2-- | Dropping initial arguments (``parameters'') from a function which can be
3--   easily reconstructed from its principal argument.
5--   A function which has such parameters is called ``projection-like''.
7--   The motivation for this optimization comes from the use of nested records.
9--   First, let us look why proper projections need not store the parameters:
10--   The type of a projection @f@ is of the form
11--   @
12--      f : Γ → R Γ → C
13--   @
14--   where @R@ is the record type and @C@ is the type of the field @f@.
15--   Given a projection application
16--   @
17--      p pars u
18--   @
19--   we know that the type of the principal argument @u@ is
20--   @
21--      u : R pars
22--   @
23--   thus, the parameters @pars@ are redundant in the projection application
24--   if we can always infer the type of @u@.
25--   For projections, this is case, because the principal argument @u@ must be
26--   neutral; otherwise, if it was a record value, we would have a redex,
27--   yet Agda maintains a β-normal form.
29--   The situation for projections can be generalized to ``projection-like''
30--   functions @f@.  Conditions:
32--     1. The type of @f@ is of the form @f : Γ → D Γ → ...@ for some
33--        type constructor @D@ which can never reduce.
35--     2. For every reduced welltyped application @f pars u ...@,
36--        the type of @u@ is inferable.
38--   This then allows @pars@ to be dropped always.
40--   Condition 2 is approximated by a bunch of criteria, for details see function
41--   'makeProjection'.
43--   Typical projection-like functions are compositions of projections
44--   which arise from nested records.
46--   Notes:
48--     1. This analysis could be dualized to ``constructor-like'' functions
49--        whose parameters are reconstructable from the target type.
50--        But such functions would need to be fully applied.
52--     2. A more general analysis of which arguments are reconstructible
53--        can be found in
55--          Jason C. Reed, Redundancy elimination for LF
56--          LFTMP 2004.
58module Agda.TypeChecking.ProjectionLike where
60import Control.Monad
62import qualified Data.Map as Map
63import Data.Monoid (Any(..), getAny)
65import Agda.Interaction.Options
67import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name
68import Agda.Syntax.Common
69import Agda.Syntax.Internal
70import Agda.Syntax.Internal.Pattern
72import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
73import Agda.TypeChecking.Free (runFree, IgnoreSorts(..))
74import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute
75import Agda.TypeChecking.Positivity
76import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
77import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce (reduce)
79import Agda.TypeChecking.DropArgs
81import Agda.Utils.List
82import Agda.Utils.Maybe
83import Agda.Utils.Monad
84import Agda.Utils.Permutation
85import Agda.Utils.Pretty ( prettyShow )
86import Agda.Utils.Size
88import Agda.Utils.Impossible
90-- | View for a @Def f (Apply a : es)@ where @isProjection f@.
91--   Used for projection-like @f@s.
92data ProjectionView
93  = ProjectionView
94    { projViewProj  :: QName
95    , projViewSelf  :: Arg Term
96    , projViewSpine :: Elims
97    }
98    -- ^ A projection or projection-like function, applied to its
99    --   principal argument
100  | LoneProjectionLike QName ArgInfo
101    -- ^ Just a lone projection-like function, missing its principal
102    --   argument (from which we could infer the parameters).
103  | NoProjection Term
104    -- ^ Not a projection or projection-like thing.
106-- | Semantics of 'ProjectionView'.
107unProjView :: ProjectionView -> Term
108unProjView pv =
109  case pv of
110    ProjectionView f a es   -> Def f (Apply a : es)
111    LoneProjectionLike f ai -> Def f []
112    NoProjection v          -> v
114-- | Top-level 'ProjectionView' (no reduction).
115{-# SPECIALIZE projView :: Term -> TCM ProjectionView #-}
116projView :: HasConstInfo m => Term -> m ProjectionView
117projView v = do
118  let fallback = return $ NoProjection v
119  case v of
120    Def f es -> caseMaybeM (isProjection f) fallback $ \ isP -> do
121      if projIndex isP <= 0 then fallback else do
122        case es of
123          []           -> return $ LoneProjectionLike f $ projArgInfo isP
124          Apply a : es -> return $ ProjectionView f a es
125          -- Since a projection is a function, it cannot be projected itself.
126          Proj{}  : _  -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
127          -- The principal argument of a projection-like cannot be the interval?
128          IApply{} : _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
130    _ -> fallback
132-- | Reduce away top-level projection like functions.
133--   (Also reduces projections, but they should not be there,
134--   since Internal is in lambda- and projection-beta-normal form.)
136reduceProjectionLike :: PureTCM m => Term -> m Term
137reduceProjectionLike v = do
138  -- Andreas, 2013-11-01 make sure we do not reduce a constructor
139  -- because that could be folded back into a literal by reduce.
140  pv <- projView v
141  case pv of
142    ProjectionView{} -> onlyReduceProjections $ reduce v
143                            -- ordinary reduce, only different for Def's
144    _                -> return v
146data ProjEliminator = EvenLone | ButLone | NoPostfix
147  deriving Eq
149-- | Turn prefix projection-like function application into postfix ones.
150--   This does just one layer, such that the top spine contains
151--   the projection-like functions as projections.
152--   Used in 'compareElims' in @TypeChecking.Conversion@
153--   and in "Agda.TypeChecking.CheckInternal".
155--   If the 'Bool' is 'True', a lone projection like function will be
156--   turned into a lambda-abstraction, expecting the principal argument.
157--   If the 'Bool' is 'False', it will be returned unaltered.
159--   No precondition.
160--   Preserves constructorForm, since it really does only something
161--   on (applications of) projection-like functions.
162elimView :: PureTCM m => ProjEliminator -> Term -> m Term
163elimView pe v = do
164  reportSDoc "tc.conv.elim" 30 $ "elimView of " <+> prettyTCM v
165  v <- reduceProjectionLike v
166  reportSDoc "tc.conv.elim" 40 $
167    "elimView (projections reduced) of " <+> prettyTCM v
168  case pe of
169    NoPostfix -> return v
170    _         -> do
171      pv <- projView v
172      case pv of
173        NoProjection{}        -> return v
174        LoneProjectionLike f ai
175          | pe==EvenLone  -> return $ Lam ai $ Abs "r" $ Var 0 [Proj ProjPrefix f]
176          | otherwise     -> return v
177        ProjectionView f a es -> (`applyE` (Proj ProjPrefix f : es)) <$> elimView pe (unArg a)
179-- | Which @Def@types are eligible for the principle argument
180--   of a projection-like function?
181eligibleForProjectionLike :: (HasConstInfo m) => QName -> m Bool
182eligibleForProjectionLike d = eligible . theDef <$> getConstInfo d
183  where
184  eligible = \case
185    Datatype{} -> True
186    Record{}   -> True
187    Axiom{}    -> True
188    DataOrRecSig{}     -> True
189    GeneralizableVar{} -> False
190    Function{}    -> False
191    Primitive{}   -> False
192    PrimitiveSort{} -> False
193    Constructor{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
194    AbstractDefn d -> eligible d
195      -- Andreas, 2017-08-14, issue #2682:
196      -- Abstract records still export the projections.
197      -- Andreas, 2016-10-11 AIM XXIV
198      -- Projection-like at abstract types violates the parameter reconstructibility property.
199      -- See test/Fail/AbstractTypeProjectionLike.
201-- | Turn a definition into a projection if it looks like a projection.
203-- Conditions for projection-likeness of @f@:
205--   1. The type of @f@ must be of the shape @Γ → D Γ → C@ for @D@
206--      a name (@Def@) which is 'eligibleForProjectionLike':
207--      @data@ / @record@ / @postulate@.
209--   2. The application of f should only get stuck if the principal argument
210--      is inferable (neutral).  Thus:
212--      a. @f@ cannot have absurd clauses (which are stuck even if the principal
213--         argument is a constructor).
215--      b. @f@ cannot be abstract as it does not reduce outside abstract blocks
216--         (always stuck).
218--      c. @f@ cannot match on other arguments than the principal argument.
220--      d. @f@ cannot match deeply.
222--      e. @f@s body may not mention the parameters.
224--      f. A rhs of @f@ cannot be a record expression, since this will be
225--         translated to copatterns by recordExpressionsToCopatterns.
226--         Thus, an application of @f@ waiting for a projection
227--         can be stuck even when the principal argument is a constructor.
230-- For internal reasons:
232--   3. @f@ cannot be constructor headed
234--   4. @f@ cannot be recursive, since we have not implemented a function
235--      which goes through the bodies of the @f@ and the mutually recursive
236--      functions and drops the parameters from all applications of @f@.
238-- Examples for these reasons: see test/Succeed/NotProjectionLike.agda
240makeProjection :: QName -> TCM ()
241makeProjection x = whenM (optProjectionLike <$> pragmaOptions) $ do
242 inTopContext $ do
243  reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 70 $ "Considering " ++ prettyShow x ++ " for projection likeness"
244  defn <- getConstInfo x
245  let t = defType defn
246  reportSDoc "tc.proj.like" 20 $ sep
247    [ "Checking for projection likeness "
248    , prettyTCM x <+> " : " <+> prettyTCM t
249    ]
250  case theDef defn of
251    Function{funClauses = cls}
252      | any (isNothing . clauseBody) cls ->
253        reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  projection-like functions cannot have absurd clauses"
254      | any (maybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ isRecordExpression . clauseBody) cls ->
255        reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  projection-like functions cannot have record rhss"
256    -- Constructor-headed functions can't be projection-like (at the moment). The reason
257    -- for this is that invoking constructor-headedness will circumvent the inference of
258    -- the dropped arguments.
259    -- Nor can abstract definitions be projection-like since they won't reduce
260    -- outside the abstract block.
261    def@Function{funProjection = Nothing, funClauses = cls,
262                 funSplitTree = st0, funCompiled = cc0, funInv = NotInjective,
263                 funMutual = Just [], -- Andreas, 2012-09-28: only consider non-mutual funs
264                 funAbstr = ConcreteDef} -> do
265      ps0 <- filterM validProj $ candidateArgs [] t
266      reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ if null ps0 then "  no candidates found"
267                                                else "  candidates: " ++ prettyShow ps0
268      unless (null ps0) $ do
269        -- Andreas 2012-09-26: only consider non-recursive functions for proj.like.
270        -- Issue 700: problems with recursive funs. in term.checker and reduction
271        ifM recursive (reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  recursive functions are not considered for projection-likeness") $ do
272          {- else -}
273          case lastMaybe (filter (checkOccurs cls . snd) ps0) of
274            Nothing -> reportSDoc "tc.proj.like" 50 $ nest 2 $ vcat
275              [ "occurs check failed"
276              , nest 2 $ "clauses =" <?> vcat (map pretty cls) ]
277            Just (d, n) -> do
278              -- Yes, we are projection-like!
279              reportSDoc "tc.proj.like" 10 $ vcat
280                [ prettyTCM x <+> " : " <+> prettyTCM t
281                , nest 2 $ sep
282                  [ "is projection like in argument",  prettyTCM n, "for type", prettyTCM (unArg d) ]
283                ]
284              __CRASH_WHEN__ "tc.proj.like.crash" 1000
286              let cls' = map (dropArgs n) cls
287                  cc   = dropArgs n cc0
288                  st   = dropArgs n st0
289              reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 60 $ unlines
290                [ "  rewrote clauses to"
291                , "    " ++ show cc
292                ]
294              -- Andreas, 2013-10-20 build parameter dropping function
295              let pIndex = n + 1
296                  tel = take pIndex $ telToList $ theTel $ telView' t
297              unless (length tel == pIndex) __IMPOSSIBLE__
298              let projection = Projection
299                    { projProper   = Nothing
300                    , projOrig     = x
301                    , projFromType = d
302                    , projIndex    = pIndex
303                    , projLams     = ProjLams $ map (argFromDom . fmap fst) tel
304                    }
305              let newDef = def
306                           { funProjection     = Just projection
307                           , funClauses        = cls'
308                           , funSplitTree      = st
309                           , funCompiled       = cc
310                           , funInv            = dropArgs n $ funInv def
311                           }
312              addConstant x $ defn { defPolarity       = drop n $ defPolarity defn
313                                   , defArgOccurrences = drop n $ defArgOccurrences defn
314                                   , defDisplay        = []
315                                   , theDef            = newDef
316                                   }
317    Function{funInv = Inverse{}} ->
318      reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  injective functions can't be projections"
319    Function{funAbstr = AbstractDef} ->
320      reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  abstract functions can't be projections"
321    Function{funProjection = Just{}} ->
322      reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  already projection like"
323    Function{funMutual = Just (_:_)} ->
324      reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  mutual functions can't be projections"
325    Function{funMutual = Nothing} ->
326      reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  mutuality check has not run yet"
327    Axiom{}        -> reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  not a function, but Axiom"
328    DataOrRecSig{} -> reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  not a function, but DataOrRecSig"
329    GeneralizableVar{} -> reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  not a function, but GeneralizableVar"
330    AbstractDefn{} -> reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  not a function, but AbstractDefn"
331    Constructor{}  -> reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  not a function, but Constructor"
332    Datatype{}     -> reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  not a function, but Datatype"
333    Primitive{}    -> reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  not a function, but Primitive"
334    PrimitiveSort{} -> reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  not a function, but PrimitiveSort"
335    Record{}       -> reportSLn "tc.proj.like" 30 $ "  not a function, but Record"
336  where
337    -- If the user wrote a record expression as rhs,
338    -- the recordExpressionsToCopatterns translation will turn this into copatterns,
339    -- violating the conditions of projection-likeness.
340    -- Andreas, 2019-07-11, issue #3843.
341    isRecordExpression :: Term -> Bool
342    isRecordExpression = \case
343      Con _ ConORec _ -> True
344      _ -> False
345    -- @validProj (d,n)@ checks whether the head @d@ of the type of the
346    -- @n@th argument is injective in all args (i.d. being name of data/record/axiom).
347    validProj :: (Arg QName, Int) -> TCM Bool
348    validProj (_, 0) = return False
349    validProj (d, _) = eligibleForProjectionLike (unArg d)
351    -- NOTE: If the following definition turns out to be slow, then
352    -- one could perhaps reuse information computed by the termination
353    -- and/or positivity checkers.
354    recursive = do
355      occs <- computeOccurrences x
356      case Map.lookup (ADef x) occs of
357        Just n | n >= 1 -> return True -- recursive occurrence
358        _               -> return False
360    checkOccurs cls n = all (nonOccur n) cls
362    nonOccur n cl =
363        (take n p == [0..n - 1]) &&
364        onlyMatch n ps &&  -- projection-like functions are only allowed to match on the eliminatee
365                          -- otherwise we may end up projecting from constructor applications, in
366                          -- which case we can't reconstruct the dropped parameters
367        checkBody m n b
368      where
369        Perm _ p = fromMaybe __IMPOSSIBLE__ $ clausePerm cl
370        ps       = namedClausePats cl
371        b        = compiledClauseBody cl  -- Renumbers variables to match order in patterns
372                                          -- and includes dot patterns as variables.
373        m        = size $ concatMap patternVars ps  -- This also counts dot patterns!
376    onlyMatch n ps = all (shallowMatch . namedArg) (take 1 ps1) &&
377                     noMatches (ps0 ++ drop 1 ps1)
378      where
379        (ps0, ps1) = splitAt n ps
380        shallowMatch (ConP _ _ ps) = noMatches ps
381        shallowMatch _             = True
382        noMatches = all (noMatch . namedArg)
383        noMatch ConP{} = False
384        noMatch DefP{} = False
385        noMatch LitP{} = False
386        noMatch ProjP{}= False
387        noMatch VarP{} = True
388        noMatch DotP{} = True
389        noMatch IApplyP{} = True
391    -- Make sure non of the parameters occurs in the body of the function.
392    checkBody m n b = not . getAny $ runFree badVar IgnoreNot b
393      where badVar x = Any $ m - n <= x && x < m
395    -- @candidateArgs [var 0,...,var(n-1)] t@ adds @(n,d)@ to the output,
396    -- if @t@ is a function-type with domain @t 0 .. (n-1)@
397    -- (the domain of @t@ is the type of the arg @n@).
398    --
399    -- This means that from the type of arg @n@ all previous arguments
400    -- can be computed by a simple matching.
401    -- (Provided the @d@ is data/record/postulate, checked in @validProj@).
402    --
403    -- E.g. f : {x : _}(y : _){z : _} -> D x y z -> ...
404    -- will return (D,3) as a candidate (amongst maybe others).
405    --
406    candidateArgs :: [Term] -> Type -> [(Arg QName, Int)]
407    candidateArgs vs t =
408      case unEl t of
409        Pi a b
410          | Def d es <- unEl $ unDom a,
411            Just us  <- allApplyElims es,
412            vs == map unArg us -> (d <$ argFromDom a, length vs) : candidateRec b
413          | otherwise          -> candidateRec b
414        _                      -> []
415      where
416        candidateRec NoAbs{}   = []
417        candidateRec (Abs x t) = candidateArgs (var (size vs) : vs) t