1 /*
2 Copyright © 2011-2012 Clint Bellanger
3 Copyright © 2012 Stefan Beller
4 Copyright © 2012-2016 Justin Jacobs
6 This file is part of FLARE.
8 FLARE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
9 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,
10 either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12 FLARE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
13 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
14 PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
16 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
17 FLARE.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
18 */
20 /*
21  * MapCollision.h
22  * RPGEngine
23  *
24  * Handle collisions between objects and the map
25  */
27 #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
28 // some of our movement code asserts fail on Emscripten builds
29 // since the game can still run with occasionally bugged movement, we can disable those asserts
30 #define NDEBUG
31 #endif
33 #include "AStarContainer.h"
34 #include "AStarNode.h"
35 #include "EngineSettings.h"
36 #include "MapCollision.h"
37 #include "SharedResources.h"
39 #include <cfloat>
40 #include <math.h>
41 #include <cassert>
42 #include <cstring>
44 // this value is used to determine the greatest possible position within a tile before transitioning to the next tile
45 // so if an entity has a position of (1-MIN_TILE_GAP, 0) and moves to the east, they will move to (1,0)
46 const float MapCollision::MIN_TILE_GAP = 0.001f;
MapCollision()48 MapCollision::MapCollision()
49 	: map_size(Point())
50 {
51 	colmap.resize(1);
52 	colmap[0].resize(1);
53 }
setMap(const Map_Layer & _colmap,unsigned short w,unsigned short h)55 void MapCollision::setMap(const Map_Layer& _colmap, unsigned short w, unsigned short h) {
56 	colmap.resize(w);
57 	for (unsigned i=0; i<w; ++i) {
58 		colmap[i].resize(h);
59 	}
60 	for (unsigned i=0; i<w; i++)
61 		for (unsigned j=0; j<h; j++)
62 			colmap[i][j] = _colmap[i][j];
64 	map_size.x = w;
65 	map_size.y = h;
66 }
sgn(float f)68 int sgn(float f) {
69 	if (f > 0)		return 1;
70 	else if (f < 0)	return -1;
71 	else			return 0;
72 }
smallStep(float & x,float & y,float step_x,float step_y,int movement_type,int collide_type)74 bool MapCollision::smallStep(float &x, float &y, float step_x, float step_y, int movement_type, int collide_type) {
75 	if (isValidPosition(x + step_x, y + step_y, movement_type, collide_type)) {
76 		x += step_x;
77 		y += step_y;
78 		assert(isValidPosition(x,y,movement_type, collide_type));
79 		return true;
80 	}
81 	else {
82 		return false;
83 	}
84 }
smallStepForcedSlideAlongGrid(float & x,float & y,float step_x,float step_y,int movement_type,int collide_type)86 bool MapCollision::smallStepForcedSlideAlongGrid(float &x, float &y, float step_x, float step_y, int movement_type, int collide_type) {
87 	if (isValidPosition(x + step_x, y, movement_type, collide_type)) { // slide along wall
88 		if (step_x == 0) return true;
89 		x += step_x;
90 		assert(isValidPosition(x,y,movement_type, collide_type));
91 	}
92 	else if (isValidPosition(x, y + step_y, movement_type, collide_type)) {
93 		if (step_y == 0) return true;
94 		y += step_y;
95 		assert(isValidPosition(x,y,movement_type, collide_type));
96 	}
97 	else {
98 		return false;
99 	}
100 	return true;
101 }
smallStepForcedSlide(float & x,float & y,float step_x,float step_y,int movement_type,int collide_type)103 bool MapCollision::smallStepForcedSlide(float &x, float &y, float step_x, float step_y, int movement_type, int collide_type) {
104 	// is there a singular obstacle or corner we can step around?
105 	// only works if we are moving straight
106 	const float epsilon = 0.01f;
107 	if (step_x != 0) {
108 		assert(step_y == 0);
109 		float dy = y - floorf(y);
111 		if (isValidTile(int(x), int(y) + 1, movement_type, collide_type)
112 				&& isValidTile(int(x) + sgn(step_x), int(y) + 1, movement_type, collide_type)
113 				&& dy > 0.5) {
114 			y += std::min(1 - dy + epsilon, float(fabs(step_x)));
115 		}
116 		else if (isValidTile(int(x), int(y) - 1, movement_type, collide_type)
117 				 && isValidTile(int(x) + sgn(step_x), int(y) - 1, movement_type, collide_type)
118 				 && dy < 0.5) {
119 			y -= std::min(dy + epsilon, float(fabs(step_x)));
120 		}
121 		else {
122 			return false;
123 		}
124 		assert(isValidPosition(x,y,movement_type, collide_type));
125 	}
126 	else if (step_y != 0) {
127 		assert(step_x == 0);
128 		float dx = x - floorf(x);
130 		if (isValidTile(int(x) + 1, int(y), movement_type, collide_type)
131 				&& isValidTile(int(x) + 1, int(y) + sgn(step_y), movement_type, collide_type)
132 				&& dx > 0.5) {
133 			x += std::min(1 - dx + epsilon, float(fabs(step_y)));
134 		}
135 		else if (isValidTile(int(x) - 1, int(y), movement_type, collide_type)
136 				 && isValidTile(int(x) - 1, int(y) + sgn(step_y), movement_type, collide_type)
137 				 && dx < 0.5) {
138 			x -= std::min(dx + epsilon, float(fabs(step_y)));
139 		}
140 		else {
141 			return false;
142 		}
143 	}
144 	else {
145 		assert(false);
146 	}
147 	return true;
148 }
150 /**
151  * Process movement for cardinal (90 degree) and ordinal (45 degree) directions
152  * If we encounter an obstacle at 90 degrees, stop.
153  * If we encounter an obstacle at 45 or 135 degrees, slide.
154  */
move(float & x,float & y,float _step_x,float _step_y,int movement_type,int collide_type)155 bool MapCollision::move(float &x, float &y, float _step_x, float _step_y, int movement_type, int collide_type) {
156 	// when trying to slide against a bottom or right wall, step_x or step_y can become 0
157 	// this causes diag to become false, making this function return false
158 	// we try to catch such a scenario and return true early
159 	bool force_slide = (_step_x != 0 && _step_y != 0);
161 	while (_step_x != 0 || _step_y != 0) {
163 		float step_x = 0;
164 		if (_step_x > 0) {
165 			// find next interesting value, which is either the whole step, or the transition to the next tile
166 			step_x = std::min(ceilf(x) - x, _step_x);
167 			// if we are standing on the edge of a tile (ceilf(x) - x == 0), we need to look one tile ahead
168 			if (step_x <= MIN_TILE_GAP) step_x = std::min(1.f, _step_x);
169 		}
170 		else if (_step_x < 0) {
171 			step_x = std::max(floorf(x) - x, _step_x);
172 			if (step_x == 0) step_x = std::max(-1.f, _step_x);
173 		}
175 		float step_y = 0;
176 		if (_step_y > 0) {
177 			step_y = std::min(ceilf(y) - y, _step_y);
178 			if (step_y <= MIN_TILE_GAP) step_y = std::min(1.f, _step_y);
179 		}
180 		else if (_step_y < 0) {
181 			step_y = std::max(floorf(y) - y, _step_y);
182 			if (step_y == 0) step_y	= std::max(-1.f, _step_y);
183 		}
185 		_step_x -= step_x;
186 		_step_y -= step_y;
188 		if (!smallStep(x, y, step_x, step_y, movement_type, collide_type)) {
189 			if (force_slide) {
190 				if (!smallStepForcedSlideAlongGrid(x, y, step_x, step_y, movement_type, collide_type))
191 					return false;
192 			}
193 			else {
194 				if (!smallStepForcedSlide(x, y, step_x, step_y, movement_type, collide_type))
195 					return false;
196 			}
197 		}
198 	}
199 	return true;
200 }
202 /**
203  * Determines whether the grid position is outside the map boundary
204  */
isTileOutsideMap(const int & tile_x,const int & tile_y) const205 bool MapCollision::isTileOutsideMap(const int& tile_x, const int& tile_y) const {
206 	return (tile_x < 0 || tile_y < 0 || tile_x >= map_size.x || tile_y >= map_size.y);
207 }
isOutsideMap(const float & tile_x,const float & tile_y) const209 bool MapCollision::isOutsideMap(const float& tile_x, const float& tile_y) const {
210 	return isTileOutsideMap(static_cast<int>(tile_x), static_cast<int>(tile_y));
211 }
213 /**
214  * A map space is empty if it contains no blocking type
215  * A position outside the map boundary is not empty
216  */
isEmpty(const float & x,const float & y) const217 bool MapCollision::isEmpty(const float& x, const float& y) const {
218 	// map bounds check
219 	const int tile_x = static_cast<int>(x);
220 	const int tile_y = static_cast<int>(y);
221 	if (isTileOutsideMap(tile_x, tile_y)) return false;
223 	// collision type check
224 	return (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_NONE || colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == MAP_ONLY || colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == MAP_ONLY_ALT);
225 }
227 /**
228  * A map space is a wall if it contains a wall blocking type (normal or hidden)
229  * A position outside the map boundary is a wall
230  */
isWall(const float & x,const float & y) const231 bool MapCollision::isWall(const float& x, const float& y) const {
232 	// bounds check
233 	const int tile_x = static_cast<int>(x);
234 	const int tile_y = static_cast<int>(y);
235 	if (isTileOutsideMap(tile_x, tile_y)) return true;
237 	// collision type check
238 	return (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ALL || colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ALL_HIDDEN);
239 }
241 /**
242  * Is this a valid tile for an entity with this movement type?
243  */
isValidTile(const int & tile_x,const int & tile_y,int movement_type,int collide_type) const244 bool MapCollision::isValidTile(const int& tile_x, const int& tile_y, int movement_type, int collide_type) const {
245 	// outside the map isn't valid
246 	if (isTileOutsideMap(tile_x,tile_y)) return false;
248 	if (collide_type == COLLIDE_NORMAL) {
249 		if (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ENEMIES)
250 			return false;
251 		if (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ENTITIES)
252 			return false;
253 	}
254 	else if (collide_type == COLLIDE_HERO) {
255 		if (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ENEMIES && !eset->misc.enable_ally_collision)
256 			return true;
257 	}
259 	// intangible creatures can be everywhere
260 	if (movement_type == MOVE_INTANGIBLE)
261 		return true;
263 	// flying creatures can't be in walls
264 	if (movement_type == MOVE_FLYING) {
265 		return (!(colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ALL || colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ALL_HIDDEN));
266 	}
268 	if (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == MAP_ONLY || colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == MAP_ONLY_ALT)
269 		return true;
271 	// normal creatures can only be in empty spaces
272 	return (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_NONE);
273 }
275 /**
276  * Is this a valid position for an entity with this movement type?
277  */
isValidPosition(const float & x,const float & y,int movement_type,int collide_type) const278 bool MapCollision::isValidPosition(const float& x, const float& y, int movement_type, int collide_type) const {
279 	if (x < 0 || y < 0) return false;
281 	return isValidTile(int(x), int(y), movement_type, collide_type);
282 }
284 /**
285  * Does not have the "slide" submovement that move() features
286  * Line can be arbitrary angles.
287  */
lineCheck(const float & x1,const float & y1,const float & x2,const float & y2,int check_type,int movement_type)288 bool MapCollision::lineCheck(const float& x1, const float& y1, const float& x2, const float& y2, int check_type, int movement_type) {
289 	float x = x1;
290 	float y = y1;
291 	float dx = static_cast<float>(fabs(x2 - x1));
292 	float dy = static_cast<float>(fabs(y2 - y1));
293 	float step_x;
294 	float step_y;
295 	int steps = static_cast<int>(std::max(dx, dy));
298 	if (dx > dy) {
299 		step_x = 1;
300 		step_y = dy / dx;
301 	}
302 	else {
303 		step_y = 1;
304 		step_x = dx / dy;
305 	}
306 	// fix signs
307 	if (x1 > x2) step_x = -step_x;
308 	if (y1 > y2) step_y = -step_y;
311 	if (check_type == CHECK_SIGHT) {
312 		for (int i=0; i<steps; i++) {
313 			x += step_x;
314 			y += step_y;
315 			if (isWall(x, y))
316 				return false;
317 		}
318 	}
319 	else if (check_type == CHECK_MOVEMENT) {
320 		for (int i=0; i<steps; i++) {
321 			x += step_x;
322 			y += step_y;
323 			if (!isValidPosition(x, y, movement_type, COLLIDE_NORMAL))
324 				return false;
325 		}
326 	}
328 	return true;
329 }
lineOfSight(const float & x1,const float & y1,const float & x2,const float & y2)331 bool MapCollision::lineOfSight(const float& x1, const float& y1, const float& x2, const float& y2) {
332 	return lineCheck(x1, y1, x2, y2, CHECK_SIGHT, MOVE_NORMAL);
333 }
lineOfMovement(const float & x1,const float & y1,const float & x2,const float & y2,int movement_type)335 bool MapCollision::lineOfMovement(const float& x1, const float& y1, const float& x2, const float& y2, int movement_type) {
336 	if (isOutsideMap(x2, y2)) return false;
338 	// intangible entities can always move
339 	if (movement_type == MOVE_INTANGIBLE) return true;
341 	// if the target is blocking, clear it temporarily
342 	int tile_x = int(x2);
343 	int tile_y = int(y2);
344 	bool target_blocks = false;
345 	int target_blocks_type = colmap[tile_x][tile_y];
346 	if (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ENTITIES || colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ENEMIES) {
347 		target_blocks = true;
348 		unblock(x2,y2);
349 	}
351 	bool has_movement = lineCheck(x1, y1, x2, y2, CHECK_MOVEMENT, movement_type);
353 	if (target_blocks) block(x2,y2, target_blocks_type == BLOCKS_ENEMIES);
354 	return has_movement;
356 }
358 /**
359  * Checks whether the entity in pos 1 is facing the point at pos 2
360  * based on a 180 degree field of vision
361  */
isFacing(const float & x1,const float & y1,char direction,const float & x2,const float & y2)362 bool MapCollision::isFacing(const float& x1, const float& y1, char direction, const float& x2, const float& y2) {
364 	// 180 degree fov
365 	switch (direction) {
366 		case 2: //north west
367 			return ((x2-x1) < ((-1 * y2)-(-1 * y1))) && (((-1 * x2)-(-1 * x1)) > (y2-y1));
368 		case 3: //north
369 			return y2 < y1;
370 		case 4: //north east
371 			return (((-1 * x2)-(-1 * x1)) < ((-1 * y2)-(-1 * y1))) && ((x2-x1) > (y2-y1));
372 		case 5: //east
373 			return x2 > x1;
374 		case 6: //south east
375 			return ((x2-x1) > ((-1 * y2)-(-1 * y1))) && (((-1 * x2)-(-1 * x1)) < (y2-y1));
376 		case 7: //south
377 			return y2 > y1;
378 		case 0: //south west
379 			return (((-1 * x2)-(-1 * x1)) > ((-1 * y2)-(-1 * y1))) && ((x2-x1) < (y2-y1));
380 		case 1: //west
381 			return x2 < x1;
382 	}
383 	return false;
384 }
386 /**
387 * Compute a path from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2)
388 * Store waypoint inside path
389 * limit is the maximum number of explored node
390 * @return true if a path is found
391 */
computePath(const FPoint & start_pos,const FPoint & end_pos,std::vector<FPoint> & path,int movement_type,unsigned int limit)392 bool MapCollision::computePath(const FPoint& start_pos, const FPoint& end_pos, std::vector<FPoint> &path, int movement_type, unsigned int limit) {
394 	if (isOutsideMap(end_pos.x, end_pos.y)) return false;
396 	// default limit set to 10% of the total map size
397 	if (limit == 0)
398 		limit = (map_size.x * map_size.y) / 10;
400 	// path must be empty
401 	if (!path.empty())
402 		path.clear();
404 	// convert start & end to MapCollision precision
405 	Point start(start_pos);
406 	Point end(end_pos);
408 	// if the target square has an entity, temporarily clear it to compute the path
409 	bool target_blocks = false;
410 	int target_blocks_type = colmap[end.x][end.y];
411 	if (colmap[end.x][end.y] == BLOCKS_ENTITIES || colmap[end.x][end.y] == BLOCKS_ENEMIES) {
412 		target_blocks = true;
413 		unblock(end_pos.x, end_pos.y);
414 	}
416 	Point current = start;
417 	AStarNode* node = new AStarNode(start);
418 	node->setActualCost(0);
419 	node->setEstimatedCost(Utils::calcDist(FPoint(start),FPoint(end)));
420 	node->setParent(current);
422 	AStarContainer open(map_size.x, map_size.y, limit);
423 	AStarCloseContainer close(map_size.x, map_size.y, limit);
425 	open.add(node);
427 	while (!open.isEmpty() && static_cast<unsigned>(close.getSize()) < limit) {
428 		node = open.get_shortest_f();
430 		current.x = node->getX();
431 		current.y = node->getY();
432 		close.add(node);
433 		open.remove(node);
435 		if ( current.x == end.x && current.y == end.y)
436 			break; //path found !
438 		//limit evaluated nodes to the size of the map
439 		std::list<Point> neighbours = node->getNeighbours(map_size.x, map_size.y);
441 		// for every neighbour of current node
442 		for (std::list<Point>::iterator it=neighbours.begin(); it != neighbours.end(); ++it)	{
443 			Point neighbour = *it;
445 			// do not exceed the node limit when adding nodes
446 			if (static_cast<unsigned>(open.getSize()) >= limit) {
447 				break;
448 			}
450 			// if neighbour is not free of any collision, skip it
451 			if (!isValidTile(neighbour.x,neighbour.y,movement_type, MapCollision::COLLIDE_NORMAL))
452 				continue;
453 			// if nabour is already in close, skip it
454 			if(close.exists(neighbour))
455 				continue;
457 			// if neighbour isn't inside open, add it as a new Node
458 			if(!open.exists(neighbour)) {
459 				AStarNode* newNode = new AStarNode(neighbour);
460 				newNode->setActualCost(node->getActualCost() + Utils::calcDist(FPoint(current),FPoint(neighbour)));
461 				newNode->setParent(current);
462 				newNode->setEstimatedCost(Utils::calcDist(FPoint(neighbour),FPoint(end)));
463 				open.add(newNode);
464 			}
465 			// else, update it's cost if better
466 			else {
467 				AStarNode* i = open.get(neighbour.x, neighbour.y);
468 				if (node->getActualCost() + Utils::calcDist(FPoint(current),FPoint(neighbour)) < i->getActualCost()) {
469 					Point pos(i->getX(), i->getY());
470 					Point parent_pos(node->getX(), node->getY());
471 					open.updateParent(pos, parent_pos, node->getActualCost() + Utils::calcDist(FPoint(current),FPoint(neighbour)));
472 				}
473 			}
474 		}
475 	}
477 	if (!(current.x == end.x && current.y == end.y)) {
479 		//couldnt find the target so map a path to the closest node found
480 		node = close.get_shortest_h();
481 		current.x = node->getX();
482 		current.y = node->getY();
484 		while (!(current.x == start.x && current.y == start.y)) {
485 			path.push_back(collisionToMap(current));
486 			current = close.get(current.x, current.y)->getParent();
487 		}
488 	}
489 	else {
490 		// store path from end to start
491 		path.push_back(collisionToMap(end));
492 		while (!(current.x == start.x && current.y == start.y)) {
493 			path.push_back(collisionToMap(current));
494 			current = close.get(current.x, current.y)->getParent();
495 		}
496 	}
497 	// reblock target if needed
498 	if (target_blocks) block(end_pos.x, end_pos.y, target_blocks_type == BLOCKS_ENEMIES);
500 	return !path.empty();
501 }
block(const float & map_x,const float & map_y,bool is_ally)503 void MapCollision::block(const float& map_x, const float& map_y, bool is_ally) {
504 	const int tile_x = int(map_x);
505 	const int tile_y = int(map_y);
507 	if (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_NONE) {
508 		if(is_ally)
509 			colmap[tile_x][tile_y] = BLOCKS_ENEMIES;
510 		else
511 			colmap[tile_x][tile_y] = BLOCKS_ENTITIES;
512 	}
514 }
unblock(const float & map_x,const float & map_y)516 void MapCollision::unblock(const float& map_x, const float& map_y) {
517 	const int tile_x = int(map_x);
518 	const int tile_y = int(map_y);
520 	if (colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ENTITIES || colmap[tile_x][tile_y] == BLOCKS_ENEMIES) {
521 		colmap[tile_x][tile_y] = BLOCKS_NONE;
522 	}
524 }
526 /**
527  * Given a target, trys to return one of the 8+ adjacent tiles
528  * Returns the retargeted position on success, returns the original position on failure
529  */
getRandomNeighbor(const Point & target,int range,bool ignore_blocked)530 FPoint MapCollision::getRandomNeighbor(const Point& target, int range, bool ignore_blocked) {
531 	FPoint new_target(target);
532 	std::vector<FPoint> valid_tiles;
534 	for (int i=-range; i<=range; i++) {
535 		for (int j=-range; j<=range; j++) {
536 			if (i == 0 && j == 0) continue; // skip the middle tile
537 			new_target.x = static_cast<float>(target.x + i) + 0.5f;
538 			new_target.y = static_cast<float>(target.y + j) + 0.5f;
539 			if (isValidPosition(new_target.x, new_target.y, MOVE_NORMAL, COLLIDE_NORMAL) || ignore_blocked)
540 				valid_tiles.push_back(new_target);
541 		}
542 	}
544 	if (!valid_tiles.empty())
545 		return valid_tiles[rand() % valid_tiles.size()];
546 	else
547 		return FPoint(target);
548 }
collisionToMap(const Point & p)550 FPoint MapCollision::collisionToMap(const Point& p) {
551 	FPoint ret;
552 	ret.x = static_cast<float>(p.x) + 0.5f;
553 	ret.y = static_cast<float>(p.y) + 0.5f;
554 	return ret;
555 }
~MapCollision()557 MapCollision::~MapCollision() {
558 }
560 // re-enable asserts in other files
561 #ifdef __EMSCRIPTEN__
562 #undef NDEBUG
563 #endif