1-- | Main module for JS backend.
3module Agda.Compiler.JS.Compiler where
5import Prelude hiding ( null, writeFile )
7import Control.DeepSeq
8import Control.Monad.Trans
10import Data.Char     ( isSpace )
11import Data.Foldable ( forM_ )
12import Data.List     ( dropWhileEnd, findIndex, intercalate, partition )
13import Data.Set      ( Set )
15import qualified Data.Set as Set
16import qualified Data.Map as Map
17import qualified Data.Text as T
19import GHC.Generics (Generic)
21import System.Directory   ( createDirectoryIfMissing )
22import System.Environment ( setEnv )
23import System.FilePath    ( splitFileName, (</>) )
24import System.Process     ( callCommand )
26import Paths_Agda
28import Agda.Interaction.Options
30import Agda.Syntax.Common
31import Agda.Syntax.Concrete.Name ( isNoName )
32import Agda.Syntax.Abstract.Name
33  ( ModuleName, QName,
34    mnameToList, qnameName, qnameModule, nameId )
35import Agda.Syntax.Internal
36  ( Name, Type
37  , arity, nameFixity, unDom )
38import Agda.Syntax.Literal       ( Literal(..) )
39import Agda.Syntax.Treeless      ( ArgUsage(..), filterUsed )
40import qualified Agda.Syntax.Treeless as T
42import Agda.TypeChecking.Monad
43import Agda.TypeChecking.Reduce ( instantiateFull )
44import Agda.TypeChecking.Substitute as TC ( TelV(..), raise, subst )
45import Agda.TypeChecking.Pretty
47import Agda.Utils.FileName ( isNewerThan )
48import Agda.Utils.Function ( iterate' )
49import Agda.Utils.List ( downFrom, headWithDefault )
50import Agda.Utils.List1 ( List1, pattern (:|) )
51import qualified Agda.Utils.List1 as List1
52import Agda.Utils.Maybe ( boolToMaybe, catMaybes, caseMaybeM, fromMaybe, whenNothing )
53import Agda.Utils.Monad ( ifM, when )
54import Agda.Utils.Null  ( null )
55import Agda.Utils.Pretty (prettyShow, render)
56import qualified Agda.Utils.Pretty as P
57import Agda.Utils.IO.Directory
58import Agda.Utils.IO.UTF8 ( writeFile )
59import Agda.Utils.Singleton ( singleton )
61import Agda.Compiler.Common
62import Agda.Compiler.ToTreeless
63import Agda.Compiler.Treeless.EliminateDefaults
64import Agda.Compiler.Treeless.EliminateLiteralPatterns
65import Agda.Compiler.Treeless.GuardsToPrims
66import Agda.Compiler.Treeless.Erase ( computeErasedConstructorArgs )
67import Agda.Compiler.Treeless.Subst ()
68import Agda.Compiler.Backend (Backend(..), Backend'(..), Recompile(..))
70import Agda.Compiler.JS.Syntax
71  ( Exp(Self,Local,Global,Undefined,Null,String,Char,Integer,Double,Lambda,Object,Array,Apply,Lookup,If,BinOp,PlainJS),
72    LocalId(LocalId), GlobalId(GlobalId), MemberId(MemberId,MemberIndex), Export(Export), Module(Module, modName, callMain), Comment(Comment),
73    modName, expName, uses
74  , JSQName
75  )
76import Agda.Compiler.JS.Substitution
77  ( curriedLambda, curriedApply, emp, apply )
78import qualified Agda.Compiler.JS.Pretty as JSPretty
80import Agda.Utils.Impossible (__IMPOSSIBLE__)
83-- Entry point into the compiler
86jsBackend :: Backend
87jsBackend = Backend jsBackend'
89jsBackend' :: Backend' JSOptions JSOptions JSModuleEnv Module (Maybe Export)
90jsBackend' = Backend'
91  { backendName           = jsBackendName
92  , backendVersion        = Nothing
93  , options               = defaultJSOptions
94  , commandLineFlags      = jsCommandLineFlags
95  , isEnabled             = optJSCompile
96  , preCompile            = jsPreCompile
97  , postCompile           = jsPostCompile
98  , preModule             = jsPreModule
99  , postModule            = jsPostModule
100  , compileDef            = jsCompileDef
101  , scopeCheckingSuffices = False
102  , mayEraseType          = const $ return True
103      -- Andreas, 2019-05-09, see issue #3732.
104      -- If you want to use JS data structures generated from Agda
105      -- @data@/@record@, you might want to tell the treeless compiler
106      -- not to erase these types even if they have no content,
107      -- to get a stable interface.
108  }
110--- Options ---
112data JSOptions = JSOptions
113  { optJSCompile  :: Bool
114  , optJSOptimize :: Bool
115  , optJSMinify   :: Bool
116      -- ^ Remove spaces etc. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minification_(programming).
117  , optJSVerify   :: Bool
118      -- ^ Run generated code through interpreter.
119  }
120  deriving Generic
122instance NFData JSOptions
124defaultJSOptions :: JSOptions
125defaultJSOptions = JSOptions
126  { optJSCompile  = False
127  , optJSOptimize = False
128  , optJSMinify   = False
129  , optJSVerify   = False
130  }
132jsCommandLineFlags :: [OptDescr (Flag JSOptions)]
133jsCommandLineFlags =
134    [ Option [] ["js"] (NoArg enable) "compile program using the JS backend"
135    , Option [] ["js-optimize"] (NoArg enableOpt) "turn on optimizations during JS code generation"
136    -- Minification is described at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minification_(programming)
137    , Option [] ["js-minify"] (NoArg enableMin) "minify generated JS code"
138    , Option [] ["js-verify"] (NoArg enableVerify) "except for main module, run generated JS modules through `node` (needs to be in PATH)"
139    ]
140  where
141    enable       o = pure o{ optJSCompile  = True }
142    enableOpt    o = pure o{ optJSOptimize = True }
143    enableMin    o = pure o{ optJSMinify   = True }
144    enableVerify o = pure o{ optJSVerify   = True }
146--- Top-level compilation ---
148jsPreCompile :: JSOptions -> TCM JSOptions
149jsPreCompile opts = return opts
151-- | After all modules have been compiled, copy RTE modules and verify compiled modules.
153jsPostCompile :: JSOptions -> IsMain -> Map.Map ModuleName Module -> TCM ()
154jsPostCompile opts _ ms = do
156  -- Copy RTE modules.
158  compDir  <- compileDir
159  liftIO $ do
160    dataDir <- getDataDir
161    let srcDir = dataDir </> "JS"
162    copyDirContent srcDir compDir
164  -- Verify generated JS modules (except for main).
166  reportSLn "compile.js.verify" 10 $ "Considering to verify generated JS modules"
167  when (optJSVerify opts) $ do
169    reportSLn "compile.js.verify" 10 $ "Verifying generated JS modules"
170    liftIO $ setEnv "NODE_PATH" compDir
172    forM_ ms $ \ Module{ modName, callMain } -> do
173      jsFile <- outFile modName
174      reportSLn "compile.js.verify" 30 $ unwords [ "Considering JS module:" , jsFile ]
176      -- Since we do not run a JS program for real, we skip all modules that could
177      -- have a call to main.
178      -- Atm, modules whose compilation was skipped are also skipped during verification
179      -- (they appear here as main modules).
180      whenNothing callMain $ do
181        let cmd = unwords [ "node", "-", "<", jsFile ]
182        reportSLn "compile.js.verify" 20 $ unwords [ "calling:", cmd ]
183        liftIO $ callCommand cmd
186mergeModules :: Map.Map ModuleName Module -> [(GlobalId, Export)]
187mergeModules ms
188    = [ (jsMod n, e)
189      | (n, Module _ _ es _) <- Map.toList ms
190      , e <- es
191      ]
193--- Module compilation ---
195type JSModuleEnv = Maybe CoinductionKit
197jsPreModule :: JSOptions -> IsMain -> ModuleName -> Maybe FilePath -> TCM (Recompile JSModuleEnv Module)
198jsPreModule _opts _ m mifile = ifM uptodate noComp yesComp
199  where
200    uptodate = case mifile of
201      Nothing -> pure False
202      Just ifile -> liftIO =<< isNewerThan <$> outFile_ <*> pure ifile
203    ifileDesc = fromMaybe "(memory)" mifile
205    noComp = do
206      reportSLn "compile.js" 2 . (++ " : no compilation is needed.") . prettyShow =<< curMName
207      return $ Skip skippedModule
209    -- A skipped module acts as a fake main module, to be skipped by --js-verify as well.
210    skippedModule = Module (jsMod m) mempty mempty (Just __IMPOSSIBLE__)
212    yesComp = do
213      m   <- prettyShow <$> curMName
214      out <- outFile_
215      reportSLn "compile.js" 1 $ repl [m, ifileDesc, out] "Compiling <<0>> in <<1>> to <<2>>"
216      Recompile <$> coinductionKit
218jsPostModule :: JSOptions -> JSModuleEnv -> IsMain -> ModuleName -> [Maybe Export] -> TCM Module
219jsPostModule opts _ isMain _ defs = do
220  m             <- jsMod <$> curMName
221  is            <- map (jsMod . fst) . iImportedModules <$> curIF
222  let mod = Module m is (reorder es) callMain
223  writeModule (optJSMinify opts) mod
224  return mod
225  where
226  es       = catMaybes defs
227  main     = MemberId "main"
228  -- Andreas, 2020-10-27, only add invocation of "main" if such function is defined.
229  -- This allows loading of generated .js files into an interpreter
230  -- even if they do not define "main".
231  hasMain  = isMain == IsMain && any ((singleton main ==) . expName) es
232  callMain :: Maybe Exp
233  callMain = boolToMaybe hasMain $ Apply (Lookup Self main) [Lambda 1 emp]
236jsCompileDef :: JSOptions -> JSModuleEnv -> IsMain -> Definition -> TCM (Maybe Export)
237jsCompileDef opts kit _isMain def = definition (opts, kit) (defName def, def)
240-- Naming
243prefix :: [Char]
244prefix = "jAgda"
246jsMod :: ModuleName -> GlobalId
247jsMod m = GlobalId (prefix : map prettyShow (mnameToList m))
249jsFileName :: GlobalId -> String
250jsFileName (GlobalId ms) = intercalate "." ms ++ ".js"
252jsMember :: Name -> MemberId
253jsMember n
254  -- Anonymous fields are used for where clauses,
255  -- and they're all given the concrete name "_",
256  -- so we disambiguate them using their name id.
257  | isNoName n = MemberId ("_" ++ show (nameId n))
258  | otherwise  = MemberId $ prettyShow n
260global' :: QName -> TCM (Exp, JSQName)
261global' q = do
262  i <- iModuleName <$> curIF
263  modNm <- topLevelModuleName (qnameModule q)
264  let
265    -- Global module prefix
266    qms = mnameToList $ qnameModule q
267    -- File-local module prefix
268    localms = drop (length $ mnameToList modNm) qms
269    nm = fmap jsMember $ List1.snoc localms $ qnameName q
270  if modNm == i
271    then return (Self, nm)
272    else return (Global (jsMod modNm), nm)
274global :: QName -> TCM (Exp, JSQName)
275global q = do
276  d <- getConstInfo q
277  case d of
278    Defn { theDef = Constructor { conData = p } } -> do
279      getConstInfo p >>= \case
280        -- Andreas, 2020-10-27, comment quotes outdated fact.
281        -- anon. constructors are now M.R.constructor.
282        -- We could simplify/remove the workaround by switching "record"
283        -- to "constructor", but this changes the output of the JS compiler
284        -- maybe in ways that break user's developments
285        -- (if they link to Agda-generated JS).
286        -- -- Rather annoyingly, the anonymous constructor of a record R in module M
287        -- -- is given the name M.recCon, but a named constructor C
288        -- -- is given the name M.R.C, sigh. This causes a lot of hoop-jumping
289        -- -- in the map from Agda names to JS names, which we patch by renaming
290        -- -- anonymous constructors to M.R.record.
291        Defn { theDef = Record { recNamedCon = False } } -> do
292          (m,ls) <- global' p
293          return (m, ls <> singleton (MemberId "record"))
294        _ -> global' (defName d)
295    _ -> global' (defName d)
297-- Reorder a list of exports to ensure def-before-use.
298-- Note that this can diverge in the case when there is no such reordering.
300-- Only top-level values are evaluated before definitions are added to the
301-- module, so we put those last, ordered in dependency order. There can't be
302-- any recursion between top-level values (unless termination checking has been
303-- disabled and someone's written a non-sensical program), so reordering will
304-- terminate.
306reorder :: [Export] -> [Export]
307reorder es = datas ++ funs ++ reorder' (Set.fromList $ map expName $ datas ++ funs) vals
308  where
309    (vs, funs)    = partition isTopLevelValue es
310    (datas, vals) = partition isEmptyObject vs
312reorder' :: Set JSQName -> [Export] -> [Export]
313reorder' defs [] = []
314reorder' defs (e : es) =
315  let us = uses e `Set.difference` defs
316  in  if null us
317        then e : (reorder' (Set.insert (expName e) defs) es)
318        else reorder' defs (insertAfter us e es)
320isTopLevelValue :: Export -> Bool
321isTopLevelValue (Export _ e) = case e of
322  Object m | flatName `Map.member` m -> False
323  Lambda{} -> False
324  _        -> True
326isEmptyObject :: Export -> Bool
327isEmptyObject (Export _ e) = case e of
328  Object m -> null m
329  Lambda{} -> True
330  _        -> False
332insertAfter :: Set JSQName -> Export -> [Export] -> [Export]
333insertAfter us e []                   = [e]
334insertAfter us e (f : fs) | null us   = e : f : fs
335insertAfter us e (f : fs) | otherwise =
336  f : insertAfter (Set.delete (expName f) us) e fs
339-- Main compiling clauses
342type EnvWithOpts = (JSOptions, JSModuleEnv)
344definition :: EnvWithOpts -> (QName,Definition) -> TCM (Maybe Export)
345definition kit (q,d) = do
346  reportSDoc "compile.js" 10 $ "compiling def:" <+> prettyTCM q
347  (_,ls) <- global q
348  d <- instantiateFull d
350  definition' kit q d (defType d) ls
352-- | Ensure that there is at most one pragma for a name.
353checkCompilerPragmas :: QName -> TCM ()
354checkCompilerPragmas q =
355  caseMaybeM (getUniqueCompilerPragma jsBackendName q) (return ()) $ \ (CompilerPragma r s) ->
356  setCurrentRange r $ case words s of
357    "=" : _ -> return ()
358    _       -> genericDocError $ P.sep [ "Badly formed COMPILE JS pragma. Expected",
359                                         "{-# COMPILE JS <name> = <js> #-}" ]
361defJSDef :: Definition -> Maybe String
362defJSDef def =
363  case defCompilerPragmas jsBackendName def of
364    [CompilerPragma _ s] -> Just (dropEquals s)
365    []                   -> Nothing
366    _:_:_                -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
367  where
368    dropEquals = dropWhile $ \ c -> isSpace c || c == '='
370definition' :: EnvWithOpts -> QName -> Definition -> Type -> JSQName -> TCM (Maybe Export)
371definition' kit q d t ls = if not (usableModality d) then return Nothing else do
372  checkCompilerPragmas q
373  case theDef d of
374    -- coinduction
375    Constructor{} | Just q == (nameOfSharp <$> snd kit) -> do
376      return Nothing
377    Function{} | Just q == (nameOfFlat <$> snd kit) -> do
378      ret $ Lambda 1 $ Apply (Lookup (local 0) flatName) []
380    DataOrRecSig{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
382    Axiom{} | Just e <- defJSDef d -> plainJS e
383    Axiom{} | otherwise -> ret Undefined
385    GeneralizableVar{} -> return Nothing
387    Function{} | Just e <- defJSDef d -> plainJS e
388    Function{} | otherwise -> do
390      reportSDoc "compile.js" 5 $ "compiling fun:" <+> prettyTCM q
391      caseMaybeM (toTreeless T.EagerEvaluation q) (pure Nothing) $ \ treeless -> do
392        used <- fromMaybe [] <$> getCompiledArgUse q
393        funBody <- eliminateCaseDefaults =<<
394          eliminateLiteralPatterns
395          (convertGuards treeless)
396        reportSDoc "compile.js" 30 $ " compiled treeless fun:" <+> pretty funBody
397        reportSDoc "compile.js" 40 $ " argument usage:" <+> (text . show) used
399        let (body, given) = lamView funBody
400              where
401                lamView :: T.TTerm -> (T.TTerm, Int)
402                lamView (T.TLam t) = (+1) <$> lamView t
403                lamView t = (t, 0)
405            -- number of eta expanded args
406            etaN = length $ dropWhileEnd (== ArgUsed) $ drop given used
408            unusedN = length $ filter (== ArgUnused) used
410        funBody' <- compileTerm kit
411                  $ iterate' (given + etaN - unusedN) T.TLam
412                  $ eraseLocalVars (map (== ArgUnused) used)
413                  $ T.mkTApp (raise etaN body) (T.TVar <$> downFrom etaN)
415        reportSDoc "compile.js" 30 $ " compiled JS fun:" <+> (text . show) funBody'
416        return $
417          if funBody' == Null then Nothing
418          else Just $ Export ls funBody'
420    Primitive{primName = p}
421      | p `Set.member` cubicalPrimitives ->
422        typeError $ NotImplemented p
423      | p `Set.member` primitives ->
424        plainJS $ "agdaRTS." ++ p
425      | Just e <- defJSDef d ->
426        plainJS e
427      | otherwise ->
428        ret Undefined
429    PrimitiveSort{} -> return Nothing
431    Datatype{ dataPathCons = _ : _ } -> do
432      s <- render <$> prettyTCM q
433      typeError $ NotImplemented $
434        "Higher inductive types (" ++ s ++ ")"
435    Datatype{} -> do
436        computeErasedConstructorArgs q
437        ret emp
438    Record{} -> do
439        computeErasedConstructorArgs q
440        return Nothing
442    Constructor{} | Just e <- defJSDef d -> plainJS e
443    Constructor{conData = p, conPars = nc} -> do
444      let np = arity t - nc
445      erased <- getErasedConArgs q
446      let nargs = np - length (filter id erased)
447          args = [ Local $ LocalId $ nargs - i | i <- [0 .. nargs-1] ]
448      d <- getConstInfo p
449      let l = List1.last ls
450      case theDef d of
451        Record { recFields = flds } -> ret $ curriedLambda nargs $
452          if optJSOptimize (fst kit)
453            then Lambda 1 $ Apply (Local (LocalId 0)) args
454            else Object $ Map.fromList [ (l, Lambda 1 $ Apply (Lookup (Local (LocalId 0)) l) args) ]
455        dt -> do
456          i <- index
457          ret $ curriedLambda (nargs + 1) $ Apply (Lookup (Local (LocalId 0)) i) args
458          where
459            index :: TCM MemberId
460            index
461              | Datatype{} <- dt
462              , optJSOptimize (fst kit) = do
463                  q  <- canonicalName q
464                  cs <- mapM canonicalName $ defConstructors dt
465                  case findIndex (q ==) cs of
466                    Just i  -> return $ MemberIndex i (mkComment l)
467                    Nothing -> __IMPOSSIBLE_VERBOSE__ $ unwords [ "Constructor", prettyShow q, "not found in", prettyShow cs ]
468              | otherwise = return l
469            mkComment (MemberId s) = Comment s
470            mkComment _ = mempty
472    AbstractDefn{} -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
473  where
474    ret = return . Just . Export ls
475    plainJS = return . Just . Export ls . PlainJS
477compileTerm :: EnvWithOpts -> T.TTerm -> TCM Exp
478compileTerm kit t = go t
479  where
480    go :: T.TTerm -> TCM Exp
481    go = \case
482      T.TVar x -> return $ Local $ LocalId x
483      T.TDef q -> do
484        d <- getConstInfo q
485        case theDef d of
486          -- Datatypes and records are erased
487          Datatype {} -> return (String "*")
488          Record {} -> return (String "*")
489          _ -> qname q
490      T.TApp (T.TCon q) [x] | Just q == (nameOfSharp <$> snd kit) -> do
491        x <- go x
492        let evalThunk = unlines
493              [ "function() {"
494              , "  delete this.flat;"
495              , "  var result = this.__flat_helper();"
496              , "  delete this.__flat_helper;"
497              , "  this.flat = function() { return result; };"
498              , "  return result;"
499              , "}"
500              ]
501        return $ Object $ Map.fromList
502          [(flatName, PlainJS evalThunk)
503          ,(MemberId "__flat_helper", Lambda 0 x)]
504      T.TApp t' xs | Just f <- getDef t' -> do
505        used <- case f of
506          Left  q -> fromMaybe [] <$> getCompiledArgUse q
507          Right c -> map (\ b -> if b then ArgUnused else ArgUsed) <$> getErasedConArgs c
508            -- Andreas, 2021-02-10 NB: could be @map (bool ArgUsed ArgUnused)@
509            -- but I find it unintuitive that 'bool' takes the 'False'-branch first.
510        let given = length xs
512            -- number of eta expanded args
513            etaN = length $ dropWhile (== ArgUsed) $ reverse $ drop given used
515            args = filterUsed used $ xs ++ (T.TVar <$> downFrom etaN)
517        curriedLambda etaN <$> (curriedApply <$> go (raise etaN t') <*> mapM go args)
519      T.TApp t xs -> do
520            curriedApply <$> go t <*> mapM go xs
521      T.TLam t -> Lambda 1 <$> go t
522      -- TODO This is not a lazy let, but it should be...
523      T.TLet t e -> apply <$> (Lambda 1 <$> go e) <*> traverse go [t]
524      T.TLit l -> return $ literal l
525      T.TCon q -> do
526        d <- getConstInfo q
527        qname q
528      T.TCase sc ct def alts | T.CTData _ dt <- T.caseType ct -> do
529        dt <- getConstInfo dt
530        alts' <- traverse (compileAlt kit) alts
531        let cs  = defConstructors $ theDef dt
532            obj = Object $ Map.fromList [(snd x, y) | (x, y) <- alts']
533            arr = mkArray [headWithDefault (mempty, Null) [(Comment s, y) | ((c', MemberId s), y) <- alts', c' == c] | c <- cs]
534        case (theDef dt, defJSDef dt) of
535          (_, Just e) -> do
536            return $ apply (PlainJS e) [Local (LocalId sc), obj]
537          (Record{}, _) | optJSOptimize (fst kit) -> do
538            return $ apply (Local $ LocalId sc) [snd $ headWithDefault __IMPOSSIBLE__ alts']
539          (Record{}, _) -> do
540            memId <- visitorName $ recCon $ theDef dt
541            return $ apply (Lookup (Local $ LocalId sc) memId) [obj]
542          (Datatype{}, _) | optJSOptimize (fst kit) -> do
543            return $ curriedApply (Local (LocalId sc)) [arr]
544          (Datatype{}, _) -> do
545            return $ curriedApply (Local (LocalId sc)) [obj]
546          _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
547      T.TCase _ _ _ _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
549      T.TPrim p -> return $ compilePrim p
550      T.TUnit -> unit
551      T.TSort -> unit
552      T.TErased -> unit
553      T.TError T.TUnreachable -> return Undefined
554      T.TError T.TMeta{}      -> return Undefined
555      T.TCoerce t -> go t
557    getDef (T.TDef f) = Just (Left f)
558    getDef (T.TCon c) = Just (Right c)
559    getDef (T.TCoerce x) = getDef x
560    getDef _ = Nothing
562    unit = return Null
564    mkArray xs
565        | 2 * length (filter ((==Null) . snd) xs) <= length xs = Array xs
566        | otherwise = Object $ Map.fromList [(MemberIndex i c, x) | (i, (c, x)) <- zip [0..] xs, x /= Null]
568compilePrim :: T.TPrim -> Exp
569compilePrim p =
570  case p of
571    T.PIf -> curriedLambda 3 $ If (local 2) (local 1) (local 0)
572    T.PEqI -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimIntegerEqual"
573    T.PEqF -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimFloatEquality"
574    T.PEqQ -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimQNameEquality"
575    T.PEqS -> primEq
576    T.PEqC -> primEq
577    T.PGeq -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimIntegerGreaterOrEqualThan"
578    T.PLt -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimIntegerLessThan"
579    T.PAdd -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimIntegerPlus"
580    T.PSub -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimIntegerMinus"
581    T.PMul -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimIntegerMultiply"
582    T.PRem -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimIntegerRem"
583    T.PQuot -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimIntegerQuot"
584    T.PAdd64 -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimWord64Plus"
585    T.PSub64 -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimWord64Minus"
586    T.PMul64 -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimWord64Multiply"
587    T.PRem64 -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimIntegerRem"     -- -|
588    T.PQuot64 -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimIntegerQuot"   --  > These can use the integer functions
589    T.PEq64 -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimIntegerEqual"    --  |
590    T.PLt64 -> binOp "agdaRTS.uprimIntegerLessThan" -- -|
591    T.PITo64 -> unOp "agdaRTS.primWord64FromNat"
592    T.P64ToI -> unOp "agdaRTS.primWord64ToNat"
593    T.PSeq -> binOp "agdaRTS.primSeq"
594  where binOp js = curriedLambda 2 $ apply (PlainJS js) [local 1, local 0]
595        unOp js  = curriedLambda 1 $ apply (PlainJS js) [local 0]
596        primEq   = curriedLambda 2 $ BinOp (local 1) "===" (local 0)
599compileAlt :: EnvWithOpts -> T.TAlt -> TCM ((QName, MemberId), Exp)
600compileAlt kit = \case
601  T.TACon con ar body -> do
602    erased <- getErasedConArgs con
603    let nargs = ar - length (filter id erased)
604    memId <- visitorName con
605    body <- Lambda nargs <$> compileTerm kit (eraseLocalVars erased body)
606    return ((con, memId), body)
607  _ -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
609eraseLocalVars :: [Bool] -> T.TTerm -> T.TTerm
610eraseLocalVars [] x = x
611eraseLocalVars (False: es) x = eraseLocalVars es x
612eraseLocalVars (True: es) x = eraseLocalVars es (TC.subst (length es) T.TErased x)
614visitorName :: QName -> TCM MemberId
615visitorName q = do (m,ls) <- global q; return (List1.last ls)
617flatName :: MemberId
618flatName = MemberId "flat"
620local :: Nat -> Exp
621local = Local . LocalId
623qname :: QName -> TCM Exp
624qname q = do
625  (e,ls) <- global q
626  return (foldl Lookup e ls)
628literal :: Literal -> Exp
629literal = \case
630  (LitNat    x) -> Integer x
631  (LitWord64 x) -> Integer (fromIntegral x)
632  (LitFloat  x) -> Double  x
633  (LitString x) -> String  x
634  (LitChar   x) -> Char    x
635  (LitQName  x) -> litqname x
636  LitMeta{}     -> __IMPOSSIBLE__
638litqname :: QName -> Exp
639litqname q =
640  Object $ Map.fromList
641    [ (mem "id", Integer $ fromIntegral n)
642    , (mem "moduleId", Integer $ fromIntegral m)
643    , (mem "name", String $ T.pack $ prettyShow q)
644    , (mem "fixity", litfixity fx)]
645  where
646    mem = MemberId
647    NameId n (ModuleNameHash m) = nameId $ qnameName q
648    fx = theFixity $ nameFixity $ qnameName q
650    litfixity :: Fixity -> Exp
651    litfixity fx = Object $ Map.fromList
652      [ (mem "assoc", litAssoc $ fixityAssoc fx)
653      , (mem "prec", litPrec $ fixityLevel fx)]
655    -- TODO this will probably not work well together with the necessary FFI bindings
656    litAssoc NonAssoc   = String "non-assoc"
657    litAssoc LeftAssoc  = String "left-assoc"
658    litAssoc RightAssoc = String "right-assoc"
660    litPrec Unrelated   = String "unrelated"
661    litPrec (Related l) = Double l
664-- Writing out an ECMAScript module
667writeModule :: Bool -> Module -> TCM ()
668writeModule minify m = do
669  out <- outFile (modName m)
670  liftIO (writeFile out (JSPretty.prettyShow minify m))
672outFile :: GlobalId -> TCM FilePath
673outFile m = do
674  mdir <- compileDir
675  let (fdir, fn) = splitFileName (jsFileName m)
676  let dir = mdir </> fdir
677      fp  = dir </> fn
678  liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True dir
679  return fp
681outFile_ :: TCM FilePath
682outFile_ = do
683  m <- curMName
684  outFile (jsMod m)
686-- | Cubical primitives that are (currently) not compiled.
688-- TODO: Primitives that are neither part of this set nor of
689-- 'primitives', and for which 'defJSDef' does not return anything,
690-- are silently compiled to 'Undefined'. Thus, if a cubical primitive
691-- is by accident omitted from 'cubicalPrimitives', then programs that
692-- should be rejected are compiled to something which might not work
693-- as intended. A better approach might be to list exactly those
694-- primitives which should be compiled to 'Undefined'.
696cubicalPrimitives :: Set String
697cubicalPrimitives = Set.fromList
698  [ "primIMin"
699  , "primIMax"
700  , "primINeg"
701  , "primPartial"
702  , "primPartialP"
703  , "primPFrom1"
704  , "primPOr"
705  , "primComp"
706  , "primTransp"
707  , "primHComp"
708  , "primSubOut"
709  ]
711-- | Primitives implemented in the JS Agda RTS.
712primitives :: Set String
713primitives = Set.fromList
714  [  "primShowInteger"
716  -- Natural number functions
717  -- , "primNatPlus"                 -- missing
718  , "primNatMinus"
719  -- , "primNatTimes"                -- missing
720  -- , "primNatDivSucAux"            -- missing
721  -- , "primNatModSucAux"            -- missing
722  -- , "primNatEquality"             -- missing
723  -- , "primNatLess"                 -- missing
724  -- , "primShowNat"                 -- missing
726  -- Machine words
727  , "primWord64ToNat"
728  , "primWord64FromNat"
729  -- , "primWord64ToNatInjective"    -- missing
731  -- Level functions
732  -- , "primLevelZero"               -- missing
733  -- , "primLevelSuc"                -- missing
734  -- , "primLevelMax"                -- missing
736  -- Sorts
737  -- , "primSetOmega"                -- missing
738  -- , "primStrictSetOmega"          -- missing
740  -- Floating point functions
741  , "primFloatEquality"
742  , "primFloatInequality"
743  , "primFloatLess"
744  , "primFloatIsInfinite"
745  , "primFloatIsNaN"
746  , "primFloatIsNegativeZero"
747  , "primFloatIsSafeInteger"
748  , "primFloatToWord64"
749  -- , "primFloatToWord64Injective"  -- missing
750  , "primNatToFloat"
751  , "primIntToFloat"
752  -- , "primFloatRound"              -- in Agda.Builtin.Float
753  -- , "primFloatFloor"              -- in Agda.Builtin.Float
754  -- , "primFloatCeiling"            -- in Agda.Builtin.Float
755  -- , "primFloatToRatio"            -- in Agda.Builtin.Float
756  , "primRatioToFloat"
757  -- , "primFloatDecode"             -- in Agda.Builtin.Float
758  -- , "primFloatEncode"             -- in Agda.Builtin.Float
759  , "primShowFloat"
760  , "primFloatPlus"
761  , "primFloatMinus"
762  , "primFloatTimes"
763  , "primFloatNegate"
764  , "primFloatDiv"
765  , "primFloatSqrt"
766  , "primFloatExp"
767  , "primFloatLog"
768  , "primFloatSin"
769  , "primFloatCos"
770  , "primFloatTan"
771  , "primFloatASin"
772  , "primFloatACos"
773  , "primFloatATan"
774  , "primFloatATan2"
775  , "primFloatSinh"
776  , "primFloatCosh"
777  , "primFloatTanh"
778  , "primFloatASinh"
779  , "primFloatACosh"
780  , "primFloatATanh"
781  , "primFloatPow"
783  -- Character functions
784  -- , "primCharEquality"            -- missing
785  -- , "primIsLower"                 -- missing
786  -- , "primIsDigit"                 -- missing
787  -- , "primIsAlpha"                 -- missing
788  -- , "primIsSpace"                 -- missing
789  -- , "primIsAscii"                 -- missing
790  -- , "primIsLatin1"                -- missing
791  -- , "primIsPrint"                 -- missing
792  -- , "primIsHexDigit"              -- missing
793  -- , "primToUpper"                 -- missing
794  -- , "primToLower"                 -- missing
795  -- , "primCharToNat"               -- missing
796  -- , "primCharToNatInjective"      -- missing
797  -- , "primNatToChar"               -- missing
798  -- , "primShowChar"                -- in Agda.Builtin.String
800  -- String functions
801  -- , "primStringToList"            -- in Agda.Builtin.String
802  -- , "primStringToListInjective"   -- missing
803  -- , "primStringFromList"          -- in Agda.Builtin.String
804  -- , "primStringFromListInjective" -- missing
805  -- , "primStringAppend"            -- in Agda.Builtin.String
806  -- , "primStringEquality"          -- in Agda.Builtin.String
807  -- , "primShowString"              -- in Agda.Builtin.String
808  -- , "primStringUncons"            -- in Agda.Builtin.String
810  -- Other stuff
811  -- , "primEraseEquality"           -- missing
812  -- , "primForce"                   -- missing
813  -- , "primForceLemma"              -- missing
814  , "primQNameEquality"
815  , "primQNameLess"
816  , "primShowQName"
817  , "primQNameFixity"
818  -- , "primQNameToWord64s"          -- missing
819  -- , "primQNameToWord64sInjective" -- missing
820  -- , "primMetaEquality"            -- missing
821  -- , "primMetaLess"                -- missing
822  -- , "primShowMeta"                -- missing
823  -- , "primMetaToNat"               -- missing
824  -- , "primMetaToNatInjective"      -- missing
825  -- , "primIMin"                    -- missing
826  -- , "primIMax"                    -- missing
827  -- , "primINeg"                    -- missing
828  -- , "primPOr"                     -- missing
829  -- , "primComp"                    -- missing
830  -- , builtinTrans                  -- missing
831  -- , builtinHComp                  -- missing
832  -- , "primIdJ"                     -- missing
833  -- , "primPartial"                 -- missing
834  -- , "primPartialP"                -- missing
835  -- , builtinGlue                   -- missing
836  -- , builtin_glue                  -- missing
837  -- , builtin_unglue                -- missing
838  -- , builtinFaceForall             -- missing
839  -- , "primDepIMin"                 -- missing
840  -- , "primIdFace"                  -- missing
841  -- , "primIdPath"                  -- missing
842  -- , builtinIdElim                 -- missing
843  -- , builtinSubOut                 -- missing
844  -- , builtin_glueU                 -- missing
845  -- , builtin_unglueU               -- missing
846  ]