1// Copyright 2016-2018 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//    http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15package management
17import (
18	"context"
19	"crypto/tls"
20	"crypto/x509"
21	"encoding/json"
22	"fmt"
23	"io/ioutil"
24	"net"
25	"net/http"
26	"net/url"
27	"os"
28	"path"
29	"strconv"
30	"strings"
31	"syscall"
32	"time"
34	dockertypes "github.com/docker/docker/api/types"
35	"github.com/docker/docker/opts"
37	"github.com/vmware/govmomi/object"
38	"github.com/vmware/govmomi/vim25/soap"
39	"github.com/vmware/govmomi/vim25/types"
40	"github.com/vmware/vic/lib/config"
41	"github.com/vmware/vic/lib/config/executor"
42	"github.com/vmware/vic/lib/constants"
43	"github.com/vmware/vic/lib/install/data"
44	"github.com/vmware/vic/lib/spec"
45	"github.com/vmware/vic/lib/tether/shared"
46	"github.com/vmware/vic/pkg/errors"
47	"github.com/vmware/vic/pkg/ip"
48	"github.com/vmware/vic/pkg/retry"
49	"github.com/vmware/vic/pkg/trace"
50	"github.com/vmware/vic/pkg/vsphere/compute"
51	"github.com/vmware/vic/pkg/vsphere/diag"
52	"github.com/vmware/vic/pkg/vsphere/extraconfig"
53	"github.com/vmware/vic/pkg/vsphere/extraconfig/vmomi"
54	"github.com/vmware/vic/pkg/vsphere/tasks"
55	"github.com/vmware/vic/pkg/vsphere/vm"
58const (
59	portLayerPort = constants.SerialOverLANPort
61	// this is generated in the crypto/tls.alert code
62	badTLSCertificate = "tls: bad certificate"
64	// This is a constant also used in the lib/apiservers/engine/backends/system.go to assign custom info the docker types.info struct
65	volumeStoresID = "VolumeStores"
68var (
69	lastSeenProgressMessage string
70	unitNumber              int32
73func (d *Dispatcher) isVCH(vm *vm.VirtualMachine) (bool, error) {
74	if vm == nil {
75		return false, errors.New("nil parameter")
76	}
77	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(vm.InventoryPath))
79	info, err := vm.FetchExtraConfig(d.op)
80	if err != nil {
81		err = errors.Errorf("Failed to fetch guest info of appliance vm: %s", err)
82		return false, err
83	}
85	var remoteConf config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec
86	extraconfig.Decode(extraconfig.MapSource(info), &remoteConf)
88	// if the moref of the target matches where we expect to find it for a VCH, run with it
89	if remoteConf.ExecutorConfig.ID == vm.Reference().String() || remoteConf.IsCreating() {
90		return true, nil
91	}
93	return false, nil
96func (d *Dispatcher) isContainerVM(vm *vm.VirtualMachine) (bool, error) {
97	if vm == nil {
98		return false, errors.New("nil parameter")
99	}
100	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(vm.InventoryPath))
101	var cspec executor.ExecutorConfig
102	info, err := vm.FetchExtraConfig(d.op)
103	if err != nil {
104		err = errors.Errorf("Failed to fetch guest info of appliance vm: %s", err)
105		return false, err
106	}
107	extraconfig.Decode(extraconfig.MapSource(info), &cspec)
108	if cspec.Version == nil {
109		return false, nil
110	}
111	return true, nil
114func (d *Dispatcher) checkExistence(conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec, settings *data.InstallerData) error {
115	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))
116	var err error
117	var orp *object.ResourcePool
118	if orp, err = d.findResourcePool(d.vchPoolPath); err != nil {
119		return err
120	}
121	if orp == nil {
122		return nil
123	}
125	rp := compute.NewResourcePool(d.op, d.session, orp.Reference())
126	vm, err := rp.GetChildVM(d.op, conf.Name)
127	if err != nil {
128		return err
129	}
130	if vm == nil {
131		return nil
132	}
134	d.op.Debug("Appliance is found")
135	if ok, verr := d.isVCH(vm); !ok {
136		verr = errors.Errorf("Found virtual machine %q, but it is not a VCH. Please choose a different virtual app.", conf.Name)
137		return verr
138	}
139	err = errors.Errorf("A VCH with the name %q already exists. Please choose a different name before attempting another install", conf.Name)
140	return err
143func (d *Dispatcher) powerOffVM(vm *vm.VirtualMachine) error {
144	var err error
145	power, err := vm.PowerState(d.op)
146	if err == nil && power == types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff {
147		d.op.Debugf("VM is already powered off: %s", vm.Reference())
148		return nil
149	}
151	if err != nil {
152		d.op.Warnf("Failed to get vm power status %q: %s", vm.Reference(), err)
153	}
155	// try guest shutdown first
156	tools, err := vm.IsToolsRunning(d.op)
157	if tools {
158		d.op.Debugf("Performing guest shutdown for %s", vm.Reference())
159		err = vm.ShutdownGuest(d.op)
160		if err == nil {
161			// just enough time for the endpoint to shutdown cleanly even having timed out internally
162			timeout, cancel := trace.WithTimeout(&d.op, shared.GuestShutdownTimeout+(5*time.Second), "Shut down endpointVM")
163			err = vm.WaitForPowerState(timeout, types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff)
164			cancel()
165			if err == nil {
166				return nil
167			}
169			d.op.Warnf("Guest shutdown timed out, resorting to power off - sessions may be left open: %s", err)
170		}
172		// this may well be because of delay in reporting the VM powering off so the actual detail is recorded as debug
173		// if this is the case then we will catch it via the IsAlreadyPoweredOff call below
174		d.op.Debugf("Guest shutdown failed: %s", err)
175	} else {
176		d.op.Warnf("Guest tools unavailable, resorting to power off - sessions will be left open")
177	}
179	_, err = vm.WaitForResult(d.op, func(ctx context.Context) (tasks.Task, error) {
180		return vm.PowerOff(ctx)
181	})
183	if vm.IsAlreadyPoweredOffError(err) {
184		err = nil
185	}
187	return err
190func (d *Dispatcher) deleteVM(vm *vm.VirtualMachine, force bool) error {
191	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(fmt.Sprintf("vm %q, force %t", vm.String(), force)))
193	var err error
194	power, err := vm.PowerState(d.op)
195	if err != nil || power != types.VirtualMachinePowerStatePoweredOff {
196		if err != nil {
197			d.op.Warnf("Failed to get vm power status %q: %s", vm.Reference(), err)
198		}
199		if !force {
200			if err != nil {
201				return err
202			}
203			name, _ := vm.ObjectName(d.op)
204			if name != "" {
205				err = errors.Errorf("VM %q is powered on", name)
206			} else {
207				err = errors.Errorf("VM %q is powered on", vm.Reference())
208			}
209			return err
210		}
212		err = d.powerOffVM(vm)
213		if err != nil {
214			d.op.Debugf("Failed to power off existing appliance for %s, try to remove anyway", err)
215		}
216	}
218	// get the actual folder name before we delete it
219	folder, err := vm.DatastoreFolderName(d.op)
220	if err != nil {
221		// failed to get folder name, might not be able to remove files for this VM
222		name, _ := vm.ObjectName(d.op)
223		if name == "" {
224			d.op.Errorf("Unable to automatically remove all files in datastore for VM %q", vm.Reference())
225		} else {
226			// try to use the vm name in place of folder
227			d.op.Infof("Delete will attempt to remove datastore files for VM %q", name)
228			folder = name
229		}
230	}
232	// Power off the VM if necessary
233	retryErrHandler := func(err error) bool {
234		if tasks.IsInvalidPowerStateError(err) {
235			_, terr := vm.WaitForResult(d.op, func(ctx context.Context) (tasks.Task, error) {
236				return vm.PowerOff(ctx)
237			})
239			if terr == nil || tasks.IsTransientError(d.op, terr) || tasks.IsInvalidPowerStateError(terr) {
240				return true
241			}
242		}
244		return tasks.IsTransientError(d.op, err) || tasks.IsConcurrentAccessError(err)
245	}
247	// Only retry VM destroy on ConcurrentAccess error
248	err = retry.Do(d.op, func() error {
249		_, err := vm.DeleteExceptDisks(d.op)
250		return err
251	}, retryErrHandler)
253	if err != nil {
254		d.op.Warnf("Destroy VM %s failed with %s, unregister the VM instead", vm.Reference(), err)
256		err = retry.Do(d.op, func() error {
257			return vm.Unregister(d.op)
258		}, retryErrHandler)
260		if err != nil {
261			d.op.Errorf("Unregister the VM failed: %s", err)
262			return err
263		}
264	}
266	if _, err = d.deleteDatastoreFiles(d.session.Datastore, folder, true); err != nil {
267		d.op.Warnf("Failed to remove datastore files for VM %s with folder path %s: %s", vm.Reference(), folder, err)
268	}
270	return nil
273func (d *Dispatcher) addNetworkDevices(conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec, cspec *spec.VirtualMachineConfigSpec, devices object.VirtualDeviceList) (object.VirtualDeviceList, error) {
274	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))
276	// network name:alias, to avoid create multiple devices for same network
277	slots := make(map[int32]bool)
278	nets := make(map[string]*executor.NetworkEndpoint)
280	for name, endpoint := range conf.ExecutorConfig.Networks {
281		if pnic, ok := nets[endpoint.Network.Common.ID]; ok {
282			// there's already a NIC on this network
283			endpoint.Common.ID = pnic.Common.ID
284			d.op.Infof("Network role %q is sharing NIC with %q", name, pnic.Network.Common.Name)
285			continue
286		}
288		moref := new(types.ManagedObjectReference)
289		if ok := moref.FromString(endpoint.Network.ID); !ok {
290			return nil, fmt.Errorf("serialized managed object reference in unexpected format: %q", endpoint.Network.ID)
291		}
292		obj, err := d.session.Finder.ObjectReference(d.op, *moref)
293		if err != nil {
294			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to reacquire reference for network %q from serialized form: %q", endpoint.Network.Name, endpoint.Network.ID)
295		}
296		network, ok := obj.(object.NetworkReference)
297		if !ok {
298			return nil, fmt.Errorf("reacquired reference for network %q, from serialized form %q, was not a network: %T", endpoint.Network.Name, endpoint.Network.ID, obj)
299		}
301		backing, err := network.EthernetCardBackingInfo(d.op)
302		if err != nil {
303			err = errors.Errorf("Failed to get network backing info for %q: %s", network, err)
304			return nil, err
305		}
307		nic, err := devices.CreateEthernetCard("vmxnet3", backing)
308		if err != nil {
309			err = errors.Errorf("Failed to create Ethernet Card spec for %s", err)
310			return nil, err
311		}
313		slot := cspec.AssignSlotNumber(nic, slots)
314		if slot == constants.NilSlot {
315			err = errors.Errorf("Failed to assign stable PCI slot for %q network card", name)
316		}
318		endpoint.Common.ID = strconv.Itoa(int(slot))
319		slots[slot] = true
320		d.op.Debugf("Setting %q to slot %d", name, slot)
322		devices = append(devices, nic)
324		nets[endpoint.Network.Common.ID] = endpoint
325	}
326	return devices, nil
329func (d *Dispatcher) addIDEController(devices object.VirtualDeviceList) (object.VirtualDeviceList, error) {
330	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))
332	// IDE controller
333	scsi, err := devices.CreateIDEController()
334	if err != nil {
335		return nil, err
336	}
337	devices = append(devices, scsi)
338	return devices, nil
341func (d *Dispatcher) addParaVirtualSCSIController(devices object.VirtualDeviceList) (object.VirtualDeviceList, error) {
342	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))
344	// para virtual SCSI controller
345	scsi, err := devices.CreateSCSIController("pvscsi")
346	if err != nil {
347		return nil, err
348	}
349	devices = append(devices, scsi)
350	return devices, nil
353func (d *Dispatcher) createApplianceSpec(conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec, vConf *data.InstallerData) (*types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec, error) {
354	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))
356	var devices object.VirtualDeviceList
357	var err error
358	var cpus int32   // appliance number of CPUs
359	var memory int64 // appliance memory in MB
361	// set to creating VCH
362	conf.SetIsCreating(true)
364	cfg, err := d.encodeConfig(conf)
365	if err != nil {
366		return nil, err
367	}
369	if vConf.ApplianceSize.CPU.Limit != nil {
370		cpus = int32(*vConf.ApplianceSize.CPU.Limit)
371	}
372	if vConf.ApplianceSize.Memory.Limit != nil {
373		memory = *vConf.ApplianceSize.Memory.Limit
374	}
376	spec := &spec.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{
377		VirtualMachineConfigSpec: &types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{
378			Name:               conf.Name,
379			GuestId:            string(types.VirtualMachineGuestOsIdentifierOtherGuest64),
380			AlternateGuestName: constants.DefaultAltVCHGuestName(),
381			Files:              &types.VirtualMachineFileInfo{VmPathName: fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", conf.ImageStores[0].Host)},
382			NumCPUs:            cpus,
383			MemoryMB:           memory,
384			// Encode the config both here and after the VMs created so that it can be identified as a VCH appliance as soon as
385			// creation is complete.
386			ExtraConfig: append(vmomi.OptionValueFromMap(cfg, true), &types.OptionValue{Key: "answer.msg.serial.file.open", Value: "Append"}),
387		},
388	}
390	if devices, err = d.addIDEController(devices); err != nil {
391		return nil, err
392	}
394	if devices, err = d.addParaVirtualSCSIController(devices); err != nil {
395		return nil, err
396	}
398	if devices, err = d.addNetworkDevices(conf, spec, devices); err != nil {
399		return nil, err
400	}
402	deviceChange, err := devices.ConfigSpec(types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperationAdd)
403	if err != nil {
404		return nil, err
405	}
407	spec.DeviceChange = deviceChange
408	return spec.VirtualMachineConfigSpec, nil
411func isManagedObjectNotFoundError(err error) bool {
412	if soap.IsSoapFault(err) {
413		_, ok := soap.ToSoapFault(err).VimFault().(types.ManagedObjectNotFound)
414		return ok
415	}
417	return false
420func (d *Dispatcher) findApplianceByID(conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec) (*vm.VirtualMachine, error) {
421	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))
423	var err error
424	var vmm *vm.VirtualMachine
426	moref := new(types.ManagedObjectReference)
427	if ok := moref.FromString(conf.ID); !ok {
428		message := "Failed to get appliance VM mob reference"
429		d.op.Error(message)
430		return nil, errors.New(message)
431	}
432	ref, err := d.session.Finder.ObjectReference(d.op, *moref)
433	if err != nil {
434		if !isManagedObjectNotFoundError(err) {
435			err = errors.Errorf("Failed to query appliance (%q): %s", moref, err)
436			return nil, err
437		}
438		d.op.Debug("Appliance is not found")
439		return nil, nil
441	}
442	ovm, ok := ref.(*object.VirtualMachine)
443	if !ok {
444		d.op.Errorf("Failed to find VM %q: %s", moref, err)
445		return nil, err
446	}
447	vmm = vm.NewVirtualMachine(d.op, d.session, ovm.Reference())
449	element, err := d.session.Finder.Element(d.op, vmm.Reference())
450	if err != nil {
451		return nil, err
452	}
453	vmm.SetInventoryPath(element.Path)
454	return vmm, nil
457func (d *Dispatcher) configIso(conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec, vm *vm.VirtualMachine, settings *data.InstallerData) (object.VirtualDeviceList, error) {
458	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))
460	var devices object.VirtualDeviceList
461	var err error
463	vmDevices, err := vm.Device(d.op)
464	if err != nil {
465		d.op.Errorf("Failed to get vm devices for appliance: %s", err)
466		return nil, err
467	}
468	ide, err := vmDevices.FindIDEController("")
469	if err != nil {
470		d.op.Errorf("Failed to find IDE controller for appliance: %s", err)
471		return nil, err
472	}
473	cdrom, err := devices.CreateCdrom(ide)
474	if err != nil {
475		d.op.Errorf("Failed to create Cdrom device for appliance: %s", err)
476		return nil, err
477	}
478	cdrom = devices.InsertIso(cdrom, fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s/%s", conf.ImageStores[0].Host, d.vmPathName, settings.ApplianceISO))
479	devices = append(devices, cdrom)
480	return devices, nil
483func (d *Dispatcher) configLogging(conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec, vm *vm.VirtualMachine, settings *data.InstallerData) (object.VirtualDeviceList, error) {
484	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))
486	devices, err := vm.Device(d.op)
487	if err != nil {
488		d.op.Errorf("Failed to get vm devices for appliance: %s", err)
489		return nil, err
490	}
492	p, err := devices.CreateSerialPort()
493	if err != nil {
494		return nil, err
495	}
497	err = vm.AddDevice(d.op, p)
498	if err != nil {
499		return nil, err
500	}
502	devices, err = vm.Device(d.op)
503	if err != nil {
504		d.op.Errorf("Failed to get vm devices for appliance: %s", err)
505		return nil, err
506	}
508	serial, err := devices.FindSerialPort("")
509	if err != nil {
510		d.op.Errorf("Failed to locate serial port for persistent log configuration: %s", err)
511		return nil, err
512	}
514	// TODO: we need to add an accessor for generating paths within the VM directory
515	vmx, err := vm.VMPathName(d.op)
516	if err != nil {
517		d.op.Errorf("Unable to determine path of appliance VM: %s", err)
518		return nil, err
519	}
521	// TODO: move this construction into the spec package and update portlayer/logging to use it as well
522	serial.Backing = &types.VirtualSerialPortFileBackingInfo{
523		VirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo: types.VirtualDeviceFileBackingInfo{
524			// name consistency with containerVM
525			FileName: fmt.Sprintf("%s/tether.debug", path.Dir(vmx)),
526		},
527	}
529	return []types.BaseVirtualDevice{serial}, nil
532func (d *Dispatcher) setDockerPort(conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec, settings *data.InstallerData) {
533	if conf.HostCertificate != nil {
534		d.DockerPort = fmt.Sprintf("%d", opts.DefaultTLSHTTPPort)
535	} else {
536		d.DockerPort = fmt.Sprintf("%d", opts.DefaultHTTPPort)
537	}
540func (d *Dispatcher) createAppliance(conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec, settings *data.InstallerData) error {
541	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))
542	d.op.Info("Creating appliance on target")
544	spec, err := d.createApplianceSpec(conf, settings)
545	if err != nil {
546		d.op.Errorf("Unable to create appliance spec: %s", err)
547		return err
548	}
550	// Create the VCH inventory folder
551	if d.isVC {
552		d.op.Info("Creating the VCH folder")
553		// update the session pointer with the VCH Folder
554		d.session.VCHFolder, err = d.session.VMFolder.CreateFolder(d.op, spec.Name)
555		if err != nil {
556			if soap.IsSoapFault(err) {
557				switch soap.ToSoapFault(err).VimFault().(type) {
558				case types.DuplicateName:
559					return fmt.Errorf("The specified VCH name (%s) is already in use", conf.Name)
560				}
561			}
562			return fmt.Errorf("Unable to create the VCH Folder(%s): %s", conf.Name, err)
563		}
564	}
566	d.op.Info("Creating the VCH VM")
567	info, err := tasks.WaitForResult(d.op, func(ctx context.Context) (tasks.Task, error) {
568		return d.session.VCHFolder.CreateVM(ctx, *spec, d.vchPool, d.session.Host)
569	})
571	if err != nil {
572		d.op.Errorf("Unable to create the appliance VM: %s", err)
573		return err
574	}
575	if info.Error != nil || info.State != types.TaskInfoStateSuccess {
576		d.op.Errorf("Create appliance reported: %s", info.Error.LocalizedMessage)
577	}
579	if err = d.createVolumeStores(conf); err != nil {
580		return errors.Errorf("Exiting because we could not create volume stores due to error: %s", err)
581	}
583	// get VM reference and save it
584	moref := info.Result.(types.ManagedObjectReference)
585	conf.SetMoref(&moref)
586	obj, err := d.session.Finder.ObjectReference(d.op, moref)
587	if err != nil {
588		d.op.Errorf("Failed to reacquire reference to appliance VM after creation: %s", err)
589		return err
590	}
591	gvm, ok := obj.(*object.VirtualMachine)
592	if !ok {
593		return fmt.Errorf("Required reference after appliance creation was not for a VM: %T", obj)
594	}
595	vm2 := vm.NewVirtualMachineFromVM(d.op, d.session, gvm)
597	vm2.DisableDestroy(d.op)
599	// update the displayname to the actual folder name used
600	if d.vmPathName, err = vm2.DatastoreFolderName(d.op); err != nil {
601		d.op.Errorf("Failed to get canonical name for appliance: %s", err)
602		return err
603	}
604	d.op.Debugf("vm folder name: %q", d.vmPathName)
605	d.op.Debugf("vm inventory path: %q", vm2.InventoryPath)
607	vicadmin := executor.Cmd{
608		Path: "/sbin/vicadmin",
609		Args: []string{
610			"/sbin/vicadmin",
611			"--dc=" + settings.DatacenterName,
612			"--pool=" + settings.ResourcePoolPath,
613			"--cluster=" + settings.ClusterPath,
614		},
615		Env: []string{
616			"PATH=/sbin:/bin",
617			"GOTRACEBACK=all",
618		},
619		Dir: "/home/vicadmin",
620	}
621	if settings.HTTPProxy != nil {
622		vicadmin.Env = append(vicadmin.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", config.VICAdminHTTPProxy, settings.HTTPProxy.String()))
623	}
624	if settings.HTTPSProxy != nil {
625		vicadmin.Env = append(vicadmin.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", config.VICAdminHTTPSProxy, settings.HTTPSProxy.String()))
626	}
627	if settings.NoProxy != nil {
628		vicadmin.Env = append(vicadmin.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", config.VICAdminNoProxy, *settings.NoProxy))
629	}
631	conf.AddComponent(config.VicAdminService, &executor.SessionConfig{
632		User:    "vicadmin",
633		Group:   "vicadmin",
634		Cmd:     vicadmin,
635		Restart: true,
636		Active:  true,
637	},
638	)
640	d.setDockerPort(conf, settings)
642	personality := executor.Cmd{
643		Path: "/sbin/docker-engine-server",
644		Args: []string{
645			"/sbin/docker-engine-server",
646			//FIXME: hack during config migration
647			"-port=" + d.DockerPort,
648			fmt.Sprintf("-port-layer-port=%d", portLayerPort),
649		},
650		Env: []string{
651			"PATH=/sbin",
652			"GOTRACEBACK=all",
653		},
654	}
655	if settings.HTTPProxy != nil {
656		personality.Env = append(personality.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", config.GeneralHTTPProxy, settings.HTTPProxy.String()))
657	}
658	if settings.HTTPSProxy != nil {
659		personality.Env = append(personality.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", config.GeneralHTTPSProxy, settings.HTTPSProxy.String()))
660	}
661	if settings.NoProxy != nil {
662		personality.Env = append(personality.Env, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", config.GeneralNoProxy, *settings.NoProxy))
663	}
665	conf.AddComponent(config.PersonaService, &executor.SessionConfig{
666		// currently needed for iptables interaction
667		// User:  "nobody",
668		// Group: "nobody",
669		Cmd:     personality,
670		Restart: true,
671		Active:  true,
672	},
673	)
675	cfg := &executor.SessionConfig{
676		Cmd: executor.Cmd{
677			Path: "/sbin/port-layer-server",
678			Args: []string{
679				"/sbin/port-layer-server",
680				"--host=localhost",
681				fmt.Sprintf("--port=%d", portLayerPort),
682			},
683			Env: []string{
684				//FIXME: hack during config migration
685				"VC_URL=" + conf.Target,
686				"DC_PATH=" + settings.DatacenterName,
687				"CS_PATH=" + settings.ClusterPath,
688				"POOL_PATH=" + settings.ResourcePoolPath,
689				"DS_PATH=" + conf.ImageStores[0].Host,
690			},
691		},
692		Restart: true,
693		Active:  true,
694	}
696	conf.AddComponent(config.PortLayerService, cfg)
698	// fix up those parts of the config that depend on the final applianceVM folder name
699	conf.BootstrapImagePath = fmt.Sprintf("[%s] %s/%s", conf.ImageStores[0].Host, d.vmPathName, settings.BootstrapISO)
701	if len(conf.ImageStores[0].Path) == 0 {
702		conf.ImageStores[0].Path = d.vmPathName
703	}
705	// apply the fixed-up configuration
706	spec, err = d.reconfigureApplianceSpec(vm2, conf, settings)
707	if err != nil {
708		d.op.Errorf("Error while getting appliance reconfig spec: %s", err)
709		return err
710	}
712	// reconfig
713	info, err = vm2.WaitForResult(d.op, func(ctx context.Context) (tasks.Task, error) {
714		return vm2.Reconfigure(ctx, *spec)
715	})
717	if err != nil {
718		d.op.Errorf("Error while setting component parameters to appliance: %s", err)
719		return err
720	}
721	if info.State != types.TaskInfoStateSuccess {
722		d.op.Errorf("Setting parameters to appliance reported: %s", info.Error.LocalizedMessage)
723		return err
724	}
726	d.appliance = vm2
727	return nil
730func (d *Dispatcher) encodeConfig(conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec) (map[string]string, error) {
731	d.op.Debug("generating new config secret key")
733	s, err := extraconfig.NewSecretKey()
734	if err != nil {
735		return nil, err
736	}
737	d.secret = s
739	cfg := make(map[string]string)
740	extraconfig.Encode(d.secret.Sink(extraconfig.MapSink(cfg)), conf)
741	return cfg, nil
744func (d *Dispatcher) decryptVCHConfig(vm *vm.VirtualMachine, cfg map[string]string) (*config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec, error) {
745	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))
747	if d.secret == nil {
748		name, err := vm.ObjectName(d.op)
749		if err != nil {
750			err = errors.Errorf("Failed to get vm name %q: %s", vm.Reference(), err)
751			return nil, err
752		}
753		// set session datastore to where the VM is running
754		ds, err := d.getImageDatastore(vm, nil, true)
755		if err != nil {
756			err = errors.Errorf("Failure finding image store from VCH VM %q: %s", name, err)
757			return nil, err
758		}
759		path, err := vm.DatastoreFolderName(d.op)
760		if err != nil {
761			err = errors.Errorf("Failed to get VM %q datastore path: %s", name, err)
762			return nil, err
763		}
764		s, err := d.GuestInfoSecret(name, path, ds)
765		if err != nil {
766			return nil, err
767		}
768		d.secret = s
769	}
771	conf := &config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec{}
772	extraconfig.Decode(d.secret.Source(extraconfig.MapSource(cfg)), conf)
773	return conf, nil
776func (d *Dispatcher) reconfigureApplianceSpec(vm *vm.VirtualMachine, conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec, settings *data.InstallerData) (*types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec, error) {
777	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))
779	var devices object.VirtualDeviceList
780	var err error
782	spec := &types.VirtualMachineConfigSpec{}
784	// create new devices
785	if devices, err = d.configIso(conf, vm, settings); err != nil {
786		return nil, err
787	}
789	newDevices, err := devices.ConfigSpec(types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperationAdd)
790	if err != nil {
791		d.op.Errorf("Failed to create config spec for appliance: %s", err)
792		return nil, err
793	}
795	spec.DeviceChange = newDevices
797	// update existing devices
798	if devices, err = d.configLogging(conf, vm, settings); err != nil {
799		return nil, err
800	}
802	updateDevices, err := devices.ConfigSpec(types.VirtualDeviceConfigSpecOperationEdit)
803	if err != nil {
804		d.op.Errorf("Failed to create config spec for logging update: %s", err)
805		return nil, err
806	}
808	spec.DeviceChange = append(spec.DeviceChange, updateDevices...)
810	cfg, err := d.encodeConfig(conf)
811	if err != nil {
812		return nil, err
813	}
815	spec.ExtraConfig = append(spec.ExtraConfig, vmomi.OptionValueFromMap(cfg, true)...)
816	return spec, nil
819// applianceConfiguration updates the configuration passed in with the latest from the appliance VM.
820// there's no guarantee of consistency within the configuration at this time
821func (d *Dispatcher) applianceConfiguration(conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec) error {
822	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))
824	extraConfig, err := d.appliance.FetchExtraConfig(d.op)
825	if err != nil {
826		return err
827	}
829	extraconfig.Decode(extraconfig.MapSource(extraConfig), conf)
830	return nil
833// waitForKey squashes the return values and simpy blocks until the key is updated or there is an error
834func (d *Dispatcher) waitForKey(key string) {
835	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(key))
837	d.appliance.WaitForKeyInExtraConfig(d.op, key)
838	return
841// isPortLayerRunning decodes the `docker info` response to check if the portlayer is running
842func isPortLayerRunning(op trace.Operation, res *http.Response, conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec) bool {
843	defer res.Body.Close()
844	resBody, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
845	if err != nil {
846		op.Debugf("error while reading res body: %s", err.Error())
847		return false
848	}
850	var sysInfo dockertypes.Info
851	if err = json.Unmarshal(resBody, &sysInfo); err != nil {
852		op.Debugf("error while unmarshalling res body: %s", err.Error())
853		return false
854	}
855	// At this point the portlayer is up successfully. However, we need to report the Volume Stores that were not created successfully.
856	volumeStoresLine := ""
858	for _, value := range sysInfo.SystemStatus {
859		if value[0] == volumeStoresID {
860			op.Debugf("Portlayer has established volume stores (%s)", value[1])
861			volumeStoresLine = value[1]
862			break
863		}
864	}
866	allVolumeStoresPresent := confirmVolumeStores(op, conf, volumeStoresLine)
867	if !allVolumeStoresPresent {
868		op.Error("Not all configured volume stores are online - check port layer log via vicadmin")
869	}
871	for _, status := range sysInfo.SystemStatus {
872		if status[0] == sysInfo.Driver {
873			return status[1] == "RUNNING"
874		}
875	}
877	return false
880// confirmVolumeStores is a helper function that will log and warn the vic-machine user if some of their volumestores did not present in the portlayer
881func confirmVolumeStores(op trace.Operation, conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec, rawVolumeStores string) bool {
882	establishedVolumeStores := make(map[string]struct{})
884	splitStores := strings.Split(rawVolumeStores, " ")
885	for _, v := range splitStores {
886		establishedVolumeStores[v] = struct{}{}
887	}
889	result := true
890	for k := range conf.VolumeLocations {
891		if _, ok := establishedVolumeStores[k]; !ok {
892			op.Errorf("VolumeStore (%s) cannot be brought online - check network, nfs server, and --volume-store configurations", k)
893			result = false
894		}
895	}
896	return result
899// CheckDockerAPI checks if the appliance components are initialized by issuing
900// `docker info` to the appliance
901func (d *Dispatcher) CheckDockerAPI(conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec, clientCert *tls.Certificate) error {
902	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))
904	var (
905		proto          string
906		client         *http.Client
907		res            *http.Response
908		err            error
909		req            *http.Request
910		tlsErrExpected bool
911	)
913	if conf.HostCertificate.IsNil() {
914		// TLS disabled
915		proto = "http"
916		client = &http.Client{}
917	} else {
918		// TLS enabled
919		proto = "https"
921		// #nosec: TLS InsecureSkipVerify set true
922		tr := &http.Transport{
923			TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{
924				InsecureSkipVerify: true,
925			},
926		}
928		// appliance is configured for tlsverify, but we don't have a client certificate
929		if len(conf.CertificateAuthorities) > 0 {
930			// if tlsverify was configured at all then we must verify the remote
931			tr.TLSClientConfig.InsecureSkipVerify = false
933			func() {
934				d.op.Debug("Loading CAs for client auth")
935				pool, err := x509.SystemCertPool()
936				if err != nil {
937					d.op.Warn("Unable to load system root certificates - continuing with only the provided CA")
938					pool = x509.NewCertPool()
939				}
941				if !pool.AppendCertsFromPEM(conf.CertificateAuthorities) {
942					d.op.Warn("Unable add CAs from config to validation pool")
943				}
945				// tr.TLSClientConfig.ClientCAs = pool
946				tr.TLSClientConfig.RootCAs = pool
948				if clientCert == nil {
949					// we know this will fail, but we can try to distinguish the expected error vs
950					// unresponsive endpoint
951					tlsErrExpected = true
952					d.op.Debug("CA configured on appliance but no client certificate available")
953					return
954				}
956				cert, err := conf.HostCertificate.X509Certificate()
957				if err != nil {
958					d.op.Debug("Unable to extract host certificate: %s", err)
959					tlsErrExpected = true
960					return
961				}
963				cip := net.ParseIP(d.HostIP)
964				if err != nil {
965					d.op.Debug("Unable to process Docker API host address from %q: %s", d.HostIP, err)
966					tlsErrExpected = true
967					return
968				}
970				// find the name to use and override the IP if found
971				addr, err := addrToUse(d.op, []net.IP{cip}, cert, conf.CertificateAuthorities)
972				if err != nil {
973					d.op.Debug("Unable to determine address to use with remote certificate, checking SANs")
974					// #nosec: Errors unhandled .
975					addr, _ = viableHostAddress(d.op, []net.IP{cip}, cert, conf.CertificateAuthorities)
976					d.op.Debugf("Using host address: %s", addr)
977				}
978				if addr != "" {
979					d.HostIP = addr
980				} else {
981					d.op.Debug("Failed to find a viable address for Docker API from certificates")
982					// Server certificate won't validate since we don't have a hostname
983					tlsErrExpected = true
984				}
985				d.op.Debugf("Host address set to: %q", d.HostIP)
986			}()
987		}
989		if clientCert != nil {
990			d.op.Debug("Assigning certificates for client auth")
991			tr.TLSClientConfig.Certificates = []tls.Certificate{*clientCert}
992		}
994		client = &http.Client{Transport: tr}
995	}
997	dockerInfoURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s:%s/info", proto, d.HostIP, d.DockerPort)
998	d.op.Debugf("Docker API endpoint: %s", dockerInfoURL)
999	req, err = http.NewRequest("GET", dockerInfoURL, nil)
1000	if err != nil {
1001		return errors.New("invalid HTTP request for docker info")
1002	}
1003	req = req.WithContext(d.op)
1005	ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Second)
1006	defer ticker.Stop()
1007	for {
1008		res, err = client.Do(req)
1009		if err == nil {
1010			if res.StatusCode == http.StatusOK {
1011				if isPortLayerRunning(d.op, res, conf) {
1012					d.op.Debug("Confirmed port layer is operational")
1013					break
1014				}
1015			}
1017			d.op.Debugf("Received HTTP status %d: %s", res.StatusCode, res.Status)
1018		} else {
1019			// DEBU[2016-10-11T22:22:38Z] Error received from endpoint: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused &{%!t(string=Get) %!t(string= %!t(*net.OpError=&{dial tcp <nil> 0xc4204505a0 0xc4203a5e00})}
1020			// DEBU[2016-10-11T22:22:39Z] Components not yet initialized, retrying
1021			// ERR=&url.Error{
1022			//     Op:  "Get",
1023			//     URL: "",
1024			//     Err: &net.OpError{
1025			//         Op:     "dial",
1026			//         Net:    "tcp",
1027			//         Source: nil,
1028			//         Addr:   &net.TCPAddr{
1029			//             IP:   {0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0xff, 0xff, 0xc0, 0xa8, 0x4e, 0x7f},
1030			//             Port: 2376,
1031			//             Zone: "",
1032			//         },
1033			//         Err: &os.SyscallError{
1034			//             Syscall: "getsockopt",
1035			//             Err:     syscall.Errno(0x6f),
1036			//         },
1037			//     },
1038			// }
1039			// DEBU[2016-10-11T22:22:41Z] Error received from endpoint: Get remote error: tls: bad certificate &{%!t(string=Get) %!t(string= %!t(*net.OpError=&{remote error  <nil> <nil> 42})}
1040			// DEBU[2016-10-11T22:22:42Z] Components not yet initialized, retrying
1041			// ERR=&url.Error{
1042			//     Op:  "Get",
1043			//     URL: "",
1044			//     Err: &net.OpError{
1045			//         Op:     "remote error",
1046			//         Net:    "",
1047			//         Source: nil,
1048			//         Addr:   nil,
1049			//         Err:    tls.alert(0x2a),
1050			//     },
1051			// }
1053			// ECONNREFUSED: 111, 0x6f
1055			uerr, ok := err.(*url.Error)
1056			if ok {
1057				switch neterr := uerr.Err.(type) {
1058				case *net.OpError:
1059					switch root := neterr.Err.(type) {
1060					case *os.SyscallError:
1061						if root.Err == syscall.Errno(syscall.ECONNREFUSED) {
1062							// waiting for API server to start
1063							d.op.Debug("connection refused")
1064						} else {
1065							d.op.Debugf("Error was expected to be ECONNREFUSED: %#v", root.Err)
1066						}
1067					default:
1068						errmsg := root.Error()
1070						if tlsErrExpected {
1071							d.op.Warnf("Expected TLS error without access to client certificate, received error: %s", errmsg)
1072							return nil
1073						}
1075						// the TLS package doesn't expose the raw reason codes
1076						// but we're actually looking for alertBadCertificate (42)
1077						if errmsg == badTLSCertificate {
1078							// TODO: programmatic check for clock skew on host
1079							d.op.Error("Connection failed with TLS error \"bad certificate\" - check for clock skew on the host")
1080						} else {
1081							d.op.Errorf("Connection failed with error: %s", root)
1082						}
1084						return fmt.Errorf("failed to connect to %s: %s", dockerInfoURL, root)
1085					}
1087				case x509.UnknownAuthorityError:
1088					// This will occur if the server certificate was signed by a CA that is not the one used for client authentication
1089					// and does not have a trusted root registered on the system running vic-machine
1090					msg := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to validate server certificate with configured CAs (unknown CA): %s", neterr.Error())
1091					if tlsErrExpected {
1092						// Legitimate deployment so no error, but definitely requires a warning.
1093						d.op.Warn(msg)
1094						return nil
1095					}
1096					// TLS error not expected, the validation failure is a problem
1097					d.op.Error(msg)
1098					return neterr
1100				case x509.HostnameError:
1101					// e.g. "doesn't contain any IP SANs"
1102					msg := fmt.Sprintf("Server certificate hostname doesn't match: %s", neterr.Error())
1103					if tlsErrExpected {
1104						d.op.Warn(msg)
1105						return nil
1106					}
1107					d.op.Error(msg)
1108					return neterr
1110				default:
1111					d.op.Debugf("Unhandled net error type: %#v", neterr)
1112					return neterr
1113				}
1114			} else {
1115				d.op.Debugf("Error type was expected to be url.Error: %#v", err)
1116			}
1117		}
1119		select {
1120		case <-ticker.C:
1121		case <-d.op.Done():
1122			return d.op.Err()
1123		}
1125		d.op.Debug("Components not yet initialized, retrying")
1126	}
1128	return nil
1131// ensureApplianceInitializes checks if the appliance component processes are launched correctly
1132func (d *Dispatcher) ensureApplianceInitializes(conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec) error {
1133	defer trace.End(trace.Begin(""))
1135	if d.appliance == nil {
1136		return errors.New("cannot validate appliance due to missing VM reference")
1137	}
1139	d.op.Info("Waiting for IP information")
1140	d.waitForKey(extraconfig.CalculateKey(conf, "ExecutorConfig.Networks.client.Assigned.IP", ""))
1141	ctxerr := d.op.Err()
1143	if ctxerr == nil {
1144		d.op.Info("Waiting for major appliance components to launch")
1145		for _, k := range extraconfig.CalculateKeys(conf, "ExecutorConfig.Sessions.*.Started", "") {
1146			d.waitForKey(k)
1147		}
1148	}
1150	// at this point either everything has succeeded or we're going into diagnostics, ignore error
1151	// as we're only using it for IP in the success case
1152	updateErr := d.applianceConfiguration(conf)
1154	// confirm components launched correctly
1155	d.op.Debug("  State of components:")
1156	for name, session := range conf.ExecutorConfig.Sessions {
1157		status := "waiting to launch"
1158		if session.Started == "true" {
1159			status = "started successfully"
1160		} else if session.Started != "" {
1161			status = session.Started
1162			d.op.Errorf("  Component did not launch successfully - %s: %s", name, status)
1163		}
1165		d.op.Debugf("    %q: %q", name, status)
1166	}
1168	// TODO: we should call to the general vic-machine inspect implementation here for more detail
1169	// but instead...
1170	if !ip.IsUnspecifiedIP(conf.ExecutorConfig.Networks["client"].Assigned.IP) {
1171		d.HostIP = conf.ExecutorConfig.Networks["client"].Assigned.IP.String()
1172		d.op.Infof("Obtained IP address for client interface: %q", d.HostIP)
1173		return nil
1174	}
1176	// it's possible we timed out... get updated info having adjusted context to allow it
1177	// keeping it short
1178	ctxerr = d.op.Err()
1180	baseOp := trace.NewOperationWithLoggerFrom(context.Background(), d.op, "ensureApplianceInitializes")
1181	op, cancel := trace.WithTimeout(&baseOp, 10*time.Second, "ensureApplianceInitializes timeout")
1182	defer cancel()
1183	d.op = op
1184	err := d.applianceConfiguration(conf)
1185	if err != nil {
1186		return fmt.Errorf("unable to retrieve updated configuration from appliance for diagnostics: %s", err)
1187	}
1189	if ctxerr == context.DeadlineExceeded {
1190		d.op.Info("")
1191		d.op.Error("Failed to obtain IP address for client interface")
1192		d.op.Info("Use vic-machine inspect to see if VCH has received an IP address at a later time")
1193		d.op.Info("  State of all interfaces:")
1195		// if we timed out, then report status - if cancelled this doesn't need reporting
1196		for name, net := range conf.ExecutorConfig.Networks {
1197			addr := net.Assigned.String()
1198			if ip.IsUnspecifiedIP(net.Assigned.IP) {
1199				addr = "waiting for IP"
1200			}
1201			d.op.Infof("    %q IP: %q", name, addr)
1202		}
1204		// if we timed out, then report status - if cancelled this doesn't need reporting
1205		d.op.Info("  State of components:")
1206		for name, session := range conf.ExecutorConfig.Sessions {
1207			status := "waiting to launch"
1208			if session.Started == "true" {
1209				status = "started successfully"
1210			} else if session.Started != "" {
1211				status = session.Started
1212			}
1213			d.op.Infof("    %q: %q", name, status)
1214		}
1216		return errors.New("Failed to obtain IP address for client interface (timed out)")
1217	}
1219	return fmt.Errorf("Failed to get IP address information from appliance: %s", updateErr)
1222// CheckServiceReady checks if service is launched correctly, including ip address, service initialization, VC connection and Docker API
1223// Should expand this method for any more VCH service checking
1224func (d *Dispatcher) CheckServiceReady(ctx context.Context, conf *config.VirtualContainerHostConfigSpec, clientCert *tls.Certificate) error {
1225	defer func(oldOp trace.Operation) { d.op = oldOp }(d.op)
1226	d.op = trace.FromContext(ctx, "CheckServiceReady")
1228	if err := d.ensureApplianceInitializes(conf); err != nil {
1229		return err
1230	}
1232	// vic-init will try to reach out to the vSphere target.
1233	d.op.Info("Checking VCH connectivity with vSphere target")
1234	// Checking access to vSphere API
1235	if cd, err := d.CheckAccessToVCAPI(d.appliance, conf.Target); err == nil {
1236		code := int(cd)
1237		if code > 0 {
1238			d.op.Warnf("vSphere API Test: %s %s", conf.Target, diag.UserReadableVCAPITestDescription(code))
1239		} else {
1240			d.op.Infof("vSphere API Test: %s %s", conf.Target, diag.UserReadableVCAPITestDescription(code))
1241		}
1242	} else {
1243		d.op.Warnf("Could not run VCH vSphere API target check due to %v but the VCH may still function normally", err)
1244	}
1246	if err := d.CheckDockerAPI(conf, clientCert); err != nil {
1247		err = errors.Errorf("Docker API endpoint check failed: %s", err)
1248		// log with info because this might not be an error
1249		d.op.Info(err)
1250		return err
1251	}
1252	return nil
1255// deleteFolder deletes the supplied folder if it is empty.  During a VCH Delete there is a slight possibility vic
1256// could delete a folder it didn't create.  The only time a VCH would be in a folder vic didn't create
1257// would be outside of normal vic operations.  There is no risk of loss of data as it will this will only
1258// delete an empty folder.
1259func (d *Dispatcher) deleteFolder(folder *object.Folder) {
1260	// only continue if VC and the target Folder is NOT the datacenter wide VM Folder
1261	if d.isVC && folder != nil && folder.Reference() != d.session.VMFolder.Reference() {
1262		children, err := folder.Children(d.op)
1263		if err != nil {
1264			d.op.Errorf("Unable to retrieve Folder(%s) contents: %s", folder.InventoryPath, err)
1265			return
1266		}
1267		if len(children) > 0 {
1268			d.op.Warnf("Folder(%s) is not empty and will not be removed", folder.InventoryPath)
1269			return
1270		}
1271		d.op.Debugf("Destroying folder %s", folder.Name())
1272		_, err = tasks.WaitForResult(d.op, func(ctx context.Context) (tasks.Task, error) {
1273			return folder.Destroy(d.op)
1274		})
1275		if err != nil {
1276			d.op.Errorf("Failed to remove Folder(%s) - manual removal may be needed: %s", folder.InventoryPath, err)
1277		}
1278	}