1 /*
2  * Copyright © 2006 Ondra Kamenik
3  * Copyright © 2019 Dynare Team
4  *
5  * This file is part of Dynare.
6  *
7  * Dynare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
9  * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10  * (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * Dynare is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * GNU General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
18  * along with Dynare.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
19  */
21 #include "planner_builder.hh"
22 #include "dynare_exception.hh"
23 #include "dynare_model.hh"
25 #include <cmath>
26 #include <utility>
28 using namespace ogdyn;
30 const IntegerMatrix &
operator =(const IntegerMatrix & im)31 IntegerMatrix::operator=(const IntegerMatrix &im)
32 {
33   if (nr != im.nr || nc != im.nc)
34     throw DynareException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
35                           "Matrices have different dimensions in IntegerMatrix::operator=");
36   std::copy_n(im.data.get(), nr*nc, data.get());
37   return *this;
38 }
40 const IntegerArray3 &
operator =(const IntegerArray3 & ia3)41 IntegerArray3::operator=(const IntegerArray3 &ia3)
42 {
43   if (n1 != ia3.n1 || n2 != ia3.n2 || n3 != ia3.n3)
44     throw DynareException(__FILE__, __LINE__,
45                           "Arrays have different dimensions in IntegerArray3::operator=");
46   std::copy_n(ia3.data.get(), n1*n2*n3, data.get());
47   return *this;
48 }
PlannerBuilder(DynareModel & m,const Tvarset & yyset,Teqset ffset)50 PlannerBuilder::PlannerBuilder(DynareModel &m, const Tvarset &yyset,
51                                Teqset ffset)
52   : yset(), fset(std::move(ffset)), model(m),
53     tb(model.t_plobjective), tbeta(model.t_pldiscount),
54     maxlead(model.atoms.get_maxlead()),
55     minlag(model.atoms.get_minlag()),
56     diff_b(yyset.size(), 1-minlag),
57     diff_f(yyset.size(), fset.size(), 1+maxlead-minlag),
58     static_atoms(),
59     static_tree(),
60     diff_b_static(yyset.size(), 1-minlag),
61     diff_f_static(yyset.size(), fset.size(), 1+maxlead-minlag)
62 {
63   info.num_new_terms -= model.getParser().getTree().get_num_op();
65   fill_yset(m.atoms.get_name_storage(), yyset);
67   add_derivatives_of_b();
68   add_derivatives_of_f();
69   shift_derivatives_of_b();
70   shift_derivatives_of_f();
71   beta_multiply_b();
72   beta_multiply_f();
73   make_static_version();
74   lagrange_mult_f();
75   form_equations();
77   info.num_new_terms += model.getParser().getTree().get_num_op();
78 }
PlannerBuilder(const PlannerBuilder & pb,ogdyn::DynareModel & m)80 PlannerBuilder::PlannerBuilder(const PlannerBuilder &pb, ogdyn::DynareModel &m)
81   : yset(), fset(pb.fset), model(m),
82     tb(pb.tb), tbeta(pb.tbeta),
83     maxlead(pb.maxlead), minlag(pb.minlag),
84     diff_b(pb.diff_b), diff_f(pb.diff_f),
85     static_atoms(pb.static_atoms),
86     static_tree(pb.static_tree),
87     diff_b_static(pb.diff_b_static),
88     diff_f_static(pb.diff_f_static),
89     aux_map(), static_aux_map()
90 {
91   fill_yset(m.atoms.get_name_storage(), pb.yset);
92   fill_aux_map(m.atoms.get_name_storage(), pb.aux_map, pb.static_aux_map);
93 }
95 void
add_derivatives_of_b()96 PlannerBuilder::add_derivatives_of_b()
97 {
98   int yi = 0;
99   for (auto yname = yset.begin(); yname != yset.end(); ++yname, yi++)
100     for (int ll = minlag; ll <= 0; ll++)
101       {
102         int yt = model.atoms.index(*yname, ll);
103         if (yt != -1)
104           diff_b(yi, ll-minlag) = model.eqs.add_derivative(tb, yt);
105         else
106           diff_b(yi, ll-minlag) = ogp::OperationTree::zero;
107       }
108 }
110 void
add_derivatives_of_f()111 PlannerBuilder::add_derivatives_of_f()
112 {
113   int yi = 0;
114   for (auto yname = yset.begin(); yname != yset.end(); ++yname, yi++)
115     for (unsigned int fi = 0; fi < fset.size(); fi++)
116       for (int ll = minlag; ll <= maxlead; ll++)
117         {
118           int yt = model.atoms.index(*yname, ll);
119           if (yt != -1)
120             diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag)
121               = model.eqs.add_derivative(model.eqs.formula(fset[fi]), yt);
122           else
123             diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag) = ogp::OperationTree::zero;
124         }
125 }
127 void
shift_derivatives_of_b()128 PlannerBuilder::shift_derivatives_of_b()
129 {
130   map<int, int> subst;
131   for (int yi = 0; yi < diff_b.nrows(); yi++)
132     for (int ll = minlag; ll < 0; ll++)
133       if (diff_b(yi, ll-minlag) != ogp::OperationTree::zero)
134         {
135           model.variable_shift_map(model.eqs.nulary_of_term(diff_b(yi, ll-minlag)),
136                                    -ll, subst);
137           diff_b(yi, ll-minlag) = model.eqs.add_substitution(diff_b(yi, ll-minlag), subst);
138         }
139 }
141 void
shift_derivatives_of_f()142 PlannerBuilder::shift_derivatives_of_f()
143 {
144   map<int, int> subst;
145   for (int yi = 0; yi < diff_f.dim1(); yi++)
146     for (int fi = 0; fi < diff_f.dim2(); fi++)
147       {
148         // first do it leads which are put under expectation before t: no problem
149         for (int ll = 0; ll <= maxlead; ll++)
150           if (diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag) != ogp::OperationTree::zero)
151             {
152               model.variable_shift_map(model.eqs.nulary_of_term(diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag)),
153                                        -ll, subst);
154               diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag)
155                 = model.eqs.add_substitution(diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag), subst);
156             }
157         /* now do it for lags, these are put as leads under expectations after
158            time t, so we have to introduce auxiliary variables at time t, and
159            make leads of them here */
160         for (int ll = minlag; ll < 0; ll++)
161           {
162             int ft = diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag);
163             if (ft != ogp::OperationTree::zero)
164               {
165                 /* if the ft term has a lead, than we need to introduce an
166                    auxiliary variable zₜ, define it as ��ₜ[ft] and put z_{t-ll}
167                    to the equation. Otherwise, we just put leaded ft to the
168                    equation directly. */
169                 int ft_maxlead, ft_minlag;
170                 model.termspan(ft, ft_maxlead, ft_minlag);
171                 if (ft_maxlead > 0)
172                   {
173                     // make an auxiliary variable
174                     std::string name;
175                     name = "AUX_" + std::to_string(yi) + '_' + std::to_string(fset[fi]) + '_' + std::to_string(-ll);
176                     model.atoms.register_uniq_endo(name);
177                     info.num_aux_variables++;
178                     int taux = model.eqs.add_nulary(name);
179                     name = "AUX_" + std::to_string(yi) + '_' + std::to_string(fset[fi]) + '_' + std::to_string(-ll) + '(' + std::to_string(-ll) + ')';
180                     int taux_leaded = model.eqs.add_nulary(name);
181                     // put aux_leaded to the equation
182                     diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag) = taux_leaded;
183                     // save auxiliary variable and the term
184                     aux_map.emplace(model.atoms.name(taux), ft);
185                   }
186                 else
187                   {
188                     /* no auxiliary variable is needed and the term ft can be
189                        leaded in place */
190                     model.variable_shift_map(model.eqs.nulary_of_term(ft), -ll, subst);
191                     diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag) = model.eqs.add_substitution(ft, subst);
192                   }
193               }
194           }
195       }
196 }
198 void
beta_multiply_b()199 PlannerBuilder::beta_multiply_b()
200 {
201   int beta_pow = ogp::OperationTree::one;
202   for (int ll = 0; ll >= minlag; ll--,
203          beta_pow = model.eqs.add_binary(ogp::code_t::TIMES, beta_pow, tbeta))
204     for (int yi = 0; yi < diff_b.nrows(); yi++)
205       if (diff_b(yi, ll-minlag) != ogp::OperationTree::zero)
206         diff_b(yi, ll-minlag)
207           = model.eqs.add_binary(ogp::code_t::TIMES, beta_pow, diff_b(yi, ll-minlag));
208 }
210 void
beta_multiply_f()211 PlannerBuilder::beta_multiply_f()
212 {
213   int beta_pow = ogp::OperationTree::one;
214   for (int ll = 0; ll <= maxlead; ll++,
215          beta_pow = model.eqs.add_binary(ogp::code_t::DIVIDE, beta_pow, tbeta))
216     for (int yi = 0; yi < diff_f.dim1(); yi++)
217       for (int fi = 0; fi < diff_f.dim2(); fi++)
218         if (diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag) != ogp::OperationTree::zero)
219           diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag)
220             = model.eqs.add_binary(ogp::code_t::TIMES, beta_pow, diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag));
222   beta_pow = ogp::OperationTree::one;
223   for (int ll = 0; ll >= minlag; ll--,
224          beta_pow = model.eqs.add_binary(ogp::code_t::TIMES, beta_pow, tbeta))
225     for (int yi = 0; yi < diff_f.dim1(); yi++)
226       for (int fi = 0; fi < diff_f.dim2(); fi++)
227         if (diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag) != ogp::OperationTree::zero)
228           diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag)
229             = model.eqs.add_binary(ogp::code_t::TIMES, beta_pow, diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag));
230 }
232 void
make_static_version()233 PlannerBuilder::make_static_version()
234 {
235   // map holding substitutions from dynamic to static
236   ogp::StaticFineAtoms::Tintintmap tmap;
238   // fill static atoms with outer ordering
239   static_atoms.import_atoms(model.atoms, static_tree, tmap);
241   // go through diff_b and fill diff_b_static
242   for (int ll = minlag; ll <= 0; ll++)
243     for (int yi = 0; yi < diff_b.nrows(); yi++)
244       diff_b_static(yi, ll-minlag)
245         = static_tree.add_substitution(diff_b(yi, ll-minlag),
246                                        tmap, model.eqs.getTree());
248   // go through diff_f and fill diff_f_static
249   for (int ll = minlag; ll <= maxlead; ll++)
250     for (int yi = 0; yi < diff_f.dim1(); yi++)
251       for (int fi = 0; fi < diff_f.dim2(); fi++)
252         diff_f_static(yi, fi, ll-minlag)
253           = static_tree.add_substitution(diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag),
254                                          tmap, model.eqs.getTree());
256   // go through aux_map and fill static_aux_map
257   for (const auto &it : aux_map)
258     {
259       int tstatic = static_tree.add_substitution(it.second, tmap, model.eqs.getTree());
260       static_aux_map.emplace(it.first, tstatic);
261     }
262 }
264 void
lagrange_mult_f()265 PlannerBuilder::lagrange_mult_f()
266 {
267   // register multipliers
268   std::string mult_name;
269   for (int fi = 0; fi < diff_f.dim2(); fi++)
270     {
271       mult_name = "MULT" + std::to_string(fset[fi]);
272       model.atoms.register_uniq_endo(mult_name);
273       info.num_lagrange_mults++;
274     }
275   // multiply with the multipliers
276   for (int yi = 0; yi < diff_f.dim1(); yi++)
277     for (int fi = 0; fi < diff_f.dim2(); fi++)
278       for (int ll = minlag; ll <= maxlead; ll++)
279         if (diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag) != ogp::OperationTree::zero)
280           {
281             mult_name = "MULT" + std::to_string(fset[fi]) + '(' + std::to_string(-ll) + ')';
282             int tm = model.eqs.add_nulary(mult_name);
283             diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag)
284               = model.eqs.add_binary(ogp::code_t::TIMES, tm, diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag));
285           }
286 }
288 void
form_equations()289 PlannerBuilder::form_equations()
290 {
291   // add planner’s FOCs
292   for (int yi = 0; yi < diff_f.dim1(); yi++)
293     {
294       int eq = ogp::OperationTree::zero;
295       for (int ll = minlag; ll <= 0; ll++)
296         eq = model.eqs.add_binary(ogp::code_t::PLUS, eq, diff_b(yi, ll-minlag));
297       for (int fi = 0; fi < diff_f.dim2(); fi++)
298         for (int ll = minlag; ll <= maxlead; ll++)
299           eq = model.eqs.add_binary(ogp::code_t::PLUS, eq, diff_f(yi, fi, ll-minlag));
300       model.eqs.add_formula(eq);
301     }
303   // add equations for auxiliary variables
304   for (const auto &it : aux_map)
305     {
306       int t = model.atoms.index(it.first, 0);
307       model.eqs.add_formula(model.eqs.add_binary(ogp::code_t::MINUS, t, it.second));
308     }
309 }
311 void
fill_yset(const ogp::NameStorage & ns,const PlannerBuilder::Tvarset & yyset)312 PlannerBuilder::fill_yset(const ogp::NameStorage &ns,
313                           const PlannerBuilder::Tvarset &yyset)
314 {
315   for (auto it : yyset)
316     yset.insert(it);
317 }
319 void
fill_aux_map(const ogp::NameStorage & ns,const Tsubstmap & aaux_map,const Tsubstmap & astatic_aux_map)320 PlannerBuilder::fill_aux_map(const ogp::NameStorage &ns, const Tsubstmap &aaux_map,
321                              const Tsubstmap &astatic_aux_map)
322 {
323   // fill aux_map
324   for (auto it : aaux_map)
325     aux_map.insert(it);
327   // fill static_aux_map
328   for (auto it : astatic_aux_map)
329     static_aux_map.insert(it);
330 }
MultInitSS(const PlannerBuilder & pb,const Vector & pvals,Vector & yy)332 MultInitSS::MultInitSS(const PlannerBuilder &pb, const Vector &pvals, Vector &yy)
333   : builder(pb), b(builder.diff_b_static.nrows()),
334     F(builder.diff_f_static.dim1(), builder.diff_f_static.dim2())
335 {
336   b.zeros();
337   F.zeros();
339   // first evaluate substitutions (auxiliary variables) from the builder
340   ogdyn::DynareStaticSteadySubstitutions dss(builder.model.atoms, builder.static_atoms,
341                                              builder.static_tree,
342                                              builder.static_aux_map, pvals, yy);
344   /* gather all the terms from builder.diff_b_static and builder.diff_f_static
345      to the vector, the ordering is important, since the index of this vector
346      will have to be decoded to the position in b and F. */
347   vector<int> terms;
348   for (int yi = 0; yi < builder.diff_b_static.nrows(); yi++)
349     for (int l = 0; l < builder.diff_b_static.ncols(); l++)
350       terms.push_back(builder.diff_b_static(yi, l));
351   for (int yi = 0; yi < builder.diff_f_static.dim1(); yi++)
352     for (int fi = 0; fi < builder.diff_f_static.dim2(); fi++)
353       for (int l = 0; l < builder.diff_f_static.dim3(); l++)
354         terms.push_back(builder.diff_f_static(yi, fi, l));
356   /* evaluate the terms, it will call a series of load(i,res), which sum the
357      results through lags/leads to b and F */
358   DynareStaticSteadyAtomValues dssav(builder.model.atoms, builder.static_atoms, pvals, yy);
359   ogp::FormulaCustomEvaluator fe(builder.static_tree, terms);
360   fe.eval(dssav, *this);
362   // solve overdetermined system b+F*lambda=0 using SVD decomposition
363   SVDDecomp decomp(F);
364   Vector lambda(builder.diff_f_static.dim2());
365   decomp.solve(b, lambda);
366   lambda.mult(-1);
368   // take values of lambda and put it to yy
369   for (int fi = 0; fi < builder.diff_f_static.dim2(); fi++)
370     {
371       std::string mult_name = "MULT" + std::to_string(builder.fset[fi]);
372       int iouter = builder.model.atoms.name2outer_endo(mult_name);
373       int iy = builder.model.atoms.outer2y_endo()[iouter];
374       if (!std::isfinite(yy[iy]))
375         yy[iy] = lambda[fi];
377       /* go through all substitutions of the multiplier and set them as well */
378       if (builder.model.atom_substs)
379         {
380           const ogp::AtomSubstitutions::Toldnamemap &old2new
381             = builder.model.atom_substs->get_old2new();
382           auto it = old2new.find(mult_name);
383           if (it != old2new.end())
384             {
385               const ogp::AtomSubstitutions::Tshiftnameset &sset = it->second;
386               for (const auto &itt : sset)
387                 {
388                   const std::string &newname = itt.first;
389                   int iouter = builder.model.atoms.name2outer_endo(newname);
390                   int iy = builder.model.atoms.outer2y_endo()[iouter];
391                   if (!std::isfinite(yy[iy]))
392                     yy[iy] = lambda[fi];
393                 }
394             }
395         }
396     }
397 }
399 void
load(int i,double res)400 MultInitSS::load(int i, double res)
401 {
402   /* we can afford it, since the evaluator sets res to exact zero if the term
403      is zero */
404   if (res == 0)
405     return;
406   // decode i and add to either b or F
407   if (i < builder.diff_b_static.nrows()*builder.diff_b_static.ncols())
408     // add to b
409     b[i / builder.diff_b_static.ncols()] += res;
410   else
411     {
412       // add to F
413       i -= builder.diff_b_static.nrows()*builder.diff_b_static.ncols();
414       int yifi = i / builder.diff_f_static.dim3();
415       int yi = yifi / builder.diff_f_static.dim2();
416       int fi = yifi % builder.diff_f_static.dim2();
417       F.get(yi, fi) += res;
418     }
419 }