1 //============================================================================
2 //
3 //   SSSS    tt          lll  lll
4 //  SS  SS   tt           ll   ll
5 //  SS     tttttt  eeee   ll   ll   aaaa
6 //   SSSS    tt   ee  ee  ll   ll      aa
7 //      SS   tt   eeeeee  ll   ll   aaaaa  --  "An Atari 2600 VCS Emulator"
8 //  SS  SS   tt   ee      ll   ll  aa  aa
9 //   SSSS     ttt  eeeee llll llll  aaaaa
10 //
11 // Copyright (c) 1995-2021 by Bradford W. Mott, Stephen Anthony
12 // and the Stella Team
13 //
14 // See the file "License.txt" for information on usage and redistribution of
15 // this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
16 //============================================================================
21 #include "TIAConstants.hxx"
22 #include "bspf.hxx"
24 // Minimum size for a framebuffer window
25 namespace FBMinimum {
26   static constexpr uInt32 Width = TIAConstants::viewableWidth * 2;
27   static constexpr uInt32 Height = TIAConstants::viewableHeight * 2;
28 }
30 // Return values for initialization of framebuffer window
31 enum class FBInitStatus {
32   Success,
33   FailComplete,
34   FailTooLarge,
35   FailNotSupported
36 };
38 enum class BufferType {
39   None,
40   Launcher,
41   Emulator,
42   Debugger
43 };
45 enum class ScalingInterpolation {
46   none,
47   sharp,
48   blur
49 };
51 // Positions for onscreen/overlaid messages
52 enum class MessagePosition {
53   TopLeft,
54   TopCenter,
55   TopRight,
56   MiddleLeft,
57   MiddleCenter,
58   MiddleRight,
59   BottomLeft,
60   BottomCenter,
61   BottomRight
62 };
64 // Colors indices to use for the various GUI elements
65 // Abstract away what a color actually is, so we can easily change it in
66 // the future, if necessary
67 using ColorId = uInt32;
68 static constexpr ColorId
69   // *** Base colors ***
70   kColor = 256,
71   kBGColor = 257,
72   kBGColorLo = 258,
73   kBGColorHi = 259,
74   kShadowColor = 260,
75   // *** Text colors ***
76   kTextColor = 261,
77   kTextColorHi = 262,
78   kTextColorEm = 263,
79   kTextColorInv = 264,
80   kTextColorLink = 265,
81   // *** UI elements(dialog and widgets) ***
82   kDlgColor = 266,
83   kWidColor = 267,
84   kWidColorHi = 268,
85   kWidFrameColor = 269,
86   // *** Button colors ***
87   kBtnColor = 270,
88   kBtnColorHi = 271,
89   kBtnBorderColor = 272,
90   kBtnBorderColorHi = 273,
91   kBtnTextColor = 274,
92   kBtnTextColorHi = 275,
93   // *** Checkbox colors ***
94   kCheckColor = 276,
95   // *** Scrollbar colors ***
96   kScrollColor = 277,
97   kScrollColorHi = 278,
98   // *** Debugger colors ***
99   kDbgChangedColor = 279,
100   kDbgChangedTextColor = 280,
101   kDbgColorHi = 281,
102   kDbgColorRed = 282, // Note: this must be < 0x11e (286)! (see PromptWidget::putcharIntern)
103   // *** Slider colors ***
104   kSliderColor = 283,
105   kSliderColorHi = 284,
106   kSliderBGColor = 285,
107   kSliderBGColorHi = 286,
108   kSliderBGColorLo = 287,
109   // *** Other colors ***
110   kColorInfo = 288,
111   kColorTitleBar = 289,
112   kColorTitleText = 290,
113   kNumColors = 291,
114   kNone = 0  // placeholder to represent default/no color
115 ;
117 // Palette for normal TIA, UI and both combined
118 using PaletteArray = std::array<uInt32, kColor>;
119 using UIPaletteArray = std::array<uInt32, kNumColors-kColor>;
120 using FullPaletteArray = std::array<uInt32, kNumColors>;
122 // Text alignment modes for drawString()
123 enum class TextAlign {
124   Left,
125   Center,
126   Right
127 };
129 // Line types for drawing rectangular frames
130 enum class FrameStyle {
131   Solid,
132   Dashed
133 };