1 /***************************************************************************
2 *   Copyright (C) 2021 by Abderrahman Taha                                *
3 *                                                                         *
4 *                                                                         *
5 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
6 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
7 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
8 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
9 *                                                                         *
10 *   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,       *
11 *   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of        *
13 *   GNU General Public License for more details.                          *
14 *                                                                         *
15 *   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     *
16 *   along with this program; if not, write to the                         *
17 *   Free Software Foundation, Inc.,                                       *
18 *   51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA            *
19 ***************************************************************************/
20 #include "TableMap.h"
21 #include "Iso3D.h"
22 #include "internalfunctions.cpp"
23 #include <QElapsedTimer>
25 static uint NbPolyMin;
26 static Voxel *GridVoxelVarPt;
27 static double *Results;
28 static uint NbVertexTmp = 0;
29 static std::vector<float> NormOriginaltmpVector;
30 uint NbTriangleIsoSurface,NbPointIsoMap;
31 uint OrignbX, OrignbY, OrignbZ;
32 uint Stack_Factor=OrignbX*OrignbY*OrignbZ;
33 std::vector<float> NormVertexTabVector;
34 std::vector<uint>  IndexPolyTabMinVector;
35 std::vector<uint>  IndexPolyTabMinVector2;
36 std::vector<uint>  IndexPolyTabVector;
37 static CellNoise *NoiseFunction = new CellNoise();
38 static ImprovedNoise *PNoise = new ImprovedNoise(4., 4., 4.);
39 static QElapsedTimer times;
40 static double IsoComponentId=0;
41 static int nbvariables=0;
CurrentIsoCmpId(const double * p)43 double CurrentIsoCmpId(const double* p)
44 {
45     return((int (p[0]))== 0 ? IsoComponentId:0);
46 }
TurbulenceWorley(const double * p)48 extern double TurbulenceWorley(const double *p)
49 {
50     return double (
51                NoiseFunction->CellNoiseFunc(
52                    float (p[0]),
53                    float (p[1]),
54                    float (p[2]),
55                    int (p[3]),
56                    int (p[4]),
57                    int (p[5]))
58            );
59 }
TurbulencePerlin(const double * p)60 double TurbulencePerlin(const double *p)
61 {
62     return double (
63                PNoise->FractalNoise3D(
64                    float (p[0]),
65                    float (p[1]),
66                    float (p[2]),
67                    int (p[3]),
68                    float (p[4]),
69                    float (p[5])));
70 }
MarblePerlin(const double * p)71 double MarblePerlin(const double *p)
72 {
73     return double (
74                PNoise->Marble(
75                    float (p[0]),
76                    float (p[1]),
77                    float (p[2]),
78                    int (p[3])));
79 }
run()80 void IsoWorkerThread::run()
81 {
82     IsoCompute(CurrentComponent);
83 }
run()84 void Iso3D::run()
85 {
86     BuildIso();
87 }
emitMySignal()88 void IsoWorkerThread::emitMySignal()
89 {
90     emit mySignal(signalVal);
91 }
emitErrorSignal()92 void Iso3D::emitErrorSignal()
93 {
94     emit ErrorSignal(int(messageerror));
95 }
emitUpdateMessageSignal()96 void Iso3D::emitUpdateMessageSignal()
97 {
98     emit UpdateMessageSignal(message);
99 }
BuildIso()100 void Iso3D::BuildIso()
101 {
102     IsoBuild(
103         &(localScene->ArrayNorVer_localPt),
104         &(localScene->PolyIndices_localPt),
105         &localScene->PolyNumber,
106         &(localScene->VertxNumber),
107         &(localScene->PolyIndices_localPtMin),
108         &(localScene->NbPolygnNbVertexPtMin),
109         &(localScene->NbPolygnNbVertexPtMinSize),
110         &(localScene->componentsinfos));
111 }
IsoMasterThread()112 IsoMasterThread::IsoMasterThread()
113 {
114     ParisoCondition = -1;
115     ImplicitFunction =  "cos(x) + cos(y) + cos(z)";
116     XlimitSup = "4";
117     YlimitSup = "4";
118     ZlimitSup = "4";
119     XlimitInf   = "-4";
120     YlimitInf   = "-4";
121     ZlimitInf   = "-4";
122     Lacunarity = 0.5;
123     Gain = 1.0;
124     Octaves = 4;
125     Cstparser.AddConstant("pi", PI);
126     componentsNumber = ConstSize = FunctSize = RgbtSize = VRgbtSize = 0;
127 }
IsoMasterTable()128 void IsoMasterThread::IsoMasterTable()
129 {
130     UsedFunct    = new bool[0];
131     UsedFunct2   = new bool[0];
132 }
~IsoMasterThread()133 IsoMasterThread::~IsoMasterThread()
134 {
135     if(ParsersAllocated)
136     {
137         delete[] implicitFunctionParser;
138         delete[] xSupParser;
139         delete[] ySupParser;
140         delete[] zSupParser;
141         delete[] xInfParser;
142         delete[] yInfParser;
143         delete[] zInfParser;
144         delete[] Fct;
145         delete[] ParisoConditionParser;
146         delete[] VRgbtParser;
147         delete[] RgbtParser;
148         delete GradientParser;
149         delete NoiseParser;
150         ParsersAllocated = false;
151     }
152     delete[] UsedFunct;
153     delete[] UsedFunct2;
154     grid.clear();
155     SliderValues.clear();
156     SliderNames.clear();
157     Consts.clear();
158     ConstNames.clear();
159     ConstValues.clear();
160     Rgbts.clear();
161     RgbtNames.clear();
162     VRgbts.clear();
163     VRgbtNames.clear();
164     Functs.clear();
165     FunctNames.clear();
166 }
~IsoWorkerThread()167 IsoWorkerThread::~IsoWorkerThread()
168 {
169     if(ParsersAllocated)
170     {
171         delete[] implicitFunctionParser;
172         delete[] Fct;
173         ParsersAllocated = false;
174     }
175 }
IsoWorkerThread()176 IsoWorkerThread::IsoWorkerThread()
177 {
178     XYZgrid = 40;
179     stepMorph = 0;
180     pace = 1.0/30.0;
181     activeMorph = -1;
182     AllComponentTraited = false;
183     ParsersAllocated = false;
184     StopCalculations = false;
185 }
WorkerThreadCopy(IsoWorkerThread * WorkerThreadsTmp)186 void Iso3D::WorkerThreadCopy(IsoWorkerThread *WorkerThreadsTmp)
187 {
188     for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1<WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
189     {
190         WorkerThreadsTmp[nbthreads].XYZgrid = masterthread->XYZgrid;
191         WorkerThreadsTmp[nbthreads].MyIndex  = nbthreads+1;
192         WorkerThreadsTmp[nbthreads].WorkerThreadsNumber = WorkerThreadsNumber;
193         WorkerThreadsTmp[nbthreads].GridVal = masterthread->GridVal;
194     }
195 }
UpdateThredsNumber(uint NewThreadsNumber)196 void Iso3D::UpdateThredsNumber(uint NewThreadsNumber)
197 {
198     uint OldWorkerThreadsNumber = WorkerThreadsNumber;
199     WorkerThreadsNumber = ThreadsNumber = NewThreadsNumber;
200     IsoWorkerThread *workerthreadstmp = new IsoWorkerThread[WorkerThreadsNumber-1];
201     WorkerThreadCopy(workerthreadstmp);
202     //Free old memory:
203     for(uint i=0; i+1<OldWorkerThreadsNumber; i++)
204         workerthreads[i].DeleteWorkerParsers();
205     if(OldWorkerThreadsNumber >1)
206         delete[] workerthreads;
207     //Assigne newly allocated memory
208     workerthreads = workerthreadstmp;
209     masterthread->WorkerThreadsNumber = WorkerThreadsNumber;
210 }
IsoMorph()211 ErrorMessage  Iso3D::IsoMorph()
212 {
213     ErrorMessage err = masterthread->ParserIso();
214     if(err.iErrorIndex < 0)
215         ThreadParsersCopy();
216     return err;
217 }
ThreadParsersCopy()218 ErrorMessage Iso3D::ThreadParsersCopy()
219 {
220     for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1<WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
221     {
222         workerthreads[nbthreads].xLocal2.clear();
223         workerthreads[nbthreads].xLocal2 = masterthread->xLocal2;
224         workerthreads[nbthreads].yLocal2.clear();
225         workerthreads[nbthreads].yLocal2 = masterthread->yLocal2;
226         workerthreads[nbthreads].zLocal2.clear();
227         workerthreads[nbthreads].zLocal2 = masterthread->zLocal2;
228         workerthreads[nbthreads].activeMorph = masterthread->activeMorph;
229         workerthreads[nbthreads].AllComponentTraited = masterthread->AllComponentTraited;
230         workerthreads[nbthreads].XYZgrid = masterthread->XYZgrid;
231         workerthreads[nbthreads].GridVal = masterthread->GridVal;
232     }
233     for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1<WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
234         workerthreads[nbthreads].DeleteWorkerParsers();
235     for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1<WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
236         workerthreads[nbthreads].AllocateParsersForWorkerThread(masterthread->componentsNumber, masterthread->FunctSize);
237     return(parse_expression2());
238 }
parse_expression2()239 ErrorMessage  Iso3D::parse_expression2()
240 {
241     ErrorMessage NodError;
242     // Functions :
243     for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1<WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
244     {
245         for(uint ij=0; ij<masterthread->FunctSize; ij++)
246         {
247             workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ij].AddFunction("CmpId",CurrentIsoCmpId, 1);
248             workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ij].AddConstant("pi", PI);
249             workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ij].AddConstant("ThreadId", workerthreads[nbthreads].MyIndex);
250         }
251         for(uint ii=0; ii<masterthread->FunctSize; ii++)
252         {
253             for(uint jj=0; jj<masterthread->ConstSize; jj++)
254             {
255                 workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ii].AddConstant(masterthread->ConstNames[jj], masterthread->ConstValues[jj]);
256             }
257             //Add predefined constatnts:
258             for(uint kk=0; kk<masterthread->Nb_Sliders; kk++)
259             {
260                 workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ii].AddConstant(masterthread->SliderNames[kk], masterthread->SliderValues[kk]);
261             }
262         }
263         for(uint ii=0; ii<masterthread->FunctSize; ii++)
264         {
265             workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ii].AddFunction("NoiseW",TurbulenceWorley, 6);
266             workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ii].AddFunction("fhelix1",fhelix1, 10);
267             workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ii].AddFunction("fhelix2",fhelix2, 10);
268             workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ii].AddFunction("f_hex_y",f_hex_y, 4);
269             workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ii].AddFunction("p_skeletal_int",p_skeletal_int, 3);
270             workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ii].AddFunction("fmesh",fmesh, 8);
271             workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ii].AddFunction("NoiseP",TurbulencePerlin, 6);
272             workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ii].AddFunction("MarbleP",MarblePerlin, 4);
273             for(uint jj=0; jj<ii; jj++)
274                 if(masterthread->UsedFunct2[ii*masterthread->FunctSize+jj])
275                     workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ii].AddFunction(masterthread->FunctNames[jj], workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[jj]);
276             if ((masterthread->stdError.iErrorIndex = workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ii].Parse(masterthread->Functs[ii],"x,y,z,t")) >= 0)
277             {
278                 masterthread->stdError.strError = masterthread->Functs[ii];
279                 return masterthread->stdError;
280             }
281             workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[ii].AllocateStackMemory(Stack_Factor, nbvariables);
282         }
283     }
284     //Add defined constantes:
285     for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1<WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
286     {
287         for(uint i=0; i<masterthread->componentsNumber; i++)
288         {
289             workerthreads[nbthreads].implicitFunctionParser[i].AddConstant("pi", PI);
290             workerthreads[nbthreads].implicitFunctionParser[i].AddConstant("ThreadId", workerthreads[nbthreads].MyIndex);
291             for(uint j=0; j<masterthread->ConstSize; j++)
292             {
293                 workerthreads[nbthreads].implicitFunctionParser[i].AddConstant(masterthread->ConstNames[j], masterthread->ConstValues[j]);
294             }
295             //Add predefined sliders constatnts:
296             for(uint k=0; k<masterthread->Nb_Sliders; k++)
297             {
298                 workerthreads[nbthreads].implicitFunctionParser[i].AddConstant(masterthread->SliderNames[k], masterthread->SliderValues[k]);
299             }
300         }
301     }
302     // Add defined functions :
303     for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1<WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
304     {
305         for(uint i=0; i<masterthread->componentsNumber; i++)
306         {
307             //Functions:
308             workerthreads[nbthreads].implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseW",TurbulenceWorley, 6);
309             workerthreads[nbthreads].implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("fhelix1",fhelix1, 10);
310             workerthreads[nbthreads].implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("fhelix2",fhelix2, 10);
311             workerthreads[nbthreads].implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("f_hex_y",f_hex_y, 4);
312             workerthreads[nbthreads].implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("p_skeletal_int",p_skeletal_int, 3);
313             workerthreads[nbthreads].implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("fmesh",fmesh, 8);
314             workerthreads[nbthreads].implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseP",TurbulencePerlin, 6);
315             workerthreads[nbthreads].implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("MarbleP",MarblePerlin, 4);
317             for(uint j=0; j<masterthread->FunctSize; j++)
318             {
319                 if(masterthread->UsedFunct[i*masterthread->FunctSize+j])
320                 {
321                     workerthreads[nbthreads].implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction(masterthread->FunctNames[j], workerthreads[nbthreads].Fct[j]);
322                 }
323             }
324         }
325     }
326     // Final step: parsing
327     for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1<WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
328     {
329         for(uint index=0; index< masterthread->componentsNumber; index++)
330         {
331             if ((masterthread->stdError.iErrorIndex = workerthreads[nbthreads].implicitFunctionParser[index].Parse(masterthread-> ImplicitStructs[index].fxyz, "x,y,z,t,i_indx,j_indx,k_indx,max_ijk")) >= 0)
332             {
333                 masterthread->stdError.strError = masterthread->ImplicitStructs[index].fxyz;
334                 return masterthread->stdError;
335             }
336         }
337     }
338     return NodError;
339 }
Iso3D(uint nbThreads,uint nbGrid,uint factX,uint factY,uint factZ)340 Iso3D::Iso3D( uint nbThreads,
341               uint nbGrid,
342               uint factX,
343               uint factY,
344               uint factZ)
345 {
346     OrignbX= factX;
347     OrignbY= factY;
348     OrignbZ=factZ;
349     Stack_Factor = factX*factY*factZ;
350     NbTriangleIsoSurface = 0;
351     NbPointIsoMap = 0;
352     WorkerThreadsNumber = ThreadsNumber = nbThreads;
353     masterthread  = new IsoMasterThread();
354     masterthread->IsoMasterTable();
355     workerthreads = new IsoWorkerThread[WorkerThreadsNumber-1];
356     masterthread->XYZgrid = nbGrid;
357     masterthread->GridVal = nbGrid;
358     masterthread->MyIndex = 0;
359     masterthread->WorkerThreadsNumber = WorkerThreadsNumber;
360     for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1<WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
361     {
362         workerthreads[nbthreads].XYZgrid = nbGrid;
363         workerthreads[nbthreads].GridVal = nbGrid;
364         workerthreads[nbthreads].MyIndex = nbthreads+1;
365         workerthreads[nbthreads].WorkerThreadsNumber = WorkerThreadsNumber;
366     }
367 }
HowManyVariables(std::string NewVariables,uint type)368 uint IsoMasterThread::HowManyVariables(std::string NewVariables, uint type)
369 {
370     std::string tmp, tmp2,tmp3;
371     size_t position =0, jpos;
372     uint Nb_variables =0;
373     while( NewVariables!= "")
374     {
375         if((position = NewVariables.find(";")) != std::string::npos)
376         {
377             tmp = NewVariables;
378             tmp2= tmp3 = (tmp.substr(0,position));
379             jpos = tmp2.find("=");
380             if(type == 1)
381             {
382                 ConstNames.push_back(tmp2.substr(0,jpos));
383                 Consts.push_back(tmp3.substr(jpos+1,position-1));
384             }
385             else if(type == 2)
386             {
387                 FunctNames.push_back(tmp2.substr(0,jpos));
388                 Functs.push_back(tmp3.substr(jpos+1,position-1));
389             }
390             else if(type == 3)
391             {
392                 RgbtNames.push_back(tmp2.substr(0,jpos));
393                 Rgbts.push_back(tmp3.substr(jpos+1,position-1));
394             }
395             else if(type == 4)
396             {
397                 VRgbtNames.push_back(tmp2.substr(0,jpos));
398                 VRgbts.push_back(tmp3.substr(jpos+1,position-1));
399             }
400             tmp2 = NewVariables.substr(position+1, NewVariables.length()-1);
401             NewVariables = tmp2;
402             Nb_variables++;
403         }
404         else
405         {
406             tmp = tmp2 = tmp3 = NewVariables;
407             jpos = tmp2.find("=");
408             if(type == 1)
409             {
410                 ConstNames.push_back(tmp2.substr(0, jpos));
411                 Consts.push_back(tmp3.substr(jpos+1,position-1));
412             }
413             else if(type == 2)
414             {
415                 FunctNames.push_back(tmp2.substr(0, jpos));
416                 Functs.push_back(tmp3.substr(jpos+1,position-1));
417             }
418             else if(type == 3)
419             {
420                 RgbtNames.push_back(tmp2.substr(0, jpos));
421                 Rgbts.push_back(tmp3.substr(jpos+1,position-1));
422             }
423             else if(type == 4)
424             {
425                 VRgbtNames.push_back(tmp2.substr(0, jpos));
426                 VRgbts.push_back(tmp3.substr(jpos+1,position-1));
427             }
428             NewVariables = "";
429             Nb_variables++;
430         }
431     }
432     return Nb_variables;
433 }
HowManyIsosurface(std::string ImplicitFct,uint type)434 uint IsoMasterThread::HowManyIsosurface(std::string ImplicitFct, uint type)
435 {
436     std::string tmp, tmp2;
437     size_t position =0;
438     uint Nb_implicitfunction =0;
439     if(type ==0)
440     {
441         ImplicitStructs[0].fxyz = ImplicitFct;
442         while( ImplicitFct!= "")
443         {
444             if((position = ImplicitFct.find(";")) !=std::string::npos   )
445             {
446                 tmp = ImplicitFct;
447                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].fxyz = (tmp.substr(0,position));
448                 Nb_implicitfunction++;
449                 tmp2 = ImplicitFct.substr(position+1, ImplicitFct.length()-1);
450                 ImplicitFct = tmp2;
451             }
452             else
453             {
454                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].fxyz  = ImplicitFct;
455                 ImplicitFct ="";
456             }
457         }
458         return Nb_implicitfunction;
459     }
460     else if(type == 1)  //xmin
461     {
462         ImplicitStructs[0].xmin = ImplicitFct;
463         while( ImplicitFct!= "")
464         {
465             if((position = ImplicitFct.find(";")) != std::string::npos)
466             {
467                 tmp = ImplicitFct;
468                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].xmin = (tmp.substr(0,position));
469                 Nb_implicitfunction++;
470                 tmp2 = ImplicitFct.substr(position+1, ImplicitFct.length()-1);
471                 ImplicitFct = tmp2;
472             }
473             else
474             {
475                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].xmin  = ImplicitFct;
476                 ImplicitFct ="";
477             }
478         }
479         return Nb_implicitfunction;
480     }
481     else if(type == 2)  //xmax
482     {
483         ImplicitStructs[0].xmax = ImplicitFct;
484         while( ImplicitFct!= "")
485         {
486             if((position = ImplicitFct.find(";")) != std::string::npos)
487             {
488                 tmp = ImplicitFct;
489                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].xmax = (tmp.substr(0,position));
490                 Nb_implicitfunction++;
491                 tmp2 = ImplicitFct.substr(position+1, ImplicitFct.length()-1);
492                 ImplicitFct = tmp2;
493             }
494             else
495             {
496                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].xmax  = ImplicitFct;
497                 ImplicitFct ="";
498             }
499         }
500         return Nb_implicitfunction;
501     }
502     else if(type == 3) //ymin
503     {
504         ImplicitStructs[0].ymin = ImplicitFct;
505         while( ImplicitFct!= "")
506         {
507             if((position = ImplicitFct.find(";")) != std::string::npos)
508             {
509                 tmp = ImplicitFct;
510                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].ymin = (tmp.substr(0,position));
511                 Nb_implicitfunction++;
512                 tmp2 = ImplicitFct.substr(position+1, ImplicitFct.length()-1);
513                 ImplicitFct = tmp2;
514             }
515             else
516             {
517                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].ymin  = ImplicitFct;
518                 ImplicitFct ="";
519             }
520         }
521         return Nb_implicitfunction;
522     }
523     else if(type == 4) //ymax
524     {
525         ImplicitStructs[0].ymax = ImplicitFct;
526         while( ImplicitFct!= "")
527         {
528             if((position = ImplicitFct.find(";")) != std::string::npos)
529             {
530                 tmp = ImplicitFct;
531                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].ymax = (tmp.substr(0,position));
532                 Nb_implicitfunction++;
533                 tmp2 = ImplicitFct.substr(position+1, ImplicitFct.length()-1);
534                 ImplicitFct = tmp2;
535             }
536             else
537             {
538                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].ymax  = ImplicitFct;
539                 ImplicitFct ="";
540             }
541         }
542         return Nb_implicitfunction;
543     }
544     else if(type == 5) //zmin
545     {
546         ImplicitStructs[0].zmin = ImplicitFct;
547         while( ImplicitFct!= "")
548         {
549             if((position = ImplicitFct.find(";")) != std::string::npos)
550             {
551                 tmp = ImplicitFct;
552                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].zmin = (tmp.substr(0,position));
553                 Nb_implicitfunction++;
554                 tmp2 = ImplicitFct.substr(position+1, ImplicitFct.length()-1);
555                 ImplicitFct = tmp2;
556             }
557             else
558             {
559                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].zmin  = ImplicitFct;
560                 ImplicitFct ="";
561             }
562         }
563         return Nb_implicitfunction;
564     }
565     else if(type == 6) //zmax
566     {
567         ImplicitStructs[0].zmax = ImplicitFct;
568         while( ImplicitFct!= "")
569         {
570             if((position = ImplicitFct.find(";")) != std::string::npos)
571             {
572                 tmp = ImplicitFct;
573                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].zmax = (tmp.substr(0,position));
574                 Nb_implicitfunction++;
575                 tmp2 = ImplicitFct.substr(position+1, ImplicitFct.length()-1);
576                 ImplicitFct = tmp2;
577             }
578             else
579             {
580                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].zmax  = ImplicitFct;
581                 ImplicitFct ="";
582             }
583         }
584         return Nb_implicitfunction;
585     }
586     else if(type == 8) //Cnd
587     {
588         ImplicitStructs[0].cnd = ImplicitFct;
589         while( ImplicitFct!= "")
590         {
591             if((position = ImplicitFct.find(";")) != std::string::npos)
592             {
593                 tmp = ImplicitFct;
594                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].cnd = (tmp.substr(0,position));
595                 Nb_implicitfunction++;
596                 tmp2 = ImplicitFct.substr(position+1, ImplicitFct.length()-1);
597                 ImplicitFct = tmp2;
598             }
599             else
600             {
601                 ImplicitStructs[Nb_implicitfunction].cnd  = ImplicitFct;
602                 ImplicitFct ="";
603             }
604         }
605         return Nb_implicitfunction;
606     }
607     return 0;
608 }
ReinitVarTablesWhenMorphActiv(uint IsoIndex)609 void Iso3D::ReinitVarTablesWhenMorphActiv(uint IsoIndex)
610 {
611     double vals[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
612     const uint limitX = masterthread->XYZgrid, limitY = masterthread->XYZgrid, limitZ = masterthread->XYZgrid;
613     uint maxgridval = masterthread->GridVal;
614     vals[3]         = masterthread->stepMorph;
615     masterthread->xLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval]=(masterthread->x_Sup[IsoIndex]=masterthread->xSupParser[IsoIndex].Eval(vals));
616     masterthread->yLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval]=(masterthread->y_Sup[IsoIndex]=masterthread->ySupParser[IsoIndex].Eval(vals));
617     masterthread->zLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval]=(masterthread->z_Sup[IsoIndex]=masterthread->zSupParser[IsoIndex].Eval(vals));
618     masterthread->x_Step[IsoIndex] = (masterthread->xLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval]-(masterthread->x_Inf[IsoIndex]=masterthread->xInfParser[IsoIndex].Eval(vals)))/(limitX-1);
619     masterthread->y_Step[IsoIndex] = (masterthread->yLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval]-(masterthread->y_Inf[IsoIndex]=masterthread->yInfParser[IsoIndex].Eval(vals)))/(limitY-1);
620     masterthread->z_Step[IsoIndex] = (masterthread->zLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval]-(masterthread->z_Inf[IsoIndex]=masterthread->zInfParser[IsoIndex].Eval(vals)))/(limitZ-1);
621     for (uint i= 1; i < limitX; i++)
622         masterthread->xLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval+i] = masterthread->xLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval+i-1] - masterthread->x_Step[IsoIndex];
623     for (uint j= 1; j < limitY; j++)
624         masterthread->yLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval+j] = masterthread->yLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval+j-1] - masterthread->y_Step[IsoIndex];
625     for (uint k= 1; k < limitZ; k++)
626         masterthread->zLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval+k] = masterthread->zLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval+k-1] - masterthread->z_Step[IsoIndex];
627     for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1<WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
628     {
629         for (uint k= 0; k < limitX; k++)
630             workerthreads[nbthreads].xLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval+k] = masterthread->xLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval+k];
631         for (uint k= 0; k < limitY; k++)
632             workerthreads[nbthreads].yLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval+k] = masterthread->yLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval+k];
633         for (uint k= 0; k < limitZ; k++)
634             workerthreads[nbthreads].zLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval+k] = masterthread->zLocal2[IsoIndex*maxgridval+k];
635     }
636 }
VoxelEvaluation(uint IsoIndex)637 void IsoWorkerThread::VoxelEvaluation(uint IsoIndex)
638 {
639     uint maxgrscalemaxgr = GridVal*GridVal;
640     const uint limitY = XYZgrid, limitZ = XYZgrid;
641     uint I_jp, J_jp, IJK_jp;
642     uint id=0;
643     uint nbX=OrignbX, nbY=OrignbY, nbZ=OrignbZ;
644     uint nbstack=nbX*nbY*nbZ;
645     uint Iindice=0, Jindice=0, Kindice=0, nbvar=8;
646     int PreviousSignal=0;
647     double vals[nbvar*nbstack];
648     double Res[nbstack];
650     vals[3]    = stepMorph;
651     uint taille=0;
652     iStart = 0;
653     iFinish = 0;
654     for(uint i=0; i<XYZgrid; i++)
655     {
656         if((i% (WorkerThreadsNumber))  == MyIndex )
657             taille += 1;
658         if(MyIndex <= (i% (WorkerThreadsNumber)))
659             iFinish  += 1;
660     }
661     iStart = iFinish - taille;
662     for(uint l=0; l<nbstack; l++)
663         vals[l*nbvar+3]= stepMorph;
664     for(uint l=0; l<nbstack; l++)
665         vals[l*nbvar+7]=GridVal;
666     uint remX= (iFinish-iStart)%nbX;
667     uint remY= limitY%nbY;
668     uint remZ= limitZ%nbZ;
669     uint Totalpoints=(iFinish-iStart)*limitY*limitZ;
670     implicitFunctionParser[IsoIndex].AllocateStackMemory(Stack_Factor, nbvariables);
671     for(uint i=iStart; i<iFinish; i+=nbX )
672     {
673         Iindice = i;
674         nbY=OrignbY;
675         if((remX>0) && ((Iindice+remX)==(iFinish)))
676         {
677             nbX = remX;
678             i= iFinish;
679         }
680         I_jp = Iindice*maxgrscalemaxgr;
681         for(uint j=0; j<limitY; j+=nbY)
682         {
683             Jindice = j;
684             nbZ=OrignbZ;
685             if((remY>0) && ((Jindice+remY)==(limitY)))
686             {
687                 nbY = remY;
688                 j= limitY;
689             }
690             J_jp = I_jp + Jindice*GridVal;
691             for(uint k=0; k<limitZ; k+=nbZ)
692             {
693                 Kindice = k;
694                 if((remZ>0) && ((Kindice+remZ)==(limitZ)))
695                 {
696                     nbZ = remZ;
697                     k= limitZ;
698                 }
699                 nbstack = nbX*nbY*nbZ;
700                 // X, Y and Z arrays construction:
701                 for(uint l=0; l<nbstack; l++)
702                 {
703                     vals[l*nbvar  ]= xLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal+Iindice+uint(l*nbX/nbstack)];
704                     vals[l*nbvar+1]= yLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal+Jindice+((uint(l/nbZ))%nbY)];
705                     vals[l*nbvar+2]= zLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal+Kindice+(l%nbZ)];
707                     vals[l*nbvar+4]=Iindice+uint(l*nbX/nbstack);
708                     vals[l*nbvar+5]=Jindice+((uint(l/nbZ))%nbY);
709                     vals[l*nbvar+6]=Kindice+(l%nbZ);
710                 }
711                 IJK_jp = J_jp+Kindice;
712                 double res = implicitFunctionParser[IsoIndex].Eval2(vals, nbvar, Res, nbstack);
713                 if( abs(res - IF_FUNCT_ERROR) == 0.0)
714                 {
715                     for(uint l=0; l<nbstack; l++)
716                         Res[l] = implicitFunctionParser[IsoIndex].Eval(&(vals[l*nbvar]));
717                 }
718                 else if( abs(res - DIVISION_BY_ZERO) == 0.0 || abs(res - VAR_OVERFLOW) == 0.0)
719                 {
720                     StopCalculations = true;
721                 }
722                 if(StopCalculations)
723                     return;
724                 uint p=0;
725                 uint sect=0;
726                 for(uint ii=0; ii<nbX; ii++)
727                     for(uint jj=0; jj<nbY; jj++)
728                         for(uint kk=0; kk<nbZ; kk++)
729                         {
730                             sect= IJK_jp + (ii)*GridVal*GridVal+ (jj)*GridVal + (kk);
731                             Results[sect] = Res[p];
732                             GridVoxelVarPt[sect].Signature   = 0; // Signature initialisation
733                             GridVoxelVarPt[sect].NbEdgePoint = 0; // No EdgePoint yet!
734                             p++;
735                         }
736                 //Signal emission:
737                 id+=nbstack;
738                 if(MyIndex == 0 && activeMorph != 1)
739                 {
740                     signalVal = int((id*100)/Totalpoints);
741                     if((signalVal - PreviousSignal) > 1 || id==Totalpoints)
742                     {
743                         PreviousSignal = signalVal;
744                         emitMySignal();
745                     }
746                 }
747             }
748         }
749     }
750 }
ConstructIsoNormale(uint idx)751 void Iso3D::ConstructIsoNormale(uint idx)
752 {
753     float val1, val2, val3, val4, val5, val6,
754           pt1_x, pt1_y, pt1_z,
755           pt2_x, pt2_y, pt2_z,
756           pt3_x, pt3_y, pt3_z,
757           scalar, n1, n2, n3;
758     uint ThreeTimesI, IndexFirstPoint, IndexSecondPoint, IndexThirdPoint;
759     NormOriginaltmpVector.resize(NormOriginaltmpVector.size()+ 3*NbTriangleIsoSurface);
760     for(uint i = 0; i<NbTriangleIsoSurface; ++i)
761     {
762         ThreeTimesI      = i*3;
763         IndexFirstPoint  = 10*IndexPolyTabVector[ThreeTimesI  +3*idx] + 7;
764         IndexSecondPoint = 10*IndexPolyTabVector[ThreeTimesI+1+3*idx] + 7;
765         IndexThirdPoint  = 10*IndexPolyTabVector[ThreeTimesI+2+3*idx] + 7;
766         pt1_x= NormVertexTabVector[IndexFirstPoint  ];
767         pt1_y= NormVertexTabVector[IndexFirstPoint+1];
768         pt1_z= NormVertexTabVector[IndexFirstPoint+2];
769         pt2_x= NormVertexTabVector[IndexSecondPoint  ];
770         pt2_y= NormVertexTabVector[IndexSecondPoint+1];
771         pt2_z= NormVertexTabVector[IndexSecondPoint+2];
772         pt3_x= NormVertexTabVector[IndexThirdPoint   ];
773         pt3_y= NormVertexTabVector[IndexThirdPoint+1 ];
774         pt3_z= NormVertexTabVector[IndexThirdPoint+2 ];
775         val1 = pt2_y - pt1_y;
776         val2 = pt3_z - pt1_z;
777         val3 = pt2_z - pt1_z;
778         val4 = pt3_y - pt1_y;
779         val5 = pt3_x - pt1_x;
780         val6 = pt2_x - pt1_x;
781         n1 = (val1*val2 - val3*val4);
782         n2 = (val3*val5 - val6*val2);
783         n3 = (val6*val4 - val1*val5);
784         scalar = float(sqrt(n1*n1+n2*n2+n3*n3));
785         if(scalar < float(0.0000001))  scalar  = float(0.0000001);
786         (NormOriginaltmpVector[ThreeTimesI  ] = n1/scalar);
787         (NormOriginaltmpVector[ThreeTimesI+1] = n2/scalar);
788         (NormOriginaltmpVector[ThreeTimesI+2] = n3/scalar);
789     }
790 }
SaveIsoGLMap(uint indx)791 void Iso3D::SaveIsoGLMap(uint indx)
792 {
793     uint IndexFirstPoint, IndexSecondPoint, IndexThirdPoint, ThreeTimesI;
794     double scalar;
795 /// Recalculate the normals so we have one for each Point (like Pov Mesh) :
796     for (uint i=0; i < NbPointIsoMap ; i++)
797     {
798         ThreeTimesI = 10*i  + 4;
799         NormVertexTabVector[ 10*NbVertexTmp +ThreeTimesI  ] = 0;
800         NormVertexTabVector[ 10*NbVertexTmp +ThreeTimesI+1] = 0;
801         NormVertexTabVector[ 10*NbVertexTmp +ThreeTimesI+2] = 0;
802     }
803     for(uint i = 0; i<NbTriangleIsoSurface; ++i)
804     {
805         ThreeTimesI   = i*3;
806         IndexFirstPoint  = 10*IndexPolyTabVector[ThreeTimesI  +3*indx] + 4;
807         IndexSecondPoint = 10*IndexPolyTabVector[ThreeTimesI+1+3*indx] + 4;
808         IndexThirdPoint  = 10*IndexPolyTabVector[ThreeTimesI+2+3*indx] + 4;
809         NormVertexTabVector[IndexFirstPoint  ] += NormOriginaltmpVector[ThreeTimesI  ];
810         NormVertexTabVector[IndexFirstPoint+1] += NormOriginaltmpVector[ThreeTimesI+1];
811         NormVertexTabVector[IndexFirstPoint+2] += NormOriginaltmpVector[ThreeTimesI+2];
812         NormVertexTabVector[IndexSecondPoint  ] += NormOriginaltmpVector[ThreeTimesI  ];
813         NormVertexTabVector[IndexSecondPoint+1] += NormOriginaltmpVector[ThreeTimesI+1];
814         NormVertexTabVector[IndexSecondPoint+2] += NormOriginaltmpVector[ThreeTimesI+2];
815         NormVertexTabVector[IndexThirdPoint  ]  += NormOriginaltmpVector[ThreeTimesI  ];
816         NormVertexTabVector[IndexThirdPoint+1]  += NormOriginaltmpVector[ThreeTimesI+1];
817         NormVertexTabVector[IndexThirdPoint+2]  += NormOriginaltmpVector[ThreeTimesI+2];
818     }
819 /// Normalisation
820     uint idx;
821     for (uint i=0; i < NbPointIsoMap  ; i++)
822     {
823         idx = 10*i + 4;
824         scalar = double(sqrt((NormVertexTabVector[idx  ]*NormVertexTabVector[idx  ]) +
825                              (NormVertexTabVector[idx+1]*NormVertexTabVector[idx+1]) +
826                              (NormVertexTabVector[idx+2]*NormVertexTabVector[idx+2])));
827         if(scalar < 0.000000001)  scalar = 0.000000001;
828         NormVertexTabVector[idx  ] /= float(scalar);
829         NormVertexTabVector[idx+1] /= float(scalar);
830         NormVertexTabVector[idx+2] /= float(scalar);
831     }
832 }
ParserIso()833 ErrorMessage IsoMasterThread::ParserIso()
834 {
835     double vals[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
836     initparser();
837     //Evaluates defined constantes:
838     if(constnotnull)
839     {
840         ConstSize = HowManyVariables(Const, 1);
841         for(uint j=0; j<ConstSize; j++)
842         {
843             if ((stdError.iErrorIndex = Cstparser.Parse(Consts[j],"u")) >= 0)
844             {
845                 stdError.strError = Consts[j];
846                 return stdError;
847             }
848             ConstValues.push_back(Cstparser.Eval(&vals[3]));
849             Cstparser.AddConstant(ConstNames[j], ConstValues[j]);
850         }
851     }
852     else
853     {
854         ConstSize = 0;
855     }
856     if(functnotnull)
857     {
858         FunctSize = HowManyVariables(Funct, 2);
859         for(uint i=0; i<FunctSize; i++)
860         {
861             for(uint j=0; j<ConstSize; j++)
862             {
863                 Fct[i].AddConstant(ConstNames[j], ConstValues[j]);
864             }
865             //Add predefined constatnts:
866             for(uint k=0; k<Nb_Sliders; k++)
867             {
868                 Fct[i].AddConstant(SliderNames[k], SliderValues[k]);
869             }
870         }
871         for(uint i=0; i<FunctSize; i++)
872         {
873             for(uint j=0; j<i; j++)
874                 if( (UsedFunct2[i*FunctSize+j]=(Functs[i].find(FunctNames[j]) != std::string::npos)))
875                     Fct[i].AddFunction(FunctNames[j], Fct[j]);
876             if ((stdError.iErrorIndex = Fct[i].Parse(Functs[i],"x,y,z,t"))>=0)
877             {
878                 stdError.strError = Functs[i];
879                 return stdError;
880             }
881             Fct[i].AllocateStackMemory(Stack_Factor, nbvariables);
882         }
883     }
884     else
885     {
886         FunctSize =0;
887     }
888     if(rgbtnotnull)
889     {
890         RgbtSize = HowManyVariables(Rgbt, 3);
891         for(uint i=0; i<RgbtSize; i++)
892         {
893             for(uint j=0; j<ConstSize; j++)
894             {
895                 RgbtParser[i].AddConstant(ConstNames[j], ConstValues[j]);
896                 RgbtParser[i].AddConstant("Lacunarity", double(Lacunarity));
897                 RgbtParser[i].AddConstant("Gain", double(Gain));
898                 RgbtParser[i].AddConstant("Octaves", double(Octaves));
899                 RgbtParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseW",TurbulenceWorley, 6);
900                 RgbtParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseP",TurbulencePerlin, 6);
901                 RgbtParser[i].AddFunction("MarbleP",MarblePerlin, 4);
902             }
903             //Add predefined constatnts:
904             for(uint k=0; k<Nb_Sliders; k++)
905             {
906                 RgbtParser[i].AddConstant(SliderNames[k], SliderValues[k]);
907             }
908         }
909     }
910     else
911     {
912         RgbtSize =0;
913     }
914     //For Solid Texture :
915     if(vrgbtnotnull)
916     {
917         VRgbtSize = HowManyVariables(VRgbt, 4);
918         for(uint j=0; j<ConstSize; j++)
919         {
920             GradientParser->AddConstant(ConstNames[j], ConstValues[j]);
921             //Add predefined constatnts:
922             for(uint k=0; k<Nb_Sliders; k++)
923                 GradientParser->AddConstant(SliderNames[k], SliderValues[k]);
924         }
925         GradientParser->AddConstant("Lacunarity", Lacunarity);
926         GradientParser->AddConstant("Gain", Gain);
927         GradientParser->AddConstant("Octaves", Octaves);
928         GradientParser->AddFunction("NoiseW",TurbulenceWorley, 6);
929         GradientParser->AddFunction("NoiseP",TurbulencePerlin, 6);
930         GradientParser->AddFunction("MarbleP",MarblePerlin, 4);
931         for(uint i=0; i<VRgbtSize; i++)
932         {
933             for(uint j=0; j<ConstSize; j++)
934             {
935                 VRgbtParser[i].AddConstant(ConstNames[j], ConstValues[j]);
936                 //Add predefined constatnts:
937                 for(uint k=0; k<Nb_Sliders; k++)
938                     VRgbtParser[i].AddConstant(SliderNames[k], SliderValues[k]);
939                 VRgbtParser[i].AddConstant("Lacunarity", Lacunarity);
940                 VRgbtParser[i].AddConstant("Gain", Gain);
941                 VRgbtParser[i].AddConstant("Octaves", Octaves);
942                 VRgbtParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseW",TurbulenceWorley, 6);
943                 VRgbtParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseP",TurbulencePerlin, 6);
944                 VRgbtParser[i].AddFunction("MarbleP",MarblePerlin, 4);
945             }
946         }
947     }
948     else
949     {
950         VRgbtSize =0;
951     }
952     if(Noise != "")
953     {
954         for(uint j=0; j<ConstSize; j++)
955             NoiseParser->AddConstant(ConstNames[j], ConstValues[j]);
956         NoiseParser->AddConstant("Lacunarity", Lacunarity);
957         NoiseParser->AddConstant("Gain", Gain);
958         NoiseParser->AddConstant("Octaves", Octaves);
959         //Add predefined constatnts:
960         for(uint k=0; k<Nb_Sliders; k++)
961         {
962             NoiseParser->AddConstant(SliderNames[k], SliderValues[k]);
963         }
964     }
965     //ImplicitFunction is composed of more than one isosurface:
966     HowManyIsosurface(ImplicitFunction, 0);
967     HowManyIsosurface(XlimitInf, 1);
968     HowManyIsosurface(XlimitSup, 2);
969     HowManyIsosurface(YlimitInf, 3);
970     HowManyIsosurface(YlimitSup, 4);
971     HowManyIsosurface(ZlimitInf, 5);
972     HowManyIsosurface(ZlimitSup, 6);
973     HowManyIsosurface(Grid, 7);
974     if(cndnotnull)
975     {
976         ParisoCondition = 1;
977         HowManyIsosurface(Condition, 8);
978     }
979     else
980         ParisoCondition = -1;
981     //Add defined constantes:
982     for(uint i=0; i<componentsNumber; i++)
983     {
984         for(uint j=0; j<ConstSize; j++)
985         {
986             implicitFunctionParser[i].AddConstant(ConstNames[j], ConstValues[j]);
987             if(cndnotnull)
988                 ParisoConditionParser[i].AddConstant(ConstNames[j], ConstValues[j]);
989             xSupParser[i].AddConstant(ConstNames[j], ConstValues[j]);
990             ySupParser[i].AddConstant(ConstNames[j], ConstValues[j]);
991             zSupParser[i].AddConstant(ConstNames[j], ConstValues[j]);
992             xInfParser[i].AddConstant(ConstNames[j], ConstValues[j]);
993             yInfParser[i].AddConstant(ConstNames[j], ConstValues[j]);
994             zInfParser[i].AddConstant(ConstNames[j], ConstValues[j]);
995         }
996         //Add predefined constatnts:
997         for(uint k=0; k<Nb_Sliders; k++)
998         {
999             implicitFunctionParser[i].AddConstant(SliderNames[k], SliderValues[k]);
1000             if(cndnotnull)
1001                 ParisoConditionParser[i].AddConstant(SliderNames[k], SliderValues[k]);
1002             xSupParser[i].AddConstant(SliderNames[k], SliderValues[k]);
1003             ySupParser[i].AddConstant(SliderNames[k], SliderValues[k]);
1004             zSupParser[i].AddConstant(SliderNames[k], SliderValues[k]);
1005             xInfParser[i].AddConstant(SliderNames[k], SliderValues[k]);
1006             yInfParser[i].AddConstant(SliderNames[k], SliderValues[k]);
1007             zInfParser[i].AddConstant(SliderNames[k], SliderValues[k]);
1008         }
1009     }
1010     // Add defined functions :
1011     if(rgbtnotnull)
1012         for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
1013             for(uint j=0; j<FunctSize; j++)
1014             {
1015                 RgbtParser[i].AddFunction(FunctNames[j], Fct[j]);
1016                 RgbtParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseW",TurbulenceWorley, 6);
1017                 RgbtParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseP",TurbulencePerlin, 6);
1018                 RgbtParser[i].AddFunction("MarbleP",MarblePerlin, 4);
1019             }
1020     // Add defined functions :
1021     if(vrgbtnotnull)
1022     {
1023         for(uint j=0; j<FunctSize; j++)
1024         {
1025             GradientParser->AddFunction(FunctNames[j], Fct[j]);
1026             GradientParser->AddFunction("NoiseW",TurbulenceWorley, 6);
1027             GradientParser->AddFunction("NoiseP",TurbulencePerlin, 6);
1028             GradientParser->AddFunction("MarbleP",MarblePerlin, 4);
1029         }
1031         for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
1032             for(uint j=0; j<FunctSize; j++)
1033             {
1034                 VRgbtParser[i].AddFunction(FunctNames[j], Fct[j]);
1035                 VRgbtParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseW",TurbulenceWorley, 6);
1036                 VRgbtParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseP",TurbulencePerlin, 6);
1037                 VRgbtParser[i].AddFunction("MarbleP",MarblePerlin, 4);
1038             }
1039     }
1040     //delete NoiseFunction;
1041     //NoiseFunction = new CellNoise();
1042     for(uint i=0; i<componentsNumber; i++)
1043     {
1044         for(uint j=0; j<FunctSize; j++)
1045         {
1046             if((UsedFunct[i*FunctSize+j]=(ImplicitStructs[i].fxyz.find(FunctNames[j]) != std::string::npos)))
1047             {
1048                 implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction(FunctNames[j], Fct[j]);
1049                 ParisoConditionParser[i].AddFunction(FunctNames[j], Fct[j]);
1050             }
1051         }
1052         implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseW",TurbulenceWorley, 6);
1053         implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("fhelix1",fhelix1, 10);
1054         implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("fhelix2",fhelix2, 10);
1055         implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("f_hex_y",f_hex_y, 4);
1056         implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("p_skeletal_int",p_skeletal_int, 3);
1057         implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("fmesh",fmesh, 8);
1058         implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseP",TurbulencePerlin, 6);
1059         implicitFunctionParser[i].AddFunction("MarbleP",MarblePerlin, 4);
1060     }
1061     NoiseParser->AddFunction("NoiseW",TurbulenceWorley, 6);
1062     NoiseParser->AddFunction("NoiseP",TurbulencePerlin, 6);
1063     NoiseParser->AddFunction("MarbleP",MarblePerlin, 4);
1064     return ParseExpression();
1065 }
ParseExpression()1066 ErrorMessage IsoMasterThread::ParseExpression()
1067 {
1068     double vals[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
1069     uint limitX = XYZgrid, limitY = XYZgrid, limitZ = XYZgrid;
1071     if(AllComponentTraited)
1072     {
1073         stepMorph += pace;
1074     }
1075     vals[3] = stepMorph;
1076     // Parse
1077     if(rgbtnotnull && RgbtSize == 4)
1078         for(uint i=0; i<RgbtSize; i++)
1079             if ((stdError.iErrorIndex = RgbtParser[i].Parse(Rgbts[i],"x,y,z,t,cmpId,indx,x_step,y_step,z_step,max_ijk,x_sup,y_sup,z_sup,x_inf,y_inf,z_inf")) >= 0)
1080             {
1081                 stdError.strError = Rgbts[i];
1082                 return stdError;
1083             }
1084     // Parse
1085     if(vrgbtnotnull && (VRgbtSize % 5) ==0)
1086     {
1087         if ((stdError.iErrorIndex = GradientParser->Parse(Gradient,"x,y,z,t,cmpId,indx,x_step,y_step,z_step,max_ijk,x_sup,y_sup,z_sup,x_inf,y_inf,z_inf")) >= 0)
1088         {
1089             stdError.strError = Gradient;
1090             return stdError;
1091         }
1092         for(uint i=0; i<VRgbtSize; i++)
1093             if ((stdError.iErrorIndex = VRgbtParser[i].Parse(VRgbts[i],"x,y,z,t,cmpId,indx,x_step,y_step,z_step,max_ijk,x_sup,y_sup,z_sup,x_inf,y_inf,z_inf")) >= 0)
1094             {
1095                 stdError.strError = VRgbts[i];
1096                 return stdError;
1097             }
1098     }
1099     if(Noise != "")
1100         if ((stdError.iErrorIndex = NoiseParser->Parse(Noise,"x,y,z,t,cmpId,indx,x_step,y_step,z_step,max_ijk,x_sup,y_sup,z_sup,x_inf,y_inf,z_inf")) >= 0)
1101         {
1102             stdError.strError = Noise;
1103             return stdError;
1104         }
1105     for(uint i=0; i<componentsNumber; i++)
1106     {
1107         if ((stdError.iErrorIndex = implicitFunctionParser[i].Parse(ImplicitStructs[i].fxyz,"x,y,z,t,i_indx,j_indx,k_indx,max_ijk")) >= 0)
1108         {
1109             stdError.strError = ImplicitStructs[i].fxyz;
1110             return stdError;
1111         }
1112         if(cndnotnull && (ImplicitStructs[i].cnd!=""))
1113         {
1114             if ((stdError.iErrorIndex = ParisoConditionParser[i].Parse(ImplicitStructs[i].cnd,"x,y,z,t")) >= 0)
1115             {
1116                 stdError.strError = ImplicitStructs[i].cnd;
1117                 return stdError;
1118             }
1119         }
1120         if ((stdError.iErrorIndex = xSupParser[i].Parse(ImplicitStructs[i].xmax, "x,y,z,t")) >= 0)
1121         {
1122             stdError.strError = ImplicitStructs[i].xmax;
1123             return stdError;
1124         }
1125         if ((stdError.iErrorIndex = ySupParser[i].Parse(ImplicitStructs[i].ymax, "x,y,z,t")) >= 0)
1126         {
1127             stdError.strError = ImplicitStructs[i].ymax;
1128             return stdError;
1129         }
1130         if ((stdError.iErrorIndex = zSupParser[i].Parse(ImplicitStructs[i].zmax, "x,y,z,t")) >= 0)
1131         {
1132             stdError.strError = ImplicitStructs[i].zmax;
1133             return stdError;
1134         }
1135         if ((stdError.iErrorIndex = xInfParser[i].Parse(ImplicitStructs[i].xmin, "x,y,z,t")) >= 0)
1136         {
1137             stdError.strError = ImplicitStructs[i].xmin;
1138             return stdError;
1139         }
1140         if ((stdError.iErrorIndex = yInfParser[i].Parse(ImplicitStructs[i].ymin, "x,y,z,t")) >= 0)
1141         {
1142             stdError.strError = ImplicitStructs[i].ymin;
1143             return stdError;
1144         }
1145         if ((stdError.iErrorIndex = zInfParser[i].Parse(ImplicitStructs[i].zmin, "x,y,z,t")) >= 0)
1146         {
1147             stdError.strError = ImplicitStructs[i].zmin;
1148             return stdError;
1149         }
1150     }
1151     for(uint IsoIndex=0; IsoIndex<componentsNumber; IsoIndex++)
1152     {
1153         if(gridnotnull)
1154         {
1155             limitX = limitY = limitZ = grid[IsoIndex];
1156         }
1157         xLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal]=(x_Sup[IsoIndex]=xSupParser[IsoIndex].Eval(vals));
1158         yLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal]=(y_Sup[IsoIndex]=ySupParser[IsoIndex].Eval(vals));
1159         zLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal]=(z_Sup[IsoIndex]=zSupParser[IsoIndex].Eval(vals));
1160         x_Step[IsoIndex] = (xLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal] - (x_Inf[IsoIndex]=xInfParser[IsoIndex].Eval(vals)))/(limitX-1);
1161         y_Step[IsoIndex] = (yLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal] - (y_Inf[IsoIndex]=yInfParser[IsoIndex].Eval(vals)))/(limitY-1);
1162         z_Step[IsoIndex] = (zLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal] - (z_Inf[IsoIndex]=zInfParser[IsoIndex].Eval(vals)))/(limitZ-1);
1163         for (uint i= 1; i < limitX; i++) xLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal+i] = xLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal+i-1] - x_Step[IsoIndex];
1164         for (uint j= 1; j < limitY; j++) yLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal+j] = yLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal+j-1] - y_Step[IsoIndex];
1165         for (uint k= 1; k < limitZ; k++) zLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal+k] = zLocal2[IsoIndex*GridVal+k-1] - z_Step[IsoIndex];
1166     }
1167     return stdError;
1168 }
DeleteMasterParsers()1169 void IsoMasterThread::DeleteMasterParsers()
1170 {
1171     if(ParsersAllocated)
1172     {
1173         delete[] implicitFunctionParser;
1174         delete[] xSupParser;
1175         delete[] ySupParser;
1176         delete[] zSupParser;
1177         delete[] xInfParser;
1178         delete[] yInfParser;
1179         delete[] zInfParser;
1180         delete[] Fct;
1181         delete[] UsedFunct;
1182         delete[] UsedFunct2;
1183         delete[] ParisoConditionParser;
1184         delete[] VRgbtParser;
1185         delete[] RgbtParser;
1186         delete GradientParser;
1187         delete NoiseParser;
1188         ParsersAllocated = false;
1189     }
1190     ImplicitStructs.clear();
1191     xLocal2.clear();
1192     yLocal2.clear();
1193     zLocal2.clear();
1194     x_Step.clear();
1195     y_Step.clear();
1196     z_Step.clear();
1197     x_Sup.clear();
1198     y_Sup.clear();
1199     z_Sup.clear();
1200     x_Inf.clear();
1201     y_Inf.clear();
1202     z_Inf.clear();
1203     SliderValues.clear();
1204     SliderNames.clear();
1205     Consts.clear();
1206     ConstNames.clear();
1207     ConstValues.clear();
1208     Rgbts.clear();
1209     RgbtNames.clear();
1210     VRgbts.clear();
1211     VRgbtNames.clear();
1212     Functs.clear();
1213     FunctNames.clear();
1214 }
DeleteWorkerParsers()1215 void IsoWorkerThread::DeleteWorkerParsers()
1216 {
1217     if(ParsersAllocated)
1218     {
1219         delete[] implicitFunctionParser;
1220         delete[] Fct;
1221         ParsersAllocated = false;
1222     }
1223 }
InitMasterParsers()1224 void IsoMasterThread::InitMasterParsers()
1225 {
1226     for(uint i=0; i<componentsNumber; i++)
1227     {
1228         implicitFunctionParser[i].AddConstant("pi", PI);
1229         implicitFunctionParser[i].AddConstant("ThreadId", MyIndex);
1230         ParisoConditionParser[i].AddConstant("pi", PI);
1231         xSupParser[i].AddConstant("pi", PI);
1232         ySupParser[i].AddConstant("pi", PI);
1233         zSupParser[i].AddConstant("pi", PI);
1234         xInfParser[i].AddConstant("pi", PI);
1235         yInfParser[i].AddConstant("pi", PI);
1236         zInfParser[i].AddConstant("pi", PI);
1237     }
1238     NoiseParser->AddConstant("pi", PI);
1239     NoiseParser->AddConstant("Lacunarity", Lacunarity);
1240     NoiseParser->AddConstant("Gain", Gain);
1241     NoiseParser->AddConstant("Octaves", Octaves);
1242     for(uint i=0; i<FunctSize; i++)
1243     {
1244         Fct[i].AddConstant("pi", PI);
1245         Fct[i].AddConstant("ThreadId", MyIndex);
1246         Fct[i].AddFunction("CmpId",CurrentIsoCmpId, 1);
1247         Fct[i].AddFunction("NoiseW",TurbulenceWorley, 6);
1248         Fct[i].AddFunction("fhelix1",fhelix1, 10);
1249         Fct[i].AddFunction("fhelix2",fhelix2, 10);
1250         Fct[i].AddFunction("f_hex_y",f_hex_y, 4);
1251         Fct[i].AddFunction("p_skeletal_int",p_skeletal_int, 3);
1252         Fct[i].AddFunction("fmesh",fmesh, 8);
1253         Fct[i].AddFunction("NoiseP",TurbulencePerlin, 6);
1254         Fct[i].AddFunction("MarbleP",MarblePerlin, 4);
1255     }
1256     for(uint i=0; i< RgbtSize; i++)
1257     {
1258         RgbtParser[i].AddConstant("pi", PI);
1259         RgbtParser[i].AddConstant("Lacunarity", Lacunarity);
1260         RgbtParser[i].AddConstant("Gain", Gain);
1261         RgbtParser[i].AddConstant("Octaves", Octaves);
1262         RgbtParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseW",TurbulenceWorley, 6);
1263         RgbtParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseP",TurbulencePerlin, 6);
1264         RgbtParser[i].AddFunction("MarbleP",MarblePerlin, 4);
1265     }
1266     for(uint i=0; i<VRgbtSize; i++)
1267     {
1268         VRgbtParser[i].AddConstant("pi", PI);
1269         VRgbtParser[i].AddConstant("Lacunarity", Lacunarity);
1270         VRgbtParser[i].AddConstant("Gain", Gain);
1271         VRgbtParser[i].AddConstant("Octaves", Octaves);
1272         VRgbtParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseW",TurbulenceWorley, 6);
1273         VRgbtParser[i].AddFunction("NoiseP",TurbulencePerlin, 6);
1274         VRgbtParser[i].AddFunction("MarbleP",MarblePerlin, 4);
1275     }
1276     GradientParser->AddConstant("pi", PI);
1277     GradientParser->AddConstant("Lacunarity", Lacunarity);
1278     GradientParser->AddConstant("Gain", Gain);
1279     GradientParser->AddConstant("Octaves", Octaves);
1280     GradientParser->AddFunction("NoiseW",TurbulenceWorley, 6);
1281     GradientParser->AddFunction("NoiseP",TurbulencePerlin, 6);
1282     GradientParser->AddFunction("MarbleP",MarblePerlin, 4);
1283 }
AllocateMasterParsers()1284 void IsoMasterThread::AllocateMasterParsers()
1285 {
1286     if(!ParsersAllocated)
1287     {
1288         implicitFunctionParser = new FunctionParser[componentsNumber];
1289         xSupParser = new FunctionParser[componentsNumber];
1290         ySupParser = new FunctionParser[componentsNumber];
1291         zSupParser = new FunctionParser[componentsNumber];
1292         xInfParser = new FunctionParser[componentsNumber];
1293         yInfParser = new FunctionParser[componentsNumber];
1294         zInfParser = new FunctionParser[componentsNumber];
1295         ParisoConditionParser = new FunctionParser[componentsNumber];
1296         ImplicitStructs.resize(componentsNumber);
1297         xLocal2.resize(GridVal*componentsNumber);
1298         yLocal2.resize(GridVal*componentsNumber);
1299         zLocal2.resize(GridVal*componentsNumber);
1300         x_Step.resize(componentsNumber);
1301         y_Step.resize(componentsNumber);
1302         z_Step.resize(componentsNumber);
1303         x_Sup.resize(componentsNumber);
1304         y_Sup.resize(componentsNumber);
1305         z_Sup.resize(componentsNumber);
1306         x_Inf.resize(componentsNumber);
1307         y_Inf.resize(componentsNumber);
1308         z_Inf.resize(componentsNumber);
1309         if(!functnotnull)
1310             FunctSize = 0;
1311         Fct          = new FunctionParser[FunctSize];
1312         UsedFunct    = new bool[4*componentsNumber*FunctSize];
1313         UsedFunct2   = new bool[FunctSize*FunctSize];
1314         vectnotnull? nbvariables=vect[0] : nbvariables=0;
1315         rgbtnotnull ?
1316         RgbtParser = new FunctionParser[(RgbtSize = 4)] :
1317         RgbtParser = new FunctionParser[(RgbtSize = 0)];
1318         vrgbtnotnull ?
1319         VRgbtParser = new FunctionParser[VRgbtSize] :
1320         VRgbtParser = new FunctionParser[(VRgbtSize = 0)];
1321         if(constnotnull)
1322             ConstSize=0;
1323         GradientParser = new FunctionParser;
1324         NoiseParser = new FunctionParser;
1325         ParsersAllocated = true;
1326     }
1327 }
AllocateParsersForWorkerThread(uint nbcomp,uint nbfunct)1328 void IsoWorkerThread::AllocateParsersForWorkerThread(uint nbcomp, uint nbfunct)
1329 {
1330     if(!ParsersAllocated)
1331     {
1332         implicitFunctionParser = new FunctionParser[nbcomp];
1333         Fct = new FunctionParser[nbfunct];
1334         ParsersAllocated = true;
1335     }
1336 }
initgrid()1337 void IsoMasterThread::initgrid()
1338 {
1339     GridVal = XYZgrid;
1340     if(gridnotnull)
1341         for(uint fctnb= 0; fctnb< componentsNumber; fctnb++)
1342             GridVal = std::max(GridVal, grid[fctnb]);
1343 }
initparser()1344 void IsoMasterThread::initparser()
1345 {
1346     DeleteMasterParsers();
1347     initgrid();
1348     AllocateMasterParsers();
1349     InitMasterParsers();
1350 }
IsoCompute(uint fctnb)1351 void IsoWorkerThread::IsoCompute(uint fctnb)
1352 {
1353     (fctnb == 0) ? AllComponentTraited = true : AllComponentTraited = false;
1354     VoxelEvaluation(fctnb);
1355 }
stopcalculations(bool calculation)1356 void Iso3D::stopcalculations(bool calculation)
1357 {
1358     StopCalculations = calculation;
1359     masterthread->StopCalculations = calculation;
1360     for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1< WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
1361         workerthreads[nbthreads].StopCalculations = StopCalculations;
1362 }
copycomponent(struct ComponentInfos * copy,struct ComponentInfos * origin)1363 void Iso3D::copycomponent(struct ComponentInfos* copy, struct ComponentInfos* origin)
1364 {
1365     copy->ParisoTriangle = origin->ParisoTriangle;
1366     copy->ParisoVertex          = origin->ParisoVertex;
1367     copy->NbComponentsType    = origin->NbComponentsType;
1368     copy->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex = origin->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex;
1369     copy->ParisoNbComponents          = origin->ParisoNbComponents;
1370     copy->Interleave                  = origin->Interleave;
1371     copy->pariso                      = origin->pariso;
1372     copy->updateviewer                = origin->updateviewer;
1373     copy->ThereisCND                  = origin->ThereisCND;
1374     copy->ParisoCondition             = origin->ParisoCondition;
1375     copy->ThereisRGBA                 = origin->ThereisRGBA;
1376     copy->NbTrianglesVerifyCND        = origin->NbTrianglesVerifyCND;
1377     copy->NbTrianglesNoCND            = origin->NbTrianglesNoCND;
1378     copy->NbTrianglesNotVerifyCND     = origin->NbTrianglesNotVerifyCND;
1379     copy->NbTrianglesBorderCND        = origin->NbTrianglesBorderCND;
1380     for(int i=0; i<2; i++)
1381     {
1382         copy->NoiseParam[i]  = origin->NoiseParam[i];
1383     }
1384 }
IsoBuild(float ** NormVertexTabVectorPt,uint ** IndexPolyTabPt,unsigned int * PolyNumber,uint * VertexNumberpt,uint ** IndexPolyTabMinPt,unsigned int * VertxNumber,unsigned int * MinimPolySize,struct ComponentInfos * componentsPt)1385 void Iso3D::IsoBuild (
1386     float **NormVertexTabVectorPt,
1387     uint **IndexPolyTabPt,
1388     unsigned   int *PolyNumber,
1389     uint *VertexNumberpt,
1390     uint **IndexPolyTabMinPt,
1391     unsigned  int *VertxNumber,
1392     unsigned  int *MinimPolySize,
1393     struct ComponentInfos * componentsPt
1394 )
1395 {
1396     uint NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp, PreviousGridVal=masterthread->XYZgrid;
1397     NbPointIsoMap= 0;
1398     NbVertexTmp = NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp = 0;
1399     componentsPt->updateviewer= false;
1400     clear(components);
1401     components->ParisoCondition = componentsPt->ParisoCondition;
1402     if(componentsPt->pariso && componentsPt->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex>0)
1403     {
1404         NbVertexTmp = uint(NormVertexTabVector.size()/10);
1406         //*********************
1407         // probleme with pariso objects comes from here since IndexPolyTabVector not only contains triangles but also lines
1408         // inherited from it's parametric conterpart
1409         NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp = uint(IndexPolyTabVector.size()/3); // <==
1410         //*********************
1412         copycomponent(components, componentsPt);
1413     }
1414     else
1415     {
1416         if(componentsPt->pariso)
1417         {
1418             components->pariso = true;
1419             components->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex = componentsPt->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex;
1420             components->ParisoNbComponents = componentsPt->ParisoNbComponents;
1421         }
1422         NormVertexTabVector.clear();
1423         NormVertexTabVector.shrink_to_fit();
1424         IndexPolyTabVector.clear();
1425         IndexPolyTabVector.shrink_to_fit();
1426         IndexPolyTabMinVector.clear();
1427         IndexPolyTabMinVector.shrink_to_fit();
1428     }
1429     NormOriginaltmpVector.clear();
1430     NormOriginaltmpVector.shrink_to_fit();
1431     //*****//
1432     uint maxx = std::max(masterthread->XYZgrid, masterthread->GridVal);
1433     if(masterthread->gridnotnull)
1434         for(uint fctnb= 0; fctnb< masterthread->componentsNumber; fctnb++)
1435             maxx = std::max(maxx, masterthread->grid[fctnb]);
1436     masterthread->GridVal = maxx;
1437     for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1<WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
1438     {
1439         workerthreads[nbthreads].GridVal = masterthread->GridVal;
1440     }
1441     if(GridVoxelVarPt != nullptr)
1442         delete[] GridVoxelVarPt;
1443     if(Results != nullptr)
1444         delete[] Results;
1445     try
1446       {
1447         GridVoxelVarPt = new Voxel[masterthread->GridVal*masterthread->GridVal*masterthread->GridVal];
1448       }
1449       catch (std::bad_alloc& e)
1450       {
1451         messageerror = MEM_OVERFLOW;
1452         emitErrorSignal();
1453         return;
1454       }
1455     Results = new (std::nothrow) double[masterthread->GridVal*masterthread->GridVal*masterthread->GridVal];
1456     if (!Results)
1457     {
1458         messageerror = MEM_OVERFLOW;
1459         emitErrorSignal();
1460         return;
1461     }
1462     components->NbComponentsType.push_back(masterthread->componentsNumber);
1463     stopcalculations(false);
1464     if(masterthread->activeMorph != 1)
1465     {
1466         times.restart();
1467     }
1468     // generate Isosurface for all the implicit formulas
1469     for(uint fctnb= 0; fctnb< masterthread->componentsNumber; fctnb++)
1470     {
1471         if(masterthread->activeMorph != 1)
1472         {
1473             message = QString("1) Cmp:"+QString::number(fctnb+1)+"/"+QString::number(masterthread->componentsNumber)+"==> Math calculation");
1474             emitUpdateMessageSignal();
1475         }
1476         if(masterthread->gridnotnull)
1477             Setgrid(masterthread->grid[fctnb]);
1478         IsoComponentId = fctnb;
1479         masterthread->CurrentComponent = fctnb;
1480         for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1 < WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
1481             workerthreads[nbthreads].CurrentComponent = fctnb;
1482         for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1 < WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
1483             workerthreads[nbthreads].stepMorph = masterthread->stepMorph;
1484         if(masterthread->activeMorph == 1)
1485         {
1486             if(fctnb == 0)
1487             {
1488                 //This code is to ensure that stepmorph values are the same accross all threads
1489                 masterthread->stepMorph += masterthread->pace;
1490                 for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1 < WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
1491                     workerthreads[nbthreads].stepMorph = masterthread->stepMorph;
1492             }
1493             // Recalculate some tables values:
1494             ReinitVarTablesWhenMorphActiv(fctnb);
1495         }
1496         masterthread->start();
1497         for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1 < WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
1498             workerthreads[nbthreads].start();
1499         masterthread->wait();
1500         for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1 < WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
1501             workerthreads[nbthreads].wait();
1502         bool Stop = masterthread->StopCalculations;
1503         for(uint nbthreads=0; nbthreads+1 < WorkerThreadsNumber; nbthreads++)
1504             Stop = Stop || workerthreads[nbthreads].StopCalculations;
1505         if(StopCalculations || Stop)
1506         {
1507             Setgrid(PreviousGridVal);
1508             delete[] GridVoxelVarPt;
1509             GridVoxelVarPt = nullptr;
1510             delete[] Results;
1511             Results = nullptr;
1512             return;
1513         }
1514         if(masterthread->activeMorph != 1)
1515         {
1516             message += QString(" ==> Mesh generation");
1517             emitUpdateMessageSignal();
1518         }
1519         uint result = PointEdgeComputation(fctnb);
1520         if(result == 0)
1521         {
1522             messageerror = VERTEX_TAB_MEM_OVERFLOW;
1523             emitErrorSignal();
1524             return;
1525         }
1526         SignatureComputation();
1527         result = ConstructIsoSurface();
1528         if(result == 0)
1529         {
1530             messageerror = TRIANGLES_TAB_MEM_OVERFLOW;
1531             emitErrorSignal();
1532             return;
1533         }
1534         ConstructIsoNormale(NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp);
1535         SaveIsoGLMap(NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp);
1536         NormOriginaltmpVector.clear();
1537         result = SetMiniMmeshStruct();
1538         if(result == 0)
1539         {
1540             messageerror = MINPOLY_TAB_MEM_OVERFLOW;
1541             emitErrorSignal();
1542             return;
1543         }
1544         // Save the Index:
1545         components->ParisoTriangle.push_back(3*NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp); //save the starting position of this component
1546         components->ParisoTriangle.push_back(NbTriangleIsoSurface);      //save the number of triangles of this component
1547         components->ParisoVertex.push_back(NbVertexTmp);
1548         components->ParisoVertex.push_back(NbVertexTmp + NbPointIsoMap -1);
1549         // Save Number of Polys and vertex :
1550         NbVertexTmp               += NbPointIsoMap;
1551         NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp   += NbTriangleIsoSurface;
1552     }
1553     delete[] GridVoxelVarPt;
1554     GridVoxelVarPt = nullptr;
1555     delete[] Results;
1556     Results = nullptr;
1557     if(masterthread->activeMorph != 1)
1558     {
1559         message = QString("2) Mesh Processing");
1560         emitUpdateMessageSignal();
1561     }
1562     //CND calculation for the triangles results:
1563     uint result = CNDCalculation(NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp, components);
1564     if(result == 0)
1565     {
1566         messageerror = CND_TAB_MEM_OVERFLOW;
1567         emitErrorSignal();
1568         return;
1569     }
1570     else if(result == 2)
1571     {
1572         messageerror = CND_POL_MEM_OVERFLOW;
1573         emitErrorSignal();
1574         return;
1575     }
1576     // Pigment, Texture and Noise :
1577     if(masterthread->vrgbtnotnull)
1578     {
1579         components->ThereisRGBA.push_back(true);
1580         components->NoiseParam[components->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex].NoiseType = 0; //Pigments
1581         components->NoiseParam[components->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex].VRgbtParser = masterthread->VRgbtParser;
1582         components->NoiseParam[components->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex].GradientParser = masterthread->GradientParser;
1583         components->NoiseParam[components->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex].NoiseParser =  masterthread->NoiseParser;
1584         components->NoiseParam[components->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex].Nb_vrgbts = masterthread->VRgbtSize;
1585     }
1586     else if(masterthread->RgbtSize >= 4)
1587     {
1588         components->ThereisRGBA.push_back(true);
1589         components->NoiseParam[components->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex].NoiseType = 1; //Texture
1590         components->NoiseParam[components->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex].RgbtParser = masterthread->RgbtParser;
1591         components->NoiseParam[components->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex].NoiseParser =  masterthread->NoiseParser;
1592     }
1593     else
1594     {
1595         components->ThereisRGBA.push_back(false);
1596         components->NoiseParam[components->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex].NoiseType = -1; //No Pigments or texture
1597     }
1598     if(masterthread->Noise == "")
1599         components->NoiseParam[components->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex].NoiseShape = 0;
1600     else
1601         components->NoiseParam[components->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex].NoiseShape = 1;
1602     CalculateColorsPoints(components, components->ThereisRGBA.size()-1);
1603     *PolyNumber      = uint(IndexPolyTabVector.size());
1604     *VertexNumberpt  = uint(NormVertexTabVector.size()/10);
1605     *VertxNumber     = uint(IndexPolyTabMinVector.size());
1606     if(masterthread->activeMorph != 1)
1607     {
1608         message = QString("Thr:"+QString::number(WorkerThreadsNumber)+"; Cmp:"+QString::number(masterthread->componentsNumber)+"; T="+QString::number(times.elapsed()/1000.0)+"s");
1609         emitUpdateMessageSignal();
1610     }
1611     NormVertexTabVector.resize(NormVertexTabVector.size()+ (12+60+36)*10); // To add memory space to store the cube 12 vertices (three quads)
1613     uint startpl = 0;
1614     uint actualpointindice=0;
1615     for (uint i = 0; i < *VertxNumber; i++)
1616     {
1617         uint polysize = IndexPolyTabMinVector[startpl++];
1618         for (uint j = 0; j < polysize; j++)
1619         {
1620             actualpointindice = IndexPolyTabMinVector[startpl];
1621             IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(actualpointindice);
1622             startpl++;
1623         }
1624         i += polysize;
1625     }
1627     IndexPolyTabMinVector2.clear();
1628     for (uint i = 0; i < IndexPolyTabMinVector.size(); i++)
1629     {
1630         uint polysize = IndexPolyTabMinVector[i];
1631         IndexPolyTabMinVector2.push_back(polysize);
1632         i += polysize;
1633     }
1635     *MinimPolySize = IndexPolyTabVector.size() - *PolyNumber;
1636     *VertxNumber     = uint(IndexPolyTabMinVector2.size());
1637     *IndexPolyTabMinPt = IndexPolyTabMinVector2.data();
1639     *NormVertexTabVectorPt = NormVertexTabVector.data();
1640     *IndexPolyTabPt = IndexPolyTabVector.data();
1641     copycomponent(componentsPt, components);
1642     componentsPt->Interleave = true;
1643     if(componentsPt->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex != (componentsPt->ParisoNbComponents-1))
1644         componentsPt->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex += 1;
1645     else
1646         componentsPt->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex = 0;
1648     InitShowComponent(componentsPt);
1649     Setgrid(PreviousGridVal);
1650     componentsPt->updateviewer = true;
1651 }
InitShowComponent(struct ComponentInfos * cpInfos)1653 void Iso3D::InitShowComponent(struct ComponentInfos *cpInfos)
1654 {
1655     cpInfos->ShowParIsoCmp.clear();
1656     uint idx =0;
1657     for(uint i=0; i<cpInfos->NbComponentsType.size(); i++)
1658         idx+=cpInfos->NbComponentsType[i];
1659     for(uint i=0; i<idx; i++)
1660         cpInfos->ShowParIsoCmp.push_back(true);
1661 }
Setgrid(uint NewGridVal)1663 void Iso3D::Setgrid(uint NewGridVal)
1664 {
1665     if(masterthread->gridnotnull)
1666     {
1667         masterthread->XYZgrid  = NewGridVal;
1668         for(uint th=0; th+1 < WorkerThreadsNumber; th++)
1669             workerthreads[th].XYZgrid = NewGridVal;
1670     }
1671 }
CalculateColorsPoints(struct ComponentInfos * comp,uint index)1672 void Iso3D::CalculateColorsPoints(struct ComponentInfos* comp, uint index)
1673 {
1674     uint cmpId=0, K=0;
1675     double tmp,
1676            *ValCol,
1677            val[16];
1678     ValCol = new double[masterthread->VRgbtSize];
1679     val[3] = masterthread->stepMorph;
1680     val[0] = val[1] = val[2] = 0.0;
1681     if(comp->ThereisRGBA[index] == true &&  comp->NoiseParam[comp->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex].NoiseType == 0)
1682     {
1683         uint idx=0;
1684         for(uint i=0; i < comp->NbComponentsType.size()-1; i++)
1685             idx+=comp->NbComponentsType[i];
1686         for(uint i= comp->ParisoVertex[2*idx]; i < NbVertexTmp; i++)
1687         {
1688             if((i >= uint(comp->ParisoVertex[2*(cmpId+idx)])))
1689             {
1690                 K = cmpId;
1691                 if((masterthread->componentsNumber-1)>cmpId)
1692                 {
1693                     cmpId++;
1694                 }
1695             }
1696             val[0]= double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10  + 7 ]);
1697             val[1]= double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10  + 8 ]);
1698             val[2]= double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10  + 9 ]);
1699             val[4]= double(K);
1700             if(masterthread->gridnotnull)
1701             {
1702                 val[5] = double(i);
1703                 val[6] = masterthread->x_Step[K];
1704                 val[7] = masterthread->y_Step[K];
1705                 val[8] = masterthread->z_Step[K];
1706                 val[9] = double(masterthread->grid[K]);
1707                 val[10] = masterthread->x_Sup[K];
1708                 val[11] = masterthread->y_Sup[K];
1709                 val[12] = masterthread->z_Sup[K];
1710                 val[13] = masterthread->x_Inf[K];
1711                 val[14] = masterthread->y_Inf[K];
1712                 val[15] = masterthread->z_Inf[K];
1713             }
1714             else
1715             {
1716                 val[5] = double(i);
1717                 val[6] = masterthread->x_Step[0];
1718                 val[7] = masterthread->y_Step[0];
1719                 val[8] = masterthread->z_Step[0];
1720                 val[9] = double(masterthread->GridVal);
1721                 val[10] = masterthread->x_Sup[0];
1722                 val[11] = masterthread->y_Sup[0];
1723                 val[12] = masterthread->z_Sup[0];
1724                 val[13] = masterthread->x_Inf[0];
1725                 val[14] = masterthread->y_Inf[0];
1726                 val[15] = masterthread->z_Inf[0];
1727             }
1728             for(uint i=0; i<masterthread->VRgbtSize; i++)
1729             {
1730                 ValCol[i] = masterthread->VRgbtParser[i].Eval(val);
1731             }
1732             if(masterthread->Noise != "")
1733                 tmp  = masterthread->NoiseParser->Eval(val);
1734             else
1735                 tmp =1.0;
1736             val[0]= tmp*double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10  + 7 ]);
1737             val[1]= tmp*double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10  + 8 ]);
1738             val[2]= tmp*double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10  + 9 ]);
1739             tmp  = masterthread->GradientParser->Eval(val);
1740             for (uint j=0; j < masterthread->VRgbtSize; j+=5)
1741                 if(tmp < ValCol[j])
1742                 {
1743                     float fraction=0;
1744                     if(j>=5 && (ValCol[j] != ValCol[j-5]))
1745                     {
1746                         fraction = (tmp-ValCol[j-5])/(ValCol[j]-ValCol[j-5]);
1747                         NormVertexTabVector[i*10  ] = float(ValCol[j+1])*(fraction) + (1-fraction)*float(ValCol[(j-5)+1]);
1748                         NormVertexTabVector[i*10+1] = float(ValCol[j+2])*(fraction) + (1-fraction)*float(ValCol[(j-5)+2]);;
1749                         NormVertexTabVector[i*10+2] = float(ValCol[j+3])*(fraction) + (1-fraction)*float(ValCol[(j-5)+3]);
1750                         NormVertexTabVector[i*10+3] = float(ValCol[(j)+4]);
1751                         j = masterthread->VRgbtSize;
1752                     }
1753                 }
1754                 else if(tmp == ValCol[j])
1755                 {
1756                     NormVertexTabVector[i*10  ] = float(ValCol[j+1]);
1757                     NormVertexTabVector[i*10+1] = float(ValCol[j+2]);
1758                     NormVertexTabVector[i*10+2] = float(ValCol[j+3]);
1759                     NormVertexTabVector[i*10+3] = float(ValCol[j+4]);
1760                     j = masterthread->VRgbtSize;
1761                 }
1762         }
1763     }
1764     else if(comp->ThereisRGBA[index] == true &&  comp->NoiseParam[comp->ParisoCurrentComponentIndex].NoiseType == 1)
1765     {
1766         uint idx=0;
1767         for(uint i=0; i < comp->NbComponentsType.size()-1; i++)
1768             idx+=comp->NbComponentsType[i];
1769         for(uint i= comp->ParisoVertex[2*idx]; i < NbVertexTmp; i++)
1770         {
1771             if((i >= uint(comp->ParisoVertex[2*(cmpId+idx)])))
1772             {
1773                 K = cmpId;
1774                 if((masterthread->componentsNumber-1)>cmpId)
1775                 {
1776                     cmpId++;
1777                 }
1778             }
1779             val[0]= double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10 + 7]);
1780             val[1]= double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10 + 8]);
1781             val[2]= double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10 + 9]);
1782             val[4]= double(K);
1783             if(masterthread->gridnotnull)
1784             {
1785                 val[5] = double(i);
1786                 val[6] = masterthread->x_Step[K];
1787                 val[7] = masterthread->y_Step[K];
1788                 val[8] = masterthread->z_Step[K];
1789                 val[9] = double(masterthread->grid[K]);
1790                 val[10] = masterthread->x_Sup[K];
1791                 val[11] = masterthread->y_Sup[K];
1792                 val[12] = masterthread->z_Sup[K];
1793                 val[13] = masterthread->x_Inf[K];
1794                 val[14] = masterthread->y_Inf[K];
1795                 val[15] = masterthread->z_Inf[K];
1796             }
1797             else
1798             {
1799                 val[5] = double(i);
1800                 val[6] = masterthread->x_Step[0];
1801                 val[7] = masterthread->y_Step[0];
1802                 val[8] = masterthread->z_Step[0];
1803                 val[9] = double(masterthread->GridVal);
1804                 val[10] = masterthread->x_Sup[0];
1805                 val[11] = masterthread->y_Sup[0];
1806                 val[12] = masterthread->z_Sup[0];
1807                 val[13] = masterthread->x_Inf[0];
1808                 val[14] = masterthread->y_Inf[0];
1809                 val[15] = masterthread->z_Inf[0];
1810             }
1811             if(masterthread->Noise != "")
1812                 tmp  = masterthread->NoiseParser->Eval(val);
1813             else
1814                 tmp =1.0;
1815             val[0]= tmp*double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10+7]);
1816             val[1]= tmp*double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10+8]);
1817             val[2]= tmp*double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10+9]);
1818             NormVertexTabVector[i*10  ] = float(masterthread->RgbtParser[0].Eval(val));
1819             NormVertexTabVector[i*10+1] = float(masterthread->RgbtParser[1].Eval(val));
1820             NormVertexTabVector[i*10+2] = float(masterthread->RgbtParser[2].Eval(val));
1821             NormVertexTabVector[i*10+3] = float(masterthread->RgbtParser[3].Eval(val));
1822         }
1823     }
1824     delete[] ValCol;
1825 }
CNDCalculation(uint & NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp,struct ComponentInfos * comp)1826 uint Iso3D::CNDCalculation(uint & NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp, struct ComponentInfos *comp)
1827 {
1828     uint idpx=0;
1829     for(uint i=0; i < comp->NbComponentsType.size()-1; i++)
1830         idpx+=comp->NbComponentsType[i];
1831     uint startpoint=comp->ParisoVertex[2*idpx];
1832     //In the case the parametric part of a Pariso object doesn't have a CND condition
1833     int sz = (comp->ParisoCondition.size() ==
1834               comp->NbComponentsType[comp->NbComponentsType.size()-1]) ? 0 : idpx;
1835     if (masterthread->ParisoCondition == 1)
1836     {
1837         double vals[4];
1838         std::vector<int> PointVerifyCond;
1839         vals[3] = masterthread->stepMorph;
1840         for(uint i= startpoint; i < NbVertexTmp; i++)
1841         {
1842             vals[0] = double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10+7]);
1843             vals[1] = double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10+8]);
1844             vals[2] = double(NormVertexTabVector[i*10+9]);
1845             uint compid= CNDtoUse(i, comp);
1846             if(comp->ParisoCondition[compid+sz])
1847                 PointVerifyCond.push_back(8);
1848             else
1849                 PointVerifyCond.push_back(int(masterthread->ParisoConditionParser[compid].Eval(vals)));
1850             if(PointVerifyCond[i-startpoint])
1851             {
1852                 NormVertexTabVector[i*10  ] = 0.1f;
1853                 NormVertexTabVector[i*10+1] = 0.9f;
1854                 NormVertexTabVector[i*10+2] = 0.0;
1855                 NormVertexTabVector[i*10+3] = 1.0;
1856             }
1857             else
1858             {
1859                 NormVertexTabVector[i*10  ] = 0.9f;
1860                 NormVertexTabVector[i*10+1] = 0.1f;
1861                 NormVertexTabVector[i*10+2] = 0.9;
1862                 NormVertexTabVector[i*10+3] = 1.0;
1863             }
1864         }
1865         uint Aindex, Bindex, Cindex;
1866         uint nbtriangle = NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp;
1867         uint mdx=0;
1868         for(uint id=0; id < comp->NbComponentsType.size()-1; id++)
1869             mdx+=comp->NbComponentsType[id];
1870         uint starttri = uint(comp->ParisoTriangle[2*mdx]/3);
1871         std::vector<int> TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector (NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp-starttri, 1);
1872         for(uint i= starttri; i < nbtriangle; i++)
1873         {
1874             Aindex = IndexPolyTabVector[3*i    ];
1875             Bindex = IndexPolyTabVector[3*i + 1];
1876             Cindex = IndexPolyTabVector[3*i + 2];
1877             int TypeTriangle = -1;
1878             if((PointVerifyCond[Aindex-startpoint] == 8) ||
1879                     (PointVerifyCond[Bindex-startpoint] == 8) ||
1880                     (PointVerifyCond[Cindex-startpoint] == 8))
1881             {
1882                 TypeTriangle = 8;
1883                 TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector[i-starttri] = 8;
1884             }
1885             else if(PointVerifyCond[Aindex-startpoint] && !PointVerifyCond[Bindex-startpoint] && !PointVerifyCond[Cindex-startpoint])
1886                 TypeTriangle = 0;
1887             else if(!PointVerifyCond[Aindex-startpoint] && PointVerifyCond[Bindex-startpoint] && PointVerifyCond[Cindex-startpoint])
1888                 TypeTriangle = 1;
1889             else if(!PointVerifyCond[Aindex-startpoint] && PointVerifyCond[Bindex-startpoint] && !PointVerifyCond[Cindex-startpoint])
1890                 TypeTriangle = 2;
1891             else if(PointVerifyCond[Aindex-startpoint] && !PointVerifyCond[Bindex-startpoint] && PointVerifyCond[Cindex-startpoint])
1892                 TypeTriangle = 3;
1893             else if(!PointVerifyCond[Aindex-startpoint] && !PointVerifyCond[Bindex-startpoint] && PointVerifyCond[Cindex-startpoint])
1894                 TypeTriangle = 4;
1895             else if(PointVerifyCond[Aindex-startpoint] && PointVerifyCond[Bindex-startpoint] && !PointVerifyCond[Cindex-startpoint])
1896                 TypeTriangle = 5;
1897             else if(!PointVerifyCond[Aindex-startpoint] && !PointVerifyCond[Bindex-startpoint] && !PointVerifyCond[Cindex-startpoint])
1898             {
1899                 TypeTriangle = 6;
1900                 TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector[i-starttri] = -1;
1901             }
1902             else if(PointVerifyCond[Aindex-startpoint] && PointVerifyCond[Bindex-startpoint] && PointVerifyCond[Cindex-startpoint])
1903             {
1904                 TypeTriangle = 7;
1905                 TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector[i-starttri] = 1;
1906             }
1908             if(TypeTriangle == 2 || TypeTriangle == 3)
1909             {
1910                 Aindex = IndexPolyTabVector[3*i+1];
1911                 Bindex = IndexPolyTabVector[3*i+2];
1912                 Cindex = IndexPolyTabVector[3*i  ];
1913             }
1914             else if(TypeTriangle == 4 || TypeTriangle == 5)
1915             {
1916                 Aindex = IndexPolyTabVector[3*i+2];
1917                 Bindex = IndexPolyTabVector[3*i  ];
1918                 Cindex = IndexPolyTabVector[3*i+1];
1919             }
1921             double Bprime[4], Cprime[4], DiffX, DiffY, DiffZ;
1922             int Alfa;
1923             uint cnd = CNDtoUse(Aindex, comp);
1924             if(TypeTriangle >=0 && TypeTriangle <= 5)
1925             {
1926                 /// Bprime
1927                 Bprime[0] = double(NormVertexTabVector[10*Aindex+7]);
1928                 Bprime[1] = double(NormVertexTabVector[10*Aindex+8]);
1929                 Bprime[2] = double(NormVertexTabVector[10*Aindex+9]);
1930                 Bprime[3] = masterthread->stepMorph;
1932                 DiffX = double(NormVertexTabVector[10*Bindex+7] - NormVertexTabVector[3+10*Aindex  + 4])/20.0;
1933                 DiffY = double(NormVertexTabVector[10*Bindex+8] - NormVertexTabVector[3+10*Aindex+1+ 4])/20.0;
1934                 DiffZ = double(NormVertexTabVector[10*Bindex+9] - NormVertexTabVector[3+10*Aindex+2+ 4])/20.0;
1935                 Alfa = 0;
1936                 if(TypeTriangle == 0 || TypeTriangle == 2 || TypeTriangle == 4)
1937                 {
1938                     while(masterthread->ParisoConditionParser[cnd].Eval(Bprime) == 1.0 && (Alfa < 20))
1939                     {
1940                         Bprime[0] += DiffX;
1941                         Bprime[1] += DiffY;
1942                         Bprime[2] += DiffZ;
1943                         Alfa += 1;
1944                     }
1945                 }
1946                 else
1947                 {
1948                     while(!(masterthread->ParisoConditionParser[cnd].Eval(Bprime) == 1.0) && (Alfa < 20))
1949                     {
1950                         Bprime[0] += DiffX;
1951                         Bprime[1] += DiffY;
1952                         Bprime[2] += DiffZ;
1953                         Alfa += 1;
1954                     }
1955                 }
1957                 /// Cprime
1958                 Cprime[0] = double(NormVertexTabVector[10*Aindex+7]);
1959                 Cprime[1] = double(NormVertexTabVector[10*Aindex+8]);
1960                 Cprime[2] = double(NormVertexTabVector[10*Aindex+9]);
1961                 Cprime[3] = masterthread->stepMorph;
1963                 DiffX = double(NormVertexTabVector[3+10*Cindex  + 4] - NormVertexTabVector[3+10*Aindex  + 4])/20;
1964                 DiffY = double(NormVertexTabVector[3+10*Cindex+1+ 4] - NormVertexTabVector[3+10*Aindex+1+ 4])/20;
1965                 DiffZ = double(NormVertexTabVector[3+10*Cindex+2+ 4] - NormVertexTabVector[3+10*Aindex+2+ 4])/20;
1966                 Alfa = 0;
1967                 if(TypeTriangle == 0 || TypeTriangle == 2 || TypeTriangle == 4)
1968                 {
1969                     while(masterthread->ParisoConditionParser[cnd].Eval(Cprime) == 1.0 && (Alfa < 20))
1970                     {
1971                         Cprime[0] += DiffX;
1972                         Cprime[1] += DiffY;
1973                         Cprime[2] += DiffZ;
1974                         Alfa += 1;
1975                     }
1976                 }
1977                 else
1978                 {
1979                     while(!(masterthread->ParisoConditionParser[cnd].Eval(Cprime) == 1.0) && (Alfa < 20))
1980                     {
1981                         Cprime[0] += DiffX;
1982                         Cprime[1] += DiffY;
1983                         Cprime[2] += DiffZ;
1984                         Alfa += 1;
1985                     }
1986                 }
1988                 //***********
1989                 //Add points:
1990                 //***********
1991                 //Add Bprime:
1992                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
1993                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
1994                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
1995                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
1996                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(NormVertexTabVector[10*Bindex + 4]);
1997                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(NormVertexTabVector[10*Bindex + 5]);
1998                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(NormVertexTabVector[10*Bindex + 6]);
1999                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(Bprime[0]));
2000                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(Bprime[1]));
2001                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(Bprime[2]));
2003                 //Add Cprime:
2004                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2005                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2006                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2007                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2008                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(NormVertexTabVector[10*Cindex + 4]);
2009                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(NormVertexTabVector[10*Cindex + 5]);
2010                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(NormVertexTabVector[10*Cindex + 6]);
2011                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(Cprime[0]));
2012                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(Cprime[1]));
2013                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(Cprime[2]));
2015                 NbVertexTmp += 2;
2017                 //***********
2018                 //Add triangles:
2019                 //***********
2020                 /// Add Three new triangles :
2021                 uint IndexBprime = (NbVertexTmp-2);
2022                 uint IndexCprime = (NbVertexTmp-1);
2024                 // The original triangle will be replaced by four other triangles:
2025                 TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector[i-starttri]=0;
2027                 /// (A, Bprime, Cprime)
2028                 IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(Aindex);
2029                 IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexBprime);
2030                 IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexCprime);
2032                 (TypeTriangle == 0 || TypeTriangle == 2 || TypeTriangle == 4) ?
2033                 TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector.push_back(1) : TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector.push_back(-1);
2034                 NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp++;
2035                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(3);
2036                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(Aindex);
2037                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(IndexBprime);
2038                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(IndexCprime);
2040                 /// (Bprime, B, C)
2041                 IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexBprime);
2042                 IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(Bindex);
2043                 IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(Cindex);
2045                 (TypeTriangle == 0 || TypeTriangle == 2 || TypeTriangle == 4) ?
2046                 TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector.push_back(-1) : TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector.push_back(1);
2047                 NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp++;
2048                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(3);
2049                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(IndexBprime);
2050                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(Bindex);
2051                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(Cindex);
2053                 /// (Bprime, C, Cprime)
2054                 IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexBprime);
2055                 IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(Cindex);
2056                 IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexCprime);
2058                 (TypeTriangle == 0 || TypeTriangle == 2 || TypeTriangle == 4) ?
2059                 TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector.push_back(-1) : TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector.push_back(1);
2060                 NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp++;
2061                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(3);
2062                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(IndexBprime);
2063                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(Cindex);
2064                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(IndexCprime);
2066                 /// (Bprime, Cprime) --> the border
2067                 IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexBprime);
2068                 IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexCprime);
2069                 IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexCprime);
2071                 TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector.push_back(4); /// Type = 4-->Border
2072                 NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp++;
2073                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(3);
2074                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(IndexBprime);
2075                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(IndexCprime);
2076                 IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(IndexCprime);
2077             }
2078         }
2080         //***********
2081         //Reorganize the triangles index:
2082         //***********
2083         std::vector<uint>NewIndexPolyTabVector;
2084         uint k, l, M, N;
2085         k = l = M = N = 0;
2087         // In case we have a ParIso object, this will save the triangle arrangement for the parametric CND
2088         for(uint i=0; i<starttri; i++)
2089         {
2090             NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i  ]);
2091             NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i+1]);
2092             NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i+2]);
2093         }
2095         // Now we start sorting the triangles list. We have 3 cases
2097         for(uint i=starttri; i<NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp; i++)
2098             if(TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector[i-starttri] == 8)
2099             {
2100                 NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i  ]);
2101                 NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i+1]);
2102                 NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i+2]);
2103                 N++;
2104             }
2106         for(uint i=starttri; i<NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp; i++)
2107             if(TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector[i-starttri] == 1)
2108             {
2109                 NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i  ]);
2110                 NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i+1]);
2111                 NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i+2]);
2112                 k++;
2113             }
2115         for(uint i=starttri; i<NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp; i++)
2116             if(TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector[i-starttri] == -1)
2117             {
2118                 NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i  ]);
2119                 NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i+1]);
2120                 NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i+2]);
2121                 l++;
2122             }
2124         for(uint i=starttri; i<NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp; i++)
2125             if(TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector[i-starttri] == 4)
2126             {
2127                 NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i  ]);
2128                 NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i+1]);
2129                 NewIndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexPolyTabVector[3*i+2]);
2130                 M++;
2131             }
2132         //Copy the new index in the original one:
2133         IndexPolyTabVector.clear();
2134         NewIndexPolyTabVector.shrink_to_fit();
2135         IndexPolyTabVector = NewIndexPolyTabVector;
2136         NewIndexPolyTabVector.clear();
2137         NewIndexPolyTabVector.shrink_to_fit();
2139         NbTriangleIsoSurfaceTmp = M + l + k + N;
2141         comp->NbTrianglesNoCND.push_back(N);
2142         comp->NbTrianglesVerifyCND.push_back(k);
2143         comp->NbTrianglesNotVerifyCND.push_back(l);
2144         comp->NbTrianglesBorderCND.push_back(M);
2145         comp->ThereisCND.push_back(true);
2147         PointVerifyCond.clear();
2148         PointVerifyCond.shrink_to_fit();
2149         TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector.clear();
2150         TypeIsoSurfaceTriangleListeCNDVector.shrink_to_fit();
2151     }
2152     else
2153     {
2154         comp->NbTrianglesNoCND.push_back(0);
2155         comp->NbTrianglesVerifyCND.push_back(0);
2156         comp->NbTrianglesNotVerifyCND.push_back(0);
2157         comp->NbTrianglesBorderCND.push_back(0);
2158         comp->ThereisCND.push_back(false);
2159         for(uint i= startpoint; i < NbVertexTmp; i++)
2160         {
2161             NormVertexTabVector[i*10  ] = 0.5f;
2162             NormVertexTabVector[i*10+1] = 0.6f;
2163             NormVertexTabVector[i*10+2] = 0.8f;
2164             NormVertexTabVector[i*10+3] = 1.0;
2165         }
2166     }
2168     return 1;
2169 }
~Iso3D()2171 Iso3D::~Iso3D()
2172 {
2173 }
SetMiniMmeshStruct()2175 uint Iso3D::SetMiniMmeshStruct()
2176 {
2177     uint I_mi, J_mi, IJK_mi, Index_mi, lnew_mi, iter_mi, nbpl_mi, iterpl_mi;
2178     uint maxgrscalemaxgr = masterthread->GridVal*masterthread->GridVal;
2180     lnew_mi = 0;
2181     NbPolyMin = 0;
2182     /// Copy Index Polygons :
2183     for(uint i=0; i+1 < masterthread->XYZgrid; i++)
2184     {
2185         I_mi  = i*maxgrscalemaxgr;
2186         for(uint j=0; j+1 < masterthread->XYZgrid; j++)
2187         {
2188             J_mi  = I_mi+j*masterthread->GridVal;
2189             for(uint k=0; k+1 < masterthread->XYZgrid; k++)
2190             {
2191                 IJK_mi = J_mi+k;
2192                 Index_mi = GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_mi].Signature;
2193                 nbpl_mi = triTable_min[Index_mi][16];
2195                 if( nbpl_mi == 1)
2196                 {
2197                     NbPolyMin += nbpl_mi;
2198                     IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(triTable_min[Index_mi][17]);
2199                     lnew_mi++;
2200                     for(iter_mi = 0; iter_mi < triTable_min[Index_mi][17]; iter_mi++)
2201                         IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_mi].Edge_Points[triTable_min[Index_mi][iter_mi]]  + NbVertexTmp);
2202                     lnew_mi+=triTable_min[Index_mi][17];
2203                 }
2204                 else if( nbpl_mi == 2)
2205                 {
2206                     NbPolyMin += nbpl_mi;
2207                     /// First Poly:
2208                     IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(triTable_min[Index_mi][17]);
2209                     lnew_mi++;
2210                     for(iter_mi = 0; iter_mi < triTable_min[Index_mi][17]; iter_mi++)
2211                         IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_mi].Edge_Points[triTable_min[Index_mi][iter_mi]]  + NbVertexTmp);
2212                     lnew_mi+=triTable_min[Index_mi][17];
2213                     /// Second Poly:
2214                     IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(triTable_min[Index_mi][18]);
2215                     lnew_mi++;
2216                     for(iter_mi = triTable_min[Index_mi][17]; iter_mi < triTable_min[Index_mi][17]+triTable_min[Index_mi][18]; iter_mi++)
2217                         IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_mi].Edge_Points[triTable_min[Index_mi][iter_mi]]  + NbVertexTmp);
2218                     lnew_mi+=triTable_min[Index_mi][17]+triTable_min[Index_mi][18];
2219                 }
2220                 else if( nbpl_mi > 2)
2221                 {
2222                     NbPolyMin += nbpl_mi;
2223                     /// In this case we have only Triangles (3 or 4):
2224                     iter_mi = 0;
2225                     for(iterpl_mi = 0; iterpl_mi < nbpl_mi; iterpl_mi++)
2226                     {
2227                         IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(3);
2228                         IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_mi].Edge_Points[triTable_min[Index_mi][iter_mi  ]]  + NbVertexTmp);
2229                         IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_mi].Edge_Points[triTable_min[Index_mi][iter_mi+1]]  + NbVertexTmp);
2230                         IndexPolyTabMinVector.push_back(GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_mi].Edge_Points[triTable_min[Index_mi][iter_mi+2]]  + NbVertexTmp);
2231                         lnew_mi += 4;
2232                         iter_mi +=3;
2233                     }
2234                 }
2235             } /// End of for(k=0;
2236         } /// End of for(j=0;
2237     } /// End of for(i=0;
2238     return 1;
2239 }
ConstructIsoSurface()2241 uint Iso3D::ConstructIsoSurface()
2242 {
2243     uint Index, IndexFirstPoint, IndexSeconPoint, IndexThirdPoint;
2244     uint I_co, J_co, IJK_co;
2245     uint maxgrscalemaxgr = masterthread->GridVal*masterthread->GridVal;
2247     NbTriangleIsoSurface = 0;
2248     for(uint i=0; i+1 < masterthread->XYZgrid; i++)
2249     {
2250         I_co   = i*maxgrscalemaxgr;
2251         for(uint j=0; j+1 < masterthread->XYZgrid; j++)
2252         {
2253             J_co   = I_co+j*masterthread->GridVal;
2254             for(uint k=0; k+1 < masterthread->XYZgrid; k++)
2255             {
2256                 IJK_co = J_co+k;
2257                 Index = GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_co].Signature;
2258                 for (uint l = 0; triTable[Index][l] != 111; l += 3)
2259                 {
2260                     IndexFirstPoint = GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_co].Edge_Points[triTable[Index][l  ]];
2261                     IndexSeconPoint = GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_co].Edge_Points[triTable[Index][l+1]];
2262                     IndexThirdPoint = GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_co].Edge_Points[triTable[Index][l+2]];
2263                     IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexFirstPoint + NbVertexTmp);
2264                     IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexSeconPoint + NbVertexTmp);
2265                     IndexPolyTabVector.push_back(IndexThirdPoint + NbVertexTmp);
2266                     NbTriangleIsoSurface++;
2267                 }
2268             }
2269         }
2270     }
2271     return 1;
2272 }
PointEdgeComputation(uint isoindex)2274 uint Iso3D::PointEdgeComputation(uint isoindex)
2275 {
2276     uint i_Start, i_End, j_Start, j_End, k_Start, k_End, i, j, k;
2277     double vals[7], IsoValue_1, IsoValue_2, rapport;
2278     double factor;
2279     uint maxgridval=masterthread->GridVal;
2280     uint maxgrscalemaxgr = maxgridval*maxgridval;
2281     uint I_pl, J_pl, JK_pl, IJK_pl, IPLUSONEJK_pl, IMINUSONEJK,
2282          IJPLUSONEK, IJMINUSONEK, IMINUSONEJMINUSONEK, IsoValue=0, NbPointIsoMap_local=0;
2283     /// We have to compute the edges for the Grid limits ie: i=0, j=0 and k=0
2285     i_Start = 1/*+masterthread->iStart*/;
2286     j_Start = 1;
2287     k_Start = 1;
2289     i_End = masterthread->XYZgrid-1;
2290     j_End = masterthread->XYZgrid-1;
2291     k_End = masterthread->XYZgrid-1;
2292     /// The code is doubled to eliminate conditions tests
2294     for(i = i_Start; i < i_End; i++)
2295     {
2296         I_pl = i*maxgrscalemaxgr;
2297         for(j = j_Start; j < j_End; j++)
2298         {
2299             J_pl = I_pl + j*maxgridval;
2300             for(k = k_Start; k < k_End; k++)
2301             {
2302                 IJK_pl                 = J_pl+k;
2303                 IPLUSONEJK_pl          = IJK_pl + maxgrscalemaxgr;
2304                 IMINUSONEJK         = IJK_pl - maxgrscalemaxgr;
2305                 IJPLUSONEK          = IJK_pl + maxgridval;
2306                 IJMINUSONEK         = IJK_pl - maxgridval;
2307                 IMINUSONEJMINUSONEK = IMINUSONEJK - maxgridval;
2309                 IsoValue_1 = Results[IJK_pl];
2310                 /// First Case P(i+1)(j)(k)
2312                 IsoValue_2 = Results[IPLUSONEJK_pl];
2313                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0 )
2314                 {
2315                     // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2316                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2318                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i] - factor * masterthread->x_Step[isoindex];
2319                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j];
2320                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k];
2321                     ///===========================================================///
2322                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2323                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2324                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2325                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2326                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2328                     // save The reference to this point
2329                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_pl].Edge_Points[0] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2330                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_pl].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2332                     // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2333                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJMINUSONEK].Edge_Points[4] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2334                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJMINUSONEK].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2336                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_pl-1].Edge_Points[2]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2337                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_pl-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2339                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJMINUSONEK-1].Edge_Points[6] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2340                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJMINUSONEK-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2342                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2343                 }
2344                 ///+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
2345                 /// Second Case P(i)(j+1)(k)
2347                 IsoValue_2 = Results[IJPLUSONEK];
2348                 // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2349                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2350                 {
2351                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2353                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i];
2354                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j] - factor * masterthread->y_Step[isoindex];
2355                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k];
2356                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2357                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2358                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2359                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2360                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2362                     // save The reference to this point
2363                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_pl].Edge_Points[8] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2364                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_pl].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2366                     // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2367                     GridVoxelVarPt[IMINUSONEJK].Edge_Points[9]    = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2368                     GridVoxelVarPt[IMINUSONEJK].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2370                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_pl-1].Edge_Points[11]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2371                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_pl-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2373                     GridVoxelVarPt[IMINUSONEJK-1].Edge_Points[10] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2374                     GridVoxelVarPt[IMINUSONEJK-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2376                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2377                 }
2379                 // Third Case P(i)(j)(k+1)
2381                 IsoValue_2 = Results[IJK_pl+1];
2382                 // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2383                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2384                 {
2385                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2387                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i];
2388                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j];
2389                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k] - factor * masterthread->z_Step[isoindex];
2390                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2391                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2392                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2393                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2394                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2395                     // save The reference to this point
2396                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_pl].Edge_Points[3] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2397                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_pl].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2398                     // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2399                     GridVoxelVarPt[IMINUSONEJK].Edge_Points[1]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2400                     GridVoxelVarPt[IMINUSONEJK].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2401                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJMINUSONEK].Edge_Points[7]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2402                     GridVoxelVarPt[IJMINUSONEK].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2403                     GridVoxelVarPt[IMINUSONEJMINUSONEK].Edge_Points[5] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2404                     GridVoxelVarPt[IMINUSONEJMINUSONEK].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2405                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2406                 }
2407             }
2408         }
2409     }
2411     /// Now we have to compute the Grid's limits...
2412     /// The code is quite big but this is much more easy to compute
2414     /// 1) First case : i =0;
2416     i =0;
2417     for(j=0; j < masterthread->XYZgrid; j++)
2418     {
2419         J_pl = j*maxgridval;
2420         for(k=0; k < masterthread->XYZgrid; k++)
2421         {
2422             JK_pl = J_pl +k;
2424             IsoValue_1 = Results[JK_pl];
2426             IsoValue_2 = Results[maxgrscalemaxgr+JK_pl];
2427             if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2428             {
2429                 // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2430                 factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2432                 vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i] - factor * masterthread->x_Step[isoindex];
2433                 vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j];
2434                 vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k];
2435                 for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2436                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2437                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2438                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2439                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2441                 // save The reference to this point
2442                 GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl].Edge_Points[0] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2443                 GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2445                 // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2446                 if( j != 0)
2447                 {
2448                     GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgridval].Edge_Points[4] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2449                     GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgridval].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2450                 }
2451                 if ( k != 0 )
2452                 {
2453                     GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-1].Edge_Points[2]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2454                     GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2455                 }
2456                 if( j != 0 && k != 0)
2457                 {
2458                     GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgridval-1].Edge_Points[6] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2459                     GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgridval-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2460                 }
2462                 NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2463             }
2465             // Second Case P(0)(j+1)(k)
2466             if ( j != (masterthread->XYZgrid -1))
2467             {
2468                 IsoValue_2 = Results[JK_pl+maxgridval];
2469                 // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2470                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2471                 {
2472                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2474                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i];
2475                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j] - factor *masterthread->y_Step[isoindex];
2476                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k];
2477                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2478                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2479                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2480                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2481                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2482                     // save The reference to this point
2483                     GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl].Edge_Points[8] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2484                     GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2486                     // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2487                     if ( k != 0)
2488                     {
2489                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-1].Edge_Points[11]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2490                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2491                     }
2493                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2494                 }
2495             } /// If ( j != nb_colon -1) ...
2497             // Third Case P(0)(j)(k+1)
2498             if ( k != (masterthread->XYZgrid-1))
2499             {
2500                 IsoValue_2 = Results[JK_pl+1];
2501                 // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2502                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2503                 {
2504                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2506                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i];
2507                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j];
2508                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k] - factor * masterthread->z_Step[isoindex];
2509                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2510                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2511                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2512                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2513                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2515                     // save The reference to this point
2516                     GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl].Edge_Points[3] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2517                     GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2519                     // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2520                     if ( j != 0)
2521                     {
2522                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgridval].Edge_Points[7]   =NbPointIsoMap_local;
2523                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgridval].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2524                     }
2526                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2528                 }
2529             } /// End of ( if ( k != nb_depth -1)....
2530         }
2531     }
2535     /// 2) Case i = nb_ligne-1
2537     i = masterthread->XYZgrid-1;
2538     I_pl = i*maxgrscalemaxgr;
2539     for(j=0; j < masterthread->XYZgrid; j++)
2540     {
2541         J_pl = I_pl + j*maxgridval;
2542         for(k=0; k < masterthread->XYZgrid; k++)
2543         {
2544             JK_pl = J_pl + k;
2546             IsoValue_1 = Results[JK_pl];
2549             // Second Case P(i)(j+1)(k)
2550             if ( j != (masterthread->XYZgrid -1))
2551             {
2552                 IsoValue_2 = Results[JK_pl+maxgridval];
2553                 // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2554                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2555                 {
2556                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2558                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i];
2559                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j] - factor *masterthread->y_Step[isoindex];
2560                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k];
2561                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2562                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2563                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2564                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2565                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2567                     // save The reference to this point
2568                     GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl].Edge_Points[8] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2569                     GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2571                     // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2572                     if(i != 0)
2573                     {
2574                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgrscalemaxgr].Edge_Points[9]    =NbPointIsoMap_local;
2575                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgrscalemaxgr].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2576                     }
2577                     if(k != 0)
2578                     {
2579                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-1].Edge_Points[11]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2580                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2581                     }
2582                     if(i != 0 && k != 0)
2583                     {
2584                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgrscalemaxgr-1].Edge_Points[10] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2585                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgrscalemaxgr-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2586                     }
2588                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2590                 }
2591             } /// End of if (j != nb_colon -1)...
2593             // Third Case P(i)(j)(k+1)
2594             if ( k != (masterthread->XYZgrid -1))
2595             {
2596                 IsoValue_2 = Results[JK_pl+1];
2597                 // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2598                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2599                 {
2600                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2602                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i];
2603                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j];
2604                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k] - factor * masterthread->z_Step[isoindex];
2605                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2606                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2607                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2608                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2609                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2611                     // save The reference to this point
2612                     GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl].Edge_Points[3] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2613                     GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2615                     // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2616                     if( i != 0)
2617                     {
2618                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgrscalemaxgr].Edge_Points[1]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2619                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgrscalemaxgr].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2620                     }
2621                     if(j != 0)
2622                     {
2623                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgridval].Edge_Points[7]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2624                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgridval].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2625                     }
2626                     if( i !=0 && j != 0)
2627                     {
2628                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgrscalemaxgr-maxgridval].Edge_Points[5] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2629                         GridVoxelVarPt[JK_pl-maxgrscalemaxgr-maxgridval].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2630                     }
2632                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2634                 }
2635             } /// End of if ( k != nb_depth -1)...
2636         }
2637     }
2639     /// 3) Case j = 0
2640     j= 0;
2642     for(i=0; i < masterthread->XYZgrid; i++)
2643         for(k=0; k < masterthread->XYZgrid; k++)
2644         {
2646             IsoValue_1 = Results[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+k];
2648             // First Case P(i+1)(j)(k)
2649             if( i != (masterthread->XYZgrid -1))
2650             {
2651                 IsoValue_2 = Results[(i+1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+k];
2652                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2653                 {
2655                     // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2656                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2658                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i] - factor * masterthread->x_Step[isoindex];
2659                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j];
2660                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k];
2661                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2662                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2663                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2664                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2665                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2667                     // save The reference to this point
2668                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+k].Edge_Points[0] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2669                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2671                     // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2672                     if( k!=0)
2673                     {
2674                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+k-1].Edge_Points[2]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2675                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+k-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2676                     }
2678                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2679                 }
2680             } /// End of if ( i != nb_ligne -1)...
2682             // Second Case P(i)(j+1)(k)
2684             IsoValue_2 = Results[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+maxgridval+k];
2685             // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2686             if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2687             {
2688                 factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2690                 vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i];
2691                 vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j] - factor * masterthread->y_Step[isoindex];
2692                 vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k];
2693                 for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2694                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2695                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2696                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2697                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2699                 // save The reference to this point
2700                 GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+k].Edge_Points[8] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2701                 GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2703                 // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2704                 if( i !=0 )
2705                 {
2706                     GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+k].Edge_Points[9]    = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2707                     GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2708                 }
2709                 if(k !=0)
2710                 {
2711                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+k-1].Edge_Points[11]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2712                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+k-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2713                 }
2714                 if( i !=0 && k !=0)
2715                 {
2716                     GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+k-1].Edge_Points[10] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2717                     GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+k-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2718                 }
2719                 NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2720             }
2723             // Third Case P(i)(j)(k+1)
2724             if(k != (masterthread->XYZgrid -1))
2725             {
2726                 IsoValue_2 = Results[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+k+1];
2727                 // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2728                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2729                 {
2730                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2732                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i];
2733                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j];
2734                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k] - factor * masterthread->z_Step[isoindex];
2735                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2736                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2737                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2738                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2739                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2741                     // save The reference to this point
2742                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+k].Edge_Points[3] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2743                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2745                     // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2746                     if( i != 0)
2747                     {
2748                         GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+k].Edge_Points[1]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2749                         GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2750                     }
2752                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2754                 }
2755             } /// End of if(k != (nb_depth -1))...
2756         }
2757     /// 4) Case j = nb_colon -1
2758     j = masterthread->XYZgrid-1;
2760     for(i=0; i < masterthread->XYZgrid; i++)
2761         for(k=0; k < masterthread->XYZgrid; k++)
2762         {
2763             IsoValue_1 = Results[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k];
2764             // First Case P(i+1)(j)(k)
2765             if( i != (masterthread->XYZgrid-1))
2766             {
2767                 IsoValue_2 = Results[(i+1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k];
2768                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2769                 {
2771                     // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2772                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2774                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i] - factor * masterthread->x_Step[isoindex];
2775                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j];
2776                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k];
2777                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2778                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2779                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2780                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2781                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2782                     // save The reference to this point
2783                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k].Edge_Points[0] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2784                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2785                     // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2786                     if( j != 0)
2787                     {
2788                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval+k].Edge_Points[4] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2789                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2790                     }
2791                     if(k != 0)
2792                     {
2793                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k-1].Edge_Points[2]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2794                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2795                     }
2796                     if(j != 0 && k != 0)
2797                     {
2798                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval+k-1].Edge_Points[6] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2799                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval+k-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2800                     }
2801                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2802                 }
2803             } /// End of if( i != (nb_ligne-1))...
2805             // Third Case P(i)(j)(k+1)
2806             if( k != (masterthread->XYZgrid -1))
2807             {
2808                 IsoValue_2 = Results[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k+1];
2809                 // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2810                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2811                 {
2812                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2814                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i];
2815                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j];
2816                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k] - factor * masterthread->z_Step[isoindex];
2817                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2818                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2819                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2820                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2821                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2822                     // save The reference to this point
2823                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k].Edge_Points[3] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2824                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2825                     // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2826                     if(i !=0)
2827                     {
2828                         GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k].Edge_Points[1]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2829                         GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2830                     }
2831                     if( j!=0)
2832                     {
2833                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval+k].Edge_Points[7]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2834                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2835                     }
2836                     if(i != 0 && j !=0)
2837                     {
2838                         GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval+k].Edge_Points[5] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2839                         GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2840                     }
2841                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2842                 }
2843             } /// End of if (k != nb_depth)...
2844         }
2846     /// 5) Case k = 0
2848     k =0;
2850     for(i=0; i < masterthread->XYZgrid; i++)
2851         for(j=0; j < masterthread->XYZgrid; j++)
2852         {
2853             IsoValue_1 = Results[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval];
2854             // First Case P(i+1)(j)(k)
2855             if(i != (masterthread->XYZgrid -1))
2856             {
2857                 IsoValue_2 = Results[(i+1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval];
2858                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2859                 {
2860                     // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2861                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2863                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i] - factor * masterthread->x_Step[isoindex];
2864                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j];
2865                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k];
2866                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2867                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2868                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2869                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2870                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2871                     // save The reference to this point
2872                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval].Edge_Points[0] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2873                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2874                     // The same Point is used in one other Voxel
2875                     if(j !=0)
2876                     {
2877                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval].Edge_Points[4] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2878                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2879                     }
2880                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2881                 }
2882             } /// End of if(i != (nb_ligne -1))
2884             // Second Case P(i)(j+1)(k)
2885             if(j != masterthread->XYZgrid -1)
2886             {
2887                 IsoValue_2 = Results[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j+1)*maxgridval];
2888                 // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2889                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2890                 {
2891                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2893                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i];
2894                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j] - factor * masterthread->y_Step[isoindex];
2895                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k];
2896                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2897                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2898                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2899                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2900                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2901                     // save The reference to this point
2902                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval].Edge_Points[8] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2903                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2904                     // The same Point is used in one other Voxels
2905                     if ( i !=0 )
2906                     {
2907                         GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval].Edge_Points[9]    = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2908                         GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2909                     }
2910                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2911                 }
2912             }/// End of if(j != nb_colon -1)...
2913             // Third Case P(i)(j)(k+1)
2914             IsoValue_2 = Results[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+1];
2915             // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2916             if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2917             {
2918                 factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2920                 vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i];
2921                 vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j];
2922                 vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k] - factor * masterthread->z_Step[isoindex];
2923                 for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2924                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2925                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2926                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2927                 NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2928                 // save The reference to this point
2929                 GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval].Edge_Points[3] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2930                 GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2932                 // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2933                 if ( i !=0 )
2934                 {
2935                     GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval].Edge_Points[1]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2936                     GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2937                 }
2938                 if (j != 0 )
2939                 {
2940                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval].Edge_Points[7]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2941                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2942                 }
2943                 if ( i !=0 && j != 0 )
2944                 {
2945                     GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval].Edge_Points[5] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2946                     GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2947                 }
2948                 NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2949             }
2950         }
2952     /// 6) Case k = nb_depth -1
2954     k = masterthread->XYZgrid -1;
2955     for(i=0; i < masterthread->XYZgrid; i++)
2956         for(j=0; j < masterthread->XYZgrid; j++)
2957         {
2958             IsoValue_1 = Results[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k];
2959             // First Case P(i+1)(j)(k)
2960             if( i != (masterthread->XYZgrid -1) )
2961             {
2962                 IsoValue_2 = Results[(i+1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k];
2963                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
2964                 {
2965                     // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
2966                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
2967                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i] - factor * masterthread->x_Step[isoindex];
2968                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j];
2969                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k];
2970                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
2971                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
2972                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
2973                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
2974                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
2975                     // save The reference to this point
2976                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k].Edge_Points[0] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2977                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2978                     // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
2979                     if(j !=0)
2980                     {
2981                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval+k].Edge_Points[4] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2982                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2983                     }
2984                     if(k !=0)
2985                     {
2986                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k-1].Edge_Points[2]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2987                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2988                     }
2989                     if(j !=0 && k != 0)
2990                     {
2991                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval+k-1].Edge_Points[6] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
2992                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j-1)*maxgridval+k-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
2993                     }
2994                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
2995                 }
2996             } /// End of if(i != nb_ligne-1)...
2998             // Second Case P(i)(j+1)(k)
2999             if( j != (masterthread->XYZgrid -1) )
3000             {
3001                 IsoValue_2 = Results[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+(j+1)*maxgridval+k];
3002                 // Edge Point computation and  save in IsoPointMap
3003                 if(IsoValue_1 * IsoValue_2 <= 0 && (rapport=IsoValue_2 - IsoValue_1) != 0.0)
3004                 {
3005                     factor = (IsoValue - IsoValue_1)/rapport;
3006                     vals[0] = masterthread->xLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+i];
3007                     vals[1] = masterthread->yLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+j] - factor * masterthread->y_Step[isoindex];
3008                     vals[2] = masterthread->zLocal2[isoindex*masterthread->GridVal+k];
3009                     for(int iter=0; iter<7; iter++)
3010                         NormVertexTabVector.push_back(1.0);
3011                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[0]));
3012                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[1]));
3013                     NormVertexTabVector.push_back(float(vals[2]));
3015                     // save The reference to this point
3016                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k].Edge_Points[8] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
3017                     GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
3019                     // The same Point is used in three other Voxels
3020                     if( i !=0 )
3021                     {
3022                         GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k].Edge_Points[9]    = NbPointIsoMap_local;
3023                         GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k].NbEdgePoint += 1;
3024                     }
3025                     if( k !=0 )
3026                     {
3027                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k-1].Edge_Points[11]   = NbPointIsoMap_local;
3028                         GridVoxelVarPt[i*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
3029                     }
3030                     if( i !=0 && k !=0 )
3031                     {
3032                         GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k-1].Edge_Points[10] = NbPointIsoMap_local;
3033                         GridVoxelVarPt[(i-1)*maxgrscalemaxgr+j*maxgridval+k-1].NbEdgePoint += 1;
3034                     }
3035                     NbPointIsoMap_local++;
3036                 }
3037             } /// End of if( j != (nb_colon -1) )...
3038         }
3039     NbPointIsoMap =    NbPointIsoMap_local;
3040     return 1;
3041 }
3043 ///+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++///
SignatureComputation()3044 void Iso3D::SignatureComputation()
3045 {
3046     uint I_si, J_si, IJK_si, IPLUSONEJK_si,
3048     uint maxgrscalemaxgr = masterthread->GridVal*masterthread->GridVal;
3049     for(uint i=0; i < masterthread->XYZgrid; i++)
3050     {
3051         I_si = i*maxgrscalemaxgr;
3052         for(uint j=0; j < masterthread->XYZgrid; j++)
3053         {
3054             J_si = I_si + j*masterthread->GridVal;
3055             for(uint k=0; k < masterthread->XYZgrid; k++)
3056             {
3057                 IJK_si               = J_si + k;
3058                 IPLUSONEJK_si        = IJK_si + maxgrscalemaxgr;
3059                 IJPLUSONEK_si        = IJK_si + masterthread->GridVal;
3060                 IPLUSONEJPLUSONEK_si = IPLUSONEJK_si + masterthread->GridVal;
3062                 if(Results[IJK_si] <= 0) GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_si].Signature +=1;
3064                 if(i != (masterthread->XYZgrid-1))
3065                     if(Results[IPLUSONEJK_si] <= 0) GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_si].Signature +=2;
3067                 if(i != (masterthread->XYZgrid-1) && k != (masterthread->XYZgrid-1))
3068                     if(Results[IPLUSONEJK_si+1] <= 0) GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_si].Signature +=4;
3070                 if(k != (masterthread->XYZgrid-1))
3071                     if(Results[IJK_si+1] <= 0) GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_si].Signature +=8;
3073                 if(j != (masterthread->XYZgrid-1))
3074                     if(Results[IJPLUSONEK_si] <= 0) GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_si].Signature +=16;
3076                 if(i != (masterthread->XYZgrid-1) && j != (masterthread->XYZgrid-1))
3077                     if(Results[IPLUSONEJPLUSONEK_si] <= 0) GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_si].Signature +=32;
3079                 if(i != (masterthread->XYZgrid-1) && j != (masterthread->XYZgrid-1) && k != (masterthread->XYZgrid-1))
3080                     if(Results[IPLUSONEJPLUSONEK_si+1] <= 0) GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_si].Signature +=64;
3082                 if(j != (masterthread->XYZgrid-1) && k != (masterthread->XYZgrid-1))
3083                     if(Results[IJPLUSONEK_si+1] <= 0) GridVoxelVarPt[IJK_si].Signature +=128;
3084             }
3085         }
3086     }// End if(Grid...
3087 }