1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 1994-2019, NVIDIA CORPORATION.  All rights reserved.
3  *
4  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7  *
8  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9  *
10  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14  * limitations under the License.
15  *
16  */
18 /** \file main.c
19     \brief main program and initialization routines for fortran front-end
20 */
21 #include "gbldefs.h"
22 #include <stdbool.h>
23 #include "flang/ArgParser/arg_parser.h"
24 #include "error.h"
25 #if !defined(TARGET_WIN)
26 #include <unistd.h>
27 #endif
28 #include <time.h>
29 #include "global.h"
30 #include "symtab.h"
31 #include "dtypeutl.h"
32 #include "version.h"
33 #include "inliner.h"
34 #include "interf.h"
35 #include "semant.h"
36 #include "dinit.h"
38 #include "ast.h"
39 #include "lower.h"
40 #include "dbg_out.h"
41 #include "ccffinfo.h"
42 #include "x86.h"
43 #include "direct.h"
44 #include "optimize.h"
45 #include "transfrm.h"
46 #include "extern.h"
47 #include "commopt.h"
48 #include "scan.h"
49 #include "hlvect.h"
51 #define IPA_ENABLED                  0
52 #define IPA_NO_ASM                   0
53 #define IPA_COLLECTION_ENABLED       0
54 #define IPA_INHERIT_ENABLED          0
56 #define IPA_REPORT_ENABLED           0
58 /* static prototypes */
60 static void reptime(void);
61 static void add_debuglist(char *phasearg, char *dumparg);
62 static void do_debug(char *phase);
63 static void cleanup(void);
64 static void init(int argc, char *argv[]);
65 static void datastructure_reinit(void);
66 static void set_ipa_export_file(char *name);
67 static void set_ipa_import_mode(void);
68 static void set_ipa_import_offset(char *offset);
69 static void set_debug(LOGICAL value);
70 static void set_debug_symbol(LOGICAL value);
71 static void set_debug_line(LOGICAL value);
72 static void do_set_tp(char *tp);
73 static void fini(void);
74 static void mkDwfInfoFilename(void);
76 /* ******************************************************************** */
78 /* Below are definitions/static variables required by main function */
79 static int saveoptflag;
80 static int savevectflag;
81 static int savex8flag;
82 static int saverecursive;
83 static LOGICAL has_accel_code = FALSE;
84 static action_map_t *phase_dump_map;
85 #if DEBUG
86 static int debugfunconly = -1;
87 #endif
88 static LOGICAL ipa_import_mode = FALSE;
89 static char *ipa_export_file = NULL;
90 static BIGUINT ipa_import_offset = 0;
91 static char *who[] = {"init",     "parser",   "bblock", "vectorize", "optimize",
92                       "schedule", "assemble", "xref",   "unroll"};
93 #define _N_WHO (sizeof(who) / sizeof(char *))
94 static INT xtimes[_N_WHO];
95 static LOGICAL postprocessing = TRUE;
97 /* Feature names for Fortran front-end */
98 #if defined(TARGET_LINUX_X8664)
99 static char *feature = "flang";
100 static char *os = "lin";
101 static char *accel = NULL;
102 #elif defined(TARGET_WIN_X8664)
103 static char *feature2 = "pgi-f95-win64";
104 static char *feature = "pgfortran";
105 static char *os = "win";
106 static char *accel = NULL;
107 #elif defined(TARGET_OSX_X8664)
108 static char *feature2 = "pgi-f95-osx64";
109 static char *feature = "pgfortran";
110 static char *os = "osx";
111 static char *accel = NULL;
112 #elif defined(OSF86)
113 static char *feature = "pgi-f95-osf32";
114 static char *os = NULL;
115 static char *accel = NULL;
116 #elif defined(TARGET_LLVM_POWER)
117 static char *feature2 = "pgi-f95-power";
118 static char *feature = "pgfortran";
119 static char *os = "lin";
120 static char *accel = NULL;
121 #else
122 static char *feature2 = "pgi-f95";
123 static char *feature = "pgfortran";
124 static char *os = "lin";
125 static char *accel = NULL;
126 #endif
128 /** Product name in debug output
129  */
130 #define DNAME "F90"
132 #if DEBUG
133 static int dodebug = 0;
134 #define TR(str)               \
135   if (dodebug) {              \
136     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, str); \
137     fflush(gbl.dbgfil);       \
138   }
139 #define TR1(str)      \
140   if (DBGBIT(0, 512)) \
141   dump_stg_stat(str)
142 #define DUMP(a) do_debug(a)
143 #else
144 #define TR(str)
145 #define TR1(str)
146 #define DUMP(a)
147 #endif /* DEBUG */
149 #define NO_FLEXLM
151 /** \brief Fortran front-end main entry
152     \param argc number of command-line arguments
153     \pram argv array of command-line argument strings
154 */
155 int
main(int argc,char * argv[])156 main(int argc, char *argv[])
157 {
158   int savescope, savecurrmod = 0;
159   get_rutime();
160   init(argc, argv); /* initialize */
161   if (gbl.fn == NULL)
162     gbl.fn = gbl.src_file;
164 #if DEBUG
165   if (debugfunconly > 0)
166     dodebug = 0;
167 #endif
169   saveoptflag = flg.opt;
170   savevectflag = flg.vect;
171   savex8flag = flg.x[8];
172   saverecursive = flg.recursive;
174   if (IPA_INHERIT_ENABLED && (flg.opt >= 2 || IPA_COLLECTION_ENABLED)) {
175     ipa_init();
176   }
178   gbl.findex = addfile(gbl.fn, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
180   if (ipa_export_file && ipa_import_mode) {
181     ipa_import_open(ipa_export_file, ipa_import_offset);
182   }
183   if (IPA_ENABLED && ipa_export_file && !ipa_import_mode) {
184     /* export the program unit for IPA recompilation */
185     ipa_export_open(ipa_export_file);
186   }
188   if (gbl.srcfil == NULL) {
189     if (!ipa_import_mode) {
190       finish();
191     }
192   }
193   do { /* loop once for each user program unit */
194 #if DEBUG
195     if (debugfunconly > 0) {
196       if (debugfunconly == gbl.func_count + 1)
197         dodebug = 1;
198       else
199         dodebug = 0;
200     }
201 #endif
202     reinit();
203     errini();
204     if (ipa_export_file && ipa_import_mode && gbl.func_count == 0) {
205       ipa_import_highpoint();
206     }
207     if (IPA_ENABLED && ipa_export_file && !ipa_import_mode &&
208         gbl.func_count == 0) {
209       ipa_export_highpoint();
210     }
211     xtimes[0] += get_rutime();
212     if (ipa_export_file && ipa_import_mode) {
213       ipa_import();
214       if (gbl.eof_flag & 2)
215         break;
216     } else {
217       TR(DNAME " PARSER begins\n")
218       parser(); /* parse and do semantic analysis */
219       set_tag();
220     }
221     gbl.func_count++;
222     ccff_open_unit_f90();
223     if (gbl.internal <= 1) {
224       gbl.outersub = 0;
225       gbl.outerentries = 0;
226     }
227     savescope = stb.curr_scope;
228     if (gbl.currsub) {
229       if (SCOPEG(gbl.currsub)) {
230         stb.curr_scope = SCOPEG(gbl.currsub);
231         if (STYPEG(stb.curr_scope) != ST_ALIAS ||
232             SYMLKG(stb.curr_scope) != gbl.currsub) {
233           stb.curr_scope = gbl.currsub;
234         }
235       } else {
236         stb.curr_scope = gbl.currsub;
237       }
238     }
239     TR1("- after semant");
240     xtimes[1] += get_rutime();
241     DUMP("parser");
242     if (gbl.rutype == RU_BDATA) {
243       /* a module? */
244       if (has_cuda_data())
245         has_accel_code = TRUE;
246     }
247     if (gbl.currsub == 0) {
248       if (IPA_ENABLED && ipa_export_file && !ipa_import_mode) {
249         /* export the program unit for IPA recompilation */
250         ipa_export_endmodule();
251       }
252       continue; /* end of a module */
253     }
254     if (CUDAG(gbl.currsub) & (CUDA_GLOBAL | CUDA_DEVICE)) {
255       /* remember that this routine needs a constructor */
256       has_accel_code = TRUE;
257     }
258     savecurrmod = gbl.currmod;
259 #if DEBUG
260     if (DBGBIT(5, 1))
261       symdmp(gbl.dbgfil, DBGBIT(5, 8));
262     if (DBGBIT(5, 2))
263       dump_std();
264     if (DBGBIT(5, 16))
265       dmp_dtype();
266 #endif
267     if (IPA_ENABLED && ipa_export_file && !ipa_import_mode) {
268       /* export the program unit for IPA recompilation */
269       ipa_export();
270     }
272 #if DEBUG
273     if (DBGBIT(4, 256))
274       dump_ast();
275 #endif
276     if (IPA_INHERIT_ENABLED && gbl.rutype != RU_BDATA) {
277       int func;
278       ipa_startfunc(gbl.currsub);
279       ipa_header1(gbl.currsub);
280       ipa_header2(gbl.currsub);
281     }
282     postprocessing = FALSE;
283     if (gbl.maxsev < 3 && !DBGBIT(2, 4)) {
284       postprocessing = TRUE;
286       flg.ipa |= 0x20;
287       if (XBIT(57, 0x2000) && !flg.inliner) {
288         /* try to eliminate unused common blocks here */
289         eliminate_unused_variables(1);
290         DUMP("staticunused");
291       }
292       /* by default, generate data initialization inline. */
293       if (gbl.rutype != RU_BDATA) {
294         direct_rou_load(gbl.currsub);
295         if (flg.opt > 1 && !XBIT(47, 0x40000000)) {
296           if (sem.stats.allocs > 800 && sem.stats.nodes > 1000) {
297             direct_rou_setopt(gbl.currsub, 1);
298             /*
299              * Also, inhibit sectfloat() which is enabled with
300              * -fast or -O2 or greater.
301              */
302             flg.x[70] &= (~0x400);
303           }
304         }
305         ili_lpprg_init();
307         TR(DNAME " BBLOCK begins\n");
308         has_accel_code |= bblock();
309         TR1("- after bblock");
310         DUMP("bblock");
311         if (flg.inliner) {
312           TR(DNAME " INLINER begins\n");
313 #if DEBUG
314           if (flg.x[29] == 0 || flg.x[29] == gbl.func_count)
315 #endif
316             inliner();
317           DUMP("inliner");
318           TR1("- after inliner");
319         }
321         if (flg.opt >= 2 && XBIT(50, 0x40)) {
322           unconditional_branches();
323           DUMP("unconditional");
324         }
325         if (flg.opt >= 2 && !XBIT(47, 0x20)) {
326           TR(DNAME " OPTIMIZE_ALLOC begins\n");
327           optimize_alloc();
328           DUMP("optalloc");
329           TR1("- after optimize_alloc");
330         }
332         if (IPA_ENABLED) {
333           ipasave();
334           if (IPA_NO_ASM) {
335             ipasave_endfunc();
336             direct_rou_end();
337             continue;
338           }
339         }
341           if (!IPA_ENABLED) {
342             fill_ipasym();
343           }
344           ipa();
345           DUMP("ipa");
346           if (IPA_Vestigial) {
347             ipasave_endfunc();
348             if (gbl.internal == 1) {
349               ipa_set_vestigial_host(); /* interf.c */
350               save_host_state(0x2 + (ipa_import_mode ? 0x20 : 0));
351               gbl.outersub = gbl.currsub;
352               gbl.outerentries = gbl.entries;
353             }
354             (void)summary(FALSE, FALSE);
355             continue;
356           }
357         }
359         /* infer array alignments */
360         TR(DNAME " PROCESS_ALIGN begins\n");
361         trans_process_align();
362         TR1("- after process_align");
363         DUMP("process-align");
365         if (flg.opt >= 2) {
366           if (XBIT(53, 2)) {
367             points_to_anal();
368             DUMP("pointsto");
369           }
370           pstride_analysis();
371           DUMP("pstride");
372         }
374         if (!XBIT(49, 1)) {
375           TR(DNAME " TRANSFORMER begins\n");
376           transform();
377           DUMP("transform");
378           TR1("- after transform");
380           forall_init();
382           if (!XBIT(49, 0x20)) {
383             if (flg.opt >= 2 && !XBIT(47, 0x02)) {
384               TR(DNAME " COMMUNICATIONS pre-OPTIMIZER begins\n");
385               comm_optimize_pre();
386               DUMP("comm-analyze-pre");
387               TR1("- after comm pre-optimizer");
388             }
389             TR(DNAME " COMMUNICATIONS ANALYZER begins\n");
390             comm_analyze();
391             DUMP("comm-analyze");
392             TR1("- after comm_analyze");
394             TR(DNAME " CALL ANALYZER begins\n");
395             call_analyze();
396             DUMP("call-analyze");
397             TR1("- after call_analyze");
398             if (flg.opt >= 2 && !XBIT(47, 0x01)) {
399               TR(DNAME " COMMUNICATIONS post-OPTIMIZER begins\n");
400               comm_optimize_post();
401               DUMP("comm-optimize-post");
402               TR1("- after comm post-optimizer");
403             }
404             if (flg.opt >= 2 && !XBIT(47, 0x08)) {
405               TR(DNAME " COMMUNICATIONS hoisting begins\n");
406               comm_invar();
407               DUMP("comm-invar");
408               TR1("- after comm_invar");
409             }
410             TR(DNAME " COMMUNICATIONS GENERATOR begins\n");
411             comm_generator();
412             DUMP("comm-generator");
413             TR1("- after comm_generator");
414           }
415           TR(DNAME " CONVERT_FORALL begins\n");
416           convert_forall();
417           DUMP("convert-forall");
418           TR1("- after convert_forall");
420           TR(DNAME " CONVERT_OUTPUT begins\n");
421           convert_output();
422           TR1("- after convert_output");
423           DUMP("convert-output");
424         }
425         if (XBIT(70, 0x400) || XBIT(47, 0x400000)
426                 ) {
427           optimize(1);
428           DUMP("optimize0");
429           TR1("- after optimize0");
430         }
431         if (XBIT(70, 0x400)) {
432           sectfloat();
433           DUMP("sectfloat");
434         }
435         if (XBIT(47, 0x400000) || flg.opt >= 2 || XBIT(163, 1)
436                 ) {
437           sectinline();
438           DUMP("sectinline");
439         }
440         if (XBIT(70, 0x18)) {
441           linearize_arrays();
442           DUMP("linearize");
443         }
444         if (!XBIT(70, 0x40)) {
445           DUMP("bredundss");
446           redundss();
447           DUMP("redundss");
448         }
449         if (flg.opt >= 2 && !XBIT(47, 0x1000)) {
450           TR(DNAME " OPTIMIZER begins\n");
451           optimize(0);
452           DUMP("optimize");
453           TR1("- after optimize");
454         }
455         if (IPA_ENABLED) {
456           ipasave_endfunc();
457         }
458         if (IPA_REPORT_ENABLED) {
459           ipa_report();
460         }
462         direct_rou_end();
463         if (flg.opt >= 2 && XBIT(53, 2)) {
464           fini_points_to_all();
465         }
466       } else { /* gbl.rutype == RU_BDATA */
467         direct_rou_load(gbl.currsub);
468         if (IPA_ENABLED) {
469           ipasave();
470         }
471         merge_commons();
472         if (XBIT(55, 2)) {
473           cleanup();
474           goto skip_compile;
475         }
476         /* block data must be transformed so that common blocks
477          * get handled -- lfm
478          */
479         /* infer array alignments */
480         TR("Blkdata -- " DNAME " PROCESS_ALIGN begins\n");
481         trans_process_align();
482         DUMP("process-align");
483         TR1("- after process_align");
484         if (!XBIT(49, 1)) {
485           TR("Blkdata -- " DNAME " TRANSFORMER begins\n");
486           transform();
487           DUMP("transform");
488           TR1("- after transform");
489         }
490       }
491 #if DEBUG
492       if (XBIT(57, 0x100)) {
493         renumber_lines();
494       }
495 #endif
496       if (XBIT(57, 0x2000)) {
497         DUMP("bunused");
498         eliminate_unused_variables(2);
499         DUMP("unused");
500       }
501       DUMP("before-output");
502       lower(0);
503       if (gbl.internal == 1) {
504         save_host_state(0x2 + (ipa_import_mode ? 0x20 : 0));
505       }
506       DUMP("output");
507       if (gbl.rutype != RU_BDATA && flg.opt >= 2 && XBIT(53, 2)) {
508         fini_pstride_analysis();
509       }
510 #if DEBUG
511       if (DBGBIT(5, 4))
512         symdmp(gbl.dbgfil, DBGBIT(5, 8));
513       if (DBGBIT(5, 16))
514         dmp_dtype();
515 #endif
516     } else { /* if( gbl.maxsev < 3 && !DBGBIT(2, 4) ) */
517       if (gbl.internal == 1) {
518         save_host_state(0x2);
519       }
520     } /* if( gbl.maxsev < 3 && !DBGBIT(2, 4) ) */
522     if (flg.xref) {
523       xref(); /* write cross reference map */
524       xtimes[7] += get_rutime();
525     }
526     skip_compile:
527     (void)summary(FALSE, FALSE);
528     errini();
530     if (gbl.internal == 1) {
531       gbl.outersub = gbl.currsub;
532       gbl.outerentries = gbl.entries;
533     }
534     stb.curr_scope = savescope;
535     ccff_close_unit_f90();
536   } while (!gbl.eof_flag);
537   finish(); /* finish does not return */
538   return 0; /* never reached */
539 }
541 /* ************************************************************** */
543 /*
544  * static structures/variables used in command line processing/init() function:
545  */
547 #define __ATOI(s, p, l, r) _atoi(s, p, l)
548 static char *objectfile;
549 static char *outfile_name;
550 LOGICAL fpp_ = FALSE;
551 static LOGICAL no_specified;
552 static int preproc = -1; /* not specified */
554 /* ***************************************************************** */
556 /*
557  * Various types of AST dumpers, wrapper functions
558  */
560 static void
dump_stds(void)561 dump_stds(void)
562 {
563   dstds(0, 0);
564 }
566 static void
dump_sstds(void)567 dump_sstds(void)
568 {
569   dsstds(0, 0);
570 }
572 static void
dump_stdps(void)573 dump_stdps(void)
574 {
575   dstdps(0, 0);
576 }
578 /** \brief Dump symbols
579  */
580 static void
dump_symbols(void)581 dump_symbols(void)
582 {
583   dsyms(0, 0);
584 }
586 /** \brief Dump all symbols
587  */
588 static void
dump_all_symbols(void)589 dump_all_symbols(void)
590 {
591   dsyms(1, 0);
592 }
594 /** \brief Dump symbols from current source file
595  */
596 static void
dump_current_symbols(void)597 dump_current_symbols(void)
598 {
599   dsyms(stb.firstosym, 0);
600 }
602 /** \brief Yet another symbol table dumper
603  */
604 static void
dump_old_symbols(void)605 dump_old_symbols(void)
606 {
607   symdmp(gbl.dbgfil, 0);
608 }
610 /** \brief Dump memory area
611  */
612 static void
report_area(void)613 report_area(void)
614 {
615   reportarea(0);
616 }
618 static char *current_phase;
620 /** \brief Dump stg statistics
621  */
622 static void
dump_stg_stats(void)623 dump_stg_stats(void)
624 {
625   dump_stg_stat(current_phase);
626 }
628 /**
629  * \brief Initialize Fortran frontend at the beginning of compilation.
630  */
631 static void
init(int argc,char * argv[])632 init(int argc, char *argv[])
633 {
634   int argindex;
635   char *argstring;
636   int indice, next;
637   char *sourcefile;
638   char *stboutfile;
639   int nosuffixcheck = 0;
640   char *listfile;
641   char *cppfile;
642   char *tempfile;
643   char *asmfile;
644   int i;
645   int def_count = 0;  /* number of -def switches */
646   int idir_count = 0; /* number of -idir switches */
647   INT qval1;
648   INT qval2;
649   int val_follows;
650   LOGICAL dbgflg;
651   char *dbgfile = NULL;
652   LOGICAL errflg;
653   FILE *fd;
654   int exlib_flag = 0;
655   char *file_suffix;
656   int copy_curr_file = 1;
657   static struct {
658     char *nm; /* name, 0 = end of list */
659     int form; /* 0 = fixed, 1 = form */
660     int fpp;  /* 0 = don't preprocess, 1 = preprocess */
661   } suffixes[] = {
662           {".hpf", 0, 0}, {".f", 0, 0},   {".F", 0, 1},   {".f90", 1, 0},
663           {".F90", 1, 1}, {".f95", 1, 0}, {".F95", 1, 1}, {".for", 0, 0},
664           {".fpp", 0, 1}, {0, 0, 0},
665   };
666   char *followval;
667   int followindex;
668   time_t now;
670   flg.freeform = -1;
671   file_suffix = ".f90"; /* default suffix for source files */
672   /*
673    * initialize error and symbol table modules in case error messages are
674    * issued:
675    */
676   errini();
677   gbl.curr_file = NULL;
678   gbl.fn = NULL;
679   sym_init();
680   interf_init();
681   BZERO(&sem, SEM, 1);
683   /* fill in date and time */
684   time(&now);
685   strftime(gbl.datetime, sizeof gbl.datetime, "%m/%d/%Y  %H:%M:%S",
686            localtime(&now));
688   dbgflg = FALSE;
689   errflg = FALSE;
691   sourcefile = NULL;
692   listfile = NULL;
693   cppfile = NULL;
694   objectfile = NULL;
695   asmfile = NULL;
696   outfile_name = NULL;
697   gbl.ipaname = NULL;
698   argindex = 0;
699   stboutfile = NULL;
701   flg.x[79] = 16; /* Hardwire XBIT(79,16): CSE DP loads for a distance of 16 */
703   flg.x[27] = -1; /* overlap not set */
705   if (argc < 2)
706     goto empty_cl;
708   char *tp;            /* Target architecture */
709   char *omptp = NULL;         /* OpenMP Target architecture */
710   int vect_val;        /* Vectorizer settings */
711   char *modexport_val; /* Modexport file name */
712   char *modindex_val;  /* Modindex file name */
713   char **module_dirs;  /* Null-terminated list of module directories */
714   bool arg_preproc;    /* Argument to turn preprocessor on and off */
715   bool arg_freeform;   /* Argument to force free-form source */
716   bool arg_extend;     /* Argument to force line extension */
717   bool arg_reentrant;  /* Argument to enable generating reentrant code */
719   /* Create a datastructure of various dump actions and their names */
720   action_map_t *dump_map; /* Deallocated after arguments are parsed */
721   create_action_map(&dump_map);
722   add_action(dump_map, "ast", dump_ast);
723   add_action(dump_map, "dtype", dumpdts);
724   add_action(dump_map, "std", dump_stds);
725   add_action(dump_map, "sstd", dump_sstds);
726   add_action(dump_map, "stdp", dump_stdps);
727   add_action(dump_map, "sym", dump_symbols);
728   add_action(dump_map, "syms", dump_symbols);
729   add_action(dump_map, "symtab", dump_symbols);
730   add_action(dump_map, "allsym", dump_all_symbols);
731   add_action(dump_map, "stats", dump_stg_stats);
732   add_action(dump_map, "area", report_area);
733   add_action(dump_map, "olddtype", dmp_dtype);
734   add_action(dump_map, "odtype", dmp_dtype);
735   add_action(dump_map, "oldsym", dump_old_symbols);
736   add_action(dump_map, "osym", dump_current_symbols);
737   add_action(dump_map, "hsym", dump_current_symbols);
738   add_action(dump_map, "hsyms", dump_current_symbols);
739   add_action(dump_map, "common", dcommons);
740   add_action(dump_map, "commons", dcommons);
741   add_action(dump_map, "nast", dumpasts);
742   add_action(dump_map, "stdtree", dumpstdtrees);
743   add_action(dump_map, "stdtrees", dumpstdtrees);
744   add_action(dump_map, "shape", dumpshapes);
745   add_action(dump_map, "aux", dumplists);
746   /* Initialize the map that will be used by dump handler later */
747   create_action_map(&phase_dump_map);
749   arg_parser_t *arg_parser;
751   create_arg_parser(&arg_parser, true);
753   /* Register two ways for supplying source file argument */
754   register_filename_arg(arg_parser, &sourcefile);
755   register_string_arg(arg_parser, "src", &sourcefile, NULL);
756   /* Output file (.ilm) */
757   register_combined_bool_string_arg(arg_parser, "output", (bool *)&(flg.output),
758                                     &outfile_name);
759   /* Other files to input or output */
760   register_string_arg(arg_parser, "stbfile", &stboutfile, NULL);
761   register_string_arg(arg_parser, "modexport", &modexport_val, NULL);
762   register_string_arg(arg_parser, "modindex", &modindex_val, NULL);
763   register_string_arg(arg_parser, "qfile", &dbgfile, NULL);
765   /* Optimization level */
766   register_integer_arg(arg_parser, "opt", &(flg.opt), 1);
768   /* Debug */
769   register_boolean_arg(arg_parser, "debug", &(flg.debug), 0);
770   register_integer_arg(arg_parser, "ieee", &(flg.ieee), 0);
772   /* Allocate space for command line macro definitions */
773   flg.def = (char **)getitem(8, argc * sizeof(char *));
774   flg.undef = (char **)getitem(8, argc * sizeof(char *));
775   flg.idir = (char **)getitem(8, argc * sizeof(char *));
776   module_dirs = (char **)getitem(8, argc * sizeof(char *));
777   /* Command line macro definitions */
778   register_string_list_arg(arg_parser, "def", flg.def);
779   register_string_list_arg(arg_parser, "undef", flg.undef);
780   register_string_list_arg(arg_parser, "idir", flg.idir);
781   register_string_list_arg(arg_parser, "moddir", module_dirs);
783   /* x flags */
784   register_xflag_arg(arg_parser, "x", flg.x,
785                      (sizeof(flg.x) / sizeof(flg.x[0])));
786   register_yflag_arg(arg_parser, "y", flg.x);
787   /* Debug flags */
788   register_qflag_arg(arg_parser, "q", flg.dbg,
789                      (sizeof(flg.dbg) / sizeof(flg.dbg[0])));
790   register_action_map_arg(arg_parser, "qq", phase_dump_map, dump_map);
792   /* Other flags */
793   register_boolean_arg(arg_parser, "mp", (bool *)&(flg.smp), false);
794   register_string_arg(arg_parser, "fopenmp-targets", &omptp, NULL);
795   register_boolean_arg(arg_parser, "preprocess", &arg_preproc, true);
796   register_boolean_arg(arg_parser, "reentrant", &arg_reentrant, false);
797   register_integer_arg(arg_parser, "terse", &(flg.terse), 1);
798   register_inform_level_arg(arg_parser, "inform",
799                             (inform_level_t *)&(flg.inform), LV_Inform);
800   register_boolean_arg(arg_parser, "hpf", (bool *)&(flg.hpf), true);
801   register_boolean_arg(arg_parser, "static", (bool *)&(flg.doprelink), true);
802   register_boolean_arg(arg_parser, "quad", (bool *)&(flg.quad), true);
803   register_boolean_arg(arg_parser, "freeform", &arg_freeform, false);
804   register_string_arg(arg_parser, "tp", &tp, NULL);
805   register_string_arg(arg_parser, "stdinc", &(flg.stdinc), (char *)1);
806   register_integer_arg(arg_parser, "vect", &(vect_val), 0);
807   register_boolean_arg(arg_parser, "standard", (bool *)&(flg.standard), false);
808   register_boolean_arg(arg_parser, "save", (bool *)&(flg.save), false);
809   register_boolean_arg(arg_parser, "extend", &arg_extend, false);
810   register_boolean_arg(arg_parser, "recursive", (bool *)&(flg.recursive),
811                        false);
812   register_string_arg(arg_parser, "cmdline", &(flg.cmdline), NULL);
813   register_boolean_arg(arg_parser, "es", (bool *)&(flg.es), false);
814   register_boolean_arg(arg_parser, "pp", (bool *)&(flg.p), false);
816   /* Set values form command line arguments */
817   parse_arguments(arg_parser, argc, argv);
819   /* Direct debug output */
820   if (was_value_set(arg_parser, &(flg.dbg)) ||
821       was_value_set(arg_parser, phase_dump_map)) {
822 #if DEBUG
823     dodebug = 1;
824 #endif
825     if (dbgfile) {
826       gbl.dbgfil = fopen(dbgfile, "w");
827       if (gbl.dbgfil == NULL)
828         errfatal(5);
829     } else if ((flg.dbg[0] & 1) || sourcefile == NULL) {
830       gbl.dbgfil = stderr;
831     } else {
832       if (ipa_import_mode) {
833         tempfile = mkfname(sourcefile, file_suffix, ".qdbh");
834       } else {
835         tempfile = mkfname(sourcefile, file_suffix, ".qdbf");
836         if ((gbl.dbgfil = fopen(tempfile, "w")) == NULL)
837           errfatal(5);
838       }
839     }
840   }
842   /* Set preporocessor and Fortran source form
843    * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
844    * FIXME this logic needs to be moved to where those values are consumed
845    */
846   if (was_value_set(arg_parser, &arg_preproc)) {
847     /* If the argument was present on command line set the value, otherwise
848      * keep "undefined" -1 */
849     preproc = arg_preproc;
850   }
851   if (was_value_set(arg_parser, &arg_freeform)) {
852     /* If the argument was present on command line set the value, otherwise
853      * keep "undefined" -1 */
854     flg.freeform = arg_freeform;
855   }
857   /* Enable reentrant code */
858   if (was_value_set(arg_parser, &arg_reentrant)) {
859     if (arg_reentrant) {
860       flg.x[7] |= 0x2;      /* inhibit terminal func optz. */
861       flg.recursive = TRUE; /* no static locals */
862     } else {
863       flg.x[7] &= ~(0x2);
864       flg.recursive = FALSE;
865     }
866   }
868   /* Free memory */
869   destroy_arg_parser(&arg_parser);
870   destroy_action_map(&dump_map);
872   /* Now do some postprocessing
873    * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
874    */
876   /* Check optimization level */
877   if (flg.opt > 4) {
878     fprintf(stderr, "%s-W-Opt levels greater than 4 are not supported\n", version.lang);
879   }
880   /* -nostatic postprocessing */
881   if (!flg.doprelink)
882     flg.ipa |= 0x50; /* don't defer initialization, issue errors */
884   /* Postprocess target architecture */
885   do_set_tp(tp);
887   if(omptp != NULL)
888     flg.omptarget = TRUE;
889 #endif
890   /* Vectorizer settings */
891   flg.vect |= vect_val;
892   if (flg.vect & 0x10)
893     flg.x[19] &= ~0x10;
894   if (flg.vect & 0x20)
895     flg.x[19] &= ~8;
896   set_yflag(34, 0x30);
898   /* modexport file name */
899   mod_combined_name(modexport_val);
900   /* modindex file name */
901   mod_combined_index(modindex_val);
903   /* Extend source file lines */
904   if (arg_extend)
905     flg.extend_source = 132;
907   /* Set module directory linked list
908    * ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
909    * FIXME this is bad, have different implementations for different string
910    * lists, that needs to stop.
911    */
912   char **module_dir = module_dirs;
913   while (module_dir && *module_dir) {
914     moddir_list *mdl;
915     NEW(mdl, moddir_list, 1);
916     mdl->module_directory = *module_dir;
917     mdl->next = NULL;
918     if (module_directory_list == NULL) {
919       module_directory_list = mdl;
920     } else {
921       moddir_list *link;
922       for (link = module_directory_list; link->next; link = link->next)
923         ;
924       link->next = mdl;
925     }
926     ++module_dir;
927   }
929   flg.genilm = TRUE;
930   /* set -x 49 0x400000, F90-style output */
931   set_xflag(49, 0x400000);
932   /* set -x 58 0x10000, handle all pointers */
933   set_xflag(58, 0x10000);
934   gbl.is_f90 = TRUE;
935   /* set -x 58 0x40, and reset hpf flag, no static-init */
936   set_xflag(58, 0x40);
937   flg.defaulthpf = flg.hpf = FALSE;
938   flg.defaultsequence = flg.sequence = TRUE;
939   /* set -x 58 0x20000, allocate temps only as big as needed */
940   set_xflag(58, 0x20000);
942   if (XBIT(25, 0xf0)) {
943     fprintf(stderr, "%s-I-Beta Release Optimizations Activated\n", version.lang);
944   }
946   if (flg.x[27] == -1)
947     flg.x[27] = 4; /* default/max overlap of 4 */
949   if (flg.es && !flg.p)
950     flg.x[123] |= 0x100;
952   empty_cl:
953   if (sourcefile == NULL) {
954     if (flg.ipa & 0x0a) {
955       /* for IPA propagation or when generating static$init, no sourcefile */
956       sourcefile = "pghpf.prelink.f";
957       gbl.src_file = (char *)malloc(strlen(sourcefile) + 1);
958       strcpy(gbl.src_file, sourcefile);
959       gbl.srcfil = NULL;
960       copy_curr_file = 0;
961     } else {
962       gbl.src_file = sourcefile = "STDIN.f";
963       gbl.srcfil = stdin;
964     }
965     goto do_curr_file;
966   }
968   if (errflg)
969     finish();
971   if (ipa_import_mode) {
972     char *s;
973     if (!sourcefile) {
974       gbl.src_file = (char *)malloc(strlen(sourcefile) + 1);
975       strcpy(gbl.src_file, sourcefile);
976       basenam(gbl.src_file, "", sourcefile);
977     } else {
978       sourcefile = "STDIN.f";
979       gbl.src_file = (char *)malloc(strlen(sourcefile) + 1);
980       strcpy(gbl.src_file, sourcefile);
981     }
982     file_suffix = "";
983     for (s = gbl.src_file; *s; ++s) {
984       if (*s == '.')
985         file_suffix = s;
986     }
988   } else {
989     if (!nosuffixcheck) {
990       /* open sourcefile */
991       for (i = 0; suffixes[i].nm; ++i) {
992         int lsuf, lsrc;
993         lsuf = strlen(suffixes[i].nm);
994         lsrc = strlen(sourcefile);
995         if (lsuf >= lsrc)
996           continue;
997         if (strcmp(sourcefile + (lsrc - lsuf), suffixes[i].nm))
998           continue;
999         gbl.src_file = mkfname(sourcefile, suffixes[i].nm, suffixes[i].nm);
1000         if ((gbl.srcfil = fopen(gbl.src_file, "r")) != NULL) {
1001           /* fill in flg.freeform, file_suffix, fpp_, gbl.src_file */
1002           if (flg.freeform == -1)
1003             flg.freeform = suffixes[i].form;
1004           file_suffix = suffixes[i].nm;
1005           if (suffixes[i].fpp) {
1006             if (preproc == -1 || preproc == 1)
1007               fpp_ = TRUE;
1008             /* -nopreproc overrides use of .F extension */
1009           }
1010           /* strip pathname, if any */
1011           /* use mkfname to allocate space */
1012           sourcefile = mkfname(gbl.src_file, file_suffix, file_suffix);
1013           /* base name strips the pathname */
1014           basenam(gbl.src_file, "", sourcefile);
1015           goto is_open;
1016         }
1017         /* ** else will be reported_as_an error(2...) below ** */
1018       }
1019     }
1020     if ((gbl.srcfil = fopen(sourcefile, "r")) != NULL) {
1021       /* fill in gbl.src_file, file_suffix */
1022       char *s;
1023       gbl.src_file = (char *)malloc(strlen(sourcefile) + 1);
1024       strcpy(gbl.src_file, sourcefile);
1025       basenam(gbl.src_file, "", sourcefile);
1026       file_suffix = "";
1027       for (s = gbl.src_file; *s; ++s) {
1028         if (*s == '.')
1029           file_suffix = s;
1030       }
1031       goto is_open;
1032     }
1033     /* not found */
1034     error(2, 4, 0, sourcefile, CNULL);
1035     is_open:
1036     if (preproc == 1)
1037       fpp_ = TRUE; /* -preproc forces preprocessing */
1038   }
1040   do_curr_file:
1042   if (gbl.file_name == NULL)
1043     gbl.file_name = gbl.src_file;
1044   if (sourcefile != NULL)
1045     gbl.module = mkfname(sourcefile, file_suffix, "");
1046   if (copy_curr_file)
1047     gbl.curr_file = gbl.src_file;
1049   /* process  object file: */
1051   gbl.objfil = NULL;
1053   if (sourcefile == NULL) {
1054     if (!flg.output || outfile_name == NULL) {
1055       gbl.outfil = stdout;
1056     } else {
1057       if ((gbl.outfil = fopen(outfile_name, "w")) == NULL)
1058         error(4, 0, 0, "Unable to open output file", outfile_name);
1059     }
1060     if (OUTPUT_DWARF && (dbg_file == NULL) && outfile_name != NULL) {
1061       /* make dwarf debug info file from the source file */
1062       mkDwfInfoFilename();
1063       if ((dbg_file = fopen(dbg_file_name, "wb")) == NULL)
1064         errfatal(9);
1065       dwarf_set_fn();
1066     } else {
1067       flg.debug = 0;
1068     }
1069     if (stboutfile != NULL) {
1070       char *tname;
1071       if ((gbl.stbfil = fopen(stboutfile, "w")) == NULL)
1072         errfatal(9);
1073     } else {
1074       gbl.stbfil = 0;
1075     }
1076   } else {
1077     char *tname;
1078     /* process listing file */
1079     if (flg.code || flg.list || flg.xref) {
1080       if (listfile == NULL) {
1081         /* make listing filename from sourcefile name */
1082         listfile = mkfname(sourcefile, file_suffix, LISTFILE);
1083       }
1084       if ((fd = fopen(listfile, "w")) == NULL)
1085         errfatal(3);
1086       list_init(fd);
1087     }
1088     if (OUTPUT_DWARF && (dbg_file == NULL)) {
1089       /* make dwarf debug info file from the source file */
1090       if (outfile_name != NULL) {
1091         mkDwfInfoFilename();
1092       } else {
1093         dbg_file_name = mkfname(sourcefile, file_suffix, ".dbg");
1094       }
1095       if ((dbg_file = fopen(dbg_file_name, "wb")) == NULL)
1096         errfatal(9);
1097     }
1098     if (stboutfile) {
1099       if ((gbl.stbfil = fopen(stboutfile, "w")) == NULL)
1100         errfatal(9);
1101     } else {
1102       gbl.stbfil = NULL;
1103     }
1105     /* process assembly output file */
1106     if (flg.asmcode) {
1107       if (asmfile == NULL) {
1108         /* make assembly filename from sourcefile name */
1109         asmfile = mkfname(sourcefile, file_suffix, ASMFILE);
1110       }
1111       if ((gbl.asmfil = fopen(asmfile, "w")) == NULL)
1112         errfatal(9);
1113     } else /* do this for compilers which write asm code to stdout */
1114       gbl.asmfil = stdout;
1115     /* process source output file */
1116     if (flg.output && !flg.es) {
1117       /* make output filename from sourcefile name */
1118       if (outfile_name == NULL) {
1119         outfile_name = mkfname(sourcefile, file_suffix, ".ilm");
1120       }
1121       if ((gbl.outfil = fopen(outfile_name, "w")) == NULL)
1122         error(4, 0, 0, "Unable to open output file", outfile_name);
1123     } else
1124       gbl.outfil = stdout;
1127     if (flg.doprelink && (flg.ipa & 0x03) == 0 && gbl.ipaname == NULL) {
1128       gbl.ipaname = mkfname(sourcefile, file_suffix, ".d");
1129       gbl.gblfil = NULL;
1130       unlink(gbl.ipaname);
1131     }
1133     /* create temporary file for preprocessor output & preprocess */
1134     if (!ipa_import_mode) {
1135       if (fpp_) {
1136         if (flg.es) {
1137           if (cppfile == NULL)
1138             gbl.cppfil = stdout;
1139           else if ((gbl.cppfil = fopen(cppfile, "w")) == NULL)
1140             errfatal(5);
1141         } else {
1142           if ((gbl.cppfil = tmpf("a")) == NULL)
1143             errfatal(5);
1144         }
1145         fpp();
1146         if (flg.es || gbl.maxsev >= 3)
1147           finish();
1148         if (flg.list)
1149           list_page();
1150         scan_init(gbl.cppfil);
1151       } else
1152         scan_init(gbl.srcfil);
1153     }
1154 #if DEBUG
1155     assert(flg.es == 0, "init:flg.esA", 0, 0);
1156 #endif
1157     assemble_init();
1158     if (OUTPUT_DWARF && dbg_file != NULL) {
1159       dwarf_set_fn();
1160     }
1161   }
1162   gbl.func_count = 0;
1164   if (XBIT(125, 0x8))
1165     gbl.ftn_true = 1;
1166   else
1167     gbl.ftn_true = -1;
1169   /*
1170    * direct_init() must be called at a point where we are sure that
1171    * the values of flg members, especially xflags, can be propagated
1172    * to the global, routine, etc. directive data structures. For example,
1173    * direct_init() can only be called after the code above which can
1174    * disable the cuda/accel features in the code by clearing their
1175    * respective xflags.
1176    */
1177   direct_init();
1179   /* set mach, currently need for -mp=align optimization on sandybridge */
1180   set_mach(&mach, flg.tpvalue[0]);
1182   return;
1183 }
1185 /* *************************************************************** */
1187 static char *uses_name;
1189 moddir_list *module_directory_list = NULL;
1191 #if DEBUG
1193 static void
do_debug(char * phase)1194 do_debug(char *phase)
1195 {
1196   if (debugfunconly > 0 && gbl.func_count != debugfunconly) {
1197     /* only for some functions */
1198     return;
1199   }
1200   if (dodebug)
1201     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "{%s after %s\n", feature, phase);
1203   current_phase = phase;
1204   execute_actions_for_keyword(phase_dump_map, phase);
1205 } /* do_debug */
1207 #endif /* if DEBUG */
1209 /* call this routine to clean up data structures if not compiling all the
1210  * way to the end */
1211 static void
cleanup(void)1212 cleanup(void)
1213 {
1214   direct_rou_end();
1215   dinit_end();
1216   df_dinit_end();
1217   freearea(15);
1218   postprocessing = FALSE;
1219 } /* cleanup */
1221 static void
reptime(void)1222 reptime(void)
1223 {
1224   char buf[80];
1225   int i;
1226   INT total;
1227   int prct;
1228   int tmp;
1230   total = 0;
1231   for (i = 0; i < _N_WHO; i++)
1232     total += xtimes[i];
1234   if (!DBGBIT(0, 8) || DBGBIT(14, 3))
1235     goto xbitcheck;
1237   if (flg.code || flg.list || flg.xref) {
1238     list_line("");
1239     list_line("  Timing stats:");
1240   } else if (gbl.dbgfil)
1241     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "  Timing stats:\n");
1242   for (i = 0; i < _N_WHO; i++) {
1243     if (xtimes[i]) {
1244       tmp = 100 * xtimes[i];
1245       prct = tmp / total;
1246       sprintf(buf, "    %-10.10s %15d millisecs %5d%%", who[i], xtimes[i],
1247               prct);
1248       if (flg.code || flg.list || flg.xref)
1249         list_line(buf);
1250       else if (gbl.dbgfil)
1251         fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "%s\n", buf);
1252     }
1253   }
1255   sprintf(buf, "    Total time %15d millisecs", total);
1256   if (flg.code || flg.list || flg.xref) {
1257     list_line(buf);
1258   } else if (gbl.dbgfil)
1259     fprintf(gbl.dbgfil, "%s\n", buf);
1261   xbitcheck:
1262   if (!XBIT(0, 1))
1263     return;
1264   fprintf(stderr, "  Timing stats:\n");
1266   for (i = 0; i < _N_WHO; i++) {
1267     if (xtimes[i]) {
1268       tmp = 100 * xtimes[i];
1269       prct = tmp / total;
1270       sprintf(buf, "    %-10.10s %15d millisecs %5d%%", who[i], xtimes[i],
1271               prct);
1272       fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf);
1273     }
1274   }
1275   sprintf(buf, "    Total time %15d millisecs", total);
1276   fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", buf);
1277 }
1279 static void
datastructure_reinit(void)1280 datastructure_reinit(void)
1281 {
1282   /* initialize global variables:  */
1283   gbl.currsub = 0;
1284   gbl.arets = FALSE;
1285   gbl.rutype = RU_PROG;
1286   gbl.cmblks = NOSYM;
1287   gbl.externs = NOSYM;
1288   gbl.consts = NOSYM;
1289   gbl.locals = NOSYM;
1290   gbl.statics = NOSYM;
1291   gbl.ent_select = 0;
1292   gbl.stfuncs = NOSYM;
1293   gbl.locaddr = 0;
1294   gbl.saddr = 0;
1295   set_bss_addr(0);
1296   gbl.autobj = NOSYM;
1297   gbl.asgnlbls = 0;
1298   gbl.exitstd = 0;
1299   gbl.tp_adjarr = NOSYM;
1300   gbl.p_adjarr = NOSYM;
1301   gbl.p_adjstr = NOSYM;
1302   gbl.denorm = FALSE;
1303   gbl.inomptarget = false;
1304   /* restore opt flag to its original value */
1305   flg.opt = saveoptflag;
1306   flg.vect = savevectflag;
1307   flg.x[8] = savex8flag;
1308   flg.recursive = saverecursive;
1310   sym_init();   /* initialize symbol table module */
1311   dinit_init(); /* initialize data init file module  */
1312   /* close data initialization files */
1313   dinit_end();
1314   if (astb.df != NULL)
1315     fclose(astb.df);
1316   astb.df = NULL;
1318   astout_init();
1319 } /* datastructure_reinit */
1321 /** \brief perform initializations for new user subprogram unit.
1322 */
1323 void
reinit(void)1324 reinit(void)
1325 {
1326   scan_opt_restore(); /* if OPTIONS statement was seen in prev */
1328   datastructure_reinit();
1330   semant_init(ipa_export_file != 0 && ipa_import_mode);
1331   /* initialize semantic analyzer.
1332    * WARNING:  when compiling module subprograms,
1333    * it's assumed that the certain data structures
1334    * (asts, dtypes, etc.) of entities in the
1335    * module specification part will have the same
1336    * indices when imported into a CONTAINS'd
1337    * subprogram. All inits, on which importing
1338    * module information depends, must be peformed
1339    * before semant_init().
1340    */
1341   if (flg.xref)
1342     xrefinit();   /* initialize cross reference module */
1343   dpm_out_init(); /* initialize dp output module -- should
1344                    * be replaced with call to transform_init().
1345                    */
1347   queue_tbp(0, 0, 0, 0, TBP_CLEAR_STALE_RECORDS);
1348 }
1350 /* *************************************************************** */
1352 static int exitcode;
1354 /** \brief set exit code for compiler (see finish() function)
1355     \param ec - the exit code to set
1356 */
1357 void
set_exitcode(int ec)1358 set_exitcode(int ec)
1359 {
1360   exitcode = ec;
1361 }
1363 /** \brief Write summary line to terminal, and exit compiler.
1364 */
1365 void
finish(void)1366 finish(void)
1367 {
1368   int maxfilsev;
1369   static int called = 0;
1371   if (!ipa_import_mode)
1372     scan_fini();
1373   if (IPA_INHERIT_ENABLED && (flg.opt >= 2 || IPA_COLLECTION_ENABLED)) {
1374     ipa_fini();
1375   }
1376   ipasave_fini();
1377   DUMP("fini");
1378   symtab_fini();
1379   fih_fini();
1380   ast_fini();
1381   direct_fini();
1382   sem_fini();
1383   mod_fini();
1384   if (XBIT(123, 0x30000)) {
1385     import_module_print();
1386   }
1388   called++;
1389   if (gbl.maxsev < 3 && called == 1 && (XBIT(123, 2) || XBIT(123, 8))) {
1390     FILE *fp;
1391     char *dependfile;
1393     if (XBIT(123, 8)) {
1394       /* -MD option:  Print list of include files to file <program>.d */
1395       dependfile = mkfname(gbl.module, "", ".d");
1396       if ((fp = fopen(dependfile, "w")) == NULL)
1397         errfatal(5);
1398     } else {
1399       /* -M option:  Print list of include files to stdout */
1400       fp = stdout;
1401     }
1402     if (gbl.moddependfil) {
1403       rewind(gbl.moddependfil);
1404       while (1) {
1405         int c;
1406         c = fgetc(gbl.moddependfil);
1407         if (c == EOF)
1408           break;
1409         fputc(c, fp);
1410       }
1411     }
1412     if (!XBIT(123, 0x40000)) {
1413       fprintf(fp, "%s%s : ", gbl.module, OBJFILE);
1414       fprintf(fp, "%s ", gbl.src_file);
1415     } else {
1416       fprintf(fp, "\"%s%s\" : ", gbl.module, OBJFILE);
1417       fprintf(fp, "\"%s\" ", gbl.src_file);
1418     }
1419     if (gbl.dependfil) {
1420       rewind(gbl.dependfil);
1421       while (1) {
1422         int c;
1423         c = fgetc(gbl.dependfil);
1424         if (c == EOF)
1425           break;
1426         fputc(c, fp);
1427       }
1428     }
1429     fputc('\n', fp);
1430     if (XBIT(123, 8))
1431       fclose(fp);
1432   }
1434   if (!flg.es) {
1435     reptime();
1436     maxfilsev = summary(TRUE, FALSE);
1437   } else
1438     maxfilsev = gbl.maxsev;
1440   if (maxfilsev >= 3) {
1441     /* remove objectfile if there were severe errors */
1442     if (flg.object && gbl.objfil)
1443       if (!DBGBIT(0, 16))
1444         unlink(objectfile);
1445   } else {
1446     if (gbl.objfil != NULL)
1447       fclose(gbl.objfil);
1449       ipasave_closefile();
1451       ipa_closefile();
1452     if (!flg.es) {
1453       fini();
1454     }
1455   }
1456   if (gbl.asmfil != NULL && gbl.asmfil != stdout)
1457     fclose(gbl.asmfil);
1458   if (gbl.outfil != NULL && gbl.outfil != stdout)
1459     fclose(gbl.outfil);
1460   if (IPA_ENABLED && ipa_export_file && !ipa_import_mode) {
1461     /* export the program unit for IPA recompilation */
1462     ipa_export_close();
1463   }
1465   freearea(8);      /* temporary filenames and pathnames space  */
1466   free_getitem_p(); /* getitem_p tbl contains area 8 pointers */
1467   destroy_action_map(&phase_dump_map);
1468   /*free( gbl.src_file );*/
1469   gbl.src_file = NULL;
1470   if (maxfilsev >= 3) {
1471     if (!XBIT(123, 0x40000) || exitcode == 0)
1472       exit(1);
1473     else
1474       exit(exitcode);
1475   } else
1476     exit(0);
1477 }
1479 /* ******************************************************************* */
1481 /* dummies for dwarf */
1482 FILE *dbg_file = NULL;
1483 char *dbg_file_name = NULL;
dwarf_set_fn(void)1484 void dwarf_set_fn(void) {}
setrefsymbol(int symbol)1485 void setrefsymbol(int symbol) {}
scan_for_dwarf_module(void)1486 void scan_for_dwarf_module(void) {}
1488 static void
do_set_tp(char * tp)1489 do_set_tp(char *tp)
1490 {
1491   if (tp) {
1492     if (strcmp(tp, "x64") == 0) {
1493       set_tp("k8-64");
1494       set_tp("p7-64");
1495     } else {
1496       set_tp(tp);
1497     }
1498   }
1499 }
1501 /** \brief This function creates a dwarf debug info filename from source file.
1502 */
1503 static void
mkDwfInfoFilename(void)1504 mkDwfInfoFilename(void)
1505 {
1506   int i;
1507   /* first, find the file suffix of the output file (created by the driver) */
1508   for (i = strlen(outfile_name) - 1; i > 0; i--)
1509     if (outfile_name[i] == '.')
1510       break;
1511   if (i == 0)
1512     i = strlen(outfile_name) - 1; /* punt if no suffix */
1513   dbg_file_name = mkfname(outfile_name, &outfile_name[i], ".dbg");
1514 }
1516 /** \brief called at end of processing contains subprograms */
1517 void
end_contained(void)1518 end_contained(void)
1519 {
1520   lower_end_contains();
1521   if (ipa_export_file && !ipa_import_mode) {
1522     ipa_export_endcontained();
1523   }
1524 }
1526 static void
fini()1527 fini()
1528 {
1529   assemble_end();
1530 }
1532 /* dummies required to link when we don't have IPA */
1534 int IPA_Vestigial = 0;
ipa_closefile()1536 void ipa_closefile() {}
ipa_export()1537 void ipa_export() {}
ipa_export_close()1538 void ipa_export_close() {}
ipa_export_endcontained()1539 void ipa_export_endcontained() {}
ipa_export_endmodule()1540 void ipa_export_endmodule() {}
ipa_export_highpoint()1541 void ipa_export_highpoint() {}
ipa_export_open(char * export_filename)1542 void ipa_export_open(char *export_filename) {}
ipa_header1(int currfunc)1543 void ipa_header1(int currfunc) {}
ipa_header2(int currfunc)1544 void ipa_header2(int currfunc) {}
ipa_import_highpoint(void)1545 void ipa_import_highpoint(void) {}
ipa_import_open(char * import_file,BIGUINT offset)1546 void ipa_import_open(char *import_file, BIGUINT offset) {}
ipa_import(void)1547 void ipa_import(void) {}
ipa_init()1548 void ipa_init() {}
ipa_report()1549 void ipa_report() {}
ipasave_closefile()1550 void ipasave_closefile() {}
ipasave_compname(char * name,int argc,char * argv[])1551 void ipasave_compname(char *name, int argc, char *argv[]) {}
ipasave_endfunc()1552 void ipasave_endfunc() {}
ipasave_fini(void)1553 void ipasave_fini(void) {}
ipasave(void)1554 void ipasave(void) {}
ipa_startfunc(int currfunc)1555 void ipa_startfunc(int currfunc) {}
ipa_fini()1556 void ipa_fini() {}
fill_ipasym()1557 void fill_ipasym() {}
ipa()1558 void ipa() {}
ipa_set_vestigial_host()1559 void ipa_set_vestigial_host() {}
IPA_isnoconflict(int sptr)1560 int IPA_isnoconflict(int sptr) { return 0; }
set_ipa_export_file(char * name)1562 static void set_ipa_export_file(char *name) {}
set_ipa_import_mode()1563 static void set_ipa_import_mode() {}
set_ipa_import_offset(char * offset)1564 static void set_ipa_import_offset(char *offset) {}
set_debug(LOGICAL value)1565 static void set_debug(LOGICAL value) {}
set_debug_symbol(LOGICAL value)1566 static void set_debug_symbol(LOGICAL value) {}
set_debug_line(LOGICAL value)1567 static void set_debug_line(LOGICAL value) {}