1 /*
3 *************************************************************************
5 ArmageTron -- Just another Tron Lightcycle Game in 3D.
6 Copyright (C) 2004  Armagetron Advanced Team (http://sourceforge.net/projects/armagetronad/)
8 **************************************************************************
10 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
11 modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
12 as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
13 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
15 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18 GNU General Public License for more details.
20 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
22 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.
24 ***************************************************************************
26 */
31 #include "eNetGameObject.h"
32 #include <deque>
34 class gCycle;
35 class gDestination;
36 class gPlayerWall;
37 class gCycleMovement;
38 class gSensor;
39 struct gMaxSpaceAheadHitInfo;
41 //! used to clear out dangerous information from hit info after simulation is done
42 class gMaxSpaceAheadHitInfoClearer
43 {
44 public:
45     gMaxSpaceAheadHitInfoClearer( gMaxSpaceAheadHitInfo * & info );
46     ~gMaxSpaceAheadHitInfoClearer();
47 private:
48     gMaxSpaceAheadHitInfo * & info_;
49 };
51 REAL GetTurnSpeedFactor(void);
53 class gEnemyInfluence{
54 private:
55     nObserverPtr< ePlayerNetID >	lastEnemyInfluence;  	// the last enemy wall we encountered
56     REAL							lastTime;				// the time it was drawn at
58 public:
59     gEnemyInfluence();
61     ePlayerNetID const *            GetEnemy() const;	    // the last enemy possibly responsible for our death
62     REAL                            GetTime() const;        // the time of the influence
63     void							AddSensor( const gSensor& sensor, REAL timePenalty, gCycleMovement * thisCycle ); // add the result of the sensor scan to our data
64     void							AddWall( const eWall * wall, eCoord const & point, REAL timePenalty, gCycleMovement * thisCycle ); // add the interaction with a wall to our data
65     void							AddWall( const gPlayerWall * wall, REAL timeBuilt, gCycleMovement * thisCycle ); // add the interaction with a wall to our data
66 };
68 struct gRealColor {
69     REAL r,g,b;
gRealColorgRealColor71     gRealColor():r(1), g(1), b(1){}
73 };
75 //! class handling lightcycle movement aspects ( not networking beyond construction, no rendering, no wall building )
76 class gCycleMovement : public eNetGameObject
77 {
78 public:
79     // accessors
80     static float            RubberSpeed             ()                                              ;   //!< returns the rubber speed (decay rate of the distance to the wall in front)
81     static float            SpeedMultiplier         ()                                              ;   //!< returns the current speed multiplier
82     static void             SetSpeedMultiplier      ( REAL                  mult        )           ;   //!< sets the current speed multiplier
83     static float            MaximalSpeed            ()                                              ;   //!< returns the maximal speed a cycle can reach on its own
85     // AI info
86     int    	                WindingNumber           ()                                    const     ;   //!< returns the current winding number
87     void   	                SetWindingNumberWrapped ( int newWindingNumberWrapped )                 ;   //!< sets the new wrapped winding number
89     // information about physics state
90     virtual eCoord          Direction               ()                                    const     ;   //!< returns the current driving direction
91     virtual eCoord          LastDirection           ()                                    const     ;   //!< returns the last driving direction
92     virtual REAL            Speed                   ()                                    const     ;   //!< returns the current speed
93     virtual bool            Alive                   ()                                    const     ;   //!< returns whether the cycle is still alive
94     virtual bool            Vulnerable              ()                                    const     ;   //!< returns whether the cycle can be killed
96     bool                    CanMakeTurn             (int direction)                                    const     ;   //!< returns whether a turn is currently possible
97     bool                    CanMakeTurn             ( REAL time, int direction                         ) const     ;   //!< returns whether a turn is possible at the given time
98     inline  REAL            GetDistanceSinceLastTurn(                                   ) const     ;   //!< returns the distance since the last turn
99     REAL                    GetTurnDelay            (                                   ) const     ;   //!< returns the time between turns in different directions
100     REAL                    GetTurnDelayDb            (                                   ) const     ;   //!< returns the time between turns in the same direcion
101     REAL                    GetNextTurn             (int direction                                   ) const     ;   //!< returns the time of the next turn
103     // destination handling
104     void                    AddDestination          ()                                              ;   //!< adds current position as destination
105     void                    AdvanceDestination      ()                                              ;   //!< proceeds to the next destination
106     void                    AddDestination          ( gDestination *        dest        )           ;   //!< adds given destination
107     gDestination*           GetCurrentDestination   ()                                    const     ;   //!< returns the current destination
108     void                    NotifyNewDestination    ( gDestination *        dest        )           ;   //!< notifies cycle of the insertion of a new destination ( don't call manually )
109     bool                    IsDestinationUsed       ( const gDestination *  dest        ) const     ;   //!< returns whether the given destination is in active use
111     inline void            DropTempWall             ( gPlayerWall *         wall
112             ,                                         eCoord const &        pos
113             ,                                         eCoord const &        dir         )           ;   //!< called when another cycle grinds a wall; this cycle should then drop its current wall if the grinding is too close.
114     // information query
115     virtual bool            EdgeIsDangerous         ( const eWall *         wall
116             ,                                         REAL                  time
117             ,                                         REAL                  alpha       ) const     ;   //!< returns whether a given wall is dangerous to this cycle
119     // movement commands
120     bool                    Turn                    ( REAL                  dir         )           ;   //!< Turn left for positive argument, right for negative argument
121     bool                    Turn                    ( int                   dir         )           ;   //!< Turn left for positive argument, right for negative argument
123     void                    MoveSafely              (const eCoord &         dest
124             ,                                        REAL                   startTime
125             ,                                        REAL                   endTime     )           ;   //!< move without throwing exceptions on passing a wall
127     virtual bool            Timestep                ( REAL                  currentTime )           ;   //!< advance to the given time
129     virtual REAL            NextInterestingTime     () const                                        ;   //!< the next time something interesting is going to happen with this object
131     // existence management
132     virtual void            AddRef                  ()                                              ;   //!< increase reference count
134     gCycleMovement    	                            ( eGrid *               grid
135             ,                                         const eCoord &        pos
136             ,                                         const eCoord &        dir
137             ,                                         ePlayerNetID *        p=NULL
138                     ,                                 bool                  autodelete=1 )          ;   //!< local constructor
139     gCycleMovement                                  ( nMessage &            message      )          ;   //!< remote constructor
140     virtual ~gCycleMovement                         ()                                              ;   //!< destructor
141     virtual void OnRemoveFromGame(); // called when the cycle is physically removed from the game
143     void RequestSync(bool ack=true);     //!< request a sync
144     void RequestSync(int user,bool ack); //!< only for a single user
145 protected:
146     //! data from sync message
147     struct SyncData
148     {
149         eCoord pos, dir, lastTurn;
150         REAL distance, speed, time, rubber, rubberMalus, brakingReservoir;
151         unsigned short turns,braking,messageID;
SyncDataSyncData153         SyncData()
154                 :distance(0), speed(0), time(-10000), rubber(0), rubberMalus(0), brakingReservoir(0)
155                 ,turns(0),braking(0),messageID(0)
156         {}
157     };
159     void            CopyFrom                        ( const gCycleMovement & other      )           ;   //!< copies relevant info from other cylce
161     void            CopyFrom                        ( const SyncData &       sync
162             ,                                         const gCycleMovement & other      )           ;   //!< copies relevant info from sync data and everything else from other cycle
164     virtual void            InitAfterCreation       ()                                              ;   //!< shared initialization routine
166     // acceleration handling
167     virtual void            AccelerationDiscontinuity ()                                            ;   //!< call when you know the acceleration makes a sharp jump now
168     virtual void            CalculateAcceleration   (                                   )           ;   //!< calculate acceleration to apply later
169     virtual void            ApplyAcceleration       ( REAL                  dt          )           ;   //!< apply acceleration calculated earlier
171     // destination handling
172     REAL                    DistanceToDestination   ( gDestination &        dest        ) const     ;   //!< calculates the distance to the given destination
173     virtual void            OnNotifyNewDestination  ( gDestination *        dest        )           ;   //!< notifies cycle of the insertion of a new destination
174     virtual void            OnDropTempWall          ( gPlayerWall *         wall
175             ,                                         eCoord const &        pos
176             ,                                         eCoord const &        dir         )           ;   //!< called when another cycle grinds a wall; this cycle should then drop its current wall if the grinding is too close.
177     virtual bool            DoIsDestinationUsed     ( const gDestination *  dest        ) const     ;   //!< returns whether the given destination is in active use
178     static  gDestination*   GetDestinationBefore    ( const SyncData &      sync
179             ,                                         gDestination*         first       ) 		    ;   //!< determine the destination from before the sync message
181     virtual bool            DoTurn                  ( int                   dir         )           ;   //!< turns the cycle in the given direction
182     virtual REAL            DoGetDistanceSinceLastTurn  (                               ) const     ;   //!< returns the distance since the last turn
184     virtual void            RightBeforeDeath        ( int                   numTries    )           ;   //!< called when the cycle is very close to a wall and about to crash
185     virtual void            Die                     ( REAL time                         )           ;  //!< dies at the specified time
187     virtual bool            TimestepCore            ( REAL                  currentTime
188             ,                                         bool                  calculateAcceleration = true )           ;   //!< core physics simulation routine
189 private:
190     void                    MyInitAfterCreation     ()                                              ;   //!< private shared initialization code
192     //      void            Init_gCycleCore         ()                                              ;   //!< initialisation function
193     //      void            Finit_gCycleCore        ()                                              ;   //!< finalisation function
195     gCycleMovement                                  ()                                              ;   //!< default constructor
196     gCycleMovement                                  ( gCycleMovement const & other      )           ;   //!< copy constructor
197     gCycleMovement& operator =                      ( gCycleMovement const & other      )           ;   //!< copy operator
199 private:
200     short           alive_;                     //!< status: 1: cycle is alive, -1: cycle just died, 0: cycle is dead
202 protected:
203     gEnemyInfluence				enemyInfluence; //!< keeps track of enemies that influenced this cycle
205     gDestination*   destinationList;            //!< the list of destinations that belong to this cycle ( for memory management )
206     gDestination*   currentDestination;         //!< the destination this cycle aims for now
207     gDestination*   lastDestination;            //!< the last destination that was passed
209     eCoord          dirDrive;                   //!< the direction we are facing
210     eCoord          lastDirDrive;               //!< the direction we were facing before the last turn
211     REAL            acceleration;               //!< current acceleration
213     REAL            lastTimestep_;              //!< the length of the last timestep
214     REAL            verletSpeed_;               //!< object speed according to verlet (speed of half a frame ago)
216     REAL            distance;                   //!< the distance traveled so far
217     // REAL         wallContDistance;           //!< distance at which the walls will start to build up ( negative if the wall is already building )
219     mutable bool    refreshSpaceAhead_;         //!< flag to set when maximum space in front of cycle should be recalculated
220     REAL            maxSpaceMaxCast_;           //!< the maximum raycast length to determine the above value
221     mutable gMaxSpaceAheadHitInfo * maxSpaceHit_; //!< detailed information about the wall in front
223     unsigned short  turns;                      //!< the number of turns taken so far
224     unsigned short  braking;                    //!< flag indicating status of brakes ( on/off )
226     int             windingNumber_;             //!< number that gets increased on every right turn and decreased on every left turn ( used by the AI )
227     int             windingNumberWrapped_;      //!< winding number wrapped to be used as an index to the axes code
229     mutable REAL    gap_[2];                    //!< when driving towards a wall, this is set to the maximal distance we need to approach it so that when the cycle turns, it can squeeze through any gaps
230     mutable bool    keepLookingForGap_[2];      //!< flags telling the system whether it is worthwile to look for further, smaller, gaps
232     eCoord			lastTurnPos_;	            //!< the location of the last turn
233     REAL            lastTurnTimeRight_;         //!< the time of the last turn right
234     REAL            lastTurnTimeLeft_;          //!< the time of the last turn left
235     REAL            lastTimeAlive_;             //!< the time of the last timestep where we would not have been killed
236     std::deque<int> pendingTurns;               //!< stores turns ordered by the user, but not yet executed
238     REAL            brakingReservoir;           //!< the reservoir for braking. 1 means full, 0 is empty
239     REAL            rubber;                     //!< the amount rubber used up by the cycle
240     REAL            rubberMalus;                //!< additional rubber usage factor
241     REAL            rubberSpeedFactor;          //!< the factor by which the speed is currently multiplied by rubber
242     REAL            rubberDepleteTime_;         //!< the time rubber got depleted
244     REAL            brakeUsage;                 //!< current brake usage
245     REAL            rubberUsage;                //!< current rubber usage (not from hitting a wall, but from tunneling. Without taking efficiency into account.)
247     // room for accessors
248 public:
249     REAL RubberDepleteTime() const;                //!< returns the time rubber got fully used (or 0 if it hasn't)
251     REAL GetMaxSpaceAhead( REAL maxReport ) const; //< Returns the current maximal space ahead
253     inline REAL GetDistance( void ) const;  //!< Gets the distance traveled so far
254     inline gCycleMovement const & GetDistance( REAL & distance ) const; //!< Gets the distance traveled so far
255     inline REAL GetRubber( void ) const;    //!< Gets the amount rubber used up by the cycle
256     inline gCycleMovement const & GetRubber( REAL & rubber ) const; //!< Gets the amount rubber used up by the cycle
257     inline unsigned short GetTurns( void ) const;   //!< Gets the number of turns taken so far
258     inline gCycleMovement const & GetTurns( unsigned short & turns ) const; //!< Gets the number of turns taken so far
259     inline unsigned short GetBraking( void ) const; //!< Gets flag indicating status of brakes ( on/off )
260     inline gCycleMovement const & GetBraking( unsigned short & braking ) const; //!< Gets flag indicating status of brakes ( on/off )
261     inline REAL GetBrakingReservoir( void ) const;	//!< Gets the reservoir for braking. 1 means full, 0 is empty
262     inline gCycleMovement const & GetBrakingReservoir( REAL & brakingReservoir ) const;	//!< Gets the reservoir for braking. 1 means full, 0 is empty
263     inline REAL GetRubberMalus( void ) const;	//!< Gets additional rubber usage factor
264     inline gCycleMovement const & GetRubberMalus( REAL & rubberMalus ) const;	//!< Gets additional rubber usage factor
265     static bool RubberMalusActive( void ) ; //!< Returns whether rubber malus code is active
266     inline eCoord const & GetLastTurnPos( void ) const;	//!< Gets the location of the last turn
267     inline gCycleMovement const & GetLastTurnPos( eCoord & lastTurnPos ) const;	//!< Gets the location of the last turn
268     inline REAL const & GetLastTurnTime( void ) const;	//!< Gets the time of the last turn
269     inline gCycleMovement const & GetLastTurnTime( REAL & lastTurnTime ) const;	//!< Gets the time of the last turn
270 protected:
271     inline gCycleMovement & SetLastTurnPos( eCoord const & lastTurnPos );	//!< Sets the location of the last turn
272     inline gCycleMovement & SetLastTurnTime( REAL const & lastTurnTime );	//!< Sets the time of the last turn
273 private:
274     inline gCycleMovement & SetDistance( REAL distance );   //!< Sets the distance traveled so far
275     inline gCycleMovement & SetRubber( REAL rubber );   //!< Sets the amount rubber used up by the cycle
276     inline gCycleMovement & SetTurns( unsigned short turns );   //!< Sets the number of turns taken so far
277     inline gCycleMovement & SetBraking( unsigned short braking );   //!< Sets flag indicating status of brakes ( on/off )
278     inline gCycleMovement & SetBrakingReservoir( REAL brakingReservoir );	//!< Sets the reservoir for braking. 1 means full, 0 is empty
279     inline gCycleMovement & SetRubberMalus( REAL rubberMalus );	//!< Sets additional rubber usage factor
280 };
282 //! Determines the maximum space ahead of a cycle
283 // float MaxSpaceAhead( const gCycleMovement* cycle, float ts, float lookAhead, float maxReport );
285 //! Exception to throw when cycle dies in a simulation frame
286 class gCycleDeath: public eDeath
287 {
288 public:
gCycleDeath(eCoord const & pos)289     gCycleDeath( eCoord const & pos )
290             : pos_(pos)
291     {}
293     eCoord pos_;
294 };
296 //! Exception thrown to indicate simulation should be held for a while
297 class gCycleStop: public eDeath
298 {
299 };
301 // this class describes a point on the map the cycle on another
302 // computer of the game IS at. The copies of the cycle on the
303 // other computers try to reach this position by making the right
304 // turns.
305 class gDestination{
306     friend class gCycleMovement;
307     friend class gCycle;				// todo: remove me
308     friend class gCycleExtrapolator;	// todo: remove me
310     eCoord position;			// position of turn/brake command
311     eCoord direction;			// driving direction after the command
312     REAL  gameTime;				// game time of the command
313     REAL  distance;				// distance travelled so far
314     REAL  speed;				// speed at the time of the command
315     bool  braking;				// flag telling whether the brake was active
316     bool  chatting;				// flag indicating chat status
318     unsigned short turns;	// the number of turns taken by the cycle so far
319     bool hasBeenUsed;			// flag indicating whether the sync code has already used this command
320     unsigned short messageID;	// ID of the message this command came from
321     bool missable;		// flag indicating that this destination is not to be treated as the one after a missed destination
323     gDestination *next; // so they can form a list
324     gDestination **list; // the list we are in
325 public:
326     // take pos,dir and time from a cycle
327     explicit gDestination(const gCycleMovement &takeitfrom);
328     explicit gDestination(const gCycle &takeitfrom);
330     // or from a message
331     explicit gDestination( nMessage &m, unsigned short & cycle_id );
333     // take pos,dir and time from a cycle
334     void CopyFrom(const gCycleMovement &other);
335     void CopyFrom(const gCycle &other);
337     //! compare two destinations
338     int CompareWith( const gDestination& other ) const;
340     // write all the data into a nMessage
341     void WriteCreate( nMessage &m, unsigned short cycle_id );
343     // insert yourself into a list ordered by distance
344     void InsertIntoList(gDestination **list);
346     // find the latest entry in a list before the given distance
347     static gDestination *RightBefore(gDestination *list, REAL dist);
349     // find the earliest entry in a list after the given distance
350     static gDestination *RightAfter(gDestination *list, REAL dist);
352     // remove yourself again
353     void RemoveFromList();
Chatting()355     bool Chatting(){ return chatting; }
~gDestination()357     ~gDestination(){RemoveFromList();}
359     gDestination & SetGameTime( REAL gameTime );	//!< Sets game time of the command
360     REAL GetGameTime( void ) const;	//!< Gets game time of the command
361     gDestination const & GetGameTime( REAL & gameTime ) const;	//!< Gets game time of the command
362 };
364 // *******************************************************************************************
365 // *
366 // *    IsDestinationUsed
367 // *
368 // *******************************************************************************************
369 //!
370 //!     @param  dest    the destination to test
371 //!     @return         true if the destination is still in active use
372 //!
373 // *******************************************************************************************
IsDestinationUsed(const gDestination * dest)375 inline bool gCycleMovement::IsDestinationUsed( const gDestination * dest ) const
376 {
377     // delegate to virtual function
378     return DoIsDestinationUsed( dest );
379 }
381 // *******************************************************************************************
382 // *
383 // *	DropTempWall
384 // *
385 // *******************************************************************************************
386 //!
387 //!		@param	wall	   the wall the other cycle is grinding
388 //!		@param	pos	       the position of the grind
389 //!     @param  dir        the direction the raycast triggering the gridding comes from
390 //!
391 // *******************************************************************************************
DropTempWall(gPlayerWall * wall,eCoord const & pos,eCoord const & dir)393 inline void gCycleMovement::DropTempWall( gPlayerWall * wall, eCoord const & pos, eCoord const & dir )
394 {
395     this->OnDropTempWall( wall, pos, dir );
396 }
398 // *******************************************************************************************
399 // *
400 // *    RubberDepleteTime
401 // *
402 // *******************************************************************************************
403 //!
404 //!     @return     the time rubber got depleted
405 //!
406 // *******************************************************************************************
RubberDepleteTime()407 inline REAL gCycleMovement::RubberDepleteTime() const
408 {
409     return rubberDepleteTime_;
410 }
412 // *******************************************************************************************
413 // *
414 // *    GetDistance
415 // *
416 // *******************************************************************************************
417 //!
418 //!     @return     the distance traveled so far
419 //!
420 // *******************************************************************************************
GetDistance(void)422 inline REAL gCycleMovement::GetDistance( void ) const
423 {
424     return this->distance;
425 }
427 // *******************************************************************************************
428 // *
429 // *    GetDistance
430 // *
431 // *******************************************************************************************
432 //!
433 //!     @param  distance    the distance traveled so far to fill
434 //!     @return     A reference to this to allow chaining
435 //!
436 // *******************************************************************************************
GetDistance(REAL & distance)438 inline gCycleMovement const & gCycleMovement::GetDistance( REAL & distance ) const
439 {
440     distance = this->distance;
441     return *this;
442 }
444 // *******************************************************************************************
445 // *
446 // *    SetDistance
447 // *
448 // *******************************************************************************************
449 //!
450 //!     @param  distance    the distance traveled so far to set
451 //!     @return     A reference to this to allow chaining
452 //!
453 // *******************************************************************************************
SetDistance(REAL distance)455 inline gCycleMovement & gCycleMovement::SetDistance( REAL distance )
456 {
457     this->distance = distance;
458     return *this;
459 }
461 // *******************************************************************************************
462 // *
463 // *    GetRubber
464 // *
465 // *******************************************************************************************
466 //!
467 //!     @return     the amount rubber used up by the cycle
468 //!
469 // *******************************************************************************************
GetRubber(void)471 inline REAL gCycleMovement::GetRubber( void ) const
472 {
473     return this->rubber;
474 }
476 // *******************************************************************************************
477 // *
478 // *    GetRubber
479 // *
480 // *******************************************************************************************
481 //!
482 //!     @param  rubber  the amount rubber used up by the cycle to fill
483 //!     @return     A reference to this to allow chaining
484 //!
485 // *******************************************************************************************
GetRubber(REAL & rubber)487 inline gCycleMovement const & gCycleMovement::GetRubber( REAL & rubber ) const
488 {
489     rubber = this->rubber;
490     return *this;
491 }
493 // *******************************************************************************************
494 // *
495 // *    SetRubber
496 // *
497 // *******************************************************************************************
498 //!
499 //!     @param  rubber  the amount rubber used up by the cycle to set
500 //!     @return     A reference to this to allow chaining
501 //!
502 // *******************************************************************************************
SetRubber(REAL rubber)504 inline gCycleMovement & gCycleMovement::SetRubber( REAL rubber )
505 {
506     this->rubber = rubber;
507     return *this;
508 }
510 // *******************************************************************************************
511 // *
512 // *    GetTurns
513 // *
514 // *******************************************************************************************
515 //!
516 //!     @return     the number of turns taken so far
517 //!
518 // *******************************************************************************************
GetTurns(void)520 inline unsigned short gCycleMovement::GetTurns( void ) const
521 {
522     return this->turns;
523 }
525 // *******************************************************************************************
526 // *
527 // *    GetTurns
528 // *
529 // *******************************************************************************************
530 //!
531 //!     @param  turns   the number of turns taken so far to fill
532 //!     @return     A reference to this to allow chaining
533 //!
534 // *******************************************************************************************
GetTurns(unsigned short & turns)536 inline gCycleMovement const & gCycleMovement::GetTurns( unsigned short & turns ) const
537 {
538     turns = this->turns;
539     return *this;
540 }
542 // *******************************************************************************************
543 // *
544 // *    SetTurns
545 // *
546 // *******************************************************************************************
547 //!
548 //!     @param  turns   the number of turns taken so far to set
549 //!     @return     A reference to this to allow chaining
550 //!
551 // *******************************************************************************************
SetTurns(unsigned short turns)553 inline gCycleMovement & gCycleMovement::SetTurns( unsigned short turns )
554 {
555     this->turns = turns;
556     return *this;
557 }
559 // *******************************************************************************************
560 // *
561 // *    GetBraking
562 // *
563 // *******************************************************************************************
564 //!
565 //!     @return     flag indicating status of brakes ( on/off )
566 //!
567 // *******************************************************************************************
GetBraking(void)569 inline unsigned short gCycleMovement::GetBraking( void ) const
570 {
571     return this->braking;
572 }
574 // *******************************************************************************************
575 // *
576 // *    GetBraking
577 // *
578 // *******************************************************************************************
579 //!
580 //!     @param  braking flag indicating status of brakes ( on/off ) to fill
581 //!     @return     A reference to this to allow chaining
582 //!
583 // *******************************************************************************************
GetBraking(unsigned short & braking)585 inline gCycleMovement const & gCycleMovement::GetBraking( unsigned short & braking ) const
586 {
587     braking = this->braking;
588     return *this;
589 }
591 // *******************************************************************************************
592 // *
593 // *    SetBraking
594 // *
595 // *******************************************************************************************
596 //!
597 //!     @param  braking flag indicating status of brakes ( on/off ) to set
598 //!     @return     A reference to this to allow chaining
599 //!
600 // *******************************************************************************************
SetBraking(unsigned short braking)602 inline gCycleMovement & gCycleMovement::SetBraking( unsigned short braking )
603 {
604     this->braking = braking;
605     return *this;
606 }
608 // *******************************************************************************************
609 // *
610 // *	GetBrakingReservoir
611 // *
612 // *******************************************************************************************
613 //!
614 //!		@return		the reservoir for braking. 1 means full, 0 is empty
615 //!
616 // *******************************************************************************************
GetBrakingReservoir(void)618 inline REAL gCycleMovement::GetBrakingReservoir( void ) const
619 {
620     return this->brakingReservoir;
621 }
623 // *******************************************************************************************
624 // *
625 // *	GetBrakingReservoir
626 // *
627 // *******************************************************************************************
628 //!
629 //!		@param	brakingReservoir	the reservoir for braking. 1 means full, 0 is empty to fill
630 //!		@return		A reference to this to allow chaining
631 //!
632 // *******************************************************************************************
GetBrakingReservoir(REAL & brakingReservoir)634 inline gCycleMovement const & gCycleMovement::GetBrakingReservoir( REAL & brakingReservoir ) const
635 {
636     brakingReservoir = this->brakingReservoir;
637     return *this;
638 }
640 // *******************************************************************************************
641 // *
642 // *	SetBrakingReservoir
643 // *
644 // *******************************************************************************************
645 //!
646 //!		@param	brakingReservoir	the reservoir for braking. 1 means full, 0 is empty to set
647 //!		@return		A reference to this to allow chaining
648 //!
649 // *******************************************************************************************
SetBrakingReservoir(REAL brakingReservoir)651 inline gCycleMovement & gCycleMovement::SetBrakingReservoir( REAL brakingReservoir )
652 {
653     this->brakingReservoir = brakingReservoir;
654     return *this;
655 }
657 // *******************************************************************************************
658 // *
659 // *	GetDistanceSinceLastTurn
660 // *
661 // *******************************************************************************************
662 //!
663 //!		@return		the distance driven since the last turn
664 //!
665 // *******************************************************************************************
GetDistanceSinceLastTurn(void)667 inline REAL gCycleMovement::GetDistanceSinceLastTurn( void ) const
668 {
669     return this->DoGetDistanceSinceLastTurn();
670 }
672 // *******************************************************************************************
673 // *
674 // *	getRubberMalus
675 // *
676 // *******************************************************************************************
677 //!
678 //!		@return		additional rubber usage factor
679 //!
680 // *******************************************************************************************
GetRubberMalus(void)682 inline REAL gCycleMovement::GetRubberMalus( void ) const
683 {
684     return this->rubberMalus;
685 }
687 // *******************************************************************************************
688 // *
689 // *	getRubberMalus
690 // *
691 // *******************************************************************************************
692 //!
693 //!		@param	rubberMalus	additional rubber usage factor to fill
694 //!		@return		A reference to this to allow chaining
695 //!
696 // *******************************************************************************************
GetRubberMalus(REAL & rubberMalus)698 inline gCycleMovement const & gCycleMovement::GetRubberMalus( REAL & rubberMalus ) const
699 {
700     rubberMalus = this->rubberMalus;
701     return *this;
702 }
704 // *******************************************************************************************
705 // *
706 // *	setRubberMalus
707 // *
708 // *******************************************************************************************
709 //!
710 //!		@param	rubberMalus	additional rubber usage factor to set
711 //!		@return		A reference to this to allow chaining
712 //!
713 // *******************************************************************************************
SetRubberMalus(REAL rubberMalus)715 inline gCycleMovement & gCycleMovement::SetRubberMalus( REAL rubberMalus )
716 {
717     this->rubberMalus = rubberMalus;
718     return *this;
719 }
721 // *******************************************************************************************
722 // *
723 // *	GetLastTurnPos
724 // *
725 // *******************************************************************************************
726 //!
727 //!		@return		the location of the last turn
728 //!
729 // *******************************************************************************************
GetLastTurnPos(void)731 eCoord const & gCycleMovement::GetLastTurnPos( void ) const
732 {
733     return this->lastTurnPos_;
734 }
736 // *******************************************************************************************
737 // *
738 // *	GetLastTurnPos
739 // *
740 // *******************************************************************************************
741 //!
742 //!		@param	lastTurnPos	the location of the last turn to fill
743 //!		@return		A reference to this to allow chaining
744 //!
745 // *******************************************************************************************
GetLastTurnPos(eCoord & lastTurnPos)747 gCycleMovement const & gCycleMovement::GetLastTurnPos( eCoord & lastTurnPos ) const
748 {
749     lastTurnPos = this->lastTurnPos_;
750     return *this;
751 }
753 // *******************************************************************************************
754 // *
755 // *	SetLastTurnPos
756 // *
757 // *******************************************************************************************
758 //!
759 //!		@param	lastTurnPos	the location of the last turn to set
760 //!		@return		A reference to this to allow chaining
761 //!
762 // *******************************************************************************************
SetLastTurnPos(eCoord const & lastTurnPos)764 gCycleMovement & gCycleMovement::SetLastTurnPos( eCoord const & lastTurnPos )
765 {
766     this->lastTurnPos_ = lastTurnPos;
767     return *this;
768 }
770 // *******************************************************************************************
771 // *
772 // *	GetLastTurnTime
773 // *
774 // *******************************************************************************************
775 //!
776 //!		@return		the time of the last turn
777 //!
778 // *******************************************************************************************
GetLastTurnTime(void)780 REAL const & gCycleMovement::GetLastTurnTime( void ) const
781 {
782     return lastTurnTimeRight_ > lastTurnTimeLeft_ ? lastTurnTimeRight_ : lastTurnTimeLeft_;
783 }
785 // *******************************************************************************************
786 // *
787 // *	GetLastTurnTime
788 // *
789 // *******************************************************************************************
790 //!
791 //!		@param	lastTurnTime	the time of the last turn to fill
792 //!		@return		A reference to this to allow chaining
793 //!
794 // *******************************************************************************************
GetLastTurnTime(REAL & lastTurnTime)796 gCycleMovement const & gCycleMovement::GetLastTurnTime( REAL & lastTurnTime ) const
797 {
798     lastTurnTime = GetLastTurnTime();
799     return *this;
800 }
802 // *******************************************************************************************
803 // *
804 // *	SetLastTurnTime
805 // *
806 // *******************************************************************************************
807 //!
808 //!		@param	lastTurnTime	the time of the last turn to set
809 //!		@return		A reference to this to allow chaining
810 //!
811 // *******************************************************************************************
SetLastTurnTime(REAL const & lastTurnTime)813 gCycleMovement & gCycleMovement::SetLastTurnTime( REAL const & lastTurnTime )
814 {
815     lastTurnTimeRight_ = lastTurnTimeLeft_ = lastTurnTime;
816     return *this;
817 }