbo = myMainSceneFbos[0]->IsValid() ? myMainSceneFbos[0].operator->() : NULL;
1965     OpenGl_FrameBuffer* anImmFbo = aFrameBuffer;
1966     OpenGl_FrameBuffer* anImmFboOit = NULL;
1967     if (myImmediateSceneFbos[0]->IsValid())
1968     {
1969       anImmFbo    = myImmediateSceneFbos[0].operator->();
1970       anImmFboOit = myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0]->IsValid() ? myImmediateSceneFbosOit[0].operator->() : NULL;
1971     }
1972   #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
1973     if (aMainFbo == NULL)
1974     {
1975       aCtx->SetReadDrawBuffer (GL_BACK);
1976     }
1977   #endif
1978     aCtx->SetResolution (myRenderParams.Resolution, myRenderParams.ResolutionRatio(),
1979                          anImmFbo != aFrameBuffer ? myRenderParams.RenderResolutionScale : 1.0f);
1980     toSwap = redrawImmediate (aProjectType,
1981                               aMainFbo,
1982                               anImmFbo,
1983                               anImmFboOit,
1984                               Standard_True) || toSwap;
1985     if (anImmFbo != NULL
1986      && anImmFbo != aFrameBuffer)
1987     {
1988       blitBuffers (anImmFbo, aFrameBuffer, myToFlipOutput);
1989     }
1990   }
1992   // bind default FBO
1993   bindDefaultFbo();
1995   // reset state for safety
1996   aCtx->BindProgram (Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram)());
1997   if (aCtx->caps->ffpEnable)
1998   {
1999     aCtx->ShaderManager()->PushState (Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram)());
2000   }
2002   if (toSwap
2003   &&  myFBO.get() == NULL
2004   && !aCtx->caps->buffersNoSwap)
2005   {
2006     aCtx->SwapBuffers();
2007   }
2008   else
2009   {
2010     aCtx->core11fwd->glFlush();
2011   }
2012   aCtx->FrameStats()->FrameEnd (myWorkspace->View(), true);
2014   myWasRedrawnGL = Standard_True;
2015 }
2017 // =======================================================================
2018 // function : redraw
2019 // purpose  :
2020 // =======================================================================
redraw(const Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theReadDrawFbo,OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theOitAccumFbo)2021 void OpenGl_View::redraw (const Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,
2022                           OpenGl_FrameBuffer*                theReadDrawFbo,
2023                           OpenGl_FrameBuffer*                theOitAccumFbo)
2024 {
2025   Handle(OpenGl_Context) aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
2026   if (theReadDrawFbo != NULL)
2027   {
2028     theReadDrawFbo->BindBuffer    (aCtx);
2029     theReadDrawFbo->SetupViewport (aCtx);
2030   }
2031   else
2032   {
2033     const Standard_Integer aViewport[4] = { 0, 0, myWindow->Width(), myWindow->Height() };
2034     aCtx->ResizeViewport (aViewport);
2035   }
2037   // request reset of material
2038   aCtx->ShaderManager()->UpdateMaterialState();
2040   myWorkspace->UseZBuffer()    = Standard_True;
2041   myWorkspace->UseDepthWrite() = Standard_True;
2042   GLbitfield toClear = GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
2043   aCtx->core11fwd->glDepthFunc (GL_LEQUAL);
2044   aCtx->core11fwd->glDepthMask (GL_TRUE);
2045   aCtx->core11fwd->glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
2047   aCtx->core11fwd->glClearDepth (1.0);
2049   const OpenGl_Vec4 aBgColor = aCtx->Vec4FromQuantityColor (myBgColor);
2050   aCtx->SetColorMaskRGBA (NCollection_Vec4<bool> (true)); // force writes into all components, including alpha
2051   aCtx->core11fwd->glClearColor (aBgColor.r(), aBgColor.g(), aBgColor.b(), aCtx->caps->buffersOpaqueAlpha ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
2052   aCtx->core11fwd->glClear (toClear);
2053   aCtx->SetColorMask (true); // restore default alpha component write state
2055   render (theProjection, theReadDrawFbo, theOitAccumFbo, Standard_False);
2056 }
2058 // =======================================================================
2059 // function : redrawImmediate
2060 // purpose  :
2061 // =======================================================================
redrawImmediate(const Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theReadFbo,OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theDrawFbo,OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theOitAccumFbo,const Standard_Boolean theIsPartialUpdate)2062 bool OpenGl_View::redrawImmediate (const Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,
2063                                    OpenGl_FrameBuffer*                theReadFbo,
2064                                    OpenGl_FrameBuffer*                theDrawFbo,
2065                                    OpenGl_FrameBuffer*                theOitAccumFbo,
2066                                    const Standard_Boolean             theIsPartialUpdate)
2067 {
2068   const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
2069   GLboolean toCopyBackToFront = GL_FALSE;
2070   if (theDrawFbo == theReadFbo
2071    && theDrawFbo != NULL
2072    && theDrawFbo->IsValid())
2073   {
2074     myBackBufferRestored = Standard_False;
2075     theDrawFbo->BindBuffer (aCtx);
2076   }
2077   else if (theReadFbo != NULL
2078         && theReadFbo->IsValid()
2079         && aCtx->IsRender())
2080   {
2081     if (!blitBuffers (theReadFbo, theDrawFbo))
2082     {
2083       return true;
2084     }
2085   }
2086   else if (theDrawFbo == NULL)
2087   {
2088   #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
2089     aCtx->core11fwd->glGetBooleanv (GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, &toCopyBackToFront);
2090   #endif
2091     if (toCopyBackToFront
2092      && myTransientDrawToFront)
2093     {
2094       if (!HasImmediateStructures()
2095        && !theIsPartialUpdate)
2096       {
2097         // prefer Swap Buffers within Redraw in compatibility mode (without FBO)
2098         return true;
2099       }
2100       if (!copyBackToFront())
2101       {
2102         toCopyBackToFront    = GL_FALSE;
2103         myBackBufferRestored = Standard_False;
2104       }
2105     }
2106     else
2107     {
2108       toCopyBackToFront    = GL_FALSE;
2109       myBackBufferRestored = Standard_False;
2110     }
2111   }
2112   else
2113   {
2114     myBackBufferRestored = Standard_False;
2115   }
2116   myIsImmediateDrawn = Standard_True;
2118   myWorkspace->UseZBuffer()    = Standard_True;
2119   myWorkspace->UseDepthWrite() = Standard_True;
2120   aCtx->core11fwd->glDepthFunc (GL_LEQUAL);
2121   aCtx->core11fwd->glDepthMask (GL_TRUE);
2122   aCtx->core11fwd->glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
2123   aCtx->core11fwd->glClearDepth (1.0);
2125   render (theProjection, theDrawFbo, theOitAccumFbo, Standard_True);
2127   return !toCopyBackToFront;
2128 }
2130 //=======================================================================
2131 //function : renderShadowMap
2132 //purpose  :
2133 //=======================================================================
renderShadowMap(const Handle (OpenGl_ShadowMap)& theShadowMap)2134 void OpenGl_View::renderShadowMap (const Handle(OpenGl_ShadowMap)& theShadowMap)
2135 {
2136   const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
2137   if (!theShadowMap->UpdateCamera (*this))
2138   {
2139     return;
2140   }
2142   myBVHSelector.SetViewVolume (theShadowMap->Camera());
2143   myBVHSelector.SetViewportSize (myWindow->Width(), myWindow->Height(), myRenderParams.ResolutionRatio());
2144   myBVHSelector.CacheClipPtsProjections();
2146   myLocalOrigin.SetCoord (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
2147   aCtx->SetCamera (theShadowMap->Camera());
2148   aCtx->ProjectionState.SetCurrent (theShadowMap->Camera()->ProjectionMatrixF());
2149   aCtx->ApplyProjectionMatrix();
2151   aCtx->ShaderManager()->UpdateMaterialState();
2152   aCtx->ShaderManager()->UpdateModelWorldStateTo (OpenGl_Mat4());
2153   aCtx->ShaderManager()->SetShadingModel (Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel_Unlit);
2155   const Handle(OpenGl_FrameBuffer)& aShadowBuffer = theShadowMap->FrameBuffer();
2156   aShadowBuffer->BindBuffer    (aCtx);
2157   aShadowBuffer->SetupViewport (aCtx);
2159   aCtx->SetColorMask (false);
2160   aCtx->SetAllowSampleAlphaToCoverage (false);
2161   aCtx->SetSampleAlphaToCoverage (false);
2163   myWorkspace->UseZBuffer()    = true;
2164   myWorkspace->UseDepthWrite() = true;
2165   aCtx->core11fwd->glDepthFunc (GL_LEQUAL);
2166   aCtx->core11fwd->glDepthMask (GL_TRUE);
2167   aCtx->core11fwd->glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
2168   aCtx->core11fwd->glClearDepth (1.0);
2169   aCtx->core11fwd->glClear (GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
2171   renderScene (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_Orthographic, aShadowBuffer.get(), NULL, false);
2173   aCtx->SetColorMask (true);
2174   myWorkspace->ResetAppliedAspect();
2175   aCtx->BindProgram (Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram)());
2177 //Image_AlienPixMap anImage; anImage.InitZero (Image_Format_Gray, aShadowBuffer->GetVPSizeX(), aShadowBuffer->GetVPSizeY());
2178 //OpenGl_FrameBuffer::BufferDump (aCtx, aShadowBuffer, anImage, Graphic3d_BT_Depth);
2179 //anImage.Save (TCollection_AsciiString ("shadow") + theShadowMap->Texture()->Sampler()->Parameters()->TextureUnit() + ".png");
2181   bindDefaultFbo();
2182 }
2184 //=======================================================================
2185 //function : Render
2186 //purpose  :
2187 //=======================================================================
render(Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theOutputFBO,OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theOitAccumFbo,const Standard_Boolean theToDrawImmediate)2188 void OpenGl_View::render (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,
2189                           OpenGl_FrameBuffer*          theOutputFBO,
2190                           OpenGl_FrameBuffer*          theOitAccumFbo,
2191                           const Standard_Boolean       theToDrawImmediate)
2192 {
2193   // ==================================
2194   //      Step 1: Prepare for render
2195   // ==================================
2197   const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& aContext = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
2198   aContext->SetAllowSampleAlphaToCoverage (myRenderParams.ToEnableAlphaToCoverage
2199                                         && theOutputFBO != NULL
2200                                         && theOutputFBO->NbSamples() != 0);
2202 #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
2203   // Disable current clipping planes
2204   if (aContext->core11ffp != NULL)
2205   {
2206     const Standard_Integer aMaxPlanes = aContext->MaxClipPlanes();
2207     for (Standard_Integer aClipPlaneId = GL_CLIP_PLANE0; aClipPlaneId < GL_CLIP_PLANE0 + aMaxPlanes; ++aClipPlaneId)
2208     {
2209       aContext->core11fwd->glDisable (aClipPlaneId);
2210     }
2211   }
2212 #endif
2214   // update states of OpenGl_BVHTreeSelector (frustum culling algorithm);
2215   // note that we pass here window dimensions ignoring Graphic3d_RenderingParams::RenderResolutionScale
2216   myBVHSelector.SetViewVolume (myCamera);
2217   myBVHSelector.SetViewportSize (myWindow->Width(), myWindow->Height(), myRenderParams.ResolutionRatio());
2218   myBVHSelector.CacheClipPtsProjections();
2220   const Handle(OpenGl_ShaderManager)& aManager = aContext->ShaderManager();
2221   const Handle(Graphic3d_LightSet)&   aLights  = myRenderParams.ShadingModel == Graphic3d_TypeOfShadingModel_Unlit ? myNoShadingLight : myLights;
2222   Standard_Size aLightsRevision = 0;
2223   if (!aLights.IsNull())
2224   {
2225     aLightsRevision = aLights->UpdateRevision();
2226   }
2227   if (StateInfo (myCurrLightSourceState, aManager->LightSourceState().Index()) != myLastLightSourceState
2228    || aLightsRevision != myLightsRevision)
2229   {
2230     myLightsRevision = aLightsRevision;
2231     aManager->UpdateLightSourceStateTo (aLights, SpecIBLMapLevels(), myShadowMaps->IsValid() ? myShadowMaps : Handle(OpenGl_ShadowMapArray)());
2232     myLastLightSourceState = StateInfo (myCurrLightSourceState, aManager->LightSourceState().Index());
2233   }
2235   // Update matrices if camera has changed.
2236   Graphic3d_WorldViewProjState aWVPState = myCamera->WorldViewProjState();
2237   if (myWorldViewProjState != aWVPState)
2238   {
2239     myAccumFrames = 0;
2240     myWorldViewProjState = aWVPState;
2241   }
2243   myLocalOrigin.SetCoord (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
2244   aContext->SetCamera (myCamera);
2245   if (aManager->ModelWorldState().Index() == 0)
2246   {
2247     aContext->ShaderManager()->UpdateModelWorldStateTo (OpenGl_Mat4());
2248   }
2250   // ====================================
2251   //      Step 2: Redraw background
2252   // ====================================
2254   // Render background
2255   if (!theToDrawImmediate)
2256   {
2257     drawBackground (myWorkspace, theProjection);
2258   }
2260 #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
2261   // Switch off lighting by default
2262   if (aContext->core11ffp != NULL
2263    && aContext->caps->ffpEnable)
2264   {
2265     aContext->core11fwd->glDisable (GL_LIGHTING);
2266   }
2267 #endif
2269   // =================================
2270   //      Step 3: Redraw main plane
2271   // =================================
2273 #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
2274   // if the view is scaled normal vectors are scaled to unit
2275   // length for correct displaying of shaded objects
2276   const gp_Pnt anAxialScale = aContext->Camera()->AxialScale();
2277   if (anAxialScale.X() != 1.F ||
2278       anAxialScale.Y() != 1.F ||
2279       anAxialScale.Z() != 1.F)
2280   {
2281     aContext->SetGlNormalizeEnabled (Standard_True);
2282   }
2283   else
2284   {
2285     aContext->SetGlNormalizeEnabled (Standard_False);
2286   }
2287 #endif
2289   aManager->SetShadingModel (OpenGl_ShaderManager::PBRShadingModelFallback (myRenderParams.ShadingModel, checkPBRAvailability()));
2291   // Redraw 3d scene
2292   if (theProjection == Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_MonoLeftEye)
2293   {
2294     aContext->ProjectionState.SetCurrent (aContext->Camera()->ProjectionStereoLeftF());
2295     aContext->ApplyProjectionMatrix();
2296   }
2297   else if (theProjection == Graphic3d_Camera::Projection_MonoRightEye)
2298   {
2299     aContext->ProjectionState.SetCurrent (aContext->Camera()->ProjectionStereoRightF());
2300     aContext->ApplyProjectionMatrix();
2301   }
2303   myWorkspace->SetEnvironmentTexture (myTextureEnv);
2305   const bool hasShadowMap = aContext->ShaderManager()->LightSourceState().HasShadowMaps();
2306   if (hasShadowMap)
2307   {
2308     for (Standard_Integer aShadowIter = myShadowMaps->Lower(); aShadowIter <= myShadowMaps->Upper(); ++aShadowIter)
2309     {
2310       const Handle(OpenGl_ShadowMap)& aShadow = myShadowMaps->Value (aShadowIter);
2311       aShadow->Texture()->Bind (aContext);
2312     }
2313   }
2315   renderScene (theProjection, theOutputFBO, theOitAccumFbo, theToDrawImmediate);
2317   if (hasShadowMap)
2318   {
2319     for (Standard_Integer aShadowIter = myShadowMaps->Lower(); aShadowIter <= myShadowMaps->Upper(); ++aShadowIter)
2320     {
2321       const Handle(OpenGl_ShadowMap)& aShadow = myShadowMaps->Value (aShadowIter);
2322       aShadow->Texture()->Unbind (aContext);
2323     }
2324     if (aContext->core15fwd != NULL)
2325     {
2326       aContext->core15fwd->glActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0);
2327     }
2328   }
2330   myWorkspace->SetEnvironmentTexture (Handle(OpenGl_TextureSet)());
2332   // ===============================
2333   //      Step 4: Trihedron
2334   // ===============================
2336   // Resetting GL parameters according to the default aspects
2337   // in order to synchronize GL state with the graphic driver state
2338   // before drawing auxiliary stuff (trihedrons, overlayer)
2339   myWorkspace->ResetAppliedAspect();
2341   // Render trihedron
2342   if (!theToDrawImmediate)
2343   {
2344     renderTrihedron (myWorkspace);
2345   }
2346   else
2347   {
2348     renderFrameStats();
2349   }
2351   myWorkspace->ResetAppliedAspect();
2352   aContext->SetAllowSampleAlphaToCoverage (false);
2353   aContext->SetSampleAlphaToCoverage (false);
2355   // reset FFP state for safety
2356   aContext->BindProgram (Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram)());
2357   if (aContext->caps->ffpEnable)
2358   {
2359     aContext->ShaderManager()->PushState (Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram)());
2360   }
2361 }
2363 // =======================================================================
2364 // function : InvalidateBVHData
2365 // purpose  :
2366 // =======================================================================
InvalidateBVHData(const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId)2367 void OpenGl_View::InvalidateBVHData (const Graphic3d_ZLayerId theLayerId)
2368 {
2369   myZLayers.InvalidateBVHData (theLayerId);
2370 }
2372 //=======================================================================
2373 //function : renderStructs
2374 //purpose  :
2375 //=======================================================================
renderStructs(Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theReadDrawFbo,OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theOitAccumFbo,const Standard_Boolean theToDrawImmediate)2376 void OpenGl_View::renderStructs (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,
2377                                  OpenGl_FrameBuffer*          theReadDrawFbo,
2378                                  OpenGl_FrameBuffer*          theOitAccumFbo,
2379                                  const Standard_Boolean       theToDrawImmediate)
2380 {
2381   myZLayers.UpdateCulling (myWorkspace, theToDrawImmediate);
2382   if ( myZLayers.NbStructures() <= 0 )
2383     return;
2385   Handle(OpenGl_Context) aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
2386   Standard_Boolean toRenderGL = theToDrawImmediate ||
2387     myRenderParams.Method != Graphic3d_RM_RAYTRACING ||
2388     myRaytraceInitStatus == OpenGl_RT_FAIL ||
2389     aCtx->IsFeedback();
2391   if (!toRenderGL)
2392   {
2393     const Graphic3d_Vec2i aSizeXY = theReadDrawFbo != NULL
2394                                   ? theReadDrawFbo->GetVPSize()
2395                                   : Graphic3d_Vec2i (myWindow->Width(), myWindow->Height());
2397     toRenderGL = !initRaytraceResources (aSizeXY.x(), aSizeXY.y(), aCtx)
2398               || !updateRaytraceGeometry (OpenGl_GUM_CHECK, myId, aCtx);
2400     toRenderGL |= !myIsRaytraceDataValid; // if no ray-trace data use OpenGL
2402     if (!toRenderGL)
2403     {
2404       myOpenGlFBO ->InitLazy (aCtx, aSizeXY, myFboColorFormat, myFboDepthFormat, 0);
2405       if (theReadDrawFbo != NULL)
2406       {
2407         theReadDrawFbo->UnbindBuffer (aCtx);
2408       }
2410       // Prepare preliminary OpenGL output
2411       if (aCtx->arbFBOBlit != NULL)
2412       {
2413         // Render bottom OSD layer
2414         myZLayers.Render (myWorkspace, theToDrawImmediate, OpenGl_LF_Bottom, theReadDrawFbo, theOitAccumFbo);
2416         const Standard_Integer aPrevFilter = myWorkspace->RenderFilter() & ~(Standard_Integer )(OpenGl_RenderFilter_NonRaytraceableOnly);
2417         myWorkspace->SetRenderFilter (aPrevFilter | OpenGl_RenderFilter_NonRaytraceableOnly);
2418         {
2419           if (theReadDrawFbo != NULL)
2420           {
2421             theReadDrawFbo->BindDrawBuffer (aCtx);
2422           }
2423           else
2424           {
2425             aCtx->arbFBO->glBindFramebuffer (GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
2426             aCtx->SetFrameBufferSRGB (false);
2427           }
2429           // Render non-polygonal elements in default layer
2430           myZLayers.Render (myWorkspace, theToDrawImmediate, OpenGl_LF_RayTracable, theReadDrawFbo, theOitAccumFbo);
2431         }
2432         myWorkspace->SetRenderFilter (aPrevFilter);
2433       }
2435       if (theReadDrawFbo != NULL)
2436       {
2437         theReadDrawFbo->BindBuffer (aCtx);
2438       }
2439       else
2440       {
2441         aCtx->arbFBO->glBindFramebuffer (GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0);
2442         aCtx->SetFrameBufferSRGB (false);
2443       }
2445       // Reset OpenGl aspects state to default to avoid enabling of
2446       // backface culling which is not supported in ray-tracing.
2447       myWorkspace->ResetAppliedAspect();
2449       // Ray-tracing polygonal primitive arrays
2450       raytrace (aSizeXY.x(), aSizeXY.y(), theProjection, theReadDrawFbo, aCtx);
2452       // Render upper (top and topmost) OpenGL layers
2453       myZLayers.Render (myWorkspace, theToDrawImmediate, OpenGl_LF_Upper, theReadDrawFbo, theOitAccumFbo);
2454     }
2455   }
2457   // Redraw 3D scene using OpenGL in standard
2458   // mode or in case of ray-tracing failure
2459   if (toRenderGL)
2460   {
2461     myZLayers.Render (myWorkspace, theToDrawImmediate, OpenGl_LF_All, theReadDrawFbo, theOitAccumFbo);
2463     // Set flag that scene was redrawn by standard pipeline
2464     myWasRedrawnGL = Standard_True;
2465   }
2466 }
2468 //=======================================================================
2469 //function : renderTrihedron
2470 //purpose  :
2471 //=======================================================================
renderTrihedron(const Handle (OpenGl_Workspace)& theWorkspace)2472 void OpenGl_View::renderTrihedron (const Handle(OpenGl_Workspace) &theWorkspace)
2473 {
2474   if (myToShowGradTrihedron)
2475   {
2476     myGraduatedTrihedron.Render (theWorkspace);
2477   }
2478 }
2480 //=======================================================================
2481 //function : renderFrameStats
2482 //purpose  :
2483 //=======================================================================
renderFrameStats()2484 void OpenGl_View::renderFrameStats()
2485 {
2486   if (myRenderParams.ToShowStats
2487    && myRenderParams.CollectedStats != Graphic3d_RenderingParams::PerfCounters_NONE)
2488   {
2489     myFrameStatsPrs.Update (myWorkspace);
2490     myFrameStatsPrs.Render (myWorkspace);
2491   }
2492 }
2494 // =======================================================================
2495 // function : Invalidate
2496 // purpose  :
2497 // =======================================================================
Invalidate()2498 void OpenGl_View::Invalidate()
2499 {
2500   myBackBufferRestored = Standard_False;
2501 }
2503 //=======================================================================
2504 //function : renderScene
2505 //purpose  :
2506 //=======================================================================
renderScene(Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theReadDrawFbo,OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theOitAccumFbo,const Standard_Boolean theToDrawImmediate)2507 void OpenGl_View::renderScene (Graphic3d_Camera::Projection theProjection,
2508                                OpenGl_FrameBuffer*          theReadDrawFbo,
2509                                OpenGl_FrameBuffer*          theOitAccumFbo,
2510                                const Standard_Boolean       theToDrawImmediate)
2511 {
2512   const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& aContext = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
2514   // Specify clipping planes in view transformation space
2515   aContext->ChangeClipping().Reset (myClipPlanes);
2516   if (!myClipPlanes.IsNull()
2517    && !myClipPlanes->IsEmpty())
2518   {
2519     aContext->ShaderManager()->UpdateClippingState();
2520   }
2522   renderStructs (theProjection, theReadDrawFbo, theOitAccumFbo, theToDrawImmediate);
2523   aContext->BindTextures (Handle(OpenGl_TextureSet)(), Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram)());
2525   // Apply restored view matrix.
2526   aContext->ApplyWorldViewMatrix();
2528   aContext->ChangeClipping().Reset (Handle(Graphic3d_SequenceOfHClipPlane)());
2529   if (!myClipPlanes.IsNull()
2530    && !myClipPlanes->IsEmpty())
2531   {
2532     aContext->ShaderManager()->RevertClippingState();
2533   }
2534 }
2536 // =======================================================================
2537 // function : bindDefaultFbo
2538 // purpose  :
2539 // =======================================================================
bindDefaultFbo(OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theCustomFbo)2540 void OpenGl_View::bindDefaultFbo (OpenGl_FrameBuffer* theCustomFbo)
2541 {
2542   Handle(OpenGl_Context) aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
2543   OpenGl_FrameBuffer* anFbo = (theCustomFbo != NULL && theCustomFbo->IsValid())
2544                             ?  theCustomFbo
2545                             : (!aCtx->DefaultFrameBuffer().IsNull()
2546                              && aCtx->DefaultFrameBuffer()->IsValid()
2547                               ? aCtx->DefaultFrameBuffer().operator->()
2548                               : NULL);
2549   if (anFbo != NULL)
2550   {
2551     anFbo->BindBuffer (aCtx);
2552     anFbo->SetupViewport (aCtx);
2553   }
2554   else
2555   {
2556   #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
2557     aCtx->SetReadDrawBuffer (GL_BACK);
2558   #else
2559     if (aCtx->arbFBO != NULL)
2560     {
2561       aCtx->arbFBO->glBindFramebuffer (GL_FRAMEBUFFER, OpenGl_FrameBuffer::NO_FRAMEBUFFER);
2562     }
2563   #endif
2564     const Standard_Integer aViewport[4] = { 0, 0, myWindow->Width(), myWindow->Height() };
2565     aCtx->ResizeViewport (aViewport);
2566   }
2567 }
2569 // =======================================================================
2570 // function : initBlitQuad
2571 // purpose  :
2572 // =======================================================================
initBlitQuad(const Standard_Boolean theToFlip)2573 OpenGl_VertexBuffer* OpenGl_View::initBlitQuad (const Standard_Boolean theToFlip)
2574 {
2575   OpenGl_VertexBuffer* aVerts = NULL;
2576   if (!theToFlip)
2577   {
2578     aVerts = &myFullScreenQuad;
2579     if (!aVerts->IsValid())
2580     {
2581       OpenGl_Vec4 aQuad[4] =
2582       {
2583         OpenGl_Vec4( 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
2584         OpenGl_Vec4( 1.0f,  1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
2585         OpenGl_Vec4(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
2586         OpenGl_Vec4(-1.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f)
2587       };
2588       aVerts->Init (myWorkspace->GetGlContext(), 4, 4, aQuad[0].GetData());
2589     }
2590   }
2591   else
2592   {
2593     aVerts = &myFullScreenQuadFlip;
2594     if (!aVerts->IsValid())
2595     {
2596       OpenGl_Vec4 aQuad[4] =
2597       {
2598         OpenGl_Vec4( 1.0f, -1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f),
2599         OpenGl_Vec4( 1.0f,  1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
2600         OpenGl_Vec4(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f),
2601         OpenGl_Vec4(-1.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)
2602       };
2603       aVerts->Init (myWorkspace->GetGlContext(), 4, 4, aQuad[0].GetData());
2604     }
2605   }
2606   return aVerts;
2607 }
2609 // =======================================================================
2610 // function : blitBuffers
2611 // purpose  :
2612 // =======================================================================
blitBuffers(OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theReadFbo,OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theDrawFbo,const Standard_Boolean theToFlip)2613 bool OpenGl_View::blitBuffers (OpenGl_FrameBuffer*    theReadFbo,
2614                                OpenGl_FrameBuffer*    theDrawFbo,
2615                                const Standard_Boolean theToFlip)
2616 {
2617   Handle(OpenGl_Context) aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
2618   const Standard_Integer aReadSizeX = theReadFbo != NULL ? theReadFbo->GetVPSizeX() : myWindow->Width();
2619   const Standard_Integer aReadSizeY = theReadFbo != NULL ? theReadFbo->GetVPSizeY() : myWindow->Height();
2620   const Standard_Integer aDrawSizeX = theDrawFbo != NULL ? theDrawFbo->GetVPSizeX() : myWindow->Width();
2621   const Standard_Integer aDrawSizeY = theDrawFbo != NULL ? theDrawFbo->GetVPSizeY() : myWindow->Height();
2622   if (theReadFbo == NULL || aCtx->IsFeedback())
2623   {
2624     return false;
2625   }
2626   else if (theReadFbo == theDrawFbo)
2627   {
2628     return true;
2629   }
2631   // clear destination before blitting
2632   if (theDrawFbo != NULL
2633   &&  theDrawFbo->IsValid())
2634   {
2635     theDrawFbo->BindBuffer (aCtx);
2636   }
2637   else
2638   {
2639     aCtx->arbFBO->glBindFramebuffer (GL_FRAMEBUFFER, OpenGl_FrameBuffer::NO_FRAMEBUFFER);
2640     aCtx->SetFrameBufferSRGB (false);
2641   }
2642   const Standard_Integer aViewport[4] = { 0, 0, aDrawSizeX, aDrawSizeY };
2643   aCtx->ResizeViewport (aViewport);
2645   aCtx->SetColorMaskRGBA (NCollection_Vec4<bool> (true)); // force writes into all components, including alpha
2646   aCtx->core20fwd->glClearDepth (1.0);
2647   aCtx->core20fwd->glClearColor (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, aCtx->caps->buffersOpaqueAlpha ? 1.0f : 0.0f);
2649   aCtx->SetColorMask (true); // restore default alpha component write state
2651   const bool toApplyGamma = aCtx->ToRenderSRGB() != aCtx->IsFrameBufferSRGB();
2652   if (aCtx->arbFBOBlit != NULL
2653   && !toApplyGamma
2654   &&  theReadFbo->NbSamples() != 0)
2655   {
2656     GLbitfield aCopyMask = 0;
2657     theReadFbo->BindReadBuffer (aCtx);
2658     if (theDrawFbo != NULL
2659      && theDrawFbo->IsValid())
2660     {
2661       theDrawFbo->BindDrawBuffer (aCtx);
2662       if (theDrawFbo->HasColor()
2663        && theReadFbo->HasColor())
2664       {
2665         aCopyMask |= GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT;
2666       }
2667       if (theDrawFbo->HasDepth()
2668        && theReadFbo->HasDepth())
2669       {
2670         aCopyMask |= GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
2671       }
2672     }
2673     else
2674     {
2675       if (theReadFbo->HasColor())
2676       {
2677         aCopyMask |= GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT;
2678       }
2679       if (theReadFbo->HasDepth())
2680       {
2681         aCopyMask |= GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT;
2682       }
2683       aCtx->arbFBO->glBindFramebuffer (GL_DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER, OpenGl_FrameBuffer::NO_FRAMEBUFFER);
2684       aCtx->SetFrameBufferSRGB (false);
2685     }
2687     // we don't copy stencil buffer here... does it matter for performance?
2688     aCtx->arbFBOBlit->glBlitFramebuffer (0, 0, aReadSizeX, aReadSizeY,
2689                                          0, 0, aDrawSizeX, aDrawSizeY,
2690                                          aCopyMask, GL_NEAREST);
2691     const int anErr = aCtx->core11fwd->glGetError();
2692     if (anErr != GL_NO_ERROR)
2693     {
2694       // glBlitFramebuffer() might fail in several cases:
2695       // - Both FBOs have MSAA and they are samples number does not match.
2696       //   OCCT checks that this does not happen,
2697       //   however some graphics drivers provide an option for overriding MSAA.
2698       //   In this case window MSAA might be non-zero (and application can not check it)
2699       //   and might not match MSAA of our offscreen FBOs.
2700       // - Pixel formats of FBOs do not match.
2701       //   This also might happen with window has pixel format,
2702       //   e.g. Mesa fails blitting RGBA8 -> RGB8 while other drivers support this conversion.
2703       TCollection_ExtendedString aMsg = TCollection_ExtendedString() + "FBO blitting has failed [Error " + OpenGl_Context::FormatGlError (anErr) + "]\n"
2704                                       + "  Please check your graphics driver settings or try updating driver.";
2705       if (theReadFbo->NbSamples() != 0)
2706       {
2707         myToDisableMSAA = true;
2708         aMsg += "\n  MSAA settings should not be overridden by driver!";
2709       }
2711     }
2713     if (theDrawFbo != NULL
2714      && theDrawFbo->IsValid())
2715     {
2716       theDrawFbo->BindBuffer (aCtx);
2717     }
2718     else
2719     {
2720       aCtx->arbFBO->glBindFramebuffer (GL_FRAMEBUFFER, OpenGl_FrameBuffer::NO_FRAMEBUFFER);
2721       aCtx->SetFrameBufferSRGB (false);
2722     }
2723   }
2724   else
2725   {
2726     aCtx->core20fwd->glDepthFunc (GL_ALWAYS);
2727     aCtx->core20fwd->glDepthMask (GL_TRUE);
2728     aCtx->core20fwd->glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
2729   #if defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
2730     if (!aCtx->IsGlGreaterEqual (3, 0)
2731      && !aCtx->extFragDepth)
2732     {
2733       aCtx->core20fwd->glDisable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
2734     }
2735   #endif
2737     aCtx->BindTextures (Handle(OpenGl_TextureSet)(), Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram)());
2739     const Graphic3d_TypeOfTextureFilter aFilter = (aDrawSizeX == aReadSizeX && aDrawSizeY == aReadSizeY) ? Graphic3d_TOTF_NEAREST : Graphic3d_TOTF_BILINEAR;
2740     const GLint aFilterGl = aFilter == Graphic3d_TOTF_NEAREST ? GL_NEAREST : GL_LINEAR;
2742     OpenGl_VertexBuffer* aVerts = initBlitQuad (theToFlip);
2743     const Handle(OpenGl_ShaderManager)& aManager = aCtx->ShaderManager();
2744     if (aVerts->IsValid()
2745      && aManager->BindFboBlitProgram (theReadFbo != NULL ? theReadFbo->NbSamples() : 0, toApplyGamma))
2746     {
2747       aCtx->SetSampleAlphaToCoverage (false);
2748       theReadFbo->ColorTexture()->Bind (aCtx, Graphic3d_TextureUnit_0);
2749       if (theReadFbo->ColorTexture()->Sampler()->Parameters()->Filter() != aFilter)
2750       {
2751         theReadFbo->ColorTexture()->Sampler()->Parameters()->SetFilter (aFilter);
2752         aCtx->core20fwd->glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, aFilterGl);
2753         aCtx->core20fwd->glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, aFilterGl);
2754       }
2756       theReadFbo->DepthStencilTexture()->Bind (aCtx, Graphic3d_TextureUnit_1);
2757       if (theReadFbo->DepthStencilTexture()->Sampler()->Parameters()->Filter() != aFilter)
2758       {
2759         theReadFbo->DepthStencilTexture()->Sampler()->Parameters()->SetFilter (aFilter);
2760         aCtx->core20fwd->glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, aFilterGl);
2761         aCtx->core20fwd->glTexParameteri (GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, aFilterGl);
2762       }
2764       aVerts->BindVertexAttrib (aCtx, Graphic3d_TOA_POS);
2766       aCtx->core20fwd->glDrawArrays (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
2768       aVerts->UnbindVertexAttrib (aCtx, Graphic3d_TOA_POS);
2769       theReadFbo->DepthStencilTexture()->Unbind (aCtx, Graphic3d_TextureUnit_1);
2770       theReadFbo->ColorTexture()       ->Unbind (aCtx, Graphic3d_TextureUnit_0);
2771       aCtx->BindProgram (NULL);
2772     }
2773     else
2774     {
2775       TCollection_ExtendedString aMsg = TCollection_ExtendedString()
2776         + "Error! FBO blitting has failed";
2777       aCtx->PushMessage (GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION,
2778                          GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR,
2779                          0,
2780                          GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH,
2781                          aMsg);
2782       myHasFboBlit = Standard_False;
2783       theReadFbo->Release (aCtx.operator->());
2784       return true;
2785     }
2786   }
2787   return true;
2788 }
2790 // =======================================================================
2791 // function : drawStereoPair
2792 // purpose  :
2793 // =======================================================================
drawStereoPair(OpenGl_FrameBuffer * theDrawFbo)2794 void OpenGl_View::drawStereoPair (OpenGl_FrameBuffer* theDrawFbo)
2795 {
2796   const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
2797   bindDefaultFbo (theDrawFbo);
2798   OpenGl_FrameBuffer* aPair[2] =
2799   {
2800     myImmediateSceneFbos[0]->IsValid() ? myImmediateSceneFbos[0].operator->() : NULL,
2801     myImmediateSceneFbos[1]->IsValid() ? myImmediateSceneFbos[1].operator->() : NULL
2802   };
2803   if (aPair[0] == NULL
2804   ||  aPair[1] == NULL
2805   || !myTransientDrawToFront)
2806   {
2807     aPair[0] = myMainSceneFbos[0]->IsValid() ? myMainSceneFbos[0].operator->() : NULL;
2808     aPair[1] = myMainSceneFbos[1]->IsValid() ? myMainSceneFbos[1].operator->() : NULL;
2809   }
2811   if (aPair[0] == NULL
2812    || aPair[1] == NULL)
2813   {
2814     return;
2815   }
2817   if (aPair[0]->NbSamples() != 0)
2818   {
2819     // resolve MSAA buffers before drawing
2820     if (!myOpenGlFBO ->InitLazy (aCtx, aPair[0]->GetVPSize(), myFboColorFormat, myFboDepthFormat, 0)
2821      || !myOpenGlFBO2->InitLazy (aCtx, aPair[0]->GetVPSize(), myFboColorFormat, 0, 0))
2822     {
2823       aCtx->PushMessage (GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION,
2824                          GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR,
2825                          0,
2826                          GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH,
2827                          "Error! Unable to allocate FBO for blitting stereo pair");
2828       bindDefaultFbo (theDrawFbo);
2829       return;
2830     }
2832     if (!blitBuffers (aPair[0], myOpenGlFBO .operator->(), Standard_False)
2833      || !blitBuffers (aPair[1], myOpenGlFBO2.operator->(), Standard_False))
2834     {
2835       bindDefaultFbo (theDrawFbo);
2836       return;
2837     }
2839     aPair[0] = myOpenGlFBO .operator->();
2840     aPair[1] = myOpenGlFBO2.operator->();
2841     bindDefaultFbo (theDrawFbo);
2842   }
2844   struct
2845   {
2846     Standard_Integer left;
2847     Standard_Integer top;
2848     Standard_Integer right;
2849     Standard_Integer bottom;
2850     Standard_Integer dx() { return right  - left; }
2851     Standard_Integer dy() { return bottom - top; }
2852   } aGeom;
2854   myWindow->PlatformWindow()->Position (aGeom.left, aGeom.top, aGeom.right, aGeom.bottom);
2856   Standard_Boolean toReverse = myRenderParams.ToReverseStereo;
2857   const Standard_Boolean isOddY = (aGeom.top + aGeom.dy()) % 2 == 1;
2858   const Standard_Boolean isOddX =  aGeom.left % 2 == 1;
2859   if (isOddY
2860    && (myRenderParams.StereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_RowInterlaced
2861     || myRenderParams.StereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_ChessBoard))
2862   {
2863     toReverse = !toReverse;
2864   }
2865   if (isOddX
2866    && (myRenderParams.StereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_ColumnInterlaced
2867     || myRenderParams.StereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_ChessBoard))
2868   {
2869     toReverse = !toReverse;
2870   }
2872   if (toReverse)
2873   {
2874     std::swap (aPair[0], aPair[1]);
2875   }
2877   aCtx->core20fwd->glDepthFunc (GL_ALWAYS);
2878   aCtx->core20fwd->glDepthMask (GL_TRUE);
2879   aCtx->core20fwd->glEnable (GL_DEPTH_TEST);
2881   aCtx->BindTextures (Handle(OpenGl_TextureSet)(), Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram)());
2882   OpenGl_VertexBuffer* aVerts = initBlitQuad (myToFlipOutput);
2884   const Handle(OpenGl_ShaderManager)& aManager = aCtx->ShaderManager();
2885   if (aVerts->IsValid()
2886    && aManager->BindStereoProgram (myRenderParams.StereoMode))
2887   {
2888     if (myRenderParams.StereoMode == Graphic3d_StereoMode_Anaglyph)
2889     {
2890       OpenGl_Mat4 aFilterL, aFilterR;
2891       aFilterL.SetDiagonal (Graphic3d_Vec4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
2892       aFilterR.SetDiagonal (Graphic3d_Vec4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
2893       switch (myRenderParams.AnaglyphFilter)
2894       {
2895         case Graphic3d_RenderingParams::Anaglyph_RedCyan_Simple:
2896         {
2897           aFilterL.SetRow (0, Graphic3d_Vec4 (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
2898           aFilterR.SetRow (1, Graphic3d_Vec4 (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
2899           aFilterR.SetRow (2, Graphic3d_Vec4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
2900           break;
2901         }
2902         case Graphic3d_RenderingParams::Anaglyph_RedCyan_Optimized:
2903         {
2904           aFilterL.SetRow (0, Graphic3d_Vec4 ( 0.4154f,      0.4710f,      0.16666667f, 0.0f));
2905           aFilterL.SetRow (1, Graphic3d_Vec4 (-0.0458f,     -0.0484f,     -0.0257f,     0.0f));
2906           aFilterL.SetRow (2, Graphic3d_Vec4 (-0.0547f,     -0.0615f,      0.0128f,     0.0f));
2907           aFilterL.SetRow (3, Graphic3d_Vec4 ( 0.0f,         0.0f,         0.0f,        0.0f));
2908           aFilterR.SetRow (0, Graphic3d_Vec4 (-0.01090909f, -0.03636364f, -0.00606061f, 0.0f));
2909           aFilterR.SetRow (1, Graphic3d_Vec4 ( 0.37560000f,  0.73333333f,  0.01111111f, 0.0f));
2910           aFilterR.SetRow (2, Graphic3d_Vec4 (-0.06510000f, -0.12870000f,  1.29710000f, 0.0f));
2911           aFilterR.SetRow (3, Graphic3d_Vec4 ( 0.0f,                0.0f,  0.0f,        0.0f));
2912           break;
2913         }
2914         case Graphic3d_RenderingParams::Anaglyph_YellowBlue_Simple:
2915         {
2916           aFilterL.SetRow (0, Graphic3d_Vec4 (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
2917           aFilterL.SetRow (1, Graphic3d_Vec4 (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
2918           aFilterR.SetRow (2, Graphic3d_Vec4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
2919           break;
2920         }
2921         case Graphic3d_RenderingParams::Anaglyph_YellowBlue_Optimized:
2922         {
2923           aFilterL.SetRow (0, Graphic3d_Vec4 ( 1.062f, -0.205f,  0.299f, 0.0f));
2924           aFilterL.SetRow (1, Graphic3d_Vec4 (-0.026f,  0.908f,  0.068f, 0.0f));
2925           aFilterL.SetRow (2, Graphic3d_Vec4 (-0.038f, -0.173f,  0.022f, 0.0f));
2926           aFilterL.SetRow (3, Graphic3d_Vec4 ( 0.0f,    0.0f,    0.0f,   0.0f));
2927           aFilterR.SetRow (0, Graphic3d_Vec4 (-0.016f, -0.123f, -0.017f, 0.0f));
2928           aFilterR.SetRow (1, Graphic3d_Vec4 ( 0.006f,  0.062f, -0.017f, 0.0f));
2929           aFilterR.SetRow (2, Graphic3d_Vec4 ( 0.094f,  0.185f,  0.911f, 0.0f));
2930           aFilterR.SetRow (3, Graphic3d_Vec4 ( 0.0f,    0.0f,    0.0f,   0.0f));
2931           break;
2932         }
2933         case Graphic3d_RenderingParams::Anaglyph_GreenMagenta_Simple:
2934         {
2935           aFilterR.SetRow (0, Graphic3d_Vec4 (1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
2936           aFilterL.SetRow (1, Graphic3d_Vec4 (0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
2937           aFilterR.SetRow (2, Graphic3d_Vec4 (0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f));
2938           break;
2939         }
2940         case Graphic3d_RenderingParams::Anaglyph_UserDefined:
2941         {
2942           aFilterL = myRenderParams.AnaglyphLeft;
2943           aFilterR = myRenderParams.AnaglyphRight;
2944           break;
2945         }
2946       }
2947       aCtx->ActiveProgram()->SetUniform (aCtx, "uMultL", aFilterL);
2948       aCtx->ActiveProgram()->SetUniform (aCtx, "uMultR", aFilterR);
2949     }
2951     aPair[0]->ColorTexture()->Bind (aCtx, Graphic3d_TextureUnit_0);
2952     aPair[1]->ColorTexture()->Bind (aCtx, Graphic3d_TextureUnit_1);
2953     aVerts->BindVertexAttrib (aCtx, 0);
2955     aCtx->core20fwd->glDrawArrays (GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4);
2957     aVerts->UnbindVertexAttrib (aCtx, 0);
2958     aPair[1]->ColorTexture()->Unbind (aCtx, Graphic3d_TextureUnit_1);
2959     aPair[0]->ColorTexture()->Unbind (aCtx, Graphic3d_TextureUnit_0);
2960   }
2961   else
2962   {
2963     TCollection_ExtendedString aMsg = TCollection_ExtendedString()
2964       + "Error! Anaglyph has failed";
2965     aCtx->PushMessage (GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION,
2966                        GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR,
2967                        0,
2968                        GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH,
2969                        aMsg);
2970   }
2971 }
2973 // =======================================================================
2974 // function : copyBackToFront
2975 // purpose  :
2976 // =======================================================================
copyBackToFront()2977 bool OpenGl_View::copyBackToFront()
2978 {
2979   myIsImmediateDrawn = Standard_False;
2980 #if !defined(GL_ES_VERSION_2_0)
2981   const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& aCtx = myWorkspace->GetGlContext();
2982   if (aCtx->core11ffp == NULL)
2983   {
2984     return false;
2985   }
2987   OpenGl_Mat4 aProjectMat;
2988   Graphic3d_TransformUtils::Ortho2D (aProjectMat,
2989                                      0.0f, static_cast<GLfloat> (myWindow->Width()),
2990                                      0.0f, static_cast<GLfloat> (myWindow->Height()));
2992   aCtx->WorldViewState.Push();
2993   aCtx->ProjectionState.Push();
2995   aCtx->WorldViewState.SetIdentity();
2996   aCtx->ProjectionState.SetCurrent (aProjectMat);
2998   aCtx->ApplyProjectionMatrix();
2999   aCtx->ApplyWorldViewMatrix();
3001   // synchronize FFP state before copying pixels
3002   aCtx->BindProgram (Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram)());
3003   aCtx->ShaderManager()->PushState (Handle(OpenGl_ShaderProgram)());
3004   aCtx->DisableFeatures();
3006   switch (aCtx->DrawBuffer())
3007   {
3008     case GL_BACK_LEFT:
3009     {
3010       aCtx->SetReadBuffer (GL_BACK_LEFT);
3011       aCtx->SetDrawBuffer (GL_FRONT_LEFT);
3012       break;
3013     }
3014     case GL_BACK_RIGHT:
3015     {
3016       aCtx->SetReadBuffer (GL_BACK_RIGHT);
3017       aCtx->SetDrawBuffer (GL_FRONT_RIGHT);
3018       break;
3019     }
3020     default:
3021     {
3022       aCtx->SetReadBuffer (GL_BACK);
3023       aCtx->SetDrawBuffer (GL_FRONT);
3024       break;
3025     }
3026   }
3028   aCtx->core11ffp->glRasterPos2i (0, 0);
3029   aCtx->core11ffp->glCopyPixels  (0, 0, myWindow->Width() + 1, myWindow->Height() + 1, GL_COLOR);
3030   //aCtx->core11ffp->glCopyPixels  (0, 0, myWidth + 1, myHeight + 1, GL_DEPTH);
3032   aCtx->EnableFeatures();
3034   aCtx->WorldViewState.Pop();
3035   aCtx->ProjectionState.Pop();
3036   aCtx->ApplyProjectionMatrix();
3038   // read/write from front buffer now
3039   aCtx->SetReadBuffer (aCtx->DrawBuffer());
3040   return true;
3041 #else
3042   return false;
3043 #endif
3044 }
3046 // =======================================================================
3047 // function : checkOitCompatibility
3048 // purpose  :
3049 // =======================================================================
checkOitCompatibility(const Handle (OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext,const Standard_Boolean theMSAA)3050 Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::checkOitCompatibility (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theGlContext,
3051                                                      const Standard_Boolean theMSAA)
3052 {
3053   // determine if OIT is supported by current OpenGl context
3054   Standard_Boolean& aToDisableOIT = theMSAA ? myToDisableMSAA : myToDisableOIT;
3055   if (aToDisableOIT)
3056   {
3057     return Standard_False;
3058   }
3060   TCollection_ExtendedString aCompatibilityMsg;
3061   if (theGlContext->hasFloatBuffer     == OpenGl_FeatureNotAvailable
3062    && theGlContext->hasHalfFloatBuffer == OpenGl_FeatureNotAvailable)
3063   {
3064     aCompatibilityMsg += "OpenGL context does not support floating-point RGBA color buffer format.\n";
3065   }
3066   if (theMSAA && theGlContext->hasSampleVariables == OpenGl_FeatureNotAvailable)
3067   {
3068     aCompatibilityMsg += "Current version of GLSL does not support built-in sample variables.\n";
3069   }
3070   if (theGlContext->hasDrawBuffers == OpenGl_FeatureNotAvailable)
3071   {
3072     aCompatibilityMsg += "OpenGL context does not support multiple draw buffers.\n";
3073   }
3074   if (aCompatibilityMsg.IsEmpty())
3075   {
3076     return Standard_True;
3077   }
3079   aCompatibilityMsg += "  Blended order-independent transparency will not be available.\n";
3080   theGlContext->PushMessage (GL_DEBUG_SOURCE_APPLICATION,
3081                           GL_DEBUG_TYPE_ERROR,
3082                           0,
3083                           GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_HIGH,
3084                           aCompatibilityMsg);
3086   aToDisableOIT = Standard_True;
3087   return Standard_False;
3088 }
3090 // =======================================================================
3091 // function : checkPBRAvailability
3092 // purpose  :
3093 // =======================================================================
checkPBRAvailability() const3094 Standard_Boolean OpenGl_View::checkPBRAvailability() const
3095 {
3096   return myWorkspace->GetGlContext()->HasPBR()
3097       && !myPBREnvironment.IsNull();
3098 }
3100 // =======================================================================
3101 // function : updatePBREnvironment
3102 // purpose  :
3103 // =======================================================================
updatePBREnvironment(const Handle (OpenGl_Context)& theCtx)3104 void OpenGl_View::updatePBREnvironment (const Handle(OpenGl_Context)& theCtx)
3105 {
3106   if (myPBREnvState != OpenGl_PBREnvState_CREATED
3107   || !myPBREnvRequest)
3108   {
3109     myPBREnvRequest = false;
3110     return;
3111   }
3113   myPBREnvRequest = false;
3115   Handle(OpenGl_TextureSet) aGlTextureSet;
3116   OpenGl_Aspects* aTmpGlAspects = NULL;
3117   if (!myCubeMapIBL.IsNull()
3118     && myCubeMapIBL == myCubeMapBackground)
3119   {
3120     aGlTextureSet = myCubeMapParams->TextureSet (theCtx);
3121   }
3122   else if (!myCubeMapIBL.IsNull())
3123   {
3124     myCubeMapIBL->SetMipmapsGeneration (Standard_True);
3126     Handle(Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d) anAspect = new Graphic3d_AspectFillArea3d();
3127     {
3128       Handle(Graphic3d_TextureSet) aTextureSet = new Graphic3d_TextureSet (myCubeMapIBL);
3129       anAspect->SetInteriorStyle (Aspect_IS_SOLID);
3130       anAspect->SetTextureSet (aTextureSet);
3131       anAspect->SetTextureMapOn (true);
3132     }
3134     aTmpGlAspects = new OpenGl_Aspects();
3135     aTmpGlAspects->SetAspect (anAspect);
3136     aGlTextureSet = aTmpGlAspects->TextureSet (theCtx);
3137   }
3139   if (!aGlTextureSet.IsNull()
3140    && !aGlTextureSet->IsEmpty())
3141   {
3142     myPBREnvironment->Bake (theCtx,
3143                             aGlTextureSet->First(),
3144                             myCubeMapIBL->ZIsInverted(),
3145                             myCubeMapIBL->IsTopDown(),
3146                             myRenderParams.PbrEnvBakingDiffNbSamples,
3147                             myRenderParams.PbrEnvBakingSpecNbSamples,
3148                             myRenderParams.PbrEnvBakingProbability);
3149   }
3150   else
3151   {
3152     myPBREnvironment->Clear (theCtx);
3153   }
3154   aGlTextureSet.Nullify();
3155   OpenGl_Element::Destroy (theCtx.get(), aTmpGlAspects);
3156 }