1 // This file is part of OpenCV project.
2 // It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory
3 // of this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html.
5 #include "../precomp.hpp"
6 #include "../usac.hpp"
8 namespace cv { namespace usac {
9 ////////////////////////////////// STANDARD TERMINATION ///////////////////////////////////////////
10 class StandardTerminationCriteriaImpl : public StandardTerminationCriteria {
11 private:
12     const double log_confidence;
13     const int points_size, sample_size, MAX_ITERATIONS;
14 public:
StandardTerminationCriteriaImpl(double confidence,int points_size_,int sample_size_,int max_iterations_)15     StandardTerminationCriteriaImpl (double confidence, int points_size_,
16                                      int sample_size_, int max_iterations_) :
17             log_confidence(log(1 - confidence)), points_size (points_size_),
18             sample_size (sample_size_), MAX_ITERATIONS(max_iterations_)  {}
20     /*
21      * Get upper bound iterations for any sample number
22      * n is points size, w is inlier ratio, p is desired probability, k is expceted number of iterations.
23      * 1 - p = (1 - w^n)^k,
24      * k = log_(1-w^n) (1-p)
25      * k = ln (1-p) / ln (1-w^n)
26      *
27      * w^n is probability that all N points are inliers.
28      * (1 - w^n) is probability that at least one point of N is outlier.
29      * 1 - p = (1-w^n)^k is probability that in K steps of getting at least one outlier is 1% (5%).
30      */
update(const Mat &,int inlier_number)31     int update (const Mat &/*model*/, int inlier_number) override {
32         const double predicted_iters = log_confidence / log(1 - std::pow
33             (static_cast<double>(inlier_number) / points_size, sample_size));
35         // if inlier_prob == 1 then log(0) = -inf, predicted_iters == -0
36         // if inlier_prob == 0 then log(1) = 0   , predicted_iters == (+-) inf
38         if (! std::isinf(predicted_iters) && predicted_iters < MAX_ITERATIONS)
39             return static_cast<int>(predicted_iters);
40         return MAX_ITERATIONS;
41     }
clone() const43     Ptr<TerminationCriteria> clone () const override {
44         return makePtr<StandardTerminationCriteriaImpl>(1-exp(log_confidence), points_size,
45                 sample_size, MAX_ITERATIONS);
46     }
47 };
create(double confidence,int points_size_,int sample_size_,int max_iterations_)48 Ptr<StandardTerminationCriteria> StandardTerminationCriteria::create(double confidence,
49     int points_size_, int sample_size_, int max_iterations_) {
50     return makePtr<StandardTerminationCriteriaImpl>(confidence, points_size_,
51                         sample_size_, max_iterations_);
52 }
54 /////////////////////////////////////// SPRT TERMINATION //////////////////////////////////////////
55 class SPRTTerminationImpl : public SPRTTermination {
56 private:
57     const std::vector<SPRT_history> &sprt_histories;
58     const double log_eta_0;
59     const int points_size, sample_size, MAX_ITERATIONS;
60 public:
SPRTTerminationImpl(const std::vector<SPRT_history> & sprt_histories_,double confidence,int points_size_,int sample_size_,int max_iterations_)61     SPRTTerminationImpl (const std::vector<SPRT_history> &sprt_histories_, double confidence,
62            int points_size_, int sample_size_, int max_iterations_)
63            : sprt_histories (sprt_histories_), log_eta_0(log(1-confidence)),
64            points_size (points_size_), sample_size (sample_size_),MAX_ITERATIONS(max_iterations_){}
66     /*
67      * Termination criterion:
68      * l is number of tests
69      * n(l) = Product from i = 0 to l ( 1 - P_g (1 - A(i)^(-h(i)))^k(i) )
70      * log n(l) = sum from i = 0 to l k(i) * ( 1 - P_g (1 - A(i)^(-h(i))) )
71      *
72      *        log (n0) - log (n(l-1))
73      * k(l) = -----------------------  (9)
74      *          log (1 - P_g*A(l)^-1)
75      *
76      * A is decision threshold
77      * P_g is probability of good model.
78      * k(i) is number of samples verified by i-th sprt.
79      * n0 is typically set to 0.05
80      * this equation does not have to be evaluated before nR < n0
81      * nR = (1 - P_g)^k
82      */
update(const Mat &,int inlier_size)83     int update (const Mat &/*model*/, int inlier_size) override {
84         if (sprt_histories.empty())
85             return std::min(MAX_ITERATIONS, getStandardUpperBound(inlier_size));
87         const double epsilon = static_cast<double>(inlier_size) / points_size; // inlier probability
88         const double P_g = pow (epsilon, sample_size); // probability of good sample
90         double log_eta_lmin1 = 0;
92         int total_number_of_tested_samples = 0;
93         const int sprts_size_min1 = static_cast<int>(sprt_histories.size())-1;
94         if (sprts_size_min1 < 0) return getStandardUpperBound(inlier_size);
95         // compute log n(l-1), l is number of tests
96         for (int test = 0; test < sprts_size_min1; test++) {
97             log_eta_lmin1 += log (1 - P_g * (1 - pow (sprt_histories[test].A,
98              -computeExponentH(sprt_histories[test].epsilon, epsilon,sprt_histories[test].delta))))
99                          * sprt_histories[test].tested_samples;
100             total_number_of_tested_samples += sprt_histories[test].tested_samples;
101         }
103         // Implementation note: since η > ηR the equation (9) does not have to be evaluated
104         // before ηR < η0 is satisfied.
105         if (std::pow(1 - P_g, total_number_of_tested_samples) < log_eta_0)
106             return std::min(MAX_ITERATIONS, getStandardUpperBound(inlier_size));
107         // use decision threshold A for last test (l-th)
108         const double predicted_iters_sprt = (log_eta_0 - log_eta_lmin1) /
109                 log (1 - P_g * (1 - 1 / sprt_histories[sprts_size_min1].A)); // last A
110         if (std::isnan(predicted_iters_sprt) || std::isinf(predicted_iters_sprt))
111             return getStandardUpperBound(inlier_size);
113         if (predicted_iters_sprt < 0) return 0;
114         // compare with standard upper bound
115         if (predicted_iters_sprt < MAX_ITERATIONS)
116             return std::min(static_cast<int>(predicted_iters_sprt),
117                     getStandardUpperBound(inlier_size));
118         return getStandardUpperBound(inlier_size);
119     }
clone() const121     Ptr<TerminationCriteria> clone () const override {
122         return makePtr<SPRTTerminationImpl>(sprt_histories, 1-exp(log_eta_0), points_size,
123                sample_size, MAX_ITERATIONS);
124     }
125 private:
getStandardUpperBound(int inlier_size) const126     inline int getStandardUpperBound(int inlier_size) const {
127         const double predicted_iters = log_eta_0 / log(1 - std::pow
128                 (static_cast<double>(inlier_size) / points_size, sample_size));
129         return (! std::isinf(predicted_iters) && predicted_iters < MAX_ITERATIONS) ?
130                 static_cast<int>(predicted_iters) : MAX_ITERATIONS;
131     }
132     /*
133      * h(i) must hold
134      *
135      *     δ(i)                  1 - δ(i)
136      * ε (-----)^h(i) + (1 - ε) (--------)^h(i) = 1
137      *     ε(i)                  1 - ε(i)
138      *
139      * ε * a^h + (1 - ε) * b^h = 1
140      * Has numerical solution.
141      */
computeExponentH(double epsilon,double epsilon_new,double delta)142     static double computeExponentH (double epsilon, double epsilon_new, double delta) {
143         const double a = log (delta / epsilon); // log likelihood ratio
144         const double b = log ((1 - delta) / (1 - epsilon));
146         const double x0 = log (1 / (1 - epsilon_new)) / b;
147         const double v0 = epsilon_new * exp (x0 * a);
148         const double x1 = log ((1 - 2*v0) / (1 - epsilon_new)) / b;
149         const double v1 = epsilon_new * exp (x1 * a) + (1 - epsilon_new) * exp(x1 * b);
150         const double h = x0 - (x0 - x1) / (1 + v0 - v1) * v0;
152         if (std::isnan(h))
153             // The equation always has solution for h = 0
154             // ε * a^0 + (1 - ε) * b^0 = 1
155             // ε + 1 - ε = 1 -> 1 = 1
156             return 0;
157         return h;
158     }
159 };
create(const std::vector<SPRT_history> & sprt_histories_,double confidence,int points_size_,int sample_size_,int max_iterations_)160 Ptr<SPRTTermination> SPRTTermination::create(const std::vector<SPRT_history> &sprt_histories_,
161     double confidence, int points_size_, int sample_size_, int max_iterations_) {
162     return makePtr<SPRTTerminationImpl>(sprt_histories_, confidence, points_size_, sample_size_,
163                     max_iterations_);
164 }
166 ///////////////////////////// PROGRESSIVE-NAPSAC-SPRT TERMINATION /////////////////////////////////
167 class SPRTPNapsacTerminationImpl : public SPRTPNapsacTermination {
168 private:
169     SPRTTerminationImpl sprt_termination;
170     const std::vector<SPRT_history> &sprt_histories;
171     const double relax_coef, log_confidence;
172     const int points_size, sample_size, MAX_ITERS;
173 public:
SPRTPNapsacTerminationImpl(const std::vector<SPRT_history> & sprt_histories_,double confidence,int points_size_,int sample_size_,int max_iterations_,double relax_coef_)175     SPRTPNapsacTerminationImpl (const std::vector<SPRT_history> &sprt_histories_,
176             double confidence, int points_size_, int sample_size_,
177             int max_iterations_, double relax_coef_)
178             : sprt_termination (sprt_histories_, confidence, points_size_, sample_size_,
179             max_iterations_), sprt_histories (sprt_histories_),
180             relax_coef (relax_coef_), log_confidence(log(1-confidence)),
181           points_size (points_size_), sample_size (sample_size_),
182           MAX_ITERS (max_iterations_) {}
update(const Mat & model,int inlier_number)184     int update (const Mat &model, int inlier_number) override {
185         int predicted_iterations = sprt_termination.update(model, inlier_number);
187         const double inlier_prob = static_cast<double>(inlier_number) / points_size + relax_coef;
188         if (inlier_prob >= 1)
189             return 0;
191         const double predicted_iters = log_confidence / log(1 - std::pow(inlier_prob, sample_size));
193         if (! std::isinf(predicted_iters) && predicted_iters < predicted_iterations)
194             return static_cast<int>(predicted_iters);
195         return predicted_iterations;
196     }
clone() const197     Ptr<TerminationCriteria> clone () const override {
198         return makePtr<SPRTPNapsacTerminationImpl>(sprt_histories, 1-exp(log_confidence),
199                 points_size, sample_size, MAX_ITERS, relax_coef);
200     }
201 };
create(const std::vector<SPRT_history> & sprt_histories_,double confidence,int points_size_,int sample_size_,int max_iterations_,double relax_coef_)202 Ptr<SPRTPNapsacTermination> SPRTPNapsacTermination::create(const std::vector<SPRT_history>&
203         sprt_histories_, double confidence, int points_size_, int sample_size_,
204         int max_iterations_, double relax_coef_) {
205     return makePtr<SPRTPNapsacTerminationImpl>(sprt_histories_, confidence, points_size_,
206                    sample_size_, max_iterations_, relax_coef_);
207 }
208 ////////////////////////////////////// PROSAC TERMINATION /////////////////////////////////////////
210 class ProsacTerminationCriteriaImpl : public ProsacTerminationCriteria {
211 private:
212     const double log_confidence, beta, non_randomness_phi, inlier_threshold;
213     const int MAX_ITERATIONS, points_size, min_termination_length, sample_size;
214     const Ptr<ProsacSampler> sampler;
216     std::vector<int> non_random_inliers;
218     const Ptr<Error> error;
219 public:
ProsacTerminationCriteriaImpl(const Ptr<Error> & error_,int points_size_,int sample_size_,double confidence,int max_iterations,int min_termination_length_,double beta_,double non_randomness_phi_,double inlier_threshold_)220     ProsacTerminationCriteriaImpl (const Ptr<Error> &error_, int points_size_,int sample_size_,
221             double confidence, int max_iterations, int min_termination_length_, double beta_,
222             double non_randomness_phi_, double inlier_threshold_) : log_confidence
223             (log(1-confidence)), beta(beta_), non_randomness_phi(non_randomness_phi_),
224             inlier_threshold(inlier_threshold_), MAX_ITERATIONS(max_iterations),
225             points_size (points_size_), min_termination_length (min_termination_length_),
226             sample_size(sample_size_), error (error_) { init(); }
ProsacTerminationCriteriaImpl(const Ptr<ProsacSampler> & sampler_,const Ptr<Error> & error_,int points_size_,int sample_size_,double confidence,int max_iterations,int min_termination_length_,double beta_,double non_randomness_phi_,double inlier_threshold_)228     ProsacTerminationCriteriaImpl (const Ptr<ProsacSampler> &sampler_,const Ptr<Error> &error_,
229             int points_size_, int sample_size_, double confidence, int max_iterations,
230             int min_termination_length_, double beta_, double non_randomness_phi_,
231             double inlier_threshold_) : log_confidence(log(1-confidence)), beta(beta_),
232             non_randomness_phi(non_randomness_phi_), inlier_threshold(inlier_threshold_),
233             MAX_ITERATIONS(max_iterations), points_size (points_size_),
234             min_termination_length (min_termination_length_), sample_size(sample_size_),
235             sampler(sampler_), error (error_) { init(); }
init()237     void init () {
238         // m is sample_size
239         // N is points_size
241         // non-randomness constraint
242         // The non-randomness requirement prevents PROSAC
243         // from selecting a solution supported by outliers that are
244         // by chance consistent with it.  The constraint is typically
245         // checked ex-post in standard approaches [1]. The distribution
246         // of the cardinalities of sets of random ‘inliers’ is binomial
247         // i-th entry - inlier counts for termination up to i-th point (term length = i+1)
249         // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
250         // initialize the data structures that determine stopping
251         // see probabilities description below.
253         non_random_inliers = std::vector<int>(points_size, 0);
254         std::vector<double> pn_i_arr(points_size);
255         const double beta2compl_beta = beta / (1-beta);
256         const int step_n = 50, max_n = std::min(points_size, 1200);
257         for (int n = sample_size; n <= points_size; n+=step_n) {
258             if (n > max_n) {
259                 // skip expensive calculation
260                 break;
261             }
263             // P^R_n(i) = β^(i−m) (1−β)^(n−i+m) (n−m i−m). (7) i = m,...,N
264             // initial value for i = m = sample_size
265             // P^R_n(i=m)   = β^(0) (1−β)^(n)   (n-m 0) = (1-β)^(n)
266             // P^R_n(i=m+1) = β^(1) (1−β)^(n−1) (n−m 1) = P^R_n(i=m) * β   / (1-β)   * (n-m) / 1
267             // P^R_n(i=m+2) = β^(2) (1−β)^(n−2) (n−m 2) = P^R_n(i=m) * β^2 / (1-β)^2 * (n-m-1)(n-m) / 2
268             // So, for each i=m+1.., P^R_n(i+1) must be calculated as P^R_n(i) * β / (1-β) * (n-i+1) / (i-m)
270             pn_i_arr[sample_size-1] = std::pow(1-beta, n);
271             double pn_i = pn_i_arr[sample_size-1]; // prob of random inlier set of size i for subset size n
272             for (int i = sample_size+1; i <= n; i++) {
273                 // use recurrent relation to fulfill remaining values
274                 pn_i *= beta2compl_beta * static_cast<double>(n-i+1) / (i-sample_size);
275                 // update
276                 pn_i_arr[i-1] = pn_i;
277             }
279             // find minimum number of inliers satisfying the non-randomness constraint
280             // Imin n = min{j : n∑i=j P^R_n(i) < Ψ }. (8)
281             double acc = 0;
282             int i_min = sample_size; // there is always sample_size inliers
283             for (int i = n; i >= sample_size; i--) {
284                 acc += pn_i_arr[i-1];
285                 if (acc < non_randomness_phi) i_min = i;
286                 else break;
287             }
288             non_random_inliers[n-1] = i_min;
289         }
291         // approximate values of binomial distribution
292         for (int n = sample_size; n <= points_size; n+=step_n) {
293             if (n-1+step_n >= max_n) {
294                 // copy rest of the values
295                 std::fill(&non_random_inliers[0]+n-1, &non_random_inliers[0]+points_size, non_random_inliers[n-1]);
296                 break;
297             }
298             const int non_rand_n = non_random_inliers[n-1];
299             const double step = (double)(non_random_inliers[n-1+step_n] - non_rand_n) / (double)step_n;
300             for (int i = 0; i < step_n-1; i++)
301                 non_random_inliers[n+i] = (int)(non_rand_n + (i+1)*step);
302         }
303     }
304     /*
305      * The PROSAC algorithm terminates if the number of inliers I_n*
306      * within the set U_n* satisfies the following conditions:
307      *
308      * • non-randomness – the probability that I_n* out of n* (termination_length)
309      * data points are by chance inliers to an arbitrary incorrect model
310      * is smaller than Ψ (typically set to 5%)
311      *
312      * • maximality – the probability that a solution with more than
313      * In* inliers in U_n* exists and was not found after k
314      * samples is smaller than η0 (typically set to 5%).
315      */
update(const Mat & model,int inliers_size)316     int update (const Mat &model, int inliers_size) override {
317         int predicted_iterations = MAX_ITERATIONS;
318         /*
319          * The termination length n* is chosen to minimize k_n*(η0) subject to I_n* ≥ I_min n*;
320          * k_n*(η0) >= log(η0) / log(1 - (I_n* / n*)^m)
321          * g(k) <= n, I_n is number of inliers under termination length n.
322          */
323         const auto &errors = error->getErrors(model);
325         // find number of inliers under g(k)
326         int num_inliers_under_termination_len = 0;
327         for (int pt = 0; pt < min_termination_length; pt++)
328             if (errors[pt] < inlier_threshold)
329                 num_inliers_under_termination_len++;
331         for (int termination_len = min_termination_length; termination_len < points_size;termination_len++){
332             if (errors[termination_len /* = point*/] < inlier_threshold) {
333                 num_inliers_under_termination_len++;
335                 // non-random constraint must satisfy I_n* ≥ I_min n*.
336                 if (num_inliers_under_termination_len < non_random_inliers[termination_len])
337                     continue;
339                 // add 1 to termination length since num_inliers_under_termination_len is updated
340                 const double new_max_samples = log_confidence / log(1 -
341                         std::pow(static_cast<double>(num_inliers_under_termination_len)
342                         / (termination_len+1), sample_size));
344                 if (! std::isinf(new_max_samples) && predicted_iterations > new_max_samples) {
345                     predicted_iterations = static_cast<int>(new_max_samples);
346                     if (predicted_iterations == 0) break;
347                     if (sampler != nullptr)
348                         sampler->setTerminationLength(termination_len);
349                 }
350             }
351         }
353         // compare also when termination length = points_size,
354         // so inliers under termination length is total number of inliers:
355         const double predicted_iters = log_confidence / log(1 - std::pow
356                 (static_cast<double>(inliers_size) / points_size, sample_size));
358         if (! std::isinf(predicted_iters) && predicted_iters < predicted_iterations)
359             return static_cast<int>(predicted_iters);
360         return predicted_iterations;
361     }
clone() const363     Ptr<TerminationCriteria> clone () const override {
364         return makePtr<ProsacTerminationCriteriaImpl>(error->clone(),
365             points_size, sample_size, 1-exp(log_confidence), MAX_ITERATIONS,
366             min_termination_length, beta, non_randomness_phi, inlier_threshold);
367     }
368 };
370 Ptr<ProsacTerminationCriteria>
create(const Ptr<ProsacSampler> & sampler,const Ptr<Error> & error,int points_size_,int sample_size_,double confidence,int max_iterations,int min_termination_length_,double beta,double non_randomness_phi,double inlier_thresh)371 ProsacTerminationCriteria::create(const Ptr<ProsacSampler> &sampler, const Ptr<Error> &error,
372         int points_size_, int sample_size_, double confidence, int max_iterations,
373         int min_termination_length_, double beta, double non_randomness_phi, double inlier_thresh) {
374     return makePtr<ProsacTerminationCriteriaImpl> (sampler, error, points_size_, sample_size_,
375             confidence, max_iterations, min_termination_length_,
376             beta, non_randomness_phi, inlier_thresh);
377 }
378 }}