1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Sereina Riniker, Paolo Tosco
3 //
4 //   @@ All Rights Reserved @@
5 //  This file is part of the RDKit.
6 //  The contents are covered by the terms of the BSD license
7 //  which is included in the file license.txt, found at the root
8 //  of the RDKit source tree.
9 //
11 #include <RDGeneral/Invariant.h>
12 #include <RDGeneral/BadFileException.h>
13 #include <GraphMol/ROMol.h>
14 #include <GraphMol/Conformer.h>
15 #include <fstream>
16 #include <sstream>
17 #include <set>
18 #include "Trajectory.h"
20 namespace RDKit {
getPoint2D(unsigned int pointNum) const22 RDGeom::Point2D Snapshot::getPoint2D(unsigned int pointNum) const {
23   PRECONDITION(d_pos, "d_pos must not be NULL");
24   PRECONDITION(d_trajectory, "d_trajectory must not be NULL");
25   PRECONDITION(d_trajectory->dimension() == 2, "d_dimension must be == 2");
26   PRECONDITION(d_trajectory->numPoints(), "d_numPoints must be > 0");
27   URANGE_CHECK(pointNum, d_trajectory->numPoints());
28   unsigned int i = pointNum * d_trajectory->dimension();
29   return RDGeom::Point2D(d_pos[i], d_pos[i + 1]);
30 }
getPoint3D(unsigned int pointNum) const32 RDGeom::Point3D Snapshot::getPoint3D(unsigned int pointNum) const {
33   PRECONDITION(d_pos, "d_pos must not be NULL");
34   PRECONDITION(d_trajectory, "d_trajectory must not be NULL");
35   PRECONDITION(d_trajectory->dimension() >= 2, "d_dimension must be >= 2");
36   PRECONDITION(d_trajectory->numPoints(), "d_numPoints must be > 0");
37   URANGE_CHECK(pointNum, d_trajectory->numPoints());
38   unsigned int i = pointNum * d_trajectory->dimension();
39   return (
40       RDGeom::Point3D(d_pos[i], d_pos[i + 1],
41                       (d_trajectory->dimension() == 3) ? d_pos[i + 2] : 0.0));
42 }
Trajectory(unsigned int dimension,unsigned int numPoints,SnapshotVect * snapshotVect)44 Trajectory::Trajectory(unsigned int dimension, unsigned int numPoints,
45                        SnapshotVect *snapshotVect)
46     : d_dimension(dimension), d_numPoints(numPoints) {
47   if (!snapshotVect) {
48     snapshotVect = new SnapshotVect;
49   }
50   d_snapshotVect.reset(snapshotVect);
51   for (auto &vectIt : *d_snapshotVect) {
52     vectIt.d_trajectory = this;
53   }
54 }
Trajectory(const Trajectory & other)56 Trajectory::Trajectory(const Trajectory &other)
57     : d_dimension(other.d_dimension),
58       d_numPoints(other.d_numPoints),
59       d_snapshotVect(new SnapshotVect) {
60   for (SnapshotVect::const_iterator vectIt = other.d_snapshotVect->begin();
61        vectIt != other.d_snapshotVect->end(); ++vectIt) {
62     addSnapshot(*vectIt);
63   }
64 }
addSnapshot(const Snapshot & s)66 unsigned int Trajectory::addSnapshot(const Snapshot &s) {
67   return insertSnapshot(d_snapshotVect->size(), s);
68 }
getSnapshot(unsigned int snapshotNum) const70 const Snapshot &Trajectory::getSnapshot(unsigned int snapshotNum) const {
71   URANGE_CHECK(snapshotNum, d_snapshotVect->size());
72   return (*d_snapshotVect)[snapshotNum];
73 }
insertSnapshot(unsigned int snapshotNum,Snapshot s)75 unsigned int Trajectory::insertSnapshot(unsigned int snapshotNum, Snapshot s) {
76   URANGE_CHECK(snapshotNum, d_snapshotVect->size() + 1);
77   s.d_trajectory = this;
78   return (d_snapshotVect->insert(d_snapshotVect->begin() + snapshotNum, s) -
79           d_snapshotVect->begin());
80 }
removeSnapshot(unsigned int snapshotNum)82 unsigned int Trajectory::removeSnapshot(unsigned int snapshotNum) {
83   URANGE_CHECK(snapshotNum, d_snapshotVect->size());
84   return (d_snapshotVect->erase(d_snapshotVect->begin() + snapshotNum) -
85           d_snapshotVect->begin());
86 }
addConformersToMol(ROMol & mol,int from,int to)88 unsigned int Trajectory::addConformersToMol(ROMol &mol, int from, int to) {
89   PRECONDITION(d_numPoints == mol.getNumAtoms(),
90                "Number of atom mismatch between ROMol and Trajectory");
91   PRECONDITION(from < static_cast<int>(size()), "from must be < size()");
92   PRECONDITION(to < static_cast<int>(size()), "to must be < size()");
93   if (from < 0) {
94     from = 0;
95   }
96   if (to < 0) {
97     to = size() - 1;
98   }
99   PRECONDITION(!size() || (from <= to), "from must be <= to");
100   int n;
101   unsigned int nConf;
102   for (n = from, nConf = 0; size() && (n <= to); ++n, ++nConf) {
103     auto *conf = new Conformer(mol.getNumAtoms());
104     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mol.getNumAtoms(); ++i) {
105       conf->setAtomPos(i, getSnapshot(n).getPoint3D(i));
106     }
107     mol.addConformer(conf, true);
108   }
109   return nConf;
110 }
readAmberTrajectory(const std::string & fName,Trajectory & traj)112 unsigned int readAmberTrajectory(const std::string &fName, Trajectory &traj) {
113   PRECONDITION(traj.dimension() == 3,
114                "The trajectory must have dimension == 3");
115   std::ifstream inStream(fName.c_str());
116   if (!inStream || inStream.bad()) {
117     std::stringstream ss;
118     ss << "Bad input file: " << fName;
119     throw RDKit::BadFileException(ss.str());
120   }
121   std::string tempStr;
122   // title
123   std::getline(inStream, tempStr);
124   // read coordinates
125   unsigned int nCoords = traj.numPoints() * 3;
126   unsigned int nSnapshots = 0;
127   while (inStream.good() && !inStream.eof()) {
128     boost::shared_array<double> c(new double[nCoords]());
129     unsigned int i = 0;
130     while (i < nCoords) {
131       if (!(inStream >> c[i])) {
132         if (!inStream.eof()) {
133           std::stringstream ss;
134           ss << "Error while reading file: " << fName;
135           throw ValueErrorException(ss.str());
136         } else if (i && (i < (nCoords - 1))) {
137           std::stringstream ss;
138           ss << "Premature end of file: " << fName;
139           throw ValueErrorException(ss.str());
140         }
141         break;
142       }
143       ++i;
144     }
145     if (!inStream.eof()) {
146       traj.addSnapshot(Snapshot(c));
147       ++nSnapshots;
148     }
149   }
150   return nSnapshots;
151 }
readGromosTrajectory(const std::string & fName,Trajectory & traj)153 unsigned int readGromosTrajectory(const std::string &fName, Trajectory &traj) {
154   PRECONDITION(traj.dimension() == 3,
155                "The trajectory must have dimension == 3");
156   std::ifstream inStream(fName.c_str());
157   if (!inStream || inStream.bad()) {
158     std::stringstream ss;
159     ss << "Bad input file: " << fName;
160     throw RDKit::BadFileException(ss.str());
161   }
162   std::string tempStr;
163   unsigned int nCoords = traj.numPoints() * 3;
164   unsigned int nSnapshots = 0;
165   const static char *ignoredKeywordArray[] = {
167   std::set<std::string> ignoredKeywordSet;
168   for (auto &kw : ignoredKeywordArray) {
169     ignoredKeywordSet.insert(std::string(kw));
170   }
171   while (inStream.good() && !inStream.eof()) {
172     std::getline(inStream, tempStr);
173     if (inStream.bad() || inStream.eof()) {
174       continue;
175     }
176     if (ignoredKeywordSet.find(tempStr) != ignoredKeywordSet.end()) {
177       // ignored block
178       while (inStream.good() && !inStream.eof() && (tempStr != "END")) {
179         std::getline(inStream, tempStr);
180       }
181     } else if ((tempStr == "POSITIONRED") || (tempStr == "POSITION")) {
182       // these are the positions
183       boost::shared_array<double> c(new double[nCoords]());
184       unsigned int j = 0;
185       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < traj.numPoints();) {
186         std::getline(inStream, tempStr);
187         if (inStream.bad() || inStream.eof() || (tempStr == "END")) {
188           throw ValueErrorException("Wrong number of coordinates");
189         }
190         // ignore comments
191         if (tempStr.find("#") != std::string::npos) {
192           continue;
193         }
194         std::stringstream ls(tempStr);
195         double x, y, z;
196         if (!(ls >> x >> y >> z)) {
197           throw ValueErrorException("Error while reading file");
198         }
199         // store the coordinates (convert to Angstrom!)
200         c[j++] = x * 10.0;
201         c[j++] = y * 10.0;
202         c[j++] = z * 10.0;
203         ++i;
204       }
205       std::getline(inStream, tempStr);  // the END line
206       if (inStream.bad() || inStream.eof() || (tempStr != "END")) {
207         throw ValueErrorException("Wrong number of coordinates");
208       }
209       traj.addSnapshot(Snapshot(c));
210       ++nSnapshots;
211     } else {
212       std::string supportedBlocks("POSITIONRED, POSITION");
213       for (const auto &it : ignoredKeywordSet) {
214         supportedBlocks += ", " + it;
215       }
216       throw ValueErrorException("Unsupported block: " + tempStr +
217                                 ". Supported blocks are " + supportedBlocks);
218     }
219   }  // read file
220   if (inStream.bad()) {
221     std::stringstream ss;
222     ss << "Bad input file: " << fName;
223     throw RDKit::BadFileException(ss.str());
224   }
225   return nSnapshots;
226 }
227 }