1 /**
2  * @namespace   biewlib
3  * @file        biewlib/biewlib.c
4  * @brief       This file contains implementation of extension of C library.
5  * @version     -
6  * @remark      this source file is part of Binary vIEW project (BIEW).
7  *              The Binary vIEW (BIEW) is copyright (C) 1995 Nickols_K.
8  *              All rights reserved. This software is redistributable under the
9  *              licence given in the file "Licence.en" ("Licence.ru" in russian
10  *              translation) distributed in the BIEW archive.
11  * @note        Requires POSIX compatible development system
12  *
13  * @author      Nickols_K
14  * @since       1995
15  * @note        Development, fixes and improvements
16  * @todo        Increase number of functions
17 **/
18 #include <string.h>
19 #include <stdlib.h>
20 #include <stdarg.h>
21 #include <stdio.h>
22 #include <ctype.h>
23 #include <limits.h>
24 #include "biewlib/sysdep/__config.h"
25 #if __WORDSIZE == 16
26 #include <mem.h>
27 #endif
28 #include "biewlib/pmalloc.h"
isseparate(int ch)30 tBool __FASTCALL__ isseparate(int ch) { return (isspace(ch) || ispunct(ch)); }
__nls_PrepareOEMForTVio(tvioBuff * it,unsigned size)32 void      __FASTCALL__ __nls_PrepareOEMForTVio(tvioBuff *it,unsigned size)
33 {
34   unsigned i;
35   unsigned char ch;
36   for(i = 0;i < size;i++)
37   {
38     ch = it->chars[i];
39     it->oem_pg[i] = NLS_IS_OEMPG(ch) ? ch : 0;
40   }
41   __nls_OemToOsdep(it->chars,size);
42 }
memupr(void * ptr,unsigned n)44 void __FASTCALL__ memupr(void *ptr,unsigned n)
45 {
46    unsigned i;
47    for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
48    ((char *)ptr)[i] = toupper(((char *)ptr)[i]);
49 }
memlwr(void * ptr,unsigned n)51 void __FASTCALL__ memlwr(void *ptr,unsigned n)
52 {
53    unsigned i;
54    for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
55    ((char *)ptr)[i] = tolower(((char *)ptr)[i]);
56 }
szTrimTrailingSpace(char * str)58 int __FASTCALL__ szTrimTrailingSpace(char *str)
59 {
60   unsigned len;
61   int ret;
62   len = strlen(str);
63   ret = 0;
64   while(len)
65   {
66       unsigned char ch;
67       ch = str[len-1];
68       if(isspace(ch) && ch < 0x80) { str[--len] = '\0'; ret++; }
69       else break;
70   }
71   return ret;
72 }
szTrimLeadingSpace(char * str)74 int __FASTCALL__ szTrimLeadingSpace(char *str)
75 {
76   unsigned i,freq,len;
77   len = strlen(str);
78   for(i = freq = 0;i < len;i++)
79   {
80     unsigned char ch;
81     ch = str[i];
82     if(isspace(ch) && ch < 0x80) freq++;
83     else                         break;
84   }
85   if(freq)
86   {
87     len -= freq;
88     memmove(str,&str[freq],len+1);
89   }
90   return freq;
91 }
93 #define TEXT_TAB 8
szSpace2Tab(char * dest,const char * src)95 void __FASTCALL__ szSpace2Tab(char *dest,const char * src)
96 {
97   unsigned int i,len,limit,dest_idx;
98   int j;
99   unsigned char buff[8],nspc;
100   len = strlen(src);
101   i = 0;
102   dest_idx = 0;
103   while(1)
104   {
105      if(i + TEXT_TAB < len)
106      {
107         memcpy(buff,&src[i],8);
108         i+=8;
109         /* scan */
110         nspc = 0;
111         for(j = TEXT_TAB-1;j >= 0;j--)
112         {
113           if(buff[j] != ' ') break;
114           else nspc++;
115         }
116         limit = TEXT_TAB - nspc;
117         memcpy(&dest[dest_idx],buff,limit);
118         dest_idx += limit;
119         if(nspc) dest[dest_idx++] = '\t';
120      }
121      else
122      {
123        limit = len - i;
124        memcpy(&dest[dest_idx],&src[i],limit);
125        dest_idx += limit;
126        i += limit;
127        break;
128      }
129   }
130   dest[dest_idx] = '\0';
131 }
szTab2Space(char * dest,const char * src)133 int __FASTCALL__ szTab2Space(char * dest,const char * src)
134 {
135   int i,k,len;
136   size_t size;
137   unsigned int freq;
138   unsigned char ch;
139   len = strlen(src);
140   for(freq = 0,i = k = 0;i < len;i++,freq++)
141   {
142     ch = src[i];
143     if(ch == '\t')
144     {
145        size = TEXT_TAB - (freq%TEXT_TAB);
146        memset(&dest[k],' ',size);
147        k += size;
148        freq += size-1;
149     }
150     else
151     {
152       dest[k] = ch;
153       k++;
154     }
155   }
156   return k;
157 }
szKillSpaceAround(char * str,char * place)159 char * __FASTCALL__ szKillSpaceAround(char *str,char *place)
160 {
161   char *sptr;
162   unsigned nmoves,len,idx,freq;
163   unsigned char prev;
164   unsigned char ch;
165   prev = *place;
166   len = strlen(str);
167   *place = 0;
168   idx = place - str;
169   nmoves = szTrimTrailingSpace(str);
170   sptr = place;
171   freq = 0;
172   sptr++;
173   while((ch = *sptr) != 0)
174   {
175     if(isspace(ch)) freq++;
176     else            break;
177     sptr++;
178   }
179   memmove(&str[idx-nmoves],&str[idx+freq],len-idx+1-freq);
180   str[idx-nmoves] = prev;
181   return &str[idx-nmoves];
182 }
185 #if __WORDSIZE == 16
HMemCpy(void huge * _dest,const void huge * _source,unsigned long n)186 void huge * __FASTCALL__ HMemCpy(void huge *_dest, const void huge *_source, unsigned long n)
187 {
188   long i;
189   for(i = 0;i < n;i++)
190   {
191     ((char huge *)_dest)[i] = ((const char huge *)_source)[i];
192   }
193   return _dest;
194 }
195 #endif
197 #ifdef __GNUC__
198 /* (emx+gcc) -- Copyright (c) 1990-1995 by Eberhard Mattes */
ltoa(long value,char * string,int radix)199 char *ltoa (long value, char *string, int radix)
200 {
201   char *dst;
203   dst = string;
204   if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) *dst = 0;
205   else
206   {
207     unsigned long x;
208     int i, n;
209     char digits[32];
210     if (radix == 10 && value < 0)
211     {
212       *dst++ = '-';
213       x = -value;
214     }
215     else x = value;
216     i = 0;
217     do
218     {
219       n = x % radix;
220       digits[i++] = n+(n < 10 ? '0' : 'A'-10);
221       x /= radix;
222     } while (x != 0);
223     while (i > 0) *dst++ = digits[--i];
224     *dst = 0;
225   }
226   return string;
227 }
ultoa(unsigned long value,char * string,int radix)229 char *ultoa (unsigned long value, char *string, int radix)
230 {
231   char *dst;
233   dst = string;
234   if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) *dst = 0;
235   else
236   {
237     int i;
238     unsigned n;
239     char digits[32];
240     i = 0;
241     do
242     {
243       n = value % radix;
244       digits[i++] = n+(n < 10 ? '0' : 'A'-10);
245       value /= radix;
246     } while (value != 0);
247     while (i > 0) *dst++ = digits[--i];
248     *dst = 0;
249   }
250   return string;
251 }
252 #endif
254 #if __WORDSIZE >= 32
lltoa(long long int value,char * string,int radix)255 char *lltoa (long long int value, char *string, int radix)
256 {
257   char *dst;
259   dst = string;
260   if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) *dst = 0;
261   else
262   {
263     unsigned long long int x;
264     int i, n;
265     char digits[64];
266     if (radix == 10 && value < 0)
267     {
268       *dst++ = '-';
269       x = -value;
270     }
271     else x = value;
272     i = 0;
273     do
274     {
275       n = x % radix;
276       digits[i++] = n+(n < 10 ? '0' : 'A'-10);
277       x /= radix;
278     } while (x != 0);
279     while (i > 0) *dst++ = digits[--i];
280     *dst = 0;
281   }
282   return string;
283 }
ulltoa(unsigned long long int value,char * string,int radix)285 char *ulltoa (unsigned long long int value, char *string, int radix)
286 {
287   char *dst;
289   dst = string;
290   if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) *dst = 0;
291   else
292   {
293     int i;
294     unsigned n;
295     char digits[64];
296     i = 0;
297     do
298     {
299       n = value % radix;
300       digits[i++] = n+(n < 10 ? '0' : 'A'-10);
301       value /= radix;
302     } while (value != 0);
303     while (i > 0) *dst++ = digits[--i];
304     *dst = 0;
305   }
306   return string;
307 }
308 #endif
310 /*
311    Using own code for qsort and bsearch functions is guarantee of stable work */
313 /* Copyright (C) 1994 DJ Delorie, see COPYING.DJ for details */
314 /* Modified for use with 16-bits huge arrays by Nickols_K */
315 /*-
316  * Copyright (c) 1980, 1983 The Regents of the University of California.
317  * All rights reserved.
318  *
319  * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted
320  * provided that: (1) source distributions retain this entire copyright
321  * notice and comment, and (2) distributions including binaries display
322  * the following acknowledgement:  ``This product includes software
323  * developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its contributors''
324  * in the documentation or other materials provided with the distribution
325  * and in all advertising materials mentioning features or use of this
326  * software. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its
327  * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
328  * from this software without specific prior written permission.
332  */
334 /*
335  * qsort.c:
336  * Our own version of the system qsort routine which is faster by an average
337  * of 25%, with lows and highs of 10% and 50%.
338  * The THRESHold below is the insertion sort threshold, and has been adjusted
339  * for records of size 48 bytes.
340  * The MTHREShold is where we stop finding a better median.
341  */
343 #define		THRESH		4		/**< threshold for insertion */
344 #define		MTHRESH		6		/**< threshold for median */
346 static  func_compare qcmp;                      /**< the comparison routine */
347 static  int		qsz;			/**< size of each record */
348 static  long		thresh;			/**< THRESHold in chars */
349 static  long		mthresh;		/**< MTHRESHold in chars */
351 /**
352  * qst:
353  * Do a quicksort
354  * First, find the median element, and put that one in the first place as the
355  * discriminator.  (This "median" is just the median of the first, last and
356  * middle elements).  (Using this median instead of the first element is a big
357  * win).  Then, the usual partitioning/swapping, followed by moving the
358  * discriminator into the right place.  Then, figure out the sizes of the two
359  * partions, do the smaller one recursively and the larger one via a repeat of
360  * this code.  Stopping when there are less than THRESH elements in a partition
361  * and cleaning up with an insertion sort (in our caller) is a huge win.
362  * All data swaps are done in-line, which is space-losing but time-saving.
363  * (And there are only three places where this is done).
364  */
qst(char __HUGE__ * base,char __HUGE__ * max)365 static void __NEAR__ qst(char __HUGE__ *base, char __HUGE__ *max)
366 {
367   long ii,lo,hi;
368   char __HUGE__ *i, __HUGE__ *j,__HUGE__ *jj;
369   char __HUGE__ *mid, __HUGE__ *tmp;
371   /*
372    * At the top here, lo is the number of characters of elements in the
373    * current partition.  (Which should be max - base).
374    * Find the median of the first, last, and middle element and make
375    * that the middle element.  Set j to largest of first and middle.
376    * If max is larger than that guy, then it's that guy, else compare
377    * max with loser of first and take larger.  Things are set up to
378    * prefer the middle, then the first in case of ties.
379    */
380   lo = max - base;		/* number of elements as chars */
381   do	{
382     mid = i = base + qsz * ((lo / qsz) >> 1);
383     if (lo >= mthresh)
384     {
385       j = (qcmp((jj = base), i) > 0 ? jj : i);
386       if (qcmp(j, (tmp = max - qsz)) > 0)
387       {
388 	/* switch to first loser */
389 	j = (j == jj ? i : jj);
390 	if (qcmp(j, tmp) < 0)
391 	  j = tmp;
392       }
393       if (j != i)
394       {
395 	ii = qsz;
396 	do{
397           __XchgB__(i,j);
398           i++; j++;
399 	} while (--ii);
400       }
401     }
402     /*
403      * Semi-standard quicksort partitioning/swapping
404      */
405     for (i = base, j = max - qsz; ; )
406     {
407       while (i < mid && qcmp(i, mid) <= 0)
408 	i += qsz;
409       while (j > mid)
410       {
411 	if (qcmp(mid, j) <= 0)
412 	{
413 	  j -= qsz;
414 	  continue;
415 	}
416 	tmp = i + qsz;		/* value of i after swap */
417 	if (i == mid)
418 	{
419 	  /* j <-> mid, new mid is j */
420 	  mid = jj = j;
421 	}
422 	else
423 	{
424 	  /* i <-> j */
425 	  jj = j;
426 	  j -= qsz;
427 	}
428 	goto swap;
429       }
430       if (i == mid)
431       {
432 	break;
433       }
434       else
435       {
436 	/* i <-> mid, new mid is i */
437 	jj = mid;
438 	tmp = mid = i;		/* value of i after swap */
439 	j -= qsz;
440       }
441     swap:
442       ii = qsz;
443       do{
444         __XchgB__(i,jj);
445         i++; jj++;
446       } while (--ii);
447       i = tmp;
448     }
449     /*
450      * Look at sizes of the two partitions, do the smaller
451      * one first by recursion, then do the larger one by
452      * making sure lo is its size, base and max are update
453      * correctly, and branching back.  But only repeat
454      * (recursively or by branching) if the partition is
455      * of at least size THRESH.
456      */
457     i = (j = mid) + qsz;
458     if ((lo = j - base) <= (hi = max - i))
459     {
460       if (lo >= thresh)
461 	qst(base, j);
462       base = i;
463       lo = hi;
464     }
465     else
466     {
467       if (hi >= thresh)
468 	qst(i, max);
469       max = j;
470     }
471   } while (lo >= thresh);
472 }
474 /*
475  * qsort:
476  * First, set up some global parameters for qst to share.  Then, quicksort
477  * with qst(), and then a cleanup insertion sort ourselves.  Sound simple?
478  * It's not...
479  */
HQSort(void __HUGE__ * base0,unsigned long num,unsigned width,func_compare compare)480 void __FASTCALL__ HQSort(void __HUGE__ *base0,unsigned long num, unsigned width,
481                          func_compare compare)
482 {
483   char __HUGE__ *base = (char __HUGE__ *)base0;
484   char __HUGE__ *i, __HUGE__ *j, __HUGE__ *lo, __HUGE__ *hi;
485   char __HUGE__ *min, __HUGE__ *max;
486   register char c;
488   if (num <= 1)
489     return;
490   qsz = width;
491   qcmp = compare;
492   thresh = qsz * THRESH;
493   mthresh = qsz * MTHRESH;
494   max = base + num * qsz;
495   if (num >= THRESH)
496   {
497     qst(base, max);
498     hi = base + thresh;
499   }
500   else
501   {
502     hi = max;
503   }
504   /*
505    * First put smallest element, which must be in the first THRESH, in
506    * the first position as a sentinel.  This is done just by searching
507    * the first THRESH elements (or the first n if n < THRESH), finding
508    * the min, and swapping it into the first position.
509    */
510   for (j = lo = base; (lo += qsz) < hi; )
511     if (qcmp(j, lo) > 0)
512       j = lo;
513   if (j != base)
514   {
515     /* swap j into place */
516     for (i = base, hi = base + qsz; i < hi; )
517     {
518       __XchgB__(i,j);
519       i++; j++;
520     }
521   }
522   /*
523    * With our sentinel in place, we now run the following hyper-fast
524    * insertion sort.  For each remaining element, min, from [1] to [n-1],
525    * set hi to the index of the element AFTER which this one goes.
526    * Then, do the standard insertion sort shift on a character at a time
527    * basis for each element in the frob.
528    */
529   for (min = base; (hi = min += qsz) < max; )
530   {
531     while (qcmp(hi -= qsz, min) > 0)
532       /* void */;
533     if ((hi += qsz) != min) {
534       for (lo = min + qsz; --lo >= min; )
535       {
536 	c = *lo;
537 	for (i = j = lo; (j -= qsz) >= hi; i = j)
538 	  *i = *j;
539 	*i = c;
540       }
541     }
542   }
543 }
HLFind(const void * key,void __HUGE__ * base,unsigned long nelem,unsigned width,func_compare compare)545 void __HUGE__ * __FASTCALL__ HLFind(const void *key,void __HUGE__ *base,unsigned long nelem,unsigned width,
546                                     func_compare compare)
547 {
548   unsigned long iter,start,end;
549   void __HUGE__ *it;
550   tCompare comp_result;
551   start = 0;
552   end = nelem;
553   iter = nelem >> 1;
554   while(1)
555   {
556      it = (char __HUGE__ *)base + iter*width;
557      comp_result = (*compare)(key,it);
558      if(!comp_result)  return it;
559      if(end - start < 5) break;
560      if(comp_result > 0) start = iter;
561      else                end = iter;
562      iter = start + ((end - start) >> 1L);
563   }
564   for(iter = start;iter < end;iter++)
565   {
566      it = (char __HUGE__ *)base + iter*width;
567      if(!(*compare)(key,it)) return it;
568   }
569   return NULL;
570 }
HLFindNearest(const void * key,void __HUGE__ * base,unsigned long nelem,unsigned width,func_compare compare)572 unsigned long __FASTCALL__ HLFindNearest(const void *key,void __HUGE__ *base,unsigned long nelem,
573                             unsigned width,
574                             func_compare compare)
575 {
576   unsigned long iter,start,end;
577   tCompare comp_result,comp_result2;
578   start = 0;
579   end = nelem;
580   iter = nelem >> 1;
581   while(1)
582   {
583      comp_result = (*compare)(key,(char __HUGE__ *)base + iter*width);
584      if(!comp_result) return iter;
585      if(end - start < 5) break;
586      if(comp_result > 0) start = iter;
587      else                end = iter;
588      iter = start + ((end - start)>>1L);
589   }
590   for(iter = start;iter < end;iter++)
591   {
592      comp_result = (*compare)(key,(char __HUGE__ *)base + iter*width);
593      comp_result2 = iter < (nelem-1) ? (*compare)(key,(char __HUGE__ *)base + (iter+1)*width):
594                                -1;
595      if(comp_result >= 0 && comp_result2 < 0) return iter;
596   }
597   return  comp_result < 0 ? (start ? start - 1 : 0L)
598                           : end == nelem ? nelem-1 : end;
599 }
601 /*
602     print message when window system is not initialized
604     only this function must be used for error reporting
605 	(do not use printf, fprintf, etc. !)
606 */
printm(const char * str,...)608 int printm(const char *str,...)
609 {
611 #define _out_ stderr
613     int i;
614     va_list args;
617     va_start(args,str);
618     i = vfprintf(_out_,str,args);
619     va_end(args);
621     fflush(_out_);
623     return i;
625 #undef _out_
627 }
la_Build(unsigned long nitems,unsigned size_of_item,void (__FASTCALL__ * mem_out)(const char *))629 linearArray * __FASTCALL__ la_Build( unsigned long nitems, unsigned size_of_item,
630                         void (__FASTCALL__ *mem_out)(const char *) )
631 {
632   linearArray * ret;
633   ret = PMalloc(sizeof(linearArray));
634   if(ret)
635   {
636     memset(ret,0,sizeof(linearArray));
637     ret->itemSize = size_of_item;
638     if(nitems)
639     {
640       ret->data = PHMalloc(nitems*size_of_item);
641       if(ret->data)
642       {
643         ret->nSize = nitems;
644       }
645     }
646   }
647   else
648   {
649     if(mem_out) (*mem_out)("Creating array");
650   }
651   return ret;
652 }
la_ForEach(linearArray * obj,void (__FASTCALL__ * iter_func)(void __HUGE__ *))654 void  __FASTCALL__ la_ForEach(linearArray *obj,void (__FASTCALL__ *iter_func)(void __HUGE__ *))
655 {
656   unsigned long i;
657   for(i = 0;i < obj->nItems;i++)
658   {
659      (*iter_func)(((char *)obj->data)+i*obj->itemSize);
660   }
661 }
la_IterDestroy(linearArray * obj,void (__FASTCALL__ * del_it)(void __HUGE__ *))663 void  __FASTCALL__ la_IterDestroy(linearArray *obj,void (__FASTCALL__ *del_it)(void __HUGE__ *))
664 {
665   la_ForEach(obj,del_it);
666   PHFREE(obj->data);
667   PFREE(obj);
668 }
la_Destroy(linearArray * obj)670 void  __FASTCALL__ la_Destroy(linearArray *obj)
671 {
672   if(obj)
673   {
674     PHFREE(obj->data);
675     PFREE(obj);
676   }
677 }
679 #define LST_STEP 16
la_AddData(linearArray * obj,const void * udata,void (__FASTCALL__ * mem_out)(const char *))681 void __HUGE__*  __FASTCALL__ la_AddData(linearArray *obj,const void *udata,void (__FASTCALL__ *mem_out)(const char *))
682 {
683   void __HUGE__*to;
684   if(obj->nSize > ULONG_MAX - (LST_STEP+1)) return 0;
685   if(obj->nItems + 1 > obj->nSize)
686   {
687     void *ptr;
688     if(!obj->data) ptr = PHMalloc((obj->nSize+LST_STEP)*obj->itemSize);
689     else           ptr = PHRealloc(obj->data,obj->itemSize*(obj->nSize+LST_STEP));
690     if(ptr)
691     {
692       obj->nSize = obj->nSize+LST_STEP;
693       obj->data = ptr;
694     }
695     else
696     {
697       if(mem_out) (*mem_out)("Building List");
698       return NULL;
699     }
700   }
701   to = ((char __HUGE__ *)obj->data) + obj->nItems*obj->itemSize;
702   HMemCpy(to,udata,obj->itemSize);
703   obj->nItems++;
704   return to;
705 }
la_DeleteData(linearArray * obj,unsigned long idx)707 void __FASTCALL__ la_DeleteData(linearArray *obj,unsigned long idx) {
708     char __HUGE__ *from;
709     char __HUGE__ *to;
710     if(idx >= obj->nItems) return;
711     to = ((char __HUGE__ *)obj->data) + idx*obj->itemSize;
712     from = ((char __HUGE__ *)obj->data) + (idx+1)*obj->itemSize;
713     memmove(to,from,(obj->nItems-(idx+1))*obj->itemSize);
714     obj->nItems--;
715 }
la_Sort(linearArray * obj,func_compare compare)717 void         __FASTCALL__ la_Sort(linearArray *obj,func_compare compare)
718 {
719   if(obj)
720     if(obj->nItems)
721       HQSort(obj->data,obj->nItems,obj->itemSize,compare);
722 }
la_Find(linearArray * obj,const void * key,func_compare compare)724 void __HUGE__ *__FASTCALL__ la_Find(linearArray * obj,const void *key,
725                                     func_compare compare)
726 {
727   void __HUGE__ * ret = NULL;
728   if(obj)
729     if(obj->nItems)
730      ret = HLFind(key,obj->data,obj->nItems,obj->itemSize,compare);
731   return ret;
732 }
la_FindNearest(linearArray * obj,const void * key,func_compare compare)734 unsigned long __FASTCALL__ la_FindNearest(linearArray *obj,const void *key,
735                                           func_compare compare)
736 {
737   unsigned long ret = 0L;
738   if(obj)
739     if(obj->nItems)
740       ret = HLFindNearest(key,obj->data,obj->nItems,obj->itemSize,compare);
741   return ret;
742 }