1 /******************************************************************************
2  *
3  *  SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2008 Szymon Tomasz Stefanek <pragma@kvirc.net>
4  *
5  *  SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
6  *
7  *******************************************************************************/
9 #pragma once
11 #include "core/item.h"
13 #include "MessageCore/StringUtil"
15 // See the MessageList::ItemPrivate::insertChildItem() function below for an explanation of this macro.
16 #if __GNUC__ >= 3 // krazy:exclude=cpp
17 #define GCC_DONT_INLINE_THIS __attribute__((noinline))
18 #else
20 #endif
22 namespace MessageList
23 {
24 namespace Core
25 {
26 class ItemPrivate
27 {
28 public:
ItemPrivate(Item * owner)29     explicit ItemPrivate(Item *owner)
30         : q(owner)
31         , mChildItems(nullptr)
32         , mParent(nullptr)
33         , mThisItemIndexGuess(0)
34         , mInitialExpandStatus(Item::NoExpandNeeded)
35         , mIsViewable(false)
36         , mUseReceiver(false)
37     {
38     }
~ItemPrivate()40     virtual ~ItemPrivate()
41     {
42     }
44     /**
45      * Implements "in the middle" insertions of child items.
46      * The template argument class must export a static inline bool firstGreaterOrEqual( Item *, Item * )
47      * function which must return true when the first parameter item is considered to be greater
48      * or equal to the second parameter item and false otherwise.
49      *
50      * The insertion function *IS* our very bottleneck on flat views
51      * (when there are items with a lot of children). This is somewhat pathological...
52      * beside the binary search based insertion sort we actually can only do "statement level" optimization.
53      * I've found no better algorithms so far. If someone has a clever idea, please write to pragma
54      * at kvirc dot net :)
55      *
56      * GCC_DONT_INLINE_THIS is a macro defined above to __attribute__((noinline))
57      * if the current compiler is gcc. Without this attribute gcc attempts to inline THIS
58      * function inside the callers. The problem is that while inlining this function
59      * it doesn't inline the INNER comparison functions (which we _WANT_ to be inlined)
60      * because they would make the caller function too big.
61      *
62      * This is what gcc reports with -Winline:
63      *
64      * /home/pragma/kmail-soc/kmail/messagelistview/item.h:352: warning: inlining failed in call to
65      *   'static bool MessageList::ItemSubjectComparator::firstGreaterOrEqual(MessageList::Item*, MessageList::Item*)':
66      *    --param large-function-growth limit reached while inlining the caller
67      * /home/pragma/kmail-soc/kmail/messagelistview/model.cpp:239: warning: called from here
68      *
69      * The comparison functions then appear in the symbol table:
70      *
71      * etherea kmail # nm /usr/kde/4.0/lib/libkmailprivate.so | grep Comparator
72      * 00000000005d2c10 W _ZN5KMail15MessageList18ItemDateComparator19firstGreaterOrEqualEPNS0_4ItemES3_
73      * 00000000005d2cb0 W _ZN5KMail15MessageList20ItemSenderComparator19firstGreaterOrEqualEPNS0_4ItemES3_
74      * 00000000005d2c50 W _ZN5KMail15MessageList21ItemSubjectComparator19firstGreaterOrEqualEPNS0_4ItemES3_
75      * ...
76      *
77      * With this attribute, instead, gcc doesn't complain at all and the inner comparisons
78      * *seem* to be inlined correctly (there is no sign of them in the symbol table).
79      */
insertChildItem(Model * model,Item * child)80     template<class ItemComparator, bool bAscending> int GCC_DONT_INLINE_THIS insertChildItem(Model *model, Item *child)
81     {
82         if (!mChildItems) {
83             return q->appendChildItem(model, child);
84         }
86         int cnt = mChildItems->count();
87         if (cnt < 1) {
88             return q->appendChildItem(model, child);
89         }
91         int idx;
92         Item *pivot;
94         if (bAscending) {
95             pivot = mChildItems->at(cnt - 1);
97             if (ItemComparator::firstGreaterOrEqual(child, pivot)) { // gcc: <-- inline this instead, thnx
98                 return q->appendChildItem(model, child); // this is very likely in date based comparisons (FIXME: not in other ones)
99             }
101             // Binary search based insertion
102             int l = 0;
103             int h = cnt - 1;
105             for (;;) {
106                 idx = (l + h) / 2;
107                 pivot = mChildItems->at(idx);
108                 if (ItemComparator::firstGreaterOrEqual(pivot, child)) { // gcc: <-- inline this instead, thnx
109                     if (l < h) {
110                         h = idx - 1;
111                     } else {
112                         break;
113                     }
114                 } else {
115                     if (l < h) {
116                         l = idx + 1;
117                     } else {
118                         idx++;
119                         break;
120                     }
121                 }
122             }
123         } else {
124             pivot = mChildItems->at(0);
125             if (ItemComparator::firstGreaterOrEqual(child, pivot)) { // gcc: <-- inline this instead, thnx
126                 idx = 0; // this is very likely in date based comparisons (FIXME: not in other ones)
127             } else {
128                 // Binary search based insertion
129                 int l = 0;
130                 int h = cnt - 1;
132                 for (;;) {
133                     idx = (l + h) / 2;
134                     pivot = mChildItems->at(idx);
135                     if (ItemComparator::firstGreaterOrEqual(child, pivot)) { // gcc: <-- inline this instead, thnx
136                         if (l < h) {
137                             h = idx - 1;
138                         } else {
139                             break;
140                         }
141                     } else {
142                         if (l < h) {
143                             l = idx + 1;
144                         } else {
145                             idx++;
146                             break;
147                         }
148                     }
149                 }
150             }
151         }
153         Q_ASSERT(idx >= 0);
154         Q_ASSERT(idx <= mChildItems->count());
156         if (mIsViewable && model) {
157             model->beginInsertRows(model->index(q, 0), idx, idx); // BLEAH :D
158         }
160         mChildItems->insert(idx, child);
161         child->setIndexGuess(idx);
162         if (mIsViewable) {
163             if (model) {
164                 model->endInsertRows(); // BLEAH :D
165             }
166             child->setViewable(model, true);
167         }
169         return idx;
170     }
172     /**
173      * Checks if the specified child item is actually in the wrong
174      * position in the child list and returns true in that case.
175      * Returns false if the item is already in the right position
176      * and no re-sorting is needed.
177      */
childItemNeedsReSorting(Item * child)178     template<class ItemComparator, bool bAscending> bool childItemNeedsReSorting(Item *child)
179     {
180         if (!mChildItems) {
181             return false; // not my child! (ugh... should assert ?)
182         }
184         const int idx = q->indexOfChildItem(child);
186         if (idx > 0) {
187             Item *prev = mChildItems->at(idx - 1);
188             if (bAscending) {
189                 // child must be greater or equal to the previous item
190                 if (!ItemComparator::firstGreaterOrEqual(child, prev)) {
191                     return true; // wrong order: needs re-sorting
192                 }
193             } else {
194                 // previous must be greater or equal to the child item
195                 if (!ItemComparator::firstGreaterOrEqual(prev, child)) {
196                     return true; // wrong order: needs re-sorting
197                 }
198             }
199         }
201         if (idx < (mChildItems->count() - 1)) {
202             Item *next = mChildItems->at(idx + 1);
203             if (bAscending) {
204                 // next must be greater or equal to child
205                 if (!ItemComparator::firstGreaterOrEqual(next, child)) {
206                     return true; // wrong order: needs re-sorting
207                 }
208             } else {
209                 // child must be greater or equal to next
210                 if (!ItemComparator::firstGreaterOrEqual(child, next)) {
211                     return true; // wrong order: needs re-sorting
212                 }
213             }
214         }
216         return false;
217     }
219     /**
220      * Internal handler for managing the children list.
221      */
222     void childItemDead(Item *child);
224     Item *const q;
226     QList<Item *> *mChildItems; ///< List of children, may be 0
227     Item *mParent = nullptr; ///< The parent view item
228     time_t mMaxDate; ///< The maximum date in the subtree
229     time_t mDate; ///< The date of the message (or group date)
230     size_t mSize; ///< The size of the message in bytes
231     QString mSender; ///< The sender of the message (or group sender)
232     QString mReceiver; ///< The receiver of the message (or group receiver)
233     QString mSubject; ///< The subject of the message (or group subject)
234     QString mFolder; ///< The folder of the message
235     qint64 mItemId; ///< The Akonadi item id
236     qint64 mParentCollectionId; ///< The Akonadi ID of collection that this particular item comes from (can be virtual collection)
237     Akonadi::MessageStatus mStatus; ///< The status of the message (may be extended to groups in the future)
238     int mThisItemIndexGuess; ///< The guess for the index in the parent's child list
239     Item::Type mType : 4; ///< The type of this item
240     Item::InitialExpandStatus mInitialExpandStatus : 4; ///< The expand status we have to honor when we attach to the viewable root
241     bool mIsViewable : 1; ///< Is this item attached to the viewable root ?
242     bool mUseReceiver : 1; ///< senderOrReceiver() returns receiver rather than sender
243 };
245 /**
246  * A helper class used with MessageList::Item::childItemNeedsReSorting() and
247  * MessageList::Item::insertChildItem().
248  */
249 class ItemSizeComparator
250 {
251 public:
firstGreaterOrEqual(Item * first,Item * second)252     static inline bool firstGreaterOrEqual(Item *first, Item *second)
253     {
254         if (first->size() < second->size()) {
255             return false;
256         }
257         // When the sizes are equal compare by date too
258         if (first->size() == second->size()) {
259             return first->date() >= second->date();
260         }
261         return true;
262     }
263 };
265 /**
266  * A helper class used with MessageList::Item::childItemNeedsReSorting() and
267  * MessageList::Item::insertChildItem().
268  */
269 class ItemDateComparator
270 {
271 public:
firstGreaterOrEqual(Item * first,Item * second)272     static inline bool firstGreaterOrEqual(Item *first, Item *second)
273     {
274         // When the dates are equal compare by subject too
275         // This is useful, for example, in kernel mailing list where people
276         // send out multiple messages with patch parts at exactly the same time.
277         if (first->date() == second->date()) {
278             return first->subject() >= second->subject();
279         }
280         if (first->date() == static_cast<uint>(-1)) { // invalid is always smaller
281             return false;
282         }
283         if (second->date() == static_cast<uint>(-1)) {
284             return true;
285         }
286         if (first->date() < second->date()) {
287             return false;
288         }
289         return true;
290     }
291 };
293 /**
294  * A helper class used with MessageList::Item::childItemNeedsReSorting() and
295  * MessageList::Item::insertChildItem().
296  */
297 class ItemMaxDateComparator
298 {
299 public:
firstGreaterOrEqual(Item * first,Item * second)300     static inline bool firstGreaterOrEqual(Item *first, Item *second)
301     {
302         if (first->maxDate() < second->maxDate()) {
303             return false;
304         }
305         if (first->maxDate() == second->maxDate()) {
306             return first->subject() >= second->subject();
307         }
308         return true;
309     }
310 };
312 /**
313  * A helper class used with MessageList::Item::childItemNeedsReSorting() and
314  * MessageList::Item::insertChildItem().
315  */
316 class ItemSubjectComparator
317 {
318 public:
firstGreaterOrEqual(Item * first,Item * second)319     static inline bool firstGreaterOrEqual(Item *first, Item *second)
320     {
321         const int ret = MessageCore::StringUtil::stripOffPrefixes(first->subject())
322                             .compare(MessageCore::StringUtil::stripOffPrefixes(second->subject()), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
323         if (ret < 0) {
324             return false;
325         }
326         // compare by date when subjects are equal
327         if (ret == 0) {
328             return first->date() >= second->date();
329         }
330         return true;
331     }
332 };
334 /**
335  * A helper class used with MessageList::Item::childItemNeedsReSorting() and
336  * MessageList::Item::insertChildItem().
337  */
338 class ItemSenderComparator
339 {
340 public:
firstGreaterOrEqual(Item * first,Item * second)341     static inline bool firstGreaterOrEqual(Item *first, Item *second)
342     {
343         const int ret = first->displaySender().compare(second->displaySender(), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
344         if (ret < 0) {
345             return false;
346         }
347         // compare by date when senders are equal
348         if (ret == 0) {
349             return first->date() >= second->date();
350         }
351         return true;
352     }
353 };
355 /**
356  * A helper class used with MessageList::Item::childItemNeedsReSorting() and
357  * MessageList::Item::insertChildItem().
358  */
359 class ItemReceiverComparator
360 {
361 public:
firstGreaterOrEqual(Item * first,Item * second)362     static inline bool firstGreaterOrEqual(Item *first, Item *second)
363     {
364         const int ret = first->displayReceiver().compare(second->displayReceiver(), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
365         if (ret < 0) {
366             return false;
367         }
368         // compare by date when receivers are equal
369         if (ret == 0) {
370             return first->date() >= second->date();
371         }
372         return true;
373     }
374 };
376 /**
377  * A helper class used with MessageList::Item::childItemNeedsReSorting() and
378  * MessageList::Item::insertChildItem().
379  */
380 class ItemSenderOrReceiverComparator
381 {
382 public:
firstGreaterOrEqual(Item * first,Item * second)383     static inline bool firstGreaterOrEqual(Item *first, Item *second)
384     {
385         const int ret = first->displaySenderOrReceiver().compare(second->displaySenderOrReceiver(), Qt::CaseInsensitive);
386         if (ret < 0) {
387             return false;
388         }
389         // compare by date when sender/receiver are equal
390         if (ret == 0) {
391             return first->date() >= second->date();
392         }
393         return true;
394     }
395 };
397 /**
398  * A helper class used with MessageList::Item::childItemNeedsReSorting() and
399  * MessageList::Item::insertChildItem().
400  */
401 class ItemActionItemStatusComparator
402 {
403 public:
firstGreaterOrEqual(Item * first,Item * second)404     static inline bool firstGreaterOrEqual(Item *first, Item *second)
405     {
406         if (first->status().isToAct()) {
407             if (second->status().isToAct()) {
408                 return first->date() >= second->date();
409             }
410             return true;
411         }
412         if (second->status().isToAct()) {
413             return false;
414         }
415         return first->date() >= second->date();
416     }
417 };
419 /**
420  * A helper class used with MessageList::Item::childItemNeedsReSorting() and
421  * MessageList::Item::insertChildItem().
422  */
423 class ItemUnreadStatusComparator
424 {
425 public:
firstGreaterOrEqual(Item * first,Item * second)426     static inline bool firstGreaterOrEqual(Item *first, Item *second)
427     {
428         if (!first->status().isRead()) {
429             // fist is unread
430             if (!second->status().isRead()) {
431                 return first->date() >= second->date(); // both are unread
432             }
433             // unread comes always first with respect to non-unread
434             return true;
435         }
436         if (!second->status().isRead()) {
437             return false;
438         }
439         // both are read
440         return first->date() >= second->date();
441     }
442 };
444 /**
445  * A helper class used with MessageList::Item::childItemNeedsReSorting() and
446  * MessageList::Item::insertChildItem().
447  */
448 class ItemImportantStatusComparator
449 {
450 public:
firstGreaterOrEqual(Item * first,Item * second)451     static inline bool firstGreaterOrEqual(Item *first, Item *second)
452     {
453         if (!first->status().isImportant()) {
454             // fist is unread
455             if (!second->status().isImportant()) {
456                 return first->date() >= second->date(); // both are unread
457             }
458             // unread comes always first with respect to non-unread
459             return true;
460         }
461         if (!second->status().isImportant()) {
462             return false;
463         }
464         // both are read
465         return first->date() >= second->date();
466     }
467 };
469 /**
470  * A helper class used with MessageList::Item::childItemNeedsReSorting() and
471  * MessageList::Item::insertChildItem().
472  */
473 class ItemAttachmentStatusComparator
474 {
475 public:
firstGreaterOrEqual(Item * first,Item * second)476     static inline bool firstGreaterOrEqual(Item *first, Item *second)
477     {
478         if (!first->status().hasAttachment()) {
479             // fist is unread
480             if (!second->status().hasAttachment()) {
481                 return first->date() >= second->date(); // both are unread
482             }
483             // unread comes always first with respect to non-unread
484             return true;
485         }
486         if (!second->status().hasAttachment()) {
487             return false;
488         }
489         // both are read
490         return first->date() >= second->date();
491     }
492 };
493 } // namespace Core
494 } // namespace MessageList