3# This file is a part of RackTables, a datacenter and server room management
4# framework. See accompanying file "COPYING" for the full copyright and
5# licensing information.
7function reloadDictionary ($rows_per_query = 25)
9	global $dictionary;
11	function buildInsert ($vlist)
12	{
13		$ret= 'INSERT INTO Dictionary (dict_key, chapter_id, dict_value, dict_sticky) VALUES ';
14		$ret .= implode (', ', $vlist);
15		return $ret;
16	}
18	// isNaturalNumber() depends on functions.php, which is not involved in an upgrade (see index.php).
19	$rows_per_query = (int) $rows_per_query;
20	if ($rows_per_query < 1)
21		throw new InvalidArgException ('rows_per_query', $rows_per_query, 'must be a natural number');
22	// Not only update existing stuff, but make sure all obsolete records are gone.
23	$ret = array ("DELETE FROM Dictionary WHERE dict_key BETWEEN 1 AND 49999");
24	$vlist = array();
25	# Iterating through 50K possible valid indices is way too slow in PHP and
26	# is likely to hit the default execution time limit of 30 seconds.
27	foreach ($dictionary as $dict_key => $record)
28	{
29		$vlist[] = "(${dict_key}, ${record['chapter_id']}, '${record['dict_value']}', 'yes')";
30		if (count ($vlist) == $rows_per_query)
31		{
32			$ret[] = buildInsert ($vlist);
33			$vlist = array();
34		}
35	}
36	if (count ($vlist))
37		$ret[] = buildInsert ($vlist);
38	return $ret;
41function isInnoDBSupported ()
43	global $dbxlink;
44	// create a temp table and a trigger
45	$dbxlink->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `innodb_test`");
46	$dbxlink->query("CREATE TABLE `innodb_test` (`id` int) ENGINE=InnoDB");
47	$innodb_row = $dbxlink->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE 'innodb_test'")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
48	$dbxlink->query("CREATE TRIGGER `trigger_test` BEFORE INSERT ON `innodb_test` FOR EACH ROW BEGIN END");
49	$trigger_row = $dbxlink->query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM information_schema.TRIGGERS WHERE TRIGGER_SCHEMA = SCHEMA() AND TRIGGER_NAME = 'trigger_test'")->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
50	$dbxlink->query("DROP TABLE `innodb_test`");
51	return $innodb_row['Engine'] == 'InnoDB' && $trigger_row['count'] == 1;
54function platform_generic_test ($is_ok, $topic, $what_if_not = 'FAILED', $error_class = 'trerror')
56	echo "<tr><th class=tdleft>${topic}</th>";
57	if ($is_ok)
58	{
59		echo '<td class="trok tdleft">PASSED</td></tr>';
60		return 0;
61	}
62	echo "<td class='${error_class} tdleft'>${what_if_not}</td></tr>";
63	return 1;
66function pcre8_with_properties()
68	return FALSE === @preg_match ('/\p{L}/u', 'a') ? FALSE : TRUE;
71// Check for PHP extensions.
72function platform_is_ok ($test_innodb = FALSE)
74	$extlist = array
75	(
76		// mandatory
77		array
78		(
79			'name' => 'PDO',
80			'comment' => 'PHP data objects',
81		),
82		array
83		(
84			'name' => 'pdo_mysql',
85			'comment' => 'PDO MySQL driver',
86		),
87		array
88		(
89			'name' => 'pcre',
90			'comment' => 'PCRE',
91		),
92		array
93		(
94			'name' => 'gd',
95			'comment' => 'GD and image',
96		),
97		array
98		(
99			'name' => 'mbstring',
100			'comment' => 'multibyte string',
101		),
102		array
103		(
104			'name' => 'json',
105			'comment' => 'JSON',
106		),
107		array
108		(
109			'name' => 'bcmath',
110			'comment' => 'arbitrary precision mathematics',
111		),
112		// optional
113		array
114		(
115			'name' => 'snmp',
116			'comment' => 'SNMP',
117			'impact' => 'SNMP sync feature will not work',
118		),
119		array
120		(
121			'name' => 'ldap',
122			'comment' => 'LDAP',
123			'impact' => 'LDAP authentication will not work',
124		),
125		array
126		(
127			'name' => 'curl',
128			'comment' => 'client URL library',
129			'impact' => 'some plugins may not work',
130		),
131		array
132		(
133			'name' => 'pcntl',
134			'comment' => 'process control',
135			'impact' => '802.1Q parallel sync will not work',
136		),
137	);
138	$nerrs = 0;
139	echo "<table border=1 cellpadding=5>\n";
140	$nerrs += platform_generic_test (version_compare (PHP_VERSION, '5.5.0', '>='), 'PHP version >= 5.5.0');
141	foreach ($extlist as $e)
142	{
143		if (array_key_exists ('impact', $e))
144		{
145			// When an optional PHP extension is not available, display a warning and a message
146			// with some additional information so that the user can decide if it is OK to proceed
147			// without the feature(s) that depend on the extension.
148			$what_if_not = "Not found ({$e['impact']}).";
149			$error_class = 'trwarning';
150			$c = 0;
151		}
152		else
153		{
154			// If a mandatory PHP extension is not available, just report the failure.
155			$what_if_not = 'Not found.';
156			$error_class = 'trerror';
157			$c = 1;
158		}
159		$nerrs += $c * platform_generic_test
160		(
161			extension_loaded ($e['name']),
162			"{$e['comment']} extension ({$e['name']})",
163			$what_if_not,
164			$error_class
165		);
166	}
167	if ($test_innodb)
168		$nerrs += platform_generic_test (isInnoDBSupported(), 'InnoDB support');
169	$nerrs += platform_generic_test (pcre8_with_properties(), 'PCRE compiled with<br>--enable-unicode-properties');
170	platform_generic_test
171	(
172		(! empty ($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off'),
173		'accessed over HTTPS',
174		'No! (all your passwords will be transmitted in cleartext)',
175		'trwarning'
176	);
177	echo "</table>\n";
178	return !$nerrs;
181// FIXME: Use this in the installer instead of the hardcoded SQL.
182function getConfigDefaults()
184	return array
185	(
186		'MASSCOUNT' => '8',
187		'MAXSELSIZE' => '30',
188		'ROW_SCALE' => '2',
189		'IPV4_ADDRS_PER_PAGE' => '256',
190		'DEFAULT_RACK_HEIGHT' => '42',
191		'DEFAULT_SLB_VS_PORT' => '',
192		'DEFAULT_SLB_RS_PORT' => '',
193		'DETECT_URLS' => 'no',
196		'AUTOPORTS_CONFIG' => '4 = 1*33*kvm + 2*24*eth%u;15 = 1*446*kvm',
197		'SHOW_EXPLICIT_TAGS' => 'yes',
198		'SHOW_IMPLICIT_TAGS' => 'yes',
199		'SHOW_AUTOMATIC_TAGS' => 'no',
200		'DEFAULT_OBJECT_TYPE' => '4',
201		'IPV4_AUTO_RELEASE' => '1',
202		'SHOW_LAST_TAB' => 'yes',
203		'EXT_IPV4_VIEW' => 'yes',
204		'TREE_THRESHOLD' => '25',
205		'IPV4_JAYWALK' => 'no',
206		'ADDNEW_AT_TOP' => 'yes',
207		'IPV4_TREE_SHOW_USAGE' => 'no',
208		'PREVIEW_TEXT_MAXCHARS' => '10240',
209		'PREVIEW_TEXT_ROWS' => '25',
210		'PREVIEW_TEXT_COLS' => '80',
211		'PREVIEW_IMAGE_MAXPXS' => '320',
212		'VENDOR_SIEVE' => '',
213		'IPV4LB_LISTSRC' => 'false',
214		'IPV4OBJ_LISTSRC' => 'not ({$typeid_3} or {$typeid_9} or {$typeid_10} or {$typeid_11})',
215		'IPV4NAT_LISTSRC' => '{$typeid_4} or {$typeid_7} or {$typeid_8} or {$typeid_798}',
216		'ASSETWARN_LISTSRC' => '{$typeid_4} or {$typeid_7} or {$typeid_8}',
217		'NAMEWARN_LISTSRC' => '{$typeid_4} or {$typeid_7} or {$typeid_8}',
218		'RACKS_PER_ROW' => '12',
220		'FILTER_DEFAULT_ANDOR' => 'and',
221		'FILTER_SUGGEST_ANDOR' => 'yes',
222		'FILTER_SUGGEST_TAGS' => 'yes',
224		'FILTER_SUGGEST_EXTRA' => 'no',
225		'DEFAULT_SNMP_COMMUNITY' => 'public',
226		'IPV4_ENABLE_KNIGHT' => 'yes',
227		'TAGS_TOPLIST_SIZE' => '50',
228		'TAGS_QUICKLIST_SIZE' => '20',
231		'DEFAULT_PORT_IIF_ID' => '1',
232		'DEFAULT_PORT_OIF_IDS' => '1=24; 3=1078; 4=1077; 5=1079; 6=1080; 8=1082; 9=1084; 10=1588; 11=1668; 12=1589; 13=1590; 14=1591',
233		'IPV4_TREE_RTR_AS_CELL' => 'no',
234		'PROXIMITY_RANGE' => '0',
235		'IPV4_TREE_SHOW_VLAN' => 'yes',
237		'VLANNET_LISTSRC' => '',
238		'DEFAULT_VDOM_ID' => '',
239		'DEFAULT_VST_ID' => '',
240		'STATIC_FILTER' => 'yes',
241		'8021Q_DEPLOY_MINAGE' => '300',
242		'8021Q_DEPLOY_MAXAGE' => '3600',
243		'8021Q_DEPLOY_RETRY' => '10800',
244		'8021Q_WRI_AFTER_CONFT_LISTSRC' => 'false',
245		'8021Q_INSTANT_DEPLOY' => 'no',
246		'ENABLE_BULKPORT_FORM' => 'yes',
249		'SHRINK_TAG_TREE_ON_CLICK' => 'yes',
252		'PORT_EXCLUSION_LISTSRC' => '{$typeid_3} or {$typeid_10} or {$typeid_11} or {$typeid_1505} or {$typeid_1506}',
253		'FILTER_RACKLIST_BY_TAGS' => 'yes',
254		'MGMT_PROTOS' => 'ssh: {$typeid_4}; telnet: {$typeid_8}',
255		'SYNC_8021Q_LISTSRC' => '',
256		'QUICK_LINK_PAGES' => 'depot,ipv4space,rackspace',
257		'VIRTUAL_OBJ_CSV' => '1504,1505,1506,1507',
258		'DATETIME_ZONE' => 'UTC',
259		'DATETIME_FORMAT' => '%Y-%m-%d',
260		'DATEONLY_FORMAT' => '%Y-%m-%d',
261		'SEARCH_DOMAINS' => '',
262		'8021Q_EXTSYNC_LISTSRC' => 'false',
263		'8021Q_MULTILINK_LISTSRC' => 'false',
264		'REVERSED_RACKS_LISTSRC' => 'false',
266		'SHOW_OBJECTTYPE' => 'yes',
269	);
272$dictionary = array
274	1 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'BlackBox'),
275	2 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'PDU'),
276	3 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Shelf'),
277	4 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Server'),
278	5 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'DiskArray'),
279	6 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'TapeLibrary'),
280	7 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Router'),
281	8 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Network switch'),
282	9 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'PatchPanel'),
283	10 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'CableOrganizer'),
284	11 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'spacer'),
285	12 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'UPS'),
286	13 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Modem'),
287	14 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'MediaConverter'),
288	15 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'console'),
289	42 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'noname/unknown'),
290	43 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%305'),
291	44 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%306'),
292	45 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%306m'),
293	46 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%326m'),
294	47 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%330'),
295	48 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%335'),
296	49 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Ultra 10'),
297	50 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Enterprise 420R'),
298	51 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire X2100'),
299	52 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire E4900'),
300	53 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Netra X1'),
301	54 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%346'),
302	55 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%1650'),
303	56 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%2850'),
304	57 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire V210'),
305	58 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire V240'),
306	59 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%326'),
307	60 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Netra t1 105'),
308	61 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Enterprise 4500'),
309	62 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%1950'),
310	63 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%1550'),
311	64 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Ultra 5'),
312	65 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%2950'),
313	66 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%650'),
314	67 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%4600'),
315	68 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%3250'),
316	69 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%3455'),
317	70 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%3550'),
318	71 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%3650'),
319	72 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%3655'),
320	73 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%3650 T'),
321	74 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%3755'),
322	75 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM xSeries%GPASS%3850'),
323	76 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire X4600'),
324	77 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire X4500'),
325	78 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire X4200'),
326	79 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire X4100'),
327	80 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire X2100 M2'),
328	81 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire X2200 M2'),
329	82 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire V40z'),
330	83 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire V125'),
331	84 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire V215'),
332	85 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire V245'),
333	86 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire V445'),
334	87 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire V440'),
335	88 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire V490'),
336	89 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire V890'),
337	90 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire E2900'),
338	91 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%Fire V1280'),
339	92 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM pSeries%GPASS%185'),
340	93 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM pSeries%GPASS%505'),
341	94 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM pSeries%GPASS%505Q'),
342	95 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM pSeries%GPASS%510'),
343	96 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM pSeries%GPASS%510Q'),
344	97 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM pSeries%GPASS%520'),
345	98 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM pSeries%GPASS%520Q'),
346	99 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM pSeries%GPASS%550'),
347	100 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM pSeries%GPASS%550Q'),
348	101 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL140'),
349	102 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL145'),
350	103 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL320'),
351	104 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL360'),
352	105 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL380'),
353	106 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL385'),
354	107 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL580'),
355	108 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL585'),
356	109 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%ML110'),
357	110 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%ML150'),
358	111 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%ML310'),
359	112 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%ML350'),
360	113 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%ML370'),
361	114 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%ML570'),
362	115 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'noname/unknown'),
363	116 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron WorkGroup'),
364	117 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron II'),
365	118 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%ServerIron'),
366	119 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%ServerIron XL'),
367	120 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%ServerIron 350'),
368	121 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Edge 2402'),
369	122 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Edge 4802'),
370	123 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Edge X424'),
371	124 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2924XL'),
372	125 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron SuperX'),
373	126 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2912XL'),
374	127 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron GS 648P'),
375	128 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Edge 2402-PREM'),
376	129 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron GS 624P'),
377	130 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron GS 624P-POE'),
378	131 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron GS 648P-POE'),
379	132 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%ServerIron 4G'),
380	133 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%ServerIron 4G-SSL'),
381	134 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Edge X448'),
382	135 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Edge X424HF'),
383	136 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Edge X424-POE'),
384	137 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron SX 800'),
385	138 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron SX 1600'),
386	139 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst WS-C3560-8PC'),
387	140 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-48TC-S'),
388	141 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560-E'),
389	142 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst Express 500-24LC'),
390	143 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750-24TS'),
391	144 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750-E'),
392	145 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 4503'),
393	146 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 6513'),
394	147 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 4948 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps6026/index.html]]'),
395	148 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 6509-E%L9,1H%'),
396	149 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 6509-NEB-A%L9,1H%'),
397	150 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 6506-E%L6,1H%'),
398	151 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 6504-E%L4,1H%'),
399	152 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 6503-E%L3,1H%'),
400	153 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 6503%L3,1H%'),
401	154 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 6506%L6,1H%'),
402	155 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 6509-NEB%L9,1H%'),
403	156 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 4506%L6,1H%'),
404	157 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 4507R%L7,1H%'),
405	158 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 4510R%L10,1H%'),
406	159 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst Express 500-24PC'),
407	160 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst Express 500-24TT'),
408	161 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst Express 500G-12TC'),
409// 1572 duplicated 162 later, so 162 isn't here any more
410// 1710 duplicated 163 later, so 163 isn't here any more
411	164 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-24TT-L'),
412	165 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-8TC-L'),
413	166 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960G-48TC-L'),
414	167 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960G-24TC-L'),
415	168 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960G-8TC-L'),
416	169 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560-24TS'),
417	170 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560-48TS'),
418	171 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560-24PS'),
419	172 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560-48PS'),
420	173 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560G-24TS'),
421	174 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560G-48TS'),
422	175 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560G-24PS'),
423	176 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560G-48PS'),
424	177 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750-48TS'),
425	178 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750-24PS'),
426	179 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750-48PS'),
427	180 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750-24FS'),
428	181 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750G-24T'),
429	182 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750G-24TS'),
430	183 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750G-24TS-1U'),
431	184 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750G-48TS'),
432	185 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750G-24PS'),
433	186 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750G-48PS'),
434	187 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750G-16TD'),
435	188 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750G-12S'),
436	189 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750G-24WS'),
437	190 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%EdgeIron 2402CF'),
438	191 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%EdgeIron 24G'),
439	192 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%EdgeIron 4802CF'),
440	193 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%EdgeIron 48G'),
441	194 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%EdgeIron 24GS'),
442	195 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%EdgeIron 48GS'),
443	196 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%EdgeIron 8X10G'),
444	197 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Edge 4802-PREM'),
445	198 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Edge 12GCF'),
446	199 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Edge 12GCF-PREM'),
447	200 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Edge 9604'),
448	201 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Edge 9604-PREM'),
449	202 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Edge 2402-POE'),
450	203 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Edge 4802-POE'),
451	204 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Workgroup X424'),
452	205 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron Workgroup X448'),
453	206 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%ServerIron 450'),
454	207 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%ServerIron 850'),
455	208 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%ServerIron GT C'),
456	209 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%ServerIron GT E'),
457	210 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2970G-24T'),
458	211 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2970G-24TS'),
459	212 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora C1'),
460	213 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora C2'),
461	214 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora C3'),
462	215 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora C4'),
463	216 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora C5'),
464	217 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora C6'),
465	218 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Solaris%GSKIP%Solaris 8'),
466	219 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Solaris%GSKIP%Solaris 9'),
467	220 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Solaris%GSKIP%Solaris 10'),
468	221 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'MicroSoft%GSKIP%Windows 2000'),
469	222 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'MicroSoft%GSKIP%Windows XP'),
470	223 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'MicroSoft%GSKIP%Windows 2003'),
471	224 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'MicroSoft%GSKIP%Windows Vista'),
472	225 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Red Hat Enterprise%GSKIP%RHEL V1'),
473	226 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Red Hat Enterprise%GSKIP%RHEL V2'),
474	227 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Red Hat Enterprise%GSKIP%RHEL V3'),
475	228 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Red Hat Enterprise%GSKIP%RHEL V4'),
476	229 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'ALT_Linux%GSKIP%ALTLinux Master 2.0'),
477	230 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'ALT_Linux%GSKIP%ALTLinux Master 2.2'),
478	231 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'ALT_Linux%GSKIP%ALTLinux Master 2.4'),
479	232 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 7'),
480	233 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'SUSE Enterprise%GSKIP%SLES10'),
481	234 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Debian%GSKIP%Debian 3.0 (woody) | http://debian.org/releases/woody/]]'),
482	235 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Debian%GSKIP%Debian 3.1 (sarge) | http://debian.org/releases/sarge/]]'),
483	236 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'FreeBSD%GSKIP%FreeBSD 1.x'),
484	237 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'FreeBSD%GSKIP%FreeBSD 2.x'),
485	238 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'FreeBSD%GSKIP%FreeBSD 3.x'),
486	239 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'FreeBSD%GSKIP%FreeBSD 4.x'),
487	240 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'FreeBSD%GSKIP%FreeBSD 5.x'),
488	241 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'FreeBSD%GSKIP%FreeBSD 6.x'),
489	242 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 8'),
490	243 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'ALT_Linux%GSKIP%ALTLinux Master 4.0'),
491	244 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 12.0'),
492	245 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry SLB'),
493	246 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry WXM'),
494	247 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry L2'),
495	248 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry full L3'),
496	249 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry basic L3'),
497	250 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 11.2'),
498	251 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 12.1'),
499	252 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 12.2'),
500	253 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 11.3'),
501	254 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 12.0'),
502	255 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 12.1'),
503	256 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 12.2'),
504	257 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 12.3'),
505	258 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 12.4'),
506	259 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry L3'),
507	260 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 11.2'),
508	261 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 11.3'),
509	262 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%BigIron 4000'),
510	263 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%7609'),
511	264 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2610XM'),
512	265 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2611XM'),
513	266 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%3620'),
514	267 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%3640'),
515	268 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2621XM'),
516	269 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%7206VXR'),
517	270 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2651XM'),
518	271 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%7204VXR'),
519	272 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2612'),
520	273 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2620XM'),
521	274 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2650XM'),
522	275 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2691'),
523	276 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%7603'),
524	277 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%7606'),
525	278 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%7613'),
526	279 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2801'),
527	280 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2811'),
528	281 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2821'),
529	282 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2851'),
530	283 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%3725'),
531	284 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%3745'),
532	285 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%3825'),
533	286 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%3845'),
534	287 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Juniper%GPASS%NetScreen 100'),
535	288 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%NetIron MLX-4'),
536	289 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%NetIron MLX-8'),
537	290 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%NetIron MLX-16'),
538	291 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%NetIron MLX-32'),
539	292 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%NetIron XMR 4000'),
540	293 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%NetIron XMR 8000'),
541	294 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%NetIron XMR 16000'),
542	295 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%NetIron XMR 32000'),
543	296 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%BigIron RX-4'),
544	297 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%BigIron RX-8'),
545	298 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%BigIron RX-16'),
546	299 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%1841'),
547	300 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%1812'),
548	301 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%1811'),
549	302 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%1803'),
550	303 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%1802'),
551	304 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%1801'),
552	305 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%7202'),
553	306 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%7204'),
554	307 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%7206'),
555	308 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%7604'),
556	309 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%OSR-7609'),
557	310 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%BigIron 8000'),
558	311 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%BigIron 15000'),
559	312 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%StorEdge A1000'),
560	313 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Dell/EMC AX150'),
561	314 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC CLARiiON CX600'),
562	315 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%StorEdge D240'),
563	316 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC CLARiiON CX300'),
564	317 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%StorageTek 6140'),
565	318 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%StorageTek 3511'),
566	319 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%StorageTek 3510'),
567	320 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%StorageTek 3320'),
568	321 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%StorageTek 3120'),
569	322 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerVault%GPASS%NX1950'),
570	323 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerVault%GPASS%220S'),
571	324 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerVault%GPASS%MD3000'),
572	325 => array ('chapter_id' => 19, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerVault%GPASS%136T'),
573	326 => array ('chapter_id' => 19, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%StorageTek SL500'),
574	327 => array ('chapter_id' => 19, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%StorageTek L1400'),
575	328 => array ('chapter_id' => 19, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%StorageTek SL8500'),
576	329 => array ('chapter_id' => 19, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%StorageTek C4'),
577	330 => array ('chapter_id' => 19, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerVault%GPASS%ML6000'),
578	331 => array ('chapter_id' => 19, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerVault%GPASS%132T'),
579	332 => array ('chapter_id' => 19, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerVault%GPASS%TL4000'),
580	333 => array ('chapter_id' => 19, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerVault%GPASS%TL2000'),
581	334 => array ('chapter_id' => 19, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerVault%GPASS%124T'),
582	335 => array ('chapter_id' => 19, 'dict_value' => 'Sun%GPASS%StorageTek C2'),
583	338 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%2216'),
584	339 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%2224'),
585	340 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%2324'),
586	341 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%2708'),
587	342 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%2716'),
588	343 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%2724'),
589	344 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%2748'),
590	345 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%3424'),
591	346 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%3424P'),
592	347 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%3448'),
593	348 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%3448P'),
594	349 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%5324'),
595	350 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%6224'),
596	351 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%6224P'),
597	352 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%6224F'),
598	353 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%6248'),
599	354 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%6248P'),
600	355 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%6850'),
601	356 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%6950'),
602	357 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R900'),
603	358 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%4400'),
604	359 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%2650'),
605	360 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%2550'),
606	361 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%750'),
607	362 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%2450'),
608	363 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%850'),
609	364 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%1850'),
610	365 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%860'),
611	366 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%2900'),
612	367 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%2970'),
613	368 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%SC1435'),
614	369 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 6509%L9,1H%'),
615	370 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ME 6524GS-8S'),
616	371 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ME 6524GT-8S'),
617	372 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 4503-E'),
618	373 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 4506-E'),
619	374 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 4507R-E'),
620	375 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 4510R-E'),
621	376 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750-24TE-M'),
622	377 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 4948-10GE | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps6230/index.html]]'),
623	378 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ME 4924-10GE'),
624	379 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-24-S'),
625	380 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2950-24'),
626	381 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst WS-C2950-12'),
627	382 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2950C-24'),
628	383 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst WS-C2950G-24-DC'),
629	384 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2950SX-48'),
630	385 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst WS-C2950SX-24'),
631	386 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2950T-24'),
632	387 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2950T-48'),
633	388 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2950G-12'),
634	389 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2950G-24'),
635	390 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2950G-48'),
636	391 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3508G XL'),
637	392 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3512 XL'),
638	393 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst WS-C3524-XL'),
639	394 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3524 PWR XL'),
640	395 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3548 XL'),
641	396 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ME 2400-24TS-A'),
642	397 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ME 2400-24TS-D'),
643	398 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3550-12T'),
644	399 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3550-12G'),
645	400 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3550-24'),
646	401 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3550-24 FX'),
647	402 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3550-24 DC'),
648	403 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3550-24 PWR'),
649	404 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3550-48'),
650	405 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ME 3400G-12CS-A'),
651	406 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ME 3400G-12CS-D'),
652	407 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ME 3400G-2CS-A'),
653	408 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ME 3400-24TS-A'),
654	409 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ME 3400-24TS-D'),
655	410 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ME 3400-24FS-A'),
656	411 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron GS 624XGP'),
657	412 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron GS 624XGP-POE'),
658	413 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron LS 624'),
659	414 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%FastIron LS 648'),
660	415 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%NetIron M2404F'),
661	416 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%NetIron M2404C'),
662	417 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%BigIron RX-32'),
663	418 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Debian%GSKIP%Debian 2.0 (hamm) | http://debian.org/releases/hamm/]]'),
664	419 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Debian%GSKIP%Debian 2.1 (slink) | http://debian.org/releases/slink/]]'),
665	420 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Debian%GSKIP%Debian 2.2 (potato) | http://debian.org/releases/potato/]]'),
666	421 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Debian%GSKIP%Debian 4.0 (etch) | http://debian.org/releases/etch/]]'),
667	422 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'ALT_Linux%GSKIP%ALTLinux Server 4.0'),
668	423 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'ALT_Linux%GSKIP%ALTLinux Sisyphus'),
669	424 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'OpenSUSE%GSKIP%openSUSE 10.0'),
670	425 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'OpenSUSE%GSKIP%openSUSE 10.1'),
671	426 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'OpenSUSE%GSKIP%openSUSE 10.2'),
672	427 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'OpenSUSE%GSKIP%openSUSE 10.3'),
673	428 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 4.10'),
674	429 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 5.04'),
675	430 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 5.10'),
676	431 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 6.06 LTS'),
677	432 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 6.10'),
678	433 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 7.04'),
679	434 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 7.10'),
680	435 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 8.04 LTS'),
681	436 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Red Hat Enterprise%GSKIP%RHEL V5'),
682	437 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerVault%GPASS%210S'),
683	438 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerVault%GPASS%221S'),
684	441 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[CentOS%GSKIP%CentOS V2 | http://www.centos.org/]]'),
685	442 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[CentOS%GSKIP%CentOS V3 | http://www.centos.org/]]'),
686	443 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[CentOS%GSKIP%CentOS V4 | http://www.centos.org/]]'),
687	444 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[CentOS%GSKIP%CentOS V5 | http://www.centos.org/]]'),
688	445 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'KVM switch'),
689	447 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'multiplexer'),
690	448 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent DSR1021'),
691	449 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent DSR1022'),
692	450 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent DSR1024'),
693	451 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent DSR1031 | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/DigitalKVMAppliances/Pages/AvocentDSRAppliances.aspx]]'),
694	452 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent DSR1020'),
695	453 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent DSR2020'),
696	454 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent DSR4020'),
697	455 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent DSR8020'),
698	456 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent DSR1030 | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/DigitalKVMAppliances/Pages/AvocentDSRAppliances.aspx]]'),
699	457 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent DSR2030 | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/DigitalKVMAppliances/Pages/AvocentDSRAppliances.aspx]]'),
700	458 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent DSR2035 | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/DigitalKVMAppliances/Pages/AvocentDSRAppliances.aspx]]'),
701	459 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent DSR4030 | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/DigitalKVMAppliances/Pages/AvocentDSRAppliances.aspx]]'),
702	460 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent DSR8030 | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/DigitalKVMAppliances/Pages/AvocentDSRAppliances.aspx]]'),
703	461 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent DSR8035 | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/DigitalKVMAppliances/Pages/AvocentDSRAppliances.aspx]]'),
704	462 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent AutoView 1415'),
705	463 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent AutoView 1515'),
706	464 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent AutoView 2015'),
707	465 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent AutoView 2020'),
708	466 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent AutoView 2030'),
709	467 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent AutoView 3100'),
710	468 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent AutoView 3200 | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/DigitalKVMAppliances/Pages/AvocentAutoViewAppliances.aspx]]'),
711	469 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent SwitchView 1000 4-port'),
712	470 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent SwitchView 1000 8-port'),
713	471 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Avocent SwitchView 1000 16-port'),
714	472 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%FMUX/S-4E1 | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/fmux-ring.html]]'),
715	473 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%FMUX/S-4E1/ETS | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/fmux-ring.html]]'),
716	474 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%FMUX/S-4E1/M | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/fmux-ring.html]]'),
717	475 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%FMUX/S-8E1 | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/fmux-ring.html]]'),
718	476 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%FMUX/S-8E1/ETS | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/fmux-ring.html]]'),
719	477 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%FMUX/S-8E1/M | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/fmux-ring.html]]'),
720	478 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%FMUX/S-16E1 | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/fmux-ring.html]]'),
721	479 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%FMUX/S-16E1/ETS | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/fmux-ring.html]]'),
722	480 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%FMUX/S-16E1/M | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/fmux-ring.html]]'),
723	481 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%E1-XL/S | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/e1xl-s.html]]'),
724	482 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%E1-DXC/S | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/e1dxc-s.html]]'),
725	483 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%FMUX-4-E2 | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/fmux4-e2.html]]'),
726	484 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%FMUX-16-E3 | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/fmux16-e3.html]]'),
727	485 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%FMUX/SAT | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/fmux-sat.html]]'),
728	486 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Cronyx%GPASS%E1-XL/S-IP | http://www.cronyx.ru/hardware/e1xl-ip.html]]'),
729	487 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[RAD%GPASS%FCD-IPM | http://www.rad.com/Article/0,6583,36426-E1_T1_or_Fractional_E1_T1_Modular_Access_Device_with_Integrated_Router,00.html]]'),
730	488 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[RAD%GPASS%FCD-E1M | http://www.rad.com/Article/0,6583,36723-E1_T1_Modular_Access_Multiplexer,00.html]]'),
731	489 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[RAD%GPASS%FCD-T1M | http://www.rad.com/Article/0,6583,36723-E1_T1_Modular_Access_Multiplexer,00.html]]'),
732	490 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[RAD%GPASS%FCD-155E | http://www.rad.com/Article/0,6583,36276-Ethernet_over_SDH_SONET_ADM,00.html]]'),
733	491 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS78 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=20070130111936003&psid=20070130133658002&pid=20070319151852001&layerid=subClass2]]'),
734	492 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten ACS1208A | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=20070130111936003&psid=20070130133658002&pid=20050224111025006&layerid=subClass2]]'),
735	493 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten ACS1216A | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=20070130111936003&psid=20070130133658002&pid=20050224111953008&layerid=subClass2]]'),
736	494 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS1754 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=20070130111936003&psid=20070130133658002&pid=20050217161051008&layerid=subClass2]]'),
737	495 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS1758 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=20070130111936003&psid=20070130133658002&pid=20050224093143008&layerid=subClass2]]'),
738	496 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS9134 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=20070130133658002&pid=20050217172845005&layerid=subClass2]]'),
739	497 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS9138 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=20070130111936003&psid=20070130133658002&pid=20050224094519006&layerid=subClass2]]'),
740	498 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS1708 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=20070130111936003&psid=20070130133658002&pid=2005022410563008&layerid=subClass2]]'),
741	499 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS1716 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=20070130111936003&psid=20070130133658002&pid=20050224110022008&layerid=subClass2]]'),
742	500 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS1004 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=20070130111936003&psid=20070130133658002&pid=20050224100546008&layerid=subClass2]]'),
743	501 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS228 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=20070130111936003&psid=20070130133658002&pid=20050224114323008&layerid=subClass2]]'),
744	502 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS428 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=20070130111936003&psid=20070130133658002&pid=20050224114721008&layerid=subClass2]]'),
745	503 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS138A | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=20070130111936003&psid=20070130133658002&pid=20050224111458007&layerid=subClass2]]'),
746	504 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS88A | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=20070130111936003&psid=20070130133658002&pid=2005022411042006&layerid=subClass2]]'),
747	505 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten KM0832 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=20060411131626002&pid=20060628154826001&layerid=subClass1]]'),
748	506 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten KM0216 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2006041110563001&psid=20060411131626002&pid=20060417153950007&layerid=subClass1]]'),
749	507 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten KM0432 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2006041110563001&psid=20060411131626002&pid=2006041715359007&layerid=subClass1]]'),
750	508 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten KH1508 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2006041110563001&psid=20060411130954001&pid=20061101174038001&layerid=subClass1]]'),
751	509 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten KH1516 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2006041110563001&psid=20060411130954001&pid=20061101175320001&layerid=subClass1]]'),
752	510 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten KH0116 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2006041110563001&psid=20060411130954001&pid=20060411145734003&layerid=subClass1]]'),
753	511 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten KH98 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=2007012911116003&pid=20061221104352001&layerid=subClass1]]'),
754	512 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten KL1100 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=20060411131050002&pid=20071225113046001&layerid=subClass1]]'),
755	513 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten KL1508 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2006041110563001&psid=20060411131050002&pid=20070710020717009&layerid=subClass1]]'),
756	514 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten KL1516 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2006041110563001&psid=20060411131050002&pid=20070716232614001&layerid=subClass1]]'),
757	515 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten KL9108 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=20060411131050002&pid=20060811153413009&layerid=subClass1]]'),
758	516 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten KL9116 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2006041110563001&psid=20060411131050002&pid=2006081115384001&layerid=subClass1]]'),
759	517 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten KL3116 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=20060411131050002&pid=20060913162532009&layerid=subClass1]]'),
760	518 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten KL1116 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2006041110563001&psid=20060411131050002&pid=20060420101520005&layerid=subClass1]]'),
761	519 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS1208DL | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=20060411131050002&pid=2005022413505007&layerid=subClass1]]'),
762	520 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS1216DL | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=20060411131050002&pid=2005022413505007&layerid=subClass1]]'),
763	521 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CS1200L | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=20060411131050002&pid=20050224140854008&layerid=subClass1]]'),
764	522 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CL1758 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=20060411131050002&pid=20051229164553003&layerid=subClass1]]'),
765	523 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CL1208 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=20060411131050002&pid=2005072215482&layerid=subClass1]]'),
766	524 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CL1216 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=20060411131050002&pid=2005072215482&layerid=subClass1]]'),
767	525 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten CL1200 | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=20060411131050002&pid=20050722165040002&layerid=subClass1]]'),
768	526 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten ACS1208AL | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=20060411131050002&pid=2005022413597003&layerid=subClass1]]'),
769	527 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Aten ACS1216AL | http://www.aten.com/products/productItem.php?pcid=2005010513171002&psid=20060411131050002&pid=2005022413597003&layerid=subClass1]]'),
770	528 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Tainet%GPASS%MUXpro 8216 | http://www.tainet.net/Product/muxpro820_8216.htm]]'),
771	529 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Tainet%GPASS%Mercury 3600+'),
772	530 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Tainet%GPASS%Mercury 3820'),
773	531 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Tainet%GPASS%Mercury 3630'),
774	532 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Tainet%GPASS%Mercury 3630E'),
775	533 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Tainet%GPASS%DSD-08A'),
776	534 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL160'),
777	535 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL180'),
778	536 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL185'),
779	537 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL365'),
780	538 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL320s'),
781	539 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL320p'),
782	540 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%ML115'),
783	541 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Force10%GPASS%S2410CP'),
784	542 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Force10%GPASS%S50N'),
785	543 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Force10%GPASS%S50V'),
786	544 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Force10%GPASS%S25P'),
787	545 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Force10%GPASS%C150'),
788	546 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Force10%GPASS%C300'),
789	547 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Force10%GPASS%E300'),
790	548 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Force10%GPASS%E600'),
791	549 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Force10%GPASS%E1200'),
792	550 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%JGS524F'),
793	551 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%JGS516'),
794	552 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%JFS524'),
795	553 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%JFS524F'),
796	554 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%JGS524'),
797	555 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FS524'),
798	556 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%JFS516'),
799	557 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GSM7224R'),
800	558 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GSM7248'),
801	559 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GSM7212'),
802	560 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FSM726S'),
803	561 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GSM7248R'),
804	562 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GSM7224v1'),
805	563 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FSM750S'),
806	564 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FSM726'),
807	565 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GS724TP'),
808	566 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GS748TS'),
809	567 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GS724T'),
810	568 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FS728TP'),
811	569 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FS752TS'),
812	570 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FS728TS'),
813	571 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FS726T'),
814	572 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GS748TP'),
815	573 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GS724TS'),
816	574 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GS748T'),
817	575 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GS716T'),
818	576 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FS752TPS'),
819	577 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FS750T2'),
820	578 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FS726TP'),
821	579 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FSM7328PS'),
822	580 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GSM7352S'),
823	581 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GSM7324'),
824	582 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FSM7326P'),
825	583 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FSM7352PS'),
826	584 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GSM7328FS'),
827	585 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GSM7328Sv1'),
828	586 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GSM7312'),
829	587 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FSM7328S'),
830	588 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%FSM7352S'),
831	589 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-6500 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=341]]'),
832	590 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DWS-3227 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=506]]'),
833	591 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DWS-3227P | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=507]]'),
834	592 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DWS-3250 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=468]]'),
835	593 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DWS-1008 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=434]]'),
836	594 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-3612G | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=557]]'),
837	595 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-3627 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=639]]'),
838	596 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-3650 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=640]]'),
839	597 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-3324SR | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=294]]'),
840	598 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-3324SRi | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=309]]'),
841	599 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DXS-3326GSR | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=339]]'),
842	600 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DXS-3350SR | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=340]]'),
843	601 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-3828 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=439]]'),
844	602 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-3828P | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=440]]'),
845	603 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-3100-24 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=635]]'),
846	604 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-3100-24P | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=636]]'),
847	605 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-3100-48 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=637]]'),
848	606 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-3100-48P | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=638]]'),
849	607 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DXS-3227 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=483]]'),
850	608 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DXS-3227P | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=497]]'),
851	609 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DXS-3250 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=443]]'),
852	610 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-3024 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=404]]'),
853	611 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-3224TGR | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=269]]'),
854	612 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-3048 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=496]]'),
855	613 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-3228PA | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=644]]'),
856	614 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-3028 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=630]]'),
857	615 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-3028P | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=631]]'),
858	616 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-3052 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=632]]'),
859	617 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-3052P | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=633]]'),
860	618 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-3010FA | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=423]]'),
861	619 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-3010GA | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=424]]'),
862	620 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-3010PA | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=469]]'),
863	621 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-3226L | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=298]]'),
864	622 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-3526 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=330]]'),
865	623 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-3550 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=331]]'),
866	624 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-1216T | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=324]]'),
867	625 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-1224T | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=329]]'),
868	626 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-1248T | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=367]]'),
869	627 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-1316 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=353]]'),
870	628 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-1228 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=540]]'),
871	629 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-1228P | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=541]]'),
872	630 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-1252 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=555]]'),
873	631 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-1016D | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=337]]'),
874	632 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DGS-1024D | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=338]]'),
875	633 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DSS-24+ | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=73]]'),
876	634 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-1024D | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=75]]'),
877	635 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DES-1026G | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=76]]'),
878	636 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DKVM-16 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=228]]'),
879	637 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DKVM-8E | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=161]]'),
880	638 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC702'),
881	639 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC702-GE'),
882	640 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%ISCOM4300'),
883	641 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC953-FE4E1'),
884	642 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC953-FX4E1'),
885	643 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC953-FE8E1'),
886	644 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC953-FX8E1'),
887	645 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC953-8FE16E1'),
888	646 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC953E-3FE16E1'),
889	647 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC953-GESTM1'),
890	648 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%OPCOM3100-155'),
891	649 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%OPCOM3101-155'),
892	650 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC831-120'),
893	651 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC831-120-BL'),
894	652 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC831-240'),
895	653 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC831-240E'),
896	654 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2801-480GE-BL'),
897	655 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2801-120FE'),
898	656 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2801-120FE-BL'),
899	657 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2801-240FE'),
900	658 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2801-240FE-BL'),
901	659 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2801-240EFE'),
902	660 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2811-120FE'),
903	661 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2811-240FE'),
904	662 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2811-240FE-BL'),
905	663 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2811-480FE'),
906	664 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2811-480FE-BL'),
907	665 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2811-240EFE'),
908	666 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2104-120'),
909	667 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2304-120'),
910	668 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2504-120'),
911	669 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2104-240'),
912	670 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2304-240'),
913	671 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RCMS2504-240'),
914	672 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC801-120B'),
915	673 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC801-240B'),
916	674 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC801-480B'),
917	675 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC803-120B'),
918	676 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC803-240B'),
919	677 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC803-480B'),
920	678 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC805-120B'),
921	679 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC805-240B'),
922	680 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => 'Raisecom%GPASS%RC805-480B'),
923	683 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Force10%GPASS%S2410P'),
924	684 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X150-24t | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x150.aspx]]'),
925	685 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X150-48t | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x150.aspx]]'),
926	686 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X150-24p | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x150.aspx]]'),
927	687 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X250e-24t | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x250e.aspx]]'),
928	688 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X250e-48t | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x250e.aspx]]'),
929	689 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X250e-24p | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x250e.aspx]]'),
930	690 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X250e-48p | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x250e.aspx]]'),
931	691 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X250e-24x | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x250e.aspx]]'),
932	692 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X450-24t | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x450.aspx]]'),
933	693 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X450-24x | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x450.aspx]]'),
934	694 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X450a-24t | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x450a.aspx]]'),
935	695 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X450a-48t | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x450a.aspx]]'),
936	696 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X450a-24x | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x450a.aspx]]'),
937	697 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X450e-24p | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x450e.aspx]]'),
938	698 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X450e-48p | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x450e.aspx]]'),
939	699 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit 200-24fx | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-200.aspx]]'),
940	700 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit 200-24 | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-200.aspx]]'),
941	701 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit 200-48 | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-200.aspx]]'),
942	702 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit 300-24 | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-300.aspx]]'),
943	703 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit 300-48 | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-300.aspx]]'),
944	704 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit 400-24p | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-400-24p.aspx]]'),
945	705 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit 400-24t | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-400-24t.aspx]]'),
946	706 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit 400-48t | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-400-48t.aspx]]'),
947	707 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit48si | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/summit-48si.aspx]]'),
948	708 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Alpine 3804 | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/Alpine-3800.aspx]]'),
949	709 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Alpine 3808 | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/Alpine-3800.aspx]]'),
950	710 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%BlackDiamond 6808 | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/blackdiamond-6800.aspx]]'),
951	711 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%BlackDiamond 8806 | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/blackdiamond-8800.aspx]]'),
952	712 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%BlackDiamond 8810 | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/blackdiamond-8800.aspx]]'),
953	713 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%BlackDiamond 10808 | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/blackdiamond-10808.aspx]]'),
954	714 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%BlackDiamond 12802R | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/blackdiamond-12800r.aspx]]'),
955	715 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%BlackDiamond 12804R | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/blackdiamond-12800r.aspx]]'),
956	716 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%BlackDiamond 12804C | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/blackdiamond-12804c.aspx]]'),
957	717 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%ASR 1002 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9436/index.html]]'),
958	718 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%ASR 1004 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9437/index.html]]'),
959	719 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%ASR 1006 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9438/index.html]]'),
960	720 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 3.3 | http://www.openbsd.org/33.html]]'),
961	721 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 3.4 | http://www.openbsd.org/34.html]]'),
962	722 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 3.5 | http://www.openbsd.org/35.html]]'),
963	723 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 3.6 | http://www.openbsd.org/36.html]]'),
964	724 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 3.7 | http://www.openbsd.org/37.html]]'),
965	725 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 3.8 | http://www.openbsd.org/38.html]]'),
966	726 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 3.9 | http://www.openbsd.org/39.html]]'),
967	727 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 4.0 | http://www.openbsd.org/40.html]]'),
968	728 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 4.1 | http://www.openbsd.org/41.html]]'),
969	729 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 4.2 | http://www.openbsd.org/42.html]]'),
970	730 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 4.3 | http://www.openbsd.org/43.html]]'),
971// 1018 duplicated 731 later, so 731 isn't here any more
972	732 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[FreeBSD%GSKIP%FreeBSD 7.0 | http://www.freebsd.org/releases/7.0R/announce.html]]'),
973	733 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[NetBSD%GSKIP%NetBSD 2.0 | http://netbsd.org/releases/formal-2.0/]]'),
974	734 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[NetBSD%GSKIP%NetBSD 2.1 | http://netbsd.org/releases/formal-2.0/NetBSD-2.1.html]]'),
975	735 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[NetBSD%GSKIP%NetBSD 3.0 | http://netbsd.org/releases/formal-3/]]'),
976	736 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[NetBSD%GSKIP%NetBSD 3.1 | http://netbsd.org/releases/formal-3/NetBSD-3.1.html]]'),
977	737 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[NetBSD%GSKIP%NetBSD 4.0 | http://netbsd.org/releases/formal-4/NetBSD-4.0.html]]'),
978	738 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%Baseline 2016'),
979	739 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%Baseline 2024'),
980	740 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%Baseline 2126-G'),
981	741 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%Baseline 2816'),
982	742 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%Baseline 2824'),
983	743 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%Baseline 2226 Plus'),
984	744 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%Baseline 2426-PWR Plus'),
985	745 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%Baseline 2250 Plus'),
986	746 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%Baseline 2916-SFP Plus'),
987	747 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%Baseline 2924-SFP Plus'),
988	748 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%Baseline 2924-PWR Plus'),
989	749 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%Baseline 2948-SFP Plus'),
990	750 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%3870 24-port'),
991	751 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%3870 48-port'),
992	752 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4200 26-port'),
993	753 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4200 28-port'),
994	754 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4200 50-port'),
995	755 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4200G 12-port'),
996	756 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4200G 24-port'),
997	757 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4200G PWR 24-port'),
998	758 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4200G 48-port'),
999	759 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4210 26-port'),
1000	760 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4210 52-port'),
1001	761 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4210 26-port PWR'),
1002	762 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%SS3 4400 48-port'),
1003	763 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%SS3 4400 24-port'),
1004	764 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%SS3 4400 PWR'),
1005	765 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%SS3 4400 SE 24-port'),
1006	766 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4500 26-port'),
1007	767 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4500 50-port'),
1008	768 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4500 PWR 26-port'),
1009	769 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4500 PWR 50-port'),
1010	770 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4500G 24-port'),
1011	771 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4500G 48-port'),
1012	772 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4500G PWR 24-port'),
1013	773 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4500G PWR 48-port'),
1014	774 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%5500-EI 28-port'),
1015	775 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%5500-EI 52-port'),
1016	776 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%5500-EI 28-port PWR'),
1017	777 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%5500-EI 52-port PWR'),
1018	778 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%5500-EI 28-port FX'),
1019	779 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%5500G-EI 24-port'),
1020	780 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%5500G-EI 48-port'),
1021	781 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%5500G-EI PWR 24-port'),
1022	782 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%5500G-EI 48-port PWR'),
1023	783 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%5500G-EI 24-port SFP'),
1024	784 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%7754'),
1025	785 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%7757'),
1026	786 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%7758'),
1027	787 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%8807'),
1028	788 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%8810'),
1029	789 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%8814'),
1030	790 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 9'),
1031	791 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'OpenSUSE%GSKIP%openSUSE 11.x'),
1032	792 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'SGI%GPASS%Altix XE250'),
1033	793 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'SGI%GPASS%Altix XE310'),
1034	794 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'SGI%GPASS%Altix XE320'),
1035	795 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco (blade)%GPASS%Catalyst 3032-DEL | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps8772/index.html]]'),
1036	796 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 8.10'),
1037	797 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 4.4 | http://www.openbsd.org/44.html]]'),
1038	798 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Network security'),
1039	799 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ASA 5505'),
1040	800 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ASA 5510'),
1041	801 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ASA 5520'),
1042	802 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ASA 5540'),
1043	803 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ASA 5550'),
1044	804 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ASA 5580-20'),
1045	805 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ASA 5580-40'),
1046	806 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%IDS 4215 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/vpndevc/ps4077/ps5367/index.html]]'),
1047	807 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%IDS 4240 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps5768/index.html]]'),
1048	808 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%IDS 4255 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps5769/index.html]]'),
1049	809 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%IDS 4260 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps6751/index.html]]'),
1050	810 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%IDS 4270 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9157/index.html]]'),
1051	811 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%SecureIron 100'),
1052	812 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%SecureIron 100C'),
1053	813 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%SecureIron 300'),
1054	814 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%SecureIron 300C'),
1055	815 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%SecureIronLS 100-4802'),
1056	816 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%SecureIronLS 300-32GC02'),
1057	817 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%SecureIronLS 300-32GC10G'),
1058	818 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DFL-1600 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=454]]'),
1059	819 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[D-Link%GPASS%DFL-M510 | http://www.dlink.com/products/?sec=0&pid=455]]'),
1060	820 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Sentriant AG200 | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/sentriant-ag200.aspx]]'),
1061	821 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Sentriant NG300 | http://www.extremenetworks.com/products/sentriant-ng300.aspx]]'),
1062	822 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Force10%GPASS%P-Series'),
1063	823 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%SSG 140 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/firewall_slash_ipsec_vpn/ssg_140/index.html]]'),
1064	824 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%SSG 320 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/firewall_slash_ipsec_vpn/ssg_300_series/index.html]]'),
1065	825 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%SSG 350 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/firewall_slash_ipsec_vpn/ssg_300_series/index.html]]'),
1066	826 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%SSG 520 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/firewall_slash_ipsec_vpn/ssg_500_series/index.html]]'),
1067	827 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%SSG 550 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/firewall_slash_ipsec_vpn/ssg_500_series/index.html]]'),
1068	828 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%ISG 1000 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/firewall_slash_ipsec_vpn/isg_series_slash_gprs/index.html]]'),
1069	829 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%ISG 2000 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/firewall_slash_ipsec_vpn/isg_series_slash_gprs/index.html]]'),
1070	830 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%NetScreen 5200 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/firewall_slash_ipsec_vpn/isg_series_slash_gprs/index.html]]'),
1071	831 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%NetScreen 5400 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/firewall_slash_ipsec_vpn/isg_series_slash_gprs/index.html]]'),
1072	832 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%SRX 5600 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/srx_series/index.html]]'),
1073	833 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%SRX 5800 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/srx_series/index.html]]'),
1074	834 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[SonicWall%GPASS%PRO 1260 | http://www.sonicwall.com/us/products/PRO_1260.html]]'),
1075	835 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[SonicWall%GPASS%PRO 2040 | http://www.sonicwall.com/us/products/PRO_2040.html]]'),
1076	836 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[SonicWall%GPASS%PRO 3060 | http://www.sonicwall.com/us/products/PRO_3060.html]]'),
1077	837 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[SonicWall%GPASS%PRO 4060 | http://www.sonicwall.com/us/products/PRO_4060.html]]'),
1078	838 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[SonicWall%GPASS%PRO 4100 | http://www.sonicwall.com/us/products/PRO_4100.html]]'),
1079	839 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[SonicWall%GPASS%PRO 5060 | http://www.sonicwall.com/us/products/PRO_5060.html]]'),
1080	840 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[SonicWall%GPASS%NSA 240 | http://www.sonicwall.com/us/products/NSA_240.html]]'),
1081	841 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[SonicWall%GPASS%NSA 2400 | http://www.sonicwall.com/us/products/NSA_2400.html]]'),
1082	842 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[SonicWall%GPASS%NSA 3500 | http://www.sonicwall.com/us/products/NSA_3500.html]]'),
1083	843 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[SonicWall%GPASS%NSA 4500 | http://www.sonicwall.com/us/products/NSA_4500.html]]'),
1084	844 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[SonicWall%GPASS%NSA 5000 | http://www.sonicwall.com/us/products/NSA_5000.html]]'),
1085	845 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[SonicWall%GPASS%NSA E5500 | http://www.sonicwall.com/us/products/NSA_E5500.html]]'),
1086	846 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[SonicWall%GPASS%NSA E6500 | http://www.sonicwall.com/us/products/NSA_E6500.html]]'),
1087	847 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[SonicWall%GPASS%NSA E7500 | http://www.sonicwall.com/us/products/NSA_E7500.html]]'),
1088	848 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%1400-24G'),
1089	849 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%1700-24'),
1090	850 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%1800-24G'),
1091	851 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2124'),
1092	852 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2312'),
1093	853 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2324'),
1094	854 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2510-24'),
1095	855 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2510-48'),
1096	856 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2510G-24'),
1097	857 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2510G-48'),
1098	858 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2512'),
1099	859 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2524'),
1100	860 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%E2610-24 J9085A'),
1101	861 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%E2610-24-PoE J9087A'),
1102	862 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%E2610-48 J9088A'),
1103	863 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%E2610-48-PoE J9089A'),
1104	864 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2626'),
1105	865 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2626-PWR'),
1106	866 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2650'),
1107	867 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2650-PWR'),
1108	868 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2810-24G'),
1109	869 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2810-48G J9022A'),
1110	870 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2824'),
1111	871 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2848'),
1112	872 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2900-24G (J9049A)'),
1113	873 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2900-48G'),
1114	874 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%3400cl-24G'),
1115	875 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%3400cl-48G'),
1116	876 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%3500yl-24G-PWR'),
1117	877 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%3500yl-48G-PWR'),
1118	878 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%4202vl-72'),
1119	879 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%4204vl'),
1120	880 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%4204vl-48GS'),
1121	881 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%4208vl'),
1122	882 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%4208vl-72GS'),
1123	883 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%4208vl-96'),
1124	884 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%5304xl'),
1125	885 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%5308xl'),
1126	886 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%5348xl'),
1127	887 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%5372xl'),
1128	888 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%5406zl J8697A%L4,2H%'),
1129	889 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%5406zl-48G J8699A%L4,2H%'),
1130	890 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%5412zl J8698A%L7,2H%'),
1131	891 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%5412zl-96G J8700A%L7,2H%'),
1132	892 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%6108'),
1133	893 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%6200yl-24G-mGBIC'),
1134	894 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%6400cl'),
1135	895 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%6410cl'),
1136	896 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%8108fl'),
1137	897 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%8116fl'),
1138	898 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%8212zl'),
1139	899 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%EX3200-24P | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/ex_series/index.html]]'),
1140	900 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%EX3200-24T | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/ex_series/index.html]]'),
1141	901 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%EX3200-48P | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/ex_series/index.html]]'),
1142	902 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%EX3200-48T | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/ex_series/index.html]]'),
1143	903 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%EX4200-24F | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/ex_series/index.html]]'),
1144	904 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%EX4200-24P | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/ex_series/index.html]]'),
1145	905 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%EX4200-24T | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/ex_series/index.html]]'),
1146	906 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%EX4200-48P | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/ex_series/index.html]]'),
1147	907 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%EX4200-48T | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/ex_series/index.html]]'),
1148	908 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%EX8208 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/ex_series/index.html]]'),
1149	909 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%E120 BSR | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/e_series_broadband_service/index.html]]'),
1150	910 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%E320 BSR | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/e_series_broadband_service/index.html]]'),
1151	911 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%ERX-310 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/e_series_broadband_service/index.html]]'),
1152	912 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%ERX-705 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/e_series_broadband_service/index.html]]'),
1153	913 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%ERX-710 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/e_series_broadband_service/index.html]]'),
1154	914 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%ERX-1410 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/e_series_broadband_service/index.html]]'),
1155	915 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%ERX-1440 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/e_series_broadband_service/index.html]]'),
1156	916 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%J2320 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/j_series_services_routers/index.html]]'),
1157	917 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%J2350 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/j_series_services_routers/index.html]]'),
1158	918 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%J4350 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/j_series_services_routers/index.html]]'),
1159	919 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%J6350 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/j_series_services_routers/index.html]]'),
1160	920 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%M7i | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/m_series_routing_portfolio/index.html]]'),
1161	921 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%M10i | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/m_series_routing_portfolio/index.html]]'),
1162	922 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%M40e | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/m_series_routing_portfolio/index.html]]'),
1163	923 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%M120 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/m_series_routing_portfolio/index.html]]'),
1164	924 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%M320 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/m_series_routing_portfolio/index.html]]'),
1165	925 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%MX240 | http://www.juniper.net/products-services/routing/mx-series/mx240]]'),
1166	926 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%MX480 | http://www.juniper.net/products-services/routing/mx-series/mx480]]'),
1167	927 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%MX960 | http://www.juniper.net/products-services/routing/mx-series/mx960]]'),
1168	928 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%T320 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/t_series_core_platforms/index.html]]'),
1169	929 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%T640 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/t_series_core_platforms/index.html]]'),
1170	930 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%T1600 | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/t_series_core_platforms/index.html]]'),
1171	931 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%TX Matrix | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/t_series_core_platforms/index.html]]'),
1172	932 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 10'),
1173	933 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'OpenSUSE%GSKIP%openSUSE 11.1'),
1174	934 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP WebAccelerator 4500 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-webaccelerator-ds.pdf]]'),
1175	935 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'F5%GPASS%VIPRION 2400%L2,2H%'),
1176	936 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 1500 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-2007-ds.pdf]]'),
1177	937 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 1600 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-ds.pdf]]'),
1178	938 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 3400 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-2007-ds.pdf]]'),
1179	939 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 3600 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-ds.pdf]]'),
1180	940 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 6400 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-2007-ds.pdf]]'),
1181	941 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 6800 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-2007-ds.pdf]]'),
1182	942 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 6900 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-ds.pdf]]'),
1183	943 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 8400 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-ds.pdf]]'),
1184	944 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 8800 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-ds.pdf]]'),
1185	945 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%ARX 500 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/arx-series-ds.pdf]]'),
1186	946 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%ARX 1000 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/arx-series-ds.pdf]]'),
1187	947 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%ARX 4000 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/arx-series-ds.pdf]]'),
1188	948 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%ARX 6000 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/arx-series-ds.pdf]]'),
1189	949 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%WANJet 300 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/wanjet-hardware-ds.pdf]]'),
1190	950 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%WANJet 500 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/wanjet-hardware-ds.pdf]]'),
1191	951 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%FirePass 1200 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/firepass-hardware-ds.pdf]]'),
1192	952 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%FirePass 4100 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/firepass-hardware-ds.pdf]]'),
1193	953 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%FirePass 4300 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/firepass-hardware-ds.pdf]]'),
1194	954 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Debian%GSKIP%Debian 5.0 (lenny) | http://debian.org/releases/lenny/]]'),
1195	955 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'SGI%GPASS%Altix XE270'),
1196	956 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'SGI%GPASS%Altix XE340'),
1197	957 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'SGI%GPASS%Altix XE500'),
1198	958 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 2148T | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10118/index.html]]'),
1199	959 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 5010 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9711/index.html]]'),
1200	960 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 5020 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9710/index.html]]'),
1201	961 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 7010 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9512/index.html]]'),
1202	962 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 7018 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10098/index.html]]'),
1203	963 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco NX-OS 4.0'),
1204	964 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco NX-OS 4.1'),
1205	965 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Wireless'),
1206	966 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2106'),
1207	967 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2112'),
1208	968 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%2125'),
1209	969 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%4402'),
1210	970 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%4404'),
1211	971 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Aironet 1140 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10092/index.html]]'),
1212	972 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Aironet 1200 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/hw/wireless/ps430/ps4076/index.html]]'),
1213	973 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Aironet 1230 AG | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps6132/index.html]]'),
1214	974 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Aironet 1240 AG | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps6521/index.html]]'),
1215	975 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Aironet 1250 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps8382/index.html]]'),
1216	976 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Aironet 1520 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps8368/index.html]]'),
1217	977 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%AP150'),
1218	978 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%OAP180'),
1219	979 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%AP201'),
1220	980 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%AP208'),
1221	981 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%AP250'),
1222	982 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%AP300'),
1223	983 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%RS4000'),
1224	984 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%MC500'),
1225	985 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%MC1000'),
1226	986 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%MC3000'),
1227	987 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%MC4100'),
1228	988 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Foundry%GPASS%MC5000'),
1229	989 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R410'),
1230	990 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R610'),
1231	991 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R710'),
1232	992 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R805'),
1233	993 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R905'),
1234	994 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%M1000e%L2,8V%'),
1235	995 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerVault%GPASS%MD1000'),
1236	996 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerVault%GPASS%MD1120'),
1237	997 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Dell EqualLogic PS5000'),
1238	998 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Dell EqualLogic PS6000'),
1239	999 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC CLARiiON CX4-120 SPE'),
1240	1000 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC CLARiiON CX4-240 SPE'),
1241	1001 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC CLARiiON CX4-480 SPE'),
1242	1002 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC CLARiiON CX4-960 SPE'),
1243	1003 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC CLARiiON CX4 DAE'),
1244	1004 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade%GPASS%300'),
1245	1005 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade%GPASS%4900'),
1246	1006 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade%GPASS%5000'),
1247	1007 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade%GPASS%5100'),
1248	1008 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade%GPASS%5300'),
1249	1009 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%MDS 9124 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps7079/index.html]]'),
1250	1010 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%MDS 9134 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps8414/index.html]]'),
1251	1011 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'QLogic%GPASS%1400'),
1252	1012 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'QLogic%GPASS%3800'),
1253	1013 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'QLogic%GPASS%5600Q'),
1254	1014 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'QLogic%GPASS%5800V'),
1255	1015 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'QLogic%GPASS%9000'),
1256	1016 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%ASR 9006 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10075/index.html]]'),
1257	1017 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%ASR 9010 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10076/index.html]]'),
1258	1018 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 4900M | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9310/index.html]]'),
1259	1019 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 4928-10GE | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9903/index.html]]'),
1260	1022 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%FastIron CX 624S | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/enterprise-mobility/product-details/fastiron-cx-series/overview.page]]'),
1261	1023 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%FastIron CX 624S-HPOE | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/enterprise-mobility/product-details/fastiron-cx-series/overview.page]]'),
1262	1024 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%FastIron CX 648S | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/enterprise-mobility/product-details/fastiron-cx-series/overview.page]]'),
1263	1025 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%FastIron CX 648S-HPOE | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/enterprise-mobility/product-details/fastiron-cx-series/overview.page]]'),
1264	1026 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%FastIron WS 624 | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/enterprise-mobility/product-details/fastiron-ws-series/overview.page]]'),
1265	1027 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%FastIron WS 624-POE | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/enterprise-mobility/product-details/fastiron-ws-series/overview.page]]'),
1266	1028 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%FastIron WS 624G | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/enterprise-mobility/product-details/fastiron-ws-series/overview.page]]'),
1267	1029 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%FastIron WS 624G-POE | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/enterprise-mobility/product-details/fastiron-ws-series/overview.page]]'),
1268	1030 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%FastIron WS 648 | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/enterprise-mobility/product-details/fastiron-ws-series/overview.page]]'),
1269	1031 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%FastIron WS 648-POE | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/enterprise-mobility/product-details/fastiron-ws-series/overview.page]]'),
1270	1032 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%FastIron WS 648G | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/enterprise-mobility/product-details/fastiron-ws-series/overview.page]]'),
1271	1033 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%FastIron WS 648G-POE | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/enterprise-mobility/product-details/fastiron-ws-series/overview.page]]'),
1272	1034 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%NetIron CES 2024C | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/service-provider/product-details/netiron-ces-2000-series/overview.page]]'),
1273	1035 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%NetIron CES 2024F | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/service-provider/product-details/netiron-ces-2000-series/overview.page]]'),
1274	1036 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%NetIron CES 2048C | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/service-provider/product-details/netiron-ces-2000-series/overview.page]]'),
1275	1037 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%NetIron CES 2048F | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/service-provider/product-details/netiron-ces-2000-series/overview.page]]'),
1276	1038 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%NetIron CES 2048CX | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/service-provider/product-details/netiron-ces-2000-series/overview.page]]'),
1277	1039 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%NetIron CES 2048FX | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/service-provider/product-details/netiron-ces-2000-series/overview.page]]'),
1278	1040 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%ServerIron ADX 1000 | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/application-switching/product-details/serveriron-adx-series/overview.page]]'),
1279	1041 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%ServerIron ADX 4000 | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/application-switching/product-details/serveriron-adx-series/overview.page]]'),
1280	1042 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%ServerIron ADX 8000 | http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/application-switching/product-details/serveriron-adx-series/overview.page]]'),
1281	1043 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%ServerIron 4G-SSL-FIPS | http://www.brocade.com/sites/dotcom/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/application-switching/product-details/serveriron-4g-application-switches/index.page]]'),
1282	1044 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%TurboIron 24X | http://www.brocade.com/sites/dotcom/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/enterprise-mobility/product-details/turboiron-24x-switch/index.page]]'),
1283	1045 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 11'),
1284	1046 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[NetBSD%GSKIP%NetBSD 5.0 | http://netbsd.org/releases/formal-5/NetBSD-5.0.html]]'),
1285	1047 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 4.5 | http://www.openbsd.org/45.html]]'),
1286	1048 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Solaris%GSKIP%OpenSolaris 2008.05 | http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/relnotes/200805/x86/]]'),
1287	1049 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Solaris%GSKIP%OpenSolaris 2008.11 | http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/relnotes/200811/x86/]]'),
1288	1050 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Solaris%GSKIP%OpenSolaris 2009.06 | http://opensolaris.org/os/project/indiana/resources/relnotes/200906/x86/]]'),
1289	1051 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Gentoo%GSKIP%Gentoo 2006.0 | http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/release/2006.0/2006.0.xml]]'),
1290	1052 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Gentoo%GSKIP%Gentoo 2007.0 | http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/release/2007.0/2007.0-press-release.txt]]'),
1291	1053 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Gentoo%GSKIP%Gentoo 2008.0 | http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/releng/release/2008.0/index.xml]]'),
1292	1054 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 9.04'),
1293	1055 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'FC switch'),
1294	1056 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst CBS3030-DEL'),
1295	1057 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[FreeBSD%GSKIP%FreeBSD 7.1 | http://www.freebsd.org/releases/7.1R/relnotes.html]]'),
1296	1058 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[FreeBSD%GSKIP%FreeBSD 7.2 | http://www.freebsd.org/releases/7.2R/relnotes.html]]'),
1297	1059 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R200'),
1298	1060 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R300'),
1299	1061 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%2808'),
1300	1062 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%2816'),
1301	1063 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%2824'),
1302	1064 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%2848'),
1303	1065 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%3524'),
1304	1066 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%3524P'),
1305	1067 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%3548'),
1306	1068 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%3548P'),
1307	1069 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%5424'),
1308	1070 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%5448'),
1309	1071 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade%GPASS%Silkworm 2400'),
1310	1072 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade%GPASS%Silkworm 2800'),
1311	1073 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade%GPASS%Silkworm 3200'),
1312	1074 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade%GPASS%Silkworm 3800'),
1313	1075 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade%GPASS%Silkworm 3900'),
1314	1076 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade%GPASS%Silkworm 4100'),
1315	1085 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Nortel%GPASS%BES50GE-12T PWR'),
1316	1086 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%4000M'),
1317	1088 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[NetApp%GPASS%FAS2020 | http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/fas2000/]]'),
1318	1089 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[NetApp%GPASS%FAS2050 | http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/fas2000/]]'),
1319	1090 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS3020'),
1320	1091 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS3040'),
1321	1092 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS3050'),
1322	1093 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS3070'),
1323	1094 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[NetApp%GPASS%FAS3140 | http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/fas3100/]]'),
1324	1095 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[NetApp%GPASS%FAS3160 | http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/fas3100/]]'),
1325	1096 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[NetApp%GPASS%FAS3170 | http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/fas3100/]]'),
1326	1097 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS6030'),
1327	1098 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[NetApp%GPASS%FAS6040 | http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/fas6000/]]'),
1328	1099 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS6070'),
1329	1100 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[NetApp%GPASS%FAS6080 | http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/fas6000/]]'),
1330	1101 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[NetApp%GPASS%V3140 | http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/v3100/]]'),
1331	1102 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[NetApp%GPASS%V3160 | http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/v3100/]]'),
1332	1103 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[NetApp%GPASS%V3170 | http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/v3100/]]'),
1333	1104 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[NetApp%GPASS%V6030 | http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/v6000/]]'),
1334	1105 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[NetApp%GPASS%V6040 | http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/v6000/]]'),
1335	1106 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[NetApp%GPASS%V6070 | http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/v6000/]]'),
1336	1107 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[NetApp%GPASS%V6080 | http://www.netapp.com/us/products/storage-systems/v6000/]]'),
1337	1108 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%DS14mk2 AT'),
1338	1109 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%DS14mk2 FC'),
1339	1110 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%DS14mk4 FC'),
1340	1111 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7152 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7152]]'),
1341	1112 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7155 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7155]]'),
1342	1113 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7175 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7175]]'),
1343	1114 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7526 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7526]]'),
1344	1115 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7551 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7551]]'),
1345	1116 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7552 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7552]]'),
1346	1117 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7553 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7553]]'),
1347	1118 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7554 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7554]]'),
1348	1119 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7555 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7555]]'),
1349	1120 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7557 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7557]]'),
1350	1121 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7585 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7585]]'),
1351	1122 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7586 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7586]]'),
1352	1123 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7611 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7611]]'),
1353	1124 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7631 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7631]]'),
1354	1125 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7820 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7820]]'),
1355	1126 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7821 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7821]]'),
1356	1127 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7822 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7822]]'),
1357	1128 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7850 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7850]]'),
1358	1129 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7851 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7851]]'),
1359	1130 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7852 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7852]]'),
1360	1131 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7853 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7853]]'),
1361	1132 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7854 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7854]]'),
1362	1133 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7855A | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7855A]]'),
1363	1134 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7856 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7856]]'),
1364	1135 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7856A | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7856A]]'),
1365	1136 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7857 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7857]]'),
1366	1137 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7920 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7920]]'),
1367	1138 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7921 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7921]]'),
1368	1139 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7922 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7922]]'),
1369	1140 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7950 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7950]]'),
1370	1141 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7951 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7951]]'),
1371	1142 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7952 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7952]]'),
1372	1143 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7953 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7953]]'),
1373	1144 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7954 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7954]]'),
1374	1145 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7957 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7957]]'),
1375	1146 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP9559 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP9559]]'),
1376	1147 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP9565 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP9565]]'),
1377	1148 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP9568 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP9568]]'),
1378	1149 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP9572 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP9572]]'),
1379	1150 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 6509-V-E%L1,9V% | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps9306/index.html]]'),
1380	1151 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7902J | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7902J]]'),
1381	1152 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7930J | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7930J]]'),
1382	1153 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7932J | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7932J]]'),
1383	1154 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7900 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7900]]'),
1384	1155 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7901 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7901]]'),
1385	1156 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7902 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7902]]'),
1386	1157 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7930 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7930]]'),
1387	1158 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7931 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7931]]'),
1388	1159 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7932 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7932]]'),
1389	1160 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7911 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7911]]'),
1390	1161 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7940 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7940]]'),
1391	1162 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7941 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7941]]'),
1392	1163 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7960 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7960]]'),
1393	1164 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7961 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7961]]'),
1394	1165 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7968 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7968]]'),
1395	1166 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7990 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7990]]'),
1396	1167 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7991 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7991]]'),
1397	1168 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP7998 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP7998]]'),
1398	1169 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia3108FG2'),
1399	1170 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia3124GT-HR2'),
1400	1171 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia4348GT'),
1401	1172 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia4348GT-PSR'),
1402	1173 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia4328GT'),
1403	1174 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia4224GT-PSR'),
1404	1175 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia2248G2'),
1405	1176 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia2124GT2'),
1406	1177 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia2124GT-SS2'),
1407	1178 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia2124-SS2'),
1408	1179 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia13000-24GX-PSR'),
1409	1180 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia13000-48X'),
1410	1181 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia3424GT-SS'),
1411	1182 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia3424GT-PoE'),
1412	1183 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia3248G-PSR2'),
1413	1184 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia3248G2'),
1414	1185 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia3124GT-PSR2'),
1415	1186 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia3124GT2'),
1416	1187 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia18020'),
1417	1188 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia18008'),
1418	1189 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia18005'),
1419	1190 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia8007'),
1420	1191 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia8004'),
1421	1192 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia6148G-PSR'),
1422	1193 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%Apresia6148GT-PSR'),
1423	1194 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Hitachi Cable%GPASS%VXC-1024FE'),
1424	1301 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-BR1410A'),
1425	1302 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-BR1310G'),
1426	1303 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP1252AG'),
1427	1304 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP1252G'),
1428	1305 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP1242AG'),
1429	1306 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP1242G'),
1430	1307 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP1231G'),
1431	1308 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP1232AG'),
1432	1309 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP1131AG'),
1433	1310 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP1131G'),
1434	1311 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP1121G'),
1435	1312 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP521G'),
1436	1313 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-WLC2106'),
1437	1314 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-WLC526'),
1438	1315 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-WLC4402'),
1439	1317 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'SUSE Enterprise%GSKIP%SLES11'),
1440	1318 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'MicroSoft%GSKIP%Windows Server 2008'),
1441	1319 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'SlackWare%GSKIP%Slackware 13.0'),
1442	1320 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 9.10'),
1443	1321 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5328C-EI-24S'),
1444	1323 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Voice/video'),
1445	1324 => array ('chapter_id' => 28, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%MCS 7816'),
1446	1325 => array ('chapter_id' => 28, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%MCS 7825'),
1447	1326 => array ('chapter_id' => 28, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%MCS 7835'),
1448	1327 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[ Cisco%GPASS%2901 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10539/index.html]]'),
1449	1328 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[ Cisco%GPASS%2911 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10540/index.html]]'),
1450	1329 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[ Cisco%GPASS%2921 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10543/index.html]]'),
1451	1330 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[ Cisco%GPASS%2951 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10544/index.html]]'),
1452	1331 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'ALT_Linux%GSKIP%ALTLinux 5'),
1453	1332 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 12 | http://docs.fedoraproject.org/release-notes/f12/en-US/html/]]'),
1454	1333 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Gentoo%GSKIP%Gentoo 10.0'),
1455	1334 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Gentoo%GSKIP%Gentoo 10.1'),
1456	1335 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5328C-EI'),
1457	1336 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5328C-PWR-EI'),
1458	1337 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5352C-EI'),
1459	1338 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5352C-PWR-EI'),
1460	1339 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5328C-SI'),
1461	1340 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5328C-PWR-SI'),
1462	1341 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5352C-SI'),
1463	1342 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5352C-PWR-SI'),
1464	1343 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5324TP-SI'),
1465	1344 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5324TP-PWR-SI'),
1466	1345 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5348TP-SI'),
1467	1346 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5348TP-PWR-SI'),
1468	1347 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-24PC-L'),
1469	1348 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2350-48TD'),
1470	1349 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%E2910-48G J9147A'),
1471	1350 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'ExtremeXOS 10'),
1472	1351 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'ExtremeXOS 11'),
1473	1352 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'ExtremeXOS 12'),
1474	1353 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X480-24x | http://extremenetworks.com/products/summit-X480.aspx]]'),
1475	1354 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X480-48t | http://extremenetworks.com/products/summit-X480.aspx]]'),
1476	1355 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X480-48x | http://extremenetworks.com/products/summit-X480.aspx]]'),
1477	1356 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X650 | http://extremenetworks.com/products/summit-x650.aspx]]'),
1478	1357 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S9303'),
1479	1358 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S9306'),
1480	1359 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S9312'),
1481	1360 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei VRP 5.3'),
1482	1361 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei VRP 5.5'),
1483	1362 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%FCX 648 | http://www.brocade.com/sites/dotcom/products-solutions/products/ethernet-switches-routers/enterprise-mobility/product-details/fcx-series-data-center/index.page ]]'),
1484	1363 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'IronWare 5'),
1485	1364 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'IronWare 7'),
1486	1365 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco NX-OS 4.2'),
1487	1366 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'JunOS 9'),
1488	1367 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'JunOS 10'),
1489	1368 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%MX80 | http://www.juniper.net/products-services/routing/mx-series/mx80]]'),
1490	1369 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei VRP 5.7'),
1491	1370 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-48PST-L'),
1492	1371 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'SMC%GPASS%8024L2'),
1493	1372 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'SMC%GPASS%8124PL2'),
1494	1373 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'SMC%GPASS%8126L2'),
1495	1374 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'SMC%GPASS%8150L2'),
1496	1375 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'SMC%GPASS%8612XL3'),
1497	1376 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'SMC%GPASS%8708L2'),
1498	1377 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'SMC%GPASS%8824M'),
1499	1378 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'SMC%GPASS%8848M'),
1500	1379 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'SMC%GPASS%8926EM'),
1501	1380 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'SMC%GPASS%8950EM'),
1502	1381 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R910'),
1503	1382 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerVault%GPASS%MD1220'),
1504	1383 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-48TD-L'),
1505	1384 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-24TD-L'),
1506	1385 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-48FPD-L'),
1507	1386 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-48LPD-L'),
1508	1387 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-24PD-L'),
1509	1388 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-48TS-L'),
1510	1389 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-24TS-L'),
1511	1390 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-48TS-S'),
1512	1391 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-24TS-S'),
1513	1392 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-48FPS-L'),
1514	1393 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-48LPS-L'),
1515	1394 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-24PS-L'),
1516	1395 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Debian%GSKIP%Debian 6.0 (squeeze) | http://debian.org/releases/squeeze/]]'),
1517	1396 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Red Hat Enterprise%GSKIP%RHEL V6'),
1518	1397 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Power supply chassis'),
1519	1398 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Power supply'),
1520	1400 => array ('chapter_id' => 34, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%RPS 2300'),
1521	1401 => array ('chapter_id' => 34, 'dict_value' => 'D-Link%GPASS%DPS-800'),
1522	1402 => array ('chapter_id' => 34, 'dict_value' => 'D-Link%GPASS%DPS-900'),
1523	1403 => array ('chapter_id' => 35, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%RPS 675'),
1524	1404 => array ('chapter_id' => 35, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%C3K-PWR-750WAC'),
1525	1405 => array ('chapter_id' => 35, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%C3K-PWR-1150WAC'),
1526	1406 => array ('chapter_id' => 35, 'dict_value' => 'D-Link%GPASS%DPS-200'),
1527	1407 => array ('chapter_id' => 35, 'dict_value' => 'D-Link%GPASS%DPS-500'),
1528	1408 => array ('chapter_id' => 35, 'dict_value' => 'D-Link%GPASS%DPS-510'),
1529	1409 => array ('chapter_id' => 35, 'dict_value' => 'D-Link%GPASS%DPS-600'),
1530	1410 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco NX-OS 5.0'),
1531	1411 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco NX-OS 5.1'),
1532	1412 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 5548P | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps11215/index.html]]'),
1533	1413 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 2224TP | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps11045/index.html]]'),
1534	1414 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 2248TP | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10783/index.html]]'),
1535	1415 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 2232PP | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10784/index.html]]'),
1536	1416 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'FreeBSD%GSKIP%FreeBSD 8.x'),
1537	1417 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[SciLin%GSKIP%SL3.x | https://www.scientificlinux.org/]]'),
1538	1418 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[SciLin%GSKIP%SL4.x | https://www.scientificlinux.org/]]'),
1539	1419 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[SciLin%GSKIP%SL5.1 | https://www.scientificlinux.org/]]'),
1540	1420 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[SciLin%GSKIP%SL5.2 | https://www.scientificlinux.org/]]'),
1541	1421 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[SciLin%GSKIP%SL5.3 | https://www.scientificlinux.org/]]'),
1542	1422 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[SciLin%GSKIP%SL5.4 | https://www.scientificlinux.org/]]'),
1543	1423 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2600-8-PWR'),
1544	1467 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP1141N'),
1545	1468 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP1262N'),
1546	1470 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Force10%GPASS%S55 | http://www.force10networks.com/products/s55.asp]]'),
1547	1471 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Force10%GPASS%S60 | http://www.force10networks.com/products/s60.asp]]'),
1548	1472 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Force10%GPASS%S4810 | http://www.force10networks.com/products/s4810.asp]]'),
1549	1473 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'IBM%GPASS%BladeCenter S'),
1550	1474 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'IBM%GPASS%BladeCenter H%L1,14V%'),
1551	1475 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'IBM%GPASS%BladeCenter E%L1,14V%'),
1552	1476 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'IBM%GPASS%BladeCenter T'),
1553	1477 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'IBM%GPASS%BladeCenter HT'),
1554	1478 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%HS12'),
1555	1479 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%HS20'),
1556	1480 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%HS21'),
1557	1481 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%HS21 XM'),
1558	1482 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%HS22'),
1559	1483 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%HS22V'),
1560	1484 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%HX5'),
1561	1485 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%JS12'),
1562	1486 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%JS20'),
1563	1487 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%JS21'),
1564	1488 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%JS22'),
1565	1489 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%JS23'),
1566	1490 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%JS43'),
1567	1491 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%LS20'),
1568	1492 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%LS21'),
1569	1493 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%LS22'),
1570	1494 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%LS41'),
1571	1495 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%LS42'),
1572	1496 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%PS700'),
1573	1497 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%PS701'),
1574	1498 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%PS702'),
1575	1499 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%PS703'),
1576	1500 => array ('chapter_id' => 29, 'dict_value' => 'No'),
1577	1501 => array ('chapter_id' => 29, 'dict_value' => 'Yes'),
1578	1502 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Server chassis'),
1579	1503 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Network chassis'),
1580	1504 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'VM'),
1581	1505 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'VM Cluster'),
1582	1506 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'VM Resource Pool'),
1583	1507 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'VM Virtual Switch'),
1584	1508 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'VMWare Hypervisor%GSKIP%VMware ESX 3.5'),
1585	1509 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'VMWare Hypervisor%GSKIP%VMware ESXi 3.5'),
1586	1510 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'VMWare Hypervisor%GSKIP%VMware ESX 4.0'),
1587	1511 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'VMWare Hypervisor%GSKIP%VMware ESXi 4.0'),
1588	1512 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'VMWare Hypervisor%GSKIP%VMware ESX 4.1'),
1589	1513 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'VMWare Hypervisor%GSKIP%VMware ESXi 4.1'),
1590	1514 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Xen Hypervisor%GSKIP%XenServer 4.0'),
1591	1515 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Xen Hypervisor%GSKIP%XenServer 5.0'),
1592	1516 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Xen Hypervisor%GSKIP%XenServer 5.5'),
1593	1517 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%1855%L1,10V%'),
1594	1518 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge (blade)%GPASS%1955'),
1595	1519 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge (blade)%GPASS%M605'),
1596	1520 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge (blade)%GPASS%M610'),
1597	1521 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge (blade)%GPASS%M610x'),
1598	1522 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge (blade)%GPASS%M710%L2,1%'),
1599	1523 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge (blade)%GPASS%M805%L2,1%'),
1600	1524 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge (blade)%GPASS%M905%L2,1%'),
1601	1525 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge (blade)%GPASS%M910%L2,1%'),
1602	1526 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade (blade)%GPASS%McDATA 3014'),
1603	1527 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade (blade)%GPASS%McDATA 4314'),
1604	1528 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade (blade)%GPASS%McDATA 4416'),
1605	1529 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade (blade)%GPASS%M4424'),
1606	1530 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => 'Brocade (blade)%GPASS%M5424'),
1607	1531 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect (blade)%GPASS%5316M'),
1608	1532 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect (blade)%GPASS%M6220'),
1609	1533 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect (blade)%GPASS%M8024'),
1610	1534 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%Catalyst 3130G'),
1611	1535 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%Catalyst 3130X'),
1612	1536 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6148-GE-TX'),
1613	1537 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6148A-GE-45AF'),
1614	1538 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6148A-GE-TX'),
1615	1539 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6408A-GBIC'),
1616	1540 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6416-GBIC'),
1617	1541 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6516A-GBIC'),
1618	1542 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6548-GE-TX'),
1619	1543 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6548-GE-45AF'),
1620	1544 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6704-10GE'),
1621	1545 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6708-10G-3C'),
1622	1546 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6708-10G-3CXL'),
1623	1547 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6716-10GT-3C'),
1624	1548 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6716-10GT-3CXL'),
1625	1549 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6724-SFP'),
1626	1550 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6748-GE-TX'),
1627	1551 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6748-SFP'),
1628	1552 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-SUP720-3B'),
1629	1553 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-XSUP720-3BXL'),
1630	1554 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-SUP32-GE-3B'),
1631	1555 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-SUP32-10GE-3B'),
1632	1556 => array ('chapter_id' => 32, 'dict_value' => 'VMware%GPASS%Standard vSwitch'),
1633	1557 => array ('chapter_id' => 32, 'dict_value' => 'VMware%GPASS%Distributed vSwitch'),
1634	1558 => array ('chapter_id' => 32, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 1000V'),
1635	1559 => array ('chapter_id' => 33, 'dict_value' => 'NS-OS 4.0'),
1636	1560 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Rack'),
1637	1561 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Row'),
1638	1562 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Location'),
1639	1563 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%PS704'),
1640	1564 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%QS21'),
1641	1565 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'IBM BladeCenter%GPASS%QS22'),
1642	1566 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'SMC%GPASS%SMC6110L2'),
1643	1567 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'SMC%GPASS%SMC6128L2'),
1644	1568 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'SMC%GPASS%SMC6128PL2'),
1645	1569 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'SMC%GPASS%SMC6152L2'),
1646	1570 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%E2610-24/12-PoE J9086A'),
1647	1571 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%E2910-24G'),
1648	1572 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-48TT-L'),
1649	1573 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-48TT-S'),
1650	1574 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560E-48TD'),
1651	1575 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560E-24TD'),
1652	1576 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560X-24T'),
1653	1577 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560X-48T'),
1654	1578 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560X-24P'),
1655	1579 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560X-48P'),
1656	1580 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560X-48PF'),
1657	1581 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750X-24T'),
1658	1582 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750X-48T'),
1659	1583 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750X-24P'),
1660	1584 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750X-48P'),
1661	1585 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750X-48PF'),
1662	1586 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750X-12S'),
1663	1587 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3750X-24S'),
1664	1589 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP1261N'),
1665	1590 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-48TC-L'),
1666	1591 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Force10 SFTOS 2'),
1667	1592 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Force10 FTOS 6'),
1668	1593 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Force10 FTOS 7'),
1669	1594 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Force10 FTOS 8'),
1670	1595 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 13 | http://docs.fedoraproject.org/release-notes/f13/en-US/html/]]'),
1671	1596 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 14 | http://docs.fedoraproject.org/release-notes/f14/en-US/html/]]'),
1672	1597 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'JunOS 10'),
1673	1598 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'JunOS 11'),
1674	1599 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'JunOS 12'),
1675	1600 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%E2910-48G-PoE+ J9148A'),
1676	1601 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GSM7328Sv2'),
1677	1602 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GSM7224v2'),
1678	1605 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP GbE2c w/SFP'),
1679	1606 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2360-48TD'),
1680	1607 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560E-12D'),
1681	1608 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'VMWare Hypervisor%GSKIP%VMware ESXi 5.0'),
1682	1609 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Fortinet%GPASS%Fortigate 310B'),
1683	1610 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7124S'),
1684	1611 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%3348'),
1685	1612 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF300-48'),
1686	1613 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2309TP-EI'),
1687	1614 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2309TP-SI'),
1688	1615 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2318TP-EI'),
1689	1616 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2318TP-SI'),
1690	1617 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2326TP-EI'),
1691	1618 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2326TP-SI'),
1692	1619 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2352P-EI'),
1693	1620 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2309TP-PWR-EI'),
1694	1621 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2326TP-PWR-EI'),
1695	1622 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%5224'),
1696	1623 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%6024F'),
1697	1624 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Linksys%GPASS%SRW2048'),
1698	1625 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%5406zl-48G PoE+ J9447A%L4,2H%'),
1699	1626 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%5412zl-96G PoE+ J9448A%L7,2H%'),
1700	1627 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve (blade)%GPASS%5400zl Management Module J8726A'),
1701	1628 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve (blade)%GPASS%5400zl 24 1Gb-PoE J8702A'),
1702	1629 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve (blade)%GPASS%5400zl 20 1Gb + 4 Mini-GBIC J8705A'),
1703	1630 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve (blade)%GPASS%5400zl 24 Mini-GBIC J8706A'),
1704	1631 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve (blade)%GPASS%5400zl 4 10GbE X2 J8707A'),
1705	1632 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve (blade)%GPASS%5400zl 4 10GbE CX4 J8708A'),
1706	1633 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve (blade)%GPASS%5400zl 24 1Gb-PoE+ J9307A'),
1707	1634 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve (blade)%GPASS%5400zl 20 1Gb-PoE+ + 4 Mini-GBIC J9308A'),
1708	1635 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve (blade)%GPASS%5400zl 4 10GbE SFP+ J9309A'),
1709	1636 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve (blade)%GPASS%5400zl 24 100Mb PoE+ J9478A'),
1710	1637 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%6600-24G J9263A'),
1711	1638 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%6600-24G-4XG J9264A'),
1712	1639 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%6600-24XG J9265A'),
1713	1640 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%6600-48G J9451A'),
1714	1641 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%6600-48G-4XG J9452A'),
1715	1643 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco NX-OS 6.0'),
1716	1644 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'serial console server'),
1717	1645 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%NPort 6150 | http://www.moxa.com/product/NPort_6150.htm]]'),
1718	1646 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%NPort 6610-8 | http://www.moxa.com/product/NPort_6650.htm]]'),
1719	1647 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%NPort 6610-16 | http://www.moxa.com/product/NPort_6650.htm]]'),
1720	1648 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%NPort 6610-32 | http://www.moxa.com/product/NPort_6650.htm]]'),
1721	1649 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%NPort 6650-8 | http://www.moxa.com/product/NPort_6650.htm]]'),
1722	1650 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%NPort 6650-16 | http://www.moxa.com/product/NPort_6650.htm]]'),
1723	1651 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%NPort 6650-32 | http://www.moxa.com/product/NPort_6650.htm]]'),
1724	1652 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%CN2510-8 | http://www.moxa.com/product/CN2510.htm]]'),
1725	1653 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%CN2510-16 | http://www.moxa.com/product/CN2510.htm]]'),
1726	1654 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%CN2610-8 | http://www.moxa.com/product/CN2610.htm]]'),
1727	1655 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%CN2610-16 | http://www.moxa.com/product/CN2610.htm]]'),
1728	1656 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%CN2650-8 | http://www.moxa.com/product/CN2610.htm]]'),
1729	1657 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%CN2650-16 | http://www.moxa.com/product/CN2610.htm]]'),
1730	1658 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%NPort 6250 | http://www.moxa.com/product/NPort_6250.htm]]'),
1731	1659 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%NPort 6450 | http://www.moxa.com/product/NPort_6450.htm]]'),
1732	1660 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => '[[Moxa%GPASS%NPort S8458 | http://www.moxa.com/product/NPort_S8458_Series.htm]]'),
1733	1665 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[SciLin%GSKIP%SL6.x | https://www.scientificlinux.org/]]'),
1734	1666 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[SciLin%GSKIP%SL5.x | https://www.scientificlinux.org/]]'),
1735	1667 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[CentOS%GSKIP%CentOS V6 | http://www.centos.org/]]'),
1736	1672 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R510'),
1737	1673 => array ('chapter_id' => 37, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco Aironet IOS 12.3'),
1738	1674 => array ('chapter_id' => 37, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco Aironet IOS 12.4'),
1739	1675 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Arista EOS 4'),
1740	1676 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge C%GPASS%C1100'),
1741	1677 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge C%GPASS%C2100'),
1742	1678 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge C%GPASS%C5125'),
1743	1679 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge C%GPASS%C5220'),
1744	1680 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge C%GPASS%C6100'),
1745	1681 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge C%GPASS%C6105'),
1746	1682 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge C%GPASS%C6145'),
1747	1683 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge C%GPASS%C6220'),
1748	1684 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge C%GPASS%C410x%L1,10V%'),
1749	1685 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge C%GPASS%C5000%L1,12V%'),
1750	1686 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R210'),
1751	1687 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R310'),
1752	1688 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R415'),
1753	1689 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R515'),
1754	1690 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R620'),
1755	1691 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R715'),
1756	1692 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R720'),
1757	1693 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R720xd'),
1758	1694 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R810'),
1759	1695 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R815'),
1760	1696 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge (blade)%GPASS%M620'),
1761	1697 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge (blade)%GPASS%M710HD'),
1762	1698 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge (blade)%GPASS%M915%L2,1%'),
1763	1699 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect (blade)%GPASS%M6348'),
1764	1700 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect (blade)%GPASS%M8428'),
1765	1701 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 16 | http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/16/html/Release_Notes/]]'),
1766	1702 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%8024'),
1767	1703 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%8024F'),
1768	1704 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 10.04 LTS'),
1769	1705 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 10.10'),
1770	1706 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 11.04'),
1771	1707 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 11.10'),
1772	1708 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 12.04 LTS'),
1773	1709 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Debian%GSKIP%Debian 7 (wheezy) | http://debian.org/releases/wheezy/]]'),
1774	1710 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-24TC-L'),
1775	1711 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2520-24-PoE J9138A'),
1776	1712 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R210 II'),
1777	1713 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 4.6 | http://www.openbsd.org/46.html]]'),
1778	1714 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 4.7 | http://www.openbsd.org/47.html]]'),
1779	1715 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 4.8 | http://www.openbsd.org/48.html]]'),
1780	1716 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 4.9 | http://www.openbsd.org/49.html]]'),
1781	1717 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 5.0 | http://www.openbsd.org/50.html]]'),
1782	1718 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 5.1 | http://www.openbsd.org/51.html]]'),
1783	1719 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2924M-XL'),
1784	1720 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Allied Telesis%GPASS%AT9924T'),
1785	1721 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560E-12SD'),
1786	1722 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7148S'),
1787	1723 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7124SX'),
1788	1724 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7148SX'),
1789	1725 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7124FX'),
1790	1726 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7048T-A'),
1791	1727 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050T-64'),
1792	1728 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050T-52'),
1793	1729 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050Q-16'),
1794	1730 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050S-64'),
1795	1731 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050S-52'),
1796	1732 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 17 | http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/17/html/Release_Notes/]]'),
1797	1733 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'OpenSUSE%GSKIP%openSUSE 12.x'),
1798	1734 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'FreeBSD%GSKIP%FreeBSD 9.x'),
1799	1735 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS 5108 Blade Chassis%L4,2H%'),
1800	1736 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B200 M1'),
1801	1737 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B200 M2'),
1802	1738 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B200 M3'),
1803	1739 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B230 M1'),
1804	1740 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B230 M2'),
1805	1741 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B250 M1'),
1806	1742 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B250 M2'),
1807	1743 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B440 M2'),
1808	1744 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B420 M3'),
1809	1745 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B22  M3'),
1810	1746 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C200 M2'),
1811	1747 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C210 M2'),
1812	1748 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C250 M2'),
1813	1749 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C260 M2'),
1814	1750 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C460 M2'),
1815	1751 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C22  M3'),
1816	1752 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C220 M3'),
1817	1753 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C24  M3'),
1818	1754 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C240 M3'),
1819	1755 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS 6120 Fabric Interconnect'),
1820	1756 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS 6140 Fabric Interconnect'),
1821	1757 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS 6248 Fabric Interconnect'),
1822	1758 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS 6296 Fabric Interconnect'),
1823	1759 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS XR 4.2'),
1824	1760 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S3700-28TP-EI-24S'),
1825	1761 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S3700-28TP-EI-MC-AC'),
1826	1762 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S3700-28TP-PWR-EI'),
1827	1763 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28C-HI'),
1828	1764 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28C-PWR-EI'),
1829	1765 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-48TP-PWR-SI'),
1830	1766 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5710-52C-EI'),
1831	1767 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-52P-PWR-LI'),
1832	1768 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700S-28P-LI'),
1833	1769 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE5850-48T4S2Q-EI'),
1834	1770 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S6700-24-EI'),
1835	1771 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S6700-48-EI'),
1836	1772 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6850-48S4Q-EI'),
1837	1773 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6850-48T4Q-EI'),
1838	1774 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S7703'),
1839	1775 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S7706'),
1840	1776 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S7712'),
1841	1777 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S9703'),
1842	1778 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S9706'),
1843	1779 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S9712'),
1844	1780 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE12804'),
1845	1781 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE12808'),
1846	1782 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE12812'),
1847	1783 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG300-52'),
1848	1784 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF300-24P'),
1849	1785 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG300-10'),
1850	1786 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Marvell ROS 1.1'),
1851	1787 => array ('chapter_id' => 1, 'dict_value' => 'Management interface'),
1852	1788 => array ('chapter_id' => 38, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS Domain'),
1853	1789 => array ('chapter_id' => 38, 'dict_value' => 'Generic%GPASS%Switch stack'),
1854	1790 => array ('chapter_id' => 38, 'dict_value' => 'VMware%GPASS%vSphere instance'),
1855	1791 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%5524'),
1856	1792 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%5548'),
1857	1793 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'TP-Link%GPASS%TL-SG5426'),
1858	1794 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GSM7352Sv2'),
1859	1795 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Motorola%GPASS%RFS 4000'),
1860	1796 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2948G-L3'),
1861	1797 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'D-Link%GPASS%DGS-1210-10P'),
1862	1798 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'D-Link%GPASS%DGS-1210-16'),
1863	1799 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'D-Link%GPASS%DGS-1210-24'),
1864	1800 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'D-Link%GPASS%DGS-1210-48'),
1865	1801 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X670-48x'),
1866	1802 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X670V-48x'),
1867	1803 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X670V-48t'),
1868	1804 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560V2-24TS'),
1869	1805 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560V2-48TS'),
1870	1806 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560V2-24PS'),
1871	1807 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560V2-48PS'),
1872	1808 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560V2-24TS-SD'),
1873	1809 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco NX-OS 5.2'),
1874	1810 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NEC%GPASS%PF5240'),
1875	1811 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NEC%GPASS%PF5820'),
1876	1812 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'MicroSoft%GSKIP%Windows Server 2008 R2'),
1877	1813 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 12.10'),
1878	1814 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[Fujitsu%GSKIP%PRIMERGY RX100 S7 | http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/products/computing/servers/primergy/rack/rx100/index.html]]'),
1879	1815 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[Fujitsu%GSKIP%PRIMERGY RX200 S7 | http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/products/computing/servers/primergy/rack/rx200/index.html]]'),
1880	1816 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[Fujitsu%GSKIP%PRIMERGY RX300 S6 | http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/products/computing/servers/primergy/rack/rx300/index.html]]'),
1881	1817 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[Fujitsu%GSKIP%PRIMERGY RX300 S7 | http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/products/computing/servers/primergy/rack/rx300/index.html]]'),
1882	1818 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[Fujitsu%GSKIP%PRIMERGY RX350 S7 | http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/products/computing/servers/primergy/rack/rx350/index.html]]'),
1883	1819 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[Fujitsu%GSKIP%PRIMERGY RX500 S7 | http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/products/computing/servers/primergy/rack/rx500/index.html]]'),
1884	1820 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[Fujitsu%GSKIP%PRIMERGY RX600 S6 | http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/products/computing/servers/primergy/rack/rx600/index.html]]'),
1885	1821 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[Fujitsu%GSKIP%PRIMERGY RX900 S2 | http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/products/computing/servers/primergy/rack/rx900/index.html]]'),
1886	1822 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[Fujitsu%GSKIP%PRIMERGY BX400 S1%L1,9V% | http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/products/computing/servers/primergy/blades/bx400/index.html]]'),
1887	1823 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[Fujitsu%GSKIP%PRIMERGY BX900 S2%L2,9V% | http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/products/computing/servers/primergy/blades/bx900s2/index.html]]'),
1888	1824 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3690 X5 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/enterprise/x3690x5/index.html]]'),
1889	1825 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3850 X5 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/enterprise/x3850x5/index.html]]'),
1890	1826 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3950 X5 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/enterprise/x3850x5/index.html]]'),
1891	1827 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3750 M4 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/rack/x3750m4/index.html]]'),
1892	1828 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3650 M4 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/rack/x3650m4/index.html]]'),
1893	1829 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3630 M4 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/rack/x3630m4/index.html]]'),
1894	1830 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3550 M4 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/rack/x3550m4/index.html]]'),
1895	1831 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3530 M4 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/rack/x3530m4/index.html]]'),
1896	1832 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3250 M4 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/rack/x3250m4/index.html]]'),
1897	1833 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3755 M3 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/rack/x3755m3/index.html]]'),
1898	1834 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3650 M3 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/rack/x3650m3/index.html]]'),
1899	1835 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3630 M3 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/rack/x3630m3/index.html]]'),
1900	1836 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3620 M3 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/rack/x3620m3/index.html]]'),
1901	1837 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3550 M3 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/rack/x3550m3/index.html]]'),
1902	1838 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM xSeries%GPASS%x3250 M3 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/x/hardware/rack/x3250m3/index.html]]'),
1903	1839 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent%GPASS%AutoView 3008 | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/DigitalKVMAppliances/Pages/AvocentAutoViewAppliances.aspx]]'),
1904	1840 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent%GPASS%AutoView 3016 | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/DigitalKVMAppliances/Pages/AvocentAutoViewAppliances.aspx]]'),
1905	1841 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent%GPASS%ECS19PWRUSB | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/LCDConsoleTrays/Pages/AvocentLCDConsoleTray.aspx]]'),
1906	1842 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent%GPASS%ECS19UWRUSB | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/LCDConsoleTrays/Pages/AvocentLCDConsoleTray.aspx]]'),
1907	1843 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent%GPASS%ECS17KMMP | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/LCDConsoleTrays/Pages/AvocentLCDConsoleTray.aspx]]'),
1908	1844 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent%GPASS%ECS17KMM | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/LCDConsoleTrays/Pages/AvocentLCDConsoleTray.aspx]]'),
1909	1845 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent%GPASS%AP17KMMP | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/LCDConsoleTrays/Pages/AvocentLCDConsoleTray.aspx]]'),
1910	1846 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => '[[Avocent%GPASS%LCD17 | http://www.emersonnetworkpower.com/en-US/Products/InfrastructureManagement/LCDConsoleTrays/Pages/AvocentLCDConsoleTray.aspx]]'),
1911	1847 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP5201 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP5201]]'),
1912	1848 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP5202 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP5202]]'),
1913	1849 => array ('chapter_id' => 35, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%RPS 2300 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps7130/index.html]]'),
1914	1850 => array ('chapter_id' => 19, 'dict_value' => '[[NEC%GPASS%LL009F | http://www.nec.com/en/global/prod/tapestorage/index_009.html]]'),
1915	1851 => array ('chapter_id' => 19, 'dict_value' => '[[NEC%GPASS%T30A | http://www.nec.com/en/global/prod/tapestorage/index_t30a.html]]'),
1916	1852 => array ('chapter_id' => 19, 'dict_value' => '[[NEC%GPASS%T60A | http://www.nec.com/en/global/prod/tapestorage/index_t60a.html]]'),
1917	1853 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES F16F-R4031 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20F16F-R4031]]'),
1918	1854 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES F16F-R4840 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20F16F-R4840]]'),
1919	1855 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES F16F-S4031 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20F16F-S4031]]'),
1920	1856 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES F16F-S4840 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20F16F-S4840]]'),
1921	1857 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES S24F-G1440 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20S24F-G1440]]'),
1922	1858 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES S24F-G1840 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20S24F-G1840]]'),
1923	1859 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES S24F-R1440 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20S24F-R1440]]'),
1924	1860 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES S24F-R1840 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20S24F-R1840]]'),
1925	1861 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES S16F-G1840 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20S16F-G1840]]'),
1926	1862 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES S16F-R1840 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20S16F-R1840]]'),
1927	1863 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES S12F-G1842 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20S12F-G1842]]'),
1928	1864 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES S12F-R1840 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20S12F-R1840]]'),
1929	1865 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES A08F-G2422 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20A08F-G2422]]'),
1930	1866 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES A12F-G2422 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20A12F-G2422]]'),
1931	1867 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES A12E-G2121 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20A12E-G2121]]'),
1932	1868 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES A08S-C2133 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20A08S-C2133]]'),
1933	1869 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES A08S-C2134 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20A08S-C2134]]'),
1934	1870 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES A16S-G2130 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20A16S-G2130]]'),
1935	1871 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES A08S-G2130 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20A08S-G2130]]'),
1936	1872 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES A12S-G2130 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20A12S-G2130]]'),
1937	1873 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES S16U-G1440 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20S16U-G1440]]'),
1938	1874 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES S12U-G1440 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20S12U-G1440]]'),
1939	1875 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES A24U-G2421 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20A24U-G2421]]'),
1940	1876 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES A08U-G2421 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20A08U-G2421]]'),
1941	1877 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES A12U-G2421 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20A12U-G2421]]'),
1942	1878 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES A04U-G2421 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20A04U-G2421]]'),
1943	1879 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES F16F-J4000-R | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20F16F-J4000-R]]'),
1944	1880 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES B12S-J1000-R | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20B12S-J1000-R]]'),
1945	1881 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES B12S-J1000-S | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20B12S-J1000-S]]'),
1946	1882 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES A16F-J2430-G | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20A16F-J2430-G]]'),
1947	1883 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES S16S-J1000-R1 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20S16S-J1000-R1]]'),
1948	1884 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES S16S-J1000-S1 | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20S16S-J1000-S1]]'),
1949	1885 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES S12S-J1000-G | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20S12S-J1000-G]]'),
1950	1886 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[Infortrend%GPASS%ES S12S-J1002-R | http://www.infortrend.com/global/products/models/ES%20S12S-J1002-R]]'),
1951	1887 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM%GPASS%RackSwitch G8052 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/networking/switches/rack/g8052/]]'),
1952	1888 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM%GPASS%RackSwitch G8264 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/networking/switches/rack/g8264/]]'),
1953	1889 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%ICX-6610-48-PE | http://www.brocade.com/products/all/switches/product-details/icx-6610-switch/index.page]]'),
1954	1890 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%ICX-6650-48-E-ADV | http://www.brocade.com/products/all/switches/product-details/icx-6650-switch/index.page]]'),
1955	1891 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Fortinet%GPASS%Fortigate 3140B| http://www.fortinet.com/products/fortigate/3140B.html]]'),
1956	1892 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Fortinet%GPASS%Fortigate 300C | http://www.fortinet.com/products/fortigate/300C.html]]'),
1957	1893 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Fortinet%GPASS%Fortigate 800C | http://www.fortinet.com/products/fortigate/800C.html]]'),
1958	1894 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-24TC-S'),
1959	1895 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-24LT-L'),
1960	1896 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-48PST-S'),
1961	1897 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-24PC-S'),
1962	1898 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-24LC-S'),
1963	1899 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-8TC-S'),
1964	1900 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960PD-8TT-L'),
1965	1901 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 15.0'),
1966	1902 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-F48FPS-L'),
1967	1903 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-F48LPS-L'),
1968	1904 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-F24PS-L'),
1969	1905 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-F48TS-L'),
1970	1906 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-F24TS-L'),
1971	1907 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-F48TS-S'),
1972	1908 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960S-F24TS-S'),
1973	1909 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2700-18TP-EI'),
1974	1910 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2700-18TP-SI'),
1975	1911 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2700-26TP-EI'),
1976	1912 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2700-26TP-PWR-EI'),
1977	1913 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2700-26TP-SI'),
1978	1914 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2700-52P-EI'),
1979	1915 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2700-52P-PWR-EI'),
1980	1916 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2700-9TP-EI'),
1981	1917 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2700-9TP-PWR-EI'),
1982	1918 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2700-9TP-SI'),
1983	1919 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2710-52P-PWR-SI'),
1984	1920 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S2710-52P-SI'),
1985	1921 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S3700-26C-HI'),
1986	1922 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S3700-28TP-EI'),
1987	1923 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S3700-28TP-EI-MC'),
1988	1924 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S3700-28TP-PWR-SI'),
1989	1925 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S3700-28TP-SI'),
1990	1926 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S3700-52P-EI'),
1991	1927 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S3700-52P-EI-24S'),
1992	1928 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S3700-52P-EI-48S'),
1993	1929 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S3700-52P-PWR-EI'),
1994	1930 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S3700-52P-PWR-SI'),
1995	1931 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S3700-52P-SI'),
1996	1932 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-10P-LI'),
1997	1933 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-10P-PWR-LI'),
1998	1934 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-24TP-PWR-SI'),
1999	1935 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-24TP-SI'),
2000	1936 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-26X-SI-12S'),
2001	1937 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28C-EI'),
2002	1938 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28C-EI-24S'),
2003	1939 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28C-HI-24S'),
2004	1940 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28C-PWR-SI'),
2005	1941 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28C-SI'),
2006	1942 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28P-LI'),
2007	1943 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28P-PWR-LI'),
2008	1944 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28X-LI'),
2009	1945 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28X-PWR-LI'),
2010	1946 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-48TP-SI'),
2011	1947 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-52C-EI'),
2012	1948 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-52C-PWR-EI'),
2013	1949 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-52C-PWR-SI'),
2014	1950 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-52C-SI'),
2015	1951 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-52P-LI'),
2016	1952 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-52X-LI'),
2017	1953 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-52X-PWR-LI'),
2018	1954 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700S-52P-LI'),
2019	1955 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5710-28C-EI'),
2020	1956 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5710-28C-LI'),
2021	1957 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5710-28C-PWR-EI'),
2022	1958 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5710-28C-PWR-LI'),
2023	1959 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5710-52C-LI'),
2024	1960 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5710-52C-PWR-EI'),
2025	1961 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5710-52C-PWR-LI'),
2026	1962 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Force10%GPASS%S4820T'),
2027	1963 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 15.1'),
2028	1964 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP1041N'),
2029	1965 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-AP1042N'),
2030	1966 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Linksys%GPASS%SRW224G4'),
2031	1967 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2520-8-PoE J9137A'),
2032	1968 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%K6%L3,2H%'),
2033	1969 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%K10%L5,2H%'),
2034	1970 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%SSA130'),
2035	1971 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%SSA150'),
2036	1972 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%SSA180'),
2037	1973 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%S1%L1,1H%'),
2038	1974 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%S3%L3,1H%'),
2039	1975 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%S4%L4,1H%'),
2040	1976 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%S6%L6,1H%'),
2041	1977 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%S8%L8,1H%'),
2042	1978 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%A4H124-24'),
2043	1979 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%A4H124-24P'),
2044	1980 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%A4H124-24FX'),
2045	1981 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%A4H124-48'),
2046	1982 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%A4H124-48P'),
2047	1983 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%A4H254-8F8T'),
2048	1984 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%B5G124-24'),
2049	1985 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%B5G124-24P2'),
2050	1986 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%B5G124-48'),
2051	1987 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%B5G124-48P2'),
2052	1988 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%B5K125-24'),
2053	1989 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%B5K125-24P2'),
2054	1990 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%B5K125-48'),
2055	1991 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%B5K125-48P2'),
2056	1992 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%C5G124-24'),
2057	1993 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%C5G124-24P2'),
2058	1994 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%C5G124-48'),
2059	1995 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%C5G124-48P2'),
2060	1996 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%C5K125-24'),
2061	1997 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%C5K125-24P2'),
2062	1998 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%C5K125-48'),
2063	1999 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%C5K125-48P2'),
2064	2000 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%C5K175-24'),
2065	2001 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%7124-24'),
2066	2002 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%7124-24T'),
2067	2003 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%7124-48'),
2068	2004 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%7124-48T'),
2069	2005 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%08G20G2-08'),
2070	2006 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%08G20G2-08P'),
2071	2007 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%08G20G4-24'),
2072	2008 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%08G20G4-24P'),
2073	2009 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%08G20G4-48'),
2074	2010 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%08G20G4-48P'),
2075	2011 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%08H20G4-24'),
2076	2012 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%08H20G4-24P'),
2077	2013 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%08H20G4-48'),
2078	2014 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%08H20G4-48P'),
2079	2015 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%D2G124-12'),
2080	2016 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%D2G124-12P'),
2081	2017 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%G3G124-24'),
2082	2018 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%G3G124-24P'),
2083	2019 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%G3G170-24'),
2084	2020 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%N1%L1,1H%'),
2085	2021 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%N3%L3,1H%'),
2086	2022 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%N5%L5,1H%'),
2087	2023 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Enterasys%GPASS%N7%L1,7V%'),
2088	2024 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%877'),
2089	2025 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%878'),
2090	2026 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 4948E | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps10947/index.html]]'),
2091	2027 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei VRP 8.5'),
2092	2028 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco NX-OS 6.1'),
2093	2029 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst C2960CG-8TC-L | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps6406/index.html]]'),
2094	2030 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ME-3400EG-2CS-A'),
2095	2031 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge (blade)%GPASS%M520'),
2096	2032 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge (blade)%GPASS%M820%L2,1%'),
2097	2033 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'F5%GPASS%VIPRION 4480%L4,1H%'),
2098	2034 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'F5%GPASS%VIPRION 4800%L1,8V%'),
2099	2035 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'F5 (blade)%GPASS%VIPRION 2100'),
2100	2036 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'F5 (blade)%GPASS%VIPRION 4200'),
2101	2037 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'F5 (blade)%GPASS%VIPRION 4300'),
2102	2038 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst WS-CBS3012-IBM/-I | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps8766/index.html]]'),
2103	2039 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%RB1000U'),
2104	2040 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%RB1100'),
2105	2041 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%RB1100Hx2'),
2106	2042 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%RB1100AH'),
2107	2043 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%RB1100AHx2'),
2108	2044 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%RB1200'),
2109	2045 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%RB2011L-RM'),
2110	2046 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%RB2011iL-RM'),
2111	2047 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%RB2011UAS-RM'),
2112	2048 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CCR1016-12G'),
2113	2049 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CCR1036-8G-2S+'),
2114	2050 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CCR1036-12G-4S'),
2115	2051 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7150S-24'),
2116	2052 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7150S-52'),
2117	2053 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7150S-64'),
2118	2054 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7100S'),
2119	2055 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050T-36'),
2120	2056 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050QX-32'),
2121	2057 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050SX-128'),
2122	2058 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[TP-Link%GPASS%TL-SL5428E | http://www.tp-link.com/en/products/details/?model=TL-SL5428E]]'),
2123	2059 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3560CG-8PC-S'),
2124	2060 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 18 | http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/18/html/Release_Notes/]]'),
2125	2061 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 19 | http://docs.fedoraproject.org/en-US/Fedora/19/html/Release_Notes/]]'),
2126	2062 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CRS125-24G-1S-RM'),
2127	2063 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'MicroSoft%GSKIP%Windows Server 2012'),
2128	2064 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'MicroSoft%GSKIP%Windows Server 2012 R2'),
2129	2065 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X770'),
2130	2066 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7504'),
2131	2067 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7508'),
2132	2068 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7304'),
2133	2069 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7308'),
2134	2070 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7316'),
2135	2071 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7250QX-64'),
2136	2072 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX1012'),
2137	2073 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX1016'),
2138	2074 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX1024'),
2139	2075 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX1035'),
2140	2076 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX1036'),
2141	2077 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NEC%GPASS%PF5248'),
2142	2078 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Pica8%GPASS%P-3290'),
2143	2079 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Pica8%GPASS%P-3295'),
2144	2080 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei VRP 5.11'),
2145	2081 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei VRP 5.12'),
2146	2082 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 15.1'),
2147	2083 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%ASR 9001 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps12074/index.html]]'),
2148	2084 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%ASR 9922 | http://cisco.com/en/US/products/ps11755/index.html]]'),
2149	2085 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 6001 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps12869/index.html]]'),
2150	2086 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 6004 | http://www.cisco.com/en/US/products/ps12807/index.html]]'),
2151	2087 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE5810-48T4S-EI'),
2152	2088 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE5810-24T4S-EI'),
2153	2089 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Pica8%GPASS%P-3780'),
2154	2090 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Pica8%GPASS%P-3922'),
2155	2091 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF302-08MP'),
2156	2092 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '3Com%GPASS%4510G 24-port'),
2157	2093 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Linksys%GPASS%SRW248G4'),
2158	2094 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 1924'),
2159	2095 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Allied Telesis%GPASS%AT-GS950/24'),
2160	2096 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2910-24G-PoE J9146A'),
2161	2097 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%8132'),
2162	2098 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%8132F'),
2163	2099 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%8164'),
2164	2100 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerConnect%GPASS%8164F'),
2165	2101 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 5.2 | http://www.openbsd.org/52.html]]'),
2166	2102 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 5.3 | http://www.openbsd.org/53.html]]'),
2167	2103 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 5.4 | http://www.openbsd.org/54.html]]'),
2168	2104 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'FreeBSD%GSKIP%FreeBSD 10.x'),
2169	2105 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'VMWare Hypervisor%GSKIP%VMware ESXi 5.1'),
2170	2106 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'VMWare Hypervisor%GSKIP%VMware ESXi 5.5'),
2171	2107 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 13.04'),
2172	2108 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 13.10'),
2173	2109 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 14.04 LTS'),
2174	2110 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960X-48FPD-L'),
2175	2111 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960X-48LPD-L'),
2176	2112 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960X-24PD-L'),
2177	2113 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960X-48TD-L'),
2178	2114 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960X-24TD-L'),
2179	2115 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960X-48FPS-L'),
2180	2116 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960X-48LPS-L'),
2181	2117 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960X-24PS-L'),
2182	2118 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960X-24PSQ-L'),
2183	2119 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960X-48TS-L'),
2184	2120 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960X-24TS-L'),
2185	2121 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960X-48TS-LL'),
2186	2122 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960X-24TS-LL'),
2187	2123 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960XR-48FPD-I'),
2188	2124 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960XR-48LPD-I'),
2189	2125 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960XR-24PD-I'),
2190	2126 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960XR-48TD-I'),
2191	2127 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960XR-24TD-I'),
2192	2128 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960XR-48FPS-I'),
2193	2129 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960XR-48LPS-I'),
2194	2130 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960XR-24PS-I'),
2195	2131 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960XR-48TS-I'),
2196	2132 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960XR-24TS-I'),
2197	2133 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-Plus 48PST-L'),
2198	2134 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-Plus 24PC-L'),
2199	2135 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-Plus 24LC-L'),
2200	2136 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-Plus 48TC-L'),
2201	2137 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-Plus 24TC-L'),
2202	2138 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-Plus 48PST-S'),
2203	2139 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-Plus 24PC-S'),
2204	2140 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-Plus 24LC-S'),
2205	2141 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-Plus 24TC-S'),
2206	2142 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 15.2'),
2207	2143 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Red Hat Enterprise%GSKIP%RHEL V7'),
2208	2144 => array ('chapter_id' => 38, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Wireless Controller'),
2209	2145 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Pica8%GPASS%P-3297'),
2210	2146 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Pica8%GPASS%P-3930'),
2211	2147 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R420'),
2212	2148 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%EX4200-24PX | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/ex_series/index.html]]'),
2213	2149 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%EX4200-48PX | http://www.juniper.net/products_and_services/ex_series/index.html]]'),
2214	2150 => array ('chapter_id' => 25, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%AIR-LAP1142N'),
2215	2151 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'JunOS 11'),
2216	2152 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'JunOS 12'),
2217	2153 => array ('chapter_id' => 9999, 'dict_value' => '[[Alcatel-Lucent%GPASS%1642 EMC | http://www.alcatel-lucent.com/products/1642-edge-multiplexer-compact]]'),
2218	2154 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%Z9000'),
2219	2155 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%Z9500'),
2220	2156 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%N4032'),
2221	2157 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%N4032F'),
2222	2158 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%N4064'),
2223	2159 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%N4064F'),
2224	2160 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%N3024'),
2225	2161 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%N3024F'),
2226	2162 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%N3024P'),
2227	2163 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%N3048'),
2228	2164 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%N3048P'),
2229	2165 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%N2024'),
2230	2166 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%N2024P'),
2231	2167 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%N2048'),
2232	2168 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%N2048P'),
2233	2169 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NEC%GPASS%PF5220F-24T2XW'),
2234	2170 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NEC%GPASS%PF5220F-20S2XW'),
2235	2171 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NEC%GPASS%PF5459-48GT-4X2Q'),
2236	2172 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NEC%GPASS%PF5459-48XP-4Q'),
2237	2173 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CCR1009-8G-1S'),
2238	2174 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CCR1009-8G-1S-1S+'),
2239	2175 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CCR1016-12S-1S+'),
2240	2176 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%1910-24G (JE006A)'),
2241	2177 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Univention%GSKIP%Univention Corporate Server 3.2 (borgfeld) | http://docs.univention.de/release-notes-3.2-2-de.html]]'),
2242	2178 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP8941 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP8941]]'),
2243	2179 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%AP8959EU3 | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=AP8959EU3]]'),
2244	2180 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[PROXMOX%GSKIP%Proxmox VE 3.0 | http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Roadmap#Proxmox_VE_3.0]]'),
2245	2181 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[PROXMOX%GSKIP%Proxmox VE 3.1 | http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Roadmap#Proxmox_VE_3.1]]'),
2246	2182 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[PROXMOX%GSKIP%Proxmox VE 3.2 | http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Roadmap#Proxmox_VE_3.2]]'),
2247	2183 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ASA 5512-X'),
2248	2184 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ASA 5515-X'),
2249	2185 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ASA 5525-X'),
2250	2186 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ASA 5545-X'),
2251	2187 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ASA 5555-X'),
2252	2188 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ASA 5585-X'),
2253	2189 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3850-24T'),
2254	2190 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3850-48T'),
2255	2191 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 2000S | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-datasheet.pdf]]'),
2256	2192 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 2200S | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-datasheet.pdf]]'),
2257	2193 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 3900 | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-datasheet.pdf]]'),
2258	2194 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 4000S | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-datasheet.pdf]]'),
2259	2195 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 4200V | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-datasheet.pdf]]'),
2260	2196 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 5000S | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-datasheet.pdf]]'),
2261	2197 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[F5%GPASS%BIG-IP 5200V | http://www.f5.com/pdf/products/big-ip-platforms-datasheet.pdf]]'),
2262	2198 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion KXII-108'),
2263	2199 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion KXII-116'),
2264	2200 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion KXII-132'),
2265	2201 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion KXIII-108'),
2266	2202 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion KXIII-116'),
2267	2203 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion KXIII-132'),
2268	2204 => array ('chapter_id' => 23, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%18.5in LED KMM'),
2269	2205 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion SX4'),
2270	2206 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion SX8'),
2271	2207 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion SXA-8'),
2272	2208 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion SXA-16'),
2273	2209 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion SXA-16-DL'),
2274	2210 => array ('chapter_id' => 36, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion SXA-16-DLM'),
2275	2211 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%CGS-2520-24TC'),
2276	2212 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Linksys%GPASS%SRW2024P'),
2277	2213 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%2920-48G J9728A'),
2278	2214 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Edge-Core%GPASS%AS6700-32X'),
2279	2215 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Edge-Core%GPASS%AS6701-32X'),
2280	2216 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Edge-Core%GPASS%AS5610-52X'),
2281	2217 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Edge-Core%GPASS%AS5600-52X'),
2282	2218 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Edge-Core%GPASS%AS4600-54T'),
2283	2219 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 2960-Plus 48TC-S'),
2284	2220 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS 5108 AC2 Blade Chassis%L4,2H%'),
2285	2221 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS 5108 DC2 Blade Chassis%L4,2H%'),
2286	2222 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS 5108 HVDC Blade Chassis%L4,2H%'),
2287	2223 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B260 M4'),
2288	2224 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B460 M4'),
2289	2225 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B200 M4'),
2290	2226 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE7850-32Q-EI'),
2291	2227 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 6807-XL%L7,1H%'),
2292	2228 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%VS-S2T-10G'),
2293	2229 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%VS-S2T-10G-XL'),
2294	2230 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6908-10G-2T'),
2295	2231 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6908-10G-2TXL'),
2296	2232 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6904-40G-2T'),
2297	2233 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco (blade)%GPASS%WS-X6904-40G-2TXL'),
2298	2234 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[PROXMOX%GSKIP%Proxmox VE 3.3 | http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Roadmap#Proxmox_VE_3.3]]'),
2299	2235 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 9504 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-9504-switch/index.html]]'),
2300	2236 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 9508 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-9508-switch/index.html]]'),
2301	2237 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 9516 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-9516-switch/index.html]]'),
2302	2238 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%1910-48G (JE009A)'),
2303	2239 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%ICX-6430-48 | http://www.brocade.com/products/all/switches/product-details/icx-6430-and-6450-switches/index.page]]'),
2304	2240 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%ICX-6450-48 | http://www.brocade.com/products/all/switches/product-details/icx-6430-and-6450-switches/index.page]]'),
2305	2241 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[IBM%GPASS%RackSwitch G8000 | http://www-03.ibm.com/systems/networking/switches/rack/g8000/]]'),
2306	2242 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%1810G-24 (J9450A)'),
2307	2243 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%NE20E-S4'),
2308	2244 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%NE20E-S8'),
2309	2245 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%NE20E-S16'),
2310	2246 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%NE40E-X3'),
2311	2247 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%NE40E-X8'),
2312	2248 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%NE40E-X16'),
2313	2249 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%MX5 | http://www.juniper.net/products-services/routing/mx-series/mx5]]'),
2314	2250 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%MX10 | http://www.juniper.net/products-services/routing/mx-series/mx10]]'),
2315	2251 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%MX40 | http://www.juniper.net/products-services/routing/mx-series/mx40]]'),
2316	2252 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%MX104 | http://www.juniper.net/products-services/routing/mx-series/mx104]]'),
2317	2253 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%MX2010 | http://www.juniper.net/products-services/routing/mx-series/mx2010]]'),
2318	2254 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Juniper%GPASS%MX2020 | http://www.juniper.net/products-services/routing/mx-series/mx2020]]'),
2319	2255 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280SE-64'),
2320	2256 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280SE-68'),
2321	2257 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280SE-72'),
2322	2258 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050SX-64'),
2323	2259 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050SX-72'),
2324	2260 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050SX-96'),
2325	2261 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050TX-48'),
2326	2262 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050TX-64'),
2327	2263 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050TX-72'),
2328	2264 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050TX-96'),
2329	2265 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050TX-128'),
2330	2266 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050QX-32S'),
2331	2267 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7010T-48'),
2332	2268 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 20'),
2333	2269 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'OpenSUSE%GSKIP%openSUSE 13.x'),
2334	2270 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%892'),
2335	2271 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%891'),
2336	2272 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%888'),
2337	2273 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%887V'),
2338	2274 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%887VA'),
2339	2275 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%887VA-W'),
2340	2276 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%886VA'),
2341	2277 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%886VA-W'),
2342	2278 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%881'),
2343	2279 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%880 3G'),
2344	2280 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%880G'),
2345	2281 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%867VAE'),
2346	2282 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%866VAE'),
2347	2283 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%861'),
2348	2284 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%819'),
2349	2285 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%812 CiFi'),
2350	2286 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%800M'),
2351	2287 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%C892FSP'),
2352	2288 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%C881W'),
2353	2289 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Pica8%GPASS%P-5101'),
2354	2290 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Pica8%GPASS%P-5401'),
2355	2291 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%S5000'),
2356	2292 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Dell%GPASS%S6000'),
2357	2293 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X430-8p'),
2358	2294 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X430-24p'),
2359	2295 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X430-24t'),
2360	2296 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X430-48t'),
2361	2297 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X440-8t'),
2362	2298 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X440-8p'),
2363	2299 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X440-24t'),
2364	2300 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X440-24tDC'),
2365	2301 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X440-24p'),
2366	2302 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X440-24x'),
2367	2303 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X440-48t'),
2368	2304 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X440-48tDC'),
2369	2305 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X440-48p'),
2370	2306 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X440-24t-10G'),
2371	2307 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X440-24p-10G'),
2372	2308 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X440-24x-10G'),
2373	2309 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-24t'),
2374	2310 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-48t'),
2375	2311 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-24x'),
2376	2312 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-48x'),
2377	2313 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-24p'),
2378	2314 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-48p'),
2379	2315 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-G2-24t-10GE4'),
2380	2316 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-G2-48t-10GE4'),
2381	2317 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-G2-24x-10GE4'),
2382	2318 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-G2-48x-10GE4'),
2383	2319 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-G2-24p-10GE4'),
2384	2320 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-G2-48p-10GE4'),
2385	2321 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-G2-24t-GE4'),
2386	2322 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-G2-48t-GE4'),
2387	2323 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-G2-24p-GE4'),
2388	2324 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X460-G2-48p-GE4'),
2389	2325 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X670-G2-48x-4q'),
2390	2326 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Extreme Networks%GPASS%Summit X670-G2-72x'),
2391	2327 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 3548 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-3548-switch/index.html]]'),
2392	2328 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 3524 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-3524-switch/index.html]]'),
2393	2329 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 3172 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-3172-switch/index.html]]'),
2394	2330 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 3164Q | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-3164q-switch/index.html]]'),
2395	2331 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 3132Q | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-3132q-switch/index.html]]'),
2396	2332 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 3064 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-3064-switch/index.html]]'),
2397	2333 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 3048 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-3048-switch/index.html]]'),
2398	2334 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 3016 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-3016-switch/index.html]]'),
2399	2335 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG200-50'),
2400	2336 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG200-50P'),
2401	2337 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG200-50FP'),
2402	2338 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG200-26'),
2403	2339 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG200-26P'),
2404	2340 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG200-26FP'),
2405	2341 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG200-18'),
2406	2342 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG200-10FP'),
2407	2343 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG200-08'),
2408	2344 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG200-08P'),
2409	2345 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF200-24'),
2410	2346 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF200-24P'),
2411	2347 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF200-24FP'),
2412	2348 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF200-48'),
2413	2349 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF200-48P'),
2414	2350 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG220-50P'),
2415	2351 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG220-50'),
2416	2352 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG220-26P'),
2417	2353 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG220-26'),
2418	2354 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF220-48P'),
2419	2355 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF220-48'),
2420	2356 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF220-24P'),
2421	2357 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF220-24'),
2422	2358 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF302-08PP'),
2423	2359 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF302-08MPP'),
2424	2360 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG300-10PP'),
2425	2361 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG300-10MPP'),
2426	2362 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF300-24PP'),
2427	2363 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF300-48PP'),
2428	2364 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG300-28PP'),
2429	2365 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF300-08'),
2430	2366 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF300-48P'),
2431	2367 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG300-10MP'),
2432	2368 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG300-10P'),
2433	2369 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG300-28P'),
2434	2370 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG300-28'),
2435	2371 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG300-20'),
2436	2372 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF302-08P'),
2437	2373 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF300-24'),
2438	2374 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF302-08'),
2439	2375 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF300-24MP'),
2440	2376 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG300-10SFP'),
2441	2377 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG300-28MP'),
2442	2378 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG300-52P'),
2443	2379 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG300-52MP'),
2444	2380 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'SUSE Enterprise%GSKIP%SLES12'),
2445	2381 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CRS226-24G-2S+RM'),
2446	2382 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE5850-48T4S2Q-HI'),
2447	2384 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL120'),
2448	2385 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge (blade)%GPASS%M630'),
2449	2386 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R430'),
2450	2387 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R530'),
2451	2388 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R630'),
2452	2389 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R730'),
2453	2390 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R730xd'),
2454	2391 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS3210'),
2455	2392 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS3220'),
2456	2393 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS3240'),
2457	2394 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS3270'),
2458	2395 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Juniper%GPASS%EX2200-24P-4G'),
2459	2396 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%E2620-24-PoE J9625A'),
2460	2397 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'JunOS 13'),
2461	2398 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'JunOS 14'),
2462	2399 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'JunOS 15'),
2463	2400 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'JunOS 13'),
2464	2401 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'JunOS 14'),
2465	2402 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'JunOS 15'),
2466	2403 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'SUSE Enterprise%GSKIP%SLES9'),
2467	2404 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[CentOS%GSKIP%CentOS V7 | http://www.centos.org/]]'),
2468	2405 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Debian%GSKIP%Debian 8 (Jessie) | http://debian.org/releases/jessie/]]'),
2469	2406 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Gentoo%GSKIP%Gentoo | http://gentoo.org]]'),
2470	2407 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF500-24'),
2471	2408 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF500-24P'),
2472	2409 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF500-24MP'),
2473	2410 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF500-48'),
2474	2411 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF500-48P'),
2475	2412 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SF500-48MP'),
2476	2413 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG500-28'),
2477	2414 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG500-28P'),
2478	2415 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG500-28MPP'),
2479	2416 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG500-52'),
2480	2417 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG500-52P'),
2481	2418 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG500-52MP'),
2482	2419 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG500X-24'),
2483	2420 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG500X-24P'),
2484	2421 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG500X-24MPP'),
2485	2422 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG500X-48'),
2486	2423 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG500X-48P'),
2487	2424 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG500X-48MP'),
2488	2425 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%SG500XG-8F8T'),
2489	2426 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 9332PQ'),
2490	2427 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 9372PX'),
2491	2428 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 9372PX-E'),
2492	2429 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 9372TX'),
2493	2430 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 9372TX-E'),
2494	2431 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 9396PX'),
2495	2432 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 9396TX'),
2496	2433 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 93120TX'),
2497	2434 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 93128TX'),
2498	2435 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R220'),
2499	2436 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VNXe1600'),
2500	2437 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VNXe3200'),
2501	2438 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Palo Alto Networks%GPASS%PA-200'),
2502	2439 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Palo Alto Networks%GPASS%PA-500'),
2503	2440 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Palo Alto Networks%GPASS%PA-3020'),
2504	2441 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Palo Alto Networks%GPASS%PA-3050'),
2505	2442 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Palo Alto Networks%GPASS%PA-3060'),
2506	2443 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Palo Alto Networks%GPASS%PA-5020'),
2507	2444 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Palo Alto Networks%GPASS%PA-5050'),
2508	2445 => array ('chapter_id' => 24, 'dict_value' => 'Palo Alto Networks%GPASS%PA-5060'),
2509	2446 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'VMWare Hypervisor%GSKIP%VMware ESXi 6.0'),
2510	2447 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion KXIII-216'),
2511	2448 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion KXIII-232'),
2512	2449 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion KXIII-416'),
2513	2450 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion KXIII-432'),
2514	2451 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion KXIII-464'),
2515	2452 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion KXIII-808'),
2516	2453 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion KXIII-832'),
2517	2454 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'Raritan%GPASS%Dominion KXIII-864'),
2518	2455 => array ('chapter_id' => 21, 'dict_value' => 'TrippLite%GPASS%B051-000'),
2519	2456 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS2220'),
2520	2457 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS2240-2'),
2521	2458 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS2240-4'),
2522	2459 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS2520'),
2523	2460 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[ NetApp%GPASS%FAS2552 | http://mysupport.netapp.com/documentation/docweb/index.html?productID=61619 ]]'),
2524	2461 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'NetApp%GPASS%FAS2554'),
2525	2462 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP EI%GPASS%5130-24G-4SFP+ (JG932A)'),
2526	2463 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP EI%GPASS%5130-24G-SFP-4SFP+ (JG933A)'),
2527	2464 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP EI%GPASS%5130-48G-4SFP+ (JG934A)'),
2528	2465 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP EI%GPASS%5130-24G-PoE+-4SFP+ (JG936A)'),
2529	2466 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP EI%GPASS%5130-48G-PoE+-4SFP+ (JG937A)'),
2530	2467 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP EI%GPASS%5130-24G-2SFP+-2XGT (JG938A)'),
2531	2468 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP EI%GPASS%5130-48G-2SFP+-2XGT (JG939A)'),
2532	2469 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP EI%GPASS%5130-24G-PoE+-2SFP+-2XGT (JG940A)'),
2533	2470 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP EI%GPASS%5130-48G-PoE+-2SFP+-2XGT (JG941A)'),
2534	2471 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CCR1072-1G-8S+'),
2535	2472 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%3011UiAS-RM'),
2536	2473 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'OpenWrt 14.07'),
2537	2474 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'OpenWrt 15.05'),
2538	2475 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'RouterOS 6'),
2539	2476 => array ('chapter_id' => 37, 'dict_value' => 'OpenWrt 14.07'),
2540	2477 => array ('chapter_id' => 37, 'dict_value' => 'OpenWrt 15.05'),
2541	2478 => array ('chapter_id' => 37, 'dict_value' => 'RouterOS 6'),
2542	2479 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 7702 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-7700-2-slot-switch/index.html]]'),
2543	2480 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 7706 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-7700-6-slot-switch/index.html]]'),
2544	2481 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 7710 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-7700-10-slot-switch/index.html]]'),
2545	2482 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 7718 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-7700-18-slot-switch/index.html]]'),
2546	2483 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28X-LI-24S'),
2547	2484 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28P-LI-24S'),
2548	2485 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-52X-LI-48CS'),
2549	2486 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5701-28X-LI'),
2550	2487 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5701-28X-LI-24S'),
2551	2488 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28TP-LI'),
2552	2489 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5700-28TP-PWR-LI'),
2553	2490 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5701-28TP-PWR-LI'),
2554	2491 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-32P-EI'),
2555	2492 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-32X-EI'),
2556	2493 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-32X-EI-24S'),
2557	2494 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-36C-EI'),
2558	2495 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-36C-PWR-EI'),
2559	2496 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-36PC-EI'),
2560	2497 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-36C-EI-28S'),
2561	2498 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-50X-EI'),
2562	2499 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-50X-EI-46S'),
2563	2500 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-52X-EI'),
2564	2501 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-52P-EI'),
2565	2502 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-56C-EI-48S'),
2566	2503 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-56C-EI'),
2567	2504 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-56PC-EI'),
2568	2505 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S5720-56C-PWR-EI'),
2569	2506 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Juniper%GPASS%QFX10000'),
2570	2507 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Juniper%GPASS%QFX5200'),
2571	2508 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Juniper%GPASS%QFX5100'),
2572	2509 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Juniper%GPASS%QFX3600'),
2573	2510 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Juniper%GPASS%QFX3500'),
2574	2511 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SB7800'),
2575	2512 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SB7890'),
2576	2513 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SB7700'),
2577	2514 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SB7790'),
2578	2515 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%CS7500'),
2579	2516 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%CS7510'),
2580	2517 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%CS7520'),
2581	2518 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX6710'),
2582	2519 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX6005'),
2583	2520 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX6012'),
2584	2521 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX6015'),
2585	2522 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX6018'),
2586	2523 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX6025'),
2587	2524 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX6036'),
2588	2525 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX6506'),
2589	2526 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX6512'),
2590	2527 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX6518'),
2591	2528 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX6536'),
2592	2529 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX1710'),
2593	2530 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX1410'),
2594	2531 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SX1024(52)'),
2595	2532 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SN2700'),
2596	2533 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SN2410'),
2597	2534 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Mellanox%GPASS%SN2100'),
2598	2535 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Ixia%GPASS%XM2'),
2599	2536 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Ixia%GPASS%XM12'),
2600	2537 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Ixia%GPASS%XG12'),
2601	2538 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Ixia%GPASS%XGS2'),
2602	2539 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Ixia%GPASS%XGS12-HS'),
2603	2540 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Ixia%GPASS%XGS12-SD'),
2604	2541 => array ('chapter_id' => 30, 'dict_value' => 'Ixia%GPASS%400Tv2'),
2605	2542 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T1048-P02'),
2606	2543 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T1048-P02S'),
2607	2544 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T1048-LB9A'),
2608	2545 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T1048-LB9'),
2609	2546 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T1048-LY4A'),
2610	2547 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T1048-LY4B'),
2611	2548 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T1048-LY4C'),
2612	2549 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T3048-LY9'),
2613	2550 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T3048-LY8'),
2614	2551 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T3040-LY3'),
2615	2552 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T3048-LY2R'),
2616	2553 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T3048-LY2'),
2617	2554 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T3064-LY1R'),
2618	2555 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T5032-LY6'),
2619	2556 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Quanta%GPASS%T5016-LB8D'),
2620	2557 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE8860-4C-EI'),
2621	2558 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B420 M4'),
2622	2559 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS B440 M1'),
2623	2560 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 15.10'),
2624	2561 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 16.04 LTS'),
2625	2562 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C22  M3(LFF)'),
2626	2563 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C220 M3(LFF)'),
2627	2564 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C24  M3(LFF)'),
2628	2565 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C240 M3(16 drive)'),
2629	2566 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C220 M4'),
2630	2567 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C220 M4(LFF)'),
2631	2568 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C240 M4'),
2632	2569 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C240 M4(16 drive)'),
2633	2570 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C240 M4(LFF)'),
2634	2571 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C240 M4S'),
2635	2572 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Solaris%GSKIP%Solaris 11'),
2636	2573 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C420 M3'),
2637	2574 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ASR 920'),
2638	2575 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C460 M4'),
2639	2576 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS-Mini 6324 Fabric Interconnect'),
2640	2577 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS 6332 Fabric Interconnect'),
2641	2578 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS 6332-16UP Fabric Interconnect'),
2642	2579 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%UCS C240 M3(LFF)'),
2643	2580 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%1905 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/routers/1905-serial-integrated-services-router-isr/index.html]]'),
2644	2581 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%1921 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/routers/1921-integrated-services-router-isr/index.html]]'),
2645	2582 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%1941 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/routers/1941-integrated-services-router-isr/index.html]]'),
2646	2583 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%1941W | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/routers/1941w-integrated-services-router-isr/index.html]]'),
2647	2584 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%3925 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/routers/3925-integrated-services-router-isr/index.html]]'),
2648	2585 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%3925E | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/routers/3925e-integrated-services-router-isr/index.html]]'),
2649	2586 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%3945 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/routers/3945-integrated-services-router-isr/index.html]]'),
2650	2587 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%3945E | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/routers/3945e-integrated-services-router-isr/index.html]]'),
2651	2588 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE7855-32Q-EI'),
2652	2589 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6870-48S6CQ-EI'),
2653	2590 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6870-24S6CQ-EI'),
2654	2591 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6860-48S8CQ-EI'),
2655	2592 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6850U-24S2Q-HI'),
2656	2593 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6850U-48S6Q-HI'),
2657	2594 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6851-48S6Q-HI'),
2658	2595 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6855-48T6Q-HI'),
2659	2596 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6850-48T6Q-HI'),
2660	2597 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6855-48S6Q-HI'),
2661	2598 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6850-48S6Q-HI'),
2662	2599 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6810-48S4Q-EI'),
2663	2600 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6810-48S4Q-LI'),
2664	2601 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6810-48S-LI'),
2665	2602 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6810-24S2Q-LI'),
2666	2603 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6810-32T16S4Q-LI'),
2667	2604 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE5855-24T4S2Q-EI'),
2668	2605 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE5855-48T4S2Q-EI'),
2669	2606 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S6720-30C-EI-24S'),
2670	2607 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S6720-54C-EI-48S'),
2671	2608 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%S6720S-26Q-EI-24S'),
2672	2609 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 5.5 | http://www.openbsd.org/55.html]]'),
2673	2610 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 5.6 | http://www.openbsd.org/56.html]]'),
2674	2611 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 5.7 | http://www.openbsd.org/57.html]]'),
2675	2612 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 5.8 | http://www.openbsd.org/58.html]]'),
2676	2613 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 5.9 | http://www.openbsd.org/59.html]]'),
2677	2614 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 6.0 | http://www.openbsd.org/60.html]]'),
2678	2615 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProLiant%GPASS%DL980'),
2679	2616 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'FreeBSD%GSKIP%FreeBSD 11.x'),
2680	2617 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Xen Hypervisor%GSKIP%XenServer 5.6'),
2681	2618 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Xen Hypervisor%GSKIP%XenServer 6.0'),
2682	2619 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Xen Hypervisor%GSKIP%XenServer 6.1'),
2683	2620 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Xen Hypervisor%GSKIP%XenServer 6.2'),
2684	2621 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Xen Hypervisor%GSKIP%XenServer 6.5'),
2685	2622 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Xen Hypervisor%GSKIP%XenServer 7.0'),
2686	2623 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'HP StorageWorks P6300'),
2687	2624 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Ubiquiti EdgeSwitch ES-48-LITE'),
2688	2625 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%4221'),
2689	2626 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%4321'),
2690	2627 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%4331'),
2691	2628 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%4351'),
2692	2629 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%4431'),
2693	2630 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%4451'),
2694	2631 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-24TS'),
2695	2632 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-48TS'),
2696	2633 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-24PS'),
2697	2634 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-48PS'),
2698	2635 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-48FS'),
2699	2636 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-24TD'),
2700	2637 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-48TD'),
2701	2638 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-24PD'),
2702	2639 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-24PDM'),
2703	2640 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-48PD'),
2704	2641 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-48FD'),
2705	2642 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-48TQ'),
2706	2643 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-48PQ'),
2707	2644 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-48FQ'),
2708	2645 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-48FQM'),
2709	2646 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-8X24UQ'),
2710	2647 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-12x48UQ'),
2711	2648 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-12X48UR'),
2712	2649 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3650-12X48UZ'),
2713	2650 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3850-24P'),
2714	2651 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3850-48P'),
2715	2652 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3850-48F'),
2716	2653 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3850-24U'),
2717	2654 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3850-48U'),
2718	2655 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3850-24XU'),
2719	2656 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3850-12X48U'),
2720	2657 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3850-12S'),
2721	2658 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3850-24S'),
2722	2659 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3850-12XS'),
2723	2660 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3850-24XS'),
2724	2661 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 3850-48XS'),
2725	2662 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Catalyst 4510R+E'),
2726	2663 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ME 3600X-24TS-M'),
2727	2664 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%ME 3600X-24FS-M'),
2728	2665 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%VDX 6740 | http://www.brocade.com/en/products-services/switches/data-center-switches/vdx-6740-switches.html]]'),
2729	2666 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Brocade%GPASS%ICX-7250-48 | http://www.brocade.com/en/products-services/switches/campus-network-switches/icx-7250-switch.html]]'),
2730	2667 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 15.0'),
2731	2668 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 15.2'),
2732	2669 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 15.3'),
2733	2670 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 15.4'),
2734	2671 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco IOS 15.5'),
2735	2672 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050SX-72Q'),
2736	2673 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050SX2-72Q'),
2737	2674 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050SX2-128'),
2738	2675 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050TX-72Q'),
2739	2676 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050TX2-128'),
2740	2677 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050QX2-32S'),
2741	2678 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7060CX2-32S'),
2742	2679 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7060CX-32S'),
2743	2680 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7060QX-64'),
2744	2681 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7060CX-64'),
2745	2682 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280CR-48'),
2746	2683 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280QR-C72'),
2747	2684 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280QR-C36'),
2748	2685 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280SR-48C6'),
2749	2686 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280TR-48C6'),
2750	2687 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7324X'),
2751	2688 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7328X'),
2752	2689 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7504R'),
2753	2690 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7508R'),
2754	2691 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7512R'),
2755	2692 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 21'),
2756	2693 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 22'),
2757	2694 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 23'),
2758	2695 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 24'),
2759	2696 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 25'),
2760	2697 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 16.10'),
2761	2698 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'NetBSD%GSKIP%NetBSD 5.1'),
2762	2699 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'NetBSD%GSKIP%NetBSD 5.2'),
2763	2700 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'NetBSD%GSKIP%NetBSD 6.0'),
2764	2701 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'NetBSD%GSKIP%NetBSD 6.1'),
2765	2702 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'NetBSD%GSKIP%NetBSD 7.0'),
2766	2703 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'OpenSUSE%GSKIP%openSUSE Leap 42.x'),
2767	2704 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CCR1009-7G-1C-1S+'),
2768	2705 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[OpenBSD%GSKIP%OpenBSD 6.1 | http://www.openbsd.org/61.html]]'),
2769	2706 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE8850-32CQ-EI'),
2770	2707 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'MicroSoft%GSKIP%Windows Server 2016'),
2771	2708 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028R-E1CR12L | https://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/ssg-6028r-e1cr12l.cfm]]'),
2772	2709 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-HC0R-SIOM | https://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2028/SYS-2028TP-HC0R-SIOM.cfm]]'),
2773	2710 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1026GT-TRF-FM375 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1026/SYS-1026GT-TRF-FM375.cfm]]'),
2774	2711 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-73HDP+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6017/SYS-6017R-73HDP_.cfm]]'),
2775	2712 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7045W-NTR+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7045/SYS-7045W-NTR_.cfm]]'),
2776	2713 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R2-RC1PT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F618/SYS-F618R2-RC1PT_.cfm]]'),
2777	2714 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DC0R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DC0R.cfm]]'),
2778	2715 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027R-N3RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027R-N3RF.cfm]]'),
2779	2716 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028U-E1CNRT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028U-E1CNRT_.cfm]]'),
2780	2717 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6025B-8R+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6025/SYS-6025B-8R_.cfm]]'),
2781	2718 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015B-U | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015B-U.cfm]]'),
2782	2719 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015B-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015B-T.cfm]]'),
2783	2720 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DTR.cfm]]'),
2784	2721 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5013C-MT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5013/SYS-5013C-MT.cfm]]'),
2785	2722 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%6048R-E1CR24H | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/6048/SSG-6048R-E1CR24H.cfm]]'),
2786	2723 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017TR-TFF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017TR-TFF.cfm]]'),
2787	2724 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628R3-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
2788	2725 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018A-FTN4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018A-FTN4.cfm]]'),
2789	2726 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017C-URF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/SYS-5017C-URF.cfm]]'),
2790	2727 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-H72RF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-H72RF_.cfm]]'),
2791	2728 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027GR-TRT2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027GR-TRT2.cfm]]'),
2792	2729 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017R-WRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/SYS-5017R-WRF.cfm]]'),
2793	2730 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018TR-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018TR-TF.cfm]]'),
2794	2731 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7044H-32R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7044/SYS-7044H-32R.cfm]]'),
2795	2732 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5026TI-HTRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/5026/sys-5026ti-htrf.cfm]]'),
2796	2733 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-BIBQRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-BIBQRF.cfm]]'),
2797	2734 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5038A-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5038/sys-5038a-i.cfm]]'),
2798	2735 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DNCTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DNCTR.cfm]]'),
2799	2736 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016T-MR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6016/SYS-6016T-MR.cfm]]'),
2800	2737 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1025C-3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1025/SYS-1025C-3.cfm]]'),
2801	2738 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018A-TN4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018A-TN4.cfm]]'),
2802	2739 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-TF.cfm]]'),
2803	2740 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-H72RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-H72RF.cfm]]'),
2804	2741 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027R-N3RF4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027R-N3RF4_.cfm]]'),
2805	2742 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6036T-6RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/6036/SYS-6036T-6RF.cfm]]'),
2806	2743 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027R-WTRFTP | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027R-WTRFTP.cfm]]'),
2807	2744 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1016T-M3F | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1016/sys-1016t-m3f.cfm]]'),
2808	2745 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028U-TRT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028U-TRT_.cfm]]'),
2809	2746 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6034H-X8R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/6034/SYS-6034H-X8R.cfm]]'),
2810	2747 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027R-73DARF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027R-73DARF.cfm]]'),
2811	2748 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015M-MR+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015M-MR_.cfm]]'),
2812	2749 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028GQ-TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/sys-1028gq-tr.cfm]]'),
2813	2750 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5013C-M8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5013/SYS-5013C-M8.cfm]]'),
2814	2751 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6025W-NTR+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6025/SYS-6025W-NTR_.cfm]]'),
2815	2752 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017R-MTF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/SYS-5017R-MTF.cfm]]'),
2816	2753 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016T-NTF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6016/SYS-6016T-NTF.cfm]]'),
2817	2754 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-R72B+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F628/SYS-F628R3-R72B_.cfm]]'),
2818	2755 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027PR-HC0TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027PR-HC0TR.cfm]]'),
2819	2756 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015V-MR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015V-MR.cfm]]'),
2820	2757 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015V-MT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015V-MT.cfm]]'),
2821	2758 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017B-URF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017B-URF.cfm]]'),
2822	2759 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%7037A-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/7037/SYS-7037A-i.cfm]]'),
2823	2760 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5016T-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5016/SYS-5016T-T.cfm]]'),
2824	2761 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-H6RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-H6RF.cfm]]'),
2825	2762 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016T-NTRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6016/SYS-6016T-NTRF.cfm]]'),
2826	2763 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-HTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-HTR.cfm]]'),
2827	2764 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5028L-TN2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/midtower/5028/SYS-5028L-TN2.cfm]]'),
2828	2765 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro Tower%GPASS%8047R-7RFT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/8047/SYS-8047R-7RFT_.cfm]]'),
2829	2766 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7044A-82 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7044/SYS-7044A-82.cfm]]'),
2830	2767 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5016T-MR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5016/sys-5016t-mr.cfm]]'),
2831	2768 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028GQ-TXR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028GQ-TXR.cfm]]'),
2832	2769 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%8028B-TR4F | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/8028/SYS-8028B-TR4F.cfm]]'),
2833	2770 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5038MD-H8TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/5038/SYS-5038MD-H8TRF.cfm]]'),
2834	2771 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015TW-INF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015TW-INF.cfm]]'),
2835	2772 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026T-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026T-TF.cfm]]'),
2836	2773 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F617R2-R72+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F617/SYS-F617R2-R72_.cfm]]'),
2837	2774 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7047R-TXRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/7047/SYS-7047R-TXRF.cfm]]'),
2838	2775 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6022L-6 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6022/SYS-6022L-6.cfm]]'),
2839	2776 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015V-M3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015V-M3.cfm]]'),
2840	2777 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1018GR-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1018/SYS-1018GR-T.cfm]]'),
2841	2778 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-D70QRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-D70QRF.cfm]]'),
2842	2779 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2026TT-DLRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2026/SYS-2026TT-DLRF.cfm]]'),
2843	2780 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7047AX-72RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/7047/SYS-7047AX-72RF.cfm]]'),
2844	2781 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6033P-8R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/6033/SYS-6033P-8R.cfm]]'),
2845	2782 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%6047R-TXRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/6047/SYS-6047R-TXRF.cfm]]'),
2846	2783 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017C-LF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/sys-5017c-lf.cfm]]'),
2847	2784 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017R-IHDP | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5017/SSG-5017R-iHDP.cfm]]'),
2848	2785 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%7038A-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/7038/SYS-7038A-i.cfm]]'),
2849	2786 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017P-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/SYS-5017P-TF.cfm]]'),
2850	2787 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7048R-TRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7048/SYS-7048R-TRT.cfm]]'),
2851	2788 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028UT-BC1NRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028UT-BC1NRT.cfm]]'),
2852	2789 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027R-WC1NRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027R-WC1NRT.cfm]]'),
2853	2790 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028UX-TR4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028UX-TR4.cfm]]'),
2854	2791 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-D71QRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-D71QRF.cfm]]'),
2855	2792 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-HTQRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-HTQRF.cfm]]'),
2856	2793 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7046T-6F | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7046/SYS-7046T-6F.cfm]]'),
2857	2794 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%6048R-TXR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/6048/SYS-6048R-TXR.cfm]]'),
2858	2795 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-H71RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-H71RF.cfm]]'),
2859	2796 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7044A-32 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7044/SYS-7044A-32.cfm]]'),
2860	2797 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028R-TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028R-TR.cfm]]'),
2861	2798 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R2-RC0PT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f618/SYS-F618R2-RC0PT_.cfm]]'),
2862	2799 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5025M-I+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/5025/SYS-5025M-i_.cfm]]'),
2863	2800 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028R-TT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028R-TT.cfm]]'),
2864	2801 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015M-T+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015M-T_.cfm]]'),
2865	2802 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-HC0R-SIOM | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6028/SYS-6028TP-HC0R-SIOM.cfm]]'),
2866	2803 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-E1CR12 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SSG-6027R-E1CR12N.cfm]]'),
2867	2804 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F617H6-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f617/SYS-F617H6-FT_.cfm]]'),
2868	2805 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5012B-6 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5012/SYS-5012B-6.cfm]]'),
2869	2806 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-H70RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027TR-H70RF.cfm]]'),
2870	2807 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028R-E1CR12 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SSG-6028R-E1CR12N.cfm]]'),
2871	2808 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F617R2-FT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F617/SYS-F617R2-FT.cfm]]'),
2872	2809 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028R-TRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028R-TRT.cfm]]'),
2873	2810 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6023P-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6023/SYS-6023P-i.cfm]]'),
2874	2811 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627G3-F73+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627G3-F73_.cfm]]'),
2875	2812 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1026T-UF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1026/SYS-1026T-UF.cfm]]'),
2876	2813 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015TB-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015TB-T.cfm]]'),
2877	2814 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-HTRF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-HTRF_.cfm]]'),
2878	2815 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2026TT-HIBQRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2026/SYS-2026TT-HIBQRF.cfm]]'),
2879	2816 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-M7UF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6017/SYS-6017R-M7UF.cfm]]'),
2880	2817 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017A-EF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/SYS-5017A-EF.cfm]]'),
2881	2818 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-H70FRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027TR-H70FRF.cfm]]'),
2882	2819 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-H70RF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-H70RF_.cfm]]'),
2883	2820 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R2-F73 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627R2-F73.cfm]]'),
2884	2821 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1018D-73MTF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1018/SYS-1018D-73MTF.cfm]]'),
2885	2822 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-DTTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027PR-DTTR.cfm]]'),
2886	2823 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%4028GR-TRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/4028/sys-4028gr-trt.cfm]]'),
2887	2824 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017A-EP | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/SYS-5017A-EP.cfm]]'),
2888	2825 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%1028TP-DC0TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028TP-DC0TR.cfm]]'),
2889	2826 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7044A-I2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7044/SYS-7044A-i2.cfm]]'),
2890	2827 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014H-32 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014H-32.cfm]]'),
2891	2828 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018A-MHN4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018A-MHN4.cfm]]'),
2892	2829 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7047AX-TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/7047/SYS-7047AX-TRF.cfm]]'),
2893	2830 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5038AD-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5038/SYS-5038AD-T.cfm]]'),
2894	2831 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1018L-MP | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/mini-itx/1018/SYS-1018L-MP.cfm]]'),
2895	2832 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017GR-TF-FM275 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5017/SYS-5017GR-TF-FM275.cfm]]'),
2896	2833 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028R-E1CR16T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6028/SSG-6028R-E1CR16T.cfm]]'),
2897	2834 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018R-WR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018R-WR.cfm]]'),
2898	2835 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%6046T-TUF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/6046/SYS-6046T-TUF.cfm]]'),
2899	2836 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-DTQRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-DTQRF.cfm]]'),
2900	2837 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7045A-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7045/SYS-7045A-T.cfm]]'),
2901	2838 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027R-73DBRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027R-73DBRF.cfm]]'),
2902	2839 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-TDF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017R-TDF_.cfm]]'),
2903	2840 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028R-C1RT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028R-C1RT.cfm]]'),
2904	2841 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R2-RC1+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F618/SYS-F618R2-RC1_.cfm]]'),
2905	2842 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027GR-TRFHT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027GR-TRFHT.cfm]]'),
2906	2843 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%7036A-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/7036/SYS-7036A-T.cfm]]'),
2907	2844 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015B-NT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015B-NT.cfm]]'),
2908	2845 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1026GT-TRF-FM309 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1026/SYS-1026GT-TRF-FM309.cfm]]'),
2909	2846 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-DC1FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-DC1FR.cfm]]'),
2910	2847 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-TDT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6017/SYS-6017R-TDT_.cfm]]'),
2911	2848 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-HTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027PR-HTR.cfm]]'),
2912	2849 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7046GT-TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7046/SYS-7046GT-TRF.cfm]]'),
2913	2850 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014H-I2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014H-i2.cfm]]'),
2914	2851 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1026GT-TRF-FM307 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1026/SYS-1026GT-TRF-FM307.cfm]]'),
2915	2852 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5039D-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5039/SYS-5039D-I.cfm]]'),
2916	2853 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-E1R12 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SSG-6027R-E1R12N.cfm]]'),
2917	2854 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%4028GR-TR2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/4028/SYS-4028GR-TR2.cfm]]'),
2918	2855 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-N3RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027R-N3RF.cfm]]'),
2919	2856 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R2-FT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F618/SYS-F618R2-FT.cfm]]'),
2920	2857 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016TT-IBXF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6016/SYS-6016TT-IBXF.cfm]]'),
2921	2858 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6037R-TXRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3u/6037/SYS-6037R-TXRF.cfm]]'),
2922	2859 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028UT-BTNRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028UT-BTNRT.cfm]]'),
2923	2860 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R2-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627R2-FT_.cfm]]'),
2924	2861 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028TR-H72FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TR-H72FR.cfm]]'),
2925	2862 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R3-F72+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627R3-F72_.cfm]]'),
2926	2863 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-HTFRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-HTFRF.cfm]]'),
2927	2864 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6024H-82R+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6024/SYS-6024H-82R_.cfm]]'),
2928	2865 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7048R-C1R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7048/SYS-7048R-C1R.cfm]]'),
2929	2866 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-DTFR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-DTFR.cfm]]'),
2930	2867 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028U-TR4T+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028U-TR4T_.cfm]]'),
2931	2868 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-H70FRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-H70FRF.cfm]]'),
2932	2869 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-NTF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017R-NTF.cfm]]'),
2933	2870 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7045A-WT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7045/SYS-7045A-WT.cfm]]'),
2934	2871 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018R-TD8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018R-TD8.cfm]]'),
2935	2872 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R2-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F618/SYS-F618R2-FT_.cfm]]'),
2936	2873 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6036T-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/6036/SYS-6036T-TF.cfm]]'),
2937	2874 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017B-NTF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017B-NTF.cfm]]'),
2938	2875 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%4028GR-TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/4028/sys-4028gr-tr.cfm]]'),
2939	2876 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5029A-2TN4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/midtower/5029/SYS-5029A-2TN4.cfm]]'),
2940	2877 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5038AD-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5038/SYS-5038AD-I.cfm]]'),
2941	2878 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-DC1TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-DC1TR.cfm]]'),
2942	2879 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026T-URF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6026/SYS-6026T-URF.cfm]]'),
2943	2880 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5013G-6 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5013/SYS-5013G-6.cfm]]'),
2944	2881 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028R-WTNRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028R-WTNRT.cfm]]'),
2945	2882 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%1028TP-DC0FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028TP-DC0FR.cfm]]'),
2946	2883 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-TSF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027GR-TSF.cfm]]'),
2947	2884 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-HTTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TP-HTTR.cfm]]'),
2948	2885 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015C-NTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015C-NTR.cfm]]'),
2949	2886 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028TR-D72R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TR-D72R.cfm]]'),
2950	2887 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7045A-8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7045/SYS-7045A-8.cfm]]'),
2951	2888 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7044H-X8R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7044/SYS-7044H-X8R.cfm]]'),
2952	2889 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017B-MTRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017B-MTRF.cfm]]'),
2953	2890 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618H6-FTPTL+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F618/SYS-F618H6-FTPTL_.cfm]]'),
2954	2891 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028U-TNR4T+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028U-TNR4T_.cfm]]'),
2955	2892 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7045A-3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7045/SYS-7045A-3.cfm]]'),
2956	2893 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027PR-HTTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027PR-HTTR.cfm]]'),
2957	2894 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017P-TLN4F | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/sys-5017p-tln4f.cfm]]'),
2958	2895 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-TDLRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017R-TDLRF.cfm]]'),
2959	2896 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7047GR-TPRF-FM409 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7047/SYS-7047GR-TPRF-FM409.cfm]]'),
2960	2897 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R3-FT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F618/SYS-F618R3-FT.cfm]]'),
2961	2898 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-HTFR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6028/sys-6028tp-htfr.cfm]]'),
2962	2899 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5035L-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5035/SYS-5035L-I.cfm]]'),
2963	2900 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6025B-3R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6025/SYS-6025B-3R.cfm]]'),
2964	2901 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5016T-MTF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5016/sys-5016t-mtf.cfm]]'),
2965	2902 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027R-WC1RT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027R-WC1RT.cfm]]'),
2966	2903 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1017GR-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1017/SYS-1017GR-TF.cfm]]'),
2967	2904 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7045B-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7045/SYS-7045B-T.cfm]]'),
2968	2905 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6037R-72RFT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/6037/SYS-6037R-72RFT.cfm]]'),
2969	2906 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017GR-TF-FM209 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5017/SYS-5017GR-TF-FM209.cfm]]'),
2970	2907 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5013G-M | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5013/SYS-5013G-M.cfm]]'),
2971	2908 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6013L-8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6013/SYS-6013L-8.cfm]]'),
2972	2909 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5013G-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5013/SYS-5013G-i.cfm]]'),
2973	2910 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7046T-3R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7046/SYS-7046T-3R.cfm]]'),
2974	2911 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%8028B-C0R4FT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/8028/SYS-8028B-C0R4FT.cfm]]'),
2975	2912 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%1028TP-DTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028TP-DTR.cfm]]'),
2976	2913 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027TR-TFF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027TR-TFF.cfm]]'),
2977	2914 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6013P-8+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6013/SYS-6013P-8_.cfm]]'),
2978	2915 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027R-E1CR24 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SSG-2027R-E1CR24N.cfm]]'),
2979	2916 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017B-MTLF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017B-MTLF.cfm]]'),
2980	2917 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7048GR-TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/7048/SYS-7048GR-TR.cfm]]'),
2981	2918 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5025M-UR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/5025/SYS-5025M-UR.cfm]]'),
2982	2919 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1017C-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1017/SYS-1017C-TF.cfm]]'),
2983	2920 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016T-MT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6016/SYS-6016T-MT.cfm]]'),
2984	2921 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015C-MT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015C-MT.cfm]]'),
2985	2922 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2026TT-H6IBXRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2026/SYS-2026TT-H6IBXRF.cfm]]'),
2986	2923 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6024H-TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6024/SYS-6024H-TR.cfm]]'),
2987	2924 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5038MR-H8TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/5038/SYS-5038MR-H8TRF.cfm]]'),
2988	2925 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028U-TNRT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028U-TNRT_.cfm]]'),
2989	2926 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018A-LTN4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5018/SYS-5018A-LTN4.cfm]]'),
2990	2927 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-RTBPTN+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F628/SYS-F628R3-RTBPTN_.cfm]]'),
2991	2928 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018D-LN4T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018D-LN4T.cfm]]'),
2992	2929 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-TDAF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017R-TDAF.cfm]]'),
2993	2930 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F617R3-FT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f617/SYS-F617R3-FT.cfm]]'),
2994	2931 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028U-TNRT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028U-TNRT_.cfm]]'),
2995	2932 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7045B-3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7045/SYS-7045B-3.cfm]]'),
2996	2933 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-HC1TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TP-HC1TR.cfm]]'),
2997	2934 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015W-NTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015W-NTR.cfm]]'),
2998	2935 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015V-TLP | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015V-TLP.cfm]]'),
2999	2936 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7044H-82R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7044/SYS-7044H-82R.cfm]]'),
3000	2937 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DNCR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DNCR.cfm]]'),
3001	2938 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028R-E1CR12H | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SSG-6028R-E1CR12H.cfm]]'),
3002	2939 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028R-E1CR24 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6028/SSG-6028R-E1CR24N.cfm]]'),
3003	2940 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027R-E1R24 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SSG-2027R-E1R24N.cfm]]'),
3004	2941 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-HTTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-HTTR.cfm]]'),
3005	2942 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018R-WTRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018R-WTRT.cfm]]'),
3006	2943 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018R-WTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018R-WTR.cfm]]'),
3007	2944 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-D70RF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027TR-D70RF_.cfm]]'),
3008	2945 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DECR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DECR.cfm]]'),
3009	2946 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027R-TRF.cfm]]'),
3010	2947 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-HTRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-HTRF.cfm]]'),
3011	2948 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018GR-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018GR-T.cfm]]'),
3012	2949 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1026T-M3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1026/SYS-1026T-M3.cfm]]'),
3013	2950 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5038K-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5038/SYS-5038K-I.cfm]]'),
3014	2951 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-HTFR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-HTFR.cfm]]'),
3015	2952 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015B-NTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015B-NTR.cfm]]'),
3016	2953 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015W-NI | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015W-Ni.cfm]]'),
3017	2954 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618H6-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F618/SYS-F618H6-FT_.cfm]]'),
3018	2955 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%8028B-TR3F | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/8028/SYS-8028B-TR3F.cfm]]'),
3019	2956 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-FC0PT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628R3-FC0PT_.cfm]]'),
3020	2957 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5037MC-H12TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/5037/SYS-5037MC-H12TRF.cfm]]'),
3021	2958 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027GR-TRFH-FM609 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027GR-TRFH-FM609.cfm]]'),
3022	2959 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6037R-E1R16 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/6037/SSG-6037R-E1R16N.cfm]]'),
3023	2960 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028U-TN24R4T+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028U-TN24R4T_.cfm]]'),
3024	2961 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-H70QRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-H70QRF.cfm]]'),
3025	2962 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F617R2-RT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F617/SYS-F617R2-RT_.cfm]]'),
3026	2963 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028R-C1RT4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028R-C1RT4_.cfm]]'),
3027	2964 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016T-URF4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6016/SYS-6016T-URF4_.cfm]]'),
3028	2965 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7046A-HR+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7046/SYS-7046A-HR_.cfm]]'),
3029	2966 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5037MR-H8TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3u/5037/SYS-5037MR-H8TRF.cfm]]'),
3030	2967 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015X-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015X-T.cfm]]'),
3031	2968 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028R-WTRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028R-WTRT.cfm]]'),
3032	2969 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-72RFTP | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6017/SYS-6017R-72RFTP.cfm]]'),
3033	2970 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5037MC-H86RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/5037/SYS-5037MC-H86RF.cfm]]'),
3034	2971 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1017GR-TF-FM175 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1017/SYS-1017GR-TF-FM175.cfm]]'),
3035	2972 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014L-M | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014L-M.cfm]]'),
3036	2973 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027R-AR24 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SSG-2027R-AR24.cfm]]'),
3037	2974 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-D70RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-D70RF.cfm]]'),
3038	2975 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-D71RF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-D71RF_.cfm]]'),
3039	2976 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027GR-TRFH-FM675 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027GR-TRFH-FM675.cfm]]'),
3040	2977 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R3-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F618/SYS-F618R3-FT_.cfm]]'),
3041	2978 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028U-TR4T+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028U-TR4T_.cfm]]'),
3042	2979 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028GR-TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028GR-TR.cfm]]'),
3043	2980 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018R-TDTP | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018R-TDTP.cfm]]'),
3044	2981 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028R-WTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028R-WTR.cfm]]'),
3045	2982 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-HC0FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-HC0FR.cfm]]'),
3046	2983 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-HC1FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TP-HC1FR.cfm]]'),
3047	2984 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027B-URF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027B-URF.cfm]]'),
3048	2985 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R2-RTB+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627R2-RTB_.cfm]]'),
3049	2986 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-TRF-FM375 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1027/SYS-1027GR-TRF-FM375.cfm]]'),
3050	2987 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7046T-H6R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7046/SYS-7046T-H6R.cfm]]'),
3051	2988 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7045A-C3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7045/SYS-7045A-C3.cfm]]'),
3052	2989 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-RC1B+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F628/SYS-F628R3-RC1B_.cfm]]'),
3053	2990 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7048R-C1RT4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/7048/SYS-7048R-C1RT4_.cfm]]'),
3054	2991 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015B-UR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015B-UR.cfm]]'),
3055	2992 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015TC-LFT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015TC-LFT.cfm]]'),
3056	2993 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R2-FC0 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F618/SYS-F618R2-FC0.cfm]]'),
3057	2994 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%937R-E2CJB | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/937/SSG-937R-E2CJB.cfm]]'),
3058	2995 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015C-NI | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015C-Ni.cfm]]'),
3059	2996 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6038R-E1CR16 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3u/6038/SSG-6038R-E1CR16N.cfm]]'),
3060	2997 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-TDT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027R-TDT_.cfm]]'),
3061	2998 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028U-E1CNR4T+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028U-E1CNR4T_.cfm]]'),
3062	2999 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017B-MTF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017B-MTF.cfm]]'),
3063	3000 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%8048B-TRFT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/8048/SYS-8048B-TRFT.cfm]]'),
3064	3001 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-WTRFTP | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6017/SYS-6017R-WTRFTP.cfm]]'),
3065	3002 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014L-M4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014L-M4.cfm]]'),
3066	3003 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DC1R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DC1R.cfm]]'),
3067	3004 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028BT-HNC0R+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2028/SYS-2028BT-HNC0R_.cfm]]'),
3068	3005 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5013C-M | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5013/SYS-5013C-M.cfm]]'),
3069	3006 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028TR-HTFR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2028/SYS-2028TR-HTFR.cfm]]'),
3070	3007 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DNCFR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DNCFR.cfm]]'),
3071	3008 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5038D-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5038/sys-5038d-i.cfm]]'),
3072	3009 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5039MS-H8TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/5039/SYS-5039MS-H8TRF.cfm]]'),
3073	3010 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018D-MHR7N4P | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5018/SYS-5018D-MHR7N4P.cfm]]'),
3074	3011 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5026T-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/5026/SYS-5026T-T.cfm]]'),
3075	3012 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DECTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DECTR.cfm]]'),
3076	3013 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027PR-HC1FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027PR-HC1FR.cfm]]'),
3077	3014 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-DC0R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-DC0R.cfm]]'),
3078	3015 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1026T-6RF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1026/SYS-1026T-6RF_.cfm]]'),
3079	3016 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028U-TNRT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028U-TNRT_.cfm]]'),
3080	3017 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-H70RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-H70RF.cfm]]'),
3081	3018 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028R-E1CR48 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2028/SSG-2028R-E1CR48N.cfm]]'),
3082	3019 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7046A-3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7046/SYS-7046A-3.cfm]]'),
3083	3020 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-DTRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-DTRF.cfm]]'),
3084	3021 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028TR-HTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2028/SYS-2028TR-HTR.cfm]]'),
3085	3022 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-DC1R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-DC1R.cfm]]'),
3086	3023 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014P-32 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014P-32.cfm]]'),
3087	3024 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R2-FC0 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F628/SYS-F628R2-FC0.cfm]]'),
3088	3025 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028R-TXR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2028/SYS-2028R-TXR.cfm]]'),
3089	3026 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-HTR-SIOM | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6028/SYS-6028TP-HTR-SIOM.cfm]]'),
3090	3027 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7045A-CT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7045/SYS-7045A-CT.cfm]]'),
3091	3028 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015B-NTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015B-NTR.cfm]]'),
3092	3029 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016T-URF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6016/SYS-6016T-URF.cfm]]'),
3093	3030 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1016I-M6F | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1016/sys-1016i-m6f.cfm]]'),
3094	3031 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-DTFRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-DTFRF.cfm]]'),
3095	3032 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6023P-8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6023/SYS-6023P-8.cfm]]'),
3096	3033 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-RTB+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f628/SYS-F628R3-RTB_.cfm]]'),
3097	3034 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-DNCFR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TP-DNCFR.cfm]]'),
3098	3035 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DECFR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DECFR.cfm]]'),
3099	3036 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014H-XI | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014H-Xi.cfm]]'),
3100	3037 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DTFR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DTFR.cfm]]'),
3101	3038 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018U-TR4T+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6018/SYS-6018U-TR4T_.cfm]]'),
3102	3039 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1025TC-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1025/SYS-1025TC-T.cfm]]'),
3103	3040 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028UX-CR-LL2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028UX-CR-LL2.cfm]]'),
3104	3041 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F617R3-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f617/SYS-F617R3-FT_.cfm]]'),
3105	3042 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-TQFT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027GR-TQFT.cfm]]'),
3106	3043 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028UX-CR-LL1 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028UX-CR-LL1.cfm]]'),
3107	3044 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7047R-3RF4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7047/SYS-7047R-3RF4_.cfm]]'),
3108	3045 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F647G2-F73PT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F647/SYS-F647G2-F73PT_.cfm]]'),
3109	3046 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-WRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027R-WRF.cfm]]'),
3110	3047 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014P-32R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014P-32R.cfm]]'),
3111	3048 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R3-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627R3-FT_.cfm]]'),
3112	3049 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018D-FN4T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018D-FN4T.cfm]]'),
3113	3050 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5019S-TN4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5019/SYS-5019S-TN4.cfm]]'),
3114	3051 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R2-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627R2-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3115	3052 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018R-MTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018R-MTR.cfm]]'),
3116	3053 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-E1R12T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SSG-6027R-E1R12T.cfm]]'),
3117	3054 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015TB-10G | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015TB-10G.cfm]]'),
3118	3055 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-3RF4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027R-3RF4_.cfm]]'),
3119	3056 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017R-MTRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/SYS-5017R-MTRF.cfm]]'),
3120	3057 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7044A-82R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7044/SYS-7044A-82R.cfm]]'),
3121	3058 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F648G2-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F648/SYS-F648G2-FT_.cfm]]'),
3122	3059 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-D71FRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-D71FRF.cfm]]'),
3123	3060 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2026TT-H6RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2026/SYS-2026TT-H6RF.cfm]]'),
3124	3061 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016TT-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6016/SYS-6016TT-TF.cfm]]'),
3125	3062 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%1028TP-DC1R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028TP-DC1R.cfm]]'),
3126	3063 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028R-TDW | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028R-TDW.cfm]]'),
3127	3064 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628G2-FC0PT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628G2-FC0PT_.cfm]]'),
3128	3065 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1016I-U | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1016/sys-1016i-u.cfm]]'),
3129	3066 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%8027R-TRF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/8027/SYS-8027R-TRF_.cfm]]'),
3130	3067 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5036T-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/midtower/5036/SYS-5036T-T.cfm]]'),
3131	3068 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7044H-82 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7044/SYS-7044H-82.cfm]]'),
3132	3069 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-HC0R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2028/SYS-2028TP-HC0R.cfm]]'),
3133	3070 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016T-MTLF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6016/SYS-6016T-MTLF.cfm]]'),
3134	3071 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7046T-NTR+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7046/SYS-7046T-NTR_.cfm]]'),
3135	3072 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7047R-72RFT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7047/SYS-7047R-72RFT.cfm]]'),
3136	3073 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1015B-3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1015/SYS-1015B-3.cfm]]'),
3137	3074 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014H-X8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014H-X8.cfm]]'),
3138	3075 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017R-MF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/SYS-5017R-MF.cfm]]'),
3139	3076 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%8026B-6R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/8026/SYS-8026B-6R.cfm]]'),
3140	3077 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628G3-FC0PT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628G3-FC0PT_.cfm]]'),
3141	3078 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018U-TRTP+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018U-TRTP_.cfm]]'),
3142	3079 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1026TT-IBXF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1026/SYS-1026TT-IBXF.cfm]]'),
3143	3080 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028TR-HTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TR-HTR.cfm]]'),
3144	3081 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017C-MTRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/sys-5017c-mtrf.cfm]]'),
3145	3082 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-BTF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-BTF.cfm]]'),
3146	3083 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro Tower%GPASS%8047R-7JRFT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/8047/SYS-8047R-7JRFT.cfm]]'),
3147	3084 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015C-M3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015C-M3.cfm]]'),
3148	3085 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-72RFT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027R-72RFT_.cfm]]'),
3149	3086 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%947R-E2CJB | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/947/SSG-947R-E2CJB.cfm]]'),
3150	3087 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018D-MTLN4F | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018D-MTLN4F.cfm]]'),
3151	3088 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-TQF-FM409 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1027/SYS-1027GR-TQF-FM409.cfm]]'),
3152	3089 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%6048R-E1CR24 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/6048/SSG-6048R-E1CR24N.cfm]]'),
3153	3090 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028R-TDWNR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028R-TDWNR.cfm]]'),
3154	3091 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R2-RC0+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f618/SYS-F618R2-RC0_.cfm]]'),
3155	3092 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015T-INF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015T-INF.cfm]]'),
3156	3093 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-HC1R-SIOM | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2028/SYS-2028TP-HC1R-SIOM.cfm]]'),
3157	3094 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6035B-8R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/6035/SYS-6035B-8R.cfm]]'),
3158	3095 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5028D-TN4T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/midtower/5028/sys-5028d-tn4t.cfm]]'),
3159	3096 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028R-WC1R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028R-WC1R.cfm]]'),
3160	3097 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5019S-M | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5019/SYS-5019S-M.cfm]]'),
3161	3098 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028UX-LL3-B8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028UX-LL3-B8.cfm]]'),
3162	3099 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028U-TNR4T+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028U-TNR4T_.cfm]]'),
3163	3100 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628G2-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628G2-FT_.cfm]]'),
3164	3101 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018D-FN8T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018D-FN8T.cfm]]'),
3165	3102 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1019S-MP | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/Mini-ITX/1019/SYS-1019S-MP.cfm]]'),
3166	3103 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F617H6-FTL+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F617/SYS-F617H6-FTL_.cfm]]'),
3167	3104 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028TR-H72R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TR-H72R.cfm]]'),
3168	3105 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027GR-TRF-FM409 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027GR-TRF-FM409.cfm]]'),
3169	3106 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-H71QRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-H71QRF.cfm]]'),
3170	3107 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-H71QRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-H71QRF.cfm]]'),
3171	3108 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%1028TP-DTFR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028TP-DTFR.cfm]]'),
3172	3109 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015TC-10G | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015TC-10G.cfm]]'),
3173	3110 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5038MA-H24TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/5038/SYS-5038MA-H24TRF.cfm]]'),
3174	3111 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5025M-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/5025/SYS-5025M-i.cfm]]'),
3175	3112 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-HC0TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-HC0TR.cfm]]'),
3176	3113 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-D70RF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-D70RF_.cfm]]'),
3177	3114 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014V-T2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014V-T2.cfm]]'),
3178	3115 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028U-E1CR4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028U-E1CR4_.cfm]]'),
3179	3116 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5025M-4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/5025/SYS-5025M-4.cfm]]'),
3180	3117 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R2-R72PT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F618/SYS-F618R2-R72PT_.cfm]]'),
3181	3118 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015M-NT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015M-NT.cfm]]'),
3182	3119 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7044H-82R+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7044/SYS-7044H-82R_.cfm]]'),
3183	3120 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015M-NI | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015M-Ni.cfm]]'),
3184	3121 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6037R-72RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/6037/SYS-6037R-72RF.cfm]]'),
3185	3122 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2026GT-TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2026/SYS-2026GT-TRF.cfm]]'),
3186	3123 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5019S-WR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5019/SYS-5019S-WR.cfm]]'),
3187	3124 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R3-F73 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627R3-F73.cfm]]'),
3188	3125 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017GR-TF-FM175 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5017/SYS-5017GR-TF-FM175.cfm]]'),
3189	3126 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027R-WRFT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027R-WRFT_.cfm]]'),
3190	3127 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5038MD-H24TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/5038/SYS-5038MD-H24TRF.cfm]]'),
3191	3128 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-RC1BPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F628/SYS-F628R3-RC1BPT_.cfm]]'),
3192	3129 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-RTBPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F628/SYS-F628R3-RTBPT_.cfm]]'),
3193	3130 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-TRT2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027GR-TRT2.cfm]]'),
3194	3131 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R2-RT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f618/SYS-F618R2-RT_.cfm]]'),
3195	3132 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1026GT-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1026/SYS-1026GT-TF.cfm]]'),
3196	3133 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017K-N6 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5017/SYS-5017K-N6.cfm]]'),
3197	3134 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-DNCTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TP-DNCTR.cfm]]'),
3198	3135 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015B-T+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015B-T_.cfm]]'),
3199	3136 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-TQF-FM475 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1027/SYS-1027GR-TQF-FM475.cfm]]'),
3200	3137 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-HC0FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TP-HC0FR.cfm]]'),
3201	3138 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5016I-MTHF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5016/sys-5016i-mthf.cfm]]'),
3202	3139 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-HTFRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-HTFRF.cfm]]'),
3203	3140 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-DNCR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TP-DNCR.cfm]]'),
3204	3141 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-TRF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027GR-TRF_.cfm]]'),
3205	3142 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%8016B-6 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/8016/SYS-8016B-6.cfm]]'),
3206	3143 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-HC0TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TP-HC0TR.cfm]]'),
3207	3144 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014H-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014H-i.cfm]]'),
3208	3145 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014P-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014P-T.cfm]]'),
3209	3146 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028U-TRTP+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028U-TRTP_.cfm]]'),
3210	3147 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R2-R72+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F618/SYS-F618R2-R72_.cfm]]'),
3211	3148 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1017GR-TF-FM209 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1017/SYS-1017GR-TF-FM209.cfm]]'),
3212	3149 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%8027R-7RFT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/8027/SYS-8027R-7RFT_.cfm]]'),
3213	3150 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014H-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014H-T.cfm]]'),
3214	3151 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016TT-IBQF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6016/SYS-6016TT-IBQF.cfm]]'),
3215	3152 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014A-8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014A-8.cfm]]'),
3216	3153 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-HTQRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-HTQRF.cfm]]'),
3217	3154 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5039MS-H12TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/5039/SYS-5039MS-H12TRF.cfm]]'),
3218	3155 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018D-MTF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5018/SYS-5018D-MTF.cfm]]'),
3219	3156 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014V-M4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014V-M4.cfm]]'),
3220	3157 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015X-8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015X-8.cfm]]'),
3221	3158 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2026T-6RF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2026/SYS-2026T-6RF_.cfm]]'),
3222	3159 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015B-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015B-T.cfm]]'),
3223	3160 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015B-U | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015B-U.cfm]]'),
3224	3161 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%4028GR-TRT2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/4028/SYS-4028GR-TRT2.cfm]]'),
3225	3162 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F648G2-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F648/SYS-F648G2-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3226	3163 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015TW-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015TW-T.cfm]]'),
3227	3164 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R3-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627R3-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3228	3165 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015X-3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015X-3.cfm]]'),
3229	3166 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028U-TR4T+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028U-TR4T_.cfm]]'),
3230	3167 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5029S-TN2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/midtower/5029/SYS-5029S-TN2.cfm]]'),
3231	3168 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628G3-FC0+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628G3-FC0_.cfm]]'),
3232	3169 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028R-WC1RT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028R-WC1RT.cfm]]'),
3233	3170 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%4048B-TRFT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/4048/SYS-4048B-TRFT.cfm]]'),
3234	3171 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627G3-F73PT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627G3-F73PT_.cfm]]'),
3235	3172 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028U-TR4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028U-TR4_.cfm]]'),
3236	3173 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014H-82 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014H-82.cfm]]'),
3237	3174 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5037C-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5037/sys-5037c-t.cfm]]'),
3238	3175 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028U-TNR4T+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028U-TNR4T_.cfm]]'),
3239	3176 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%5046A-X | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5046/SYS-5046A-X.cfm]]'),
3240	3177 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628R3-FT_.cfm]]'),
3241	3178 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027TR-TQF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027TR-TQF.cfm]]'),
3242	3179 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015B-3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015B-3.cfm]]'),
3243	3180 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-H71RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-H71RF.cfm]]'),
3244	3181 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027PR-HC1TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027PR-HC1TR.cfm]]'),
3245	3182 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R2-FC0+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628R2-FC0_.cfm]]'),
3246	3183 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DTTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DTTR.cfm]]'),
3247	3184 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%4048B-TR4FT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/4048/SYS-4048B-TR4FT.cfm]]'),
3248	3185 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015B-8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015B-8.cfm]]'),
3249	3186 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1026T-URF4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1026/SYS-1026T-URF4_.cfm]]'),
3250	3187 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014P-8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014P-8.cfm]]'),
3251	3188 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F517H6-FT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f517/SYS-F517H6-FT.cfm]]'),
3252	3189 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%1028TP-DTTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028TP-DTTR.cfm]]'),
3253	3190 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%8025C-3R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/8025/SYS-8025C-3R.cfm]]'),
3254	3191 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016T-GIBQF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6016/SYS-6016T-GIBQF.cfm]]'),
3255	3192 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618H6-FTL+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F618/SYS-F618H6-FTL_.cfm]]'),
3256	3193 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017GR-TF-FM109 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5017/SYS-5017GR-TF-FM109.cfm]]'),
3257	3194 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DC0FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DC0FR.cfm]]'),
3258	3195 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627G2-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627G2-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3259	3196 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%8016B-TLF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/8016/SYS-8016B-TLF.cfm]]'),
3260	3197 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014L-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014L-T.cfm]]'),
3261	3198 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028U-TRT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028U-TRT_.cfm]]'),
3262	3199 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R2-RTN+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F618/SYS-F618R2-RTN_.cfm]]'),
3263	3200 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-TRFT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027GR-TRFT.cfm]]'),
3264	3201 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014H-8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014H-8.cfm]]'),
3265	3202 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2015TA-HTRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2015/SYS-2015TA-HTRF.cfm]]'),
3266	3203 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-HTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TP-HTR.cfm]]'),
3267	3204 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028GR-TRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028GR-TRT.cfm]]'),
3268	3205 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014P-82 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014P-82.cfm]]'),
3269	3206 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015M-MF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015M-MF.cfm]]'),
3270	3207 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015P-8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015P-8.cfm]]'),
3271	3208 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028R-ACR24H | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2028/SSG-2028R-ACR24H.cfm]]'),
3272	3209 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5037MC-H8TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5037/SYS-5037MC-H8TRF.cfm]]'),
3273	3210 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F617R3-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F617/SYS-F617R3-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3274	3211 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%6047R-E1CR36 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/6047/SSG-6047R-E1CR36N.cfm]]'),
3275	3212 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015M-MR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015M-MR.cfm]]'),
3276	3213 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-D70RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-D70RF.cfm]]'),
3277	3214 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015M-MT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015M-MT.cfm]]'),
3278	3215 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-HTFR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-HTFR.cfm]]'),
3279	3216 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028GR-TRH | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028GR-TRH.cfm]]'),
3280	3217 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016GT-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6016/SYS-6016GT-TF.cfm]]'),
3281	3218 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027GR-TSF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027GR-TSF.cfm]]'),
3282	3219 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027GR-TRF-FM475 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027GR-TRF-FM475.cfm]]'),
3283	3220 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%8015C-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/8015/SYS-8015C-T.cfm]]'),
3284	3221 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6024H-32 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6024/SYS-6024H-32.cfm]]'),
3285	3222 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627G3-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f627/SYS-F627G3-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3286	3223 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027R-72BRFTP | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027R-72BRFTP.cfm]]'),
3287	3224 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%8048B-C0R3FT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/8048/SYS-8048B-C0R3FT.cfm]]'),
3288	3225 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6037R-72RFT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3u/6037/SYS-6037R-72RFT_.cfm]]'),
3289	3226 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5025B-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/5025/SYS-5025B-T.cfm]]'),
3290	3227 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026T-3RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026T-3RF.cfm]]'),
3291	3228 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015T-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015T-T.cfm]]'),
3292	3229 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1026T-URF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1026/SYS-1026T-URF.cfm]]'),
3293	3230 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-HC0FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-HC0FR.cfm]]'),
3294	3231 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028R-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028R-T.cfm]]'),
3295	3232 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5029AP-TN2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/midtower/5029/SYS-5029AP-TN2.cfm]]'),
3296	3233 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-HTR-SIOM | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2028/SYS-2028TP-HTR-SIOM.cfm]]'),
3297	3234 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R2-F72+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627R2-F72_.cfm]]'),
3298	3235 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018R-TDW | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018R-TDW.cfm]]'),
3299	3236 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628G3-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628G3-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3300	3237 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DC0TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DC0TR.cfm]]'),
3301	3238 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-72RFT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027R-72RFT.cfm]]'),
3302	3239 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F617H6-FTPTL+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F617/SYS-F617H6-FTPTL_.cfm]]'),
3303	3240 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%937R-E2JB | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/937/SYS-937R-E2JB.cfm]]'),
3304	3241 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-H71FRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-H71FRF.cfm]]'),
3305	3242 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027PR-HTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027PR-HTR.cfm]]'),
3306	3243 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015P-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015P-T.cfm]]'),
3307	3244 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018R-M | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018R-M.cfm]]'),
3308	3245 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018R-TD | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018R-TD.cfm]]'),
3309	3246 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028U-TRT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028U-TRT_.cfm]]'),
3310	3247 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F617R2-F72+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f617/SYS-F617R2-F72_.cfm]]'),
3311	3248 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6038R-TXR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/6038/SYS-6038R-TXR.cfm]]'),
3312	3249 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027R-72RFTP | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1027/SYS-1027R-72RFTP.cfm]]'),
3313	3250 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028U-TRTP+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028U-TRTP_.cfm]]'),
3314	3251 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015M-MT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015M-MT_.cfm]]'),
3315	3252 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5016I-MT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5016/sys-5016i-mt.cfm]]'),
3316	3253 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5016I-MR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5016/sys-5016i-mr.cfm]]'),
3317	3254 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1017R-WR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1017/SYS-1017R-WR.cfm]]'),
3318	3255 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-DTRF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-DTRF_.cfm]]'),
3319	3256 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028TR-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028TR-TF.cfm]]'),
3320	3257 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1017GR-TF-FM109 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1017/SYS-1017GR-TF-FM109.cfm]]'),
3321	3258 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015M-MF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015M-MF_.cfm]]'),
3322	3259 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028R-E1CR12T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6028/SSG-6028R-E1CR12T.cfm]]'),
3323	3260 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018A-MLHN4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5018/SYS-5018A-MLHN4.cfm]]'),
3324	3261 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%1028TP-DC0R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028TP-DC0R.cfm]]'),
3325	3262 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5037A-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5037/SYS-5037A-T.cfm]]'),
3326	3263 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 5U%GPASS%5086B-TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/5U/5086/SYS-5086B-TRF.cfm]]'),
3327	3264 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5037A-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5037/SYS-5037A-i.cfm]]'),
3328	3265 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-WRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017R-WRF.cfm]]'),
3329	3266 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015P-8R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015P-8R.cfm]]'),
3330	3267 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-IBXF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-IBXF.cfm]]'),
3331	3268 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028UX-LL1-B8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028UX-LL1-B8.cfm]]'),
3332	3269 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%927R-E2CJB | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/927/SSG-927R-E2CJB.cfm]]'),
3333	3270 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-HC1R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-HC1R.cfm]]'),
3334	3271 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5025B-4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/5025/SYS-5025B-4.cfm]]'),
3335	3272 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017GR-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/SYS-5017GR-TF.cfm]]'),
3336	3273 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%7034L-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/7034/SYS-7034L-i.cfm]]'),
3337	3274 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5036I-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/midtower/5036/SYS-5036I-I.cfm]]'),
3338	3275 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6024H-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6024/SYS-6024H-i.cfm]]'),
3339	3276 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015B-3R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015B-3R.cfm]]'),
3340	3277 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-HC1TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-HC1TR.cfm]]'),
3341	3278 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-HC1FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-HC1FR.cfm]]'),
3342	3279 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015A-NT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015A-NT.cfm]]'),
3343	3280 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-R72BPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F628/SYS-F628R3-R72BPT_.cfm]]'),
3344	3281 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015P-TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015P-TR.cfm]]'),
3345	3282 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6024H-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6024/SYS-6024H-T.cfm]]'),
3346	3283 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5039AD-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5039/SYS-5039AD-T.cfm]]'),
3347	3284 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-HDTRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-HDTRF.cfm]]'),
3348	3285 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-WTRFTP+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017R-WTRFTP_.cfm]]'),
3349	3286 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027PR-HC0FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027PR-HC0FR.cfm]]'),
3350	3287 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-MTLF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6017/SYS-6017R-MTLF.cfm]]'),
3351	3288 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028TR-HTFR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TR-HTFR.cfm]]'),
3352	3289 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028R-MCTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028R-MCTR.cfm]]'),
3353	3290 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027AX-TRF-HFT1 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027AX-TRF-HFT1.cfm]]'),
3354	3291 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027AX-TRF-HFT3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027AX-TRF-HFT3.cfm]]'),
3355	3292 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027AX-TRF-HFT2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027AX-TRF-HFT2.cfm]]'),
3356	3293 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018D-MTRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018D-MTRF.cfm]]'),
3357	3294 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018R-TDTPR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018R-TDTPR.cfm]]'),
3358	3295 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-72RFTP+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027R-72RFTP_.cfm]]'),
3359	3296 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7047GR-TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/7047/sys-7047gr-trf.cfm]]'),
3360	3297 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028U-TR4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028U-TR4_.cfm]]'),
3361	3298 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-DTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027PR-DTR.cfm]]'),
3362	3299 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F647G2-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f647/SYS-F647G2-FT_.cfm]]'),
3363	3300 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7046A-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7046/SYS-7046A-T.cfm]]'),
3364	3301 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5130AD-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5130/SYS-5130AD-T.cfm]]'),
3365	3302 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027GR-TRFT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027GR-TRFT.cfm]]'),
3366	3303 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015B-8+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015B-8_.cfm]]'),
3367	3304 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-FC0 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F628/SYS-F628R3-FC0.cfm]]'),
3368	3305 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018R-MT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018R-MT.cfm]]'),
3369	3306 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5037C-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5037/sys-5037c-i.cfm]]'),
3370	3307 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028BT-HNR+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2028/SYS-2028BT-HNR_.cfm]]'),
3371	3308 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F617R2-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F617/SYS-F617R2-FT_.cfm]]'),
3372	3309 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%8014T-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/8014/SYS-8014T-T.cfm]]'),
3373	3310 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5014C-M8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5014/SYS-5014C-M8.cfm]]'),
3374	3311 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-N3RFT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027R-N3RFT_.cfm]]'),
3375	3312 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%4047R-7JRFT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/4047/SYS-4047R-7JRFT.cfm]]'),
3376	3313 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7047GR-TPRF-FM475 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7047/SYS-7047GR-TPRF-FM475.cfm]]'),
3377	3314 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-D6IBQRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-D6IBQRF.cfm]]'),
3378	3315 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018R-MD | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018R-MD.cfm]]'),
3379	3316 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015V-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015V-T.cfm]]'),
3380	3317 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027R-73DAF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027R-73DAF.cfm]]'),
3381	3318 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014P-82R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014P-82R.cfm]]'),
3382	3319 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6024H-8R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6024/SYS-6024H-8R.cfm]]'),
3383	3320 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018U-TR4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018U-TR4_.cfm]]'),
3384	3321 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1017A-MP | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/mini-itx/1017/SYS-1017A-MP.cfm]]'),
3385	3322 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7045B-8R+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7045/SYS-7045B-8R_.cfm]]'),
3386	3323 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-73THDP+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6017/SYS-6017R-73THDP_.cfm]]'),
3387	3324 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-HC1FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-HC1FR.cfm]]'),
3388	3325 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-HC1TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-HC1TR.cfm]]'),
3389	3326 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-D6IBXRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-D6IBXRF.cfm]]'),
3390	3327 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627G2-F73+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627G2-F73_.cfm]]'),
3391	3328 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-72RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027R-72RF.cfm]]'),
3392	3329 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%6047R-E1R24 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/6047/SSG-6047R-E1R24N.cfm]]'),
3393	3330 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1017GR-TF-FM275 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1017/SYS-1017GR-TF-FM275.cfm]]'),
3394	3331 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015P-TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015P-TR.cfm]]'),
3395	3332 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028R-C1R4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028R-C1R4_.cfm]]'),
3396	3333 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7048R-TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7048/SYS-7048R-TR.cfm]]'),
3397	3334 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F647G2-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F647/SYS-F647G2-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3398	3335 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1019S-MC0T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1019/SYS-1019S-MC0T.cfm]]'),
3399	3336 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6013P-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6013/SYS-6013P-i.cfm]]'),
3400	3337 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-HC1R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TP-HC1R.cfm]]'),
3401	3338 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6024H-32R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6024/SYS-6024H-32R.cfm]]'),
3402	3339 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6013P-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6013/SYS-6013P-T.cfm]]'),
3403	3340 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7047GR-TPRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/7047/SYS-7047GR-TPRF.cfm]]'),
3404	3341 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6012P-6 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6012/SYS-6012P-6.cfm]]'),
3405	3342 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028R-E1CR24 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SSG-2028R-E1CR24N.cfm]]'),
3406	3343 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6012P-8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6012/SYS-6012P-8.cfm]]'),
3407	3344 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-TDF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017R-TDF.cfm]]'),
3408	3345 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7045B-TR+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7045/SYS-7045B-TR_.cfm]]'),
3409	3346 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628G2-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628G2-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3410	3347 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%6048R-E1CR60 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/6048/SSG-6048R-E1CR60N.cfm]]'),
3411	3348 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015A-EHF-D525 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015A-EHF-D525.cfm]]'),
3412	3349 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-IBQF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-IBQF.cfm]]'),
3413	3350 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028U-E1CNRT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028U-E1CNRT_.cfm]]'),
3414	3351 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7047GR-TRF-FC475 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/7047/SYS-7047GR-TRF-FC475.cfm]]'),
3415	3352 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015TC-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015TC-T.cfm]]'),
3416	3353 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628G2-FC0+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628G2-FC0_.cfm]]'),
3417	3354 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-HC1R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-HC1R.cfm]]'),
3418	3355 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F648G2-FC0+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F648/SYS-F648G2-FC0_.cfm]]'),
3419	3356 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618H6-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F618/SYS-F618H6-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3420	3357 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028U-TNRTP+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028U-TNRTP_.cfm]]'),
3421	3358 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 7U%GPASS%7088B-TR4FT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/7U/7088/SYS-7088B-TR4FT.cfm]]'),
3422	3359 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6013E-I | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6013/SYS-6013E-i.cfm]]'),
3423	3360 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028R-MCT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028R-MCT.cfm]]'),
3424	3361 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-HTTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-HTTR.cfm]]'),
3425	3362 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016T-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6016/SYS-6016T-T.cfm]]'),
3426	3363 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6013P-8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6013/SYS-6013P-8.cfm]]'),
3427	3364 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028U-E1CRTP+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028U-E1CRTP_.cfm]]'),
3428	3365 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6024H-82 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6024/SYS-6024H-82.cfm]]'),
3429	3366 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017TR-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017TR-TF.cfm]]'),
3430	3367 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-H70RF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-H70RF_.cfm]]'),
3431	3368 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%6047R-E1R72L2K | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/6047/SSG-6047R-E1R72L2K.cfm]]'),
3432	3369 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-TRFT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027GR-TRFT_.cfm]]'),
3433	3370 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027R-WRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027R-WRF.cfm]]'),
3434	3371 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5035B-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/tower/5035/SYS-5035B-T.cfm]]'),
3435	3372 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1017R-MTF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1017/SYS-1017R-MTF.cfm]]'),
3436	3373 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DC1TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DC1TR.cfm]]'),
3437	3374 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027GR-TRFH | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027GR-TRFH.cfm]]'),
3438	3375 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1025C-M3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1025/SYS-1025C-M3.cfm]]'),
3439	3376 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5019S-MR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5019/SYS-5019S-MR.cfm]]'),
3440	3377 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-DC1FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028TP-DC1FR.cfm]]'),
3441	3378 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5019S-MT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5019/SYS-5019S-MT.cfm]]'),
3442	3379 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027R-WRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027R-WRF.cfm]]'),
3443	3380 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015B-NI | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015B-Ni.cfm]]'),
3444	3381 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7048R-C1RT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7048/SYS-7048R-C1RT.cfm]]'),
3445	3382 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6025B-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6025/SYS-6025B-T.cfm]]'),
3446	3383 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7046A-6 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7046/SYS-7046A-6.cfm]]'),
3447	3384 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027TR-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027TR-TF.cfm]]'),
3448	3385 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-H71FRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-H71FRF.cfm]]'),
3449	3386 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7048R-C1R4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7048/SYS-7048R-C1R4_.cfm]]'),
3450	3387 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027PR-HTFR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027PR-HTFR.cfm]]'),
3451	3388 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-HIBQRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-HIBQRF.cfm]]'),
3452	3389 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016T-UF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6016/SYS-6016T-UF.cfm]]'),
3453	3390 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%6048R-E1CR36H | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/6048/SSG-6048R-E1CR36H.cfm]]'),
3454	3391 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-TQF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027GR-TQF.cfm]]'),
3455	3392 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027R-AR24NV | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SSG-2027R-AR24NV.cfm]]'),
3456	3393 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5026TI-BTRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/5026/SYS-5026TI-BTRF.cfm]]'),
3457	3394 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-N3RF4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017R-N3RF4_.cfm]]'),
3458	3395 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018U-TRT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018U-TRT_.cfm]]'),
3459	3396 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1015B-M3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1015/SYS-1015B-M3.cfm]]'),
3460	3397 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627G3-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f627/SYS-F627G3-FT_.cfm]]'),
3461	3398 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018D-MF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018D-MF.cfm]]'),
3462	3399 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5028R-WR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/5028/SYS-5028R-WR.cfm]]'),
3463	3400 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027B-TLF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027B-TLF.cfm]]'),
3464	3401 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028BT-HTR+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2028/SYS-2028BT-HTR_.cfm]]'),
3465	3402 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027R-WC1NR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1027/SYS-1027R-WC1NR.cfm]]'),
3466	3403 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%6048R-E1CR36 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/6048/SSG-6048R-E1CR36N.cfm]]'),
3467	3404 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-H71RF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-H71RF_.cfm]]'),
3468	3405 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7047A-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/7047/SYS-7047A-T.cfm]]'),
3469	3406 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028GR-TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028GR-TR.cfm]]'),
3470	3407 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014P-TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014P-TR.cfm]]'),
3471	3408 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015B-UR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015B-UR.cfm]]'),
3472	3409 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F647G2-F73+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F647/SYS-F647G2-F73_.cfm]]'),
3473	3410 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R3-RTB+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f627/SYS-F627R3-RTB_.cfm]]'),
3474	3411 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2048U-RTR4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2048/SYS-2048U-RTR4.cfm]]'),
3475	3412 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6013A-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6013/SYS-6013A-T.cfm]]'),
3476	3413 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R2-FC0PT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628R2-FC0PT_.cfm]]'),
3477	3414 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028R-E1CR24H | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SSG-2028R-E1CR24H.cfm]]'),
3478	3415 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018A-MLTN4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018A-MLTN4.cfm]]'),
3479	3416 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5019S-M2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5019/SYS-5019S-M2.cfm]]'),
3480	3417 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-RTBN+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f628/SYS-F628R3-RTBN_.cfm]]'),
3481	3418 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6012L-6 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6012/SYS-6012L-6.cfm]]'),
3482	3419 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027R-WRF4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027R-WRF4_.cfm]]'),
3483	3420 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1025TC-3F | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1025/SYS-1025TC-3F.cfm]]'),
3484	3421 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%4028GR-TXRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/4028/SYS-4028GR-TXRT.cfm]]'),
3485	3422 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028U-E1CNR4T+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028U-E1CNR4T_.cfm]]'),
3486	3423 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R2-RT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627R2-RT_.cfm]]'),
3487	3424 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6014P-8R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6014/SYS-6014P-8R.cfm]]'),
3488	3425 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028GR-TRHT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028GR-TRHT.cfm]]'),
3489	3426 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6025B-8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6025/SYS-6025B-8.cfm]]'),
3490	3427 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5036A-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/midtower/5036/SYS-5036A-T.cfm]]'),
3491	3428 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1025TC-10G | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1025/SYS-1025TC-10G.cfm]]'),
3492	3429 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R2-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F618/SYS-F618R2-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3493	3430 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028R-C1R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028R-C1R.cfm]]'),
3494	3431 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-H6IBXRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-H6IBXRF.cfm]]'),
3495	3432 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5016I-MRHF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5016/sys-5016i-mrhf.cfm]]'),
3496	3433 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1026TT-IBQF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1026/SYS-1026TT-IBQF.cfm]]'),
3497	3434 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%4027GR-TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/4027/SYS-4027GR-TR.cfm]]'),
3498	3435 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028U-TN10RT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/sys-1028u-tn10rt_.cfm]]'),
3499	3436 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017TR-TQF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017TR-TQF.cfm]]'),
3500	3437 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%4027GR-TRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/4027/SYS-4027GR-TRT.cfm]]'),
3501	3438 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028R-WMRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028R-WMRT.cfm]]'),
3502	3439 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018A-TN7B | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018A-TN7B.cfm]]'),
3503	3440 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2026T-URF4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2026/SYS-2026T-URF4_.cfm]]'),
3504	3441 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%8048B-C0R4FT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/8048/SYS-8048B-C0R4FT.cfm]]'),
3505	3442 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6023L-8R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6023/SYS-6023L-8R.cfm]]'),
3506	3443 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5038ML-H24TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/5038/SYS-5038ML-H24TRF.cfm]]'),
3507	3444 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5027R-WRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/5027/SYS-5027R-WRF.cfm]]'),
3508	3445 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%1028TP-DC1FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028TP-DC1FR.cfm]]'),
3509	3446 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R2-RTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F618/SYS-F618R2-RTPT_.cfm]]'),
3510	3447 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017C-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/sys-5017c-tf.cfm]]'),
3511	3448 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028GQ-TRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/sys-1028gq-trt.cfm]]'),
3512	3449 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015P-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015P-T.cfm]]'),
3513	3450 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6022P-6 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6022/SYS-6022P-6.cfm]]'),
3514	3451 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F617R2-F73 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F617/SYS-F617R2-F73.cfm]]'),
3515	3452 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028R-WTNR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028R-WTNR.cfm]]'),
3516	3453 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026T-URF4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026T-URF4_.cfm]]'),
3517	3454 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1026GT-TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1026/SYS-1026GT-TRF.cfm]]'),
3518	3455 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028UX-LL2-B8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028UX-LL2-B8.cfm]]'),
3519	3456 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7044H-TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7044/SYS-7044H-TR.cfm]]'),
3520	3457 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6025W-UR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6025/SYS-6025W-UR.cfm]]'),
3521	3458 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015P-8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015P-8.cfm]]'),
3522	3459 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6025B-3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6025/SYS-6025B-3.cfm]]'),
3523	3460 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R3-R72B+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f627/SYS-F627R3-R72B_.cfm]]'),
3524	3461 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-FC0+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628R3-FC0_.cfm]]'),
3525	3462 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R3-FT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627R3-FT.cfm]]'),
3526	3463 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028TR-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028TR-T.cfm]]'),
3527	3464 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-HTRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027TR-HTRF.cfm]]'),
3528	3465 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-72RT2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027GR-72RT2.cfm]]'),
3529	3466 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015M-NTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015M-NTR.cfm]]'),
3530	3467 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018TR-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018TR-T.cfm]]'),
3531	3468 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2026TT-DLIBQRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2026/SYS-2026TT-DLIBQRF.cfm]]'),
3532	3469 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015M-UR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015M-UR.cfm]]'),
3533	3470 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7047R-TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7047/SYS-7047R-TRF.cfm]]'),
3534	3471 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7047R-72RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7047/SYS-7047R-72RF.cfm]]'),
3535	3472 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027B-MTF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027B-MTF.cfm]]'),
3536	3473 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-N3RF4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027R-N3RF4_.cfm]]'),
3537	3474 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5016I-UR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5016/sys-5016i-ur.cfm]]'),
3538	3475 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R2-F72PT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627R2-F72PT_.cfm]]'),
3539	3476 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-H70QRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-H70QRF.cfm]]'),
3540	3477 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-H6IBQRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-H6IBQRF.cfm]]'),
3541	3478 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5038ML-H12TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3u/5038/SYS-5038ML-H12TRF.cfm]]'),
3542	3479 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-DC0TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-DC0TR.cfm]]'),
3543	3480 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro Tower%GPASS%8047R-TRF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/8047/SYS-8047R-TRF_.cfm]]'),
3544	3481 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017C-MF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/sys-5017c-mf.cfm]]'),
3545	3482 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%8017R-7FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/8017/SYS-8017R-7FT_.cfm]]'),
3546	3483 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5017C-MTF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5017/sys-5017c-mtf.cfm]]'),
3547	3484 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5018R-MR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5018/SYS-5018R-MR.cfm]]'),
3548	3485 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%8044T-8R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/8044/SYS-8044T-8R.cfm]]'),
3549	3486 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%8048B-TR4FT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/8048/SYS-8048B-TR4FT.cfm]]'),
3550	3487 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5019S-MN4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5019/SYS-5019S-MN4.cfm]]'),
3551	3488 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6035B-8 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/6035/SYS-6035B-8.cfm]]'),
3552	3489 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6024H-82R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6024/SYS-6024H-82R.cfm]]'),
3553	3490 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-N3RFT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017R-N3RFT_.cfm]]'),
3554	3491 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2026TT-DLIBXRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2026/SYS-2026TT-DLIBXRF.cfm]]'),
3555	3492 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-BIBXF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-BIBXF.cfm]]'),
3556	3493 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%1028TP-DC1TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028TP-DC1TR.cfm]]'),
3557	3494 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-D70QRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-D70QRF.cfm]]'),
3558	3495 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F648G2-FC0PT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F648/SYS-F648G2-FC0PT_.cfm]]'),
3559	3496 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026T-NTR+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026T-NTR_.cfm]]'),
3560	3497 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015V-MRLP | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015V-MRLP.cfm]]'),
3561	3498 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016T-6RF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6016/SYS-6016T-6RF_.cfm]]'),
3562	3499 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028R-WTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028R-WTR.cfm]]'),
3563	3500 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%5038ML-H8TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3u/5038/SYS-5038ML-H8TRF.cfm]]'),
3564	3501 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F617R2-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F617/SYS-F617R2-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3565	3502 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1019S-M2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1019/SYS-1019S-M2.cfm]]'),
3566	3503 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro Tower%GPASS%8046B-6R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/8046/SYS-8046B-6R.cfm]]'),
3567	3504 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%2028TP-HC0TR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2028/SYS-2028TP-HC0TR.cfm]]'),
3568	3505 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5026T-3F | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/5026/SYS-5026T-3F.cfm]]'),
3569	3506 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027GR-TR2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027GR-TR2.cfm]]'),
3570	3507 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-D71RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-D71RF.cfm]]'),
3571	3508 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6024H-I2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6024/SYS-6024H-i2.cfm]]'),
3572	3509 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2026TT-H6IBQRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2026/SYS-2026TT-H6IBQRF.cfm]]'),
3573	3510 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-M7RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6017/SYS-6017R-M7RF.cfm]]'),
3574	3511 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027R-N3RFT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027R-N3RFT_.cfm]]'),
3575	3512 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015P-8R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015P-8R.cfm]]'),
3576	3513 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R3-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F618/SYS-F618R3-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3577	3514 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-H72FRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-H72FRF.cfm]]'),
3578	3515 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015A-PHF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015A-PHF.cfm]]'),
3579	3516 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5014C-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5014/SYS-5014C-T.cfm]]'),
3580	3517 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026T-6RF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026T-6RF_.cfm]]'),
3581	3518 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%8048B-TR4F | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/8048/SYS-8048B-TR4F.cfm]]'),
3582	3519 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F618R2-RTPTN+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/F618/SYS-F618R2-RTPTN_.cfm]]'),
3583	3520 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027R-72RFTP+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027R-72RFTP_.cfm]]'),
3584	3521 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028GR-TRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028GR-TRT.cfm]]'),
3585	3522 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%8045C-3R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/8045/SYS-8045C-3R.cfm]]'),
3586	3523 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-H72QRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-H72QRF.cfm]]'),
3587	3524 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6023P-8R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6023/SYS-6023P-8R.cfm]]'),
3588	3525 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-TRF-FM309 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1027/SYS-1027GR-TRF-FM309.cfm]]'),
3589	3526 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro Tower%GPASS%8046B-TRLF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/8046/SYS-8046B-TRLF.cfm]]'),
3590	3527 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028R-WMR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028R-WMR.cfm]]'),
3591	3528 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-DC0FR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-DC0FR.cfm]]'),
3592	3529 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027GR-TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2027/SYS-2027GR-TRF.cfm]]'),
3593	3530 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-73DARF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/sys-6027r-73darf.cfm]]'),
3594	3531 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-72R2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027GR-72R2.cfm]]'),
3595	3532 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R2-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628R2-FT_.cfm]]'),
3596	3533 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6016T-6F | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6016/SYS-6016T-6F.cfm]]'),
3597	3534 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027AX-72RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027AX-72RF.cfm]]'),
3598	3535 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6025B-TR+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6025/SYS-6025B-TR_.cfm]]'),
3599	3536 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%8048B-TR3F | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/8048/SYS-8048B-TR3F.cfm]]'),
3600	3537 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027TR-D70FRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027TR-D70FRF.cfm]]'),
3601	3538 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-BIBQF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-BIBQF.cfm]]'),
3602	3539 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6015B-NT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/6015/SYS-6015B-NT.cfm]]'),
3603	3540 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-TDARF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027R-TDARF.cfm]]'),
3604	3541 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7047A-73 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/7047/SYS-7047A-73.cfm]]'),
3605	3542 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5028TK-HTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/5028/SYS-5028TK-HTR.cfm]]'),
3606	3543 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027PR-HC0R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027PR-HC0R.cfm]]'),
3607	3544 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1018R-WC0R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1018/SYS-1018R-WC0R.cfm]]'),
3608	3545 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015M-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015M-T.cfm]]'),
3609	3546 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015M-U | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015M-U.cfm]]'),
3610	3547 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015B-MT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015B-MT.cfm]]'),
3611	3548 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7048A-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7048/SYS-7048A-T.cfm]]'),
3612	3549 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-HC1R-SIOM | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6028/SYS-6028TP-HC1R-SIOM.cfm]]'),
3613	3550 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015B-MR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015B-MR.cfm]]'),
3614	3551 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027B-URF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027B-URF.cfm]]'),
3615	3552 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628G3-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628G3-FT_.cfm]]'),
3616	3553 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%8017R-TF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/8017/SYS-8017R-TF_.cfm]]'),
3617	3554 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028GQ-TXRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1028/SYS-1028GQ-TXRT.cfm]]'),
3618	3555 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-HTRF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-HTRF_.cfm]]'),
3619	3556 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015B-MF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015B-MF.cfm]]'),
3620	3557 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-TR2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027GR-TR2.cfm]]'),
3621	3558 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5028A-TN4 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/midtower/5028/sys-5028a-tn4.cfm]]'),
3622	3559 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5016TI-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5016/SYS-5016TI-TF.cfm]]'),
3623	3560 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6038R-E1CR16H | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/6038/SSG-6038R-E1CR16H.cfm]]'),
3624	3561 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1028R-WTRT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1028/SYS-1028R-WTRT.cfm]]'),
3625	3562 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-H71RF+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-H71RF_.cfm]]'),
3626	3563 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2027TR-D70FRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2027/SYS-2027TR-D70FRF.cfm]]'),
3627	3564 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1026TT-TF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1026/SYS-1026TT-TF.cfm]]'),
3628	3565 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-RC0BPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f628/SYS-F628R3-RC0BPT_.cfm]]'),
3629	3566 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6026TT-D6RF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6026/SYS-6026TT-D6RF.cfm]]'),
3630	3567 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-FT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f628/SYS-F628R3-FT.cfm]]'),
3631	3568 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627G2-FT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f627/SYS-F627G2-FT_.cfm]]'),
3632	3569 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 3U%GPASS%6035B-8R+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/3U/6035/SYS-6035B-8R_.cfm]]'),
3633	3570 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%4028GR-TXR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/4028/SYS-4028GR-TXR.cfm]]'),
3634	3571 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R2-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F628/SYS-F628R2-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3635	3572 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627G2-F73PT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627G2-F73PT_.cfm]]'),
3636	3573 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027R-WC1R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027R-WC1R.cfm]]'),
3637	3574 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028U-TR4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2028/SYS-2028U-TR4_.cfm]]'),
3638	3575 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%7044H-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/7044/SYS-7044H-T.cfm]]'),
3639	3576 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6018R-MDR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6018/SYS-6018R-MDR.cfm]]'),
3640	3577 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027AX-72RF-HFT1 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027AX-72RF-HFT1.cfm]]'),
3641	3578 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027AX-72RF-HFT3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/sys-6027ax-72rf-hft3.cfm]]'),
3642	3579 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027AX-72RF-HFT2 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027AX-72RF-HFT2.cfm]]'),
3643	3580 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F627R3-F72PT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F627/SYS-F627R3-F72PT_.cfm]]'),
3644	3581 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2028R-NR48 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/2028/SSG-2028R-NR48N.cfm]]'),
3645	3582 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5016I-T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/5016/sys-5016i-t.cfm]]'),
3646	3583 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F617H6-FTPT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4U/F617/SYS-F617H6-FTPT_.cfm]]'),
3647	3584 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027AX-TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6027/SYS-6027AX-TRF.cfm]]'),
3648	3585 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1018D-FRN8T | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1018/SYS-1018D-FRN8T.cfm]]'),
3649	3586 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%8028B-C0R3FT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/8028/SYS-8028B-C0R3FT.cfm]]'),
3650	3587 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1018R-WR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1018/SYS-1018R-WR.cfm]]'),
3651	3588 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1019S-WR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/1019/SYS-1019S-WR.cfm]]'),
3652	3589 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%2016TI-HTRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/2016/sys-2016ti-htrf.cfm]]'),
3653	3590 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 4U%GPASS%6047R-E1R36 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/6047/SSG-6047R-E1R36N.cfm]]'),
3654	3591 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%5025M-4+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/5025/SYS-5025M-4_.cfm]]'),
3655	3592 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6028TR-DTR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TR-DTR.cfm]]'),
3656	3593 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%1027GR-TRF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/1027/SYS-1027GR-TRF.cfm]]'),
3657	3594 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027PR-HC1R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027PR-HC1R.cfm]]'),
3658	3595 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%F628R3-RC0B+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/4u/f628/SYS-F628R3-RC0B_.cfm]]'),
3659	3596 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5014C-MF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5014/SYS-5014C-MF.cfm]]'),
3660	3597 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5015B-M3 | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5015/SYS-5015B-M3.cfm]]'),
3661	3598 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%K1048-RT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/k1048/ssg-k1048-rt.cfm]]'),
3662	3599 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%6017R-TDLF | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1u/6017/SYS-6017R-TDLF.cfm]]'),
3663	3600 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027PR-HC0R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027PR-HC0R.cfm]]'),
3664	3601 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5014C-MR | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5014/SYS-5014C-MR.cfm]]'),
3665	3602 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro%GPASS%6028TP-HC0R | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2u/6028/SYS-6028TP-HC0R.cfm]]'),
3666	3603 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 2U%GPASS%6027R-CDNRT+ | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/2U/6027/SYS-6027R-CDNRT_.cfm]]'),
3667	3604 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => '[[SuperMicro 1U%GPASS%5014C-MT | http://www.supermicro.com/products/system/1U/5014/SYS-5014C-MT.cfm]]'),
3668	3605 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%MDS 9148 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/storage-networking/mds-9148-multilayer-fabric-switch/index.html]]'),
3669	3606 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%MDS 9148S | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/storage-networking/mds-9148s-16g-multilayer-fabric-switch/index.html]]'),
3670	3607 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%MDS 9396S | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/storage-networking/mds-9396s-16g-multilayer-fabric-switch/index.html]]'),
3671	3608 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%MDS 9706 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/storage-networking/mds-9706-multilayer-director/index.html]]'),
3672	3609 => array ('chapter_id' => 26, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%MDS 9710 | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/storage-networking/mds-9710-multilayer-director/index.html]]'),
3673	3610 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC Unity 300'),
3674	3611 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC Unity 400'),
3675	3612 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC Unity 500'),
3676	3613 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC Unity 600'),
3677	3614 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC Unity 350F'),
3678	3615 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC Unity 450F'),
3679	3616 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC Unity 550F'),
3680	3617 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC Unity 650F'),
3681	3618 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VMAX 10K'),
3682	3619 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VMAX 20K'),
3683	3620 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VMAX 40K'),
3684	3621 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VMAX 100K'),
3685	3622 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VMAX 200K'),
3686	3623 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VMAX 250F'),
3687	3624 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VMAX 400K'),
3688	3625 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VMAX 450F'),
3689	3626 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VMAX 850F'),
3690	3627 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VMAX 950F'),
3691	3628 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC XtremIO'),
3692	3629 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC XtremIO X2'),
3693	3630 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VNX 5300'),
3694	3631 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VNX 5500'),
3695	3632 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VNX 5700'),
3696	3633 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VNX 7500'),
3697	3634 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VNX 5200'),
3698	3635 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VNX 5400'),
3699	3636 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VNX 5600'),
3700	3637 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VNX 5800'),
3701	3638 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VNX 7600'),
3702	3639 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VNX 8000'),
3703	3640 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC Isilon NL410'),
3704	3641 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC Isilon S210'),
3705	3642 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC Isilon X410'),
3706	3643 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC RecoverPoint G5'),
3707	3644 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC RecoverPoint G6'),
3708	3645 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VPLEX'),
3709	3646 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VPLEX V6'),
3710	3647 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VNXe 3150'),
3711	3648 => array ('chapter_id' => 18, 'dict_value' => 'EMC VNXe 3300'),
3712	3649 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 5596UP | http://www.cisco.com/c/en/us/products/switches/nexus-5596up-switch/index.html]]'),
3713	3650 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Nexus 93180YC-EX'),
3714	3651 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CSS326-24G-2S+RM'),
3715	3652 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CRS326-24G-2S+RM'),
3716	3653 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CRS317-1G-16S+RM'),
3717	3654 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 26'),
3718	3655 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 17.04'),
3719	3656 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'NetBSD%GSKIP%NetBSD 7.1'),
3720	3657 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7020TR-48'),
3721	3658 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7020TRA-48'),
3722	3659 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7160-32CQ'),
3723	3660 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7160-48YC6'),
3724	3661 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7160-48TC6'),
3725	3662 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7516R'),
3726	3663 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'HPE%GPASS%BladeSystem c3000%L4,2H%'),
3727	3664 => array ('chapter_id' => 31, 'dict_value' => 'HPE%GPASS%BladeSystem c7000%L2,8V%'),
3728	3665 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%RB1100AHx4'),
3729	3666 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NEC%GPASS%PF5459-48XT-4Q'),
3730	3667 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NEC%GPASS%PF5468-32QP'),
3731	3668 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NEC%GPASS%PF5340-48XP-6Q'),
3732	3669 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NEC%GPASS%PF5340-32QP'),
3733	3670 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[TP-Link%GPASS%T1700G-28TQ | http://www.tp-link.com/en/products/details/cat-40_T1700G-28TQ.html]]'),
3734	3671 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[TP-Link%GPASS%TL-SG2216 | http://www.tp-link.com/en/products/details/cat-5070_TL-SG2216.html]]'),
3735	3672 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[TP-Link%GPASS%TL-SG3424 | http://www.tp-link.com/en/products/details/cat-39_TL-SG3424.html]]'),
3736	3673 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CCR1009-7G-1C-PC'),
3737	3674 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CCR1009-7G-1C-1S+PC'),
3738	3675 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280QRA-C36S'),
3739	3676 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280SRA-48C6'),
3740	3677 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280TRA-48C6'),
3741	3678 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280SRAM-48C6'),
3742	3679 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280CR2-60'),
3743	3680 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280CR2A-60'),
3744	3681 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280CR2K-60'),
3745	3682 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280CR2K-30'),
3746	3683 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280SR2-48YC6'),
3747	3684 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7280SR2A-48YC6'),
3748	3685 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CRS112-8P-4S-IN'),
3749	3686 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 17.10'),
3750	3687 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'SUSE Enterprise%GSKIP%SLES15'),
3751	3688 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'OpenSUSE%GSKIP%openSUSE Leap 15.x'),
3752	3689 => array ('chapter_id' => 39, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%SMT1500RMI2U | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=SMT1500RMI2U]]'),
3753	3690 => array ('chapter_id' => 39, 'dict_value' => '[[APC%GPASS%SMT1500RMI2UNC | http://www.apc.com/products/resource/include/techspec_index.cfm?base_sku=SMT1500RMI2UNC]]'),
3754	3691 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[NETGEAR%GPASS%GS108 | https://www.netgear.com/business/products/switches/unmanaged/GS108.aspx]]'),
3755	3692 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[NETGEAR%GPASS%GS105 | https://www.netgear.com/business/products/switches/unmanaged/GS105.aspx]]'),
3756	3693 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[PROXMOX%GSKIP%Proxmox VE 3.4 | http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Roadmap#Proxmox_VE_3.4]]'),
3757	3694 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[PROXMOX%GSKIP%Proxmox VE 4.0 | http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Roadmap#Proxmox_VE_4.0]]'),
3758	3695 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[PROXMOX%GSKIP%Proxmox VE 4.1 | http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Roadmap#Proxmox_VE_4.1]]'),
3759	3696 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[PROXMOX%GSKIP%Proxmox VE 4.2 | http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Roadmap#Proxmox_VE_4.2]]'),
3760	3697 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[PROXMOX%GSKIP%Proxmox VE 4.3 | http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Roadmap#Proxmox_VE_4.3]]'),
3761	3698 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[PROXMOX%GSKIP%Proxmox VE 4.4 | http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Roadmap#Proxmox_VE_4.4]]'),
3762	3699 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[PROXMOX%GSKIP%Proxmox VE 5.0 | http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Roadmap#Proxmox_VE_5.0]]'),
3763	3700 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[PROXMOX%GSKIP%Proxmox VE 5.1 | http://pve.proxmox.com/wiki/Roadmap#Proxmox_VE_5.1]]'),
3764	3701 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[TP-Link%GPASS%T1600G-18TS | https://www.tp-link.com/en/products/details/cat-40_T1600G-18TS.html]]'),
3765	3702 => array ('chapter_id' => 27, 'dict_value' => '[[Raritan%GPASS%PX3-5514U | http://cdn.raritan.com/product-selector/pdus/PX3-5514U/MPX3-5514U.pdf]]'),
3766	3703 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[HP Aruba%GPASS%3810M 16SFP+ 2-slot (JL075A) | http://duckduckgo.com/?q=JL075A+manual ]]'),
3767	3704 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'VMWare Hypervisor%GSKIP%VMware ESXi 6.5'),
3768	3705 => array ('chapter_id' => 17, 'dict_value' => '[[ Fortinet%GPASS%Fortigate 600D | http://www.fortinet.com/content/dam/fortinet/assets/data-sheets/FortiGate_600D.pdf ]]'),
3769	3706 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 18.04 LTS'),
3770	3707 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CRS328-4C-20S-4S+RM'),
3771	3708 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'MikroTik%GPASS%CRS328-24P-4S+RM'),
3772	3709 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Debian%GSKIP%Debian 9 (Stretch) | http://debian.org/releases/stretch/]]'),
3773	3710 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7170-32C'),
3774	3711 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7170-64C'),
3775	3712 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7060SX2-48YC6'),
3776	3713 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7260CX3-64'),
3777	3714 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050CX3-32S'),
3778	3715 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Arista%GPASS%7050SX3-48YC12'),
3779	3716 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Huawei%GPASS%CE6865-48S8CQ-EI'),
3780	3717 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R320'),
3781	3718 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R330'),
3782	3719 => array ('chapter_id' => 11, 'dict_value' => 'Dell PowerEdge%GPASS%R740xd'),
3783	3720 => array ('chapter_id' => 14, 'dict_value' => 'HP Procurve OS N.11.78'),
3784	3721 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[HP%GPASS%HP Aruba 2530 48 PoE+ Switch | https://www.hpe.com/us/en/product-catalog/networking/networking-switches/pip.specifications.aruba-2530-48-poeplus-switch.5384996.html]]'),
3785	3722 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[HP%GPASS%HP Aruba 2530 24 PoE+ Switch | https://www.hpe.com/uk/en/product-catalog/networking/networking-switches/pip.specifications.aruba-2530-24-poeplus-switch.5384999.html]]'),
3786	3723 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[HP%GPASS%HP 1950 48G 2SFP+ 2XGT Switch | https://www.hpe.com/us/en/product-catalog/networking/networking-switches/pip.specifications.hpe-officeconnect-1950-48g-2sfpplus-2xgt-poeplus-switch.6887601.html]]'),
3787	3724 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[HP%GPASS%HP FlexFabric 5900AF 48XG 4QSFP+ Switch | https://www.hpe.com/us/en/product-catalog/networking/networking-switches/pip.specifications.hpe-flexfabric-5900af-48xg-4qsfpplus-switch.5223200.html]]'),
3788	3725 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[HP%GPASS%HPE 5500-24G-4SFP | https://h20195.www2.hpe.com/v2/default.aspx?cc=az&lc=az&oid=5195377]]'),
3789	3726 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[HP%GPASS%HP A5800AF-48G Switch with 2 Processors (JG225A) | https://www.hpe.com/us/en/product-catalog/networking/networking-switches/pip.specifications.hpe-flexfabric-5800af-48g-switch.7482188.html]]'),
3790	3727 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[HP%GPASS%HP 1810-8G v2 (J9802A)]]'),
3791	3728 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[HP%GPASS%HP ProCurve 5406zl (J8697A) | http://www.hp.com/hpinfo/newsroom/press_kits/2010/HPOptimizesAppDelivery/E5400zl_Switch_Series_Data_Sheet.pdf]]'),
3792	3729 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[HP%GPASS%HP 1810-8G v2 (J9449A) | https://h10057.www1.hp.com/ecomcat/hpcatalog/specs/provisioner/99/J9449A.htm]]'),
3793	3730 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'HP ProCurve%GPASS%1810G-24 (J9803A)'),
3794	3731 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'Cisco%GPASS%Cisco 871'),
3795	3732 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[HP%GPASS%HP A5120-24G EI (JE068A) | [[https://h20195.www2.hpe.com/v2/GetDocument.aspx?docname=c04111657&doctype=quickspecs&doclang=EN_US&searchquery=&cc=za&lc=en]]'),
3796	3733 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'OpenWrt 17.01'),
3797	3734 => array ('chapter_id' => 16, 'dict_value' => 'OpenWrt 18.06'),
3798	3735 => array ('chapter_id' => 37, 'dict_value' => 'OpenWrt 17.01'),
3799	3736 => array ('chapter_id' => 37, 'dict_value' => 'OpenWrt 18.06'),
3800	3737 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 27'),
3801	3738 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 28'),
3802	3739 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 29'),
3803	3740 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 30'),
3804	3741 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 31'),
3805	3742 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 18.10'),
3806	3743 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 19.04'),
3807	3744 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 19.10'),
3808	3745 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[Debian%GSKIP%Debian 10 | https://www.debian.org/releases/buster/]]'),
3809	3746 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'Ubuntu%GSKIP%Ubuntu 20.04'),
3810	3747 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => 'RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 32'),
3811	3748 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => '[[HP EI%GPASS%A5120-48G-PoE+ (JG237A) | [[https://h20195.www2.hpe.com/v2/GetDocument.aspx?docname=c04111657&doctype=quickspecs&doclang=EN_US&searchquery=&cc=za&lc=en]]'),
3812	3749 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GS728TPv2'),
3813	3750 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GS728TPPv2'),
3814	3751 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GS752TPv2'),
3815	3752 => array ('chapter_id' => 12, 'dict_value' => 'NETGEAR%GPASS%GS752TPP'),
3817# Any new "default" dictionary records must go above this line (i.e., with
3818# dict_key code less than 50000). This is necessary to keep AUTO_INCREMENT
3819# and dictionary updates working properly.
3820	49999 => array ('chapter_id' => 13, 'dict_value' => '[[RH Fedora%GSKIP%Fedora 15 | http://docs.fedoraproject.org/release-notes/f15/en-US/html/]]'),