1 /*
2    Copyright (c) 1991-1999 Thomas T. Wetmore IV
4    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
5    obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
6    files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
7    restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
8    modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies
9    of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
10    furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
12    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
13    included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
23 */
24 /* modified 05 Jan 2000 by Paul B. McBride (pmcbride@tiac.net) */
25 /*=============================================================
26  * interp.c -- Interpret program statements
27  * Copyright(c) 1991-95 by T.T. Wetmore IV; all rights reserved
28  *   2.3.4 - 24 Jun 93    2.3.5 - 16 Aug 93
29  *   3.0.0 - 26 Jul 94    3.0.2 - 25 Mar 95
30  *   3.0.3 - 22 Sep 95
31  *===========================================================*/
33 #include <time.h>
34 #include "llstdlib.h"
35 #include "table.h"
36 #include "translat.h"
37 #include "gedcom.h"
38 #include "cache.h"
39 #include "interpi.h"
40 #include "indiseq.h"
41 #include "rptui.h"
42 #include "feedback.h"
43 #include "arch.h"
44 #include "lloptions.h"
45 #include "parse.h"
46 #include "zstr.h"
47 #include "icvt.h"
48 #include "date.h"
49 #include "xlat.h"
52 #include <stdarg.h>
54 #endif
56 /*********************************************
57  * global/exported variables
58  *********************************************/
60 /*
61  TODO: Move most of these into parseinfo structure
62  Perry 2002.07.14
63  One problem -- finishrassa closes foutfp, so it may need longer lifetime
64  that parseinfo currently has
65 */
66 TABLE gproctab=0, gfunctab=0;
67 SYMTAB globtab = NULL;
68 PATHINFO cur_pathinfo = 0;	/* program currently being parsed or run */
69 FILE *Poutfp = NULL;		/* file to write program output to */
70 STRING Poutstr = NULL;		/* string to write program output to */
71 INT Perrors = 0;
72 LIST Plist = NULL;		/* list of program files still to read */
73 PNODE Pnode = NULL;		/* node being interpreted */
74 BOOLEAN explicitvars = FALSE;	/* all vars must be declared */
75 BOOLEAN rpt_cancelled = FALSE;
77 /*********************************************
78  * external/imported variables
79  *********************************************/
81 extern INT progerror;
82 extern BOOLEAN progrunning, progparsing;
83 extern STRING qSwhatrpt;
84 extern STRING qSunsupuniv;
86 /*********************************************
87  * local function prototypes
88  *********************************************/
90 static STRING check_rpt_requires(PACTX pactx, STRING fname);
91 static void clean_orphaned_rptlocks(void);
92 static void delete_pathinfo(PATHINFO * pathinfo);
93 static void enqueue_parse_error(const char * fmt, ...);
94 static BOOLEAN find_program(CNSTRING fname, STRING localdir, STRING *pfull,BOOLEAN include);
95 static void init_pactx(PACTX pactx);
96 static BOOLEAN interpret_prog(PNODE begin, SYMTAB stab);
97 static PATHINFO new_pathinfo(CNSTRING fname, STRING fullpath);
98 static void parse_file(PACTX pactx, STRING fname, STRING fullpath);
99 static void print_report_duration(INT duration, INT uiduration);
100 static void progmessage(MSG_LEVEL level, STRING);
101 static void remove_tables(PACTX pactx);
102 static void wipe_pactx(PACTX pactx);
104 /*********************************************
105  * local variables
106  *********************************************/
108 static LIST outstanding_parse_errors = 0;
110 /*********************************************
111  * local function definitions
112  * body of module
113  *********************************************/
116 /*====================================+
117  * initinterp -- Initialize interpreter
118  *===================================*/
119 void
initinterp(void)120 initinterp (void)
121 {
122 	initrassa();
123 	Perrors = 0;
124 	rpt_cancelled = FALSE;
125 	explicitvars = FALSE;
126 }
127 /*==================================+
128  * finishinterp -- Finish interpreter
129  *=================================*/
130 void
finishinterp(void)131 finishinterp (void)
132 {
133 	finishrassa();
135 	/* clean up any orphaned report locks on records */
136 	clean_orphaned_rptlocks();
138 	if (progerror) {
139 		refresh_stdout();
140 		/* we used to sleep for 5 seconds here */
141 	}
143 }
144 /*================================================================+
145  * progmessage -- Display a status message about the report program
146  *  level: [IN]  error, info, status (use enum MSG_LEVEL)
147  *  msg:   [IN]  string to display (progname is added if there is room)
148  *===============================================================*/
149 static void
progmessage(MSG_LEVEL level,STRING msg)150 progmessage (MSG_LEVEL level, STRING msg)
151 {
152 	char buf[120];
153 	char *ptr=buf;
154 	INT mylen=sizeof(buf);
155 	INT maxwidth = msg_width();
156 	INT msglen = strlen(msg);
157 	if (maxwidth >= 0 && maxwidth < mylen)
158 		mylen = maxwidth;
159 	if (cur_pathinfo && *cur_pathinfo->fullpath && msglen+20 < maxwidth) {
160 		INT len = 99999;
161 		if (msg_width() >= 0) {
162 			len = sizeof(buf)-3-msglen;
163 		}
164 		llstrcatn(&ptr, msg, &mylen);
165 		llstrcatn(&ptr, " [", &mylen);
166 		llstrcatn(&ptr, compress_path(cur_pathinfo->fullpath, len), &mylen);
167 		llstrcatn(&ptr, "] ", &mylen);
168 	} else {
169 		llstrcatn(&ptr, msg, &mylen);
170 	}
171 	msg_output(level, buf);
172 }
173 /*=============================================+
174  * new_pathinfo -- Return new, filled-out pathinfo object
175  *  all memory is newly heap-allocated
176  *============================================*/
177 static PATHINFO
new_pathinfo(CNSTRING fname,STRING fullpath)178 new_pathinfo (CNSTRING fname, STRING fullpath)
179 {
180 	PATHINFO pathinfo = (PATHINFO)stdalloc(sizeof(*pathinfo));
181 	memset(pathinfo, 0, sizeof(*pathinfo));
182 	pathinfo->fname = strdup(fname);
183 	pathinfo->fullpath = strdup(fullpath);
184 	return pathinfo;
185 }
186 /*=============================================+
187  * delete_pathinfo -- Free memory inside pathinfo
188  *============================================*/
189 static void
delete_pathinfo(PATHINFO * pathinfo)190 delete_pathinfo (PATHINFO * pathinfo)
191 {
192 	if (pathinfo && *pathinfo) {
193 		strfree(&(*pathinfo)->fname);
194 		strfree(&(*pathinfo)->fullpath);
195 		stdfree(*pathinfo);
196 		*pathinfo = 0;
197 	}
198 }
199 /*=============================================+
200  * interp_program_list -- Interpret LifeLines program
201  *  proc:     [IN]  proc to call
202  *  nargs:    [IN]  number of arguments
203  *  args:     [IN]  arguments
204  *  ifiles:   [IN]  program files
205  *  ofile:    [IN]  output file - can be NULL
206  *  picklist: [IN]  show user list of existing reports ?
207  * returns 0 if it didn't actually run (eg, not found, or no report picked)
208  *============================================*/
209 static INT
interp_program_list(STRING proc,INT nargs,VPTR * args,LIST lifiles,STRING ofile,BOOLEAN picklist)210 interp_program_list (STRING proc, INT nargs, VPTR *args, LIST lifiles
211 	, STRING ofile, BOOLEAN picklist)
212 {
213 	LIST plist=0, donelist=0;
214 	SYMTAB stab = NULL;
215 	INT i;
216 	INT nfiles = length_list(lifiles);
217 	PNODE first, parm;
218 	struct tag_pactx pact;
219 	PACTX pactx = &pact;
220 	STRING rootfilepath=0;
221 	INT ranit=0;
223 	init_pactx(pactx);
225 	pvalues_begin();
227    /* Get the initial list of program files */
228 	plist = create_list();
229 	/* list of pathinfos finished */
230 	donelist = create_list();
232 	if (nfiles > 0) {
233 		for (i = 1; i < nfiles+1; i++) {
234 			STRING fullpath = 0;
235 			STRING progfile = get_list_element(lifiles, i, NULL);
236 			if (find_program(progfile, 0, &fullpath,FALSE)) {
237 				PATHINFO pathinfo = new_pathinfo(progfile, fullpath);
238 				strfree(&fullpath);
239 				enqueue_list(plist, pathinfo);
240 				if (i==1)
241 					strupdate(&rootfilepath, pathinfo->fullpath);
242 			} else {
243 				enqueue_parse_error(_("Report not found: %s "), progfile);
244 			}
245 		}
246 	} else {
247 		PATHINFO pathinfo = 0;
248 		STRING fname=0, fullpath=0;
249 		STRING programsdir = getlloptstr("LLPROGRAMS", ".");
250 		if (!rptui_ask_for_program(LLREADTEXT, _(qSwhatrpt), &fname, &fullpath
251 			, programsdir, ".ll", picklist)) {
252 			if (fname)  {
253 				/* tried & failed to open report program */
254 				llwprintf(_("Error: file <%s> not found"), fname);
255 			}
256 			strfree(&fname);
257 			strfree(&fullpath);
258 			goto interp_program_notfound;
259 		}
260 		pathinfo = new_pathinfo(fname, fullpath);
261 		strfree(&fname);
262 		strfree(&fullpath);
264 		strupdate(&rootfilepath, pathinfo->fullpath);
265 		enqueue_list(plist, pathinfo);
266 	}
268 	progparsing = TRUE;
270 	/* Parse each file in the list -- don't reparse any file */
271 	/* (paths are resolved before files are enqueued, & stored in pathinfo) */
273 	gproctab = create_table_obj();
274 	globtab = create_symtab_global();
275 	gfunctab = create_table_obj();
276 	initinterp();
278 	while (!is_empty_list(plist)) {
279 		cur_pathinfo = (PATHINFO) dequeue_list(plist);
280 		if (!in_table(pactx->filetab, cur_pathinfo->fullpath)) {
281 			STRING str;
282 			insert_table_obj(pactx->filetab, cur_pathinfo->fullpath, 0);
283 			Plist = plist;
284 			parse_file(pactx, cur_pathinfo->fname, cur_pathinfo->fullpath);
285 			if ((str = check_rpt_requires(pactx, cur_pathinfo->fullpath)) != 0) {
286 				progmessage(MSG_ERROR, str);
287 				goto interp_program_exit;
288 			}
289 			enqueue_list(donelist, cur_pathinfo);
290 		} else {
291 			/* skip references to files we've already parsed */
292 			delete_pathinfo(&cur_pathinfo);
293 		}
294 		cur_pathinfo = 0;
295 	}
296 	destroy_list(plist);
297 	plist=NULL;
300 	if (outstanding_parse_errors) {
301 		STRING str;
302 		FORLIST(outstanding_parse_errors, el)
303 			str = (STRING)el;
304 			prog_error(NULL, str);
305 			++Perrors;
307 		destroy_list(outstanding_parse_errors);
308 		outstanding_parse_errors=0;
309 	}
311 	if (Perrors) {
312 		progmessage(MSG_ERROR, _("Program contains errors.\n"));
313 		goto interp_program_exit;
314 	}
316    /* Find top procedure */
318 	if (!(first = (PNODE) valueof_ptr(get_rptinfo(rootfilepath)->proctab, proc))) {
319 		progmessage(MSG_ERROR, _("Program needs a starting procedure.\n"));
320 		goto interp_program_exit;
321 	}
323    /* Open output file if name is provided */
325 	if (ofile) {
326 		if (!start_output_file(ofile)) {
327 			goto interp_program_exit;
328 		}
329 	}
330 	if (Poutfp) setbuf(Poutfp, NULL);
332    /* Link arguments to parameters in symbol table */
334 	parm = ipdefn_args(first);
335 	if (nargs != num_params(parm)) {
336 		msg_error(_("Proc %s must be called with %d (not %d) parameters."),
337 			proc, num_params(parm), nargs);
338 		goto interp_program_exit;
339 	}
340 	stab = create_symtab_proc(proc, NULL);
341 	for (i = 0; i < nargs; i++) {
342 		insert_symtab(stab, iident_name(parm), args[0]);
343 		parm = inext(parm);
344 	}
346    /* Interpret top procedure */
347 	ranit = 1;
348 	progparsing = FALSE;
349 	progrunning = TRUE;
350 	progerror = 0;
351 	progmessage(MSG_STATUS, _("Program is running..."));
352 	ranit = interpret_prog((PNODE) ibody(first), stab);
354    /* Clean up and return */
356 	progrunning = FALSE;
357 	finishinterp(); /* includes 5 sec delay if errors on-screen */
358 	if (Poutfp) fclose(Poutfp);
359 	Poutfp = NULL;
361 interp_program_exit:
363 	remove_tables(pactx);
364 	if (stab) {
365 		remove_symtab(stab);
366 		stab = NULL;
367 	}
369 interp_program_notfound:
371 	symbol_tables_end();
372 	pvalues_end();
373 	wipe_pactx(pactx);
374 	xl_free_adhoc_xlats();
376 	/* kill any orphaned pathinfos */
377 	while (!is_empty_list(plist)) {
378 		PATHINFO pathinfo = (PATHINFO)dequeue_list(plist);
379 		delete_pathinfo(&pathinfo);
380 	}
381 	/* Assumption -- pactx->fullpath stays live longer than all pnodes */
382 	while (!is_empty_list(donelist)) {
383 		PATHINFO pathinfo = (PATHINFO)dequeue_list(donelist);
384 		delete_pathinfo(&pathinfo);
385 	}
386 	strfree(&rootfilepath);
387 	destroy_list(donelist);
388 	destroy_list(plist);
389 	return ranit;
390 }
391 /*===============================================
392  * interpret_prog -- execute a report program
393  *=============================================*/
394 static BOOLEAN
interpret_prog(PNODE begin,SYMTAB stab)395 interpret_prog (PNODE begin, SYMTAB stab)
396 {
397 	PVALUE dummy=0;
398 	INT rtn = interpret(begin, stab, &dummy);
400 	delete_pvalue(dummy);
401 	dummy=0;
403 	switch(rtn) {
404 	case INTOKAY:
405 	case INTRETURN:
406 		progmessage(MSG_INFO, _("Program was run successfully.\n"));
407 		return TRUE;
408 	default:
409 		if (rpt_cancelled) {
410 			progmessage(MSG_STATUS, _("Program was cancelled.\n"));
411 		} else
412 			progmessage(MSG_STATUS, _("Program was not run because of errors.\n"));
413 		return FALSE;
414 	}
415 }
416 /*===============================================
417  * init_pactx -- initialize global parsing context
418  *=============================================*/
419 static void
init_pactx(PACTX pactx)420 init_pactx (PACTX pactx)
421 {
422 	memset(pactx, 0, sizeof(*pactx));
423 	pactx->filetab = create_table_obj(); /* table of tables */
424 }
425 /*===============================================
426  * wipe_pactx -- destroy global parsing context
427  *=============================================*/
428 static void
wipe_pactx(PACTX pactx)429 wipe_pactx (PACTX pactx)
430 {
431 	destroy_table(pactx->filetab);
432 	pactx->filetab=NULL;
433 	memset(pactx, 0, sizeof(*pactx));
434 }
435 /*===========================================+
436  * remove_tables -- Remove interpreter's tables
437  *==========================================*/
438 static void
remove_tables(PACTX pactx)439 remove_tables (PACTX pactx)
440 {
441 	pactx=pactx; /* unused */
442 	destroy_table(gproctab);
443 	gproctab=NULL;
444 	remove_symtab(globtab);
445 	globtab = NULL;
446 	destroy_table(gfunctab);
447 	gfunctab=NULL;
448 }
449 /*======================================+
450  * find_program -- search for program file
451  *  fname: [IN]  filename desired
452  *  pfull: [OUT] full path found (stdalloc'd)
453  * Returns TRUE if found
454  *=====================================*/
455 static BOOLEAN
find_program(CNSTRING fname,STRING localdir,STRING * pfull,BOOLEAN include)456 find_program (CNSTRING fname, STRING localdir, STRING *pfull,BOOLEAN include)
457 {
458 	STRING programsdir = getlloptstr("LLPROGRAMS", ".");
459 	FILE * fp = 0;
460 	ZSTR zstr=zs_new();
462 	if (!fname || *fname == 0) goto end_find_program;
463 	/* prefer local dir, so prefix path with localdir */
464 	if (localdir && localdir[0]) {
465 		zs_sets(zstr, localdir);
466 		zs_apps(zstr, LLSTRPATHSEPARATOR);
467 	}
468 	zs_apps(zstr, programsdir);
469 	if (include) {
470 	    fp = fopenpath(fname, LLREADTEXT, zs_str(zstr), ".li", uu8, pfull);
471 	    if (fp) {
472 		    fclose(fp);
473 		    rtn = TRUE;
474 		    goto end_find_program;
475 	    }
476 	}
477 	fp = fopenpath(fname, LLREADTEXT, zs_str(zstr), ".ll", uu8, pfull);
478 	if (fp) {
479 		fclose(fp);
480 		rtn = TRUE;
481 	}
483 end_find_program:
484 	zs_free(&zstr);
485 	return rtn;
486 }
487 /*======================================+
488  * parse_file -- Parse single program file
489  *  pactx: [I/O] pointer to global parsing context
490  *  ifile: [IN]  file to parse
491  * Parse file (yyparse may wind up adding entries to plist, via include statements)
492  *=====================================*/
493 static void
parse_file(PACTX pactx,STRING fname,STRING fullpath)494 parse_file (PACTX pactx, STRING fname, STRING fullpath)
495 {
496 	STRING unistr=0;
498 	ASSERT(!pactx->Pinfp);
499 	if (!fullpath || !fullpath[0]) return;
500 	pactx->Pinfp = fopen(fullpath, LLREADTEXT);
501 	if (!pactx->Pinfp) {
502 		llwprintf(_("Error: file <%s> not found: %s\n"), fname, fullpath);
503 		Perrors++;
504 		return;
505 	}
507 	if ((unistr=check_file_for_unicode(pactx->Pinfp)) && !eqstr(unistr, "UTF-8")) {
508 		msg_error(_(qSunsupuniv), unistr);
509 		Perrors++;
510 		return;
511 	}
513 	/* Assumption -- pactx->fullpath stays live longer than all pnodes */
514 	pactx->ifile = fname;
515 	pactx->fullpath = fullpath;
516 	pactx->lineno = 0;
517 	pactx->charpos = 0;
519 	yyparse(pactx);
521 	closefp(&pactx->Pinfp);
522 	pactx->ifile = 0;
523 	pactx->fullpath = 0;
524 	pactx->lineno = 0;
525 	pactx->charpos = 0;
526 }
527 /*====================================+
528  * report_duration -- print report duration
529  *===================================*/
530 static void
print_report_duration(INT duration,INT uiduration)531 print_report_duration (INT duration, INT uiduration)
532 {
533 	ZSTR zt1=approx_time(duration-uiduration), zt2=approx_time(uiduration);
534 	llwprintf(_("\nReport duration %s (ui duration %s)\n")
535 		, zs_str(zt1), zs_str(zt2));
536 	zs_free(&zt1);
537 	zs_free(&zt2);
538 }
539 /*====================================+
540  * interp_main -- Interpreter main proc
541  *  picklist: [IN]
542  *  ifiles:   [IN]  program files
543  *  ofile:    [IN]  output file - can be NULL
544  *  picklist: [IN]  show user list of existing reports ?
545  *  timing:   [IN]  show report elapsed time info ?
546  *===================================*/
547 void
interp_main(LIST lifiles,STRING ofile,BOOLEAN picklist,BOOLEAN timing)548 interp_main (LIST lifiles, STRING ofile, BOOLEAN picklist, BOOLEAN timing)
549 {
550 	time_t begin = time(NULL);
551 	int elapsed, uitime;
552 	int ranit=0;
553 	/* whilst still in uilocale, check if we need to reload report strings
554 	(in case first time or uilocale changed) */
555 	interp_load_lang();
556 	prog_trace = FALSE; /* clear report debug flag */
557 	init_debugger();
558 	rptui_init(); /* clear ui time counter */
560 	rptlocale();
561 	ranit = interp_program_list("main", 0, NULL, lifiles, ofile, picklist);
562 	uilocale();
563 	elapsed = time(NULL) - begin;
564 	uitime = rptui_elapsed();
566 	if (ranit && timing)
567 		print_report_duration(elapsed, uitime);
569 	/*
570 	TO DO: unlock all cache elements (2001/03/17, Perry)
571 	in case any were left locked by report
572 	*/
573 }
574 /*======================================
575  * interpret -- Interpret statement list
576  * PNODE node:   first node to interpret
577  * TABLE stab:   current symbol table
578  * PVALUE *pval: possible return value
579  *====================================*/
interpret(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)581 interpret (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
582 {
583 	STRING str;
584 	BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
585 	INTERPTYPE irc;
586 	PVALUE val;
588 	*pval = NULL;
590 	while (node) {
591 		Pnode = node;
592 		if (prog_trace) {
593 			trace_out("d%d: ", iline(node)+1);
594 			trace_pnode(node);
595 			trace_endl();
596 		}
597 		switch (itype(node)) {
598 		case ISCONS:
599 			poutput(pvalue_to_string(node->vars.iscons.value), &eflg);
600 			if (eflg)
601 				goto interp_fail;
602 			break;
603 		case IIDENT:
604 			val = eval_and_coerce(PSTRING, node, stab, &eflg);
605 			if (eflg) {
606 				prog_error(node, _("identifier: %s should be a string\n"),
607 				    iident_name(node));
608 				goto interp_fail;
609 			}
610 			str = pvalue_to_string(val);
611 			if (str) {
612 				poutput(str, &eflg);
613 				if (eflg) {
614 					goto interp_fail;
615 				}
616 			}
617 			delete_pvalue(val);
618 			break;
619 		case IBCALL:
620 			val = evaluate_func(node, stab, &eflg);
621 			if (eflg) {
622 				goto interp_fail;
623 			}
624 			if (!val) break;
625 			if (which_pvalue_type(val) == PSTRING) {
626 				str = pvalue_to_string(val);
627 				if (str) {
628 					poutput(str, &eflg);
629 					if (eflg)
630 						goto interp_fail;
631 				}
632 			}
633 			delete_pvalue(val);
634 			break;
635 		case IFCALL:
636 			val = evaluate_ufunc(node, stab, &eflg);
637 			if (eflg) {
638 				goto interp_fail;
639 			}
640 			if (!val) break;
641 			if (which_pvalue_type(val) == PSTRING) {
642 				str = pvalue_to_string(val);
643 				if (str) {
644 					poutput(str, &eflg);
645 					if (eflg)
646 						goto interp_fail;
647 				}
648 			}
649 			delete_pvalue(val);
650 			break;
651 		case IPDEFN:
652 			FATAL();
653 		case ICHILDREN:
654 			switch (irc = interp_children(node, stab, pval)) {
655 			case INTOKAY:
656 			case INTBREAK:
657 				break;
658 			case INTERROR:
659 				goto interp_fail;
660 			default:
661 				return irc;
662 			}
663 			break;
665 			switch (irc = interp_familyspouses(node, stab, pval)) {
666 			case INTOKAY:
667 			case INTBREAK:
668 				break;
669 			case INTERROR:
670 				goto interp_fail;
671 			default:
672 				return irc;
673 			}
674 			break;
675 		case ISPOUSES:
676 			switch (irc = interp_spouses(node, stab, pval)) {
677 			case INTOKAY:
678 			case INTBREAK:
679 				break;
680 			case INTERROR:
681 				goto interp_fail;
682 			default:
683 				return irc;
684 			}
685 			break;
686 		case IFAMILIES:
687 			switch (irc = interp_families(node, stab, pval)) {
688 			case INTOKAY:
689 			case INTBREAK:
690 				break;
691 			case INTERROR:
692 				goto interp_fail;
693 			default:
694 				return irc;
695 			}
696 			break;
697 		case IFATHS:
698 			switch (irc = interp_fathers(node, stab, pval)) {
699 			case INTOKAY:
700 			case INTBREAK:
701 				break;
702 			case INTERROR:
703 				goto interp_fail;
704 			default:
705 				return irc;
706 			}
707 			break;
708 		case IMOTHS:
709 			switch (irc = interp_mothers(node, stab, pval)) {
710 			case INTOKAY:
711 			case INTBREAK:
712 				break;
713 			case INTERROR:
714 				goto interp_fail;
715 			default:
716 				return irc;
717 			}
718 			break;
719 		case IFAMCS:
720 			switch (irc = interp_parents(node, stab, pval)) {
721 			case INTOKAY:
722 			case INTBREAK:
723 				break;
724 			case INTERROR:
725 				goto interp_fail;
726 			default:
727 				return irc;
728 			}
729 			break;
730 		case ISET:
731 			switch (irc = interp_indisetloop(node, stab, pval)) {
732 			case INTOKAY:
733 			case INTBREAK:
734 				break;
735 			case INTERROR:
736 				goto interp_fail;
737 			default:
738 				return irc;
739 			}
740 			break;
741 		case IINDI:
742 			switch (irc = interp_forindi(node, stab, pval)) {
743 			case INTOKAY:
744 			case INTBREAK:
745 				break;
746 			case INTERROR:
747 				goto interp_fail;
748 			default:
749 				return irc;
750 			}
751 			break;
752 		case IFAM:
753 			switch (irc = interp_forfam(node, stab, pval)) {
754 			case INTOKAY:
755 			case INTBREAK:
756 				break;
757 			case INTERROR:
758 				goto interp_fail;
759 			default:
760 				return irc;
761 			}
762 			break;
763 		case ISOUR:
764 			switch (irc = interp_forsour(node, stab, pval)) {
765 			case INTOKAY:
766 			case INTBREAK:
767 				break;
768 			case INTERROR:
769 				goto interp_fail;
770 			default:
771 				return irc;
772 			}
773 			break;
774 		case IEVEN:
775 			switch (irc = interp_foreven(node, stab, pval)) {
776 			case INTOKAY:
777 			case INTBREAK:
778 				break;
779 			case INTERROR:
780 				goto interp_fail;
781 			default:
782 				return irc;
783 			}
784 			break;
785 		case IOTHR:
786 			switch (irc = interp_forothr(node, stab, pval)) {
787 			case INTOKAY:
788 			case INTBREAK:
789 				break;
790 			case INTERROR:
791 				goto interp_fail;
792 			default:
793 				return irc;
794 			}
795 			break;
796 		case ILIST:
797 			switch (irc = interp_forlist(node, stab, pval)) {
798 			case INTOKAY:
799 			case INTBREAK:
800 				break;
801 			case INTERROR:
802 				goto interp_fail;
803 			default:
804 				return irc;
805 			}
806 			break;
807 		case INOTES:
808 			switch (irc = interp_fornotes(node, stab, pval)) {
809 			case INTOKAY:
810 			case INTBREAK:
811 				break;
812 			case INTERROR:
813 				goto interp_fail;
814 			default:
815 				return irc;
816 			}
817 			break;
818 		case INODES:
819 			switch (irc = interp_fornodes(node, stab, pval)) {
820 			case INTOKAY:
821 			case INTBREAK:
822 				break;
823 			case INTERROR:
824 				goto interp_fail;
825 			default:
826 				return irc;
827 			}
828 			break;
829 		case ITRAV:
830 			switch (irc = interp_traverse(node, stab, pval)) {
831 			case INTOKAY:
832 			case INTBREAK:
833 				break;
834 			case INTERROR:
835 				goto interp_fail;
836 			default:
837 				return irc;
838 			}
839 			break;
840 		case IIF:
841 			switch (irc = interp_if(node, stab, pval)) {
842 			case INTOKAY:
843 				break;
844 			case INTERROR:
845 				goto interp_fail;
846 			default:
847 				return irc;
848 			}
849 			break;
850 		case IWHILE:
851 			switch (irc = interp_while(node, stab, pval)) {
852 			case INTOKAY:
853 			case INTBREAK:
854 				break;
855 			case INTERROR:
856 				goto interp_fail;
857 			default:
858 				return irc;
859 			}
860 			break;
861 		case IPCALL:
862 			switch (irc = interp_call(node, stab, pval)) {
863 			case INTOKAY:
864 				break;
865 			case INTERROR:
866 				goto interp_fail;
867 			default:
868 				return irc;
869 			}
870 			break;
871 		case IBREAK:
872 			return INTBREAK;
873 		case ICONTINUE:
874 			return INTCONTINUE;
875 		case IRETURN:
876 			if (iargs(node))
877 				*pval = evaluate(iargs(node), stab, &eflg);
878 			if (eflg && getlloptint("FullReportCallStack", 0) > 0)
879 				prog_error(node, "in return statement");
880 			return INTRETURN;
881 		default:
882 			llwprintf("itype(node) is %d\n", itype(node));
883 			llwprintf("HUH, HUH, HUH, HUNH!\n");
884 			goto interp_fail;
885 		}
886 		node = inext(node);
887 	}
888 	return TRUE;
890 interp_fail:
891 	if (getlloptint("FullReportCallStack", 0) > 0) {
892 		llwprintf("e%d: ", iline(node)+1);
893 		debug_show_one_pnode(node);
894 		llwprintf("\n");
895 	}
896 	return INTERROR;
897 }
898 /*========================================+
899  * interp_children -- Interpret child loop
900  *  usage: children(INDI,INDI_V,INT_V) {...}
901  *=======================================*/
interp_children(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)903 interp_children (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
904 {
905 	BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
906 	INT nchil;
907 	CACHEEL fcel, cel;
908 	INTERPTYPE irc;
909 	PVALUE val;
910 	NODE fam = (NODE) eval_fam(iloopexp(node), stab, &eflg, &fcel);
911 	if (eflg) {
912 		prog_error(node, nonfamx, "children", "1");
913 		return INTERROR;
914 	}
915 	if (fam && nestr(ntag(fam), "FAM")) {
916 		prog_error(node, badargx, "children", "1");
917 		return INTERROR;
918 	}
919 	if (!fam) return INTOKAY;
920 	lock_cache(fcel);
921 	FORCHILDRENx(fam, chil, nchil)
922 		val = create_pvalue_from_indi(chil);
923 		insert_symtab(stab, ichild(node), val);
924 		insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(nchil));
925 		/* val should be real person, because it came from FORCHILDREN */
926 		cel = pvalue_to_cel(val);
927 		lock_cache(cel);
928 		irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval);
929 		unlock_cache(cel);
930 		switch (irc) {
931 		case INTCONTINUE:
932 		case INTOKAY:
933 			goto aloop;
934 		default:
935 			goto aleave;
936 		}
937 aloop:	;
939 	irc = INTOKAY;
940 aleave:
941 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ichild(node));
942 	delete_symtab_element(stab, inum(node));
943 	unlock_cache(fcel);
944 	return irc;
945 }
946 /*========================================+
947  * interp_familyspouses -- Interpret familyspouses loop
948  *  usage: familyspouses(FAM,INDI_V,INT_V) {...}
949  *=======================================*/
interp_familyspouses(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)951 interp_familyspouses (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
952 {
953 	BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
954 	INT nspouse;
955 	CACHEEL fcel, cel;
956 	INTERPTYPE irc;
957 	PVALUE val;
958 	NODE fam = (NODE) eval_fam(iloopexp(node), stab, &eflg, &fcel);
959 	if (eflg) {
960 		prog_error(node, nonfamx, "family spouses", "1");
961 		return INTERROR;
962 	}
963 	if (fam && nestr(ntag(fam), "FAM")) {
964 		prog_error(node, badargx, "family spouses", "1");
965 		return INTERROR;
966 	}
967 	if (!fam) return INTOKAY;
968 	lock_cache(fcel);
969 	FORFAMSPOUSES(fam, spouse, nspouse)
970 		val = create_pvalue_from_indi(spouse);
971 		insert_symtab(stab, ichild(node), val);
972 		insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(nspouse));
973 		/* val should be real person, because it came from FORFAMSPOUSES */
974 		cel = pvalue_to_cel(val);
975 		lock_cache(cel);
976 		irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval);
977 		unlock_cache(cel);
978 		switch (irc) {
979 		case INTCONTINUE:
980 		case INTOKAY:
981 			goto aloop;
982 		default:
983 			goto aleave;
984 		}
985 aloop:	;
987 	irc = INTOKAY;
988 aleave:
989 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ichild(node));
990 	delete_symtab_element(stab, inum(node));
991 	unlock_cache(fcel);
992 	return irc;
993 }
994 /*==============================================+
995  * interp_spouses -- Interpret spouse loop
996  *  usage: spouses(INDI,INDI_V,FAM_V,INT_V) {...}
997  *=============================================*/
interp_spouses(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)999 interp_spouses (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1000 {
1001 	BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
1002 	INT nspouses;
1003 	CACHEEL icel, scel, fcel;
1004 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1005 	PVALUE sval, fval, nval;
1006 	NODE indi = (NODE) eval_indi(iloopexp(node), stab, &eflg, &icel);
1007 	if (eflg) {
1008 		prog_error(node, nonindx, "spouses", "1");
1009 		return INTERROR;
1010 	}
1011 	if (indi && nestr(ntag(indi), "INDI")) {
1012 		prog_error(node, badargx, "spouses", "1");
1013 		return INTERROR;
1014 	}
1015 	if (!indi) return TRUE;
1016 	lock_cache(icel);
1017 	FORSPOUSES(indi, spouse, fam, nspouses)
1018 		sval = create_pvalue_from_indi(spouse);
1019 		insert_symtab(stab, ispouse(node), sval);
1020 		fval = create_pvalue_from_fam(fam);
1021 		insert_symtab(stab, ifamily(node), fval);
1022 		nval = create_pvalue_from_int(nspouses);
1023 		insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), nval);
1024 		/* sval should be real person, because it came from FORSPOUSES */
1025 		scel = pvalue_to_cel(sval);
1026 		/* fval should be real person, because it came from FORSPOUSES */
1027 		fcel = pvalue_to_cel(fval);
1028 		lock_cache(scel);
1029 		lock_cache(fcel);
1030 		irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval);
1031 		unlock_cache(scel);
1032 		unlock_cache(fcel);
1033 		switch (irc) {
1034 		case INTCONTINUE:
1035 		case INTOKAY:
1036 			goto bloop;
1037 		default:
1038 			goto bleave;
1039 		}
1040 bloop:	;
1042 	irc = INTOKAY;
1043 bleave:
1044 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ispouse(node));
1045 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ifamily(node));
1046 	delete_symtab_element(stab, inum(node));
1047 	unlock_cache(icel);
1048 	return irc;
1049 }
1050 /*===============================================+
1051  * interp_families -- Interpret family loop
1052  *  usage: families(INDI,FAM_V,INDI_V,INT_V) {...}
1053  * 2001/03/17 Revised by Perry Rapp
1054  *  to call insert_symtab_pvalue, get_cel_from_pvalue
1055  *  to delete its loop pvalues when finished
1056  *==============================================*/
interp_families(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1058 interp_families (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1059 {
1060 	BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
1061 	INT nfams;
1062 	CACHEEL icel, fcel, scel;
1063 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1064 	PVALUE fval, sval, nval;
1065 	NODE indi = (NODE) eval_indi(iloopexp(node), stab, &eflg, &icel);
1066 	if (eflg) {
1067 		prog_error(node, nonindx, "families", "1");
1068 		return INTERROR;
1069 	}
1070 	if (indi && nestr(ntag(indi), "INDI")) {
1071 		prog_error(node, badargx, "families", "1");
1072 		return INTERROR;
1073 	}
1074 	if (!indi) return INTOKAY;
1075 	lock_cache(icel);
1076 	FORFAMSS(indi, fam, spouse, nfams)
1077 		fval = create_pvalue_from_fam(fam);
1078 		insert_symtab(stab, ifamily(node), fval);
1079 		sval = create_pvalue_from_indi(spouse);
1080 		insert_symtab(stab, ispouse(node), sval);
1081 		nval = create_pvalue_from_int(nfams);
1082 		insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), nval);
1083 		/* fval should be real person, because it came from FORFAMSS */
1084 		fcel = pvalue_to_cel(fval);
1085 		/* sval may not be a person -- so scel may be NULL */
1086 		scel = pvalue_to_cel(sval);
1087 		lock_cache(fcel);
1088 		if (scel) lock_cache(scel);
1089 		irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval);
1090 		unlock_cache(fcel);
1091 		if (scel) unlock_cache(scel);
1092 		switch (irc) {
1093 		case INTCONTINUE:
1094 		case INTOKAY:
1095 			goto cloop;
1096 		default:
1097 			goto cleave;
1098 		}
1099 cloop:	;
1101 	irc = INTOKAY;
1102 cleave:
1103 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ifamily(node));
1104 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ispouse(node));
1105 	delete_symtab_element(stab, inum(node));
1106 	unlock_cache(icel);
1107 	return irc;
1108 }
1109 /*========================================+
1110  * interp_fathers -- Interpret fathers loop
1111  * 2001/03/17 Revised by Perry Rapp
1112  *  to call insert_symtab_pvalue, get_cel_from_pvalue
1113  *  to delete its loop pvalues when finished
1114  *=======================================*/
interp_fathers(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1116 interp_fathers (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1117 {
1118 	BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
1119 	INT nfams;
1120 	INT ncount = 1;
1121 	CACHEEL icel, fcel, scel;
1122 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1123 	PVALUE sval, fval;
1124 	NODE indi = (NODE) eval_indi(iloopexp(node), stab, &eflg, &icel);
1125 	if (eflg) {
1126 		prog_error(node, nonindx, "fathers", "1");
1127 		return INTERROR;
1128 	}
1129 	if (indi && nestr(ntag(indi), "INDI")) {
1130 		prog_error(node, badargx, "fathers", "1");
1131 		return INTERROR;
1132 	}
1133 	if (!indi) return TRUE;
1134 	lock_cache(icel);
1135 	insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(0));
1136 	FORFAMCS(indi, fam, husb, wife, nfams)
1137 		sval = create_pvalue_from_indi(husb);
1138 		scel = pvalue_to_cel(sval);
1139 		if (!scel) goto dloop;
1140 		fval = create_pvalue_from_fam(fam);
1141 		fcel = pvalue_to_cel(fval);
1142 		insert_symtab(stab, ifamily(node), fval);
1143 		insert_symtab(stab, iiparent(node), create_pvalue_from_cel(PINDI, scel));
1144 		insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(ncount++));
1145 		lock_cache(fcel);
1146 		lock_cache(scel);
1147 		irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval);
1148 		unlock_cache(fcel);
1149 		unlock_cache(scel);
1150 		switch (irc) {
1151 		case INTCONTINUE:
1152 		case INTOKAY:
1153 			irc = INTOKAY;
1154 			goto dloop;
1155 		default:
1156 			goto dleave;
1157 		}
1158 dloop:	;
1160 	irc = INTOKAY;
1161 dleave:
1162 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ifamily(node));
1163 	delete_symtab_element(stab, iiparent(node));
1164 	delete_symtab_element(stab, inum(node));
1165 	unlock_cache(icel);
1166 	return irc;
1167 }
1168 /*========================================+
1169  * interp_mothers -- Interpret mothers loop
1170  * 2001/03/18 Revised by Perry Rapp
1171  *  to call insert_symtab_pvalue, get_cel_from_pvalue
1172  *  to delete its loop pvalues when finished
1173  *=======================================*/
interp_mothers(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1175 interp_mothers (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1176 {
1177 	BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
1178 	INT nfams;
1179 	INT ncount = 1;
1180 	CACHEEL icel, fcel, scel;
1181 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1182 	PVALUE sval, fval;
1183 	NODE indi = (NODE) eval_indi(iloopexp(node), stab, &eflg, &icel);
1184 	if (eflg) {
1185 		prog_error(node, nonindx, "mothers", "1");
1186 		return INTERROR;
1187 	}
1188 	if (indi && nestr(ntag(indi), "INDI")) {
1189 		prog_error(node, badargx, "mothers", "1");
1190 		return INTERROR;
1191 	}
1192 	if (!indi) return TRUE;
1193 	lock_cache(icel);
1194 	insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(0));
1195 	FORFAMCS(indi, fam, husb, wife, nfams)
1196 		sval = create_pvalue_from_indi(wife);
1197 		scel = pvalue_to_cel(sval);
1198 		if (!scel) goto eloop;
1199 		fval = create_pvalue_from_fam(fam);
1200 		fcel = pvalue_to_cel(fval);
1201 		insert_symtab(stab, ifamily(node), fval);
1202 		insert_symtab(stab, iiparent(node), create_pvalue_from_cel(PINDI, scel));
1203 		insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(ncount++));
1204 		lock_cache(fcel);
1205 		lock_cache(scel);
1206 		irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval);
1207 		unlock_cache(fcel);
1208 		unlock_cache(scel);
1209 		switch (irc) {
1210 		case INTCONTINUE:
1211 		case INTOKAY:
1212 			goto eloop;
1213 		default:
1214 			goto eleave;
1215 		}
1216 eloop:	;
1218 	irc = INTOKAY;
1219 eleave:
1220 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ifamily(node));
1221 	delete_symtab_element(stab, iiparent(node));
1222 	delete_symtab_element(stab, inum(node));
1223 	unlock_cache(icel);
1224 	return irc;
1225 }
1226 /*========================================+
1227  * interp_parents -- Interpret parents loop
1228  * 2001/03/18 Revised by Perry Rapp
1229  *  to call insert_symtab_pvalue, get_cel_from_pvalue
1230  *  to delete its loop pvalues when finished
1231  *=======================================*/
interp_parents(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1233 interp_parents (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1234 {
1235 	BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
1236 	INT nfams;
1237 	CACHEEL icel, fcel;
1238 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1239 	PVALUE fval;
1240 	NODE indi = (NODE) eval_indi(iloopexp(node), stab, &eflg, &icel);
1241 	if (eflg) {
1242 		prog_error(node, nonindx, "parents", "1");
1243 		return INTERROR;
1244 	}
1245 	if (indi && nestr(ntag(indi), "INDI")) {
1246 		prog_error(node, badargx, "parents", "1");
1247 		return INTERROR;
1248 	}
1249 	if (!indi) return TRUE;
1250 	lock_cache(icel);
1251 	FORFAMCS(indi, fam, husb, wife, nfams)
1252 		fval = create_pvalue_from_fam(fam);
1253 		insert_symtab(stab, ifamily(node), fval);
1254 		insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(nfams));
1255 		fcel = pvalue_to_cel(fval);
1256 		lock_cache(fcel);
1257 		irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval);
1258 		unlock_cache(fcel);
1259 		switch (irc) {
1260 		case INTCONTINUE:
1261 		case INTOKAY:
1262 			goto floop;
1263 		default:
1264 			goto fleave;
1265 		}
1266 floop:	;
1268 	irc = INTOKAY;
1269 fleave:
1270 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ifamily(node));
1271 	delete_symtab_element(stab, inum(node));
1272 	unlock_cache(icel);
1273 	return INTOKAY;
1274 }
1275 /*=======================================
1276  * interp_fornotes -- Interpret NOTE loop
1277  *=====================================*/
interp_fornotes(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1279 interp_fornotes (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1280 {
1281 	BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
1282 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1283 	NODE root;
1284 	PVALUE val = eval_and_coerce(PGNODE, iloopexp(node), stab, &eflg);
1285 	if (eflg) {
1286 		prog_error(node, nonrecx, "fornotes", "1");
1287 		return INTERROR;
1288 	}
1289 	root = pvalue_to_node(val);
1290 	delete_pvalue(val);
1291 	if (!root) return INTOKAY;
1292 	FORTAGVALUES(root, "NOTE", sub, vstring)
1293 		insert_symtab(stab, ielement(node), create_pvalue_from_string(vstring));
1294 		irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval);
1295 		switch (irc) {
1296 		case INTCONTINUE:
1297 		case INTOKAY:
1298 			goto gloop;
1299 		default:
1300 			goto gleave;
1301 		}
1302 gloop:      ;
1304 	irc = INTOKAY;
1305 gleave:
1306 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ielement(node));
1307 	return irc;
1308 }
1309 /*==========================================+
1310  * interp_fornodes -- Interpret fornodes loop
1311  *  usage: fornodes(NODE,NODE_V) {...}
1312  * 2001/03/19 Revised by Perry Rapp
1313  *  to delete its loop pvalue when finished
1314  *=========================================*/
interp_fornodes(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1316 interp_fornodes (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1317 {
1318 	BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
1319 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1320 	NODE sub, root=NULL;
1321 	PVALUE val = eval_and_coerce(PGNODE, iloopexp(node), stab, &eflg);
1322 	if (eflg) {
1323 		prog_error(node, nonrecx, "fornodes", "1");
1324 		return INTERROR;
1325 	}
1326 	root = pvalue_to_node(val);
1327 	delete_pvalue(val);
1328 	if (!root) return INTOKAY;
1329 	sub = nchild(root);
1330 	while (sub) {
1331 		insert_symtab(stab, ielement(node), create_pvalue_from_node(sub));
1332 		irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval);
1333 		switch (irc) {
1334 		case INTCONTINUE:
1335 		case INTOKAY:
1336 			sub = nsibling(sub);
1337 			goto hloop;
1338 		default:
1339 			goto hleave;
1340 		}
1341 hloop: ;
1342 	}
1343 	irc = INTOKAY;
1344 hleave:
1345 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ielement(node));
1346 	return irc;
1347 }
1348 /*========================================+
1349  * printkey -- Make key from keynum
1350  *=======================================*/
1351 #ifdef UNUSED_CODE
1352 static void
printkey(STRING key,char type,INT keynum)1353 printkey (STRING key, char type, INT keynum)
1354 {
1355 	if (keynum>9999999 || keynum<0)
1356 		keynum=0;
1357 	sprintf(key, "%c%d", type, keynum);
1358 }
1359 #endif
1360 /*========================================+
1361  * interp_forindi -- Interpret forindi loop
1362  *  usage: forindi(INDI_V,INT_V) {...}
1363  * 2001/03/18 Revised by Perry Rapp
1364  *  to call create_pvalue_from_indi_keynum, get_cel_from_pvalue
1365  *  to delete its loop pvalues when finished
1366  *=======================================*/
interp_forindi(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1368 interp_forindi (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1369 {
1370 	CACHEEL icel=NULL;
1371 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1372 	PVALUE ival=NULL;
1373 	INT count = 0;
1374 	INT icount = 0;
1375 	insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(0));
1376 	while (TRUE) {
1377 		count = xref_nexti(count);
1378 		if (!count) {
1379 			irc = INTOKAY;
1380 			goto ileave;
1381 		}
1382 		ival = create_pvalue_from_indi_keynum(count);
1383 		icel = pvalue_to_cel(ival);
1384 		if (!icel) { /* apparently missing record */
1385 			delete_pvalue(ival);
1386 			continue;
1387 		}
1388 		icount++;
1389 		lock_cache(icel); /* keep current indi in cache during loop body */
1390 		/* set loop variables */
1391 		insert_symtab(stab, ielement(node), ival);
1392 		insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(icount));
1393 		/* execute loop body */
1394 		irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval);
1395 		unlock_cache(icel);
1396 		switch (irc) {
1397 		case INTCONTINUE:
1398 		case INTOKAY:
1399 			continue;
1400 		default:
1401 			goto ileave;
1402 		}
1403 	}
1404 ileave:
1405 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ielement(node));
1406 	delete_symtab_element(stab, inum(node));
1407 	return irc;
1408 }
1409 /*========================================+
1410  * interp_forsour -- Interpret forsour loop
1411  *  usage: forsour(SOUR_V,INT_V) {...}
1412  * 2001/03/20 Revised by Perry Rapp
1413  *  to call create_pvalue_from_indi_keynum, get_cel_from_pvalue
1414  *  to delete its loop pvalues when finished
1415  *=======================================*/
interp_forsour(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1417 interp_forsour (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1418 {
1419 	CACHEEL scel=NULL;
1420 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1421 	PVALUE sval=NULL;
1422 	INT count = 0;
1423 	INT scount = 0;
1424 	insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(0));
1425 	while (TRUE) {
1426 		count = xref_nexts(count);
1427 		if (!count) {
1428 			irc = INTOKAY;
1429 			goto sourleave;
1430 		}
1431 		sval = create_pvalue_from_sour_keynum(count);
1432 		scel = pvalue_to_cel(sval);
1433 		if (!scel) { /* apparently missing record */
1434 			delete_pvalue(sval);
1435 			continue;
1436 		}
1437 		scount++;
1438 		lock_cache(scel); /* keep current source in cache during loop body */
1439 		/* set loop variables */
1440 		insert_symtab(stab, ielement(node), sval);
1441 		insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(scount));
1442 		/* execute loop body */
1443 		irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval);
1444 		unlock_cache(scel);
1445 		switch (irc) {
1446 		case INTCONTINUE:
1447 		case INTOKAY:
1448 			continue;
1449 		default:
1450 			goto sourleave;
1451 		}
1452 	}
1453 sourleave:
1454 	/* remove loop variables from symbol table */
1455 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ielement(node));
1456 	delete_symtab_element(stab, inum(node));
1457 	return irc;
1458 }
1459 /*========================================+
1460  * interp_foreven -- Interpret foreven loop
1461  *  usage: foreven(EVEN_V,INT_V) {...}
1462  *=======================================*/
interp_foreven(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1464 interp_foreven (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1465 {
1466 	CACHEEL ecel=NULL;
1467 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1468 	PVALUE eval=NULL;
1469 	INT count = 0;
1470 	INT ecount = 0;
1471 	insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(count));
1472 	while (TRUE) {
1473 		count = xref_nexte(count);
1474 		if (!count) {
1475 			irc = INTOKAY;
1476 			goto evenleave;
1477 		}
1478 		eval = create_pvalue_from_even_keynum(count);
1479 		ecel = pvalue_to_cel(eval);
1480 		if (!ecel) { /* apparently missing record */
1481 			delete_pvalue(eval);
1482 			continue;
1483 		}
1484 		ecount++;
1485 		lock_cache(ecel); /* keep current event in cache during loop body */
1486 		/* set loop variables */
1487 		insert_symtab(stab, ielement(node), eval);
1488 		insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(ecount));
1489 		/* execute loop body */
1490 		irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval);
1491 		unlock_cache(ecel);
1492 		switch (irc) {
1493 		case INTCONTINUE:
1494 		case INTOKAY:
1495 			continue;
1496 		default:
1497 			goto evenleave;
1498 		}
1499 	}
1500 evenleave:
1501 	/* remove loop variables from symbol table */
1502 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ielement(node));
1503 	delete_symtab_element(stab, inum(node));
1504 	return irc;
1505 }
1506 /*========================================+
1507  * interp_forothr -- Interpret forothr loop
1508  *  usage: forothr(OTHR_V,INT_V) {...}
1509  *=======================================*/
interp_forothr(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1511 interp_forothr (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1512 {
1513 	CACHEEL xcel;
1514 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1515 	PVALUE xval;
1516 	INT count = 0;
1517 	INT xcount = 0;
1518 	insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(0));
1519 	while (TRUE) {
1520 		count = xref_nextx(count);
1521 		if (!count) {
1522 			irc = INTOKAY;
1523 			goto othrleave;
1524 		}
1525 		xval = create_pvalue_from_othr_keynum(count);
1526 		xcel = pvalue_to_cel(xval);
1527 		if (!xcel) { /* apparently missing record */
1528 			delete_pvalue(xval);
1529 			continue;
1530 		}
1531 		xcount++;
1532 		lock_cache(xcel); /* keep current source in cache during loop body */
1533 		/* set loop variables */
1534 		insert_symtab(stab, ielement(node), xval);
1535 		insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(xcount));
1536 		/* execute loop body */
1537 		irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval);
1538 		unlock_cache(xcel);
1539 		switch (irc) {
1540 		case INTCONTINUE:
1541 		case INTOKAY:
1542 			continue;
1543 		default:
1544 			goto othrleave;
1545 		}
1546 	}
1547 othrleave:
1548 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ielement(node));
1549 	delete_symtab_element(stab, inum(node));
1550 	return irc;
1551 }
1552 /*======================================+
1553  * interp_forfam -- Interpret forfam loop
1554  *  usage: forfam(FAM_V,INT_V) {...}
1555  *=====================================*/
interp_forfam(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1557 interp_forfam (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1558 {
1559 	CACHEEL fcel=NULL;
1560 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1561 	PVALUE fval=NULL;
1562 	INT count = 0;
1563 	INT fcount = 0;
1564 	insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(0));
1565 	while (TRUE) {
1566 		count = xref_nextf(count);
1567 		if (!count) {
1568 			irc = INTOKAY;
1569 			goto mleave;
1570 		}
1571 		fval = create_pvalue_from_fam_keynum(count);
1572 		fcel = pvalue_to_cel(fval);
1573 		if (!fcel) { /* apparently missing record */
1574 			delete_pvalue(fval);
1575 			continue;
1576 		}
1577 		fcount++;
1578 		lock_cache(fcel);
1579 		insert_symtab(stab, ielement(node), fval);
1580 		insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(fcount));
1581 		irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval);
1582 		unlock_cache(fcel);
1583 		switch (irc) {
1584 		case INTCONTINUE:
1585 		case INTOKAY:
1586 			continue;
1587 		default:
1588 			goto mleave;
1589 		}
1590 	}
1591 mleave:
1592 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ielement(node));
1593 	delete_symtab_element(stab, inum(node));
1594 	return irc;
1595 }
1596 /*============================================+
1597  * interp_indisetloop -- Interpret indiset loop
1598  * 2001/03/21 Revised by Perry Rapp
1599  *  to delete its loop pvalues when finished
1600  *===========================================*/
interp_indisetloop(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1602 interp_indisetloop (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1603 {
1604 	BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
1605 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1606 	PVALUE indival=0, loopval=0;
1607 	INDISEQ seq = NULL;
1608 	PVALUE val = evaluate(iloopexp(node), stab, &eflg);
1609 	if (eflg || !val || ptype(val) != PSET) {
1610 		prog_error(node, "1st arg to forindiset must be set expr");
1611 		return INTERROR;
1612 	}
1613 	seq = pvalue_to_seq(val);
1614 	if (!seq) {
1615 		delete_pvalue(val); /* delete temp evaluated val - may destruct seq */
1616 		return INTOKAY;
1617 	}
1618 	/* can't delete val until we're done with seq */
1619 	/* initialize counter */
1620 	insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(0));
1621 	FORINDISEQ(seq, el, ncount)
1622 		/* put current indi in symbol table */
1623 		indival = create_pvalue_from_indi_key(element_skey(el));
1624 		insert_symtab(stab, ielement(node), indival);
1625 		/* put current indi's value in symbol table */
1626 		loopval = element_pval(el);
1627 		if (loopval)
1628 			loopval = copy_pvalue(loopval);
1629 		else
1630 			loopval = create_pvalue_any();
1631 		insert_symtab(stab, ivalvar(node), loopval);
1632 		/* put counter in symbol table */
1633 		insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(ncount + 1));
1634 		switch (irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval)) {
1635 		case INTCONTINUE:
1636 		case INTOKAY:
1637 			goto hloop;
1638 		default:
1639 			goto hleave;
1640 		}
1641 hloop:	;
1643 	irc = INTOKAY;
1644 hleave:
1645 	delete_pvalue(val); /* delete temp evaluated val - may destruct seq */
1646 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ielement(node)); /* remove indi */
1647 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ivalvar(node)); /* remove indi's value */
1648 	delete_symtab_element(stab, inum(node)); /* remove counter */
1649 	return irc;
1650 }
1651 /*=====================================+
1652  * interp_forlist -- Interpret list loop
1653  * 2001/03/21 Revised by Perry Rapp
1654  *  to delete its loop pvalues when finished
1655  *====================================*/
interp_forlist(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1657 interp_forlist (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1658 {
1659 	BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
1660 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1661 	INT ncount = 1;
1662 	LIST list;
1663 	PVALUE val = eval_and_coerce(PLIST, iloopexp(node), stab, &eflg);
1664 	if (eflg || !val || ptype(val) != PLIST) {
1665 		prog_error(node, "1st arg to forlist is not a list");
1666 		return INTERROR;
1667 	}
1668 	list = pvalue_to_list(val);
1669 	/* can't delete val until we're done with list */
1670 	if (!list) {
1671 		delete_pvalue(val); /* delete temp evaluated val - may destruct list */
1672 		prog_error(node, "1st arg to forlist is in error");
1673 		return INTERROR;
1674 	}
1675 	insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(0));
1676 	FORLIST(list, el)
1677 		/* insert/update current element in symbol table */
1678 		insert_symtab(stab, ielement(node), copy_pvalue(el));
1679 		/* insert/update counter in symbol table */
1680 		insert_symtab(stab, inum(node), create_pvalue_from_int(ncount++));
1681 		switch (irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval)) {
1682 		case INTCONTINUE:
1683 		case INTOKAY:
1684 			goto iloop;
1685 		default:
1686 			STOPLIST
1687 			goto ileave;
1688 		}
1689 iloop:	;
1691 	irc = INTOKAY;
1692 ileave:
1693 	delete_pvalue(val); /* delete temp evaluated val - may destruct list */
1694 	/* remove element & counter from symbol table */
1695 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ielement(node));
1696 	delete_symtab_element(stab, inum(node));
1697 	return irc;
1698 }
1699 /*===================================+
1700  * interp_if -- Interpret if structure
1701  *==================================*/
interp_if(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1703 interp_if (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1704 {
1705 	BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
1706 	PNODE icond = node->vars.iif.icond;
1707 	PNODE ithen = node->vars.iif.ithen;
1708 	PNODE ielse = node->vars.iif.ielse;
1709 	BOOLEAN cond = evaluate_cond(icond, stab, &eflg);
1710 	if (eflg) return INTERROR;
1711 	if (cond) return interpret(ithen, stab, pval);
1712 	if (ielse) return interpret(ielse, stab, pval);
1713 	return INTOKAY;
1714 }
1715 /*=========================================+
1716  * interp_while -- Interpret while structure
1717  *========================================*/
interp_while(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1719 interp_while (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1720 {
1721 	BOOLEAN eflg=FALSE, cond=FALSE;
1722 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1723 	while (TRUE) {
1724 		PNODE icond = node->vars.iwhile.icond;
1725 		PNODE ibody = node->vars.iwhile.ibody;
1726 		cond = evaluate_cond(icond, stab, &eflg);
1727 		if (eflg) return INTERROR;
1728 		if (!cond) return INTOKAY;
1729 		switch (irc = interpret(ibody, stab, pval)) {
1730 		case INTCONTINUE:
1731 		case INTOKAY:
1732 			continue;
1733 		default:
1734 			return irc;
1735 		}
1736 	}
1737 }
1738 /*=======================================+
1739  * get_proc_node -- Find proc (or func) in local or global table
1740  *  returns NULL if error, and sets *count to how many global listing
1741  *  (ie, 0 or more than 1)
1742  * Created: 2002/11/30 (Perry Rapp)
1743  *======================================*/
1744 PNODE
get_proc_node(CNSTRING procname,TABLE loctab,TABLE gtab,INT * count)1745 get_proc_node (CNSTRING procname, TABLE loctab, TABLE gtab, INT * count)
1746 {
1747 	LIST list=0;
1748 	PNODE proc = valueof_ptr(loctab, procname);
1749 	if (proc) return proc;
1750 	/* now look for global proc, and must be unique */
1751 	list = valueof_obj(gtab, procname);
1752 	if (!list) {
1753 		*count = 0;
1754 		return NULL;
1755 	}
1756 	if (length_list(list)>1) {
1757 		*count = length_list(list);
1758 		return NULL;
1759 	}
1760 	proc = peek_list_head(list);
1761 	ASSERT(proc);
1762 	return proc;
1763 }
1764 /*=======================================+
1765  * interp_call -- Interpret call structure
1766  *======================================*/
interp_call(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1768 interp_call (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1769 {
1770 	SYMTAB newstab = NULL;
1772 	PNODE arg=NULL, parm=NULL, proc=NULL;
1773 	CNSTRING procname = node->vars.ipcall.fname;
1774 	INT count=0;
1775 	/* find proc in local or global table */
1776 	proc = get_proc_node(procname, irptinfo(node)->proctab, gproctab, &count);
1777 	if (!proc) {
1778 		if (!count)
1779 			prog_error(node, _("Undefined proc: %s"), procname);
1780 		else
1781 			prog_error(node, _("Ambiguous call to proc: %s"), procname);
1782 		irc = INTERROR;
1783 		goto call_leave;
1784 	}
1785 	ASSERT(itype(proc) == IPDEFN);
1786 	newstab = create_symtab_proc(procname, stab);
1787 	arg = node->vars.ipcall.fargs; /* call instance */
1788 	parm = (PNODE) iargs(proc); /* declaration */
1789 	while (arg && parm) {
1790 		BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
1791 		PVALUE value = evaluate(arg, stab, &eflg);
1792 		if (eflg) {
1793 			irc = INTERROR;
1794 			goto call_leave;
1795 		}
1796 		insert_symtab(newstab, iident_name(parm), value);
1797 		arg = inext(arg);
1798 		parm = inext(parm);
1799 	}
1800 	if (arg || parm) {
1801 		prog_error(node, "``%s'': mismatched args and params\n", iname(node));
1802 		irc = INTERROR;
1803 		goto call_leave;
1804 	}
1805 	irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(proc), newstab, pval);
1806 	switch (irc) {
1807 	case INTRETURN:
1808 	case INTOKAY:
1809 		irc = INTOKAY;
1810 		break;
1811 	case INTBREAK:
1812 	case INTCONTINUE:
1813 	case INTERROR:
1814 	default:
1815 		irc = INTERROR;
1816 		break;
1817 	}
1819 call_leave:
1820 	if (newstab) {
1821 		remove_symtab(newstab);
1822 		newstab = NULL;
1823 	}
1824 	return irc;
1825 }
1826 /*==============================================+
1827  * interp_traverse -- Interpret traverse iterator
1828  *  usage: traverse(NODE,NODE_V,INT_V) {...}
1829  * TO DO - doesn't clean up its symtab entries (2001/03/24)
1830  *=============================================*/
interp_traverse(PNODE node,SYMTAB stab,PVALUE * pval)1832 interp_traverse (PNODE node, SYMTAB stab, PVALUE *pval)
1833 {
1834 	NODE snode, stack[100];
1835 	BOOLEAN eflg = FALSE;
1836 	INTERPTYPE irc;
1837 	INT lev = -1;
1838 	NODE root;
1839 	PVALUE val = eval_and_coerce(PGNODE, iloopexp(node), stab, &eflg);
1840 	if (eflg) {
1841 		prog_var_error(node, stab, iloopexp(node), val, nonrecx,  "traverse", "1");
1842 		irc = INTERROR;
1843 		goto traverse_leave;
1844 	}
1845 	root = pvalue_to_node(val);
1846 	if (!root) {
1847 		irc = INTOKAY;
1848 		goto traverse_leave;
1849 	}
1850 	stack[++lev] = snode = root;
1851 	while (TRUE) {
1852 		insert_symtab(stab, ielement(node), create_pvalue_from_node(snode));
1853 		insert_symtab(stab, ilev(node), create_pvalue_from_int(lev));
1854 		switch (irc = interpret((PNODE) ibody(node), stab, pval)) {
1855 		case INTCONTINUE:
1856 		case INTOKAY:
1857 			break;
1858 		case INTBREAK:
1859 			irc = INTOKAY;
1860 			goto traverse_leave;
1861 		default:
1862 			goto traverse_leave;
1863 		}
1864 		if (nchild(snode)) {
1865 			snode = stack[++lev] = nchild(snode);
1866 			continue;
1867 		}
1868 		if (lev>0 && nsibling(snode)) {
1869 			snode = stack[lev] = nsibling(snode);
1870 			continue;
1871 		}
1872 		while (--lev >= 1 && !nsibling(stack[lev]))
1873 			;
1874 		if (lev <= 0) break;
1875 		snode = stack[lev] = nsibling(stack[lev]);
1876 	}
1877 	irc = INTOKAY;
1878 traverse_leave:
1879 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ielement(node));
1880 	delete_symtab_element(stab, ilev(node));
1881 	delete_pvalue(val);
1882 	val=NULL;
1883 	return irc;
1884 }
1885 /*=============================================+
1886  * pa_handle_global -- declare global variable
1887  * Called directly from generated parser code (ie, from code in yacc.y)
1888  *=============================================*/
1889 void
pa_handle_global(STRING iden)1890 pa_handle_global (STRING iden)
1891 {
1892 	insert_symtab(globtab, iden, create_pvalue_any());
1893 }
1894 /*=============================================+
1895  * pa_handle_option -- process option specified in report
1896  * Called directly from generated parser code (ie, from code in yacc.y)
1897  *=============================================*/
1898 void
pa_handle_option(CNSTRING optname)1899 pa_handle_option (CNSTRING optname)
1900 {
1901 	if (eqstr(optname, "explicitvars")) {
1902 		explicitvars = 1;
1903 	} else {
1904 		/* TODO - figure out how to set the error flag & report error */
1905 	}
1906 }
1907 /*=============================================+
1908  * pa_handle_char_encoding -- report command char_encoding("...")
1909  *  parse-time handling of report command
1910  *  node:   [IN]  current parse node
1911  *  vpinfo: [I/O] pointer to parseinfo structure (parse globals)
1912  * Called directly from generated parser code (ie, from code in yacc.y)
1913  *=============================================*/
1914 void
pa_handle_char_encoding(PACTX pactx,PNODE node)1915 pa_handle_char_encoding (PACTX pactx, PNODE node)
1916 {
1917 	CNSTRING codeset = get_internal_string_node_value(node);
1918 	pactx=pactx; /* unused */
1919 	strupdate(&irptinfo(node)->codeset, codeset);
1920 }
1921 /*=============================================+
1922  * make_internal_string_node -- make string node
1923  *  do any needed codeset conversion here
1924  *  lexical analysis time (same as parse-time) handling of string constants
1925  *=============================================*/
1926 PNODE
make_internal_string_node(PACTX pactx,STRING str)1927 make_internal_string_node (PACTX pactx, STRING str)
1928 {
1929 	PNODE node = 0;
1930 	ZSTR zstr = zs_news(str);
1931 	if (str && str[0]) {
1932 		STRING fname = pactx->fullpath;
1933 		STRING rptcodeset = get_rptinfo(fname)->codeset;
1934 		XLAT xlat = transl_get_xlat_to_int(rptcodeset);
1935 		transl_xlat(xlat, zstr);
1936 	}
1937 	node = create_string_node(pactx, zs_str(zstr));
1938 	zs_free(&zstr);
1939 	return node;
1940 }
1941 /*=============================================+
1942  * pa_handle_include -- report command include("...")
1943  *  parse-time handling of report command
1944  *=============================================*/
1945 void
pa_handle_include(PACTX pactx,PNODE node)1946 pa_handle_include (PACTX pactx, PNODE node)
1947 {
1948 	/*STRING fname = ifname(node); */ /* current file */
1949 	CNSTRING newfname = get_internal_string_node_value(node);
1950 	STRING fullpath=0, localpath=0;
1951 	ZSTR zstr=0;
1952 	PATHINFO pathinfo = 0;
1953 	pactx=pactx; /* unused */
1955 	/* if it is relative, get local path to give to find_program */
1956 	if (!is_path(newfname)) {
1957 		localpath = zs_str(irptinfo(node)->localpath);
1958 	}
1960 	if (find_program(newfname, localpath, &fullpath,TRUE)) {
1961 		pathinfo = new_pathinfo(newfname, fullpath);
1962 		strfree(&fullpath);
1963 		enqueue_list(Plist, pathinfo);
1964 	} else {
1965 		prog_error(node, "included file not found: %s\n", newfname);
1966 		++Perrors;
1967 	}
1968 	zs_free(&zstr);
1969 }
1970 /*=============================================+
1971  * pa_handle_require -- report command require("...")
1972  *  pactx: [I/O] pointer to parseinfo structure (parse globals)
1973  *  node:  [IN]  current parse node
1974  *=============================================*/
1975 void
pa_handle_require(PACTX pactx,PNODE node)1976 pa_handle_require (PACTX pactx, PNODE node)
1977 {
1978 	CNSTRING reqver = get_internal_string_node_value(node);
1979 	STRING propstr = "requires_lifelines-reports.version:";
1980 	TABLE tab=0;
1981 	pactx=pactx; /* unused */
1983 	tab = (TABLE)valueof_obj(pactx->filetab, pactx->fullpath);
1984 	if (!tab) {
1985 		tab = create_table_str();
1986 		insert_table_obj(pactx->filetab, cur_pathinfo->fullpath, tab);
1987 		release_table(tab); /* release our reference, pactx->filetab owns now */
1988 	}
1990 	insert_table_str(tab, propstr, reqver);
1991 }
1992 /*=============================================+
1993  * pa_handle_proc -- proc declaration (parse time)
1994  * Created: 2002/11/30 (Perry Rapp)
1995  *=============================================*/
1996 void
pa_handle_proc(PACTX pactx,CNSTRING procname,PNODE nd_args,PNODE nd_body)1997 pa_handle_proc (PACTX pactx, CNSTRING procname, PNODE nd_args, PNODE nd_body)
1998 {
1999 	RPTINFO rptinfo = get_rptinfo(pactx->fullpath);
2000 	PNODE procnode;
2001 	LIST list;
2003 	/* check for local duplicates, else add to local proc table */
2004 	procnode = (PNODE)valueof_ptr(rptinfo->proctab, procname);
2005 	if (procnode) {
2006 		enqueue_parse_error(_("Duplicate proc %s (lines %d and %d) in report: %s")
2007 			, procname, iline(procnode)+1, iline(nd_body)+1, pactx->fullpath);
2008 	}
2009 	/* consumes procname */
2010 	procnode = create_proc_node(pactx, procname, nd_args, nd_body);
2011 	insert_table_ptr(rptinfo->proctab, procname, procnode);
2013 	/* add to global proc table */
2014 	list = (LIST)valueof_obj(gproctab, procname);
2015 	if (!list) {
2016 		list = create_list2(LISTNOFREE);
2017 		insert_table_obj(gproctab, procname, list);
2018 		release_list(list); /* now table owns list */
2019 	}
2020 	enqueue_list(list, procnode);
2021 }
2022 /*=============================================+
2023  * pa_handle_func -- func declaration (parse time)
2024  * Created: 2002/11/30 (Perry Rapp)
2025  *=============================================*/
2026 void
pa_handle_func(PACTX pactx,CNSTRING procname,PNODE nd_args,PNODE nd_body)2027 pa_handle_func (PACTX pactx, CNSTRING procname, PNODE nd_args, PNODE nd_body)
2028 {
2029 	RPTINFO rptinfo = get_rptinfo(pactx->fullpath);
2030 	PNODE procnode=0;
2031 	LIST list=0;
2033 	/* check for local duplicates, else add to local proc table */
2034 	procnode = (PNODE)valueof_ptr(rptinfo->functab, procname);
2035 	if (procnode) {
2036 		enqueue_parse_error(_("Duplicate func %s (lines %d and %d) in report: %s")
2037 			, procname, iline(procnode)+1, iline(nd_body)+1, pactx->fullpath);
2038 	}
2039 	/* consumes procname */
2040 	procnode = fdef_node(pactx, procname, nd_args, nd_body);
2041 	insert_table_ptr(rptinfo->functab, procname, procnode);
2043 	/* add to global proc table */
2044 	list = (LIST)valueof_obj(gfunctab, procname);
2045 	if (!list) {
2046 		list = create_list2(LISTNOFREE);
2047 		insert_table_obj(gfunctab, procname, list);
2048 		release_list(list); /* now table owns list */
2049 	}
2050 	enqueue_list(list, procnode);
2051 }
2052 /*=============================================+
2053  * parse_error -- handle bison parse error
2054  *  pactx: [I/O] pointer to parseinfo structure (parse globals)
2055  *  ploc:  [IN]  token location
2056  *  node:  [IN]  current parse node
2057  *=============================================*/
2058 void
parse_error(PACTX pactx,STRING str)2059 parse_error (PACTX pactx, STRING str)
2060 {
2061 	/* TO DO - how to pass current pnode ? */
2062 	prog_error(NULL, "Syntax Error (%s): %s: line %d, char %d\n"
2063 		, str, pactx->fullpath, pactx->lineno+1, pactx->charpos+1);
2064 	Perrors++;
2065 }
2066 /*=============================================+
2067  * check_rpt_requires -- check any prerequisites for
2068  *  this report file -- return desc. string if fail
2069  *=============================================*/
2070 static STRING
check_rpt_requires(PACTX pactx,STRING fullpath)2071 check_rpt_requires (PACTX pactx, STRING fullpath)
2072 {
2073 	TABLE tab = (TABLE)valueof_obj(pactx->filetab, fullpath);
2074 	STRING str;
2075 	STRING propstr = "requires_lifelines-reports.version:";
2076 	INT ours=0, desired=0;
2078 	STRING dptr=0;
2079 	if (!tab)
2080 		return 0;
2081 	str = valueof_str(tab, propstr);
2082 	if (str) {
2083 		dptr=str+strlen(propstr)-strlen("requires_");
2084 		while (1) {
2085 			ours=0;
2086 			desired=0;
2087 			while (optr[0] && !isdigit(optr[0]))
2088 				++optr;
2089 			while (dptr[0] && !isdigit(dptr[0]))
2090 				++dptr;
2091 			if (!optr[0] && !dptr[0])
2092 				return 0;
2093 			/* no UTF-8 allowed here, only regular digits */
2094 			while (isdigit(optr[0]))
2095 				ours = ours*10 + (*optr++ -'0');
2096 			while (isdigit(dptr[0]))
2097 				desired = desired*10 + (*dptr++ - '0');
2098 			if (desired > ours)
2099 				return _("This report requires a newer program to run\n");
2100 			if (desired < ours)
2101 				return 0;
2102 			/* else equal, continue to minor version blocks */
2103 		}
2104 	}
2105 	return 0;
2106 }
2107 /*=============================================+
2108  * enqueue_parse_error -- Queue up a parsing error
2109  *  for display after parsing complete
2110  *  (this is fatal; it will prevent report execution)
2111  * Created: 2002/11/30 (Perry Rapp)
2112  *=============================================*/
2113 static void
enqueue_parse_error(const char * fmt,...)2114 enqueue_parse_error (const char * fmt, ...)
2115 {
2116 	char buffer[512];
2117 	va_list args;
2118 	va_start(args, fmt);
2120 	if (!outstanding_parse_errors) {
2121 		outstanding_parse_errors = create_list2(LISTDOFREE);
2122 	}
2123 	llstrsetvf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), 0, fmt, args);
2124 	va_end(args);
2125 	enqueue_list(outstanding_parse_errors, strsave(buffer));
2126 }
2128 /*=============================================+
2129  * get_report_error_message - Return error message
2130  *  for display during signal processing
2131  * Created: 2003/07/01 (Matt Emmerton)
2132  *=============================================*/
2133 ZSTR
get_report_error_msg(STRING msg)2134 get_report_error_msg (STRING msg)
2135 {
2136 	ZSTR zstr=0;
2138 	if (progrunning) {
2139 		char line[20];
2140 		snprintf(line, sizeof(line), "%ld", iline(Pnode)+1);
2141 		zstr = zprintpic2(_(msg), irptinfo(Pnode)->fullpath, line);
2142         }
2143 	return zstr;
2144 }
2145 /*=============================================+
2146  * clean_orphaned_rptlocks - Clean up any locks on
2147  * records that report didn't unlock
2148  *=============================================*/
2149 static
clean_orphaned_rptlocks(void)2150 void clean_orphaned_rptlocks (void)
2151 {
2152 	int ct = free_all_rprtlocks();
2153 	if (ct) {
2154 		char msg[256];
2155 		sprintf(msg, _pl("Program forgot to unlock %d record",
2156 			"Program forgot to unlock %d records", ct), ct);
2157 		progmessage(MSG_ERROR, msg);
2159 	}
2160 }