1 /*****************************************************************************/
2 /* Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF)                              */
3 /* (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2001                                              */
4 /*                                                                           */
5 /* This software is licensed under the Eclipse Public License (EPL) V1.0.    */
6 /*****************************************************************************/
8 #ifndef STAF_String
9 #define STAF_String
11 #include "STAFError.h"
12 #include "STAFOSTypes.h"
14 #ifdef __cplusplus
15 extern "C" {
16 #endif
18 /* Begin C language definitions */
20 typedef struct STAFStringImplementation *STAFString_t;
21 typedef const struct STAFStringImplementation *STAFStringConst_t;
24 typedef enum STAFUTF8Char_e
25 {
26     kUTF8_NULL     =  0,   /* Single byte null                               */
27     kUTF8_SPACE    =  1,   /* Space                                          */
28     kUTF8_LCURLY   =  2,   /* Left curly brace                               */
29     kUTF8_RCURLY   =  3,   /* Right curly brace                              */
30     kUTF8_LPAREN   =  4,   /* Left parenthesis                               */
31     kUTF8_RPAREN   =  5,   /* Right parenthesis                              */
32     kUTF8_LANGLE   =  6,   /* Left angle bracket (a.k.a, less than sign)     */
33     kUTF8_RANGLE   =  7,   /* Right angle bracket (a.k.a, greater than sign) */
34     kUTF8_COLON    =  8,   /* Colon                                          */
35     kUTF8_SCOLON   =  9,   /* Semi-colon                                     */
36     kUTF8_COMMA    = 10,   /* Comma                                          */
37     kUTF8_PERIOD   = 11,   /* Period                                         */
38     kUTF8_BSLASH   = 12,   /* Back-slash                                     */
39     kUTF8_SLASH    = 13,   /* Slash (a.k.a., forward-slash)                  */
40     kUTF8_EQUAL    = 14,   /* Equal sign                                     */
41     kUTF8_SQUOTE   = 15,   /* Single quote (a.k.a., apostrophe)              */
42     kUTF8_DQUOTE   = 16,   /* Double quote                                   */
43     kUTF8_VBAR     = 17,   /* Vertical bar (a.k.a., pipe)                    */
44     kUTF8_NULL2    = 18,   /* Double-byte null                               */
45     kUTF8_POUND    = 19,   /* Pound sign (a.k.a. number sign or hash)        */
46     kUTF8_CR       = 20,   /* Carriage return                                */
47     kUTF8_LF       = 21,   /* Line feed                                      */
48     kUTF8_STAR     = 22,   /* Star (a.k.a, asterisk)                         */
49     kUTF8_HYPHEN   = 23,   /* Hyphen (a.k.a., dash)                          */
50     kUTF8_PERCENT  = 24,   /* Percent sign                                   */
51     kUTF8_QUESTION = 25,   /* Question mark                                  */
52     kUTF8_CARET    = 26,   /* Caret (^)                                      */
53     kUTF8_AMP      = 27,   /* Ampersand (&)                                  */
54     kUTF8_AT       = 28,   /* At (@)                                         */
55     kUTF8_TAB      = 29,   /* Tab                                            */
56     kUTF8_BANG     = 30    /* Bang (a.k.a, exclaimation mark)                */
57 } STAFUTF8Char_t;
59 typedef enum STAFUTF8CharType_e
60 {
62     kUTF8_TYPE_ASCII = 2, kUTF8_TYPE_DIGIT      = 3,
63     kUTF8_TYPE_ZERO  = 4
64 } STAFUTF8CharType_t;
66 typedef enum STAFStringCaseSensitive_e
67 {
68     kSTAFStringCaseInsensitive = 0,
69     kSTAFStringCaseSensitive = 1
70 } STAFStringCaseSensitive_t;
73 /***********************************************************************/
74 /* STAFStringConstruct - Creates a STAFString from buffer of size len  */
75 /*                                                                     */
76 /* Accepts: (Out) A pointer to a STAFString_t                          */
77 /*          (In)  A pointer to a buffer of UTF-8 chars                 */
78 /*          (In)  The length of the buffer                             */
79 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
80 /*                                                                     */
81 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
82 /*          other on error                                             */
83 /***********************************************************************/
85 STAFRC_t STAFStringConstruct(STAFString_t *pString,
86                              const char *buffer,
87                              unsigned int len,
88                              unsigned int *osRC);
90 /***********************************************************************/
91 /* STAFStringConstructCopy - Creates a STAFString from a STAFString    */
92 /*                                                                     */
93 /* Accepts: (Out) A pointer to a STAFString_t                          */
94 /*          (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
95 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
96 /*                                                                     */
97 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
98 /*          other on error                                             */
99 /***********************************************************************/
101 STAFRC_t STAFStringConstructCopy(STAFString_t *pString,
102                                  STAFStringConst_t aString,
103                                  unsigned int *osRC);
105 /***********************************************************************/
106 /* STAFStringConstructFromCurrentCodePage - Creates a STAFString from  */
107 /*                                          a buffer of size len con-  */
108 /*                                          sisting of current code-   */
109 /*                                          page characters            */
110 /*                                                                     */
111 /* Accepts: (Out) A pointer to a STAFString_t                          */
112 /*          (In)  A pointer to a buffer of local codepage chars        */
113 /*          (In)  The length of the buffer                             */
114 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
115 /*                                                                     */
116 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
117 /*          other on error                                             */
118 /***********************************************************************/
120 STAFRC_t STAFStringConstructFromCurrentCodePage(
121                                              STAFString_t *pString,
122                                              const char *from,
123                                              unsigned int len,
124                                              unsigned int *osRC);
126 /***********************************************************************/
127 /* STAFStringConstructFromUInt - Creates a STAFString from an unsigned */
128 /*                               integer                               */
129 /* Note:  This is still here for legacy reasons.                       */
130 /*        Use STAFStringContructFromUInt64 instead for new code.       */
131 /*                                                                     */
132 /* Accepts: (Out) A pointer to a STAFString_t                          */
133 /*          (In)  The value to be represented as a string              */
134 /*          (In)  The base in which to represent the value [1..16]     */
135 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
136 /*                                                                     */
137 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
138 /*          other on error                                             */
139 /***********************************************************************/
141 STAFRC_t STAFStringConstructFromUInt(STAFString_t *pString,
142                                      unsigned int value,
143                                      unsigned int base,
144                                      unsigned int *osRC);
146 /***********************************************************************/
147 /* STAFStringConstructFromUInt64 - Creates a STAFString from an        */
148 /*                                 STAFUInt64_t number                 */
149 /*                                                                     */
150 /* Accepts: (Out) A pointer to a STAFString_t                          */
151 /*          (In)  The value to be represented as a string              */
152 /*          (In)  The base in which to represent the value [1..16]     */
153 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
154 /*                                                                     */
155 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
156 /*          other on error                                             */
157 /***********************************************************************/
159 STAFRC_t STAFStringConstructFromUInt64(STAFString_t *pString,
160                                        STAFUInt64_t value,
161                                        unsigned int base,
162                                        unsigned int *osRC);
164 /***********************************************************************/
165 /* STAFStringConstructFromInt64 - Creates a STAFString from a          */
166 /*                                STAFInt64_t number                   */
167 /*                                                                     */
168 /* Accepts: (Out) A pointer to a STAFString_t                          */
169 /*          (In)  The value to be represented as a string              */
170 /*          (In)  The base in which to represent the value [1..16]     */
171 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
172 /*                                                                     */
173 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
174 /*          other on error                                             */
175 /***********************************************************************/
177 STAFRC_t STAFStringConstructFromInt64(STAFString_t *pString,
178                                       STAFInt64_t value,
179                                       unsigned int base,
180                                       unsigned int *osRC);
182 /***********************************************************************/
183 /* STAFStringConstructSubString - Creates a substring of a STAFString  */
184 /*                                with index and len refering to ei-   */
185 /*                                ther UTF-8 chars (0) or bytes (1)    */
186 /*                                                                     */
187 /* Accepts: (Out) A pointer to a STAFString_t                          */
188 /*          (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
189 /*          (In)  The index of the char or byte to start from          */
190 /*          (In)  Len of chars or bytes to get from string             */
191 /*          (In)  0->index/len are in chars; 1->index/len are in bytes */
192 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
193 /*                                                                     */
194 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
195 /*          other on error                                             */
196 /***********************************************************************/
198 STAFRC_t STAFStringConstructSubString(STAFString_t *pSubStr,
199                                       STAFStringConst_t aString,
200                                       unsigned int index,
201                                       unsigned int len,
202                                       unsigned int corb,
203                                       unsigned int *osRC);
205 /***********************************************************************/
206 /* STAFStringConstructSubWord - Creates a subword string from a        */
207 /*                              STAFString                             */
208 /*                                                                     */
209 /* Accepts: (Out) A pointer to a STAFString_t                          */
210 /*          (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
211 /*          (In)  The starting word from the string (0 based)          */
212 /*          (In)  The number of words to retrieve (0 meaning all)      */
213 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
214 /*                                                                     */
215 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
216 /*          other on error                                             */
217 /***********************************************************************/
219 STAFRC_t STAFStringConstructSubWord(STAFString_t *pWord,
220                                     STAFStringConst_t aString,
221                                     unsigned int index,
222                                     unsigned int count,
223                                     unsigned int *osRC);
225 /***********************************************************************/
226 /* STAFStringConstructChar - Creates a string of length 1 representing */
227 /*                           a specified character in UTF8             */
228 /*                                                                     */
229 /* Accepts: (Out) A pointer to a STAFString_t                          */
230 /*          (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
231 /*          (In)  The starting word from the string (0 based)          */
232 /*          (In)  The number of words to retrieve (0 meaning all)      */
233 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
234 /*                                                                     */
235 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
236 /*          other on error                                             */
237 /***********************************************************************/
239 STAFRC_t STAFStringConstructChar(STAFString_t *pChar,
240                                  STAFUTF8Char_t aChar,
241                                  unsigned int *osRC);
243 /***********************************************************************/
244 /* STAFStringConstructJoin - Creates a STAFString by joining all of    */
245 /*                           the strings in an array                   */
246 /*                                                                     */
247 /* Accepts: (Out) A pointer to a STAFString_t                          */
248 /*          (In)  An array of STAFString_t                             */
249 /*          (In)  The size of the array                                */
250 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
251 /*                                                                     */
252 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
253 /*          other on error                                             */
254 /***********************************************************************/
256 STAFRC_t STAFStringConstructJoin(STAFString_t *pString,
257                                  STAFString_t aStringArray[],
258                                  unsigned int arraySize,
259                                  unsigned int *osRC);
261 /***********************************************************************/
262 /* STAFStringNumOfWords - Returns the number of words in a STAFString  */
263 /*                                                                     */
264 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
265 /*          (Out) The number of words                                  */
266 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
267 /*                                                                     */
268 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
269 /*          other on error                                             */
270 /***********************************************************************/
272 STAFRC_t STAFStringNumOfWords(STAFStringConst_t aString,
273                               unsigned int *num,
274                               unsigned int *osRC);
276 /***********************************************************************/
277 /* STAFStringAssign - Assigns a STAFString to another STAFString, clea-*/
278 /*                    ning up any resources taken by the target string */
279 /*                                                                     */
280 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t (target)                              */
281 /*          (In)  A STAFString_t (source)                              */
282 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
283 /*                                                                     */
284 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
285 /*          other on error                                             */
286 /***********************************************************************/
288 STAFRC_t STAFStringAssign(STAFString_t aTarget,
289                           STAFStringConst_t aSource,
290                           unsigned int *osRC);
292 /***********************************************************************/
293 /* STAFStringGetBuffer - Returns a pointer to the buffer containing    */
294 /*                       the bytes that represent a STAFString         */
295 /*                                                                     */
296 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
297 /*          (Out) A pointer to the buffer                              */
298 /*          (Out) A pointer to the length of the buffer                */
299 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
300 /*                                                                     */
301 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
302 /*          other on error                                             */
303 /***********************************************************************/
305 STAFRC_t STAFStringGetBuffer(STAFStringConst_t aString,
306                              const char **buffer,
307                              unsigned int *len,
308                              unsigned int *osRC);
310 /***********************************************************************/
311 /* STAFStringToLowerCase - Converts only Latin Alphabet letters A-Z to */
312 /*                         a-z from a STAFString                       */
313 /*                                                                     */
314 /* Accepts: (In)/(Out) A STAFString_t to convert                       */
315 /*          (Out)      A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)    */
316 /*                                                                     */
317 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
318 /*          other on error                                             */
319 /***********************************************************************/
321 STAFRC_t STAFStringToLowerCase(STAFString_t aString,
322                                unsigned int *osRC);
324 /***********************************************************************/
325 /* STAFStringToUpperCase - Converts only Latin Alphabet letters a-z to */
326 /*                         A-Z from a STAFString                       */
327 /*                                                                     */
328 /* Accepts: (In)/(Out) A STAFString_t to convert                       */
329 /*          (Out)      A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)    */
330 /*                                                                     */
331 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
332 /*          other on error                                             */
333 /***********************************************************************/
335 STAFRC_t STAFStringToUpperCase(STAFString_t aString,
336                                unsigned int *osRC);
338 /***********************************************************************/
339 /* STAFStringReplace - Replaces all oldStrings in a STAFString with    */
340 /*                     newString fixing the length of the string if    */
341 /*                     necessary                                       */
342 /*                                                                     */
343 /* Accepts: (In)/(Out) A STAFString_t to modify                        */
344 /*          (In)       The STAFString to be replaced                   */
345 /*          (In)       The STAFString to replace with                  */
346 /*          (Out)      A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)    */
347 /*                                                                     */
348 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
349 /*          other on error                                             */
350 /***********************************************************************/
352 STAFRC_t STAFStringReplace(STAFString_t aString,
353                            STAFStringConst_t oldString,
354                            STAFStringConst_t newString,
355                            unsigned int *osRC);
357 /***********************************************************************/
358 /* STAFStringToCurrentCodePage - Returns a buffer of size len contain- */
359 /*                               ing the current codepage representa-  */
360 /*                               tion of a STAFString                  */
361 /*                                                                     */
362 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
363 /*          (Out) A buffer with the local codepage characters          */
364 /*          (Out) The size of the allocated buffer                     */
365 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
366 /*                                                                     */
367 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
368 /*          other on error                                             */
369 /*                                                                     */
370 /* Note   : This function allocates memory that must be freed up with  */
371 /*          STAFStringFreeBuffer.                                      */
372 /*                                                                     */
373 /* Note   : The returned buffer has a terminating NULL byte.  This     */
374 /*          byte is not counted in the length which is returned.       */
375 /*                                                                     */
376 /***********************************************************************/
378 STAFRC_t STAFStringToCurrentCodePage(STAFStringConst_t aString,
379                                      char **to,
380                                      unsigned int *len,
381                                      unsigned int *osRC);
383 /***********************************************************************/
384 /* STAFStringConcatenate - Concatenates a STAFString with another      */
385 /*                         STAFString                                  */
386 /*                                                                     */
387 /* Accepts: (In)/(Out) A STAFString_t                                  */
388 /*          (In)       A STAFString_t                                  */
389 /*          (Out)      A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)    */
390 /*                                                                     */
391 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
392 /*          other on error                                             */
393 /***********************************************************************/
395 STAFRC_t STAFStringConcatenate(STAFString_t aString,
396                                STAFStringConst_t aSource,
397                                unsigned int *osRC);
399 /***********************************************************************/
400 /* STAFStringCountSubStrings - Counts the number of times a particular */
401 /*                             substring appears in a STAFString       */
402 /*                                                                     */
403 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
404 /*          (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
405 /*          (Out) The count of substrings                              */
406 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
407 /*                                                                     */
408 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
409 /*          other on error                                             */
410 /***********************************************************************/
412 STAFRC_t STAFStringCountSubStrings(STAFStringConst_t aString,
413                                    STAFStringConst_t aSubStr,
414                                    unsigned int *count,
415                                    unsigned int *osRC);
418 /***********************************************************************/
419 /* STAFStringStripCharsOfType - Strips chars of a type from the left,  */
420 /*                              right, or both sides of a STAFString   */
421 /*                                                                     */
422 /* Accepts: (In)/(Out) A STAFString_t                                  */
423 /*          (In)       A STAFUTF8CharType_t                            */
424 /*          (In)       0->trim left, 1->trim right, 2->trim both       */
425 /*          (Out)      A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)    */
426 /*                                                                     */
427 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
428 /*          other on error                                             */
429 /***********************************************************************/
431 STAFRC_t STAFStringStripCharsOfType(STAFString_t aInOutStr,
432                                     STAFUTF8CharType_t aType,
433                                     unsigned int side,
434                                     unsigned int *osRC);
436 /***********************************************************************/
437 /* STAFStringToUInt - Returns the numeric value of a STAFString as an  */
438 /*                    unsigned integer (range is 0 to 4294967295)      */
439 /*                                                                     */
440 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
441 /*          (Out) A pointer to the numeric value of the string         */
442 /*          (In)  The base in which the value is represented [1..16]   */
443 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
444 /*                                                                     */
445 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
446 /*          other on error                                             */
447 /***********************************************************************/
449 STAFRC_t STAFStringToUInt(STAFStringConst_t aString,
450                           unsigned int *value, unsigned int base,
451                           unsigned int *osRC);
453 /***********************************************************************/
454 /* STAFStringToUInt64 - Returns the numeric value of a STAFString as   */
455 /*                      a STAFUInt64_t (range is 18446744073709551615) */
456 /*                                                                     */
457 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
458 /*          (Out) A pointer to the numeric value of the string         */
459 /*          (In)  The base in which the value is represented [1..16]   */
460 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
461 /*                                                                     */
462 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
463 /*          other on error                                             */
464 /***********************************************************************/
465 /* XXX: Commented out until get UINT64_MAX working on Solaris
466 STAFRC_t STAFStringToUInt64(STAFStringConst_t aString,
467                             STAFUInt64_t *value, unsigned int base,
468                             unsigned int *osRC);
469 */
471 /***********************************************************************/
472 /* STAFStringLength - Returns the char or byte length of a STAFString  */
473 /*                                                                     */
474 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
475 /*          (Out) A pointer to the char length of the string           */
476 /*          (In)  0->char length of string, 1->byte length of string   */
477 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
478 /*                                                                     */
479 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
480 /*          other on error                                             */
481 /***********************************************************************/
483 STAFRC_t STAFStringLength(STAFStringConst_t aString,
484                           unsigned int *len,
485                           unsigned int corb,
486                           unsigned int *osRC);
488 /***********************************************************************/
489 /* STAFStringSizeOfChar - Returns the number of bytes contained in a   */
490 /*                        particular char of a STAFString              */
491 /*                                                                     */
492 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
493 /*          (In)  The index of the char to measure (0 based)           */
494 /*          (In)  0->char index, 1->byte index                         */
495 /*          (Out) A pointer to the byte length of a char of a string   */
496 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
497 /*                                                                     */
498 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
499 /*          other on error                                             */
500 /***********************************************************************/
502 STAFRC_t STAFStringSizeOfChar(STAFStringConst_t aString,
503                               unsigned int index,
504                               unsigned int corb,
505                               unsigned int *len,
506                               unsigned int *osRC);
509 /***********************************************************************/
510 /* STAFStringByteIndexOfChar - Returns the byte location in the string */
511 /*                             buffer of a specified char              */
512 /*                                                                     */
513 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
514 /*          (In)  The char index                                       */
515 /*          (Out) A pointer to the byte location of the char           */
516 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
517 /*                                                                     */
518 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
519 /*          other on error                                             */
520 /***********************************************************************/
522 STAFRC_t STAFStringByteIndexOfChar(STAFStringConst_t aString,
523                                    unsigned int index,
524                                    unsigned int *pos,
525                                    unsigned int *osRC);
527 /***********************************************************************/
528 /* STAFStringIsCharsOfType - Checks a STAFString to be of a specific   */
529 /*                           character type (white, digits, ascii)     */
530 /*                                                                     */
531 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
532 /*          (In)  A STAFUTF8CharType_t                                 */
533 /*          (Out) A pointer set to 0 if false, >0 if true              */
534 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
535 /*                                                                     */
536 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
537 /*          other on error                                             */
538 /*                                                                     */
539 /* Note   : If the empty string is passed in as the first argument,    */
540 /*          the result of this function will always return kSTAFOk     */
541 /*          as we are considering the empty string to be a character   */
542 /*          of every type.                                             */
543 /***********************************************************************/
545 STAFRC_t STAFStringIsCharsOfType(STAFStringConst_t aFirst,
546                                  const STAFUTF8CharType_t aType,
547                                  unsigned int *result,
548                                  unsigned int *osRC);
550 /***********************************************************************/
551 /* STAFStringIsEqualTo - Compares a STAFString to another STAFString   */
552 /*                                                                     */
553 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
554 /*          (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
555 /*          (In)  Case sensitivity indicator                           */
556 /*          (Out) A pointer set to 0 if different or >0 if equal       */
557 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
558 /*                                                                     */
559 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
560 /*          other on error                                             */
561 /***********************************************************************/
563 STAFRC_t STAFStringIsEqualTo(STAFStringConst_t aFirst,
564                              STAFStringConst_t aSecond,
565                              STAFStringCaseSensitive_t sensitive,
566                              unsigned int *comparison,
567                              unsigned int *osRC);
569 /***********************************************************************/
570 /* STAFStringCompareTo - Determines whether a STAFString is greater    */
571 /*                       than another STAFString by byte comparison    */
572 /*                                                                     */
573 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
574 /*          (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
575 /*          (Out) A pointer to a int set to 1 if the first string is   */
576 /*                less than the second string, 0 if they are equal,    */
577 /*                or 2 if the second string is less than the first     */
578 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
579 /*                                                                     */
580 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
581 /*          other on error                                             */
582 /***********************************************************************/
584 STAFRC_t STAFStringCompareTo(STAFStringConst_t aFirst,
585                              STAFStringConst_t aSecond,
586                              unsigned int *less,
587                              unsigned int *osRC);
589 /***********************************************************************/
590 /* STAFStringCompareTo - Determines whether a STAFString is greater    */
591 /*                       than another STAFString by byte comparison    */
592 /*                                                                     */
593 /* Accepts: (In)  String to check                                      */
594 /*          (In)  Starts with string                                   */
595 /*          (Out) A pointer to a int set to 1 if the first string      */
596 /*                starts with the second string, and 0 if the first    */
597 /*                does not start with the second string                */
598 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
599 /*                                                                     */
600 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
601 /*          other on error                                             */
602 /***********************************************************************/
604 STAFRC_t STAFStringStartsWith(STAFStringConst_t aString,
605                               STAFStringConst_t startsWithString,
606                               unsigned int *startsWith,
607                               unsigned int *osRC);
609 /***********************************************************************/
610 /* STAFStringContainsWildcard - Determines whether a STAFString is     */
611 /*                              contains at least one wildcard         */
612 /*                              character                              */
613 /*                                                                     */
614 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
615 /*          (Out) A pointer to a int set to 1 if the string contains   */
616 /*                at least one wildcard character, 0 if the string     */
617 /*                does not contain any wildcard characters             */
618 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
619 /*                                                                     */
620 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
621 /*          other on error                                             */
622 /*                                                                     */
623 /* Note   : Two wildcard characters are understood: '*' and '?'        */
624 /***********************************************************************/
626 STAFRC_t STAFStringContainsWildcard(STAFStringConst_t aString,
627                                     unsigned int *hasWildcard,
628                                     unsigned int *osRC);
630 /***********************************************************************/
631 /* STAFStringMatchesWildcards - Determines whether a given STAFString  */
632 /*                              matches a given wildcard STAFString    */
633 /*                                                                     */
634 /* Accepts: (In)  String to check                                      */
635 /*          (In)  String containg wildcards                            */
636 /*          (In)  Case sensitivity indicator                           */
637 /*          (Out) Result of comparison (0 = no match, 1 = matches)     */
638 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
639 /*                                                                     */
640 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
641 /*          other on error                                             */
642 /*                                                                     */
643 /* Note   : Two wildcard characters are understood.  '*' matches zero  */
644 /*          or more characters.  '?' matches one single character.     */
645 /***********************************************************************/
647 STAFRC_t STAFStringMatchesWildcards(STAFStringConst_t stringToCheck,
648                                     STAFStringConst_t wildcardString,
649                                     STAFStringCaseSensitive_t caseSensitive,
650                                     unsigned int *matches,
651                                     unsigned int *osRC);
653 /***********************************************************************/
654 /* STAFStringFind - Finds the first instance of a substring in a STAF- */
655 /*                  String                                             */
656 /*                                                                     */
657 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
658 /*          (In)  A STAFString_t to look for                           */
659 /*          (In)  The char or byte index from where to start looking   */
660 /*          (In)  0->char index, 1->byte index                         */
661 /*          (Out) A pointer to a int set to the char or byte index of  */
662 /*                the entry found or 0xffffffff if not found           */
663 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
664 /*                                                                     */
665 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
666 /*          other on error                                             */
667 /***********************************************************************/
669 STAFRC_t STAFStringFind(STAFStringConst_t aString,
670                         STAFStringConst_t aSubStr,
671                         unsigned int index, unsigned int corb,
672                         unsigned int *pos,
673                         unsigned int *osRC);
675 /***********************************************************************/
676 /* STAFStringFindFirstOf - Finds the first instance of a UTF-8 char in */
677 /*                         a set starting from a given char or byte    */
678 /*                         index                                       */
679 /*                                                                     */
680 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
681 /*          (In)  A STAFString_t which is a set of chars to look for   */
682 /*          (In)  The char or byte index from where to start looking   */
683 /*          (In)  0->char index, 1->byte index                         */
684 /*          (Out) A pointer to a int set to the char or byte index of  */
685 /*                the entry found or 0xffffffff if not found           */
686 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
687 /*                                                                     */
688 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
689 /*          other on error                                             */
690 /***********************************************************************/
692 STAFRC_t STAFStringFindFirstOf(STAFStringConst_t aString,
693                                STAFStringConst_t aSet,
694                                unsigned int index, unsigned int corb,
695                                unsigned int *pos,
696                                unsigned int *osRC);
698 /***********************************************************************/
699 /* STAFStringFindLastOf - Finds the last instance of a UTF-8 char in a */
700 /*                        set starting from a given char or byte index */
701 /*                                                                     */
702 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
703 /*          (In)  A STAFString_t which is a set of chars to look for   */
704 /*          (In)  The char or byte index from where to start looking   */
705 /*          (In)  0->char index, 1->byte index                         */
706 /*          (Out) A pointer to a int set to the char or byte index of  */
707 /*                the entry found or 0xffffffff if not found           */
708 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
709 /*                                                                     */
710 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
711 /*          other on error                                             */
712 /***********************************************************************/
714 STAFRC_t STAFStringFindLastOf(STAFStringConst_t aString,
715                               STAFStringConst_t aSet,
716                               unsigned int index, unsigned int corb,
717                               unsigned int *pos,
718                               unsigned int *osRC);
720 /***********************************************************************/
721 /* STAFStringFindFirstNotOf - Finds the first instance of a UTF-8 char */
722 /*                            not in set starting from a given char or */
723 /*                            byte index                               */
724 /*                                                                     */
725 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
726 /*          (In)  A STAFString_t which is a set of chars to look for   */
727 /*          (In)  The char or byte index from where to start looking   */
728 /*          (In)  0->char index, 1->byte index                         */
729 /*          (Out) A pointer to a int set to the char or byte index of  */
730 /*                the entry found or 0xffffffff if not found           */
731 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
732 /*                                                                     */
733 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
734 /*          other on error                                             */
735 /***********************************************************************/
737 STAFRC_t STAFStringFindFirstNotOf(STAFStringConst_t aString,
738                                   STAFStringConst_t aSet,
739                                   unsigned int index,
740                                   unsigned int corb,
741                                   unsigned int *pos,
742                                   unsigned int *osRC);
744 /***********************************************************************/
745 /* STAFStringFindLastNotOf - Finds the last instance of a UTF-8 char   */
746 /*                           not in a set starting from a given char   */
747 /*                           byte index                                */
748 /*                                                                     */
749 /* Accepts: (In)  A STAFString_t                                       */
750 /*          (In)  A STAFString_t which is a set of chars to look for   */
751 /*          (In)  The char or byte index from where to start looking   */
752 /*          (In)  0->char index, 1->byte index                         */
753 /*          (Out) A pointer to a int set to the char or byte index of  */
754 /*                the entry found or 0xffffffff if not found           */
755 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
756 /*                                                                     */
757 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
758 /*          other on error                                             */
759 /***********************************************************************/
761 STAFRC_t STAFStringFindLastNotOf(STAFStringConst_t aString,
762                                  STAFStringConst_t aSet,
763                                  unsigned int index,
764                                  unsigned int corb,
765                                  unsigned int *pos,
766                                  unsigned int *osRC);
768 /***********************************************************************/
769 /* STAFStringDestruct - Destructs a STAFString                         */
770 /*                                                                     */
771 /* Accepts: (Out) A pointer to a STAFString_t                          */
772 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
773 /*                                                                     */
774 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
775 /*          other on error                                             */
776 /***********************************************************************/
778 STAFRC_t STAFStringDestruct(STAFString_t *pString,
779                             unsigned int *osRC);
782 /***********************************************************************/
783 /* STAFStringFreeBuffer - Deallocates a buffer allocated by a          */
784 /*                        STAFString function call                     */
785 /*                                                                     */
786 /* Accepts: (In)  A pointer to a STAFString allocated buffer           */
787 /*          (Out) A pointer to an OS return code (may be NULL)         */
788 /*                                                                     */
789 /* Returns: kSTAFOk on success                                         */
790 /*          other on error                                             */
791 /*                                                                     */
792 /* Note   : This function must be used per STAFStringToLocalCodePage   */
793 /*          in order to free up any allocated memory                   */
794 /***********************************************************************/
796 STAFRC_t STAFStringFreeBuffer(const char *buffer,
797                               unsigned int *osRC);
799 /* End C language definitions */
801 #ifdef __cplusplus
802 }
804 /* Begin C++ language definitions */
806 #include <cstdio>
807 #include "STAF_iostream.h"
808 #include "STAFRefPtr.h"
809 #include "STAFException.h"
811 // Forward declaration for typedef
812 class STAFString;
813 class STAFStringBuffer;
814 typedef STAFRefPtr<STAFString> STAFStringPtr;
815 typedef STAFRefPtr<STAFStringBuffer> STAFStringBufferPtr;
818 // STAFStringBuffer - This class is a helper class used by the STAFString
819 //                    class when it needs to return a buffer to the current
820 //                    codepage representation of the string
822 class STAFStringBuffer
823 {
824 public:
length()826     unsigned int length()   { return fLength; }
buffer()827     const char *buffer()    { return fPtr; }
829     ~STAFStringBuffer();
831 private:
833     friend class STAFString;
STAFStringBuffer(const char * ptr,unsigned int length)835     STAFStringBuffer(const char *ptr, unsigned int length)
836         : fPtr(ptr), fLength(length)
837     { /* Do Nothing */ }
839     unsigned int fLength;
840     const char *fPtr;
841 };
~STAFStringBuffer()844 inline STAFStringBuffer::~STAFStringBuffer()
845 {
846     unsigned int osRC = 0;
847     STAFStringFreeBuffer(fPtr, &osRC);
848 }
851 // STAFString - This class provides a C++ wrapper around the STAFString
852 //              C APIs.
854 class STAFString
855 {
856 public:
858     enum IndexRep { kChar = 0, kByte = 1 };
859     enum CodePageType { kCurrent = 0, kUTF8 = 1 };
860     enum InvalidPosition { kNPos = 0xFFFFFFFF };
861     enum DefaultBufferLen { kStrLen = 0xFFFFFFFF };
862     enum StripWhat { kFront = 0, kBack = 1, kBoth = 2 };
863     enum CopyMode { kShallow = 0, kDeep = 1 };
864     enum Remainder { kRemainder = 0xFFFFFFFF };
866     // Constructors
867     STAFString(void);
868     STAFString(const char *buffer, unsigned int length = kStrLen,
869                CodePageType cpType = kCurrent);
870     STAFString(unsigned int fromValue, unsigned int base = 10);
871     STAFString(int fromValue, unsigned int base = 10);
872     STAFString(unsigned short fromValue, unsigned int base = 10);
873     STAFString(short fromValue, unsigned int base = 10);
875 // On 64-bit Unix machines, an unsigned long is the same as a STAFUInt64_t
876 // and a long is the same as a STAFInt64_t, so can't define STAFString
877 // constructors for both
879 #if !defined(STAF_OS_64BIT)
880     STAFString(unsigned long fromValue, unsigned int base = 10);
881     STAFString(long fromValue, unsigned int base = 10);
882 #endif
884     STAFString(STAFUInt64_t fromValue, unsigned int base = 10);
885     STAFString(STAFInt64_t fromValue, unsigned int base = 10);
886     STAFString(const STAFString &from);
887     STAFString(STAFStringConst_t from);
888     STAFString(STAFString_t from, CopyMode mode = kDeep);
889     STAFString(STAFUTF8Char_t aChar);
891     // Substring functions
892     STAFString subString(unsigned int begin, unsigned int len = kRemainder,
893                          IndexRep corb = kByte) const;
895     // Word functions
896     unsigned int numWords() const;
897     STAFString subWord(unsigned int begin,
898                        unsigned int length = kRemainder) const;
900     // Data functions
901     unsigned int count(const STAFString &theSubStr) const;
902     unsigned int length(IndexRep corb = kByte) const;
903     unsigned int sizeOfChar(unsigned int index, IndexRep corb = kByte) const;
904     const char *buffer(unsigned int *bufLength = 0) const;
905     STAFString_t getImpl() const;
906     STAFString_t adoptImpl();
907     void replaceImpl(STAFString_t replacementImpl);
909     // Search functions
910     unsigned int byteIndexOfChar(unsigned int charIndex) const;
911     unsigned int find(const STAFString &searchFor, unsigned int begin = 0,
912                       IndexRep corb = kByte) const;
913     unsigned int findFirstOf(const STAFString &searchList,
914                              unsigned int begin = 0,
915                              IndexRep corb = kByte) const;
916     unsigned int findFirstNotOf(const STAFString &searchList,
917                                 unsigned int begin = 0,
918                                 IndexRep corb = kByte) const;
919     unsigned int findLastOf(const STAFString &searchList,
920                             unsigned int begin = 0,
921                             IndexRep corb = kByte) const;
922     unsigned int findLastNotOf(const STAFString &searchList,
923                                unsigned int begin = 0,
924                                IndexRep corb = kByte) const;
926     // Miscellaneous alteration functions
927     STAFString &lowerCase();
928     STAFString &upperCase();
929     STAFString &strip(StripWhat stripWhat = kBoth);
930     STAFString &join(const STAFString stringArray[], unsigned int arraySize);
932     // Conversions
933     unsigned int asUInt(unsigned int base = 10) const;
934     unsigned int asUIntWithDefault(unsigned int defaultValue,
935                                    unsigned int base = 10) const;
937     /* XXX: Commented out until get UINT64_MAX working on Solaris
938     STAFUInt64_t asUInt64(unsigned int base = 10) const;
939     STAFUInt64_t asUInt64WithDefault(STAFUInt64_t defaultValue,
940                                      unsigned int base = 10) const;
941     */
943     STAFStringBufferPtr toCurrentCodePage() const;
944     STAFString toLowerCase() const;
945     STAFString toUpperCase() const;
946     STAFString replace(const STAFString oldchar,
947                        const STAFString newchar) const;
949     // Evaluation
950     bool isWhiteSpace() const;
951     bool isDigits() const;
952     bool isEqualTo(const STAFString &theString,
953                    STAFStringCaseSensitive_t caseSensitive =
954                    kSTAFStringCaseSensitive) const;
955     bool startsWith(const STAFString &someString) const;
956     bool hasWildcard() const;
957     bool matchesWildcards(const STAFString &wildcardString,
958                           STAFStringCaseSensitive_t caseSensitive =
959                           kSTAFStringCaseSensitive) const;
961     // operators
962     STAFString &operator=(const STAFString &rhs);
963     bool operator==(const STAFString &rhs) const;
964     bool operator!=(const STAFString &rhs) const;
965     bool operator<(const STAFString &rhs) const;
966     bool operator<=(const STAFString &rhs) const;
967     bool operator>(const STAFString &rhs) const;
968     bool operator>=(const STAFString &rhs) const;
969     STAFString &operator+=(const STAFString &rhs);
971     friend STAFString operator+(const STAFString &lhs, const STAFString &rhs);
972     friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &os, const STAFString &rhs);
974     // Destructor
975     ~STAFString();
977 private:
979     STAFString_t fStringImpl;
980 };
983 // Now include inline definitions
986 #include "STAFStringInlImpl.cpp"
987 #endif
989 // End C++ language definitions
991 // End #ifdef __cplusplus
992 #endif
994 #endif